PUSHES REPORT: openjdk8u292

This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Mon Jun 03 19:12:41 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
6 P1
26 P2
50 P3
141 P4
1 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
224 100% Total
142 63.4% hotspot
81 36.2% hotspot/compiler
45 20.1% hotspot/runtime
5 2.2% hotspot/gc
3 1.3% hotspot/svc-agent
3 1.3% hotspot/jfr
2 0.9% hotspot/jvmti
1 0.4% hotspot/svc
1 0.4% hotspot/other
1 0.4% hotspot/test
28 12.5% security-libs
14 6.3% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
10 4.5% security-libs/java.security
2 0.9% security-libs/javax.crypto
1 0.4% security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11
1 0.4% security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5
27 12.1% client-libs
8 3.6% client-libs/java.awt
7 3.1% client-libs/2d
5 2.2% client-libs/javax.swing
2 0.9% client-libs/javax.sound
2 0.9% client-libs/javax.imageio
2 0.9% client-libs/javax.accessibility
1 0.4% client-libs
16 7.1% core-libs
4 1.8% core-libs/java.time
3 1.3% core-libs/java.net
3 1.3% core-libs/java.lang
3 1.3% core-libs/java.nio
1 0.4% core-libs
1 0.4% core-libs/java.lang.invoke
1 0.4% core-libs/java.util:i18n
4 1.8% infrastructure
3 1.3% infrastructure/build
1 0.4% infrastructure
3 1.3% core-svc
1 0.4% core-svc/tools
1 0.4% core-svc
1 0.4% core-svc/java.lang.management
3 1.3% tools
2 0.9% tools/javac
1 0.4% tools/launcher
1 0.4% xml
1 0.4% xml/jaxp

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
224 100% Total
180 80.4% Red Hat
147 65.6% Andrew Hughes
19 8.5% Severin Gehwolf
7 3.1% Martin Balao
6 2.7% Alex Kasko
1 0.4% Elliott Baron
18 8.0% Independent
13 5.8% Fei Yang
5 2.2% Zhengyu Gu
13 5.8% Amazon
8 3.6% Paul Hohensee
5 2.2% Aleksey Shipilev
7 3.1% Azul
4 1.8% Alexey Bakhtin
3 1.3% Dmitry Cherepanov
4 1.8% BellSoft
4 1.8% Alexandr Scherbatiy
1 0.4% DataDog
1 0.4% Jaroslav Bachorík
1 0.4% Syntacore
1 0.4% Vladimir Kempik
Count Committer
224 100% Total
68 30.4% Oracle
5 2.2% Rajan Halade
4 1.8% Weijun Wang
4 1.8% Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar
4 1.8% Philip Race
3 1.3% David Holmes
3 1.3% Anthony Scarpino
3 1.3% Tobias Hartmann
3 1.3% Kim Barrett
2 0.9% Sibabrata Sahoo
2 0.9% Sean Mullan
2 0.9% Pankaj Bansal
2 0.9% Poonam Bajaj Parhar
2 0.9% Harold Seigel
2 0.9% Dmitry Markov
2 0.9% Anton Litvinov
2 0.9% Zoltan Majo
1 0.4% Brian Burkhalter
1 0.4% Bengt Rutisson
1 0.4% Erik Gahlin
1 0.4% Chris Plummer
1 0.4% Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar
1 0.4% Prasanta Sadhukhan
1 0.4% Srikanth Adayapalam
1 0.4% Stefan Johansson
1 0.4% Sean Coffey
1 0.4% Jayathirth D V
1 0.4% Igor Ignatyev
1 0.4% Petr Pchelko
1 0.4% Valerie Peng
1 0.4% Vladimir Kozlov
1 0.4% Naoto Sato
1 0.4% Rickard Backman
1 0.4% Joe Darcy
1 0.4% Erik Österlund
1 0.4% Thomas Schatzl
1 0.4% Daniel Daugherty
1 0.4% Vladimir Ivanov
1 0.4% Staffan Larsen
1 0.4% Mikael Gerdin
53 23.7% Red Hat
23 10.3% Andrew Haley
8 3.6% Andrew Dinn
6 2.7% Severin Gehwolf
6 2.7% Roland Westrelin
5 2.2% Andrew Hughes
3 1.3% Martin Balao
1 0.4% Galder Zamarreño
1 0.4% Thomas Stuefe
25 11.2% @camswl.com
25 11.2% Ed Nevill
23 10.3% Independent
19 8.5% Fei Yang
1 0.4% Alejandro Murillo
1 0.4% Chris Hegarty
1 0.4% Dmitriy Samersoff
1 0.4% Xueming Shen
13 5.8% Amazon
7 3.1% Sergey Bylokhov
4 1.8% Aleksey Shipilev
1 0.4% Paul Hohensee
1 0.4% Volker Simonis
13 5.8% Unknown
13 5.8% N/A
6 2.7% Tencent
5 2.2% Xuelei Fan
1 0.4% John Jiang
5 2.2% ARM
5 2.2% Ningsheng Jian
5 2.2% BellSoft
3 1.3% Dmitrij Pochepko
2 0.9% Alexandr Scherbatiy
5 2.2% SAP
3 1.3% Matthias Baesken
1 0.4% Goetz Lindenmaier
1 0.4% Christoph Langer
4 1.8% Azul
1 0.4% Konstantin Shefov
1 0.4% Alexey Bakhtin
1 0.4% Dmitry Cherepanov
1 0.4% Yuri Nesterenko
1 0.4% DataDog
1 0.4% Jaroslav Bachorík
1 0.4% NTT DATA
1 0.4% Yasumasa Suenaga
1 0.4% Rivos
1 0.4% Robbin Ehn
1 0.4% VMWare
1 0.4% Vyom Tewari

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2021/03/25 23:20 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8264171 Missing aarch64 parts of JDK-8236179 (C1 register allocation failure with T_ADDRESS)
2021/03/22 06:11 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8263925 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2021a
2021/03/18 23:13 Fei Yang Independent Rickard Backman Oracle JDK-8263836 JCK tests produce incorrect results with C2
2021/03/18 07:08 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8263777 Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore
2021/03/08 11:57 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8263008 AARCH64: Add debug info for libsaproc.so
2021/03/05 19:38 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8262281 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020f
2021/03/01 20:01 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Vicente Arturo Romero Zaldivar Oracle JDK-8258780 javac, several incorporation steps are silently failing when an error should be reported
2021/03/01 14:50 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8262338 regression test EmptyClipRenderingTest fails
2021/03/01 14:50 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8262337 [TEST_BUG] Test does not consider that the rounded edges of the window in Mac OS 10.7
2021/03/01 14:50 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Petr Pchelko Oracle JDK-8262334 [TEST_BUG] CustomClassLoaderTransferTest does not support OS X
2021/03/01 13:02 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Poonam Bajaj Parhar Oracle JDK-8262358 Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines
2021/03/01 10:16 Fei Yang Independent Bengt Rutisson Oracle JDK-8262493 G1: set_in_progress() and clear_started() needs a barrier on non-TSO platforms
2021/03/01 10:09 Fei Yang Independent Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8262490 AArch64: C2: offset overflow in BoxLockNode::emit
2021/02/26 10:29 Fei Yang Independent Ningsheng Jian ARM JDK-8262071 AArch64: missing support for -XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes in C1
2021/02/25 00:46 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Chris Plummer Oracle JDK-8262336 sun.jvm.hostspot.code.CompressedReadStream readDouble() conversion to long mishandled
2021/02/24 19:41 Alex Kasko Red Hat Dmitry Markov Oracle JDK-8262325 Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation
2021/02/24 17:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8262272 [macosx] Regtest should not throw exception if a suitable display mode found
2021/02/24 17:48 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yuri Nesterenko Azul JDK-8262270 TEST_BUG: java/awt/Choice/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents.html failed
2021/02/24 16:02 Fei Yang Independent Stefan Johansson Oracle JDK-8262164 TEST_BUG: java/lang/ref/SoftReference/Pin.java fails with OOME during System.out.println
2021/02/24 14:34 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8262073 assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory
2021/02/24 13:09 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8262303 [macos] support full window content options
2021/02/22 06:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8262044 Tag mismatch may alert bad_record_mac
2021/02/22 06:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Naoto Sato Oracle JDK-8261765 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2019-09-16
2021/02/22 06:45 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Chris Hegarty Independent JDK-8262103 Update a few java/net tests to use the loopback address instead of the host address
2021/02/22 06:45 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xueming Shen Independent JDK-8261802 (zipfs) IllegalArgumentException in ZipCoder.toString when using Shitft_JIS
2021/02/21 08:47 Fei Yang Independent Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8262086 sun/security/krb5/auto/UseCacheAndStoreKey.java timed out intermittently
2021/02/20 09:06 Dmitry Cherepanov Azul Christoph Langer SAP JDK-8262077 Windows ucrt.dll should be looked up in versioned WINSDK subdirectory
2021/02/18 10:40 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8261945 aarch64: long multiplyExact shifts by 31 instead of 63
2021/02/17 09:49 Dmitry Cherepanov Azul (same) (same) JDK-8261766 [8u] hotspot needs to recognise cl.exe 19.16 to build with VS2017
2021/02/17 07:38 Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft David Holmes Oracle JDK-8261793 Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
2021/02/16 19:22 Paul Hohensee Amazon Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8259510 Revert TLS 1.3 change that wrapped IOExceptions
2021/02/16 17:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8259507 New fix of the deadlock in sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl
2021/02/16 17:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Goetz Lindenmaier SAP JDK-8259506 Downport SSLSocketImpl.java from "8221882: Use fiber-friendly java.util.concurrent.locks in JSSE"
2021/02/16 17:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8259505 Socket reset issue for TLS 1.3 socket close
2021/02/15 16:58 Paul Hohensee Amazon Srikanth Adayapalam Oracle JDK-8260018 Wrong parameter name in synthetic lambda method leads to verifier error
2021/02/12 09:27 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Sean Mullan Oracle JDK-8261637 JDK-8202343 is incomplete
2021/02/11 18:29 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8258893 Tools should warn if weak algorithms are used before restricting them
2021/02/11 13:34 Zhengyu Gu Independent Anton Litvinov Oracle JDK-8261596 UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed
2021/02/11 13:28 Fei Yang Independent Dmitrij Pochepko BellSoft JDK-8261595 AARCH64: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
2021/02/11 08:24 Dmitry Cherepanov Azul Philip Race Oracle JDK-8261569 Reversed arguments in call to strstr in freetype "debug" code.
2021/02/08 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8261295 java/awt/FileDialog/8003399/bug8003399.java fails in headless mode
2021/02/08 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Martin Balao Red Hat JDK-8261294 Cancel multi-part cipher operations in SunPKCS11 after failures
2021/02/08 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Pankaj Bansal Oracle JDK-8259618 [dark_mode ubuntu 20.04] The selected menu is not highlighted in GTKLookAndFeel
2021/02/08 06:16 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft JDK-8259613 WindowsClassicLookAndFeel : MetalComboBoxUI.getbaseLine fails with IllegalArgumentException
2021/02/04 15:44 Martin Balao Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8261166 Revert Principal Name type to NT-UNKNOWN when requesting TGS Kerberos tickets
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260856 aarch64: missing memory barrier in fast_storefield and fast_accessfield
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260855 aarch64: missing side effect of killing flags for clearArray_reg_reg
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260854 Build failures with +JFR -PCH
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260853 AArch64: aarch64TestHook leaks a BufferBlob
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260852 aarch64: missing memory barrier in NewObjectArrayStub and NewTypeArrayStub
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260851 Revert TemplateTable::bytecode() visibility change
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260850 Revert disassembler.cpp changes
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260849 Revert build fixes for aarch64/zero
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260848 Revert development hsdis changes
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260847 Revert ResourceMark additions
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260846 Revert "unused" attribute from test_arraycopy_func
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8260845 AArch64: Purge method call format support
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260844 Revert incorrect backport of JDK-8129757 to 8-aarch64
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260843 Revert explicit JDK 7 support additions
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260842 Superfluous change in chaitin.hpp
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8260841 Remove built-in AArch64 simulator
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260840 AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ningsheng Jian ARM JDK-8260839 AArch64: fix warnings and errors with Clang and GCC 8.3
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260838 aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260837 AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260836 aarch64: add necessary predicate for ubfx patterns
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ningsheng Jian ARM JDK-8260835 AArch64: Add StoreStore membar explicitly for Volatile Writes in TemplateTable
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260834 aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::fast_storefield
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Martin Balao Red Hat JDK-8260833 Implement MacroAssembler::warn method on AArch64
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260832 aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260831 AArch64: C2 recursive stack locking optimisation not triggered
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmitrij Pochepko BellSoft JDK-8260830 CardTableBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier() does not check for zero length on AARCH64
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260829 AArch64: monitor unlock fast path not called
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Prasanta Sadhukhan Oracle JDK-8260828 AArch64: jtreg test vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe005 segfaults
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8260827 "bad trailing membar" assert failure at memnode.cpp:3220
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8260826 C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260825 AArch64: vector shift failed with MaxVectorSize=8
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8260824 MemBarNode::trailing_membar() and MemBarNode::leading_membar() need to handle dying subgraphs better
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260823 [AArch64] Interpreter and c1 don't correctly handle jboolean results in native calls
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Severin Gehwolf Red Hat JDK-8260822 [x86] sharedRuntimeTrig/sharedRuntimeTrans compiled without optimization
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8260821 Aarch64: elide barriers on all volatile operations
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8260820 Track membars for volatile accesses so they can be properly optimized
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260819 Fix JVMTI test failure HS202
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260818 AArch64: method handle invocation does not respect JVMTI interp_only mode
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ningsheng Jian ARM JDK-8260817 AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260816 AArch64: Float registers incorrectly restored in JNI call
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260815 AArch64: Trampoline generation code reads from uninitialized memory
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260814 AArch64: incorrect code generation for StoreCM
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmitrij Pochepko BellSoft JDK-8260813 AARCH64: StubCodeMark should be placed after alignment
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8260812 java/lang/invoke/SpecialInterfaceCall fails with SIGILL on aarch64
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Dmitriy Samersoff Independent JDK-8260811 Incorrect constraint for unextended_sp in frame:safe_for_sender
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Erik Gahlin Oracle JDK-8260810 Flight Recorder
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260809 AArch64: Mistake in committed patch for JDK-8195859
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260808 AArch64: Correct register use in patch for JDK-8195685
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260807 AArch64: vtableStubs gtest fails after 8174962
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat David Holmes Oracle JDK-8260806 Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260805 AArch64: jtreg test hotspot/test/gc/g1/TestJNIWeakG1/TestJNIWeakG1.java SEGV
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Robbin Ehn Rivos JDK-8260804 Decouple crash protection from watcher thread
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260803 aarch64: fix for crash caused by earlyret of compiled method
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260802 AArch64: C1 and C2 volatile accesses are not sequentially consistent
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260801 AArch64: Incorrect C2 patterns cause system register corruption
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Mikael Gerdin Oracle JDK-8260800 [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260799 AArch64: C1 comparisons with null only use 32-bit instructions
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260798 AArch64: assertion failure: the int pressure is incorrect
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260797 aarch64: compiler/c1/Test6849574.java generates guarantee failure in C1
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Volker Simonis Amazon JDK-8260796 PPC64/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260795 aarch64: jtreg test compiler/types/TestMeetIncompatibleInterfaceArrays.java causes JVM crash
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260794 AArch64: Crash in C1-compiled code accessing References
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260793 AArch64 port of JDK-8160591
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260791 AArch64: SEGV in stub code cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260790 AArch64: in one core system, fatal error: Illegal threadstate encountered
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260789 AArch64: Broken stack pointer adjustment in interpreter
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8260788 AArch64: Fix JNI floating point argument handling
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260787 AArch64: follow-up the fix for 8161598
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260786 AArch64: Fix overflow in immediate cmp instruction
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260785 AArch64: jtreg compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM failure
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8260784 Inconsistent types for ideal_reg
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260783 aarch64: optimise unaligned array copy long
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260782 aarch64: SEGV running Spark terasort
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260781 aarch64: some more integer rotate instructions are never emitted
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260780 aarch64: prefetch ignores cache line size
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8260779 aarch64: java/util/Arrays/Correct.java fails due to _generic_arraycopy stub routine
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Zoltan Majo Oracle JDK-8260778 TestVectorUnalignedOffset.java not pushed with 8155612
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260777 aarch64: ClearArray does not use DC ZVA
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Zoltan Majo Oracle JDK-8260776 Aarch64: vector nodes need to support misaligned offset
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260775 AArch64: Relax alignment requirement for byte_map_base
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8260774 Aarch64: bad assert in spill generation code
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260773 AArch64: TemplateTable::fast_xaccess loads in wrong mode
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Vladimir Kozlov Oracle JDK-8260772 AArch64: some integer rotate instructions are never emitted
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8260771 AArch64: Better byte behaviour
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260770 aarch64: Add Arrays.fill stub code
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260769 aarch64: improve short array clearing using store pair
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260768 aarch64: hotspot crashes after the 8.1 LSE patch is merged
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260767 aarch64: improve _unsafe_arraycopy stub routine
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260766 aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing unsigned values with zero
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260765 aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE atomic operations
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260764 aarch64: optimize pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260763 aarch64: prefetch the destination word for write prior to ldxr/stxr loops
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260762 Remove unused code in AArch64 back end
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260761 aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE CAS instructions
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260760 aarch64: optimise array copy using SIMD instructions
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260759 aarch64: pipeline class for several instructions is not set correctly
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260758 aarch64: optimise small array copy
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260757 AArch64: arraycopy causes segfaults in SATB during garbage collection
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260756 aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing narrow pointer with zero
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260755 aarch64: use load/store pair instructions in call_stub
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260754 aarch64: memory copy does not prefetch on backwards copy
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260753 AArch64: Recognize disjoint array copy in stub code
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260752 aarch64: generate_copy_longs calls align() incorrectly
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260751 aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8260750 aarch64: redundant lsr instructions in stub code
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260749 Create unsafe_arraycopy and generic_arraycopy for AArch64
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Thomas Schatzl Oracle JDK-8260748 AARCH64: Missing memory barriers for CMS collector
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Tobias Hartmann Oracle JDK-8260747 AArch64: Fix error introduced into AArch64 CodeCache by commit for 8130309
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8260746 AARCH64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Tobias Hartmann Oracle JDK-8260745 Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Anthony Scarpino Oracle JDK-8260744 Use x86 and SPARC CPU instructions for GHASH acceleration
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Alejandro Murillo Independent JDK-8260743 Don't use CodeCache for allocations if it is already full
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8228716 Revert InstanceKlass::print_on debug additions
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Dinn Red Hat JDK-8194686 Placeholder for AArch64 January 2018 CPU
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8193133 Assertion failure because 0xDEADDEAD can be in-heap
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8260742 jdk/jfr/event/os/TestCPUInformation.java fails on AArch64
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Ningsheng Jian ARM JDK-8260741 AArch64: Stack size in tools/launcher/Settings.java needs to be adjusted
2021/02/01 20:00 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8186090 java.nio.Bits.unaligned() doesn't handle aarch64
2021/02/01 19:59 Andrew Hughes Red Hat David Holmes Oracle JDK-8260740 Enable SA on AArch64
2021/02/01 19:59 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8257192 Integrate AArch64 JIT port into 8u
2021/01/29 09:05 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon John Jiang Tencent JDK-8260634 sun/security/ssl/X509TrustManagerImpl tests support TLSv1.3
2021/01/28 10:41 Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft Erik Österlund Oracle JDK-8258771 ciMethodData::load_data() unpacks MDOs with non-atomic copy
2021/01/27 14:00 Martin Balao Red Hat Sean Mullan Oracle JDK-8258598 Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1
2021/01/27 12:51 Martin Balao Red Hat Sibabrata Sahoo Oracle JDK-8260511 The ordering of Cipher Suites is not maintained provided through “jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites” and “jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites” system property.
2021/01/26 14:31 Martin Balao Red Hat Sibabrata Sahoo Oracle JDK-8260422 Some security tests should support TLSv1.3
2021/01/26 13:33 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8259557 keytool and jarsigner shows "Signature algorithm: SHA1withECDSA, -1-bit key"
2021/01/22 10:51 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Vyom Tewari VMWare JDK-8260288 HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read
2021/01/21 15:25 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Sean Coffey Oracle JDK-8259381 TLS connection always receives close_notify exception
2021/01/20 21:52 Elliott Baron Red Hat Jayathirth D V Oracle JDK-8259581 IIOMetadataNode bugs in getElementsByTagName and NodeList.item methods
2021/01/20 17:01 Martin Balao Red Hat Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8260157 HotSpot compile warnings from GCC 9
2021/01/20 15:18 Martin Balao Red Hat Anthony Scarpino Oracle JDK-8260153 NPE during SSL handshake caused by HostnameChecker
2021/01/20 13:33 Martin Balao Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8259998 New System Properties to configure the TLS signature schemes
2021/01/20 01:27 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8259384 CUP version wrong in THIRD_PARTY_README after JDK-8233548
2021/01/19 09:45 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8259568 PPC64 builds broken after JDK-8221408 8u backport
2021/01/13 11:30 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8258829 [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/TestCgroupMetrics.java fails for - memory:getMemoryUsage
2021/01/13 11:30 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Poonam Bajaj Parhar Oracle JDK-8257435 ExceptionInInitializerError due to UncheckedIOException while initializing cgroupv1 subsystem
2021/01/12 14:44 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8259632 VerifyCACerts.java fails as soneraclass2ca cert will expire in 90 days
2021/01/12 14:18 Jaroslav Bachorík DataDog (same) (same) JDK-8259630 SIGILL in jdk.jfr.internal.PlatformRecorder.rotateDisk()
2021/01/12 13:15 Fei Yang Independent Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8258933 G1 needs klass_or_null_acquire
2021/01/12 13:10 Fei Yang Independent Kim Barrett Oracle JDK-8258079 Eliminate ParNew's use of klass_or_null()
2021/01/12 09:45 Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft Anthony Scarpino Oracle JDK-8259484 Disable weak named curves by default in TLS, CertPath, and Signed JAR
2021/01/11 21:26 Paul Hohensee Amazon Staffan Larsen Oracle JDK-8259029 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadUserTime.java fails intermittently
2021/01/11 17:15 Paul Hohensee Amazon Vladimir Ivanov Oracle JDK-8259573 j2se_jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/invoke/lambda/LogGeneratedClassesTest.java - assertion error
2021/01/11 14:13 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Galder Zamarreño Red Hat JDK-8259566 NPE on ClassValue.ClassValueMap.cacheArray
2021/01/07 18:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8259391 Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate
2021/01/07 18:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8259390 Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs
2021/01/07 18:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8259389 Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test
2021/01/07 18:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8259388 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020d
2021/01/07 18:07 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Kiran Sidhartha Ravikumar Oracle JDK-8259387 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020c
2021/01/07 17:25 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Philip Race Oracle JDK-8258043 [TEST BUG]: java/awt/print/PageFormat/PDialogTest.java needs update by removing a infinite loop
2020/12/22 19:59 Paul Hohensee Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8258430 8u backport of JDK-8063107 missing test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8041561/bug8041561.java changes
2020/12/22 17:32 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8257775 jdk/net/Sockets/Test.java fails after JDK-8227642
2020/12/22 17:32 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8257586 [TESTBUG] Make docker tests podman compatible
2020/12/22 13:02 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Harold Seigel Oracle JDK-8258781 Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 swap limit capabilities
2020/12/22 13:02 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Harold Seigel Oracle JDK-8258504 TestUseContainerSupport.java fails on some Linux kernels w/o swap limit capabilities
2020/12/15 21:45 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft JDK-8258442 Inconsistent opacity behaviour between JCheckBox and JRadioButton
2020/12/15 18:48 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Tobias Hartmann Oracle JDK-8258107 Problemlist additional compiler/rtm tests
2020/12/15 18:06 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8258241 [8u] Missing doPrivileged() hunks from JDK-8226575
2020/12/14 18:00 Alex Kasko Red Hat Pankaj Bansal Oracle JDK-8258253 Java Access Bridge does not close the logger
2020/12/14 13:00 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Daniel Daugherty Oracle JDK-8258095 Problemlist compiler/rtm tests
2020/12/11 14:40 Fei Yang Independent (same) (same) JDK-8256642 [TEST_BUG] jdk/test/javax/sound/midi/MidiSystem/DefaultProperties.java failed
2020/12/11 12:34 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Philip Race Oracle JDK-8258102 Open up some PrinterJob tests
2020/12/10 20:20 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Igor Ignatyev Oracle JDK-8258062 Implement consistent process for quarantine of tests
2020/12/10 14:53 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8257597 [cgroups v1] Metric limits not properly detected on some join controller combinations
2020/12/10 14:25 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8258044 [Containers] Improve systemd slice memory limit support
2020/12/10 13:22 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Joe Darcy Oracle JDK-8258039 Prepare client libs regression tests for running in a concurrent, headless jtreg environment
2020/12/09 17:06 Alex Kasko Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8257980 libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows
2020/12/09 14:31 Alexey Bakhtin Azul (same) (same) JDK-8253932 SSL debug log prints incorrect caller info
2020/12/08 20:20 Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8257920 Remove dependency on EC classes from pkcs11 provider
2020/12/03 19:06 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Konstantin Shefov Azul JDK-8257717 [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/FontClass/DebugFonts.java fails due to wrongly typed bugid
2020/12/03 17:35 Alex Kasko Red Hat Brian Burkhalter Oracle JDK-8257706 (fs) Enhance java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/Basic.java debugging output
2020/12/03 17:35 Alex Kasko Red Hat Anton Litvinov Oracle JDK-8252941 JVM crash in "AwtFrame::WmSize" method
2020/12/03 17:35 Alex Kasko Red Hat Dmitry Markov Oracle JDK-8252938 java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/DisposeFrameOnDragTest.java fails on Windows
2020/12/02 16:46 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8257616 JavaSound should clean up resources better
2020/12/02 16:03 Zhengyu Gu Independent Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8257611 keytool default cert fingerprint algorithm should be SHA-256
2020/12/02 15:41 Zhengyu Gu Independent Thomas Stuefe Red Hat JDK-8257610 Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot
2020/12/02 15:38 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8257608 Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/stream/StreamFlush.java
2020/12/02 14:33 Vladimir Kempik Syntacore Philip Race Oracle JDK-8257603 [macos10.15] Garbled FX printing plus CoreText warnings on Catalina when building with Xcode 11

No changesets log

JDK-8261174 AArch64 build failures after JDK-8221408 (Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot)

Committer push log

Alexey Bakhtin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8261945 aarch64: long multiplyExact shifts by 31 instead of 63
JDK-8260288 HttpsURLConnection drops the timeout and hangs forever in read
JDK-8261637 JDK-8202343 is incomplete
JDK-8253932 SSL debug log prints incorrect caller info

Alex Kasko, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8257706 (fs) Enhance java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/Basic.java debugging output
JDK-8258253 Java Access Bridge does not close the logger
JDK-8252938 java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/DisposeFrameOnDragTest.java fails on Windows
JDK-8252941 JVM crash in "AwtFrame::WmSize" method
JDK-8257980 libwindowsaccessbridge issues on 64bit Windows
JDK-8262325 Windows IME was disabled after DnD operation

Alexandr Scherbatiy, BellSoft

Bug Summary
JDK-8261793 Cannot programmatically retrieve Metaspace max set via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
JDK-8258771 ciMethodData::load_data() unpacks MDOs with non-atomic copy
JDK-8259484 Disable weak named curves by default in TLS, CertPath, and Signed JAR
JDK-8257920 Remove dependency on EC classes from pkcs11 provider

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8260827 "bad trailing membar" assert failure at memnode.cpp:3220
JDK-8259387 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020c
JDK-8259388 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020d
JDK-8262281 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2020f
JDK-8263925 (tz) Upgrade Timezone Data to tzdata2021a
JDK-8261802 (zipfs) IllegalArgumentException in ZipCoder.toString when using Shitft_JIS
JDK-8260823 [AArch64] Interpreter and c1 don't correctly handle jboolean results in native calls
JDK-8259618 [dark_mode ubuntu 20.04] The selected menu is not highlighted in GTKLookAndFeel
JDK-8260800 [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
JDK-8258043 [TEST BUG]: java/awt/print/PageFormat/PDialogTest.java needs update by removing a infinite loop
JDK-8262334 [TEST_BUG] CustomClassLoaderTransferTest does not support OS X
JDK-8262337 [TEST_BUG] Test does not consider that the rounded edges of the window in Mac OS 10.7
JDK-8260822 [x86] sharedRuntimeTrig/sharedRuntimeTrans compiled without optimization
JDK-8260793 AArch64 port of JDK-8160591
JDK-8260828 AArch64: jtreg test vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe005 segfaults
JDK-8260853 AArch64: aarch64TestHook leaks a BufferBlob
JDK-8260770 aarch64: Add Arrays.fill stub code
JDK-8260746 AARCH64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic
JDK-8260836 aarch64: add necessary predicate for ubfx patterns
JDK-8260835 AArch64: Add StoreStore membar explicitly for Volatile Writes in TemplateTable
JDK-8260765 aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE atomic operations
JDK-8260761 aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE CAS instructions
JDK-8260757 AArch64: arraycopy causes segfaults in SATB during garbage collection
JDK-8260798 AArch64: assertion failure: the int pressure is incorrect
JDK-8260774 Aarch64: bad assert in spill generation code
JDK-8260771 AArch64: Better byte behaviour
JDK-8260789 AArch64: Broken stack pointer adjustment in interpreter
JDK-8260802 AArch64: C1 and C2 volatile accesses are not sequentially consistent
JDK-8260799 AArch64: C1 comparisons with null only use 32-bit instructions
JDK-8260831 AArch64: C2 recursive stack locking optimisation not triggered
JDK-8260777 aarch64: ClearArray does not use DC ZVA
JDK-8260797 aarch64: compiler/c1/Test6849574.java generates guarantee failure in C1
JDK-8260808 AArch64: Correct register use in patch for JDK-8195685
JDK-8260794 AArch64: Crash in C1-compiled code accessing References
JDK-8260821 Aarch64: elide barriers on all volatile operations
JDK-8260747 AArch64: Fix error introduced into AArch64 CodeCache by commit for 8130309
JDK-8260803 aarch64: fix for crash caused by earlyret of compiled method
JDK-8260788 AArch64: Fix JNI floating point argument handling
JDK-8260786 AArch64: Fix overflow in immediate cmp instruction
JDK-8260839 AArch64: fix warnings and errors with Clang and GCC 8.3
JDK-8260816 AArch64: Float registers incorrectly restored in JNI call
JDK-8260787 AArch64: follow-up the fix for 8161598
JDK-8260752 aarch64: generate_copy_longs calls align() incorrectly
JDK-8260768 aarch64: hotspot crashes after the 8.1 LSE patch is merged
JDK-8260767 aarch64: improve _unsafe_arraycopy stub routine
JDK-8260769 aarch64: improve short array clearing using store pair
JDK-8260790 AArch64: in one core system, fatal error: Illegal threadstate encountered
JDK-8260801 AArch64: Incorrect C2 patterns cause system register corruption
JDK-8260814 AArch64: incorrect code generation for StoreCM
JDK-8260840 AArch64: java/javac error with AllocatePrefetchDistance
JDK-8260779 aarch64: java/util/Arrays/Correct.java fails due to _generic_arraycopy stub routine
JDK-8260785 AArch64: jtreg compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM failure
JDK-8260795 aarch64: jtreg test compiler/types/TestMeetIncompatibleInterfaceArrays.java causes JVM crash
JDK-8260805 AArch64: jtreg test hotspot/test/gc/g1/TestJNIWeakG1/TestJNIWeakG1.java SEGV
JDK-8260756 aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing narrow pointer with zero
JDK-8260766 aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing unsigned values with zero
JDK-8260837 AArch64: mauve System.arraycopy test failure
JDK-8260754 aarch64: memory copy does not prefetch on backwards copy
JDK-8260818 AArch64: method handle invocation does not respect JVMTI interp_only mode
JDK-8260834 aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::fast_storefield
JDK-8260832 aarch64: missing LoadStore barrier in TemplateTable::putfield_or_static
JDK-8260856 aarch64: missing memory barrier in fast_storefield and fast_accessfield
JDK-8260852 aarch64: missing memory barrier in NewObjectArrayStub and NewTypeArrayStub
JDK-8260748 AARCH64: Missing memory barriers for CMS collector
JDK-8260855 aarch64: missing side effect of killing flags for clearArray_reg_reg
JDK-8260809 AArch64: Mistake in committed patch for JDK-8195859
JDK-8260829 AArch64: monitor unlock fast path not called
JDK-8260817 AArch64: NPE in clhsdb jstack command
JDK-8260760 aarch64: optimise array copy using SIMD instructions
JDK-8260758 aarch64: optimise small array copy
JDK-8260783 aarch64: optimise unaligned array copy long
JDK-8260764 aarch64: optimize pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words
JDK-8260759 aarch64: pipeline class for several instructions is not set correctly
JDK-8260780 aarch64: prefetch ignores cache line size
JDK-8260763 aarch64: prefetch the destination word for write prior to ldxr/stxr loops
JDK-8260845 AArch64: Purge method call format support
JDK-8260753 AArch64: Recognize disjoint array copy in stub code
JDK-8260750 aarch64: redundant lsr instructions in stub code
JDK-8260775 AArch64: Relax alignment requirement for byte_map_base
JDK-8260838 aarch64: rflags is not correct after safepoint poll
JDK-8260791 AArch64: SEGV in stub code cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt
JDK-8260782 aarch64: SEGV running Spark terasort
JDK-8260751 aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013
JDK-8260772 AArch64: some integer rotate instructions are never emitted
JDK-8260781 aarch64: some more integer rotate instructions are never emitted
JDK-8260741 AArch64: Stack size in tools/launcher/Settings.java needs to be adjusted
JDK-8260813 AARCH64: StubCodeMark should be placed after alignment
JDK-8260773 AArch64: TemplateTable::fast_xaccess loads in wrong mode
JDK-8260815 AArch64: Trampoline generation code reads from uninitialized memory
JDK-8260755 aarch64: use load/store pair instructions in call_stub
JDK-8260776 Aarch64: vector nodes need to support misaligned offset
JDK-8260825 AArch64: vector shift failed with MaxVectorSize=8
JDK-8260807 AArch64: vtableStubs gtest fails after 8174962
JDK-8259389 Add exception for expiring Digicert root certificates to VerifyCACerts test
JDK-8259391 Add expiry exception for QuoVadis root certificate
JDK-8259390 Add LuxTrust certificate that is expiring in March 2021 to list of allowed but expired certs
JDK-8260806 Add option to disable stack overflow checking in primordial thread for use with JNI_CreateJavaJVM
JDK-8193133 Assertion failure because 0xDEADDEAD can be in-heap
JDK-8260854 Build failures with +JFR -PCH
JDK-8260826 C2 may hang in MulLNode::Ideal()/MulINode::Ideal() with gcc 8.2.1
JDK-8261294 Cancel multi-part cipher operations in SunPKCS11 after failures
JDK-8260830 CardTableBarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier() does not check for zero length on AARCH64
JDK-8260749 Create unsafe_arraycopy and generic_arraycopy for AArch64
JDK-8259384 CUP version wrong in THIRD_PARTY_README after JDK-8233548
JDK-8260804 Decouple crash protection from watcher thread
JDK-8260743 Don't use CodeCache for allocations if it is already full
JDK-8259506 Downport SSLSocketImpl.java from "8221882: Use fiber-friendly java.util.concurrent.locks in JSSE"
JDK-8260740 Enable SA on AArch64
JDK-8260819 Fix JVMTI test failure HS202
JDK-8260810 Flight Recorder
JDK-8260833 Implement MacroAssembler::warn method on AArch64
JDK-8260784 Inconsistent types for ideal_reg
JDK-8260811 Incorrect constraint for unextended_sp in frame:safe_for_sender
JDK-8257192 Integrate AArch64 JIT port into 8u
JDK-8186090 java.nio.Bits.unaligned() doesn't handle aarch64
JDK-8261295 java/awt/FileDialog/8003399/bug8003399.java fails in headless mode
JDK-8260812 java/lang/invoke/SpecialInterfaceCall fails with SIGILL on aarch64
JDK-8258780 javac, several incorporation steps are silently failing when an error should be reported
JDK-8260742 jdk/jfr/event/os/TestCPUInformation.java fails on AArch64
JDK-8260824 MemBarNode::trailing_membar() and MemBarNode::leading_membar() need to handle dying subgraphs better
JDK-8260745 Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space
JDK-8259507 New fix of the deadlock in sun.security.ssl.SSLSocketImpl
JDK-8258102 Open up some PrinterJob tests
JDK-8194686 Placeholder for AArch64 January 2018 CPU
JDK-8260796 PPC64/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation
JDK-8262338 regression test EmptyClipRenderingTest fails
JDK-8260841 Remove built-in AArch64 simulator
JDK-8260762 Remove unused code in AArch64 back end
JDK-8260846 Revert "unused" attribute from test_arraycopy_func
JDK-8260849 Revert build fixes for aarch64/zero
JDK-8260848 Revert development hsdis changes
JDK-8260850 Revert disassembler.cpp changes
JDK-8260843 Revert explicit JDK 7 support additions
JDK-8260844 Revert incorrect backport of JDK-8129757 to 8-aarch64
JDK-8228716 Revert InstanceKlass::print_on debug additions
JDK-8260847 Revert ResourceMark additions
JDK-8260851 Revert TemplateTable::bytecode() visibility change
JDK-8259505 Socket reset issue for TLS 1.3 socket close
JDK-8262336 sun.jvm.hostspot.code.CompressedReadStream readDouble() conversion to long mishandled
JDK-8260842 Superfluous change in chaitin.hpp
JDK-8262044 Tag mismatch may alert bad_record_mac
JDK-8260778 TestVectorUnalignedOffset.java not pushed with 8155612
JDK-8260820 Track membars for volatile accesses so they can be properly optimized
JDK-8262103 Update a few java/net tests to use the loopback address instead of the host address
JDK-8261765 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2019-09-16
JDK-8260744 Use x86 and SPARC CPU instructions for GHASH acceleration
JDK-8259613 WindowsClassicLookAndFeel : MetalComboBoxUI.getbaseLine fails with IllegalArgumentException

Dmitry Cherepanov, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8261766 [8u] hotspot needs to recognise cl.exe 19.16 to build with VS2017
JDK-8261569 Reversed arguments in call to strstr in freetype "debug" code.
JDK-8262077 Windows ucrt.dll should be looked up in versioned WINSDK subdirectory

Elliott Baron, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8259581 IIOMetadataNode bugs in getElementsByTagName and NodeList.item methods

Fei Yang, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8256642 [TEST_BUG] jdk/test/javax/sound/midi/MidiSystem/DefaultProperties.java failed
JDK-8263008 AARCH64: Add debug info for libsaproc.so
JDK-8262490 AArch64: C2: offset overflow in BoxLockNode::emit
JDK-8261595 AARCH64: Invalid value passed to critical JNI function
JDK-8262071 AArch64: missing support for -XX:+ExtendedDTraceProbes in C1
JDK-8262073 assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory
JDK-8258079 Eliminate ParNew's use of klass_or_null()
JDK-8258933 G1 needs klass_or_null_acquire
JDK-8262493 G1: set_in_progress() and clear_started() needs a barrier on non-TSO platforms
JDK-8263836 JCK tests produce incorrect results with C2
JDK-8264171 Missing aarch64 parts of JDK-8236179 (C1 register allocation failure with T_ADDRESS)
JDK-8262086 sun/security/krb5/auto/UseCacheAndStoreKey.java timed out intermittently
JDK-8262164 TEST_BUG: java/lang/ref/SoftReference/Pin.java fails with OOME during System.out.println

Jaroslav Bachorík, DataDog

Bug Summary
JDK-8259630 SIGILL in jdk.jfr.internal.PlatformRecorder.rotateDisk()

Martin Balao, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8258598 Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1
JDK-8260157 HotSpot compile warnings from GCC 9
JDK-8259998 New System Properties to configure the TLS signature schemes
JDK-8260153 NPE during SSL handshake caused by HostnameChecker
JDK-8261166 Revert Principal Name type to NT-UNKNOWN when requesting TGS Kerberos tickets
JDK-8260422 Some security tests should support TLSv1.3
JDK-8260511 The ordering of Cipher Suites is not maintained provided through “jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites” and “jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites” system property.

Paul Hohensee, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8258430 8u backport of JDK-8063107 missing test/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8041561/bug8041561.java changes
JDK-8262272 [macosx] Regtest should not throw exception if a suitable display mode found
JDK-8258442 Inconsistent opacity behaviour between JCheckBox and JRadioButton
JDK-8259573 j2se_jdk/jdk/test/java/lang/invoke/lambda/LogGeneratedClassesTest.java - assertion error
JDK-8259029 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ThreadUserTime.java fails intermittently
JDK-8259510 Revert TLS 1.3 change that wrapped IOExceptions
JDK-8262270 TEST_BUG: java/awt/Choice/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents.html failed
JDK-8260018 Wrong parameter name in synthetic lambda method leads to verifier error

Severin Gehwolf, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8258241 [8u] Missing doPrivileged() hunks from JDK-8226575
JDK-8257597 [cgroups v1] Metric limits not properly detected on some join controller combinations
JDK-8258044 [Containers] Improve systemd slice memory limit support
JDK-8262303 [macos] support full window content options
JDK-8257717 [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/FontClass/DebugFonts.java fails due to wrongly typed bugid
JDK-8258829 [TESTBUG] jdk/internal/platform/cgroup/TestCgroupMetrics.java fails for - memory:getMemoryUsage
JDK-8257586 [TESTBUG] Make docker tests podman compatible
JDK-8257435 ExceptionInInitializerError due to UncheckedIOException while initializing cgroupv1 subsystem
JDK-8258062 Implement consistent process for quarantine of tests
JDK-8257775 jdk/net/Sockets/Test.java fails after JDK-8227642
JDK-8259557 keytool and jarsigner shows "Signature algorithm: SHA1withECDSA, -1-bit key"
JDK-8258781 Memory Docker tests fail on some Linux kernels w/o cgroupv1 swap limit capabilities
JDK-8258039 Prepare client libs regression tests for running in a concurrent, headless jtreg environment
JDK-8258107 Problemlist additional compiler/rtm tests
JDK-8258095 Problemlist compiler/rtm tests
JDK-8262358 Regression introduced with JDK-8250984 - memory might be null in some machines
JDK-8258504 TestUseContainerSupport.java fails on some Linux kernels w/o swap limit capabilities
JDK-8259381 TLS connection always receives close_notify exception
JDK-8258893 Tools should warn if weak algorithms are used before restricting them

Aleksey Shipilev, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8263777 Add 2 HARICA roots to cacerts truststore
JDK-8259566 NPE on ClassValue.ClassValueMap.cacheArray
JDK-8259568 PPC64 builds broken after JDK-8221408 8u backport
JDK-8260634 sun/security/ssl/X509TrustManagerImpl tests support TLSv1.3
JDK-8259632 VerifyCACerts.java fails as soneraclass2ca cert will expire in 90 days

Vladimir Kempik, Syntacore

Bug Summary
JDK-8257603 [macos10.15] Garbled FX printing plus CoreText warnings on Catalina when building with Xcode 11

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8257608 Better cleanup for test/jdk/javax/imageio/stream/StreamFlush.java
JDK-8257616 JavaSound should clean up resources better
JDK-8257611 keytool default cert fingerprint algorithm should be SHA-256
JDK-8261596 UI of Swing components is not redrawn after their internal state changed
JDK-8257610 Windows 32bit build build errors/warnings in hotspot