PUSHES REPORT: openjdk8u312

This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Mon Jun 03 20:13:54 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
8 P2
27 P3
33 P4
1 P5

Distribution by components

Count Component
69 100% Total
21 30.4% hotspot
12 17.4% hotspot/runtime
5 7.2% hotspot/compiler
2 2.9% hotspot/jfr
1 1.4% hotspot/gc
1 1.4% hotspot/other
15 21.7% security-libs
6 8.7% security-libs/java.security
4 5.8% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
4 5.8% security-libs/javax.crypto:pkcs11
1 1.4% security-libs/org.ietf.jgss:krb5
12 17.4% client-libs
4 5.8% client-libs/2d
4 5.8% client-libs/java.awt
2 2.9% client-libs/javax.sound
1 1.4% client-libs
1 1.4% client-libs/javax.swing
9 13.0% core-libs
5 7.2% core-libs/java.net
2 2.9% core-libs/java.lang:reflect
1 1.4% core-libs/java.rmi
1 1.4% core-libs/java.util.logging
8 11.6% infrastructure
7 10.1% infrastructure/build
1 1.4% infrastructure
4 5.8% core-svc
3 4.3% core-svc/java.lang.management
1 1.4% core-svc/javax.management

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
69 100% Total
32 46.4% Red Hat
17 24.6% Andrew Hughes
8 11.6% Severin Gehwolf
4 5.8% Alex Kasko
2 2.9% Roland Westrelin
1 1.4% Martin Balao
18 26.1% Amazon
11 15.9% Aleksey Shipilev
5 7.2% Paul Hohensee
1 1.4% Sergey Bylokhov
1 1.4% Volker Simonis
13 18.8% Independent
12 17.4% Zhengyu Gu
1 1.4% Fei Yang
6 8.7% Azul
6 8.7% Alexey Bakhtin
Count Committer
69 100% Total
28 40.6% Oracle
4 5.8% Weijun Wang
3 4.3% Magnus Ihse Bursie
2 2.9% Valerie Peng
2 2.9% Coleen Phillimore
2 2.9% Alexey Ivanov
2 2.9% Harold Seigel
1 1.4% Stuart Marks
1 1.4% Mark Sheppard
1 1.4% Daniel Fuchs
1 1.4% Jaikiran Pai
1 1.4% Robert Mckenna
1 1.4% Michael McMahon
1 1.4% Pankaj Bansal
1 1.4% David Holmes
1 1.4% Prem Balakrishnan
1 1.4% Rajan Halade
1 1.4% Leo Korinth
1 1.4% Claes Redestad
1 1.4% Patric Hedlin
13 18.8% Red Hat
6 8.7% Andrew Hughes
2 2.9% Andrew Haley
2 2.9% Severin Gehwolf
1 1.4% Martin Balao
1 1.4% Thomas Stuefe
1 1.4% Roland Westrelin
12 17.4% Amazon
5 7.2% Aleksey Shipilev
5 7.2% Sergey Bylokhov
2 2.9% Paul Hohensee
4 5.8% Tencent
1 1.4% Peng Xie
1 1.4% Xiaofeng Yang
1 1.4% Xuelei Fan
1 1.4% Hui Shi
2 2.9% Azul
2 2.9% Alexey Bakhtin
2 2.9% Independent
1 1.4% Fei Yang
1 1.4% Zhengyu Gu
2 2.9% SAP
2 2.9% Matthias Baesken
1 1.4% @camswl.com
1 1.4% Ed Nevill
1 1.4% Alibaba
1 1.4% Hao Tang
1 1.4% BellSoft
1 1.4% Alexandr Scherbatiy
1 1.4% Google
1 1.4% Martin Buchholz
1 1.4% JetBrains
1 1.4% Anton Tarasov
1 1.4% Unknown
1 1.4% N/A

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2021/10/19 20:10 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Harold Seigel Oracle JDK-8275560 InnerClasses: VM permits wrong inner_class_info_index value of zero
2021/10/19 20:10 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8275549 Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from SequenceInputStream
2021/10/19 20:10 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Xuelei Fan Tencent JDK-8275538 Update the default enabled cipher suites preference
2021/09/13 23:26 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Alexey Bakhtin Azul JDK-8273689 TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple socket to SSL server
2021/09/13 23:26 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8272643 Backout JDK-8176837 from 8u312
2021/08/27 17:14 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Harold Seigel Oracle JDK-8273088 Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon
2021/08/27 17:14 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Peng Xie Tencent JDK-8272379 OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports incorrect process cpu usage in containers
2021/08/27 16:22 Paul Hohensee Amazon Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8273086 AARCH64: GHASH intrinsic is not optimal
2021/08/27 16:22 Paul Hohensee Amazon Ed Nevill @camswl.com JDK-8273085 aarch64: add support for GHASH acceleration
2021/08/25 16:44 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8272990 [JavaSecurityScanner] review package com.sun.management.* Native methods should be private
2021/08/23 10:16 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8272714 [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901 with MSVC 2013
2021/08/20 12:24 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8271612 JNI functions incorrectly return a double after JDK-8265836
2021/08/19 12:56 Zhengyu Gu Independent Daniel Fuchs Oracle JDK-8272719 java/util/logging/ParentLoggersTest.java failed with "checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected loggers"
2021/08/18 09:17 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8272621 JVM crashes when calling getStackTrace if stack contains a method that is a member of a very large class
2021/08/18 09:17 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8269859 BacktraceBuilder._cprefs needs to be accessed as unsigned short
2021/08/18 05:23 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8272612 Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files
2021/08/17 12:06 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8272575 java.lang.NullPointerException: HDC for component at sun.java2d.loops.Blit.Blit
2021/08/17 02:01 Paul Hohensee Amazon Robert Mckenna Oracle JDK-8272555 Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy
2021/08/16 18:14 Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same) JDK-8272542 assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark
2021/08/16 18:02 Zhengyu Gu Independent David Holmes Oracle JDK-8272540 stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA
2021/08/16 05:12 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8272214 [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901
2021/08/16 01:58 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8272495 Java MIDI fails with a dereferenced memory error when asked to send a raw 0xF7
2021/08/13 13:22 Fei Yang Independent Michael McMahon Oracle JDK-8272456 com.sun.net.HttpsServer spins on TLS session close
2021/08/12 13:03 Martin Balao Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8272368 Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not Working in Cross-Realm Setup
2021/08/11 21:52 Paul Hohensee Amazon Aleksey Shipilev Amazon JDK-8270055 Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs
2021/08/11 21:52 Paul Hohensee Amazon Hui Shi Tencent JDK-8269430 SIGFPE crash with option FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M
2021/08/05 21:14 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Stuart Marks Oracle JDK-8272057 TEST_BUG: the retry logic in RMID.start() should check that the subprocess hasn't terminated
2021/08/05 21:14 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Paul Hohensee Amazon JDK-8272056 [8u] [macos] build failure in OpenJDK8u after JDK-8211301 in older xcode
2021/08/05 21:14 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Martin Buchholz Google JDK-8272055 Initialization race in sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId.get
2021/08/03 14:51 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8269875 getSystemCpuLoad() returns -1 on linux when some offline cpus are present and cpusets.effective_cpus is not available
2021/08/03 14:51 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Hao Tang Alibaba JDK-8269874 OperatingSystemImpl.getCpuLoad() returns incorrect CPU load inside a container
2021/08/02 06:23 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8271466 [jdk8u] StackGap test fails on aarch64 due to "-m64"
2021/07/29 17:17 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Andrew Haley Red Hat JDK-8271505 AArch64: size_fits_all_mem_uses should return false if its output is a CAS
2021/07/13 17:13 Zhengyu Gu Independent Patric Hedlin Oracle JDK-8270379 Signed immediate support in .../share/assembler.hpp is broken.
2021/07/07 17:17 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8269953 config.log is not in build directory after 8u backport of JDK-8079891
2021/07/07 11:49 Volker Simonis Amazon Thomas Stuefe Red Hat JDK-8268055 Create new switch to redirect error reporting output to stdout or stderr
2021/07/07 01:57 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Fei Yang Independent JDK-8269987 keytool -v -list print is incorrect after backport JDK-8141457
2021/07/06 22:33 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8269966 default build of jdk8 fails on newer GCCs with warnings as errors on format-overflow
2021/07/06 22:32 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8269965 JDK-8269388 breaks the build on older GCCs
2021/07/06 22:32 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Paul Hohensee Amazon JDK-8269964 [8u] Enable Xcode 12 builds on macOS
2021/07/06 16:45 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8269960 Add expiry exception for identrustdstx3 alias to VerifyCACerts.java test
2021/07/06 14:44 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle JDK-8269928 configure fails if you create an empty directory and then run configure from it
2021/07/06 14:44 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle JDK-8269927 Store configure log in $BUILD/configure.log
2021/07/06 14:44 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8265978 make test should look for more locations when searching for exit code
2021/07/06 13:18 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8269926 The new implementation of Robot.waitForIdle() may hang
2021/07/06 13:15 Zhengyu Gu Independent Anton Tarasov JetBrains JDK-8269925 NPE in sun.awt.SunToolkit.getWindowDeactivationTime
2021/07/06 12:42 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle JDK-8269915 Print warning summary at end of configure
2021/07/06 11:50 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8269810 [8u] Update generated_configure.sh after JDK-8250876 backport
2021/07/05 13:51 Alexey Bakhtin Azul (same) (same) JDK-8269876 NullPointerException in sun.security.ssl.HKDF.extract(HKDF.java:93)
2021/06/28 12:24 Zhengyu Gu Independent Jaikiran Pai Oracle JDK-8269515 Deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress and file.Handler.openconnection
2021/06/28 09:35 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8269484 Test fails on OSX with java.lang.RuntimeException 'Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3' missing
2021/06/25 09:05 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Leo Korinth Oracle JDK-8269367 jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/TestPromotionFailedEventWithParallelScavenge.java failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
2021/06/25 09:04 Aleksey Shipilev Amazon Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8269366 SoftMainMixer.processAudioBuffers(): Wrong handling of stoppedMixers
2021/06/23 14:07 Roland Westrelin Red Hat N/A Unknown JDK-8269242 Performance problem in sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser
2021/06/23 14:07 Roland Westrelin Red Hat Claes Redestad Oracle JDK-8269241 (reflect) Optimize SignatureParser's use of StringBuilders
2021/06/23 09:42 Alex Kasko Red Hat Mark Sheppard Oracle JDK-8268449 java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java failed intermittently
2021/06/23 09:38 Alex Kasko Red Hat Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8268112 Native crash in Win32PrintServiceLookup.getAllPrinterNames()
2021/06/23 09:38 Alex Kasko Red Hat Pankaj Bansal Oracle JDK-8268107 Incorrect JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars in Windows Print
2021/06/22 19:31 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Valerie Peng Oracle JDK-8269169 SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4
2021/06/22 12:36 Zhengyu Gu Independent Roland Westrelin Red Hat JDK-8269132 compiler/uncommontrap/TestSpecTrapClassUnloading.java fails with: GC triggered before VM initialization completed
2021/06/22 08:54 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Xiaofeng Yang Tencent JDK-8267978 java/net/MulticastSocket/TestInterfaces.java failed due to unexpected IP address
2021/06/21 17:00 Zhengyu Gu Independent Prem Balakrishnan Oracle JDK-8269094 [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/Mouse/GetMousePositionTest/GetMousePositionWithPopup.java fails
2021/06/21 16:59 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8269093 sun/java2d/GdiRendering/InsetClipping.java fails
2021/06/16 15:17 Alex Kasko Red Hat Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8268445 Watch registry changes for remote printers update instead of polling
2021/06/10 12:25 Zhengyu Gu Independent Alexandr Scherbatiy BellSoft JDK-8268550 DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates ActionEvent with wrong source object
2021/06/09 19:19 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8268479 A PKCS12 keystore from Java 8 using custom PBE parameters cannot be read in Java 11
2021/06/09 19:05 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8268477 PBES2 AlgorithmId encoding error in PKCS12 KeyStore
2021/06/09 18:24 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8268476 fix pkcs11 P11_DEBUG guarded native traces
2021/06/09 10:49 Alexey Bakhtin Azul Weijun Wang Oracle JDK-8268453 sun/security/pkcs12/EmptyPassword.java fails with Sequence tag error

No changesets log

JDK-8273734 half-closed SSLEngine status may cause application dead loop

Committer push log

Alexey Bakhtin, Azul

Bug Summary
JDK-8268479 A PKCS12 keystore from Java 8 using custom PBE parameters cannot be read in Java 11
JDK-8268476 fix pkcs11 P11_DEBUG guarded native traces
JDK-8269876 NullPointerException in sun.security.ssl.HKDF.extract(HKDF.java:93)
JDK-8268477 PBES2 AlgorithmId encoding error in PKCS12 KeyStore
JDK-8268453 sun/security/pkcs12/EmptyPassword.java fails with Sequence tag error
JDK-8269169 SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on Solaris 11.4

Alex Kasko, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8268107 Incorrect JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars in Windows Print
JDK-8268449 java/net/ipv6tests/UdpTest.java failed intermittently
JDK-8268112 Native crash in Win32PrintServiceLookup.getAllPrinterNames()
JDK-8268445 Watch registry changes for remote printers update instead of polling

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8272056 [8u] [macos] build failure in OpenJDK8u after JDK-8211301 in older xcode
JDK-8272214 [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901
JDK-8269964 [8u] Enable Xcode 12 builds on macOS
JDK-8272990 [JavaSecurityScanner] review package com.sun.management.* Native methods should be private
JDK-8271466 [jdk8u] StackGap test fails on aarch64 due to "-m64"
JDK-8271505 AArch64: size_fits_all_mem_uses should return false if its output is a CAS
JDK-8272643 Backout JDK-8176837 from 8u312
JDK-8269966 default build of jdk8 fails on newer GCCs with warnings as errors on format-overflow
JDK-8272055 Initialization race in sun.security.x509.AlgorithmId.get
JDK-8275560 InnerClasses: VM permits wrong inner_class_info_index value of zero
JDK-8269965 JDK-8269388 breaks the build on older GCCs
JDK-8269987 keytool -v -list print is incorrect after backport JDK-8141457
JDK-8273689 TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple socket to SSL server
JDK-8272057 TEST_BUG: the retry logic in RMID.start() should check that the subprocess hasn't terminated
JDK-8275549 Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from SequenceInputStream
JDK-8272612 Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 header files
JDK-8275538 Update the default enabled cipher suites preference

Fei Yang, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8272456 com.sun.net.HttpsServer spins on TLS session close

Martin Balao, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8272368 Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not Working in Cross-Realm Setup

Paul Hohensee, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8273085 aarch64: add support for GHASH acceleration
JDK-8273086 AARCH64: GHASH intrinsic is not optimal
JDK-8270055 Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs
JDK-8269430 SIGFPE crash with option FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M
JDK-8272555 Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy

Roland Westrelin, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8269241 (reflect) Optimize SignatureParser's use of StringBuilders
JDK-8269242 Performance problem in sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser

Sergey Bylokhov, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8272495 Java MIDI fails with a dereferenced memory error when asked to send a raw 0xF7

Severin Gehwolf, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8269810 [8u] Update generated_configure.sh after JDK-8250876 backport
JDK-8269960 Add expiry exception for identrustdstx3 alias to VerifyCACerts.java test
JDK-8273088 Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon
JDK-8269875 getSystemCpuLoad() returns -1 on linux when some offline cpus are present and cpusets.effective_cpus is not available
JDK-8267978 java/net/MulticastSocket/TestInterfaces.java failed due to unexpected IP address
JDK-8271612 JNI functions incorrectly return a double after JDK-8265836
JDK-8269874 OperatingSystemImpl.getCpuLoad() returns incorrect CPU load inside a container
JDK-8272379 OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports incorrect process cpu usage in containers

Aleksey Shipilev, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8272714 [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901 with MSVC 2013
JDK-8269859 BacktraceBuilder._cprefs needs to be accessed as unsigned short
JDK-8269953 config.log is not in build directory after 8u backport of JDK-8079891
JDK-8269928 configure fails if you create an empty directory and then run configure from it
JDK-8269367 jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/TestPromotionFailedEventWithParallelScavenge.java failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
JDK-8272621 JVM crashes when calling getStackTrace if stack contains a method that is a member of a very large class
JDK-8265978 make test should look for more locations when searching for exit code
JDK-8269915 Print warning summary at end of configure
JDK-8269366 SoftMainMixer.processAudioBuffers(): Wrong handling of stoppedMixers
JDK-8269927 Store configure log in $BUILD/configure.log
JDK-8269484 Test fails on OSX with java.lang.RuntimeException 'Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3' missing

Volker Simonis, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8268055 Create new switch to redirect error reporting output to stdout or stderr

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8269094 [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/Mouse/GetMousePositionTest/GetMousePositionWithPopup.java fails
JDK-8272542 assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark
JDK-8269132 compiler/uncommontrap/TestSpecTrapClassUnloading.java fails with: GC triggered before VM initialization completed
JDK-8269515 Deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress and file.Handler.openconnection
JDK-8268550 DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates ActionEvent with wrong source object
JDK-8272575 java.lang.NullPointerException: HDC for component at sun.java2d.loops.Blit.Blit
JDK-8272719 java/util/logging/ParentLoggersTest.java failed with "checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected loggers"
JDK-8269925 NPE in sun.awt.SunToolkit.getWindowDeactivationTime
JDK-8270379 Signed immediate support in .../share/assembler.hpp is broken.
JDK-8272540 stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA
JDK-8269093 sun/java2d/GdiRendering/InsetClipping.java fails
JDK-8269926 The new implementation of Robot.waitForIdle() may hang