PUSHES REPORT: 8u121 ==================================================================================================== This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work. Report generated: Sun Feb 02 14:52:26 CET 2025 Distribution by priority: Distribution by components: 0: Distribution by affiliation: 0: Chronological push log: No changesets log: JDK-8182746: Java 8u121 on Linux intermittently returns null for MAC address JDK-8179639: NPE in AccessBridge while editing JList model JDK-8179638: [macosx] JList, VO can't access non-visible list items JDK-8179637: [macosx] Custom Swing text components need to allow standard accessibility JDK-8179636: Android Studio 2.x crashes with NPE at sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessibility.getAccessibleIndexInParent JDK-8177345: (tz) Support tzdata2017a JDK-8177344: lookupDefaultPrintService returns null on Solaris 11 when default printer is set using lpoptions command JDK-8177343: (tz) Support tzdata2016j JDK-8176336: Release Note: Correction of IllegalArgumentException from TLS handshake JDK-8176249: [REDO] MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries JDK-8176248: Performance problems in dialogs with large tables when JAB activated JDK-8176247: Text is displayed in bold when fonts are installed into symlinked folder JDK-8176246: [macosx] Chinese text shows as Latin w/ openVanilla input method JDK-8176230: Release Note: Introduced a new window ordering model JDK-8175906: Runtime.availableProcessors() ignores Linux taskset command JDK-8175905: Crash in rebuild_cpu_to_node_map JDK-8175903: Instance field load is replaced by wrong data Phi JDK-8175902: Cache initial active_processor_count JDK-8175901: G1 crashes if active_processor_count changes during startup JDK-8175898: [linux] Experimental support for cgroup memory limits in container (ie Docker) environments JDK-8175895: IllegalArgumentException: jdk.tls.namedGroups JDK-8175894: Menu is activated after using mnemonic Alt/Key combination JDK-8175329: Release Note: IllegalArgumentException from TLS handshake JDK-8174982: Release Note: Add security property to configure XML Signature secure validation mode JDK-8174227: Release Note: IllegalArgumentException from TLS handshake JDK-8173837: Release Note: Improve the default strength of EC in JDK. JDK-8173352: Deadlock in com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Connections JDK-8173351: Double icons with JMenuItem setHorizontalTextPosition on Win 10 JDK-8173350: Deleting a file from either the open or save java.awt.FileDialog hangs. JDK-8173349: With JDK 1.7 text field does not obtain focus when using mnemonic Alt/Key combin JDK-8173348: SAXParseException when sending soap message JDK-8173347: Instance field load is replaced by wrong data Phi JDK-8173345: Runtime.availableProcessors() ignores Linux taskset command JDK-8173341: WebStart does not clean up jnlp file after closing JDK-8172174: Make XSL generated namespace prefixes local to transformation process JDK-8171464: Release Note: Add mechanism to allow non default root CAs to not be subject to algorithm restrictions JDK-8171463: Ucrypto Library leaks native memory JDK-8171462: [macosx] Activating a JDialog puts to back another dialog JDK-8171461: [macosx] Cursor management unification JDK-8171460: FlightRecorderOptions settings for defaultrecording ignored. JDK-8171459: JVM crashes sometimes while starting JDK-8171274: IANA Data 2016i JDK-8171107: Certificates not being blocked by jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property JDK-8171102: ReflectionFactory support for IIOP and custom serialization JDK-8171037: Release Note: jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar JDK-8171031: Release Note: Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast JDK-8171013: Release Note: Serialization Filter Configuration JDK-8170758: Modify sun/security/smartcardio manual regression tests so that they do not just fail if no cardreader found JDK-8170756: Verifying ECDSA signatures permits trailing bytes JDK-8170117: (tz) Support tzdata2016i JDK-8169663: Add debug output for indicating if a chosen ciphersuite was legacy JDK-8168872: Java installer leaves cached files on host after update JDK-8168733: Add MD5 to signed JAR restrictions JDK-8168322: jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar JDK-8167622: (tz) Support tzdata2016g JDK-8167516: Chrome interop regression with JDK-8148516 JDK-8167492: [macos 10.12] Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast JDK-8167489: [macosx] Remove all references to GC from native OBJ-C code JDK-8167448: jfxwebkit.dll is missing file detail for 8u112 and 9 JDK-8167390: Add security property to configure XML Signature secure validation mode JDK-8167127: Improve extensibility of ObjectInputFilter information passed to the filter JDK-8167049: InetAddress.isReachable returns true for non existing IP addresses JDK-8167048: Avoid repeated "Please insert a smart card" popup windows JDK-8167047: Threads may do significant work out of the non-shared overflow buffer JDK-8167046: [macos] JVM continuously throw a NullPointerException on new MacOS 10.12 JDK-8166005: OutputAnalyzer's shouldXXX() calls return this JDK-8165966: change checkWhiteSpace to match jcheck extension list JDK-8165123: [macosx] Press "To Back" button on the Dialog,the Dialog moves behind the Frame JDK-8165118: Selecting 32/64 bit resources failed if user has installed both jre's JDK-8165117: Deadlock in Java Web Start application involving JNLPClassLoader JDK-8164510: Update .hgignore files to ingore .jcheck dir until we actually enable jcheck JDK-8164191: Fix for JDK-8147451 failed: Crash in Method::checked_resolve_jmethod_id(_jmethodID*) JDK-8164178: Update copyright header for files modified in 2016 JDK-8163789: Negative lookahead in RegEx breaks backreference JDK-8163788: ReferenceError in 1.8.0_72 JDK-8163787: [TEST_BUG] Test test/script/trusted/JDK-8087292.js intermittently fails. JDK-8163786: AccessControlException is thrown on public Java class access if "script app loader" is set to null JDK-8163785: Nashorn's ScriptLoader split delegation has to be adjusted JDK-8163784: Simplify Nashorn's Context class loader handling JDK-8163783: TypeError when a java.util.Comparator object is invoked as a function JDK-8163782: Parsing issue with automatic semicolon insertion JDK-8163781: correct package declaration in Nashorn test JDK-8163780: arguments are handled differently in apply for JS functions and AbstractJSObjects JDK-8163779: Script stack trace should display function names JDK-8163778: Callback parameter of any JS builtin implementation should accept any Callable JDK-8163776: exclude jjs shebang handling test from runs JDK-8163775: fix Nashorn shebang handling on Cygwin JDK-8163774: JSON.stringify does not work on ScriptObjectMirror objects JDK-8163773: fix Nashorn shebang argument handling on Mac/Linux JDK-8163772: Regression: two tests fail on Windows with "ant test" target JDK-8163771: Nashorn shebang argument handling is broken JDK-8163770: "ant test" fails to complete on Windows when run under cygwin shell JDK-8163769: streamline input parameter of Nashorn scripting $EXEC function JDK-8163768: Incorrect class file created when passing lambda in inner class constructor JDK-8163741: Improve jurisdiction policy file signing exception JDK-8163738: Ucrypto config file cannot be read when -Dfile.encoding=UTF-16 is set JDK-8163737: LoadKeystore.java test is failing JDK-8163735: (tz) Support tzdata2016f JDK-8163734: LDAP "follow" throws ClassCastException with Java 8 JDK-8163733: Uninitialised memory in WinAccessBridge.cpp:1128 JDK-8163732: Semicolon is not recognized as comment starting character (Kerberos) JDK-8163731: Incorrect GPL header in package-info.java reported JDK-8163730: Intermittent test failures in demo/jvmti/hprof JDK-8163729: Native2ascii doesn't close one of the streams it opens JDK-8163727: Showing incorrect result while passing specific argument in the Java launcher tools JDK-8163725: ScriptRunData.java uses bitwise AND instead of logical AND JDK-8163724: test/com/sun/corba/cachedSocket/7056731.sh leaves HelloServer behind JDK-8163723: [macosx] Chinese Comma cannot be entered using Pinyin Input Method on OS X JDK-8163722: Jaws reads wrong values from comboboxes when no element is selected JDK-8163721: sun/security/mscapi/ShortRSAKey1024.sh fails with "Field length overflow" JDK-8163720: Non-synchronized access to shared members of com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Pool JDK-8163719: com.sun.jndi.ldap.SimpleClientId produces wrong hash code JDK-8163718: TestCipher.java doesn't check one of the decrypted message as expected JDK-8163717: ClassCastException: sun.font.CompositeFont cannot be cast to PhysicalFont JDK-8163716: Caps Lock doesn't work as expected when using Pinyin Simplified input method JDK-8163715: Print size of DH keysize when errors are encountered JDK-8163714: Selection in JList is drawn with wrong colors in Nimbus L&F JDK-8163713: Tests for JCE crypto ciphers (part 1) JDK-8163710: CCE: sun.java2d.NullSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.opengl.OGLSurfaceData JDK-8163709: Need a test for JDK-7172749 JDK-8163708: Annotations with lambda expressions has parameter result in wrong behavior. JDK-8163706: Additional tests for krb5 settings JDK-8163705: Tests for RFEs 4515853 and 4745056 JDK-8163704: Add smartcardio tests with APDU buffer JDK-8163703: Need to add tests for AES cipher JDK-8163702: Some methods of java.security.Security require more permissions, than necessary JDK-8163701: JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType throws NPE after 6882559 JDK-8163700: java.awt.SplashScreen.getSize() returns incorrect size for high dpi splash screens JDK-8163699: Tests in com/sun/jdi fails intermittently with "jdb input stream closed prematurely" JDK-8163697: Wrong glyph is displayed for a derived font JDK-8163696: (tz) Support tzdata2016d JDK-8163695: Personalized Windows Font Size is not taken into account in Java8u102 JDK-8163694: Tests for sun.security.krb5.principal system property JDK-8163693: (se) Selector.select(long) uses wrong timeout after EINTR (lnx) JDK-8163692: java/awt/Window/WindowsLeak/WindowsLeak.java fails JDK-8163691: Additional tests for krb5-related cipher suites with unbound server JDK-8163690: Relax response flags checking in sun.security.krb5.KrbKdcRep.check. JDK-8163689: GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations() is slow taking 3 or more seconds JDK-8163688: Make handling of 3rd party providers more stable JDK-8163687: [macosx] sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessible leaks JDK-8163686: Xrender: Class cast exception in 2D code running an AWT regression test JDK-8163685: The fix for 8050402 was partially committed JDK-8163684: Tests to check for use of policy files JDK-8163683: Test for JAAS getPrivateCredentials JDK-8163682: Enhance tests for PKCS11 keystores with NSS JDK-8163681: Minor fixes and cleanups in NetworkInterface.c JDK-8163679: Implement basic keystore tests JDK-8163678: [win10] Some unicode characters do not display any more after upgrading to Windows 10 JDK-8163677: JComboBox prevents wheel mouse scrolling of JScrollPane JDK-8163676: Some java/lang/invoke tests miss othervm JDK-8163675: KeyStore.load() throws an IOException with a wrong cause in case of wrong password JDK-8163674: new JEditorPane("text/plain","") fails for null context class loader JDK-8163672: com/sun/jdi/OptionTest.java test times out again JDK-8163669: Additional tests for XML DSig API JDK-8163668: javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript incorrectly optimized JDK-8163667: Additional tests for jarsigner's warnings JDK-8163666: SecureRandom.nextBytes() hurts performance with small size requests JDK-8163665: New fix for memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache JDK-8163664: MHs.Lookup.findConstructor returns handles for array classes JDK-8163663: Hot lock on BulkCipher.isAvailable JDK-8163662: java/lang/invoke/PermuteArgsTest.java fails due to exhausted code cache JDK-8163661: [TEST BUG] Test SSLSession/SessionCacheSizeTests socket accept timed out JDK-8163660: [TEST BUG] test SessionCacheSizeTests.java timeout JDK-8163659: Test SessionTimeOutTests fails intermittently JDK-8163658: Test SessionTimeOutTests can be timeout JDK-8163657: XMLStreamWriter produces invalid XML for surrogate pairs on OutputStreamWriter JDK-8163656: Issue in XMLScanner: EXPECTED_SQUARE_BRACKET_TO_CLOSE_INTERNAL_SUBSET when skipping large DOCTYPE section with CRLF at wrong place JDK-8163655: On Mac Install Run javawslauncher.app to register protocol handler with Launch Services JDK-8163654: ent msi does not have double-click support JDK-8163651: jdk 8u71 fails to install with no error message JDK-8163648: Port testlibrary improvments in jdk/test to hotspot/test as required for DCMD test port JDK-8163647: vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/byteMutation failed with: assert(index >=0 && index < _length) failed: symbol index overflow JDK-8163646: Long response times with G1 and StringDeduplication JDK-8163645: Test test/compiler/jsr292/VMAnonymousClasses.java fails with JTREG 4.2 b02 JDK-8163644: Backport of JDK-8159244 used wrong version of the JDK 9 fix JDK-8163643: TESTBUG: New test compiler/native/TestDirtyInt.sh should be modified JDK-8163642: PPC64: unaligned Unsafe.getInt can lead to the generation of illegal instructions JDK-8163641: SIGSEGV: Metadata::mark_on_stack JDK-8163640: Convert an assert in ClassLoaderData to a guarantee JDK-8163638: Partially initialized string object created by C2's string concat optimization may escape JDK-8163637: [TEST_BUG]testlibrary_tests/whitebox/vm_flags/UintxTest.java failed: assert(!res || TypeEntriesAtCall::arguments_profiling_enabled()) failed: no profiling of arguments JDK-8163636: Crash in Method::checked_resolve_jmethod_id(_jmethodID*) JDK-8163635: Confusing message in "Current rem set statistics" JDK-8163634: Math.pow yields different results upon repeated calls JDK-8163633: ConstantPool::release_C_heap_structures not run in some circumstances JDK-8163632: CastII/ConvI2L for a range check is prematurely eliminated JDK-8163631: G1: UseSHM in combination with a G1HeapRegionSize > os::large_page_size() falls back to use small pages JDK-8163630: allocating heap with UseLargePages and HugeTLBFS may trash existing memory mappings (linux) JDK-8163629: Test gc/ergonomics/TestDynamicNumberOfGCThreads.java fails JDK-8163628: Null ProtectionDomain in JVM can cause NPE because principals field is not initialized to an empty array JDK-8163627: Zero: Better byte behaviour JDK-8163626: Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space JDK-8163617: Change JavawsLauncher.app to use NSTask or execv JDK-8163616: Add a URL scheme handler to reliably launch .jnlp files - Mac registration part JDK-8163614: Signed JWS application unexpectedly asks for permission to open a socket JDK-8163612: Revise java.com image and link paths dtjava.js and deployJava.js JDK-8163610: Allow always checkbox in security dialog when jnlp location is unknown JDK-8163609: Application started using javaws now starts in {java.home} rather than current directory JDK-8163608: Desktop shortcut is not updated after JNLP is changed in deployment cache JDK-8163607: Webstart loads JARs from MANIFEST.MF after loading the jars from resources-tag JDK-8163605: [macosx] Java Control Panel unable to perform tasks requiring admin privileges JDK-8163603: FXUIToolkit.showSandboxSecurityDialog fails when running jre below 7u21 JDK-8163602: FXUIToolkit.showFileChooser() fails when jre is below 7u21 JDK-8163601: FXUIToolkit.showMessageDialog() fails when running jre below 7u55 JDK-8163599: System property 'user.dir' now set to 'java.home' value rather than user's working directory JDK-8163595: NullPointerException in IIOPInputStream.inputClassFields JDK-8163593: Update FSF address JDK-8163592: get_source.sh : version check assumes English localization JDK-8163292: Installer hangs during the JDK 8u74 installation process. JDK-8163192: IllegalArgumentException thrown by JCK test api/java_awt/Component/FlipBufferStrategy/indexTGF_General in opengl pipeline JDK-8163191: IllegalArgumentException thrown by api/java_awt/Component/FlipBufferStrategy/indexTGF_General JDK-8161687: [MSI] [Wrappers] JRE is installed successfully if INSTALLDIR option is set to existing directory and files JDK-8160108: Implement Serialization Filtering Committer push log: