This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Sat Sep 07 06:37:53 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
1 P1
44 P2
162 P3
755 P4
42 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
1004 100% Total
537 53.5% hotspot
180 17.9% hotspot/compiler
169 16.8% hotspot/runtime
108 10.8% hotspot/gc
38 3.8% hotspot/jfr
19 1.9% hotspot/jvmti
9 0.9% hotspot/test
8 0.8% hotspot/svc
5 0.5% hotspot/svc-agent
1 0.1% hotspot/other
218 21.7% core-libs
49 4.9% core-libs/java.lang.classfile
25 2.5% core-libs/java.lang
22 2.2% core-libs/java.nio
19 1.9% core-libs/java.net
14 1.4% core-libs/java.lang.foreign
12 1.2% core-libs
11 1.1% core-libs/java.text
9 0.9% core-libs/java.lang.invoke
7 0.7% core-libs/java.util.concurrent
6 0.6% core-libs/java.util
6 0.6% core-libs/java.util:i18n
6 0.6% core-libs/java.util.jar
6 0.6% core-libs/java.lang:reflect
5 0.5% core-libs/java.time
4 0.4% core-libs/java.io
3 0.3% core-libs/java.util.stream
3 0.3% core-libs/javax.lang.model
2 0.2% core-libs/java.io:serialization
2 0.2% core-libs/javax.naming
2 0.2% core-libs/java.util:collections
1 0.1% core-libs/java.lang:class_loading
1 0.1% core-libs/java.nio.charsets
1 0.1% core-libs/java.util.regex
1 0.1% core-libs/java.lang.module
1 0.1% core-libs/java.math
67 6.7% tools
35 3.5% tools/javac
16 1.6% tools/javadoc(tool)
5 0.5% tools/jshell
3 0.3% tools/jpackage
3 0.3% tools/launcher
2 0.2% tools/javap
2 0.2% tools/jlink
1 0.1% tools
63 6.3% client-libs
29 2.9% client-libs/javax.swing
16 1.6% client-libs/java.awt
9 0.9% client-libs/2d
6 0.6% client-libs
1 0.1% client-libs/demo
1 0.1% client-libs/javax.imageio
1 0.1% client-libs/javax.accessibility
42 4.2% infrastructure
39 3.9% infrastructure/build
3 0.3% infrastructure
38 3.8% core-svc
13 1.3% core-svc/debugger
9 0.9% core-svc/tools
8 0.8% core-svc/javax.management
4 0.4% core-svc/java.lang.instrument
4 0.4% core-svc/java.lang.management
35 3.5% security-libs
16 1.6% security-libs/java.security
8 0.8% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
4 0.4% security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11
3 0.3% security-libs/javax.crypto
2 0.2% security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5
1 0.1% security-libs/jdk.security
1 0.1% security-libs/javax.security
1 0.1% deploy
1 0.1% deploy
1 0.1% globalization
1 0.1% globalization/translation
1 0.1% other-libs
1 0.1% other-libs/other
1 0.1% xml
1 0.1% xml/org.w3c.dom

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
1004 100% Total
623 62.1% Oracle
43 4.3% Albert Yang
42 4.2% Kim Barrett
23 2.3% Erik Gahlin
16 1.6% Kevin Walls
16 1.6% Chris Plummer
15 1.5% David Holmes
15 1.5% Daniel Fuchs
14 1.4% Leonid Mesnik
14 1.4% Emanuel Peter
13 1.3% Nizar Benalla
13 1.3% Jaikiran Pai
13 1.3% Jan Lahoda
13 1.3% Prasanta Sadhukhan
13 1.3% Coleen Phillimore
13 1.3% Vladimir Kozlov
13 1.3% Joe Darcy
12 1.2% Maurizio Cimadamore
12 1.2% Claes Redestad
11 1.1% Magnus Ihse Bursie
10 1.0% Adam Sotona
10 1.0% Axel Boldt-Christmas
10 1.0% Markus Grönlund
10 1.0% Justin Lu
9 0.9% Abhishek Kumar
9 0.9% Naoto Sato
8 0.8% Matias Saavedra Silva
8 0.8% Christian Hagedorn
7 0.7% Thomas Schatzl
7 0.7% Brian Burkhalter
7 0.7% Alex Menkov
7 0.7% Johan Sjölen
6 0.6% Douglas Simon
6 0.6% Fernando Guallini
6 0.6% Tejesh R
6 0.6% Pavel Rappo
6 0.6% joel.sikstrom
6 0.6% Jorn Vernee
5 0.5% Ioi Lam
5 0.5% Alan Bateman
5 0.5% Tobias Hartmann
5 0.5% Alexander Zvegintsev
5 0.5% Ivan Walulya
5 0.5% Per-Ake Minborg
5 0.5% Viktor Klang
4 0.4% Weijun Wang
4 0.4% Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar
4 0.4% Alisen Chung
4 0.4% Philip Race
4 0.4% Serguei Spitsyn
4 0.4% Matthew Donovan
4 0.4% Hannes Wallnoefer
3 0.3% Mark Powers
3 0.3% Anthony Scarpino
3 0.3% Stefan Karlsson
3 0.3% Yudi Zheng
3 0.3% Alexey Ivanov
3 0.3% Manukumar V S
3 0.3% Calvin Cheung
3 0.3% Evgeny Nikitin
3 0.3% Daniel Daugherty
3 0.3% Christian Stein
3 0.3% casper.norrbin
2 0.2% Patricio Chilano Mateo
2 0.2% Haimay Chao
2 0.2% Daniel Lunden
2 0.2% Roger Riggs
2 0.2% Erik Österlund
2 0.2% Dean Long
2 0.2% Daniel Jelinski
2 0.2% Renjith Kannath Pariyangad
2 0.2% Afshin Zafari
2 0.2% Jonathan Gibbons
2 0.2% Raffaello Giulietti
2 0.2% Lawrence Andrews
2 0.2% Aleksej Efimov
2 0.2% yagmur.eren
2 0.2% Damon Nguyen
2 0.2% Ben Perez
1 0.1% Harshitha Onkar
1 0.1% Sibabrata Sahoo
1 0.1% Sean Mullan
1 0.1% Kevin Rushforth
1 0.1% Roberto Castaneda Lozano
1 0.1% Darragh Clarke
1 0.1% Gergö Barany
1 0.1% Brent Christian
1 0.1% David Leopoldseder
1 0.1% Tom Rodriguez
1 0.1% Angelos Bimpoudis
1 0.1% vanitha.b.p
1 0.1% Prajwal Kumaraswamy
1 0.1% Damon Fenacci
1 0.1% Alexey Semenyuk
1 0.1% Aleksandre Iline
1 0.1% jena.nibedita
1 0.1% Sundararajan Athijegannathan
1 0.1% Jamil Nimeh
1 0.1% larry.cable
1 0.1% Mark Reinhold
1 0.1% Vladimir Ivanov
1 0.1% artur.barashev
1 0.1% Joe Wang
1 0.1% Gerard Ziemski
1 0.1% Jayathirth D V
1 0.1% carlo.refice
1 0.1% Joakim Nordström
1 0.1% Zhao Song
1 0.1% Tomáš Zezula
1 0.1% Rajan Halade
1 0.1% ferenc.r.rakoczi
1 0.1% Vanitha.b.p
98 9.8% Independent
40 4.0% Chen Liang
13 1.3% Gui Cao
6 0.6% Archie Cobbs
5 0.5% Andrey Turbanov
4 0.4% Jasmine Karthikeyan
4 0.4% Zhengyu Gu
3 0.3% Hannes Greule
3 0.3% Eirik Bjørsnøs
3 0.3% Fei Yang
2 0.2% Doug Lea
2 0.2% Julian Waters
2 0.2% imediava
2 0.2% Kangcheng Xu
1 0.1% Attila Szegedi
1 0.1% daniel.gredler
1 0.1% 51378941+fabioromano1
1 0.1% badalov.turxan
1 0.1% Quan Anh Mai
1 0.1% Chihiro Ito
1 0.1% 124714317+Evemose
1 0.1% tomas.zezula
1 0.1% Marc Hoffmann
59 5.9% Red Hat
15 1.5% Thomas Stuefe
14 1.4% Sonia Zaldana Calles
11 1.1% Roland Westrelin
5 0.5% Severin Gehwolf
4 0.4% Robert Toyonaga
3 0.3% Andrew Dinn
2 0.2% Zdenek Zambersky
1 0.1% Andrew Haley
1 0.1% Martin Balao
1 0.1% Francisco Ferrari Bihurriet
1 0.1% Ashutosh Mehra
1 0.1% David Lloyd
56 5.6% Amazon
23 2.3% Aleksey Shipilev
8 0.8% Xiaolong Peng
7 0.7% Neethu Prasad
4 0.4% William Kemper
3 0.3% Volker Simonis
2 0.2% hny
2 0.2% satyenme
2 0.2% Kelvin Nilsen
1 0.1% sgwizdak
1 0.1% Ben Taylor
1 0.1% Elif Aslan
1 0.1% jengebr
1 0.1% Sergey Bylokhov
54 5.4% Alibaba
26 2.6% Shaojin Wen
17 1.7% Sendao Yan
3 0.3% Qizheng Xing
2 0.2% Kuai Wei
2 0.2% Yude Lin
1 0.1% lingjun.cg
1 0.1% Liang Mao
1 0.1% Jiawei Tang
1 0.1% Joshua Zhu
48 4.8% SAP
34 3.4% Matthias Baesken
4 0.4% Christoph Langer
4 0.4% Martin Doerr
3 0.3% Richard Reingruber
2 0.2% Lucy Schmidt
1 0.1% Joachim Kern
13 1.3% IBM
8 0.8% Amit Kumar
3 0.3% Suchismith Roy
2 0.2% Varada M
10 1.0% Huawei
8 0.8% Hamlin Li
2 0.2% Feilong Jiang
8 0.8% Google
7 0.7% Liam Miller-Cushon
1 0.1% Jiangli Zhou
7 0.7% Intel
4 0.4% Jatin Bhateja
1 0.1% Scott Gibbons
1 0.1% Sandhya Viswanathan
1 0.1% Volodymyr Paprotski
4 0.4% ARM
3 0.3% Fei Gao
1 0.1% Bhavana Kilambi
4 0.4% Microsoft
1 0.1% Saint Wesonga
1 0.1% Brian Stafford
1 0.1% Cesar Soares
1 0.1% George Adams
3 0.3% Canonical
3 0.3% Vladimir Petko
3 0.3% Rivos
3 0.3% Robbin Ehn
3 0.3% Syntacore
3 0.3% arseny.bochkarev
2 0.2% Azul
2 0.2% Jan Kratochvil
2 0.2% BellSoft
1 0.1% Dmitry Chuyko
1 0.1% Aleksei Voitylov
2 0.2% Tencent
2 0.2% Jie Fu
1 0.1% @palantir.com
1 0.1% davids
1 0.1% Ampere
1 0.1% Liming Liu
1 0.1% Fujitsu
1 0.1% Takuya Kiriyama
1 0.1% JetBrains
1 0.1% Alexey Ushakov
1 0.1% NTT DATA
1 0.1% Koichi Sakata
Count Committer
1004 100% Total
624 62.2% Oracle
43 4.3% Albert Yang
42 4.2% Kim Barrett
23 2.3% Erik Gahlin
16 1.6% Kevin Walls
16 1.6% Chris Plummer
15 1.5% David Holmes
15 1.5% Daniel Fuchs
14 1.4% Leonid Mesnik
14 1.4% Emanuel Peter
13 1.3% Nizar Benalla
13 1.3% Jaikiran Pai
13 1.3% Jan Lahoda
13 1.3% Prasanta Sadhukhan
13 1.3% Coleen Phillimore
13 1.3% Vladimir Kozlov
13 1.3% Joe Darcy
12 1.2% Maurizio Cimadamore
12 1.2% Claes Redestad
11 1.1% Magnus Ihse Bursie
10 1.0% Adam Sotona
10 1.0% Axel Boldt-Christmas
10 1.0% Markus Grönlund
10 1.0% Justin Lu
9 0.9% Abhishek Kumar
9 0.9% Naoto Sato
8 0.8% Matias Saavedra Silva
8 0.8% Christian Hagedorn
7 0.7% Thomas Schatzl
7 0.7% Brian Burkhalter
7 0.7% Alex Menkov
7 0.7% Johan Sjölen
6 0.6% Douglas Simon
6 0.6% Fernando Guallini
6 0.6% Tejesh R
6 0.6% Pavel Rappo
6 0.6% joel.sikstrom
6 0.6% Jorn Vernee
5 0.5% Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar
5 0.5% Ioi Lam
5 0.5% Alan Bateman
5 0.5% Tobias Hartmann
5 0.5% Alexander Zvegintsev
5 0.5% Ivan Walulya
5 0.5% Per-Ake Minborg
5 0.5% Viktor Klang
4 0.4% Weijun Wang
4 0.4% Alisen Chung
4 0.4% Philip Race
4 0.4% Serguei Spitsyn
4 0.4% Matthew Donovan
4 0.4% Hannes Wallnoefer
3 0.3% Mark Powers
3 0.3% Anthony Scarpino
3 0.3% Stefan Karlsson
3 0.3% Yudi Zheng
3 0.3% Alexey Ivanov
3 0.3% Manukumar V S
3 0.3% Calvin Cheung
3 0.3% Evgeny Nikitin
3 0.3% Daniel Daugherty
3 0.3% Christian Stein
3 0.3% casper.norrbin
2 0.2% Patricio Chilano Mateo
2 0.2% Haimay Chao
2 0.2% Daniel Lunden
2 0.2% Roger Riggs
2 0.2% Erik Österlund
2 0.2% Dean Long
2 0.2% Daniel Jelinski
2 0.2% Renjith Kannath Pariyangad
2 0.2% Afshin Zafari
2 0.2% Jonathan Gibbons
2 0.2% Raffaello Giulietti
2 0.2% Lawrence Andrews
2 0.2% Aleksej Efimov
2 0.2% yagmur.eren
2 0.2% Damon Nguyen
2 0.2% Ben Perez
1 0.1% Harshitha Onkar
1 0.1% Sibabrata Sahoo
1 0.1% Sean Mullan
1 0.1% Kevin Rushforth
1 0.1% Roberto Castaneda Lozano
1 0.1% Darragh Clarke
1 0.1% Gergö Barany
1 0.1% Brent Christian
1 0.1% David Leopoldseder
1 0.1% Tom Rodriguez
1 0.1% Angelos Bimpoudis
1 0.1% vanitha.b.p
1 0.1% Prajwal Kumaraswamy
1 0.1% Damon Fenacci
1 0.1% Alexey Semenyuk
1 0.1% Aleksandre Iline
1 0.1% jena.nibedita
1 0.1% Sundararajan Athijegannathan
1 0.1% Jamil Nimeh
1 0.1% larry.cable
1 0.1% Mark Reinhold
1 0.1% Vladimir Ivanov
1 0.1% artur.barashev
1 0.1% Joe Wang
1 0.1% Gerard Ziemski
1 0.1% Jayathirth D V
1 0.1% carlo.refice
1 0.1% Joakim Nordström
1 0.1% Zhao Song
1 0.1% Tomáš Zezula
1 0.1% Rajan Halade
1 0.1% ferenc.r.rakoczi
1 0.1% Vanitha.b.p
97 9.7% Independent
40 4.0% Chen Liang
13 1.3% Gui Cao
5 0.5% Archie Cobbs
5 0.5% Andrey Turbanov
4 0.4% Jasmine Karthikeyan
4 0.4% Zhengyu Gu
3 0.3% Hannes Greule
3 0.3% Eirik Bjørsnøs
3 0.3% Fei Yang
2 0.2% Doug Lea
2 0.2% Julian Waters
2 0.2% imediava
2 0.2% Kangcheng Xu
1 0.1% Attila Szegedi
1 0.1% daniel.gredler
1 0.1% 51378941+fabioromano1
1 0.1% badalov.turxan
1 0.1% Quan Anh Mai
1 0.1% Chihiro Ito
1 0.1% 124714317+Evemose
1 0.1% tomas.zezula
1 0.1% Marc Hoffmann
59 5.9% Red Hat
15 1.5% Thomas Stuefe
14 1.4% Sonia Zaldana Calles
11 1.1% Roland Westrelin
5 0.5% Severin Gehwolf
4 0.4% Robert Toyonaga
3 0.3% Andrew Dinn
2 0.2% Zdenek Zambersky
1 0.1% Andrew Haley
1 0.1% Martin Balao
1 0.1% Francisco Ferrari Bihurriet
1 0.1% Ashutosh Mehra
1 0.1% David Lloyd
56 5.6% Amazon
23 2.3% Aleksey Shipilev
8 0.8% Xiaolong Peng
7 0.7% Neethu Prasad
4 0.4% William Kemper
3 0.3% Volker Simonis
2 0.2% hny
2 0.2% satyenme
2 0.2% Kelvin Nilsen
1 0.1% sgwizdak
1 0.1% Ben Taylor
1 0.1% Elif Aslan
1 0.1% jengebr
1 0.1% Sergey Bylokhov
54 5.4% Alibaba
26 2.6% Shaojin Wen
17 1.7% Sendao Yan
3 0.3% Qizheng Xing
2 0.2% Kuai Wei
2 0.2% Yude Lin
1 0.1% lingjun.cg
1 0.1% Liang Mao
1 0.1% Jiawei Tang
1 0.1% Joshua Zhu
48 4.8% SAP
34 3.4% Matthias Baesken
4 0.4% Christoph Langer
4 0.4% Martin Doerr
3 0.3% Richard Reingruber
2 0.2% Lucy Schmidt
1 0.1% Joachim Kern
13 1.3% IBM
8 0.8% Amit Kumar
3 0.3% Suchismith Roy
2 0.2% Varada M
10 1.0% Huawei
8 0.8% Hamlin Li
2 0.2% Feilong Jiang
8 0.8% Google
7 0.7% Liam Miller-Cushon
1 0.1% Jiangli Zhou
7 0.7% Intel
4 0.4% Jatin Bhateja
1 0.1% Scott Gibbons
1 0.1% Sandhya Viswanathan
1 0.1% Volodymyr Paprotski
4 0.4% ARM
3 0.3% Fei Gao
1 0.1% Bhavana Kilambi
4 0.4% Microsoft
1 0.1% Saint Wesonga
1 0.1% Brian Stafford
1 0.1% Cesar Soares
1 0.1% George Adams
3 0.3% Canonical
3 0.3% Vladimir Petko
3 0.3% Rivos
3 0.3% Robbin Ehn
3 0.3% Syntacore
3 0.3% arseny.bochkarev
2 0.2% Azul
2 0.2% Jan Kratochvil
2 0.2% BellSoft
1 0.1% Dmitry Chuyko
1 0.1% Aleksei Voitylov
2 0.2% Tencent
2 0.2% Jie Fu
1 0.1% @palantir.com
1 0.1% davids
1 0.1% Ampere
1 0.1% Liming Liu
1 0.1% Fujitsu
1 0.1% Takuya Kiriyama
1 0.1% JetBrains
1 0.1% Alexey Ushakov
1 0.1% NTT DATA
1 0.1% Koichi Sakata

Chronological push log:

UTC Time Priority Component Bug Summary This Release Push By Original Push By
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2024/09/06 18:37 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8339635 StringConcatFactory optimization for CompactStrings off Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/06 17:32 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338123 Linker crash when building a downcall handle with many arguments in x64 Jorn Vernee Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/06 14:57 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339519 Remove size field from instructions Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/06 13:57 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339466 Enumerate shared stubs and define static fields and names via declarations Andrew Dinn Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/09/06 13:38 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339317 Optimize ClassFile writeBuffer Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/06 12:37 P4 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8339642 Reduce overheads in InvokerBytecodeGenerator Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/06 12:27 P4 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8339640 Reduce construction overheads in StringConcatFactory$InlineHiddenClassStrategy Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/06 12:04 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8339592 Simplify and remove unused code in ObjectMethods. Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/06 12:01 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339168 Optimize ClassFile Util slotSize Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/06 11:42 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339576 Speed up raw bytecode processing in ClassFile API Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/06 07:43 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339368 Switch targets are not inflated in CodeModel if no StackMap Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/06 06:44 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8330159 [C2] Remove or clarify Compile::init_start yagmur.eren Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/06 02:01 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8339548 GHA: RISC-V: Use Debian snapshot archive for bootstrap Fei Yang Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/05 20:17 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8339347 keytool -importpass insists prompting the user even if there is no terminal Haimay Chao Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 18:11 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8339285 Test fails with assert(depth < max_critical_stack_depth) failed: can't have more than 10 critical frames Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 16:34 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339342 FieldAllocationCount is mostly unused Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 15:51 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338100 C2: assert(!n_loop->is_member(get_loop(lca))) failed: control must not be back in the loop Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/09/05 15:46 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8338133 Cleanup direct use of `new HtmlTree` Jonathan Gibbons Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 15:44 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332423 [PPC64] Remove C1_MacroAssembler::call_c_with_frame_resize Suchismith Roy IBM (same) (same)
2024/09/05 15:34 P4 security-libs/javax.security JDK-8329959 Update DigestMD5Client.java - fix typo in javadoc string artur.barashev Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 15:12 P2 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339619 ProblemList runtime/cds/appcds/jvmti/dumpingWithAgent/DumpingWithJavaAgent.java Daniel Daugherty Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 15:03 P3 core-libs/java.io JDK-8003887 File.getCanonicalFile() does not resolve symlinks on MS Windows Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 13:49 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339540 Unify include requirements for PlatformMonitor/Mutex constructors/destructors Stefan Karlsson Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 13:39 P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8339579 ZGC: Race results in only one of two remembered sets being cleared joel.sikstrom Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 13:14 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8337951 Test sun/security/validator/samedn.sh CertificateNotYetValidException: NotBefore validation Fernando Guallini Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 13:10 P3 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338591 Improve performance of MemorySegment::copy Per-Ake Minborg Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 11:45 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339290 Optimize ClassFile Utf8EntryImpl#writeTo Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/05 10:52 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338971 IGV: Add incrementally inlined method name to phase name Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 09:26 P5 hotspot/svc JDK-8339384 Unintentional IOException in jdk.jdi module when JDWP end of stream occurs yagmur.eren Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 08:18 P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8339369 G1: TestVerificationInConcurrentCycle.java fails with "Missing rem set entry" when using "-XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=0 -XX:G1UpdateBufferSize=2" Ivan Walulya Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/05 07:01 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332461 ubsan : dependencies.cpp:906:3: runtime error: load of value 4294967295, which is not a valid value for type 'DepType' Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/09/04 23:58 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339316 Test runtime/exceptionMsgs/NoClassDefFoundError/NoClassDefFoundErrorTest.java fails after JDK-8338257 David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 22:45 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8338937 Optimize the string concatenation of ClassDesc Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/04 20:49 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338530 CDS warning Skipping java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLL Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 20:05 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8339233 Test javax/swing/JButton/SwingButtonResizeTestWithOpenGL.java#id failed: Button renderings are different after window resize Manukumar V S Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 17:25 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338924 C1: assert(0 <= i && i < _len) failed: illegal index 5 for length 5 Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 16:46 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339492 StackMapDecoder::writeFrames makes lots of allocations David Lloyd Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/09/04 16:37 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8332901 Select{Current,New}ItemTest.java for Choice don't open popup on macOS Alexey Ivanov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 16:21 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339148 Make os::Linux::active_processor_count() public Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/09/04 15:48 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339112 Move JVM Klass flags out of AccessFlags Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 13:44 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336860 x86: Change integer src operand for CMoveL of 0 and 1 to long Jasmine Karthikeyan Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/04 13:40 P3 core-libs/java.util:collections JDK-8325679 Optimize ArrayList subList sort Attila Szegedi Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/04 12:29 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339131 Remove rarely-used accessor methods from Opcode Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/04 12:08 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8339486 JFR: Modernize Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 10:35 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8339371 jlink.log warning when building after JDK-8338404 Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 09:09 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8339163 ZGC: Race in clearing of remembered sets joel.sikstrom Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 08:56 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8339399 ZGC: Remove unnecessary page reset when splitting pages joel.sikstrom Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 07:09 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8339300 CollectorPolicy.young_scaled_initial_ergo_vm gtest fails on ppc64 based platforms Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/09/04 05:05 P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8190329 [macos] Swing InterOp Platform.exit() crash Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 04:26 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8308588 Unnecessary synchronized on GTKStyle#ICONS_MAP can be removed Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/04 03:41 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8328877 [JNI] The JNI Specification needs to address the limitations of integer UTF-8 String lengths David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 19:55 P3 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8337664 Distrust TLS server certificates issued after Oct 2024 and anchored by Entrust Root CAs Mark Powers Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 19:51 P4 hotspot/svc-agent JDK-8337163 Improve SA error message when failing to attach to a core file Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 19:06 P3 hotspot/svc-agent JDK-8311993 Test serviceability/sa/UniqueVtableTest.java failed: duplicate vtables detected Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 19:06 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8338708 Don't create/destroy debug agent cmdQueueLock for each connection Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 19:04 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337265 Test static-libs build in GitHub Actions Douglas Simon Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 19:01 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8337317 serviceability/jvmti tests failed with FATAL ERROR in native method: Failed during the GetClassSignature call Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 15:32 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339419 [s390x] Problemlist compiler/c2/irTests/TestIfMinMax.java Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/09/03 15:31 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8338916 Build warnings about overriding recipe for jvm-ldflags.txt Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 15:31 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8339336 Fix build system whitespace to adhere to coding conventions Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 13:44 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339214 Remove misleading CodeBuilder.loadConstant(Opcode, ConstantDesc) Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/03 13:32 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8338740 java/net/httpclient/HttpsTunnelAuthTest.java fails with java.io.IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 12:55 P4 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8325397 sun/java2d/Disposer/TestDisposerRace.java fails in linux-aarch64 Viktor Klang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 12:05 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339401 Optimize ClassFile load and store instructions Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/03 12:02 P2 infrastructure/build JDK-8339364 AIX build fails: various unused variable and function warnings Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/09/03 10:25 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338967 Improve performance for MemorySegment::fill Per-Ake Minborg Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 09:45 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8326615 C1/C2 don't handle allocation failure properly during initialization (RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub fatal crash) Damon Fenacci Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 09:27 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339411 [PPC64] cmpxchgw/h/b doesn't handle external Label Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same)
2024/09/03 07:56 P4 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8338817 Wrong indent in API docs for java.lang.management.ManagementFactory Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 07:56 P4 core-svc/java.lang.management JDK-8338891 HotSpotDiagnosticsMXBean missing @since tag Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/03 06:58 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339359 RISC-V: Use auipc explicitly in far_jump and far_call macro assembler routines Fei Yang Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/03 06:58 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334724 C2: remove PhaseIdealLoop::cast_incr_before_loop() Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/09/02 17:57 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339351 Remove duplicate line in FileMapHeader::print Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/02 15:37 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339063 [aarch64] Skip verify_sve_vector_length after native calls if SVE supports 128 bits VL only Joshua Zhu Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/09/02 14:52 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8256211 assert fired in java/net/httpclient/DependentPromiseActionsTest (infrequent) Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/02 09:32 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8339169 Remove NaiveHuffman coder Aleksej Efimov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/02 09:14 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8338768 Introduce runtime lookup to check for static builds Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/09/02 01:23 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339298 Remove unused function declaration poll_for_safepoint Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/09/01 16:13 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8338934 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/*Field*Watch/TestDescription.java tests timeout intermittently Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/31 01:44 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339248 RISC-V: Remove li64 macro assembler routine and related code Fei Yang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/31 01:13 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8311163 Parallel: Improve large object handling during evacuation Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 18:28 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8338882 Clarify matching order of MessageFormat subformat factory styles Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 17:28 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339115 Rename TypeKind enum constants to follow code style Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/30 17:17 P4 core-libs/java.io JDK-6426678 (spec) File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, dir) needs clarification for illegal symbols in suffix Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 16:43 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8339156 Use more fine-granular clang unused warnings Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 14:47 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339319 ProblemList runtime/exceptionMsgs/NoClassDefFoundError/NoClassDefFoundErrorTest.java Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 12:36 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8339191 JFR: Bulk read support for ChunkInputStream davids @palantir.com (same) (same)
2024/08/30 10:18 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8339166 java/lang/String/concat/HiddenClassUnloading.java fails on AIX and Linux ppc64le after JDK-8336856 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/30 08:58 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8339235 Fix indentation in build system Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 08:58 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8338404 Cross-compilation to different endianness fails after JDK-8318913 Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 08:11 P3 tools/javac JDK-8338301 Error recovery and reporting should be improved for erroneous implicitly declared classes Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/30 06:47 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337662 Improve os::print_hex_dump for printing Instructions sections Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/30 06:21 P5 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8339154 Cleanups and JUnit conversion of test/jdk/java/util/zip/Available.java Eirik Bjørsnøs Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/30 01:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339237 RISC-V: Builds fail after JDK-8339120 Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/29 21:21 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339196 Optimize BufWriterImpl#writeU1/U2/Int/Long Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/29 21:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339020 Remove unused HeapShared::calculate_oopmap Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 20:38 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338257 UTF8 lengths should be size_t not int David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 15:45 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339132 Make DirectCodeBuilder write through without allocating instruction objects Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/29 11:23 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335062 NMT: Make StackIndex non-opaque Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 10:06 P4 tools/jshell JDK-8338281 jshell does not run shutdown hooks Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 09:57 P5 core-libs/java.nio.charsets JDK-8339017 Make a couple of fields in DoubleByte static Andrey Turbanov Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/29 08:54 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8338569 HTTP/1.1 CleanupTrigger may be triggerred after the next exchange started Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 07:29 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8339120 Use more fine-granular gcc unused warnings Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 07:07 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333098 ubsan: bytecodeInfo.cpp:318:59: runtime error: division by zero Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/29 06:28 P4 tools/javac JDK-8338678 Erroneous parameterized type represented as Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 06:25 P4 tools/javac JDK-8324859 Improve error recovery Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 05:34 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8327381 Refactor type-improving transformations in BoolNode::Ideal to BoolNode::Value Kangcheng Xu Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/29 05:03 P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8336873 BasicSplitPaneDivider:oneTouchExpandableChanged() should mention that implementation depends on SplitPane.supportsOneTouchButtons property Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/29 00:34 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335120 assert(!target->can_be_statically_bound() || target == cha_monomorphic_target) failed Dean Long Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 22:54 P4 core-libs/java.lang:class_loading JDK-8338716 Re-visit "interrupt handling" in jdk.internal.loader.Resource Brent Christian Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 21:16 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338888 SystemDictionary::class_name_symbol has incorrect length check David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 21:14 P4 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8339126 JNI exception pending in Inflater.c Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 20:18 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8258483 [TESTBUG] gtest CollectorPolicy.young_scaled_initial_ergo_vm fails if heap is too small Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 20:17 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8339030 frame::print_value_on(outputStream* st, JavaThread *thread) doesn't need thread argument Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 18:22 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8339167 Remove AbstractPoolEntry.PrimitiveEntry to reduce boxing overheads Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 18:16 P4 core-libs/java.util JDK-8338897 Small startup regression remains after JDK-8309622 and JDK-8331932 Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 17:54 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8338103 Stabilize and open source a Swing OGL ButtonResizeTest Manukumar V S Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 17:24 P2 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8328608 Multiple NewSessionTicket support for TLS Anthony Scarpino Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 16:47 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339175 ProblemList runtime/interpreter/LastJsrTest.java on all platforms with Xcomp Daniel Daugherty Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 15:23 P4 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8338729 Retire the test jdk/java/util/zip/TestZipError.java Eirik Bjørsnøs Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/28 13:28 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8339160 [BACKOUT] JDK-8338440 Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 12:19 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8339149 jfr_flush_event_writer - return value type mismatch Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 11:01 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8322036 Improve help output from the javadoc tool Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 10:22 P3 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338731 MemoryLayout::offsetHandle can return a negative offset Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 09:29 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8338445 jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath may leak JarFile instance when dealing with unexpected Class-Path entry in manifest Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/28 04:43 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8338041 Keyboard Navigation of JTable, Ctrl Shift RIGHT/LEFT doesn't follow native action in GTK L&F Tejesh R Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 22:10 P4 core-libs/java.time JDK-8337832 Optimize datetime toString Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/27 17:16 P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8332158 [XWayland] test/jdk/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java Alexander Zvegintsev Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 16:45 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336299 Improve GCLocker stall diagnostics Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/27 16:24 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338489 Typo in MemorySegment doc Per-Ake Minborg Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 16:20 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8314124 RISC-V: implement Base64 intrinsic - decoding Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/08/27 15:46 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338929 Make Metaspace::deallocate space-aware Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/27 15:34 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8338690 CompactNumberInstance.format incorrectly formats some numbers (few vs many) Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 15:18 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338440 Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 14:33 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338939 Simplify processing of hidden class names Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 14:26 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338728 Misc issues in memory layout javadoc Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 13:23 P4 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8338765 ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor struggles with extremely long delays Viktor Klang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 13:17 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338389 [JFR] Long strings should be added to the string pool Joakim Nordström Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 11:51 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338814 [PPC64] Unify interface of cmpxchg for different types Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/27 08:42 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338727 RISC-V: Avoid synthetic data dependency in nmethod barrier on Ztso Robbin Ehn Rivos (same) (same)
2024/08/27 07:23 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8298920 Improve microbenchmark build times Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 04:15 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8338668 Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8080628/bug8080628.java doesn't test for GTK L&F Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/27 04:13 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336289 Obliterate most references to _snprintf in the Windows JDK Julian Waters Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/27 00:24 P2 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338938 The result of the combine method of SettingsControl is not used Chihiro Ito Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/26 22:26 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338947 Deprecate the UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks flag and remove it in a future release David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/26 21:26 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335577 runtime/cds/appcds/TestParallelGCWithCDS.java still fails with JNI error Calvin Cheung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/26 20:26 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8338936 StringConcatFactory optimize the construction of MethodType and MethodTypeDesc Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/26 18:52 P4 client-libs/demo JDK-8338928 Update SwingSet2 "About" image to reference openjdk.org Philip Race Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/26 16:49 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338538 [JVMCI] Allow HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#getJObjectValue to be called by a HotSpot CompileBroker compiler thread tomas.zezula Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/26 15:58 P4 tools/javac JDK-8338906 Avoid passing EnumDescs and extra classes to type switch methods that don't use them Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/26 14:29 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338979 Avoid bootstrapped switches in the classfile API Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/26 09:17 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8331671 Implement JEP 472: Prepare to Restrict the Use of JNI Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/26 07:32 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338844 C2: remove useless code in PhaseIdealLoop::place_outside_loop() after 8335709 Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/26 07:31 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336830 C2: assert(get_loop(lca)->_nest < n_loop->_nest || lca->in(0)->is_NeverBranch()) failed: must not be moved into inner loop Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/24 00:05 P5 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8338785 The java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#FLAVOR_MAP_KEY field is not used Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/23 22:04 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338925 ProblemList runtime/interpreter/LastJsrTest.java on linux-all Daniel Daugherty Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 20:01 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8337715 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 37 Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 16:32 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8324048 (fc) Make FileKey fields final Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 15:16 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338700 AttributeMapper type parameter should be bounded by Attribute Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/23 10:51 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8329756 [macos] "javax/swing/JTable/KeyBoardNavigation.java" fail because most combinations of navigational keys with the Ctrl key do not work Tejesh R Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 09:59 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338819 JFR: Internal events causes crash when no other events are in use Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 09:30 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333334 C2: Make result of `Node::dominates` more precise to enhance scalar replacement Qizheng Xing Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/23 09:29 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338417 Explicitly pin a virtual thread before acquiring the JFR string pool monitor Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 09:26 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338745 Intrinsify Continuation.pin() and Continuation.unpin() Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 08:05 P5 core-libs/javax.lang.model JDK-8338834 Remove unused import declarations in java.compiler Pavel Rappo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 07:09 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337658 ZGC: Move soft reference handling out of the driver loop function Stefan Karlsson Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 06:26 P3 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8338630 Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SendReceiveMaxSize.java timeout Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/23 05:47 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338810 PPC, s390x: LightweightSynchronizer::exit asserts, missing lock Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/23 02:35 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8328880 Events::log_exception should limit the size of the logging message David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/22 21:41 P3 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8338696 (fs) BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() falls back to epoch if birth time is unavailable (Linux) Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/22 19:48 P2 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338856 [BACKOUT] JDK-8337828: CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/22 17:58 P4 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8338380 Update TLSCommon/interop/AbstractServer to specify an interface to listen for connections Matthew Donovan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/22 15:55 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335664 Parsing jsr broken: assert(bci>= 0 && bci < c->method()->code_size()) failed: index out of bounds Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/22 11:39 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338662 Shenandoah: Remove excessive ShenandoahVerifier::verify_during_evacuation Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/22 10:31 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8338290 Xcode project generator for hotspot Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/22 07:22 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338760 Adjust the comment after UseObjectMonitorTable Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/08/22 06:23 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334357 Use NonInterleavingLogStream for report_metadata_oome Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/21 22:10 P5 core-libs/java.util.stream JDK-8333265 De-duplicate method references in java.util.stream.FindOps Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/21 18:22 P4 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8338146 Improve Exchanger performance with VirtualThreads Doug Lea Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/21 16:10 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338688 Shenandoah: Avoid calling java_lang_Class accessors in asserts/verifier Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/21 15:11 P3 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8338677 Improve startup of memory access var handles by simplifying combinator chains Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/21 14:56 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8338532 Speed up the ClassFile API MethodTypeDesc#ofDescriptor Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/21 12:01 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338490 Serial: Move Generation::print_on to subclasses Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/21 11:58 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338545 Functional interface implementations for common pre-boot ClassFile operations Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/21 10:17 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338595 Add more linesize for MIME decoder in macro bench test Base64Decode Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/08/21 08:58 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338539 New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping: riscv64 implementation Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/21 08:23 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336498 [macos] [build]: install-file macro may run into permission denied error Lucy Schmidt SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/21 08:19 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338661 StackMapTable is invalid if frames appear in dead code Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/21 08:17 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337828 CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/21 07:04 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-6318027 BasicScrollBarUI does not disable timer when enclosing frame is disabled. Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/21 01:05 P4 core-libs/java.lang:reflect JDK-8336934 Clean up JavaLangReflectAccess Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/20 23:34 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8338482 com/sun/jdi/ThreadMemoryLeakTest.java requires that compressed oops are enabled Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 19:02 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336756 Improve ClassFile Annotation writing Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/20 18:50 P4 core-libs/java.lang.module JDK-8338611 java.lang.module specification wording not aligned with JEP 261 Mark Reinhold Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 18:41 P3 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8205957 setfldw001/TestDescription.java fails with bad field value Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 15:51 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8336529 (fs) UnixFileAttributeViews setTimes() failing on armhf, Ubuntu noble Vladimir Petko Canonical (same) (same)
2024/08/20 15:47 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336729 C2: Div/Mod nodes without zero check could be split through iv phi of outer loop of long counted loop nest resulting in SIGFPE Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 14:44 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338623 StackCounter adding extraneous slots for receiver invoke instructions Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/20 14:38 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8282944 GHA: Add Alpine Linux x86_64 pre-integration check George Adams Microsoft (same) (same)
2024/08/20 12:28 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8336817 Several methods on DatagramSocket and MulticastSocket do not specify behaviour when already closed or connected Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 11:10 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8324209 Check implementation of Expect: 100-continue in the java.net.http.HttpClient Darragh Clarke Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 10:43 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338550 Do libubsan1 installation in test container only if requested Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/20 09:54 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338365 [PPC64, s390] Out-of-bounds array access in secondary_super_cache Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/08/20 08:40 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337981 ShenandoahHeap::is_in should check for alive regions Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/20 06:15 P1 core-svc/java.lang.management JDK-8338139 {ClassLoading,Memory}MXBean::isVerbose methods are inconsistent with their setVerbose methods Stefan Karlsson Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/20 05:43 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338543 ClassBuilder withMethod builders should cache the method type symbol Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/19 18:05 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8281533 Odd "preview" label in link/linkplain Hannes Wallnoefer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 17:47 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8338190 TOC vertical offsets not updated when document size changes Hannes Wallnoefer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 16:43 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8321140 Add comment to note difference in Metal's JButton margins Damon Nguyen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 13:47 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8335771 Improve stability of java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel tests Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 12:57 P2 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8338452 (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive with timeout may block indefinitely if all datagrams blocked by SecurityManager Alan Bateman Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 12:57 P5 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338564 Remove obsolete AbstractNamedEntry::equals method Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 12:40 P4 client-libs JDK-8290501 Typo in javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel documentation Renjith Kannath Pariyangad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 10:42 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338512 JFR: Revert changes to TestCodeSweeper Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 09:08 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338314 JFR: Split JFRCheckpoint VM operation Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/19 09:00 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337987 Relocate jfr and throw_exception stubs from StubGenerator to SharedRuntime Andrew Dinn Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/19 07:17 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8337886 java/awt/Frame/MaximizeUndecoratedTest.java fails in OEL due to a slight color difference Manukumar V S Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 06:42 P5 client-libs JDK-8338488 Add screen capture for failure case Tejesh R Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/19 04:44 P4 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8335150 Test LogGeneratedClassesTest.java fails on rpmbuild mock enviroment Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/16 16:39 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8338469 com/sun/jdi/DataDumpTest.java failed with Not a debuggee, or not listening for debugger to attach Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/16 15:48 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336754 Remodel TypeAnnotation to "has" instead of "be" an Annotation Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/16 14:06 P5 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8338398 Trivially fix grammar and typos Pavel Rappo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/16 13:18 P3 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8336856 Efficient hidden class-based string concatenation strategy Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/16 11:24 P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8338495 Revert "8336655: java/net/httpclient/DigestEchoClient.java IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes" Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/16 08:49 P5 core-libs/java.text JDK-8337839 Make a few fields in MergeCollation static Andrey Turbanov Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/16 06:20 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8315884 New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 22:57 P4 core-libs/java.util JDK-8338409 Use record to simplify code Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/15 20:52 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8293650 Shenandoah: Support archived heap objects Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/15 18:20 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338447 Remove InstanceKlass::_is_marked_dependent Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 17:50 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338331 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from CHECK_0 in jni.cpp Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 17:50 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338406 BytecodeHelpers using wrong bootstrap method descriptor for condy Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/15 17:43 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338330 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from THROW_XXX_0 Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 16:47 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336915 Shenandoah: Remove unused ShenandoahVerifier::verify_after_evacuation satyenme Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/15 16:47 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336914 Shenandoah: Missing verification steps after JDK-8255765 satyenme Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/15 16:45 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338444 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahHumongousThreshold tunable Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/15 16:36 P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8328553 Get rid of JApplet in test/jdk/sanity/client/lib/SwingSet2/src/DemoModule.java Lawrence Andrews Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 15:34 P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8336655 java/net/httpclient/DigestEchoClient.java IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 15:16 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338442 AArch64: Clean up IndOffXX type and let legitimize_address() fix out-of-range operands Fei Gao ARM (same) (same)
2024/08/15 13:28 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338014 Improve usage of @jvms tags in class file API Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/15 11:24 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333791 Fix memory barriers for @Stable fields Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/15 08:50 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8338286 GHA: Demote x86_32 to hotspot build only Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/15 08:26 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336086 G1: Use one G1CardSet instance for all young regions Ivan Walulya Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/15 07:39 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8338304 clang on Linux - check for lld presence after JDK-8333189 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/15 05:36 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337102 JITTester: Fix breaks in static initialization blocks Evgeny Nikitin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 18:55 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338344 Test TestPrivilegedMode.java intermittent fails java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/test/lib/Platform Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/14 18:42 P4 core-libs/javax.lang.model JDK-8338333 Add jls links to javax.lang.model.element.Modifier Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 18:41 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8332488 Add JVMTI DataDumpRequest to the debug agent Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 17:58 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8337237 Use FFM instead of Unsafe for Java 2D RenderBuffer class Philip Race Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 16:56 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338110 Exclude Fingerprinter::do_type from ubsan checks Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/14 16:49 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338393 Parallel: Remove unused ParallelCompactData::clear_range Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 15:20 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8338402 GHA: some of bundles may not get removed Zdenek Zambersky Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/14 14:11 P4 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8332842 Optimize empty CopyOnWriteArrayList allocations jengebr Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/14 12:20 P4 tools/javac JDK-8337976 Insufficient error recovery in parser for switch inside class body Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 09:52 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338236 Compile error in cgroup code on Linux when using clang Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/14 09:16 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338280 Parallel: Inline ParallelCompactData::verify_clear Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 09:13 P5 hotspot/gc JDK-8338315 G1: G1CardTableEntryClosure:do_card_ptr remove unused parameter worker_id Ivan Walulya Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/14 06:28 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336163 Remove declarations of some debug-only methods in release build Qizheng Xing Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/14 05:42 P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8335181 Incorrect handling of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames in HttpClient Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 22:59 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8336854 CAInterop.java#actalisauthenticationrootca conflicted with /manual and /timeout Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/13 19:56 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336742 Shenandoah: Add more verbose logging/stats for mark termination attempts Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/13 18:03 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338158 Cleanup ShouldNotXXX uses in machnode.cpp Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 18:02 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338156 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 17:22 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335865 Shenandoah: Improve THP pretouch after JDK-8315923 Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/13 16:25 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8300800 UB: Shift exponent 32 is too large for 32-bit type 'int' Afshin Zafari Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 16:05 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8338142 (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive can use untimed-park when no timeout set Alan Bateman Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 15:14 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335927 Revisit AnnotationConstantValueEntry and AnnotationValue.OfConstant Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/13 15:05 P3 tools/javac JDK-8337998 CompletionFailure in getEnclosingType attaching type annotations Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/08/13 14:43 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337595 Remove empty statements in src/hotspot/share/memory/metaspace casper.norrbin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 13:13 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336148 Test runtime/locking/TestRecursiveMonitorChurn.java failed: Unexpected Inflation Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 11:48 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337318 Deoptimization::relock_objects fails assert(monitor->owner() == Thread::current()) failed: must be Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 09:51 P4 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8336384 AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire should cancel acquire when failing due to a LinkageError or other errors Viktor Klang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 08:11 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338202 Shenandoah: Improve handshake closure labels Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/13 08:10 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334475 UnsafeIntrinsicsTest.java#ZGenerationalDebug assert(!assert_on_failure) failed: Has low-order bits set Saint Wesonga Microsoft (same) (same)
2024/08/13 07:27 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338155 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings involving PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 05:52 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338124 C2 SuperWord: MulAddS2I input permutation still partially broken after JDK-8333840 Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 05:52 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335628 C2 SuperWord: cleanup: remove SuperWord::longer_type_for_conversion Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/13 05:46 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8338154 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in gtest framework Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 23:00 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338248 PartialArrayStateAllocator::Impl leaks Arena array Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/12 22:12 P4 hotspot/svc JDK-8338160 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in management.cpp Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 19:43 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8330535 Update nsk/jdb tests to use driver instead of othervm Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 19:28 P4 core-libs JDK-8338060 jdk/internal/util/ReferencedKeyTest should be more robust Roger Riggs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 17:56 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337622 IllegalArgumentException in java.lang.reflect.Field.get Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 17:26 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337815 Relax G1EvacStats atomic operations Ben Taylor Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/12 17:20 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337702 Use new ForwardExceptionNode to call StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry() Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 17:15 P3 tools/javac JDK-8337795 Type annotation attached to incorrect type during class reading Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/08/12 16:03 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338011 CDS archived heap object support for 64-bit Windows Ioi Lam Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 15:43 P4 tools/javac JDK-8337334 Test tools/javac/7142086/T7142086.java timeout with fastdebug binary Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/12 15:33 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8338108 Give better error message in configure if a full XCode is missing Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 13:52 P4 tools/javac JDK-8334466 Ambiguous method call with generics may cause FunctionDescriptorLookupError Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 12:09 P4 client-libs/javax.imageio JDK-8337681 PNGImageWriter uses much more memory than necessary daniel.gredler Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/12 10:58 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337938 ZUtils::alloc_aligned allocates without reporting to NMT joel.sikstrom Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/12 07:38 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337958 Out-of-bounds array access in secondary_super_cache Andrew Haley Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/12 07:32 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338101 remove old remap assertion in map_or_reserve_memory_aligned after JDK-8338058 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/12 06:26 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8338112 Test testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/TestPrivilegedMode.java fails with release build Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/11 18:34 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337709 Use allocated states for chunking large array processing Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 17:56 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337657 AArch64: No need for acquire fence in safepoint poll during JNI calls Dmitry Chuyko BellSoft (same) (same)
2024/08/09 17:08 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337797 Additional ExternalAddress cleanup Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 14:32 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8330191 Fix typo in precompiled.hpp casper.norrbin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 12:00 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338064 Give better error for ConcurrentHashTable corruption Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 11:28 P4 client-libs JDK-8338109 java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java duplicate in ProblemList Alexander Zvegintsev Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 09:24 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8313931 Javadoc: links to type parameters actually generate links to classes Hannes Wallnoefer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 09:12 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8314125 RISC-V: implement Base64 intrinsic - encoding Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/08/09 08:23 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8338036 Serial: Remove Generation::update_counters Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 07:53 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8338062 JFR: Remove TestStartDuration.java and TestStartName.java from ProblemList.txt Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 07:29 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337939 ZGC: Make assertions and checks less convoluted and explicit joel.sikstrom Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 07:20 P5 core-libs/java.io:serialization JDK-8337840 Remove redundant null check in ObjectOutputStream.writeProxyDesc Andrey Turbanov Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/09 07:17 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337876 [IR Framework] Add support for IR tests with @Stable Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 06:26 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338058 map_or_reserve_memory_aligned Windows enhance remap assertion Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/09 05:09 P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8335130 The test "javax/swing/plaf/synth/ComponentsOrientationSupport/5033822/bug5033822.java" fails because the background color of the tabs is displayed incorrectly. Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/09 02:59 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338019 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in riscv code Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/09 02:29 P3 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8337331 crash: pinned virtual thread will lead to jvm crash when running with the javaagent option Jiawei Tang Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/08/08 19:47 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8338010 WB_IsFrameDeoptimized miss ResourceMark Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 18:45 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8334780 Crash: assert(h_array_list.not_null()) failed: invariant Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 16:53 P4 core-libs/java.util JDK-8336926 jdk/internal/util/ReferencedKeyTest.java can fail with ConcurrentModificationException Roger Riggs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 16:31 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336849 Remove .llvm_addrsig section from JDK/VM static libraries (.a files) Jiangli Zhou Google (same) (same)
2024/08/08 16:11 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337683 Fix -Wconversion problem with arrayOop.hpp Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 15:52 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8338015 Fix "Java Java" typo in package info file of java.lang.classfile Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 14:38 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337994 [REDO] Native memory leak when not recording any events Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 10:57 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8225209 jdk/jfr/event/compiler/TestCodeSweeper.java fails Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 10:53 P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8337320 Update ProblemList.txt with tests known to fail on XWayland Alexander Zvegintsev Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 10:51 P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8329471 Remove GTK2 Alexander Zvegintsev Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 10:51 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8335267 [XWayland] move screencast tokens from .awt to .java folder Alexander Zvegintsev Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 10:40 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8233068 HIDPI: Linux: AWT Checkbox check mark is unscaled Tejesh R Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 10:38 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337982 Remove dead undef assrt0n casper.norrbin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 08:55 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335981 ProblemList runtime/Thread/TestAlwaysPreTouchStacks.java for MacOS Afshin Zafari Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/08 05:34 P4 core-libs/java.util:collections JDK-8337205 Typo in Stack vs Deque Method table in Deque specification badalov.turxan Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/08 05:22 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8337971 Problem list several jvmci tests on linux-riscv64 until JDK-8331704 is fixed Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/07 21:06 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8337826 Improve logging in OCSPTimeout and SimpleOCSPResponder to help diagnose JDK-8309754 Jamil Nimeh Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 20:25 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8337410 The makefiles should set problemlist and adjust timeout basing on the given VM flags Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 18:24 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8335172 Add manual steps to run security/auth/callback/TextCallbackHandler/Password.java test Fernando Guallini Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 17:41 P3 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8336846 assert(state->get_thread() == jt) failed: handshake unsafe conditions Serguei Spitsyn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 15:58 P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8337603 Change in behavior with -Djava.locale.useOldISOCodes=true Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 14:16 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8310675 Fix -Wconversion warnings in ZGC code joel.sikstrom Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 10:24 P2 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337975 [BACKOUT] Native memory leak when not recording any events Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 07:48 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335925 Serial: Move allocation API from Generation to subclasses Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/07 05:32 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337968 Problem list compiler/vectorapi/VectorRebracket128Test.java Tobias Hartmann Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 21:56 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8311990 Two JDI tests may interfere with each other Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 21:44 P2 core-svc/tools JDK-8337667 sun/tools/jcmd/TestJcmdPIDSubstitution.java is failing on mac and windows Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 21:10 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8235404 [macos] JOptionPane blocks drawing string on another component Alisen Chung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 20:15 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337786 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in aarch64 code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 20:11 P4 tools/launcher JDK-8337506 Disable "best-fit" mapping on Windows command line Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 16:37 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337887 [JVMCI] Clarify jdk.vm.ci.code.Architecture.getName javadoc Douglas Simon Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 14:01 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337780 RISC-V: C2: Change C calling convention for sp to NS Feilong Jiang Huawei (same) (same)
2024/08/06 13:22 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337654 Relocate uncommon trap stub from SharedRuntime to OptoRuntime Andrew Dinn Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/06 11:34 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332120 Potential compilation failure in istream.cpp:205 - loss of data on conversion Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 11:32 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8335121 Native memory leak when not recording any events Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 09:37 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8337344 Redundant javadoc at RasterPrinterJob.isCancelled Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 09:28 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337798 JFR: Remove jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/TestOnEvent.java from ProblemList.txt Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 09:07 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8332522 SwitchBootstraps::mappedEnumLookup constructs unused array Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 07:06 P4 client-libs JDK-8337810 ProblemList BasicDirectoryModel/LoaderThreadCount.java on Windows Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/06 06:59 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337642 Remove unused APIs of GCPolicyCounters Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 05:34 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337782 Use THROW_NULL instead of THROW_0 in pointer contexts in prims code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/06 02:16 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337788 RISC-V: Cleanup code in MacroAssembler::reserved_stack_check Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/05 23:29 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8335836 serviceability/jvmti/StartPhase/AllowedFunctions/AllowedFunctions.java fails with unexpected exit code: 112 Serguei Spitsyn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 20:05 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337783 Use THROW_NULL instead of THROW_0 in pointer contexts in misc runtime code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 19:53 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337785 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in x86 code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 18:42 P5 core-svc/debugger JDK-8337299 vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/stop_at/stop_at002/stop_at002.java failure goes undetected Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 17:58 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8337819 Update GHA JDKs to 22.0.2 Christoph Langer SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/05 16:57 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8337787 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings when JVMTI feature is disabled Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 16:53 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337784 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in linux/posix code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 15:09 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336928 GHA: Bundle artifacts removal broken Zdenek Zambersky Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/08/05 15:06 P4 core-libs/java.util JDK-8337712 Wrong javadoc in java.util.Date#toString(): "61" and right parenthesis Per-Ake Minborg Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 14:49 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336410 runtime/NMT/TotalMallocMmapDiffTest.java Total malloc diff is incorrect. Expected malloc diff range Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 14:09 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336489 Track scoped accesses in JVMCI compiled code carlo.refice Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 14:05 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8337283 configure.log is truncated when build dir is on different filesystem Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/08/05 13:17 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337779 test/jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/TestHiddenWait.java is a bit fragile Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 10:56 P3 core-libs/java.util.concurrent JDK-8336462 ConcurrentSkipListSet Javadoc incorrectly warns about size method complexity Viktor Klang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 09:52 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335257 Refactor code to create Initialized Assertion Predicates into separate class Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/05 05:57 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333144 docker tests do not work when ubsan is configured Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/08/05 05:13 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8334599 Improve code from JDK-8302671 Julian Waters Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/04 15:42 P2 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8337716 ByteBuffer hashCode implementations are inconsistent Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/03 13:08 P4 core-libs/java.math JDK-8334755 Asymptotically faster implementation of square root algorithm 51378941+fabioromano1 Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/03 06:21 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337396 Cleanup usage of ExternalAddess Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/02 17:53 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8335122 Reorganize internal low-level support for HTML in jdk.javadoc Jonathan Gibbons Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/02 15:51 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337676 JFR: Change the label of the throttle setting Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/02 13:06 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8337274 Remove repeated 'the' in StyleSheet.create{Small,Large}AttributeSet Alexey Ivanov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/02 11:47 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335059 Consider renaming ClassLoaderData::keep_alive Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/02 10:51 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337721 G1: Remove unused G1CollectedHeap::young_collection_verify_type Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 23:02 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337062 x86_64: Unordered add/mul reduction support for vector api Sandhya Viswanathan Intel (same) (same)
2024/08/01 19:02 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8334405 java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectWithConsumer.java#id0 failed in testWakeupDuringSelect Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 16:37 P4 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-4966250 SSLSessionContext.setSessionTimeout() documentation could be updated Mark Powers Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 14:41 P3 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8335638 Calling VarHandle.{access-mode} methods reflectively throws wrong exception Hannes Greule Independent (same) (same)
2024/08/01 14:36 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8324260 java/foreign/TestStubAllocFailure.java run timeout with -Xcomp Jorn Vernee Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 13:39 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337641 G1: Remove unused G1CollectedHeap::alloc_highest_free_region Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 11:40 P3 security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 JDK-8333317 Test sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java failed with: Invalid ECDH ServerKeyExchange signature Matthew Donovan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 08:14 P4 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8337473 Remove sun/management/jdp tests from ProblemList on Linux-aarch64, MacOSX Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 07:28 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337550 Add documentation to TestOutOfMemoryDuringInit.java Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 07:28 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337546 Remove unused GCCause::_adaptive_size_policy Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/08/01 03:35 P5 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8337457 Redundant Math.round call in AquaProgressBarUI#getStringPlacement Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 20:02 P4 hotspot/svc JDK-8331015 Obsolete -XX:+UseNotificationThread Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 18:05 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336495 Remove unnecessary casts in output.cpp Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/31 17:58 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337501 JFR: Use TimespanUnit Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 17:55 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336919 Cleanup and rename tags in placeholders code Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 16:24 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337027 Parallel: Obsolete BaseFootPrintEstimate Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 16:05 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8324345 Stack overflow during C2 compilation when splitting memory phi Daniel Lunden Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 15:16 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331090 Run Ideal_minmax before de-canonicalizing CMoves Jasmine Karthikeyan Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/31 14:43 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337421 RISC-V: client VM build failure after JDK-8335191 Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/31 13:17 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337523 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmci code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 13:15 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337418 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in prims code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 12:56 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336635 Add IR test for Reference.refersTo intrinsic Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/31 09:40 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336242 compiler/jvmci/jdk.vm.ci.code.test/src/jdk/vm/ci/code/test/SimpleDebugInfoTest.java failed assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(val)) failed: bad oop found (again) David Leopoldseder Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 08:08 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336912 G1: Undefined behavior for G1ConfidencePercent=0 Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/31 01:36 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337031 Improvements to CompilationMemoryStatistic Ashutosh Mehra Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/31 00:58 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337515 JVM_DumpAllStacks is dead code David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 22:35 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8325002 Exceptions::fthrow needs to ensure it truncates to a valid utf8 string David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 22:35 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8320561 Inconsistency in monitorinflation logging David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 21:19 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337415 Remove inappropriate Atomic access in FreeListAllocator Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 18:40 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8334492 DiagnosticCommands (jcmd) should accept %p in output filenames and substitute PID Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/30 17:41 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8337219 AccessFlags factories do not require necessary arguments Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/30 17:41 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336032 Enforce immutability of Lists used by ClassFile API Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/30 15:22 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8301403 Eliminate memory allocations in JVMFlag::printFlags during signal handling Gerard Ziemski Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 15:04 P4 tools/jpackage JDK-8336315 tools/jpackage/windows/WinChildProcessTest.java Failed: Check is calculator process is alive Vanitha.b.p Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 14:08 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334230 Optimize C2 classes layout Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/30 13:47 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8335907 JFR: Make SettingControls more robust Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 13:38 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336763 Parallel: Merge PCMarkAndPushClosure and PCIterateMarkAndPushClosure Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 12:40 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333354 ubsan: frame.inline.hpp:91:25: and src/hotspot/share/runtime/frame.inline.hpp:88:29: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'const struct SmallRegisterMap' Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/30 10:44 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8335610 DiagnosticFramework: CmdLine::is_executable() correction Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 09:32 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331126 [s390x] secondary_super_cache does not scale well Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/07/30 08:29 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337213 Shenandoah: Add verification for class mirrors Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/30 08:27 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336343 Add more known sysroot library locations for ALSA Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/30 07:24 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337416 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in misc. runtime code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/30 03:03 P5 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8337268 Redundant Math.ceil in StyleSheet.ListPainter#drawShape Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 21:58 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8337225 Demote maxStack and maxLocals from CodeModel to CodeAttribute Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/29 19:28 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8337285 Examine java.text.DecimalFormat API for api/implXxx tag usage Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 19:16 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-6381729 Javadoc for generic constructor doesn't document type parameter Archie Cobbs Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/29 16:55 P3 core-svc/debugger JDK-8332738 Debug agent can deadlock on callbackLock when using StackFrame.PopFrames Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 16:43 P2 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8337300 java/lang/Process/WaitForDuration.java leaves child process behind Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 13:37 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336342 Fix known X11 library locations in sysroot Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/29 12:30 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337267 [REDO] G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 09:52 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8337165 Test jdk/jfr/event/gc/stacktrace/TestG1YoungAllocationPendingStackTrace.java failed: IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 64 out of bounds for length 64 Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 09:18 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8336966 Alpine Linux x86_64 compilation error: sendfile64 Jan Kratochvil Azul (same) (same)
2024/07/29 09:10 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337222 gc/TestDisableExplicitGC.java fails due to unexpected CodeCache GC Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 05:31 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336999 Verification for resource area allocated data structures in C2 Tobias Hartmann Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/29 05:05 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336095 Use-after-free in Superword leads to memory corruption Tobias Hartmann Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/27 22:54 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8337245 Fix wrong comment of StringConcatHelper Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/26 18:51 P5 security-libs/javax.crypto JDK-8336240 Test com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/PerformanceTest.java fails with java.lang.ArithmeticException Fernando Guallini Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 17:55 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8330427 Obsolete -XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 17:39 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8335131 Test "javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6977726.java" failed on ubuntu x64 because "Preview" title is missing for GTK L&F Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 15:57 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337241 Shenandoah: Normalize include guards William Kemper Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/26 15:55 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334315 Shenandoah: reduce GC logging noise Kelvin Nilsen Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/26 15:45 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8337243 Fix more -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in compiler code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 14:42 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336663 [JVMCI] VM Crash on ZGC due to incompatible handle returned by HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#getJObjectValue Tomáš Zezula Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 12:10 P4 core-libs/java.time JDK-8337168 Optimize LocalDateTime.toString Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/26 11:22 P2 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8335967 "text-decoration: none" does not work with "A" HTML tags Alexey Ivanov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 11:20 P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8334482 Shenandoah: Deadlock when safepoint is pending during nmethods iteration Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/26 09:36 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336245 AArch64: remove extra register copy when converting from long to pointer Fei Gao ARM (same) (same)
2024/07/26 07:08 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8337167 StringSize deduplication Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/26 06:26 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8216471 GTK LnF: Frame is clipped and does not show JTable,Tooltip and JTree demo in SwingSet2 demo Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 06:23 P5 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8336879 Always true condition 'img != null' in GTKPainter.paintPopupMenuBackground Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/26 03:44 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337239 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in classfile code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 23:59 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336685 Shenandoah: Remove experimental incremental update mode William Kemper Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/25 20:59 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8337124 (fs) sun.nio.fs.WindowsSecurity.enablePrivilege should pin when continuations supported Brian Burkhalter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 17:11 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8336667 IAE in DerInputStream.toByteArray Weijun Wang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 17:03 P4 tools/javac JDK-8337037 compiler internal options are not printing the stacktrace after a compiler crash Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 16:36 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8337060 Test java/foreign/TestConcurrentClose.java failed: IllegalStateException: SegmentAccessor::doAccess method not being compiled Jorn Vernee Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 16:04 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336640 Shenandoah: Parallel worker use in parallel_heap_region_iterate Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/25 15:45 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334647 C2: CastII added by PhaseIdealLoop::add_template_assertion_predicate() should have control Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/25 13:41 P3 tools/javac JDK-8332850 javac crashes if container for repeatable annotation is not found Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 13:16 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8337192 [BACKOUT] JDK-8336098 G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 09:26 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335393 C2: assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/25 09:16 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334342 Add MergeStore JMH benchmarks Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/25 07:47 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335191 RISC-V: verify perf of chacha20 Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/07/25 04:59 P4 core-libs JDK-8336254 Virtual thread implementation + test updates Alan Bateman Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/25 01:35 P3 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8334085 Test crash: assert(thread->held_monitor_count() == 0) failed: Must be Serguei Spitsyn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 22:39 P4 core-libs/java.time JDK-8336741 Optimize LocalTime.toString with StringBuilder.repeat Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/24 22:22 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334232 Optimize C1 classes layout Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/24 21:15 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8337067 Test runtime/classFileParserBug/Bad_NCDFE_Msg.java won't compile David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 20:26 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8336755 Remove unused UNALIGNED field from view buffers Andrey Turbanov Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/24 20:14 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8336847 Use pattern match switch in NumberFormat classes Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 20:08 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8336787 Examine java.text.Format API for implSpec usage Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 16:48 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8336679 Add @implSpec for the default implementations in Process.waitFor() Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 15:43 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8336815 Several methods in java.net.Socket and ServerSocket do not specify behavior when already bound, connected or closed Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 15:13 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8336316 JFR: Use SettingControl::getValue() instead of setValue() for ActiveSetting event Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 15:12 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8336485 jdk/jfr/jcmd/TestJcmdView.java RuntimeException: 'Invoked Concurrent' missing from stdout/stderr Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 12:13 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336927 Missing equals and hashCode in java.lang.classfile.Annotation Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/24 09:10 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336098 G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/24 07:21 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336827 compiler/vectorization/TestFloat16VectorConvChain.java timeouts on ppc64 platforms after JDK-8335860 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/24 02:39 P4 security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 JDK-8336499 Failure when creating non-CRT RSA private keys in SunPKCS11 Martin Balao Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/23 20:21 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8336831 Optimize StringConcatHelper.simpleConcat Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/23 19:35 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8322133 getParameterSpec(ECGenParameterSpec.class) on EC AlgorithmParameters does not return standard names Ben Perez Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/23 16:50 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336944 Shenandoah: Should only relativize stack chunks for successful evacuations William Kemper Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/23 16:27 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8335823 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 33 Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/23 15:49 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8327054 DiagnosticCommand Compiler.perfmap does not log on output() Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/23 12:22 P4 tools/jlink JDK-8204582 Extra spaces in jlink documentation make it incorrect. Sundararajan Athijegannathan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/23 12:11 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335939 Hide element writing across the ClassFile API Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/23 11:50 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8335182 Consolidate and streamline String concat code shapes Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/23 07:43 P4 core-libs/java.util JDK-8334758 Incorrect note in Javadoc for a few RandomGenerator methods Raffaello Giulietti Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/23 05:23 P5 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336855 Duplicate protected declaration and comment in interp_masm_aarch64.hpp Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/23 05:13 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8336339 (se) SelectionKey.interestOps(int) should not throw ClosedSelectorException Alan Bateman Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/23 04:59 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335938 Review XxxBuilder.original and XxxModel.parent Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/22 22:54 P4 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8335922 Incorrect @Stable usage of LambdaForm$Name.index Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/22 22:53 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8304929 MethodTypeDesc throws an unchecked exception than ReflectiveOperationException when a component class cannot be resolved Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/22 22:17 P4 security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5 JDK-8336935 Test sun/security/krb5/auto/RealmSpecificValues.java fails: java.lang.RuntimeException: Should not reach here Weijun Wang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 19:34 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8333391 Test com/sun/jdi/InterruptHangTest.java failed: Thread was never interrupted during sleep Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 18:56 P4 hotspot/svc JDK-8334145 missing from vm_memory_map_.txt in System.dump_map help text Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 17:29 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333728 ubsan: shenandoahFreeSet.cpp:1347:24: runtime error: division by zero hny Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/22 17:29 P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8333088 ubsan: shenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics.cpp:245:44: runtime error: division by zero hny Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/22 17:25 P2 tools/javac JDK-8336491 Unnecessary boxing conversions in void-returning lambdas Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/07/22 17:20 P4 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8336844 ZipConstants64 defines duplicate constants EXTID_ZIP64 and ZIP64_EXTID Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/07/22 17:17 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8336479 Provide Process.waitFor(Duration) Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 16:40 P4 core-svc/java.lang.management JDK-8332551 Test vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/MemoryNotificationInfo/from/from001/TestDescription.java timed out Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 16:00 P4 security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5 JDK-8333772 Incorrect Kerberos behavior when udp_preference_limit = 0 Weijun Wang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 14:41 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336753 Don't run serviceability/sa/ClhsdbDumpheap.java with -Xcomp Daniel Lunden Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 13:43 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8334394 Race condition in Class::protectionDomain Weijun Wang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 13:27 P4 core-libs JDK-8336039 Doccheck: HTML warnings, broken links and missing files in java.base documentation Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 13:19 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-4265389 JSplitPane does not support ComponentOrientation Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 10:29 P4 tools/javac JDK-8336781 Erroneous exhaustivity check with boolean switch Angelos Bimpoudis Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 07:33 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336833 Endless loop in Javap ClassWriter Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/22 02:01 P3 core-libs/java.text JDK-8333396 Use StringBuilder internally for java.text.Format.* formatting lingjun.cg Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/21 17:05 P4 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8327538 The SSLExtension class specifies incorrect values for heartbeat per RFC 6520 and post_handshake_auth per RFC 8446 Haimay Chao Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/21 08:49 P4 tools/launcher JDK-8335896 Source launcher should set TCCL Christian Stein Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/20 16:48 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8329398 Links in InetAddress class description show "#format" Aleksej Efimov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/20 15:41 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336692 Redo fix for JDK-8284620 Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/20 06:54 P4 core-libs/java.time JDK-8336706 Optimize LocalDate.toString with StringBuilder.repeat Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/19 22:06 P4 core-libs/java.time JDK-8336792 DateTimeFormatterBuilder append zeros based on StringBuilder.repeat Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/19 21:53 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8248609 [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/VoidValue/toString/tostring001/TestDescription.java failed with Unexpected com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/19 21:52 P2 tools/javac JDK-8336786 VerifyError with lambda capture and enclosing instance references Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/07/19 21:25 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336777 BufferedMethodBuilder not initialized with static flag Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/19 13:09 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8333812 ClassFile.verify() can throw exceptions instead of returning VerifyErrors Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/19 12:28 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336816 runtime/PrintingTests/StringPrinting.java fails with release VMs Jie Fu Tencent (same) (same)
2024/07/19 11:26 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336258 Document the behavior of 'exclude' and 'compileonly' with respect to inlining Volker Simonis Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/19 08:34 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336466 C2: Parser incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/19 08:34 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336465 C2: EA incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/19 07:30 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335709 C2: assert(!loop->is_member(get_loop(useblock))) failed: must be outside loop Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/19 07:28 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335843 C2 hits assert(_print_inlining_stream->size() > 0) failed: missing inlining msg Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/19 07:06 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8334771 [TESTBUG] Run TestDockerMemoryMetrics.java with -Xcomp fails exitValue = 137 Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/19 06:23 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8325945 Error reporting should limit the number of String characters printed David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/19 05:54 P5 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8336675 Remove UnixFileSystemProvider.checkPath in favor of UnixPath.toUnixPath Andrey Turbanov Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/19 02:56 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8234071 JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_LAST_COLUMN acts like AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 22:42 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8328723 IP Address error when client enables HTTPS endpoint check on server socket Prajwal Kumaraswamy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 22:36 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8028127 Regtest java/security/Security/SynchronizedAccess.java is incorrect Fernando Guallini Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 22:22 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8334772 Change Class::signers to an explicit field Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/18 21:46 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336585 BoundAttribute.readEntryList not type-safe Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/18 21:46 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8336588 Ensure Transform downstream receives upstream start items only after downstream started Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/18 17:35 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8334495 Use FFM instead of jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe in java.desktop font implementation Philip Race Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 16:33 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8333768 Minor doc updates to java.lang.{Float, Double} Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 15:54 P4 tools/javac JDK-8332600 javac uses record components source position during compilation Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 15:24 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336346 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmciJavaClasses.cpp Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 13:35 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8330144 Revise os::free_memory() Robert Toyonaga Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/18 11:22 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335860 compiler/vectorization/TestFloat16VectorConvChain.java fails with non-standard AVX/SSE settings Jatin Bhateja Intel (same) (same)
2024/07/18 11:00 P3 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8335480 Only deoptimize threads if needed when closing shared arena Jorn Vernee Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 10:08 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336661 Parallel: Remove stacks_empty assert in PSScavenge::invoke Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/18 08:55 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8317720 RISC-V: Implement Adler32 intrinsic arseny.bochkarev Syntacore (same) (same)
2024/07/18 00:21 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8336587 failure_handler lldb command times out on macosx-aarch64 core file Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 21:39 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336091 Fix HTML warnings in the generated HTML files Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 18:46 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8335921 Fix HotSpot VM build without JVMTI Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 16:25 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8336300 DateFormatSymbols#getInstanceRef returns non-cached instance Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 14:49 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336638 Parallel: Remove redundant mangle in PSScavenge::invoke Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 12:20 P3 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8299080 Wrong default value of snippet lang attribute Pavel Rappo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 11:24 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334217 [AIX] Misleading error messages after JDK-8320005 Suchismith Roy IBM (same) (same)
2024/07/17 11:17 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8334781 JFR crash: assert(((((JfrTraceIdBits::load(klass)) & ((JfrTraceIdEpoch::this_epoch_method_and_class_bits()))) != 0))) failed: invariant Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 09:43 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334502 gtest/GTestWrapper.java fails on armhf due to LogDecorations.iso8601_utctime_test Vladimir Petko Canonical (same) (same)
2024/07/17 09:42 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8336040 Missing closing anchor element in Docs.gmk Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 09:25 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8336463 Parallel: Add PSOldGen::expand_and_allocate Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 06:46 P3 tools/jshell JDK-8336375 Crash on paste to JShell Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/17 06:12 P4 core-svc/java.lang.instrument JDK-8334167 Test java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixApp.java timed out Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/16 23:46 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8336413 gtk headers : Fix typedef redeclaration of GMainContext and GdkPixbuf Harshitha Onkar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/16 23:27 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8336420 Add JVMTI setfldw001 and setfmodw001 tests to Xcomp problem list Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/16 20:47 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331194 NPE in ArrayCreationTree.java with -XX:-UseCompressedOops Cesar Soares Microsoft (same) (same)
2024/07/16 18:10 P3 core-svc/tools JDK-8334169 Long arguments of attach operation are silently truncated on Windows Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/16 17:53 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336080 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ClassLoaderStats ctor Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/16 16:11 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336421 ciMethod() constructor should use ConditionalMutexLocker(Compile_lock) Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/16 15:23 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336474 Problemlist compiler/interpreter/Test6833129 on x86_32 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/16 12:48 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8335533 OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace observed again on AIX in test RedefineLeakThrowable.java after JDK-8294960 Christoph Langer SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/16 01:43 P4 tools/jlink JDK-8334057 JLinkReproducibleTest.java support receive test.tool.vm.opts Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/15 23:25 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8314498 [macos] Transferring File objects to Finder fails Alexey Ushakov JetBrains (same) (same)
2024/07/15 20:26 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8072701 resume001 failed due to ERROR: timeout for waiting for a BreakpintEvent Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 16:00 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336349 Fix more simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in C2 code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 15:43 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336297 C2: Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in derived Node ctors Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 15:28 P4 tools/javac JDK-8334121 Anonymous class capturing two enclosing instances fails to compile Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 14:54 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335269 [Graal] occasional timeout in java/lang/StringBuffer/TestSynchronization.java with loom Patricio Chilano Mateo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 14:24 P2 tools/javac JDK-8336320 NullPointerException: Cannot invoke Type.getTag because type is null after JDK-8334037 Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 14:24 P4 tools/javac JDK-8335159 Move method reference to lambda desugaring before Lower Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 12:11 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335642 Hide Transform implementation for Class-File API Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/15 11:26 P3 tools/javac JDK-8335817 javac AssertionError addLocalVar checkNull Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/15 07:34 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8336256 memcpy short value to int local is incorrect in VtableStubs::unsafe_hash Richard Reingruber SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/15 05:41 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335820 java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFSingleThreadCachingTest.java fails due to IllegalArgumentException: hash must be nonzero Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/14 15:01 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335905 CompoundElement API cleanup Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/13 04:59 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8310915 Typo in aarch64.ad: "envcodings" Brian Stafford Microsoft (same) (same)
2024/07/13 02:19 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8336301 test/jdk/java/nio/channels/AsyncCloseAndInterrupt.java leaves around a FIFO file upon test completion Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 23:11 P3 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8318106 Generated HTML for snippet does not always contain an id Pavel Rappo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 21:50 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8336259 Wrong link to stylesheet.css in JavaDoc API documentation Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 21:49 P4 core-libs/java.lang:reflect JDK-8332249 Micro-optimize Method.hashCode sgwizdak Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/12 21:49 P4 core-libs JDK-8336278 Micro-optimize Replace String.format("%n") to System.lineSeparator Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/12 17:11 P4 core-svc/java.lang.management JDK-8335684 Test ThreadCpuTime.java should pause like ThreadCpuTimeArray.java Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 14:36 P4 core-libs JDK-8335802 Improve startup speed HexFormat uses boolean instead of enum Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/12 12:59 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336152 Remove unused forward declaration in classLoadInfo.hpp Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/12 12:59 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335902 Parallel: Refactor VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation and VM_ParallelGCSystemGC Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 12:37 P5 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8155030 The Menu Mnemonics are always displayed for GTK LAF Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 12:17 P4 tools/javac JDK-8332474 Tighten up ToolBox' JavacTask to not silently accept javac crash as a failure Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 12:09 P4 core-svc/java.lang.instrument JDK-8335619 Add an @apiNote to j.l.i.ClassFileTransformer to warn about recursive class loading and ClassCircularityErrors Volker Simonis Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/12 09:33 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336082 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in SimpleCompactHashtable Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 09:30 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336081 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in JVMTypedFlagLimit ctors Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 08:19 P5 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8267887 RMIConnector_NPETest.java fails after removal of RMI Activation (JDK-8267123) Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/12 08:14 P4 hotspot/svc-agent JDK-8336284 Test TestClhsdbJstackLock.java/TestJhsdbJstackLock.java fails with -Xcomp after JDK-8335743 Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/12 05:56 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335710 serviceability/dcmd/vm/SystemDumpMapTest.java and SystemMapTest.java fail on Linux Alpine after 8322475 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/11 21:27 P4 tools/jpackage JDK-8325525 Create jtreg test case for JDK-8325203 vanitha.b.p Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 20:51 P3 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8336036 Synthetic documentation for a record's equals is incorrect for floating-point types Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/11 20:45 P2 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8336257 Additional tests in jmxremote/startstop to match on PID not app name Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 20:44 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8335623 Clean up HtmlTag.HtmlTag and make the ARIA role attribute global Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 20:18 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8321509 False positive in get_trampoline fast path causes crash Dean Long Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 19:53 P3 tools/javac JDK-8334055 Unhelpful 'required: reference' diagnostics after JDK-8043226 Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/07/11 18:40 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8335668 NumberFormat integer only parsing should throw exception for edge case Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 18:38 P4 xml/org.w3c.dom JDK-8336021 Doccheck: valign not allowed for HTML5 in java.xml Joe Wang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 16:07 P3 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8325369 @sealedGraph: Bad link to image for tag on nested classes Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/11 14:12 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332125 [nmt] Totals in diff report should print out total malloc and mmap diffs Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/11 10:24 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332689 RISC-V: Use load instead of trampolines Robbin Ehn Rivos (same) (same)
2024/07/11 10:08 P5 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8336239 Fix javadoc markup in java.lang.Process Pavel Rappo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 08:47 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335356 Shenandoah: Improve concurrent cleanup locking Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/11 08:28 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336085 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in CDS code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 08:18 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8324966 Allow selecting jtreg test case by ID from make Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 07:35 P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8334457 Test javax/swing/JTabbedPane/bug4666224.java fail on macOS with because pressing the ‘C’ key does not switch the layout to WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 07:29 P3 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8207908 JMXStatusTest.java fails assertion intermittently Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 07:03 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335553 [Graal] Compiler thread calls into jdk.internal.vm.VMSupport.decodeAndThrowThrowable and crashes in OOM situation Douglas Simon Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/11 02:44 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335946 DTrace code snippets should be generated when DTrace flags are enabled Kuai Wei Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/11 02:44 P4 hotspot/svc-agent JDK-8335743 jhsdb jstack cannot print some information on the waiting thread Takuya Kiriyama Fujitsu (same) (same)
2024/07/10 21:06 P2 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335935 Chained builders not sending transformed models to next transforms Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/10 19:42 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334481 [JVMCI] add LINK_TO_NATIVE to MethodHandleAccessProvider.IntrinsicMethod Yudi Zheng Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 16:36 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8335637 Add explicit non-null return value expectations to Object.toString() Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 16:26 P2 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335409 Can't allocate and retain memory from resource area in frame::oops_interpreted_do oop closure after 8329665 Patricio Chilano Mateo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 16:12 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8331725 ubsan: pc may not always be the entry point for a VtableStub Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 15:34 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8313909 [JVMCI] assert(cp->tag_at(index).is_unresolved_klass()) in lookupKlassInPool Douglas Simon Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 15:12 P4 core-libs JDK-8336012 Fix usages of jtreg-reserved properties Christian Stein Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 14:28 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8335779 JFR: Hide sleep events Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 09:55 P4 tools/javac JDK-8335766 Switch case with pattern matching and guard clause compiles inconsistently Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/10 07:53 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335778 runtime/ClassInitErrors/TestStackOverflowDuringInit.java fails on ppc64 platforms after JDK-8334545 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/10 05:57 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8323242 Remove vestigial DONT_USE_REGISTER_DEFINES Koichi Sakata NTT DATA (same) (same)
2024/07/10 03:30 P4 core-svc/java.lang.instrument JDK-8335966 Remove incorrect problem listing of java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java in ProblemList-Virtual.txt Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/09 20:38 P4 security-libs/javax.crypto JDK-8333364 Minor cleanup could be done in com.sun.crypto.provider Mark Powers Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/09 13:11 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8335688 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from fflush calls in jvmti tests Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/09 13:11 P4 infrastructure JDK-8335911 Document ccls indexer in doc/ide.md Volker Simonis Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/09 10:27 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8330806 test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c1/TestLargeMonitorOffset.java fails on ARM32 Aleksei Voitylov BellSoft (same) (same)
2024/07/09 10:21 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335882 platform/cgroup/TestSystemSettings.java fails on Alpine Linux Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/09 08:26 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335906 [s390x] Test Failure: GTestWrapper.java Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/07/09 08:25 P4 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8334777 Test javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotifReconnectDeadlockTest.java failed with NullPointerException Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/09 08:10 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335955 JDK-8335742 wrongly used a "JDK-" prefix in the problemlist bug number Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 20:14 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8312125 Refactor CDS enum class handling Ioi Lam Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 20:10 P5 hotspot/gc JDK-8335904 Fix invalid comment in ShenandoahLock Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/08 20:09 P2 tools/javac JDK-8334757 AssertionError: Missing type variable in where clause Liam Miller-Cushon Google (same) (same)
2024/07/08 19:14 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8335789 [TESTBUG] XparColor.java test fails with Error. Parse Exception: Invalid or unrecognized bugid: @ Lawrence Andrews Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 18:03 P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8335126 Shenandoah: Improve OOM handling Kelvin Nilsen Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/08 16:44 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335449 runtime/cds/DeterministicDump.java fails with File content different at byte ... Calvin Cheung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 16:20 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8333826 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 29 Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 15:45 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335604 Serial: Inline Generation::contiguous_available Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 14:04 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8304484 CDS dynamic dumping incorrectly leads to "Error occurred during initialization of VM" Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 12:39 P3 tools JDK-8317611 Add a tool like jdeprscan to find usage of restricted methods Jorn Vernee Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 11:44 P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8335824 Test gc/arguments/TestMinInitialErgonomics.java is timing out Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 10:53 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335861 Problem list compiler/vectorization/TestFloat16VectorConvChain.java Tobias Hartmann Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 10:33 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334231 Optimize MethodData layout Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/08 10:03 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334445 Parallel: Decouple maximum compaction from SoftReference clearing Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 08:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335643 serviceability/dcmd/vm tests fail for ZGC after JDK-8322475 Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/08 06:42 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333890 Fatal error in auto-vectorizer with float16 kernel. Jatin Bhateja Intel (same) (same)
2024/07/08 06:23 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332163 C2 SuperWord: refactor PacksetGraph and SuperWord::output into VTransformGraph Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/08 01:19 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335806 RISC-V: Corrected typos Bizarrely Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/05 17:07 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8335632 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/TestJVMExit.java failed with "Process [...] is no longer alive" Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/05 16:44 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8335730 JFR: Clean up jdk.jfr Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/05 13:44 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8335775 Remove extraneous 's' in comment of rawmonitor.cpp test file Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/05 12:50 P4 core-libs JDK-8335645 j.u.Formatter#trailingZeros improved with String repeat Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/05 09:10 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335706 G1: Remove unused G1ConcurrentRefine::RemSetSamplingClosure::_cset Ivan Walulya Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/05 09:06 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335742 Problemlist gc/g1/TestMixedGCLiveThreshold.java#25percent with virtual threads Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/05 08:43 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335711 G1: Remove unused bot_updates argument in G1AllocRegion constructor Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/05 07:18 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8331385 G1: Prefix HeapRegion helper classes with G1 Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/05 04:49 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332124 Jcmd should recognise options that look like requests for help Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/05 02:29 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335493 check_gc_overhead_limit should reset SoftRefPolicy::_should_clear_all_soft_refs Liang Mao Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/04 15:44 P4 core-libs JDK-8330954 since-checker - Fix remaining @ since tags in java.base Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 14:09 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335654 Remove stale hyperlink in divnode.cpp Jasmine Karthikeyan Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/04 13:35 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8334031 Generated JfrNativeSettings seems off Robert Toyonaga Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/04 12:42 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8314653 Metaspace: remove allocation guard feature Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/04 12:29 P4 core-libs/javax.naming JDK-8335213 Code snippet in javax.naming.ldap package summary does not compile Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 12:29 P4 core-libs/javax.naming JDK-8332072 Convert package.html files in `java.naming` to package-info.java Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 12:16 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335667 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in compiler code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 11:20 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334371 [AIX] Beginning with AIX 7.3 TL1 mmap() supports 64K memory pages Joachim Kern SAP (same) (same)
2024/07/04 10:34 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335532 [JVMCI] Export VM_Version::L1_line_size in JVMCI Yudi Zheng Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 10:06 P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8334890 Missing unconditional cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers Erik Österlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 10:04 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335663 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in C2 code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 10:03 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8324089 Fix typo in the manual page for "jcmd" (man jcmd) Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 08:36 P3 tools/javac JDK-8335385 javac crash on unattributed piece of AST Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 08:21 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335397 Improve reliability of TestRecursiveMonitorChurn.java Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/04 06:20 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334738 os::print_hex_dump should optionally print ASCII Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/04 05:44 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332786 When dumping static CDS archives, explicitly assert that we don't use a CDS archive Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/04 04:18 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335655 ProblemList serviceability/dcmd/vm tests failing after JDK-8322475 David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 22:03 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335588 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in calls to Node ctor Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 21:42 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334545 runtime/ClassInitErrors/TestStackOverflowDuringInit.java fails after JDK-8294960 David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 20:43 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8335479 JFR: Missing documentation for -XX:StartFlightRecording Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 16:29 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335395 G1: Verification does not detect references into Free regions Thomas Schatzl Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 16:10 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334554 RISC-V: verify & fix perf of string comparison Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/07/03 16:08 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8322475 Extend printing for System.map Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/03 15:42 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335618 Serial: Remove unused definitions in SerialHeap Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 15:12 P5 hotspot/gc JDK-8332517 G1: Refactor G1AllocRegion Ivan Walulya Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 14:09 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335615 Clean up left-overs from 8317721 arseny.bochkarev Syntacore (same) (same)
2024/07/03 12:57 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335607 Serial: Remove unused collection_attempt_is_safe Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 12:12 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335411 RISC-V: Optimize encode_heap_oop when oop is not null Feilong Jiang Huawei (same) (same)
2024/07/03 12:12 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335536 Fix assertion failure in IdealGraphPrinter when append is true Qizheng Xing Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/07/03 11:36 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8322812 Manpage for jcmd is missing JFR.view command Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 11:12 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335591 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ConcurrentHashTable Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 08:42 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335544 Serial: Remove unused _should_allocate_from_space Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 08:08 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335357 Delete HotSpotJDKReflection.oopSizeOffset Gergö Barany Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 06:00 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335593 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in Type_Array ctor Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 05:57 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335592 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in RootNode ctor Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 05:55 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335589 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in IdealLoopTree ctor Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/03 05:03 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335290 Rename ClassFile::transform to ClassFile::transformClass Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/03 04:36 P4 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8321274 Rename ZipEntry.extraAttributes to ZipEntry.externalFileAttributes Eirik Bjørsnøs Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/03 03:01 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334229 Optimize InterpreterOopMap layout Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/03 02:56 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334220 Optimize Klass layout after JDK-8180450 Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/07/03 02:49 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335110 Fix instruction name and API spec inconsistencies in CodeBuilder Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/03 02:43 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8334734 Remove specialized readXxxEntry methods from ClassReader Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/03 02:42 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8334726 Remove accidentally exposed individual methods from Class-File API Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/03 02:19 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8335370 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in jvmti_common.hpp Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 23:15 P3 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8335475 ClassBuilder incorrectly calculates max_locals in some cases Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/02 18:13 P3 hotspot/svc-agent JDK-8335291 Problem list all SA core file tests on macosx-aarch64 due to JDK-8318754 Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 15:38 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8331560 Refactor Hotspot container detection code so that subsystem delegates to controllers Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/02 14:36 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334816 compiler/c2/irTests/TestIfMinMax.java fails after 8334629 Jasmine Karthikeyan Independent (same) (same)
2024/07/02 12:15 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335147 Serial: Refactor TenuredGeneration::promote Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 11:50 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8335530 Java file extension missing in AuthenticatorTest Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 08:58 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335298 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in G1CardSetContainers Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 08:20 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335390 C2 MergeStores: wrong result with Unsafe Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 05:56 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335369 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ImmutableOopMapBuilder Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/02 03:39 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-5021949 JSplitPane setEnabled(false) shouldn't be partially functional Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/01 20:38 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333306 gc/arguments/TestParallelGCErgo.java fails when largepage are enabled Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/01 12:19 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8317721 RISC-V: Implement CRC32 intrinsic arseny.bochkarev Syntacore (same) (same)
2024/07/01 11:51 P2 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8335060 ClassCastException after JDK-8294960 Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/01 10:21 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334295 CTW: update modules Evgeny Nikitin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/01 08:47 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8261242 [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/07/01 08:12 P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8335308 compiler/uncommontrap/DeoptReallocFailure.java times out with SerialGC on Windows Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/07/01 08:07 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331732 [PPC64] Unify and optimize code which converts != 0 to 1 Suchismith Roy IBM (same) (same)
2024/07/01 06:37 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335283 Build failure due to 'no_sanitize' attribute directive ignored Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/29 20:40 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335217 Fix memory ordering in ClassLoaderData::ChunkedHandleList Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/29 08:19 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8335349 jcmd VM.classloaders "fold" option should be optional Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/29 05:04 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8335294 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in gc code Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 22:27 P4 core-libs JDK-8335252 Reduce size of j.u.Formatter.Conversion#isValid Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/28 19:36 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335221 Some C2 intrinsics incorrectly assume that type argument is compile-time constant Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 19:17 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8335344 test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/NssTest.java fails to compile Fernando Guallini Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 19:01 P4 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8335124 com/sun/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadCpuTimeArray.java failed with CPU time out of expected range Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 16:26 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8335274 SwitchBootstraps.ResolvedEnumLabels.resolvedEnum should be final Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/28 13:28 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335237 ubsan: vtableStubs.hpp is_vtable_stub exclude from ubsan checks Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/28 12:45 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8334562 Automate com/sun/security/auth/callback/TextCallbackHandler/Default.java test Fernando Guallini Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 11:13 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8299813 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Disconnect.java fails with jtreg test timeout due to lost datagram Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 11:03 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8277949 (dc) java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/AdaptorBasic.java failed in timeout Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 09:38 P3 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8269657 Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Loopback.java failed: Unexpected message Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/28 09:31 P3 tools/jshell JDK-8334433 jshell.exe runs an executable test.exe on startup Jan Lahoda Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 09:23 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335142 compiler/c1/TestTraceLinearScanLevel.java occasionally times out with -Xcomp Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 08:27 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335314 Problem list compiler/uncommontrap/DeoptReallocFailure.java Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 06:43 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8319947 Recursive lightweight locking: s390x implementation Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/06/28 06:19 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334147 Shenandoah: Avoid taking lock for disabled free set logging Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/28 04:42 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334645 Un-problemlist vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/chain/chain007/chain007.java Evgeny Nikitin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/28 03:07 P4 hotspot/other JDK-8334763 --enable-asan: assert(_thread->is_in_live_stack((address)this)) failed: not on stack? Jan Kratochvil Azul (same) (same)
2024/06/28 01:44 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334843 RISC-V: Fix wraparound checking for r_array_index in lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/27 22:20 P3 core-svc/debugger JDK-8335134 Test com/sun/jdi/BreakpointOnClassPrepare.java timeout Chris Plummer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 20:27 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334895 OpenJDK fails to configure on linux aarch64 when CDS is disabled after JDK-8331942 Vladimir Petko Canonical (same) (same)
2024/06/27 20:10 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8309634 Resolve CONSTANT_MethodRef at CDS dump time Ioi Lam Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 18:25 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8304693 Remove -XX:-UseVtableBasedCHA Vladimir Ivanov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 16:06 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335220 C2: Missing check for Opaque4 node in EscapeAnalysis Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 15:38 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8334886 jdk/jfr/api/recording/time/TestTimeMultiple.java failed with RuntimeException: getStopTime() > afterStop Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 15:14 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8335135 HttpURLConnection#HttpInputStream does not throw IOException when response is truncated Daniel Jelinski Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 15:07 P4 security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 JDK-8330842 Support AES CBC with Ciphertext Stealing (CTS) in SunPKCS11 Francisco Ferrari Bihurriet Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/27 14:21 P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8326820 Metadata artificially kept alive Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 13:22 P4 tools/javap JDK-8333308 javap --system handling doesn't work on internal class names Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/27 13:03 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333786 Serial: Remove SerialHeap::_incremental_collection_failed Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 12:56 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335007 Inline OopMapCache table Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/27 10:23 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8322859 Parallel: Move transform_stack_chunk Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 07:54 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8335154 jcmd VM.classes -verbose=false does not set verbose to false Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 07:45 P4 tools/javac JDK-8335136 Underscore as parameter name in one-parameter functional types fails to compile 124714317+Evemose Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/27 06:53 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333363 ubsan: instanceKlass.cpp: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct AnnotationArray' Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/27 06:22 P4 tools/jshell JDK-8332014 since-checker - Fix @ since tags in jdk.jshell Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 05:13 P4 core-libs JDK-8334328 Reduce object allocation for FloatToDecimal and DoubleToDecimal Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/27 04:38 P3 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8334719 (se) Deferred close of SelectableChannel may result in a Selector doing the final close before concurrent I/O on channel has completed Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/27 03:34 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334779 Test compiler/c1/CanonicalizeArrayLength.java is timing out Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 23:17 P4 tools/javac JDK-8328536 javac - crash on unknown type referenced in yield statement Hannes Greule Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/26 22:28 P3 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8334670 SSLSocketOutputRecord buffer miscalculation Anthony Scarpino Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 20:24 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334769 Shenandoah: Move CodeCache_lock close to its use in ShenandoahConcurrentNMethodIterator Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/26 19:25 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8331411 Shenandoah: Reconsider spinning duration in ShenandoahLock Xiaolong Peng Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/26 17:10 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8333755 NumberFormat integer only parsing breaks when format has suffix Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 16:20 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8335108 Build error after JDK-8333658 due to class templates Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/26 14:46 P5 core-libs/java.lang:reflect JDK-8334437 De-duplicate ProxyMethod list creation Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 14:39 P4 client-libs JDK-8332103 since-checker - Add missing @ since tags to java.desktop Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 14:12 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8335006 C2 SuperWord: add JMH benchmark VectorLoadToStoreForwarding.java Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 13:58 P3 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8326705 Test CertMsgCheck.java fails to find alert certificate_required Anthony Scarpino Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 13:37 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8334618 ubsan: support setting additional ubsan check options Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/26 13:19 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8327380 Add tests for Shenandoah barrier expansion optimization Kangcheng Xu Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/26 10:09 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8334600 TEST java/net/MulticastSocket/IPMulticastIF.java fails on linux-aarch64 Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 09:37 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8334241 Adjust API docs side bar dimensions Hannes Wallnoefer Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 09:12 P5 tools/javac JDK-8334679 Wrong bug number in regression test for JDK-8334252 Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 09:12 P4 tools/javac JDK-8334037 Local class creation in lambda in pre-construction context crashes javac Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 09:12 P4 tools/javac JDK-8333766 Stack overflow with anonymous class in super() parameter Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 09:12 P3 tools/javac JDK-8333313 NullPointerException in lambda instantiating an inner local class in prologue Maurizio Cimadamore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 09:09 P2 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8334872 BigEndian: java/lang/invoke/condy Tests failing since JDK-8294960 Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 08:44 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333994 NMT: call stacks should show source information Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/26 07:40 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8269870 PS: Membar in PSPromotionManager::copy_unmarked_to_survivor_space could be relaxed Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 07:09 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334650 Add debug information about whether an Assertion Predicate is for the init or last value Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 05:15 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333133 Simplify QuickSort::sort Kim Barrett Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/26 00:59 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334505 RISC-V: Several tests fail when MaxVectorSize does not match VM_Version::_initial_vector_length Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/25 22:31 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333583 Crypto-XDH.generateSecret regression after JDK-8329538 Volodymyr Paprotski Intel (same) (same)
2024/06/25 19:50 P3 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8333542 Breakpoint in parallel code does not work Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 19:05 P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8334653 ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 19:05 P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8334418 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 18:19 P4 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8334810 Redo: Un-ProblemList LocaleProvidersRun and CalendarDataRegression Yude Lin Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/25 18:19 P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8268379 java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java and sun/util/locale/provider/CalendarDataRegression.java timed out Yude Lin Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/25 17:10 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334629 [BACKOUT] PhaseIdealLoop::conditional_move is too conservative Quan Anh Mai Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/25 16:44 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334598 Default classlist in JDK is not deterministic after JDK-8293980 Ioi Lam Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 16:04 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334421 assert(!oldbox->is_unbalanced()) failed: this should not be called for unbalanced region Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 14:37 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333658 NMT: Use an allocator with 4-byte pointers to save memory in NativeCallStackStorage Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 14:07 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334899 Test runtime/cds/appcds/javaldr/ExceptionDuringDumpAtObjectsInitPhase.java failed after JDK-8306580 Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 14:06 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334397 RISC-V: verify perf of ReverseBytesS/US Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/06/25 12:21 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8248981 Specify list of standard message digest and mgf algorithms for RSASSA-PSS signature Sean Mullan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 09:12 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8334287 Man page update for jstatd deprecation Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 07:08 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8331911 Reconsider locking for recently disarmed nmethods Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/25 05:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334223 Make Arena MEMFLAGs immutable Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/25 03:26 P2 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8334580 Deprecate no-arg constructor BasicSliderUI() for removal Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/25 02:19 P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8185429 [macos] After a modal dialog is closed, no window becomes active Alisen Chung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 18:19 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8306580 Propagate CDS dumping errors instead of directly exiting the VM Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 18:05 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8321033 Avoid casting Array to GrowableArray Matias Saavedra Silva Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 14:36 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8334765 JFR: Log chunk waste Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 13:34 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8334040 jdk/classfile/CorpusTest.java timed out Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 13:33 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332362 Implement os::committed_in_range for MacOS and AIX Robert Toyonaga Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/24 12:37 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334299 Deprecate LockingMode option, along with LM_LEGACY and LM_MONITOR Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 11:27 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334564 VM startup: fatal error: FLAG_SET_ERGO cannot be used to set an invalid value for NonNMethodCodeHeapSize Lucy Schmidt SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/24 11:15 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8324841 PKCS11 tests still skip execution Matthew Donovan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 08:58 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334571 Extract control dependency rewiring out of PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by() into separate method Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 08:46 P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8334594 Generational ZGC: Deadlock after OopMap rewrites in 8331572 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/24 07:51 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334489 Add function os::used_memory Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 07:14 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334083 C2 SuperWord: TestCompatibleUseDefTypeSize.java fails with -XX:+AlignVector after JDK-8325155 Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 06:33 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334560 [PPC64]: postalloc_expand_java_dynamic_call_sched does not copy all fields Richard Reingruber SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/24 06:06 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8329994 Zap alignment padding bits for ArrayOops in non-release builds Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/24 05:15 P4 infrastructure JDK-8334166 Enable binary check Zhao Song Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/23 18:00 P3 core-libs JDK-8334339 Test java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/CreationTime.java fails on alinux3 Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/23 12:33 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334180 NMT gtests introduced with 8312132 should be labeled as NMT Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/23 08:19 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334392 Switch RNG in NMT's treap Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/22 12:16 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8334708 FFM: two javadoc problems Hannes Greule Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/21 22:38 P2 tools/javap JDK-8333748 javap crash - Fatal error: Unmatched bit position 0x2 for location CLASS Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/21 20:13 P4 deploy JDK-8332099 since-checker - Add @ since to package-info in jdk.jsobject Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 18:02 P2 client-libs/2d JDK-8334509 Cancelling PageDialog does not return the same PageFormat object Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 16:37 P3 security-libs/jdk.security JDK-8334441 Mark tests in jdk_security_infra group as manual Rajan Halade Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 15:48 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334715 [riscv] Mixed use of tab and whitespace in riscv.ad Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/21 14:23 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334695 Fix build failure without zgc after JDK-8333300 Jie Fu Tencent (same) (same)
2024/06/21 14:16 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8333867 SHA3 performance can be improved ferenc.r.rakoczi Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 13:51 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8327793 Deprecate jstatd for removal Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 13:43 P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334706 [JVMCI] APX registers incorrectly exposed on AMD64 Douglas Simon Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 10:44 P4 tools/jshell JDK-8332314 Add window size configuration option to JavaShellToolBuilder interface Archie Cobbs Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/21 10:36 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8166352 FilePane.createDetailsView() removes JTable TAB, SHIFT-TAB functionality Tejesh R Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 10:36 P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-6967482 TAB-key does not work in JTables after selecting details-view in JFileChooser Tejesh R Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 09:43 P3 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8327370 (ch) sun.nio.ch.Poller.register throws AssertionError Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 08:38 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8333361 ubsan,test : libHeapMonitorTest.cpp:518:9: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/21 07:36 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8323196 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/filestream/TestOrdered.java failed with "Events are not ordered! Reuse = false" Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/21 07:04 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334567 [test] runtime/os/TestTracePageSizes move ppc handling Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/21 00:24 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333819 Move embedded external addresses from relocation info into separate global table Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 23:35 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8329032 C2 compiler register allocation support for APX EGPRs Jatin Bhateja Intel (same) (same)
2024/06/20 19:03 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8330699 Obsolete -XX:+UseEmptySlotsInSupers Coleen Phillimore Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 18:46 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333300 [JVMCI] add support for generational ZGC Tom Rodriguez Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 18:04 P4 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8334333 MissingResourceCauseTestRun.java fails if run by root Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/20 17:01 P4 other-libs/other JDK-8334490 Normalize string with locale invariant `toLowerCase()` Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 16:28 P3 core-libs/java.io JDK-8333358 java/io/IO/IO.java test fails intermittently Pavel Rappo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 15:43 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8332252 Clean up vmTestbase/vm/share Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 15:43 P4 hotspot/svc JDK-8333117 Remove support of remote and manual debuggee launchers Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 15:42 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8334170 bug6492108.java test failed with exception Image comparison failed at (0, 0) for image 4 Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 13:45 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332587 RISC-V: secondary_super_cache does not scale well Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/20 11:53 P3 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8322708 Global HTML attributes are not allowed Nizar Benalla Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 10:10 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334396 RISC-V: verify & fix perf of ReverseBytesI/L Hamlin Li Huawei (same) (same)
2024/06/20 08:30 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334026 Provide a diagnostic PrintMemoryMapAtExit switch on Linux Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/20 08:28 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334164 The fix for JDK-8322811 should use _filename.is_set() rather than strcmp() Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/20 07:14 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334544 C2: wrong control assigned in PhaseIdealLoop::clone_assertion_predicate_for_unswitched_loops() Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/20 06:15 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334239 Introduce macro for ubsan method/function exclusions Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/20 05:23 P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8332717 ZGC: Division by zero in heuristics Erik Österlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 04:18 P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8333754 Add a Test against ECDSA and ECDH NIST Test vector Sibabrata Sahoo Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/20 01:36 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334570 Problem list gc/TestAlwaysPreTouchBehavior.java Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/19 23:23 P4 core-libs/java.lang:reflect JDK-8309821 Link to hidden classes section in Class specification for Class::isHidden Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 19:12 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8329288 Update Visual Studio visibility support for POSIX functions Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 16:35 P2 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8333344 JMX attaching of Subject does not work when security manager not allowed Kevin Walls Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 16:23 P3 hotspot/jfr JDK-8304732 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/TestStop.java failed again with "Expected outer stream to have 3 events" Erik Gahlin Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 15:15 P4 core-libs/java.lang.classfile JDK-8294960 Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles Adam Sotona Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 10:54 P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8334297 (so) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/OpenLeak.java should not depend on SecurityManager Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 10:45 P3 tools/javac JDK-8334488 Improve error for illegal early access from nested class Archie Cobbs Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/19 10:35 P4 hotspot/svc JDK-8334215 serviceability/dcmd/thread/PrintMountedVirtualThread.java failing with JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual imediava Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/19 09:04 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334399 [JVMCI] Implement JVMCICompiler::is_intrinsic_supported Yudi Zheng Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/19 06:45 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331168 Introduce PredicateEntryIterator to iterate through predicate entries Christian Hagedorn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 23:23 P3 tools/javac JDK-8334258 Compiler erronousely allows access to instance variable in argument expression of a constructor invocation Archie Cobbs Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/18 21:31 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8291472 [macos] jawt 1.4 lock/unlock not supported Alisen Chung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 16:15 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333876 C2 SuperWord: regression after JDK-8325155: failed: internal connection Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 14:48 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334430 Clean up nativeInst_x86.* Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 14:05 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333769 Pretouching tests dont test pretouching Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/18 13:51 P2 core-libs/java.lang:reflect JDK-8333854 IllegalAccessError with proxies after JDK-8332457 Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/18 13:28 P4 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8332524 Instead of printing "TLSv1.3," it is showing "TLS13" jena.nibedita Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 12:08 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333805 Replaying compilation with null static final fields results in a crash Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/18 10:24 P4 tools/javadoc(tool) JDK-8334332 TestIOException.java fails if run by root Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/18 09:48 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334442 Temporarily disable return type assertion to reduce noise in testing Roberto Castaneda Lozano Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 08:42 P3 tools/javac JDK-8334444 VerifyError when inner class is accessed in prologue Archie Cobbs Independent Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle
2024/06/18 08:33 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334097 Parallel: Obsolete HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 08:27 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8334293 G1: Refactor G1ConcurrentMark::update_top_at_rebuild_start Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 07:25 P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8331431 Update to use jtreg 7.4 Christian Stein Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/18 06:48 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333639 ubsan: cppVtables.cpp:81:55: runtime error: index 14 out of bounds for type 'long int [1]' Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/18 05:24 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333964 RISC-V: C2: Check "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add reduction Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/17 19:37 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8332854 Unable to build openjdk with --with-harfbuzz=system Philip Race Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/17 17:27 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332105 Exploded JDK does not include CDS Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/17 15:50 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333962 Obsolete OldSize Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/17 12:57 P2 hotspot/jfr JDK-8334393 ZGC: RunThese24H fails with ExitCode 139 during shutdown Markus Grönlund Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/17 11:35 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8334078 RISC-V: TestIntVect.java fails after JDK-8332153 when running without RVV Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/17 09:30 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331117 [PPC64] secondary_super_cache does not scale well Martin Doerr SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/17 08:57 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332903 ubsan: opto/output.cpp:1002:18: runtime error: load of value 171, which is not a valid value for type 'bool' Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/17 08:23 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8330586 GHA: Drop additional gcc/glibc packages installation for x86_32 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/17 08:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334222 exclude containers/cgroup/PlainRead.java Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/17 07:00 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333729 C2 SuperWord: remove some @requires usages in test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/superword Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/17 06:58 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334228 C2 SuperWord: fix JDK-24 regression in VPointer::cmp_for_sort after JDK-8325155 Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/17 06:16 P2 hotspot/runtime JDK-8324781 runtime/Thread/TestAlwaysPreTouchStacks.java failed with Expected a higher ratio between stack committed and reserved Liming Liu Ampere (same) (same)
2024/06/14 15:32 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8332113 Update nsk.share.Log to be always verbose Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/14 15:32 P4 hotspot/test JDK-8330702 Update failure handler to don't generate Error message if cores actions are empty Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/14 14:53 P4 tools/javac JDK-8334252 Verifier error for lambda declared in early construction context Archie Cobbs Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/14 13:50 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8328107 Shenandoah/C2: TestVerifyLoopOptimizations test failure Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/14 12:48 P4 tools/launcher JDK-8333714 Cleanup the usages of CHECK_EXCEPTION_NULL_FAIL macro in java launcher Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/14 09:32 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332400 isspace argument should be a valid unsigned char Robert Toyonaga Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/14 07:13 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332818 ubsan: archiveHeapLoader.cpp:70:27: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 18446744073707454464 to null pointer Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/14 06:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8293980 Resolve CONSTANT_FieldRef at CDS dump time Ioi Lam Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/14 01:18 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8330198 Add some class loading related perf counters to measure VM startup Calvin Cheung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 21:27 P3 globalization/translation JDK-8333827 JDK 23 RDP1 L10n resource files update Damon Nguyen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 20:55 P4 core-libs/java.util.regex JDK-8333599 Improve description of \b matcher in j.u.r.Pattern Raffaello Giulietti Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 19:44 P4 client-libs JDK-8334032 javax.print: Missing @since tag in new class OutputBin Marc Hoffmann Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/13 19:38 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8333685 Make update-copyright-year script more useful Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/13 18:11 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333840 C2 SuperWord: wrong result for MulAddS2I when inputs permuted Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 16:30 P4 core-libs/java.util.stream JDK-8334162 Gatherer.defaultCombiner has an erronous @see-link Viktor Klang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 16:28 P4 hotspot/svc JDK-8313562 hsperfdata should export module path and "launcher" metadata larry.cable Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 15:50 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8333801 Typos in @code references of BufferedImage and JTableHeader Jayathirth D V Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 14:02 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333887 ubsan: unsafe.cpp:247:13: runtime error: store to null pointer of type 'volatile int' Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/13 13:16 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8211854 [aix] java/net/ServerSocket/AcceptInheritHandle.java fails: read times out Christoph Langer SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/13 13:14 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8211847 [aix] java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java fails: "reported cputime less than expected" Christoph Langer SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/13 13:13 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8334123 log the opening of Type 1 fonts Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/13 12:45 P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8333277 ubsan: mlib_ImageScanPoly.c:292:43: runtime error: division by zero Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/13 08:38 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8334179 VMATreeTest.TestConsistencyWithSimpleTracker_vm runs 50+ seconds Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/13 06:35 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333684 C2 SuperWord: multiple smaller refactorings in preparation for JDK-8332163 Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 04:49 P4 client-libs/javax.accessibility JDK-8311110 multichar warning in WinAccessBridge.cpp Abhishek Kumar Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/13 02:53 P3 hotspot/runtime JDK-8322064 Remove expired flags in JDK 24 David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 23:18 P3 hotspot/svc JDK-8330846 Add stacks of mounted virtual threads to the HotSpot thread dump imediava Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/12 18:59 P4 security-libs/javax.crypto JDK-8209092 Remove outdated wording from RC5ParameterSpec Ben Perez Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 18:44 P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8315655 [macos] Right click and dragging over a component with a popup menu will open the popup Alisen Chung Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 14:06 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8332139 SymbolTableHash::Node allocations allocates twice the required memory Axel Boldt-Christmas Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 13:37 P3 tools/jpackage JDK-8319457 Update jpackage to support WiX v4 and v5 on Windows Alexey Semenyuk Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 13:29 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8321308 AArch64: Fix matching predication for cbz/cbnz Fei Gao ARM (same) (same)
2024/06/12 13:24 P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333382 [s390x] Enhance popcnt Instruction to use Z15 facilities Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/06/12 11:29 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8299487 Test java/net/httpclient/whitebox/SSLTubeTestDriver.java timed out Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 10:53 P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8334028 HttpClient: NPE thrown from assert statement Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 10:03 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8319933 Disable tests for JDK-8280481 on Graal Douglas Simon Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 09:35 P4 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8333886 Explicitly specify that asSlice and reinterpret return a memory segment backed by the same region of memory. Per-Ake Minborg Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 09:18 P5 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334077 Fix problem list entries for compiler tests Tobias Hartmann Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 07:06 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8333730 ubsan: FieldIndices/libFieldIndicesTest.cpp:276:11: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/12 06:18 P4 hotspot/jfr JDK-8332699 ubsan: jfrEventSetting.inline.hpp:31:43: runtime error: index 163 out of bounds for type 'jfrNativeEventSetting [162]' Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/12 05:36 P4 core-libs/java.io:serialization JDK-8222884 ConcurrentClassDescLookup.java times out intermittently Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/12 05:32 P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8333940 Ensure javax/swing/TestUngrab.java run on all platforms Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 22:09 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333926 Shenandoah: Lower default immediate garbage threshold William Kemper Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/11 21:03 P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8330534 Update nsk/jdwp tests to use driver instead of othervm Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 20:10 P2 infrastructure JDK-8334036 Update JCov for class file version 68 Aleksandre Iline Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 18:40 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8333841 Add more logging into setfldw001 tests Leonid Mesnik Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 17:34 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8333742 ProcessImpl and ProcessHandleImpl may mishandle processes that exit with code 259 Daniel Jelinski Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 11:47 P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8333360 PrintNullString.java doesn't use float arguments Renjith Kannath Pariyangad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 11:23 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333972 Parallel: Remove unused methods in PSOldGen Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 08:37 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333954 Parallel: Remove unused arguments of type ParCompactionManager* Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 07:53 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333917 G1: Refactor G1CollectedHeap::register_old_region_with_region_attr Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 07:16 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8320725 AArch64: C2: Add "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add and mul reduction Bhavana Kilambi ARM (same) (same)
2024/06/11 06:57 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8331675 gtest CollectorPolicy.young_min_ergo_vm fails after 8272364 Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 05:48 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333649 Allow different NativeCall encodings Robbin Ehn Rivos (same) (same)
2024/06/11 05:35 P4 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8333931 Problemlist serviceability/jvmti/vthread/CarrierThreadEventNotification Serguei Spitsyn Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 03:48 P4 core-svc/java.lang.instrument JDK-8333756 java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixApp.java failed due to missing intrinsic Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/11 01:05 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8330205 Initial troff manpage generation for JDK 24 David Holmes Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 17:58 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8329141 Obsolete RTM flags and code Vladimir Kozlov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 17:15 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8333828 Use value javadoc tag in java.lang.{Float, Double} Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 15:41 P4 security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 JDK-8333829 ProblemList sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java due to JDK-8333317 Matthew Donovan Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 15:23 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333779 Parallel: Remove Summary phase related debug print during Full GC Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 15:23 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333641 Serial: Remove Generation::supports_tlab_allocation Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 13:44 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333652 RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/VectorGatherMaskFoldingTest.java fails when using RVV Gui Cao Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/10 13:41 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8326085 Remove unnecessary UpcallContext constructor Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/10 12:57 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8325821 [REDO] use "dmb.ishst+dmb.ishld" for release barrier Kuai Wei Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/10 12:47 P3 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8333849 (dc) DatagramChannel send/receive fails with UOE if buffer backed by memory segment allocated from shared arena Alan Bateman Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 12:44 P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8333804 java/net/httpclient/ForbiddenHeadTest.java threw an exception with 0 failures Daniel Fuchs Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 12:33 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333775 Small improvement to outputStream auto-indentation mode Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/10 10:05 P5 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8333824 Unused ClassValue in VarHandles Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/10 09:00 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8322811 jcmd System.dump_map help info has conflicting statements Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/10 08:18 P4 core-libs JDK-8333833 Remove the use of ByteArrayLittleEndian from UUID::toString Shaojin Wen Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/10 08:14 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333522 JFR SwapSpace event might read wrong free swap space size Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/09 00:47 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8329031 CPUID feature detection for Advanced Performance Extensions (Intel® APX) Jatin Bhateja Intel (same) (same)
2024/06/08 13:05 P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8333749 Consolidate ConstantDesc conversion in java.base Chen Liang Independent (same) (same)
2024/06/08 04:41 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333412 [s390x] Add support for branch on count instruction Amit Kumar IBM (same) (same)
2024/06/07 20:38 P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8333823 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 26 Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 20:03 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8333716 Shenandoah: Check for disarmed method before taking the nmethod lock Neethu Prasad Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/07 19:32 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8312412 Uninitialized klassVtable::_verify_count field Elif Aslan Amazon (same) (same)
2024/06/07 19:30 P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8333680 com/sun/tools/attach/BasicTests.java fails with "SocketException: Permission denied: connect" Alex Menkov Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 17:36 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8330420 Inverted use of DisplayVMOutputToStderr in ostream_exit Sonia Zaldana Calles Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/07 17:02 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8320448 Accelerate IndexOf using AVX2 Scott Gibbons Intel (same) (same)
2024/06/07 16:22 P4 core-libs/java.io JDK-8332161 Test restoring echo in the Console implementation (java.base) Naoto Sato Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 15:40 P2 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8325984 4 jcstress tests are failing in Tier6 4 times each Jorn Vernee Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 14:50 P5 core-libs/java.util JDK-8333774 Avoid eagerly loading various EmptySpliterator classes Claes Redestad Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 13:36 P5 infrastructure/build JDK-8333477 Delete extra empty spaces in Makefiles Sendao Yan Alibaba (same) (same)
2024/06/07 12:17 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333653 Remove MallocHeader::get_stack Johan Sjölen Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 08:50 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331733 [PPC64] saving and restoring CR is not needed at most places Varada M IBM (same) (same)
2024/06/07 08:24 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331935 Add support for primitive array C1 clone intrinsic in PPC Varada M IBM (same) (same)
2024/06/07 08:12 P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8332516 Serial: Always sample promoted bytes to avoid getting stuck in Full GCs Albert Yang Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 07:34 P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333211 NMT Reports: replace manual indentation handling with auto indent Thomas Stuefe Red Hat (same) (same)
2024/06/07 07:12 P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8333724 Problem list security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/CAInterop.java#teliasonerarootcav1 Matthias Baesken SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/07 06:16 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8331311 C2: Big Endian Port of 8318446: optimize stores into primitive arrays by combining values into larger store Richard Reingruber SAP (same) (same)
2024/06/07 05:07 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332537 C2: High memory usage reported for compiler/loopopts/superword/TestAlignVectorFuzzer.java Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 05:04 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333713 C2 SuperWord: cleanup in vectornode.cpp/hpp Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 05:01 P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8325155 C2 SuperWord: remove alignment boundaries Emanuel Peter Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/07 00:35 P4 core-libs/java.util.jar JDK-8026127 Deflater/Inflater documentation incomplete/misleading Jaikiran Pai Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/06 20:34 P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8333456 CompactNumberFormat integer parsing fails when string has no suffix Justin Lu Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/06 17:29 P2 infrastructure/build JDK-8333743 Change .jcheck/conf branches property to match valid branches Kevin Rushforth Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/06 16:01 P4 tools/javac JDK-8330184 Add source 24 and target 24 to javac Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/06 16:01 P4 core-libs/javax.lang.model JDK-8330183 Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_24 Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/06 16:01 P4 core-libs/java.lang:reflect JDK-8330182 Start of release updates for JDK 24 Joe Darcy Oracle (same) (same)
2024/06/05 13:02 P4 core-libs/java.util.stream JDK-8327854 Test java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/WhileOpStatefulTest.java failed with RuntimeException Doug Lea Independent (same) (same)

No changesets log

P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8339577 Deproblemlist javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4690946/bug4690946.java
P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8339557 libgraal build broken by changes in JDK-8339112
P3 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8339495 Release Note: Distrust TLS Server Certificates Issued After Oct 2024 and Anchored by Entrust Root CAs
P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8338679 javax/swing/GraphicsConfigNotifier/StalePreferredSize.java timed out
P4 core-svc/java.lang.management JDK-8338621 Release Note: The `ClassLoadingMXBean` and `MemoryMXBean` `isVerbose` Methods Are Now Consistent with Their `setVerbose` Methods
P4 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8338078 Release Note: Linux desktop GTK2 support is removed
P2 globalization/translation JDK-8337830 JDK 23 RDP2 L10n resource files update
P4 tools/launcher JDK-8337510 Release Note: Disable "best-fit" Mapping on Windows Command Line
P4 core-libs/java.lang JDK-8337404 Release Note: MethodTypeDesc.resolveConstantDesc Throws ClassNotFoundException instead of TypeNotPresentException
P3 core-libs/java.lang.invoke JDK-8337301 Release Note: Reflective Invocation of VarHandle Signature Polymoprhic Methods Throws UnsupportedOperationException
P3 specification JDK-8336773 Link to JLS changes for JEP 455 doesn't appear in specifications index page
P4 security-libs/javax.net.ssl JDK-8336264 Release Note: SSLSessionContext clarification regarding timeout limit
P4 specification/language JDK-8336092 Doccheck: HTML warning in flexible constructor bodies page
P4 core-svc/debugger JDK-8336089 Doccheck: HTML5 warnings in jdwp-transport.html and jdwp-protocol.html
P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336074 runtime/cds/serviceability/ReplaceCriticalClasses.java times out
P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8336055 runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/TestAutoCreateSharedArchive.java times out
P4 hotspot/test JDK-8335299 Remove hs-atr-ci-genzgc
P4 hotspot/test JDK-8335227 runThese fails because still using Runtime.exit() after retransformation
P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8335003 Release Note: Document Standard Hash and MGF Algorithms for RSASSA-PSS Signature
P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8334585 Error parsing Graal options: The 'libgraal.' property prefix is no longer supported
P4 core-libs/java.text JDK-8334438 Release Note: NumberFormat Supports IntegerOnly Parsing With Suffix
P4 hotspot/other JDK-8334227 pahole: Optimize Hotspot C++ class layouts
P4 core-svc/tools JDK-8334024 Release Note: Deprecate jstatd for removal
P3 core-libs/java.lang.foreign JDK-8333884 MemorySegment::reinterpret removes read-only property
P4 globalization/translation JDK-8333850 CurrencyNames should be removed from the tbom
P4 core-svc JDK-8333813 Serviceability tests fail due to stderr containing Temporarily processing option UseNotificationThread
P4 security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 JDK-8333760 Release Note: SunPKCS11 provider is enhanced to use CKM_AES_CTS mechanism if supported by native PKCS11 library
P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333722 Fix CompilerDirectives for non-compiler JVM variants
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8333676 JCK_RETRY_COUNT appears to not work
P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8333579 runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest.java times out
P4 docs/tools JDK-8333539 Minor markup issues in specs and tool documentation
P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8333248 VectorGatherMaskFoldingTest.java failed when maximum vector bits is 64
P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8332920 C2: Partial Peeling is wrongly applied for CmpU with negative limit
P4 other-libs JDK-8332316 Convert package.html files to package-info.java
P4 other-libs JDK-8332286 Fix the `@since` tags in java source code documentation
P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8331076 Release Note: The `LockingMode` Flag, Along With The `LM_LEGACY` And `LM_MONITOR` Modes Are Deprecated
P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8325218 gc/parallel/TestAlwaysPreTouchBehavior.java fails
P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8318483 Move CDS configuration management into cdsConfig.hpp
P4 hotspot/runtime JDK-8315231 runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/RedefineCallerClassTest.java timed out
P4 security-libs/java.security JDK-8273046 Minor cleanups could be done throughout the security code base

Committer push log

124714317+Evemose, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8335136 Underscore as parameter name in one-parameter functional types fails to compile

51378941+fabioromano1, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8334755 Asymptotically faster implementation of square root algorithm

Vanitha.b.p, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336315 tools/jpackage/windows/WinChildProcessTest.java Failed: Check is calculator process is alive

Abhishek Kumar, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336879 Always true condition 'img != null' in GTKPainter.paintPopupMenuBackground
JDK-8334170 bug6492108.java test failed with exception Image comparison failed at (0, 0) for image 4
JDK-8216471 GTK LnF: Frame is clipped and does not show JTable,Tooltip and JTree demo in SwingSet2 demo
JDK-8311110 multichar warning in WinAccessBridge.cpp
JDK-8335131 Test "javax/swing/JColorChooser/Test6977726.java" failed on ubuntu x64 because "Preview" title is missing for GTK L&F
JDK-8338668 Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8080628/bug8080628.java doesn't test for GTK L&F
JDK-8155030 The Menu Mnemonics are always displayed for GTK LAF
JDK-8335130 The test "javax/swing/plaf/synth/ComponentsOrientationSupport/5033822/bug5033822.java" fails because the background color of the tabs is displayed incorrectly.
JDK-8308588 Unnecessary synchronized on GTKStyle#ICONS_MAP can be removed

Angelos Bimpoudis, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336781 Erroneous exhaustivity check with boolean switch

Axel Boldt-Christmas, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8324966 Allow selecting jtreg test case by ID from make
JDK-8335397 Improve reliability of TestRecursiveMonitorChurn.java
JDK-8326820 Metadata artificially kept alive
JDK-8315884 New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping
JDK-8338810 PPC, s390x: LightweightSynchronizer::exit asserts, missing lock
JDK-8332139 SymbolTableHash::Node allocations allocates twice the required memory
JDK-8336148 Test runtime/locking/TestRecursiveMonitorChurn.java failed: Unexpected Inflation
JDK-8331725 ubsan: pc may not always be the entry point for a VtableStub
JDK-8334357 Use NonInterleavingLogStream for report_metadata_oome
JDK-8329994 Zap alignment padding bits for ArrayOops in non-release builds

Alisen Chung, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8185429 [macos] After a modal dialog is closed, no window becomes active
JDK-8291472 [macos] jawt 1.4 lock/unlock not supported
JDK-8235404 [macos] JOptionPane blocks drawing string on another component
JDK-8315655 [macos] Right click and dragging over a component with a popup menu will open the popup

Archie Cobbs, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8332314 Add window size configuration option to JavaShellToolBuilder interface
JDK-8334258 Compiler erronousely allows access to instance variable in argument expression of a constructor invocation
JDK-8334488 Improve error for illegal early access from nested class
JDK-6381729 Javadoc for generic constructor doesn't document type parameter
JDK-8334252 Verifier error for lambda declared in early construction context
JDK-8334444 VerifyError when inner class is accessed in prologue

Andrew Dinn, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8339466 Enumerate shared stubs and define static fields and names via declarations
JDK-8337987 Relocate jfr and throw_exception stubs from StubGenerator to SharedRuntime
JDK-8337654 Relocate uncommon trap stub from SharedRuntime to OptoRuntime

Aleksej Efimov, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8329398 Links in InetAddress class description show "#format"
JDK-8339169 Remove NaiveHuffman coder

Alexey Ivanov, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335967 "text-decoration: none" does not work with "A" HTML tags
JDK-8337274 Remove repeated 'the' in StyleSheet.create{Small,Large}AttributeSet
JDK-8332901 Select{Current,New}ItemTest.java for Choice don't open popup on macOS

Alan Bateman, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333849 (dc) DatagramChannel send/receive fails with UOE if buffer backed by memory segment allocated from shared arena
JDK-8338142 (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive can use untimed-park when no timeout set
JDK-8338452 (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive with timeout may block indefinitely if all datagrams blocked by SecurityManager
JDK-8336339 (se) SelectionKey.interestOps(int) should not throw ClosedSelectorException
JDK-8336254 Virtual thread implementation + test updates

Alex Menkov, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333680 com/sun/tools/attach/BasicTests.java fails with "SocketException: Permission denied: connect"
JDK-8334169 Long arguments of attach operation are silently truncated on Windows
JDK-8330427 Obsolete -XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations
JDK-8331015 Obsolete -XX:+UseNotificationThread
JDK-8337317 serviceability/jvmti tests failed with FATAL ERROR in native method: Failed during the GetClassSignature call
JDK-8311993 Test serviceability/sa/UniqueVtableTest.java failed: duplicate vtables detected
JDK-8311990 Two JDI tests may interfere with each other

Amit Kumar, IBM

Bug Summary
JDK-8338365 [PPC64, s390] Out-of-bounds array access in secondary_super_cache
JDK-8333412 [s390x] Add support for branch on count instruction
JDK-8333382 [s390x] Enhance popcnt Instruction to use Z15 facilities
JDK-8339419 [s390x] Problemlist compiler/c2/irTests/TestIfMinMax.java
JDK-8331126 [s390x] secondary_super_cache does not scale well
JDK-8335906 [s390x] Test Failure: GTestWrapper.java
JDK-8319947 Recursive lightweight locking: s390x implementation
JDK-8332461 ubsan : dependencies.cpp:906:3: runtime error: load of value 4294967295, which is not a valid value for type 'DepType'

Andrew Haley, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8337958 Out-of-bounds array access in secondary_super_cache

arseny.bochkarev, Syntacore

Bug Summary
JDK-8335615 Clean up left-overs from 8317721
JDK-8317720 RISC-V: Implement Adler32 intrinsic
JDK-8317721 RISC-V: Implement CRC32 intrinsic

artur.barashev, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8329959 Update DigestMD5Client.java - fix typo in javadoc string

Anthony Scarpino, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8328608 Multiple NewSessionTicket support for TLS
JDK-8334670 SSLSocketOutputRecord buffer miscalculation
JDK-8326705 Test CertMsgCheck.java fails to find alert certificate_required

Alexey Semenyuk, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8319457 Update jpackage to support WiX v4 and v5 on Windows

Ashutosh Mehra, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8337031 Improvements to CompilationMemoryStatistic

Adam Sotona, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334872 BigEndian: java/lang/invoke/condy Tests failing since JDK-8294960
JDK-8335060 ClassCastException after JDK-8294960
JDK-8333812 ClassFile.verify() can throw exceptions instead of returning VerifyErrors
JDK-8294960 Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles
JDK-8336833 Endless loop in Javap ClassWriter
JDK-8335820 java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/LFSingleThreadCachingTest.java fails due to IllegalArgumentException: hash must be nonzero
JDK-8334040 jdk/classfile/CorpusTest.java timed out
JDK-8338564 Remove obsolete AbstractNamedEntry::equals method
JDK-8338661 StackMapTable is invalid if frames appear in dead code
JDK-8339368 Switch targets are not inflated in CodeModel if no StackMap

Attila Szegedi, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8325679 Optimize ArrayList subList sort

Andrey Turbanov, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8339017 Make a couple of fields in DoubleByte static
JDK-8337839 Make a few fields in MergeCollation static
JDK-8337840 Remove redundant null check in ObjectOutputStream.writeProxyDesc
JDK-8336675 Remove UnixFileSystemProvider.checkPath in favor of UnixPath.toUnixPath
JDK-8336755 Remove unused UNALIGNED field from view buffers

Aleksei Voitylov, BellSoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8330806 test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c1/TestLargeMonitorOffset.java fails on ARM32

Alexey Ushakov, JetBrains

Bug Summary
JDK-8314498 [macos] Transferring File objects to Finder fails

Albert Yang, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337192 [BACKOUT] JDK-8336098 G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask
JDK-8339160 [BACKOUT] JDK-8338440 Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC
JDK-8337267 [REDO] G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask
JDK-8337550 Add documentation to TestOutOfMemoryDuringInit.java
JDK-8335308 compiler/uncommontrap/DeoptReallocFailure.java times out with SerialGC on Windows
JDK-8333917 G1: Refactor G1CollectedHeap::register_old_region_with_region_attr
JDK-8334293 G1: Refactor G1ConcurrentMark::update_top_at_rebuild_start
JDK-8336098 G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask
JDK-8335711 G1: Remove unused bot_updates argument in G1AllocRegion constructor
JDK-8337641 G1: Remove unused G1CollectedHeap::alloc_highest_free_region
JDK-8337721 G1: Remove unused G1CollectedHeap::young_collection_verify_type
JDK-8331675 gtest CollectorPolicy.young_min_ergo_vm fails after 8272364
JDK-8333962 Obsolete OldSize
JDK-8336463 Parallel: Add PSOldGen::expand_and_allocate
JDK-8334445 Parallel: Decouple maximum compaction from SoftReference clearing
JDK-8338440 Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC
JDK-8338280 Parallel: Inline ParallelCompactData::verify_clear
JDK-8336763 Parallel: Merge PCMarkAndPushClosure and PCIterateMarkAndPushClosure
JDK-8322859 Parallel: Move transform_stack_chunk
JDK-8337027 Parallel: Obsolete BaseFootPrintEstimate
JDK-8334097 Parallel: Obsolete HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount
JDK-8335902 Parallel: Refactor VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation and VM_ParallelGCSystemGC
JDK-8336638 Parallel: Remove redundant mangle in PSScavenge::invoke
JDK-8336661 Parallel: Remove stacks_empty assert in PSScavenge::invoke
JDK-8333779 Parallel: Remove Summary phase related debug print during Full GC
JDK-8333954 Parallel: Remove unused arguments of type ParCompactionManager*
JDK-8333972 Parallel: Remove unused methods in PSOldGen
JDK-8338393 Parallel: Remove unused ParallelCompactData::clear_range
JDK-8335314 Problem list compiler/uncommontrap/DeoptReallocFailure.java
JDK-8269870 PS: Membar in PSPromotionManager::copy_unmarked_to_survivor_space could be relaxed
JDK-8337642 Remove unused APIs of GCPolicyCounters
JDK-8337546 Remove unused GCCause::_adaptive_size_policy
JDK-8332516 Serial: Always sample promoted bytes to avoid getting stuck in Full GCs
JDK-8335604 Serial: Inline Generation::contiguous_available
JDK-8335925 Serial: Move allocation API from Generation to subclasses
JDK-8338490 Serial: Move Generation::print_on to subclasses
JDK-8335147 Serial: Refactor TenuredGeneration::promote
JDK-8333641 Serial: Remove Generation::supports_tlab_allocation
JDK-8338036 Serial: Remove Generation::update_counters
JDK-8333786 Serial: Remove SerialHeap::_incremental_collection_failed
JDK-8335544 Serial: Remove unused _should_allocate_from_space
JDK-8335607 Serial: Remove unused collection_attempt_is_safe
JDK-8335618 Serial: Remove unused definitions in SerialHeap

Afshin Zafari, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335981 ProblemList runtime/Thread/TestAlwaysPreTouchStacks.java for MacOS
JDK-8300800 UB: Shift exponent 32 is too large for 32-bit type 'int'

Alexander Zvegintsev, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335267 [XWayland] move screencast tokens from .awt to .java folder
JDK-8332158 [XWayland] test/jdk/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java
JDK-8338109 java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ResizingFrameTest.java duplicate in ProblemList
JDK-8329471 Remove GTK2
JDK-8337320 Update ProblemList.txt with tests known to fail on XWayland

badalov.turxan, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8337205 Typo in Stack vs Deque Method table in Deque specification

Brent Christian, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338716 Re-visit "interrupt handling" in jdk.internal.loader.Resource

Ben Perez, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8322133 getParameterSpec(ECGenParameterSpec.class) on EC AlgorithmParameters does not return standard names
JDK-8209092 Remove outdated wording from RC5ParameterSpec

Bhavana Kilambi, ARM

Bug Summary
JDK-8320725 AArch64: C2: Add "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add and mul reduction

Brian Burkhalter, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8324048 (fc) Make FileKey fields final
JDK-8338696 (fs) BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() falls back to epoch if birth time is unavailable (Linux)
JDK-8337124 (fs) sun.nio.fs.WindowsSecurity.enablePrivilege should pin when continuations supported
JDK-6426678 (spec) File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, dir) needs clarification for illegal symbols in suffix
JDK-8337716 ByteBuffer hashCode implementations are inconsistent
JDK-8003887 File.getCanonicalFile() does not resolve symlinks on MS Windows
JDK-8334405 java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectWithConsumer.java#id0 failed in testWakeupDuringSelect

Brian Stafford, Microsoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8310915 Typo in aarch64.ad: "envcodings"

Ben Taylor, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8337815 Relax G1EvacStats atomic operations

carlo.refice, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336489 Track scoped accesses in JVMCI compiled code

casper.norrbin, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8330191 Fix typo in precompiled.hpp
JDK-8337982 Remove dead undef assrt0n
JDK-8337595 Remove empty statements in src/hotspot/share/memory/metaspace

Calvin Cheung, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8330198 Add some class loading related perf counters to measure VM startup
JDK-8335577 runtime/cds/appcds/TestParallelGCWithCDS.java still fails with JNI error
JDK-8335449 runtime/cds/DeterministicDump.java fails with File content different at byte ...

Christian Hagedorn, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337876 [IR Framework] Add support for IR tests with @Stable
JDK-8334650 Add debug information about whether an Assertion Predicate is for the init or last value
JDK-8336729 C2: Div/Mod nodes without zero check could be split through iv phi of outer loop of long counted loop nest resulting in SIGFPE
JDK-8335142 compiler/c1/TestTraceLinearScanLevel.java occasionally times out with -Xcomp
JDK-8334571 Extract control dependency rewiring out of PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by() into separate method
JDK-8338971 IGV: Add incrementally inlined method name to phase name
JDK-8331168 Introduce PredicateEntryIterator to iterate through predicate entries
JDK-8335257 Refactor code to create Initialized Assertion Predicates into separate class

Chihiro Ito, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8338938 The result of the combine method of SettingsControl is not used

Chris Plummer, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334145 missing from vm_memory_map_.txt in System.dump_map help text
JDK-8248609 [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/VoidValue/toString/tostring001/TestDescription.java failed with Unexpected com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException
JDK-8332488 Add JVMTI DataDumpRequest to the debug agent
JDK-8336420 Add JVMTI setfldw001 and setfmodw001 tests to Xcomp problem list
JDK-8338469 com/sun/jdi/DataDumpTest.java failed with Not a debuggee, or not listening for debugger to attach
JDK-8338482 com/sun/jdi/ThreadMemoryLeakTest.java requires that compressed oops are enabled
JDK-8332738 Debug agent can deadlock on callbackLock when using StackFrame.PopFrames
JDK-8338708 Don't create/destroy debug agent cmdQueueLock for each connection
JDK-8336587 failure_handler lldb command times out on macosx-aarch64 core file
JDK-8337163 Improve SA error message when failing to attach to a core file
JDK-8335291 Problem list all SA core file tests on macosx-aarch64 due to JDK-8318754
JDK-8072701 resume001 failed due to ERROR: timeout for waiting for a BreakpintEvent
JDK-8337667 sun/tools/jcmd/TestJcmdPIDSubstitution.java is failing on mac and windows
JDK-8335134 Test com/sun/jdi/BreakpointOnClassPrepare.java timeout
JDK-8333391 Test com/sun/jdi/InterruptHangTest.java failed: Thread was never interrupted during sleep
JDK-8337299 vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/stop_at/stop_at002/stop_at002.java failure goes undetected

Christoph Langer, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8211847 [aix] java/lang/ProcessHandle/InfoTest.java fails: "reported cputime less than expected"
JDK-8211854 [aix] java/net/ServerSocket/AcceptInheritHandle.java fails: read times out
JDK-8335533 OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace observed again on AIX in test RedefineLeakThrowable.java after JDK-8294960
JDK-8337819 Update GHA JDKs to 22.0.2

Coleen Phillimore, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333542 Breakpoint in parallel code does not work
JDK-8336919 Cleanup and rename tags in placeholders code
JDK-8335059 Consider renaming ClassLoaderData::keep_alive
JDK-8337318 Deoptimization::relock_objects fails assert(monitor->owner() == Thread::current()) failed: must be
JDK-8334299 Deprecate LockingMode option, along with LM_LEGACY and LM_MONITOR
JDK-8339342 FieldAllocationCount is mostly unused
JDK-8337683 Fix -Wconversion problem with arrayOop.hpp
JDK-8338064 Give better error for ConcurrentHashTable corruption
JDK-8337622 IllegalArgumentException in java.lang.reflect.Field.get
JDK-8339112 Move JVM Klass flags out of AccessFlags
JDK-8330699 Obsolete -XX:+UseEmptySlotsInSupers
JDK-8332120 Potential compilation failure in istream.cpp:205 - loss of data on conversion
JDK-8338447 Remove InstanceKlass::_is_marked_dependent

Cesar Soares, Microsoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8331194 NPE in ArrayCreationTree.java with -XX:-UseCompressedOops

Christian Stein, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336012 Fix usages of jtreg-reserved properties
JDK-8335896 Source launcher should set TCCL
JDK-8331431 Update to use jtreg 7.4

Liam Miller-Cushon, Google

Bug Summary
JDK-8334757 AssertionError: Missing type variable in where clause
JDK-8337998 CompletionFailure in getEnclosingType attaching type annotations
JDK-8337795 Type annotation attached to incorrect type during class reading
JDK-8334055 Unhelpful 'required: reference' diagnostics after JDK-8043226
JDK-8336491 Unnecessary boxing conversions in void-returning lambdas
JDK-8336786 VerifyError with lambda capture and enclosing instance references
JDK-8336844 ZipConstants64 defines duplicate constants EXTID_ZIP64 and ZIP64_EXTID

daniel.gredler, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8337681 PNGImageWriter uses much more memory than necessary

Joe Darcy, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335637 Add explicit non-null return value expectations to Object.toString()
JDK-8338333 Add jls links to javax.lang.model.element.Modifier
JDK-8330184 Add source 24 and target 24 to javac
JDK-8330183 Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_24
JDK-8338015 Fix "Java Java" typo in package info file of java.lang.classfile
JDK-8309821 Link to hidden classes section in Class specification for Class::isHidden
JDK-8333768 Minor doc updates to java.lang.{Float, Double}
JDK-8330182 Start of release updates for JDK 24
JDK-8333823 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 26
JDK-8333826 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 29
JDK-8335823 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 33
JDK-8337715 Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 37
JDK-8333828 Use value javadoc tag in java.lang.{Float, Double}

David Lloyd, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8339492 StackMapDecoder::writeFrames makes lots of allocations

davids, @palantir.com

Bug Summary
JDK-8339191 JFR: Bulk read support for ChunkInputStream

David Leopoldseder, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336242 compiler/jvmci/jdk.vm.ci.code.test/src/jdk/vm/ci/code/test/SimpleDebugInfoTest.java failed assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(val)) failed: bad oop found (again)

Dmitry Chuyko, BellSoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8337657 AArch64: No need for acquire fence in safepoint poll during JNI calls

Darragh Clarke, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8324209 Check implementation of Expect: 100-continue in the java.net.http.HttpClient

Daniel Daugherty, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8339619 ProblemList runtime/cds/appcds/jvmti/dumpingWithAgent/DumpingWithJavaAgent.java
JDK-8339175 ProblemList runtime/interpreter/LastJsrTest.java on all platforms with Xcomp
JDK-8338925 ProblemList runtime/interpreter/LastJsrTest.java on linux-all

Damon Fenacci, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8326615 C1/C2 don't handle allocation failure properly during initialization (RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub fatal crash)

Daniel Fuchs, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8327370 (ch) sun.nio.ch.Poller.register throws AssertionError
JDK-8277949 (dc) java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/AdaptorBasic.java failed in timeout
JDK-8334297 (so) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/OpenLeak.java should not depend on SecurityManager
JDK-8256211 assert fired in java/net/httpclient/DependentPromiseActionsTest (infrequent)
JDK-8338569 HTTP/1.1 CleanupTrigger may be triggerred after the next exchange started
JDK-8334028 HttpClient: NPE thrown from assert statement
JDK-8335771 Improve stability of java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel tests
JDK-8335530 Java file extension missing in AuthenticatorTest
JDK-8336655 java/net/httpclient/DigestEchoClient.java IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes
JDK-8333804 java/net/httpclient/ForbiddenHeadTest.java threw an exception with 0 failures
JDK-8338740 java/net/httpclient/HttpsTunnelAuthTest.java fails with java.io.IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes
JDK-8299813 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Disconnect.java fails with jtreg test timeout due to lost datagram
JDK-8338495 Revert "8336655: java/net/httpclient/DigestEchoClient.java IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes"
JDK-8299487 Test java/net/httpclient/whitebox/SSLTubeTestDriver.java timed out
JDK-8334600 TEST java/net/MulticastSocket/IPMulticastIF.java fails on linux-aarch64

David Holmes, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8328877 [JNI] The JNI Specification needs to address the limitations of integer UTF-8 String lengths
JDK-8338947 Deprecate the UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks flag and remove it in a future release
JDK-8325945 Error reporting should limit the number of String characters printed
JDK-8328880 Events::log_exception should limit the size of the logging message
JDK-8325002 Exceptions::fthrow needs to ensure it truncates to a valid utf8 string
JDK-8320561 Inconsistency in monitorinflation logging
JDK-8330205 Initial troff manpage generation for JDK 24
JDK-8337515 JVM_DumpAllStacks is dead code
JDK-8335655 ProblemList serviceability/dcmd/vm tests failing after JDK-8322475
JDK-8322064 Remove expired flags in JDK 24
JDK-8334545 runtime/ClassInitErrors/TestStackOverflowDuringInit.java fails after JDK-8294960
JDK-8338888 SystemDictionary::class_name_symbol has incorrect length check
JDK-8337067 Test runtime/classFileParserBug/Bad_NCDFE_Msg.java won't compile
JDK-8339316 Test runtime/exceptionMsgs/NoClassDefFoundError/NoClassDefFoundErrorTest.java fails after JDK-8338257
JDK-8338257 UTF8 lengths should be size_t not int

Daniel Jelinski, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335135 HttpURLConnection#HttpInputStream does not throw IOException when response is truncated
JDK-8333742 ProcessImpl and ProcessHandleImpl may mishandle processes that exit with code 259

Doug Lea, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8338146 Improve Exchanger performance with VirtualThreads
JDK-8327854 Test java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/WhileOpStatefulTest.java failed with RuntimeException

Dean Long, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335120 assert(!target->can_be_statically_bound() || target == cha_monomorphic_target) failed
JDK-8321509 False positive in get_trampoline fast path causes crash

Daniel Lunden, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336753 Don't run serviceability/sa/ClhsdbDumpheap.java with -Xcomp
JDK-8324345 Stack overflow during C2 compilation when splitting memory phi

Damon Nguyen, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8321140 Add comment to note difference in Metal's JButton margins
JDK-8333827 JDK 23 RDP1 L10n resource files update

Douglas Simon, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335553 [Graal] Compiler thread calls into jdk.internal.vm.VMSupport.decodeAndThrowThrowable and crashes in OOM situation
JDK-8334706 [JVMCI] APX registers incorrectly exposed on AMD64
JDK-8313909 [JVMCI] assert(cp->tag_at(index).is_unresolved_klass()) in lookupKlassInPool
JDK-8337887 [JVMCI] Clarify jdk.vm.ci.code.Architecture.getName javadoc
JDK-8319933 Disable tests for JDK-8280481 on Graal
JDK-8337265 Test static-libs build in GitHub Actions

Erik Gahlin, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8324089 Fix typo in the manual page for "jcmd" (man jcmd)
JDK-8323196 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/filestream/TestOrdered.java failed with "Events are not ordered! Reuse = false"
JDK-8304732 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/TestStop.java failed again with "Expected outer stream to have 3 events"
JDK-8335632 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/TestJVMExit.java failed with "Process [...] is no longer alive"
JDK-8334886 jdk/jfr/api/recording/time/TestTimeMultiple.java failed with RuntimeException: getStopTime() > afterStop
JDK-8225209 jdk/jfr/event/compiler/TestCodeSweeper.java fails
JDK-8336485 jdk/jfr/jcmd/TestJcmdView.java RuntimeException: 'Invoked Concurrent' missing from stdout/stderr
JDK-8337676 JFR: Change the label of the throttle setting
JDK-8335730 JFR: Clean up jdk.jfr
JDK-8335779 JFR: Hide sleep events
JDK-8338819 JFR: Internal events causes crash when no other events are in use
JDK-8334765 JFR: Log chunk waste
JDK-8335907 JFR: Make SettingControls more robust
JDK-8335479 JFR: Missing documentation for -XX:StartFlightRecording
JDK-8339486 JFR: Modernize
JDK-8337798 JFR: Remove jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/TestOnEvent.java from ProblemList.txt
JDK-8338062 JFR: Remove TestStartDuration.java and TestStartName.java from ProblemList.txt
JDK-8338512 JFR: Revert changes to TestCodeSweeper
JDK-8336316 JFR: Use SettingControl::getValue() instead of setValue() for ActiveSetting event
JDK-8337501 JFR: Use TimespanUnit
JDK-8322812 Manpage for jcmd is missing JFR.view command
JDK-8337165 Test jdk/jfr/event/gc/stacktrace/TestG1YoungAllocationPendingStackTrace.java failed: IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 64 out of bounds for length 64
JDK-8337779 test/jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/TestHiddenWait.java is a bit fragile

Eirik Bjørsnøs, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8339154 Cleanups and JUnit conversion of test/jdk/java/util/zip/Available.java
JDK-8321274 Rename ZipEntry.extraAttributes to ZipEntry.externalFileAttributes
JDK-8338729 Retire the test jdk/java/util/zip/TestZipError.java

Elif Aslan, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8312412 Uninitialized klassVtable::_verify_count field

Evgeny Nikitin, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334295 CTW: update modules
JDK-8337102 JITTester: Fix breaks in static initialization blocks
JDK-8334645 Un-problemlist vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/chain/chain007/chain007.java

Erik Österlund, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334890 Missing unconditional cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers
JDK-8332717 ZGC: Division by zero in heuristics

Emanuel Peter, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335390 C2 MergeStores: wrong result with Unsafe
JDK-8335006 C2 SuperWord: add JMH benchmark VectorLoadToStoreForwarding.java
JDK-8333713 C2 SuperWord: cleanup in vectornode.cpp/hpp
JDK-8335628 C2 SuperWord: cleanup: remove SuperWord::longer_type_for_conversion
JDK-8334228 C2 SuperWord: fix JDK-24 regression in VPointer::cmp_for_sort after JDK-8325155
JDK-8338124 C2 SuperWord: MulAddS2I input permutation still partially broken after JDK-8333840
JDK-8333684 C2 SuperWord: multiple smaller refactorings in preparation for JDK-8332163
JDK-8332163 C2 SuperWord: refactor PacksetGraph and SuperWord::output into VTransformGraph
JDK-8333876 C2 SuperWord: regression after JDK-8325155: failed: internal connection
JDK-8325155 C2 SuperWord: remove alignment boundaries
JDK-8333729 C2 SuperWord: remove some @requires usages in test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/superword
JDK-8334083 C2 SuperWord: TestCompatibleUseDefTypeSize.java fails with -XX:+AlignVector after JDK-8325155
JDK-8333840 C2 SuperWord: wrong result for MulAddS2I when inputs permuted
JDK-8332537 C2: High memory usage reported for compiler/loopopts/superword/TestAlignVectorFuzzer.java

ferenc.r.rakoczi, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333867 SHA3 performance can be improved

Francisco Ferrari Bihurriet, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8330842 Support AES CBC with Ciphertext Stealing (CTS) in SunPKCS11

Fei Gao, ARM

Bug Summary
JDK-8338442 AArch64: Clean up IndOffXX type and let legitimize_address() fix out-of-range operands
JDK-8321308 AArch64: Fix matching predication for cbz/cbnz
JDK-8336245 AArch64: remove extra register copy when converting from long to pointer

Fernando Guallini, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335172 Add manual steps to run security/auth/callback/TextCallbackHandler/Password.java test
JDK-8334562 Automate com/sun/security/auth/callback/TextCallbackHandler/Default.java test
JDK-8028127 Regtest java/security/Security/SynchronizedAccess.java is incorrect
JDK-8336240 Test com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/PerformanceTest.java fails with java.lang.ArithmeticException
JDK-8337951 Test sun/security/validator/samedn.sh CertificateNotYetValidException: NotBefore validation
JDK-8335344 test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/NssTest.java fails to compile

Feilong Jiang, Huawei

Bug Summary
JDK-8337780 RISC-V: C2: Change C calling convention for sp to NS
JDK-8335411 RISC-V: Optimize encode_heap_oop when oop is not null

Fei Yang, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8339548 GHA: RISC-V: Use Debian snapshot archive for bootstrap
JDK-8339248 RISC-V: Remove li64 macro assembler routine and related code
JDK-8339359 RISC-V: Use auipc explicitly in far_jump and far_call macro assembler routines

Gergö Barany, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335357 Delete HotSpotJDKReflection.oopSizeOffset

Gui Cao, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8338019 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in riscv code
JDK-8338539 New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping: riscv64 implementation
JDK-8337971 Problem list several jvmci tests on linux-riscv64 until JDK-8331704 is fixed
JDK-8339298 Remove unused function declaration poll_for_safepoint
JDK-8339237 RISC-V: Builds fail after JDK-8339120
JDK-8333964 RISC-V: C2: Check "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add reduction
JDK-8337788 RISC-V: Cleanup code in MacroAssembler::reserved_stack_check
JDK-8337421 RISC-V: client VM build failure after JDK-8335191
JDK-8333652 RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/VectorGatherMaskFoldingTest.java fails when using RVV
JDK-8334843 RISC-V: Fix wraparound checking for r_array_index in lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path
JDK-8332587 RISC-V: secondary_super_cache does not scale well
JDK-8334505 RISC-V: Several tests fail when MaxVectorSize does not match VM_Version::_initial_vector_length
JDK-8334078 RISC-V: TestIntVect.java fails after JDK-8332153 when running without RVV

George Adams, Microsoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8282944 GHA: Add Alpine Linux x86_64 pre-integration check

Gerard Ziemski, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8301403 Eliminate memory allocations in JVMFlag::printFlags during signal handling

Hannes Wallnoefer, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334241 Adjust API docs side bar dimensions
JDK-8313931 Javadoc: links to type parameters actually generate links to classes
JDK-8281533 Odd "preview" label in link/linkplain
JDK-8338190 TOC vertical offsets not updated when document size changes

Haimay Chao, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8339347 keytool -importpass insists prompting the user even if there is no terminal
JDK-8327538 The SSLExtension class specifies incorrect values for heartbeat per RFC 6520 and post_handshake_auth per RFC 8446

Hannes Greule, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8335638 Calling VarHandle.{access-mode} methods reflectively throws wrong exception
JDK-8334708 FFM: two javadoc problems
JDK-8328536 javac - crash on unknown type referenced in yield statement

hny, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8333088 ubsan: shenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics.cpp:245:44: runtime error: division by zero
JDK-8333728 ubsan: shenandoahFreeSet.cpp:1347:24: runtime error: division by zero

Harshitha Onkar, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336413 gtk headers : Fix typedef redeclaration of GMainContext and GdkPixbuf

Magnus Ihse Bursie, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338916 Build warnings about overriding recipe for jvm-ldflags.txt
JDK-8338404 Cross-compilation to different endianness fails after JDK-8318913
JDK-8339336 Fix build system whitespace to adhere to coding conventions
JDK-8339235 Fix indentation in build system
JDK-8338108 Give better error message in configure if a full XCode is missing
JDK-8338768 Introduce runtime lookup to check for static builds
JDK-8339371 jlink.log warning when building after JDK-8338404
JDK-8329288 Update Visual Studio visibility support for POSIX functions
JDK-8339156 Use more fine-granular clang unused warnings
JDK-8339120 Use more fine-granular gcc unused warnings
JDK-8338290 Xcode project generator for hotspot

Ioi Lam, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338011 CDS archived heap object support for 64-bit Windows
JDK-8334598 Default classlist in JDK is not deterministic after JDK-8293980
JDK-8312125 Refactor CDS enum class handling
JDK-8293980 Resolve CONSTANT_FieldRef at CDS dump time
JDK-8309634 Resolve CONSTANT_MethodRef at CDS dump time

imediava, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8330846 Add stacks of mounted virtual threads to the HotSpot thread dump
JDK-8334215 serviceability/dcmd/thread/PrintMountedVirtualThread.java failing with JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual

Ivan Walulya, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338315 G1: G1CardTableEntryClosure:do_card_ptr remove unused parameter worker_id
JDK-8332517 G1: Refactor G1AllocRegion
JDK-8335706 G1: Remove unused G1ConcurrentRefine::RemSetSamplingClosure::_cset
JDK-8339369 G1: TestVerificationInConcurrentCycle.java fails with "Missing rem set entry" when using "-XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=0 -XX:G1UpdateBufferSize=2"
JDK-8336086 G1: Use one G1CardSet instance for all young regions

Jatin Bhateja, Intel

Bug Summary
JDK-8329032 C2 compiler register allocation support for APX EGPRs
JDK-8335860 compiler/vectorization/TestFloat16VectorConvChain.java fails with non-standard AVX/SSE settings
JDK-8329031 CPUID feature detection for Advanced Performance Extensions (Intel® APX)
JDK-8333890 Fatal error in auto-vectorizer with float16 kernel.

Jayathirth D V, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333801 Typos in @code references of BufferedImage and JTableHeader

jena.nibedita, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8332524 Instead of printing "TLSv1.3," it is showing "TLS13"

jengebr, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8332842 Optimize empty CopyOnWriteArrayList allocations

Jiangli Zhou, Google

Bug Summary
JDK-8336849 Remove .llvm_addrsig section from JDK/VM static libraries (.a files)

Jie Fu, Tencent

Bug Summary
JDK-8334695 Fix build failure without zgc after JDK-8333300
JDK-8336816 runtime/PrintingTests/StringPrinting.java fails with release VMs

Jonathan Gibbons, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338133 Cleanup direct use of `new HtmlTree`
JDK-8335122 Reorganize internal low-level support for HTML in jdk.javadoc

Jasmine Karthikeyan, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8334816 compiler/c2/irTests/TestIfMinMax.java fails after 8334629
JDK-8335654 Remove stale hyperlink in divnode.cpp
JDK-8331090 Run Ideal_minmax before de-canonicalizing CMoves
JDK-8336860 x86: Change integer src operand for CMoveL of 0 and 1 to long

Joachim Kern, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8334371 [AIX] Beginning with AIX 7.3 TL1 mmap() supports 64K memory pages

Jan Kratochvil, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8334763 --enable-asan: assert(_thread->is_in_live_stack((address)this)) failed: not on stack?
JDK-8336966 Alpine Linux x86_64 compilation error: sendfile64

Jan Lahoda, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336375 Crash on paste to JShell
JDK-8338678 Erroneous parameterized type represented as
JDK-8338301 Error recovery and reporting should be improved for erroneous implicitly declared classes
JDK-8324859 Improve error recovery
JDK-8298920 Improve microbenchmark build times
JDK-8337976 Insufficient error recovery in parser for switch inside class body
JDK-8335817 javac AssertionError addLocalVar checkNull
JDK-8335385 javac crash on unattributed piece of AST
JDK-8338281 jshell does not run shutdown hooks
JDK-8334433 jshell.exe runs an executable test.exe on startup
JDK-8335766 Switch case with pattern matching and guard clause compiles inconsistently
JDK-8332522 SwitchBootstraps::mappedEnumLookup constructs unused array
JDK-8332474 Tighten up ToolBox' JavacTask to not silently accept javac crash as a failure

Justin Lu, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338882 Clarify matching order of MessageFormat subformat factory styles
JDK-8333456 CompactNumberFormat integer parsing fails when string has no suffix
JDK-8337285 Examine java.text.DecimalFormat API for api/implXxx tag usage
JDK-8336787 Examine java.text.Format API for implSpec usage
JDK-8334653 ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update
JDK-8339126 JNI exception pending in Inflater.c
JDK-8333755 NumberFormat integer only parsing breaks when format has suffix
JDK-8335668 NumberFormat integer only parsing should throw exception for edge case
JDK-8334418 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14
JDK-8336847 Use pattern match switch in NumberFormat classes

Jamil Nimeh, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337826 Improve logging in OCSPTimeout and SimpleOCSPResponder to help diagnose JDK-8309754

Joakim Nordström, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338389 [JFR] Long strings should be added to the string pool

Joe Wang, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336021 Doccheck: valign not allowed for HTML5 in java.xml

joel.sikstrom, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8310675 Fix -Wconversion warnings in ZGC code
JDK-8337939 ZGC: Make assertions and checks less convoluted and explicit
JDK-8339163 ZGC: Race in clearing of remembered sets
JDK-8339579 ZGC: Race results in only one of two remembered sets being cleared
JDK-8339399 ZGC: Remove unnecessary page reset when splitting pages
JDK-8337938 ZUtils::alloc_aligned allocates without reporting to NMT

Jaikiran Pai, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334719 (se) Deferred close of SelectableChannel may result in a Selector doing the final close before concurrent I/O on channel has completed
JDK-8333714 Cleanup the usages of CHECK_EXCEPTION_NULL_FAIL macro in java launcher
JDK-8222884 ConcurrentClassDescLookup.java times out intermittently
JDK-8026127 Deflater/Inflater documentation incomplete/misleading
JDK-8335181 Incorrect handling of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames in HttpClient
JDK-8333756 java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixApp.java failed due to missing intrinsic
JDK-8338445 jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath may leak JarFile instance when dealing with unexpected Class-Path entry in manifest
JDK-8339319 ProblemList runtime/exceptionMsgs/NoClassDefFoundError/NoClassDefFoundErrorTest.java
JDK-8335966 Remove incorrect problem listing of java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixAgent.java in ProblemList-Virtual.txt
JDK-8336815 Several methods in java.net.Socket and ServerSocket do not specify behavior when already bound, connected or closed
JDK-8336817 Several methods on DatagramSocket and MulticastSocket do not specify behaviour when already closed or connected
JDK-8334167 Test java/lang/instrument/NativeMethodPrefixApp.java timed out
JDK-8336301 test/jdk/java/nio/channels/AsyncCloseAndInterrupt.java leaves around a FIFO file upon test completion

Johan Sjölen, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334489 Add function os::used_memory
JDK-8334180 NMT gtests introduced with 8312132 should be labeled as NMT
JDK-8335062 NMT: Make StackIndex non-opaque
JDK-8333658 NMT: Use an allocator with 4-byte pointers to save memory in NativeCallStackStorage
JDK-8333653 Remove MallocHeader::get_stack
JDK-8336410 runtime/NMT/TotalMallocMmapDiffTest.java Total malloc diff is incorrect. Expected malloc diff range
JDK-8334392 Switch RNG in NMT's treap

Jorn Vernee, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8325984 4 jcstress tests are failing in Tier6 4 times each
JDK-8317611 Add a tool like jdeprscan to find usage of restricted methods
JDK-8324260 java/foreign/TestStubAllocFailure.java run timeout with -Xcomp
JDK-8338123 Linker crash when building a downcall handle with many arguments in x64
JDK-8335480 Only deoptimize threads if needed when closing shared arena
JDK-8337060 Test java/foreign/TestConcurrentClose.java failed: IllegalStateException: SegmentAccessor::doAccess method not being compiled

Julian Waters, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8334599 Improve code from JDK-8302671
JDK-8336289 Obliterate most references to _snprintf in the Windows JDK

Jiawei Tang, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8337331 crash: pinned virtual thread will lead to jvm crash when running with the javaagent option

Joshua Zhu, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8339063 [aarch64] Skip verify_sve_vector_length after native calls if SVE supports 128 bits VL only

Kim Barrett, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336297 C2: Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in derived Node ctors
JDK-8338158 Cleanup ShouldNotXXX uses in machnode.cpp
JDK-8335298 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in G1CardSetContainers
JDK-8335370 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in jvmti_common.hpp
JDK-8335593 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in Type_Array ctor
JDK-8338331 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from CHECK_0 in jni.cpp
JDK-8335688 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from fflush calls in jvmti tests
JDK-8338330 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from THROW_XXX_0
JDK-8335588 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in calls to Node ctor
JDK-8336080 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ClassLoaderStats ctor
JDK-8335591 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ConcurrentHashTable
JDK-8338154 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in gtest framework
JDK-8335589 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in IdealLoopTree ctor
JDK-8335369 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ImmutableOopMapBuilder
JDK-8337523 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmci code
JDK-8338156 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
JDK-8336346 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmciJavaClasses.cpp
JDK-8336081 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in JVMTypedFlagLimit ctors
JDK-8338160 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in management.cpp
JDK-8337416 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in misc. runtime code
JDK-8337418 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in prims code
JDK-8335592 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in RootNode ctor
JDK-8336082 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in SimpleCompactHashtable
JDK-8338155 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings involving PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
JDK-8337787 Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings when JVMTI feature is disabled
JDK-8337243 Fix more -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in compiler code
JDK-8336349 Fix more simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in C2 code
JDK-8337786 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in aarch64 code
JDK-8335663 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in C2 code
JDK-8336085 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in CDS code
JDK-8337239 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in classfile code
JDK-8335667 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in compiler code
JDK-8335294 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in gc code
JDK-8337784 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in linux/posix code
JDK-8337785 Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in x86 code
JDK-8311163 Parallel: Improve large object handling during evacuation
JDK-8339351 Remove duplicate line in FileMapHeader::print
JDK-8337415 Remove inappropriate Atomic access in FreeListAllocator
JDK-8333133 Simplify QuickSort::sort
JDK-8337709 Use allocated states for chunking large array processing
JDK-8337783 Use THROW_NULL instead of THROW_0 in pointer contexts in misc runtime code
JDK-8337782 Use THROW_NULL instead of THROW_0 in pointer contexts in prims code

Kevin Rushforth, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333743 Change .jcheck/conf branches property to match valid branches

Kelvin Nilsen, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8335126 Shenandoah: Improve OOM handling
JDK-8334315 Shenandoah: reduce GC logging noise

Kevin Walls, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336257 Additional tests in jmxremote/startstop to match on PID not app name
JDK-8335124 com/sun/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadCpuTimeArray.java failed with CPU time out of expected range
JDK-8327793 Deprecate jstatd for removal
JDK-8335610 DiagnosticFramework: CmdLine::is_executable() correction
JDK-8338891 HotSpotDiagnosticsMXBean missing @since tag
JDK-8335154 jcmd VM.classes -verbose=false does not set verbose to false
JDK-8335349 jcmd VM.classloaders "fold" option should be optional
JDK-8333344 JMX attaching of Subject does not work when security manager not allowed
JDK-8207908 JMXStatusTest.java fails assertion intermittently
JDK-8334287 Man page update for jstatd deprecation
JDK-8337473 Remove sun/management/jdp tests from ProblemList on Linux-aarch64, MacOSX
JDK-8267887 RMIConnector_NPETest.java fails after removal of RMI Activation (JDK-8267123)
JDK-8334777 Test javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/NotifReconnectDeadlockTest.java failed with NullPointerException
JDK-8335684 Test ThreadCpuTime.java should pause like ThreadCpuTimeArray.java
JDK-8332551 Test vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/MemoryNotificationInfo/from/from001/TestDescription.java timed out
JDK-8338817 Wrong indent in API docs for java.lang.management.ManagementFactory

Takuya Kiriyama, Fujitsu

Bug Summary
JDK-8335743 jhsdb jstack cannot print some information on the waiting thread

Koichi Sakata, NTT DATA

Bug Summary
JDK-8323242 Remove vestigial DONT_USE_REGISTER_DEFINES

Kuai Wei, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8325821 [REDO] use "dmb.ishst+dmb.ishld" for release barrier
JDK-8335946 DTrace code snippets should be generated when DTrace flags are enabled

Vladimir Kozlov, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337797 Additional ExternalAddress cleanup
JDK-8334421 assert(!oldbox->is_unbalanced()) failed: this should not be called for unbalanced region
JDK-8335220 C2: Missing check for Opaque4 node in EscapeAnalysis
JDK-8336421 ciMethod() constructor should use ConditionalMutexLocker(Compile_lock)
JDK-8334430 Clean up nativeInst_x86.*
JDK-8337396 Cleanup usage of ExternalAddess
JDK-8335921 Fix HotSpot VM build without JVMTI
JDK-8333819 Move embedded external addresses from relocation info into separate global table
JDK-8329141 Obsolete RTM flags and code
JDK-8336692 Redo fix for JDK-8284620
JDK-8335221 Some C2 intrinsics incorrectly assume that type argument is compile-time constant
JDK-8334779 Test compiler/c1/CanonicalizeArrayLength.java is timing out
JDK-8337702 Use new ForwardExceptionNode to call StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry()

Kangcheng Xu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8327380 Add tests for Shenandoah barrier expansion optimization
JDK-8327381 Refactor type-improving transformations in BoolNode::Ideal to BoolNode::Value

larry.cable, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8313562 hsperfdata should export module path and "launcher" metadata

Lawrence Andrews, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335789 [TESTBUG] XparColor.java test fails with Error. Parse Exception: Invalid or unrecognized bugid: @
JDK-8328553 Get rid of JApplet in test/jdk/sanity/client/lib/SwingSet2/src/DemoModule.java

Chen Liang, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8325369 @sealedGraph: Bad link to image for tag on nested classes
JDK-8337219 AccessFlags factories do not require necessary arguments
JDK-8338700 AttributeMapper type parameter should be bounded by Attribute
JDK-8336585 BoundAttribute.readEntryList not type-safe
JDK-8336777 BufferedMethodBuilder not initialized with static flag
JDK-8338406 BytecodeHelpers using wrong bootstrap method descriptor for condy
JDK-8335935 Chained builders not sending transformed models to next transforms
JDK-8334772 Change Class::signers to an explicit field
JDK-8335475 ClassBuilder incorrectly calculates max_locals in some cases
JDK-8338543 ClassBuilder withMethod builders should cache the method type symbol
JDK-8336934 Clean up JavaLangReflectAccess
JDK-8335905 CompoundElement API cleanup
JDK-8333749 Consolidate ConstantDesc conversion in java.base
JDK-8337225 Demote maxStack and maxLocals from CodeModel to CodeAttribute
JDK-8336032 Enforce immutability of Lists used by ClassFile API
JDK-8336588 Ensure Transform downstream receives upstream start items only after downstream started
JDK-8335110 Fix instruction name and API spec inconsistencies in CodeBuilder
JDK-8338545 Functional interface implementations for common pre-boot ClassFile operations
JDK-8335939 Hide element writing across the ClassFile API
JDK-8335642 Hide Transform implementation for Class-File API
JDK-8333854 IllegalAccessError with proxies after JDK-8332457
JDK-8336756 Improve ClassFile Annotation writing
JDK-8335922 Incorrect @Stable usage of LambdaForm$Name.index
JDK-8333748 javap crash - Fatal error: Unmatched bit position 0x2 for location CLASS
JDK-8339132 Make DirectCodeBuilder write through without allocating instruction objects
JDK-8304929 MethodTypeDesc throws an unchecked exception than ReflectiveOperationException when a component class cannot be resolved
JDK-8336927 Missing equals and hashCode in java.lang.classfile.Annotation
JDK-8336754 Remodel TypeAnnotation to "has" instead of "be" an Annotation
JDK-8334726 Remove accidentally exposed individual methods from Class-File API
JDK-8339214 Remove misleading CodeBuilder.loadConstant(Opcode, ConstantDesc)
JDK-8339131 Remove rarely-used accessor methods from Opcode
JDK-8339519 Remove size field from instructions
JDK-8334734 Remove specialized readXxxEntry methods from ClassReader
JDK-8335290 Rename ClassFile::transform to ClassFile::transformClass
JDK-8339115 Rename TypeKind enum constants to follow code style
JDK-8335938 Review XxxBuilder.original and XxxModel.parent
JDK-8335927 Revisit AnnotationConstantValueEntry and AnnotationValue.OfConstant
JDK-8339576 Speed up raw bytecode processing in ClassFile API
JDK-8338623 StackCounter adding extraneous slots for receiver invoke instructions
JDK-8336036 Synthetic documentation for a record's equals is incorrect for floating-point types

Liming Liu, Ampere

Bug Summary
JDK-8324781 runtime/Thread/TestAlwaysPreTouchStacks.java failed with Expected a higher ratio between stack committed and reserved

lingjun.cg, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8333396 Use StringBuilder internally for java.text.Format.* formatting

Liang Mao, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8335493 check_gc_overhead_limit should reset SoftRefPolicy::_should_clear_all_soft_refs

Leonid Mesnik, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8258483 [TESTBUG] gtest CollectorPolicy.young_scaled_initial_ergo_vm fails if heap is too small
JDK-8333841 Add more logging into setfldw001 tests
JDK-8332252 Clean up vmTestbase/vm/share
JDK-8339030 frame::print_value_on(outputStream* st, JavaThread *thread) doesn't need thread argument
JDK-8333306 gc/arguments/TestParallelGCErgo.java fails when largepage are enabled
JDK-8333117 Remove support of remote and manual debuggee launchers
JDK-8205957 setfldw001/TestDescription.java fails with bad field value
JDK-8337410 The makefiles should set problemlist and adjust timeout basing on the given VM flags
JDK-8330702 Update failure handler to don't generate Error message if cores actions are empty
JDK-8332113 Update nsk.share.Log to be always verbose
JDK-8330535 Update nsk/jdb tests to use driver instead of othervm
JDK-8330534 Update nsk/jdwp tests to use driver instead of othervm
JDK-8338934 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/*Field*Watch/TestDescription.java tests timeout intermittently
JDK-8338010 WB_IsFrameDeoptimized miss ResourceMark

Lucy Schmidt, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8336498 [macos] [build]: install-file macro may run into permission denied error
JDK-8334564 VM startup: fatal error: FLAG_SET_ERGO cannot be used to set an invalid value for NonNMethodCodeHeapSize

Marc Hoffmann, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8334032 javax.print: Missing @since tag in new class OutputBin

Matias Saavedra Silva, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8321033 Avoid casting Array to GrowableArray
JDK-8338924 C1: assert(0 <= i && i < _len) failed: illegal index 5 for length 5
JDK-8304484 CDS dynamic dumping incorrectly leads to "Error occurred during initialization of VM"
JDK-8338530 CDS warning Skipping java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLL
JDK-8335664 Parsing jsr broken: assert(bci>= 0 && bci < c->method()->code_size()) failed: index out of bounds
JDK-8306580 Propagate CDS dumping errors instead of directly exiting the VM
JDK-8339020 Remove unused HeapShared::calculate_oopmap
JDK-8334899 Test runtime/cds/appcds/javaldr/ExceptionDuringDumpAtObjectsInitPhase.java failed after JDK-8306580

Matthias Baesken, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8334567 [test] runtime/os/TestTracePageSizes move ppc handling
JDK-8339364 AIX build fails: various unused variable and function warnings
JDK-8335283 Build failure due to 'no_sanitize' attribute directive ignored
JDK-8338304 clang on Linux - check for lld presence after JDK-8333189
JDK-8339300 CollectorPolicy.young_scaled_initial_ergo_vm gtest fails on ppc64 based platforms
JDK-8338236 Compile error in cgroup code on Linux when using clang
JDK-8336827 compiler/vectorization/TestFloat16VectorConvChain.java timeouts on ppc64 platforms after JDK-8335860
JDK-8338550 Do libubsan1 installation in test container only if requested
JDK-8333144 docker tests do not work when ubsan is configured
JDK-8334222 exclude containers/cgroup/PlainRead.java
JDK-8338110 Exclude Fingerprinter::do_type from ubsan checks
JDK-8337662 Improve os::print_hex_dump for printing Instructions sections
JDK-8334239 Introduce macro for ubsan method/function exclusions
JDK-8339166 java/lang/String/concat/HiddenClassUnloading.java fails on AIX and Linux ppc64le after JDK-8336856
JDK-8333522 JFR SwapSpace event might read wrong free swap space size
JDK-8334123 log the opening of Type 1 fonts
JDK-8338058 map_or_reserve_memory_aligned Windows enhance remap assertion
JDK-8333724 Problem list security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/CAInterop.java#teliasonerarootcav1
JDK-8337810 ProblemList BasicDirectoryModel/LoaderThreadCount.java on Windows
JDK-8338101 remove old remap assertion in map_or_reserve_memory_aligned after JDK-8338058
JDK-8335778 runtime/ClassInitErrors/TestStackOverflowDuringInit.java fails on ppc64 platforms after JDK-8334545
JDK-8335710 serviceability/dcmd/vm/SystemDumpMapTest.java and SystemMapTest.java fail on Linux Alpine after 8322475
JDK-8333361 ubsan,test : libHeapMonitorTest.cpp:518:9: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null
JDK-8332818 ubsan: archiveHeapLoader.cpp:70:27: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 18446744073707454464 to null pointer
JDK-8333098 ubsan: bytecodeInfo.cpp:318:59: runtime error: division by zero
JDK-8333730 ubsan: FieldIndices/libFieldIndicesTest.cpp:276:11: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null
JDK-8333354 ubsan: frame.inline.hpp:91:25: and src/hotspot/share/runtime/frame.inline.hpp:88:29: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'const struct SmallRegisterMap'
JDK-8333363 ubsan: instanceKlass.cpp: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct AnnotationArray'
JDK-8332699 ubsan: jfrEventSetting.inline.hpp:31:43: runtime error: index 163 out of bounds for type 'jfrNativeEventSetting [162]'
JDK-8333277 ubsan: mlib_ImageScanPoly.c:292:43: runtime error: division by zero
JDK-8332903 ubsan: opto/output.cpp:1002:18: runtime error: load of value 171, which is not a valid value for type 'bool'
JDK-8334618 ubsan: support setting additional ubsan check options
JDK-8333887 ubsan: unsafe.cpp:247:13: runtime error: store to null pointer of type 'volatile int'
JDK-8335237 ubsan: vtableStubs.hpp is_vtable_stub exclude from ubsan checks

Martin Balao, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8336499 Failure when creating non-CRT RSA private keys in SunPKCS11

Maurizio Cimadamore, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334121 Anonymous class capturing two enclosing instances fails to compile
JDK-8331671 Implement JEP 472: Prepare to Restrict the Use of JNI
JDK-8338677 Improve startup of memory access var handles by simplifying combinator chains
JDK-8334037 Local class creation in lambda in pre-construction context crashes javac
JDK-8338731 MemoryLayout::offsetHandle can return a negative offset
JDK-8338728 Misc issues in memory layout javadoc
JDK-8335159 Move method reference to lambda desugaring before Lower
JDK-8333313 NullPointerException in lambda instantiating an inner local class in prologue
JDK-8336320 NullPointerException: Cannot invoke Type.getTag because type is null after JDK-8334037
JDK-8333766 Stack overflow with anonymous class in super() parameter
JDK-8339285 Test fails with assert(depth < max_critical_stack_depth) failed: can't have more than 10 critical frames
JDK-8334679 Wrong bug number in regression test for JDK-8334252

Martin Doerr, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8339411 [PPC64] cmpxchgw/h/b doesn't handle external Label
JDK-8331117 [PPC64] secondary_super_cache does not scale well
JDK-8338814 [PPC64] Unify interface of cmpxchg for different types
JDK-8333639 ubsan: cppVtables.cpp:81:55: runtime error: index 14 out of bounds for type 'long int [1]'

Matthew Donovan, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8324841 PKCS11 tests still skip execution
JDK-8333829 ProblemList sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java due to JDK-8333317
JDK-8333317 Test sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java failed with: Invalid ECDH ServerKeyExchange signature
JDK-8338380 Update TLSCommon/interop/AbstractServer to specify an interface to listen for connections

Markus Grönlund, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337975 [BACKOUT] Native memory leak when not recording any events
JDK-8337994 [REDO] Native memory leak when not recording any events
JDK-8334780 Crash: assert(h_array_list.not_null()) failed: invariant
JDK-8338417 Explicitly pin a virtual thread before acquiring the JFR string pool monitor
JDK-8338745 Intrinsify Continuation.pin() and Continuation.unpin()
JDK-8334781 JFR crash: assert(((((JfrTraceIdBits::load(klass)) & ((JfrTraceIdEpoch::this_epoch_method_and_class_bits()))) != 0))) failed: invariant
JDK-8339149 jfr_flush_event_writer - return value type mismatch
JDK-8335121 Native memory leak when not recording any events
JDK-8338939 Simplify processing of hidden class names
JDK-8334393 ZGC: RunThese24H fails with ExitCode 139 during shutdown

Hamlin Li, Huawei

Bug Summary
JDK-8338595 Add more linesize for MIME decoder in macro bench test Base64Decode
JDK-8338760 Adjust the comment after UseObjectMonitorTable
JDK-8314124 RISC-V: implement Base64 intrinsic - decoding
JDK-8314125 RISC-V: implement Base64 intrinsic - encoding
JDK-8334396 RISC-V: verify & fix perf of ReverseBytesI/L
JDK-8334554 RISC-V: verify & fix perf of string comparison
JDK-8335191 RISC-V: verify perf of chacha20
JDK-8334397 RISC-V: verify perf of ReverseBytesS/US

Mark Powers, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337664 Distrust TLS server certificates issued after Oct 2024 and anchored by Entrust Root CAs
JDK-8333364 Minor cleanup could be done in com.sun.crypto.provider
JDK-4966250 SSLSessionContext.setSessionTimeout() documentation could be updated

Mark Reinhold, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338611 java.lang.module specification wording not aligned with JEP 261

Sean Mullan, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8248981 Specify list of standard message digest and mgf algorithms for RSASSA-PSS signature

Manukumar V S, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8337886 java/awt/Frame/MaximizeUndecoratedTest.java fails in OEL due to a slight color difference
JDK-8338103 Stabilize and open source a Swing OGL ButtonResizeTest
JDK-8339233 Test javax/swing/JButton/SwingButtonResizeTestWithOpenGL.java#id failed: Button renderings are different after window resize

Naoto Sato, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336679 Add @implSpec for the default implementations in Process.waitFor()
JDK-8337603 Change in behavior with -Djava.locale.useOldISOCodes=true
JDK-8338690 CompactNumberInstance.format incorrectly formats some numbers (few vs many)
JDK-8336300 DateFormatSymbols#getInstanceRef returns non-cached instance
JDK-8337506 Disable "best-fit" mapping on Windows command line
JDK-8337300 java/lang/Process/WaitForDuration.java leaves child process behind
JDK-8334490 Normalize string with locale invariant `toLowerCase()`
JDK-8336479 Provide Process.waitFor(Duration)
JDK-8332161 Test restoring echo in the Console implementation (java.base)

Nizar Benalla, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335623 Clean up HtmlTag.HtmlTag and make the ARIA role attribute global
JDK-8335213 Code snippet in javax.naming.ldap package summary does not compile
JDK-8332072 Convert package.html files in `java.naming` to package-info.java
JDK-8336039 Doccheck: HTML warnings, broken links and missing files in java.base documentation
JDK-8336091 Fix HTML warnings in the generated HTML files
JDK-8322708 Global HTML attributes are not allowed
JDK-8322036 Improve help output from the javadoc tool
JDK-8336040 Missing closing anchor element in Docs.gmk
JDK-8332099 since-checker - Add @ since to package-info in jdk.jsobject
JDK-8332103 since-checker - Add missing @ since tags to java.desktop
JDK-8332014 since-checker - Fix @ since tags in jdk.jshell
JDK-8330954 since-checker - Fix remaining @ since tags in java.base
JDK-8336259 Wrong link to stylesheet.css in JavaDoc API documentation

Neethu Prasad, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8331911 Reconsider locking for recently disarmed nmethods
JDK-8333716 Shenandoah: Check for disarmed method before taking the nmethod lock

Tom Rodriguez, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333300 [JVMCI] add support for generational ZGC

Neethu Prasad, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8336299 Improve GCLocker stall diagnostics
JDK-8334232 Optimize C1 classes layout
JDK-8334230 Optimize C2 classes layout
JDK-8336742 Shenandoah: Add more verbose logging/stats for mark termination attempts
JDK-8335865 Shenandoah: Improve THP pretouch after JDK-8315923

Patricio Chilano Mateo, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8335269 [Graal] occasional timeout in java/lang/StringBuffer/TestSynchronization.java with loom
JDK-8335409 Can't allocate and retain memory from resource area in frame::oops_interpreted_do oop closure after 8329665

Prajwal Kumaraswamy, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8328723 IP Address error when client enables HTTPS endpoint check on server socket

Per-Ake Minborg, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333886 Explicitly specify that asSlice and reinterpret return a memory segment backed by the same region of memory.
JDK-8338967 Improve performance for MemorySegment::fill
JDK-8338591 Improve performance of MemorySegment::copy
JDK-8338489 Typo in MemorySegment doc
JDK-8337712 Wrong javadoc in java.util.Date#toString(): "61" and right parenthesis

Pavel Rappo, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336239 Fix javadoc markup in java.lang.Process
JDK-8318106 Generated HTML for snippet does not always contain an id
JDK-8333358 java/io/IO/IO.java test fails intermittently
JDK-8338834 Remove unused import declarations in java.compiler
JDK-8338398 Trivially fix grammar and typos
JDK-8299080 Wrong default value of snippet lang attribute

Philip Race, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8332854 Unable to build openjdk with --with-harfbuzz=system
JDK-8338928 Update SwingSet2 "About" image to reference openjdk.org
JDK-8334495 Use FFM instead of jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe in java.desktop font implementation
JDK-8337237 Use FFM instead of Unsafe for Java 2D RenderBuffer class

Prasanta Sadhukhan, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8190329 [macos] Swing InterOp Platform.exit() crash
JDK-6318027 BasicScrollBarUI does not disable timer when enclosing frame is disabled.
JDK-8336873 BasicSplitPaneDivider:oneTouchExpandableChanged() should mention that implementation depends on SplitPane.supportsOneTouchButtons property
JDK-8334509 Cancelling PageDialog does not return the same PageFormat object
JDK-8334580 Deprecate no-arg constructor BasicSliderUI() for removal
JDK-8333940 Ensure javax/swing/TestUngrab.java run on all platforms
JDK-4265389 JSplitPane does not support ComponentOrientation
JDK-5021949 JSplitPane setEnabled(false) shouldn't be partially functional
JDK-8337344 Redundant javadoc at RasterPrinterJob.isCancelled
JDK-8337268 Redundant Math.ceil in StyleSheet.ListPainter#drawShape
JDK-8337457 Redundant Math.round call in AquaProgressBarUI#getStringPlacement
JDK-8334457 Test javax/swing/JTabbedPane/bug4666224.java fail on macOS with because pressing the ‘C’ key does not switch the layout to WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT

Quan Anh Mai, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8334629 [BACKOUT] PhaseIdealLoop::conditional_move is too conservative

Qizheng Xing, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8333334 C2: Make result of `Node::dominates` more precise to enhance scalar replacement
JDK-8335536 Fix assertion failure in IdealGraphPrinter when append is true
JDK-8336163 Remove declarations of some debug-only methods in release build

Roberto Castaneda Lozano, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334442 Temporarily disable return type assertion to reduce noise in testing

Claes Redestad, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338979 Avoid bootstrapped switches in the classfile API
JDK-8333774 Avoid eagerly loading various EmptySpliterator classes
JDK-8338906 Avoid passing EnumDescs and extra classes to type switch methods that don't use them
JDK-8335182 Consolidate and streamline String concat code shapes
JDK-8333265 De-duplicate method references in java.util.stream.FindOps
JDK-8334437 De-duplicate ProxyMethod list creation
JDK-8339640 Reduce construction overheads in StringConcatFactory$InlineHiddenClassStrategy
JDK-8339642 Reduce overheads in InvokerBytecodeGenerator
JDK-8339167 Remove AbstractPoolEntry.PrimitiveEntry to reduce boxing overheads
JDK-8339592 Simplify and remove unused code in ObjectMethods.
JDK-8338897 Small startup regression remains after JDK-8309622 and JDK-8331932
JDK-8333824 Unused ClassValue in VarHandles

Robbin Ehn, Rivos

Bug Summary
JDK-8333649 Allow different NativeCall encodings
JDK-8338727 RISC-V: Avoid synthetic data dependency in nmethod barrier on Ztso
JDK-8332689 RISC-V: Use load instead of trampolines

Raffaello Giulietti, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333599 Improve description of \b matcher in j.u.r.Pattern
JDK-8334758 Incorrect note in Javadoc for a few RandomGenerator methods

Rajan Halade, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334441 Mark tests in jdk_security_infra group as manual

Renjith Kannath Pariyangad, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333360 PrintNullString.java doesn't use float arguments
JDK-8290501 Typo in javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel documentation

Roland Westrelin, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8335843 C2 hits assert(_print_inlining_stream->size() > 0) failed: missing inlining msg
JDK-8335393 C2: assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance
JDK-8335709 C2: assert(!loop->is_member(get_loop(useblock))) failed: must be outside loop
JDK-8338100 C2: assert(!n_loop->is_member(get_loop(lca))) failed: control must not be back in the loop
JDK-8336830 C2: assert(get_loop(lca)->_nest < n_loop->_nest || lca->in(0)->is_NeverBranch()) failed: must not be moved into inner loop
JDK-8334647 C2: CastII added by PhaseIdealLoop::add_template_assertion_predicate() should have control
JDK-8334724 C2: remove PhaseIdealLoop::cast_incr_before_loop()
JDK-8338844 C2: remove useless code in PhaseIdealLoop::place_outside_loop() after 8335709
JDK-8334544 C2: wrong control assigned in PhaseIdealLoop::clone_assertion_predicate_for_unswitched_loops()
JDK-8333805 Replaying compilation with null static final fields results in a crash
JDK-8328107 Shenandoah/C2: TestVerifyLoopOptimizations test failure

Richard Reingruber, SAP

Bug Summary
JDK-8334560 [PPC64]: postalloc_expand_java_dynamic_call_sched does not copy all fields
JDK-8331311 C2: Big Endian Port of 8318446: optimize stores into primitive arrays by combining values into larger store
JDK-8336256 memcpy short value to int local is incorrect in VtableStubs::unsafe_hash

Roger Riggs, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8338060 jdk/internal/util/ReferencedKeyTest should be more robust
JDK-8336926 jdk/internal/util/ReferencedKeyTest.java can fail with ConcurrentModificationException

Robert Toyonaga, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8334031 Generated JfrNativeSettings seems off
JDK-8332362 Implement os::committed_in_range for MacOS and AIX
JDK-8332400 isspace argument should be a valid unsigned char
JDK-8330144 Revise os::free_memory()

Saint Wesonga, Microsoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8334475 UnsafeIntrinsicsTest.java#ZGenerationalDebug assert(!assert_on_failure) failed: Has low-order bits set

satyenme, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8336914 Shenandoah: Missing verification steps after JDK-8255765
JDK-8336915 Shenandoah: Remove unused ShenandoahVerifier::verify_after_evacuation

Sergey Bylokhov, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8338785 The java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#FLAVOR_MAP_KEY field is not used

Severin Gehwolf, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8261242 [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container
JDK-8339148 Make os::Linux::active_processor_count() public
JDK-8335882 platform/cgroup/TestSystemSettings.java fails on Alpine Linux
JDK-8331560 Refactor Hotspot container detection code so that subsystem delegates to controllers
JDK-8335775 Remove extraneous 's' in comment of rawmonitor.cpp test file

Scott Gibbons, Intel

Bug Summary
JDK-8320448 Accelerate IndexOf using AVX2

sgwizdak, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8332249 Micro-optimize Method.hashCode

Aleksey Shipilev, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8338856 [BACKOUT] JDK-8337828: CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment
JDK-8336635 Add IR test for Reference.refersTo intrinsic
JDK-8336343 Add more known sysroot library locations for ALSA
JDK-8336465 C2: EA incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits
JDK-8336466 C2: Parser incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits
JDK-8337828 CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment
JDK-8337283 configure.log is truncated when build dir is on different filesystem
JDK-8336342 Fix known X11 library locations in sysroot
JDK-8333791 Fix memory barriers for @Stable fields
JDK-8334594 Generational ZGC: Deadlock after OopMap rewrites in 8331572
JDK-8338286 GHA: Demote x86_32 to hotspot build only
JDK-8330586 GHA: Drop additional gcc/glibc packages installation for x86_32
JDK-8338314 JFR: Split JFRCheckpoint VM operation
JDK-8336474 Problemlist compiler/interpreter/Test6833129 on x86_32
JDK-8337213 Shenandoah: Add verification for class mirrors
JDK-8338688 Shenandoah: Avoid calling java_lang_Class accessors in asserts/verifier
JDK-8334482 Shenandoah: Deadlock when safepoint is pending during nmethods iteration
JDK-8338202 Shenandoah: Improve handshake closure labels
JDK-8338662 Shenandoah: Remove excessive ShenandoahVerifier::verify_during_evacuation
JDK-8338444 Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahHumongousThreshold tunable
JDK-8293650 Shenandoah: Support archived heap objects
JDK-8337981 ShenandoahHeap::is_in should check for alive regions
JDK-8335274 SwitchBootstraps.ResolvedEnumLabels.resolvedEnum should be final

Shaojin Wen, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8334342 Add MergeStore JMH benchmarks
JDK-8336792 DateTimeFormatterBuilder append zeros based on StringBuilder.repeat
JDK-8336856 Efficient hidden class-based string concatenation strategy
JDK-8337245 Fix wrong comment of StringConcatHelper
JDK-8335802 Improve startup speed HexFormat uses boolean instead of enum
JDK-8335645 j.u.Formatter#trailingZeros improved with String repeat
JDK-8336278 Micro-optimize Replace String.format("%n") to System.lineSeparator
JDK-8337832 Optimize datetime toString
JDK-8336706 Optimize LocalDate.toString with StringBuilder.repeat
JDK-8337168 Optimize LocalDateTime.toString
JDK-8336741 Optimize LocalTime.toString with StringBuilder.repeat
JDK-8336831 Optimize StringConcatHelper.simpleConcat
JDK-8334328 Reduce object allocation for FloatToDecimal and DoubleToDecimal
JDK-8335252 Reduce size of j.u.Formatter.Conversion#isValid
JDK-8333833 Remove the use of ByteArrayLittleEndian from UUID::toString
JDK-8338532 Speed up the ClassFile API MethodTypeDesc#ofDescriptor
JDK-8338936 StringConcatFactory optimize the construction of MethodType and MethodTypeDesc
JDK-8337167 StringSize deduplication
JDK-8338409 Use record to simplify code

Aleksandre Iline, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334036 Update JCov for class file version 68

Volker Simonis, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8335619 Add an @apiNote to j.l.i.ClassFileTransformer to warn about recursive class loading and ClassCircularityErrors
JDK-8335911 Document ccls indexer in doc/ide.md
JDK-8336258 Document the behavior of 'exclude' and 'compileonly' with respect to inlining

Suchismith Roy, IBM

Bug Summary
JDK-8334217 [AIX] Misleading error messages after JDK-8320005
JDK-8332423 [PPC64] Remove C1_MacroAssembler::call_c_with_frame_resize
JDK-8331732 [PPC64] Unify and optimize code which converts != 0 to 1

Sibabrata Sahoo, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8333754 Add a Test against ECDSA and ECDH NIST Test vector

Serguei Spitsyn, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336846 assert(state->get_thread() == jt) failed: handshake unsafe conditions
JDK-8333931 Problemlist serviceability/jvmti/vthread/CarrierThreadEventNotification
JDK-8335836 serviceability/jvmti/StartPhase/AllowedFunctions/AllowedFunctions.java fails with unexpected exit code: 112
JDK-8334085 Test crash: assert(thread->held_monitor_count() == 0) failed: Must be

Stefan Karlsson, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8339540 Unify include requirements for PlatformMonitor/Mutex constructors/destructors
JDK-8337658 ZGC: Move soft reference handling out of the driver loop function
JDK-8338139 {ClassLoading,Memory}MXBean::isVerbose methods are inconsistent with their setVerbose methods

Thomas Stuefe, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8332105 Exploded JDK does not include CDS
JDK-8322475 Extend printing for System.map
JDK-8335007 Inline OopMapCache table
JDK-8322811 jcmd System.dump_map help info has conflicting statements
JDK-8334223 Make Arena MEMFLAGs immutable
JDK-8338929 Make Metaspace::deallocate space-aware
JDK-8314653 Metaspace: remove allocation guard feature
JDK-8333211 NMT Reports: replace manual indentation handling with auto indent
JDK-8333994 NMT: call stacks should show source information
JDK-8334738 os::print_hex_dump should optionally print ASCII
JDK-8334026 Provide a diagnostic PrintMemoryMapAtExit switch on Linux
JDK-8335643 serviceability/dcmd/vm tests fail for ZGC after JDK-8322475
JDK-8333775 Small improvement to outputStream auto-indentation mode
JDK-8334179 VMATreeTest.TestConsistencyWithSimpleTracker_vm runs 50+ seconds
JDK-8332786 When dumping static CDS archives, explicitly assert that we don't use a CDS archive

Sundararajan Athijegannathan, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8204582 Extra spaces in jlink documentation make it incorrect.

Sandhya Viswanathan, Intel

Bug Summary
JDK-8337062 x86_64: Unordered add/mul reduction support for vector api

Shaojin Wen, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8339196 Optimize BufWriterImpl#writeU1/U2/Int/Long
JDK-8339401 Optimize ClassFile load and store instructions
JDK-8339290 Optimize ClassFile Utf8EntryImpl#writeTo
JDK-8339168 Optimize ClassFile Util slotSize
JDK-8339317 Optimize ClassFile writeBuffer
JDK-8338937 Optimize the string concatenation of ClassDesc
JDK-8339635 StringConcatFactory optimization for CompactStrings off

Sendao Yan, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8334715 [riscv] Mixed use of tab and whitespace in riscv.ad
JDK-8334771 [TESTBUG] Run TestDockerMemoryMetrics.java with -Xcomp fails exitValue = 137
JDK-8336854 CAInterop.java#actalisauthenticationrootca conflicted with /manual and /timeout
JDK-8333477 Delete extra empty spaces in Makefiles
JDK-8336855 Duplicate protected declaration and comment in interp_masm_aarch64.hpp
JDK-8334057 JLinkReproducibleTest.java support receive test.tool.vm.opts
JDK-8334333 MissingResourceCauseTestRun.java fails if run by root
JDK-8335806 RISC-V: Corrected typos Bizarrely
JDK-8269657 Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/Loopback.java failed: Unexpected message
JDK-8338630 Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/SendReceiveMaxSize.java timeout
JDK-8334339 Test java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/CreationTime.java fails on alinux3
JDK-8335150 Test LogGeneratedClassesTest.java fails on rpmbuild mock enviroment
JDK-8336284 Test TestClhsdbJstackLock.java/TestJhsdbJstackLock.java fails with -Xcomp after JDK-8335743
JDK-8338112 Test testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/TestPrivilegedMode.java fails with release build
JDK-8338344 Test TestPrivilegedMode.java intermittent fails java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/test/lib/Platform
JDK-8337334 Test tools/javac/7142086/T7142086.java timeout with fastdebug binary
JDK-8334332 TestIOException.java fails if run by root

Sonia Zaldana Calles, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8332125 [nmt] Totals in diff report should print out total malloc and mmap diffs
JDK-8335108 Build error after JDK-8333658 due to class templates
JDK-8327054 DiagnosticCommand Compiler.perfmap does not log on output()
JDK-8334492 DiagnosticCommands (jcmd) should accept %p in output filenames and substitute PID
JDK-8338014 Improve usage of @jvms tags in class file API
JDK-8330420 Inverted use of DisplayVMOutputToStderr in ostream_exit
JDK-8333308 javap --system handling doesn't work on internal class names
JDK-8332124 Jcmd should recognise options that look like requests for help
JDK-8333685 Make update-copyright-year script more useful
JDK-8333769 Pretouching tests dont test pretouching
JDK-8334570 Problem list gc/TestAlwaysPreTouchBehavior.java
JDK-8336495 Remove unnecessary casts in output.cpp
JDK-8326085 Remove unnecessary UpcallContext constructor
JDK-8334164 The fix for JDK-8322811 should use _filename.is_set() rather than strcmp()

Tobias Hartmann, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334077 Fix problem list entries for compiler tests
JDK-8337968 Problem list compiler/vectorapi/VectorRebracket128Test.java
JDK-8335861 Problem list compiler/vectorization/TestFloat16VectorConvChain.java
JDK-8336095 Use-after-free in Superword leads to memory corruption
JDK-8336999 Verification for resource area allocated data structures in C2

tomas.zezula, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8338538 [JVMCI] Allow HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#getJObjectValue to be called by a HotSpot CompileBroker compiler thread

Tejesh R, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8329756 [macos] "javax/swing/JTable/KeyBoardNavigation.java" fail because most combinations of navigational keys with the Ctrl key do not work
JDK-8338488 Add screen capture for failure case
JDK-8166352 FilePane.createDetailsView() removes JTable TAB, SHIFT-TAB functionality
JDK-8233068 HIDPI: Linux: AWT Checkbox check mark is unscaled
JDK-8338041 Keyboard Navigation of JTable, Ctrl Shift RIGHT/LEFT doesn't follow native action in GTK L&F
JDK-6967482 TAB-key does not work in JTables after selecting details-view in JFileChooser

Thomas Schatzl, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8331385 G1: Prefix HeapRegion helper classes with G1
JDK-8336912 G1: Undefined behavior for G1ConfidencePercent=0
JDK-8335395 G1: Verification does not detect references into Free regions
JDK-8337222 gc/TestDisableExplicitGC.java fails due to unexpected CodeCache GC
JDK-8335955 JDK-8335742 wrongly used a "JDK-" prefix in the problemlist bug number
JDK-8335742 Problemlist gc/g1/TestMixedGCLiveThreshold.java#25percent with virtual threads
JDK-8335824 Test gc/arguments/TestMinInitialErgonomics.java is timing out

Tomáš Zezula, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336663 [JVMCI] VM Crash on ZGC due to incompatible handle returned by HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#getJObjectValue

vanitha.b.p, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8325525 Create jtreg test case for JDK-8325203

Varada M, IBM

Bug Summary
JDK-8331733 [PPC64] saving and restoring CR is not needed at most places
JDK-8331935 Add support for primitive array C1 clone intrinsic in PPC

Viktor Klang, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336384 AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire should cancel acquire when failing due to a LinkageError or other errors
JDK-8336462 ConcurrentSkipListSet Javadoc incorrectly warns about size method complexity
JDK-8334162 Gatherer.defaultCombiner has an erronous @see-link
JDK-8338765 ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor struggles with extremely long delays
JDK-8325397 sun/java2d/Disposer/TestDisposerRace.java fails in linux-aarch64

Vladimir Ivanov, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8304693 Remove -XX:-UseVtableBasedCHA

Volodymyr Paprotski, Intel

Bug Summary
JDK-8333583 Crypto-XDH.generateSecret regression after JDK-8329538

Vladimir Petko, Canonical

Bug Summary
JDK-8336529 (fs) UnixFileAttributeViews setTimes() failing on armhf, Ubuntu noble
JDK-8334502 gtest/GTestWrapper.java fails on armhf due to LogDecorations.iso8601_utctime_test
JDK-8334895 OpenJDK fails to configure on linux aarch64 when CDS is disabled after JDK-8331942

Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334466 Ambiguous method call with generics may cause FunctionDescriptorLookupError
JDK-8337037 compiler internal options are not printing the stacktrace after a compiler crash
JDK-8332850 javac crashes if container for repeatable annotation is not found
JDK-8332600 javac uses record components source position during compilation

Weijun Wang, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8336667 IAE in DerInputStream.toByteArray
JDK-8333772 Incorrect Kerberos behavior when udp_preference_limit = 0
JDK-8334394 Race condition in Class::protectionDomain
JDK-8336935 Test sun/security/krb5/auto/RealmSpecificValues.java fails: java.lang.RuntimeException: Should not reach here

William Kemper, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8333926 Shenandoah: Lower default immediate garbage threshold
JDK-8337241 Shenandoah: Normalize include guards
JDK-8336685 Shenandoah: Remove experimental incremental update mode
JDK-8336944 Shenandoah: Should only relativize stack chunks for successful evacuations

Xiaolong Peng, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8335904 Fix invalid comment in ShenandoahLock
JDK-8334229 Optimize InterpreterOopMap layout
JDK-8334220 Optimize Klass layout after JDK-8180450
JDK-8334231 Optimize MethodData layout
JDK-8334147 Shenandoah: Avoid taking lock for disabled free set logging
JDK-8335356 Shenandoah: Improve concurrent cleanup locking
JDK-8336640 Shenandoah: Parallel worker use in parallel_heap_region_iterate
JDK-8331411 Shenandoah: Reconsider spinning duration in ShenandoahLock

yagmur.eren, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8330159 [C2] Remove or clarify Compile::init_start
JDK-8339384 Unintentional IOException in jdk.jdi module when JDWP end of stream occurs

Yude Lin, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8268379 java/util/Locale/LocaleProvidersRun.java and sun/util/locale/provider/CalendarDataRegression.java timed out
JDK-8334810 Redo: Un-ProblemList LocaleProvidersRun and CalendarDataRegression

Yudi Zheng, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334481 [JVMCI] add LINK_TO_NATIVE to MethodHandleAccessProvider.IntrinsicMethod
JDK-8335532 [JVMCI] Export VM_Version::L1_line_size in JVMCI
JDK-8334399 [JVMCI] Implement JVMCICompiler::is_intrinsic_supported

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8335217 Fix memory ordering in ClassLoaderData::ChunkedHandleList
JDK-8338248 PartialArrayStateAllocator::Impl leaks Arena array
JDK-8336152 Remove unused forward declaration in classLoadInfo.hpp
JDK-8334769 Shenandoah: Move CodeCache_lock close to its use in ShenandoahConcurrentNMethodIterator

Zhao Song, Oracle

Bug Summary
JDK-8334166 Enable binary check

Zdenek Zambersky, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8336928 GHA: Bundle artifacts removal broken
JDK-8338402 GHA: some of bundles may not get removed