PUSHES REPORT: openjdk8u272

This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Mon Jun 03 17:45:36 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
3 P1
18 P2
58 P3
82 P4
3 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
164 100% Total
48 29.3% hotspot
14 8.5% hotspot/jfr
14 8.5% hotspot/runtime
12 7.3% hotspot/compiler
4 2.4% hotspot/gc
3 1.8% hotspot/jvmti
1 0.6% hotspot
45 27.4% security-libs
11 6.7% security-libs
9 5.5% security-libs/java.security
6 3.7% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
6 3.7% security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11
4 2.4% security-libs/javax.xml.crypto
3 1.8% security-libs/javax.crypto
2 1.2% security-libs/javax.smartcardio
2 1.2% security-libs/javax.security
1 0.6% security-libs/jdk.security
1 0.6% security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5
30 18.3% core-libs
6 3.7% core-libs/java.net
5 3.0% core-libs/javax.naming
3 1.8% core-libs
3 1.8% core-libs/java.util:i18n
2 1.2% core-libs/java.util.concurrent
2 1.2% core-libs/java.util
2 1.2% core-libs/java.lang
1 0.6% core-libs/jdk.nashorn
1 0.6% core-libs/java.nio
1 0.6% core-libs/java.util.regex
1 0.6% core-libs/java.math
1 0.6% core-libs/java.io
1 0.6% core-libs/java.text
1 0.6% core-libs/java.time
23 14.0% client-libs
8 4.9% client-libs/java.awt
5 3.0% client-libs/2d
4 2.4% client-libs/javax.imageio
3 1.8% client-libs/javax.sound
3 1.8% client-libs/javax.swing
10 6.1% core-svc
4 2.4% core-svc/java.lang.management
3 1.8% core-svc/debugger
2 1.2% core-svc
1 0.6% core-svc/javax.management
5 3.0% infrastructure
5 3.0% infrastructure/build
2 1.2% tools
1 0.6% tools/javadoc(tool)
1 0.6% tools/jlink
1 0.6% xml
1 0.6% xml/jaxp

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
164 100% Total
101 61.6% Red Hat
69 42.1% Andrew Hughes
10 6.1% Severin Gehwolf
7 4.3% Martin Balao
6 3.7% Roland Westrelin
5 3.0% Alex Kasko
4 2.4% Elliott Baron
31 18.9% Independent
29 17.7% Zhengyu Gu
2 1.2% Andrey Petushkov
23 14.0% Amazon
19 11.6% Aleksey Shipilev
4 2.4% Paul Hohensee
3 1.8% Alibaba
3 1.8% Denghui Dong
3 1.8% Azul
2 1.2% Dmitry Cherepanov
1 0.6% Andrew Brygin
3 1.8% DataDog
3 1.8% Jaroslav Bachorík
Count Committer
164 100% Total
85 51.8% Oracle
7 4.3% Philip Race
6 3.7% Valerie Peng
4 2.4% Weijun Wang
4 2.4% Rajan Halade
3 1.8% Markus Grönlund
3 1.8% Sean Mullan
3 1.8% Erik Gahlin
3 1.8% Pavel Rappo
3 1.8% Coleen Phillimore
3 1.8% Joe Darcy
2 1.2% Stuart Marks
2 1.2% Prasanta Sadhukhan
2 1.2% Jayathirth D V
2 1.2% Roger Riggs
2 1.2% Ajit Ghaisas
2 1.2% Anthony Scarpino
2 1.2% Bob Vandette
2 1.2% Kevin Walls
2 1.2% Zoltan Majo
2 1.2% Erik Joelsson
1 0.6% Dmeetry Degrave
1 0.6% Brian Burkhalter
1 0.6% Calvin Cheung
1 0.6% Harsha Wardhana B
1 0.6% Hannes Wallnoefer
1 0.6% David Holmes
1 0.6% Mikhailo Seledtsov
1 0.6% Joe Wang
1 0.6% Sean Coffey
1 0.6% Aleksej Efimov
1 0.6% Jamsheed C M
1 0.6% Poonam Bajaj Parhar
1 0.6% Bhavesh Patel
1 0.6% Daniil Titov
1 0.6% Vladimir Kozlov
1 0.6% Stefan Karlsson
1 0.6% Robert Mckenna
1 0.6% Tobias Hartmann
1 0.6% Leo Jiang
1 0.6% Anton Litvinov
1 0.6% Chris Yin
1 0.6% Mandy Chung
1 0.6% Thomas Schatzl
1 0.6% Serguei Spitsyn
1 0.6% Rachel Protacio
1 0.6% Mikael Gerdin
35 21.3% Red Hat
24 14.6% Andrew Hughes
3 1.8% Martin Balao
3 1.8% Roland Westrelin
2 1.2% Severin Gehwolf
2 1.2% Thomas Stuefe
1 0.6% Mario Torre
10 6.1% Amazon
7 4.3% Sergey Bylokhov
2 1.2% Aleksey Shipilev
1 0.6% Roman Kennke
9 5.5% Independent
2 1.2% Zhengyu Gu
2 1.2% Artem Smotrakov
1 0.6% Masayoshi Okutsu
1 0.6% Rahul Raghavan
1 0.6% Andrey Petushkov
1 0.6% Chris Hegarty
1 0.6% Fei Yang
5 3.0% SAP
4 2.4% Matthias Baesken
1 0.6% Goetz Lindenmaier
4 2.4% Google
3 1.8% Ivan Gerasimov
1 0.6% Martin Buchholz
3 1.8% Azul
1 0.6% Konstantin Shefov
1 0.6% Andrew Brygin
1 0.6% Yuri Nesterenko
3 1.8% DataDog
3 1.8% Jaroslav Bachorík
3 1.8% Unknown
3 1.8% N/A
2 1.2% Alibaba
2 1.2% Denghui Dong
2 1.2% NTT DATA
2 1.2% Yasumasa Suenaga
1 0.6% BellSoft
1 0.6% Dmitrij Pochepko
1 0.6% Tencent
1 0.6% Xuelei Fan
1 0.6% VMWare
1 0.6% Vyom Tewari

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2020/10/21 15:33 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8254937 Revert JDK-8148854 for 8u272
2020/10/21 15:33 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8254673 call for JvmtiExport::post_vm_start() was removed by the fix for JDK-8249158
2020/09/17 10:00 Andrew Brygin Azul (same) (same) JDK-8252886 [TESTBUG] sun/security/ec/TestEC.java : Compilation failed
2020/09/09 18:19 Zhengyu Gu Independent Aleksej Efimov Oracle JDK-8252979 Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure
2020/09/09 18:19 Zhengyu Gu Independent Pavel Rappo Oracle JDK-8252978 com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect
2020/09/09 18:00 Zhengyu Gu Independent N/A Unknown JDK-8252977 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport
2020/09/07 02:29 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8252834 Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8252558 Mismatch in jsse.enableMFLNExtension property name
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8251478 Backport TLSv1.3 regression tests to JDK8u
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8251341 Minimal Java specification change
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sean Mullan Oracle JDK-8247276 Backport JDK-8161973
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245681 Add TLSv1.3 regression test from 11.0.7
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245653 Remove 8u TLS tests
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245477 Adjust TLS tests location
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245476 Disable TLSv1.3 protocol in the ClientHello message by default
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245474 Add TLS_KRB5 cipher suites support according to RFC-2712
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245473 OCSP stapling support
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245472 Backport JDK-8038893 to JDK8
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245471 Revert JDK-8148188
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245470 Fix JDK8 compatibility issues
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245469 Remove DTLS protocol implementation
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245468 Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7
2020/08/31 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8245467 Remove 8u TLSv1.2 implementation files
2020/08/31 02:46 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8252555 Memory leak in PKCS11 provider when using AES GCM
2020/08/31 02:45 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roman Kennke Amazon JDK-8252554 Don't use memset to initialize fields decode_env constructor in disassembler.cpp
2020/08/29 12:58 Zhengyu Gu Independent Robert Mckenna Oracle JDK-8252535 Add capability to custom resolve host/domain names within the default JNDI LDAP provider
2020/08/28 21:19 Martin Balao Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8252528 Cannot check P11Key size in P11Cipher and P11AEADCipher
2020/08/28 21:17 Martin Balao Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8252527 PKCS11 using NSS throws an error regarding secmod.db when NSS uses sqlite
2020/08/28 20:09 Martin Balao Red Hat Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8252525 32-bit build failures after JDK-8080462 (Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support)
2020/08/28 14:09 Martin Balao Red Hat Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8252512 Missing hash characters for header on license file
2020/08/28 14:09 Martin Balao Red Hat Mandy Chung Oracle JDK-8252511 Organize licenses by module in source, JMOD file, and run-time image
2020/08/28 14:09 Martin Balao Red Hat Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8252510 Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support
2020/08/28 07:26 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon David Holmes Oracle JDK-8252493 When using -Xcheck:jni an internally allocated buffer can leak
2020/08/28 07:11 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Mikael Gerdin Oracle JDK-8252492 ZapStackSegments should use optimized memset
2020/08/28 07:10 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Vladimir Kozlov Oracle JDK-8252491 RuntimeStub's name lost with PrintFrameConverterAssembly
2020/08/28 07:07 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8252490 Add SSL root certificates to Oracle Root CA program
2020/08/28 07:06 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8252489 Circular reference in printed stack trace is not correctly indented & ambiguous
2020/08/28 06:39 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8251120 [8u] HotSpot build assumes ENABLE_JFR is set to either true or false
2020/08/26 07:56 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Mikhailo Seledtsov Oracle JDK-8252361 [TESTBUG] Update base image for Docker testing to OL 7.6
2020/08/26 07:56 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Daniil Titov Oracle JDK-8252360 OperatingSystemMXBean should be made container aware
2020/08/26 02:55 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Artem Smotrakov Independent JDK-8252350 Update PKCS11 tests to run with security manager
2020/08/25 15:04 Zhengyu Gu Independent Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8252314 Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to1.8.26
2020/08/25 13:20 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8252308 Need to enable -XX:+TraceExceptions in release builds
2020/08/25 13:11 Zhengyu Gu Independent Calvin Cheung Oracle JDK-8252306 Test runtime/SharedArchiveFile/LimitSharedSizes.java fails in jdk 9 fcs new platforms/compiler
2020/08/25 09:26 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8252301 [TESTBUG] MetricsMemoryTester failcount test in docker container only works with debug JVMs
2020/08/25 09:26 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8251546 8u backport of JDK-8194298 breaks AIX and Solaris builds
2020/08/25 09:25 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8252300 Use -XX:+/-UseContainerSupport for enabling/disabling Java container metrics
2020/08/21 18:54 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8252169 Mark regression tests using randomness
2020/08/21 17:03 Elliott Baron Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8252153 JDK 8u231 introduces a regression with incompatible handling of XML messages
2020/08/21 13:23 Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog (same) (same) JDK-8249158 THREAD_START and THREAD_END event posted in primordial phase
2020/08/21 13:13 Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8252146 Meet not symmetric failure when running lucene on jdk8
2020/08/21 08:15 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Roger Riggs Oracle JDK-8252137 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java failed with "java.lang.AssertionError: Some tests failed"
2020/08/21 07:08 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8252084 Minimal VM fails to bootcycle: undefined symbol: AgeTableTracer::is_tenuring_distribution_event_enabled
2020/08/20 12:28 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Brian Burkhalter Oracle JDK-8252106 Add PrimeTest for BigInteger
2020/08/20 06:46 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Leo Jiang Oracle JDK-8252083 Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo
2020/08/20 06:46 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8252082 UNIX version of Java_java_io_Console_echo does not return a clean boolean
2020/08/20 06:46 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8252081 Add Entrust root CA - G4 to Oracle Root CA program
2020/08/20 04:51 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Masayoshi Okutsu Independent JDK-8252072 (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings changes
2020/08/20 04:51 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8252071 Mark a few more intermittently failing security-libs tests
2020/08/19 18:22 Paul Hohensee Amazon Thomas Schatzl Oracle JDK-8252048 Large reference arrays cause extremely long synchronization times
2020/08/17 23:11 Elliott Baron Red Hat Sean Mullan Oracle JDK-8251916 XML Digital Signature throws NAMESPACE_ERR exception on OpenJDK 11, works 8/9/10
2020/08/17 23:11 Elliott Baron Red Hat Sean Mullan Oracle JDK-8251915 ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works
2020/08/17 20:44 Elliott Baron Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8251911 Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1
2020/08/17 19:58 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog JDK-8251906 HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getVMOption() throws IllegalArgumentException for flags of type double
2020/08/13 13:58 Zhengyu Gu Independent Chris Yin Oracle JDK-8251539 Enhance BaseLdapServer to support starttls extended request
2020/08/13 07:38 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8251522 TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/bug5070081.java fails sometimes
2020/08/13 07:38 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Harsha Wardhana B Oracle JDK-8251521 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/*.sh tests fail with error : revokeall.exe: Permission denied
2020/08/13 07:38 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Zoltan Majo Oracle JDK-8251520 C2 loop unrolling fails due to unexpected graph shape
2020/08/13 06:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8251515 Container Metrics
2020/08/13 06:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8251514 Allow shorter method sampling interval than 10 ms
2020/08/13 05:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8251512 JFR tool produces incorrect output when both --categories and --events are specified
2020/08/13 05:56 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8251511 CMS: Missing memory fences between free chunk check and klass read
2020/08/12 21:32 Paul Hohensee Amazon Philip Race Oracle JDK-8251500 Fontmetrics for large Fonts has zero width
2020/08/12 13:57 Zhengyu Gu Independent Philip Race Oracle JDK-8251486 Use WeakReference for lastFontStrike for created Fonts
2020/08/12 03:07 Denghui Dong Alibaba (same) (same) JDK-8250875 Incorrect parameter type for update_number in JDK_Version::jdk_update
2020/08/06 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmeetry Degrave Oracle JDK-8251231 replace [[ and == bash extensions in regtest
2020/08/06 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8251230 -XX:+TraceExceptions output should include the message
2020/08/06 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rachel Protacio Oracle JDK-8251229 Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent
2020/08/06 06:15 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Mario Torre Red Hat JDK-8251228 Generated javadoc scattered all over the place
2020/08/06 05:26 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Jamsheed C M Oracle JDK-8251223 [TESTBUG]compiler/tiered/NonTieredLevelsTest.java fails with compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper(int) must be compiled
2020/08/06 05:26 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8251222 JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero
2020/08/06 05:26 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Goetz Lindenmaier SAP JDK-8251221 [TESTBUG] Add keyword headful in java/awt and javax tests.
2020/08/06 05:26 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8251220 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/CanWriteSequence.java
2020/08/05 09:14 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8251164 libj2gss/NativeFunc.o "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
2020/08/05 09:14 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Thomas Stuefe Red Hat JDK-8251163 java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
2020/08/05 09:14 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Chris Hegarty Independent JDK-8251162 (sctp) jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpNet.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
2020/08/03 15:10 Andrey Petushkov Independent Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8250964 RecordingInfo should use textual representation of path
2020/08/03 15:10 Andrey Petushkov Independent Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8250963 JFR tool shows potentially misleading message when it cannot access a file
2020/08/02 16:39 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Konstantin Shefov Azul JDK-8250927 [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/fileaccess/FontFile.java fails
2020/08/02 16:39 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Ivan Gerasimov Google JDK-8250926 Hard coded loop limit prevents reading of smart card data greater than 8k
2020/08/02 16:39 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Anthony Scarpino Oracle JDK-8250925 Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException: input length out of bound
2020/08/02 16:39 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Anthony Scarpino Oracle JDK-8250924 Problems with AES-GCM native acceleration
2020/07/30 15:43 Zhengyu Gu Independent Jayathirth D V Oracle JDK-8250836 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/CanWriteSequence.java and WriteAfterAbort.java
2020/07/30 15:35 Zhengyu Gu Independent Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8250835 Cannot load RSASSA-PSS public key with non-null params from byte array
2020/07/30 15:14 Zhengyu Gu Independent Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8250833 Second parameter of "initialize" method is not used
2020/07/30 15:07 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8250832 failed class resolution reports different class name in detail message for the first and subsequent times
2020/07/30 14:14 Zhengyu Gu Independent Poonam Bajaj Parhar Oracle JDK-8250828 crash HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate
2020/07/29 07:43 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8250767 Removing dependency on jakarta-regexp
2020/07/29 06:43 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Martin Balao Red Hat JDK-8250763 Mirror jdk.security.allowNonCaAnchor system property with a security one
2020/07/29 06:43 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8250762 Expect changed behaviour reported in JDK-8249846
2020/07/29 06:42 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ivan Gerasimov Google JDK-8250761 JDB hangs when running monitor command
2020/07/29 06:42 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Tobias Hartmann Oracle JDK-8250760 C1: Incorrect result of field load due to missing narrowing conversion
2020/07/28 07:48 Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog (same) (same) JDK-8250663 Thread CPU Load event may contain wrong data for CPU time under certain conditions
2020/07/27 15:18 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Vyom Tewari VMWare JDK-8250631 Add support for per Socket configuration of TCP keepalive
2020/07/24 16:03 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8250526 [8u262] New JavaTimeSupplementary localisation for 'in' installed in wrong package
2020/07/24 16:03 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8249677 Regression in 8u after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior
2020/07/24 07:38 Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8250253 assert(proj != __null) at compile.cpp:3251
2020/07/24 07:24 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Roger Riggs Oracle JDK-8250252 Fix for JDK-8165936 broke Solaris builds
2020/07/24 07:24 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Thomas Stuefe Red Hat JDK-8250251 Potential Heap buffer overflow when seaching timezone info files
2020/07/23 18:58 Zhengyu Gu Independent Martin Balao Red Hat JDK-8250228 Support the 'canonicalize' setting (krb5.conf) in the Kerberos client
2020/07/23 16:27 Paul Hohensee Amazon Philip Race Oracle JDK-8250214 [macos] Java2D Queue Flusher crash while moving application window to external monitor
2020/07/23 08:40 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Bhavesh Patel Oracle JDK-8249951 javadoc problems referencing inner class constructors
2020/07/22 15:30 Martin Balao Red Hat Artem Smotrakov Independent JDK-8249889 Test SmallPrimeExponentP.java times out intermittently
2020/07/21 15:58 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8249808 [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/dnd/BadSerializationTest/BadSerializationTest.java fails
2020/07/21 15:52 Zhengyu Gu Independent Pavel Rappo Oracle JDK-8249807 LdapContext#reconnect always opens a new connection
2020/07/17 07:32 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Rahul Raghavan Independent JDK-8249651 TESTBUG: jdk regression test javax/management/loading/MletParserLocaleTest.java reduce default timeout
2020/07/16 19:23 Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same) JDK-8249610 Make sun.security.krb5.Config.getBooleanObject(String... keys) method public
2020/07/16 14:19 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Hannes Wallnoefer Oracle JDK-8249614 Nashorn crashes when given an empty script file.
2020/07/14 14:36 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Philip Race Oracle JDK-8249291 Several tests which need the @key headful keyword are missing it.
2020/07/02 20:52 Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same) JDK-8248643 Remove extra leading space in JDK-8240295 8u backport
2020/07/02 18:11 Paul Hohensee Amazon N/A Unknown JDK-8248717 [TESTBUG] NEED_TEST: please JTREGIFY test/compiler/7177917/Test7177917.java
2020/07/02 10:41 Dmitry Cherepanov Azul Erik Joelsson Oracle JDK-8248700 Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary
2020/07/02 10:41 Dmitry Cherepanov Azul Erik Joelsson Oracle JDK-8248699 Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib cannot be a symlink
2020/07/02 08:00 Roland Westrelin Red Hat Zoltan Majo Oracle JDK-8248693 Scheduling failures during gcm should be fatal
2020/07/01 08:35 Roland Westrelin Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8248627 CTW: C2 compilation fails with "malformed control flow"
2020/07/01 08:35 Roland Westrelin Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8248626 ConnectionGraph::unique_java_object(Node* N) return NULL if n is not in the CG
2020/06/30 17:28 Zhengyu Gu Independent Philip Race Oracle JDK-8248581 java/awt/Gtk/GtkVersionTest/GtkVersionTest.java fails
2020/06/30 14:17 Zhengyu Gu Independent Kevin Walls Oracle JDK-8248562 hs_err elapsed time in seconds is not accurate enough
2020/06/30 12:38 Zhengyu Gu Independent Jayathirth D V Oracle JDK-8248559 javax/swing/JFileChooser/6868611/bug6868611.java throws error
2020/06/30 12:35 Zhengyu Gu Independent Philip Race Oracle JDK-8248558 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/spi/AppletContextTest/BadPluginConfigurationTest.sh
2020/06/30 11:49 Alex Kasko Red Hat Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8248556 [TEST_BUG] delays needed in javax/swing/JTree/4633594/bug4633594.java
2020/06/30 11:47 Alex Kasko Red Hat Philip Race Oracle JDK-8248555 [PIT] test java/awt/Graphics2D/MTGraphicsAccessTest/MTGraphicsAccessTest.java hangs on Win. 8
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8248512 [8u262] Build installs jfr binary when JFR is disabled
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8248511 Remove Comodo root certificate that is expiring in May 2020
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8248510 Remove DocuSign root certificate that is expiring in May 2020
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sean Coffey Oracle JDK-8248509 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020a
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Markus Grönlund Oracle JDK-8248508 Deadlock in JFR string pool
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrey Petushkov Independent JDK-8248507 Top package in method profiling shows "null" in JMC
2020/06/29 20:40 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8248506 [TESTBUG] Add test for JDK-8233197
2020/06/24 17:09 Zhengyu Gu Independent Stefan Karlsson Oracle JDK-8248247 Make OutputAnalyzer.reportDiagnosticSummary public
2020/06/24 17:00 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8248244 Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
2020/06/24 16:59 Zhengyu Gu Independent Ajit Ghaisas Oracle JDK-8248243 Better cleanup for javax/imageio/AllowSearch.java
2020/06/24 16:58 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8248242 Opensource unit/regression tests for ImageIO
2020/06/22 16:43 Alex Kasko Red Hat Anton Litvinov Oracle JDK-8248040 Invalid "sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent" object leads to JVM crash
2020/06/22 16:39 Alex Kasko Red Hat Ajit Ghaisas Oracle JDK-8248039 [TEST_BUG] Cygwin failure of java/awt/appletviewer/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest.sh
2020/06/22 12:44 Alex Kasko Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8248004 adjust some WSAGetLastError usages in windows network coding
2020/06/19 02:25 Denghui Dong Alibaba Dmitrij Pochepko BellSoft JDK-8247900 JFR: recordings on 32-bit systems unreadable
2020/06/18 08:30 Roland Westrelin Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8247840 Opensource unit/regression tests for JavaSound
2020/06/17 20:19 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8247803 Add @requires os.family to the client tests with access to internal OS-specific API
2020/06/17 20:18 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8247802 build failure on Linux after 8235243
2020/06/17 20:18 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8247801 handle VS2017 15.9 and VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
2020/06/17 20:18 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kevin Walls Oracle JDK-8247800 Need to update vm_version.cpp to recognise VS2017 minor versions
2020/06/17 20:18 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Serguei Spitsyn Oracle JDK-8247799 jdwp library loader in linker_md.c quietly truncates on buffer overflow
2020/06/17 15:53 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Martin Buchholz Google JDK-8247774 Small readability and performance improvements for zipfs
2020/06/17 00:43 Zhengyu Gu Independent Pavel Rappo Oracle JDK-8247709 NullPointerException from ntlm.Client.type3
2020/06/11 15:29 Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog Markus Grönlund Oracle JDK-8247420 Invert JvmtiExport::post_vm_initialized() and Jfr:on_vm_start() start-up order for correct option parsing
2020/06/09 05:47 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8246815 XToolkit: Misread of screen information memory
2020/06/09 05:47 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ivan Gerasimov Google JDK-8246814 Replace strtok() with its safe equivalent strtok_s() in DefaultProxySelector.c
2020/06/09 05:47 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Stuart Marks Oracle JDK-8246813 TEST_BUG: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java
2020/06/09 05:47 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Stuart Marks Oracle JDK-8246812 move ScanTest.java into OpenJDK
2020/06/09 05:29 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8246810 Windows build fails after JDK-8227269
2020/06/08 12:09 Zhengyu Gu Independent Markus Grönlund Oracle JDK-8246749 JVMTI PopFrame capability must instruct compilers not to prune locals
2020/06/03 15:11 Denghui Dong Alibaba (same) (same) JDK-8246310 Clean commented-out code about ModuleEntry andPackageEntry in JFR
2020/06/03 00:21 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8246384 Enable JFR by default on supported architectures for October 2020 release

No changesets log

JDK-8261770 Backport System Property jdk.tls.server.protocols
JDK-8256915 Unsupported ciphersuites may be offered by a TLS client
JDK-8256914 UnsatisfiedLinkError or NoSuchAlgorithmException after removing sunec.dll
JDK-8256908 Unable to use custom SSLEngine with default TrustManagerFactory after updating to JDK 11 b21
JDK-8256907 TLSv1.3 may generate TLSInnerPlainText longer than 2^14+1 bytes
JDK-8256905 TLSv1.3 fail with ClassException when EC keys are stored in PKCS11
JDK-8256899 TLSv.1.3 interop problems with OpenSSL 1.1.1 when used on the client side with mutual auth
JDK-8256898 TLS 1.3 session resumption with hello retry request failed with "illegal_parameter"
JDK-8256897 TLS 1.3 server fails if ClientHello doesn't have pre_shared_key and psk_key_exchange_modes
JDK-8256892 TLS 1.3 resumed session does not retain peer certificate chain
JDK-8256891 TLS 1.3 handshake server name indication is missing on a session resume
JDK-8256887 TLS 1.3 half-close and synchronization issues
JDK-8256884 TLS 1.3 CertificateRequest message sometimes offers disallowed signature algorithms
JDK-8256882 The size of key_exchange may be wrong on FFDHE
JDK-8256881 The "supported_groups" extension in ServerHellos
JDK-8256880 sun.security.ssl.HandshakeHash.T12HandshakeHash constructor check backwards.
JDK-8256879 Still unable to use custom SSLEngine with default TrustManagerFactory after JDK-8207029
JDK-8256878 SSLSocketImpl erroneously wraps SocketException
JDK-8256876 SSLSocket#setEnabledCipherSuites is accepting empty string
JDK-8256875 SSLSocket stream close() does not close the associated socket
JDK-8256873 SSLSessionImpl.getLocalPrincipal() throws NPE
JDK-8256872 SSLEngine negotiation fail exception behavior changed from fail-fast to fail-lazy
JDK-8256871 SSLContextImpl.statusResponseManager should be generated if required
JDK-8256869 SSL session resumption/SNI with TLS1.2 causes StackOverflowError
JDK-8256868 SSL Handshake failures are reported with more generic SSLException
JDK-8256800 RSASSA-PSS certificate cannot be selected for client auth on TLSv1.2
JDK-8256799 Replace the reflective call to the implUpdate method in HandshakeMessage::digestKey
JDK-8256767 Remove the temporary tls13VN field
JDK-8256760 Possible race condition in TLS 1.3 session resumption
JDK-8256758 NullPointerException in sun.security.ssl.OutputRecord.changeWriteCiphers
JDK-8256756 NPE in SupportedGroupsExtension
JDK-8256749 No extensions debug log for ClientHello
JDK-8256745 Misleading code in SSLCipher
JDK-8256697 javax/net/ssl/TLS tests support TLSv1.3
JDK-8256696 javax/net/ssl/templates/SSLSocketSSLEngineTemplate.java supports TLSv1.3
JDK-8256695 javax/net/ssl/templates/SSLSocketSSLEngineTemplate.java fails intermittently with "java.lang.Exception: Unexpected EOF"
JDK-8256694 javax/net/ssl/compatibility/Compatibility.java supports TLS 1.3
JDK-8256689 Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
JDK-8256687 Incorrectly named signature scheme ecdsa_secp512r1_sha512
JDK-8256684 Improperly use of the Optional API
JDK-8256681 Finished message validation failure should be decrypt_error alert
JDK-8256677 Duplicated synchronized keywords in SSLSocketImpl
JDK-8256676 Delegated task created by SSLEngine throws java.nio.BufferUnderflowException
JDK-8256668 Delegated task created by SSLEngine throws BufferUnderflowException
JDK-8256666 Curve in certificate should not affect signature scheme when using TLSv1.3
JDK-8256665 Check session context for TLS 1.3 session resumption
JDK-8256662 TLS 1.3 Implementation
JDK-8256646 Errors in alert ssl message does not reflect the actual certificate status
JDK-8253664 JSSE Client does not accept status_request extension in CertificateRequest messages for TLS 1.3
JDK-8252573 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport
JDK-8245466 Backport TLSv1.3 protocol implementation

Committer push log

Alex Kasko, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8248555 [PIT] test java/awt/Graphics2D/MTGraphicsAccessTest/MTGraphicsAccessTest.java hangs on Win. 8
JDK-8248039 [TEST_BUG] Cygwin failure of java/awt/appletviewer/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest/IOExceptionIfEncodedURLTest.sh
JDK-8248556 [TEST_BUG] delays needed in javax/swing/JTree/4633594/bug4633594.java
JDK-8248004 adjust some WSAGetLastError usages in windows network coding
JDK-8248040 Invalid "sun.awt.TimedWindowEvent" object leads to JVM crash

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8252072 (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings changes
JDK-8248509 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020a
JDK-8251230 -XX:+TraceExceptions output should include the message
JDK-8248512 [8u262] Build installs jfr binary when JFR is disabled
JDK-8250526 [8u262] New JavaTimeSupplementary localisation for 'in' installed in wrong package
JDK-8251120 [8u] HotSpot build assumes ENABLE_JFR is set to either true or false
JDK-8251221 [TESTBUG] Add keyword headful in java/awt and javax tests.
JDK-8248506 [TESTBUG] Add test for JDK-8233197
JDK-8251223 [TESTBUG]compiler/tiered/NonTieredLevelsTest.java fails with compiler.whitebox.SimpleTestCaseHelper(int) must be compiled
JDK-8247803 Add @requires os.family to the client tests with access to internal OS-specific API
JDK-8252106 Add PrimeTest for BigInteger
JDK-8245474 Add TLS_KRB5 cipher suites support according to RFC-2712
JDK-8245468 Add TLSv1.3 implementation classes from 11.0.7
JDK-8245681 Add TLSv1.3 regression test from 11.0.7
JDK-8245477 Adjust TLS tests location
JDK-8251514 Allow shorter method sampling interval than 10 ms
JDK-8245472 Backport JDK-8038893 to JDK8
JDK-8247276 Backport JDK-8161973
JDK-8251478 Backport TLSv1.3 regression tests to JDK8u
JDK-8251220 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/CanWriteSequence.java
JDK-8247802 build failure on Linux after 8235243
JDK-8250760 C1: Incorrect result of field load due to missing narrowing conversion
JDK-8251520 C2 loop unrolling fails due to unexpected graph shape
JDK-8254673 call for JvmtiExport::post_vm_start() was removed by the fix for JDK-8249158
JDK-8251229 Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent
JDK-8251511 CMS: Missing memory fences between free chunk check and klass read
JDK-8251515 Container Metrics
JDK-8248508 Deadlock in JFR string pool
JDK-8245476 Disable TLSv1.3 protocol in the ClientHello message by default
JDK-8252554 Don't use memset to initialize fields decode_env constructor in disassembler.cpp
JDK-8246384 Enable JFR by default on supported architectures for October 2020 release
JDK-8250762 Expect changed behaviour reported in JDK-8249846
JDK-8245470 Fix JDK8 compatibility issues
JDK-8251228 Generated javadoc scattered all over the place
JDK-8247801 handle VS2017 15.9 and VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
JDK-8251906 HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getVMOption() throws IllegalArgumentException for flags of type double
JDK-8250761 JDB hangs when running monitor command
JDK-8247799 jdwp library loader in linker_md.c quietly truncates on buffer overflow
JDK-8251222 JFR did not collect call stacks when MaxJavaStackTraceDepth is set to zero
JDK-8251512 JFR tool produces incorrect output when both --categories and --events are specified
JDK-8252071 Mark a few more intermittently failing security-libs tests
JDK-8252169 Mark regression tests using randomness
JDK-8252555 Memory leak in PKCS11 provider when using AES GCM
JDK-8251341 Minimal Java specification change
JDK-8250763 Mirror jdk.security.allowNonCaAnchor system property with a security one
JDK-8252558 Mismatch in jsse.enableMFLNExtension property name
JDK-8246812 move ScanTest.java into OpenJDK
JDK-8247800 Need to update vm_version.cpp to recognise VS2017 minor versions
JDK-8245473 OCSP stapling support
JDK-8252834 Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ
JDK-8249677 Regression in 8u after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior
JDK-8245653 Remove 8u TLS tests
JDK-8245467 Remove 8u TLSv1.2 implementation files
JDK-8248511 Remove Comodo root certificate that is expiring in May 2020
JDK-8248510 Remove DocuSign root certificate that is expiring in May 2020
JDK-8245469 Remove DTLS protocol implementation
JDK-8251231 replace [[ and == bash extensions in regtest
JDK-8246814 Replace strtok() with its safe equivalent strtok_s() in DefaultProxySelector.c
JDK-8245471 Revert JDK-8148188
JDK-8254937 Revert JDK-8148854 for 8u272
JDK-8249291 Several tests which need the @key headful keyword are missing it.
JDK-8247774 Small readability and performance improvements for zipfs
JDK-8251521 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/*.sh tests fail with error : revokeall.exe: Permission denied
JDK-8251522 TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/bug5070081.java fails sometimes
JDK-8246813 TEST_BUG: minor cleanup of java/util/Scanner/ScanTest.java
JDK-8248507 Top package in method profiling shows "null" in JMC
JDK-8252350 Update PKCS11 tests to run with security manager
JDK-8246810 Windows build fails after JDK-8227269
JDK-8246815 XToolkit: Misread of screen information memory

Andrey Petushkov, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8250963 JFR tool shows potentially misleading message when it cannot access a file
JDK-8250964 RecordingInfo should use textual representation of path

Andrew Brygin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8252886 [TESTBUG] sun/security/ec/TestEC.java : Compilation failed

Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8248699 Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib cannot be a symlink
JDK-8248700 Issues reported after replacing symlink at Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib with binary

Denghui Dong, Alibaba

Bug Summary
JDK-8246310 Clean commented-out code about ModuleEntry andPackageEntry in JFR
JDK-8250875 Incorrect parameter type for update_number in JDK_Version::jdk_update
JDK-8247900 JFR: recordings on 32-bit systems unreadable

Elliott Baron, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8251915 ENVELOPING XML signature no longer works
JDK-8252153 JDK 8u231 introduces a regression with incompatible handling of XML messages
JDK-8251911 Update xmldsig implementation to Apache Santuario 2.1.1
JDK-8251916 XML Digital Signature throws NAMESPACE_ERR exception on OpenJDK 11, works 8/9/10

Jaroslav Bachorík, DataDog

Bug Summary
JDK-8247420 Invert JvmtiExport::post_vm_initialized() and Jfr:on_vm_start() start-up order for correct option parsing
JDK-8250663 Thread CPU Load event may contain wrong data for CPU time under certain conditions
JDK-8249158 THREAD_START and THREAD_END event posted in primordial phase

Martin Balao, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8252525 32-bit build failures after JDK-8080462 (Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support)
JDK-8252528 Cannot check P11Key size in P11Cipher and P11AEADCipher
JDK-8252512 Missing hash characters for header on license file
JDK-8252511 Organize licenses by module in source, JMOD file, and run-time image
JDK-8252527 PKCS11 using NSS throws an error regarding secmod.db when NSS uses sqlite
JDK-8249889 Test SmallPrimeExponentP.java times out intermittently
JDK-8252510 Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v2.40 support

Paul Hohensee, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8250214 [macos] Java2D Queue Flusher crash while moving application window to external monitor
JDK-8248717 [TESTBUG] NEED_TEST: please JTREGIFY test/compiler/7177917/Test7177917.java
JDK-8251500 Fontmetrics for large Fonts has zero width
JDK-8252048 Large reference arrays cause extremely long synchronization times

Roland Westrelin, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8250253 assert(proj != __null) at compile.cpp:3251
JDK-8248626 ConnectionGraph::unique_java_object(Node* N) return NULL if n is not in the CG
JDK-8248627 CTW: C2 compilation fails with "malformed control flow"
JDK-8252146 Meet not symmetric failure when running lucene on jdk8
JDK-8247840 Opensource unit/regression tests for JavaSound
JDK-8248693 Scheduling failures during gcm should be fatal

Severin Gehwolf, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8251162 (sctp) jdk.sctp/unix/native/libsctp/SctpNet.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
JDK-8251546 8u backport of JDK-8194298 breaks AIX and Solaris builds
JDK-8252301 [TESTBUG] MetricsMemoryTester failcount test in docker container only works with debug JVMs
JDK-8252361 [TESTBUG] Update base image for Docker testing to OL 7.6
JDK-8250631 Add support for per Socket configuration of TCP keepalive
JDK-8251163 java.base/unix/native/libjava/childproc.c "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
JDK-8252137 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java failed with "java.lang.AssertionError: Some tests failed"
JDK-8251164 libj2gss/NativeFunc.o "multiple definition" link errors with GCC10
JDK-8252360 OperatingSystemMXBean should be made container aware
JDK-8252300 Use -XX:+/-UseContainerSupport for enabling/disabling Java container metrics

Aleksey Shipilev, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8250927 [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/FontClass/CreateFont/fileaccess/FontFile.java fails
JDK-8252081 Add Entrust root CA - G4 to Oracle Root CA program
JDK-8252490 Add SSL root certificates to Oracle Root CA program
JDK-8252489 Circular reference in printed stack trace is not correctly indented & ambiguous
JDK-8250925 Encryption using GCM results in RuntimeException: input length out of bound
JDK-8250252 Fix for JDK-8165936 broke Solaris builds
JDK-8250926 Hard coded loop limit prevents reading of smart card data greater than 8k
JDK-8249951 javadoc problems referencing inner class constructors
JDK-8252083 Migrate SimpleDateFormatConstTest to JDK Repo
JDK-8252084 Minimal VM fails to bootcycle: undefined symbol: AgeTableTracer::is_tenuring_distribution_event_enabled
JDK-8249614 Nashorn crashes when given an empty script file.
JDK-8250251 Potential Heap buffer overflow when seaching timezone info files
JDK-8250924 Problems with AES-GCM native acceleration
JDK-8250767 Removing dependency on jakarta-regexp
JDK-8252491 RuntimeStub's name lost with PrintFrameConverterAssembly
JDK-8249651 TESTBUG: jdk regression test javax/management/loading/MletParserLocaleTest.java reduce default timeout
JDK-8252082 UNIX version of Java_java_io_Console_echo does not return a clean boolean
JDK-8252493 When using -Xcheck:jni an internally allocated buffer can leak
JDK-8252492 ZapStackSegments should use optimized memset

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8252977 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport
JDK-8249808 [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/dnd/BadSerializationTest/BadSerializationTest.java fails
JDK-8252535 Add capability to custom resolve host/domain names within the default JNDI LDAP provider
JDK-8248243 Better cleanup for javax/imageio/AllowSearch.java
JDK-8250836 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/plugins/shared/CanWriteSequence.java and WriteAfterAbort.java
JDK-8248558 Better cleanup for jdk/test/javax/imageio/spi/AppletContextTest/BadPluginConfigurationTest.sh
JDK-8250835 Cannot load RSASSA-PSS public key with non-null params from byte array
JDK-8252978 com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect
JDK-8250828 crash HeapWord*ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate
JDK-8251539 Enhance BaseLdapServer to support starttls extended request
JDK-8250832 failed class resolution reports different class name in detail message for the first and subsequent times
JDK-8252979 Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure
JDK-8248562 hs_err elapsed time in seconds is not accurate enough
JDK-8248581 java/awt/Gtk/GtkVersionTest/GtkVersionTest.java fails
JDK-8248559 javax/swing/JFileChooser/6868611/bug6868611.java throws error
JDK-8246749 JVMTI PopFrame capability must instruct compilers not to prune locals
JDK-8249807 LdapContext#reconnect always opens a new connection
JDK-8248247 Make OutputAnalyzer.reportDiagnosticSummary public
JDK-8249610 Make sun.security.krb5.Config.getBooleanObject(String... keys) method public
JDK-8252308 Need to enable -XX:+TraceExceptions in release builds
JDK-8247709 NullPointerException from ntlm.Client.type3
JDK-8248242 Opensource unit/regression tests for ImageIO
JDK-8248643 Remove extra leading space in JDK-8240295 8u backport
JDK-8250833 Second parameter of "initialize" method is not used
JDK-8248244 Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
JDK-8250228 Support the 'canonicalize' setting (krb5.conf) in the Kerberos client
JDK-8252306 Test runtime/SharedArchiveFile/LimitSharedSizes.java fails in jdk 9 fcs new platforms/compiler
JDK-8252314 Update MUSCLE PC/SC-Lite headers to1.8.26
JDK-8251486 Use WeakReference for lastFontStrike for created Fonts