Notes generated: Wed Feb 05 13:09:02 CET 2025


Issue Description
JDK-8263012 JEP 429: Scoped Values (Incubator)
Introduce scoped values, which enable the sharing of immutable data within and across threads. They are preferred to thread-local variables, especially when using large numbers of virtual threads. This is an incubating API.
JDK-8294078 JEP 432: Record Patterns (Second Preview)
Enhance the Java programming language with record patterns to deconstruct record values. Record patterns and type patterns can be nested to enable a powerful, declarative, and composable form of data navigation and processing. This is a preview language feature.
JDK-8294285 JEP 433: Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)
Enhance the Java programming language with pattern matching for switch expressions and statements. Extending pattern matching to switch allows an expression to be tested against a number of patterns, each with a specific action, so that complex data-oriented queries can be expressed concisely and safely. This is a preview language feature.
JDK-8293649 JEP 434: Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Preview)
Introduce an API by which Java programs can interoperate with code and data outside of the Java runtime. By efficiently invoking foreign functions (i.e., code outside the JVM), and by safely accessing foreign memory (i.e., memory not managed by the JVM), the API enables Java programs to call native libraries and process native data without the brittleness and danger of JNI. This is a preview API.
JDK-8295817 JEP 436: Virtual Threads (Second Preview)
Introduce virtual threads to the Java Platform. Virtual threads are lightweight threads that dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications. This is a preview API.
JDK-8296037 JEP 437: Structured Concurrency (Second Incubator)
Simplify multithreaded programming by introducing an API for structured concurrency. Structured concurrency treats multiple tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, thereby streamlining error handling and cancellation, improving reliability, and enhancing observability. This is an incubating API.
JDK-8303262 JEP 438: Vector API (Fifth Incubator)
Introduce an API to express vector computations that reliably compile at runtime to optimal vector instructions on supported CPU architectures, thus achieving performance superior to equivalent scalar computations.



Issue Description

Remove Support for javac -source/-target/--release 7

Consistent with the policy outlined in JEP 182: Policy for Retiring javac -source and -target Options, support for the 7/1.7 argument value for javac's -source, -target, and --release flags has been removed.


Javac Warns about Type Casts in Compound Assignments with Possible Lossy Conversions

New lint option lossy-conversions has been added to javac to warn about type casts in compound assignments with possible lossy conversions. If the type of the right-hand operand of a compound assignment is not assignment compatible with the type of the variable, a cast is implied and possible lossy conversion may occur.

The new warnings can be suppressed using @SuppressWarnings("lossy-conversions").


An Exhaustive Switch over an Enum Class Should Throw `MatchException` Rather Than `IncompatibleClassChangeError` If No Switch Label Applies at Runtime

In this release, when preview features are enabled with --enable-preview, a switch expression over an enum type will throw a MatchException rather than an IncompatibleClassChangeError should the selector expression yield an unexpected enum constant value. This can only happen if the enum class has been changed by adding a new enum constant after compilation of the switch.

This change is required to unify the treatment of erroneous exhaustive switches introduced by enhancing switch with pattern labels.


Issue Description

HttpClient Default Keep Alive Time is 30 Seconds

In this release, the default idle connection timeout value for the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 connections created by the has been reduced from 1200 seconds to 30 seconds.


URL Constructors Called with Malformed Input May Throw MalformedURLException for Cases where It Was Not Thrown Previously

The parsing of input provided to the constructors has changed in this release to be more strict. If the URL constructors are called with malformed input, then MalformedURLException may be thrown for cases where it wasn’t thrown previously.

In previous releases, some of the parsing and validation performed by the JDK built-in URLStreamHander implementations was delayed until URL::openConnection or URLConnection::connect was called. Some of these parsing and validation actions are now performed early, within URL constructors. An exception caused by a malformed URL that would have been delayed until the connection was opened or connected might now cause a MalformedURLException to be thrown at URL construction time.

This change only affects URL instances that delegate to JDK built-in stream handler implementations. Applications relying on custom, third party URLStreamHandler implementations should remain unaffected.

A new JDK specific system property or can be specified on the command line to revert to the previous behavior. By default, the property is not set, and the new behavior is in place.

This new property is provided for backward compatibility and may be removed in a future release.

JDK-8294241 Constructors Are Deprecated

The constructors are deprecated in this release.

Developers are encouraged to use to parse or construct a URL. In cases where an instance of is needed to open a connection, can be used to construct or parse the URL string, possibly calling URI::parseServerAuthority() to validate that the authority component can be parsed as a server-based authority, and then calling URI::toURL() to create the URL instance.

A new method, URL::of(URI, URLStreamHandler) is provided for the advanced usages where there is a need to construct a URL with a given custom stream handler.

See the API documentation [1] for more details [2].




HTTP Response Input Streams Will Throw an IOException on Interrupt

HTTP Response Input Streams are InputStream instances returned by the ResponseSubscribers::ofInputStream method. In this release, the default implementation of their read method was changed to throw an IOException if the thread performing this operation is interrupted, instead of ignoring the interruption.

If the thread invoking the read operation is interrupted while blocking on read: * The request will be cancelled and the InputStream will be closed * The thread interrupt status will be set to true * An IOException will be thrown


Idle Connection Timeouts for HTTP/2

Idle Connection Timeouts for HTTP/2 are added in this release.

The jdk.httpclient.keepalivetimeout property can now be used to configure a system-wide value, in seconds, used to close idle connections for both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 when using the HttpClient. In addition, developer's can also use the jdk.httpclient.keepalivetimeout.h2 to specify a timeout value exclusively for use with the HTTP/2 protocol, regardless of whether or not the jdk.httpclient.keepalivetimeout` is specified at runtime.

See the module and Networking Properties in the JDK 20 API documentation for a list of current networking properties.


Issue Description

can_pop_frame and can_force_early_return Capabilities are Disabled if JVMCI Compiler is Used

The JVMTI can_pop_frame and can_force_early_return capabilities are disabled if a JVMCI compiler (like Graal) is used. As a result the corresponding functionality (PopFrame and ForceEarlyReturnXXX functions) is not available to JVMTI agents. This issue is tracked by JDK-8218885.


GetLocalXXX/SetLocalXXX Specification Should Require Suspending Target Thread

The JVM TI specification of the GetLocalXXX/SetLocalXXX functions has been changed to require the target thread to be either suspended or the current thread. The error code JVMTIERRORTHREADNOTSUSPENDED will be returned if this requirement is not satisfied. The JVM TI agents which use the GetLocalXXX/SetLocalXXX API's need to be updated to suspend the target thread if it is not the current thread. The full list of impacted JVM TI functions is: - GetLocalObject, GetLocalInt, GetLocalLong, GetLocalFloat, GetLocalDouble, GetLocalInstance, - SetLocalObject, SetLocalInt, SetLocalLong, SetLocalFloat, SetLocalDouble


appendToClassPathForInstrumentation Must Be Used in a Thread-Safe Manner

When running an application with a Java agent (e.g. -javaagent:myagent.jar) and a custom system class loader (e.g. -Djava.system.class.loader=MyClassLoader), and the Java agent invokes the Instrumentation.appendToSystemClassLoaderSearch API to append to the class loader search, then the custom system class loader appendToClassPathForInstrumentation method will be invoked to add the JAR file to the custom system class loader's search path.

The JVM no longer synchronizes on the custom class loader while calling appendToClassPathForInstrumentation. The appendToClassPathForInstrumentation method in the custom class loader must add to the class search path in a thread-safe manner.


Issue Description

Remove Thread Text from Subject.current

The specification of Subject.current has been changed in this release to drop the expectation that the Subject is inherited when creating a thread. At this time, the Subject is stored in the AccessControlContext and is inherited when creating platform threads. Virtual threads do not capture the caller context at thread creation time and the AccessControlContext is not inherited. Inheritance will be re-examined in a future release in advance of removing support for the SecurityManager and the inherited AccessControlContext.


Issue Description

Support for CLDR Version 42

Locale data based on Unicode Consortium's CLDR has been upgraded to version 42. For the detailed locale data changes, please refer to the Unicode Consortium's CLDR release notes. Some of the notable changes in the upstream that may affect formatting are: - NBSP/NNBSP prefixed to AM/PM in time format, instead of a normal space - " at " is no longer used for standard date/time format - Fix first day of week info for China (CN) - Japanese: Support numbers up to 9999京


Issue Description

java.lang.ThreadGroup Is degraded

Legacy java.lang.ThreadGroup has been degraded in this release. It is no longer possible to explicitly destroy a thread group. In its place, ThreadGroup is changed to no longer keep a strong reference to subgroups. A thread group is thus eligible to be GC'ed when there are no live threads in the group and nothing else is keeping the thread group alive.

The behavior of several methods, deprecated for removal in prior releases, are changed as follows:

  • The destroy method does nothing.

  • The isDestroyed method returns false.

  • The setDaemon and isDaemon methods set/get a daemon status that is not used for anything.

  • The suspend, resume, and stop methods throw UnsupportedOperationException.

For further details, see the JEP 425, section java.lang.ThreadGroup.

Thread.Stop Changed to Throw UnsupportedOperationException

The ability to "stop" a thread with the Thread.stop() method has been removed in this release. The method has been changed to throw UnsupportedOperationException. Stopping a thread by causing it to throw java.lang.ThreadDeath was inherently unsafe. The stop method has been deprecated since JDK 1.2 (1998). The corresponding method in ThreadGroup, to "stop" a group of threads, was changed to throw UnsupportedOperationException in Java 19.

As part of this change, java.lang.ThreadDeath has been deprecated for removal.


Support Unicode 15.0

This release upgrades the Unicode version to 15.0, which includes updated versions of the Unicode Character Database, Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #15, and #29: The java.lang.Character class supports Unicode Character Database, which adds 4,489 characters, for a total of 149,186 characters. These additions include 2 new scripts, for a total of 161 scripts, as well as 20 new emoji characters, and 4,193 CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) ideographs. The java.text.Bidi and java.text.Normalizer classes support Unicode Standard Annexes, #9 and #15, respectively. The java.util.regex package supports Extended Grapheme Clusters based on the Unicode Standard Annex #29. For more detail about Unicode 15.0, refer to the Unicode Consortium’s release note.


java.lang.Float.floatToFloat16 and java.lang.Float.float16ToFloat May Return Different NaN Results when Optimized by the JIT Compiler

JDK 20 introduces two new methods which can be used to convert to and from the IEEE 754 binary16 format: java.lang.Float.floatToFloat16 and java.lang.Float.float16ToFloat.

The new methods may return different NaN results when optimized by the JIT compiler. To disable the JIT compiler optimization of these methods, the following command line options can be used:

-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:DisableIntrinsic=_floatToFloat16,_float16ToFloat


Thread.suspend/resume Changed to Throw UnsupportedOperationException

The ability to suspend or resume a thread with the Thread.suspend() and Thread.resume() methods has been removed in this release. The methods have been changed to throw UnsupportedOperationException. These methods were inherently deadlock prone and have been deprecated since JDK 1.2 (1998). The corresponding methods in ThreadGroup, to suspend or resume a group of threads, were changed to throw UnsupportedOperationException in Java 19.


Issue Description

Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal

The Java Management Extension (JMX) Management Applet (m-let) feature is deprecated for removal in a future release as it is irrelevant to modern applications - the deprecated public classes in are: MLet, MLetContent, PrivateMLet, MLetMBean.

This will have no impact on the JMX agent used for local and remote monitoring, the built-in instrumentation of the Java virtual machine, or tooling that uses JMX.


Issue Description

The JNI Specification Omits an Update to the JNI Version

This bug updated the JNI Specification in relation to the DestroyJavaVM function. As part of that work, the JNI Specification version number was incremented. That change to the JNI Specification version should also have been reflected in the GetVersion function but was not. The GetVersion function for Java SE 20 and later has been updated to read JNI_VERSION_20.

This new version has also been documented in jni.h as: ```

define JNIVERSION20 0x00140000



Deprecate and Disable Legacy Parallel Class Loading Workaround for Non-Parallel-Capable Class Loaders

Some user-defined, older class loaders would workaround a deadlock issue by releasing the class loader lock during the loading process. To prevent these loaders from encountering a “java.lang.LinkageError: attempted duplicate class definition” while loading the same class by parallel threads, the HotSpot Virtual Machine introduced a workaround in JDK 6 that serialized the load attempts, causing the subsequent attempts to wait for the first to complete.

The need for class loaders to work this way was removed in JDK 7 when parallel-capable class loaders were introduced, but the workaround remained in the VM. That workaround is finally being removed and as a first step has been deprecated and disabled by default. If you start seeing "java.lang.LinkageError: attempted duplicate class definition", then you may have an affected legacy class loader. The flag -XX:+EnableWaitForParallelLoad can be used to temporarily restore the old behavior in this release of the JDK, but the legacy class loader will need to be updated for future releases.

See the CSR request (JDK-8295848) for more background and details.


Issue Description

IdentityHashMap's Remove and Replace Methods Use Object Identity

The remove(key, value) and replace(key, oldValue, newValue) implementations of IdentityHashMap have been corrected. In previous releases, the value arguments were compared with values in the map using equals. However, IdentityHashMap specifies that all such comparisons should be made using object identity (==). These methods' implementations now conform to the specification.


Issue Description

Added Constructors (String, Throwable) and (Throwable) to InvalidParameterException

Constructors InvalidParameterException(String, Throwable) and InvalidParameterException(Throwable) have been added to the class to support easy construction of InvalidParameterException objects with a cause.


New JFR Event: jdk.InitialSecurityProperty

A new Java Flight Recorder (JFR) event has been added to record details of initial security properties when loaded via the class.

The new event name is jdk.InitialSecurityProperty and contains the following fields:

| Field name | Field Description | | ------------------------ | --------------------------- | |key | Security Property Key | |value | Corresponding Security Property Value |

This new JFR event is enabled by default. The system property will also now print initial security properties to the standard error stream. With this new event and the already available jdk.SecurityPropertyModification event (when enabled since it is not enabled by default), a JFR recording can now monitor the initial settings of all security properties and any subsequent changes.


Throw Error If Default File Fails to Load

A behavioral change has been made when the default conf/security/ security configuration file fails to load. In such a scenario, the JDK will now throw an InternalError.

Such a scenario should never occur. The default security file should always be present. Prior to this change, a static security configuration was loaded.


New JFR Event: `jdk.SecurityProviderService`

A new Java Flight Recorder (JFR) event has been added to record details of type, String algorithm) calls.

The new event name is jdk.SecurityProviderService and contains the following fields:

| Field name | Field Description | | ------------------------ | --------------------------- | |type | Type of Service | |algorithm |Algorithm Name | |provider | Security Provider |

This event is disabled by default and can be enabled via the JFR configuration files or via standard JFR options.


New Implementation Note for LoginModule on Removing Null from a Principals or Credentials Set

The Set implementation that holds principals and credentials in a JAAS Subject prohibits null elements and any attempt to add, query, or remove a null element will result in a NullPointerException. This is especially important when trying to remove principals or credentials from the subject at the logout phase but they are null because of a previous failed login. Various JDK LoginModule implementations have been fixed to avoid the exception. An Implementation Note has also been added to the logout() method of the LoginModule interface. Developers should verify, and if necessary update, any custom LoginModule implementations to be compliant with this implementation advice.


Issue Description

Update Timezone Data to 2022c

This version includes changes from 2022b that merged multiple regions that have the same timestamp data post-1970 into a single time zone database. All time zone IDs remain the same but the merged time zones will point to a shared zone database.

As a result, pre-1970 data may not be compatible with earlier JDK versions. The affected zones are `Antarctica/Vostok, Asia/Brunei, Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Atlantic/Reykjavik, Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/Copenhagen, Europe/Luxembourg, Europe/Monaco, Europe/Oslo, Europe/Stockholm, Indian/Christmas, Indian/Cocos, Indian/Kerguelen, Indian/Mahe, Indian/Reunion, Pacific/Chuuk, Pacific/Funafuti, Pacific/Majuro, Pacific/Pohnpei, Pacific/Wake, Pacific/Wallis, Arctic/Longyearbyen, Atlantic/Jan_Mayen, Iceland, Pacific/Ponape, Pacific/Truk, and Pacific/Yap`.

For more details, refer to the announcement of 2022b


Issue Description

Grapheme Support in BreakIterator

Character boundary analysis in java.text.BreakIterator now conforms to Extended Grapheme Clusters breaks defined in Unicode Consortium's Standard Annex #29. This change will introduce intentional behavioral changes because the old implementation simply breaks at the code point boundaries for the vast majority of characters. For example, this is a String that contains the US flag and a grapheme for a 4-member-family. ` "🇺🇸👨‍👩‍👧‍👦" This String will be broken into two graphemes with the new implementation: `` "🇺🇸", "👨‍👩‍👧‍👦" ` whereas the old implementation simply breaks at the code point boundaries: "🇺", "🇸", "👨", "(zwj)", "👩", "(zwj)", "👧", "(zwj)"‍, "👦" `` where (zwj) denotes ZERO WIDTH JOINER (U+200D).


Issue Description

com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue Specification Should Prohibit Any Final Field Modification

The specification of the Java Debug Interface (JDI) method ObjectReference.setValue has changed in this release to require the given field be non-final. The method was previously specified to require static fields be non-final but was silent on final instance fields. The JDK’s implementation of JDI has never allowed final instance fields to be changed with this method so this change has no impact on debuggers or tools using the JDK’s JDI implementation. Maintainers of JDI implementations should take note of this change so they can align their implementation with the updated specification.


Issue Description

Introduce LDAP and RMI Protocol Specific Object Factory Filters to JNDI Implementation

In this release, new system and security properties are introduced to allow more granular control over the set of JNDI object factories allowed to reconstruct Java objects from JNDI/LDAP and JNDI/RMI contexts:

  • The new jdk.jndi.ldap.object.factoriesFilter property specifies which object factory classes are allowed to instantiate Java objects from object references returned by JNDI/LDAP contexts. Its default value only allows object factories defined in the java.naming module.

  • The new jdk.jndi.rmi.object.factoriesFilter property specifies which object factory classes are allowed to instantiate Java objects from object references returned by JNDI/RMI contexts. Its default value only allows object factories defined in the jdk.rmi module.

These new factory filter properties complement the jdk.jndi.object.factoriesFilter global factories filter property by determining if a specific object factory is permitted to instantiate objects for the LDAP or RMI protocols used in JNDI.

An application depending on custom object factories to recreate Java objects from JNDI/LDAP or JNDI/RMI contexts will need to supply a security or system property with an updated value to allow such third-party object factories to reconstruct LDAP or RMI objects. If usage of a factory is denied, the lookup operation may result in a plain instance of javax.naming.Reference instance returned, which may lead to a ClassCastException being thrown in the application.

For more information, see the java.naming and jdk.naming.rmi module-info documentation.


Update Default Value and Extend the Scope of com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData System Property

In this release, the JDK implementation of the LDAP provider no longer supports deserialization of Java objects by default:

  • The default value of the com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property has been updated to false.

  • The scope of the com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property has been extended to cover the reconstruction of RMI remote objects from the javaRemoteLocation LDAP attribute.

The transparent deserialization of Java objects from an LDAP context will now require an explicit opt-in. Applications that rely on reconstruction of Java objects or RMI stubs from the LDAP attributes would need to set the com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property to true.


Issue Description
JDK-8292327 Throws EOFException

A change to in this release means it is possible that reading uncompressed bytes with this API can fail with an unexpected

The issue arises when reading uncompressed bytes with a byte array that isn't large enough to fit all bytes that have been uncompressed. In that case, the additional uncompressed bytes are buffered by the implementation to be consumed by the next call to the read method. If the compressed stream is at end of stream then a subsequent read of the uncompressed data will fail incorrectly with EOFException.

This issue will be fixed in a future update. It may be possible to workaround the issue in some cases by calling read with a larger bye array.


Weaken the InflaterInputStream Specification in Order to Allow Faster Zip Implementations

The specification of the read methods defined by,ZipInputStream, and GZIPInputStream have changed to allow these methods deviate from for the case that a “short read” occurs.

A “short read” is the case where the user provides a buffer with space for M bytes but only N bytes (where 0 < N < M) are read. The long standing specification for is that N bytes are stored in the buffer provided by the user and elements at offset off+N to off+M-1 are not changed.

The deviation allows the read method to use the elements at off+N to off+M-1 as temporary storage. Code using these APIs can no longer depend on these elements being unaffected when reading uncompressed data into a byte array.


Issue Description

java.lang.Float.floatToFloat16 and java.lang.Float.float16ToFloat May Return Different NaN Results when Optimized by the JIT Compiler

JDK 20 introduces two new methods which can be used to convert to and from the IEEE 754 binary16 format: java.lang.Float.floatToFloat16 and java.lang.Float.float16ToFloat.

The new methods may return different NaN results when optimized by the JIT compiler. To disable the JIT compiler optimization of these methods, the following command line options can be used:

-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:DisableIntrinsic=_floatToFloat16,_float16ToFloat


Provide Poly1305 Intrinsic on x86_64 platforms with AVX512 instructions

This feature delivers optimized intrinsics using AVX512 instructions on x8664 platforms for the Poly1305 Message Authentication Code algorithm of the SunJCE provider. This optimization is enabled by default on supporting x8664 platforms, but may be disabled by providing the -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:-UsePoly1305Intrinsics command-line options.


Issue Description

Disabled DTLS 1.0

DTLS 1.0 has been disabled by default, by adding "DTLSv1.0" to the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property in the configuration file. DTLS 1.0 has weakened over time and lacks support for stronger cipher suites. Any attempts to use DTLSv1.0 will fail with an SSLHandshakeException. Users can, at their own risk, re-enable the version by removing "DTLSv1.0" from the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property.


Disabled TLS_ECDH Cipher Suites

The TLSECDH cipher suites have been disabled by default, by adding "ECDH" to the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property in the configuration file. The TLSECDH cipher suites do not preserve forward-secrecy and are rarely used in practice. Note that some TLSECDH cipher suites were already disabled because they use algorithms that are disabled, such as 3DES and RC4. This action disables the rest. Any attempts to use cipher suites starting with "TLSECDH_" will fail with an SSLHandshakeException. Users can, at their own risk, re-enable these cipher suites by removing "ECDH" from the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms security property.

Please note that this change has no effect on the TLS_ECDHE cipher suites, which are still enabled by default.


(D)TLS Key Exchange Named Groups

New Java SE APIs, and, have been added to allow applications to customize the named groups of key exchange algorithms used in individual TLS or DTLS connections.

Note that the underlying provider may define the default named groups for each TLS or DTLS connection. Applications may also use the existing jdk.tls.namedGroups system property to customize the provider-specific default named groups. If not null, the named groups passed to the setNamedGroups() method will override the default named groups for the specified TLS or DTLS connections.

Note that a provider may not have been updated to support the new APIs and in that case may ignore the named groups that are set. The JDK SunJSSE provider supports this method. It is recommended that third party providers add support for these methods when they add support for JDK 19 or later releases.


Issue Description

Provide ChaCha20 Intrinsics on x86_64 and aarch64 Platforms

This feature delivers optimized intrinsic implementations for the ChaCha20 cipher supplied by the SunJCE provider. These optimized routines are designed for x86_64 chipsets that support the AVX, AVX2 and/or AVX512 instruction sets, and aarch64 chips supporting the Advanced SIMD instruction set. These intrinsics are enabled by default on supporting platforms, but may be disabled by providing the -XX:-UseChaCha20Intrinsics command-line option to Java. Flags that control intrinsics require the option-XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions.


Issue Description

FileChannel Positional Write Is Unspecified in APPEND Mode

The specification of java.nio.channels.FileChannel is updated to clarify that the effect of attempting to write at a specific position using the FileChannel::write(ByteBuffer,long) method is system-dependent when the channel is open in append mode. That is, a java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.APPEND is passed to FileChannel::open when the channel is opened. In particular, on some operating systems, bytes will be written at the given position, while on other operating systems the given position will be ignored and the bytes will be appended to the file.


Do Not Normalize File Paths to Unicode Normalization Format D on macOS

On macOS, file names are no longer normalized to Apple's variant of Unicode Normalization Format D. File names were normalized on HFS+ prior to macOS 10.13, but on APFS on macOS 10.13 and newer, this normalization is no longer effected. The previous behavior may be enabled by setting the system property "jdk.nio.path.useNormalizationFormD" to "true".


Issue Description

Auto-Generated IDs in JavaDoc Headings

JavaDoc now generates id attributes for all HTML headings in documentation comments that may be used as link anchors.


Generalize see and link Tags for User-Defined Anchors

The {@link}, {@linkplain} and @see tags have been enhanced to allow linking to arbitrary anchors in the JavaDoc-generated documentation for an element. To distinguish these references from member references, a double hash mark (##) is used to separate the element name from the URI fragment.


Improved Preview API Page

The Preview API page in the documentation generated by JavaDoc now provides detailed information about the JEPs the preview features belong to.


Issue Description

Restore Behavior of java.math.BigDecimal.movePointLeft() and movePointRight() on a Zero Argument

When these methods are invoked with a zero argument on a target with a negative scale, they return a result which is numerically the same as the target, but with a different unscaled value and scale.

In earlier releases, they returned a result with the same unscaled value and scale, which was against the specification.

The behavior is unchanged when the target has a non-negative scale or when the argument is not zero.


Issue Description

Print Warning to Standard Error If Bad Setting Is Detected

A new warning is now printed to the standard error stream at startup if a custom system property is defined but the directory doesn't exist. The warning printed is:

"WARNING: directory does not exist"


Issue Description

G1 Remembered set memory footprint regression after JDK-8286115

JDK-8286115 changed ergonomic sizing of a component of the remembered sets in G1. This change causes increased native memory usage of the Hotspot VM for applications that create large remembered sets with the G1 collector.

In an internal benchmark total GC component native memory usage rose by almost 10% (from 1.2GB to 1.3GB).

This issue can be worked around by passing double the value of G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries as printed by running the application with -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions to your application.

E.g. pass -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries=128 if a previous run showed a value of 64 for G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries in the output of -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal.

This issue has been addressed in JDK 19.0.1 or later.


Add GarbageCollectorMXBean for Remark and Cleanup Pause Time in G1

A new GarbageCollectorMXBean named "G1 Concurrent GC" has been added to the G1 garbage collector.

This GarbageCollectorMXBean reports the occurrence and durations of the Remark and Cleanup garbage collection pauses.

Similar to the "CGC" field from jstat -gcutil, a complete concurrent mark cycle will increase the bean's collection counter by 2, one for the Remark and one for the Cleanup pauses. These pauses now also update the "G1 Old Gen" MemoryManagerMXBean memory pool.


Improved Control of G1 Concurrent Refinement Threads

The control of G1 concurrent refinement threads has been completely replaced. The new controller typically allocates fewer threads. It tends to have fewer spikes in refinement thread activity. It also tends to delay refinement, allowing more filtering by the write barrier when there are multiple writes to the same or nearby locations, improving the efficiency of the barrier.

There are a number of command line options used to provide parameter values for the old controller. These aren't relevant to the new controller, and no longer serve any useful purpose. They have all been made obsolete; specifying any of them on the command line will do nothing but print a warning message about the option being obsolete. These arguments are:


These options will be removed entirely in some future release. Use of any of these options after that time will terminate startup of the virtual machine.


G1: Disable Preventive GCs by Default

In JDK 17, G1 added "preventive" garbage collections (GCs). These are speculative garbage collections, with the goal of avoiding costly evacuation failures due to allocation bursts when the heap is almost full.

However, these speculative collections have the consequence of additional garbage collection work, as object aging is based on number of GCs with additional GCs causing premature promotion into the old generation, which leads to more data in the old generation, and more garbage collection work to remove these objects. This has been compounded by the current prediction to trigger preventive garbage collections being very conservative; which means these garbage collections are often triggered unnecessarily.

In the majority of cases this feature is a net loss, and as evacuation failures are now handled more quickly, there is no longer any reason for this feature and it has been disabled by default, it may be re-enabled by -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+G1UsePreventiveGC.


Issue Description

New 'jmod --compress' Command Line Option

A new --compress command line option has been added to the jmod tool to specify the compression level while creating the JMOD archive. The accepted values are zip-[0-9], where zip-0 provides no compression, and zip-9 provides the best compression. Default is zip-6.


Issue Description

JMX Connections Use an ObjectInputFilter by Default

The default JMX agent now sets an ObjectInputFilter on the RMI connection to restrict the types that the server will deserialize. This should not affect normal usage of the MBeans in the JDK. Applications which register their own MBeans in the Platform MBeanServer may need to extend the filter to support any additional types that their MBeans accept as parameters. The default filter already covers any type that OpenMBeans and MXBeans might use.

The filter pattern is set in JDK/conf/management/ using the property If there are additional Java types that need to be passed, the default can be overridden by running with

Serialization Filtering and the filter pattern format are described in detail in the Core Libraries guide.



Priority Bug Summary
P4 JDK-8286270 [java.desktop] Replace color search in XColors with a switch statement
P4 JDK-8292314 Cleanup legacy address handling
P4 JDK-8292309 Fix java/awt/PrintJob/ConstrainedPrintingTest/ test
P4 JDK-8285306 Fix typos in java.desktop
P4 JDK-8290162 Reset recursion counter missed in fix of JDK-8224267
P5 JDK-8284672 Collapse identical catch branches in java.desktop
P5 JDK-8292350 Use static methods for hashCode/toString primitives


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8297507 Update header after JDK-8297230
P2 JDK-8292305 [BACKOUT] JDK-8289208 Test occasionally crashes on MacOS
P3 JDK-8295369 [Attempted] Update LCMS to 2.14
P3 JDK-8292304 [REDO] JDK-8289208 Test occasionally crashes on MacOS
P3 JDK-8289697 buffer overflow in MTLVertexCache.m: MTLVertexCache_AddGlyphQuad
P3 JDK-8288948 Few J2DBench tests indicate lower primitive drawing performance with metal rendering pipeline
P3 JDK-8264999 GeneralPath.lineTo() to itself produces jagged lines
P3 JDK-8292214 Memory leak in getAllConfigs of awt_GraphicsEnv.c:386
P3 JDK-8298217 Regressions 30-110% in SwingMark on MacOS, more so on aarch64
P3 JDK-8291266 RenderPerfTest: missing content while rendering some primitives
P3 JDK-8022403 sun/java2d/DirectX/OnScreenRenderingResizeTest/ fails
P3 JDK-8297153 sun/java2d/DirectX/OnScreenRenderingResizeTest/ fails again
P3 JDK-8289208 Test occasionally crashes on MacOS
P3 JDK-8293672 Update freetype md file
P3 JDK-8290334 Update FreeType to 2.12.1
P3 JDK-8289853 Update HarfBuzz to 4.4.1
P3 JDK-8297088 Update LCMS to 2.14
P3 JDK-8297230 Update Marlin2D to
P3 JDK-8297241 Update sun/java2d/DirectX/OnScreenRenderingResizeTest/
P3 JDK-8190907 Windows 10 default Korean Font Malgun Gothic available not used by GUI elements even though available without Korean Language Pack
P4 JDK-8297089 [BACKOUT] JDK-8297088 Update LCMS to 2.14
P4 JDK-8191406 [hidpi] sun/java2d/SunGraphics2D/ test fails
P4 JDK-8288067 Avoid redundant HashMap.containsKey call in Type1Font.expandAbbreviation
P4 JDK-4677581 ColorModel.getComponentSize()-wrong conditions for ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptio
P4 JDK-8297676 DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT/TYPE_FLOAT/TYPE_DOUBLE are not placeholders
P4 JDK-8294488 Delete KCMS transforms wrappers
P4 JDK-8290973 In AffineTransform, equals(Object) is inconsistent with hashCode()
P4 JDK-8165943 LineBreakMeasurer does not measure correctly if TextAttribute.TRACKING is set.
P4 JDK-8298027 Remove SCCS id's from awt jtreg tests
P4 JDK-8296905 Replace the native LCMS#getProfileID() method with the accessor
P4 JDK-8295812 Skip the "half float" support in LittleCMS during the build
P4 JDK-6528710 sRGB-ColorSpace to sRGB-ColorSpace Conversion
P4 JDK-8290344 Start/stop displaysync affects performance in metal rendering pipeline
P4 JDK-8288633 The ICC_ColorSpace.fromCIEXYZ method uses the wrong rendering intent
P4 JDK-8297147 UnexpectedSourceImageSize test times out on slow machines when fastdebug is used
P4 JDK-8297681 Unnecessary color conversion during 4BYTE_ABGR_PRE to INT_ARGB_PRE blit
P4 JDK-8295430 Use cmsDoTransformLineStride instead of cmsDoTransform in the loop
P5 JDK-8293767 AWT test has old SCCS markings
P5 JDK-8295003 Do not mention applets in the "java.awt.color" package
P5 JDK-8292026 Remove redundant allocations from DoubleByteEncoder
P5 JDK-8295767 Remove unused fields in sun.awt.geom.Edge
P5 JDK-8293159 Use try-with-resources in X11FontManager.registerFontDir


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8288332 Tier1 validate-source fails after 8279614
P2 JDK-8295685 Update Libpng to 1.6.38
P3 JDK-8294254 [macOS] javax/swing/plaf/aqua/ failure
P3 JDK-8164464 Consistent failure of java/awt/dnd/MissingEventsOnModalDialog/
P3 JDK-8282526 Default icon is not painted properly
P3 JDK-8289616 Drop use of Thread.stop in AppContext
P3 JDK-8296957 One more cast in SAFE_SIZE_NEW_ARRAY2
P3 JDK-8296496 Overzealous check in sizecalc.h prevents large memory allocation
P3 JDK-8294039 Remove "Classpath" exception from java/awt tests
P3 JDK-8279614 The left line of the TitledBorder is not painted on 150 scale factor
P4 JDK-8239801 [macos] java/awt/Focus/UnaccessibleChoice/ fails
P4 JDK-8157173 [macosx] java/awt/Robot/ModifierRobotKey/ fails
P4 JDK-8288325 [windows] Actual and Preferred Size of AWT Non-resizable frame are different
P4 JDK-8265586 [windows] last button is not shown in AWT Frame with BorderLayout and MenuBar set.
P4 JDK-8294255 Add link to DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME in javadoc for SunToolKit.realsSync
P4 JDK-8292848 AWT_Mixing and TrayIcon tests fail on el8 with hard-coded isOel7
P4 JDK-8297195 AWTAccessor and SwingAccessor should avoid double racy reads from non-volatile fields
P4 JDK-8252075 Documentation error in LayoutManager2 interface
P4 JDK-8291959 FileFontStrike#initNative does not properly initialize IG Table on Windows
P4 JDK-8196018 java/awt/Scrollbar/ScrollbarMouseWheelTest/ fails
P4 JDK-8292866 Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getLinkLocation check MultiByteToWideChar return value for failures
P4 JDK-8295554 Move the "sizecalc.h" to the correct location
P4 JDK-8276849 Refresh the window icon on graphics configuration changes
P4 JDK-8288444 Remove the workaround for frame.pack() in ModalDialogTest
P4 JDK-8148041 Test java/awt/Mouse/TitleBarDoubleClick/TitleBarDoubleClick fails on Ubuntu with mouseReleased event after double click on title bar
P4 JDK-8294426 Two fingers tap generates wrong mouse modifiers on M2 MacBooks
P4 JDK-8297523 Various GetPrimitiveArrayCritical miss result - NULL check
P5 JDK-8288993 Make AwtFramePackTest generic by removing @requires tag


Priority Bug Summary
P5 JDK-8293986 Incorrect double-checked locking in com.sun.beans.introspect.ClassInfo
P5 JDK-8293984 Unnecessary Vector usage in PropertyEditorSupport


Priority Bug Summary
P4 JDK-8286313 [macos] Voice over reads the boolean value as null in the JTable
P4 JDK-8292328 test instruction for show popup on JLabel did not specify shift key
P4 JDK-8296222 SwingEventMonitor - installListeners(Component , int ) - CELLEDITOR - bug
P5 JDK-8292280 Unused field 'keyListener' in BasicRadioButtonUI


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8278086 [REDO] ImageIO.write() method will throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8270915 GIFImageReader disregards ignoreMetadata flag which causes memory exhaustion
P3 JDK-8272998 throws incorrect exception type
P4 JDK-8297480 GetPrimitiveArrayCritical in imageioJPEG misses result - NULL check
P4 JDK-8299227 host `` not found in link in doc comment
P5 JDK-8297750 Unnecessary Vector usage in IIORegistry


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8282578 AIOOBE in javax.sound.sampled.Clip
P4 JDK-8282463 javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ fails


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8299123 [BACKOUT] 4512626 Non-editable JTextArea provides no visual indication of keyboard focus
P2 JDK-8292062 misc javax/swing tests failing
P2 JDK-8301989 new javax.swing.text.DefaultCaret().setBlinkRate(N) results in NPE
P2 JDK-8298083 The "CheckBox/RadioButton[Enabled/Disabled].textForeground" stoped working
P2 JDK-8300269 The selected item in an editable JComboBox with titled border is not visible in Aqua LAF
P3 JDK-8170794 [macosx] Error when using setDesktopManager on a JDesktopPane on MacOS X with Look and Feel Aqua
P3 JDK-8064787 [macosx] In Nimbus LaF, Ctrl+Alt mnemonic doesn't work
P3 JDK-8299077 [REDO] JDK-4512626 Non-editable JTextArea provides no visual indication of keyboard focus
P3 JDK-8295006 Colored text is not shown on disabled checkbox and radio button with GTK LAF for bug4314194.
P3 JDK-8296878 Document Filter attached to JPasswordField and setText("") is not cleared instead inserted characters replaced with unicode null characters
P3 JDK-8012675 javax.swing.JEditorPane is unclear on the handling of unsupported HTML script tags
P3 JDK-8292948 JEditorPane ignores font-size styles in external linked css-file
P3 JDK-8288882 JFileChooser - empty (0 bytes) file is displayed as 1 KB
P3 JDK-8296198 JFileChooser throws InternalError java.lang.InternalError with Windows shortcuts
P3 JDK-8224267 JOptionPane message string with 5000+ newlines produces StackOverflowError
P3 JDK-8259687 JTabbedPane.setComponentAt doesn't hide previously visible tab component
P3 JDK-8267374 macOS: Option+Up/Down Arrow don't traverse to beginning/end of line in JTextArea
P3 JDK-8294046 Newly added test test/jdk/javax/swing/JTabbedPane/ fails in macos
P3 JDK-4512626 Non-editable JTextArea provides no visual indication of keyboard focus
P3 JDK-6529151 NullPointerException in swing.plaf.synth.SynthLookAndFeel$Handler
P3 JDK-6852577 Only for Nimbus LAF UIManager.get("PasswordField.echoChar") is null
P3 JDK-8294038 Remove "Classpath" exception from javax/swing tests
P3 JDK-8282958 Rendering Issues with Borders on Windows High-DPI systems
P3 JDK-8296660 Swing HTML table with omitted closing tags misparsed
P3 JDK-8075916 The regression-swing case failed as colored text is not shown on disabled checkbox and radio button with Nimbus LAF
P4 JDK-8290399 [macos] Aqua LAF does not fire an action event if combo box menu is displayed
P4 JDK-7132413 [macosx] closed/javax/swing/AbstractButton/5049549/ fails on MacOS
P4 JDK-7134652 [macosx] closed/javax/swing/SwingUtilities/4967768/ fails on MacOS
P4 JDK-8065097 [macosx] javax/swing/Popup/ fails because Popup is one pixel off
P4 JDK-8054572 [macosx] JComboBox paints the border incorrectly
P4 JDK-7189422 [macosx] Submenu's arrow have a wrong position
P4 JDK-7148092 [macosx] When Alt+down arrow key is pressed, the combobox popup does not appear.
P4 JDK-8292376 A few Swing methods use inheritDoc on exceptions which are not inherited
P4 JDK-8281966 Absolute path of symlink is null in JFileChooser
P4 JDK-8295738 Automate javax/swing/JFileChooser/
P4 JDK-8295298 Automate javax/swing/JFileChooser/
P4 JDK-8015739 Background of JInternalFrame is located out of JInternalFrame
P4 JDK-8078471 Backspace does not work in JFileChooser with GTK L&F
P4 JDK-6229853 BasicTextAreaUI:create incompletely documents the possible returned View types
P4 JDK-6972078 Can not select single directory with GTKLookAndFeel
P4 JDK-6788481 CellEditorListener.editingCanceled is never called
P4 JDK-6521141 DebugGraphics NPE @ setFont();
P4 JDK-6463708 DefaultButtonModel.setMnemonic generates ChangeEvent for no change
P4 JDK-8291792 DefaultStyledDocument.setCharacterAttributes accepts negative length
P4 JDK-6201035 Document NPE for passing null insets to constructors and methods of several javax.swing.border.* classes
P4 JDK-8277775 Fixup bugids in - add 4357905
P4 JDK-8287912 GTK L&F : Background of tree icons are red
P4 JDK-6777156 GTK L&F: JFileChooser can jump beyond root directory in combobox and selection textarea.
P4 JDK-8234315 GTK LAF does not gray out disabled JMenu
P4 JDK-7172359 HTML parser StackOverflowError on invalid HTML:
  • tag inside an
  • P4 JDK-8290278 JavaDoc of index parameter of method JTabbedPane.insertTab
    P4 JDK-8295007 javax/swing/JRadioButton/4314194/ fails in mach5 for WIndowLookAndFeel
    P4 JDK-8284619 javax/swing/JTable/8236907/ failed with "Test Case Failed!!, Last Row not Visible!!!"
    P4 JDK-8288707 javax/swing/JToolBar/4529206/ setFloating does not work correctly
    P4 JDK-8287743 javax/swing/text/CSSBorder/6796710/ failed
    P4 JDK-6244831 JFileChooser does not have tooltip for Desktop, Recent etc ToggleButton on Windows Look and feel
    P4 JDK-4834298 JFileChooser.getSelectedFiles() failed with multi-selection and double-click
    P4 JDK-8292738 JInternalFrame backgroundShadowBorder & foregroundShadowBorder line is longer in Mac Look and Feel
    P4 JDK-8042134 JOptionPane bungles HTML messages
    P4 JDK-6286501 JTabbedPane throws NPE from its stateChanged listener in particular case
    P4 JDK-6616245 NullPointerException when using JFileChooser with a custom FileView
    P4 JDK-6445283 ProgressMonitorInputStream not large file aware (>2GB)
    P4 JDK-4890041 Remove TAB and Shift TAB from Popup Menu in Motif Look & Feel
    P4 JDK-8297450 fails when run with -show parameter
    P4 JDK-4850101 Setting mnemonic to VK_F4 underlines the letter S in a button.
    P4 JDK-4797982 Setting negative size of JSplitPane divider leads to unexpected results.
    P4 JDK-5074006 Swing JOptionPane shows tag as a string after newline
    P4 JDK-7175397 The divider color is not changed to green when dragging for Nimbus LaF.
    P4 JDK-8298323 trivial typo in JOptionPane.OK_OPTION
    P4 JDK-8297449 Update JInternalFrame Metal Border code
    P4 JDK-8271328 User is able to choose the color after disabling the color chooser.
    P5 JDK-8297210 Add a @sealedGraph tag to selected java.desktop classes
    P5 JDK-8287603 Avoid redundant HashMap.containsKey calls in NimbusDefaults.getDerivedColor
    P5 JDK-6391806 JLabel and AbstractButton's imageUpdate method should be better specified
    P5 JDK-8295026 Remove unused fields in StyleSheet
    P5 JDK-8295323 Unnecessary HashTable usage in StyleSheet
    P5 JDK-8292850 Unused field 'expiredTimersKey' in javax.swing.TimerQueue


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8303262 JEP 438: Vector API (Fifth Incubator)
    P2 JDK-8297132 BACKOUT JDK-8296889: Race condition when cancelling a request
    P3 JDK-8295044 Implementation of Foreign Function and Memory API (Second Preview)
    P3 JDK-8295817 JEP 436: Virtual Threads (Second Preview)
    P3 JDK-8298277 Replace "session" with "scope" for FFM access
    P4 JDK-8293887 AArch64 build failure with GCC 12 due to maybe-uninitialized warning in libfdlibm k_rem_pio2.c
    P4 JDK-8288594 Address possibly lossy conversions in java.base FloatToDecimal
    P4 JDK-8290460 Alpine: disable some panama tests that rely on std::thread
    P4 JDK-8262435 Clarify the behavior of a few inherited ZipInputStream methods
    P4 JDK-8289768 Clean up unused code
    P4 JDK-8290316 Ensure that all directory streams are closed in java.base
    P4 JDK-8294456 Fix misleading-indentation warnings in core JDK libraries
    P4 JDK-8294321 Fix typos in files under test/jdk/java, test/jdk/jdk, test/jdk/jni
    P4 JDK-8286666 Implementation of JEP 429: Scoped Values (Incubator)
    P4 JDK-8296779 Implementation of Structured Concurrency (Second Incubator)
    P4 JDK-8296672 Implementation of Virtual Threads (Second Preview)
    P4 JDK-8288933 Improve the implementation of Double/Float.isInfinite
    P4 JDK-8295155 Incorrect javadoc of java.base module
    P4 JDK-8263012 JEP 429: Scoped Values (Incubator)
    P4 JDK-8293649 JEP 434: Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Preview)
    P4 JDK-8296037 JEP 437: Structured Concurrency (Second Incubator)
    P4 JDK-8230374 maxOutputSize, instead of javatest.maxOutputSize, should be used in
    P4 JDK-8294377 Prepare to stop auto-inheriting documentation for subclasses of exceptions whose documentation is inherited
    P4 JDK-8277074 Qualified exported types show up in JavaDoc
    P4 JDK-8293810 Remove granting of RuntimePermission("stopThread") from tests
    P4 JDK-8295017 Remove Windows specific workaround in JLI_Snprintf
    P4 JDK-8287596 Reorg jdk.test.lib.util.ForceGC
    P4 JDK-8293940 Some tests for virtual threads take too long
    P4 JDK-8284858 Start of release updates for JDK 20
    P4 JDK-8297992 Tests fail after JDK-8297215 due to lack of @enablePreview
    P4 JDK-8294837 unify Windows 2019 version check in os_windows and java_props_md
    P4 JDK-8297215 Update libs tests to use @enablePreview
    P4 JDK-8294618 Update =>
    P4 JDK-8296024 Usage of DirectBuffer::address should be guarded
    P4 JDK-8290300 Use standard String-joining tools where applicable
    P5 JDK-8293197 Avoid double racy reads from non-volatile fields in SharedSecrets
    P5 JDK-8291954 Use Optional.isEmpty instead of !Optional.isPresent in java.base


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8294541 java/io/BufferedInputStream/ fails with OOME
    P3 JDK-8291911 java/io/File/ fails with "53687091200 != 161051996160"
    P3 JDK-8297528 java/io/File/ test failing on windows-x64
    P3 JDK-8299689 Make use of JLine for Console as "opt-in"
    P4 JDK-8279283 BufferedInputStream should override transferTo
    P4 JDK-8294702 BufferedInputStream uses undefined value range for markpos
    P4 JDK-8294696 BufferedInputStream.transferTo should drain buffer when mark set
    P4 JDK-8295803 Console should be usable in jshell and other environments
    P4 JDK-8156593 DataOutput.write(byte[],int,int) and its implementations do not specify index out bounds
    P4 JDK-8292698 Improve performance of DataInputStream
    P4 JDK-8290313 Produce warning when user specified directory doesn't exist
    P4 JDK-8296431 PushbackInputStream should override transferTo
    P4 JDK-8297299 SequenceInputStream should not use Vector
    P4 JDK-8297298 SequenceInputStream should override transferTo
    P5 JDK-8294608 Remove redundant unchecked suppression in FileDescriptor


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8301863 ObjectInputFilter example incorrectly calls rejectUndecidedClass
    P4 JDK-4958969 ObjectOutputStream example leads to non-working code
    P4 JDK-8295370 Update to use Class.descriptorString


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8292051 jdk/internal/misc/TerminatingThreadLocal/ failed "AssertionError: Expected terminated values: [666] but got: []"
    P3 JDK-8292240 CarrierThread.blocking not reset when spare not activated
    P3 JDK-8296896 Change virtual Thread.yield to use external submit
    P3 JDK-8300953 ClassDesc::ofInternalName missing @since tag
    P3 JDK-8276651 java/lang/ProcessHandle tests fail with "RuntimeException: Input/output error" in java.lang.ProcessHandleImpl$Info.info0
    P3 JDK-8066859 java/lang/ref/ failed with java.lang.Exception: Reference Handler thread died
    P3 JDK-8291429 java/lang/Thread/virtual/ timed out on single core system
    P3 JDK-8297451 ProcessHandleImpl should assert privilege when modifying reaper thread
    P3 JDK-8299034 Runtime::exec clarification of inherited environment
    P3 JDK-8291897 TerminatingThreadLocal(s) not registered from virtual thread(s)
    P3 JDK-8284842 Update Unicode Data Files to 15.0.0
    P4 JDK-8289569 [test] java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails on Alpine/musl
    P4 JDK-8288021 Add hard test cases to jdk.internal.math.DoubleToDecimalChecker
    P4 JDK-8278863 Add method ClassDesc::ofInternalName
    P4 JDK-8294539 Augment discussion of equivalence relations on floating-point values
    P4 JDK-8298375 Bad copyright header in test/jdk/java/lang/Character/
    P4 JDK-8298033 Character.codePoint{At|Before}(char[], int, int) doesn't do JavaDoc-specified check
    P4 JDK-8295857 Clarify that cleanup code can be skipped when the JVM terminates (e.g. when calling halt())
    P4 JDK-8296196 Class.getEnumConstants() throws undocumented ClassCastException and NullPointerException
    P4 JDK-8291651 fails with "Cleanable was cleaned"
    P4 JDK-8289551 Conversions between bit representations of half precision values and floats
    P4 JDK-8290036 Define and specify Runtime shutdown sequence
    P4 JDK-8289610 Degrade Thread.stop
    P4 JDK-8249627 Degrade Thread.suspend and Thread.resume
    P4 JDK-8289730 Deprecated code sample in java.lang.ClassCastException
    P4 JDK-8294533 Documentation mistake in Process::getErrorStream and getInputStream
    P4 JDK-8289643 File descriptor leak with ProcessBuilder.startPipeline
    P4 JDK-8295517 Fix stutter typo in JDK-8294539
    P4 JDK-8294062 Improve parsing performance of j.l.c.MethodTypeDesc
    P4 JDK-8297530 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Negative length on strings concatenation
    P4 JDK-8290885 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fail: More or fewer pipes than expected
    P4 JDK-8292362 java/lang/Thread/jni/AttachCurrentThread/ failed on some platforms
    P4 JDK-8298894 java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/ timed out and threw OutOfMemoryError
    P4 JDK-8294697 java/lang/Thread/virtual/ThreadAPI.testGetStackTrace2 failed with non-empty stack trace
    P4 JDK-8289284 jdk.tracePinnedThreads output confusing when pinned due to native frame
    P4 JDK-8290531 Loom: Parallelize a few tests more deeply
    P4 JDK-8291641 Optimize StackTraceElement.toString()
    P4 JDK-8291760 still fails: More or fewer pipes than expected
    P4 JDK-8294899 Process.waitFor() throws IllegalThreadStateException when a process on Windows returns an exit code of 259
    P4 JDK-8297561 Redundant index check in String.offsetByCodePoints()
    P4 JDK-8288984 Simplification in java.lang.Runtime::exit
    P4 JDK-8289908 Skip bounds check for cases when String is constructed from entirely used byte[]
    P4 JDK-8234262 Unmask SIGQUIT in a child process
    P4 JDK-8299498 Usage of constructors of primitive wrapper classes should be avoided in java.lang API docs
    P5 JDK-8297145 Add a @sealedGraph tag to ConstantDesc
    P5 JDK-8297150 Add a @sealedGraph tag to Reference
    P5 JDK-8289078 Make STARTTIME_ANY and STARTTIME_PROCESS_UNKNOWN fields static in ProcessHandleImpl
    P5 JDK-8294695 Remove redundant deprecation suppression in ThreadGroup
    P5 JDK-8288628 Unnecessary Hashtable usage in ConditionalSpecialCasing
    P5 JDK-8288706 Unused parameter 'boolean newln' in method java.lang.VersionProps#print(boolean, boolean)


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8299740 CaptureCallState is missing @Preview annotation
    P2 JDK-8299862 OfAddress setter should disallow heap segments
    P2 JDK-8299561 VaList.empty() doesn't return a list associated with the global scope
    P3 JDK-8297255 Bad alignment check in MemorySegment.elements
    P3 JDK-8288697 Clarify lifecycle of buffer segments and loader lookup
    P3 JDK-8296477 Foreign linker implementation update following JEP 434
    P3 JDK-8295772 Issue with MemoryAddress.setUtf8String
    P3 JDK-8291642 java/foreign/ -few tests are failing due to JDK-8287158.
    P3 JDK-8300275 SegmentScope.isAccessibleBy returning incorrect values
    P3 JDK-8291359 Specification of method j.l.foreign.VaList::skip still deserves clarification
    P3 JDK-8298797 Specification of some restricted methods is incorrect
    P4 JDK-8290059 Do not use std::thread in panama tests
    P4 JDK-8290231 java/foreign/malloc/ crashed in JDK19 ATR run
    P4 JDK-8297733 Refactor Cast binding to enum
    P4 JDK-8297729 Replace GrowableArray in ComputeMoveOrder with hash table
    P4 JDK-8299090 Specify coordinate order for additional CaptureCallState parameters on class as well
    P4 JDK-8297853 windows-x86 test build broken


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8288425 Footprint regression due MH creation when initializing StringConcatFactory
    P2 JDK-8292498 java/lang/invoke/lambda/ failed with "AssertionError: only show error once expected [1] but found [0]"
    P4 JDK-8297728 Cache invocation type rather than invoker in NamedFunction
    P4 JDK-8295302 Do not use ArrayList when LambdaForm has a single ClassData
    P4 JDK-8295537 Enhance TRACE_METHOD_LINKAGE to show the target MethodHandle
    P4 JDK-8284363 Redundant imports in BoundMethodHandle
    P4 JDK-8288011 StringConcatFactory: Split application of stringifiers
    P4 JDK-8289775 Update java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle[s] to use snippets
    P4 JDK-8298177 Various java.lang.invoke cleanups
    P5 JDK-8297148 Add a @sealedGraph tag to CallSite


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8290504 Close streams returned by ModuleReader::list
    P3 JDK-8290353 ModuleReader::list specification should suggest closing the returned stream
    P4 JDK-8290041 ModuleDescriptor.hashCode is inconsistent
    P4 JDK-8292983 ModuleReferenceImpl.computeHash should record algorithm for cache checks


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8290397 failed with "Too few cleared WeakReferences"
    P3 JDK-8289919 [test] failed with "Failed to unload native library"
    P3 JDK-8293659 Improve UnsatisfiedLinkError error message to include dlopen error details
    P3 JDK-8293282 fails with "Too few cleared WeakReferences"
    P3 JDK-8287917 System.loadLibrary does not work on Big Sur if JDK is built with macOS SDK 10.15 and earlier
    P4 JDK-8290848 still fails with "Too few cleared WeakReferences"


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8293627 AccessFlag::locations(ClassFileFormatVersion cffv) and locations() results are inconsistent
    P2 JDK-8293626 AccessFlag::locations(ClassFileFormatVersion cffv) does not throw NPEx when parameter is null
    P4 JDK-8293892 Add links to JVMS 19 and 20 from ClassFileFormatVersion enum constants
    P4 JDK-8289106 Add model of class file versions to core reflection
    P4 JDK-8266670 Better modeling of access flags in core reflection
    P4 JDK-8288327 Executable.hasRealParameterData should not be volatile
    P4 JDK-8292576 Improve wording of AccessFlag-related specs
    P4 JDK-8288573 Make Executable.getParameterCount() actually abstract
    P4 JDK-8297784 Optimize @Stable field for Method.isCallerSensitive
    P4 JDK-8284942 Proxy building can just iterate superinterfaces once
    P4 JDK-8288227 Refactor annotation implementation to use pattern matching for instanceof
    P4 JDK-8294698 Remove unused 'checkedExceptions' param from MethodAccessorGenerator.generateMethod()
    P4 JDK-8291734 Return accurate ACC_SUPER access flag for classes
    P4 JDK-8296743 Tighten Class.getModifiers spec for array classes
    P4 JDK-8287908 Use non-cloning reflection methods where acceptable


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8294730 Add @throws and @implNote clauses to BigInteger::isProblablePrime and BigInteger::nextProblablePrime
    P4 JDK-8289260 BigDecimal movePointLeft() and movePointRight() do not follow their API spec
    P4 JDK-8294593 Check the size of the target on invocations of BigInteger::isProbablePrime
    P4 JDK-8290079 Reduce interaction with volatile in static initializer of BigInteger
    P4 JDK-8297731 Remove redundant check in MutableBigInteger.divide


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8297569 URLPermission constructor throws IllegalArgumentException: Invalid characters in hostname after JDK-8294378
    P3 JDK-8294916 Cancelling a request must eventually cause its response body subscriber to be unregistered
    P3 JDK-8296747 com/sun/net/httpserver/simpleserver/ timed out
    P3 JDK-8291226 Create Test Cases to cover scenarios for JDK-8278067
    P3 JDK-8296804 Document HttpClient configuration properties in module-info
    P3 JDK-8294948 Document IllegalArgumentException and NullPointerException thrown by URLStreamHandler::parseURL and URLStreamHandler::setURL
    P3 JDK-8299015 Ensure that HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.ofFile writes all bytes
    P3 JDK-8291637 HttpClient default keep alive timeout not followed if server sends invalid value
    P3 JDK-8292044 HttpClient doesn't handle 102 or 103 properly
    P3 JDK-8286171 HttpClient/2 : Expect:100-Continue blocks indefinitely when response is not 100
    P3 JDK-8297424 java/net/httpclient/ fails in AssertionError due to misplaced assert
    P3 JDK-8295991 java/net/httpclient/ fails intermittently
    P3 JDK-8298340 java/net/httpclient/ fails with AssertionError: Found some subscribers for testPostInterrupt
    P3 JDK-8292381 java/net/httpclient/ fails with "ERROR: Shutting down connection: HTTP/2 client stopped"
    P3 JDK-8291638 Keep-Alive timeout of 0 should close connection immediately
    P3 JDK-8296889 Race condition when cancelling a request
    P3 JDK-8293590 Some syntax checks performed by URL.openConnection() could be performed earlier, at URL construction
    P3 JDK-8285836 sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveCache/ failed with "RuntimeException: Failed in server"
    P3 JDK-8294378 URLPermission constructor exception when using tr locale
    P3 JDK-8296615 use of undeclared identifier 'IPV6_DONTFRAG'
    P3 JDK-8298588 WebSockets: HandshakeUrlEncodingTest unnecessarily depends on a response body
    P4 JDK-8288717 Add a means to close idle connections in HTTP/2 connection pool
    P4 JDK-8286610 Add additional diagnostic output to java/net/DatagramSocket/
    P4 JDK-8297609 Add application/wasm MIME type for wasm file extension
    P4 JDK-8295792 Clean up old async close code
    P4 JDK-8294241 Deprecate URL public constructors
    P4 JDK-8292876 Do not include the deprecated userinfo component of the URI in HTTP/2 headers
    P4 JDK-8288493 Document JDK specific system properties in jdk.httpserver
    P4 JDK-8297645 Drop the test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/reactivestreams-tck-tests/ test
    P4 JDK-8297211 Expensive fillInStackTrace operation in HttpURLConnection.getOutputStream0 when no content-length in response
    P4 JDK-8288746 HttpClient resources could be reclaimed more eagerly
    P4 JDK-8294047 HttpResponseInputStream swallows interrupts
    P4 JDK-8289291 HttpServer sets incorrect value for "max" parameter in Keep-Alive header value
    P4 JDK-8276798 HttpURLConnection sends invalid HTTP request
    P4 JDK-8297311 Improve exception message thrown by s)
    P4 JDK-7113208 Incorrect javadoc on
    P4 JDK-8051627 Invariants about resolve and relativize are wrong
    P4 JDK-8290349 IP_DONTFRAGMENT doesn't set DF bit in IPv4 header
    P4 JDK-8293842 IPv6-only systems throws UnsupportedOperationException for several socket/TCP options
    P4 JDK-8292968's javadoc has a broken reference
    P4 JDK-8297075 java/net/httpclient/ fails with "java.lang.AssertionError: WARNING: tracker for HttpClientImpl(1) has outstanding operations"
    P4 JDK-8295777 java/net/httpclient/ should not rely on system resolver
    P4 JDK-8294958 java/net/httpclient/ConnectTimeout tests are slow
    P4 JDK-8286962 java/net/httpclient/ failed once with ConnectException
    P4 JDK-8266900 java/net/httpclient/ fails on windows with Unable to establish loopback connection
    P4 JDK-8297200 java/net/httpclient/ failed once in AssertionError due to selector thread remaining alive
    P4 JDK-8294610 java/net/vthread/ is slow on Linux
    P4 JDK-8294115 JNI local refs exceeds capacity warning in NetworkInterface::getAll
    P4 JDK-8293562 KeepAliveCache Blocks Threads while Closing Connections
    P4 JDK-8295218 New has invalid copyright notice
    P4 JDK-8297687 new URI(S,S,S,S) throws exception with incorrect index position reported in the error message
    P4 JDK-8240275 Occasional errors in HttpURLConnection due to race with GC
    P4 JDK-8297149 REDO JDK-8296889: Race condition when cancelling a request
    P4 JDK-8297030 Reduce Default Keep-Alive Timeout Value for httpclient
    P4 JDK-8287904 Reduce runtime of microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8297749 Remove duplicate space in the ProtocolException message being thrown from HttpURLConnection
    P4 JDK-8295994 Remove left over InetAddressContainer class
    P4 JDK-8297976 Remove and related classes
    P4 JDK-8289617 Remove test/jdk/java/net/ServerSocket/
    P4 JDK-8293064 Remove unused NET_xxx functions
    P4 JDK-8272702 Resolving URI relative path with no / may lead to incorrect toString
    P4 JDK-8290083 ResponseBodyBeforeError: AssertionError or SSLException: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
    P4 JDK-8287593 ShortResponseBody could be made more resilient to rogue connections
    P4 JDK-8292586 simplify cleanups in NTLMAuthSequence getCredentialsHandle
    P4 JDK-8291956 Simplify the loop condition in constructor
    P4 JDK-8223783 sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ sometimes detect threads+1 connections
    P4 JDK-8225235 Unused field defaultIndex in NetworkInterface
    P4 JDK-8276561 URL$DefaultFactory::PREFIX should be static final
    P4 JDK-8282395 URL.openConnection can throw IOOBE
    P4 JDK-8170305 URLConnection doesn't handle HTTP/1.1 1xx (informational) messages
    P4 JDK-8299499 Usage of constructors of primitive wrapper classes should be avoided in API docs
    P5 JDK-8297134 Add a @sealedGraph tag to InetAddress
    P5 JDK-8288330 Avoid redundant ConcurrentHashMap.get call in Http2ClientImpl.deleteConnection
    P5 JDK-8288468 Avoid redundant HashMap.get call in NegotiateAuthentication.firstToken
    P5 JDK-8289385 Cleanup redundant synchronization in Http2ClientImpl
    P5 JDK-8294626 Improve URL protocol lower casing
    P5 JDK-8285521 Minor improvements in
    P5 JDK-8290861 Remove unused field URLJarFile.BUF_SIZE


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8289984 Files:isDirectory and isRegularFile methods not throwing SecurityException
    P2 JDK-8293456 runtime/os/ sub-tests fail with "AssertionError: No memory range found for address: NNNN"
    P3 JDK-7093322 (fs spec) Files.newBufferedWriter should be clear when coding errors are detected
    P3 JDK-8298726 (fs) Change PollingWatchService to record last modified time as FileTime rather than milliseconds
    P3 JDK-8057113 (fs) Path should have a method to obtain the filename extension
    P3 JDK-8289689 (fs) Re-examine the need for normalization to Unicode Normalization Format D (macOS)
    P4 JDK-8295025 (bf) ByteBuffer "Access to binary data" section suggests putFloat is void
    P4 JDK-8294717 (bf) DirectByteBuffer constructor will leak if allocating Deallocator or Cleaner fails with OOME
    P4 JDK-8294399 (ch) Refactor some methods out of
    P4 JDK-7132279 (ch) SeekableByteChannel operation may throw Non{Readable,Writable}ChannelException
    P4 JDK-8295456 (ch) gives misleading/incorrect error
    P4 JDK-8295798 (ch) Test java/nio/channels/Channels/ is very slow on Windows
    P4 JDK-8288515 (ch) Unnecessary use of Math.addExact() in java.nio.channels.FileLock.overlaps()
    P4 JDK-6924219 (fc spec) FileChannel.write(ByteBuffer, position) behavior when file opened for append not specified
    P4 JDK-8288080 (fc) FileChannel::map for MemorySegments should state it always throws UOE
    P4 JDK-8293502 (fc) FileChannel::transfer methods fail to copy /proc files on Linux
    P4 JDK-8288687 (fc) Unix version ofFileChannelImpl.transferTo0() should should return IOS_UNSUPPORTED if not Linux, macOS, nor AIX
    P4 JDK-8292562 (fc) Use copy_file_range in FileChannel::transferTo on Linux
    P4 JDK-8151430 (fs) BasicFileAttributeView.setTimes should support setting file create time on OS X
    P4 JDK-8293004 (fs) FileChannel.transferXXX use of copy_file_range needs fallback handling for ENOSYS
    P4 JDK-6980847 (fs) Files.copy needs to be "tuned"
    P4 JDK-8286160 (fs) Files.exists returns unexpected results with C:\pagefile.sys because it's not readable
    P4 JDK-8290047 (fs) FileSystem.getPathMatcher does not check for ":" at last index
    P4 JDK-8294519 (fs) java/nio/file/Files/ fails intermittenly due to unstable /proc/cpuinfo output
    P4 JDK-8289584 (fs) Print size values in java/nio/file/FileStore/ when they differ by > 1GiB
    P4 JDK-8293121 (fs) Refactor UnixFileSystem copying into generic Unix, Linux, and BSD implementations
    P4 JDK-8298057 (fs) Remove PollingWatchService.POLLING_INIT_DELAY
    P4 JDK-8298303 (fs) temporarily remove Path.getExtension
    P4 JDK-8289095 (fs) UnixCopyFile build error on linux-x86
    P4 JDK-8295753 (fs) UnixPath::toRealPath does not return correct case when links not followed
    P4 JDK-8289073 (fs) UnsatisfiedLinkError for sun.nio.fs.UnixCopyFile.bufferedCopy0()
    P4 JDK-8264744 (fs) Use file cloning in Linux version of Files::copy method
    P4 JDK-8293122 (fs) Use file cloning in macOS version of Files::copy method
    P4 JDK-8290002 (se) AssertionError in SelectorImpl.implCloseSelector
    P4 JDK-8287580 (se) CancelledKeyException during channel registration
    P4 JDK-8283335 Add exists and readAttributesIfExists methods to FileSystemProvider
    P4 JDK-8292566 Add reference to the java.nio.file package in java.nio package documentation
    P4 JDK-8294193 Files.createDirectories throws FileAlreadyExistsException for a symbolic link whose target is an existing directory
    P4 JDK-8293696 java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ fails with "Unexpected wakeup"
    P4 JDK-8294437 java/nio/channels/FileChannel tests slow on Windows
    P4 JDK-8249693 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ uses @ignore w/o bug id
    P4 JDK-8296797 java/nio/channels/vthread/BlockingChannelOps.testSocketChannelWriteAsyncClose failed with ClosedChannelException
    P4 JDK-8290149 java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ fails on Windows Server 2019/2022
    P4 JDK-8287905 Reduce runtime of java.nio microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8293331 Refactor FileDispatcherImpl into operating system-specific components
    P4 JDK-8294375 test/jdk/java/nio/channels/vthread/ is slow
    P4 JDK-8290197 test/jdk/java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ fails on some systems for the ".rar" extension
    P4 JDK-8294068 Unconditional and eager load of nio library since JDK-8264744
    P5 JDK-8292140 (fs) Needless instanceof check in RegistryFileTypeDetector
    P5 JDK-8292279 (fs) Use try-with-resources to release NativeBuffer
    P5 JDK-8289431 (zipfs) Avoid redundant HashMap.get in ZipFileSystemProvider.removeFileSystem
    P5 JDK-8297194 Add a @sealedGraph tag to Buffer
    P5 JDK-8285519 Change usages of TimeUnit.convert to TimeUnit.toXXX
    P5 JDK-8291061 Improve thread safety of FileTime.toString and toInstant


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8290488 IBM864 character encoding implementation bug
    P4 JDK-8292043 Incorrect decoding near EOF for stateful decoders like UTF-16
    P5 JDK-8289706 (cs) Avoid redundant TreeMap.containsKey call in AbstractCharsetProvider


    Priority Bug Summary
    P5 JDK-8289484 Cleanup unnecessary null comparison before instanceof check in java.rmi


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8294989 ResourceBundle naming convention issue in


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8294008 Grapheme implementation of setText() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
    P3 JDK-8299439 java/text/Format/NumberFormat/ fails for hr_HR
    P3 JDK-8295564 Norwegian Nynorsk Locale is missing formatting
    P4 JDK-8295372 CompactNumberFormat handling of number one with decimal part
    P4 JDK-8291660 Grapheme support in BreakIterator
    P4 JDK-8288667 Reduce runtime of java.text microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8272687 Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder in RuleBasedCollator
    P4 JDK-8294397 Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder within java.text
    P4 JDK-8299500 Usage of constructors of primitive wrapper classes should be avoided in java.text API docs
    P5 JDK-8170389 java.text.DigitList.getDouble() : Controversy between javadoc and code
    P5 JDK-8293009 Remove unused field 'millisPerHour' in DateFormatSymbols
    P5 JDK-8293008 Replace uses of StringBuffer with StringBuilder in MergeCollation


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8292579 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022c
    P3 JDK-8294357 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022d
    P3 JDK-8295173 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022e
    P3 JDK-8296108 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022f
    P3 JDK-8297804 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2022g
    P4 JDK-8291825 java/time/nontestng/java/time/zone/ fails if defaultLocale and defaultFormatLocale are different
    P4 JDK-8288673 Reduce runtime of java.time microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8293146 Strict DateTimeFormatter fails to report an invalid week 53
    P4 JDK-8293154 TemporalQueries java doc error
    P5 JDK-8297152 Add a @sealedGraph tag to ZoneId
    P5 JDK-8288723 Avoid redundant ConcurrentHashMap.get call in java.time
    P5 JDK-8294472 Remove redundant rawtypes suppression in AbstractChronology


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8295232 "java.locale.useOldISOCodes" property is read lazily
    P2 JDK-8288173 JDK-8202449 fix causes conformance test failure : api/java_util/Random/RandomGenerator/NextFloat.html
    P3 JDK-8299237 add ArraysSupport.newLength test to a test group
    P4 JDK-8293567 AbstractSplittableWithBrineGenerator: salt has digits that duplicate the marker
    P4 JDK-8297288 Example code in Scanner class
    P4 JDK-8295000 java/util/Formatter/Basic test cleanup
    P4 JDK-8290391 Reduce runtime of java.util package microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8295239 Refactor java/util/Formatter/Basic script into a Java native test launcher
    P4 JDK-8295670 Remove duplication in java/util/Formatter/Basic*.java
    P4 JDK-8294509 The sign extension bug applies to 'public static int[] convertSeedBytesToInts(byte[] seed, int n, int z)' in RandomSupport
    P5 JDK-8295168 Remove superfluous period in @throws tag description


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8290264 java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ fails with "exit code: 0"
    P3 JDK-8292969 Bad Thread Utilization in ForkJoinPool
    P3 JDK-8297495 j.u.concurrent updates for JDK 20
    P4 JDK-8294278 ForkJoinPool.getAndAddPoolIds should use Unsafe.staticFieldBase
    P4 JDK-8296405 java/util/concurrent/forkjoin/ is too slow
    P4 JDK-8288732 Reduce runtime of java.util.concurrent microbenchmarks


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8292327 in InflaterInputStream after JDK-8281962
    P3 JDK-8278165 Clarify that ZipInputStream does not access the CEN fields for a ZipEntry
    P4 JDK-8282036 Change java/util/zip/ZipFile/ to stop HttpServer cleanly in case of exceptions
    P4 JDK-8297301 Cleanup unused methods in JavaUtilJarAccess
    P4 JDK-8292427 Improve specification of InflaterInputStream.fill()
    P4 JDK-8297129 Inflater documentation refers to 'deflate' methods
    P4 JDK-8295530 Update Zlib Data Compression Library to Version 1.2.13
    P4 JDK-8282648 Weaken the InflaterInputStream specification in order to allow faster Zip implementations
    P5 JDK-8287696 Avoid redundant Hashtable.containsKey call in JarVerifier.doneWithMeta
    P5 JDK-8215788 Clarify JarInputStream Manifest access


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8293819 sun/util/logging/ failed with "RuntimeException: Retrieved backing PlatformLogger level null is not the expected CONFIG"


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8296292 Document the default behavior of '$' in regular expressions correctly
    P4 JDK-8065554 MatchResult should provide values of named-capturing groups


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8284640 CollectorImpl class could be a record class
    P4 JDK-8294705 Disable an assertion in test/jdk/java/util/DoubleStreamSums/
    P4 JDK-8292215 java/util/stream/boottest/java.base/java/util/stream/ times out with slowdebug


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8178355 IdentityHashMap uses identity-based comparison for values everywhere except remove(K,V) and replace(K,V,V)
    P4 JDK-8285405 add test and check for negative argument to HashMap::newHashMap et al
    P4 JDK-8249834 java/util/ArrayList/ and j/u/Vector/ use @ignore w/o bug-id
    P4 JDK-8292317 Missing null check for Iterator.forEachRemaining implementations
    P4 JDK-8299501 Usage of constructors of primitive wrapper classes should be avoided in java.util API docs


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8296715 CLDR v42 update for tzdata 2022f
    P3 JDK-8292899 testcase failed on AIX platform
    P3 JDK-8288979 Improve CLDRConverter run time
    P3 JDK-8294307 ISO 4217 Amendment 173 Update
    P3 JDK-8296239 ISO 4217 Amendment 174 Update
    P3 JDK-8284840 Update CLDR to Version 42.0
    P4 JDK-8288378 [BACKOUT] DST not applying properly with zone id offset set with TZ env variable
    P4 JDK-8288377 [REDO] DST not applying properly with zone id offset set with TZ env variable
    P4 JDK-8028265 Add legacy tz tests to OpenJDK
    P4 JDK-8285838 DST not applying properly with zone id offset set with TZ env variable
    P4 JDK-8297685 Typo in NullPointerException description specified by Locale.lookup
    P4 JDK-8287180 Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2022-08-08
    P4 JDK-8284844 Update ICU4J to Version 72.1
    P5 JDK-6560981 (cal) unused local variables in GregorianCalendar, etc.
    P5 JDK-8296140 Drop unused field java.util.Calendar.DATE_MASK


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8289249 Add methods to Elements for record constructors
    P4 JDK-8293768 Add links to JLS 19 and 20 from SourceVersion enum constants
    P4 JDK-8286034 Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_20
    P4 JDK-8297305 Clarify that javax.lang.model.util.Elements.overrides is irreflexive
    P4 JDK-8296287 Improve documentation for Types.directSupertypes()
    P4 JDK-8298142 Update internal comment on language features in SourceVersion


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8290368 Introduce LDAP and RMI protocol-specific object factory filters to JNDI implementation
    P3 JDK-8290714 Make com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsClient virtual threads friendly
    P3 JDK-8290367 Update default value and extend the scope of com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustSerialData system property
    P4 JDK-8286394 Address possibly lossy conversions in jdk.naming.dns
    P4 JDK-8288207 Enhance MalformedURLException in Uri.parseCompat
    P4 JDK-8287672 jtreg test com/sun/jndi/ldap/ fails intermittently in nightly run
    P4 JDK-8288895 LdapContext doesn't honor set referrals limit
    P5 JDK-8295823 Use enhanced-for cycle instead of Enumeration in java.naming


    Priority Bug Summary
    P5 JDK-8294361 Cleanup usages of StringBuffer in SQLOutputImpl


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8293540 [Metrics] Incorrectly detected resource limits with additional cgroup fs mounts
    P3 JDK-8294740 Add cgroups keyword to


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8297170 misc JCK tests fail with "FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP Can't disable vthread end events, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)"
    P3 JDK-8291650 Add delay to ClassUnloadEventTest before exiting to give time for JVM to send all events before VMDeath
    P3 JDK-8296445 C++ syntax error in jdwpTransport.h
    P3 JDK-8256811 Delayed/missed jdwp class unloading events
    P3 JDK-8289400 Improve com/sun/jdi/TestScaffold error reporting
    P3 JDK-8295376 Improve debug agent virtual thread performance when no debugger is attached
    P3 JDK-8295816 jdwp jck tests failing with "FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP SetTag, jvmtiError=JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)"
    P3 JDK-8292302 Windows GetLastError value overwritten by ThreadLocalStorage::thread
    P4 JDK-8293333 Broken links in JDI specification
    P4 JDK-8289608 Change com/sun/jdi tests to not use Thread.suspend/resume
    P4 JDK-8295810 cleanup debug agent removeThread() api
    P4 JDK-8295303 cleanup debug agent's confusing use of EI_GC_FINISH
    P4 JDK-8280798 com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference::setValue spec should prohibit any final field modification
    P4 JDK-8286844 com/sun/jdi/ failed with 1 threads completed while VM suspended
    P4 JDK-8296913 Correct enable preview idiom in
    P4 JDK-8292250 Create test for co-located JDI MethodEntry, Step, and Breakpoint events
    P4 JDK-8295375 debug agent class tracking should not piggy back on the cbClassPrepare() callback
    P4 JDK-8295861 get rid of list argument in debug agent's removeNode() API
    P4 JDK-8292880 Improve debuggee logging for com/sun/jdi/
    P4 JDK-8296786 Limit VM modes for com/sun/jdi/
    P4 JDK-8295815 misc JDI tests failed with "JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)"
    P4 JDK-8296089 Remove debug agent code for special handling of Thread.resume()
    P4 JDK-8290497 some tests in com/sun/jdi fail on localized Windows platform
    P4 JDK-8294881 test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/dispose/dispose003/ fails
    P4 JDK-8294672 Typo in description of JDWP VirtualMachine/AllThreads command
    P4 JDK-8244976 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/Event/request/ doesn' initialize eName
    P4 JDK-8296709 WARNING: JNI call made without checking exceptions
    P4 JDK-8293143 Workaround for JDK-8292217 when doing "step over" of bytecode with unresolved cp reference
    P5 JDK-8283224 Remove THREAD_NOT_ALIVE from possible JDWP error codes


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8292778 EncodingSupport_md.c convertUtf8ToPlatformString wrong placing of free
    P4 JDK-8295424 adjust timeout for another JLI subtest
    P4 JDK-8292261 adjust timeouts in JLI
    P4 JDK-8289561 java/lang/instrument/ fails with "ERROR: Injection failure: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Records requires ASM8"


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8298173 GarbageCollectionNotificationContentTest test failed: no decrease in Eden usage
    P2 JDK-8299891 JMX ObjectInputFilter additional classes needed
    P3 JDK-8292541 [Metrics] Reported memory limit may exceed physical machine memory
    P3 JDK-8283093 JMX connections should default to using an ObjectInputFilter
    P3 JDK-8198668 MemoryPoolMBean/isUsageThresholdExceeded/isexceeded001/ still failing
    P3 JDK-8297192 Warning generating API docs for overridden methods do not document exception type
    P4 JDK-8292262 adjust timeouts in several M&M tests
    P4 JDK-8288599 com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/ Expected total swap size ... but getTotalSwapSpaceSize returned ...
    P4 JDK-8292066 Convert and to java version
    P4 JDK-8290909 MemoryPoolMBean/isUsageThresholdExceeded tests failed with "isUsageThresholdExceeded() returned false, and is still false, while threshold = MMMMMMM and used peak = NNNNNNN"
    P4 JDK-8297173 usageTicks and totalTicks should be volatile to ensure that different threads get the latest ticks
    P5 JDK-8297742 Combine vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/ThreadMXBean/resetPeakThreadCount tests
    P5 JDK-8293432 Use diamond operator in


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8297794 Deprecate JMX Management Applets for Removal
    P3 JDK-8293657 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ failed with "SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake"
    P3 JDK-8293335 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ with "Agent communication error:"
    P4 JDK-8290181 convert com/sun/management/UnixOperatingSystemMXBean/ to java version
    P4 JDK-8290180 Convert com/sun/management/UnixOperatingSystemMXBean/ to jtreg java version
    P4 JDK-8292064 Convert java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean shell tests to java version
    P4 JDK-8293449 Convert test/closed/javax/management/ shell tests to Java version
    P4 JDK-8292067 Convert test/sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap shell tests to java version
    P4 JDK-8296718 Refactor bootstrap Test Common Functionalities to test/lib/Utils
    P4 JDK-8030616 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiBootstrapTest fails intermittently with cannot find a free port
    P4 JDK-8293343 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ failed with "Agent communication error:"
    P5 JDK-8287924 Avoid redundant HashMap.containsKey call in EnvHelp.mapToHashtable
    P5 JDK-8296953 Fix a typo in exception documentation


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8295320 [BACKOUT] 8276687 Remove support for JDK 1.4.1 PerfData shared memory files
    P4 JDK-8288724 Prevent NullPointerException in serviceability/tmtools/jstack/ if jstack process fails
    P4 JDK-8295253 Remove kludge from v1_0/
    P4 JDK-8276687 Remove support for JDK 1.4.1 PerfData shared memory files
    P4 JDK-8293218 serviceability/tmtools/jstat/ fails with "Error in the percent calculation"
    P4 JDK-8293564 serviceability/tmtools/jstat/ fails with "Error in the percent calculation"
    P4 JDK-8291081 Some sun/tools/jstatd/TestJstatd* tests fail with "Not a percentage\: 68.31\: expected true, was false"
    P4 JDK-8290846 sun/tools/jstatd/JstatdTest* tests should use VM options


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8298592 Add java man page documentation for ChaCha20 and Poly1305 intrinsics
    P4 JDK-8288740 Change incorrect documentation for sjavac flag
    P4 JDK-8295663 Rephrase introduction to
    P5 JDK-8293224 Add link to from doc/testing
    P5 JDK-8293202 Document how to edit doc/testing, doc/building


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8293957 Document new system properties stdout.encoding and stderr.encoding in Internationalization Guide
    P4 JDK-8293955 Document the option XX:+AutoCreateSharedArchive
    P4 JDK-8301640 Java Discovery Protocol docs refer to incorrect property
    P4 JDK-8297228 Out-of-date docs for jdk.tls.ephemeralKeySize property
    P4 JDK-8293956 Update description of SSLParameters Class in the JSSE Reference Guide
    P4 JDK-8280127 Update gss-api-vs-jsse document with TLSv1.3 info


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8299126 Document assigning of JMX's third port


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8287868 Localized names update in COMPAT locale provider


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8301206 Fix issue with LocaleData after JDK-8300719
    P2 JDK-8300719 JDK 20 RDP2 L10n resource files update
    P3 JDK-8298133 JDK 20 RDP1 L10n resource files update - msgdrop 10


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8289856 [PPC64] SIGSEGV in C2Compiler::init_c2_runtime() after JDK-8289060
    P1 JDK-8298055 AArch64: fastdebug build fails after JDK-8247645
    P1 JDK-8295709 Linux AArch64 builds broken after JDK-8294438
    P1 JDK-8295668 validate-source failure after JDK-8290011
    P1 JDK-8290826 validate-source failures after JDK-8290016
    P2 JDK-8297606 [AIX] Broken build after JDK-8295475
    P2 JDK-8292769 [JVMCI] OutOfMemoryError thrown when attaching the libgraal isolate causes HotSpot to crash.
    P2 JDK-8290082 [PPC64] ZGC C2 load barrier stub needs to preserve vector registers
    P2 JDK-8290780 AArch64: Crash in c2 nmethod running
    P2 JDK-8292158 AES-CTR cipher state corruption with AVX-512
    P2 JDK-8291003 ARM32: constant_table.size assertion
    P2 JDK-8293497 Build failure due to MaxVectorSize was not declared when C2 is disabled after JDK-8293254
    P2 JDK-8293044 C1: Missing access check on non-accessible class
    P2 JDK-8295788 C2 compilation hits "assert((mode == ControlAroundStripMined && use == sfpt) || !use->is_reachable_from_root()) failed: missed a node"
    P2 JDK-8290529 C2: assert(BoolTest(btest).is_canonical()) failure
    P2 JDK-8298301 C2: assert(main_cmp->in(2)->Opcode() == Op_Opaque1) failed: main loop has no opaque node?
    P2 JDK-8294816 C2: Math.min/max vectorization miscompilation
    P2 JDK-8296821 compiler/jvmci/ fails after JDK-8262901
    P2 JDK-8290730 compiler/vectorization/ failed with "IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures."
    P2 JDK-8295351 java/lang/Float/ fails with "Unexpected result of converting"
    P2 JDK-8295662 jdk/incubator/vector tests fail "assert(VM_Version::supports_avx512vlbw()) failed"
    P2 JDK-8295844 jdk/test/whitebox/ failed with "not all features are known: expected true, was false"
    P2 JDK-8293403 JfrResolution::on_jvmci_resolution crashes when caller is null
    P2 JDK-8294538 missing is_unloading() check in SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite()
    P2 JDK-8291649 multiple tests failing with -Xcomp after JDK-8290034
    P2 JDK-8289421 No-PCH build for Minimal VM was broken by JDK-8287001
    P2 JDK-8297201 Obsolete AliasLevel flag
    P2 JDK-8297556 Parse::check_interpreter_type fails with assert "must constrain OSR typestate"
    P2 JDK-8297417 Poly1305IntrinsicFuzzTest fails with tag mismatch exception
    P2 JDK-8295926 RISC-V: C1: Fix LIRGenerator::do_LibmIntrinsic
    P2 JDK-8294087 RISC-V: RVC: Fix a potential alignment issue and add more alignment assertions for the patchable calls/nops
    P2 JDK-8288302 Shenandoah: SIGSEGV in vm maybe related to jit compiling xerces
    P2 JDK-8297382 Test fails to compile after JDK-8288047
    P2 JDK-8293618 x86: Wrong code generation in class Assembler
    P3 JDK-8297934 [BACKOUT] Compiler should only use verified interface types for optimization
    P3 JDK-8291597 [BACKOUT] JDK-8289996: Fix array range check hoisting for some scaled loop iv
    P3 JDK-8289687 [JVMCI] bug in HotSpotResolvedJavaMethodImpl.equals
    P3 JDK-8295225 [JVMCI] codeStart should be cleared when entryPoint is cleared
    P3 JDK-8297431 [JVMCI] HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.encodeThrowable should not throw an exception
    P3 JDK-8293999 [JVMCI] need support for aligned constants in generated code larger than 8 bytes
    P3 JDK-8290065 [JVMCI] only check HotSpotCompiledCode stream is empty if installation succeeds
    P3 JDK-8288121 [JVMCI] Re-export the TerminatingThreadLocal functionality to the graal compiler.
    P3 JDK-8290234 [JVMCI] use JVMCIKlassHandle to protect raw Klass* values from concurrent G1 scanning
    P3 JDK-8294578 [PPC64] C2: Missing is_oop information when using disjoint compressed oops mode
    P3 JDK-8295069 [PPC64] Performance regression after JDK-8290025
    P3 JDK-8292301 [REDO v2] C2 crash when allocating array of size too large
    P3 JDK-8295762 [Vector API] Update generate_iota_indices for x86_32 after JDK-8293409
    P3 JDK-8299733 AArch64: "unexpected literal addressing mode" assertion failure with -XX:+PrintC1Statistics
    P3 JDK-8291654 AArch64: assert from JDK-8287393 causes crashes
    P3 JDK-8292203 AArch64: Represent Registers as values
    P3 JDK-8295698 AArch64: test/jdk/sun/security/ec/ed/ failed with -XX:+UseSHA3Intrinsics
    P3 JDK-8291781 assert(!is_visited) failed: visit only once with -XX:+SuperWordRTDepCheck
    P3 JDK-8290711 assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize
    P3 JDK-8291599 Assertion in PhaseIdealLoop::skeleton_predicate_has_opaque after JDK-8289127
    P3 JDK-8292919 Build failure due to UseJVMCICompiler was not declared when C2 is disabled after JDK-8292691
    P3 JDK-8288781 C1: LIR_OpVisitState::maxNumberOfOperands too small
    P3 JDK-8290964 C2 compilation fails with assert "non-reduction loop contains reduction nodes"
    P3 JDK-8290432 C2 compilation fails with assert(node->_last_del == _last) failed: must have deleted the edge just produced
    P3 JDK-8295407 C2 crash: Error: ShouldNotReachHere() in multiple vector tests with -XX:-MonomorphicArrayCheck -XX:-UncommonNullCast
    P3 JDK-8298353 C2 fails with assert(opaq->outcnt() == 1 && opaq->in(1) == limit) failed
    P3 JDK-8269820 C2 PhaseIdealLoop::do_unroll get wrong opaque node
    P3 JDK-8242115 C2 SATB barriers are not safepoint-safe
    P3 JDK-8288883 C2: assert(allow_address || t != T_ADDRESS) failed after JDK-8283091
    P3 JDK-8295116 C2: assert(dead->outcnt() == 0 && !dead->is_top()) failed: node must be dead
    P3 JDK-8291466 C2: assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::transform_old with -XX:+StressIGVN
    P3 JDK-8298520 C2: assert(found_opaque == res) failed: wrong pattern
    P3 JDK-8292088 C2: assert(is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) failed: invalid node class: IfTrue
    P3 JDK-8296924 C2: assert(is_valid_AArch64_address( failed: bad address
    P3 JDK-8291775 C2: assert(r != __null && r->is_Region()) failed: this phi must have a region
    P3 JDK-8292660 C2: blocks made unreachable by NeverBranch-to-Goto conversion are removed incorrectly
    P3 JDK-8297264 C2: Cast node is not processed again in CCP and keeps a wrong too narrow type which is later replaced by top
    P3 JDK-8297951 C2: Create skeleton predicates for all If nodes in loop predication
    P3 JDK-8290850 C2: create_new_if_for_predicate() does not clone pinned phi input nodes resulting in a broken graph
    P3 JDK-8296912 C2: CreateExNode::Identity fails with assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
    P3 JDK-8294609 C2: Improve inlining of methods with unloaded signature classes
    P3 JDK-8276064 CheckCastPP with raw oop input floats below a safepoint
    P3 JDK-8293816 CI: ciBytecodeStream::get_klass() is not consistent
    P3 JDK-8294460 CodeSection::alignment checks for CodeBuffer::SECT_STUBS incorrectly
    P3 JDK-6312651 Compiler should only use verified interface types for optimization
    P3 JDK-8296030 compiler/c2/irTests/ fails with release VMs after JDK-8291781
    P3 JDK-8294110 compiler/uncommontrap/ fails after JDK-8293798
    P3 JDK-8290511 compiler/vectorapi/ fails IR verification
    P3 JDK-8297968 Crash in PrintOptoAssembly
    P3 JDK-8294839 Disable StressLongCountedLoop in compiler/loopopts/
    P3 JDK-8293978 Duplicate simple loop back-edge will crash the vm
    P3 JDK-8297689 Fix incorrect result of Short.reverseBytes() call in loops
    P3 JDK-8297172 Fix some issues of auto-vectorization of `Long.bitCount/numberOfTrailingZeros/numberOfLeadingZeros()`
    P3 JDK-8293798 Fix test bugs due to incompatibility with -XX:+AlwaysIncrementalInline
    P3 JDK-8295066 Folding of loads is broken in C2 after JDK-8242115
    P3 JDK-8288204 GVN Crash: assert() failed: correct memory chain
    P3 JDK-8289503 IdealGraphVisualizer improvements for JDK 20
    P3 JDK-8294567 IGV: IllegalStateException in search
    P3 JDK-8290451 Incorrect result when switching to C2 OSR compilation from C1
    P3 JDK-8299528 IR test: fails on aarch64
    P3 JDK-8299715 IR test: fails with SVE randomly
    P3 JDK-8292780 misc tests failed "assert(false) failed: graph should be schedulable"
    P3 JDK-8297445 PPC64: Represent Registers as values
    P3 JDK-8294540 Remove Opaque2Node: it is broken and triggers assert
    P3 JDK-8298176 remove OpaqueZeroTripGuardPostLoop once main-loop disappears
    P3 JDK-8298893 Rename option UsePolyIntrinsics to UsePoly1305Intrinsics
    P3 JDK-8296448 RISC-V: Fix temp usages of heapbase register killed by MacroAssembler::en/decode_klass_not_null
    P3 JDK-8296638 RISC-V: NegVI node emits wrong code when vector element basic type is T_BYTE/T_SHORT
    P3 JDK-8292575 riscv: Represent Registers as values
    P3 JDK-8290781 Segfault at PhaseIdealLoop::clone_loop_handle_data_uses
    P3 JDK-8285835 SIGSEGV in PhaseIdealLoop::build_loop_late_post_work
    P3 JDK-8290705 StringConcat::validate_mem_flow asserts with "unexpected user: StoreI"
    P3 JDK-8290246 test fails "assert(init != __null) failed: initialization not found"
    P3 JDK-8297343 TestStress*.java fail with "got different traces for the same seed"
    P3 JDK-8295867 fails with exit code -1073741571 when using AlwaysIncrementalInline
    P3 JDK-8286314 Trampoline not created for far runtime targets outside small CodeCache
    P3 JDK-8294902 Undefined Behavior in C2 regalloc with null references
    P3 JDK-8296136 Use correct register in aarch64_enc_fast_unlock()
    P3 JDK-8291798 VMRegImpl::print_on is broken after JDK-8289060
    P3 JDK-8290910 Wrong memory state is picked in SuperWord::co_locate_pack()
    P3 JDK-8292628 x86: Improve handling of constants in trigonometric stubs
    P3 JDK-8292878 x86: Make scratch register usage explicit in assembler code
    P3 JDK-8292153 x86: Represent Registers as values
    P3 JDK-8289049 x86_32 build fails with GCC 11 due to newString646_US warning
    P3 JDK-8293188 x86_64: Introduce stubGenerator_x86_64.hpp
    P3 JDK-8294033 x86_64: libm stubs are missing
    P3 JDK-8293065 Zero build failure on AArch64 and RISCV64 after JDK-8293007
    P3 JDK-8292602 ZGC: C2 late barrier analysis uses invalid dominator information
    P4 JDK-8296349 [aarch64] Avoid slicing Address::extend
    P4 JDK-8295414 [Aarch64] C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
    P4 JDK-8296163 [aarch64] Cleanup Pre/Post addressing mode classes
    P4 JDK-8296161 [aarch64] Remove unused "pcrel" addressing mode tag
    P4 JDK-8296162 [aarch64] Remove unused Address::_is_lval
    P4 JDK-8293319 [C2 cleanup] Remove unused other_path arg in Parse::adjust_map_after_if
    P4 JDK-8289801 [IR Framework] Add flags to whitelist which can be used to simulate a specific machine setup like UseAVX
    P4 JDK-8294236 [IR Framework] CPU preconditions are overriden by regular preconditions
    P4 JDK-8296243 [IR Framework] Fix issues with IRNode.ALLOC* regexes
    P4 JDK-8292190 [IR Framework] Remove redundant regex matching for failing counts constraints
    P4 JDK-8280378 [IR Framework] Support IR matching for different compile phases
    P4 JDK-8296961 [JVMCI] Access to j.l.r.Method/Constructor/Field for ResolvedJavaMethod/ResolvedJavaField
    P4 JDK-8296958 [JVMCI] add API for retrieving ConstantValue attributes
    P4 JDK-8295776 [JVMCI] Add x86 CPU flags for MPK and CET
    P4 JDK-8293019 [JVMCI] change ratio of libgraal to C1 threads and use one isolate per libgraal thread
    P4 JDK-8293942 [JVMCI] data section entries must be 4-byte aligned on AArch64
    P4 JDK-8298099 [JVMCI] decouple libgraal from JVMCI module at runtime
    P4 JDK-8292917 [JVMCI] Extend InstalledCode API to make an nmethod non entrant.
    P4 JDK-8296956 [JVMCI] HotSpotResolvedJavaFieldImpl.getIndex returns wrong value
    P4 JDK-8294676 [JVMCI] InstalledCode.deoptimize(false) should not touch address field
    P4 JDK-8296960 [JVMCI] list HotSpotConstantPool.loadReferencedType to ConstantPool
    P4 JDK-8290075 [JVMCI] only blessed methods can link against EventWriterFactory.getEventWriter
    P4 JDK-8290154 [JVMCI] partially implement JVMCI for RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8296967 [JVMCI] rationalize relationship between getCodeSize and getCode in ResolvedJavaMethod
    P4 JDK-8293989 [JVMCI] re-use cleared oop handles
    P4 JDK-8289094 [JVMCI] reduce JNI overhead and other VM rounds trips in JVMCI
    P4 JDK-8262901 [macos_aarch64] NativeCallTest expected:<-3.8194101E18> but was:<3.02668882E10>
    P4 JDK-8291669 [REDO] Fix array range check hoisting for some scaled loop iv
    P4 JDK-8288294 [vector] Add Identity/Ideal transformations for vector logic operations
    P4 JDK-8290485 [vector] REVERSE_BYTES for byte type should not emit any instructions
    P4 JDK-8293409 [vectorapi] Intrinsify VectorSupport.indexVector
    P4 JDK-8291118 [vectorapi] Optimize the implementation of lanewise FIRST_NONZERO
    P4 JDK-8292898 [vectorapi] Unify vector mask cast operation
    P4 JDK-8291600 [vectorapi] vector cast op check is not always needed for vector mask cast
    P4 JDK-8287984 AArch64: [vector] Make all bits set vector sharable for match rules
    P4 JDK-8287028 AArch64: [vectorapi] Backend implementation of VectorMask.fromLong with SVE2
    P4 JDK-8295276 AArch64: Add backend support for half float conversion intrinsics
    P4 JDK-8289743 AArch64: Clean up patching logic
    P4 JDK-8288478 AArch64: Clean up whitespace in assembler_aarch64.hpp
    P4 JDK-8288992 AArch64: CMN should be handled the same way as CMP
    P4 JDK-8294262 AArch64: compiler/vectorapi/ test failed on SVE machine
    P4 JDK-8285487 AArch64: Do not generate unneeded trampolines for runtime calls
    P4 JDK-8296208 AArch64: Enable SHA512 intrinsic by default on supported hardware
    P4 JDK-8275275 AArch64: Fix performance regression after auto-vectorization on NEON
    P4 JDK-8287926 AArch64: intrinsics for divideUnsigned and remainderUnsigned methods in java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Long
    P4 JDK-8297830 aarch64: Make Address a discriminated union internally
    P4 JDK-8285790 AArch64: Merge C2 NEON and SVE matching rules
    P4 JDK-8287349 AArch64: Merge LDR instructions to improve C1 OSR performance
    P4 JDK-8287394 AArch64: Remove cbuf parameter from far_call/far_jump/trampoline_call
    P4 JDK-8291752 AArch64: Remove check_emit_size parameter from trampoline_call
    P4 JDK-8293856 AArch64: Remove clear_inst_mark from aarch64_enc_java_dynamic_call
    P4 JDK-8292187 aarch64: Remove duplicate header files
    P4 JDK-8284990 AArch64: Remove STXR_PREFETCH from CPU features
    P4 JDK-8288300 AArch64: Remove the assertion in fmovs/fmovd(FloatRegister, FloatRegister)
    P4 JDK-8287393 AArch64: Remove trampoline_call1
    P4 JDK-8280152 AArch64: Reuse runtime call trampolines
    P4 JDK-8292587 AArch64: Support SVE fabd instruction
    P4 JDK-8288012 AArch64: unnecessary macro expansion in stubGenerator_aarch64
    P4 JDK-8294261 AArch64: Use pReg instead of pRegGov when possible
    P4 JDK-8294186 AArch64: VectorMaskToLong failed on SVE2 machine with -XX:UseSVE=1
    P4 JDK-8288047 Accelerate Poly1305 on x86_64 using AVX512 instructions
    P4 JDK-8293785 Add a jtreg test for TraceOptoParse
    P4 JDK-8293488 Add EOR3 backend rule for aarch64 SHA3 extension
    P4 JDK-8291336 Add ideal rule to convert floating point multiply by 2 into addition
    P4 JDK-8292675 Add identity transformation for removing redundant AndV/OrV nodes
    P4 JDK-8297384 Add IR tests for existing idealizations of arithmetic nodes
    P4 JDK-8286941 Add mask IR for partial vector operations for ARM SVE
    P4 JDK-8293287 add ReplayReduce flag
    P4 JDK-8287835 Add support for additional float/double to integral conversion for x86
    P4 JDK-8287001 Add warning message when fail to load hsdis libraries
    P4 JDK-8290169 adlc: Improve child constraints for vector unary operations
    P4 JDK-8292584 assert(cb != __null) failed: must be with -XX:-Inline
    P4 JDK-8292385 assert(ctrl == kit.control()) failed: Control flow was added although the intrinsic bailed out
    P4 JDK-8294217 Assertion failure: parsing found no loops but there are some
    P4 JDK-8294588 Auto vectorize half precision floating point conversion APIs
    P4 JDK-8290034 Auto vectorize reverse bit operations.
    P4 JDK-8288107 Auto-vectorization for integer min/max
    P4 JDK-8283775 better dump: VM support for graph querying in debugger with BFS traversal and node filtering
    P4 JDK-8296969 C1: PrintC1Statistics is broken after JDK-8292878
    P4 JDK-8296545 C2 Blackholes should allow load optimizations
    P4 JDK-8289051 C2: Cleanup PhaseCCP::analyze()
    P4 JDK-8293996 C2: fix and simplify IdealLoopTree::do_remove_empty_loop
    P4 JDK-8286197 C2: Optimize MemorySegment shape in int loop
    P4 JDK-8287217 C2: PhaseCCP: remove not visited nodes, prevent type inconsistency
    P4 JDK-8291000 C2: Purge LoadPLocked and Store*Conditional nodes
    P4 JDK-8292285 C2: remove unreachable block after NeverBranch-to-Goto conversion
    P4 JDK-8292640 C2: Remove unused scratch register usages on x86
    P4 JDK-8293531 C2: some vectorapi tests fail assert "Not monotonic" with flag -XX:TypeProfileLevel=222
    P4 JDK-8288022 c2: Transform (CastLL (AddL into (AddL (CastLL when possible
    P4 JDK-8288180 C2: VectorPhase must ensure that SafePointNode memory input is a MergeMemNode
    P4 JDK-8293844 C2: Verify Location::{oop,normal} types in PhaseOutput::FillLocArray
    P4 JDK-8290090 Change CodeBlobType from unscoped enum to enum class
    P4 JDK-8288897 Clean up node dump code
    P4 JDK-8288094 cleanup old _MSC_VER handling
    P4 JDK-8289427 compiler/compilercontrol/jcmd/ failed with null setting
    P4 JDK-8295005 compiler/loopopts/ fails with release VMs after JDK-8294839
    P4 JDK-8292632 compiler/sharedstubs/ fails with "Error: VM option 'PrintRelocations' is develop and is available only in debug version of VM."
    P4 JDK-8288281 compiler/vectorapi/ failed with "IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures."
    P4 JDK-8288669 compiler/vectorapi/ still fails with "IRViolationException: There were one or multiple IR rule failures."
    P4 JDK-8289604 compiler/vectorapi/ failed on x86 AVX1 system
    P4 JDK-8289071 Compute allocation sizes of stubs and nmethods outside of lock protection
    P4 JDK-8296805 ctw build is broken
    P4 JDK-8297369 disable in slowdebug mode
    P4 JDK-8280472 Don't mix legacy logging with UL
    P4 JDK-8280481 Duplicated stubs to interpreter for static calls
    P4 JDK-8293833 Error mixing types with -XX:+UseCMoveUnconditionally -XX:+UseVectorCmov
    P4 JDK-8277060 EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO in TypeAryPtr::dump2 with -XX:+TracePhaseCCP
    P4 JDK-8287525 Extend IR annotation with new options to test specific target feature.
    P4 JDK-8289422 Fix and re-enable vector conditional move
    P4 JDK-8289996 Fix array range check hoisting for some scaled loop iv
    P4 JDK-8294468 Fix char-subscripts warnings in Hotspot
    P4 JDK-8293660 Fix frame::sender_for_compiled_frame frame size assert
    P4 JDK-8289512 Fix GCC 12 warnings for adlc output_c.cpp
    P4 JDK-8276545 Fix handling of trap count overflow in Parse::Parse()
    P4 JDK-8297763 Fix missing stub code expansion before align() in shared trampolines
    P4 JDK-8294467 Fix sequence-point warnings in Hotspot
    P4 JDK-8297953 Fix several C2 IR matching tests for RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8290943 Fix several IR test issues on SVE after JDK-8289801
    P4 JDK-8287801 Fix test-bugs related to stress flags
    P4 JDK-8265433 IGV: add graph tooltips with properties
    P4 JDK-8296235 IGV: Change shortcut to delete graph from ctrl+del to del
    P4 JDK-8294565 IGV: ClassCastException when clicking on an edge in the graph
    P4 JDK-8291823 IGV: Fix "Save selected groups"
    P4 JDK-8290016 IGV: Fix graph panning when mouse dragged outside of window
    P4 JDK-8290010 IGV: Fix UndoRedo Action
    P4 JDK-8290063 IGV: Give the graphs a unique number in the outline
    P4 JDK-8297047 IGV: graphContent not set when opening a new tab
    P4 JDK-8290069 IGV: Highlight both graphs of difference in outline
    P4 JDK-8294529 IGV: Highlight the current graphs in the Outline
    P4 JDK-8294564 IGV: IllegalArgumentException for "Difference to current graph"
    P4 JDK-8288750 IGV: Improve Shortcuts
    P4 JDK-8291805 IGV: Improve Zooming
    P4 JDK-8295934 IGV: keep node selection when changing view or graph
    P4 JDK-8297007 IGV: Link/Unlink node selection of open tabs
    P4 JDK-8291799 IGV: make "Selection mode" a toggle button
    P4 JDK-8263384 IGV: Outline should highlight the Graph that has focus
    P4 JDK-8291901 IGV: Preference menu disappears after JDK-8288750
    P4 JDK-8293364 IGV: Refactor Action in EditorTopComponent and fix minor bugs
    P4 JDK-8290011 IGV: Remove dead code and cleanup
    P4 JDK-8283612 IGV: remove Graal module
    P4 JDK-8292669 IGV: Search not useable when in Overflow Toolbar
    P4 JDK-8265441 IGV: select block nodes by clicking on it
    P4 JDK-8297032 IGV: shortcut to center selected nodes
    P4 JDK-8296665 IGV: Show dialog with stack trace for exceptions
    P4 JDK-8287094 IGV: show node input numbers in edge tooltips
    P4 JDK-8288480 IGV: toolbar action is not applied to the focused graph
    P4 JDK-8293480 IGV: Update Bytecode and ControlFlow Component immediately when opening a new graph
    P4 JDK-8293477 IGV: Upgrade to Netbeans Platform 15
    P4 JDK-8288421 IGV: warn user about all unreachable nodes
    P4 JDK-8294198 Implement isFinite intrinsic for RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8293695 Implement isInfinite intrinsic for RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8290248 Implement MaxINode::Ideal transformation
    P4 JDK-8255670 Improve C2's detection of modified nodes
    P4 JDK-8283699 Improve the peephole mechanism of hotspot
    P4 JDK-8293774 Improve TraceOptoParse to dump the bytecode name
    P4 JDK-8297476 Increase InlineSmallCode default from 1000 to 2500 for RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8292972 Initialize fields if CodeBlobIterator shortcuts without heaps
    P4 JDK-8290211 jdk/internal/vm/Continuation/ failed with "AssertionError: Failed to compile int Fuzz.com_int(int,int) in 5000ms"
    P4 JDK-8292561 Make "ReplayCompiles" a diagnostic product switch
    P4 JDK-8294245 Make Compile::print_inlining_stream stack allocated
    P4 JDK-8289552 Make intrinsic conversions between bit representations of half precision values and floats
    P4 JDK-8255746 Make PrintCompilation available on a per method level
    P4 JDK-8292691 Move CompilerConfig::is_xxx() inline functions out of compilerDefinitions.hpp
    P4 JDK-8290534 Move MacroAssembler::verified_entry to C2_MacroAssembler on x86
    P4 JDK-8281453 New optimization: convert ~x into -1-x when ~x is used in an arithmetic expression
    P4 JDK-8288477 nmethod header size reduction
    P4 JDK-8279913 obsolete ExtendedDTraceProbes
    P4 JDK-8290700 Optimize AArch64 nmethod entry barriers
    P4 JDK-8288043 Optimize FP to word/sub-word integral type conversion on X86 AVX2 platforms
    P4 JDK-8290322 Optimize Vector.rearrange over byte vectors for AVX512BW targets.
    P4 JDK-8290688 Optimize x86_64 nmethod entry barriers
    P4 JDK-8297642 PhaseIdealLoop::only_has_infinite_loops must detect all loops that never lead to termination
    P4 JDK-8296945 PublicMethodsTest is slow due to dependency verification with debug builds
    P4 JDK-8296170 Refactor stack-locking path in C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock()
    P4 JDK-8293294 Remove dead code in Parse::check_interpreter_type
    P4 JDK-8292777 Remove hashtable.hpp from dependencies.hpp
    P4 JDK-8290066 Remove KNL specific handling for new CPU target check in IR annotation
    P4 JDK-8291718 Remove mark_for_deoptimization from klass unloading
    P4 JDK-8290062 Remove nmethodLocker for nmethods on-stack
    P4 JDK-8291895 Remove PRAGMA_NONNULL_IGNORED from x86 and AArch64
    P4 JDK-8294014 Remove redundant UseCompiler conditions
    P4 JDK-8290025 Remove the Sweeper
    P4 JDK-8287373 remove unnecessary paddings in generated code
    P4 JDK-8293109 Remove unused methods in Compiler
    P4 JDK-8292347 Remove unused Type::is_ptr_to_boxing_obj
    P4 JDK-8297389 resexhausted003 fails with assert(!thread->owns_locks()) failed: must release all locks when leaving VM
    P4 JDK-8287794 Reverse*VNode::Identity problem
    P4 JDK-8297697 RISC-V: Add support for SATP mode detection
    P4 JDK-8297549 RISC-V: Add support for Vector API vector load const operation
    P4 JDK-8296771 RISC-V: C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file
    P4 JDK-8297238 RISC-V: C2: Use Matcher::vector_element_basic_type when checking for vector element type in predicate
    P4 JDK-8297715 RISC-V: C2: Use single-bit instructions from the Zbs extension
    P4 JDK-8293781 RISC-V: clarify types of calls
    P4 JDK-8293566 RISC-V: Clean up push and pop registers
    P4 JDK-8295396 RISC-V: Cleanup useless CompressibleRegions
    P4 JDK-8298075 RISC-V: Implement post-call NOPs
    P4 JDK-8297359 RISC-V: improve performance of floating Max Min intrinsics
    P4 JDK-8296447 RISC-V: Make the operands order of vrsub_vx/vrsub_vi consistent with RVV 1.0 spec
    P4 JDK-8295110 RISC-V: Mark out relocations as incompressible
    P4 JDK-8294100 RISC-V: Move rt_call and xxx_move from SharedRuntime to MacroAssembler
    P4 JDK-8294366 RISC-V: Partially mark out incompressible regions
    P4 JDK-8293840 RISC-V: Remove cbuf parameter from far_call/far_jump/trampoline_call
    P4 JDK-8293050 RISC-V: Remove redundant non-null assertions about macro-assembler
    P4 JDK-8295968 RISC-V: Rename some assembler intrinsic functions for RVV 1.0
    P4 JDK-8293770 RISC-V: Reuse runtime call trampolines
    P4 JDK-8292867 RISC-V: Simplify weak CAS return value handling
    P4 JDK-8296515 RISC-V: Small refactoring for MaxReductionV/MinReductionV/AddReductionV node implementation
    P4 JDK-8295967 RISC-V: Support negVI/negVL instructions for Vector API
    P4 JDK-8295261 RISC-V: Support ReductionV instructions for Vector API
    P4 JDK-8294187 RISC-V: Unify all relocations for the backend into AbstractAssembler::relocate()
    P4 JDK-8294492 RISC-V: Use li instead of patchable movptr at non-patchable callsites
    P4 JDK-8293011 riscv: Duplicated stubs to interpreter for static calls
    P4 JDK-8290496 riscv: Fix build warnings-as-errors with GCC 11
    P4 JDK-8289925 Shared code shouldn't reference the platform specific method frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp()
    P4 JDK-8290401 Support dump all phases and print nodes in ascending order of index
    P4 JDK-8295948 Support for Zicbop/prefetch instructions on RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8289186 Support predicated vector load/store operations over X86 AVX2 targets.
    P4 JDK-8283091 Support type conversion between different data sizes in SLP
    P4 JDK-8296285 test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/intrinsics/ fails after JDK-8280378
    P4 JDK-8289060 Undefined Behaviour in class VMReg
    P4 JDK-8289046 Undefined Behaviour in x86 class Assembler
    P4 JDK-8292713 Unsafe.allocateInstance should be intrinsified without UseUnalignedAccesses
    P4 JDK-8294947 Use 64bit atomics in patch_verified_entry on x86_64
    P4 JDK-8286104 use aggressive liveness for unstable_if traps
    P4 JDK-8293976 Use unsigned integers in Assembler/CodeBuffer::emit_int*
    P4 JDK-8290249 Vectorize signum on AArch64
    P4 JDK-8295724 VirtualMachineError: Out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic
    P4 JDK-8287647 VM debug support: find node by pattern in name or dump
    P4 JDK-8294514 Wrong initialization of nmethod::_consts_offset for native nmethods
    P4 JDK-8296168 x86: Add reasonable constraints between AVX and SSE
    P4 JDK-8291048 x86: compiler/c2/irTests/ fails with lower SSE
    P4 JDK-8293937 x86: Drop LP64 conditions from clearly x86_32 code
    P4 JDK-8293329 x86: Improve handling of constants in AES/GHASH stubs
    P4 JDK-8292638 x86: Improve scratch register handling in VM stubs
    P4 JDK-8294865 x86: Improve the code generation of MulVB and MulVL
    P4 JDK-8283232 x86: Improve vector broadcast operations
    P4 JDK-8290917 x86: Memory-operand arithmetic instructions have too low costs
    P4 JDK-8297660 x86: Redundant test+jump in C1 allocateArray
    P4 JDK-8292564 x86: Remove redundant casts in Assembler usages
    P4 JDK-8292694 x86_64 c2i/i2c adapters may use more stack space than necessary
    P4 JDK-8283726 x86_64 intrinsics for compareUnsigned method in Integer and Long
    P4 JDK-8293245 x86_64: Extract Adler32 stub implementation into stubGenerator_x86_64_adler.cpp
    P4 JDK-8293254 x86_64: Extract arraycopy stub implementations into a separate file
    P4 JDK-8289434 x86_64: Improve comment on gen_continuation_enter()
    P4 JDK-8293230 x86_64: Move AES and GHASH stub definitions into separate source files
    P4 JDK-8293036 x86_64: Move Continuation-related stub methods to MacroAssembler
    P4 JDK-8293285 x86_64: Move libm stub implementations to StubGenerator
    P5 JDK-8298919 Add a regression test for JDK-8298520
    P5 JDK-8286800 Assert in PhaseIdealLoop::dump_real_LCA is too strong
    P5 JDK-8292234 IGV: Removing multiple graphs does not work once difference selection was used
    P5 JDK-8294356 IGV: scheduled graphs contain duplicated elements
    P5 JDK-8296380 IGV: Shortcut for quick search not working
    P5 JDK-8295461 IGV: Wrong src/dest nodes highlighted for edge
    P5 JDK-8290834 Improve potentially confusing documentation on collection of profiling information
    P5 JDK-8293849 PrintIdealPhase in compiler directives file is ignored when used with other compile commands
    P5 JDK-8291002 Rename Method::build_interpreter_method_data to Method::build_profiling_method_data
    P5 JDK-8294086 RISC-V: Cleanup InstructionMark usages in the backend
    P5 JDK-8296426 x86: Narrow UseAVX and UseSSE flags


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8292946 GC lock/jni/jnilock001 test failed "assert(gch->gc_cause() == GCCause::_scavenge_alot || !gch->incremental_collection_failed()) failed: Twice in a row"
    P1 JDK-8297235 ZGC: assert(regs[i] != regs[j]) failed: Multiple uses of register: rax
    P1 JDK-8298376 ZGC: thaws stackChunk with stale oops
    P2 JDK-8293353 [BACKOUT] G1: Remove redundant is-marking-active checks in C1 barrier
    P2 JDK-8296414 [BACKOUT] JDK-8295319: pending_cards_at_gc_start doesn't include cards in thread buffers
    P2 JDK-8292194 G1 nmethod entry barrier disarm value wraps around too early
    P2 JDK-8292077 G1 nmethod entry barriers don't keep oops alive
    P2 JDK-8291653 G1 refinement incorrectly expects always-valid HeapRegion out of the Hot Card Cache
    P2 JDK-8292654 G1 remembered set memory footprint regression after JDK-8286115
    P2 JDK-8298215 gc/g1/ failed with "Missing expected verification pattern Verifying After GC for: Pause Young (Prepare Mixed): expected true, was false"
    P2 JDK-8298785 gc/ fails with "invalid boolean value: `null' for expression `vm.opt.ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent'"
    P2 JDK-8293824 gc/whitebox/ failed "RuntimeException: assertTrue: expected true, was false"
    P2 JDK-8294924 JvmtiExport::post_exception_throw() doesn't deal well with concurrent stack processing
    P2 JDK-8296955 failed with "double free or corruption (!prev): "
    P2 JDK-8291725 Leftover marks when VM shutdown aborts bitmap clearing make mixed gc fail
    P2 JDK-8296101 nmethod::is_unloading result unstable with concurrent unloading
    P2 JDK-8292697 ZGC: Hangs when almost out of metaspace memory
    P2 JDK-8289838 ZGC: OOM before clearing all SoftReferences
    P3 JDK-8294729 [s390] Implement nmethod entry barriers
    P3 JDK-8291633 Build failures with GCC 11, Alpine 3 due to incompatible casts from nullptr
    P3 JDK-8137022 Concurrent refinement thread adjustment and (de-)activation suboptimal
    P3 JDK-8297982 Exclude vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/stress/lowmem/ with ZGC until 8297979 is fixed
    P3 JDK-8294847 Fix calculation of G1 effective scanned cards prediction
    P3 JDK-8297584 G1 parallel phase event for scan heap roots is sent too often
    P3 JDK-8298968 G1: Incorrect merged remset stats
    P3 JDK-8298296 gc/ fails with "System.gc collections miscounted."
    P3 JDK-8134303 Introduce -XX:-G1UseConcRefinement
    P3 JDK-8297491 Loom: Stack chunks allocation code uses TLABs even when TLABs are disabled
    P3 JDK-8298642 ParallelGC -XX:+UseNUMA eden spaces allocated on wrong node
    P3 JDK-8295669 Regression ~8% in DaCapo-pmd-large in 20-b12
    P3 JDK-8290468 Remove gc/gctests/mallocWithGC tests
    P3 JDK-8297644 RISC-V: Compilation error when shenandoah is disabled
    P3 JDK-8288129 Shenandoah: Skynet test crashed with iu + aggressive
    P3 JDK-8297979 ZGC: Ensure consistent MemoryUsage from MemoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage()
    P4 JDK-8253413 [REDO] [REDO] G1 incorrectly limiting young gen size when using the reserve can result in repeated full gcs
    P4 JDK-8296419 [REDO] JDK-8295319: pending_cards_at_gc_start doesn't include cards in thread buffers
    P4 JDK-8293207 Add assert to JVM_ReferenceRefersTo to clarify its API
    P4 JDK-8295258 Add BasicType argument to AccessInternal::decorator_fixup
    P4 JDK-8289739 Add G1 specific GC breakpoints for testing
    P4 JDK-8297247 Add GarbageCollectorMXBean for Remark and Cleanup pause time in G1
    P4 JDK-8291753 Add JFR event for GC CPU Time
    P4 JDK-8297941 Add override modifier in space.hpp
    P4 JDK-8293351 Add second tmp register to aarch64 BarrierSetAssembler::load_at
    P4 JDK-8293295 Add type check asserts to java_lang_ref_Reference accessors
    P4 JDK-8289740 Add verification testing during all concurrent phases in G1
    P4 JDK-8289137 Automatically adapt Young/OldPLABSize and when setting only MinTLABSize
    P4 JDK-8288966 Better handle very spiky promotion in G1
    P4 JDK-8293023 Change CardTable::is_in_young signature
    P4 JDK-8293035 Cleanup MacroAssembler::movoop code patching logic aarch64 riscv
    P4 JDK-8290959 Consistently use "grey" instead of "gray" in GC code
    P4 JDK-8290017 Directly call HeapRegion::block_start in G1CMObjArrayProcessor::process_slice
    P4 JDK-8295732 Directly embed TruncatedSeqs in G1Analytics
    P4 JDK-8295838 Document why we do not print Code Cache Roots phase in G1 logging
    P4 JDK-8290357 Drop HeapRegion::marked_bytes()
    P4 JDK-8295433 EpsilonHeap doesn't need to override post_initialize()
    P4 JDK-8292868 Explicitly pass a third temp register to MacroAssembler::store_heap_oop for aarch64
    P4 JDK-8294000 Filler array klass should be in jdk/vm/internal, not in java/vm/internal
    P4 JDK-8290715 Fix incorrect uses of G1CollectedHeap::heap_region_containing()
    P4 JDK-8296231 Fix MEMFLAGS for CHeapBitMaps
    P4 JDK-8296886 Fix various include sort order issues
    P4 JDK-8292606 G1 and Epsilon header cleanup for JDK-8282729
    P4 JDK-8297186 G1 triggers unnecessary full GCs when heap utilization is low
    P4 JDK-8293544 G1: Add comment in G1BarrierSetC1::pre_barrier
    P4 JDK-8293920 G1: Add index based heap region iteration
    P4 JDK-8295212 G1: Add wrapper for TruncatedSeqs that need separation by gc phase
    P4 JDK-8280454 G1: ClassLoaderData verification keeps CLDs live that causes problems with VerifyDuringGC during Remark
    P4 JDK-8295118 G1: Clear CLD claim marks concurrently
    P4 JDK-8288947 G1: Consolidate per-region is-humongous query in G1CollectedHeap
    P4 JDK-8293861 G1: Disable preventive GCs by default
    P4 JDK-8287312 G1: Early return on first failure in VerifyRegionClosure
    P4 JDK-8296954 G1: Enable parallel scanning for heap region remset
    P4 JDK-8296773 G1: Factor out hash function for G1CardSet
    P4 JDK-8290512 G1: Fix typo in allocation statistics log message
    P4 JDK-8289800 G1: G1CollectionSet::finalize_young_part clears survivor list too early
    P4 JDK-8295156 G1: Improve constant other time calculation
    P4 JDK-8297033 G1: Improve logging for Remembered Sets
    P4 JDK-8256265 G1: Improve parallelism in regions that failed evacuation
    P4 JDK-8295158 G1: Increase card-based cost sample reporting threshold
    P4 JDK-8290291 G1: Merge multiple calls of block_size in HeapRegion::block_start
    P4 JDK-8290221 G1: Merge multiple calls of get_next_marked_addr in HeapRegion::oops_on_memregion_iterate_in_unparsable
    P4 JDK-8290966 G1: Record number of PLAB filled and number of direct allocations
    P4 JDK-8290376 G1: Refactor G1MMUTracker::when_sec
    P4 JDK-8294841 G1: Refactor predict_base_elapsed_time_ms
    P4 JDK-8289520 G1: Remove duplicate checks in G1BarrierSetC1::post_barrier
    P4 JDK-8292656 G1: Remove G1HotCardCache::_use_cache
    P4 JDK-8296130 G1: Remove G1YoungCollector::_target_pause_time_ms
    P4 JDK-8293213 G1: Remove redundant assertion in G1RemSet::clean_card_before_refine
    P4 JDK-8292858 G1: Remove redundant check in G1FlushHumongousCandidateRemSets
    P4 JDK-8293210 G1: Remove redundant check in G1FreeHumongousRegionClosure
    P4 JDK-8294752 G1: Remove redundant checks in check_obj_during_refinement
    P4 JDK-8289138 G1: Remove redundant is-marking-active checks in C1 barrier
    P4 JDK-8295333 G1: Remove unnecessary check in G1Policy::calculate_desired_eden_length_by_mmu
    P4 JDK-8289575 G1: Remove unnecessary is-marking-active check in G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_pre_entry
    P4 JDK-8290080 G1: Remove unnecessary is-obj-dead check in HeapRegion::do_oops_on_memregion_in_humongous
    P4 JDK-8297265 G1: Remove unnecessary null-check in RebuildCodeRootClosure::do_code_blob
    P4 JDK-8296224 G1: Remove unnecessary update in VM_G1CollectForAllocation
    P4 JDK-8296670 G1: Remove unused G1GCPhaseTimes::record_preserve_cm_referents_time_ms
    P4 JDK-8296932 G1: Remove unused G1RootClosures::weak_oops
    P4 JDK-8292544 G1: Remove virtual specifier for methods in G1EdenRegions and G1SurvivorRegions
    P4 JDK-8293163 G1: Rename G1HeapRegionAttr::is_humongous
    P4 JDK-8295402 G1: Tighten assertion in G1ScanHRForRegionClosure::scan_heap_roots
    P4 JDK-8295871 G1: Use different explicit claim marks for CLDs
    P4 JDK-8294712 G1: Use index-base iteration for G1FlushHumongousCandidateRemSets
    P4 JDK-8237913 G1CollectedHeap::heap_region_containing shouldn't be a template
    P4 JDK-8289764 gc/lock tests failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced objects"
    P4 JDK-8291289 gc/TestPLABAdaptToMinTLABSize fails after JDK-8289137
    P4 JDK-8295214 Generational ZGC: Guard nmethods from cross modifying code
    P4 JDK-8296875 Generational ZGC: Refactor loom code
    P4 JDK-8290814 Hide G1RootRegions behind G1ConcurrentMark
    P4 JDK-8155996 Improve concurrent refinement green zone control
    P4 JDK-8290177 Improve documentation in G1MMUTracker
    P4 JDK-8295267 Improve G1 scan to merge ratio calculation
    P4 JDK-8294844 Improve G1 young gen length revise trigger
    P4 JDK-8297217 Incorrect generation name in the heap verification log message with Serial GC
    P4 JDK-8291912 Introduce per-allocation target struct for members in G1PLABAllocator
    P4 JDK-8289538 Make G1BlockOffsetTablePart unaware of block sizes
    P4 JDK-8294845 Make globals accessed by G1 young gen revising atomic
    P4 JDK-8292912 Make guard card in CardTable inaccessible
    P4 JDK-8294850 Make rs length/pending card predictors dependent on gc phase
    P4 JDK-8295457 Make the signatures of write barrier methods consistent
    P4 JDK-8296504 Memory leak in G1PLABAllocator::PLABData
    P4 JDK-8297309 Memory leak in ShenandoahFullGC
    P4 JDK-8297503 Merge FilteringDCTOC into ContiguousSpaceDCTOC
    P4 JDK-8295149 Misnomer for_young_gc instead of for_young_only_phase in G1Analytics
    P4 JDK-8290525 Move HeapRegion::_compaction_top to G1FullCollector
    P4 JDK-8291037 Move PLAB resizing mechanism to G1EvacStats
    P4 JDK-8297872 Non-local G1MonotonicArenaFreePool::_freelist_pool has non-trivial ctor/dtor
    P4 JDK-8290806 Only add eager reclaim task to G1 post evacuate tasks if there were candidates
    P4 JDK-8295013 OopStorage should derive from CHeapObjBase
    P4 JDK-8297499 Parallel: Missing iteration over klass when marking objArrays/objArrayOops during Full GC
    P4 JDK-8294521 Parallel: Remove unused field in UpdateDensePrefixAndCompactionTask
    P4 JDK-8297333 Parallel: Remove unused methods in PCIterateMarkAndPushClosure
    P4 JDK-8293209 Parallel: Remove unused variables in PSParallelCompact::invoke
    P4 JDK-8294057 Parallel: Tighten ParallelCompactData::initialize_region_data
    P4 JDK-8297349 Parallel: Use correct claim value for CLD oop iteration in PSScavengeCLDClosure
    P4 JDK-8294842 Pass actual pending cards to G1Policy::update_young_length_bounds during young gen revise
    P4 JDK-8295319 pending_cards_at_gc_start doesn't include cards in thread buffers
    P4 JDK-8290019 Refactor HeapRegion::oops_on_memregion_iterate()
    P4 JDK-8294900 Refactor ZObjArrayAllocator
    P4 JDK-8294569 Remove CardTable::_last_valid_index
    P4 JDK-8298145 Remove ContiguousSpace::capacity
    P4 JDK-8290018 Remove dead declarations in G1BlockOffsetTablePart
    P4 JDK-8298102 Remove DirtyCardToOopClosure::_last_explicit_min_done
    P4 JDK-8137280 Remove eager reclaim of humongous controls
    P4 JDK-8295354 Remove G1 incremental non-copy time calculation
    P4 JDK-8290533 Remove G1ConcurrentMark::mark_in_bitmap(uint, HeapRegion*,oop)
    P4 JDK-8293028 Remove GenCollectedHeap::handle_failed_promotion
    P4 JDK-8295257 Remove implicit noreg temp register arguments in aarch64 MacroAssembler
    P4 JDK-8285364 Remove REF_ enum for java.lang.ref.Reference
    P4 JDK-8290706 Remove the support for inline contiguous allocations
    P4 JDK-8293164 Remove unimplemented Generation::print_heap_change
    P4 JDK-8297310 Remove unimplemented HeapInspection::iterate_over_heap
    P4 JDK-8294671 Remove unused CardValues::last_card
    P4 JDK-8292607 Remove unused dirty and dirty_card_range_after_reset in CardTable
    P4 JDK-8290366 Remove unused during_conc_mark parameter in HeapRegion::note_self_forwarding_removal_start
    P4 JDK-8290459 Remove unused GCCause enums
    P4 JDK-8291056 Remove unused Generation::par_promote*()
    P4 JDK-8298169 Remove unused methods in space.hpp
    P4 JDK-8293090 Remove unused par_oop_since_save_marks_iterate_done
    P4 JDK-8290023 Remove use of IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions in gc tests
    P4 JDK-8287771 Remove useless G1 After GC summary refinement and sampling thread times
    P4 JDK-8296774 Removed default MEMFLAGS value from CHeapBitMap
    P4 JDK-8292708 Rename G1ParScanThreadState::flush to flush_stats
    P4 JDK-8297020 Rename GrowableArray::on_stack
    P4 JDK-8295711 Rename ZBarrierSetAssembler::load_at parameter name from "tmp_thread" to "tmp2"
    P4 JDK-8293304 Replace some usages of INTPTR_FORMAT with PTR_FORMAT
    P4 JDK-8292921 Rewrite object field printer
    P4 JDK-8293769 RISC-V: Add a second temporary register for BarrierSetAssembler::load_at
    P4 JDK-8293290 RISC-V: Explicitly pass a third temp register to MacroAssembler::store_heap_oop
    P4 JDK-8297740 runtime/ClassUnload/ failed with "Test failed: should still be live"
    P4 JDK-8288203 runtime/ClassUnload/ fails with release VMs
    P4 JDK-8282729 Serial: Move BOT implementation to collector specific directory
    P4 JDK-8294059 Serial: Refactor GenCollectedHeap::collect
    P4 JDK-8297209 Serial: Refactor GenCollectedHeap::full_process_roots
    P4 JDK-8297285 Shenandoah pacing causes assertion failure during VM initialization
    P4 JDK-8287227 Shenandoah: A couple of virtual thread tests failed with iu mode even without Loom enabled.
    P4 JDK-8287818 Shenandoah: adapt nmethod arming from Loom
    P4 JDK-8287805 Shenandoah: consolidate evacuate-update-root closures
    P4 JDK-8294775 Shenandoah: reduce contention on _threads_in_evac
    P4 JDK-8290374 Shenandoah: Remove inaccurate comment on SBS::load_reference_barrier()
    P4 JDK-8293782 Shenandoah: some tests failed on lock rank check
    P4 JDK-8293252 Shenandoah: ThreadMXBean synchronizer tests crash with aggressive heuristics
    P4 JDK-8293492 ShenandoahControlThread missing from hs-err log and thread dump
    P4 JDK-8296926 Sort include lines of files in the include/ directory
    P4 JDK-8295476 Split G1 cost per byte predictor on gc phase
    P4 JDK-8296776 Stop using mtNone as marker for CHeap allocations in GrowableArray
    P4 JDK-8284404 Too aggressive sweeping with Loom
    P4 JDK-8296768 Use different explicit claim marks for CLDs in Parallel and Serial GC
    P4 JDK-8292296 Use multiple threads to process ParallelGC deferred updates
    P4 JDK-8296785 Use realloc for CHeap-allocated BitMaps
    P4 JDK-8210708 Use single mark bitmap in G1
    P4 JDK-8294238 ZGC: Move CLD claimed mark clearing
    P4 JDK-8291106 ZPlatformGranuleSizeShift is redundant
    P5 JDK-8295658 G1: Refactor G1SegmentedArray to indicate that it is an allocator
    P5 JDK-8295839 G1: Single threaded phases (within parallel phases) report as using multiple threads in logs


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8293355 JDK-8293167 included bad copyright header
    P2 JDK-8294758 JFR: Docs build fails after changes to RecordedObject and Timespan
    P2 JDK-8296733 JFR: File Read event for RandomAccessFile::write(byte[]) is incorrect
    P2 JDK-8297608 JFR: Incorrect duration after chunk rotation
    P2 JDK-8298377 JfrVframeStream causes deadlocks in ZGC
    P3 JDK-8298202 [AIX] Dead code elimination removed jfr constructor used by AIX
    P3 JDK-8296671 [JFR] jdk.ContainerConfiguration event should include host total memory
    P3 JDK-8293998 [PPC64] JfrGetCallTrace: assert(_pc != nullptr) failed: must have PC
    P3 JDK-8289524 Add JFR JIT restart event
    P3 JDK-8298341 Ensure heap growth in
    P3 JDK-8295274 fails "assert(event->should_commit()) failed: invariant" from compiled frame"
    P3 JDK-8157023 Integrate NMT with JFR
    P3 JDK-8280131 jcmd reports "Module jdk.jfr not found." when "" is missing
    P3 JDK-8287699 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/ fails with exception: java.lang.Exception: Found event that should not be there.
    P3 JDK-8287832 jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ failed with "Expected two batches of Active Setting events"
    P3 JDK-8293166 jdk/jfr/jvm/ fails on Linux ppc64le and Linux aarch64
    P3 JDK-8291428 JFR: 'jfr print' displays incorrect timestamps during DST
    P3 JDK-8297006 JFR: AbstractEventStream should not hold thread instance
    P3 JDK-8295350 JFR: Add stop methods for recording streams
    P3 JDK-8295223 JFR: At most one native periodic event thread at a time
    P3 JDK-8298175 JFR: Common timestamp for periodic events
    P3 JDK-8288663 JFR: Disabling the JfrThreadSampler commits only a partially disabled state
    P3 JDK-8297686 JFR: Improve documentation of EventStream::onMetadata(Consumer)
    P3 JDK-8296923 JFR: jfr --version should return System.getProperty("java version")
    P3 JDK-8294242 JFR: jfr print doesn't handle infinite duration well
    P3 JDK-8295650 JFR: jfr scrub should warn if an event type doesn't exist
    P3 JDK-8296229 JFR: jfr tool should print unsigned values correctly
    P3 JDK-8288982 JFR: Log event streaming actions
    P3 JDK-8291021 JFR: Only one finished state in ChunkHeader class
    P3 JDK-8297338 JFR: RemoteRecordingStream doesn't respect setMaxAge and setMaxSize
    P3 JDK-8298649 JFR: RemoteRecordingStream support for checkpoint event sizes beyond u4
    P3 JDK-8294931 JFR: Simplify SettingInfo
    P3 JDK-8298379 JFR: Some UNTIMED events only sets endTime
    P3 JDK-8298784 JFR: Test chunk integrity
    P3 JDK-8294151 JFR: Unclear exception message when dumping stopped in memory recording
    P3 JDK-8288685 JFR: Use static methods for Active Recording and Active Setting events
    P3 JDK-8292336 JFR: Warn users if -XX:StartFlightRecording:disk=false is specified with maxage or maxsize
    P3 JDK-8293864 fails with SIGSEGV in JfrCheckpointManager::lease
    P3 JDK-8298129 Let checkpoint event sizes grow beyond u4 limit
    P3 JDK-8293167 Memory leak in JfrThreadSampler if stackdepth is larger than default (64)
    P3 JDK-8297911 Memory leak in JfrUpcalls::on_retransform
    P4 JDK-8295872 [PPC64] JfrGetCallTrace: Need pc == nullptr check before frame constructor
    P4 JDK-8290020 Deadlock in leakprofiler::emit_events during shutdown
    P4 JDK-8298043 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/ failed with "Expected outer stream to have 3 events"
    P4 JDK-8299241 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ generates unnecessary core file
    P4 JDK-8291519 jdk/jfr/api/event/ failed with Unexpected value of shouldCommit()
    P4 JDK-8290839 jdk/jfr/event/compiler/ failed with "RuntimeException: No JIT restart event found: expected true, was false"
    P4 JDK-8297142 jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ fails on Linux ppc64le and Linux aarch64
    P4 JDK-8263044 jdk/jfr/jvm/ timed out
    P4 JDK-8297964 fails "assert(_no_handle_mark_nesting == 0) failed: allocating handle inside NoHandleMark"
    P4 JDK-8289688 jfr command hangs when it processes invalid file
    P4 JDK-8298255 JFR provide information about dynamization of number of compiler threads
    P4 JDK-8298455 JFR: Add logging to
    P4 JDK-8294673 JFR: Add SecurityProviderService#threshold to
    P4 JDK-8295419 JFR: Change name of jdk.JitRestart
    P4 JDK-8286707 JFR: Don't commit JFR internal jdk.JavaMonitorWait events
    P4 JDK-8298383 JFR: lacks copyright header
    P4 JDK-8291022 JFR: Reduce logging in ChunkHeader constructor
    P4 JDK-8290133 JFR: Remove unused methods in
    P4 JDK-8295879 JFR: Remove warnings in the jdk.jfr module
    P4 JDK-8297245 JFR: TestRemoteDump should use RemoteRecordingStream
    P4 JDK-8293099 JFR: Typo in
    P4 JDK-8295863 JFR: Use expected size for Maps and Sets
    P4 JDK-8289745 JfrStructCopyFailed uses heap words instead of bytes for object sizes
    P4 JDK-8289917 Metadata for regionsRefilled of G1EvacuationStatistics event is wrong
    P4 JDK-8298205 Prefer Member Initialization Lists for JFR classes in os_perf.hpp
    P4 JDK-8298035 Provide better descriptions for JIT compiler JFR events
    P4 JDK-8297959 Provide better descriptions for some Operating System JFR events
    P4 JDK-8291733 Remove JFR events that expose hashtable
    P5 JDK-8280235 Deprecated flag FlightRecorder missing from VMDeprecatedOptions test
    P5 JDK-8292592 JFR test TestNative is not reliable due to low rate of sampling.
    P5 JDK-8292488 JFR: Incorrect comment in ActiveRecordingEvent


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8292657 Calling GetLocalXXX from virtual thread with thread parameter set to NULL returns carrier locals
    P2 JDK-8291830 jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed: assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero
    P3 JDK-8291456 com/sun/jdi/ failed with: Wrong number of class unload events: expected 10 got 4
    P3 JDK-8288387 GetLocalXXX/SetLocalXXX spec should require suspending target thread
    P3 JDK-8298059 Linked stack watermarks don't support nesting
    P3 JDK-8290908 misc tests fail: assert(!thread->owns_locks()) failed: must release all locks when leaving VM
    P3 JDK-8293613 need to properly handle and hide tmp VTMS transitions
    P3 JDK-8298162 Test PrintClasses hits assert when run with code that retransform classes
    P3 JDK-8294406 Test runtime/handshake/ failed: JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE
    P3 JDK-8293339 vm/jvmti/StopThread/stop001/stop00103 crashes with SIGSEGV in Continuation::is_continuation_mounted
    P4 JDK-8291586 Broken links in JVMTI specification
    P4 JDK-8289098 clean up ported serviceability/jvmti tests
    P4 JDK-8295413 com/sun/jdi/ fails with compiler flag -XX:+StressReflectiveCode
    P4 JDK-8256072 Eliminate JVMTI tagmap rehashing
    P4 JDK-7124710 interleaved RedefineClasses() and RetransformClasses() calls may have a problem
    P4 JDK-8293010 JDI ObjectReference/referringObjects/referringObjects001 fails: assert(env->is_enabled(JVMTI_EVENT_OBJECT_FREE)) failed: checking
    P4 JDK-8296323 JVMTI can_support_virtual_threads not available for agents loaded into running VM
    P4 JDK-8296324 JVMTI GetStackTrace truncates vthread stack trace for agents loaded into running VM
    P4 JDK-8292386 jvmti/thread/SuspendThread/suspendthrd03 failed with "FAIL: Status is 2"
    P4 JDK-8289436 Make the redefine timer statistics more accurate
    P4 JDK-8282666 nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe004 failed with: TEST FAILED: 30 JVMTI events were generated by the function PopFrame()
    P4 JDK-8295427 popframe004: report more details on error
    P4 JDK-8296472 Remove ObjectLocker around appendToClassPathForInstrumentation call
    P4 JDK-8296492 Remove ObjectLocker in JVMTI get_subgroups call
    P4 JDK-8294486 Remove vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/ tests ported to serviceability/jvmti.
    P4 JDK-8294483 Remove vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/GetThreadState tests.
    P4 JDK-8295697 Resolve conflicts between serviceability/jvmti and nsk/jvmti shared code
    P4 JDK-8269817 serviceability/jvmti/DynamicCodeGenerated/ timed out with -Xcomp
    P4 JDK-8290013 serviceability/jvmti/GetLocalVariable/ failed "assert(!in_vm) failed: Undersized StackShadowPages"
    P4 JDK-8283101 serviceability/jvmti/thread/GetFrameCount/framecnt01/ failing #VirtualThread-Frozen: number of frames expected: 14, got: 9
    P4 JDK-8288907 serviceability/jvmti/vthread/SuspendResume1/ fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=2,3
    P4 JDK-8296265 Use modern HTML in the JVMTI spec
    P4 JDK-8285383 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS204/hs204t001/ failed with "exit code: 96"
    P5 JDK-8218885 Restore pop_frame and force_early_return functionality for Graal


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8288181 AArch64: clean up out-of-date comments
    P4 JDK-8297852 Backout 8252584 for the time being
    P4 JDK-8297693 Fix typos in src/hotspot and test/hotspot files
    P4 JDK-8288005 HotSpot build with disabled PCH fails for Windows AArch64
    P4 JDK-8252584 HotSpot Style Guide should permit alignas
    P4 JDK-8296435 RISC-V: Small refactoring for increment/decrement


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8289129 [BACKOUT] JDK-8287281 adjust guarantee in Handshake::execute for the case of target thread being current
    P1 JDK-8295895 build error after JDK-8279366
    P1 JDK-8292743 Missing include resourceHash.hpp
    P2 JDK-8300055 [BACKOUT] OPEN_MAX is no longer the max limit on macOS >= 10.6 for RLIMIT_NOFILE
    P2 JDK-8289698 AArch64: Need to relativize extended_sp in frame
    P2 JDK-8292499 CDS fails: object points to a static field that may be reinitialized
    P2 JDK-8296337 CDS SharedArchiveConsistency tests fail after JDK-8296157
    P2 JDK-8291459 JVM crash with GenerateOopMap::error_work(char const*, __va_list_tag*)
    P2 JDK-8293787 Linux aarch64 build fails after 8292591
    P2 JDK-8298084 Memory leak in Method::build_profiling_method_data
    P2 JDK-8298371 monitors_on_stack extracts unprocessed oops
    P2 JDK-8292633 runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/ fails to compile
    P2 JDK-8292686 runtime/cds/appcds/ SIGSEGV in TableStatistics ctr
    P2 JDK-8297184 Test runtime/ErrorHandling/ is failing
    P3 JDK-8292313 2 runtime/cds/appcds tests fail after JDK-8284313
    P3 JDK-8292608 [AIX] Broken build after 8291945
    P3 JDK-8298225 [AIX] Disable PPC64LE continuations on AIX
    P3 JDK-8287007 [cgroups] Consistently use stringStream throughout parsing code
    P3 JDK-8293563 [macos-aarch64] SA core file tests failing with sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.UnknownOopException
    P3 JDK-8292368 [ppc64] internal error g1BarrierSet.inline.hpp assert(oopDesc::is_oop(pre_val, true)) failed: Error
    P3 JDK-8294744 AArch64: applications/kitchensink/ crashed: assert(oopDesc::is_oop(obj)) failed: not an oop
    P3 JDK-8287281 adjust guarantee in Handshake::execute for the case of target thread being current
    P3 JDK-8290218 AIX build failure by JDK-8289780
    P3 JDK-8292232 AIX build failure by JDK-8290840
    P3 JDK-8284997 arm32 build crashes since JDK-8283326
    P3 JDK-8297767 Assert JNICritical_lock/safepoint-1 and AdapterHandlerLibrary_lock/safepoint-1
    P3 JDK-8296754 AutoCreateSharedArchive in JDK 20 is not compatible with JDK 19
    P3 JDK-8286030 Avoid JVM crash when containers share the same /tmp dir
    P3 JDK-8297427 Avoid keeping class loaders alive when executing ClassLoaderStatsVMOperation
    P3 JDK-8289799 Build warning in methodData.cpp memset zero-length parameter
    P3 JDK-8295295 CDS ArchivedEnumTest fails with StaticProperty::JAVA_LOCALE_USE_OLD_ISO_CODES
    P3 JDK-8295673 Deprecate and disable legacy parallel class loading workaround for non-parallel-capable class loaders
    P3 JDK-8292083 Detected container memory limit may exceed physical machine memory
    P3 JDK-8293422 DWARF emitted by Clang cannot be parsed
    P3 JDK-8288759 GCC 12 fails to compile signature.cpp due to -Wstringop-overread
    P3 JDK-8294075 gtest/AsyncLogGtest crashes with SEGV
    P3 JDK-8293472 Incorrect container resource limit detection if manual cgroup fs mounts present
    P3 JDK-8291238 JDK can't be built without G1
    P3 JDK-8295666 Linux x86 build fails after 8292591
    P3 JDK-8293872 Make runtime/Thread/ more robust
    P3 JDK-8292318 Memory corruption in remove_dumptime_info
    P3 JDK-8289477 Memory corruption with CPU_ALLOC, CPU_FREE on muslc
    P3 JDK-8289002 Minimal x86_64 VM build fails with GCC 11: 'this' pointer is null
    P3 JDK-8294160 misc crash dump improvements
    P3 JDK-8296437 NMT incurs costs if disabled
    P3 JDK-8297168 Provide a bulk OopHandle release mechanism with the ServiceThread
    P3 JDK-8292758 put support for UNSIGNED5 format into its own header file
    P3 JDK-8279047 Remove expired flags in JDK 20
    P3 JDK-8297106 Remove the -Xcheck:jni local reference capacity checking
    P3 JDK-8294679 RISC-V: Misc crash dump improvements
    P3 JDK-8293100 RISC-V: Need to save and restore callee-saved FloatRegisters in StubGenerator::generate_call_stub
    P3 JDK-8291947 riscv: fail to build after JDK-8290840
    P3 JDK-8293007 riscv: failed to build after JDK-8290025
    P3 JDK-8278479 RunThese test failure with +UseHeavyMonitors and +VerifyHeavyMonitors
    P3 JDK-8295029 runtime/cds/appcds/ fail with jfx
    P3 JDK-8289162 runtime/NMT/ should print out memory allocations to help debug
    P3 JDK-8282900 runtime/stringtable/ verify unavailable at this moment
    P3 JDK-8295865 Several issues with os::realloc
    P3 JDK-8298400 Virtual thread instability when stack overflows
    P3 JDK-8298061 vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/btree012/ failed with "fatal error: refcount has gone to zero"
    P4 JDK-8288648 (jni spec) Description of 3rd parameter to AttachCurrentThread is confusing
    P4 JDK-8274235 -Xshare:dump should not call vm_direct_exit
    P4 JDK-8288824 [arm32] Display isetstate in register output
    P4 JDK-8288719 [arm32] SafeFetch32 thumb interleaving causes random crashes
    P4 JDK-8242181 [Linux] Show source information when printing native stack traces in hs_err files
    P4 JDK-8292511 AArch64: Align CPU feature name for NEON with hwcap
    P4 JDK-8288971 AArch64: Clean up stack and register handling in interpreter
    P4 JDK-8282322 AArch64: Provide a means to eliminate all STREX family of instructions
    P4 JDK-8292338 aarch64: Use cbnz instruction in gen_continuation_enter when possible
    P4 JDK-8294183 AArch64: Wrong macro check in SharedRuntime::generate_deopt_blob
    P4 JDK-8290812 Add a test for ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8293315 Add back logging for Placeholders
    P4 JDK-8284849 Add deoptimization to unified logging
    P4 JDK-8291945 Add OSInfo API for static OS information
    P4 JDK-8295278 Add parallel class loading tests
    P4 JDK-8291970 Add TableStatistics get function to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292559 Add test for -XX:+CheckJNICalls showing changed signal handlers
    P4 JDK-8291418 adjust monitor deflation logging and deflate_idle_monitors use
    P4 JDK-8291991 Adjust the "shared class paths mismatch" message if class path logging is enabled
    P4 JDK-8294308 Allow dynamically choosing the MEMFLAGS of a type without ResourceObj
    P4 JDK-8295102 Always load @lambda-form-invoker lines from default classlist
    P4 JDK-8295012 Arena should not derive from CHeapObj
    P4 JDK-8291822 ARM32: Build errors with GCC 11 in frame::saved_oop_result
    P4 JDK-8292458 Atomic operations on scoped enums don't build with clang
    P4 JDK-8295124 Atomic::add to pointer type may return wrong value
    P4 JDK-8292989 Avoid dynamic memory in AsyncLogWriter
    P4 JDK-8289780 Avoid formatting stub names when Forte is not enabled
    P4 JDK-8291840 Avoid JavaCalls for setting up _java_system_loader and _java_platform_loader
    P4 JDK-8293969 breakup the long signature in SystemDictionaryShared::is_supported_invokedynamic
    P4 JDK-8292361 Build failure on PPC64 BE after JDK-8290840
    P4 JDK-8290900 Build failure with Clang 14+ due to function warning attribute
    P4 JDK-8279366 CDS should allow alternative locations for JAR files in classpath
    P4 JDK-8288651 CDS test should not use literal string as ClassLoader name
    P4 JDK-8293873 Centralize the initialization of UL
    P4 JDK-8289534 Change 'uncomplicated' hotspot runtime options
    P4 JDK-8289612 Change hotspot/jtreg tests to not use Thread.stop
    P4 JDK-8289607 Change hotspot/jtreg tests to not use Thread.suspend/resume
    P4 JDK-8297600 Check current thread in selected JRT_LEAF methods
    P4 JDK-8233697 CHT: Iteration parallelization
    P4 JDK-8298147 Clang warns about pointless comparisons
    P4 JDK-8288064 Class initialization locking
    P4 JDK-8288976 classfile parser 'wrong name' error message has the names the wrong way around
    P4 JDK-8290731 Clean up CDS handling of LambdaForm Species classes
    P4 JDK-8291457 Clean up lifecycle of CDS dump-time data structures
    P4 JDK-8292267 Clean up synchronizer.hpp
    P4 JDK-8292556 Clean up unused Hashtable instantiations
    P4 JDK-8289006 Cleanup from thread.hpp split
    P4 JDK-8291955 Cleanup the JNI invocation API spec and code examples
    P4 JDK-8298111 Cleanups after UseMallocOnly removal
    P4 JDK-8293584 CodeCache::old_nmethods_do incorrectly filters is_unloading nmethods
    P4 JDK-8292879 com/sun/jdi/ failed due to classes not unloading
    P4 JDK-8293061 Combine CDSOptions and AppCDSOptions test utility classes
    P4 JDK-8297408 Consolidate code in runtime/ErrorHandling
    P4 JDK-8288601 Consolidate static/dynamic archive tables
    P4 JDK-8295849 Consolidate Threads::owning_thread*
    P4 JDK-8293012 ConstantPool::print_on can crash if _cache is NULL
    P4 JDK-8292384 Convert AdapterHandlerTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292448 Convert BitMapFragmentTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292680 Convert Dictionary to ConcurrentHashTable
    P4 JDK-8291969 Convert LoaderConstraintsTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292068 Convert ModuleEntryTable into ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292218 Convert PackageEntryTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292286 Convert PlaceholderTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292375 Convert ProtectionDomainCacheTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8289164 Convert ResolutionErrorTable to use ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8290370 Convert SymbolPropertyTable to ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8293691 converting a defined BasicType value to a string should not crash the VM
    P4 JDK-8296007 crash in runtime/DefineClass/
    P4 JDK-8292383 Create a SymbolHandle type to use for ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8291360 Create entry points to expose low-level class file information
    P4 JDK-8292007 Do not include vmSymbol.hpp in method.hpp
    P4 JDK-8286431 Do not use resource array in posix mmap_attach_shared()
    P4 JDK-8278923 Document Klass::is_loader_alive
    P4 JDK-8294003 Don't handle si_addr == 0 && si_code == SI_KERNEL SIGSEGVs
    P4 JDK-8290969 DumpClassListCLDClosure incorrectly uses ResizeableResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8294691 dynamicArchive/ is running other test case
    P4 JDK-8290981 Enable CDS for zero builds
    P4 JDK-8296433 Encountered null CLD while loading shared lambda proxy class
    P4 JDK-8292903 enhance round_up_power_of_2 assertion output
    P4 JDK-8292494 Ensure SystemDictionary::set_platform_loader and set_system_loader are called only once
    P4 JDK-8272096 Exceptions::new_exception can return wrong exception
    P4 JDK-8297978 Exclude vmTestbase/nsk/stress/except/ until 8297977 is fixed
    P4 JDK-8292591 Experimentally add back barrier-less Java thread transitions
    P4 JDK-8293922 Extend barrier-less Java thread transitions to native transitions
    P4 JDK-8293711 Factor out size parsing functions from arguments.cpp
    P4 JDK-8291736 find_method_handle_intrinsic leaks Method*
    P4 JDK-8294370 Fix allocation bug in java_lang_Thread::async_get_stack_trace()
    P4 JDK-8294591 Fix cast-function-type warning in TemplateTable
    P4 JDK-8294594 Fix cast-function-type warnings in signal handling code
    P4 JDK-8291972 Fix double copy of arguments when thawing two interpreted frames
    P4 JDK-8294438 Fix misleading-indentation warnings in hotspot
    P4 JDK-8295264 Fix PaX check on RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8296630 Fix SkipIfEqual on AArch64 and RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8289633 Forbid raw C-heap allocation functions in hotspot and fix findings
    P4 JDK-8294580 frame::interpreter_frame_print_on() crashes if free BasicObjectLock exists in frame
    P4 JDK-8295808 GrowableArray should support capacity management
    P4 JDK-8289620 gtest/ failed with unexpected stats values
    P4 JDK-8293515 heapShared.cpp: rename JavaThread parameter to current
    P4 JDK-8286957 Held monitor count
    P4 JDK-8292671 Hotspot Style Guide should allow covariant returns
    P4 JDK-8293402 hs-err file printer should reattempt stack trace printing if it fails
    P4 JDK-8293851 hs_err should print more stack in hex dump
    P4 JDK-8292891 ifdef-out some CDS-only functions
    P4 JDK-8295646 Ignore zero pairs in address descriptors read by dwarf parser
    P4 JDK-8287011 Improve container information
    P4 JDK-8292699 Improve printing of classes in native debugger
    P4 JDK-8295893 Improve printing of Constant Pool Cache Entries
    P4 JDK-8297154 Improve safepoint cleanup logging
    P4 JDK-8293654 Improve SharedRuntime handling of continuation helper out-arguments
    P4 JDK-8293182 Improve testing of CDS archive heap
    P4 JDK-8284313 Improve warning messages when CDS archive fails to load
    P4 JDK-8294190 Incorrect check messages in SharedRuntime::generate_uncommon_trap_blob
    P4 JDK-8288904 Incorrect memory ordering in UL
    P4 JDK-8297640 Increase buffer size for buf (insert_features_names) in Abstract_VM_Version::insert_features_names
    P4 JDK-8292259 integrate batch of test adjustments from stress testing
    P4 JDK-8294359 Interpreter(AArch64) intrinsify Thread.currentThread()
    P4 JDK-8295023 Interpreter(AArch64): Implement -XX:+PrintBytecodeHistogram and -XX:+PrintBytecodePairHistogram options
    P4 JDK-8296301 Interpreter(RISC-V): Implement -XX:+PrintBytecodeHistogram and -XX:+PrintBytecodePairHistogram options
    P4 JDK-8289004 investigate if SharedRuntime::get_java_tid parameter should be a JavaThread*
    P4 JDK-8298699 java/lang/reflect/ times out with slowdebug bits
    P4 JDK-8289003 JavaThread::check_is_terminated() implementation should rely on Thread-SMR
    P4 JDK-8293344 JDK-8242181 broke stack printing for non-attached threads
    P4 JDK-8290732 JNI DestroyJavaVM can start shutdown when one non-daemon thread remains
    P4 JDK-8293466 libjsig should ignore non-modifying sigaction calls
    P4 JDK-8298248 Limit sscanf output width in cgroup file parsers
    P4 JDK-8295395 Linux Alpha Zero builds fail after JDK-8292591
    P4 JDK-8288003 log events for os::dll_unload
    P4 JDK-8291067 macOS should use O_CLOEXEC instead of FD_CLOEXEC
    P4 JDK-8287400 Make BitMap range parameter names consistent
    P4 JDK-8292060 Make version adapting
    P4 JDK-8296139 Make GrowableBitMap the base class of all implementations
    P4 JDK-8297718 Make NMT free:ing protocol more granular
    P4 JDK-8288926 make runtime/logging/ more reliable
    P4 JDK-8292596 Make SymbolHashMap a ResourceHashtable
    P4 JDK-8292446 Make TableRateStatistics optional in CHT
    P4 JDK-8295016 Make the arraycopy_epilogue signature consistent with its usage
    P4 JDK-8296347 Memory leak from ClassPathDirEntry::_dir
    P4 JDK-8296270 Memory leak in ClassLoader::setup_bootstrap_search_path_impl
    P4 JDK-8296463 Memory leak in JVM_StartThread with the integration of Virtual threads
    P4 JDK-8290495 Micro-optimize Method::can_be_statically_bound assertions
    P4 JDK-8295294 Misc cleanups in runtime/InvocationTests
    P4 JDK-8298171 Missing newline in the example output of -Xlog:help
    P4 JDK-8292202 modules_do is called without Module_lock
    P4 JDK-8293293 Move archive heap loading code out of heapShared.cpp
    P4 JDK-8290324 Move atomic operations outside of os_xxx.hpp
    P4 JDK-8293046 Move CDS command-line flags to cds_globals.hpp
    P4 JDK-8288623 Move Continuation classes out of javaClasses.hpp
    P4 JDK-8293939 Move continuation_enter_setup and friends
    P4 JDK-8288537 Move Devirtualizer out of hotspot/share/memory/iterator.hpp
    P4 JDK-8288474 Move EventContinuationFreezeOld from try_freeze_fast to freeze_slow
    P4 JDK-8290027 Move inline functions from vm_version_x86.hpp to cpp
    P4 JDK-8295964 Move InstanceKlass::_misc_flags
    P4 JDK-8295475 Move non-resource allocation strategies out of ResourceObj
    P4 JDK-8289230 Move PlatformXXX class declarations out of os_xxx.hpp
    P4 JDK-8289710 Move Suspend/Resume classes out of os.hpp
    P4 JDK-8295889 NMT preinit code does not handle allocation errors
    P4 JDK-8296931 NMT tests slowed down considerably by JDK-8242181
    P4 JDK-8297958 NMT: Display peak values
    P4 JDK-8298003 NMT: fatal block printout does not show the correct corruption address
    P4 JDK-8290870 NMT: Increase MallocSiteTable size and allocate it only when needed
    P4 JDK-8291878 NMT: Malloc limits
    P4 JDK-8290868 NMT: MallocSiteTable statistics improvements
    P4 JDK-8289182 NMT: MemTracker::baseline should return void
    P4 JDK-8292071 NMT: move MallocHeader to its own header and inline header checks
    P4 JDK-8296764 NMT: reduce loads in os::malloc
    P4 JDK-8296443 NMT: Remove cmdline_tracking_level handling code
    P4 JDK-8292073 NMT: remove unused constructor parameter from MallocHeader
    P4 JDK-8290046 NMT: Remove unused MallocSiteTable::reset()
    P4 JDK-8292072 NMT: repurpose Tracking overhead counter as global malloc counter
    P4 JDK-8291443 Obsolete the PrintSharedDictionary flag
    P4 JDK-8282684 Obsolete UseContainerCpuShares and PreferContainerQuotaForCPUCount flags
    P4 JDK-8291060 OPEN_MAX is no longer the max limit on macOS >= 10.6 for RLIMIT_NOFILE
    P4 JDK-8290464 Optimize ResourceArea zapping on ResourceMark release
    P4 JDK-8227060 Optimize safepoint cleanup subtask order
    P4 JDK-8295268 Optimized builds are broken due to incorrect assert_is_rfp shortcuts
    P4 JDK-8271252 os::reserve_memory should not use mtOther as default NMT flag
    P4 JDK-8295125 os::signal should be os specific
    P4 JDK-8286302 Port JEP 425 to PPC64
    P4 JDK-8286301 Port JEP 425 to RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8285792 Posix signal handler modification checking issues.
    P4 JDK-8299476 PPC64 Zero build fails after JDK-8286302
    P4 JDK-8293680 PPC64BE build failure after JDK-8293344
    P4 JDK-8294759 Print actual lock/monitor ranking
    P4 JDK-8294950 print_sys_devices_cpu_info doesn't use the provided buffer
    P4 JDK-8292590 Product JVM crashes with FLAG_SET_XXX on non-product Flag
    P4 JDK-8296784 Provide clean mallinfo/mallinfo2 wrapper for Linux glibc platforms
    P4 JDK-8296796 Provide clean, platform-agnostic interface to C-heap trimming
    P4 JDK-8297313 Refactor APIs for calculating address of CDS archive heap regions
    P4 JDK-8290840 Refactor the "os" class
    P4 JDK-8296470 Refactor VMError::report STEP macro to improve readability
    P4 JDK-8282986 Remove "system" in boot class path names
    P4 JDK-8290290 Remove addition of TimeInstants
    P4 JDK-8290833 Remove ConstantPoolCache::walk_entries_for_initialization()
    P4 JDK-8296262 Remove dead code from InstanceKlass::signature_name()
    P4 JDK-8288935 Remove excessive includes introduced in loom
    P4 JDK-8292790 Remove hashtable.hpp from other files
    P4 JDK-8290074 Remove implicit arguments for RegisterMap constructor
    P4 JDK-8293592 Remove JVM_StopThread, stillborn, and related cleanup
    P4 JDK-8292216 Remove modules/packages_unloading_do
    P4 JDK-8291626 Remove Mutex::contains as it is unused
    P4 JDK-8289763 Remove NULL check in CDSProtectionDomain::init_security_info()
    P4 JDK-8295710 remove os::dll_file_extension
    P4 JDK-8290456 remove os::print_statistics()
    P4 JDK-8296429 Remove os::supports_sse
    P4 JDK-8290333 Remove os_share_*.hpp
    P4 JDK-8294901 remove pre-VS2017 checks in Windows related coding
    P4 JDK-8292890 Remove PrintTouchedMethodsAtExit and LogTouchedMethods
    P4 JDK-8292864 Remove resourceHash.hpp from header files
    P4 JDK-8296970 Remove sysThreadAvailableStackWithSlack from hotspot-symbols
    P4 JDK-8296305 Remove unimplemented deoptimized_wrt_marked_nmethods
    P4 JDK-8295014 Remove unnecessary explicit casts to void* in CHeapObjBase
    P4 JDK-8293340 Remove unused _code in {Zero,Template}InterpreterGenerator
    P4 JDK-8294293 Remove unused _width and _newlines field in outputStream
    P4 JDK-8295273 Remove unused argument in [load/store]_sized_value on aarch64 and riscv
    P4 JDK-8297435 Remove unused CompactibleSpaceClosure
    P4 JDK-8288473 Remove unused frame::set_pc_preserve_deopt methods
    P4 JDK-8294907 Remove unused NativeLookup::dll_load
    P4 JDK-8297766 Remove UseMallocOnly development option
    P4 JDK-8294772 Remove workaround in os::dll_address_to_library_name
    P4 JDK-8292225 Rename ArchiveBuilder APIs related to source and buffered addresses
    P4 JDK-8296157 Rename FileMapInfo::space_at() to region_at()
    P4 JDK-8297284 ResolutionErrorTable's key is wrong
    P4 JDK-8293979 Resolve JVM_CONSTANT_Class references at CDS dump time
    P4 JDK-8295270 RISC-V: Clean up and refactoring for assembler functions
    P4 JDK-8296975 RISC-V: Enable UseRVA20U64 profile by default
    P4 JDK-8294012 RISC-V: get/put_native_u8 missing the case when address&7 is 6
    P4 JDK-8296602 RISC-V: improve performance of copy_memory stub
    P4 JDK-8295009 RISC-V: Interpreter intrinsify Thread.currentThread()
    P4 JDK-8294083 RISC-V: Minimal build failed with --disable-precompiled-headers
    P4 JDK-8295468 RISC-V: Minimal builds are broken
    P4 JDK-8296916 RISC-V: Move some small macro-assembler functions to header file
    P4 JDK-8295703 RISC-V: Remove implicit noreg temp register arguments in MacroAssembler
    P4 JDK-8294430 RISC-V: Small refactoring for movptr_with_offset
    P4 JDK-8293474 RISC-V: Unify the way of moving function pointer
    P4 JDK-8293524 RISC-V: Use macro-assembler functions as appropriate
    P4 JDK-8290280 riscv: Clean up stack and register handling in interpreter
    P4 JDK-8291893 riscv: remove fence.i used in user space
    P4 JDK-8291952 riscv: Remove PRAGMA_NONNULL_IGNORED
    P4 JDK-8290137 riscv: small refactoring for add_memory_int32/64
    P4 JDK-8290707 runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/ fails with "Can't find sun.hotspot.whitebox"
    P4 JDK-8289184 runtime/ClassUnload/ failed with "Test failed: should be unloaded"
    P4 JDK-8293771 runtime/handshake/ fails if MEMBARRIER_CMD_QUERY is unsupported
    P4 JDK-8252329 runtime/LoadClass/ timed out
    P4 JDK-8295713 runtime/ParallelLoad/SuperWait/ fails intermittently on Windows
    P4 JDK-8295469 S390X: Optimized builds are broken
    P4 JDK-8290067 Show stack dimensions in UL logging when attaching threads
    P4 JDK-8293493 Signal Handlers printout should show signal block state
    P4 JDK-8292695 SIGQUIT and jcmd attaching mechanism does not work with signal chaining library
    P4 JDK-8293291 Simplify relocation of native pointers in archive heap
    P4 JDK-8296453 Simplify resource_area uses in ClassPathDirEntry::open_stream
    P4 JDK-8290739 Simplify storage of dump-time class information
    P4 JDK-8288443 Simplify vmClasses::resolve_all()
    P4 JDK-8289257 Some custom loader tests failed due to symbol refcount not decremented
    P4 JDK-8297534 Specify the size of MEMFLAGS
    P4 JDK-8288752 Split thread implementation files
    P4 JDK-8288134 Super class names don't have envelopes
    P4 JDK-8295412 support latest VS2022 MSC_VER in abstract_vm_version.cpp
    P4 JDK-8292054 Test runtime/posixSig/ fails with 'Test failed, bad output.'
    P4 JDK-8292315 Tests should not rely on specific JAR file names (hotspot)
    P4 JDK-8286185 The Java manpage can be more platform inclusive
    P4 JDK-8292351 tty should always live
    P4 JDK-8294362 UL: Replace the internal usage of manual buffers with stringStream in LogSelection
    P4 JDK-8292981 Unify and restructure integer printing format specifiers
    P4 JDK-8289147 unify os::infinite_sleep on posix platforms
    P4 JDK-8289910 unify os::message_box across posix platforms
    P4 JDK-8291558 unify print_jni_name_prefix_on and print_jni_name_suffix_on on posix platforms
    P4 JDK-8294053 Unneeded local variable in handle_safefetch()
    P4 JDK-8281214 Unsafe use of long in VMThread::setup_periodic_safepoint_if_needed
    P4 JDK-8293964 Unused check_for_duplicates parameter in ClassLoaderExt::process_jar_manifest
    P4 JDK-8293961 Unused ClassPathZipEntry::contents_do
    P4 JDK-8290482 Update JNI Specification of DestroyJavaVM for better alignment with JLS, JVMS, and Java SE API Specifications
    P4 JDK-8297290 Use int indices to reference CDS archived primitive mirrors
    P4 JDK-8295993 use K instead of 1024 in a couple of hotspot outputs
    P4 JDK-8298852 Use of uninitialized memory in MetadataFactory::free_metadata
    P4 JDK-8293251 Use stringStream::base() instead of as_string() when applicable
    P4 JDK-8295282 Use Zicboz/ to zero-out memory on RISC-V
    P4 JDK-8297242 Use-after-free during library unloading on Linux
    P4 JDK-8294037 Using alias template to unify hashtables in AsyncLogWriter
    P4 JDK-8288556 VM crashes if it gets sent SIGUSR2 from outside
    P4 JDK-8296907 VMError: add optional callstacks, siginfo for secondary errors
    P4 JDK-8296906 VMError::controlled_crash crashes with wrong code and address
    P4 JDK-8295099 vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/ failed with "TestFailure: wrong lengths of stack traces: strace013Thread0: NNN strace013Thread83: MMM"
    P4 JDK-8271615 vmTestbase/vm/jit/LongTransitions/ test fail due to locale mismatch
    P4 JDK-8292312 Work around memset() called operator new
    P4 JDK-8290704 x86: TemplateTable::_new should not call eden_allocate() without contiguous allocs enabled
    P4 JDK-8291899 Zero VM is broken on MacOS after JDK-8290840 due to os::setup_fpu() is missing
    P4 JDK-8288282 Zero-release build is broken after JDK-8279047 due to UseHeavyMonitors is read-only
    P4 JDK-8292847 Zero: Allow ergonomics to select the GC
    P4 JDK-8294751 Zero: Allow larger default heaps
    P4 JDK-8294211 Zero: Decode arch-specific error context if possible
    P4 JDK-8294197 Zero: JVM_handle_linux_signal should not assume deopt NOPs
    P4 JDK-8289778 ZGC: incorrect use of os::free() for mountpoint string handling after JDK-8289633
    P5 JDK-8297864 Dead code elimination


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8293156 Dcmd VM.classloaders fails to print the full hierarchy
    P4 JDK-8295315 [REDO] 8276687 Remove support for JDK 1.4.1 PerfData shared memory files
    P4 JDK-8292910 Remove root to oop cast in HeapDumper
    P4 JDK-8295811 serviceability/sa/ fails on x86_32


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8286397 Address possibly lossy conversions in jdk.hotspot.agent
    P4 JDK-8175382 clhsdb pmap should print the end addresses of the load modules
    P4 JDK-8294547 HotSpotAgent.setupVM() should include "cause" exception when throwing DebuggerException
    P4 JDK-8292995 improve the SA page cache
    P4 JDK-8292233 Increase symtab hash table size
    P4 JDK-8294993 LingeredApp test update
    P4 JDK-8293325 Minor improvements to macos catch_mach_exception_raise() error handling
    P4 JDK-8294920 Missing SP value in Linux x86_32 thread context
    P4 JDK-8293037 Remove DebuggerBase.writeBytes() and related code from SA
    P4 JDK-8282410 Remove SA ProcDebugger support
    P4 JDK-8294411 SA should provide more useful info when it fails to start up due to "failed to workaround classshareing"
    P4 JDK-8295657 SA: Allow larger object alignments
    P4 JDK-8293669 SA: Remove unnecssary "InstanceStackChunkKlass: InstanceStackChunkKlass" output when scanning heap
    P4 JDK-8269235 serviceability/sa/ timed out
    P4 JDK-8283010 serviceability/sa/ failed with "'Base of Stack:' missing from stdout/stderr "
    P4 JDK-8292201 serviceability/sa/ fails with "'Thread "Common-Cleaner"' missing from stdout/stderr"
    P4 JDK-8290687 serviceability/sa/ could leave files owned by root on macOS
    P4 JDK-8293006 sun/tools/jhsdb/ fails with "UnalignedAddressException: 8baadbabe"
    P4 JDK-8294689 The SA transported_core.html file needs quite a bit of work
    P5 JDK-8293647 Avoid unnecessary boxing in jdk.hotspot.agent
    P5 JDK-8289126 Cleanup unnecessary null comparison before instanceof check in jdk.hotspot.agent
    P5 JDK-8293445 clhsdb "thread" command gives incorrect error message for bad threadID
    P5 JDK-8283627 Outdated comment in MachineDescriptionTwosComplement.isLP64
    P5 JDK-8135292 Remove duplicate code in in SA
    P5 JDK-8293879 Remove unnecessary castings in jdk.hotspot.agent


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8292352 32-bit Windows build failures after JDK-8290059
    P4 JDK-8297381 Add tier10 to HS atr
    P4 JDK-8290164 compiler/runtime/ fails on riscv
    P4 JDK-8293817 failed with "RuntimeException: Failed to run benchmark: pmd"
    P4 JDK-8298062 Increase hs-gc-tier8 Xcomp tasks timeout
    P4 JDK-8271707 migrate tests to use jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox
    P4 JDK-8284614 on macOS "spindump" should be run from failure_handler as root
    P4 JDK-8275662 remove test/lib/sun/hotspot
    P4 JDK-8287124 failed
    P4 JDK-8292679 Simplify thread creation in gtest and port 2 tests to new way
    P4 JDK-8295288 Some vm_flags tests associate with a wrong BugID
    P4 JDK-8297105 Switch to single ATR platforms definition for HS ATR
    P4 JDK-8282642 vmTestbase/gc/gctests/LoadUnloadGC2/ fails intermittently with exit code 1


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8289798 Update to use jtreg 7
    P4 JDK-8290178 failure_handler: run netstat without name lookups
    P4 JDK-8288114 Update JIRA link in vcs.xml
    P4 JDK-8295470 Update => URLs in test code


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8288238 Add missing file jdk.incubator.concurrent-J.sym.txt
    P1 JDK-8292763 JDK-8292716 breaks configure without jtreg
    P2 JDK-8290842 [BACKOUT] "JDK-8288136 Temporarily disable building of JavaUninstallTool.exe" when JDK-8290569 is fixed
    P2 JDK-8299693 Change to Xcode12.4+1.1 devkit for building on macOS at Oracle
    P2 JDK-8294310 fails on macos after JDK-8293550
    P2 JDK-8294368 Java incremental builds broken on Windows after JDK-8293116
    P2 JDK-8299705 JCov coverage runs depend on jdk_symbols
    P2 JDK-8287906 Rewrite of GitHub Actions (GHA) sanity tests
    P2 JDK-8295847 slow debug build error after JDK-8294466
    P2 JDK-8292330 Update JCov version to 3.0.13
    P3 JDK-8295205 Add jcheck whitespace checking for markdown files
    P3 JDK-8294281 Allow warnings to be disabled on a per-file basis
    P3 JDK-8288396 Always create reproducible builds
    P3 JDK-8292717 Clean up checking of testing requirements in configure
    P3 JDK-8299789 Compilation of gtest causes build to fail if runtime libraries are in different dirs
    P3 JDK-8297352 configure should check pandoc version
    P3 JDK-8292716 Configure should check that jtreg is of the required version
    P3 JDK-8298527 Cygwin's uname -m returns different string than before
    P3 JDK-8293162 Drop support for VS2017
    P3 JDK-8295211 Fix autoconf 2.71 warning "AC_CHECK_HEADERS: you should use literals"
    P3 JDK-8298459 Fix msys2 linking and handling out of tree build directory for source zip creation
    P3 JDK-8295714 GHA ::set-output is deprecated and will be removed
    P3 JDK-8291444 GHA builds/tests won't run manually if disabled from automatic running
    P3 JDK-8296872 gtest is built with the build-jdk
    P3 JDK-8290489 Initial nroff manpage generation for JDK 20
    P3 JDK-8293219 Microsoft toolchain selection picks 32-bit tools over 64-bit
    P3 JDK-8295717 Minimize disabled warnings in accessibility native code
    P3 JDK-8294314 Minimize disabled warnings in hotspot
    P3 JDK-8294376 Minimize disabled warnings in java.base
    P3 JDK-8294466 Minimize disabled warnings in java.desktop
    P3 JDK-8295716 Minimize disabled warnings in security libs
    P3 JDK-8295715 Minimize disabled warnings in serviceability libs
    P3 JDK-8293550 Optionally add get-task-allow entitlement to macos binaries
    P3 JDK-8297444 Refactor the javacserver build tool
    P3 JDK-8297353 Regenerated checked-in html files with new pandoc
    P3 JDK-8297041 Remove the last remnants of sjavac
    P3 JDK-8295719 Remove unneeded disabled warnings in jdk.sctp
    P3 JDK-8300490 Spaces in name of MacOS Code Signing Identity are not correctly handled after JDK-8293550
    P3 JDK-8297984 Turn on warnings as errors for javadoc
    P3 JDK-8298324 Unable to run shell test with make
    P3 JDK-8287754 Update jib GNU make dependency on Windows to latest cygwin build
    P3 JDK-8296188 Update style and header in JDWP Protocol spec and JVMTI spec
    P3 JDK-8296710 Update to use jtreg 7.1
    P3 JDK-8298178 Update to use jtreg 7.1.1
    P3 JDK-8299918 Update Xcode11.3.1-MacOSX10.15 devkit at Oracle
    P3 JDK-8295192 Use original configure command line when called from a script
    P3 JDK-8297455 Use the official ToolProvider API to call javac
    P4 JDK-8295868 32-bit Windows build failures after JDK-8294466
    P4 JDK-8294404 [BACKOUT] JDK-8294142: make test should report only executed tests
    P4 JDK-8296758 [BACKOUT] Revert 8296115
    P4 JDK-8295914 Add a header to generated HTML files in specs
    P4 JDK-8292911 Add a note about jtreg failure handlers in the testing doc
    P4 JDK-8295529 Add link to JBS to
    P4 JDK-8295970 Add vector api sanity tests in tier1
    P4 JDK-8296115 Allow for compiling the JDK with strict standards conformance
    P4 JDK-8294006 Avoid hardcoding object file suffixes in make
    P4 JDK-8293288 bootcycle build failure after JDK-8173605
    P4 JDK-8295262 Build binutils out of source tree
    P4 JDK-8295435 Build failure with GCC7 after JDK-8294314 due to strict-overflow warnings
    P4 JDK-8290000 Bump macOS GitHub actions to macOS 11
    P4 JDK-8286037 Bump minimum boot jdk to JDK 19
    P4 JDK-8294748 Cleanup unneeded references to hg
    P4 JDK-8293965 Code signing warnings after JDK-8293550
    P4 JDK-8289646 configure script failed on WSL
    P4 JDK-8290466 Default to --with-source-date=current to avoid unmodified Hotspot recompilation
    P4 JDK-8292329 Enable CDS shared heap for zero builds
    P4 JDK-8241499 Enable new "permissive-" for standard C++ compliance on Visual Studio if possible
    P4 JDK-8247283 Enable the new conformant preprocessor option in Visual Studio
    P4 JDK-8293088 Fix compilation with the new Visual Studio preprocessor
    P4 JDK-8287828 Fix so that one can select jtreg test case by ID from make
    P4 JDK-8283929 GHA: Add RISC-V build config
    P4 JDK-8295885 GHA: Bump gcc versions
    P4 JDK-8293107 GHA: Bump to Ubuntu 22.04
    P4 JDK-8294941 GHA: Cut down cross-compilation sysroots
    P4 JDK-8293361 GHA: dump config.log in case of configure failure
    P4 JDK-8293098 GHA: Harmonize GCC version handling for host and cross builds
    P4 JDK-8293165 GHA: Provide necessary x86_32 packages for runtime/ErrorHandling/
    P4 JDK-8294956 GHA: qemu-debootstrap is deprecated, use the regular one
    P4 JDK-8292816 GPL Classpath exception missing from assemblyprefix.h
    P4 JDK-8295033 hsdis configure error when cross-compiling with --with-binutils-src
    P4 JDK-8294076 Improve ant detection in
    P4 JDK-8296904 Improve handling of macos xcode toolchain
    P4 JDK-8295990 Improve make handling of strip flags
    P4 JDK-8293116 Incremental JDK build could be sped up
    P4 JDK-8294317 Insufficient build rules for tzdb.dat
    P4 JDK-8295070 Introduce more target combinations for compiler flags
    P4 JDK-8294149 JMH 1.34 and later requires jopt-simple 5.0.4
    P4 JDK-8293020 jmod should not be treated as "small" tool for large modules
    P4 JDK-8288399 MacOS debug symbol files not always deterministic in reproducible builds
    P4 JDK-8297348 make CONF=xxx should match if xxx is an exact match
    P4 JDK-8297342 make LOG=debug is too verbose
    P4 JDK-8294270 make test passes awkward -status:-status:error,fail to jtreg
    P4 JDK-8294142 make test should report only on executed tests
    P4 JDK-8283238 make/scripts/ should show the diff when classlist does not match
    P4 JDK-8299147 Minor accessibility errors in the specs and man index pages
    P4 JDK-8291454 Missing check for JLI C runtime library in CoreLibraries.gmk
    P4 JDK-8295231 Move all linking of native libraries to make
    P4 JDK-8297963 Partially fix string expansion issues in UTIL_DEFUN_NAMED and related macros
    P4 JDK-8295417 Pass $AR to binutils cross-build
    P4 JDK-8288195 Prepare build system for GHA changes
    P4 JDK-8292226 Prepare make for better Link Time Optimization support
    P4 JDK-8289755 Remove --enable-reproducible-build from jib profile
    P4 JDK-8295163 Remove old hsdis Makefile
    P4 JDK-8296479 Remove stray comment about POST_STRIP_CMD
    P4 JDK-8292244 Remove unnecessary include directories
    P4 JDK-8294271 Remove use of ThreadDeath from make utilities
    P4 JDK-8288499 Restore cancel-in-progress in GHA
    P4 JDK-8295213 Run GHA manually with user-specified make and configure arguments
    P4 JDK-8292008 Transition the JDK to the common standard of C11
    P4 JDK-8295229 Try to verify gtest version
    P4 JDK-8286038 Update --release 19 symbol information for JDK 19 build 26
    P4 JDK-8288609 Update --release 19 symbol information for JDK 19 build 28
    P4 JDK-8297350 Update JMH devkit to 1.36
    P4 JDK-8295198 Update more => URLs
    P4 JDK-8297165 Update Pandoc to version 2.19.2 for Oracle builds
    P4 JDK-8293532 Use lighter jmod compression levels in build config
    P5 JDK-8297000 [jib] Add more friendly warning for proxy issues
    P5 JDK-8289741 Remove unused imports from


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8301886 Remove EA from JDK 20 version string starting with Initial RC promotion B35 on February 09, 2023
    P4 JDK-8291762 Backout JDK-8291757 from jdk/jdk


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8298330 /usr/java/latest is missing after one of JDK rpms is uninstalled
    P3 JDK-8298349 /usr/java/latest points to wrong JDK


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8288495 [test] Make OutputAnalyzer exception more informative
    P5 JDK-8288140 Avoid redundant Hashtable.get call in Signal.handle


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8296645 leaves class files in current directory
    P4 JDK-8292623 Reduce runtime of microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8292196 Reduce runtime of java.util.regex microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8291828 Reduce runtime of microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8291729 Reduce runtime of vm.compiler microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8291337 Reduce runtime of vm.lamdba microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8290894 Reduce runtime of vm.lang microbenchmarks


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8290115 ArrayCopyObject JMH has wrong package


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8290919 Update nroff pages in JDK 20 before RC


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8286395 Address possibly lossy conversions in
    P4 JDK-8286389 Address possibly lossy conversions in
    P4 JDK-8297379 Enable the ByteBuffer path of Poly1305 optimizations
    P4 JDK-8296548 Improve MD5 intrinsic for x86_64
    P4 JDK-8285263 Minor cleanup could be done in
    P4 JDK-8293808 mscapi destroyKeyContainer enhance KeyStoreException: Access is denied exception
    P4 JDK-8296190 TestMD5Intrinsics and TestMD5MultiBlockIntrinsics don't test the intrinsics
    P4 JDK-8284851 Update javax.crypto files to use proper javadoc for mentioned classes
    P4 JDK-8289848 Update Standard Algorithm Names document in accordance with JDK-8289602
    P5 JDK-8289274 Cleanup unnecessary null comparison before instanceof check in security modules


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8288270 Tier1 build failures after JDK-8287178
    P2 JDK-8295011 EC point multiplication improvement for secp256r1
    P3 JDK-8298108 Add a regression test for JDK-8297684
    P3 JDK-8297161 Add additional Service Attributes to Standard Algorithm Names guide
    P3 JDK-8296485 test fails with SunCertPathBuilderException
    P3 JDK-8293858 Change PKCS7 code to use default SecureRandom impl instead of SHA1PRNG
    P3 JDK-8296675 Exclude linux-aarch64 in NSS tests
    P3 JDK-8294731 Improve multiplicative inverse for secp256r1 implementation
    P3 JDK-8296480 java/security/cert/pkix/policyChanges/ is failing
    P3 JDK-8298271 java/security/SignedJar/spi-calendar-provider/ failing on Windows
    P3 JDK-8282730 LdapLoginModule throw NPE from logout method after login failure
    P3 JDK-6447816 Provider filtering (getProviders) is not working with OR'd conditions
    P3 JDK-8290920 sspi_bridge.dll not built if BUILD_CRYPTO is false
    P3 JDK-8224768 Test fails
    P3 JDK-8155246 Throw error if default file is missing
    P3 JDK-8288132 Update test artifacts in QuoVadis CA interop tests
    P3 JDK-8288616 Updating Java Security Standard Algorithm Names
    P4 JDK-8295405 Add cause in a couple of IllegalArgumentException and InvalidParameterException shown by sun/security/pkcs11 tests
    P4 JDK-8296226 Add constructors (String,Throwable) and (Throwable) to InvalidParameterException
    P4 JDK-8289401 Add dump output to
    P4 JDK-8254711 Add JFR Event
    P4 JDK-8292681 Add JMH for ProtectionDomain
    P4 JDK-8271838 interop test fails
    P4 JDK-8299235 broken link referencing missing id
    P4 JDK-8296612 CertAttrSet is useless
    P4 JDK-8296143 CertAttrSet's set/get mechanism is not type-safe
    P4 JDK-8296142 CertAttrSet::(getName|getElements|delete) are mostly useless
    P4 JDK-8296072 CertAttrSet::encode and DerEncoder::derEncode should write into DerOutputStream
    P4 JDK-8267617 Certificate's IP x509 NameConstraints raises ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    P4 JDK-8296900 CertificateValidity fields are not optional
    P4 JDK-8296406 ChainingConstructors jtreg test reduce code duplication
    P4 JDK-8296399 crlNumExtVal might be null inside X509CRLSelector::match
    P4 JDK-8297065 DerOutputStream operations should not throw IOExceptions
    P4 JDK-8296901 Do not create unsigned certificate and CRL
    P4 JDK-6587699 Document DigestInputStream behavior when skip() or mark() / reset() is used
    P4 JDK-8286575 Document how properties in are parsed
    P4 JDK-8294058 Early use of lambda introduced in JDK-8285263 cause startup regressions in 20-b02
    P4 JDK-8296818 Enhance JMH tests java/security/
    P4 JDK-8292297 Fix up loading of override properties file
    P4 JDK-8296741 Illegal X400Address and EDIPartyName should not be created
    P4 JDK-8296742 Illegal X509 Extension should not be created
    P4 JDK-8292177 InitialSecurityProperty JFR event
    P4 JDK-8289572 InputStream wrapping with BufferedInputStream is redundant in HttpTimestamper
    P4 JDK-8287178 IntegerModuloP::multiplicativeInverse returns 0 for 0
    P4 JDK-8292739 Invalid legacy entries may be returned by Provider.getServices() call
    P4 JDK-8291509 Minor cleanup could be done in
    P4 JDK-8292033 Move jdk.X509Certificate event logic to JCA layer
    P4 JDK-8286259 Password cleanup after KeyStore.PasswordProtection in P11KeyStore
    P4 JDK-8291511 Redefinition of EXIT_FAILURE in libw2k_lsa_auth
    P4 JDK-8288568 Reduce runtime of microbenchmarks
    P4 JDK-8220732 setSeed(long) java api doc is missing warning about provided seed quality
    P4 JDK-8296736 Some PKCS9Attribute can be created but cannot be encoded
    P4 JDK-8294987 Streamline DerOutputStream write
    P4 JDK-8290887 Unused private method in TrustManagerFactoryImpl
    P4 JDK-8294994 Update Jarsigner and Keytool i18n tests to validate i18n compliance
    P4 JDK-8299230 Use https: in links
    P5 JDK-8288329 Avoid redundant TreeMap.containsKey call in
    P5 JDK-8289659 Refactor I/O stream copying to use InputStream.readAllBytes in X509CertPath
    P5 JDK-8295953 Use enhanced-for cycle instead of Enumeration in


    Priority Bug Summary
    P1 JDK-8289603 JDK-8170762 had incorrect copyright format
    P2 JDK-8296507 GCM using more memory than necessary with in-place operations
    P3 JDK-8247645 ChaCha20 Intrinsics
    P3 JDK-8294821 Class load improvement for AES crypto engine
    P3 JDK-8296442 EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo can be created with an uninitialized AlgorithmParameters
    P3 JDK-8294073 Performance improvement for message digest implementations
    P3 JDK-8295010 Reduce if required in EC limbs operations
    P3 JDK-8294734 Redundant override in AES implementation
    P3 JDK-8296591 Signature benchmark
    P3 JDK-8277970 Test jdk/sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/ fails with "tag mismatch"
    P4 JDK-4958071 (spec) confusing exception list for javax.crypto.Cipher.init(...) for
    P4 JDK-6205692 (spec) javax.crypto.MacSpi.engineUpdate(ByteBuffer input): NPE should be specified
    P4 JDK-8296910 Add EdDSA/XDH/RSASSA-PSS to
    P4 JDK-6522064 Aliases from Microsoft CryptoAPI has bad character encoding
    P4 JDK-8170762 Document that ISO10126Padding pads with random bytes
    P4 JDK-8294997 Improve ECC math operations
    P4 JDK-8286779 javax.crypto.CryptoPolicyParser#isConsistent always returns 'true'
    P4 JDK-6383195 javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec is not thread safe
    P4 JDK-6227536 KeyGenerator.init() methods do not throw IllegalArgumentException for keysize == 0
    P4 JDK-7181214 Need specify SKF translateKey(SecurityKey) method requires instance of PBEKey for PBKDF2 algorithms
    P4 JDK-8293779 redundant checking in AESCrypt.makeSessionKey() method
    P4 JDK-8293886 The abstract keyword can be removed in AESCipher
    P4 JDK-4887998 Use Integer.rotateLeft() and rotateRight() in crypto implementations
    P5 JDK-8297074 Use enhanced-for cycle instead of Enumeration in javax.crypto


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8294906 Memory leak in PKCS11 NSS TLS server
    P4 JDK-8290532 Adjust PKCS11Exception and handle more PKCS11 error codes
    P4 JDK-8293232 Fix race condition in pkcs11 SessionManager
    P4 JDK-8293093 NPE in P11KeyStore.getID
    P4 JDK-8289301 P11Cipher should not throw out of bounds exception during padding
    P4 JDK-8293815 P11PSSSignature.engineUpdate should not print debug messages during normal operation
    P4 JDK-8288985 P11TlsKeyMaterialGenerator should work with ChaCha20-Poly1305
    P4 JDK-8289275 Remove incorrect __declspec(dllimport) attributes from pointers in jdk.crypto.cryptoki
    P5 JDK-8297519 Improve expressions and modernise code in PKCS
    P5 JDK-8297515 serialVersionUID fields are not annotated with @Serial


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8281236 (D)TLS key exchange named groups
    P3 JDK-8256660 Disable DTLS 1.0
    P3 JDK-8279164 Disable TLS_ECDH_* cipher suites
    P3 JDK-8212096 javax/net/ssl/ServerName/ failed intermittently due to SSLException: Tag mismatch
    P3 JDK-8227651 Tests fail with SSLProtocolException: Input record too big
    P3 JDK-8291949 Unexpected extending of SupportedGroups
    P4 JDK-8293489 Accept CAs with BasicConstraints without pathLenConstraint
    P4 JDK-8186765 Speed up test sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/
    P4 JDK-8288209 SSL debug message wrong about unsupported authentication scheme
    P4 JDK-8294848 Unnecessary SSLCipher dispose implementations
    P5 JDK-8267860 Off-by-one bug when searching arrays in AlpnGreaseTest


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8292682 Code change of JDK-8282730 not updated to reflect CSR update
    P3 JDK-8297276 Remove thread text from Subject.current
    P4 JDK-8290975 Minor cleanup could be done in
    P4 JDK-8291974 PrivateCredentialPermission should not use local variable to enable debugging
    P4 JDK-8215916 The failure reason of an optional JAAS LoginModule is not logged


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8293681 ResponseAPDU getData() method javadoc


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8290463 Fix several comment typos in
    P4 JDK-8293326 jdk/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/compatibility/ slow on Windows
    P4 JDK-8293412 Remove unnecessary overrides
    P4 JDK-8290775 Some doc errors in
    P4 JDK-8283082"") nulls out info field
    P5 JDK-8290669 Fix wording in
    P5 JDK-8291957 Redundant import statements in


    Priority Bug Summary
    P5 JDK-8297683 Use enhanced-for cycle instead of Enumeration in


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8288708 Clarify that a method's invocation type is used for varargs method


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8293365 1.6: Update email address for reporting errors and ambiguities
    P4 JDK-8296951 11.1.2: assert statement should be recognized as causing an exception
    P4 JDK-8293684 11.1.3: Thread.stop no longer causes an asynchronous exception
    P4 JDK-8290196 12.8: Clarify the definition of program exit
    P4 JDK-8287569 14.11.1: Grammar for a guarded pattern switch label is ambiguous
    P4 JDK-8295807 9.7.4: No "closest" type for 'var' lambda parameter
    P4 JDK-8294078 JEP 432: Record Patterns (Second Preview)
    P4 JDK-8294285 JEP 433: Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)
    P4 JDK-8295072 JLS changes for Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)
    P4 JDK-8295073 JLS changes for Record Patterns (Second Preview)


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8293366 1.5: Update email addresses to reflect new openjdk domain
    P4 JDK-8286036 4.1: Allow v64.0 class files for Java SE 20
    P4 JDK-8290388 5.7: Clarify the definition of JVM termination


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8296167 test/langtools/tools/jdeps/jdkinternals/ failing after JDK-8296072
    P3 JDK-8293701 jdeps InverseDepsAnalyzer runs into NoSuchElementException: No value present
    P3 JDK-8294840 langtools use File.pathSeparator
    P4 JDK-8289562 Change and URL's to https
    P4 JDK-8294869 Correct failure of after JDK-8294618
    P4 JDK-8297695 Fix typos in test/langtools files
    P4 JDK-8295020 javac emits incorrect code for for-each on an intersection type.
    P4 JDK-8298067 Persistent test failures after 8296012


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8296329 jar validator doesn't account for minor class file version
    P4 JDK-8287760 --do-not-resolve-by-default gets overwritten if --warn-if-resolved flags is used
    P4 JDK-8288232 Address typos in jar man page
    P4 JDK-8297875 jar should not compress the manifest directory entry


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8289647 AssertionError during annotation processing of record related tests
    P2 JDK-8297974 ClassCastException in
    P2 JDK-8293578 Duplicate ldc generated by javac
    P2 JDK-8300195 Fall-through issue occurs when using record pattern in switch statements
    P2 JDK-8300623 Lambda deserialization regression involving Enum method reference
    P2 JDK-8299849 Revert JDK-8294461: wrong effectively final determination by javac
    P2 JDK-8298463 tools/javac/modules/ fails on Windows after JDK-8297988
    P3 JDK-8300591 @SuppressWarnings option "lossy-conversions" missing from jdk.compiler module javadoc
    P3 JDK-8293348 A false cyclic inheritance error reported
    P3 JDK-8269983 BootstrapMethodError with method reference and intersection type
    P3 JDK-8297118 Change IncompatibleClassChangeError to MatchException for exhaustive switch statements and switch expressions
    P3 JDK-8268312 Compilation error with nested generic functional interface
    P3 JDK-8297602 Compiler crash with type annotation and generic record during pattern matching
    P3 JDK-8297294 compiler/c2/irTests/ failed compilation
    P3 JDK-8294670 Enhanced switch statements have an implicit default which does not complete normally
    P3 JDK-8293051 Further refactor javac after removal of -source/-target/--release 7
    P3 JDK-8290709 Incorrect dominance error for unconditional pattern vs. null
    P3 JDK-8298184 Incorrect record component type in record patterns
    P3 JDK-8296390 Incremental build failed with a NPE
    P3 JDK-8292756 java.lang.AssertionError at at jdk.compiler/$ScopeImpl.leave(
    P3 JDK-8291657 Javac assertion when compiling a method call with switch expression as argument
    P3 JDK-8287186 JDK modules participating in preview
    P3 JDK-8296269 langtools/tier1 failures with Sequenced Collections
    P3 JDK-8297988 NPE in JavacTypes.getOverriddenMethods from doclint
    P3 JDK-8173605 Remove support for source and target 1.7 option in javac
    P3 JDK-8295176 some langtools test pollutes source tree
    P3 JDK-8291769 Translation of switch with record patterns could be improved
    P3 JDK-8298727 Trees.getPath may crash for unnamed package
    P3 JDK-8297928 Update jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature.Feature to reflect JEP 432 and JEP 433
    P3 JDK-8294461 wrong effectively final determination by javac
    P4 JDK-8244681 Add a warning for possibly lossy conversion in compound assignments
    P4 JDK-8286035 Add source 20 and target 20 to javac
    P4 JDK-8299156 Broken link in jdk.compiler/
    P4 JDK-8290561 Coalesce incubator-module warnings for single-file source-code programs
    P4 JDK-8260892 Compilation fails: lambda parameter not visible in body when generics involved
    P4 JDK-8288130 compiler error with AP and explicit record accessor
    P4 JDK-8294945 Compiler implementation for Pattern Matching for switch (Fourth Preview)
    P4 JDK-8294942 Compiler implementation for Record Patterns (Second Preview)
    P4 JDK-8296171 Compiler incorrectly rejects code with variadic method references
    P4 JDK-8295024 Cyclic constructor error is non-deterministic and inconsistent
    P4 JDK-8245246 Deprecate -profile option in javac
    P4 JDK-8296137 diags-examples.xml is broken
    P4 JDK-8294546 document where javac differs when invoked via launcher and ToolProvider
    P4 JDK-8295401 Error recovery in could be improved
    P4 JDK-8291914 generated constructors are considered compact when they shouldn't
    P4 JDK-8294943 Implement record patterns in enhanced for
    P4 JDK-8294020 improve errors for record declarations
    P4 JDK-8269674 Improve testing of parenthesized patterns
    P4 JDK-8295923 java.lang.AssertionError: E.value - compiler crashes when using Type parameter with enhanced switch
    P4 JDK-8232933 Javac inferred type does not conform to equality constraint
    P4 JDK-8292975 javac produces code that crashes with LambdaConversionException
    P4 JDK-8059632 Method reference compilation uses incorrect qualifying type
    P4 JDK-8296846 Minor cleanup of some dead code in
    P4 JDK-7194212 NPE in Flow.visitIdent
    P4 JDK-8295447 NullPointerException with invalid pattern matching construct in constructor call
    P4 JDK-8290379 Parse error with parenthesized pattern and guard using an array
    P4 JDK-8296802 Parse errors when deconstructing a record using the enhanced for loop of JEP 432
    P4 JDK-8295184 Printing messages with a RecordComponentElement does not include position
    P4 JDK-8029633 Raw inner class constructor ref should not perform diamond inference
    P4 JDK-8290901 Reduce use of -source in langtools tests
    P4 JDK-8236919 Refactor into a reusable module for other JDK tools
    P4 JDK-8293003 Review running time of Warn5 regression test
    P4 JDK-8293877 Rewrite MineField test
    P4 JDK-8294550 Sealed check for casts isn't applied to array components
    P4 JDK-8285935 Spurious lint warning for static method accessed through instance qualifier
    P4 JDK-8282714 synthetic arguments are being added to the constructors of static local classes
    P4 JDK-8293897 Synthetic final modifier is part of the AST for a try-with-resource resource
    P4 JDK-8292159 TYPE_USE annotations on generic type arguments of record components discarded
    P4 JDK-8296968 Update langtools tests to use @enablePreview
    P4 JDK-8294726 Update URLs in minefield tests
    P5 JDK-7039014 Confusing error message for method conflict


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8290126 Add a check in JavadocTester for "javadoc should not crash"
    P3 JDK-8298050 Add links to graph output for javadoc
    P3 JDK-8289332 Auto-generate ids for user-defined headings
    P3 JDK-8288624 Cleanup CommentHelper.getText0
    P3 JDK-8236048 Cleanup use of Utils.normalizeNewlines
    P3 JDK-8297802 display of @spec tags should mimic that of @see tags
    P3 JDK-8200337 Generalize see and link tags for user-defined anchors
    P3 JDK-8298525 javadoc crashes with "UnsupportedOperationException: Not yet implemented" in SeeTaglet.inherit
    P3 JDK-8290243 move seeTagToContent from HtmlDocletWriter to TagletWriterImpl
    P3 JDK-8293178 Remove obsolete properties from javadoc resource file
    P3 JDK-8289335 restructure table at end of Doc Comment Spec
    P3 JDK-8297216 Search results omit some methods
    P3 JDK-8294471 SpecTaglet is inconsistent with SpecTree for inline property
    P3 JDK-8286101 Support formatting in @value tag
    P3 JDK-8298700 Typo in DocTree comment
    P3 JDK-8297164 Update troff man pages and
    P3 JDK-8296619 Upgrade jQuery to 3.6.1
    P3 JDK-8289334 Use CSS variables to define fonts and colors
    P3 JDK-6251738 Want a top-level summary page that itemizes all spec documents referenced from javadocs (OEM spec)
    P4 JDK-8295653 Add a graph of the sealed class hierarchy for marked classes
    P4 JDK-8288045 Clean up ParamTaglet
    P4 JDK-8288046 Clean up ThrowsTaglet
    P4 JDK-8288699 cleanup HTML tree in HtmlDocletWriter.commentTagsToContent
    P4 JDK-8290845 Consider an alternative item separator for multi-item option values
    P4 JDK-8297367 disable in slowdebug mode
    P4 JDK-8295277 Expand {@inheritDoc} in @throws fully
    P4 JDK-8285488 Improve DocFinder
    P4 JDK-8288994 Incorrect @since tags for @value update in JDK-8286101
    P4 JDK-8273860 Javadoc Deprecated API list should not use italic font for description column
    P4 JDK-8292892 Javadoc index descriptions are not deterministic
    P4 JDK-8294109 JavaDoc search should search whole index
    P4 JDK-8287597 List all preview features on the javadoc PREVIEW page
    P4 JDK-8291869 Match exceptions using types of javax.lang.model, not strings
    P4 JDK-8297091 New langtools test jdk/javadoc/doclet/testValueTag/ fails on machines with unexpected number format
    P4 JDK-8287397 Print top-level exception when snippet fails to read file
    P4 JDK-8288309 Rename the "testTagInheritence" directory
    P4 JDK-8288368 simplify code in ValueTaglet, remove redundant code
    P4 JDK-8287796 Stop auto-inheriting documentation for subclasses of exceptions whose documentation is inherited
    P4 JDK-8295088 Update External Spec page to show tabs for hosts
    P4 JDK-8294536 Update troff form of man page for new --spec-base-url option
    P4 JDK-8292594 Use CSS custom properties for all fonts and colors
    P4 JDK-8293177 Verify version numbers in legal files
    P5 JDK-8289658 Avoid redundant LinkedHashMap.get call in TagletManager.addNewSimpleCustomTag
    P5 JDK-8291358 Fix the "overridding" typo


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8290359 Ensure that all directory streams are closed in
    P4 JDK-8237467 jlink plugin to save the argument files as input to jlink in the output image
    P4 JDK-8293499 Provide jmod --compress option
    P4 JDK-8295325 tools/jlink/plugins/ fails on Linux ppc64le


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8298488 [macos13] tools/jpackage tests failing with "Exit code: 137" on macOS
    P3 JDK-8293462 [macos] app image signature invalid when creating DMG or PKG from post processed signed image
    P3 JDK-8290398 jpackage exe installers are not installed in jtreg tests
    P3 JDK-8283707 Support version format on Windows
    P3 JDK-8290557 tools/jpackage/share/ failed with "ERROR: Failed: Check icon file"
    P3 JDK-8293453 tools/jpackage/share/ "Failed: Check the number of mismatched pixels [1024] of [1024] is < [0.100000] threshold"
    P4 JDK-8296154 [macos] Change "/Applications" to "Applications" in DMG image
    P4 JDK-8296156 [macos] Resize DMG windows and background to fit additional DMG contents
    P4 JDK-8290402 jpackage exe uninstallers don't return correct exit code in case of failure
    P4 JDK-8291978 jpackage: allow to override primary l10n files on Windows
    P4 JDK-8288838 jpackage: file association additional arguments
    P4 JDK-8291924 jpackage: l10n for Windows context menu label
    P4 JDK-8288961 jpackage: test MSI installation fix
    P4 JDK-8288013 jpackage: test utility Windows registry enhancement
    P4 JDK-8290400 Must run exe installers in jpackage jtreg tests without UI
    P4 JDK-8293579 tools/jpackage/share/jdk/jpackage/tests/ fails on Japanese Windows platform
    P4 JDK-8296489 tools/jpackage/windows/ fails with timeout
    P4 JDK-8293595 tstrings::any() is missing an overload


    Priority Bug Summary
    P2 JDK-8297525 jdk/jshell/ fails after JDK-8295984
    P3 JDK-8289613 Drop use of Thread.stop in jshell
    P3 JDK-8295814 jdk/jshell/ fails with "lists don't have the same size expected [2] but found [1]"
    P3 JDK-8207166 jdk/jshell/ - launch timeout
    P3 JDK-8294739 jdk/jshell/ timed out
    P3 JDK-8292625 jshell crash on "var a = a"
    P3 JDK-8294431 jshell reports error on initialisation of static final field of anonymous class
    P3 JDK-8295984 Remove unexpected JShell feature
    P3 JDK-8298425 System.console().readLine() hangs in jshell
    P4 JDK-8295154 Documentation for RemoteExecutionControl.invoke(Method) inherits non-existent documentation
    P4 JDK-8296012 jshell crashes on mismatched record pattern
    P4 JDK-8294583 JShell: NPE in switch with non existing record pattern
    P4 JDK-8282434 Leading combining diacritic character in string renders incorrectly
    P4 JDK-8292755 Non-default method in interface leads to a stack overflow in JShell
    P4 JDK-8293591 Remove use of Thread.stop from jshell tests
    P4 JDK-8293000 Review running times of jshell regression tests
    P5 JDK-8289804 Remove redundant stream() call before forEach in jdk.jshell


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8293041 --disable-@files option doesn't work and cause an error
    P4 JDK-8289797 tools/launcher/ fails on Japanese Windows environment
    P4 JDK-8297258 Typo in `java -help` referencing -disable-@files instead of --disable-@files


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8297385 Remove duplicated null typos in javadoc


    Priority Bug Summary
    P4 JDK-8299502 Usage of constructors of primitive wrapper classes should be avoided in javax.xml API docs
    P4 JDK-8294858 XMLStreamReader does not respect jdk.xml.maxXMLNameLimit=0 for namespace names


    Priority Bug Summary
    P5 JDK-8289471 Issue in Initialization of keys in and


    Priority Bug Summary
    P3 JDK-8292182 [TESTLIB] Enhance JAXPPolicyManager to setup required permissions for jtreg version 7 jar
    P4 JDK-8290740 Catalog not used when the handler is null
    P4 JDK-8289508 Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: ancestor, ancestor-or-self, preceding, and preceding-sibling
    P4 JDK-8289511 Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: child
    P4 JDK-8289509 Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: descendant, descendant-or-self, following, following-sibling
    P4 JDK-8289510 Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: namespace
    P4 JDK-8292990 Improve test coverage for XPath Axes: parent
    P4 JDK-8290837 Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Boolean Functions
    P4 JDK-8289948 Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Node Set Functions
    P4 JDK-8290838 Improve test coverage for XPath functions: Number Functions
    P4 JDK-8290836 Improve test coverage for XPath functions: String Functions
    P4 JDK-8289949 Improve test coverage for XPath: operators
    P4 JDK-8286091 Improve XPath test coverage