PUSHES REPORT: openjdk8u282

This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Mon Jun 03 18:41:38 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
15 P2
52 P3
81 P4
2 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
150 100% Total
55 36.7% client-libs
33 22.0% client-libs/java.awt
15 10.0% client-libs/javax.swing
3 2.0% client-libs/javax.sound
2 1.3% client-libs/2d
2 1.3% client-libs
45 30.0% hotspot
17 11.3% hotspot/runtime
9 6.0% hotspot/jfr
9 6.0% hotspot/compiler
8 5.3% hotspot/gc
1 0.7% hotspot/jvmti
1 0.7% hotspot
17 11.3% core-libs
5 3.3% core-libs
3 2.0% core-libs/java.time
3 2.0% core-libs/javax.naming
1 0.7% core-libs/java.net
1 0.7% core-libs/java.util.concurrent
1 0.7% core-libs/java.io
1 0.7% core-libs/java.lang:class_loading
1 0.7% core-libs/java.util:i18n
1 0.7% core-libs/java.nio
15 10.0% security-libs
6 4.0% security-libs/java.security
3 2.0% security-libs/javax.xml.crypto
3 2.0% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
1 0.7% security-libs/javax.security
1 0.7% security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11
1 0.7% security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5
7 4.7% infrastructure
7 4.7% infrastructure/build
6 4.0% core-svc
4 2.7% core-svc/java.lang.management
1 0.7% core-svc/tools
1 0.7% core-svc
2 1.3% globalization
1 0.7% globalization
1 0.7% globalization/locale-data
2 1.3% tools
1 0.7% tools/jconsole
1 0.7% tools/launcher
1 0.7% xml
1 0.7% xml/jaxp

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
150 100% Total
61 40.7% Red Hat
32 21.3% Andrew Hughes
23 15.3% Severin Gehwolf
3 2.0% Alex Kasko
2 1.3% Elliott Baron
1 0.7% Martin Balao
60 40.0% Amazon
51 34.0% Paul Hohensee
9 6.0% Aleksey Shipilev
26 17.3% Independent
14 9.3% Zhengyu Gu
8 5.3% Fei Yang
4 2.7% Andrey Petushkov
2 1.3% DataDog
2 1.3% Jaroslav Bachorík
1 0.7% Azul
1 0.7% Yuri Nesterenko
Count Committer
149 100% Total
57 38.3% Oracle
5 3.4% Rajan Halade
5 3.4% Bob Vandette
4 2.7% Kim Barrett
3 2.0% Weijun Wang
3 2.0% Erik Gahlin
3 2.0% Mikhailo Seledtsov
3 2.0% Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar
3 2.0% Joe Darcy
2 1.3% Markus Grönlund
2 1.3% Prasanta Sadhukhan
2 1.3% Avik Niyogi
2 1.3% Valerie Peng
2 1.3% Robert Mckenna
2 1.3% Erik Joelsson
1 0.7% Sibabrata Sahoo
1 0.7% Brian Burkhalter
1 0.7% Joe Wang
1 0.7% Pavel Rappo
1 0.7% Aleksej Efimov
1 0.7% Igor Ignatyev
1 0.7% Petr Pchelko
1 0.7% Alexey Ivanov
1 0.7% Dmitry Markov
1 0.7% Stefan Karlsson
1 0.7% Leo Jiang
1 0.7% Ambarish Rapte
1 0.7% Mandy Chung
1 0.7% Prem Balakrishnan
1 0.7% Philip Race
1 0.7% Rachel Protacio
38 25.5% Azul
30 20.1% Yuri Nesterenko
4 2.7% Alexander Stepanov
2 1.3% Dmitry Cherepanov
1 0.7% Konstantin Shefov
1 0.7% Andrew Brygin
15 10.1% Red Hat
8 5.4% Severin Gehwolf
6 4.0% Andrew Hughes
1 0.7% Martin Balao
14 9.4% Amazon
7 4.7% Aleksey Shipilev
4 2.7% Sergey Bylokhov
3 2.0% Paul Hohensee
9 6.0% Independent
3 2.0% Fei Yang
2 1.3% Mike Duigou
1 0.7% Rahul Raghavan
1 0.7% Andrey Petushkov
1 0.7% Zhengyu Gu
1 0.7% Xueming Shen
5 3.4% SAP
2 1.3% Goetz Lindenmaier
2 1.3% Matthias Baesken
1 0.7% Christoph Langer
5 3.4% Unknown
5 3.4% N/A
2 1.3% BellSoft
2 1.3% Alexandr Scherbatiy
2 1.3% Tencent
1 0.7% Jie Fu
1 0.7% Xuelei Fan
1 0.7% DataDog
1 0.7% Jaroslav Bachorík
1 0.7% JetBrains
1 0.7% Pavel Punegov

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2020/12/22 17:27 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8258831 Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate
2020/12/22 17:27 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8258817 Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test
2020/12/22 17:27 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8258816 Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs
2020/12/11 17:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8257585 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020d
2020/12/03 16:44 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8257703 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020c
2020/12/02 04:52 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8255717 JFR crash in WriteObjectSampleStacktrace with uninitialized klass
2020/12/01 06:33 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Markus Grönlund Oracle JDK-8257484 Emergency dump does not work when disk=false is set
2020/12/01 06:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8256671 [8u] Incorrect assignment operator used in guarantee() in genCollectedHeap
2020/12/01 05:59 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8257480 issue with OperatingSystemImpl getFreeSwapSpaceSize in docker after 8242480
2020/12/01 05:59 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Erik Joelsson Oracle JDK-8257479 Use preprocessor instead of compiling a program to generate native nio constants
2020/12/01 05:59 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Jie Fu Tencent JDK-8257478 Negative value may be returned by getFreeSwapSpaceSize() in the docker
2020/12/01 05:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmitry Cherepanov Azul JDK-8257473 Build failure on AIX after 8250636
2020/12/01 05:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmitry Cherepanov Azul JDK-8257472 iso8601_time returns incorrect offset part on MacOS
2020/12/01 04:29 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ambarish Rapte Oracle JDK-8257470 [PIT][TEST_BUG] stray character in java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogActivationTest/ModalDialogActivationTest.java
2020/11/30 19:42 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8257449 Container Support doesn't work for some Join Controllers combinations
2020/11/30 17:08 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8257397 [TESTBUG] test/lib/containers/docker/Common.java refers to -Xlog:os+container=trace
2020/11/30 16:20 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8257433 [TESTBUG] TestCgroupMetrics.java fails after fix for JDK-8219562
2020/11/30 16:20 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8257430 [Containers] SubSystem.java out of sync with osContainer_linux.cpp
2020/11/30 16:14 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8257432 Line of code in osContainer_linux.cpp#L102 appears unreachable
2020/11/30 14:57 Zhengyu Gu Independent Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8257425 compiler/5091921/Test7005594.java fails if specified -Xmx is less than 1600m
2020/11/27 09:45 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8257207 Zero: Linux x86_32 build still fails
2020/11/26 15:02 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257179 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/bug4199622.java contains a lot of keyPress and not a single keyRelease
2020/11/26 15:02 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257178 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/bug6917744.java 100 times press keys and never releases
2020/11/26 15:02 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257177 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/Test6968363.java is asocial pressing VK_LEFT and not releasing.
2020/11/26 15:02 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257176 Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2
2020/11/26 13:44 Martin Balao Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8249846 Change of behavior after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior
2020/11/26 13:23 Elliott Baron Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8257169 Update Apache Santuario TPRM version
2020/11/26 00:34 Elliott Baron Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8257136 Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.1.3
2020/11/26 00:10 Paul Hohensee Amazon Andrew Hughes Red Hat JDK-8257133 JFR crash in WriteObjectSampleStacktrace with uninitialized klass
2020/11/25 21:11 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8257129 Util.hitMnemonics does not work: getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes() returns ALT_MASK rather than VK_ALT
2020/11/25 21:11 Paul Hohensee Amazon Konstantin Shefov Azul JDK-8257128 [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/TrayIcon/SecurityCheck/NoPermissionTest/NoPermissionTest.java fails
2020/11/25 21:07 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257127 Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
2020/11/25 21:07 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257126 Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
2020/11/25 21:07 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257125 Fix some tests unnecessary using internal API
2020/11/25 21:07 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft JDK-8257124 Some tests fails with error: cannot find symbol getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes()
2020/11/25 21:07 Paul Hohensee Amazon Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8257123 Some tests failed after JDK-8063104
2020/11/25 19:55 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257120 Move functional tests AWT_SystemTray/Automated to openjdk repository
2020/11/25 19:55 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257119 Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2
2020/11/25 19:11 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8257117 [TEST BUG] javax/swing/text/html/parser/Test8017492.java fails
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Petr Pchelko Oracle JDK-8257115 [TEST_BUG] Cleanup datatransfer tests
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257114 move 4 manual functional swing tests to regression suite
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon N/A Unknown JDK-8257113 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 10
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexander Stepanov Azul JDK-8257112 move awt tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 9
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257111 move 14 tests about setLocationRelativeTo to jdk
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257110 Move the rest part of AWT ShapedAndTranslucent tests to OpenJDK
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexander Stepanov Azul JDK-8257109 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 8
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexander Stepanov Azul JDK-8257108 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 7
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexander Stepanov Azul JDK-8257107 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 6
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257106 [TEST_BUG] move some 5 tests related to undecorated Frame/JFrame to JDK
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257105 Move AWT_BAT functional tests to OpenJDK (3 of 3)
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257104 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 5
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257103 move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257102 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 4
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257101 Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257100 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257099 Move AWT_DnD/Clipboard/Automated functional tests to OpenJDK
2020/11/25 18:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257098 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 2
2020/11/25 18:11 Zhengyu Gu Independent Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8257095 Update JCUP to v0.11b
2020/11/25 18:10 Zhengyu Gu Independent Xueming Shen Independent JDK-8257094 (zipfs) ZipFileSystem creates corrupted zip if entry output stream gets closed more than once
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257093 Move functional tests AWT_Headless/Automated to OpenJDK repository
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257092 move awt automated exclusion tests for AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257091 [TEST_BUG] Move regtests for 4523758 and AltPlusNumberKeyCombinationsTest to jdk
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257090 [TEST_BUG] Improve recently submitted AWT_Mixing tests
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257089 Move ShapedAndTranslucentWindows and GC functional AWT tests to regression tree
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8257088 move awt automated functional tests from AWT_Events/Lw and AWT_Events/AWT to OpenJDK repository
2020/11/25 17:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8257087 jdk/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/GenerationTests.java timed out
2020/11/25 11:24 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Mikhailo Seledtsov Oracle JDK-8257065 [TESTBUG] more configurable parameters for docker testing
2020/11/25 10:47 Fei Yang Independent Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8257061 Simplify oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful
2020/11/25 10:45 Fei Yang Independent Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8257060 CMS needs klass_or_null_acquire
2020/11/25 10:43 Fei Yang Independent Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8257059 Add oopDesc::klass_or_null_acquire()
2020/11/24 14:53 Fei Yang Independent Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8256969 Uninitialized notifier in Java Monitor Wait tracing event
2020/11/24 12:15 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Pavel Punegov JetBrains JDK-8256953 [TESTBUG] Several compiler tests fail with product bits
2020/11/24 12:15 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8256952 Turn StressLCM/StressGCM flags to diagnostic
2020/11/24 11:40 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8256947 [linux] Runtime.availableProcessors execution time increased by factor of 100
2020/11/24 11:17 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8256752 8252395 incorrect copy rule for macos .dSYM folder
2020/11/23 21:19 Zhengyu Gu Independent Avik Niyogi Oracle JDK-8256911 [PIT][TEST_BUG] increase timeout in javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/bug8057791.java
2020/11/23 21:12 Zhengyu Gu Independent Mandy Chung Oracle JDK-8256910 jdk/test/java/lang/ClassLoader/forNameLeak/ClassForNameLeak.java fails with -Xcomp: ClassLoader was never enqueued!
2020/11/23 21:08 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8256909 Test java/awt/EventQueue/NonComponentSourcePost.java is unstable
2020/11/23 20:43 Paul Hohensee Amazon Prem Balakrishnan Oracle JDK-8256906 [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test java/awt/TrayIcon/DragEventSource/DragEventSource.java fails on OS X
2020/11/23 20:26 Paul Hohensee Amazon Christoph Langer SAP JDK-8256904 Memory/Performance regression after JDK-8210985
2020/11/20 14:01 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft JDK-8256744 JSpinner setComponentOrientation doesn't affect on text orientation
2020/11/20 13:50 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8256743 [TEST_BUG] Move 42 AWT hw/lw mixing tests to jdk
2020/11/06 14:05 Paul Hohensee Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8255983 Unsigned overflow in g1Policy.cpp
2020/11/02 09:28 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8253837 JFR generate same symbol ID for different symbols in 8U
2020/10/30 21:46 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8255704 Move awt tests to openjdk repository
2020/10/30 20:53 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Robert Mckenna Oracle JDK-8255702 ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with "javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: hostname of the server '' does not match the hostname in the server's certificate"
2020/10/30 20:53 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8255701 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020b
2020/10/30 20:53 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8255700 Private key not supported by chosen signature algorithm
2020/10/30 20:13 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Robert Mckenna Oracle JDK-8255698 Crash in MinINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool)
2020/10/30 12:15 Zhengyu Gu Independent Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8255669 RSASSA-PSS signature verification fail when using certain odd key sizes
2020/10/30 08:13 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rachel Protacio Oracle JDK-8255660 Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent
2020/10/30 08:13 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8255657 Revert JDK-8148854 for 8u272
2020/10/30 08:13 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8255656 call for JvmtiExport::post_vm_start() was removed by the fix for JDK-8249158
2020/10/30 08:10 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Brygin Azul JDK-8255637 [TESTBUG] sun/security/ec/TestEC.java : Compilation failed
2020/10/30 07:34 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8255636 replace JLI_StrTok in java_md_solinux.c
2020/10/30 07:34 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8255635 PKCS11 Connection closed after Cipher.doFinal and NoPadding
2020/10/30 07:34 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmitry Markov Oracle JDK-8252942 JVM crashed at imjpapi.dll in native code
2020/10/30 06:57 Yuri Nesterenko Azul (same) (same) JDK-8255633 Incorrect numeric currency code for ROL
2020/10/28 12:23 Zhengyu Gu Independent Goetz Lindenmaier SAP JDK-8255535 Add paddings for TaskQueueSuper to reduce false-sharing cache contention
2020/10/26 07:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8255386 Non-x86 Zero builds fail with return-type warning in os_linux_zero.cpp
2020/10/26 07:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8255385 Missing return statement in __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8
2020/10/26 07:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8253036 [8u] Support building the Zero assembler port on AArch64
2020/10/23 12:39 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Bob Vandette Oracle JDK-8255345 [TESTBUG] JDK docker test TestSystemMetrics.java fails with access issues and OOM
2020/10/23 12:36 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Mikhailo Seledtsov Oracle JDK-8255344 [TESTBUG] Generate Dockerfile for docker testing
2020/10/23 09:57 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8255329 Zero: return-type warning in zeroInterpreter_zero.cpp
2020/10/23 09:56 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8255328 Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on failed JIT compilation
2020/10/23 09:55 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Sibabrata Sahoo Oracle JDK-8255327 Additional Tests for RSASSA-PSS
2020/10/22 23:47 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8254683 [TEST_BUG] jdk/test/sun/tools/jconsole/WorkerDeadlockTest.java fails
2020/10/22 16:36 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8255003 Build failures on Solaris
2020/10/22 16:36 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8251840 Java_sun_awt_X11_XToolkit_getDefaultScreenData should not be in make/mapfiles/libawt_xawt/mapfile-vers
2020/10/22 15:00 Zhengyu Gu Independent Avik Niyogi Oracle JDK-8255253 [PIT][macosx] [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/bug8057791.java fails
2020/10/20 12:16 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8255048 java/security/cert/PolicyNode/GetPolicyQualifiers.java fails due to an expired certificate
2020/10/19 14:09 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8255007 Zero OrderAccess barrier mappings are incorrect
2020/10/14 15:37 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8253752 jdk/test/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiBootstrapTest.sh fails randomly
2020/10/13 12:28 Andrey Petushkov Independent Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8254686 JFR.dump does not work when filename is set
2020/10/13 12:28 Andrey Petushkov Independent Mikhailo Seledtsov Oracle JDK-8254685 [TESTBUG] enhance jfr/jvm/TestDumpOnCrash
2020/10/13 12:24 Andrey Petushkov Independent Markus Grönlund Oracle JDK-8254684 Restore JFR thread sampler loop to old / previous behavior
2020/10/09 20:31 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8254341 stringop-overflow warning on strncpy call from compile_the_world_in
2020/10/09 19:59 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8254340 Mark javax/sound/midi/Devices/InitializationHang.java as headful
2020/10/09 19:59 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8254339 Fix extra comma in changes for JDK-8148916
2020/10/09 19:59 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8254338 Mark bug6400879.java as intermittently failing
2020/10/08 12:50 Zhengyu Gu Independent Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8254238 jdk jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/GlobalSignR6CA.java fails
2020/10/08 09:50 Alex Kasko Red Hat Brian Burkhalter Oracle JDK-8254228 test/jdk/java/io/File/WinSpecialFiles.java on windows with VS2017
2020/10/08 09:50 Alex Kasko Red Hat Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8254227 Test java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/DisposeFrameOnDragTest.java fails by Timeout on Windows
2020/10/07 15:42 Paul Hohensee Amazon Stefan Karlsson Oracle JDK-8254172 Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning
2020/10/07 15:42 Paul Hohensee Amazon Mike Duigou Independent JDK-8254171 Fix warning "format not a string literal"
2020/10/07 15:42 Paul Hohensee Amazon Mike Duigou Independent JDK-8254170 Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
2020/10/01 12:52 Andrey Petushkov Independent (same) (same) JDK-8252904 VM crashes when JFR is used and JFR event class is transformed
2020/09/28 17:46 Paul Hohensee Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8247813 getCurrentThreadAllocatedBytes default implementation s/b getThreadAllocatedBytes
2020/09/28 17:46 Paul Hohensee Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8247811 [REDO] JDK-8207266 ThreadMXBean::getThreadAllocatedBytes() can be quicker for self thread
2020/09/26 18:41 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8253550 [8u] JDK-8252395 breaks the build for make STRIP_POLICY=no_strip
2020/09/24 11:20 Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog (same) (same) JDK-8253596 Hash code calculation of JfrStackTrace is inconsistent
2020/09/24 11:20 Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8253595 JFR: Improve hash algorithm for stack traces
2020/09/23 17:40 Paul Hohensee Amazon Rahul Raghavan Independent JDK-8251494 JMX: Add a version of ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads with a maxDepth argument
2020/09/18 05:46 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Aleksej Efimov Oracle JDK-8253329 Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure
2020/09/18 05:46 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Pavel Rappo Oracle JDK-8253328 com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect
2020/09/18 05:46 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8253327 Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ
2020/09/18 05:46 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8253326 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport
2020/09/18 03:20 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Goetz Lindenmaier SAP JDK-8253320 [testbug] Adapt tests for Aix.
2020/09/17 12:42 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8252384 [TESTBUG] Some tests refer to COMPAT provider rather than JRE
2020/09/16 17:55 Zhengyu Gu Independent Leo Jiang Oracle JDK-8253259 Wrong translation for the month of May in ar_JO, ar_LB and ar_SY
2020/09/16 17:39 Zhengyu Gu Independent Philip Race Oracle JDK-8253258 Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.11
2020/09/14 16:05 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8252975 [8u] JDK-8252395 breaks the build for --with-native-debug-symbols=internal
2020/09/14 11:34 Fei Yang Independent Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8253103 Add release barriers when allocating objects with concurrent collection
2020/09/11 06:40 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8253039 Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/SetOutput.java
2020/09/11 06:40 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8253038 Regtest javax/swing/JFileChooser/6738668/bug6738668.java fails under Linux
2020/09/10 12:45 Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same) JDK-8253011 [REDO] JDK-8204128 NMT might report incorrect numbers for Compiler area
2020/09/09 16:30 Alex Kasko Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8252974 new URI("x/").resolve("..").getSchemeSpecificPart() returns null!
2020/09/09 14:28 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8252395 [8u] --with-native-debug-symbols=external doesn't include debuginfo files for binaries
2020/09/04 15:01 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Erik Joelsson Oracle JDK-8252809 Windows .pdb and .map files does not have proper dependencies setup

No changesets log

Committer push log

Alex Kasko, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8252974 new URI("x/").resolve("..").getSchemeSpecificPart() returns null!
JDK-8254227 Test java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/DisposeFrameOnDragTest.java fails by Timeout on Windows
JDK-8254228 test/jdk/java/io/File/WinSpecialFiles.java on windows with VS2017

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8255701 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020b
JDK-8257703 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020c
JDK-8257585 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020d
JDK-8253326 8u: Windows build failed after 8222079 backport
JDK-8256671 [8u] Incorrect assignment operator used in guarantee() in genCollectedHeap
JDK-8253550 [8u] JDK-8252395 breaks the build for make STRIP_POLICY=no_strip
JDK-8253036 [8u] Support building the Zero assembler port on AArch64
JDK-8257470 [PIT][TEST_BUG] stray character in java/awt/Focus/ModalDialogActivationTest/ModalDialogActivationTest.java
JDK-8253320 [testbug] Adapt tests for Aix.
JDK-8255637 [TESTBUG] sun/security/ec/TestEC.java : Compilation failed
JDK-8257473 Build failure on AIX after 8250636
JDK-8255656 call for JvmtiExport::post_vm_start() was removed by the fix for JDK-8249158
JDK-8255660 Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent
JDK-8253328 com/sun/jndi/ldap/LdapTimeoutTest.java failed due to timeout on DeadServerNoTimeoutTest is incorrect
JDK-8255698 Crash in MinINode::Ideal(PhaseGVN*, bool)
JDK-8257484 Emergency dump does not work when disk=false is set
JDK-8253329 Fix exception message to correctly represent LDAP connection failure
JDK-8257472 iso8601_time returns incorrect offset part on MacOS
JDK-8257480 issue with OperatingSystemImpl getFreeSwapSpaceSize in docker after 8242480
JDK-8255717 JFR crash in WriteObjectSampleStacktrace with uninitialized klass
JDK-8252942 JVM crashed at imjpapi.dll in native code
JDK-8255702 ldap over a TLS connection negotiate failed with "javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: hostname of the server '' does not match the hostname in the server's certificate"
JDK-8255385 Missing return statement in __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8
JDK-8257478 Negative value may be returned by getFreeSwapSpaceSize() in the docker
JDK-8255386 Non-x86 Zero builds fail with return-type warning in os_linux_zero.cpp
JDK-8255635 PKCS11 Connection closed after Cipher.doFinal and NoPadding
JDK-8253327 Possible NPE in ENC-PA-REP search in AS-REQ
JDK-8255700 Private key not supported by chosen signature algorithm
JDK-8255636 replace JLI_StrTok in java_md_solinux.c
JDK-8255657 Revert JDK-8148854 for 8u272
JDK-8257479 Use preprocessor instead of compiling a program to generate native nio constants
JDK-8252809 Windows .pdb and .map files does not have proper dependencies setup

Andrey Petushkov, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8254685 [TESTBUG] enhance jfr/jvm/TestDumpOnCrash
JDK-8254686 JFR.dump does not work when filename is set
JDK-8254684 Restore JFR thread sampler loop to old / previous behavior
JDK-8252904 VM crashes when JFR is used and JFR event class is transformed

Elliott Baron, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8257169 Update Apache Santuario TPRM version
JDK-8257136 Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to version 2.1.3

Fei Yang, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8254683 [TEST_BUG] jdk/test/sun/tools/jconsole/WorkerDeadlockTest.java fails
JDK-8257059 Add oopDesc::klass_or_null_acquire()
JDK-8253103 Add release barriers when allocating objects with concurrent collection
JDK-8257060 CMS needs klass_or_null_acquire
JDK-8253752 jdk/test/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiBootstrapTest.sh fails randomly
JDK-8253837 JFR generate same symbol ID for different symbols in 8U
JDK-8257061 Simplify oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful
JDK-8256969 Uninitialized notifier in Java Monitor Wait tracing event

Jaroslav Bachorík, DataDog

Bug Summary
JDK-8253596 Hash code calculation of JfrStackTrace is inconsistent
JDK-8253595 JFR: Improve hash algorithm for stack traces

Martin Balao, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8249846 Change of behavior after JDK-8237117: Better ForkJoinPool behavior

Paul Hohensee, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8247811 [REDO] JDK-8207266 ThreadMXBean::getThreadAllocatedBytes() can be quicker for self thread
JDK-8257115 [TEST_BUG] Cleanup datatransfer tests
JDK-8257090 [TEST_BUG] Improve recently submitted AWT_Mixing tests
JDK-8257179 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/bug4199622.java contains a lot of keyPress and not a single keyRelease
JDK-8257178 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/bug6917744.java 100 times press keys and never releases
JDK-8257177 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/Test6968363.java is asocial pressing VK_LEFT and not releasing.
JDK-8256743 [TEST_BUG] Move 42 AWT hw/lw mixing tests to jdk
JDK-8257091 [TEST_BUG] Move regtests for 4523758 and AltPlusNumberKeyCombinationsTest to jdk
JDK-8257106 [TEST_BUG] move some 5 tests related to undecorated Frame/JFrame to JDK
JDK-8257128 [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/TrayIcon/SecurityCheck/NoPermissionTest/NoPermissionTest.java fails
JDK-8256906 [TESTBUG] [macosx] Test java/awt/TrayIcon/DragEventSource/DragEventSource.java fails on OS X
JDK-8257126 Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
JDK-8257119 Change open awt regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2
JDK-8257127 Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 1
JDK-8257176 Change open swing regression tests to avoid sun.awt.SunToolkit.realSync, part 2
JDK-8254170 Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
JDK-8257125 Fix some tests unnecessary using internal API
JDK-8254171 Fix warning "format not a string literal"
JDK-8247813 getCurrentThreadAllocatedBytes default implementation s/b getThreadAllocatedBytes
JDK-8257087 jdk/javax/xml/crypto/dsig/GenerationTests.java timed out
JDK-8257133 JFR crash in WriteObjectSampleStacktrace with uninitialized klass
JDK-8251494 JMX: Add a version of ThreadMXBean.dumpAllThreads with a maxDepth argument
JDK-8256744 JSpinner setComponentOrientation doesn't affect on text orientation
JDK-8256904 Memory/Performance regression after JDK-8210985
JDK-8257101 Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK
JDK-8257111 move 14 tests about setLocationRelativeTo to jdk
JDK-8257114 move 4 manual functional swing tests to regression suite
JDK-8257092 move awt automated exclusion tests for AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository
JDK-8257088 move awt automated functional tests from AWT_Events/Lw and AWT_Events/AWT to OpenJDK repository
JDK-8257113 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 10
JDK-8257098 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 2
JDK-8257100 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3
JDK-8257102 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 4
JDK-8257104 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 5
JDK-8257107 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 6
JDK-8257108 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 7
JDK-8257109 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 8
JDK-8257112 move awt tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 9
JDK-8255704 Move awt tests to openjdk repository
JDK-8257105 Move AWT_BAT functional tests to OpenJDK (3 of 3)
JDK-8257099 Move AWT_DnD/Clipboard/Automated functional tests to OpenJDK
JDK-8257093 Move functional tests AWT_Headless/Automated to OpenJDK repository
JDK-8257120 Move functional tests AWT_SystemTray/Automated to openjdk repository
JDK-8257089 Move ShapedAndTranslucentWindows and GC functional AWT tests to regression tree
JDK-8257103 move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK
JDK-8257110 Move the rest part of AWT ShapedAndTranslucent tests to OpenJDK
JDK-8257123 Some tests failed after JDK-8063104
JDK-8257124 Some tests fails with error: cannot find symbol getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes()
JDK-8254172 Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning
JDK-8255983 Unsigned overflow in g1Policy.cpp
JDK-8257129 Util.hitMnemonics does not work: getSystemMnemonicKeyCodes() returns ALT_MASK rather than VK_ALT

Severin Gehwolf, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8256752 8252395 incorrect copy rule for macos .dSYM folder
JDK-8252395 [8u] --with-native-debug-symbols=external doesn't include debuginfo files for binaries
JDK-8252975 [8u] JDK-8252395 breaks the build for --with-native-debug-symbols=internal
JDK-8257430 [Containers] SubSystem.java out of sync with osContainer_linux.cpp
JDK-8256947 [linux] Runtime.availableProcessors execution time increased by factor of 100
JDK-8255344 [TESTBUG] Generate Dockerfile for docker testing
JDK-8255345 [TESTBUG] JDK docker test TestSystemMetrics.java fails with access issues and OOM
JDK-8257065 [TESTBUG] more configurable parameters for docker testing
JDK-8252384 [TESTBUG] Some tests refer to COMPAT provider rather than JRE
JDK-8257397 [TESTBUG] test/lib/containers/docker/Common.java refers to -Xlog:os+container=trace
JDK-8257433 [TESTBUG] TestCgroupMetrics.java fails after fix for JDK-8219562
JDK-8258817 Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test
JDK-8258831 Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate
JDK-8258816 Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs
JDK-8255003 Build failures on Solaris
JDK-8257449 Container Support doesn't work for some Join Controllers combinations
JDK-8254339 Fix extra comma in changes for JDK-8148916
JDK-8255048 java/security/cert/PolicyNode/GetPolicyQualifiers.java fails due to an expired certificate
JDK-8251840 Java_sun_awt_X11_XToolkit_getDefaultScreenData should not be in make/mapfiles/libawt_xawt/mapfile-vers
JDK-8257432 Line of code in osContainer_linux.cpp#L102 appears unreachable
JDK-8254340 Mark javax/sound/midi/Devices/InitializationHang.java as headful
JDK-8254338 Mark bug6400879.java as intermittently failing
JDK-8254341 stringop-overflow warning on strncpy call from compile_the_world_in

Aleksey Shipilev, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8256953 [TESTBUG] Several compiler tests fail with product bits
JDK-8255327 Additional Tests for RSASSA-PSS
JDK-8253039 Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/SetOutput.java
JDK-8255328 Introduce diagnostic flag to abort VM on failed JIT compilation
JDK-8253038 Regtest javax/swing/JFileChooser/6738668/bug6738668.java fails under Linux
JDK-8256952 Turn StressLCM/StressGCM flags to diagnostic
JDK-8255007 Zero OrderAccess barrier mappings are incorrect
JDK-8257207 Zero: Linux x86_32 build still fails
JDK-8255329 Zero: return-type warning in zeroInterpreter_zero.cpp

Yuri Nesterenko, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8255633 Incorrect numeric currency code for ROL

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8257094 (zipfs) ZipFileSystem creates corrupted zip if entry output stream gets closed more than once
JDK-8255253 [PIT][macosx] [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/bug8057791.java fails
JDK-8256911 [PIT][TEST_BUG] increase timeout in javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8057791/bug8057791.java
JDK-8253011 [REDO] JDK-8204128 NMT might report incorrect numbers for Compiler area
JDK-8257117 [TEST BUG] javax/swing/text/html/parser/Test8017492.java fails
JDK-8255535 Add paddings for TaskQueueSuper to reduce false-sharing cache contention
JDK-8257425 compiler/5091921/Test7005594.java fails if specified -Xmx is less than 1600m
JDK-8254238 jdk jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/GlobalSignR6CA.java fails
JDK-8256910 jdk/test/java/lang/ClassLoader/forNameLeak/ClassForNameLeak.java fails with -Xcomp: ClassLoader was never enqueued!
JDK-8255669 RSASSA-PSS signature verification fail when using certain odd key sizes
JDK-8256909 Test java/awt/EventQueue/NonComponentSourcePost.java is unstable
JDK-8257095 Update JCUP to v0.11b
JDK-8253258 Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.11
JDK-8253259 Wrong translation for the month of May in ar_JO, ar_LB and ar_SY