PUSHES REPORT: openjdk8u332

This report shows who pushed the backports to the given release. This usually shows who did the backporting, testing, and review work.

Report generated: Mon Jun 03 21:04:30 CEST 2024

Distribution by priority

Count Priority
4 P2
15 P3
18 P4

Distribution by components

Count Component
37 100% Total
9 24.3% hotspot
3 8.1% hotspot/runtime
2 5.4% hotspot/compiler
2 5.4% hotspot/svc
1 2.7% hotspot/jvmti
1 2.7% hotspot/jfr
8 21.6% xml
5 13.5% xml/jaxp
1 2.7% xml/org.w3c.dom
1 2.7% xml
1 2.7% xml/javax.xml.xpath
5 13.5% core-libs
3 8.1% core-libs/java.time
2 5.4% core-libs/java.net
4 10.8% client-libs
2 5.4% client-libs/2d
2 5.4% client-libs/javax.swing
3 8.1% infrastructure
3 8.1% infrastructure/build
3 8.1% security-libs
2 5.4% security-libs/java.security
1 2.7% security-libs/javax.net.ssl
2 5.4% core-svc
1 2.7% core-svc/java.lang.instrument
1 2.7% core-svc/debugger
2 5.4% tools
1 2.7% tools/javac
1 2.7% tools
1 2.7% other-libs
1 2.7% other-libs

Distribution by affiliation

This Release Pushes

Original Pushes

Count Committer
37 100% Total
21 56.8% Red Hat
9 24.3% Andrew Hughes
4 10.8% Elliott Baron
4 10.8% Severin Gehwolf
4 10.8% Alex Kasko
11 29.7% Independent
11 29.7% Zhengyu Gu
5 13.5% Amazon
4 10.8% Paul Hohensee
1 2.7% Sergey Bylokhov
Count Committer
37 100% Total
22 59.5% Oracle
4 10.8% Joe Wang
3 8.1% Yoshiki Sato
2 5.4% Daniel Fuchs
2 5.4% Alexey Ivanov
1 2.7% Vladimir Kozlov
1 2.7% Magnus Ihse Bursie
1 2.7% Mandy Chung
1 2.7% Rajan Halade
1 2.7% Srikanth Adayapalam
1 2.7% Sean Coffey
1 2.7% Aleksej Efimov
1 2.7% Erik Joelsson
1 2.7% Coleen Phillimore
1 2.7% Serguei Spitsyn
1 2.7% Patric Hedlin
3 8.1% Amazon
3 8.1% Sergey Bylokhov
3 8.1% NTT DATA
3 8.1% Yasumasa Suenaga
3 8.1% Red Hat
1 2.7% Andrew Hughes
1 2.7% Thomas Stuefe
1 2.7% Alex Kasko
2 5.4% Azul
1 2.7% Alexey Bakhtin
1 2.7% Anton Kozlov
2 5.4% Independent
1 2.7% Peter Levart
1 2.7% Zhengyu Gu
1 2.7% ARM
1 2.7% Alan Hayward
1 2.7% SAP
1 2.7% Matthias Baesken

Chronological push log:

UTC Time This Release Push By Original Push By Bug Summary
Name Affiliation Name Affiliation
2022/04/19 22:05 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Anton Kozlov Azul JDK-8285121 Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return incorrect results
2022/04/19 22:05 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8285120 Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
2022/04/19 22:05 Andrew Hughes Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8284936 Fix Java 7 bootstrap breakage due to use of Arrays.stream
2022/03/24 03:04 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Rajan Halade Oracle JDK-8283604 Add expiry exception for Digicert (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022
2022/03/21 20:54 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8283473 Xerces Update: Serializer improvements from Xalan
2022/02/28 03:53 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Alexey Bakhtin Azul JDK-8282433 SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during the ssl handshake
2022/02/17 01:00 Sergey Bylokhov Amazon (same) (same) JDK-8280060 The sun/rmi/server/Activation.java class use Thread.dumpStack()
2022/02/16 21:47 Elliott Baron Red Hat Daniel Fuchs Oracle JDK-8282021 Xerces Update: XPointer update
2022/02/16 18:09 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Erik Joelsson Oracle JDK-8278243 Support git as an SCM alternative in the build
2022/02/07 14:08 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Yoshiki Sato Oracle JDK-8281342 Update TimeZoneNames files to follow the changes made by JDK-8275766
2022/02/07 14:08 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Yoshiki Sato Oracle JDK-8281341 TestZoneInfo310.java fails with tzdata2021e
2022/02/07 14:08 Andrew Hughes Red Hat Yoshiki Sato Oracle JDK-8281340 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021e
2022/01/31 19:40 Zhengyu Gu Independent Serguei Spitsyn Oracle JDK-8280975 memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
2022/01/31 19:36 Zhengyu Gu Independent Srikanth Adayapalam Oracle JDK-8280974 java.lang.invoke.LambdaConversionException: Invalid receiver type ...
2022/01/31 19:32 Zhengyu Gu Independent Daniel Fuchs Oracle JDK-8280973 Proxied HttpsURLConnection doesn't send BODY when retrying POST request
2022/01/31 19:30 Zhengyu Gu Independent Coleen Phillimore Oracle JDK-8280972 Update SipHash to version 1.0
2022/01/31 18:23 Zhengyu Gu Independent Matthias Baesken SAP JDK-8280969 Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
2022/01/14 17:26 Alex Kasko Red Hat (same) (same) JDK-8280033 NTLM authentication fails if HEAD request is used
2022/01/10 13:31 Zhengyu Gu Independent (same) (same) JDK-8279692 JFR crashes on Linux ppc due to missing crash protector in signal handler
2021/12/15 09:49 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Mandy Chung Oracle JDK-8278844 jdeps: Missing message: warn.skipped.entry
2021/12/14 16:59 Paul Hohensee Amazon Alan Hayward ARM JDK-8278797 AArch64: Backtracing broken on PAC enabled systems
2021/12/14 10:32 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Thomas Stuefe Red Hat JDK-8278245 Add .git to .hgignore
2021/12/14 10:32 Severin Gehwolf Red Hat Magnus Ihse Bursie Oracle JDK-8278244 git needs .gitattributes
2021/12/13 22:07 Elliott Baron Red Hat Aleksej Efimov Oracle JDK-8278639 Xerces Update: xml/serialize/DOMSerializerImpl
2021/12/13 21:30 Elliott Baron Red Hat Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8278637 Xerces Update: impl/xpath/regex/RangeToken.java
2021/12/13 20:53 Elliott Baron Red Hat Joe Wang Oracle JDK-8278633 Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
2021/12/13 20:24 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8278631 The javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/bug7154841.java fail on big screens
2021/12/13 20:18 Zhengyu Gu Independent Patric Hedlin Oracle JDK-8278629 AArch64: guarantee(val < (1U << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn
2021/12/13 17:46 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8278621 Multiple AttachListener threads can be created
2021/12/13 17:46 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8275695 jvmti/DataDumpRequest/datadumpreq001 failed due to "exit code is 134"
2021/12/13 17:46 Paul Hohensee Amazon Yasumasa Suenaga NTT DATA JDK-8275694 Minimal VM: set_state is not a member of AttachListener
2021/12/13 16:05 Alex Kasko Red Hat Sergey Bylokhov Amazon JDK-8278617 Memory leaks in the implementations of FileChooserUI
2021/12/13 16:05 Alex Kasko Red Hat Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8278616 [TEST_BUG] Two java2d tests are unstable in mach5
2021/12/13 16:05 Alex Kasko Red Hat Alexey Ivanov Oracle JDK-8278615 [TEST_BUG] DashOffset fails in mach5
2021/12/13 14:58 Zhengyu Gu Independent Peter Levart Independent JDK-8278611 test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/trace/trace001/trace001.java fails with Debuggee did not exit after 15 commands
2021/12/13 13:55 Zhengyu Gu Independent Vladimir Kozlov Oracle JDK-8278605 Crash in C2: guarantee(n != NULL) failed: No Node
2021/12/08 14:13 Zhengyu Gu Independent Sean Coffey Oracle JDK-8278424 sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attributes.toString() throws NPE

No changesets log

Committer push log

Alex Kasko, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8278615 [TEST_BUG] DashOffset fails in mach5
JDK-8278616 [TEST_BUG] Two java2d tests are unstable in mach5
JDK-8278617 Memory leaks in the implementations of FileChooserUI
JDK-8280033 NTLM authentication fails if HEAD request is used

Andrew Hughes, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8281340 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021e
JDK-8283604 Add expiry exception for Digicert (geotrustglobalca) expiring in May 2022
JDK-8284936 Fix Java 7 bootstrap breakage due to use of Arrays.stream
JDK-8285121 Incorrect Token type causes XPath expression to return incorrect results
JDK-8285120 Invalid XPath expression causes StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
JDK-8282433 SSLSocket.close() hangs if it is called during the ssl handshake
JDK-8281341 TestZoneInfo310.java fails with tzdata2021e
JDK-8281342 Update TimeZoneNames files to follow the changes made by JDK-8275766
JDK-8283473 Xerces Update: Serializer improvements from Xalan

Elliott Baron, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8278633 Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl
JDK-8278637 Xerces Update: impl/xpath/regex/RangeToken.java
JDK-8278639 Xerces Update: xml/serialize/DOMSerializerImpl
JDK-8282021 Xerces Update: XPointer update

Paul Hohensee, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8278797 AArch64: Backtracing broken on PAC enabled systems
JDK-8275695 jvmti/DataDumpRequest/datadumpreq001 failed due to "exit code is 134"
JDK-8275694 Minimal VM: set_state is not a member of AttachListener
JDK-8278621 Multiple AttachListener threads can be created

Sergey Bylokhov, Amazon

Bug Summary
JDK-8280060 The sun/rmi/server/Activation.java class use Thread.dumpStack()

Severin Gehwolf, Red Hat

Bug Summary
JDK-8278245 Add .git to .hgignore
JDK-8278244 git needs .gitattributes
JDK-8278844 jdeps: Missing message: warn.skipped.entry
JDK-8278243 Support git as an SCM alternative in the build

Zhengyu Gu, Independent

Bug Summary
JDK-8278629 AArch64: guarantee(val < (1U << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn
JDK-8278605 Crash in C2: guarantee(n != NULL) failed: No Node
JDK-8280974 java.lang.invoke.LambdaConversionException: Invalid receiver type ...
JDK-8279692 JFR crashes on Linux ppc due to missing crash protector in signal handler
JDK-8280975 memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
JDK-8280973 Proxied HttpsURLConnection doesn't send BODY when retrying POST request
JDK-8278424 sun.security.pkcs.PKCS9Attributes.toString() throws NPE
JDK-8278611 test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/trace/trace001/trace001.java fails with Debuggee did not exit after 15 commands
JDK-8278631 The javax/swing/JPopupMenu/7154841/bug7154841.java fail on big screens
JDK-8280969 Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
JDK-8280972 Update SipHash to version 1.0