PUSHES REPORT: 8u66 ==================================================================================================== This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work. Report generated: Sun Feb 02 11:55:27 CET 2025 Distribution by priority: 9: P2 29: P3 8: P4 1: P5 Distribution by components: 47: 10 (21.3%): hotspot 4 (8.5%): hotspot/runtime 2 (4.3%): hotspot/jvmti 2 (4.3%): hotspot/compiler 1 (2.1%): hotspot/gc 1 (2.1%): hotspot/test 10 (21.3%): infrastructure 10 (21.3%): infrastructure/build 9 (19.1%): client-libs 5 (10.6%): client-libs/java.awt 2 (4.3%): client-libs/2d 1 (2.1%): client-libs 1 (2.1%): client-libs/javax.swing 6 (12.8%): security-libs 3 (6.4%): security-libs/javax.crypto 1 (2.1%): security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11 1 (2.1%): security-libs/org.ietf.jgss 1 (2.1%): security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5 6 (12.8%): xml 4 (8.5%): xml/jaxp 1 (2.1%): xml/jax-ws 1 (2.1%): xml/jaxb 4 (8.5%): core-libs 2 (4.3%): core-libs 2 (4.3%): core-libs/java.util:i18n 1 (2.1%): core-svc 1 (2.1%): core-svc/javax.management 1 (2.1%): performance 1 (2.1%): performance Distribution by affiliation: 47: 26 (55.3%): Independent 19 (40.4%): Abhijit Saha 7 (14.9%): Alejandro Murillo 17 (36.2%): Oracle 5 (10.6%): Poonam Bajaj Parhar 4 (8.5%): Aleksej Efimov 2 (4.3%): Philip Race 1 (2.1%): Mikhail Cherkasov 1 (2.1%): Robert Mckenna 1 (2.1%): David Buck 1 (2.1%): Kevin Walls 1 (2.1%): Alexander Zvegintsev 1 (2.1%): Alexey Ivanov 2 (4.3%): Google 2 (4.3%): Ivan Gerasimov 1 (2.1%): Azul 1 (2.1%): Andrew Brygin 1 (2.1%): BellSoft 1 (2.1%): Alexandr Scherbatiy Chronological push log: 2015/07/23 14:04, Alexandr Scherbatiy, BellSoft, JDK-8132248: [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails 2015/07/23 13:32, Alexander Zvegintsev, Oracle, JDK-8132142: [Regression] Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/CheckDisplayModes.java fails 2015/07/23 12:56, Aleksej Efimov, Oracle, JDK-8079294: End time checking for native TGT is wrong 2015/07/23 10:28, Aleksej Efimov, Oracle, JDK-8132236: Numerous threads lock during XML processing while running Weblogic 12.1.3 2015/07/22 17:38, Philip Race, Oracle, JDK-8130938: [solaris] Incomplete 8ux fix for 8071710: libfontmanager & t2k should link against headless awt on solaris 2015/07/21 17:53, Philip Race, Oracle, JDK-8132079: [Solaris] : Fix for 8071710 needs to be updated for build dependency checking. 2015/07/20 10:25, Alexey Ivanov, Oracle, JDK-8131336: [TESTBUG] Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/bug8002077.java fails 2015/07/17 17:17, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8131628: new hotspot build - hs25.66-b03 2015/07/16 17:05, Poonam Bajaj Parhar, Oracle, JDK-8131333: [TEST_BUG] RedefineRunningMethodsWithResolutionErrors.java Improperly specified VM option 'TraceRedefineClasses=0x600' 2015/07/15 23:38, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8131588: new hotspot build - hs25.66-b02 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131603: [TEST_BUG] two lib/testlibrary tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131602: CipherInputStream throws BadPaddingException if stream is not fully read 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131598: [TEST_BUG] javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java hangs 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131597: (tz) Support tzdata2015d 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131595: SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131584: [TEST_BUG] sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java fails with BindException 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131583: [macosx] Clipboard does not work with 3rd parties Clipboard Managers 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131578: (tz) Support tzdata2015b 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131571: Minimize can cause window to disappear on osx 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131563: Mac OS Incompatibility between JDK 6 and 8 regarding input method handling 2015/07/15 21:16, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131559: schema1.xsd has wrong content. Sequence of the enum values has been changed 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131558: JCK test api/xsl/conf/string/string17 starts failing after JDK-8074297 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131557: substring in XSLT returns wrong character if string contains supplementary chars 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131556: Bad error message on parsing illegal character in XML attribute 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131538: new hotspot build - hs25.60-b23 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131537: Increment the build value to b03 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b15 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131535: Memory leak in JvmtiEnv::GetConstantPool 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131534: Increment the build value to b02 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b10 2015/07/15 21:15, Abhijit Saha, Independent, JDK-8131531: Increment minor version of HSx for 8u51 and initialize the build number 2015/07/14 00:35, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8131126: Set update release to 8u66 and keep default jprt release as 8u60 on jdk8u repos 2015/07/13 20:33, Poonam Bajaj Parhar, Oracle, JDK-8131118: [TEST_BUG] runtime/RedefineFinalizer test fails on windows 2015/07/13 20:33, Poonam Bajaj Parhar, Oracle, JDK-8131117: assert(f == k->has_finalizer(),"inconsistent has_finalizer") with debug VM 2015/07/13 11:44, Robert Mckenna, Oracle, JDK-8131057: The CDS classlist needs to be updated for 8u60 2015/07/09 15:31, Andrew Brygin, Azul, JDK-8130863: OGL: rendering of lcd text is slow 2015/07/09 11:55, Mikhail Cherkasov, Oracle, JDK-8130752: Wrong changes were pushed with 8068886 2015/07/06 20:10, Poonam Bajaj Parhar, Oracle, JDK-8130626: JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16 2015/07/06 17:09, Poonam Bajaj Parhar, Oracle, JDK-8130541: nmethod related crash in CMS 2015/07/04 18:56, Kevin Walls, Oracle, JDK-8098843: VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses 2015/07/03 14:29, Ivan Gerasimov, Google, JDK-8130433: Do cleanup in a proper order in sunmscapi code 2015/07/03 00:30, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8130291: Update the Hotspot version numbers in Hotspot for JDK 8u66 2015/07/02 17:47, Ivan Gerasimov, Google, JDK-8130346: [TEST_BUG] com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyFactory/TestProviderLeak.java still failing after JDK-8076040 2015/07/02 16:58, David Buck, Oracle, JDK-8130340: Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called 2015/06/30 16:00, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8130139: GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution 2015/06/30 16:00, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8130138: AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64 2015/06/30 16:00, Alejandro Murillo, Independent, JDK-8130137: new hotspot build - hs25.60-b22 2015/06/30 14:20, Aleksej Efimov, Oracle, JDK-8130131: (tz) Support tzdata2015e 2015/06/30 13:23, Aleksej Efimov, Oracle, JDK-8114849: [TEST_BUG] test/javax/xml/ws/8046817/GenerateEnumSchema.java creates files in test.src No changesets log: JDK-8289554: Release Note: Regression in Applet startup time JDK-8164135: Release Note: Correction to end time checking for native TGT JDK-8145398: AddRemoveTest tests fail as second request to jnlp not getting to server, but resource requests going through fine JDK-8145396: Text Overlapping on Dot Matrix Printers JDK-8144244: _releaseObject called from wrong thread JDK-8144243: Scrollbar thumb disappears with Nimbus L&F JDK-8143973: Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable JDK-8141681: _releaseObject called from wrong thread JDK-8139001: Clean up nio genConstants JDK-8136944: Let OracleUcrypto accept RSAPrivateKey JDK-8136943: Check for CRL results in IllegalArgumentException "white space not allowed" JDK-8136939: jps running as root fails after the fix of JDK-8050807 JDK-8136936: SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times JDK-8136934: Applet2Manager.getMainDeploymentRuleSet ignores jar version. JDK-8136836: ComboBox hangs on Windows 10 when clicked while not in focus JDK-8136833: [de] Missing the link of license agreement JDK-8136492: IPS bundle build failed on S11.1 JDK-8136489: REGRESSION: Hidden applet does not load in 8u60 and 8u65 JDK-8136485: JAWS crashes in WindowsAccessBridge.DLL on 32 bit 8u60 running on 32 bit Win 7 JDK-8135217: HTTPS hostname invalid issue with InetAddress JDK-8135214: Incorrect copyright year associated with the key 'NSHumanReadableCopyright' for JRE8u66 JDK-8135186: Nashorn react.js benchmark performance regression JDK-8134791: (tz) Support tzdata2015f JDK-8134335: jstack -l crashes VM when a Java mirror for a primitive type is locked JDK-8133756: [TEST_BUG]: java/util/regex/RegExTest.java fails intermittently JDK-8133284: [macosx] Crash during JMC or JavaFX execution when NSApplication is controlled by SWT or JavaFX libraries JDK-8133191: NVDA screen reader and JAWS can't read the "Look and Feel" Selections. JDK-8132935: [TEST_BUG]: java/rmi/transport/pinClientSocketFactory/PinClientSocketFactory.java fails intermittently JDK-8132845: 8u60b25 installation fails on Windows XP JDK-8132613: Setting IP_TOS on java.net sockets not working on unix JDK-8132610: LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8 sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection JDK-8132609: [macosx] Jtree icon painted over label when scrollbars present in window JDK-8132604: press-and-hold input method for accented characters works incorrectly on OS X JDK-8132593: VM hangs in C2Compiler JDK-8132592: Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap JDK-8132591: Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases JDK-8132590: G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times JDK-8132589: Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags JDK-8132588: Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration JDK-8132586: Increment minor version of HSx for 8u65 and initialize the build number JDK-8132576: DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application compressed by pack200 JDK-8132569: Make jdk8u60 the default release on jdk8u repos JDK-8132324: [WebView] not reporting device scale factor to a web service JDK-8132268: GUI is slowing down sporadically JDK-8132093: 8u60 Windows 64-bit packager - install succeeds but application fails to start JDK-8132024: WebView does not render woff fonts JDK-8131540: 32-bit JRE silent install fails on WINDOWS 2008 SERVER 64-bit under System account JDK-8131526: Slow cache performance since JRE 7u06 JDK-8131524: JNLP property apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar no longer treated as secure for Mac OS JDK-8131523: Launching of jnlp app fails with JNLPException JDK-8131522: unnecessary performance degradation caused by fix to JDK-8052111 JDK-8131516: Applet throws java.security AccessControlException in java console when playing it JDK-8131510: JRE 8U25 and 8u31 b32 cannot launch Java Web Start with proxy pac but works fine for 7u67 JDK-8131504: javaws fails to launch app with empty href in jnlp file if Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase is used JDK-8131503: The warning message displays the app name and publisher as "UNKNOWN" if cache is disabled JDK-8131499: Parsing JNLP file should not cause download of extensions. JDK-8131309: [WebView] getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value JDK-8131186: WebView 8u60 Gmail display problems on HiDPI JDK-8130916: AccessControlException with deployment cache and RMI JDK-8081498: getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes JDK-8081495: DateFormat for Singapore/English locale (en_SG) is M/d/yy instead of d/M/yy Committer push log: Aleksej Efimov, Oracle: JDK-8130131: (tz) Support tzdata2015e JDK-8114849: [TEST_BUG] test/javax/xml/ws/8046817/GenerateEnumSchema.java creates files in test.src JDK-8079294: End time checking for native TGT is wrong JDK-8132236: Numerous threads lock during XML processing while running Weblogic 12.1.3 Alexey Ivanov, Oracle: JDK-8131336: [TESTBUG] Test javax/swing/JFileChooser/8002077/bug8002077.java fails Alexandr Scherbatiy, BellSoft: JDK-8132248: [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails Alejandro Murillo, Independent: JDK-8130138: AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64 JDK-8130139: GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution JDK-8130137: new hotspot build - hs25.60-b22 JDK-8131588: new hotspot build - hs25.66-b02 JDK-8131628: new hotspot build - hs25.66-b03 JDK-8131126: Set update release to 8u66 and keep default jprt release as 8u60 on jdk8u repos JDK-8130291: Update the Hotspot version numbers in Hotspot for JDK 8u66 Abhijit Saha, Independent: JDK-8131578: (tz) Support tzdata2015b JDK-8131597: (tz) Support tzdata2015d JDK-8131583: [macosx] Clipboard does not work with 3rd parties Clipboard Managers JDK-8131598: [TEST_BUG] javax/management/monitor/CounterMonitorTest.java hangs JDK-8131584: [TEST_BUG] sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ClientJSSEServerJSSE.java fails with BindException JDK-8131603: [TEST_BUG] two lib/testlibrary tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12 JDK-8131556: Bad error message on parsing illegal character in XML attribute JDK-8131602: CipherInputStream throws BadPaddingException if stream is not fully read JDK-8131531: Increment minor version of HSx for 8u51 and initialize the build number JDK-8131534: Increment the build value to b02 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b10 JDK-8131537: Increment the build value to b03 for hs25.51 in 8u51-b15 JDK-8131558: JCK test api/xsl/conf/string/string17 starts failing after JDK-8074297 JDK-8131563: Mac OS Incompatibility between JDK 6 and 8 regarding input method handling JDK-8131535: Memory leak in JvmtiEnv::GetConstantPool JDK-8131571: Minimize can cause window to disappear on osx JDK-8131538: new hotspot build - hs25.60-b23 JDK-8131559: schema1.xsd has wrong content. Sequence of the enum values has been changed JDK-8131595: SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID JDK-8131557: substring in XSLT returns wrong character if string contains supplementary chars Alexander Zvegintsev, Oracle: JDK-8132142: [Regression] Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/CheckDisplayModes.java fails Andrew Brygin, Azul: JDK-8130863: OGL: rendering of lcd text is slow David Buck, Oracle: JDK-8130340: Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called Ivan Gerasimov, Google: JDK-8130346: [TEST_BUG] com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyFactory/TestProviderLeak.java still failing after JDK-8076040 JDK-8130433: Do cleanup in a proper order in sunmscapi code Kevin Walls, Oracle: JDK-8098843: VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses Mikhail Cherkasov, Oracle: JDK-8130752: Wrong changes were pushed with 8068886 Poonam Bajaj Parhar, Oracle: JDK-8131333: [TEST_BUG] RedefineRunningMethodsWithResolutionErrors.java Improperly specified VM option 'TraceRedefineClasses=0x600' JDK-8131118: [TEST_BUG] runtime/RedefineFinalizer test fails on windows JDK-8131117: assert(f == k->has_finalizer(),"inconsistent has_finalizer") with debug VM JDK-8130626: JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16 JDK-8130541: nmethod related crash in CMS Philip Race, Oracle: JDK-8132079: [Solaris] : Fix for 8071710 needs to be updated for build dependency checking. JDK-8130938: [solaris] Incomplete 8ux fix for 8071710: libfontmanager & t2k should link against headless awt on solaris Robert Mckenna, Oracle: JDK-8131057: The CDS classlist needs to be updated for 8u60