This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Thu Jun 06 16:12:11 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
6 P2
10 P3
14 P4

Distribution by components

Count Component
30 100% Total
9 30.0% hotspot
3 10.0% hotspot/gc
2 6.7% hotspot/compiler
2 6.7% hotspot/runtime
1 3.3% hotspot/svc-agent
1 3.3% hotspot/jvmti
8 26.7% client-libs
2 6.7% client-libs/java.awt
2 6.7% client-libs/javax.accessibility
1 3.3% client-libs/2d
1 3.3% client-libs
1 3.3% client-libs/javax.sound
1 3.3% client-libs/javax.swing
5 16.7% security-libs
4 13.3% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
1 3.3% security-libs/java.security
4 13.3% core-libs
1 3.3% core-libs/java.net
1 3.3% core-libs
1 3.3% core-libs/javax.naming
1 3.3% core-libs/java.nio
4 13.3% infrastructure
3 10.0% infrastructure/build
1 3.3% infrastructure

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
30 100% Total
16 53.3% Azul
7 23.3% Yuri Nesterenko
3 10.0% Sergey Nazarkin
3 10.0% Olga Mikhaltcova
2 6.7% Alexey Bakhtin
1 3.3% Andrew Brygin
11 36.7% Syntacore
11 36.7% Vladimir Kempik
3 10.0% Amazon
1 3.3% Clive Verghese
1 3.3% William Kemper
1 3.3% eastig
Count Committer
30 100% Total
16 53.3% Oracle
4 13.3% Philip Race
3 10.0% Kim Barrett
1 3.3% Evan Whelan
1 3.3% Brian Burkhalter
1 3.3% Bradford Wetmore
1 3.3% Nils Eliasson
1 3.3% Michael McMahon
1 3.3% Prajwal Kumaraswamy
1 3.3% Coleen Phillimore
1 3.3% Alexander Zuev
1 3.3% David Holmes
3 10.0% Amazon
2 6.7% Sergey Bylokhov
1 3.3% Clive Verghese
3 10.0% Azul
1 3.3% Alexey Bakhtin
1 3.3% Yuri Nesterenko
1 3.3% Anton Kozlov
2 6.7% ARM
2 6.7% Nick Gasson
2 6.7% SAP
1 3.3% Matthias Baesken
1 3.3% Lucy Schmidt
2 6.7% Syntacore
2 6.7% Vladimir Kempik
1 3.3% Huawei
1 3.3% Dongbo He
1 3.3% Tencent
1 3.3% Jie Fu

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2021/09/20 14:11 Yuri Nesterenko Azul Evan Whelan Oracle JDK-8273996 Inconsistent TLS protocol version in debug output
2021/09/20 14:06 Andrew Brygin Azul Philip Race Oracle JDK-8273994 Update Mesa 3-D Headers to version 21.0.3
2021/09/17 13:56 Olga Mikhaltcova Azul Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8273944 gc/parallel/TestDynShrinkHeap.java still fails "assert(covered_region.contains(new_memregion)) failed: new region is not in covered_region"
2021/09/16 14:05 Olga Mikhaltcova Azul Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8273898 ParallelGC: oldgen expansion needs release-store for _end
2021/09/15 07:31 Olga Mikhaltcova Azul Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8273787 Parallel GC crash in gc/parallel/TestDynShrinkHeap.java: new region is not in covered_region
2021/09/14 06:40 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8273703 Compilation failure in PLATFORM_API_MacOSX_MidiUtils.c with Xcode 12.5
2021/09/13 15:27 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Jie Fu Tencent JDK-8273677 [macos] Build failure with Xcode 13.0 after JDK-8264848
2021/09/13 15:27 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Lucy Schmidt SAP JDK-8273676 [macos] libjvm.dylib linker warning due to macOS version mismatch
2021/09/13 14:44 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore (same) (same) JDK-8273671 Backport of 8260616 misses one JNF header inclusion removal
2021/09/13 14:41 eastig Amazon Dongbo He Huawei JDK-8273672 Improve AlgorithmConstraints:checkAlgorithm performance
2021/09/09 19:26 Clive Verghese Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8273569 Large Allocation in CipherSuite
2021/09/01 10:39 Sergey Nazarkin Azul Nick Gasson ARM JDK-8273228 C2: ClhsdbJstackXcompStress test fails when StressGCM is enabled
2021/09/01 08:52 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Philip Race Oracle JDK-8273223 [macOS] Update named used for Java run loop mode
2021/08/20 14:59 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore David Holmes Oracle JDK-8272782 RunThese24H.java failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status
2021/08/20 14:58 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Philip Race Oracle JDK-8272781 [macOS] not all KEY_PRESSED events sent when control modifier is used
2021/08/10 13:34 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Bradford Wetmore Oracle JDK-8271937 Better support ALPN byte wire values in SunJSSE
2021/08/03 11:31 Sergey Nazarkin Azul Nick Gasson ARM JDK-8271729 AARCH64: typo in LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type
2021/07/30 12:03 Yuri Nesterenko Azul Alexander Zuev Oracle JDK-8271554 Password is being converted to String in AccessibleJPasswordField
2021/07/30 10:25 Sergey Nazarkin Azul Brian Burkhalter Oracle JDK-8271546 (fc) ReadDirect and WriteDirect tests fail after fix for JDK-8264821
2021/07/30 07:24 Yuri Nesterenko Azul Prajwal Kumaraswamy Oracle JDK-8271534 StartTlsResponse.close() hangs due to synchronization issues
2021/07/29 10:35 Yuri Nesterenko Azul Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8271464 Update the text handling in the JPasswordField
2021/07/29 08:25 Yuri Nesterenko Azul Michael McMahon Oracle JDK-8271462 com.sun.net.HttpsServer spins on TLS session close
2021/07/28 16:43 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8271407 Do not use objc_msgSend_stret to get macOS version
2021/07/28 16:05 Yuri Nesterenko Azul Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8271404 libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows
2021/07/27 12:33 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore (same) (same) JDK-8271333 Make IsClassUnloadingEnabled signature match specification
2021/07/27 12:32 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Philip Race Oracle JDK-8271332 [macOS] Remove disabled warning for JNF in make/autoconf/flags-cflags.m4
2021/07/20 07:29 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Nils Eliasson Oracle JDK-8270933 c2 loop unrolling by 8 results in reading memory past array
2021/07/12 10:12 Alexey Bakhtin Azul (same) (same) JDK-8270289 TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple socket to SSL server
2021/07/12 09:32 William Kemper Amazon Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8270285 Corrupt oop in ClassLoaderData
2021/06/28 10:30 Yuri Nesterenko Azul (same) (same) JDK-8269356 Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-15.0.5

No changesets log

Committer push log

Alexey Bakhtin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8271937 Better support ALPN byte wire values in SunJSSE
JDK-8270289 TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple socket to SSL server

Andrew Brygin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8273994 Update Mesa 3-D Headers to version 21.0.3

Clive Verghese, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8273569 Large Allocation in CipherSuite

eastig, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8273672 Improve AlgorithmConstraints:checkAlgorithm performance

Olga Mikhaltcova, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8273944 gc/parallel/TestDynShrinkHeap.java still fails "assert(covered_region.contains(new_memregion)) failed: new region is not in covered_region"
JDK-8273787 Parallel GC crash in gc/parallel/TestDynShrinkHeap.java: new region is not in covered_region
JDK-8273898 ParallelGC: oldgen expansion needs release-store for _end

Sergey Nazarkin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8271546 (fc) ReadDirect and WriteDirect tests fail after fix for JDK-8264821
JDK-8271729 AARCH64: typo in LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type
JDK-8273228 C2: ClhsdbJstackXcompStress test fails when StressGCM is enabled

Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore

Bug Summary
JDK-8273677 [macos] Build failure with Xcode 13.0 after JDK-8264848
JDK-8273676 [macos] libjvm.dylib linker warning due to macOS version mismatch
JDK-8272781 [macOS] not all KEY_PRESSED events sent when control modifier is used
JDK-8271332 [macOS] Remove disabled warning for JNF in make/autoconf/flags-cflags.m4
JDK-8273223 [macOS] Update named used for Java run loop mode
JDK-8273671 Backport of 8260616 misses one JNF header inclusion removal
JDK-8270933 c2 loop unrolling by 8 results in reading memory past array
JDK-8273703 Compilation failure in PLATFORM_API_MacOSX_MidiUtils.c with Xcode 12.5
JDK-8271407 Do not use objc_msgSend_stret to get macOS version
JDK-8271333 Make IsClassUnloadingEnabled signature match specification
JDK-8272782 RunThese24H.java failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status

William Kemper, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8270285 Corrupt oop in ClassLoaderData

Yuri Nesterenko, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8269356 Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-15.0.5
JDK-8271462 com.sun.net.HttpsServer spins on TLS session close
JDK-8273996 Inconsistent TLS protocol version in debug output
JDK-8271404 libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows
JDK-8271554 Password is being converted to String in AccessibleJPasswordField
JDK-8271534 StartTlsResponse.close() hangs due to synchronization issues
JDK-8271464 Update the text handling in the JPasswordField