This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Sat Mar 01 03:21:38 CET 2025

Distribution by priority

Count Priority

Distribution by components

Count Component
0 100% Total

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
0 100% Total
Count Committer
0 100% Total

Chronological push log:

UTC Time Priority Component Bug Summary This Release Push By Original Push By
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation

No changesets log

P4 deploy/javafx JDK-8098098 Sign demo jar files with Client.jar using make files
P2 javafx/other JDK-8097534 Create regression tests that run JavaFX apps with a security manager
P2 javafx/application-lifecycle JDK-8097532 [JFXPanel] SecurityException in PlatformUtil when running SwingInterop with security manager
P4 javafx/samples JDK-8097527 Testing OTN Ensemble applet loaded with java.lang.StackOverflowError
P3 javafx/window-toolkit JDK-8096523 Gtk: SecurityException using WebView when running app with security manager
P3 javafx/build JDK-8094590 Mac: Intermittent build failures in task graphics:ccMacFontT2K
P3 javafx/controls JDK-8094500 [CSS] css code should not set logging level
P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8050076 maven build of elasticsearch 1.0.3
P3 docs/release_notes JDK-8048216 System config pages should refer to OS X and not to Mac OS X
P1 deploy/plugin JDK-8046821 Browser throws ClassNotFoundException when javaws.args present in deployment.properties on Windows
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8044541 Increment hsx 25.11 build to b03 for 8u11-b11
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8044425 Accessibility class in jar on -xbootclasspath/a is not loaded by jvm
P2 deploy JDK-8043587 Relaunch to JRE 5 does not work
P3 docs JDK-8043517 Need Release Note on Java Start Menu Items
P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8043428 (tz) Support tzdata2014c
P2 docs/release_notes JDK-8043005 JDK 8 Release Notes should refer to jdeps
P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8042962 [macosx] setDisplayMode crashes
P4 core-libs/jdk.nashorn JDK-8042952 [TEST_BUG] test/script/basic/JDK-8026161.js fails with java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
P4 core-libs JDK-8042951 [TEST_BUG] sun/misc/Version/Version.java doesn't understand two-digit HotSpot minor version numbers
P3 deploy/webstart JDK-8042640 Java trusted certificate warning not showing
P2 deploy JDK-8042423 Link error: launcher.c:(.text+0x1a97): undefined reference to `_stprintf'
P2 deploy/webstart JDK-8042415 [nightly] JNLP file invalid parsing
P4 deploy JDK-8042277 CacheTest Failure
P3 deploy/webstart JDK-8042170 JNLP with java-vm-args whose length exceeded 512 chars failed to get loaded with CouldNotLoadArgumentException
P1 deploy/plugin JDK-8042163 Regression- Java Control Panel Advanced tab failed to display
P2 deploy JDK-8042025 JUnit test compilation error on non Windows platform
P2 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8041580 [macosx] huge native memory leak in AWTWindow.m
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8041394 Java.Lang.Reflect.InvocationTargetException When Cache Has Disabled
P3 client-libs/2d JDK-8041357 Regression: postscript size increase from 6u18
P4 client-libs/java.awt:i18n JDK-8041356 IM candidate window appears on the South-East corner of the display.
P3 xml/jaxb JDK-8041263 With active Securitymanager JAXBContext.newInstance fails
P4 deploy JDK-8041252 Disable timeout junit tests
P4 deploy JDK-8041251 Disable SecurityBaseline.backgroundUpdate for JUnit test
P4 deploy/deployment_toolkit JDK-8041250 JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest sometimes timeout on Windows
P4 deploy JDK-8041249 [Nightly test failure]: PreloaderDelegateTest.testEarlyError
P4 deploy JDK-8041248 Investigate MemoryCacheTest, JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest, JVMManagerTest and JnlpUpdateTest
P4 deploy JDK-8041247 Some JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest tests fail on linux-amd64
P4 deploy JDK-8041246 The fix for https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8037883 is still not good enough - unit test failure on linux-i586: com.sun.javaws.PreloaderTest.testProgressInOfflineMode
P4 deploy JDK-8041244 Disable CacheUtilTest.testNoCodebase on Linux
P4 deploy JDK-8041243 new unit test failure on linux-amd64: com.sun.javaws.PreloaderTest.testProgressInOfflineMode
P4 deploy JDK-8041242 Fix server issue in some tests and WebServer
P4 deploy JDK-8041241 DeployCacheHandlerTest NPE due to server resourse cleanup
P4 deploy JDK-8041240 jdk9-client build failure caused by a jar not found
P4 deploy JDK-8041239 BaseDirTest.testUserDir Failure on linux
P4 deploy JDK-8041237 Exclude some tests that failed or causes error on Linux
P4 deploy JDK-8041236 Fix Deployment Unit Test Timeout on Hudson
P4 deploy JDK-8041235 FileNotFoundException when SetupHelper.blackListJarFile
P4 deploy JDK-8041234 Make the starting web server port in sun.tests.helpers.WebServer configurable via an environment variable
P4 deploy JDK-8041233 hudson junit test JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest.java failures observed on mac but not windows
P4 deploy JDK-8041232 Improve com/sun/deploy/security/RootCertStore.java so that it warns about missing system certificates file
P4 deploy JDK-8041231 Typo in the fix for 8033492
P2 deploy JDK-8041230 Deploy unit test to 100% pass rate
P4 deploy JDK-8041229 Provide a way to override the default junit timeout of 10 minutes when running the deployment test suite
P4 deploy JDK-8041228 Disable crashing deploy unit tests
P4 deploy JDK-8041227 sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManagerTest: Error and Failure
P4 deploy JDK-8041226 com.sun.javaws.security.JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest: crash
P4 deploy JDK-8041225 sun.plugin2.applet.AWTAppletLifecycleTest.testAppletHasParentBeforeInit test failure
P4 deploy JDK-8041224 sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2DownloadTest : Caused an ERROR
P4 deploy JDK-8041223 Both testCheckConnectWithContext and testCheckConnect started failing after recent sync from the sandbox
P4 deploy JDK-8041222 sun.plugin2.applet.SerialAppletTest.testInitNormalSerialApplet: Caused an ERROR
P4 deploy JDK-8041221 com.sun.jnlp.JNLPPreverifyClassLoaderTest.testInternalGzip: JNLPPreverifyClassLoader.initialize: FAILED
P4 deploy JDK-8041220 sun.plugin2.applet.JNLPAppletPreloaderTest: 5 errors
P4 deploy JDK-8041219 com.sun.deploy.registration.RegisterDeployTest failed
P4 deploy JDK-8041218 com.sun.deploy.cache.CacheEntryTest.testReadSigningData failed
P4 deploy JDK-8041217 sun.plugin2.applet.SignedAsBLOBJarTest: 5 similar errors due to ExitException
P4 deploy JDK-8041216 sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2ClassLoaderTest: 11 errors
P4 deploy JDK-8041215 sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoaderTest -- Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running
P4 deploy JDK-8041214 sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManagerTest Failed
P4 deploy JDK-8041213 sun.plugin2.message.LaunchJVMAppletMessageTest failed
P4 deploy JDK-8041212 com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownloadHttpsTest failed
P4 deploy JDK-8041211 Both testcases testLoadClassFromLazyBlackListJar and testLoadClassFromLazyBlackListJar_NoCache caused an error
P4 deploy JDK-8041210 sun.plugin2.applet.SignedCachedJarTest failed
P4 deploy JDK-8041209 com.sun.jnlp.DownloadServiceImplTest.testRemoveAndLoadPart: NPE at ToolkitStore.get().getAppContext()
P4 deploy JDK-8041208 sun.plugin2.applet.viewer.JNLP2ViewerTest failed on Mac
P4 deploy JDK-8041207 SetupHelpers.blackListJarFile is out dated
P4 deploy JDK-8041206 Unit test error PolicyParserTest
P4 deploy JDK-8041205 com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.ui.DownloadWindowForServiceTest: progress should be hidden after download
P4 deploy JDK-8040204 Investigate com.sun.javaws.security.JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest.DISABLED_testWarmupValidationWithSignedJNLP
P4 deploy JDK-8040193 sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2ClassLoaderTest.testFindGetBasics: Error
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8040163 Increment hsx 25.11 build to b02 for 8u11-b04
P3 core-libs JDK-8039413 (tz) Support tzdata2014b
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8039216 Update hsx version to hs25.11 with b01 for 8u11 release
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8039204 Applet with jnlp.Packenabled=True And jnlp.versionEnabled=True Fails
P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8039202 Review comments from 8035897
P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8039095 [TEST] Child process error stream is not empty!
P1 core-libs/java.net JDK-8039012 Better memory allocation for file descriptors greater than 1024 on macosx
P1 deploy/javafx JDK-8038853 [nightly] Plugin doesn't work for javafx applets since from build 25.03.2014
P3 core-libs JDK-8038439 [TEST_BUG] test/sun/util/calendar/zi/Zoneinfo.java incorrectly calculates raw GMT offset change time
P3 docs/guides JDK-8038009 Link to JEP 135 points to internal site
P4 docs/guides JDK-8038008 no jdk enhancement info
P3 docs/guides JDK-8038007 Missing link to JDK 8 enhancements in concurrency index.htm page of guides
P4 core-libs/java.nio JDK-8038003 TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/Selector/SelectAfterRead.java fails intermittently
P3 core-libs JDK-8038001 (tz) Support tzdata2014a
P3 deploy/deployment_toolkit JDK-8037544 Run rule not working in case of html applet
P3 docs/guides JDK-8037131 Link to JDK 8 update release notes when they are ready from the guides
P3 hotspot/compiler JDK-8037130 Second phase of branch shortening doesn't account for loop alignment
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8037129 Increment hsx build to b02 for 8u5-b12
P1 hotspot/compiler JDK-8037128 Default method returns true for a while, and then returns false
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8037127 new hotspot build - hs25-b70
P2 other-libs/corba:rmi-iiop JDK-8037126 Four api/org_omg/CORBA TCK tests fail under plugin only
P1 core-libs/java.util:collections JDK-8036745 Serial incompatibility in java.util.TreeMap.NavigableSubMap
P2 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8036056 Running forms URL throws NullPointerException in Javaconsole.
P4 docs JDK-8035927 Typo "aand" in security overview page
P4 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8035840 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/DataFlavor/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug.html: test frames remain after test execution
P3 deploy JDK-8035595 loading browser proxy via config script should not trigger JAR download
P2 deploy/plugin JDK-8035449 security prompt is shown twice when 'Do not show' checkbox is checked
P2 deploy/plugin JDK-8035298 JRE 7u51 Plugin Failing to Run Older JRE Version < 1.6.0
P3 docs JDK-8035277 Usage of blank '*" value in Caller-Allowable-Codebase needs to be better documented at the doc
P4 client-libs/2d JDK-8034986 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/image/JPEGInputStreamTest.java fails
P4 docs/guides JDK-8034570 Update fix table script to ignore HTML pages generated by DARB
P4 core-libs/java.time JDK-8034567 (tz) Support tzdata2013i
P1 core-libs/java.util JDK-8034566 java.util.Comparator::thenComparing has unnecessary type restriction
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8034230 Applet caller check should not compare URLs
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8034132 JDK 8u5. When user click "Cancel" in Security warning dialog, wrong message is shown
P2 deploy JDK-8033998 Array out of bounds exception in PluginMain.performSSVValidation
P2 deploy JDK-8033988 The case:api/javax_jnlp/SingleInstanceService/index.html#AddRemove failed automatically
P1 docs JDK-8033656 List URLPermission in JDK 8 Networking Enhancements
P2 docs/guides JDK-8033655 Add information about lambdas and streams to Collections Framework Enhancements in Java SE 8
P1 docs JDK-8033654 Update "Permissions in the Java Development Kit (JDK)" Document
P3 docs/guides JDK-8033653 Documenting JDK 8 deployment requirement for permissions attribute
P1 core-libs JDK-8033648 Create demo to illustrate new practices of the default methods usage
P1 security-libs/java.security JDK-8033641 jarsigner -verify exits with 0 when a jar file is not properly signed
P1 hotspot/compiler JDK-8033637 Crash in JIT when running Scala compiler (and compiling Scala std lib)
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8033636 new hotspot build - hs25-b69
P1 hotspot/compiler JDK-8033635 C2: loadI2L_immI broken for negative memory values
P1 hotspot/compiler JDK-8033634 C2: assert(VerifyOops || MachNode::size(ra_) <= (3+1)*4) failed: bad fixed size
P1 hotspot/compiler JDK-8033633 CHA ignores default methods during analysis leading to incorrect code generation
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8033632 new hotspot build - hs25-b68
P3 deploy JDK-8033422 RDF (8029649) can cause performance problem when Revocation check times out.
P3 docs/guides JDK-8033098 Guides pages needs to be updated to fix API links
P1 core-libs/java.util.stream JDK-8033097 Specifications of stream flatMap methods should require mapped streams to be closed
P1 security-libs/java.security JDK-8033096 OCSP client can't find responder cert if it uses a different subject key id algorithm than responderID
P1 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8033094 javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$FilterComboBoxModel extends non-standard API
P1 hotspot/compiler JDK-8033091 dtrace/hotspot_jni/ALL/ALL001 crashes the vm on Solaris-amd64, SIGSEGV in MarkSweep::follow_stack()+0x8a
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8033090 new hotspot build - hs25-b67
P1 deploy/plugin JDK-8033089 REGRESSION:Java Bean test fail in the latest JDK 8 b123
P1 deploy/plugin JDK-8033088 Entrust tests(signed/trusted) are failing to connect back to server using jdk8-b123
P1 infrastructure/build JDK-8033086 Wrong version for the first jdk8 fcs build
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8030945 FX native mixcoded dialog doesn't show up on linux
P2 deploy JDK-8019274 RMI thread can no longer call out to AWT thread for webstart app

Committer push log