LABEL REPORT: amazon-interest

This report shows bugs with the given label, along with their backporting status.

Report generated: Wed Mar 12 10:00:53 CET 2025

Minimal actionable level to display: WAITING


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JDK-8275843 Random crashes while the UI code is executed
JDK-8312592 New parentheses warnings after HarfBuzz 7.2.0 update


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JDK-8273358 macOS Monterey does not have the font Times needed by Serif
JDK-8284093 Memory leak: X11SD_DisposeXImage should also free obdata
JDK-8275303 sun/java2d/pipe/ fails with D3D basic render driver
JDK-8318603 Parallelize sun/java2d/marlin/
JDK-8292214 Memory leak in getAllConfigs of awt_GraphicsEnv.c:386
JDK-8312191 ColorConvertOp.filter for the default destination is too slow
JDK-8218605 Startup Splash Screen of SwingSet2 flashes in smaller coordinates before appearing in the final size
JDK-8273831 PrintServiceLookup spawns 2 threads in the current classloader, getting orphaned
JDK-8332854 Unable to build openjdk with --with-harfbuzz=system
JDK-8252965 [macos] Font.canDisplayUpTo returns wrong index for Indic text which causes crash later | OpenJDK Corretto


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JDK-8299296 Write a test to verify the components selection sends ItemEvent
JDK-8280482 Window transparency bug on Linux


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JDK-8280132 Incorrect comparator com.sun.beans.introspect.MethodInfo.MethodOrder


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JDK-8262981 Create implementation for NSAccessibilitySlider protocol
JDK-8267066 New NSAccessibility peers should return they roles and subroles directly
JDK-8262031 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText protocol
JDK-8267385 Create NSAccessibilityElement implementation for JavaComponentAccessibility
JDK-8267387 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityOutline protocol
JDK-8267388 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityTable protocol
JDK-8271071 accessibility of a table on macOS lacks cell navigation
JDK-8277922 Unable to click JCheckBox in JTable through Java Access Bridge
JDK-8284014 Menu items with submenus in JPopupMenu are not spoken on macOS
JDK-8289559 java/awt/a11y/ test fails with java.lang.NullPointerException
JDK-8286313 [macos] Voice over reads the boolean value as null in the JTable


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JDK-8041125 ColorConvertOp filter much slower in JDK 8 compared to JDK7
JDK-8270915 GIFImageReader disregards ignoreMetadata flag which causes memory exhaustion
JDK-8266435 should not truncate the input stream
JDK-6355567 AdobeMarkerSegment causes failure to read valid JPEG
JDK-8337681 PNGImageWriter uses much more memory than necessary
JDK-8274735 javax.imageio.IIOException: Unsupported Image Type while processing a valid JPEG image
JDK-8272998 throws incorrect exception type


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JDK-8256108 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityElement protocol peer
JDK-8315742 Open source several Swing Scroll related tests
JDK-8316061 Open source several Swing RootPane and Slider related tests
JDK-8074883 Tab key should move to focused button in a button group
JDK-8256126 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityImage protocol peer
JDK-8256111 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityStaticText protocol
JDK-8264299 Create implementation of native accessibility peer for ScrollPane and ScrollBar Java Accessibility roles
JDK-8264302 Create implementation for Accessibility native peer for Splitpane java role
JDK-8264286 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityColumn protocol peer
JDK-8264287 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityComboBox protocol peer
JDK-8264291 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityCell protocol peer
JDK-8264292 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityList protocol peer
JDK-8264298 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityRow protocol peer
JDK-8264303 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityTabGroup protocol peer
JDK-8264293 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenu protocol peer
JDK-8264294 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenuBar protocol peer
JDK-8264295 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenuItem protocol peer
JDK-8264296 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityPopUpButton protocol peer
JDK-8264297 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityProgressIndicator protocol peer
JDK-8325179 Race in BasicDirectoryModel.validateFileCache
JDK-8273578 javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/ fails on macOS 12
JDK-8327840 Automate javax/swing/border/
JDK-8307193 Several Swing jtreg tests use class.forName on L&F classes
JDK-8315669 Open source several Swing PopupMenu related tests
JDK-8315951 Open source several Swing HTMLEditorKit related tests
JDK-8315981 Opensource five more random Swing tests
JDK-8315871 Opensource five more Swing regression tests
JDK-8265291 Error in Javadoc for doAccessibleAction API in AccessibleJSlider class


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JDK-8284493 Improve computeNextExponential tail performance and accuracy
JDK-8335252 Reduce size of j.u.Formatter.Conversion#isValid
JDK-8318678 Vector access on heap MemorySegments only works for byte[]
JDK-8308748 JNU_GetStringPlatformChars may write to String's internal memory array
JDK-8315413 Remove special filtering of Continuation.yield0 in StackWalker
JDK-8293197 Avoid double racy reads from non-volatile fields in SharedSecrets


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JDK-8275536 Add test to check that File::lastModified returns same time stamp as Files.getLastModifiedTime
JDK-8136895 Writer not closed with disk full error, file resource leaked
JDK-8259637 returns different values for same path
JDK-8290499 new File(parent, "/") breaks normalization – creates File with slash at the end
JDK-8321053 Use ByteArrayInputStream.buf directly when parameter of transferTo() is trusted
JDK-8287003 InputStreamReader::read() can return zero despite writing a char in the buffer
JDK-8316156 ByteArrayInputStream.transferTo causes MaxDirectMemorySize overflow
JDK-8274122 java/io/File/createTempFile/ fails in Windows 11
JDK-8314120 Add tests for FileDescriptor.sync
JDK-8322141 SequenceInputStream.transferTo should not return as soon as Long.MAX_VALUE bytes have been transferred


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JDK-8306461 ObjectInputStream::readObject() should handle negative array sizes without throwing NegativeArraySizeExceptions


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JDK-8282664 Unroll by hand StringUTF16 and StringLatin1 polynomial hash loops
JDK-8320707 Virtual thread test updates
JDK-8343019 Primitive caches must use boxed instances from the archive
JDK-8285447 StackWalker minimal batch size should be optimized for getCallerClass
JDK-8325730 StringBuilder.toString allocation for the empty String
JDK-8343704 Bad GC parallelism with processing Cleaner queues
JDK-8291641 Optimize StackTraceElement.toString()
JDK-8302163 Speed up various String comparison methods with ArraysSupport.mismatch
JDK-8306075 Micro-optimize Enum.hashCode
JDK-8308350 Increase buffer size for jspawnhelper arguments
JDK-8325567 jspawnhelper without args fails with segfault
JDK-8325621 Improve jspawnhelper version checks
JDK-8327998 Enable java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ on Mac


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JDK-8318072 DowncallLinker does not acquire/release segments in interpreter
JDK-8314330 java/foreign tests should respect vm flags when start new processes


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JDK-8340812 LambdaForm customization via MethodHandle::updateForm is not thread safe
JDK-8199149 Improve the exception message thrown by VarHandle of unsupported operation
JDK-8335638 Calling VarHandle.{access-mode} methods reflectively throws wrong exception
JDK-8299505 findVirtual on array classes incorrectly restricts the receiver type
JDK-8291065 Creating a VarHandle for a static field triggers class initialization
JDK-8327247 C2 uses up to 2GB of RAM to compile complex string concat in extreme cases
JDK-8078641 MethodHandle.asTypeCache can retain classes from unloading
JDK-8284579 Improve VarHandle checks for interpreter
JDK-8335922 Incorrect @Stable usage of LambdaForm$Name.index


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JDK-8187123 (reflect) Class#getCanonicalName and Class#getSimpleName is a part of performance issue
JDK-8261407 ReflectionFactory.checkInitted() is not thread-safe
JDK-8177107 Reduce memory footprint of java.lang.reflect.Constructor/Method
JDK-8332586 Avoid cloning empty arrays in java.lang.reflect.{Method,Constructor}
JDK-8319436 Proxy.newProxyInstance throws NPE if loader is null and interface not visible from class loader
JDK-8261404 Class.getReflectionFactory() is not thread-safe


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JDK-8290079 Reduce interaction with volatile in static initializer of BigInteger


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JDK-8349705 throws unnecessary URISyntaxException
JDK-6956385 URLConnection.getLastModified() leaks file handles for jar:file and file: URLs
JDK-8314978 Multiple server call from connection failing with expect100 in getOutputStream
JDK-8299058 AssertionError in when connection is idle
JDK-8316580 HttpClient with StructuredTaskScope does not close when a task fails
JDK-8326233 Utils#copySSLParameters loses needClientAuth Setting
JDK-6968351 httpserver clashes with delayed TCP ACKs for low Content-Length
JDK-8317295 ResponseSubscribers.SubscriberAdapter should call the finisher function asynchronously
JDK-8304885 Reuse stale data to improve DNS resolver resiliency
JDK-8309591 Socket.setOption(TCP_QUICKACK) uses wrong level
JDK-8287318 ConcurrentModificationException in$Dispatcher
JDK-8312065 Socket.connect does not timeout when profiling
JDK-8308144 Uncontrolled memory consumption in SSLFlowDelegate.Reader


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JDK-8306308 (ch) Writer created by Channels::newWriter may lose data
JDK-8313674 (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ should test for more block devices
JDK-8294717 (bf) DirectByteBuffer constructor will leak if allocating Deallocator or Cleaner fails with OOME
JDK-8073061 (fs) Files.copy(foo, bar, REPLACE_EXISTING) deletes bar even if foo is not readable
JDK-8316337 (bf) Concurrency issue in DirectByteBuffer.Deallocator
JDK-8318422 Allow poller threads be virtual threads
JDK-8327370 (ch) throws AssertionError
JDK-8321279 Implement hashCode() in
JDK-8319757 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ failed: wrong exception thrown
JDK-8336301 test/jdk/java/nio/channels/ leaves around a FIFO file upon test completion


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JDK-8292043 Incorrect decoding near EOF for stateful decoders like UTF-16
JDK-8310631 test/jdk/sun/nio/cs/ is spuriously passing


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JDK-8331485 Odd Results when Parsing Scientific Notation with Large Exponent
JDK-8316629 j.text.DateFormatSymbols setZoneStrings() exception is unhelpful
JDK-8333456 CompactNumberFormat integer parsing fails when string has no suffix
JDK-8215181 Accounting currency format support
JDK-8318613 ChoiceFormat patterns are not well tested


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JDK-8276220 Reduce excessive allocations in DateTimeFormatter
JDK-8273369 Computing micros between two instants unexpectedly overflows for some cases
JDK-8319640 ClassicFormat::parseObject (from DateTimeFormatter) does not conform to the javadoc and may leak DateTimeException


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JDK-8276904 Optional.toString() is unnecessarily expensive
JDK-8213325 (props) Properties.loadFromXML does not fully comply with the spec
JDK-8280550 SplittableRandom#nextDouble(double,double) can return result >= bound
JDK-8282144 RandomSupport.convertSeedBytesToLongs sign extension overwrites previous bytes
JDK-8294509 The sign extension bug applies to 'public static int[] convertSeedBytesToInts(byte[] seed, int n, int z)' in RandomSupport


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JDK-8318467 [jmh] tests concurrent.Queues and concurrent.ProducerConsumer hang with 101+ threads
JDK-8146467 Integrate JSR 166 jck tests into JDK repo
JDK-8160751 Optimize ConcurrentHashMap.keySet().removeAll
JDK-8169739 LinkedBlockingDeque spliterator needs to support node self-linking
JDK-8171051 LinkedBlockingQueue spliterator needs to support node self-linking
JDK-8267502 JDK-8246677 caused 16x performance regression in SynchronousQueue
JDK-8313290 Misleading exception message from STS.Subtask::get when task forked after shutdown
JDK-8314515 java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue/ failed with "Error: fair=false i=8 j=0"
JDK-8322149 ConcurrentHashMap smarter presizing for copy constructor and putAll


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JDK-7036144 GZIPInputStream readTrailer uses faulty available() test for end-of-stream
JDK-8317678 Fix up hashCode() for ZipFile.Source.Key
JDK-7022325 TEST_BUG: test/java/util/zip/ZipFile/ leaks files if it fails
JDK-8321156 Improve the handling of invalid UTF-8 byte sequences for ZipInputStream::getNextEntry and ZipFile::getComment
JDK-8330615 avoid signed integer overflows in zip_util.c readCen / hashN


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JDK-8329013 StackOverflowError when starting Apache Tomcat with signed jar


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JDK-8311939 Excessive allocation of Matcher.groups array
JDK-8276216 Negated character classes performance regression in Pattern
JDK-8317264 Pattern.Bound has `static` fields that should be `static final`.
JDK-8280403 RegEx: String.split can fail with NPE in Pattern.CharPredicate::match


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JDK-8314236 Overflow in Collections.rotate
JDK-8292955 Collections.checkedMap Map.merge does not properly check key and value
JDK-8281631 HashMap copy constructor and putAll can over-allocate table


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JDK-8309622 Re-examine the cache mechanism in BaseLocale


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JDK-8290367 Update default value and extend the scope of com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property
JDK-8251188 Update LDAP tests not to use wildcard addresses
JDK-8313657 com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection.cleanup does not close connections on SocketTimeoutErrors


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JDK-8269268 JDWP: Properly fix thread lookup assert in findThread()
JDK-8292302 Windows GetLastError value overwritten by ThreadLocalStorage::thread


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JDK-8335619 Add an @apiNote to j.l.i.ClassFileTransformer to warn about recursive class loading and ClassCircularityErrors


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JDK-8185005 Improve performance of ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo(long ids[], int maxDepth)
JDK-8319876 Reduce memory consumption of VM_ThreadDump::doit


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JDK-8320687 sun.jvmstat.monitor.MonitoredHost.getMonitoredHost() throws unexpected exceptions when invoked concurrently
JDK-8272317 jstatd has dependency on Security Manager which needs to be removed
JDK-8308033 The jcmd thread dump related tests should test virtual threads


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JDK-8324174 assert(m->is_entered(current)) failed: invariant
JDK-8329757 Crash with fatal error: DEBUG MESSAGE: Fast Unlock lock on stack
JDK-8317452 [JVMCI] Export symbols used by lightweight locking to JVMCI compilers.
JDK-8316880 AArch64: "stop: Header is not fast-locked" with -XX:-UseLSE since JDK-8315880
JDK-8310662 [Lilliput/JDK17] Fix OptoRuntime::new_array_nozero_C
JDK-8317812 [Lilliput] Make C2 LoadNKlassCompactHeader more robust
JDK-8317954 [Lilliput/JDK21] Make C2 LoadNKlassCompactHeader more robust
JDK-8317957 [Lilliput/JDK17] Make C2 LoadNKlassCompactHeader more robust
JDK-8347006 LoadRangeNode floats above array guard in arraycopy intrinsic
JDK-8340901 [Lilliput/JDK21] Disable some vectorization tests
JDK-8276711 compiler/codecache/cli tests failing when SegmentedCodeCache used with -Xint
JDK-8316179 Use consistent naming for lightweight locking in MacroAssembler
JDK-8310742 [Lilliput/JDK17] Revert JVMCI _metadata field removal
JDK-8314130 [Lilliput] Make loadNKlassCompactHeaders not use a TEMP register
JDK-8314131 [Lilliput/JDK17] Make loadNKlassCompactHeaders not use a TEMP register
JDK-8319185 [Lilliput] Enable and fix vectorization tests
JDK-8348858 [leyden] Bump the default code buffer sizes to store more generated code
JDK-8314748 1-10% regressions on Crypto micros
JDK-8318826 C2: "Bad graph detected in build_loop_late" with incremental inlining
JDK-8310264 In PhaseChaitin::Split defs and phis are leaked
JDK-8316422 triggers "invalid layout" assert in FrameValues::validate
JDK-8342601 AArch64: Micro-optimize bit shift in copy_memory
JDK-8287491 compiler/jvmci/errors/ fails new assert: assert((uint)t < T_CONFLICT + 1) failed: invalid type #
JDK-8318889 C2: add bailout after assert Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
JDK-8143925 enhancing CounterMode.crypt() for AESCrypt.implEncryptBlock()
JDK-8146581 Minor corrections to the patch submitted for earlier bug id - 8143925
JDK-8322996 BoxLockNode creation fails with assert(reg < CHUNK_SIZE) failed: sanity
JDK-8322743 C2: prevent lock region elimination in OSR compilation
JDK-8335662 [AArch64] C1: guarantee(val < (1ULL << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn
JDK-8219006 AArch64: Register corruption in slow subtype check
JDK-8276563 Undefined Behaviour in class Assembler
JDK-8311087 PhiNode::wait_for_region_igvn should break early
JDK-8312200 Fix Parse::catch_call_exceptions memory leak
JDK-8315576 compiler/codecache/ fails after JDK-8314837
JDK-8317738 CodeCacheFullCountTest failed with "VirtualMachineError: Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic"
JDK-8318811 Compiler directives parser swallows a character after line comments
JDK-8287284 C2: loop optimization performs split_thru_phi infinitely many times
JDK-8310190 C2 SuperWord: AlignVector is broken, generates misaligned packs
JDK-8306767 Concurrent repacking of extra data in MethodData is potentially unsafe
JDK-8210858 AArch64: remove Math.log intrinsic
JDK-8321204 C2: assert(false) failed: node should be in igvn hash table
JDK-8330163 C2: improve CMoveNode::Value() when condition is always true or false
JDK-8331088 Incorrect TraceLoopPredicate output
JDK-8330016 Stress seed should be initialized for runtime stub compilation
JDK-8333805 Replaying compilation with null static final fields results in a crash
JDK-8334544 C2: wrong control assigned in PhaseIdealLoop::clone_assertion_predicate_for_unswitched_loops()
JDK-8334295 CTW: update modules
JDK-8333791 Fix memory barriers for @Stable fields
JDK-8337679 Memset warning in src/hotspot/share/adlc/adlArena.cpp
JDK-8345219 C2: x86_64 should not go to interpreter stubs for NaNs handling
JDK-8323101 C2: assert(n->in(0) == nullptr) failed: divisions with zero check should already have bailed out earlier in split-if
JDK-8324983 Race in CompileBroker::possibly_add_compiler_threads
JDK-8329258 TailCall should not use frame pointer register for jump target
JDK-8279045 Intrinsics missing vzeroupper instruction
JDK-8301489 C1: ShortLoopOptimizer might lift instructions before their inputs
JDK-8303737 C2: Load can bypass subtype check that enforces it's from the right object type
JDK-8316661 CompilerThread leaks CodeBlob memory when dynamically stopping compiler thread in non-product
JDK-8316414 C2: large byte array clone triggers "failed: malformed control flow" assertion failure on linux-x86
JDK-8320206 Some intrinsics/stubs missing vzeroupper on x86_64
JDK-8324050 Issue store-store barrier after re-materializing objects during deoptimization
JDK-8323682 C2: guard check is not generated in Arrays.copyOfRange intrinsic when allocation is eliminated by EA
JDK-8328181 C2: assert(MaxVectorSize >= 32) failed: vector length should be >= 32
JDK-8328822 C2: "negative trip count?" assert failure in profile predicate code
JDK-8180450 secondary_super_cache does not scale well
JDK-8324517 C2: crash in compiled code because of dependency on removed range check CastIIs
JDK-8333840 C2 SuperWord: wrong result for MulAddS2I when inputs permuted
JDK-8328107 Shenandoah/C2: TestVerifyLoopOptimizations test failure
JDK-8321509 False positive in get_trampoline fast path causes crash
JDK-8324345 Stack overflow during C2 compilation when splitting memory phi
JDK-8342496 C2/Shenandoah: SEGV in compiled code when running jcstress
JDK-8332827 [REDO] C2: crash in compiled code because of dependency on removed range check CastIIs
JDK-8234160 Enable optimized mitigation for Intel jcc erratum in C2
JDK-8277619 AArch64: Incorrect parameter type in Advanced SIMD Copy assembler functions
JDK-8279676 Dubious YMM register clearing in x86_64 arraycopy stubs
JDK-8306444 Don't leak memory in PhaseChaitin::PhaseChaitin
JDK-8306997 C2: "malformed control flow" assert due to missing safepoint on backedge with a switch
JDK-8309978 [x64] Fix useless padding
JDK-8287061 Support for rematerializing scalar replaced objects participating in allocation merges
JDK-8312597 Convert TraceTypeProfile to UL
JDK-8313430 [JVMCI] fatal error: Never compilable: in JVMCI shutdown
JDK-8314319 LogCompilation doesn't reset lateInlining when it encounters a failure.
JDK-8314452 Explicitly indicate inlining success/failure in PrintInlining
JDK-8315505 CompileTask timestamp printed can overflow
JDK-8318078 ADLC: pass ASSERT and PRODUCT flags
JDK-8318445 More broken bailout chains in C2
JDK-8321105 Enable UseCryptoPmullForCRC32 for Neoverse V2
JDK-8316197 Make tracing of inline cache available in unified logging
JDK-8321137 Reconsider ICStub alignment
JDK-8323503 x86: Shorter movptr(reg, imm) for 32-bit unsigned immediates
JDK-8319690 [AArch64] C2 compilation hits offset_ok_for_immed: assert "c2 compiler bug"
JDK-8328264 AArch64: remove UseNeon condition in CRC32 intrinsic
JDK-8323116 [REDO] Computational test more than 2x slower when AVX instructions are used
JDK-8330106 C2: VectorInsertNode::make() shouldn't call ConINode::make() directly
JDK-8328934 Assert that ABS input and output are legal
JDK-8325821 [REDO] use "dmb.ishst+dmb.ishld" for release barrier
JDK-8336465 C2: EA incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits
JDK-8336466 C2: Parser incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits
JDK-8336635 Add IR test for Reference.refersTo intrinsic
JDK-8339954 Print JVMCI names with the Compiler.{perfmap,codelist,CodeHeap_Analytics} diagnostic commands
JDK-8341893 AArch64: Micro-optimize compressed ptr decoding
JDK-8329597 C2: Intrinsify Reference.clear
JDK-8343056 C2: Micro-optimize Node lists grow
JDK-8343541 C1: Plain memory accesses are emitted with membars with +AlwaysAtomicAccesses
JDK-8348186 C1: Purge fpu_stack_size infrastructure
JDK-8336760 [JVMCI] -XX:+PrintCompilation should also print "hosted" JVMCI compilations
JDK-8350210 CTW: Use stackless exceptions
JDK-8325542 CTW: Runner can produce negative StressSeed
JDK-8329421 Native methods can not be selectively printed
JDK-8074553 Crash with assert(!is_unloaded()) failed: should not call follow on unloaded nmethod
JDK-8303154 Investigate and improve instruction cache flushing during compilation
JDK-8313402 C1: Incorrect LoadIndexed value numbering
JDK-8323274 C2: array load may float above range check
JDK-8280003 C1: Reconsider uses of logical_and immediates in LIRGenerator::do_getObjectSize
JDK-8285378 Remove unnecessary nop for C1 exception and deopt handler
JDK-8201516 DebugNonSafepoints generates incorrect information
JDK-8302736 Major performance regression in Math.log on aarch64
JDK-8310126 C1: Missing receiver null check in Reference::get intrinsic
JDK-8312909 C1 should not inline through interface calls with non-subtype receiver
JDK-8299658 C1 compilation crashes in LinearScan::resolve_exception_edge
JDK-8316679 C2 SuperWord: wrong result, load should not be moved before store if not comparable
JDK-8319879 Stress mode to randomize incremental inlining decision
JDK-8320682 [AArch64] C1 compilation fails with "Field too big for insn"
JDK-8317299 safepoint scalarization doesn't keep track of the depth of the JVM state
JDK-8324969 C2: prevent elimination of unbalanced coarsened locking regions
JDK-8308660 C2 compilation hits 'node must be dead' assert
JDK-8323972 C2 compilation fails with assert(!x->as_Loop()->is_loop_nest_inner_loop()) failed: loop was transformed
JDK-8321278 C2: Partial peeling fails with assert "last_peel <- first_not_peeled"
JDK-8300148 Consider using a StoreStore barrier instead of Release barrier on ctor exit
JDK-8330611 AES-CTR vector intrinsic may read out of bounds (x86_64, AVX-512)
JDK-8331575 C2: crash when ConvL2I is split thru phi at LongCountedLoop
JDK-8325520 Vector loads and stores with indices and masks incorrectly compiled
JDK-8332905 C2 SuperWord: bad AD file, with RotateRightV and first operand not a pack
JDK-8332119 Incorrect IllegalArgumentException for C2 compiled permute kernel
JDK-8344199 Incorrect excluded field value set by getEventWriter intrinsic
JDK-8287373 remove unnecessary paddings in generated code
JDK-8289512 Fix GCC 12 warnings for adlc output_c.cpp
JDK-8290688 Optimize x86_64 nmethod entry barriers
JDK-8290700 Optimize AArch64 nmethod entry barriers
JDK-8288477 nmethod header size reduction
JDK-8280152 AArch64: Reuse runtime call trampolines
JDK-8285487 AArch64: Do not generate unneeded trampolines for runtime calls
JDK-8293774 Improve TraceOptoParse to dump the bytecode name
JDK-8290917 x86: Memory-operand arithmetic instructions have too low costs
JDK-8297791 update _max_classes in node type system
JDK-8302113 Improve CRC32 intrinsic with crypto pmull on AArch64
JDK-8302783 Improve CRC32C intrinsic with crypto pmull on AArch64
JDK-8296411 AArch64: Accelerated Poly1305 intrinsics
JDK-8295555 Primitive wrapper caches could be `@Stable`
JDK-8313676 Amend TestLoadIndexedMismatch test to target intrinsic directly
JDK-8314056 Remove runtime platform check from frem/drem
JDK-8315545 C1: x86 cmove can use short branches
JDK-8315554 C1: Replace "cmp reg, 0" with "test reg, reg" on x86
JDK-8316178 Better diagnostic header for CodeBlobs
JDK-8316514 Better diagnostic header for VtableStub
JDK-8317235 Remove Access API use in nmethod class
JDK-8317987 C2 recompilations cause high memory footprint
JDK-8317683 Add JIT memory statistics
JDK-8316959 Improve InlineCacheBuffer pending queue management
JDK-8318049 C2: assert(!failure) failed: Missed optimization opportunity in PhaseIterGVN
JDK-8318509 x86 count_positives intrinsic broken for -XX:AVX3Threshold=0
JDK-8312980 C2: "malformed control flow" created during incremental inlining
JDK-8316533 C2 compilation fails with assert(verify(phase)) failed: missing Value() optimization
JDK-8313672 C2: PhaseCCP does not correctly track analysis dependencies involving shift, convert, and mask
JDK-8319747 galoisCounterMode_AESCrypt stack walking broken
JDK-8310524 C2: record parser-generated LoadN nodes for IGVN
JDK-8320310 CompiledMethod::has_monitors flag can be incorrect
JDK-8323065 Unneccesary CodeBlob lookup in CompiledIC::internal_set_ic_destination
JDK-8323519 Add applications/ctw/modules to Hotspot tiered testing
JDK-8327693 C1: LIRGenerator::_instruction_for_operand is only read by assertion code
JDK-8330158 C2: Loop strip mining uses ABS with min int
JDK-8302850 Implement C1 clone intrinsic that reuses arraycopy code for primitive arrays
JDK-8332032 C2: Remove ExpandSubTypeCheckAtParseTime flag
JDK-8333890 Fatal error in auto-vectorizer with float16 kernel.
JDK-8342975 C2: Micro-optimize PhaseIdealLoop::Dominators()
JDK-8344727 [JVMCI] Export the CompileBroker compilation activity mode for Truffle compiler control
JDK-8346264 "Total compile time" counter should include time spent in failing/bailout compiles
JDK-8307147 [x86] Dangling pointer warning for Assembler::_attributes
JDK-8311279 failed with different IGVN traces for the same seed
JDK-8315549 CITime misreports code/total nmethod sizes
JDK-8317575 AArch64: C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock uses rscratch1 for cmpxchg result
JDK-8324123 aarch64: fix prfm literal encoding in assembler
JDK-8350211 CTW: Attempt to preload all classes in constant pool


Fix Versions Bug Synopsis
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
JDK-8342444 Shenandoah: Uncommit regions from a separate, STS aware thread
JDK-8311843 GenShen: assertion failed "Old generation affiliated regions must be less than capacity"
JDK-8314863 [Lilliput] Revert changes in zRelocate, prevent ZGC with Lilliput
JDK-8314894 [Lilliput/JDK17] Revert changes in zRelocate, prevent ZGC with Lilliput
JDK-8315044 GenShen: Verifier detects clean card should be dirty
JDK-8318462 [GenShen] Prevent unsafe access to displaced mark-word
JDK-8319724 [Lilliput] ParallelGC: Forwarded objects found during heap inspection
JDK-8312117 GenShen: Preempt OLD marking more quickly when YOUNG triggers arise
JDK-8313574 GenShen: Completing a global mark should also complete an old mark
JDK-8314777 GenShen: Alias young and old marking bits to legacy Shenandoah marking bit in gc state
JDK-8315247 GenShen: Condition calls to post-write barrier code generation by a flag
JDK-8315465 GenShen: Old-gen needs special attention during GLOBAL GC
JDK-8315478 GenShen: Tolerate round-off errors in preselected promotion budget
JDK-8315560 GenShen: assert failed: Object klass pointer must go to metaspace
JDK-8315872 GenShen: ShenandoahGenerationalHeap as a subclass of ShenandoahHeap
JDK-8316297 GenShen: Degenerated GCs fail to make progress
JDK-8316299 GenShen: Reduce frequency of expedited GC
JDK-8317049 GenShen: Very rare loss of function for ShenandoahControlThread::_regulator_lock
JDK-8317371 GenShen: Needs improved support for humongous allocation
JDK-8319342 GenShen: Reset the count of degenerated cycles in a row following Full GC
JDK-8323901 GenShen: separate generational marking code
JDK-8325670 GenShen: Allow old to expand at end of each GC
JDK-8325886 GenShen: separate generational evacuation code
JDK-8329790 GenShen: Old regions that are pinned during final mark are not made parsable
JDK-8330071 GenShen: Allow old to expand again at end of each GC
JDK-8346044 GenShen: ShenandoahGenerationalHeap entry missing from
JDK-8214236 should be changed
JDK-8307378 Allow collectors to provide specific values for GC notifications' actions
JDK-8326717 Disable stringop-overflow in shenandoahLock.cpp
JDK-8325671 Shenandoah: Introduce a ShenandoahGenerationType and templatize certain marking closures with it
JDK-8324649 Shenandoah: replace implementation of free set
JDK-8336915 Shenandoah: Remove unused ShenandoahVerifier::verify_after_evacuation
JDK-8339960 GenShen: Fix inconsistencies in generational Shenandoah behavior
JDK-8342588 Shenandoah: Pull shared closures together in one header
JDK-8344798 Shenandoah: Use more descriptive variable names in shPhaseTimings.cpp
JDK-8344593 GenShen: Review of ReduceInitialCardMarks
JDK-8345423 Shenandoah: Parallelize concurrent cleanup
JDK-8346051 MemoryTest fails when Shenandoah's generational mode is enabled
JDK-8344049 Shenandoah: Eliminate init-update-refs safepoint
JDK-8344050 Shenandoah: Retire GC LABs concurrently
JDK-8344055 Shenandoah: Make all threads use local gc state
JDK-8348594 Shenandoah: Do not penalize for degeneration when not the fault of triggering heuristic
JDK-8348595 GenShen: Fix generational free-memory no-progress check
JDK-8349766 GenShen: Bad progress after degen does not always need full gc
JDK-8350889 GenShen: Break out of infinite loop of old GC cycles
JDK-8338737 Shenandoah: Reset marking bitmaps after the cycle
JDK-8282810 Shenandoah Generational: Improve load balancing of remembered set scanning
JDK-8310042 [Lilliput/JDK17] ZGC fixes and cleanups
JDK-8310156 [Lilliput/JDK17] Specialize full-GC loops
JDK-8310642 [Lilliput/JDK17] Remove unnecessary check in G1ParScanThreadState
JDK-8310733 [Lilliput/JDK17] Enter object_iterate_impl() RESOLVE path only when +UCOH
JDK-8310944 [Lilliput/JDK17] Streamline and cleanup GC code
JDK-8312120 GenShen: Update OLD Live at end of Previous Marking after Full GC
JDK-8315046 [Lilliput/JDK21] Cherry-pick: 8305896: Alternative full GC forwarding
JDK-8315479 GenShen: Expand old-gen while selecting collection set during GLOBAL GC
JDK-8316108 [Lilliput/JDK21] Cherry-pick: 8305898: Alternative self-forwarding mechanism
JDK-8316226 GenShen: Consider forcing auto-tenure age to be greater than 1
JDK-8316755 GenShen: Serviceability needs to know about ShenandoahGenerationalHeap
JDK-8317534 GenShen: Remove unused code
JDK-8318019 GenShen: Fix assertion to allow empty evacuation cycles
JDK-8318190 GenShen: Be less aggressive with triggers for old-gen has expanded
JDK-8318201 GenShen: Remove preparatory young GC before bootstrap
JDK-8318570 GenShen: Only start old cycles if a young cycle is ready to run
JDK-8318572 GenShen: Fix error in log message for ingored old-has-grown triggers
JDK-8318619 GenShen: Add configurable threshold for young triggers to expedite old evacuations
JDK-8319198 GenShen: Old at end of Full GC must include newly promoted objects
JDK-8319671 GenShen: Old marking may encounter invalid pointers in SATB buffers
JDK-8319867 GenShen: Make old regions parsable at end of concurrent cycles
JDK-8319931 GenShen: Increase no progress threshold for TestThreadFailure
JDK-8320112 GenShen: Improve end of process report
JDK-8320119 GenShen: Correct misspellings of parsable
JDK-8320913 GenShen: Bootstrap 21u backports repo
JDK-8321605 GenShen: Old generation reference process is never reset
JDK-8321806 Shenandoah: each mutator must see FullGC or GC overhead limit is exceeded before throwing OOM
JDK-8321816 GenShen: Provide a minimum amount of time for an old collection to run
JDK-8321937 GenShen: Sync up 21u based repo
JDK-8321939 [GenShen] ShenandoahOldEvacRatioPercent=100 fails with divide-by-zero
JDK-8322219 GenShen: GHA for shenandoah repo should run all shenandoah jtreg tests
JDK-8322242 [GenShen] TestAllocObjects#generational fails with "Unrecognized VM option 'ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers'"
JDK-8322347 GenShen: Run shenandoah tier2 and tier3 tests separately in GHA
JDK-8323023 GenShen: Region logging test fails intermittently
JDK-8323083 [GenShen] Alloca avoidance, const-safety, interface decluttering in promotion budgeting
JDK-8323630 GenShen: Control thread may (still) ignore requests to start concurrent GC
JDK-8324067 GenShen: Isolate regulator thread to generational mode
JDK-8324173 GenShen: Fix error that could cause young gcs to fail when old marking is running
JDK-8325808 GenShen: Move generational mode code out of shFullGC.cpp
JDK-8326626 GenShen: Remove dead code associated with non-elastic TLABS
JDK-8327000 GenShen: Integrate updated Shenandoah implementation of FreeSet into GenShen
JDK-8327097 GenShen: Align PLAB sizes down rather than up
JDK-8328126 GenShen: Reduce verbosity of logging for satb mode
JDK-8328220 GenShen: Move generational mode operational parameters out of ShenandoahHeap
JDK-8328235 GenShen: Robustify ShenandoahGCSession and fix missing use
JDK-8328307 GenShen: Re-enable old-has-grown trigger for old-generation GC
JDK-8328626 GenShen: Combine old generation surplus/deficit fields into a single balance field
JDK-8328985 GenShen: Only use _plabs when Shenandoah mode is generational
JDK-8329342 GenShen: Synchronize shenandoah-jdk21u:master with shenandoah:master
JDK-8329350 GenShen: Do not reset mark bitmaps on a safepoint
JDK-8329699 GenShen: Move promotion logic out of shHeap and shHeapRegion
JDK-8329789 GenShen: Over assertive assert when scanning remembered set
JDK-8329807 Shenandoah: Temporarily revert JDK-8324655
JDK-8330414 GenShen: Class unloading requires old regions be made parseable
JDK-8331609 GenShen: Refactor generational mode allocations
JDK-8332094 GenShen: Reuse existing code to verify usage before rebuilding free set
JDK-8332095 GenShen: Move more generational mode members out of shHeap
JDK-8332254 GenShen: Remove obsolete comments and revert unnecessary formatting changes
JDK-8332330 Shenandoah: Change jcheck configuration for fix version to match project repo
JDK-8332331 Shenandoah: Change jcheck configuration for fix version to match project repo
JDK-8332824 GenShen: Temporarily revert recent changes to GC helpers
JDK-8333109 GenShen: Factor generational mode out of gc helpers (redo)
JDK-8333457 GenShen: Move remembered set into new generational code
JDK-8333930 GenShen: Check for cancellation of old mark after final mark
JDK-8334491 GenShen: Revert changes to Shenandoah defaults
JDK-8334681 GenShen: Do not use gtest skip test feature
JDK-8335289 GenShen: Whitebox breakpoint GC requests may cause assertions
JDK-8335347 GenShen: Revert change that has adaptive heuristic ignore abbreviated cycles
JDK-8335932 GenShen: Fix old heuristic unit test
JDK-8338336 GenShen: Cleanup stale TODOs
JDK-8338341 GenShen: Cleanup headers, unreachable code and unintentional changes
JDK-8338420 GenShen: Forward declare card table for Shenandoah barrier set
JDK-8338473 GenShen: Cleanup access levels, whitespace, typos and unused code
JDK-8338477 GenShen: Cleanup generational heap
JDK-8338479 GenShen: Detemplatize ShenandoahScanRemembered
JDK-8338528 GenShen: Cleanup shenandoahHeapRegion
JDK-8338535 GenShen: some style improvements to source code implementation
JDK-8338695 GenShen: Clean up jtreg tests
JDK-8338717 GenShen: Fix up some assertions
JDK-8338763 GenShen: Global GC should not swap remembered sets for the verifier
JDK-8338779 GenShen: Prefer log_develop_debug in performance critical code
JDK-8338780 GenShen: Fix up some comments
JDK-8338881 GenShen: Use explicit third temp register for post barrier
JDK-8339094 Shenandoah: Fix up test output from ShenandoahNumberSeqTest
JDK-8339127 GenShen: Restore completed mark context assertion during class unloading
JDK-8339197 GenShen: Adding Generation and Evacuation Information JFR Logging
JDK-8339346 GenShen: Remove even more stale TODOs
JDK-8339611 GenShen: Simplify ShenandoahOldHeuristics::trigger_collection_if_fragmented
JDK-8339616 GenShen: Introduce new state to distinguish promote-in-place phase as distinct from concurrent evacuation
JDK-8339695 GenShen: Concurrent reset performance has regressed
JDK-8339870 Remove yet more stale TODOs
JDK-8340395 GenShen: Remove unnecessary check on card barrier flag
JDK-8341042 GenShen: Reset mark bitmaps for unaffiliated regions when preparing for a cycle
JDK-8341099 GenShen: assert(HAS_FWD == _heap->has_forwarded_objects()) failed: Forwarded object status is sane
JDK-8341485 GenShen: Make evac tracker a non-product feature and confine it to generational mode
JDK-8341992 GenShen: Fix formatting, remove unreachable code, unused imports and unnecessary comments
JDK-8342001 GenShen: Factor cases for allocation type into separate methods
JDK-8342214 GenShen: Reduce code duplication in shFreeSet with iterator abstraction
JDK-8342239 GenShen: Revert changes in adaptive heuristic to avoid overflow on 32 bit
JDK-8342255 GenShen: Remove unnecessary enum initial values
JDK-8342278 GenShen: Move non-generational mode test out of generational test configuration
JDK-8342560 GenShen: Fix confusing method name
JDK-8342564 GenShen: Only reference young/old generation names in generational mode
JDK-8342580 GenShen: TestChurnNotifications fails executing in unintended test-id modes with ShenandoahGCMode=generational
JDK-8342734 GenShen: Test failure gc/shenandoah/
JDK-8342861 GenShen: Old generation in unexpected state when abandoning mixed gc candidates
JDK-8342919 GenShen: Fix whitespace
JDK-8342924 GenShen: Problem list gc/shenandoah/
JDK-8342927 GenShen: Guarantee slices of time for coalesce and filling
JDK-8343227 GenShen: Fold resource mark into management of preselected regions
JDK-8343649 Shenandoah: ShenandoahEvacInfo event does not follow JFR guidelines
JDK-8344151 GenShen: Improve comments, clean up unnecessary changes
JDK-8344152 GenShen: Initialize RegionData in product builds
JDK-8344260 GenShen: Excess unaffiliated regions reserved for old will not be transferred to young
JDK-8344263 GenShen: Reduce extraneous log messages at INFO level
JDK-8344264 GenShen: Improve comments and method names
JDK-8344320 GenShen: Possible null pointer usage in shGenerationalHeap
JDK-8344321 GenShen: Fix various sonar scan warnings
JDK-8344339 GenShen: Avoid using namespaces
JDK-8344592 GenShen: Remove unnecessary comments and changes
JDK-8344638 GenShen: Verifier should not touch claim token
JDK-8344640 GenShen: Reuse existing card mark barrier function when dropping references
JDK-8344670 GenShen: Use concurrent worker session for concurrent mark phase
JDK-8344779 GenShen: Consolidate shared heap region closures into one header
JDK-8344797 GenShen: Update and rename confusing method
JDK-8344985 GenShen: Refactor arraycopy barrier for generational mode
JDK-8346011 [Lilliput] Compact Full-GC Forwarding
JDK-8346681 Shenandoah: Does not throw OOME when EATests expects it
JDK-8312115 GenShen: fix log messages
JDK-8312118 GenShen: Reset count of consecutive Degen GCs following Full GC
JDK-8218049 Survivor MemoryMXBean used() size granularity is region based
JDK-8230706 Waiting on completion of strong nmethod processing causes long pause times with G1
JDK-8192647 GClocker induced GCs can starve threads requiring memory leading to OOME
JDK-8316418 containers/docker/ get OOM killed with Parallel GC
JDK-8330577 G1 sometimes sends jdk.G1HeapRegionTypeChange for non-changes
JDK-8291496 Allocating card table before heap causes underflow asserts in CardTable::addr_for()
JDK-8334890 Missing unconditional cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers
JDK-8335126 Shenandoah: Improve OOM handling
JDK-8159979 During initial mark, preparing all regions for marking may take a significant amount of time
JDK-8277654 Shenandoah: Don't produce new memory state in C2 LRB runtime call
JDK-8308766 TLAB initialization may cause div by zero
JDK-8309953 Strengthen and optimize oopDesc age methods
JDK-8308633 Increase precision of timestamps in g1 log
JDK-8310110 Shenandoah: Trace page sizes
JDK-8311978 Shenandoah: Create abstraction over heap metrics for heuristics
JDK-8311821 Simplify ParallelGCThreadsConstraintFunc after CMS removal
JDK-8310388 Shenandoah: Auxiliary bitmap is not madvised for THP
JDK-8313224 Avoid calling JavaThread::current() in MemAllocator::Allocation constructor
JDK-8316632 Shenandoah: Raise OOME when gc threshold is exceeded
JDK-8320859 gtest high malloc footprint caused by BufferNodeAllocator stress test
JDK-8320969 Shenandoah: Enforce stable number of GC workers
JDK-8322954 Shenandoah: Convert evac-update closures asserts to rich asserts
JDK-8322815 Eliminate -Wparentheses warnings in shenandoah code
JDK-8323627 Shenandoah: Refactor init logger
JDK-8323629 Shenandoah: Fix missing include and declaration
JDK-8324334 Shenandoah: Improve end of process report
JDK-8324553 Shenandoah: Move periodic tasks closer to their collaborators
JDK-8324981 Shenandoah: Move commit and soft max heap changed methods into heap
JDK-8325516 Shenandoah: Move heap change tracking into ShenandoahHeap
JDK-8325517 Shenandoah: Reduce unnecessary includes from shenandoahControlThread.cpp
JDK-8325574 Shenandoah: Simplify and enhance reporting of requested GCs
JDK-8325870 Zap end padding bits for ArrayOops in non-release builds
JDK-8325553 Parallel: Use per-marker cache for marking stats during Full GC
JDK-8329261 G1: interpreter post-barrier x86 code asserts index size of wrong buffer
JDK-8272364 Parallel GC adaptive size policy may shrink the heap below MinHeapSize
JDK-8332255 Shenandoah: Remove duplicate definition of init mark closure
JDK-8332082 Shenandoah: Use consistent tests to determine when pre-write barrier is active
JDK-8330847 G1 accesses uninitialized memory when predicting eden copy time
JDK-8333105 Shenandoah: Results of concurrent mark may be lost for degenerated cycle
JDK-8333926 Shenandoah: Lower default immediate garbage threshold
JDK-8334147 Shenandoah: Avoid taking lock for disabled free set logging
JDK-8335356 Shenandoah: Improve concurrent cleanup locking
JDK-8337213 Shenandoah: Add verification for class mirrors
JDK-8337815 Relax G1EvacStats atomic operations
JDK-8338202 Shenandoah: Improve handshake closure labels
JDK-8336742 Shenandoah: Add more verbose logging/stats for mark termination attempts
JDK-8336914 Shenandoah: Missing verification steps after JDK-8255765
JDK-8337981 ShenandoahHeap::is_in should check for alive regions
JDK-8338662 Shenandoah: Remove excessive ShenandoahVerifier::verify_during_evacuation
JDK-8336299 Improve GCLocker stall diagnostics
JDK-8342081 Shenandoah: Remove extra ShenandoahMarkUpdateRefsSuperClosure
JDK-8342079 Shenandoah: Remove extra ShenandoahInitMarkRootsClosure
JDK-8342119 Shenandoah: Remove extra ShenandoahUpdateRefsClosure
JDK-8343531 Improve print_location for invalid heap pointers
JDK-8347256 Epsilon: Demote heap size and AlwaysPreTouch warnings to info level
JDK-8350285 Shenandoah: Regression caused by ShenandoahLock under extreme contention
JDK-8314329 AgeTable: add is_clear() & allocation spec, and relax assert to allow use of 0-index slot
JDK-8280885 Shenandoah: Some tests failed with "EA: missing allocation reference path"
JDK-8305566 Change StringDedup thread to derive from JavaThread
JDK-8315031 YoungPLABSize and OldPLABSize not aligned by ObjectAlignmentInBytes
JDK-8310239 Add missing cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers
JDK-8328166 Epsilon: 'EpsilonHeap::allocate_work' misuses the parameter 'size' as size in bytes
JDK-8328168 Epsilon: Premature OOM when allocating object larger than uncommitted heap size
JDK-8328744 Parallel: Parallel GC throws OOM before heap is fully expanded
JDK-8241670 Enhance heap region size ergonomics to improve OOTB performance
JDK-8273559 Shenandoah: Shenandoah should support multi-threaded heap dump
JDK-8316929 Shenandoah: Shenandoah degenerated GC and full GC need to cleanup old OopMapCache entries
JDK-8170817 G1: Returning MinTLABSize from unsafe_max_tlab_alloc causes TLAB flapping
JDK-8333088 ubsan: shenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics.cpp:245:44: runtime error: division by zero
JDK-8261495 Shenandoah: reconsider update references memory ordering
JDK-8267185 Add string deduplication support to ParallelGC
JDK-8242847 G1 should not clear mark bitmaps with no marks
JDK-4718400 Many quantities are held as signed that should be unsigned
JDK-8278146 G1: Rework VM_G1Concurrent VMOp to clearly identify it as pause
JDK-8280705 Parallel: Full gc mark stack draining should prefer to make work available to other threads
JDK-8282484 G1: Predicted old time in log always zero
JDK-8283566 G1: Improve G1BarrierSet::enqueue performance
JDK-8288966 Better handle very spiky promotion in G1
JDK-8293861 G1: Disable preventive GCs by default
JDK-8292296 Use multiple threads to process ParallelGC deferred updates
JDK-8297499 Parallel: Missing iteration over klass when marking objArrays/objArrayOops during Full GC
JDK-8300053 Shenandoah: Handle more GCCauses in ShenandoahControlThread::request_gc
JDK-8301116 Parallelize TLAB resizing in G1
JDK-8302122 Parallelize TLAB retirement in prologue in G1
JDK-8307346 Add missing gc+phases logging for ObjectCount(AfterGC) JFR event collection code
JDK-8307348 Parallelize heap walk for ObjectCount(AfterGC) JFR event collection
JDK-8171221 Remove -XX:+CheckMemoryInitialization
JDK-8314935 Shenandoah: Unable to throw OOME on back-to-back Full GCs
JDK-8315774 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/gc/g1/unloading tests
JDK-8317535 Shenandoah: Remove unused code
JDK-8319376 ParallelGC: Forwarded objects found during heap inspection
JDK-8320877 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahUnloadClassesFrequency support
JDK-8320888 Shenandoah: Enable ShenandoahVerifyOptoBarriers in debug builds
JDK-8320907 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahSelfFixing flag
JDK-8321120 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahElasticTLAB flag
JDK-8321122 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahLoopOptsAfterExpansion flag
JDK-8321410 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahSuspendibleWorkers flag
JDK-8325807 Shenandoah: Refactor full gc in preparation for generational mode changes
JDK-8329570 G1: Excessive is_obj_dead_cond calls in verification
JDK-8331573 Rename CollectedHeap::is_gc_active to be explicitly about STW GCs
JDK-8332256 Shenandoah: Do not visit heap threads during shutdown
JDK-8332257 Shenandoah: Move evacuation methods to implementation file
JDK-8331572 Allow using OopMapCache outside of STW GC phases
JDK-8333728 ubsan: shenandoahFreeSet.cpp:1347:24: runtime error: division by zero
JDK-8336944 Shenandoah: Should only relativize stack chunks for successful evacuations
JDK-8336640 Shenandoah: Parallel worker use in parallel_heap_region_iterate
JDK-8336685 Shenandoah: Remove experimental incremental update mode
JDK-8335865 Shenandoah: Improve THP pretouch after JDK-8315923
JDK-8341379 Shenandoah: Improve lock contention during cleanup
JDK-8350314 Shenandoah: Capture thread state sync times in GC timings


Fix Versions Bug Synopsis
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
JDK-8276333 jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ failed "assert(!contains(edge->reference())) failed: invariant"
JDK-8312606 [Lilliput/JDK17] Cherry-pick: 8276333: jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ failed "assert(!contains(edge->reference())) failed: invariant"
JDK-8329995 Restricted access to `/proc` can cause JFR initialization to crash
JDK-8315827 and time out with jvmti module errors
JDK-8295223 JFR: At most one native periodic event thread at a time
JDK-8288936 Wrong lock ordering writing G1HeapRegionTypeChange JFR event
JDK-8338939 Simplify processing of hidden class names
JDK-8279016 JFR Leak Profiler is broken with Shenandoah
JDK-8309550 jdk.jfr.internal.Utils::formatDataAmount method should gracefully handle amounts equal to Long.MIN_VALUE
JDK-8317562 [JFR] Compilation queue statistics
JDK-8315128 jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ fails with "The size should be less than or equal to peak"
JDK-8334780 Crash: assert(h_array_list.not_null()) failed: invariant
JDK-8338314 JFR: Split JFRCheckpoint VM operation
JDK-8304033 JFR: Missing thread
JDK-8274298 JFR Thread Sampler thread must not acquire malloc lock after suspending a thread because of possible deadlock
JDK-8287800 JFR: Incorrect error message when starting recording with missing .jfc file
JDK-8288482 JFR: Cannot resolve method
JDK-8307488 Incorrect weight of the first ObjectAllocationSample JFR event
JDK-8307526 [JFR] Better handling of tampered JFR repository
JDK-8278336 Use int64_t to represent byte quantities consistently in JfrObjectAllocationSample
JDK-8279785 JFR: 'jfr configure' should show default values
JDK-8281948 JFR: Parser skips too many bytes for fractional types
JDK-8268398 15% increase in JFR footprint in Noop-Base
JDK-8288663 JFR: Disabling the JfrThreadSampler commits only a partially disabled state
JDK-8297877 Risk for uninitialized memory in case of CHECK macro early return as part of field access
JDK-8321220 JFR: RecordedClass reports incorrect modifiers
JDK-8337994 [REDO] Native memory leak when not recording any events
JDK-8275730 Relax memory constraint on MultiThreadedRefCounter


Fix Versions Bug Synopsis
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
JDK-8310534 [Lilliput/JDK17] Shenandoah/JVMTI heap-walk crashes
JDK-8308762 Metaspace leak with Instrumentation.retransform
JDK-8311076 RedefineClasses doesn't check for ConstantPool overflow
JDK-8318626 GetClassFields does not filter out ConstantPool.constantPoolOop field
JDK-8324241 Always record evol_method deps to avoid excessive method flushing
JDK-8308614 Enabling JVMTI ClassLoad event slows down vthread creation by factor 10
JDK-8325187 JVMTI GetThreadState says virtual thread is JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_INTERRUPTED when it no longer is
JDK-8315575 Retransform of record class with record component annotation fails with CFE
JDK-6471769 Error: assert(_cur_stack_depth == count_frames(),"cur_stack_depth out of sync")
JDK-8316233 VirtualThreadStart events should not be thread-filtered
JDK-8319935 Ensure only one JvmtiThreadState is created for one JavaThread associated with attached native thread
JDK-8318563 GetClassFields should not use random access to field
JDK-8318566 Heap walking functions should not use FilteredFieldStream


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JDK-8319554 Select LogOutput* directly for stdout and stderr


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JDK-8324881 ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(Thread* current...) is invoked for non-current thread
JDK-8318015 Lock inflation not needed for OSR or Deopt for new locking modes
JDK-8316746 Top of lock-stack does not match the unlocked object
JDK-8340906 [Lilliput/JDK21] Fix CDS related issues
JDK-8317262 LockStack::contains(oop) fails "assert(t->is_Java_thread()) failed: incorrect cast to JavaThread"
JDK-8331098 [Aarch64] Fix crash in Arrays.equals() intrinsic with -CCP
JDK-8342826 Improve performance of oopDesc::klass() after JDK-8305895
JDK-8344363 FullGCForwarding::initialize_flags is called after ObjLayout::initialize
JDK-8318895 Deoptimization results in incorrect lightweight locking stack
JDK-8316735 Print LockStack in hs_err files
JDK-8319897 Move StackWatermark handling out of LockStack::contains
JDK-8319778 Remove unreachable code in ObjectSynchronizer::exit
JDK-8319773 Avoid inflating monitors when installing hash codes for LM_LIGHTWEIGHT
JDK-8319797 Recursive lightweight locking: Runtime implementation
JDK-8319799 Recursive lightweight locking: x86 implementation
JDK-8319801 Recursive lightweight locking: aarch64 implementation
JDK-8330849 Add test to verify memory usage with recursive locking
JDK-8312412 Uninitialized klassVtable::_verify_count field
JDK-8338379 Accesses to class init state should be properly synchronized
JDK-8344352 32-bit builds crash after JDK-8305895
JDK-8344831 [REDO] CDS: Parallel relocation
JDK-8294992 JEP 450: Compact Object Headers (Experimental)
JDK-8314485 [Lilliput/JDK21] Cherry-pick: 8139457: Array bases are aligned at HeapWord granularity
JDK-8315047 [Lilliput/JDK21] Some additions to 8139457: Array bases are aligned at HeapWord granularity
JDK-8316126 [Lilliput/JDK21] Cherry-pick: 8305895: Implementation: JEP 450: Compact Object Headers (Experimental)
JDK-8316687 [Lilliput/JDK21] Various cleanups
JDK-8317352 [Lilliput] Sync with upstreaming PRs
JDK-8318011 [Lilliput] Fix CDS narrowKlass encoding
JDK-8319524 [Lilliput] Only warn when compact headers are explicitly enabled
JDK-8320761 [Lilliput] Implement compact identity hashcode
JDK-8321660 [CRaC] Trim native heap before checkpoint to decrease image size
JDK-8328344 [CRaC] Avoid error when running with -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem
JDK-8347710 [Lilliput] Implement 4 byte headers
JDK-6885993 Named Thread: introduce print() and print_on(outputStream* st) methods
JDK-8311541 JavaThread::print_jni_stack doesn't support native stacks on all platforms
JDK-8323243 JNI invocation of an abstract instance method corrupts the stack
JDK-8278965 crash in SymbolTable::do_lookup
JDK-8321479 java -D-D crashes
JDK-8276184 Exclude lambda proxy class from the CDS archive if its caller class is excluded
JDK-8278125 Some preallocated OOMEs are missing stack trace
JDK-8288556 VM crashes if it gets sent SIGUSR2 from outside
JDK-8305765 is unreliable due to ASLR
JDK-8295159 DSO created with -ffast-math breaks Java floating-point arithmetic
JDK-8288139 JavaThread touches oop after GC barrier is detached
JDK-8332935 Crash: assert(*lastPtr != 0) failed: Mismatched JNINativeInterface tables, check for new entries
JDK-8316132 CDSProtectionDomain::get_shared_protection_domain should check for exception
JDK-8319828 runtime/NMT/ may fail if mixing interpreted and compiled native invocations
JDK-8275287 Relax memory ordering constraints on updating instance class and array class counters
JDK-8281195 Mistakenly used logging causes significant overhead in interpreter
JDK-8072070 Improve interpreter stack banging
JDK-8290495 Micro-optimize Method::can_be_statically_bound assertions
JDK-8308088 Improve class check in CollectedHeap::is_oop
JDK-8310974 NMT: Arena diffs miss the scale
JDK-8311575 Fix invalid format parameters
JDK-8313202 MutexLocker should disallow null Mutexes
JDK-8317432 Async UL: Use memcpy instead of strcpy in Message ctr
JDK-8317433 Async UL: Only grab lock once when write():ing
JDK-8316585 [REDO] runtime/InvocationTests spend a lot of time on dependency verification
JDK-8318525 Atomic gtest should run as TEST_VM to access VM capabilities
JDK-8318485 Narrow klass shift should be zero if encoding range extends to 0x1_0000_0000
JDK-8318700 MacOS Zero cannot run gtests due to wrong JVM path
JDK-8319314 NMT detail report slow or hangs for large number of mappings
JDK-8324861 Exceptions::wrap_dynamic_exception() doesn't have ResourceMark
JDK-8321931 memory_swap_current_in_bytes reports 0 as "unlimited"
JDK-8330185 Potential uncaught unsafe memory copy exception
JDK-8330578 The VM creates instance of abstract class VirtualMachineError
JDK-8331393 AArch64: u32 _partial_subtype_ctr loaded/stored as 64
JDK-8331714 Make OopMapCache installation lock-free
JDK-8334895 OpenJDK fails to configure on linux aarch64 when CDS is disabled after JDK-8331942
JDK-8338010 WB_IsFrameDeoptimized miss ResourceMark
JDK-8338064 Give better error for ConcurrentHashTable corruption
JDK-8336468 Reflection and MethodHandles should use more precise initializer checks
JDK-8341708 Optimize safepoint poll encoding with smaller poll data offset
JDK-8337978 Verify OopHandles oops on access
JDK-8288497 add support for JavaThread::is_oop_safe()
JDK-8309637 runtime/handshake/ fails with "has not cleared handshake op" and SIGILL
JDK-8318757 VM_ThreadDump asserts in interleaved ObjectMonitor::deflate_monitor calls
JDK-8320886 Unsafe_SetMemory0 is not guarded
JDK-8289091 move oop safety check from SharedRuntime::get_java_tid() to JavaThread::threadObj()
JDK-8295865 Several issues with os::realloc
JDK-8314294 Unsafe::allocateMemory and Unsafe::freeMemory are slower than malloc/free
JDK-8319883 Zero: Use atomic built-ins for 64-bit accesses
JDK-8309067 gtest/ fails again in stderrOutput_vm
JDK-8320892 AArch64: Restore FPU control state after JNI
JDK-8322657 CDS filemap fastdebug assert while loading Graal CE Polyglot in isolated classloader
JDK-8320302 compiler/arguments/ hits SIGSEGV in ContinuationEntry::set_enter_code
JDK-8140482 Various minor code improvements (runtime)
JDK-8262896 [macos_aarch64] Crash in jni_fast_GetLongField
JDK-8268078 ClassListParser::_interfaces should be freed
JDK-8268821 Split systemDictionaryShared.cpp
JDK-8264735 Make dynamic dump repeatable
JDK-8271128 InlineIntrinsics support for 32-bit ARM
JDK-8272654 Mark word accesses should not use Access API
JDK-8274718 runtime/cds/appcds/ fails with -XX:-CompactStrings
JDK-8275712 Hashtable literal_size functions are broken
JDK-8277216 Examine InstanceKlass::_misc_flags for concurrency issues
JDK-8279124 VM does not handle SIGQUIT during initialization
JDK-8281812 x86: Use short jumps in TemplateTable::condy_helper
JDK-8281815 x86: Use short jumps in TIG::generate_slow_signature_handler
JDK-8283784 java_lang_String::as_platform_dependent_str stores to oop in native state
JDK-8286346 3-parameter version of AllocateHeap should not ignore AllocFailType
JDK-8284849 Add deoptimization to unified logging
JDK-8282322 AArch64: Provide a means to eliminate all STREX family of instructions
JDK-8290464 Optimize ResourceArea zapping on ResourceMark release
JDK-8292989 Avoid dynamic memory in AsyncLogWriter
JDK-8293851 hs_err should print more stack in hex dump
JDK-8298470 Short cut java.lang.Object super class loading
JDK-8296401 ConcurrentHashTable::bulk_delete might miss to delete some objects
JDK-8297302 gtest/ fails AsyncLogTest.stdoutOutput_vm
JDK-8307236 Rendezvous GC threads under STS for monitor deflation
JDK-8305320 DbgStrings and AsmRemarks are leaking
JDK-8299790 os::print_hex_dump is racy
JDK-8314320 Mark runtime/CommandLine/ tests as flagless
JDK-8298992 runtime/NMT/ failed with "Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)"
JDK-8293850 need a largest_committed metric for each category of NMT's output
JDK-8316229 Enhance class initialization logging
JDK-8301327 convert assert to guarantee in Handle_IDiv_Exception
JDK-8317294 Classloading throws exceptions over already pending exceptions
JDK-8317240 Promptly free OopMapEntry after fail to insert the entry to OopMapCache
JDK-8316958 Add test for unstructured locking
JDK-8316309 AArch64: VMError::print_native_stack() crashes on Java native method frame
JDK-8316967 Correct the scope of vmtimer in UnregisteredClasses::load_class
JDK-8319896 Remove monitor deflation from final audit
JDK-8319437 NMT should show library names in call stacks
JDK-8320061 [nmt] Multiple issues with peak accounting
JDK-8321269 Require platforms to define DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
JDK-8315462 [REDO] runtime/NMT/ failed with "Total committed (MMMMMM) did not match the summarized committed (NNNNNN)"
JDK-8320317 ObjectMonitor NotRunnable is not really an optimization
JDK-8324514 ClassLoaderData::print_on should print address of class loader
JDK-8325437 Safepoint polling in monitor deflation can cause massive logs
JDK-8139457 Relax alignment of array elements
JDK-8331626 unsafe.cpp:162:38: runtime error in index_oop_from_field_offset_long - applying non-zero offset 4563897424 to null pointer
JDK-8332671 Logging for pretouching thread stacks shows wrong memory range
JDK-8332139 SymbolTableHash::Node allocations allocates twice the required memory
JDK-8335007 Inline OopMapCache table
JDK-8337657 AArch64: No need for acquire fence in safepoint poll during JNI calls
JDK-8338902 CDS flags are reported with wrong flag category
JDK-8340547 Starting many threads can delay safepoints
JDK-8350616 Skip ValidateHazardPtrsClosure in non-debug builds
JDK-8328473 StringTable and SymbolTable statistics delay time to safepoint
JDK-8350313 Include timings for leaving safepoint in safepoint logging
JDK-8350854 Include thread counts in safepoint logging
JDK-8351484 Race condition in max stats in MonitorList::add


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JDK-8314029 Add file name parameter to Compiler.perfmap
JDK-8320924 Improve heap dump performance by optimizing archived object checks
JDK-8062938 [TEST_BUG] sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not map vmid to user name
JDK-8314501 Shenandoah: sun/tools/jhsdb/heapconfig/ fails
JDK-8319650 Improve heap dump performance with class metadata caching


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JDK-8316401 sun/tools/jhsdb/ failed with "InternalError: We should have found a thread that owns the anonymous lock"
JDK-8310010 [Lilliput] SA: Fix oop array element alignment
JDK-8312171 [Lilliput/JDK17] Fix oop array element alignment
JDK-8312246 NPE when HSDB visits bad oop
JDK-8313357 Revisit requiring SA tests on OSX to either run as root or use sudo
JDK-8316417 ObjectMonitorIterator does not return the most recent monitor and is incorrect if no monitors exists
JDK-8171084 heapdump/JMapHeapCore fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Heap segment size overflow.
JDK-8295657 SA: Allow larger object alignments


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JDK-8316367 [Lilliput/JDK21] Provide infrastructure for Lilliput-specific ProblemList
JDK-8316424 [Lilliput/JDK21] ZGC/CDS-related test fixes
JDK-8316442 [Lilliput/JDK21] Problem-list compiler/ciReplay tests
JDK-8318172 [Lilliput/JDK17] Disable Lilliput in TestZGCWithCDS
JDK-8319135 [Lilliput] Fix objArrayOop gtest
JDK-8319163 [Lilliput/JDK21] Fix arrayOopDesc gtest
JDK-8320666 [Lilliput/JDK17] Add arrayOopDesc::base_offset() gtest
JDK-8329091 [Lilliput/JDK21] Fix tests after LM_LIGHTWEIGHT backports
JDK-8337410 The makefiles should set problemlist and adjust timeout basing on the given VM flags
JDK-8318605 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/stack tests


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JDK-8335911 Document ccls indexer in doc/


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JDK-8244248 boot-jdk.m4 captures the version line using regex
JDK-8325194 GHA: Add macOS M1 testing
JDK-8321123 [Shenandoah/JDK21] Fix repo permissions
JDK-8321134 [Lilliput/JDK21] Fix repo permissions
JDK-8321135 [Lilliput/JDK17] Fix repo permissions
JDK-8320769 Remove ill-adviced "make install" target
JDK-8244951 Missing entitlements for hardened runtime
JDK-8246094 [macos] Sound Recording and playback is not working
JDK-8314166 Update googletest to v1.14.0
JDK-8318540 make test cannot run .jasm tests directly
JDK-8295885 GHA: Bump gcc versions
JDK-8300806 Update googletest to v1.13.0
JDK-8304353 Add lib-test tier1 testing in GHA
JDK-8319197 Exclude hb-subset and hb-style from compilation
JDK-8320921 GHA: Parallelize hotspot_compiler test jobs
JDK-8323637 Capture hotspot replay files in GHA
JDK-8324659 GHA: Generic jtreg errors are not reported
JDK-8336342 Fix known X11 library locations in sysroot
JDK-8336343 Add more known sysroot library locations for ALSA


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JDK-8221261 Deadlock on macOS in JFXPanel app when handling IME calls


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JDK-8282538 PKCS11 tests fail on CentOS Stream 9
JDK-8194486 Several krb5 tests failed in Mac.
JDK-8308465 Reduce memory accesses in AArch64 MD5 intrinsic


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JDK-8293858 Change PKCS7 code to use default SecureRandom impl instead of SHA1PRNG
JDK-8321408 Add Certainly roots R1 and E1
JDK-8316138 Add GlobalSign 2 TLS root certificates
JDK-8309667 TLS handshake fails because of ConcurrentModificationException in PKCS12KeyStore.engineGetEntry
JDK-8308474 DSA does not reset SecureRandom when initSign is called again
JDK-8326643 JDK server does not send a dummy change_cipher_spec record after HelloRetryRequest message
JDK-8329754 The ThreadSafe attribute is ignored for SecureRandom algorithm aliases
JDK-8311546 Certificate name constraints improperly validated with leading period
JDK-8328864 NullPointerException in
JDK-8296631 NSS tests failing on OL9 linux-aarch64 hosts
JDK-8320192 SHAKE256 does not work correctly if n >= 137
JDK-8275914 SHA3: changing java implementation to help C2 create high-performance code
JDK-8309305 sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ fails with jtreg test timeout
JDK-8320049 PKCS10 would not discard the cause when throw SignatureException on invalid key
JDK-8325506 Ensure randomness is only read from provided SecureRandom object


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JDK-8315684 Parallelize sun/security/util/math/
JDK-8312306 Add more Reference.reachabilityFence() calls to the security classes using Cleaner
JDK-8298249 Excessive memory allocation in CipherInputStream AEAD decryption
JDK-8330108 Increase CipherInputStream buffer size
JDK-8285389 EdDSA trimming zeros
JDK-8271745 Correct block size for KW,KWP mode and use fixed IV for KWP mode for SunJCE
JDK-8294821 Class load improvement for AES crypto engine
JDK-8294997 Improve ECC math operations
JDK-8298865 Excessive memory allocation in CipherOutputStream AEAD decryption
JDK-8308118 Avoid multiarray allocations in AESCrypt.makeSessionKey
JDK-8318328 DHKEM should check XDH name in case-insensitive mode


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JDK-8307185 pkcs11 native libraries make JNI calls into java code while holding GC lock
JDK-8294906 Memory leak in PKCS11 NSS TLS server
JDK-8324585 JVM native memory leak in PCKS11-NSS security provider


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JDK-8311644 Server should not send bad_certificate alert when the client does not send any certificates
JDK-8239798 SSLSocket closes socket both socket endpoints on a SocketTimeoutException
JDK-8275811 Incorrect instance to dispose
JDK-8313229 should be modified to use TLS versions TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
JDK-8259662 Don't wrap SocketExceptions into SSLExceptions in SSLSocketImpl
JDK-8315422 getSoTimeout() would be in try block in SSLSocketImpl
JDK-8262186 Call X509KeyManager.chooseClientAlias once for all key types
JDK-8237578 JDK-8214339 (SSLSocketImpl wraps SocketException) appears to not be fully fixed
JDK-8295068 SSLEngine throws NPE parsing CertificateRequests
JDK-8282309 Operation before upper case conversion
JDK-8282316 Operation before String case conversion
JDK-8286433 Cache certificates decoded from TLS session tickets
JDK-8310106 incorrectly checks handshakeConsumers


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JDK-8049520 FileCredentialsCache loads cache once and is never refreshed


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JDK-8279903 Redundant modulo operation in ECDHKeyAgreement
JDK-8312443 should use toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
JDK-8282279 Interpret case-insensitive string locale independently


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JDK-8325680 Uninitialised memory in deleteGSSCB of GSSLibStub.c:179


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JDK-8323657 Compilation of snippet results in VerifyError at runtime with --release 9 (and above)
JDK-8308245 Add -proc:full to describe current default annotation processing policy
JDK-8318837 javac generates wrong ldc instruction for dynamic constant loads
JDK-8326204 yield statements doesn't allow cast expressions with more than 1 type arguments
JDK-8268622 Performance issues in javac `Name` class
JDK-8191460 crash in Annotate with duplicate declaration and annotation processing enabled
JDK-8320948 NPE due to unreported compiler error
JDK-8322040 Missing array bounds check in ClassReader.parameter
JDK-8314275 Incorrect stepping in switch
JDK-8261006 'super' qualified method references cannot occur in a static context
JDK-8320144 Compilation crashes when a custom annotation with invalid default value is used
JDK-8319220 Pattern matching switch with a lot of cases is unduly slow
JDK-8321582 yield .class not parsed correctly.
JDK-8325215 Incorrect not exhaustive switch error
JDK-8077605 Initializing static fields causes unbounded recursion in javac
JDK-8047338 javac is not correctly filtering non-members methods to obtain the function descriptor
JDK-8319987 compilation of sealed classes leads to infinite recursion
JDK-8322992 Javac fails with StackOverflowError when compiling deeply nested synchronized blocks
JDK-8326404 Assertion error when trying to compile switch with fallthrough with pattern


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JDK-8242564 javadoc crashes:: class cast exception$6


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JDK-8320858 Move jpackage tests to tier3


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JDK-8312475 org.jline.util.PumpReader signed byte problem


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JDK-8328339 Static import prevents source launcher from finding class with main method