This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Sun Feb 02 09:48:40 CET 2025

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0 100% Total

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This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

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0 100% Total
Count Committer
0 100% Total

Chronological push log:

UTC Time Priority Component Bug Summary This Release Push By Original Push By
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation

No changesets log

P2 deploy JDK-8186448 Release Note: JNLP files won't launch from IE11 on Windows 10 Creators Update
P5 tools/javac JDK-8142512 Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable
P2 deploy/plugin JDK-8136664 Applet2Manager.getMainDeploymentRuleSet ignores jar version.
P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8135037 HTTPS hostname invalid issue with InetAddress
P2 hotspot/compiler JDK-8133078 JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16
P4 hotspot/compiler JDK-8133076 SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times
P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8130925 Check for CRL results in IllegalArgumentException "white space not allowed"
P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8129385 Setting IP_TOS on java.net sockets not working on unix
P3 hotspot/gc JDK-8129384 VM hangs in C2Compiler
P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8129383 Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8129382 Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8129381 G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times
P5 hotspot/gc JDK-8129380 Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags
P4 hotspot/gc JDK-8129379 Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
P3 javafx/build JDK-8093483 Add new javafx.runtime.build property to javafx.properties file
P3 core-libs/java.net JDK-8086024 LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8 sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection
P3 client-libs/javax.swing JDK-8086023 [macosx] Jtree icon painted over label when scrollbars present in window
P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8086022 press-and-hold input method for accented characters works incorrectly on OS X
P3 deploy/webstart JDK-8086020 DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application compressed by pack200
P2 core-libs JDK-8085942 [TEST_BUG] two lib/testlibrary tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8081622 Increment the build value to b03 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b15
P3 security-libs/javax.crypto JDK-8081209 CipherInputStream throws BadPaddingException if stream is not fully read
P3 deploy/plugin JDK-8080614 Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06
P3 core-svc/javax.management JDK-8080427 [TEST_BUG] javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java hangs
P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8080061 (tz) Support tzdata2015d
P2 deploy/webstart JDK-8080050 Launching of jnlp app fails with JNLPException
P2 security-libs/org.ietf.jgss JDK-8079722 SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID
P2 deploy JDK-8079367 unnecessary performance degradation caused by fix to JDK-8052111
P2 xml JDK-8079106 JCK test api/xsl/conf/string/string17 starts failing after JDK-8074297
P3 xml/jaxp JDK-8079105 substring in XSLT returns wrong character if string contains supplementary chars
P3 xml/jaxp JDK-8079104 Bad error message on parsing illegal character in XML attribute
P3 xml/jaxb JDK-8079099 schema1.xsd has wrong content. Sequence of the enum values has been changed
P3 hotspot/jvmti JDK-8078530 Memory leak in JvmtiEnv::GetConstantPool
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8078529 Increment the build value to b02 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b10
P4 security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 JDK-8078458 [TEST_BUG] sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java fails with BindException
P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8078422 [macosx] Clipboard does not work with 3rd parties Clipboard Managers
P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8077645 (tz) Support tzdata2015b
P2 deploy/plugin JDK-8076343 JNLP property apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar no longer treated as secure for Mac OS
P2 deploy JDK-8075602 Applet throws java.security AccessControlException in java console when playing it
P4 core-libs JDK-8075446 jdk/test/Makefile references (to be removed) win32 directory in jtreg
P1 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8075346 [macosx] Mac 10.10: Application run with splash screen has focus issues
P3 deploy/webstart JDK-8075022 JRE 8U25 and 8u31 b32 cannot launch Java Web Start with proxy pac but works fine for 7u67
P4 core-libs/java.net JDK-8074779 Socket impls should ignore unsupported proxy types rather than throwing
P1 deploy/plugin JDK-8074778 Replace missing APIs from 8u40
P3 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8073916 Mac OS Incompatibility between JDK 6 and 8 regarding input method handling
P4 deploy JDK-8073910 javaws fails to launch app with empty href in jnlp file if Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase is used
P3 deploy/deployment_toolkit JDK-8073909 The warning message displays the app name and publisher as "UNKNOWN" if cache is disabled
P4 install/install JDK-8073434 32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account
P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8073366 Failed Java web start via IPv6 (Java7u71 or later)
P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8073365 [TEST_BUG] Test sun/security/tools/keytool/ListKeychainStore.sh fails on Mac
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8073363 Increment the build value to b02 for hs25.45 in 8u45-b08
P3 docs/guides JDK-8073095 RSA links broken in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation
P3 core-libs/java.util:i18n JDK-8073092 (tz) Support tzdata2015a
P2 xml/jaxb JDK-8073090 JDK 8 schemagen tool does not generate xsd files for enum types
P3 xml/jaxp JDK-8073089 XSL: wrong answer from substring() function
P3 xml/jaxp JDK-8073088 XSL: Run-time internal error in 'substring()'
P3 hotspot/svc JDK-8073085 AIX port of "8050807: Better performing performance data handling"
P2 deploy JDK-8073082 Add missing information to AppModel
P3 deploy JDK-8072802 Parsing JNLP file should not cause download of extensions.
P1 core-libs/jdk.nashorn JDK-8071886 Forgot to add a test model to JDK-8068573
P3 core-libs/jdk.nashorn JDK-8071885 POJO setter using [] syntax throws an exception
P2 core-libs/jdk.nashorn JDK-8071884 REGRESSION: test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch11/11.2/11.2.3/S11.2.3_A3_T5.js fails with tip
P2 core-libs/jdk.nashorn JDK-8071883 Calling a @FunctionalInterface from JS leaks internal objects
P3 security-libs/java.security JDK-8071881 SHA1WithDSA with key > 1024 bits not working
P2 globalization/translation JDK-8071880 l10n resource file update for JDK-8068491
P3 security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5 JDK-8071879 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while reading krb5.conf
P2 client-libs/java.awt JDK-8071878 Deadlock in awt/logging apparently introduced by 8019623
P2 tools JDK-8071417 Update the protocol for references of docs.oracle.com to HTTPS in langtools.
P2 tools JDK-8071416 jdeps needs a different mechanism to recognize javax.jnlp as supported API
P2 client-libs/2d JDK-8071411 [macosx] jdk8, jdk7u60 Regression in Graphics2D drawing of derived Fonts
P2 infrastructure JDK-8071410 Update the protocol for references of docs.oracle.com to HTTPS.
P1 hotspot/gc JDK-8071408 Usage of UseHugeTLBFS, UseLargePagesInMetaspace and huge SurvivorAlignmentInBytes cause crashes in CMBitMapClosure::do_bit
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8071407 new hotspot build - hs25.40-b25
P1 hotspot/gc JDK-8071406 [TESTBUG] New tests in gc/survivorAlignment/ fails
P2 hotspot/gc JDK-8071405 Add tests on alignment of objects copied to survivor space
P3 infrastructure/build JDK-8071404 new hotspot build - hs25.40-b24
P2 deploy/plugin JDK-8071392 DRS with non-force version run rule can block when it should not.
P2 infrastructure/build JDK-8071391 Update references of download.oracle.com to docs.oracle.com in javadoc makefile
P1 docs JDK-8071390 $jdk/api/javac/tree contains docs for nashorn
P4 infrastructure/build JDK-8068674 Increment minor version of HSx for 8u51 and initialize the build number

Committer push log