This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Wed Jun 05 18:28:51 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
2 P1
11 P2
58 P3
97 P4
1 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
169 100% Total
93 55.0% hotspot
38 22.5% hotspot/runtime
35 20.7% hotspot/compiler
4 2.4% hotspot/jvmti
4 2.4% hotspot/gc
3 1.8% hotspot/svc-agent
3 1.8% hotspot/jfr
3 1.8% hotspot/svc
3 1.8% hotspot/test
20 11.8% client-libs
8 4.7% client-libs/javax.swing
5 3.0% client-libs/2d
2 1.2% client-libs
2 1.2% client-libs/javax.imageio
1 0.6% client-libs/javax.sound
1 0.6% client-libs/demo
1 0.6% client-libs/java.awt
19 11.2% core-libs
3 1.8% core-libs/java.io
3 1.8% core-libs/java.lang
2 1.2% core-libs/java.net
2 1.2% core-libs
2 1.2% core-libs/java.text
1 0.6% core-libs/java.util.stream
1 0.6% core-libs/java.util
1 0.6% core-libs/java.math
1 0.6% core-libs/java.time
1 0.6% core-libs/javax.naming
1 0.6% core-libs/java.util:i18n
1 0.6% core-libs/java.nio
10 5.9% tools
6 3.6% tools/javac
4 2.4% tools/jshell
9 5.3% infrastructure
8 4.7% infrastructure/build
1 0.6% infrastructure
8 4.7% security-libs
3 1.8% security-libs/java.security
2 1.2% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
1 0.6% security-libs/javax.xml.crypto
1 0.6% security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11
1 0.6% security-libs/javax.crypto
5 3.0% core-svc
2 1.2% core-svc/java.lang.instrument
1 0.6% core-svc
1 0.6% core-svc/debugger
1 0.6% core-svc/java.lang.management
5 3.0% xml
4 2.4% xml/jaxp
1 0.6% xml/javax.xml.xpath

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
168 100% Total
74 44.0% SAP
56 33.3% Goetz Lindenmaier
8 4.8% Martin Doerr
7 4.2% Matthias Baesken
3 1.8% Christoph Langer
35 20.8% Amazon
16 9.5% Aleksey Shipilev
12 7.1% Paul Hohensee
5 3.0% Sergey Bylokhov
1 0.6% Yi-Fan Tsai
1 0.6% Dan Lutker
18 10.7% Syntacore
18 10.7% Vladimir Kempik
12 7.1% Independent
11 6.5% Zhengyu Gu
1 0.6% 81151783+yukikimmura
6 3.6% Google
6 3.6% Liam Miller-Cushon
5 3.0% Red Hat
2 1.2% Andrew Hughes
1 0.6% Thomas Stuefe
1 0.6% Zdenek Zambersky
1 0.6% Alex Kasko
4 2.4% Azul
1 0.6% Alexey Bakhtin
1 0.6% Dmitry Cherepanov
1 0.6% Sergey Nazarkin
1 0.6% Anton Kozlov
3 1.8% Fujitsu
3 1.8% Kimura Yukihiro
3 1.8% Microsoft
2 1.2% Reka Kovacs
1 0.6% Ahmed Muhsin
3 1.8% Oracle
2 1.2% Bernhard Urban-Forster
1 0.6% Vladimir Kozlov
2 1.2% Tencent
2 1.2% Jie Fu
1 0.6% Alibaba
1 0.6% Denghui Dong
1 0.6% BellSoft
1 0.6% Boris Ulasevich
1 0.6% Huawei
1 0.6% Dongbo He
Count Committer
169 100% Total
85 50.3% Oracle
11 6.5% Igor Ignatyev
7 4.1% Coleen Phillimore
5 3.0% Prasanta Sadhukhan
4 2.4% Naoto Sato
3 1.8% Chris Plummer
3 1.8% Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar
3 1.8% Joe Wang
3 1.8% Alexey Ivanov
3 1.8% Bernhard Urban-Forster
2 1.2% Brian Burkhalter
2 1.2% Nils Eliasson
2 1.2% Jan Lahoda
2 1.2% Igor Veresov
2 1.2% Douglas Simon
2 1.2% Ian Graves
2 1.2% Harold Seigel
2 1.2% Jamil Nimeh
2 1.2% Christian Hagedorn
1 0.6% Patricio Chilano Mateo
1 0.6% Weijun Wang
1 0.6% Conor Cleary
1 0.6% Calvin Cheung
1 0.6% Magnus Ihse Bursie
1 0.6% Erik Gahlin
1 0.6% David Holmes
1 0.6% Daniel Jelinski
1 0.6% Ioi Lam
1 0.6% Rajan Halade
1 0.6% Claes Redestad
1 0.6% Valerie Peng
1 0.6% Robert Mckenna
1 0.6% Rickard Backman
1 0.6% Tobias Hartmann
1 0.6% Ivan Sipka
1 0.6% Erik Österlund
1 0.6% Mandy Chung
1 0.6% Dean Long
1 0.6% Mikael Vidstedt
1 0.6% Philip Race
1 0.6% Alexander Zuev
1 0.6% Sangheon Kim
1 0.6% Serguei Spitsyn
1 0.6% Patric Hedlin
28 16.6% Amazon
17 10.1% Aleksey Shipilev
8 4.7% Sergey Bylokhov
2 1.2% Dan Lutker
1 0.6% Clive Verghese
20 11.8% Azul
16 9.5% Anton Kozlov
2 1.2% Sergey Nazarkin
1 0.6% Alexey Bakhtin
1 0.6% Dmitry Cherepanov
9 5.3% SAP
5 3.0% Martin Doerr
2 1.2% Goetz Lindenmaier
1 0.6% Christoph Langer
1 0.6% Johannes Bechberger
8 4.7% NTT DATA
8 4.7% Yasumasa Suenaga
4 2.4% Google
3 1.8% Liam Miller-Cushon
1 0.6% Martin Buchholz
4 2.4% Independent
1 0.6% Chris Hegarty
1 0.6% Zhengyu Gu
1 0.6% djelinski1
1 0.6% Jesper Møller
4 2.4% Red Hat
2 1.2% Andrew Haley
1 0.6% Thomas Stuefe
1 0.6% Zdenek Zambersky
3 1.8% Tencent
3 1.8% Jie Fu
1 0.6% Alibaba
1 0.6% Denghui Dong
1 0.6% Huawei
1 0.6% Wang Huang
1 0.6% Microdoc
1 0.6% Christoph Göttschkes
1 0.6% Unknown
1 0.6% N/A

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2022/04/15 14:07 Anton Kozlov Azul (same) (same) JDK-8284920 Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return incorrect results
2022/04/08 14:06 Christoph Langer SAP Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8285076 Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
2022/03/29 08:44 Christoph Langer SAP (same) (same) JDK-8283778 11u GHA: Fix GCC 9 ubuntu package names
2022/03/29 04:55 Christoph Langer SAP Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8283815 11u GHA: Update GCC 9 minor versions
2022/03/24 07:56 Matthias Baesken SAP Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8283611 Update XML Security for Java to 2.3.0
2022/03/18 18:36 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP N/A Unknown JDK-8283397 XPathFactoryImpl remove setProperty and getProperty methods
2022/03/17 09:35 Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same) JDK-8283270 [11u] broken JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC after Backport of JDK-8253795
2022/03/09 10:13 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Mandy Chung Oracle JDK-8282866 System.loadLibrary fails on Big Sur for libraries hidden from filesystem
2022/03/07 12:51 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Robert Mckenna Oracle JDK-8282752 LDAP connection timeout not honoured under contention
2022/03/07 12:37 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8282751 XPathFactory set/getProperty method
2022/03/01 16:58 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8282500 Add ChaCha20 and Poly1305 support to SunPKCS11 provider
2022/03/01 16:11 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8282495 AArch64: Fix another build failure after JDK-8211029
2022/02/28 17:12 Zdenek Zambersky Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8282457 test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/TestScaffold.java uses wrong condition
2022/02/26 04:38 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8282413 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream)
2022/02/25 22:23 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP (same) (same) JDK-8282372 [11] build issue on MacOS/aarch64 12.2.1 using Xcode 13.1: call to 'log2_intptr' is ambiguous
2022/02/24 23:47 81151783+yukikimmura Independent Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8282376 Missing space between compiler thread name and task info in hs_err
2022/02/24 11:16 Matthias Baesken SAP Chris Plummer Oracle JDK-8282344 JDK-8247515 fix for OSX pc_to_symbol() lookup fails with some symbols
2022/02/24 08:22 Matthias Baesken SAP Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8282335 Add expiry exception for Digicert (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022
2022/02/23 13:42 Matthias Baesken SAP Chris Plummer Oracle JDK-8282304 OSX pc_to_symbol() lookup does not work with core files
2022/02/22 17:44 Kimura Yukihiro Fujitsu Alexander Zuev Oracle JDK-8282271 javax/swing/text/Caret/TestCaretPositionJTextPane.java failed with "RuntimeException: Wrong caret position"
2022/02/22 15:34 Matthias Baesken SAP Chris Plummer Oracle JDK-8282237 SA ELF file support has never worked for 64-bit causing address to symbol name mapping to fail
2022/02/18 21:36 Kimura Yukihiro Fujitsu Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8282132 ProblemList javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI/8001470/bug8001470.java for windows-x64
2022/02/17 13:20 Alexey Bakhtin Azul (same) (same) JDK-8282052 SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during the ssl handshake
2022/02/17 12:53 Kimura Yukihiro Fujitsu Calvin Cheung Oracle JDK-8282051 The timezone of the hs_err_pid log file is corrupted in Japanese locale
2022/02/17 01:48 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Brian Burkhalter Oracle JDK-8282033 Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of BigInteger multiplication
2022/02/16 20:23 Reka Kovacs Microsoft Bernhard Urban-Forster Oracle JDK-8264182 AArch64: Get rid of --disable-warnings-as-errors on Windows+ARM64 build
2022/02/16 08:30 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281960 [macos_aarch64] SIGBUS in Assembler::ld_st2
2022/02/16 08:29 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281959 [macosx-aarch64] Crash with SIGBUS in MarkActivationClosure::do_code_blob during vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/.../bi04t002 test run
2022/02/15 19:35 Ahmed Muhsin Microsoft Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8281878 NMT tests fail on unaligned thread size with debug build
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281840 [macos_aarch64] Crash in jni_fast_GetLongField
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281839 [macos_aarch64] Thread::current() called on detached thread
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281838 Change build system for macOS/AArch64
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281837 Implement Serviceability Agent for macOS/AArch64
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281836 Update tests and JDK code for macOS/Aarch64
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281835 Implement os/cpu for macOS/AArch64
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281834 Support macOS Aarch64 ABI for compiled wrappers
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281832 Support macOS Aarch64 ABI in Interpreter
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281831 Support macOS W^X
2022/02/15 14:09 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281830 Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port
2022/02/15 07:49 Matthias Baesken SAP Daniel Jelinski Oracle JDK-8281804 Memory leak in DefaultProxySelector
2022/02/14 11:15 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8281733 x86_32 Math.sqrt performance regression with -XX:UseSSE={0,1}
2022/02/14 08:37 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8281719 C2: Bad AD file when matching SqrtF with UseSSE=0
2022/02/11 16:48 Denghui Dong Alibaba (same) (same) JDK-8281520 JFR: A wrong parameter is passed to the constructor of LeakKlassWriter
2022/02/11 09:04 Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same) JDK-8281599 test/lib/jdk/test/lib/KnownOIDs.java is redundant since JDK-8268801
2022/02/11 08:12 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Naoto Sato Oracle JDK-8281629 java/text/Format/DateFormat/DateFormatTest.java and NonGregorianFormatTest fail intermittently
2022/02/10 10:30 Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same) JDK-8281583 [s390] JFR runs into assertions while validating interpreter frames
2022/02/10 10:21 Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same) JDK-8281582 [PPC64, s390] frame size checks are not yet correct
2022/02/10 09:31 Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same) JDK-8281579 [PPC64, s390] implement frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid checks
2022/02/09 17:27 Liam Miller-Cushon Google Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle JDK-8281554 AssertionError: Cannot add metadata to an intersection type
2022/02/09 11:32 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8281531 Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3
2022/02/09 07:55 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Naoto Sato Oracle JDK-8281526 ParseException thrown for certain months with russian locale
2022/02/08 14:52 Paul Hohensee Amazon Dan Lutker Amazon JDK-8281461 [GCC 11] Address::make_raw() does not initialize rspec
2022/02/08 10:20 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8281443 Cross-compilation to macos/aarch64
2022/02/03 08:15 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8281197 Some "inactive" color profiles use the wrong profile class
2022/02/01 13:43 Dan Lutker Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280999 array_bounds should be array-bounds after 8278507
2022/02/01 07:43 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8281016 jdk/editpad is not in jdk TEST.groups
2022/01/31 22:38 Bernhard Urban-Forster Oracle Johannes Bechberger SAP JDK-8281002 [macosx] ignore xcodebuild warnings on M1
2022/01/27 17:18 Dmitry Cherepanov Azul (same) (same) JDK-8280786 Build failure on Solaris after 8262392
2022/01/27 11:59 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Chris Hegarty Independent JDK-8280795 Unable to connect to https://google.com using java.net.HttpClient
2022/01/26 15:41 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Jie Fu Tencent JDK-8280716 runtime/BootstrapMethod/BSMCalledTwice.java fails with release VMs after JDK-8262134
2022/01/26 08:18 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Claes Redestad Oracle JDK-8280701 Loop optimization issue in String.encodeUTF8_UTF16
2022/01/26 08:08 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Nils Eliasson Oracle JDK-8280698 C2: Move conditional negation into rc_predicate
2022/01/26 08:05 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Patricio Chilano Mateo Oracle JDK-8280697 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/StopThread/stopthrd007/TestDescription.java fails with "ERROR: DebuggeeSleepingThread: ThreadDeath lost"
2022/01/25 22:07 Liam Miller-Cushon Google Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle JDK-8280630 javac generates wrong annotation for fields generated from record components
2022/01/25 09:19 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8280574 Mark jdk/editpad/EditPadTest.java as @headful
2022/01/23 06:09 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280505 JFrame paint artifacts when dragged from standard monitor to HiDPI monitor
2022/01/22 10:04 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Veresov Oracle JDK-8280502 C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first block must be empty
2022/01/22 10:01 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Veresov Oracle JDK-8280501 Hotspot C1 compiler crashes on Kotlin suspend fun with loop
2022/01/22 09:59 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Christian Hagedorn Oracle JDK-8280500 C2: Object field load floats above its null check resulting in a segfault
2022/01/21 23:20 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280487 Deadlock in Sound System
2022/01/21 21:38 Bernhard Urban-Forster Oracle (same) (same) JDK-8280484 AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
2022/01/21 16:20 Yi-Fan Tsai Amazon Sangheon Kim Oracle JDK-8280466 G1 uses only a single thread for pretouching the java heap
2022/01/21 12:20 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Nils Eliasson Oracle JDK-8280453 [TESTBUG] Test must run without preallocated exceptions
2022/01/21 12:18 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280452 serviceability/logging/TestFullNames.java tests only 1st test case
2022/01/21 12:01 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280449 remove usage of PropertyResolvingWrapper in vmTestbase/jit/t
2022/01/21 11:30 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280447 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/metaspace/stressHierarchy tests
2022/01/21 11:01 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280443 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase_nsk_sysdict tests
2022/01/20 14:20 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8280388 Update SipHash to version 1.0
2022/01/19 20:32 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Douglas Simon Oracle JDK-8280294 [JVMCI] assert((uint)reason < 2* _trap_hist_limit) failed: oob
2022/01/19 20:21 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Christian Hagedorn Oracle JDK-8280291 C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected
2022/01/19 19:59 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280288 clean up FileInstaller $test.src $cwd in remaining vmTestbase_vm_compiler tests
2022/01/19 19:51 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280286 narrow disabling of allowSmartActionArgs in vmTestbase
2022/01/18 12:12 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280138 PPC64 debug builds fail with "untested: RangeCheckStub: predicate_failed_trap_id"
2022/01/17 22:38 Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same) JDK-8280103 SimpleFileObject inconsistency between getName and getShortName
2022/01/17 22:37 Liam Miller-Cushon Google Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle JDK-8280102 assertion error at TransTypes.visitApply
2022/01/17 21:48 Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same) JDK-8280100 SymLinkArchiveTest should handle not being able to create symlinks
2022/01/17 20:40 Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same) JDK-8280097 Canonicalized archive paths appearing in diagnostics
2022/01/17 20:39 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280096 nsk.share.GoldChecker should read golden file from ${test.src}
2022/01/17 20:37 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280094 rewrite vmTestbase/jit/tiered from shell to java
2022/01/17 20:34 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Dean Long Oracle JDK-8280092 compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM.java failed with "guarantee(false) failed: wrong number of expression stack elements during deopt"
2022/01/17 08:22 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Ioi Lam Oracle JDK-8280066 [TESTBUG] jvmti_FollowRefObjects.cpp missing initializer for member _jvmtiHeapCallbacks::heap_reference_callback
2022/01/15 14:06 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Tobias Hartmann Oracle JDK-8280052 CompileQueue::add fails with assert(_last->next() == __null) failed: not last
2022/01/15 13:58 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Philip Race Oracle JDK-8280049 DrawStringWithInfiniteXform.java failed : drawString with InfiniteXform transform takes long time
2022/01/14 14:18 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Jan Lahoda Oracle JDK-8280021 jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java failures on Windows
2022/01/14 13:02 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8280015 make main classes public in vmTestbase/jit tests
2022/01/13 13:59 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8279968 Fix javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/bug6364882.java failures
2022/01/13 13:51 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8279965 [TEST_BUG] Improve javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/bug6364882.java
2022/01/13 13:37 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8279961 clean up FileInstaller $test.src $cwd in vmTestbase_vm_compiler tests
2022/01/13 13:27 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8279959 com/sun/jdi/RedefineCrossEvent.java failed "assert(m != __null) failed: NULL mirror"
2022/01/11 15:16 Sergey Nazarkin Azul (same) (same) JDK-8279863 [arm32] SIGILL when running GetObjectSizeIntrinsicsTest
2022/01/11 14:17 Zhengyu Gu Independent Jan Lahoda Oracle JDK-8279860 Upgrade Jline to 3.20.0
2022/01/11 12:49 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Conor Cleary Oracle JDK-8279851 Some TestNG tests require default constructors
2022/01/11 12:47 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8279849 rewrite vmTestbase/vm/compiler/CodeCacheInfo* from shell to java
2022/01/11 12:44 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Patric Hedlin Oracle JDK-8279846 Clean-up WS and CB.
2022/01/10 15:01 Zhengyu Gu Independent Harold Seigel Oracle JDK-8279697 Bytecodes::result_type() for arraylength returns T_VOID instead of T_INT
2022/01/10 13:40 Zhengyu Gu Independent Brian Burkhalter Oracle JDK-8279693 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/BlockDeviceSize.java should only run on Linux
2022/01/10 13:24 Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same) JDK-8279690 JFR crashes on Linux ppc due to missing crash protector in signal handler
2022/01/10 11:48 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Sergey Nazarkin Azul JDK-8279681 [arm32] C1 longs comparison operation destroys argument registers
2022/01/10 07:40 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8279661 JDK-8275650 accidentally pushed "out" file
2022/01/07 11:18 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8279612 GHA: Print tests that are in error
2022/01/06 15:56 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Clive Verghese Amazon JDK-8279580 Add test to check that File::lastModified returns same time stamp as Files.getLastModifiedTime
2022/01/06 15:53 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Naoto Sato Oracle JDK-8279576 ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update
2022/01/06 15:51 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8279575 [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/text/FlowView/6318524/bug6318524.java never fails
2022/01/05 13:53 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8279517 vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/strace004.java fails with SIGSEGV in InstanceKlass::jni_id_for
2022/01/05 07:11 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Ivan Sipka Oracle JDK-8279499 Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/SpecialTempFile.java for Windows 11
2021/12/31 13:56 Jie Fu Tencent (same) (same) JDK-8279353 Build failure on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.4 (s390x) due to 'SYS_get_mempolicy' was not declared
2021/12/31 13:43 Jie Fu Tencent (same) (same) JDK-8279352 NUMA APIs fail to work in dockers due to dependent syscalls are disabled by default
2021/12/29 10:34 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle JDK-8279322 Set LC_ALL=C for all relevant commands in the build system
2021/12/27 07:38 Reka Kovacs Microsoft Bernhard Urban-Forster Oracle JDK-8264184 JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64
2021/12/22 18:48 Vladimir Kozlov Oracle Douglas Simon Oracle JDK-8279178 [JVMCI] check alignment of call displacement during code installation
2021/12/22 14:15 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8279163 AsyncGetCallTrace crashes on ResourceMark
2021/12/22 14:13 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8279162 nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption failed with "assert(def_ik->is_being_redefined()) failed: should be being redefined to get here"
2021/12/22 12:04 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8279156 javax/swing/JTable/4235420/bug4235420.java fails in GTK L&F
2021/12/22 11:41 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8279152 javax/swing/JTable/4235420/bug4235420.java fails in GTK L&F
2021/12/22 11:28 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8279148 Zero: Enable CompactStrings support
2021/12/22 11:27 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8279147 runtime/modules/LoadUnloadModuleStress.java has duplicate -Xmx
2021/12/22 11:26 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8279146 gc/stress/gclocker/TestGCLockerWithSerial.java has duplicate -Xmx
2021/12/20 16:16 Zhengyu Gu Independent Jamil Nimeh Oracle JDK-8279012 Concurrent read/close of SSLSockets causes SSLSessions to be invalidated unnecessarily
2021/12/20 10:46 Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8279000 [windows] use of uninitialized OSThread::_state
2021/12/17 02:24 Dongbo He Huawei Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8278939 jfr/event/io/TestInstrumentation is unstable
2021/12/15 12:08 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8278850 [TESTBUG] runtime/Metaspace/FragmentMetaspace.java fails: heap needs to be increased
2021/12/15 12:06 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8278849 AArch64: Warnings in C1 and template interpreter
2021/12/15 07:26 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Serguei Spitsyn Oracle JDK-8278840 memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
2021/12/15 07:15 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Wang Huang Huawei JDK-8278839 Memory leak in appendBootClassPath()
2021/12/15 07:05 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8278838 Screen flashes on test failures when running tests from make
2021/12/13 08:06 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8278594 Use MAP_JIT when allocating pages for code cache on macOS
2021/12/10 13:42 Zhengyu Gu Independent djelinski1 Independent JDK-8278550 Incorrect instance to dispose
2021/12/09 20:56 Paul Hohensee Amazon Martin Buchholz Google JDK-8278517 clang fastdebug assertion failure in os_linux_x86:os::verify_stack_alignment()
2021/12/09 16:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278507 -Warray-bounds happens in imageioJPEG.c
2021/12/09 15:51 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278503 -Wnonnull happens in classLoaderData.inline.hpp
2021/12/09 14:36 Paul Hohensee Amazon Mikael Vidstedt Oracle JDK-8278501 Remove uses of the register storage class specifier
2021/12/09 14:35 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278500 -Wstringop-overflow happens in vmError.cpp
2021/12/09 12:54 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Harold Seigel Oracle JDK-8278496 Incorrect verifier protected access error message
2021/12/09 12:51 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Ian Graves Oracle JDK-8278495 java/util/DoubleStreamSums/CompensatedSums.java failure
2021/12/09 12:44 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Ian Graves Oracle JDK-8278493 Bug in parallel Kahan summation implementation
2021/12/09 11:37 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Naoto Sato Oracle JDK-8278487 Parsing epoch seconds at a DST transition with a non-UTC parser is wrong
2021/12/09 11:35 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8278486 Update Commons BCEL to Version 6.5.0
2021/12/09 11:33 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Jamil Nimeh Oracle JDK-8278485 Cipher.getParameters() throws NPE for ChaCha20-Poly1305
2021/12/09 11:31 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8278484 Enable screenshots in the enhanced failure handler on Linux/macOS
2021/12/09 11:29 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Erik Österlund Oracle JDK-8278483 Prepare ciReceiverTypeData::translate_receiver_data_from for concurrent class unloading
2021/12/09 09:59 Martin Doerr SAP Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8278477 [testbug] javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/bug6302464.java fails on macOS12
2021/12/09 09:53 Martin Doerr SAP Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8278476 Test javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/bug6302464.java is unstable
2021/12/08 00:40 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8278380 [Windows/HiDPI] The Frame#setBounds does not work in a minimized state
2021/12/07 14:28 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8278345 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/MemoryTest.java test should handle Shenandoah
2021/12/07 13:24 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8278342 [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption/TestDescription.java failed with NullPointerException
2021/12/06 16:26 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278304 -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in check_code.c
2021/12/06 16:25 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278303 -Wmisleading-indentation happens in libmlib_image sources
2021/12/06 13:36 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8278297 J2DBench should support shaped and translucent windows
2021/12/02 05:22 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8278111 AArch64: Cleanup non-product thread members
2021/12/01 21:23 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278097 -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in jni_util.c
2021/12/01 21:22 Paul Hohensee Amazon Christoph Göttschkes Microdoc JDK-8278096 Mallinfo deprecated in glibc 2.33
2021/12/01 18:19 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278091 [TESTBUG] -Wdeprecated-declarations is reported at sigset() in exesigtest.c
2021/12/01 18:18 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278090 -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in libArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionTest.c
2021/12/01 15:58 Matthias Baesken SAP Jesper Møller Independent JDK-8278081 Suspicious string concatenation in logTestUtils.inline.hpp
2021/12/01 13:53 Boris Ulasevich BellSoft David Holmes Oracle JDK-8278073 ARM32 SIGILL issue on single core CPU (not supported PLDW instruction)
2021/12/01 11:09 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8278060 C2: Conv(D|F)2(I|L)Nodes::Ideal should handle rounding correctly
2021/11/30 22:24 Martin Doerr SAP Rickard Backman Oracle JDK-8278026 C2: assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc
2021/11/30 19:24 Alex Kasko Red Hat Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8278017 macos doesn't check `os::set_boot_path()` result
2021/11/30 17:30 Goetz Lindenmaier SAP (same) (same) JDK-8277796 Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.15

No changesets log

JDK-8251319 Implement MD5 Intrinsics on x86

Committer push log

81151783+yukikimmura, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8282376 Missing space between compiler thread name and task info in hs_err

Alexey Bakhtin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8282052 SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during the ssl handshake

Ahmed Muhsin, Microsoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8281878 NMT tests fail on unaligned thread size with debug build

Alex Kasko, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8278017 macos doesn't check `os::set_boot_path()` result

Anton Kozlov, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8284920 Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return incorrect results

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8282033 Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of BigInteger multiplication
JDK-8278297 J2DBench should support shaped and translucent windows

Boris Ulasevich, BellSoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8278073 ARM32 SIGILL issue on single core CPU (not supported PLDW instruction)

Bernhard Urban-Forster, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8281002 [macosx] ignore xcodebuild warnings on M1
JDK-8280484 AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler

Christoph Langer, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8283778 11u GHA: Fix GCC 9 ubuntu package names
JDK-8283815 11u GHA: Update GCC 9 minor versions
JDK-8285076 Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException

Liam Miller-Cushon, Google

Bug Summary
JDK-8280102 assertion error at TransTypes.visitApply
JDK-8281554 AssertionError: Cannot add metadata to an intersection type
JDK-8280097 Canonicalized archive paths appearing in diagnostics
JDK-8280630 javac generates wrong annotation for fields generated from record components
JDK-8280103 SimpleFileObject inconsistency between getName and getShortName
JDK-8280100 SymLinkArchiveTest should handle not being able to create symlinks

Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8280786 Build failure on Solaris after 8262392

Denghui Dong, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8281520 JFR: A wrong parameter is passed to the constructor of LeakKlassWriter

Dongbo He, Huawei

Bug Summary
JDK-8278939 jfr/event/io/TestInstrumentation is unstable

Goetz Lindenmaier, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8282372 [11] build issue on MacOS/aarch64 12.2.1 using Xcode 13.1: call to 'log2_intptr' is ambiguous
JDK-8280294 [JVMCI] assert((uint)reason < 2* _trap_hist_limit) failed: oob
JDK-8279965 [TEST_BUG] Improve javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/bug6364882.java
JDK-8279575 [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/text/FlowView/6318524/bug6318524.java never fails
JDK-8280453 [TESTBUG] Test must run without preallocated exceptions
JDK-8278342 [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption/TestDescription.java failed with NullPointerException
JDK-8282495 AArch64: Fix another build failure after JDK-8211029
JDK-8282500 Add ChaCha20 and Poly1305 support to SunPKCS11 provider
JDK-8279580 Add test to check that File::lastModified returns same time stamp as Files.getLastModifiedTime
JDK-8278493 Bug in parallel Kahan summation implementation
JDK-8277796 Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.15
JDK-8280502 C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first block must be empty
JDK-8280291 C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected
JDK-8280698 C2: Move conditional negation into rc_predicate
JDK-8280500 C2: Object field load floats above its null check resulting in a segfault
JDK-8278485 Cipher.getParameters() throws NPE for ChaCha20-Poly1305
JDK-8280288 clean up FileInstaller $test.src $cwd in remaining vmTestbase_vm_compiler tests
JDK-8279961 clean up FileInstaller $test.src $cwd in vmTestbase_vm_compiler tests
JDK-8279846 Clean-up WS and CB.
JDK-8280052 CompileQueue::add fails with assert(_last->next() == __null) failed: not last
JDK-8280092 compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM.java failed with "guarantee(false) failed: wrong number of expression stack elements during deopt"
JDK-8280049 DrawStringWithInfiniteXform.java failed : drawString with InfiniteXform transform takes long time
JDK-8278484 Enable screenshots in the enhanced failure handler on Linux/macOS
JDK-8279968 Fix javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/bug6364882.java failures
JDK-8280501 Hotspot C1 compiler crashes on Kotlin suspend fun with loop
JDK-8278496 Incorrect verifier protected access error message
JDK-8279576 ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update
JDK-8281629 java/text/Format/DateFormat/DateFormatTest.java and NonGregorianFormatTest fail intermittently
JDK-8278495 java/util/DoubleStreamSums/CompensatedSums.java failure
JDK-8279156 javax/swing/JTable/4235420/bug4235420.java fails in GTK L&F
JDK-8279661 JDK-8275650 accidentally pushed "out" file
JDK-8281016 jdk/editpad is not in jdk TEST.groups
JDK-8280021 jdk/jshell/CommandCompletionTest.java failures on Windows
JDK-8282752 LDAP connection timeout not honoured under contention
JDK-8280701 Loop optimization issue in String.encodeUTF8_UTF16
JDK-8280015 make main classes public in vmTestbase/jit tests
JDK-8280574 Mark jdk/editpad/EditPadTest.java as @headful
JDK-8278839 Memory leak in appendBootClassPath()
JDK-8278840 memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
JDK-8280286 narrow disabling of allowSmartActionArgs in vmTestbase
JDK-8280096 nsk.share.GoldChecker should read golden file from ${test.src}
JDK-8281526 ParseException thrown for certain months with russian locale
JDK-8278487 Parsing epoch seconds at a DST transition with a non-UTC parser is wrong
JDK-8278483 Prepare ciReceiverTypeData::translate_receiver_data_from for concurrent class unloading
JDK-8279499 Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/SpecialTempFile.java for Windows 11
JDK-8280449 remove usage of PropertyResolvingWrapper in vmTestbase/jit/t
JDK-8280094 rewrite vmTestbase/jit/tiered from shell to java
JDK-8279849 rewrite vmTestbase/vm/compiler/CodeCacheInfo* from shell to java
JDK-8278838 Screen flashes on test failures when running tests from make
JDK-8280452 serviceability/logging/TestFullNames.java tests only 1st test case
JDK-8279851 Some TestNG tests require default constructors
JDK-8282866 System.loadLibrary fails on Big Sur for libraries hidden from filesystem
JDK-8278486 Update Commons BCEL to Version 6.5.0
JDK-8280697 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/StopThread/stopthrd007/TestDescription.java fails with "ERROR: DebuggeeSleepingThread: ThreadDeath lost"
JDK-8282751 XPathFactory set/getProperty method
JDK-8283397 XPathFactoryImpl remove setProperty and getProperty methods

Jie Fu, Tencent

Bug Summary
JDK-8279353 Build failure on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.4 (s390x) due to 'SYS_get_mempolicy' was not declared
JDK-8279352 NUMA APIs fail to work in dockers due to dependent syscalls are disabled by default

Kimura Yukihiro, Fujitsu

Bug Summary
JDK-8282271 javax/swing/text/Caret/TestCaretPositionJTextPane.java failed with "RuntimeException: Wrong caret position"
JDK-8282132 ProblemList javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI/8001470/bug8001470.java for windows-x64
JDK-8282051 The timezone of the hs_err_pid log file is corrupted in Japanese locale

Vladimir Kozlov, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8279178 [JVMCI] check alignment of call displacement during code installation

Dan Lutker, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8280999 array_bounds should be array-bounds after 8278507

Matthias Baesken, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8282335 Add expiry exception for Digicert (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022
JDK-8282344 JDK-8247515 fix for OSX pc_to_symbol() lookup fails with some symbols
JDK-8281804 Memory leak in DefaultProxySelector
JDK-8282304 OSX pc_to_symbol() lookup does not work with core files
JDK-8282237 SA ELF file support has never worked for 64-bit causing address to symbol name mapping to fail
JDK-8278081 Suspicious string concatenation in logTestUtils.inline.hpp
JDK-8283611 Update XML Security for Java to 2.3.0

Martin Doerr, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8283270 [11u] broken JRT_ENTRY_NO_ASYNC after Backport of JDK-8253795
JDK-8281582 [PPC64, s390] frame size checks are not yet correct
JDK-8281579 [PPC64, s390] implement frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid checks
JDK-8281583 [s390] JFR runs into assertions while validating interpreter frames
JDK-8278477 [testbug] javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/bug6302464.java fails on macOS12
JDK-8278026 C2: assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc
JDK-8278476 Test javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/bug6302464.java is unstable
JDK-8281599 test/lib/jdk/test/lib/KnownOIDs.java is redundant since JDK-8268801

Paul Hohensee, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8278507 -Warray-bounds happens in imageioJPEG.c
JDK-8278304 -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in check_code.c
JDK-8278097 -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in jni_util.c
JDK-8278090 -Wmaybe-uninitialized happens in libArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptionTest.c
JDK-8278303 -Wmisleading-indentation happens in libmlib_image sources
JDK-8278503 -Wnonnull happens in classLoaderData.inline.hpp
JDK-8278500 -Wstringop-overflow happens in vmError.cpp
JDK-8281461 [GCC 11] Address::make_raw() does not initialize rspec
JDK-8278091 [TESTBUG] -Wdeprecated-declarations is reported at sigset() in exesigtest.c
JDK-8278517 clang fastdebug assertion failure in os_linux_x86:os::verify_stack_alignment()
JDK-8278096 Mallinfo deprecated in glibc 2.33
JDK-8278501 Remove uses of the register storage class specifier

Reka Kovacs, Microsoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8264182 AArch64: Get rid of --disable-warnings-as-errors on Windows+ARM64 build
JDK-8264184 JVMCI: Enable it for Windows+AArch64

Sergey Bylokhov, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8278380 [Windows/HiDPI] The Frame#setBounds does not work in a minimized state
JDK-8282413 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream)
JDK-8280487 Deadlock in Sound System
JDK-8280505 JFrame paint artifacts when dragged from standard monitor to HiDPI monitor
JDK-8281197 Some "inactive" color profiles use the wrong profile class

Aleksey Shipilev, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8279681 [arm32] C1 longs comparison operation destroys argument registers
JDK-8280066 [TESTBUG] jvmti_FollowRefObjects.cpp missing initializer for member _jvmtiHeapCallbacks::heap_reference_callback
JDK-8281531 Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3
JDK-8281719 C2: Bad AD file when matching SqrtF with UseSSE=0
JDK-8278060 C2: Conv(D|F)2(I|L)Nodes::Ideal should handle rounding correctly
JDK-8280447 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/metaspace/stressHierarchy tests
JDK-8280443 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase_nsk_sysdict tests
JDK-8279146 gc/stress/gclocker/TestGCLockerWithSerial.java has duplicate -Xmx
JDK-8279612 GHA: Print tests that are in error
JDK-8278345 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/MemoryTest.java test should handle Shenandoah
JDK-8280138 PPC64 debug builds fail with "untested: RangeCheckStub: predicate_failed_trap_id"
JDK-8280716 runtime/BootstrapMethod/BSMCalledTwice.java fails with release VMs after JDK-8262134
JDK-8279147 runtime/modules/LoadUnloadModuleStress.java has duplicate -Xmx
JDK-8280795 Unable to connect to https://google.com using java.net.HttpClient
JDK-8281733 x86_32 Math.sqrt performance regression with -XX:UseSSE={0,1}
JDK-8279148 Zero: Enable CompactStrings support

Sergey Nazarkin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8279863 [arm32] SIGILL when running GetObjectSizeIntrinsicsTest

Thomas Stuefe, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8279000 [windows] use of uninitialized OSThread::_state

Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore

Bug Summary
JDK-8281840 [macos_aarch64] Crash in jni_fast_GetLongField
JDK-8281960 [macos_aarch64] SIGBUS in Assembler::ld_st2
JDK-8281839 [macos_aarch64] Thread::current() called on detached thread
JDK-8281959 [macosx-aarch64] Crash with SIGBUS in MarkActivationClosure::do_code_blob during vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/.../bi04t002 test run
JDK-8278850 [TESTBUG] runtime/Metaspace/FragmentMetaspace.java fails: heap needs to be increased
JDK-8278111 AArch64: Cleanup non-product thread members
JDK-8278849 AArch64: Warnings in C1 and template interpreter
JDK-8281838 Change build system for macOS/AArch64
JDK-8281443 Cross-compilation to macos/aarch64
JDK-8281835 Implement os/cpu for macOS/AArch64
JDK-8281837 Implement Serviceability Agent for macOS/AArch64
JDK-8281830 Implementation of JEP 391: macOS/AArch64 Port
JDK-8279322 Set LC_ALL=C for all relevant commands in the build system
JDK-8281834 Support macOS Aarch64 ABI for compiled wrappers
JDK-8281832 Support macOS Aarch64 ABI in Interpreter
JDK-8281831 Support macOS W^X
JDK-8281836 Update tests and JDK code for macOS/Aarch64
JDK-8278594 Use MAP_JIT when allocating pages for code cache on macOS

Yi-Fan Tsai, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8280466 G1 uses only a single thread for pretouching the java heap

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8279163 AsyncGetCallTrace crashes on ResourceMark
JDK-8279697 Bytecodes::result_type() for arraylength returns T_VOID instead of T_INT
JDK-8279959 com/sun/jdi/RedefineCrossEvent.java failed "assert(m != __null) failed: NULL mirror"
JDK-8279012 Concurrent read/close of SSLSockets causes SSLSessions to be invalidated unnecessarily
JDK-8278550 Incorrect instance to dispose
JDK-8279693 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/BlockDeviceSize.java should only run on Linux
JDK-8279690 JFR crashes on Linux ppc due to missing crash protector in signal handler
JDK-8279162 nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption failed with "assert(def_ik->is_being_redefined()) failed: should be being redefined to get here"
JDK-8280388 Update SipHash to version 1.0
JDK-8279860 Upgrade Jline to 3.20.0
JDK-8279517 vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/strace004.java fails with SIGSEGV in InstanceKlass::jni_id_for

Zdenek Zambersky, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8282457 test/jdk/com/sun/jdi/TestScaffold.java uses wrong condition