This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Sat Dec 21 05:15:47 CET 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
3 P4
1 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
4 100% Total
2 50.0% infrastructure
1 25.0% infrastructure/release_eng
1 25.0% infrastructure/other
1 25.0% core-libs
1 25.0% core-libs/java.util.jar
1 25.0% hotspot
1 25.0% hotspot/runtime

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
4 100% Total
2 50.0% Red Hat
1 25.0% Andrew Hughes
1 25.0% avieirov
1 25.0% Amazon
1 25.0% katkerem
1 25.0% Azul
1 25.0% Alexey Bakhtin
Count Committer
4 100% Total
2 50.0% Oracle
1 25.0% Coleen Phillimore
1 25.0% Henry Jen
1 25.0% Red Hat
1 25.0% Andrew Hughes
1 25.0% SAP
1 25.0% Goetz Lindenmaier

Chronological push log:

UTC Time Priority Component Bug Summary This Release Push By Original Push By
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2024/12/13 13:01 P4 infrastructure/other JDK-8346196 [updates] Customize README.md to specifics of update project avieirov Red Hat Goetz Lindenmaier SAP
2024/12/06 17:32 P5 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8345699 Add an operation mode to the jar command when extracting to not overwriting existing files Alexey Bakhtin Azul Henry Jen Oracle
2024/12/06 14:45 P4 infrastructure/release_eng JDK-8345509 Bump update version of OpenJDK: 11.0.27 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/12/04 10:32 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8345479 jmethod clearing should be done during unloading katkerem Amazon Coleen Phillimore Oracle

No changesets log

Committer push log

Alexey Bakhtin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8345699 Add an operation mode to the jar command when extracting to not overwriting existing files

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8345509 Bump update version of OpenJDK: 11.0.27

avieirov, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8346196 [updates] Customize README.md to specifics of update project

katkerem, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8345479 jmethod clearing should be done during unloading