Notes generated: Wed Mar 12 08:03:44 CET 2025
Issue | Description |
JDK-8260865 | JEP 404: Generational Shenandoah (Experimental) |
Enhance the Shenandoah garbage collector with experimental generational collection capabilities to improve sustainable throughput, load-spike resilience, and memory utilization.
JDK-8294992 | JEP 450: Compact Object Headers (Experimental) |
Reduce the size of object headers in the HotSpot JVM from between 96 and 128 bits down to 64 bits on 64-bit architectures. This will reduce heap size, improve deployment density, and increase data locality.
JDK-8307341 | JEP 472: Prepare to Restrict the Use of JNI |
Issue warnings about uses of the Java Native Interface (JNI) and adjust the Foreign Function & Memory (FFM) API to issue warnings in a consistent manner. All such warnings aim to prepare developers for a future release that ensures integrity by default by uniformly restricting JNI and the FFM API. Application developers can avoid both current warnings and future restrictions by selectively enabling these interfaces where essential.
JDK-8322295 | JEP 475: Late Barrier Expansion for G1 |
Simplify the implementation of the G1 garbage collector's barriers, which record information about application memory accesses, by shifting their expansion from early in the C2 JIT's compilation pipeline to later.
JDK-8189808 | JEP 478: Key Derivation Function API (Preview) |
Introduce an API for Key Derivation Functions (KDFs), which are cryptographic algorithms for deriving additional keys from a secret key and other data. This is a preview API.
JDK-8330623 | JEP 479: Remove the Windows 32-bit x86 Port |
Remove the source code and build support for the Windows 32-bit x86 port. This port was deprecated for removal in JDK 21 with the express intent to remove it in a future release.
JDK-8315737 | JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking |
Improve startup time by making the classes of an application instantly available, in a loaded and linked state, when the HotSpot Java Virtual Machine starts. Achieve this by monitoring the application during one run and storing the loaded and linked forms of all classes in a cache for use in subsequent runs. Lay a foundation for future improvements to both startup and warmup time.
JDK-8334712 | JEP 484: Class-File API |
Provide a standard API for parsing, generating, and transforming Java class files.
JDK-8335899 | JEP 485: Stream Gatherers |
Enhance the Stream API to support custom intermediate operations. This will allow stream pipelines to transform data in ways that are not easily achievable with the existing built-in intermediate operations.
JDK-8338625 | JEP 486: Permanently Disable the Security Manager |
The Security Manager has not been the primary means of securing client-side Java code for many years, it has rarely been used to secure server-side code, and it is costly to maintain. We therefore deprecated it for removal in Java 17 via JEP 411. As the next step toward removing the Security Manager, we will revise the Java Platform specification so that developers cannot enable it and other Platform classes do not refer to it. This change will have no impact on the vast majority of applications, libraries, and tools. We will remove the Security Manager API in a future release.
JDK-8338456 | JEP 487: Scoped Values (Fourth Preview) |
Introduce scoped values, which enable a method to share immutable data both with its callees within a thread, and with child threads. Scoped values are easier to reason about than thread-local variables. They also have lower space and time costs, especially when used together with virtual threads (JEP 444) and structured concurrency (JEP 480). This is a preview API.
JDK-8335876 | JEP 488: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Second Preview) |
Enhance pattern matching by allowing primitive types in all pattern contexts, and extend instanceof and switch to work with all primitive types. This is a preview language feature.
JDK-8340841 | JEP 489: Vector API (Ninth Incubator) |
Introduce an API to express vector computations that reliably compile at runtime to optimal vector instructions on supported CPU architectures, thus achieving performance superior to equivalent scalar computations.
JDK-8335850 | JEP 490: ZGC: Remove the Non-Generational Mode |
Remove the non-generational mode of the Z Garbage Collector (ZGC), keeping the generational mode as the default for ZGC.
JDK-8337395 | JEP 491: Synchronize Virtual Threads without Pinning |
Improve the scalability of Java code that uses synchronized methods and statements by arranging for virtual threads that block in such constructs to release their underlying platform threads for use by other virtual threads. This will eliminate nearly all cases of virtual threads being pinned to platform threads, which severely restricts the number of virtual threads available to handle an application's workload.
JDK-8338287 | JEP 492: Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview) |
In constructors in the Java programming language, allow statements to appear before an explicit constructor invocation, i.e., super(..) or this(..). The statements cannot reference the instance under construction, but they can initialize its fields. Initializing fields before invoking another constructor makes a class more reliable when methods are overridden. This is a preview language feature.
JDK-8333799 | JEP 493: Linking Run-Time Images without JMODs |
Reduce the size of the JDK by approximately 25% by enabling the jlink tool to create custom run-time images without using the JDK's JMOD files. This feature must be enabled when the JDK is built; it will not be enabled by default, and some JDK vendors may choose not to enable it.
JDK-8335987 | JEP 494: Module Import Declarations (Second Preview) |
Enhance the Java programming language with the ability to succinctly import all of the packages exported by a module. This simplifies the reuse of modular libraries, but does not require the importing code to be in a module itself. This is a preview language feature.
JDK-8335984 | JEP 495: Simple Source Files and Instance Main Methods (Fourth Preview) |
Evolve the Java programming language so that beginners can write their first programs without needing to understand language features designed for large programs. Far from using a separate dialect of the language, beginners can write streamlined declarations for single-class programs and then seamlessly expand their programs to use more advanced features as their skills grow. Experienced developers can likewise enjoy writing small programs succinctly, without the need for constructs intended for programming in the large. This is a preview language feature.
JDK-8339009 | JEP 496: Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism |
Enhance the security of Java applications by providing an implementation of the quantum-resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism (ML-KEM). Key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) are used to secure symmetric keys over insecure communication channels using public key cryptography. ML-KEM is designed to be secure against future quantum computing attacks. It has been standardized by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in FIPS 203.
JDK-8339010 | JEP 497: Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm |
Enhance the security of Java applications by providing an implementation of the quantum-resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (ML-DSA). Digital signatures are used to detect unauthorized modifications to data and to authenticate the identity of signatories. ML-DSA is designed to be secure against future quantum computing attacks. It has been standardized by the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in FIPS 204.
JDK-8342077 | JEP 498: Warn upon Use of Memory-Access Methods in sun.misc.Unsafe |
Issue a warning at run time on the first occasion that any memory-access method in sun.misc.Unsafe is invoked. All of these unsupported methods were terminally deprecated in JDK 23. They have been superseded by standard APIs, namely the VarHandle API (JEP 193, JDK 9) and the Foreign Function & Memory API (JEP 454, JDK 22). We strongly encourage library developers to migrate from sun.misc.Unsafe to supported replacements, so that applications can migrate smoothly to modern JDK releases.
JDK-8344096 | JEP 499: Structured Concurrency (Fourth Preview) |
Simplify concurrent programming by introducing an API for structured concurrency. Structured concurrency treats groups of related tasks running in different threads as a single unit of work, thereby streamlining error handling and cancellation, improving reliability, and enhancing observability. This is a preview API.
JDK-8338285 | JEP 501: Deprecate the 32-bit x86 Port for Removal |
Deprecate the 32-bit x86 port, with the intent to remove it in a future release. This will thereby deprecate the Linux 32-bit x86 port, which is the only 32-bit x86 port remaining in the JDK. It will also, effectively, deprecate any remaining downstream 32-bit x86 ports. After the 32-bit x86 port is removed, the architecture-agnostic Zero port will be the only way to run Java programs on 32-bit x86 processors.
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341907 |
Single-line Leading /// Dangling Comments Are No Longer Warned About
JDK-8334870 |
javac Accepts class Files With Any Number of Entries in RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations and RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations Attributes The Java Virtual Machine Specification is permissive regarding the number of entries of the With JDK 24, this is fixed, and |
JDK-8336492 |
Minor Changes in Generated Code for Lambda Expressions Lambda expressions and method references are sometimes translated as methods by the Moreover, the
This means that the following code: ``` class Outer { Runnable action = () -> { class Inner() { } System.out.println(Inner.class.getEnclosingMethod()); }
} ``` will now, correctly, print |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341551 |
sun.misc.URLClassPath.disableJarChecking System Property to Verify JAR File Header in URLClassLoader's ClassPath The system property If the system property is set on the command line to the value |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8311530 |
The `jdk.jsobject` Module Is Deprecated for Removal The |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8324209 |
HttpClient 100-continue Timeout
JDK-8326949 |
Authenticator No Longer Overwrites User Set Authorization Headers Prior to JDK 24, if a |
JDK-8343791 |
Socket.connect Closes the Socket If the Connection Cannot Be Established The The behavior in previous JDK releases was to close the underlying socket when a connection could not be established but leave the The behavior of the As part of this change, calling the |
JDK-8342075 | Is Enhanced to Report HTTP/2 Flow Control Errors to the Server The |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8337199 |
New jcmd Commands Thread.vthread_scheduler and Thread.vthread_pollers Two commands have been added to the
For more details, see the jcmd command man page. |
JDK-8327793 |
jstatd Is Deprecated for Removal The |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8338285 |
The 32-bit x86 Port Has Been Deprecated for Removal The 32-bit x86 port is deprecated in JDK 24, with the intent to remove it in a future release. This effectively deprecates support for 32-bit x86 on all operating systems. The architecture-agnostic Zero port would be the only remaining way to run Java programs on 32-bit x86 processors going forward. Systems that run on 32-bit x86 today, will need to either consider upgrading to 64-bit x86, qualify 32-bit x86 Zero, or stay on previous JDKs. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8340477 |
Remove JDK1.1 Compatible Behavior for "EST", "MST", and "HST" Time Zones The JDK 1.1-compatible behavior for the "EST," "MST," and "HST" time zones has been removed. Previously, this behavior could be enabled using the |
JDK-8333582 |
Support for CLDR Version 46 The locale data based on the Unicode Consortium's CLDR has been upgraded to version 46. Besides the usual addition of new locale data and translation changes, there are notable changes from the upstream CLDR, affecting Date/Time/Number formattings:
Note that locale data is subject to change in a future release of the CLDR. Although not all locale data changes affect the JDK, users should not assume stability across releases. For more details, please refer to the Unicode Consortium's CLDR release notes and their locale data deltas. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8336479 |
New Method Process.waitFor(Duration) A new, overloaded method, |
JDK-8304929 |
`java.lang.constant.MethodTypeDesc.resolveConstantDesc` Throws ClassNotFoundException Instead of TypeNotPresentException In previous releases, Code that previously handled |
JDK-8319993 |
Support for Unicode 16.0 This release upgrades the Unicode version to 16.0, which includes updated versions of the Unicode Character Database and Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #15, and #29:
- The For more details about Unicode 16.0, refer to the Unicode Consortium’s release note. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8330842 |
SunPKCS11 Provider Is Enhanced to Use CKM_AES_CTS Mechanism If Supported by Native PKCS11 Library The SunPKCS11 provider has been enhanced to support the following AES CTS transformations for the
The Addendum to NIST Special Publication 800-38A defines three variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC mode: CBC-CS1, CBC-CS2, and CBC-CS3. To ensure interoperability with SunJCE and Kerberos, which use the CS3 variant, the SunPKCS11 provider needs to know the variant implemented by the underlying PKCS #11 library and convert the data if it is not in the CS3 variant. A new SunPKCS11 provider configuration attribute named For further information, see SunPKCS11 Configuration and SunPKCS11 Provider Supported Algorithms. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8286851 |
The java Command Line Options `-verbosegc`, `-noclassgc`, `-verify`, `-verifyremote`, `-ss`, `-ms` and `-mx` Are Deprecated for Removal The Applications may consider replacing usages of these options with the following: | Deprecated | Replacement |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| |
JDK-8337506 |
Disable "best-fit" Mapping on Windows Command Line Command line arguments to the Java launcher are no longer converted with Windows' "best-fit" mapping when the arguments include unmappable characters for the ANSI code page. This mapping has been intervening in the Java launcher's argument parsing. Unmappable characters are now replaced with the default replacement character, such as '?' in some cases. For rare cases, where applications need those unmappable characters on the command line, select UTF-8 in Windows Regional Settings. |
JDK-8339918 |
The java Command Line Options `-t`, `-tm`, `-Xfuture`, `-checksource`, `-cs`, and `-noasyncgc` are Removed The These options are henceforth treated as unrecognized and usage of any of these options will lead to an error resulting in a failure to launch |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8338894 |
jhsdb debugd Is Deprecated for Removal The |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8334165 |
Removal of serialVersionUID Compatibility Logic from JMX Some This compatibility logic offered no value, and only added complexity, so has been removed. This will not affect any JMX features, or any interactions between JMX features in different JDKs. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341553 |
UseCompactObjectHeaders CDS Archives Creation The CDS archives for the Compact Object Headers feature are not included in the JDK released by Oracle. In order to take advantage of the start-up performance offered by CDS, the user can build the CDS archives with Compact Object Headers as follows:
The above command generates the To generate a CDS archive with Compact Object Headers and with compressed oops disabled:
The above command generates the |
JDK-8334299 |
The `LockingMode` Flag and the `LM_LEGACY` And `LM_MONITOR` Modes Are Deprecated A new, lightweight locking mechanism for object monitor locking was introduced in JDK 21 under JDK-8291555. The In JDK 24, the This is not expected to change any semantic behavior of Java monitor locking and it is expected to be performance neutral for almost all applications. |
JDK-8330606 |
RedefineClasses verifies the redefined classes When redefining a class with JVMTI |
JDK-8288298 |
Decorate Newlines in Unified Logging Multiline Messages Unified Logging now outputs a special empty decorator To illustrate the change, consider the output of Tools that currently deal with multiline parsing ambiguities in Unified Logging require an update. The updates will likely result in simpler and more robust implementations. |
JDK-8305895 |
Compact Object Headers (Experimental) This release adds experimental support for compact object headers. In current 64-bit implementations, Java objects have a 12-byte header. Compact object headers reduce header sizes to 8 bytes, improving the Java heap footprint. This experimental feature can be enabled with |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341057 |
Added TLS Root CA Certificates Issued in 2022 The following root certificates have been added to the cacerts truststore: ``` + + ssltlsrootecc2022 DN: TLS ECC Root CA 2022, O=SSL Corporation, C=US
JDK-8319332 |
Support for Including Security Properties Files The As a result of this change, the name |
JDK-8333867 |
SHA3 Performance Improved The performance of the |
JDK-8347596 |
Updated HSS/LMS Public Key Encoding The X.509 encoded format for HSS/LMS public keys has been updated to align with the latest standard outlined in RFC 9708. Notably, the additional OCTET STRING wrapping around the public key value has been removed. For compatibility, public key encodings generated by earlier JDK releases are still recognized. |
JDK-8248981 |
Document Standard Hash and MGF Algorithms for RSASSA-PSS Signature A new section for |
JDK-8309841 |
Jarsigner Should Print a Warning If an Entry Is Removed If an entry is removed from a signed JAR file, there is no mechanism to detect that it has been removed using the |
JDK-8313367 |
SunMSCAPI Provider Opens the Windows Local Computer Key Store in Read-Only Mode in Non-Elevated Processes The Local Computer key store is accessed using the |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8337302 |
Undefined Type Variables No Longer Result in `null` Core reflection now throws a |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8339637 |
Support for Time Zone Database 2024b IANA Time Zone Database has been upgraded to 2024b. This version mainly includes changes to improve historical data for Mexico, Mongolia, and Portugal. It also changes one timestamp abbreviation, for the time zone 'MET'. Also Asia/Choibalsan is now an alias for Asia/Ulaanbaatar. The new tzdata changes also impact some legacy zone IDs. Mapping of EST/MST/HST in java.time.ZoneId.SHORT_IDS have changed from fixed offset zones to links to other existing time zones with 2024b. "EST" now links to "America/Panama", "HST" links to "Pacific/Honolulu" and "MST" links to "America/Phoenix". Parsing of the short zone names "EST", "MST", and "HST" is not affected by this change. Further details are available at JDK-8340138 |
Support for Time Zone Database 2024b IANA Time Zone Database has been upgraded to 2024b. This version mainly includes changes to improve historical data for Mexico, Mongolia, and Portugal. It also changes one timestamp abbreviation, for the time zone 'MET'. Also Asia/Choibalsan is now an alias for Asia/Ulaanbaatar. The new tzdata changes also impact some legacy time zone IDs. As per 2024b changes "EST" links to "America/Panama", "HST" links to "Pacific/Honolulu" and "MST" links to "America/Phoenix". To maintain compatibility with the Java SE specification, the |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8343004 |
Adjust JAXP Limits The JDK's XML Processing Limits (known as JAXP Limits) are adjusted to be more in line with general applications. In particular, the default values of the limits are tuned down to more closely align with known DTDs. If an application processes XML documents that reference an extremely large DTD, it may encounter a parsing error such as the follows:
To resolve the issue, application may increase the limit via the JAXP API. Using DOM processor as an example, the following code increases the expansion limit to 5000:
Or in the JAXP Configuration File. A template for creating Strict JAXP Configuration File, To set the property in the configuration file, copy the template and create a custom configuration file:
Edit and change the setting as follows:
As a system property, this property can also be set on the commandline, e.g.:
The Java tutorial, JAXP Processing Limits, provides a debug solution that can be used to analyze the usages and estimate the limits. |
JDK-8343001 |
Adjust XSLT and XPath Extension Function Property The default value of the property for XSLT and XPath Extension Functions, If an application handles XML transformation with a stylesheet that uses Extension Functions, it may encounter processing error such as the follows:
For applications that require extension functions, the solution is to set the property
Or in the JAXP Configuration File. A template for creating Strict JAXP Configuration File,, was provided in JDK 23 for developers to assess and prepare for this type of changes. To set the property, copy the template and create a custom configuration file:
Edit and change the setting as follows:
Furthermore, as a system property, the property can also be set on the commandline, e.g.:
JDK-8344800 |
Add W3C DTDs and XSDs to the JDK built-in Catalog The JDK built-in XML Catalog, introduced in JDK 22 with standard DTDs of the Java Platform, now includes the following DTDs and XSDs defined by W3C specifications. These DTDs and XSDs will be loaded locally from the XML Catalog, without requiring network access.
Issue | Description |
JDK-8333796 |
New Methods in sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory New methods have been added to
Issue | Description |
JDK-8173970 |
New Option to Extract a JAR File to a Specific Directory Using the jar Tool The Example Usages:
Either of these commands will extract the For more details, see the jar command man page. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8333772 |
Disable UDP When udp_preference_limit Is Set to 0
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341134 |
jrunscript Tool Is Deprecated for Removal
Issue | Description |
JDK-8335638 |
Reflective Invocation of VarHandle Signature Polymoprhic Methods Throws UnsupportedOperationException Reflectively invoking VarHandle signature polymorphic methods is specified to throw |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8319457 |
jpackage Supports WiX Toolset v4 and v5 on Windows
Issue | Description |
JDK-8333755 |
NumberFormat Supports IntegerOnly Parsing With Suffix
For example, in the following snippet, 5 will now be returned by the
Issue | Description |
JDK-8340359 |
The `javax.naming.Context.APPLET` Constant Is Removed The |
JDK-8344299 |
The JNDI `` Environment Property Is Removed The JNDI environment property |
JDK-8338536 |
JNDI Remote Code Downloading Is Permanently Disabled JNDI remote code downloading for LDAP and RMI providers is now permanently disabled. The |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8335912 |
New JAR Command Option to Not Overwrite Existing Files The Examples:
Either of these commands will extract the contents of For more details, see the jar command man page. |
JDK-8336843 | Is Deprecated for Removal
Any existing code that used to throw |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341527 |
SHA3 Performance Improved The performance of the |
Issue | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
JDK-8245545 |
Disabled TLS_RSA Cipher Suites The TLSRSA cipher suites have been disabled by default, by adding "TLSRSA_" to the |
JDK-8337664 |
Distrust TLS Server Certificates Anchored by Entrust Root Certificates and Issued After Nov 11, 2024 The JDK will stop trusting TLS server certificates issued after November 11, 2024 and anchored by Entrust root certificates, in line with similar plans recently announced by Google and Mozilla. The list of affected certificates includes certificates branded as AffirmTrust, which are managed by Entrust. TLS server certificates issued on or before November 11, 2024 will continue to be trusted until they expire. Certificates issued after that date, and anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below, will be rejected. The restrictions will be enforced in the JDK implementation (the SunJSSE Provider) of the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API. A TLS session will not be negotiated if the server's certificate chain is anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below and the certificate has been issued after November 11, 2024. An application will receive an Exception with a message indicating the trust anchor is not trusted, for example:
If necessary, and at your own risk, you can work around the restrictions by removing "ENTRUST_TLS" from the The restrictions are imposed on the following Entrust Root certificates included in the JDK:
You can also use the
If any of the certificates in the chain are issued by one of the root CAs in the table above are listed in the output you will need to update the certificate or contact the organization that manages the server. |
JDK-8328608 |
Configurable New Session Tickets Count for TLSv1.3 A new system property, For more details, see Customizing JSSE. |
JDK-8341059 |
Distrust TLS Server Certificates Anchored by Entrust Root Certificates and Issued After Nov 11, 2024 The JDK will stop trusting TLS server certificates issued after November 11, 2024 and anchored by Entrust root certificates, in line with similar plans recently announced by Google and Mozilla. The list of affected certificates includes certificates branded as AffirmTrust, which are managed by Entrust. TLS server certificates issued on or before November 11, 2024 will continue to be trusted until they expire. Certificates issued after that date, and anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below, will be rejected. The restrictions will be enforced in the JDK implementation (the SunJSSE Provider) of the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) API. A TLS session will not be negotiated if the server's certificate chain is anchored by any of the Certificate Authorities in the table below and the certificate has been issued after November 11, 2024. An application will receive an Exception with a message indicating the trust anchor is not trusted, for example:
If necessary, and at your own risk, you can work around the restrictions by removing "ENTRUST_TLS" from the The restrictions are imposed on the following Entrust Root certificates included in the JDK:
You can also use the
If any of the certificates in the chain are issued by one of the root CAs in the table above are listed in the output you will need to update the certificate or contact the organization that manages the server. |
JDK-4966250 |
SSLSessionContext Clarification Regarding Timeout Limit The javadoc for |
JDK-8341964 |
Mechanism to Disable TLS Cipher Suites by Pattern Matching TLS cipher suites can be disabled with the |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8344882 |
Memory Used by Internal Temporary Direct Buffers Is No Longer Limited The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8329471 |
Linux Desktop GTK2 Support Is Removed The JDK's The JDK previously included support for interoperating with the GTK 2 version of the library, which is reaching the end of its life.
GTK 3 long ago superseded it and is supported by the JDK as the preferred default. To use GTK 2, apps must request it using the Since all versions of Linux to be supported by JDK 24 provide GTK3, GTK2 support in JDK is now removed. Setting the |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8344041 |
New Summary Page for External Specifications The API documentation contains a new summary page listing external specifications referenced by Java SE and JDK APIs. A link to the new summary page can be found in the Index page linked in the API documentation navigation bar. For more details, see External Specifications. |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8341566 |
New Reader.of(CharSequence) Method The static factory method |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8260865 |
Generational Shenandoah (Experimental) The experimental generational mode for Shenandoah allows garbage collection to focus on recently allocated memory, reducing the total CPU overhead of GC for many common workloads. In comparison to traditional single-generation Shenandoah, generational mode is often able to achieve higher transaction rates and lower latencies in smaller heap sizes. As experience is gained with more production workloads, the eventual intent is to make this feature non-experimental, and later to make this the default configuration mode for Shenandoah. Add these options to command line to run Shenandaoh GC with generational mode enabled: -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseShenandoahGC -XX:ShenandoahGCMode=generational |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8345259 |
jlink --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH Requires Explicit --module-path Argument Starting with JDK 24, the |
Issue | Description |
JDK-8338139 |
The ClassLoadingMXBean and MemoryMXBean isVerbose Methods Are Now Consistent with Their setVerbose Methods The
JDK-8338890 |
New MXBean to Monitor and Manage Virtual Thread Scheduler A new, JDK-specific monitoring and management interface, |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8340899 | Remove wildcard bound in PositionWindows.positionTestWindows |
P4 | JDK-8340306 | Add border around instructions in PassFailJFrame |
P4 | JDK-8340799 | Add border inside instruction frame in PassFailJFrame |
P4 | JDK-8340466 | Add description for PassFailJFrame constructors |
P4 | JDK-8340461 | Amend description for logArea |
P4 | JDK-8345888 | Broken links in the JDK 24 JavaDoc API documentation, build 27 |
P4 | JDK-8344782 | Cleanup left over doPrivileged calls and imports in java.desktop |
P4 | JDK-8338751 | ConfigureNotify behavior has changed in KWin 6.2 |
P4 | JDK-8345566 | Deproblemlist test/jdk/javax/swing/JComboBox/6559152/ |
P4 | JDK-8345247 | Deproblemlist test/jdk/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8075609/ |
P4 | JDK-8341790 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in java.desktop |
P4 | JDK-8341793 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in jdk.accessibility |
P4 | JDK-8342825 | Fix order of @param tags in module java.desktop |
P4 | JDK-8341235 | Improve default instruction frame title in PassFailJFrame |
P4 | JDK-8334032 | javax.print: Missing @since tag in new class OutputBin |
P4 | JDK-8343902 | javax/swing/plaf/nimbus/8041642/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8345441 | javax/swing/text/DefaultCaret/4680302/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8340987 | Open some TextArea awt tests 1 |
P4 | JDK-8341055 | Open some TextArea awt tests 2 |
P4 | JDK-8341292 | Open some TextArea awt tests 3 |
P4 | JDK-8341376 | Open some TextArea awt tests 4 |
P4 | JDK-8341148 | Open source several Choice related tests |
P4 | JDK-8341170 | Open source several Choice related tests (part 2) |
P4 | JDK-8340985 | Open source some Desktop related tests |
P4 | JDK-8343128 | test result: Error. Bad action for script: build} |
P4 | JDK-8340308 | PassFailJFrame: Make rows default to number of lines in instructions |
P4 | JDK-8340365 | Position the first window of a window list |
P4 | JDK-8317116 | Provide layouts for multiple test UI in PassFailJFrame |
P4 | JDK-8344062 | Remove doPrivileged calls from awt and beans classes in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344058 | Remove doPrivileged calls from macos platform sources in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344064 | Remove doPrivileged calls from print/imageio/media classes in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344060 | Remove doPrivileged calls from shared implementation code in the java.desktop module : part 1 |
P4 | JDK-8344061 | Remove doPrivileged calls from shared implementation code in the java.desktop module : part 2 |
P4 | JDK-8344057 | Remove doPrivileged calls from unix platform sources in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344059 | Remove doPrivileged calls from windows platform sources in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8283664 | Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ |
P4 | JDK-8344994 | Remove most uses of RuntimePermission checks in java.desktop |
P4 | JDK-8344664 | Remove some un-used java/ imports in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344795 | Remove uses of AccessControlContext in java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8345143 | Remove uses of SecurityManager in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344891 | Remove uses of sun.misc.ReflectUtil in java.desktop |
P4 | JDK-8339835 | Replace usages of -mx and -ms in some client-libs tests |
P4 | JDK-8332103 | since-checker - Add missing @ since tags to java.desktop |
P4 | JDK-8344654 | Some client tests still expect a SecurityManager after JEP486 |
P4 | JDK-8345297 | test/jdk/javax/swing/Action/8133039/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8345357 | test/jdk/javax/swing/JRadioButton/8033699/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8345468 | test/jdk/javax/swing/JScrollBar/4865918/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8345447 | test/jdk/javax/swing/JToolBar/4529206/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8345547 | test/jdk/javax/swing/text/DefaultEditorKit/4278839/ fails in ubuntu22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8290501 | Typo in javax.swing.BoundedRangeModel documentation |
P4 | JDK-8339309 | unused-variable warnings happen in libfontmanager |
P4 | JDK-8340785 | Update description of PassFailJFrame and samples |
P5 | JDK-8338488 | Add screen capture for failure case |
P5 | JDK-8343476 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations (client) |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8334509 | Cancelling PageDialog does not return the same PageFormat object |
P3 | JDK-8339341 | SurfaceManager cacheMap retains strong references |
P4 | JDK-8335231 | [macos] Test java/awt/print/PrinterJob/Cancel/ failed on macOS because the case didn't get the expected PrintAbortException |
P4 | JDK-8340801 | Disable ubsan checks in some awt/2d coding |
P4 | JDK-8339974 | Graphics2D.drawString doesn't always work with Font derived from AffineTransform |
P4 | JDK-8277240 | java/awt/Graphics2D/ScaledTransform/ dialog does not get disposed |
P4 | JDK-8334123 | log the opening of Type 1 fonts |
P4 | JDK-8344894 | Obsolete reference to checking permissions in java.awt.Composite |
P4 | JDK-8340143 | Open source several Java2D rendering loop tests. |
P4 | JDK-8341128 | open source some 2d graphics tests |
P4 | JDK-8337344 | Redundant javadoc at RasterPrinterJob.isCancelled |
P4 | JDK-8345073 | Remove SecurityManager checks from sun.awt.image classes |
P4 | JDK-8345142 | Remove uses of SecurityManager in Printing related classes |
P4 | JDK-8341535 | sun/awt/font/ fails with RuntimeException: Different rendering |
P4 | JDK-8338570 | sun/font/HBShaper - mismatch in return type of FFM upcall function description and native invocation |
P4 | JDK-8343124 | Tests fails with java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class com.sun.javatest.regtest.agent.MainWrapper$MainTask cannot access |
P4 | JDK-8333801 | Typos in @code references of BufferedImage and JTableHeader |
P4 | JDK-8333277 | ubsan: mlib_ImageScanPoly.c:292:43: runtime error: division by zero |
P4 | JDK-8332854 | Unable to build openjdk with --with-harfbuzz=system |
P4 | JDK-8339845 | Update and links to use HTTPS instead of HTTP |
P4 | JDK-8334495 | Use FFM instead of jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe in java.desktop font implementation |
P4 | JDK-8337237 | Use FFM instead of Unsafe for Java 2D RenderBuffer class |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8338928 | Update SwingSet2 "About" image to reference |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8340480 | Bad copyright notices in changes from JDK-8339902 |
P3 | JDK-8185429 | [macos] After a modal dialog is closed, no window becomes active |
P3 | JDK-8190329 | [macos] Swing InterOp Platform.exit() crash |
P3 | JDK-8335468 | [XWayland] JavaFX hangs when calling java.awt.Robot.getPixelColor |
P3 | JDK-8332158 | [XWayland] test/jdk/java/awt/Mouse/EnterExitEvents/ |
P3 | JDK-8324491 | Keyboard layout didn't keep its state if it was changed when dialog was active |
P3 | JDK-8343219 | Manual clientlibs test failures after SM removal |
P3 | JDK-8329471 | Remove GTK2 |
P4 | JDK-8291472 | [macos] jawt 1.4 lock/unlock not supported |
P4 | JDK-8314498 | [macos] Transferring File objects to Finder fails |
P4 | JDK-8335267 | [XWayland] move screencast tokens from .awt to .java folder |
P4 | JDK-8340210 | Add positionTestUI() to PassFailJFrame.Builder |
P4 | JDK-8344256 | Clean up obsolete code in java.desktop/share/classes/sun/awt/datatransfer/ |
P4 | JDK-8340355 | Convert GifImageDecoder test from applet |
P4 | JDK-8342280 | Deprecate for removal java.awt.AWTPermission |
P4 | JDK-8342903 | Deprecate for removal java.awt.Window.getWarningString() |
P4 | JDK-8342541 | Exclude List/KeyEventsTest/ from running on macOS |
P4 | JDK-8339271 | giflib attribution correction |
P4 | JDK-8336413 | gtk headers : Fix typedef redeclaration of GMainContext and GdkPixbuf |
P4 | JDK-8233068 | HIDPI: Linux: AWT Checkbox check mark is unscaled |
P4 | JDK-8334599 | Improve code from JDK-8302671 |
P4 | JDK-8344368 | and failed: Selected text & clipboard contents differs |
P4 | JDK-8341972 | java/awt/dnd/ timed out after JDK-8341257 |
P4 | JDK-8345001 | java/awt/doc-files/FocusSpec.html has SecurityManager references |
P4 | JDK-8340008 | KeyEvent/KeyTyped/ has 15 seconds timeout |
P4 | JDK-8340336 | Open some checkbox awt tests |
P4 | JDK-8339879 | Open some dialog awt tests |
P4 | JDK-8339975 | Open some dialog awt tests 2 |
P4 | JDK-8340140 | Open some dialog awt tests 3 |
P4 | JDK-8340494 | Open some dialog awt tests 4 |
P4 | JDK-8340851 | Open some TextArea awt tests |
P4 | JDK-8340407 | Open source a few more Component related tests |
P4 | JDK-8340458 | Open source additional Component tests (part 2) |
P4 | JDK-8340625 | Open source additional Component tests (part 3) |
P4 | JDK-8340354 | Open source AWT desktop properties and print related tests |
P4 | JDK-8341004 | Open source AWT FileDialog related tests |
P4 | JDK-8340084 | Open source AWT Frame related tests |
P4 | JDK-8340719 | Open source AWT List tests |
P4 | JDK-8339984 | Open source AWT MenuItem related tests |
P4 | JDK-8339962 | Open source AWT TextField tests - Set1 |
P4 | JDK-8339794 | Open source closed choice tests #1 |
P4 | JDK-8340393 | Open source closed choice tests #2 |
P4 | JDK-8340433 | Open source closed choice tests #3 |
P4 | JDK-8340907 | Open source closed frame tests # 2 |
P4 | JDK-8341239 | Open source closed frame tests # 3 |
P4 | JDK-8341373 | Open source closed frame tests # 4 |
P4 | JDK-8341447 | Open source closed frame tests # 5 |
P4 | JDK-8340687 | Open source closed frame tests #1 |
P4 | JDK-8340228 | Open source couple more miscellaneous AWT tests |
P4 | JDK-8339902 | Open source couple TextField related tests |
P4 | JDK-8340555 | Open source DnD tests - Set4 |
P4 | JDK-8340713 | Open source DnD tests - Set5 |
P4 | JDK-8340966 | Open source few Checkbox and Cursor tests - Set1 |
P4 | JDK-8340077 | Open source few Checkbox tests - Set2 |
P4 | JDK-8340164 | Open source few Component tests - Set1 |
P4 | JDK-8340967 | Open source few Cursor tests - Set2 |
P4 | JDK-8341257 | Open source few DND tests - Set1 |
P4 | JDK-8340978 | Open source few DnD tests - Set6 |
P4 | JDK-8341191 | Open source few more AWT FileDialog tests |
P4 | JDK-8340437 | Open source few more AWT Frame related tests |
P4 | JDK-8340639 | Open source few more AWT List tests |
P4 | JDK-8340809 | Open source few more AWT PopupMenu tests |
P4 | JDK-8341278 | Open source few TrayIcon tests - Set7 |
P4 | JDK-8341378 | Open source few TrayIcon tests - Set8 |
P4 | JDK-8341258 | Open source few various AWT tests - Set1 |
P4 | JDK-8340332 | Open source mixed AWT tests - Set3 |
P4 | JDK-8341298 | Open source more AWT window tests |
P4 | JDK-8341072 | Open source several AWT Canvas and Rectangle related tests |
P4 | JDK-8340193 | Open source several AWT Dialog tests - Batch 1 |
P4 | JDK-8340279 | Open source several AWT Dialog tests - Batch 2 |
P4 | JDK-8340366 | Open source several AWT Dialog tests - Batch 3 |
P4 | JDK-8340790 | Open source several AWT Dialog tests - Batch 4 |
P4 | JDK-8339727 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 1 |
P4 | JDK-8339842 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 2 |
P4 | JDK-8339895 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 3 |
P4 | JDK-8339906 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 4 |
P4 | JDK-8339935 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 5 |
P4 | JDK-8339995 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 6 |
P4 | JDK-8340015 | Open source several AWT focus tests - series 7 |
P4 | JDK-8340621 | Open source several AWT List tests |
P4 | JDK-8339836 | Open source several AWT Mouse tests - Batch 1 |
P4 | JDK-8339982 | Open source several AWT Mouse tests - Batch 2 |
P4 | JDK-8340605 | Open source several AWT PopupMenu tests |
P4 | JDK-8340271 | Open source several AWT Robot tests |
P4 | JDK-8340173 | Open source some Component/Panel/EventQueue tests - Set2 |
P4 | JDK-8340417 | Open source some MenuBar tests - Set1 |
P4 | JDK-8340432 | Open source some MenuBar tests - Set2 |
P4 | JDK-8340874 | Open source some of the AWT Geometry/Button tests |
P4 | JDK-8341162 | Open source some of the AWT window test |
P4 | JDK-8341000 | Open source some of the AWT Window tests |
P4 | JDK-8340367 | Opensource few AWT image tests |
P4 | JDK-8339639 | Opensource few AWT PopupMenu tests |
P4 | JDK-8341177 | Opensource few List and a Window test |
P4 | JDK-8340007 | Refactor KeyEvent/ |
P4 | JDK-8345000 | Remove last mentions of sun.awt.AWTPermissions |
P4 | JDK-8344667 | Remove most uses of AWT Permissions from the desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8344896 | Remove obsolete checks for AWTPermission accessClipboard |
P4 | JDK-8344799 | Remove permissions checks from java.awt.Desktop |
P4 | JDK-8344065 | Remove SecurityManager uses from the java.datatransfer module |
P4 | JDK-8344303 | Remove usage of URLUtil.getConnectPermission from sun.awt.SunToolkit and sun.awt.image.URLImageSource |
P4 | JDK-8332901 | Select{Current,New} for Choice don't open popup on macOS |
P4 | JDK-8343736 | Test java/awt/Focus/UnaccessibleChoice/ failed: Choice can't be controlled by keyboard |
P4 | JDK-8341037 | Use standard layouts in and |
P4 | JDK-8342785 | XWindowPeer::getNewLocation() adheres to ICCCM 4.1.5 only with some WMs |
P5 | JDK-8345398 | Avoid redundant Properties.containsKey call in Cursor.getSystemCustomCursor |
P5 | JDK-8338785 | The java.awt.datatransfer.SystemFlavorMap#FLAVOR_MAP_KEY field is not used |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8339728 | [Accessibility,Windows,JAWS] Bug in the getKeyChar method of the AccessBridge class |
P4 | JDK-8311110 | multichar warning in WinAccessBridge.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8344066 | Remove SecurityManager uses from the jdk.accessibility module |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8337681 | PNGImageWriter uses much more memory than necessary |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8342281 | Deprecate for removal javax.sound.sampled.AudioPermission |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8335967 | "text-decoration: none" does not work with "A" HTML tags |
P2 | JDK-8345004 | [BACKOUT] GTK & Nimbus LAF: Tabbed pane's background color is not expected one when change the opaque checkbox. |
P2 | JDK-8334580 | Deprecate no-arg constructor BasicSliderUI() for removal |
P2 | JDK-8344914 | OOME in several tests since JDK-6672644 - JComboBox still scrolling |
P3 | JDK-8315655 | [macos] Right click and dragging over a component with a popup menu will open the popup |
P3 | JDK-8336873 | BasicSplitPaneDivider:oneTouchExpandableChanged() should mention that implementation depends on SplitPane.supportsOneTouchButtons property |
P3 | JDK-6967482 | TAB-key does not work in JTables after selecting details-view in JFileChooser |
P3 | JDK-8051591 | Test javax/swing/JTabbedPane/8007563/ fails |
P3 | JDK-8334457 | Test javax/swing/JTabbedPane/ fail on macOS with because pressing the ‘C’ key does not switch the layout to WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT |
P3 | JDK-8335130 | The test "javax/swing/plaf/synth/ComponentsOrientationSupport/5033822/" fails because the background color of the tabs is displayed incorrectly. |
P4 | JDK-8316151 | [macos14] fails on macOS 14 |
P4 | JDK-8329756 | [macos] "javax/swing/JTable/" fail because most combinations of navigational keys with the Ctrl key do not work |
P4 | JDK-8235404 | [macos] JOptionPane blocks drawing string on another component |
P4 | JDK-8321140 | Add comment to note difference in Metal's JButton margins |
P4 | JDK-6318027 | BasicScrollBarUI does not disable timer when enclosing frame is disabled. |
P4 | JDK-8344578 | Clean up left over and imports in Swing classes |
P4 | JDK-8339577 | Deproblemlist javax/swing/JTabbedPane/4690946/ |
P4 | JDK-8333940 | Ensure javax/swing/ run on all platforms |
P4 | JDK-8166352 | FilePane.createDetailsView() removes JTable TAB, SHIFT-TAB functionality |
P4 | JDK-8216471 | GTK LnF: Frame is clipped and does not show JTable,Tooltip and JTree demo in SwingSet2 demo |
P4 | JDK-8341978 | Improve JButton/ |
P4 | JDK-8339731 | java.desktop/share/classes/javax/swing/text/html/default.css typo in margin settings |
P4 | JDK-8338679 | javax/swing/GraphicsConfigNotifier/ timed out |
P4 | JDK-8343601 | javax/swing/JMenuItem/8158566/ fails in ubuntu 22.04 |
P4 | JDK-8344338 | javax/swing/JTextArea/ fails on Ubuntu 24.04.1 |
P4 | JDK-6672644 | JComboBox still scrolling if switch to another window and return back |
P4 | JDK-4265389 | JSplitPane does not support ComponentOrientation |
P4 | JDK-5021949 | JSplitPane setEnabled(false) shouldn't be partially functional |
P4 | JDK-8338041 | Keyboard Navigation of JTable, Ctrl Shift RIGHT/LEFT doesn't follow native action in GTK L&F |
P4 | JDK-8343037 | Missing @since tag on JColorChooser.showDialog overload |
P4 | JDK-8343123 | Nimbus: javax/swing/JInternalFrame/ does not have green undecorated window |
P4 | JDK-8344063 | Remove doPrivileged calls from swing classes in the java.desktop module |
P4 | JDK-8342602 | Remove JButton/PressedButtonRightClickTest test |
P4 | JDK-8337274 | Remove repeated 'the' in StyleSheet.create{Small,Large}AttributeSet |
P4 | JDK-8345141 | Remove uses of SecurityManager in ShellFolder related classes |
P4 | JDK-8341982 | Simplify JButton/ |
P4 | JDK-8344569 | SwingUtilities2.makeIcon_Unprivileged is obsolete |
P4 | JDK-8335131 | Test "javax/swing/JColorChooser/" failed on ubuntu x64 because "Preview" title is missing for GTK L&F |
P4 | JDK-8321682 | Test javax/swing/JEditorPane/4465905/ failed |
P4 | JDK-8308588 | Unnecessary synchronized on GTKStyle#ICONS_MAP can be removed |
P4 | JDK-8340360 | Update -mx to -Xmx in UnninstallUIMemoryLeaks test |
P4 | JDK-8337287 | Update image in javax.swing.text.Document.insert |
P5 | JDK-8336879 | Always true condition 'img != null' in GTKPainter.paintPopupMenuBackground |
P5 | JDK-8340580 | Characters in Document diagrams not in the middle |
P5 | JDK-8339972 | Make a few fields in SortingFocusTraversalPolicy static |
P5 | JDK-8337268 | Redundant Math.ceil in StyleSheet.ListPainter#drawShape |
P5 | JDK-8337457 | Redundant Math.round call in AquaProgressBarUI#getStringPlacement |
P5 | JDK-8342082 | Remove unused BasicProgressBarUI.Animator.interval |
P5 | JDK-8155030 | The Menu Mnemonics are always displayed for GTK LAF |
P5 | JDK-8343418 | Unnecessary Hashtable usage in CSS.htmlAttrToCssAttrMap |
P5 | JDK-8342508 | Use latch in BasicMenuUI/ instead of delay |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8344611 | Add missing classpath exception |
P3 | JDK-8342642 | Class loading failure due to archived map issue in ModuleLoaderMap.Mapper |
P3 | JDK-8307341 | JEP 472: Prepare to Restrict the Use of JNI |
P3 | JDK-8338456 | JEP 487: Scoped Values (Fourth Preview) |
P3 | JDK-8342077 | JEP 498: Warn upon Use of Memory-Access Methods in sun.misc.Unsafe |
P3 | JDK-8334339 | Test java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ fails on alinux3 |
P3 | JDK-8346174 | UMAX/UMIN are missing from XXXVector::reductionOperations |
P4 | JDK-8339677 | [vectorapi] YYYXXXVector::withLaneHelper and laneHelper should use Double::doubleToRawLongBits/Float::floatToRawIntBits |
P4 | JDK-8331051 | Add an `@since` checker test for `java.base` module |
P4 | JDK-8343777 | Add since checker tests to Internationalisation modules |
P4 | JDK-8341399 | Add since checker tests to the langtools modules |
P4 | JDK-8344259 | Annotate Float16 with jdk.internal.ValueBased |
P4 | JDK-8343071 | Broken anchors to restricted method page and some redundant ids |
P4 | JDK-8339714 | Delete tedious bool type define |
P4 | JDK-8336039 | Doccheck: HTML warnings, broken links and missing files in java.base documentation |
P4 | JDK-8346667 | Doccheck: warning about missing before |
P4 | JDK-8339631 | Fix block @jls and @jvms tags |
P4 | JDK-8341789 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in java.base |
P4 | JDK-8344525 | Fix leftover ExceptionOccurred in java.base |
P4 | JDK-8342696 | Fix order of @param tags |
P4 | JDK-8342698 | Fix order of @param tags in module java.base |
P4 | JDK-8343984 | Fix Unsafe address overflow |
P4 | JDK-8336012 | Fix usages of jtreg-reserved properties |
P4 | JDK-8342380 | Implement JEP 498: Warn upon Use of Memory-Access Methods in sun.misc.Unsafe |
P4 | JDK-8344300 | Implement JEP 499: Structured Concurrency (Fourth Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335802 | Improve startup speed HexFormat uses boolean instead of enum |
P4 | JDK-8335645 | j.u.Formatter#trailingZeros improved with String repeat |
P4 | JDK-8338060 | jdk/internal/util/ReferencedKeyTest should be more robust |
P4 | JDK-8340841 | JEP 489: Vector API (Ninth Incubator) |
P4 | JDK-8344096 | JEP 499: Structured Concurrency (Fourth Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8341542 | JNI uses of ExceptionOccurred() treated as if function returns a bool |
P4 | JDK-8336278 | Micro-optimize Replace String.format("%n") to System.lineSeparator |
P4 | JDK-8343497 | Missing DEF_STATIC_JNI_OnLoad in libjimage and libsaproc native libraries |
P4 | JDK-8334328 | Reduce object allocation for FloatToDecimal and DoubleToDecimal |
P4 | JDK-8335252 | Reduce size of j.u.Formatter.Conversion#isValid |
P4 | JDK-8339735 | Remove references to Applet in core-libs/security APIs |
P4 | JDK-8340326 | Remove references to Applet in core-libs/security tests |
P4 | JDK-8345565 | Remove remaining SecurityManager motivated APIs from sun.reflect.util |
P4 | JDK-8344471 | Remove SecurityManager related code from java.compiler module |
P4 | JDK-8333833 | Remove the use of ByteArrayLittleEndian from UUID::toString |
P4 | JDK-8344011 | Remove usage of security manager from Class and reflective APIs |
P4 | JDK-8345286 | Remove use of SecurityManager API from misc areas |
P4 | JDK-8339834 | Replace usages of -mx and -ms in some tests |
P4 | JDK-8343598 | Since Checker can mark some preview elements as new even if bytecode reference is identical |
P4 | JDK-8330954 | since-checker - Fix remaining @ since tags in java.base |
P4 | JDK-8345325 | SM cleanup of GetPropertyAction in java.base |
P5 | JDK-8325949 | Create an internal utility method for creating VarHandle instances |
P5 | JDK-8344419 | Use StaticProperty in some JDK classes |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8003887 | File.getCanonicalFile() does not resolve symlinks on MS Windows |
P3 | JDK-8333358 | java/io/IO/ test fails intermittently |
P4 | JDK-6426678 | (spec) File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix, dir) needs clarification for illegal symbols in suffix |
P4 | JDK-8341566 | Add Reader.of(CharSequence) |
P4 | JDK-8339574 | Behavior of{Directory,File,Hidden} is not documented with respect to symlinks |
P4 | JDK-8336895 | BufferedReader doesn't read full \r\n line ending when it doesn't fit in buffer |
P4 | JDK-8342936 | Enhance with parameter-less println() and readln() |
P4 | JDK-8341666 | FileInputStream doesn't support readAllBytes() or readNBytes(int) on pseudo devices |
P4 | JDK-8342086 | FileInputStream.available() fails with "Incorrect function" for "nul" path (win) |
P4 | JDK-8340229 | Improve opening sentence of FileInputStream constructor specification |
P4 | JDK-8340232 | Optimize DataInputStream::readUTF |
P4 | JDK-8339699 | Optimize DataOutputStream writeUTF |
P4 | JDK-8343039 | Remove jdk.internal.misc.InternalLock and usages from |
P4 | JDK-8344077 | Remove security manager dependency in |
P4 | JDK-8332161 | Test restoring echo in the Console implementation (java.base) |
P4 | JDK-8341975 | Unable to set encoding for IO.println, IO.print and IO.readln |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8272339 | Update notes section from serialver man page |
P4 | JDK-8333796 | Add missing serialization functionality to sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory |
P4 | JDK-8222884 | times out intermittently |
P4 | JDK-8344034 | Remove security manager dependency in Serialization |
P5 | JDK-8337840 | Remove redundant null check in ObjectOutputStream.writeProxyDesc |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8343925 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8342650 Move getChars to DecimalDigits |
P2 | JDK-8349183 | [BACKOUT] Optimization for StringBuilder append boolean & null |
P2 | JDK-8349239 | [BACKOUT] Reuse StringLatin1::putCharsAt and StringUTF16::putCharsAt |
P2 | JDK-8337300 | java/lang/Process/ leaves child process behind |
P3 | JDK-8296546 | Add @spec tags to API |
P3 | JDK-8343437 | ClassDesc.of incorrectly permitting empty names |
P3 | JDK-8336856 | Efficient hidden class-based string concatenation strategy |
P3 | JDK-8343019 | Primitive caches must use boxed instances from the archive |
P3 | JDK-8343132 | Remove temporary transitions from Virtual thread implementation |
P3 | JDK-8319993 | Update Unicode Data Files to 16.0.0 |
P4 | JDK-8342647 | [macosx] Clean up the NSInvocation based call to NSProcessInfo.operatingSystemVersion |
P4 | JDK-8336679 | Add @implSpec for the default implementations in Process.waitFor() |
P4 | JDK-8335637 | Add explicit non-null return value expectations to Object.toString() |
P4 | JDK-8341260 | Add Float16 to jdk.incubator.vector |
P4 | JDK-8345403 | Add more randomized tests to better cover FloatingDecimal parsing |
P4 | JDK-8343704 | Bad GC parallelism with processing Cleaner queues |
P4 | JDK-8334772 | Change Class::signers to an explicit field |
P4 | JDK-8344549 | Cleanup AccessController in sun.misc.Unsafe |
P4 | JDK-8335182 | Consolidate and streamline String concat code shapes |
P4 | JDK-8333749 | Consolidate ConstantDesc conversion in java.base |
P4 | JDK-8338544 | Dedicated Array class descriptor implementation |
P4 | JDK-8341064 | Define anchor point and index term for "wrapper classes" |
P4 | JDK-8178966 | Don't swallow early bootstrap exceptions in Boolean.getBoolean, Integer.getInteger and Long.getLong |
P4 | JDK-8337245 | Fix wrong comment of StringConcatHelper |
P4 | JDK-8341903 | Implementation of Scoped Values (Fourth Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8339769 | Incorrect error message during startup if working directory does not exist |
P4 | JDK-8339166 | java/lang/String/concat/ fails on AIX and Linux ppc64le after JDK-8336856 |
P4 | JDK-8343819 | Link Float.NaN and Double.NaN to equivalence discussion in Double |
P4 | JDK-8304929 | MethodTypeDesc throws an unchecked exception than ReflectiveOperationException when a component class cannot be resolved |
P4 | JDK-8333768 | Minor doc updates to java.lang.{Float, Double} |
P4 | JDK-8343453 | Modernize FloatingDecimal tests |
P4 | JDK-8341548 | More concise use of classfile API |
P4 | JDK-8342650 | Move getChars to DecimalDigits |
P4 | JDK-8333893 | Optimization for StringBuilder append boolean & null |
P4 | JDK-8343500 | Optimize ArrayClassDescImpl computeDescriptor |
P4 | JDK-8336831 | Optimize StringConcatHelper.simpleConcat |
P4 | JDK-8338937 | Optimize the string concatenation of ClassDesc |
P4 | JDK-8339487 | ProcessHandleImpl os_getChildren sysctl call - retry in case of ENOMEM and enhance exception message |
P4 | JDK-8333742 | ProcessImpl and ProcessHandleImpl may mishandle processes that exit with code 259 |
P4 | JDK-8336479 | Provide Process.waitFor(Duration) |
P4 | JDK-8334394 | Race condition in Class::protectionDomain |
P4 | JDK-8339687 | Rearrange reachabilityFence()s in jdk.test.lib.util.ForceGC |
P4 | JDK-8341664 | ReferenceClassDescImpl cache internalName |
P4 | JDK-8344534 | Remove leftover import of in JavaLangAccess |
P4 | JDK-8343958 | Remove security manager impl in java.lang.Process and java.lang.Runtime.exec |
P4 | JDK-8343981 | Remove usage of security manager from Thread and related classes |
P4 | JDK-8343650 | Reuse StringLatin1::putCharsAt and StringUTF16::putCharsAt |
P4 | JDK-8339592 | Simplify and remove unused code in ObjectMethods. |
P4 | JDK-8339934 | Simplify Math.scalb(double) method |
P4 | JDK-8344555 | SM cleanup - drop reflection filter of field |
P4 | JDK-8344565 | SM cleanup in jdk/internal and java/lang package private classes |
P4 | JDK-8344336 | SM cleanup of java.lang.System, Runtime, String, StackWalker |
P4 | JDK-8338532 | Speed up the ClassFile API MethodTypeDesc#ofDescriptor |
P4 | JDK-8344595 | State transitions in internal VirtualThread comment needs to be updated |
P4 | JDK-8338930 | StringConcatFactory hardCoded string concatenation strategy |
P4 | JDK-8339635 | StringConcatFactory optimization for CompactStrings off |
P4 | JDK-8338936 | StringConcatFactory optimize the construction of MethodType and MethodTypeDesc |
P4 | JDK-8337167 | StringSize deduplication |
P4 | JDK-8335274 | SwitchBootstraps.ResolvedEnumLabels.resolvedEnum should be final |
P4 | JDK-8332522 | SwitchBootstraps::mappedEnumLookup constructs unused array |
P4 | JDK-8344143 | Test jdk/java/lang/Thread/virtual/stress/ timed out on macosx-x64 |
P4 | JDK-8299419 | Thread.sleep(millis) may throw OOME |
P4 | JDK-8347817 | Timeouts running test/jdk/java/lang/String/concat/ with fastdebug builds |
P4 | JDK-8340981 | Update citations to "Hacker's Delight" |
P4 | JDK-8341243 | Use ArraySupport.SOFT_MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH for max array size in java.base |
P4 | JDK-8342693 | Use byte[] as parameter in a FDBigInteger constructor and as field |
P4 | JDK-8340983 | Use index and definition tags in Object and Double |
P4 | JDK-8342863 | Use pattern matching for instanceof in equals methods of wrapper classes |
P4 | JDK-8347605 | Use spec tag to refer to IEEE 754 standard |
P4 | JDK-8333828 | Use value javadoc tag in java.lang.{Float, Double} |
P4 | JDK-8336254 | Virtual thread implementation + test updates |
P4 | JDK-8344577 | Virtual thread tests are timing out on some macOS systems |
P4 | JDK-8341541 | Wrong anchor in wrapper classes links |
P4 | JDK-8338694 | x86_64 intrinsic for tanh using libm |
P5 | JDK-8336239 | Fix javadoc markup in java.lang.Process |
P5 | JDK-8342865 | Use type parameter for Class::getPrimitiveClass |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8340323 | Test jdk/classfile/ fails after JDK-8340200 |
P2 | JDK-8335935 | Chained builders not sending transformed models to next transforms |
P2 | JDK-8347762 | ClassFile attribute specification refers to non-SE modules |
P2 | JDK-8334712 | JEP 484: Class-File API |
P2 | JDK-8342620 | Performance regression in Rubykon JRuby benchmark after JDK-8294960 |
P2 | JDK-8344314 | Revert removal of |
P2 | JDK-8338542 | Umbrella - Reduce startup overhead associated with migration to ClassFile API |
P3 | JDK-8338406 | BytecodeHelpers using wrong bootstrap method descriptor for condy |
P3 | JDK-8345773 | Class-File API debug printing capability |
P3 | JDK-8335475 | ClassBuilder incorrectly calculates max_locals in some cases |
P3 | JDK-8345319 | Fix the tag type in PoolEntry and AnnotationValue |
P3 | JDK-8335939 | Hide element writing across the ClassFile API |
P3 | JDK-8335820 | java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ fails due to IllegalArgumentException: hash must be nonzero |
P3 | JDK-8336927 | Missing equals and hashCode in java.lang.classfile.Annotation |
P3 | JDK-8345486 | Reevaluate the classes in java.lang.classfile.components package |
P3 | JDK-8339115 | Rename TypeKind enum constants to follow code style |
P3 | JDK-8338623 | StackCounter adding extraneous slots for receiver invoke instructions |
P4 | JDK-8337219 | AccessFlags factories do not require necessary arguments |
P4 | JDK-8338700 | AttributeMapper type parameter should be bounded by Attribute |
P4 | JDK-8338979 | Avoid bootstrapped switches in the classfile API |
P4 | JDK-8339710 | Avoid initializing AccessFlag related classes in write-only cases |
P4 | JDK-8336585 | BoundAttribute.readEntryList not type-safe |
P4 | JDK-8336777 | BufferedMethodBuilder not initialized with static flag |
P4 | JDK-8338543 | ClassBuilder withMethod builders should cache the method type symbol |
P4 | JDK-8333812 | ClassFile.verify() can throw exceptions instead of returning VerifyErrors |
P4 | JDK-8344841 | ClassPrinter prints confusing value for null |
P4 | JDK-8346128 | Comparison build fails due to difference in LabelTarget.html |
P4 | JDK-8335905 | CompoundElement API cleanup |
P4 | JDK-8339329 | ConstantPoolBuilder#constantValueEntry method doc typo and clarifications |
P4 | JDK-8294960 | Convert java.base/java.lang.invoke package to use the Classfile API to generate lambdas and method handles |
P4 | JDK-8337225 | Demote maxStack and maxLocals from CodeModel to CodeAttribute |
P4 | JDK-8341028 | Do not use lambdas or method refs for verifyConstantPool |
P4 | JDK-8336833 | Endless loop in Javap ClassWriter |
P4 | JDK-8336032 | Enforce immutability of Lists used by ClassFile API |
P4 | JDK-8336588 | Ensure Transform downstream receives upstream start items only after downstream started |
P4 | JDK-8338015 | Fix "Java Java" typo in package info file of java.lang.classfile |
P4 | JDK-8335110 | Fix instruction name and API spec inconsistencies in CodeBuilder |
P4 | JDK-8317356 | Fix missing null checks in the ClassFile API |
P4 | JDK-8338545 | Functional interface implementations for common pre-boot ClassFile operations |
P4 | JDK-8335642 | Hide Transform implementation for Class-File API |
P4 | JDK-8334714 | Implement JEP 484: Class-File API |
P4 | JDK-8342465 | Improve API documentation for java.lang.classfile |
P4 | JDK-8342466 | Improve API documentation for java.lang.classfile.attribute |
P4 | JDK-8342468 | Improve API documentation for java.lang.classfile.constantpool |
P4 | JDK-8342469 | Improve API documentation for java.lang.classfile.instruction |
P4 | JDK-8336756 | Improve ClassFile Annotation writing |
P4 | JDK-8338014 | Improve usage of @jvms tags in class file API |
P4 | JDK-8343881 | java.lang.classfile.Attribute attributeName() method should return Utf8Entry |
P4 | JDK-8347163 | Javadoc error in ConstantPoolBuilder after JDK-8342468 |
P4 | JDK-8334040 | jdk/classfile/ timed out |
P4 | JDK-8339132 | Make DirectCodeBuilder write through without allocating instruction objects |
P4 | JDK-8340200 | Misspelled constant `AttributesProcessingOption.DROP_UNSTABLE_ATRIBUTES` |
P4 | JDK-8342458 | More consistent constant instruction handling |
P4 | JDK-8339876 | Move constant symbol caches to Utf8EntryImpl |
P4 | JDK-8339260 | Move rarely used constants out of ClassFile |
P4 | JDK-8339196 | Optimize BufWriterImpl#writeU1/U2/Int/Long |
P4 | JDK-8341581 | Optimize BytecodeHelpers validate slot |
P4 | JDK-8339217 | Optimize ClassFile API loadConstant |
P4 | JDK-8341859 | Optimize ClassFile Benchmark Write |
P4 | JDK-8342336 | Optimize ClassFile imports |
P4 | JDK-8339401 | Optimize ClassFile load and store instructions |
P4 | JDK-8339320 | Optimize ClassFile Utf8EntryImpl#inflate |
P4 | JDK-8339290 | Optimize ClassFile Utf8EntryImpl#writeTo |
P4 | JDK-8339168 | Optimize ClassFile Util slotSize |
P4 | JDK-8339317 | Optimize ClassFile writeBuffer |
P4 | JDK-8341906 | Optimize ClassFile writing BufBuffer |
P4 | JDK-8340710 | Optimize DirectClassBuilder::build |
P4 | JDK-8341141 | Optimize DirectCodeBuilder |
P4 | JDK-8341900 | Optimize DirectCodeBuilder writeBody |
P4 | JDK-8341415 | Optimize RawBytecodeHelper::next |
P4 | JDK-8340544 | Optimize setLocalsFromArg |
P4 | JDK-8339205 | Optimize StackMapGenerator |
P4 | JDK-8341006 | Optimize StackMapGenerator detect frames |
P4 | JDK-8340587 | Optimize StackMapGenerator$Frame::checkAssignableTo |
P4 | JDK-8341510 | Optimize StackMapGenerator::processFieldInstructions |
P4 | JDK-8341512 | Optimize StackMapGenerator::processInvokeInstructions |
P4 | JDK-8340708 | Optimize StackMapGenerator::processMethod |
P4 | JDK-8341136 | Optimize StackMapGenerator::trimAndCompress |
P4 | JDK-8339742 | Refactor ClassFileImpl to allow loading Option classes lazily |
P4 | JDK-8343436 | Regression in StackMapGenerator after JDK-8339205 |
P4 | JDK-8336754 | Remodel TypeAnnotation to "has" instead of "be" an Annotation |
P4 | JDK-8339167 | Remove AbstractPoolEntry.PrimitiveEntry to reduce boxing overheads |
P4 | JDK-8334726 | Remove accidentally exposed individual methods from Class-File API |
P4 | JDK-8340132 | Remove internal CpException for reading malformed utf8 |
P4 | JDK-8339214 | Remove misleading CodeBuilder.loadConstant(Opcode, ConstantDesc) |
P4 | JDK-8334733 | Remove obsolete @enablePreview from tests after JDK-8334714 |
P4 | JDK-8339131 | Remove rarely-used accessor methods from Opcode |
P4 | JDK-8339519 | Remove size field from instructions |
P4 | JDK-8334734 | Remove specialized readXxxEntry methods from ClassReader |
P4 | JDK-8339198 | Remove tag field from AbstractPoolEntry |
P4 | JDK-8335290 | Rename ClassFile::transform to ClassFile::transformClass |
P4 | JDK-8335938 | Review XxxBuilder.original and XxxModel.parent |
P4 | JDK-8335927 | Revisit AnnotationConstantValueEntry and AnnotationValue.OfConstant |
P4 | JDK-8340011 | Simplify jdk.internal.classfile.impl.EntryMap |
P4 | JDK-8338546 | Speed up ConstantPoolBuilder::classEntry(ClassDesc) |
P4 | JDK-8339576 | Speed up raw bytecode processing in ClassFile API |
P4 | JDK-8339492 | StackMapDecoder::writeFrames makes lots of allocations |
P4 | JDK-8338661 | StackMapTable is invalid if frames appear in dead code |
P4 | JDK-8339368 | Switch targets are not inflated in CodeModel if no StackMap |
P4 | JDK-8341199 | Use ClassFile's new API loadConstant(int) |
P4 | JDK-8341277 | Validate slot argument for instruction factories |
P5 | JDK-8338564 | Remove obsolete AbstractNamedEntry::equals method |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8343770 | Build fails due to use of sun.misc.Unsafe in LoopOverRandom |
P2 | JDK-8341127 | Extra call to MethodHandle::asType from memory segment var handles fails to inline |
P2 | JDK-8345396 | Fix headers after JDK-8345164 |
P2 | JDK-8344954 | Linker tests fails on BE platforms after JDK-8340205 |
P2 | JDK-8340089 | Simplify SegmentBulkOperations::powerOfProperty |
P2 | JDK-8343771 | Some FFM benchmarks are broken |
P2 | JDK-8340081 | Test java/foreign/ failed failed: missing permission java.lang.foreign.native.threshold.power.fill |
P3 | JDK-8340189 | 8339531 incorrect for Big Endian platforms |
P3 | JDK-8345120 | A likely bug in StringSupport::chunkedStrlenShort |
P3 | JDK-8340307 | Add explanation around MemorySegment:reinterpret regarding arenas |
P3 | JDK-8294432 | Add provisions to calculate hash values from MemorySegments |
P3 | JDK-8336768 | Allow captureCallState and critical linker options to be combined |
P3 | JDK-8338596 | Clarify handling of restricted and caller-sensitive methods |
P3 | JDK-8347047 | Cleanup action passed to MemorySegment::reinterpret keeps old segment alive |
P3 | JDK-8342902 | Deduplication of acquire calls in BindingSpecializer causes escape-analyisis failure |
P3 | JDK-8345465 | Fix performance regression on x64 after JDK-8345120 |
P3 | JDK-8338591 | Improve performance of MemorySegment::copy |
P3 | JDK-8338677 | Improve startup of memory access var handles by simplifying combinator chains |
P3 | JDK-8345186 | Incorrect @throws doc for MemorySegment::getString |
P3 | JDK-8338731 | MemoryLayout::offsetHandle can return a negative offset |
P3 | JDK-8333884 | MemorySegment::reinterpret removes read-only property |
P3 | JDK-8335480 | Only deoptimize threads if needed when closing shared arena |
P3 | JDK-8337753 | Target class of upcall stub may be unloaded |
P3 | JDK-8343793 | Test java/foreign/ is timing out |
P3 | JDK-8331735 | UpcallLinker::on_exit races with GC when copying frame anchor |
P4 | JDK-8340269 | [s390x] failure after 8338123 |
P4 | JDK-8345389 | Bump missed copyright years for JDK-8336768 |
P4 | JDK-8333886 | Explicitly specify that asSlice and reinterpret return a memory segment backed by the same region of memory. |
P4 | JDK-8334708 | FFM: two javadoc problems |
P4 | JDK-8331671 | Implement JEP 472: Prepare to Restrict the Use of JNI |
P4 | JDK-8338967 | Improve performance for MemorySegment::fill |
P4 | JDK-8339531 | Improve performance of MemorySegment::mismatch |
P4 | JDK-8343188 | Investigate ways to simplify MemorySegment::ofBuffer |
P4 | JDK-8339686 | java/foreign/ fails with assert(depth < max_critical_stack_depth) failed: can't have more than 10 critical frames |
P4 | JDK-8324260 | java/foreign/ run timeout with -Xcomp |
P4 | JDK-8338123 | Linker crash when building a downcall handle with many arguments in x64 |
P4 | JDK-8343394 | Make MemorySessionImpl.state a stable field |
P4 | JDK-8338728 | Misc issues in memory layout javadoc |
P4 | JDK-8340205 | Native linker allows MemoryLayout consisting of only PaddingLayout |
P4 | JDK-8286875 | ProgrammableUpcallHandler::on_entry/on_exit access thread fields from native |
P4 | JDK-8333843 | Provide guidelines on MemorySegment to read strings with known lengths |
P4 | JDK-8340120 | Remove redundant code in SegmentBulkOperations::mismatch |
P4 | JDK-8344086 | Remove security manager dependency in FFM |
P4 | JDK-8344912 | Sharpen the return type of various internal methods in jdk.internal.foreign |
P4 | JDK-8334107 | Specification for MemorySegment::get/setString could use some clarification |
P4 | JDK-8339285 | Test fails with assert(depth < max_critical_stack_depth) failed: can't have more than 10 critical frames |
P4 | JDK-8337060 | Test java/foreign/ failed: IllegalStateException: SegmentAccessor::doAccess method not being compiled |
P4 | JDK-8344989 | Test java/foreign/ failed with zero: IllegalStateException: libffi call failed with status: FFI_BAD_TYPEDEF |
P4 | JDK-8341584 | Test java/foreign/ intermittent timeout with -Xcomp |
P4 | JDK-8341585 | Test java/foreign/ should mark as /native |
P4 | JDK-8339780 | TestByteBuffer fails on AIX after 8339285 |
P4 | JDK-8342963 | TestLargeStub::testUpcall doesn't test upcalls stubs |
P4 | JDK-8338489 | Typo in MemorySegment doc |
P4 | JDK-8343144 | UpcallLinker::on_entry racingly clears pending exception with GC safepoints |
P5 | JDK-8343844 | Add benchmarks for superword/autovectorization in FFM BulkOperations |
P5 | JDK-8345164 | Remove residual --enable-preview in FFM tests and benchmarks |
P5 | JDK-8344967 | Some tests in TestFill do not use the test parameter |
P5 | JDK-8344134 | Use static property in SystemLookup |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8325984 | 4 jcstress tests are failing in Tier6 4 times each |
P2 | JDK-8334872 | BigEndian: java/lang/invoke/condy Tests failing since JDK-8294960 |
P2 | JDK-8335060 | ClassCastException after JDK-8294960 |
P2 | JDK-8340812 | LambdaForm customization via MethodHandle::updateForm is not thread safe |
P3 | JDK-8335638 | Calling VarHandle.{access-mode} methods reflectively throws wrong exception |
P3 | JDK-8343064 | ClassFormatError: Illegal class name from InnerClassLambdaMetafactory |
P4 | JDK-8340280 | Avoid calling MT.invokerType() when creating LambdaForms |
P4 | JDK-8340838 | Clean up MutableCallSite to use explicit release fence instead of AtomicInteger |
P4 | JDK-8335922 | Incorrect @Stable usage of LambdaForm$Name.index |
P4 | JDK-8341755 | Optimize argNames in InnerClassLambdaMetafactory |
P4 | JDK-8339800 | Prefer invokeBasic in BootstrapMethodInvokers |
P4 | JDK-8339640 | Reduce construction overheads in StringConcatFactory$InlineHiddenClassStrategy |
P4 | JDK-8339642 | Reduce overheads in InvokerBytecodeGenerator |
P4 | JDK-8339799 | Reduce work done in j.l.invoke bytecode generators |
P4 | JDK-8343547 | Restore accidentally removed annotations in LambdaForm from ClassFile API port |
P4 | JDK-8339683 | Simplify class data generation in InvokerBytecodeGenerator |
P4 | JDK-8340831 | Simplify simple validation for class definition in MethodHandles.Lookup |
P4 | JDK-8335150 | Test fails on rpmbuild mock enviroment |
P5 | JDK-8340131 | Refactor internal makeHiddenClassDefiner to take option mask instead of Set |
P5 | JDK-8339837 | Remove unused BootstrapMethodsInvokers.isLambdaMetafactoryCondyBSM |
P5 | JDK-8341776 | Remove unused enum values from LambdaForm$Kind |
P5 | JDK-8333824 | Unused ClassValue in VarHandles |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8338747 | hasIncubatorModules needs to be generated when module resolution required at startup |
P4 | JDK-8338611 | java.lang.module specification wording not aligned with JEP 261 |
P4 | JDK-8345075 | java.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor constructor could be made private |
P4 | JDK-8344231 | SecurityManager cleanup in java.lang.module and jdk.internal.module |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8341551 | Revisit jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath.JarLoader after JEP 486 |
P4 | JDK-8338716 | Re-visit "interrupt handling" in jdk.internal.loader.Resource |
P4 | JDK-8343982 | Remove usage of security manager from ClassLoader and related classes |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8333854 | IllegalAccessError with proxies after JDK-8332457 |
P3 | JDK-8343377 | Performance regression in reflective invocation of native methods |
P4 | JDK-8341100 | Add index entries for terms used in java.lang.Class |
P4 | JDK-8250659 | Clarify in ParameterizedType.getRawType() doc that only Class is returned |
P4 | JDK-8336934 | Clean up JavaLangReflectAccess |
P4 | JDK-8342653 | Fix minor doc issues in AnnotatedElement |
P4 | JDK-8309821 | Link to hidden classes section in Class specification for Class::isHidden |
P4 | JDK-8336267 | Method and Constructor signature parsing can be shared on the root object |
P4 | JDK-8332249 | Micro-optimize Method.hashCode |
P4 | JDK-8340456 | Reduce overhead of proxying Object methods in ProxyGenerator |
P4 | JDK-8327624 | Remove VM implementation that bypass verification for core reflection |
P4 | JDK-8344327 | SM cleanup in jdk.unsupported ReflectionFactory |
P4 | JDK-8344865 | SM cleanup in sun/reflect/annotation |
P4 | JDK-8330182 | Start of release updates for JDK 24 |
P4 | JDK-8337302 | Undefined type variable results in null |
P4 | JDK-8339789 | Use index and definition tags in AnnotatedElement |
P5 | JDK-8334437 | De-duplicate ProxyMethod list creation |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8334755 | Asymptotically faster implementation of square root algorithm |
P4 | JDK-8341470 | BigDecimal.stripTrailingZeros() optimization |
P4 | JDK-8336274 | MutableBigInteger.leftShift(int) optimization |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8346017 | Socket.connect specified to throw UHE for unresolved address is problematic for SOCKS V5 proxy |
P3 | JDK-8326949 | Authorization header is removed when a proxy Authenticator is set on HttpClient |
P3 | JDK-8283779 | Clarify API documentation of NetworkInterface with respect to configuration changes |
P3 | JDK-8343855 | HTTP/2 ConnectionWindowUpdateSender may miss some unprocessed DataFrames from closed streams |
P3 | JDK-8335181 | Incorrect handling of HTTP/2 GOAWAY frames in HttpClient |
P3 | JDK-8336655 | java/net/httpclient/ IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes |
P3 | JDK-8333804 | java/net/httpclient/ threw an exception with 0 failures |
P3 | JDK-8338495 | Revert "8336655: java/net/httpclient/ IOException: HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes" |
P3 | JDK-8343791 | Socket.connect API should document whether the socket will be closed when hostname resolution fails or another error occurs |
P3 | JDK-8343877 | Test intermittent fails - Socket.getInputStream().read() wasn't preempted |
P4 | JDK-8211854 | [aix] java/net/ServerSocket/ fails: read times out |
P4 | JDK-8338759 | Add extra diagnostic to java/net/InetAddress/ptr/ |
P4 | JDK-8343442 | Add since checker tests to the networking area modules |
P4 | JDK-8339787 | Add some additional diagnostic output to java/net/ipv6tests/ |
P4 | JDK-8256211 | assert fired in java/net/httpclient/DependentPromiseActionsTest (infrequent) |
P4 | JDK-8345794 | Backout doc change introduced by JDK-8235786 |
P4 | JDK-8343150 | Change URLClassLoader.getPermissions to return empty PermissionCollection |
P4 | JDK-8324209 | Check implementation of Expect: 100-continue in the |
P4 | JDK-8344315 | Clean up after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344190 | Cleanup code in and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344189 | Cleanup code in and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344186 | Cleanup after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344188 | Cleanup after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8338569 | HTTP/1.1 CleanupTrigger may be triggerred after the next exchange started |
P4 | JDK-8342075 | HttpClient: improve HTTP/2 flow control checks |
P4 | JDK-8334028 | HttpClient: NPE thrown from assert statement |
P4 | JDK-8335135 | HttpURLConnection#HttpInputStream does not throw IOException when response is truncated |
P4 | JDK-8345375 | Improve debuggability of test/jdk/java/net/Socket/ |
P4 | JDK-8332686 | InetAddress.ofLiteral can throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException |
P4 | JDK-8335530 | Java file extension missing in AuthenticatorTest |
P4 | JDK-8345074 | constructor could be made private |
P4 | JDK-8338740 | java/net/httpclient/ fails with HTTP/1.1 header parser received no bytes |
P4 | JDK-8318442 | java/net/httpclient/ fails intermittently on Linux |
P4 | JDK-8342811 | java/net/httpclient/ failed: Unexpected connection count: 5 |
P4 | JDK-8344346 | java/net/httpclient/ fails with java.lang.AssertionError: client was still running, but exited after further delay: timeout should be adjusted |
P4 | JDK-8341637 | java/net/Socket/ fails with " Address already in use" (macos-aarch64) |
P4 | JDK-8235786 | Javadoc for com/sun/net/httpserver/ is unclear |
P4 | JDK-8338445 | jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath may leak JarFile instance when dealing with unexpected Class-Path entry in manifest |
P4 | JDK-8329398 | Links in InetAddress class description show "#format" |
P4 | JDK-8341142 | Maintain a single source file for |
P4 | JDK-8344216 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and and doPrivileged in,, and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344221 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and and doPrivileged in,,,, and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344218 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and and doPrivileged in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344855 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in HTTP related implementation classes in the and packages after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344222 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in,, and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344857 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in SocketExceptions and URLJarFile in the package after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344217 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344220 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344233 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344215 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in and after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344219 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344223 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344856 | Remove calls to SecurityManager and doPrivileged in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344185 | Remove calls to SecurityManager in |
P4 | JDK-8339169 | Remove NaiveHuffman coder |
P4 | JDK-8344446 | Remove security manager dependency from module jdk.sctp |
P4 | JDK-8345223 | Remove stray doPrivileged in java.base and classes after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344184 | Remove after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344235 | Revisit SecurityManager usage in java.logging after JEP 486 and JEP 491 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344180 | Revisit SecurityManager usage in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344228 | Revisit SecurityManager usage in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344229 | Revisit SecurityManager usage in jdk.httpserver after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8344236 | Revisit SecurityManager usage in after JEP 486 integration |
P4 | JDK-8336815 | Several methods in and ServerSocket do not specify behavior when already bound, connected or closed |
P4 | JDK-8336817 | Several methods on DatagramSocket and MulticastSocket do not specify behaviour when already closed or connected |
P4 | JDK-8343411 | Test fail on Windows due to "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine" |
P4 | JDK-8299487 | Test java/net/httpclient/whitebox/ timed out |
P4 | JDK-8334600 | TEST java/net/MulticastSocket/ fails on linux-aarch64 |
P4 | JDK-7038838 | Unspecified NPE in methods |
P4 | JDK-8343433 | Update and after 8326949 |
P4 | JDK-8344908 | URLClassPath should not propagate IllegalArgumentException when finding resources in classpath URLs |
P5 | JDK-8343482 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations (net) |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8341882 | [BACKOUT] java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ fails on alinux3 |
P2 | JDK-8345181 | (ch) Windows asynchronous channels may return temporary direct buffers to the buffer cache twice (win) |
P2 | JDK-8338452 | (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive with timeout may block indefinitely if all datagrams blocked by SecurityManager |
P2 | JDK-8337716 | ByteBuffer hashCode implementations are inconsistent |
P2 | JDK-8342145 | File libCreationTimeHelper.c compile fails on Alpine |
P2 | JDK-8341997 | Tests create files in src tree instead of scratch dir |
P3 | JDK-8327370 | (ch) throws AssertionError |
P3 | JDK-8333849 | (dc) DatagramChannel send/receive fails with UOE if buffer backed by memory segment allocated from shared arena |
P3 | JDK-8338696 | (fs) BasicFileAttributes.creationTime() falls back to epoch if birth time is unavailable (Linux) |
P3 | JDK-8334719 | (se) Deferred close of SelectableChannel may result in a Selector doing the final close before concurrent I/O on channel has completed |
P3 | JDK-8341881 | [REDO] java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ fails on alinux3 |
P3 | JDK-8338884 | java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ fails on alinux3 |
P3 | JDK-8269657 | Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ failed: Unexpected message |
P3 | JDK-8338630 | Test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ timeout |
P4 | JDK-8344882 | (bf) Temporary direct buffers should not count against the upper limit on direct buffer memory |
P4 | JDK-8344328 | (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive can now synchronize on packet |
P4 | JDK-8338142 | (dc) DatagramChannelImpl.blockingReceive can use untimed-park when no timeout set |
P4 | JDK-8277949 | (dc) java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ failed in timeout |
P4 | JDK-8324048 | (fc) Make FileKey fields final |
P4 | JDK-8343020 | (fs) Add support for SecureDirectoryStream on macOS |
P4 | JDK-8343417 | (fs) BasicFileAttributeView.setTimes uses microsecond precision with NOFOLLOW_LINKS |
P4 | JDK-8343823 | (fs) Files.createLink: inconsistent behavior when creating link to symbolic link |
P4 | JDK-8233451 | (fs) Files.newInputStream() cannot be used with character special files |
P4 | JDK-8340329 | (fs) Message of NotLinkException thrown by Files.readSymbolicLink does not include file name (win) |
P4 | JDK-8341282 | (fs) Move creation time fallback logic to Java layer (Linux) |
P4 | JDK-8315273 | (fs) Path.toRealPath(LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS) fails when "../../" follows a link (win) |
P4 | JDK-8343785 | (fs) Remove syscalls that set file times with microsecond precision |
P4 | JDK-8337124 | (fs) sun.nio.fs.WindowsSecurity.enablePrivilege should pin when continuations supported |
P4 | JDK-8336529 | (fs) UnixFileAttributeViews setTimes() failing on armhf, Ubuntu noble |
P4 | JDK-8345433 | (fs) Use stream to load FileTypeDetectors in Files.probeContentType |
P4 | JDK-8336339 | (se) SelectionKey.interestOps(int) should not throw ClosedSelectorException |
P4 | JDK-8334297 | (so) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ should not depend on SecurityManager |
P4 | JDK-8344183 | (zipfs) SecurityManager cleanup in the ZipFS area |
P4 | JDK-8336966 | Alpine Linux x86_64 compilation error: sendfile64 |
P4 | JDK-8335771 | Improve stability of java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel tests |
P4 | JDK-8299813 | java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ fails with jtreg test timeout due to lost datagram |
P4 | JDK-8334405 | java/nio/channels/Selector/ failed in testWakeupDuringSelect |
P4 | JDK-8344112 | Remove code to support security manager execution mode from DatagramChannel implementation |
P4 | JDK-8344078 | Remove security manager dependency in java.nio |
P4 | JDK-8345015 | Remove unused method lookup_time_t_function |
P4 | JDK-8336755 | Remove unused UNALIGNED field from view buffers |
P4 | JDK-8344659 | Some uses of GetPropertyAction were not removed from and java.nio |
P4 | JDK-8338426 | Test java/nio/channels/Selector/ failed |
P5 | JDK-8343551 | Missing copyright header update in |
P5 | JDK-8336675 | Remove UnixFileSystemProvider.checkPath in favor of UnixPath.toUnixPath |
P5 | JDK-8343484 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations (nio) |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8344330 | Remove AccessController.doPrivileged() from jdk.charsets module |
P4 | JDK-8340404 | CharsetProvider specification updates |
P5 | JDK-8339017 | Make a couple of fields in DoubleByte static |
P5 | JDK-8344025 | Remove unused ISO2022.Encoder.maximumDesignatorLength |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8344461 | Additional cleanup in NewThreadAction |
P4 | JDK-8344867 | Cleanup unneeded qualified exports to java.rmi |
P4 | JDK-8344149 | Remove usage of Security Manager from java.rmi |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8346202 | Correct typo in SQLPermission |
P4 | JDK-8344365 | SecurityManager cleanups in java.sql and java.sql.rowset modules |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8333396 | Use StringBuilder internally for java.text.Format.* formatting |
P4 | JDK-8338882 | Clarify matching order of MessageFormat subformat factory styles |
P4 | JDK-8333456 | CompactNumberFormat integer parsing fails when string has no suffix |
P4 | JDK-8338690 | CompactNumberInstance.format incorrectly formats some numbers (few vs many) |
P4 | JDK-8336300 | DateFormatSymbols#getInstanceRef returns non-cached instance |
P4 | JDK-8341445 | DecimalFormatSymbols setters should throw NPE |
P4 | JDK-8337285 | Examine java.text.DecimalFormat API for api/implXxx tag usage |
P4 | JDK-8336787 | Examine java.text.Format API for implSpec usage |
P4 | JDK-8340554 | Improve MessageFormat readObject checks |
P4 | JDK-8333755 | NumberFormat integer only parsing breaks when format has suffix |
P4 | JDK-8335668 | NumberFormat integer only parsing should throw exception for edge case |
P4 | JDK-8335271 | Specify the MessageFormat ArgumentIndex Implementation Limit |
P4 | JDK-8336847 | Use pattern match switch in NumberFormat classes |
P5 | JDK-8337839 | Make a few fields in MergeCollation static |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8339637 | (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2024b |
P4 | JDK-8339803 | Acknowledge case insensitive unambiguous keywords in tzdata files |
P4 | JDK-8336792 | DateTimeFormatterBuilder append zeros based on StringBuilder.repeat |
P4 | JDK-8339644 | Improve parsing of Day/Month in tzdata rules |
P4 | JDK-8337832 | Optimize datetime toString |
P4 | JDK-8336706 | Optimize LocalDate.toString with StringBuilder.repeat |
P4 | JDK-8337168 | Optimize LocalDateTime.toString |
P4 | JDK-8336741 | Optimize LocalTime.toString with StringBuilder.repeat |
P4 | JDK-8344039 | Remove security manager dependency in java.time |
P4 | JDK-8324672 | Update jdk/java/time/tck/java/time/ now() to be more robust |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8345818 | Fix SM cleanup of parsing of System property resource.bundle.debug |
P4 | JDK-8339847 | Broken link to the dieharder distribution website in SplittableRandom |
P4 | JDK-8341791 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in java.prefs |
P4 | JDK-8334758 | Incorrect note in Javadoc for a few RandomGenerator methods |
P4 | JDK-8336926 | jdk/internal/util/ can fail with ConcurrentModificationException |
P4 | JDK-8340684 | Reading from an input stream backed by a closed ZipFile has no test coverage |
P4 | JDK-8339850 | Restore the interrupt status in FileSystemPreferences.lockFile() |
P4 | JDK-8344337 | SecurityManager cleanup in java.prefs module |
P4 | JDK-8344252 | SM cleanup in java.util classes |
P4 | JDK-8344289 | SM cleanup in jdk.internal.util |
P4 | JDK-8344898 | SM cleanup of java.base sun/util calendar, locale, cldr, and resources |
P4 | JDK-8338897 | Small startup regression remains after JDK-8309622 and JDK-8331932 |
P4 | JDK-8340082 | Use inline return tag in java.base |
P4 | JDK-8338409 | Use record to simplify code |
P4 | JDK-8337712 | Wrong javadoc in java.util.Date#toString(): "61" and right parenthesis |
P5 | JDK-8333774 | Avoid eagerly loading various EmptySpliterator classes |
P5 | JDK-8342083 | Make a few fields in FileSystemPreferences final |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8343426 | ConcurrentSkipListMap.spliterator() can no longer split the stream |
P3 | JDK-8336462 | ConcurrentSkipListSet Javadoc incorrectly warns about size method complexity |
P4 | JDK-8336384 | AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire should cancel acquire when failing due to a LinkageError or other errors |
P4 | JDK-8343250 | ArrayBlockingQueue serialization not thread safe |
P4 | JDK-8332747 | Broken links in StructuredTaskScope |
P4 | JDK-8336707 | Contention of ForkJoinPool grows when stealing works |
P4 | JDK-8345052 | Harden StampedLock |
P4 | JDK-8338146 | Improve Exchanger performance with VirtualThreads |
P4 | JDK-8332842 | Optimize empty CopyOnWriteArrayList allocations |
P4 | JDK-8338765 | ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor struggles with extremely long delays |
P4 | JDK-8344773 | SM cleanup in ForkJoinPool |
P4 | JDK-8344197 | SM cleanup in java.util.concurrent |
P4 | JDK-8325397 | sun/java2d/Disposer/ fails in linux-aarch64 |
P4 | JDK-8345294 | test/jdk/java/lang/Thread/virtual/ timeout with JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual |
P5 | JDK-8338398 | Trivially fix grammar and typos |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8336025 | Improve ZipOutputSream validation of MAX CEN Header field limits |
P4 | JDK-8339874 | Avoid duplicate checking of trailing slash in ZipFile.getZipEntry |
P4 | JDK-8341595 | Clean up iteration of CEN headers in ZipFile.Source.initCEN |
P4 | JDK-8026127 | Deflater/Inflater documentation incomplete/misleading |
P4 | JDK-8336843 | Deprecate for removal |
P4 | JDK-8342040 | Further improve entry lookup performance for multi-release JARs |
P4 | JDK-8341625 | Improve ZipFile validation of the END header |
P4 | JDK-8339126 | JNI exception pending in Inflater.c |
P4 | JDK-8321274 | Rename ZipEntry.extraAttributes to ZipEntry.externalFileAttributes |
P4 | JDK-8338729 | Retire the test jdk/java/util/zip/ |
P4 | JDK-8344179 | SecurityManager cleanup in the ZIP and JAR areas |
P4 | JDK-8343307 | Throw ZipException instead of IAE in ZipFile.Source::initCEN |
P4 | JDK-8340537 | Typo in javadoc of java.util.jar.JarFile |
P4 | JDK-8341594 | Use Unsafe to coalesce reads in |
P4 | JDK-8336844 | ZipConstants64 defines duplicate constants EXTID_ZIP64 and ZIP64_EXTID |
P4 | JDK-8340553 | ZipEntry field validation does not take into account the size of a CEN header |
P4 | JDK-8339711 | ZipFile.Source.initCEN needlessly reads END header |
P4 | JDK-8341597 | ZipFileInflaterInputStream input buffer size uses uncompressed size |
P5 | JDK-8335912 | Add an operation mode to the jar command when extracting to not overwriting existing files |
P5 | JDK-8339154 | Cleanups and JUnit conversion of test/jdk/java/util/zip/ |
P5 | JDK-8340885 | Desugar ZipCoder.Comparison |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8345175 | Further cleanup in java.logging and jdk.internal.logger after JEP 486 integration |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8333599 | Improve description of \b matcher in j.u.r.Pattern |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8347274 | Gatherers.mapConcurrent exhibits undesired behavior under variable delays, interruption, and finishing |
P4 | JDK-8334162 | Gatherer.defaultCombiner has an erronous @see-link |
P4 | JDK-8335899 | JEP 485: Stream Gatherers |
P4 | JDK-8342707 | Prepare Gatherers for graduation from Preview |
P4 | JDK-8344253 | Test java/util/Spliterator/ failed |
P4 | JDK-8327854 | Test java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/ failed with RuntimeException |
P5 | JDK-8333265 | De-duplicate method references in |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8340572 | ConcurrentModificationException when sorting ArrayList sublists |
P3 | JDK-8325679 | Optimize ArrayList subList sort |
P4 | JDK-8337205 | Typo in Stack vs Deque Method table in Deque specification |
P5 | JDK-8343125 | Correct the documentation for TreeMap's getFloorEntry and getCeilingEntry |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8337603 | Change in behavior with -Djava.locale.useOldISOCodes=true |
P3 | JDK-8334653 | ISO 4217 Amendment 177 Update |
P3 | JDK-8268379 | java/util/Locale/ and sun/util/locale/provider/ timed out |
P3 | JDK-8333582 | Update CLDR to Version 46.0 |
P4 | JDK-8340488 | Clarify LocaleServiceProvider deployment on application module path |
P4 | JDK-8343237 | Improve the copying of the available set of Currencies |
P4 | JDK-8341923 | java.util.Locale class specification improvements |
P4 | JDK-8334333 | fails if run by root |
P4 | JDK-8343788 | Provide means to alter lib/tzmappings entries on Windows |
P4 | JDK-8340477 | Remove JDK1.1 compatible behavior for "EST", "MST", and "HST" time zones |
P4 | JDK-8341658 | RISC-V: Test run timeouted |
P4 | JDK-8343804 | Show the default time zone with -XshowSettings option |
P4 | JDK-8340073 | Support "%z" time zone abbreviation format in TZ files |
P4 | JDK-8341366 | Suspicious check in Locale.getDisplayName(Locale inLocale) |
P4 | JDK-8341684 | Typo in External Specifications link of java.util.Currency |
P4 | JDK-8334418 | Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-06-14 |
P4 | JDK-8344589 | Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2024-11-19 |
P4 | JDK-8319992 | Update ICU4J to Version 76.1 |
P4 | JDK-8343236 | Use @apiNote and @implSpec in j.util.Currency |
P4 | JDK-8342582 | user.region for formatting number no longer works for 21.0.5 |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8338333 | Add jls links to javax.lang.model.element.Modifier |
P4 | JDK-8330183 | Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_24 |
P4 | JDK-8339781 | Better use of Javadoc tags in javax.lang.model |
P4 | JDK-8341201 | Broken link in AbstractAnnotationValueVisitor7 due to extra quotation mark |
P4 | JDK-8339696 | Clarify modeling scope of javax.lang.model.element |
P4 | JDK-8341483 | Clarify special case handling of Types.getArrayType |
P4 | JDK-8340721 | Clarify special case handling of unboxedType and getWildcardType |
P4 | JDK-8339852 | Fix typos in java.compiler documentation |
P4 | JDK-8340680 | Fix typos in javax.lang.model.SourceVersion |
P4 | JDK-8340399 | Update comment in SourceVersion for language evolution history |
P4 | JDK-8345324 | Update comment in SourceVersion for language evolution history for changes in 24 |
P5 | JDK-8338834 | Remove unused import declarations in java.compiler |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8335213 | Code snippet in javax.naming.ldap package summary does not compile |
P4 | JDK-8220213 | com/sun/jndi/dns/ConfigTests/ failed intermittent |
P4 | JDK-8332072 | Convert package.html files in `java.naming` to |
P4 | JDK-8338536 | Permanently disable remote code downloading in JNDI |
P4 | JDK-8340359 | Remove javax.naming.Context.APPLET |
P4 | JDK-8344299 | SM cleanup in javax.naming modules |
P4 | JDK-8339538 | Wrong timeout computations in DnsClient |
P5 | JDK-8344023 | Unnecessary Hashtable usage in LdapClient.defaultBinaryAttrs |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8344331 | SM cleanup in java.scripting |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8345279 | Mistake in javadoc of javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet#setBigDecimal |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8344319 | SM cleanup in jdk.dynalink module |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8343781 | Add since checker test to the Serviceability area modules |
P4 | JDK-8341794 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in jdk.attach |
P4 | JDK-8333813 | Serviceability tests fail due to stderr containing Temporarily processing option UseNotificationThread |
P5 | JDK-8343483 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations (serviceability) |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8332738 | Debug agent can deadlock on callbackLock when using StackFrame.PopFrames |
P3 | JDK-8345422 | Fix JNI Checker "in native method" warnings in the debug agent and debugger tests |
P3 | JDK-8335134 | Test com/sun/jdi/ timeout |
P4 | JDK-8248609 | [Graal] vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/VoidValue/toString/tostring001/ failed with Unexpected com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException |
P4 | JDK-8339801 | Add better test failure diagnostics to vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/EventRequestManager/threadStartRequests/thrstartreq002 |
P4 | JDK-8332488 | Add JVMTI DataDumpRequest to the debug agent |
P4 | JDK-8338469 | com/sun/jdi/ failed with Not a debuggee, or not listening for debugger to attach |
P4 | JDK-8338482 | com/sun/jdi/ requires that compressed oops are enabled |
P4 | JDK-8336089 | Doccheck: HTML5 warnings in jdwp-transport.html and jdwp-protocol.html |
P4 | JDK-8338708 | Don't create/destroy debug agent cmdQueueLock for each connection |
P4 | JDK-8341797 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in jdk.jdi |
P4 | JDK-8341798 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in jdk.jdwp.agent |
P4 | JDK-8345341 | Fix incorrect log message in JDI stop002t test |
P4 | JDK-8344562 | Remove security manager dependency from module jdk.jdi |
P4 | JDK-8336401 | Remove the option onjcmd from the jdwp agent |
P4 | JDK-8072701 | resume001 failed due to ERROR: timeout for waiting for a BreakpintEvent |
P4 | JDK-8333391 | Test com/sun/jdi/ failed: Thread was never interrupted during sleep |
P4 | JDK-8344804 | Test serviceability/jdwp/ times out after JNI check warning |
P4 | JDK-8311990 | Two JDI tests may interfere with each other |
P4 | JDK-8330535 | Update nsk/jdb tests to use driver instead of othervm |
P4 | JDK-8330534 | Update nsk/jdwp tests to use driver instead of othervm |
P4 | JDK-8338714 | vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/kill/kill001/ fails with JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual |
P5 | JDK-8341295 | Add some useful debugging APIs to the debug agent |
P5 | JDK-8337299 | vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/stop_at/stop_at002/ failure goes undetected |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8335619 | Add an @apiNote to j.l.i.ClassFileTransformer to warn about recursive class loading and ClassCircularityErrors |
P4 | JDK-8333756 | java/lang/instrument/ failed due to missing intrinsic |
P4 | JDK-8344187 | Remove SecurityManager and related calls from java.instrument |
P4 | JDK-8334167 | Test java/lang/instrument/ timed out |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8338139 | {ClassLoading,Memory}MXBean::isVerbose methods are inconsistent with their setVerbose methods |
P3 | JDK-8338890 | Add monitoring/management interface for the virtual thread scheduler |
P3 | JDK-8330302 | strace004 can still fail |
P4 | JDK-8338891 | HotSpotDiagnosticsMXBean missing @since tag |
P4 | JDK-8334493 | Remove SecurityManager Permissions infrastructure from DiagnosticCommands |
P4 | JDK-8340176 | Replace usage of -noclassgc with -Xnoclassgc in test/jdk/java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ |
P4 | JDK-8340276 | Test java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ failed with NullPointerException |
P4 | JDK-8335684 | Test should pause like |
P4 | JDK-8332551 | Test vmTestbase/nsk/monitoring/MemoryNotificationInfo/from/from001/ timed out |
P4 | JDK-8335625 | Update Javadoc for GetCpuLoad |
P4 | JDK-8339979 | VirtualThreadSchedulerMXBeanTest.testReduceParallelism fails intermittently |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8336257 | Additional tests in jmxremote/startstop to match on PID not app name |
P2 | JDK-8333344 | JMX attaching of Subject does not work when security manager not allowed |
P3 | JDK-8342633 | javax/management/security/ creates tmp file in src dir |
P3 | JDK-8207908 | fails assertion intermittently |
P3 | JDK-8343838 | Test fails with ListenerNotFoundException |
P4 | JDK-8343936 | Adjust timeout in test javax/management/monitor/ |
P4 | JDK-8335124 | com/sun/management/ThreadMXBean/ failed with CPU time out of expected range |
P4 | JDK-8338603 | DiagnosticCommandMBean operations should standardize types for parameters |
P4 | JDK-8310525 | DynamicLauncher for JDP test needs to try harder to find a free port |
P4 | JDK-8343378 | Exceptions in javax/management do not cause test failure |
P4 | JDK-8343491 | javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ failing with NoSuchObjectException: no such object in table |
P4 | JDK-8343730 | JMX cleanups |
P4 | JDK-8342338 | Remove redundant |
P4 | JDK-8344177 | Remove SecurityManager and related calls from |
P4 | JDK-8344394 | Remove SecurityManager and related calls from |
P4 | JDK-8344181 | Remove SecurityManager and related calls from and |
P4 | JDK-8334165 | Remove serialVersionUID compatibility logic from JMX |
P4 | JDK-8334777 | Test javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ failed with NullPointerException |
P4 | JDK-8338817 | Wrong indent in API docs for |
P5 | JDK-8272780 | ServerNotifForwarder.removeNotificationListener() incorrect exception handling |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8337667 | sun/tools/jcmd/ is failing on mac and windows |
P2 | JDK-8340391 | Windows jcmd and System.dump_map tests failing |
P3 | JDK-8339289 | Enhance Attach API to support arbitrary length arguments - Windows |
P3 | JDK-8334169 | Long arguments of attach operation are silently truncated on Windows |
P3 | JDK-8341246 | Test com/sun/tools/attach/ fails access denied after JDK-8327114 |
P3 | JDK-8344262 | Win32AttachOperationRequest objects are created by using global new |
P4 | JDK-8337199 | Add jcmd Thread.vthread_scheduler and Thread.vthread_pollers diagnostic commands |
P4 | JDK-8341482 | Attach API access to /proc filesystem should use doPrivileged |
P4 | JDK-8327114 | Attach in Linux may have wrong behaviour when pid == ns_pid (Kubernetes debug container) |
P4 | JDK-8333680 | com/sun/tools/attach/ fails with "SocketException: Permission denied: connect" |
P4 | JDK-8341436 | containers/docker/ takes needlessly long to run |
P4 | JDK-8327793 | Deprecate jstatd for removal |
P4 | JDK-8334492 | DiagnosticCommands (jcmd) should accept %p in output filenames and substitute PID |
P4 | JDK-8335610 | DiagnosticFramework: CmdLine::is_executable() correction |
P4 | JDK-8344903 | Improve error handling |
P4 | JDK-8337276 | jcmd man page update for PID in output filenames |
P4 | JDK-8335154 | jcmd VM.classes -verbose=false does not set verbose to false |
P4 | JDK-8335349 | jcmd VM.classloaders "fold" option should be optional |
P4 | JDK-8339927 | Man page update for deprecating jhsdb debugd for removal |
P4 | JDK-8334287 | Man page update for jstatd deprecation |
P4 | JDK-8340113 | Remove JULONG as a Diagnostic Command argument type (jcmd JFR.view) |
P4 | JDK-8344105 | Remove SecurityManager and related calls from jdk.attach and jdk.hotspot.agent |
P4 | JDK-8344987 | Test serviceability/sa/ fails: NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/test/lib/Utils |
P4 | JDK-8341310 | Test should skip ACCESS_TMP_VIA_PROC_ROOT (after JDK-8327114) |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8311530 | Deprecate jdk.jsobject module for removal |
P4 | JDK-8332099 | since-checker - Add @ since to package-info in jdk.jsobject |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8342827 | Fix order of @param tags in other modules |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8344622 | VM Guide: Deprecation of signal chaining functions was removed starting JDK 19 |
P4 | JDK-8341475 | Doc Tasks for JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking |
P4 | JDK-8334257 | Document list of supported hash and mgf algorithms for SunRsaSign provider implementation of RSSASSA-PSS signature algorithm |
P4 | JDK-8344242 | Technical typos and outdated references in Foreign Function & Memory API guides |
P4 | JDK-8344245 | Unexpected error code for one of the FFM guide example - macOS |
P4 | JDK-8346186 | Update G1 tuning guide after JDK-8336086 G1: Use one G1CardSet instance for all young regions |
P4 | JDK-8333761 | Update PKCS#11 Reference Guide with the new AES CTS support |
P4 | JDK-8336162 | Write user guide documentation for security properties inclusion |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8333539 | Minor markup issues in specs and tool documentation |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8347498 | JDK 24 RDP2 L10n resource files update |
P3 | JDK-8333827 | JDK 23 RDP1 L10n resource files update |
P3 | JDK-8345327 | JDK 24 RDP1 L10n resource files update |
P4 | JDK-8333850 | CurrencyNames should be removed from the tbom |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8341197 | [BACKOUT] 8322770: Implement C2 VectorizedHashCode on AArch64 |
P1 | JDK-8342439 | Build failure after 8338023 |
P1 | JDK-8343211 | Compile error: redefinition of 'Assembler::evmovdquw(XMMRegister,KRegister,XMMRegister,bool,int)' |
P1 | JDK-8344124 | JDK-8341411 Broke the build |
P2 | JDK-8341612 | [BACKOUT] 8338442: AArch64: Clean up IndOffXX type and let legitimize_address() fix out-of-range operands |
P2 | JDK-8334706 | [JVMCI] APX registers incorrectly exposed on AMD64 |
P2 | JDK-8344379 | [s390x] build failure due to missing change from JDK-8339466 |
P2 | JDK-8342498 | Add test for Allocation elimination after use as alignment reference by SuperWord |
P2 | JDK-8340214 | C2 compilation asserts with "no node with a side effect" in PhaseIdealLoop::try_sink_out_of_loop |
P2 | JDK-8335390 | C2 MergeStores: wrong result with Unsafe |
P2 | JDK-8334431 | C2 SuperWord: fix performance regression due to store-to-load-forwarding failures |
P2 | JDK-8337660 | C2: basic blocks with only BoxLock nodes are wrongly treated as empty |
P2 | JDK-8339303 | C2: dead node after failing to match cloned address expression |
P2 | JDK-8331295 | C2: Do not clone address computations that are indirect memory input to at least one load/store |
P2 | JDK-8332920 | C2: Partial Peeling is wrongly applied for CmpU with negative limit |
P2 | JDK-8340313 | Crash due to invalid oop in nmethod after C1 patching |
P2 | JDK-8348631 | Crash in PredictedCallGenerator::generate after JDK-8347006 |
P2 | JDK-8335977 | Deoptimization fails with assert "object should be reallocated already" |
P2 | JDK-8333722 | Fix CompilerDirectives for non-compiler JVM variants |
P2 | JDK-8342862 | Gtest added by 8339507 appears to be causing 8GB build machines to hang |
P2 | JDK-8348327 | Incorrect march flag when building libsleef/vector_math_neon.c |
P2 | JDK-8336408 | JVMTI fails with "assert(!is_null(ptr)) failed: not supported" |
P2 | JDK-8339557 | libgraal build broken by changes in JDK-8339112 |
P2 | JDK-8336256 | memcpy short value to int local is incorrect in VtableStubs::unsafe_hash |
P2 | JDK-8331194 | NPE in with -XX:-UseCompressedOops |
P2 | JDK-8337066 | Repeated call of StringBuffer.reverse with double byte string returns wrong result |
P2 | JDK-8340230 | Tests crash: assert(is_in_encoding_range || k->is_interface() || k->is_abstract()) failed: sanity |
P2 | JDK-8336095 | Use-after-free in Superword leads to memory corruption |
P2 | JDK-8336999 | Verification for resource area allocated data structures in C2 |
P2 | JDK-8348562 | ZGC: segmentation fault due to missing node type check in barrier elision analysis |
P3 | JDK-8335662 | [AArch64] C1: guarantee(val < (1ULL << nbits)) failed: Field too big for insn |
P3 | JDK-8347407 | [BACKOUT] C1/C2 don't handle allocation failure properly during initialization (RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub fatal crash) |
P3 | JDK-8347554 | [BACKOUT] C2: implement optimization for series of Add of unique value |
P3 | JDK-8334629 | [BACKOUT] PhaseIdealLoop::conditional_move is too conservative |
P3 | JDK-8340012 | [C2] assert(KlassEncodingMetaspaceMax > pd) failed: change encoding max if new encoding after 8338526 |
P3 | JDK-8333300 | [JVMCI] add support for generational ZGC |
P3 | JDK-8313909 | [JVMCI] assert(cp->tag_at(index).is_unresolved_klass()) in lookupKlassInPool |
P3 | JDK-8336663 | [JVMCI] VM Crash on ZGC due to incompatible handle returned by HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#getJObjectValue |
P3 | JDK-8345146 | [PPC64] Make intrinsic conversions between bit representations of half precision values and floats |
P3 | JDK-8331117 | [PPC64] secondary_super_cache does not scale well |
P3 | JDK-8342701 | [PPC64] crashes |
P3 | JDK-8341068 | [s390x] intrinsics for divideUnsigned and remainderUnsigned methods in java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Long |
P3 | JDK-8333382 | [s390x] Enhance popcnt Instruction to use Z15 facilities |
P3 | JDK-8331126 | [s390x] secondary_super_cache does not scale well |
P3 | JDK-8342962 | [s390x] crashes |
P3 | JDK-8345296 | AArch64: VM crashes with SIGILL when prctl is disallowed |
P3 | JDK-8334421 | assert(!oldbox->is_unbalanced()) failed: this should not be called for unbalanced region |
P3 | JDK-8341527 | AVX-512 intrinsic for SHA3 |
P3 | JDK-8320308 | C2 compilation crashes in LibraryCallKit::inline_unsafe_access |
P3 | JDK-8336702 | C2 compilation fails with "all memory state should have been processed" assert |
P3 | JDK-8341834 | C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file" due to Replicate |
P3 | JDK-8340454 | C2 EA asserts with "previous reducible Phi is no longer reducible before SUT" |
P3 | JDK-8342287 | C2 fails with "assert(is_IfTrue()) failed: invalid node class: IfFalse" due to Template Assertion Predicate with two UCTs |
P3 | JDK-8342809 | C2 hits "assert(is_If()) failed: invalid node class: Con" during IGVN due to unhandled top |
P3 | JDK-8338124 | C2 SuperWord: MulAddS2I input permutation still partially broken after JDK-8333840 |
P3 | JDK-8333876 | C2 SuperWord: regression after JDK-8325155: failed: internal connection |
P3 | JDK-8338126 | C2 SuperWord: VectorCastF2HF / vcvtps2ph produces wrong results for vector length 2 |
P3 | JDK-8333840 | C2 SuperWord: wrong result for MulAddS2I when inputs permuted |
P3 | JDK-8342496 | C2/Shenandoah: SEGV in compiled code when running jcstress |
P3 | JDK-8342330 | C2: "node pinned on loop exit test?" assert failure |
P3 | JDK-8336726 | C2: assert(!do_asserts || projs->fallthrough_ioproj != nullptr) failed: must be found |
P3 | JDK-8335393 | C2: assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance |
P3 | JDK-8335709 | C2: assert(!loop->is_member(get_loop(useblock))) failed: must be outside loop |
P3 | JDK-8338100 | C2: assert(!n_loop->is_member(get_loop(lca))) failed: control must not be back in the loop |
P3 | JDK-8336830 | C2: assert(get_loop(lca)->_nest < n_loop->_nest || lca->in(0)->is_NeverBranch()) failed: must not be moved into inner loop |
P3 | JDK-8340532 | C2: assert(is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) failed: invalid node class: IfTrue |
P3 | JDK-8341407 | C2: assert(main_limit == cl->limit() || get_ctrl(main_limit) == new_limit_ctrl) failed: wrong control for added limit |
P3 | JDK-8342156 | C2: Compilation failure with fewer arguments after JDK-8329032 |
P3 | JDK-8336729 | C2: Div/Mod nodes without zero check could be split through iv phi of outer loop of long counted loop nest resulting in SIGFPE |
P3 | JDK-8340824 | C2: Memory for TypeInterfaces not reclaimed by hashcons() |
P3 | JDK-8343944 | C2: MinLNode::add_ring() computes _widen wrongly leading to an endless widening/compilation |
P3 | JDK-8335220 | C2: Missing check for Opaque4 node in EscapeAnalysis |
P3 | JDK-8343747 | C2: crashes with -XX:MaxVectorSize=8 |
P3 | JDK-8328085 | C2: Use after free in PhaseChaitin::Register_Allocate() |
P3 | JDK-8343137 | C2: VerifyLoopOptimizations fails with "Was reachable in only one" |
P3 | JDK-8336421 | ciMethod() constructor should use ConditionalMutexLocker(Compile_lock) |
P3 | JDK-8339694 | ciTypeFlow does not correctly handle unresolved constant dynamic of array type |
P3 | JDK-8336242 | compiler/jvmci/ failed assert(oopDesc::is_oop_or_null(val)) failed: bad oop found (again) |
P3 | JDK-8333583 | Crypto-XDH.generateSecret regression after JDK-8329538 |
P3 | JDK-8321509 | False positive in get_trampoline fast path causes crash |
P3 | JDK-8342768 | GTest AssemblerX86.validate_vm failed: assert(VM_Version::supports_bmi1()) failed: tzcnt instruction not supported |
P3 | JDK-8341832 | Incorrect continuation address of synthetic SIGSEGV for APX in product builds |
P3 | JDK-8344199 | Incorrect excluded field value set by getEventWriter intrinsic |
P3 | JDK-8339526 | JVM crashes (after some warm-up phase) running Java 21 (and above) |
P3 | JDK-8338566 | Lazy creation of exception instances is not thread safe |
P3 | JDK-8347006 | LoadRangeNode floats above array guard in arraycopy intrinsic |
P3 | JDK-8341831 | PhaseCFG::insert_anti_dependences asserts with "no loads" |
P3 | JDK-8346831 | Remove the extra closing parenthesis in CTW Makefile |
P3 | JDK-8328107 | Shenandoah/C2: TestVerifyLoopOptimizations test failure |
P3 | JDK-8335221 | Some C2 intrinsics incorrectly assume that type argument is compile-time constant |
P3 | JDK-8324345 | Stack overflow during C2 compilation when splitting memory phi |
P3 | JDK-8334442 | Temporarily disable return type assertion to reduce noise in testing |
P3 | JDK-8330806 | test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/c1/ fails on ARM32 |
P3 | JDK-8336489 | Track scoped accesses in JVMCI compiled code |
P3 | JDK-8343297 | Vector unsigned min/max test are failing with -Xcomp |
P4 | JDK-8344013 | "bad tag in log" assert with +LogCompilation +CITimeVerbose |
P4 | JDK-8339063 | [aarch64] Skip verify_sve_vector_length after native calls if SVE supports 128 bits VL only |
P4 | JDK-8348658 | [AArch64] The node limit in compiler/codegen/ is too strict |
P4 | JDK-8335553 | [Graal] Compiler thread calls into jdk.internal.vm.VMSupport.decodeAndThrowThrowable and crashes in OOM situation |
P4 | JDK-8335269 | [Graal] occasional timeout in java/lang/StringBuffer/ with loom |
P4 | JDK-8337876 | [IR Framework] Add support for IR tests with @Stable |
P4 | JDK-8339366 | [jittester] Make it possible to generate tests without execution |
P4 | JDK-8334481 | [JVMCI] add LINK_TO_NATIVE to MethodHandleAccessProvider.IntrinsicMethod |
P4 | JDK-8338538 | [JVMCI] Allow HotSpotJVMCIRuntime#getJObjectValue to be called by a HotSpot CompileBroker compiler thread |
P4 | JDK-8342854 | [JVMCI] Block secondary thread reporting a JVMCI fatal error |
P4 | JDK-8337887 | [JVMCI] Clarify javadoc |
P4 | JDK-8339939 | [JVMCI] Don't compress abstract and interface Klasses |
P4 | JDK-8342332 | [JVMCI] Export CompilerToVM::Data::dtanh |
P4 | JDK-8341333 | [JVMCI] Export JavaThread::_unlocked_inflated_monitor to JVMCI |
P4 | JDK-8344727 | [JVMCI] Export the CompileBroker compilation activity mode for Truffle compiler control |
P4 | JDK-8335532 | [JVMCI] Export VM_Version::L1_line_size in JVMCI |
P4 | JDK-8343439 | [JVMCI] Fix javadoc of Services.getSavedProperties |
P4 | JDK-8334399 | [JVMCI] Implement JVMCICompiler::is_intrinsic_supported |
P4 | JDK-8337493 | [JVMCI] Number of libgraal threads might be too low |
P4 | JDK-8343693 | [JVMCI] Override ModifiersProvider.isConcrete in ResolvedJavaType to be isArray() || !isAbstract() |
P4 | JDK-8338007 | [JVMCI] ResolvedJavaMethod.reprofile can crash ciMethodData |
P4 | JDK-8340398 | [JVMCI] Unintuitive behavior of UseJVMCICompiler option |
P4 | JDK-8339411 | [PPC64] cmpxchgw/h/b doesn't handle external Label |
P4 | JDK-8343724 | [PPC64] Disallow OptoScheduling |
P4 | JDK-8331861 | [PPC64] Implement load / store assembler functions which take an Address object |
P4 | JDK-8332423 | [PPC64] Remove C1_MacroAssembler::call_c_with_frame_resize |
P4 | JDK-8331733 | [PPC64] saving and restoring CR is not needed at most places |
P4 | JDK-8331732 | [PPC64] Unify and optimize code which converts != 0 to 1 |
P4 | JDK-8338814 | [PPC64] Unify interface of cmpxchg for different types |
P4 | JDK-8334560 | [PPC64]: postalloc_expand_java_dynamic_call_sched does not copy all fields |
P4 | JDK-8344205 | [PPC]: failing assertion: sharedRuntime_ppc.cpp:1652: cookie not found |
P4 | JDK-8341194 | [REDO] Implement C2 VectorizedHashCode on AArch64 |
P4 | JDK-8325821 | [REDO] use "dmb.ishst+dmb.ishld" for release barrier |
P4 | JDK-8343884 | [s390x] Disallow OptoScheduling |
P4 | JDK-8342409 | [s390x] C1 unwind_handler fails to unlock synchronized methods with LM_MONITOR |
P4 | JDK-8343810 | [s390x] is_uimm* methods should take unsigned arguments |
P4 | JDK-8343506 | [s390x] multiple test failures with ubsan |
P4 | JDK-8339220 | [s390x] failure |
P4 | JDK-8344304 | [s390x] ubsan: negation of -2147483648 cannot be represented in type 'int' |
P4 | JDK-8312425 | [vectorapi] AArch64: Optimize vector math operations with SLEEF |
P4 | JDK-8320500 | [vectorapi] RISC-V: Optimize vector math operations with SLEEF |
P4 | JDK-8320725 | AArch64: C2: Add "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add and mul reduction |
P4 | JDK-8338442 | AArch64: Clean up IndOffXX type and let legitimize_address() fix out-of-range operands |
P4 | JDK-8321308 | AArch64: Fix matching predication for cbz/cbnz |
P4 | JDK-8342601 | AArch64: Micro-optimize bit shift in copy_memory |
P4 | JDK-8341893 | AArch64: Micro-optimize compressed ptr decoding |
P4 | JDK-8336245 | AArch64: remove extra register copy when converting from long to pointer |
P4 | JDK-8320448 | Accelerate IndexOf using AVX2 |
P4 | JDK-8334650 | Add debug information about whether an Assertion Predicate is for the init or last value |
P4 | JDK-8336635 | Add IR test for Reference.refersTo intrinsic |
P4 | JDK-8342677 | Add IR validation tests for newly added saturated vector add / sub operations |
P4 | JDK-8334342 | Add MergeStore JMH benchmarks |
P4 | JDK-8338595 | Add more linesize for MIME decoder in macro bench test Base64Decode |
P4 | JDK-8340733 | Add scope for relaxing constraint on JavaCalls from CompilerThread |
P4 | JDK-8329816 | Add SLEEF version 3.6.1 |
P4 | JDK-8331935 | Add support for primitive array C1 clone intrinsic in PPC |
P4 | JDK-8326369 | Add test to verify bimorphic inlining happens after morphism changes |
P4 | JDK-8337797 | Additional ExternalAddress cleanup |
P4 | JDK-8337632 | AES-GCM Algorithm optimization for x86_64 |
P4 | JDK-8339916 | AIOOBE due to Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) in tests |
P4 | JDK-8333649 | Allow different NativeCall encodings |
P4 | JDK-8335120 | assert(!target->can_be_statically_bound() || target == cha_monomorphic_target) failed |
P4 | JDK-8343419 | Assertion failure in long vector unsigned min/max with -XX:+UseKNLSetting |
P4 | JDK-8339299 | C1 will miss type profile when inline final method |
P4 | JDK-8326615 | C1/C2 don't handle allocation failure properly during initialization (RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub fatal crash) |
P4 | JDK-8338924 | C1: assert(0 <= i && i < _len) failed: illegal index 5 for length 5 |
P4 | JDK-8343541 | C1: Plain memory accesses are emitted with membars with +AlwaysAtomicAccesses |
P4 | JDK-8340141 | C1: rework ciMethod::equals following 8338471 |
P4 | JDK-8329032 | C2 compiler register allocation support for APX EGPRs |
P4 | JDK-8335843 | C2 hits assert(_print_inlining_stream->size() > 0) failed: missing inlining msg |
P4 | JDK-8335392 | C2 MergeStores: enhanced pointer parsing |
P4 | JDK-8328528 | C2 should optimize long-typed parallel iv in an int counted loop |
P4 | JDK-8335006 | C2 SuperWord: add JMH benchmark |
P4 | JDK-8344118 | C2 SuperWord: add VectorThroughputForIterationCount benchmark |
P4 | JDK-8333713 | C2 SuperWord: cleanup in vectornode.cpp/hpp |
P4 | JDK-8335628 | C2 SuperWord: cleanup: remove SuperWord::longer_type_for_conversion |
P4 | JDK-8334228 | C2 SuperWord: fix JDK-24 regression in VPointer::cmp_for_sort after JDK-8325155 |
P4 | JDK-8340272 | C2 SuperWord: JMH benchmark for Reduction vectorization |
P4 | JDK-8333684 | C2 SuperWord: multiple smaller refactorings in preparation for JDK-8332163 |
P4 | JDK-8342387 | C2 SuperWord: refactor and improve compiler/loopopts/superword/ |
P4 | JDK-8332163 | C2 SuperWord: refactor PacksetGraph and SuperWord::output into VTransformGraph |
P4 | JDK-8325155 | C2 SuperWord: remove alignment boundaries |
P4 | JDK-8333729 | C2 SuperWord: remove some @requires usages in test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/loopopts/superword |
P4 | JDK-8334083 | C2 SuperWord: fails with -XX:+AlignVector after JDK-8325155 |
P4 | JDK-8330157 | C2: Add a stress flag for bailouts |
P4 | JDK-8343380 | C2: assert(iff->in(1)->is_OpaqueNotNull()) failed: must be OpaqueNotNull |
P4 | JDK-8331311 | C2: Big Endian Port of 8318446: optimize stores into primitive arrays by combining values into larger store |
P4 | JDK-8334647 | C2: CastII added by PhaseIdealLoop::add_template_assertion_predicate() should have control |
P4 | JDK-8336465 | C2: EA incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits |
P4 | JDK-8336297 | C2: Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in derived Node ctors |
P4 | JDK-8323688 | C2: Fix UB of jlong overflow in PhaseIdealLoop::is_counted_loop() |
P4 | JDK-8333258 | C2: high memory usage in PhaseCFG::insert_anti_dependences() |
P4 | JDK-8332537 | C2: High memory usage reported for compiler/loopopts/superword/ |
P4 | JDK-8325495 | C2: implement optimization for series of Add of unique value |
P4 | JDK-8340453 | C2: Improve encoding of LoadNKlass for compact headers |
P4 | JDK-8329597 | C2: Intrinsify Reference.clear |
P4 | JDK-8333334 | C2: Make result of `Node::dominates` more precise to enhance scalar replacement |
P4 | JDK-8343056 | C2: Micro-optimize Node lists grow |
P4 | JDK-8342975 | C2: Micro-optimize PhaseIdealLoop::Dominators() |
P4 | JDK-8336466 | C2: Parser incorrectly/unnecessarily checks for clinits |
P4 | JDK-8332442 | C2: refactor Mod cases in Compile::final_graph_reshaping_main_switch() |
P4 | JDK-8334724 | C2: remove PhaseIdealLoop::cast_incr_before_loop() |
P4 | JDK-8341411 | C2: remove slice parameter from GraphKit::make_load() and GraphKit::store_to_memory() |
P4 | JDK-8341619 | C2: remove unused StoreCM node |
P4 | JDK-8338844 | C2: remove useless code in PhaseIdealLoop::place_outside_loop() after 8335709 |
P4 | JDK-8343067 | C2: revisit constant-offset AddP chains after successful input idealizations |
P4 | JDK-8339733 | C2: some nodes can have incorrect control after do_range_check() |
P4 | JDK-8334544 | C2: wrong control assigned in PhaseIdealLoop::clone_assertion_predicate_for_unswitched_loops() |
P4 | JDK-8345219 | C2: x86_64 should not go to interpreter stubs for NaNs handling |
P4 | JDK-8344844 | ciReplay tests fail with -XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders because CDS is disabled since JDK-8341553 |
P4 | JDK-8335615 | Clean up left-overs from 8317721 |
P4 | JDK-8334430 | Clean up nativeInst_x86.* |
P4 | JDK-8344213 | Cleanup OpaqueLoop*Node verification code for Assertion Predicates |
P4 | JDK-8338158 | Cleanup ShouldNotXXX uses in machnode.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8337396 | Cleanup usage of ExternalAddess |
P4 | JDK-8343205 | CompileBroker::possibly_add_compiler_threads excessively polls available memory |
P4 | JDK-8337221 | CompileFramework: test library to conveniently compile java and jasm sources for fuzzing |
P4 | JDK-8334816 | compiler/c2/irTests/ fails after 8334629 |
P4 | JDK-8342489 | compiler/c2/irTests/ fails on big-endian platforms |
P4 | JDK-8343153 | compiler/codecache/ fails on linux with huge pages configured but its number set to 0 |
P4 | JDK-8339542 | compiler/codecache/ fails |
P4 | JDK-8342295 | compiler/jvmci/ fails due to garbage in output |
P4 | JDK-8336827 | compiler/vectorization/ timeouts on ppc64 platforms after JDK-8335860 |
P4 | JDK-8335860 | compiler/vectorization/ fails with non-standard AVX/SSE settings |
P4 | JDK-8329031 | CPUID feature detection for Advanced Performance Extensions (Intel® APX) |
P4 | JDK-8342047 | Create Template Assertion Predicates with Halt nodes only instead of uncommon traps |
P4 | JDK-8344533 | CTW: Add option to remove clinits before loading |
P4 | JDK-8334295 | CTW: update modules |
P4 | JDK-8335357 | Delete HotSpotJDKReflection.oopSizeOffset |
P4 | JDK-8344861 | Disable CheckJNICalls in tests until JDK-8344802 is fixed |
P4 | JDK-8319933 | Disable tests for JDK-8280481 on Graal |
P4 | JDK-8336258 | Document the behavior of 'exclude' and 'compileonly' with respect to inlining |
P4 | JDK-8336753 | Don't run serviceability/sa/ with -Xcomp |
P4 | JDK-8339849 | Enumerate opto and C1 stubs, generate enums, names, fields and generator calls |
P4 | JDK-8334585 | Error parsing Graal options: The 'libgraal.' property prefix is no longer supported |
P4 | JDK-8343317 | Extend test generation tool to handle APX NDD/NF flavor of instructions |
P4 | JDK-8334571 | Extract control dependency rewiring out of PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by() into separate method |
P4 | JDK-8333890 | Fatal error in auto-vectorizer with float16 kernel. |
P4 | JDK-8345050 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer warning in MemPointer ctor |
P4 | JDK-8335593 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in Type_Array ctor |
P4 | JDK-8335588 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in calls to Node ctor |
P4 | JDK-8335589 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in IdealLoopTree ctor |
P4 | JDK-8335369 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ImmutableOopMapBuilder |
P4 | JDK-8337523 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmci code |
P4 | JDK-8338156 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8336346 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in jvmciJavaClasses.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8335592 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in RootNode ctor |
P4 | JDK-8334695 | Fix build failure without zgc after JDK-8333300 |
P4 | JDK-8339793 | Fix incorrect APX feature enabling with -XX:-UseAPX |
P4 | JDK-8333791 | Fix memory barriers for @Stable fields |
P4 | JDK-8345267 | Fix memory leak in JVMCIEnv dtor |
P4 | JDK-8337243 | Fix more -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in compiler code |
P4 | JDK-8342860 | Fix more NULL usage backsliding |
P4 | JDK-8336349 | Fix more simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in C2 code |
P4 | JDK-8339242 | Fix overflow issues in AdlArena |
P4 | JDK-8335663 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in C2 code |
P4 | JDK-8335667 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in compiler code |
P4 | JDK-8340010 | Fix vectorization tests with compact headers |
P4 | JDK-8341525 | G1: use bit clearing to remove tightly-coupled initialization store pre-barriers |
P4 | JDK-8335444 | Generalize implementation of AndNode mul_ring |
P4 | JDK-8338971 | IGV: Add incrementally inlined method name to phase name |
P4 | JDK-8344204 | IGV: Button to enable/disable cutting of long edges |
P4 | JDK-8314512 | IGV: clean up hierarchical layout code |
P4 | JDK-8343535 | IGV: Colorize nodes on demand |
P4 | JDK-8343941 | IGV: dump graph at different register allocation steps |
P4 | JDK-8344122 | IGV: Extend c2 IdealGraphPrinter to send subgraphs to IGV |
P4 | JDK-8343705 | IGV: Interactive Node Moving in Hierarchical Layout |
P4 | JDK-8345158 | IGV: local scheduling should not place successors before predecessors |
P4 | JDK-8345039 | IGV: save user-defined node colors to XML |
P4 | JDK-8345154 | IGV: Show Parse and Assertion Predicate type as extra label |
P4 | JDK-8343296 | IGV: Show pre/main/post at CountedLoopNodes |
P4 | JDK-8322770 | Implement C2 VectorizedHashCode on AArch64 |
P4 | JDK-8334060 | Implementation of Late Barrier Expansion for G1 |
P4 | JDK-8334110 | Implementation of Late Barrier Expansion for G1: arm (32-bit) port |
P4 | JDK-8334111 | Implementation of Late Barrier Expansion for G1: ppc port |
P4 | JDK-8334112 | Implementation of Late Barrier Expansion for G1: riscv port |
P4 | JDK-8334113 | Implementation of Late Barrier Expansion for G1: s390 port |
P4 | JDK-8337031 | Improvements to CompilationMemoryStatistic |
P4 | JDK-8343452 | Incorrect WINDOWS build variable is used in macroAssembler_x86.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8342612 | Increase memory usage of compiler/c2/ |
P4 | JDK-8321997 | Increase upper limit of LoopOptsCount flag |
P4 | JDK-8340786 | Introduce Predicate classes with predicate iterators and visitors for simplified walking |
P4 | JDK-8331168 | Introduce PredicateEntryIterator to iterate through predicate entries |
P4 | JDK-8225209 | jdk/jfr/event/compiler/ fails |
P4 | JDK-8322295 | JEP 475: Late Barrier Expansion for G1 |
P4 | JDK-8337102 | JITTester: Fix breaks in static initialization blocks |
P4 | JDK-8337679 | Memset warning in src/hotspot/share/adlc/adlArena.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8340079 | Modify rearrange/selectFrom Vector API methods to perform wrapIndexes instead of checkIndexes |
P4 | JDK-8333819 | Move embedded external addresses from relocation info into separate global table |
P4 | JDK-8346965 | Multiple compiler/ciReplay test fails with -XX:+SegmentedCodeCache |
P4 | JDK-8329035 | New Data Destination instructions support |
P4 | JDK-8338995 | New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping: PPC64 implementation |
P4 | JDK-8338539 | New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping: riscv64 implementation |
P4 | JDK-8329141 | Obsolete RTM flags and code |
P4 | JDK-8343745 | Only update Last Value Assertion Predicates in Loop Unrolling |
P4 | JDK-8334232 | Optimize C1 classes layout |
P4 | JDK-8334230 | Optimize C2 classes layout |
P4 | JDK-8341137 | Optimize long vector multiplication using x86 VPMUL[U]DQ instruction |
P4 | JDK-8334231 | Optimize MethodData layout |
P4 | JDK-8343774 | Positive list platforms for ir checks of compiler/c2/ |
P4 | JDK-8341862 | PPC64: C1 unwind_handler fails to unlock synchronized methods with LM_MONITOR |
P4 | JDK-8342042 | PPC64: compiler_fast_unlock_object flags failure instead of success |
P4 | JDK-8341715 | PPC64: ObjectMonitor::_owner should be reset unconditionally in nmethod unlocking |
P4 | JDK-8339954 | Print JVMCI names with the Compiler.{perfmap,codelist,CodeHeap_Analytics} diagnostic commands |
P4 | JDK-8336692 | Redo fix for JDK-8284620 |
P4 | JDK-8335257 | Refactor code to create Initialized Assertion Predicates into separate class |
P4 | JDK-8341328 | Refactor initial Assertion Predicate creation into separate classes |
P4 | JDK-8341784 | Refactor TypeVect to use a BasicType instead of a const Type* |
P4 | JDK-8304693 | Remove -XX:-UseVtableBasedCHA |
P4 | JDK-8341451 | Remove C2HandleAnonOMOwnerStub |
P4 | JDK-8340273 | Remove CounterHalfLifeTime |
P4 | JDK-8344018 | Remove unlimited memory setting from TestScalarReplacementMaxLiveNodes |
P4 | JDK-8343837 | Remove unnecessary reinterpret_cast from C2AccessValuePtr |
P4 | JDK-8343824 | Remove unused InstructionFlags in C1 |
P4 | JDK-8323242 | Remove vestigial DONT_USE_REGISTER_DEFINES |
P4 | JDK-8343173 | Remove ZGC-specific non-JVMCI test groups |
P4 | JDK-8341977 | Replace predicate walking and cloning code for Loop Peeling with a predicate visitor |
P4 | JDK-8342943 | Replace predicate walking and cloning code for main/post loops with a predicate visitor |
P4 | JDK-8342945 | Replace predicate walking code in get_assertion_predicates() used for Loop Unswitching and cleaning useless Template Assertion Predicates with a predicate visitor |
P4 | JDK-8342946 | Replace predicate walking code in Loop Unrolling with a predicate visitor |
P4 | JDK-8333805 | Replaying compilation with null static final fields results in a crash |
P4 | JDK-8344306 | RISC-V: Add zicond |
P4 | JDK-8344074 | RISC-V: C1: More accurate _exception_handler_size and _deopt_handler_size |
P4 | JDK-8321011 | RISC-V: C2 RoundVD |
P4 | JDK-8321010 | RISC-V: C2 RoundVF |
P4 | JDK-8337780 | RISC-V: C2: Change C calling convention for sp to NS |
P4 | JDK-8333964 | RISC-V: C2: Check "requires_strict_order" flag for floating-point add reduction |
P4 | JDK-8342579 | RISC-V: C2: Cleanup effect of killing flag register for call instructs |
P4 | JDK-8344387 | RISC-V: C2: Improve encoding of LoadNKlass for compact headers |
P4 | JDK-8343430 | RISC-V: C2: Remove old trampoline call |
P4 | JDK-8343122 | RISC-V: C2: Small improvement for real runtime callouts |
P4 | JDK-8340590 | RISC-V: C2: Small improvement to vector gather load and scatter store |
P4 | JDK-8337788 | RISC-V: Cleanup code in MacroAssembler::reserved_stack_check |
P4 | JDK-8340808 | RISC-V: Client build fails after JDK-8339738 |
P4 | JDK-8337421 | RISC-V: client VM build failure after JDK-8335191 |
P4 | JDK-8343471 | RISC-V: compiler/cpuflags/ fails after JDK-8334999 |
P4 | JDK-8344371 | RISC-V: compiler/intrinsics/chacha/ fails after JDK-8343555 |
P4 | JDK-8333652 | RISC-V: compiler/vectorapi/ fails when using RVV |
P4 | JDK-8343600 | RISC-V: enable CRC32 intrinsic when either Zba or RVV are supported |
P4 | JDK-8343060 | RISC-V: enable TestFloat16VectorConvChain for riscv |
P4 | JDK-8344960 | RISC-V: fix TestFloatConversionsVectorNaN for COH and AlignVector |
P4 | JDK-8337713 | RISC-V: fix typos in macroAssembler_riscv.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8334843 | RISC-V: Fix wraparound checking for r_array_index in lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path |
P4 | JDK-8317720 | RISC-V: Implement Adler32 intrinsic |
P4 | JDK-8334999 | RISC-V: implement AES single block encryption/decryption intrinsics |
P4 | JDK-8314124 | RISC-V: implement Base64 intrinsic - decoding |
P4 | JDK-8314125 | RISC-V: implement Base64 intrinsic - encoding |
P4 | JDK-8317721 | RISC-V: Implement CRC32 intrinsic |
P4 | JDK-8343964 | RISC-V: Improve PrintOptoAssembly output for loadNKlassCompactHeaders node |
P4 | JDK-8343415 | RISC-V: Increase maximum size of C2EntryBarrierStub by four |
P4 | JDK-8343805 | RISC-V: JVM crashes on startup when disabling compressed instructions |
P4 | JDK-8343555 | RISC-V: make some verified (on hardware) extension options diagnostic |
P4 | JDK-8340438 | RISC-V: minor improvement in base64 |
P4 | JDK-8344916 | RISC-V: Misaligned access in array fill stub |
P4 | JDK-8343121 | RISC-V: More accurate max size for C2SafepointPollStub and C2EntryBarrierStub |
P4 | JDK-8345110 | RISC-V: Optimize and and clean up byte reverse assembler routines |
P4 | JDK-8335411 | RISC-V: Optimize encode_heap_oop when oop is not null |
P4 | JDK-8340732 | RISC-V: Refactor crc32 scalar version |
P4 | JDK-8343242 | RISC-V: Refactor materialization of literal address |
P4 | JDK-8339248 | RISC-V: Remove li64 macro assembler routine and related code |
P4 | JDK-8344393 | RISC-V: Remove option UseRVVForBigIntegerShiftIntrinsics |
P4 | JDK-8344265 | RISC-V: Remove unused function get_previous_sp_entry |
P4 | JDK-8345351 | RISC-V: Rename macro-assembler routine cmpxchg_weak to weak_cmpxchg |
P4 | JDK-8332587 | RISC-V: secondary_super_cache does not scale well |
P4 | JDK-8343827 | RISC-V: set AlignVector as false if applicable to enable SLP |
P4 | JDK-8334505 | RISC-V: Several tests fail when MaxVectorSize does not match VM_Version::_initial_vector_length |
P4 | JDK-8343502 | RISC-V: SIGBUS in updateBytesCRC32 after JDK-8339738 |
P4 | JDK-8340643 | RISC-V: Small refactoring for sub/subw macro-assembler routines |
P4 | JDK-8339992 | RISC-V: some minor improvements of base64_vector_decode_round |
P4 | JDK-8339359 | RISC-V: Use auipc explicitly in far_jump and far_call macro assembler routines |
P4 | JDK-8339738 | RISC-V: Vectorize crc32 intrinsic |
P4 | JDK-8334396 | RISC-V: verify & fix perf of ReverseBytesI/L |
P4 | JDK-8334554 | RISC-V: verify & fix perf of string comparison |
P4 | JDK-8342884 | RISC-V: verify float <--> float16 conversion |
P4 | JDK-8335191 | RISC-V: verify perf of chacha20 |
P4 | JDK-8334474 | RISC-V: verify perf of ExpandBits/CompressBits (rvv) |
P4 | JDK-8334397 | RISC-V: verify perf of ReverseBytesS/US |
P4 | JDK-8342014 | RISC-V: ZStoreBarrierStubC2 clobbers rflags |
P4 | JDK-8327652 | S390x: Implements SLP support |
P4 | JDK-8341052 | SHA-512 implementation using SHA-NI |
P4 | JDK-8340186 | Shenandoah: Missing load_reference_barrier_phantom_narrow match in is_shenandoah_lrb_call |
P4 | JDK-8344014 | Simplify TracePhase constructor |
P4 | JDK-8342043 | Split Opaque4Node into OpaqueTemplateAssertionPredicateNode and OpaqueNotNullNode |
P4 | JDK-8335334 | Stress mode to randomly execute unstable if traps |
P4 | JDK-8339790 | Support Intel APX setzucc instruction |
P4 | JDK-8338021 | Support new unsigned and saturating vector operators in VectorAPI |
P4 | JDK-8338023 | Support two vector selectFrom API |
P4 | JDK-8334779 | Test compiler/c1/ is timing out |
P4 | JDK-8339507 | Test generation tool and gtest for testing APX encoding of extended gpr instructions |
P4 | JDK-8344718 | Test runtime/cds/appcds/jigsaw/addmods/ fails on Linuxppc64le after JDK-8344239 |
P4 | JDK-8337265 | Test static-libs build in GitHub Actions |
P4 | JDK-8344628 | Test run with virtual thread intermittent fails |
P4 | JDK-8338112 | Test testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/ fails with release build |
P4 | JDK-8338344 | Test intermittent fails java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/test/lib/Platform |
P4 | JDK-8343213 | TEST_BUG: [Graal] java/lang/ref/ fails |
P4 | JDK-8344104 | TestMergeStores fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException |
P4 | JDK-8341178 | TypeRawPtr::add_offset may be "miscompiled" due to UB |
P4 | JDK-8310915 | Typo in "envcodings" |
P4 | JDK-8332461 | ubsan : dependencies.cpp:906:3: runtime error: load of value 4294967295, which is not a valid value for type 'DepType' |
P4 | JDK-8333098 | ubsan: bytecodeInfo.cpp:318:59: runtime error: division by zero |
P4 | JDK-8342823 | Ubsan: ciEnv.cpp:1614:65: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct CompileTask' |
P4 | JDK-8340109 | Ubsan: ciEnv.cpp:1660:65: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct CompileTask' |
P4 | JDK-8338449 | ubsan: division by zero in sharedRuntimeTrans.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8332903 | ubsan: opto/output.cpp:1002:18: runtime error: load of value 171, which is not a valid value for type 'bool' |
P4 | JDK-8339573 | Update CodeCacheSegmentSize and CodeEntryAlignment for ARM |
P4 | JDK-8337702 | Use new ForwardExceptionNode to call StubRoutines::forward_exception_entry() |
P4 | JDK-8333248 | failed when maximum vector bits is 64 |
P4 | JDK-8339698 | x86 unused andw/orw/xorw/addw encoding could be removed |
P4 | JDK-8342715 | x86 unused orw instruction encoding could be removed |
P4 | JDK-8336860 | x86: Change integer src operand for CMoveL of 0 and 1 to long |
P4 | JDK-8345172 | x86: Some CPU feature asserts are declared as 32-bit only |
P4 | JDK-8337062 | x86_64: Unordered add/mul reduction support for vector api |
P5 | JDK-8345043 | [ASAN] methodMatcher.cpp report reading from a region of size 0 [-Werror=stringop-overread] |
P5 | JDK-8330159 | [C2] Remove or clarify Compile::init_start |
P5 | JDK-8340585 | [JVMCI] compiler/unsafe/ fails with -XX:-UseCompressedClassPointers |
P5 | JDK-8340445 | [PPC64] Wrong ConditionRegister used in flagsRegCR0 cr1 |
P5 | JDK-8334715 | [riscv] Mixed use of tab and whitespace in |
P5 | JDK-8327380 | Add tests for Shenandoah barrier expansion optimization |
P5 | JDK-8340144 | C1: remove unused Compilation::_max_spills |
P5 | JDK-8343068 | C2: CastX2P Ideal transformation not always applied |
P5 | JDK-8335142 | compiler/c1/ occasionally times out with -Xcomp |
P5 | JDK-8323803 | ConstantOopReadValue::print_on should print 'null' instead of 'nullptr' |
P5 | JDK-8327054 | DiagnosticCommand Compiler.perfmap does not log on output() |
P5 | JDK-8343206 | Final graph reshaping should not compress abstract or interface class pointers |
P5 | JDK-8335536 | Fix assertion failure in IdealGraphPrinter when append is true |
P5 | JDK-8343214 | Fix encoding errors in APX New Data Destination Instructions Support |
P5 | JDK-8345472 | Fix incorrect format instruction for floating point max/min patterns |
P5 | JDK-8344089 | Fix wrong location of |
P5 | JDK-8342787 | Move misplaced from src to test directory |
P5 | JDK-8251926 | PPC: Remove an unused variable in assembler_ppc.cpp |
P5 | JDK-8327381 | Refactor type-improving transformations in BoolNode::Ideal to BoolNode::Value |
P5 | JDK-8335654 | Remove stale hyperlink in divnode.cpp |
P5 | JDK-8343479 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations (hotspot) |
P5 | JDK-8336495 | Remove unnecessary casts in output.cpp |
P5 | JDK-8339298 | Remove unused function declaration poll_for_safepoint |
P5 | JDK-8335806 | RISC-V: Corrected typos Bizarrely |
P5 | JDK-8331090 | Run Ideal_minmax before de-canonicalizing CMoves |
P5 | JDK-8340576 | Some JVMCI flags are inconsistent |
P5 | JDK-8336874 | WhiteBoxAPI: assert(!method->is_abstract() && (osr_bci == InvocationEntryBci || !method->is_native())) failed: cannot compile abstract/native methods |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8335308 | compiler/uncommontrap/ times out with SerialGC on Windows |
P2 | JDK-8339369 | G1: fails with "Missing rem set entry" when using "-XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=0 -XX:G1UpdateBufferSize=2" |
P2 | JDK-8334594 | Generational ZGC: Deadlock after OopMap rewrites in 8331572 |
P2 | JDK-8340586 | JdkJfrEvent::get_all_klasses stores non-strong oops in JNI handles |
P2 | JDK-8326820 | Metadata artificially kept alive |
P2 | JDK-8345970 | pthread_getcpuclockid related crashes in shenandoah tests |
P2 | JDK-8334482 | Shenandoah: Deadlock when safepoint is pending during nmethods iteration |
P2 | JDK-8340389 | vmTestbase/gc/gctests/PhantomReference/phantom001/ Test exit code: 97 with -Xcomp UseAVX=3 |
P2 | JDK-8343460 | ZGC: Crash in ZRemembered::scan_page_and_clear_remset |
P2 | JDK-8339579 | ZGC: Race results in only one of two remembered sets being cleared |
P3 | JDK-8345293 | Fix generational Shenandoah with compact headers |
P3 | JDK-8325218 | gc/parallel/ fails |
P3 | JDK-8346737 | GenShen: Generational memory pools should not report zero for maximum capacity |
P3 | JDK-8334890 | Missing unconditional cross modifying fence in nmethod entry barriers |
P3 | JDK-8345323 | Parallel GC does not handle UseLargePages and UseNUMA gracefully |
P3 | JDK-8335126 | Shenandoah: Improve OOM handling |
P3 | JDK-8345750 | Shenandoah: Test intermittent assert(gc_cause() == GCCause::_no_gc) failed: Over-writing cause |
P3 | JDK-8339651 | ShenandoahPacer::setup_for_mark, ShenandoahPacer::setup_for_updaterefs and ShenandoahPacer::setup_for_evac runtime error: division by zero |
P3 | JDK-8335824 | Test gc/arguments/ is timing out |
P3 | JDK-8343953 | Test jdk/jfr/threading/ fails with Parallel/Serial GC |
P3 | JDK-8342681 | fails improperly specified VM option |
P3 | JDK-8340945 | Ubsan: oopStorage.cpp:374:8: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 18446744073709551168 to null pointer |
P3 | JDK-8333088 | ubsan: shenandoahAdaptiveHeuristics.cpp:245:44: runtime error: division by zero |
P3 | JDK-8332717 | ZGC: Division by zero in heuristics |
P3 | JDK-8340146 | ZGC: should not run with UseLargePages |
P4 | JDK-8343086 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8295269 G1: Improve slow startup due to predictor initialization |
P4 | JDK-8337192 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8336098 G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask |
P4 | JDK-8339160 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8338440 Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC |
P4 | JDK-8337267 | [REDO] G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask |
P4 | JDK-8343189 | [REDO] JDK-8295269 G1: Improve slow startup due to predictor initialization |
P4 | JDK-8339162 | [REDO] JDK-8338440 Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC |
P4 | JDK-8339416 | [s390x] Provide implementation for resolve_global_jobject |
P4 | JDK-8297692 | Avoid sending per-region GCPhaseParallel JFR events in G1ScanCollectionSetRegionClosure |
P4 | JDK-8342918 | Building ParallelGC without G1 and Shenandoah fails because SpaceMangler not declared |
P4 | JDK-8342939 | Building ZGC without compiler2 fails |
P4 | JDK-8335493 | check_gc_overhead_limit should reset SoftRefPolicy::_should_clear_all_soft_refs |
P4 | JDK-8339300 | CollectorPolicy.young_scaled_initial_ergo_vm gtest fails on ppc64 based platforms |
P4 | JDK-8310675 | Fix -Wconversion warnings in ZGC code |
P4 | JDK-8335298 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in G1CardSetContainers |
P4 | JDK-8335294 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in gc code |
P4 | JDK-8341909 | G1: Add region index to region printer output |
P4 | JDK-8342182 | G1: G1OldGenAllocationTracker does not account for direct allocations in regions |
P4 | JDK-8295269 | G1: Improve slow startup due to predictor initialization |
P4 | JDK-8341643 | G1: Merged cards counter skewed by merge cards cache |
P4 | JDK-8331385 | G1: Prefix HeapRegion helper classes with G1 |
P4 | JDK-8333917 | G1: Refactor G1CollectedHeap::register_old_region_with_region_attr |
P4 | JDK-8334293 | G1: Refactor G1ConcurrentMark::update_top_at_rebuild_start |
P4 | JDK-8341238 | G1: Refactor G1Policy to move collection set selection methods into G1CollectionSet |
P4 | JDK-8336098 | G1: Refactor G1RebuildRSAndScrubTask |
P4 | JDK-8335711 | G1: Remove unused bot_updates argument in G1AllocRegion constructor |
P4 | JDK-8337641 | G1: Remove unused G1CollectedHeap::alloc_highest_free_region |
P4 | JDK-8337721 | G1: Remove unused G1CollectedHeap::young_collection_verify_type |
P4 | JDK-8335706 | G1: Remove unused G1ConcurrentRefine::RemSetSamplingClosure::_cset |
P4 | JDK-8336912 | G1: Undefined behavior for G1ConfidencePercent=0 |
P4 | JDK-8336086 | G1: Use one G1CardSet instance for all young regions |
P4 | JDK-8335395 | G1: Verification does not detect references into Free regions |
P4 | JDK-8337269 | G1ConfidencePercent interpreted inconsistently |
P4 | JDK-8337339 | gc/arguments/Test* timing out with Xcomp |
P4 | JDK-8339960 | GenShen: Fix inconsistencies in generational Shenandoah behavior |
P4 | JDK-8331675 | gtest CollectorPolicy.young_min_ergo_vm fails after 8272364 |
P4 | JDK-8337511 | Implement JEP 404: Generational Shenandoah (Experimental) |
P4 | JDK-8341692 | Implement JEP 490: ZGC: Remove the Non-Generational Mode |
P4 | JDK-8336299 | Improve GCLocker stall diagnostics |
P4 | JDK-8343531 | Improve print_location for invalid heap pointers |
P4 | JDK-8340009 | Improve the output from assert_different_registers |
P4 | JDK-8342044 | Increase timeout of gc/shenandoah/oom/ |
P4 | JDK-8260865 | JEP 404: Generational Shenandoah (Experimental) |
P4 | JDK-8335850 | JEP 490: ZGC: Remove the Non-Generational Mode |
P4 | JDK-8211400 | nsk.share.gc.Memory::getArrayLength returns wrong value |
P4 | JDK-8333962 | Obsolete OldSize |
P4 | JDK-8336463 | Parallel: Add PSOldGen::expand_and_allocate |
P4 | JDK-8343333 | Parallel: Cleanup comment referring Solaris in MutableNUMASpace |
P4 | JDK-8334445 | Parallel: Decouple maximum compaction from SoftReference clearing |
P4 | JDK-8343507 | Parallel: Fail if verify_complete finds incorrect states |
P4 | JDK-8344853 | Parallel: Improve comments in psParallelCompact |
P4 | JDK-8338440 | Parallel: Improve fragmentation mitigation in Full GC |
P4 | JDK-8311163 | Parallel: Improve large object handling during evacuation |
P4 | JDK-8338280 | Parallel: Inline ParallelCompactData::verify_clear |
P4 | JDK-8336763 | Parallel: Merge PCMarkAndPushClosure and PCIterateMarkAndPushClosure |
P4 | JDK-8322859 | Parallel: Move transform_stack_chunk |
P4 | JDK-8337027 | Parallel: Obsolete BaseFootPrintEstimate |
P4 | JDK-8334097 | Parallel: Obsolete HeapFirstMaximumCompactionCount |
P4 | JDK-8335902 | Parallel: Refactor VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation and VM_ParallelGCSystemGC |
P4 | JDK-8336638 | Parallel: Remove redundant mangle in PSScavenge::invoke |
P4 | JDK-8336661 | Parallel: Remove stacks_empty assert in PSScavenge::invoke |
P4 | JDK-8333779 | Parallel: Remove Summary phase related debug print during Full GC |
P4 | JDK-8337389 | Parallel: Remove unnecessary forward declarations in psScavenge.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8333954 | Parallel: Remove unused arguments of type ParCompactionManager* |
P4 | JDK-8333972 | Parallel: Remove unused methods in PSOldGen |
P4 | JDK-8338393 | Parallel: Remove unused ParallelCompactData::clear_range |
P4 | JDK-8343508 | Parallel: Use ordinary klass accessor in verify_filler_in_dense_prefix |
P4 | JDK-8338248 | PartialArrayStateAllocator::Impl leaks Arena array |
P4 | JDK-8333769 | Pretouching tests dont test pretouching |
P4 | JDK-8269870 | PS: Membar in PSPromotionManager::copy_unmarked_to_survivor_space could be relaxed |
P4 | JDK-8331911 | Reconsider locking for recently disarmed nmethods |
P4 | JDK-8337815 | Relax G1EvacStats atomic operations |
P4 | JDK-8345397 | Remove |
P4 | JDK-8337415 | Remove inappropriate Atomic access in FreeListAllocator |
P4 | JDK-8343929 | Remove PreservedMarksSet::createTask() after JDK-8305895 |
P4 | JDK-8337642 | Remove unused APIs of GCPolicyCounters |
P4 | JDK-8340573 | Remove unused G1ParScanThreadState::_partial_objarray_chunk_size |
P4 | JDK-8337546 | Remove unused GCCause::_adaptive_size_policy |
P4 | JDK-8332516 | Serial: Always sample promoted bytes to avoid getting stuck in Full GCs |
P4 | JDK-8335604 | Serial: Inline Generation::contiguous_available |
P4 | JDK-8335925 | Serial: Move allocation API from Generation to subclasses |
P4 | JDK-8338490 | Serial: Move Generation::print_on to subclasses |
P4 | JDK-8335147 | Serial: Refactor TenuredGeneration::promote |
P4 | JDK-8345220 | Serial: Refactor TenuredGeneration::promotion_attempt_is_safe |
P4 | JDK-8333641 | Serial: Remove Generation::supports_tlab_allocation |
P4 | JDK-8338036 | Serial: Remove Generation::update_counters |
P4 | JDK-8333786 | Serial: Remove SerialHeap::_incremental_collection_failed |
P4 | JDK-8335544 | Serial: Remove unused _should_allocate_from_space |
P4 | JDK-8335607 | Serial: Remove unused collection_attempt_is_safe |
P4 | JDK-8335618 | Serial: Remove unused definitions in SerialHeap |
P4 | JDK-8336742 | Shenandoah: Add more verbose logging/stats for mark termination attempts |
P4 | JDK-8337213 | Shenandoah: Add verification for class mirrors |
P4 | JDK-8341668 | Shenandoah: assert(tail_bits < (idx_t)BitsPerWord) failed: precondition |
P4 | JDK-8338688 | Shenandoah: Avoid calling java_lang_Class accessors in asserts/verifier |
P4 | JDK-8334147 | Shenandoah: Avoid taking lock for disabled free set logging |
P4 | JDK-8333716 | Shenandoah: Check for disarmed method before taking the nmethod lock |
P4 | JDK-8340181 | Shenandoah: Cleanup ShenandoahRuntime stubs |
P4 | JDK-8345346 | Shenandoah: Description of ShenandoahGCMode still refers to incremental update mode |
P4 | JDK-8335356 | Shenandoah: Improve concurrent cleanup locking |
P4 | JDK-8338202 | Shenandoah: Improve handshake closure labels |
P4 | JDK-8341379 | Shenandoah: Improve lock contention during cleanup |
P4 | JDK-8335865 | Shenandoah: Improve THP pretouch after JDK-8315923 |
P4 | JDK-8340183 | Shenandoah: Incorrect match for clone barrier in is_gc_barrier_node |
P4 | JDK-8333926 | Shenandoah: Lower default immediate garbage threshold |
P4 | JDK-8341242 | Shenandoah: LRB node is not matched as GC barrier after JDK-8340183 |
P4 | JDK-8341554 | Shenandoah: Missing heap lock when updating usage for soft ref policy |
P4 | JDK-8336914 | Shenandoah: Missing verification steps after JDK-8255765 |
P4 | JDK-8334769 | Shenandoah: Move CodeCache_lock close to its use in ShenandoahConcurrentNMethodIterator |
P4 | JDK-8337241 | Shenandoah: Normalize include guards |
P4 | JDK-8340490 | Shenandoah: Optimize ShenandoahPacer |
P4 | JDK-8336640 | Shenandoah: Parallel worker use in parallel_heap_region_iterate |
P4 | JDK-8342588 | Shenandoah: Pull shared closures together in one header |
P4 | JDK-8331411 | Shenandoah: Reconsider spinning duration in ShenandoahLock |
P4 | JDK-8334315 | Shenandoah: reduce GC logging noise |
P4 | JDK-8338662 | Shenandoah: Remove excessive ShenandoahVerifier::verify_during_evacuation |
P4 | JDK-8336685 | Shenandoah: Remove experimental incremental update mode |
P4 | JDK-8342079 | Shenandoah: Remove extra ShenandoahInitMarkRootsClosure |
P4 | JDK-8342081 | Shenandoah: Remove extra ShenandoahMarkUpdateRefsSuperClosure |
P4 | JDK-8342119 | Shenandoah: Remove extra ShenandoahUpdateRefsClosure |
P4 | JDK-8340408 | Shenandoah: Remove redundant task stats printing code in ShenandoahTaskQueue |
P4 | JDK-8338444 | Shenandoah: Remove ShenandoahHumongousThreshold tunable |
P4 | JDK-8336915 | Shenandoah: Remove unused ShenandoahVerifier::verify_after_evacuation |
P4 | JDK-8336944 | Shenandoah: Should only relativize stack chunks for successful evacuations |
P4 | JDK-8293650 | Shenandoah: Support archived heap objects |
P4 | JDK-8344798 | Shenandoah: Use more descriptive variable names in shPhaseTimings.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8340400 | Shenandoah: Whitebox breakpoint GC requests may cause assertions |
P4 | JDK-8337981 | ShenandoahHeap::is_in should check for alive regions |
P4 | JDK-8342041 | Test gc/shenandoah/oom/ slow on Windows after JDK-8340490 |
P4 | JDK-8333728 | ubsan: shenandoahFreeSet.cpp:1347:24: runtime error: division by zero |
P4 | JDK-8332697 | ubsan: shenandoahSimpleBitMap.inline.hpp:68:23: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -9223372036854775808 - 1 cannot be represented in type 'long int' |
P4 | JDK-8334475 | assert(!assert_on_failure) failed: Has low-order bits set |
P4 | JDK-8337709 | Use allocated states for chunking large array processing |
P4 | JDK-8334010 | VM crashes with ObjectAlignmentInBytes > GCCardSizeInBytes |
P4 | JDK-8329994 | Zap alignment padding bits for ArrayOops in non-release builds |
P4 | JDK-8314842 | zgc/genzgc tests ignore vm flags |
P4 | JDK-8344414 | ZGC: Another division by zero in rule_major_allocation_rate |
P4 | JDK-8342610 | ZGC: Cleanup pre-touching code |
P4 | JDK-8337674 | ZGC: Consistent style for naming private static constants |
P4 | JDK-8340419 | ZGC: Create an UseLargePages adaptation of |
P4 | JDK-8336911 | ZGC: Division by zero in heuristics after JDK-8332717 |
P4 | JDK-8339648 | ZGC: Division by zero in rule_major_allocation_rate |
P4 | JDK-8337939 | ZGC: Make assertions and checks less convoluted and explicit |
P4 | JDK-8340426 | ZGC: Move defragment out of the allocation path |
P4 | JDK-8337658 | ZGC: Move soft reference handling out of the driver loop function |
P4 | JDK-8339661 | ZGC: Move some page resets and verification to callsites |
P4 | JDK-8342102 | ZGC: Optimize copy constructors in ZPhysicalMemory |
P4 | JDK-8339163 | ZGC: Race in clearing of remembered sets |
P4 | JDK-8339399 | ZGC: Remove unnecessary page reset when splitting pages |
P4 | JDK-8339161 | ZGC: Remove unused remembered sets |
P4 | JDK-8340420 | ZGC: Should call `vm_shutdown_during_initialization` if initialization fails |
P4 | JDK-8339387 | ZGC: Synchronize medium page allocation |
P4 | JDK-8340422 | ZGC: should not run with transparent hugepages |
P4 | JDK-8337938 | ZUtils::alloc_aligned allocates without reporting to NMT |
P5 | JDK-8345173 | BlockLocationPrinter::print_location misses a ResourceMark |
P5 | JDK-8335904 | Fix invalid comment in ShenandoahLock |
P5 | JDK-8338315 | G1: G1CardTableEntryClosure:do_card_ptr remove unused parameter worker_id |
P5 | JDK-8344302 | G1: Refactor G1CMTask::do_marking_step to use smaller wrapper methods |
P5 | JDK-8332517 | G1: Refactor G1AllocRegion |
P5 | JDK-8342329 | G1: Rename G1HeapRegionManager::_allocated_heapregions_length |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8337975 | [BACKOUT] Native memory leak when not recording any events |
P2 | JDK-8341427 | JFR: Adjust object sampler span handling |
P2 | JDK-8338938 | The result of the combine method of SettingsControl is not used |
P3 | JDK-8338389 | [JFR] Long strings should be added to the string pool |
P3 | JDK-8337994 | [REDO] Native memory leak when not recording any events |
P3 | JDK-8336041 | Doccheck: the jfr command doesn't show the correct command-line options |
P3 | JDK-8338417 | Explicitly pin a virtual thread before acquiring the JFR string pool monitor |
P3 | JDK-8324089 | Fix typo in the manual page for "jcmd" (man jcmd) |
P3 | JDK-8334031 | Generated JfrNativeSettings seems off |
P3 | JDK-8338745 | Intrinsify and Continuation.unpin() |
P3 | JDK-8323196 | jdk/jfr/api/consumer/filestream/ failed with "Events are not ordered! Reuse = false" |
P3 | JDK-8304732 | jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/ failed again with "Expected outer stream to have 3 events" |
P3 | JDK-8334886 | jdk/jfr/api/recording/time/ failed with RuntimeException: getStopTime() > afterStop |
P3 | JDK-8334781 | JFR crash: assert(((((JfrTraceIdBits::load(klass)) & ((JfrTraceIdEpoch::this_epoch_method_and_class_bits()))) != 0))) failed: invariant |
P3 | JDK-8279016 | JFR Leak Profiler is broken with Shenandoah |
P3 | JDK-8339191 | JFR: Bulk read support for ChunkInputStream |
P3 | JDK-8335730 | JFR: Clean up jdk.jfr |
P3 | JDK-8335779 | JFR: Hide sleep events |
P3 | JDK-8338819 | JFR: Internal events causes crash when no other events are in use |
P3 | JDK-8345337 | JFR: jfr view should display all direct subfields for an event type |
P3 | JDK-8345493 | JFR: JVM.flush hangs intermittently |
P3 | JDK-8334765 | JFR: Log chunk waste |
P3 | JDK-8335907 | JFR: Make SettingControls more robust |
P3 | JDK-8335479 | JFR: Missing documentation for -XX:StartFlightRecording |
P3 | JDK-8345339 | JFR: Missing javadoc for RecordingStream::onMetadata |
P3 | JDK-8343510 | JFR: Remove AccessControlContext from FlightRecorder::addListener specification |
P3 | JDK-8343177 | JFR: Remove critical section for thread id assignment |
P3 | JDK-8343057 | JFR: Sorting in 'jfr view' can violate contract |
P3 | JDK-8336316 | JFR: Use SettingControl::getValue() instead of setValue() for ActiveSetting event |
P3 | JDK-8343946 | JFR: Wildcard should only work with COUNT for 'jfr view' |
P3 | JDK-8342105 | JVM Crash when Jacoco and JFR are active |
P3 | JDK-8335121 | Native memory leak when not recording any events |
P3 | JDK-8333665 | Priority redistribution in Old Object Sample event |
P3 | JDK-8338939 | Simplify processing of hidden class names |
P4 | JDK-8344161 | Argument type mismatch for jfr_type_id |
P4 | JDK-8334780 | Crash: assert(h_array_list.not_null()) failed: invariant |
P4 | JDK-8335632 | jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ failed with "Process [...] is no longer alive" |
P4 | JDK-8336485 | jdk/jfr/jcmd/ RuntimeException: 'Invoked Concurrent' missing from stdout/stderr |
P4 | JDK-8337676 | JFR: Change the label of the throttle setting |
P4 | JDK-8343026 | JFR: Index into fields in the topFrame |
P4 | JDK-8339486 | JFR: Modernize |
P4 | JDK-8338512 | JFR: Revert changes to TestCodeSweeper |
P4 | JDK-8338314 | JFR: Split JFRCheckpoint VM operation |
P4 | JDK-8338405 | JFR: Use FILE type for dcmds |
P4 | JDK-8337501 | JFR: Use TimespanUnit |
P4 | JDK-8339149 | jfr_flush_event_writer - return value type mismatch |
P4 | JDK-8343140 | JfrJavaSupport uses the wrong accessors for sub-int fields |
P4 | JDK-8322812 | Manpage for jcmd is missing JFR.view command |
P4 | JDK-8344071 | Mark some jdk/jfr/event/oldobject test flagless until they fixed to support all GC |
P4 | JDK-8340233 | Missed ThreadWXEnable in jfrNativeLibraryLoadEvent.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8344080 | Return type mismatch for jfr_unregister_stack_filter |
P4 | JDK-8341131 | Some jdk/jfr/event/compiler tests shouldn't be executed with Xcomp |
P4 | JDK-8338565 | Test crashed: assert(is_path_empty()) failed: invariant |
P4 | JDK-8337165 | Test jdk/jfr/event/gc/stacktrace/ failed: IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 64 out of bounds for length 64 |
P4 | JDK-8337779 | test/jdk/jdk/jfr/jvm/ is a bit fragile |
P4 | JDK-8332699 | ubsan: jfrEventSetting.inline.hpp:31:43: runtime error: index 163 out of bounds for type 'jfrNativeEventSetting [162]' |
P4 | JDK-8340988 | Update jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection tests to accept "CodeCache GC Threshold" as valid GC reason |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8310340 | assert(_thread->is_interp_only_mode() || stub_caller) failed: expected a stub-caller |
P3 | JDK-8336846 | assert(state->get_thread() == jt) failed: handshake unsafe conditions |
P3 | JDK-8333542 | Breakpoint in parallel code does not work |
P3 | JDK-8306679 | com/sun/jdi/ asserts with -Xcomp -Dmain.wrapper=Virtual options |
P3 | JDK-8339725 | Concurrent GC crashed due to GetMethodDeclaringClass |
P3 | JDK-8337331 | crash: pinned virtual thread will lead to jvm crash when running with the javaagent option |
P3 | JDK-8345148 | Fix for JDK-8337317 is incomplete |
P3 | JDK-8340698 | JVMTI FRAME_POP event is sometimes missed if NotifyFramePop is called as a method is returning |
P3 | JDK-8341273 | JVMTI is not properly hiding some continuation related methods |
P3 | JDK-8205957 | setfldw001/ fails with bad field value |
P3 | JDK-8334085 | Test crash: assert(thread->held_monitor_count() == 0) failed: Must be |
P3 | JDK-8342673 | Test serviceability/jvmti/events/NotifyFramePopStressTest/ failed: waited too long for notify |
P4 | JDK-8333841 | Add more logging into setfldw001 tests |
P4 | JDK-8342577 | Clean up JVMTI breakpoint support |
P4 | JDK-8343103 | Enable debug logging for vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/scenarios/sampling/SP05/sp05t003/ |
P4 | JDK-8335370 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warning in jvmti_common.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8335688 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from fflush calls in jvmti tests |
P4 | JDK-8337787 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings when JVMTI feature is disabled |
P4 | JDK-8335921 | Fix HotSpot VM build without JVMTI |
P4 | JDK-8335533 | OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace observed again on AIX in test after JDK-8294960 |
P4 | JDK-8210637 | Race in JvmtiCurrentBreakpoints::get_jvmti_breakpoints |
P4 | JDK-8335775 | Remove extraneous 's' in comment of rawmonitor.cpp test file |
P4 | JDK-8337317 | serviceability/jvmti tests failed with FATAL ERROR in native method: Failed during the GetClassSignature call |
P4 | JDK-8335836 | serviceability/jvmti/StartPhase/AllowedFunctions/ fails with unexpected exit code: 112 |
P4 | JDK-8340826 | Should not send unload notification for scratch classes |
P4 | JDK-8333361 | ubsan,test : libHeapMonitorTest.cpp:518:9: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null |
P4 | JDK-8333730 | ubsan: FieldIndices/libFieldIndicesTest.cpp:276:11: runtime error: null pointer passed as argument 2, which is declared to never be null |
P4 | JDK-8339638 | Update vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/*Field*Watch tests to use virtual thread factory |
P4 | JDK-8338934 | vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/*Field*Watch/ tests timeout intermittently |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8330623 | JEP 479: Remove the Windows 32-bit x86 Port |
P4 | JDK-8334763 | --enable-asan: assert(_thread->is_in_live_stack((address)this)) failed: not on stack? |
P4 | JDK-8341722 | Fix some warnings as errors when building on Linux with toolchain clang |
P4 | JDK-8338285 | JEP 501: Deprecate the 32-bit x86 Port for Removal |
P4 | JDK-8334227 | pahole: Optimize Hotspot C++ class layouts |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8345591 | [aarch64] macroAssembler_aarch64.cpp compile fails ceil_log2 not declared |
P1 | JDK-8341558 | [AIX] build broken after 8341413 |
P1 | JDK-8340843 | [PPC64/s390x] Error: ShouldNotReachHere() in TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry after 8338694 |
P1 | JDK-8340368 | windows-x64-slowdebug build fails after JDK-8319873 |
P2 | JDK-8349122 | -XX:+AOTClassLinking is not compatible with jdwp |
P2 | JDK-8344389 | 32-bit builds fail at CDS build time after JDK-8331497 |
P2 | JDK-8341101 | [ARM32] Error: ShouldNotReachHere() in TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_math_entry after 8338694 |
P2 | JDK-8338856 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8337828: CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment |
P2 | JDK-8346457 | AOT cache creation crashes with "assert(pair_at(i).match() < pair_at(i+1).match()) failed: unsorted table entries" |
P2 | JDK-8335409 | Can't allocate and retain memory from resource area in frame::oops_interpreted_do oop closure after 8329665 |
P2 | JDK-8339575 | failed with missing expected output |
P2 | JDK-8348752 | Enable -XX:+AOTClassLinking by default when -XX:AOTMode is specified |
P2 | JDK-8338383 | Implement JEP 491: Synchronize Virtual Threads without Pinning |
P2 | JDK-8337395 | JEP 491: Synchronize Virtual Threads without Pinning |
P2 | JDK-8349009 | JVM fails to start when AOTClassLinking is used with unverifiable old classes |
P2 | JDK-8344250 | Obsolete the DontYieldALot flag |
P2 | JDK-8325937 | runtime/handshake/ causes "monitor end should be strictly below the frame pointer" assertion failure on AArch64 |
P2 | JDK-8324781 | runtime/Thread/ failed with Expected a higher ratio between stack committed and reserved |
P2 | JDK-8345514 | Should use internal class name when calling ClassLoader.getResourceAsByteArray |
P2 | JDK-8344068 | Windows x86-64: Out of CodeBuffer space when generating final stubs |
P3 | JDK-8340212 | -Xshare:off -XX:CompressedClassSpaceBaseAddress=0x40001000000 crashes on macos-aarch64 |
P3 | JDK-8338365 | [PPC64, s390] Out-of-bounds array access in secondary_super_cache |
P3 | JDK-8345102 | [s390x/ppc] fails after 8343756 |
P3 | JDK-8346847 | [s390x] minimal build failure |
P3 | JDK-8335906 | [s390x] Test Failure: |
P3 | JDK-8344381 | [s390x] Test failures with error: Register type is not known |
P3 | JDK-8335362 | [Windows] Stack pointer increment in _cont_thaw stub can cause program to terminate with exit code 0xc0000005 |
P3 | JDK-8333446 | Add tests for hierarchical container support |
P3 | JDK-8339159 | api/java_rmi/Naming/Rebind.html crashes with SEGV from UTF8::quoted_ascii_length call |
P3 | JDK-8338471 | Assert deleted methods not returned by CallInfo |
P3 | JDK-8338693 | assert(Atomic::add(&ik->_shared_class_load_count, 1) == 1) failed: shared class loaded more than once |
P3 | JDK-8343321 | Bad verify in LockStack::oops_do() |
P3 | JDK-8335283 | Build failure due to 'no_sanitize' attribute directive ignored |
P3 | JDK-8343756 | CAN_SHOW_REGISTERS_ON_ASSERT for Windows |
P3 | JDK-8344824 | CDS dump crashes when member_method of a lambda proxy is null |
P3 | JDK-8343416 | CDS dump fails when unregistered class can also be loaded from system modules |
P3 | JDK-8341091 | CDS: Segmented roots array misses roots |
P3 | JDK-8343427 | Class file load hook crashes on archived classes from multi-release JARs |
P3 | JDK-8341644 | Compile error in cgroup coding when using toolchain clang |
P3 | JDK-8337318 | Deoptimization::relock_objects fails assert(monitor->owner() == Thread::current()) failed: must be |
P3 | JDK-8344363 | FullGCForwarding::initialize_flags is called after ObjLayout::initialize |
P3 | JDK-8338136 | Hotspot should support multiple large page sizes on Windows |
P3 | JDK-8342826 | Improve performance of oopDesc::klass() after JDK-8305895 |
P3 | JDK-8344904 | Interned strings in old classes are not stored in CDS archive |
P3 | JDK-8343285 | java.lang.Process is unresponsive and CPU usage spikes to 100% |
P3 | JDK-8345266 | java/util/concurrent/locks/StampedLock/ JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual fails with OOME |
P3 | JDK-8315737 | JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking |
P3 | JDK-8343599 | Kmem limit and max values swapped when printing container information |
P3 | JDK-8342286 | and intermittent crash on dlerror |
P3 | JDK-8339148 | Make os::Linux::active_processor_count() public |
P3 | JDK-8338583 | NMT: Malloc overhead is calculated incorrectly |
P3 | JDK-8337958 | Out-of-bounds array access in secondary_super_cache |
P3 | JDK-8331560 | Refactor Hotspot container detection code so that subsystem delegates to controllers |
P3 | JDK-8341649 | Regressions with large metaspace apps after 8338526 |
P3 | JDK-8322064 | Remove expired flags in JDK 24 |
P3 | JDK-8341916 | Remove ProtectionDomain related hotspot code and tests |
P3 | JDK-8341553 | Remove UseCompactObjectHeaders extra CDS archives |
P3 | JDK-8342089 | Require --enable-native-access to be the same between CDS dump time and run time |
P3 | JDK-8339741 | RISC-V: C ABI breakage for integer on stack |
P3 | JDK-8346838 | RISC-V: runtime/CommandLine/OptionsValidation/ crash with debug VMs |
P3 | JDK-8344010 | RISC-V: Zacas do not work with LW locking |
P3 | JDK-8305489 | runtime/ErrorHandling/ fails in some Linux configurations after JDK-8303805 |
P3 | JDK-8343890 | SEGV crash in RunTimeClassInfo::klass |
P3 | JDK-8332506 | SIGFPE In ObjectSynchronizer::is_async_deflation_needed() |
P3 | JDK-8298614 | Support CDS heap dumping for SerialGC and ParallelGC |
P3 | JDK-8345224 | Test runtime/cds/appcds/applications/ fails after JDK-8344822 |
P3 | JDK-8339316 | Test runtime/exceptionMsgs/NoClassDefFoundError/ fails after JDK-8338257 |
P3 | JDK-8340491 | Thread stack-base assertion should report which thread has the un-set stack |
P3 | JDK-8340387 | Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2025 |
P3 | JDK-8340383 | VM issues warning failure to find kernel32.dll on Windows nanoserver |
P3 | JDK-8334179 | VMATreeTest.TestConsistencyWithSimpleTracker_vm runs 50+ seconds |
P3 | JDK-8346040 | Zero interpreter build on Linux Aarch64 is broken |
P4 | JDK-8340792 | -XX:+PrintInterpreter: instructions should only be printed if printing all InterpreterCodelets |
P4 | JDK-8344352 | 32-bit builds crash after JDK-8305895 |
P4 | JDK-8345237 | 32-bit Zero builds fail with assert(has_klass_gap()) failed: precondition |
P4 | JDK-8343699 | [aarch64] Bug in MacroAssembler::klass_decode_mode() |
P4 | JDK-8334371 | [AIX] Beginning with AIX 7.3 TL1 mmap() supports 64K memory pages |
P4 | JDK-8211847 | [aix] java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails: "reported cputime less than expected" |
P4 | JDK-8334217 | [AIX] Misleading error messages after JDK-8320005 |
P4 | JDK-8345126 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8318127: align_up has potential overflow |
P4 | JDK-8344830 | [BACKOUT] JDK-8341334: CDS: Parallel relocation |
P4 | JDK-8343726 | [BACKOUT] NMT should not use ThreadCritical |
P4 | JDK-8347763 | [doc] Add documentation of module options for JEP 483 |
P4 | JDK-8348013 | [doc] fix typo in caused by JDK-8347763 |
P4 | JDK-8328877 | [JNI] The JNI Specification needs to address the limitations of integer UTF-8 String lengths |
P4 | JDK-8322420 | [Linux] cgroup v2: Limits in parent nested control groups are not detected |
P4 | JDK-8340092 | [Linux] containers/systemd/ failing on some systems |
P4 | JDK-8261242 | [Linux] OSContainer::is_containerized() returns true when run outside a container |
P4 | JDK-8332125 | [nmt] Totals in diff report should print out total malloc and mmap diffs |
P4 | JDK-8344831 | [REDO] CDS: Parallel relocation |
P4 | JDK-8340166 | [REDO] CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment |
P4 | JDK-8333412 | [s390x] Add support for branch on count instruction |
P4 | JDK-8339983 | [s390x] secondary_super_cache does not scale well: C1 and interpreter |
P4 | JDK-8345355 | [s390x] support for z16 hardware |
P4 | JDK-8334567 | [test] runtime/os/TestTracePageSizes move ppc handling |
P4 | JDK-8344935 | [ubsan]: javaThread.hpp:1241:52: runtime error: load of value 9831830, which is not a valid value for type 'freeze_result' |
P4 | JDK-8341688 | Aarch64: Generate comments in -XX:+PrintInterpreter to link to source code |
P4 | JDK-8344356 | Aarch64: implement -XX:+VerifyActivationFrameSize |
P4 | JDK-8337657 | AArch64: No need for acquire fence in safepoint poll during JNI calls |
P4 | JDK-8338379 | Accesses to class init state should be properly synchronized |
P4 | JDK-8348515 | Add docs for -XX:AOT* options in java man pages |
P4 | JDK-8337550 | Add documentation to |
P4 | JDK-8334489 | Add function os::used_memory |
P4 | JDK-8340103 | Add internal set_flag function to VMATree |
P4 | JDK-8345405 | Add JMH showing the regression in 8341649 |
P4 | JDK-8329351 | Add runtime/Monitor/ for recursive Java monitor stress testing |
P4 | JDK-8330198 | Add some class loading related perf counters to measure VM startup |
P4 | JDK-8319873 | Add windows implementation for jcmd and System.dump_map |
P4 | JDK-8338760 | Adjust the comment after UseObjectMonitorTable |
P4 | JDK-8318127 | align_up has potential overflow |
P4 | JDK-8338686 | App classpath mismatch if a jar from the Class-Path attribute is on the classpath |
P4 | JDK-8328313 | Archived module graph should allow identical --module-path to be specified during dump time and run time |
P4 | JDK-8339386 | Assertion on AIX - original PC must be in the main code section of the compiled method |
P4 | JDK-8321033 | Avoid casting Array to GrowableArray |
P4 | JDK-8327156 | Avoid copying in StringTable::intern(oop, TRAPS) |
P4 | JDK-8326865 | Avoid copying in StringTable::intern(Symbol*, TRAPS) |
P4 | JDK-8335583 | Avoid using pointers in CDS tables |
P4 | JDK-8340184 | Bug in CompressedKlassPointers::is_in_encodable_range |
P4 | JDK-8335108 | Build error after JDK-8333658 due to class templates |
P4 | JDK-8339134 | Callers of Exceptions::fthrow should ensure exception message lengths avoid the INT_MAX limits of os::vsnprintf |
P4 | JDK-8338011 | CDS archived heap object support for 64-bit Windows |
P4 | JDK-8344822 | CDS fails with COH |
P4 | JDK-8341371 | CDS cannot load archived heap objects with -XX:+UseSerialGC -XX:-UseCompressedOops |
P4 | JDK-8304484 | CDS dynamic dumping incorrectly leads to "Error occurred during initialization of VM" |
P4 | JDK-8339460 | CDS error when module is located in a directory with space in the name |
P4 | JDK-8338902 | CDS flags are reported with wrong flag category |
P4 | JDK-8338530 | CDS warning Skipping java/lang/invoke/BoundMethodHandle$Species_LLLL |
P4 | JDK-8340171 | CDS: Enhance bitmap truncation |
P4 | JDK-8341334 | CDS: Parallel relocation |
P4 | JDK-8342334 | CDS: Scratch mirrors should not point to dead klasses |
P4 | JDK-8338912 | CDS: Segmented roots array |
P4 | JDK-8337828 | CDS: Trim down minimum GC region alignment |
P4 | JDK-8343700 | ceil_log2 should not loop endlessly |
P4 | JDK-8343801 | Change string printed by nsk_null_string for null strings |
P4 | JDK-8344609 | Check ResourceMark nesting when allocating a GrowableArray on an alternative ResourceArea |
P4 | JDK-8324259 | Classes used by CDS at runtime should be archived |
P4 | JDK-8338626 | ClassLoaderExt::process_jar_manifest() should allow / separator on Windows |
P4 | JDK-8336103 | Clean up confusing Method::is_initializer |
P4 | JDK-8344579 | Clean up forward declarations and includes |
P4 | JDK-8341094 | Clean up relax_verify in ClassFileParser |
P4 | JDK-8336796 | Clean up the JNI specification for MonitorEnter and MonitorExit |
P4 | JDK-8336919 | Cleanup and rename tags in placeholders code |
P4 | JDK-8341168 | Cleanup dead code after JDK-8322630 |
P4 | JDK-8343800 | Cleanup definition of NULL_WORD |
P4 | JDK-8343149 | Cleanup os::print_tos_pc on AIX |
P4 | JDK-8340731 | Cleanup remaining IA64 references in hotspot code |
P4 | JDK-8339627 | Cleanup Unsafe.setMemory intrinsic code |
P4 | JDK-8338236 | Compile error in cgroup code on Linux when using clang |
P4 | JDK-8342011 | Conditionally compile ReservedHeapSpace compressed heap support |
P4 | JDK-8335059 | Consider renaming ClassLoaderData::keep_alive |
P4 | JDK-8344763 | cpCache print_on doesn't handle nulls |
P4 | JDK-8341027 | Crash in java/runtime/Unsafe/InternalErrorTest when running with -XX:-UseCompressedClassPointers |
P4 | JDK-8344479 | Declare MetaspaceObj::operator delete to be deleted |
P4 | JDK-8334598 | Default classlist in JDK is not deterministic after JDK-8293980 |
P4 | JDK-8334299 | Deprecate LockingMode option, along with LM_LEGACY and LM_MONITOR |
P4 | JDK-8338947 | Deprecate the UseLinuxPosixThreadCPUClocks flag and remove it in a future release |
P4 | JDK-8346159 | Disable CDS AOTClassLinking tests for JVMCI due to JDK-8345635 |
P4 | JDK-8343129 | Disable unstable check of ThreadsListHandle.sanity_vm ThreadList values |
P4 | JDK-8338550 | Do libubsan1 installation in test container only if requested |
P4 | JDK-8333144 | docker tests do not work when ubsan is configured |
P4 | JDK-8338526 | Don't store abstract and interface Klasses in class metaspace |
P4 | JDK-8335946 | DTrace code snippets should be generated when DTrace flags are enabled |
P4 | JDK-8301403 | Eliminate memory allocations in JVMFlag::printFlags during signal handling |
P4 | JDK-8342607 | Enhance register printing on x86_64 platforms |
P4 | JDK-8339466 | Enumerate shared stubs and define static fields and names via declarations |
P4 | JDK-8341020 | Error handler crashes when Metaspace is not fully initialized |
P4 | JDK-8325945 | Error reporting should limit the number of String characters printed |
P4 | JDK-8328880 | Events::log_exception should limit the size of the logging message |
P4 | JDK-8325002 | Exceptions::fthrow needs to ensure it truncates to a valid utf8 string |
P4 | JDK-8334222 | exclude containers/cgroup/ |
P4 | JDK-8338110 | Exclude Fingerprinter::do_type from ubsan checks |
P4 | JDK-8332105 | Exploded JDK does not include CDS |
P4 | JDK-8340105 | Expose BitMap::print_on in release builds |
P4 | JDK-8322475 | Extend printing for |
P4 | JDK-8339488 | Extended NPE message doesn't handle CONSTANT_Dynamic |
P4 | JDK-8339342 | FieldAllocationCount is mostly unused |
P4 | JDK-8337683 | Fix -Wconversion problem with arrayOop.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8340620 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings for CompressedOops |
P4 | JDK-8338331 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from CHECK_0 in jni.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8338330 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings from THROW_XXX_0 |
P4 | JDK-8336080 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ClassLoaderStats ctor |
P4 | JDK-8335591 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in ConcurrentHashTable |
P4 | JDK-8336081 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in JVMTypedFlagLimit ctors |
P4 | JDK-8337416 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in misc. runtime code |
P4 | JDK-8337418 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in prims code |
P4 | JDK-8341336 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in PRODUCT-only code |
P4 | JDK-8336082 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in SimpleCompactHashtable |
P4 | JDK-8338155 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings involving PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER |
P4 | JDK-8340793 | Fix client builds after JDK-8337987 |
P4 | JDK-8348890 | Fix docs for -XX:AOT* options in java man page |
P4 | JDK-8341788 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in hotspot |
P4 | JDK-8335217 | Fix memory ordering in ClassLoaderData::ChunkedHandleList |
P4 | JDK-8344917 | Fix recent NULL usage backsliding |
P4 | JDK-8342074 | Fix runtime/Thread/ to be flagless or accept VM flags |
P4 | JDK-8337786 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in aarch64 code |
P4 | JDK-8336085 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in CDS code |
P4 | JDK-8337239 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in classfile code |
P4 | JDK-8337784 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in linux/posix code |
P4 | JDK-8338019 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in riscv code |
P4 | JDK-8337785 | Fix simple -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in x86 code |
P4 | JDK-8330191 | Fix typo in precompiled.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8343513 | Forward declare Thread in mutexLocker.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8339030 | frame::print_value_on(outputStream* st, JavaThread *thread) doesn't need thread argument |
P4 | JDK-8338064 | Give better error for ConcurrentHashTable corruption |
P4 | JDK-8334502 | gtest/ fails on armhf due to LogDecorations.iso8601_utctime_test |
P4 | JDK-8340392 | Handle OopStorage in location decoder |
P4 | JDK-8338851 | Hoist os::Posix::realpath() to os::realpath() and implement on Windows |
P4 | JDK-8337622 | IllegalArgumentException in java.lang.reflect.Field.get |
P4 | JDK-8305895 | Implement JEP 450: Compact Object Headers (Experimental) |
P4 | JDK-8331497 | Implement JEP 483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking |
P4 | JDK-8307532 | Implement LM_LIGHTWEIGHT for Zero |
P4 | JDK-8332362 | Implement os::committed_in_range for MacOS and AIX |
P4 | JDK-8344913 | Improve -Xlog:cds+map+oop logging for Java mirrors |
P4 | JDK-8343783 | Improve asserts in concurrentHashTable.inline.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8319343 | Improve CDS module graph support for --add-modules option |
P4 | JDK-8339288 | Improve diagnostic logging runtime/cds/ |
P4 | JDK-8337662 | Improve os::print_hex_dump for printing Instructions sections |
P4 | JDK-8335397 | Improve reliability of |
P4 | JDK-8320561 | Inconsistency in monitorinflation logging |
P4 | JDK-8341854 | Incorrect clearing of ZF in fast_unlock_lightweight on x86 |
P4 | JDK-8335007 | Inline OopMapCache table |
P4 | JDK-8342540 | InterfaceCalls micro-benchmark gives misleading results |
P4 | JDK-8344032 | InterpreterRuntime::verify_mdp() missing lock while printing MethodData on failure |
P4 | JDK-8334239 | Introduce macro for ubsan method/function exclusions |
P4 | JDK-8330420 | Inverted use of DisplayVMOutputToStderr in ostream_exit |
P4 | JDK-8332400 | isspace argument should be a valid unsigned char |
P4 | JDK-8332124 | Jcmd should recognise options that look like requests for help |
P4 | JDK-8322811 | jcmd System.dump_map help info has conflicting statements |
P4 | JDK-8336402 | jdk/jshell/ failed due to OutOfMemoryError: unable to create native thread: possibly out of memory or process/resource limits reached |
P4 | JDK-8294992 | JEP 450: Compact Object Headers (Experimental) |
P4 | JDK-8333522 | JFR SwapSpace event might read wrong free swap space size |
P4 | JDK-8339535 | JVM crashes with -Xshare:dump -XX:+SegmentedCodeCache |
P4 | JDK-8337515 | JVM_DumpAllStacks is dead code |
P4 | JDK-8341819 | LightweightSynchronizer::enter_for races with deflation |
P4 | JDK-8343698 | Linux x86_64 lto build gives a lot of warnings and fails lto-wrapper: fatal error: make returned 2 exit status |
P4 | JDK-8334223 | Make Arena MEMFLAGs immutable |
P4 | JDK-8338929 | Make Metaspace::deallocate space-aware |
P4 | JDK-8340177 | Malformed system classes loaded by bootloader crash the JVM in product builds |
P4 | JDK-8338058 | map_or_reserve_memory_aligned Windows enhance remap assertion |
P4 | JDK-8342561 | Metaspace for generated reflection classes is no longer needed |
P4 | JDK-8314653 | Metaspace: remove allocation guard feature |
P4 | JDK-8344445 | MethodCounters don't need a vptr |
P4 | JDK-8343343 | Misc crash dump improvements on more platforms after JDK-8294160 |
P4 | JDK-8340679 | Misc tests fail assert(!set || SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) failed: set once or at safepoint |
P4 | JDK-8340102 | Move assert-only loop in OopMapSort::sort under debug macro |
P4 | JDK-8318483 | Move CDS configuration management into cdsConfig.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8339112 | Move JVM Klass flags out of AccessFlags |
P4 | JDK-8344247 | Move objectWaiter field to VirtualThread instance |
P4 | JDK-8339192 | Native annotation parsing code of deprecated annotations causes crash |
P4 | JDK-8315884 | New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping |
P4 | JDK-8338658 | New Object to ObjectMonitor mapping: s390x implementation |
P4 | JDK-8334180 | NMT gtests introduced with 8312132 should be labeled as NMT |
P4 | JDK-8328944 | NMT reports "unknown" memory |
P4 | JDK-8333211 | NMT Reports: replace manual indentation handling with auto indent |
P4 | JDK-8304824 | NMT should not use ThreadCritical |
P4 | JDK-8333994 | NMT: call stacks should show source information |
P4 | JDK-8335062 | NMT: Make StackIndex non-opaque |
P4 | JDK-8337563 | NMT: rename MEMFLAGS to MemTag |
P4 | JDK-8333658 | NMT: Use an allocator with 4-byte pointers to save memory in NativeCallStackStorage |
P4 | JDK-8335091 | NMT: VMATree reserve_mapping and commit_mapping APIs need MEMFLAGS while un/-committing API has no MEMFLAGS arg |
P4 | JDK-8320318 | ObjectMonitor Responsible thread |
P4 | JDK-8336289 | Obliterate most references to _snprintf in the Windows JDK |
P4 | JDK-8330427 | Obsolete -XX:+PreserveAllAnnotations |
P4 | JDK-8330699 | Obsolete -XX:+UseEmptySlotsInSupers |
P4 | JDK-8341015 | OopStorage location decoder crashes accessing non-initalized OopStorage |
P4 | JDK-8334895 | OpenJDK fails to configure on linux aarch64 when CDS is disabled after JDK-8331942 |
P4 | JDK-8334229 | Optimize InterpreterOopMap layout |
P4 | JDK-8334220 | Optimize Klass layout after JDK-8180450 |
P4 | JDK-8341708 | Optimize safepoint poll encoding with smaller poll data offset |
P4 | JDK-8341013 | Optimize x86/aarch64 MD5 intrinsics by reducing data dependency |
P4 | JDK-8345012 | os::build_agent_function_name potentially wastes a byte when allocating the buffer |
P4 | JDK-8334738 | os::print_hex_dump should optionally print ASCII |
P4 | JDK-8341931 | os_linux gtest uses lambdas with explicit capture lists |
P4 | JDK-8335664 | Parsing jsr broken: assert(bci>= 0 && bci < c->method()->code_size()) failed: index out of bounds |
P4 | JDK-8343493 | Perform module checks during MetaspaceShared::map_archives() |
P4 | JDK-8335882 | platform/cgroup/ fails on Alpine Linux |
P4 | JDK-8332120 | Potential compilation failure in istream.cpp:205 - loss of data on conversion |
P4 | JDK-8338810 | PPC, s390x: LightweightSynchronizer::exit asserts, missing lock |
P4 | JDK-8306580 | Propagate CDS dumping errors instead of directly exiting the VM |
P4 | JDK-8334026 | Provide a diagnostic PrintMemoryMapAtExit switch on Linux |
P4 | JDK-8319947 | Recursive lightweight locking: s390x implementation |
P4 | JDK-8330606 | Redefinition doesn't but should verify the new klass |
P4 | JDK-8312125 | Refactor CDS enum class handling |
P4 | JDK-8336468 | Reflection and MethodHandles should use more precise initializer checks |
P4 | JDK-8344355 | Register corruption in MacroAssembler::lookup_secondary_supers_table_var: x86-64 only |
P4 | JDK-8337987 | Relocate jfr and throw_exception stubs from StubGenerator to SharedRuntime |
P4 | JDK-8337654 | Relocate uncommon trap stub from SharedRuntime to OptoRuntime |
P4 | JDK-8340353 | Remove CompressedOops::ptrs_base |
P4 | JDK-8337982 | Remove dead undef assrt0n |
P4 | JDK-8336163 | Remove declarations of some debug-only methods in release build |
P4 | JDK-8339351 | Remove duplicate line in FileMapHeader::print |
P4 | JDK-8337595 | Remove empty statements in src/hotspot/share/memory/metaspace |
P4 | JDK-8344293 | Remove empty Test files left over from JDK-8305895 |
P4 | JDK-8338447 | Remove InstanceKlass::_is_marked_dependent |
P4 | JDK-8333653 | Remove MallocHeader::get_stack |
P4 | JDK-8340524 | Remove NarrowPtrStruct |
P4 | JDK-8338101 | remove old remap assertion in map_or_reserve_memory_aligned after JDK-8338058 |
P4 | JDK-8340119 | Remove oopDesc::size_might_change() |
P4 | JDK-8341513 | Remove the unused thread_type field from OSThread |
P4 | JDK-8326085 | Remove unnecessary UpcallContext constructor |
P4 | JDK-8340436 | Remove unused CompressedOops::AnyNarrowOopMode |
P4 | JDK-8336152 | Remove unused forward declaration in classLoadInfo.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8339020 | Remove unused HeapShared::calculate_oopmap |
P4 | JDK-8340864 | Remove unused lines related to vmClasses |
P4 | JDK-8343931 | Removed unused code in CompressedKlassPointers::initialize_for_given_encoding |
P4 | JDK-8341138 | Rename jtreg property as |
P4 | JDK-8343957 | Rename ObjectMonitor::owner_from() and JavaThread::_lock_id |
P4 | JDK-8344568 | Renaming ceil_log2 to log2i_ceil |
P4 | JDK-8293980 | Resolve CONSTANT_FieldRef at CDS dump time |
P4 | JDK-8309634 | Resolve CONSTANT_MethodRef at CDS dump time |
P4 | JDK-8288298 | Resolve multiline message parsing ambiguities in UL |
P4 | JDK-8341471 | Reversed field layout caused by unstable sorting |
P4 | JDK-8330144 | Revise os::free_memory() |
P4 | JDK-8345177 | RISC-V: Add gtests for cmpxchg |
P4 | JDK-8345178 | RISC-V: Add gtests for narrow cmpxchg |
P4 | JDK-8345179 | RISC-V: Add gtests for weak cmpxchg |
P4 | JDK-8340880 | RISC-V: add t3-t6 alias into assemler_riscv.hpp |
P4 | JDK-8338727 | RISC-V: Avoid synthetic data dependency in nmethod barrier on Ztso |
P4 | JDK-8339237 | RISC-V: Builds fail after JDK-8339120 |
P4 | JDK-8344382 | RISC-V: CASandCAEwithNegExpected fails with Zacas |
P4 | JDK-8345669 | RISC-V: fix client build failure due to AlignVector after JDK-8343827 |
P4 | JDK-8342953 | RISC-V: Fix definition of RISCV_HWPROBE_EXT_ZVFHMIN |
P4 | JDK-8341562 | RISC-V: Generate comments in -XX:+PrintInterpreter to link to source code |
P4 | JDK-8344526 | RISC-V: implement -XX:+VerifyActivationFrameSize |
P4 | JDK-8345047 | RISC-V: Remove explicit use of AvoidUnalignedAccesses in interpreter |
P4 | JDK-8343063 | RISC-V: remove redundant reg copy in generate_resolve_blob |
P4 | JDK-8345236 | RISC-V: Remove revb_h_h_u and revb_h_w_u macro assembler routines |
P4 | JDK-8340241 | RISC-V: Returns mispredicted |
P4 | JDK-8343030 | RISC-V: Small assembler cleanups |
P4 | JDK-8342882 | RISC-V: Unify handling of jumps to runtime |
P4 | JDK-8341146 | RISC-V: Unnecessary fences used for load-acquire in template interpreter |
P4 | JDK-8332689 | RISC-V: Use load instead of trampolines |
P4 | JDK-8315231 | runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/ timed out |
P4 | JDK-8336055 | runtime/cds/appcds/dynamicArchive/ times out |
P4 | JDK-8344239 | runtime/cds/appcds/jigsaw/addmods/ fails on x64 with -Xmixed |
P4 | JDK-8333579 | runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/ times out |
P4 | JDK-8335577 | runtime/cds/appcds/ still fails with JNI error |
P4 | JDK-8336074 | runtime/cds/serviceability/ times out |
P4 | JDK-8334545 | runtime/ClassInitErrors/ fails after JDK-8294960 |
P4 | JDK-8335778 | runtime/ClassInitErrors/ fails on ppc64 platforms after JDK-8334545 |
P4 | JDK-8336410 | runtime/NMT/ Total malloc diff is incorrect. Expected malloc diff range |
P4 | JDK-8336816 | runtime/PrintingTests/ fails with release VMs |
P4 | JDK-8339587 | runtime/reflect/ fails with "bootstrap method initialization exception" |
P4 | JDK-8331341 | secondary_super_cache does not scale well: C1 and interpreter |
P4 | JDK-8342303 | Segfault in update_inherited_vtable: AppCDS, old bytecode, and redefineClasses |
P4 | JDK-8341031 | Segfault with CDS |
P4 | JDK-8335643 | serviceability/dcmd/vm tests fail for ZGC after JDK-8322475 |
P4 | JDK-8335710 | serviceability/dcmd/vm/ and fail on Linux Alpine after 8322475 |
P4 | JDK-8338883 | Show warning when CreateCoredumpOnCrash set, but core dump will not happen |
P4 | JDK-8333133 | Simplify QuickSort::sort |
P4 | JDK-8343115 | SkipIfEqual class is not used after JDK-8335946 |
P4 | JDK-8333775 | Small improvement to outputStream auto-indentation mode |
P4 | JDK-8340547 | Starting many threads can delay safepoints |
P4 | JDK-8341633 | StatSampler::assert_system_property: Print the keys and values of the assert |
P4 | JDK-8341413 | Stop including osThread_os.hpp in the middle of the OSThread class |
P4 | JDK-8327825 | StringTable::intern is slow |
P4 | JDK-8341913 | Support CDS heap dumping for Shenandoah and Epsilon |
P4 | JDK-8334392 | Switch RNG in NMT's treap |
P4 | JDK-8343703 | Symbol name cleanups after JEP 479 |
P4 | JDK-8332139 | SymbolTableHash::Node allocations allocates twice the required memory |
P4 | JDK-8338888 | SystemDictionary::class_name_symbol has incorrect length check |
P4 | JDK-8341622 | Tag-specific disabled default decorators for UnifiedLogging |
P4 | JDK-8344821 | Test fails if classes_coh.jsa is not present |
P4 | JDK-8345503 | Test fails with TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual |
P4 | JDK-8343893 | Test jdk/jfr/event/runtime/ failed: heap should have grown and NMT should show that: expected 0 > 0 |
P4 | JDK-8341452 | Test runtime/cds/appcds/ from JDK-8324259 is failing |
P4 | JDK-8334899 | Test runtime/cds/appcds/javaldr/ failed after JDK-8306580 |
P4 | JDK-8343889 | Test runtime/cds/appcds/redefineClass/ failed |
P4 | JDK-8337067 | Test runtime/classFileParserBug/ won't compile |
P4 | JDK-8336148 | Test runtime/locking/ failed: Unexpected Inflation |
P4 | JDK-8335167 | Test runtime/Thread/ failed with Expected a higher ratio between stack committed and reserved |
P4 | JDK-8343532 | Test test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds/jigsaw/addmods/ fails on Linux ppc64le after JDK-8319343 |
P4 | JDK-8344046 | Tests under cds/appcds/jvmti/redefineClasses should have @requires vm.cds |
P4 | JDK-8340923 | The class LogSelection copies uninitialized memory |
P4 | JDK-8343633 | The ClassLoader::print_counters() prints to stdout when logging is enabled. |
P4 | JDK-8334164 | The fix for JDK-8322811 should use _filename.is_set() rather than strcmp() |
P4 | JDK-8344646 | The libjsig deprecation warning should go to stderr not stdout |
P4 | JDK-8341053 | Two CDS tests fail again with -UseCompressedOops and UseSerialGC/UseParallelGC |
P4 | JDK-8300800 | UB: Shift exponent 32 is too large for 32-bit type 'int' |
P4 | JDK-8332818 | ubsan: archiveHeapLoader.cpp:70:27: runtime error: applying non-zero offset 18446744073707454464 to null pointer |
P4 | JDK-8333639 | ubsan: cppVtables.cpp:81:55: runtime error: index 14 out of bounds for type 'long int [1]' |
P4 | JDK-8333354 | ubsan: frame.inline.hpp:91:25: and src/hotspot/share/runtime/frame.inline.hpp:88:29: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'const struct SmallRegisterMap' |
P4 | JDK-8333363 | ubsan: instanceKlass.cpp: runtime error: member call on null pointer of type 'struct AnnotationArray' |
P4 | JDK-8331725 | ubsan: pc may not always be the entry point for a VtableStub |
P4 | JDK-8333887 | ubsan: unsafe.cpp:247:13: runtime error: store to null pointer of type 'volatile int' |
P4 | JDK-8335237 | ubsan: vtableStubs.hpp is_vtable_stub exclude from ubsan checks |
P4 | JDK-8339540 | Unify include requirements for PlatformMonitor/Mutex constructors/destructors |
P4 | JDK-8341967 | Unify os::current_file_offset and os::seek_to_file_offset across posix platforms |
P4 | JDK-8312412 | Uninitialized klassVtable::_verify_count field |
P4 | JDK-8341444 | Unnecessary check for JSRs in CDS |
P4 | JDK-8343167 | Unnecessary define checks in InterpreterRuntime after JDK-8199809 |
P4 | JDK-8343755 | Unproblemlist java/lang/Thread/jni/AttachCurrentThread/ |
P4 | JDK-8339678 | Update runtime/condy tests to be executed with VM flags |
P4 | JDK-8341377 | Update VMProps.isCDSRuntimeOptionsCompatible to include Parallel and Serial GC |
P4 | JDK-8340796 | Use a consistent order when loading cxq and EntryList |
P4 | JDK-8342683 | Use non-short forward jump when passing stop() |
P4 | JDK-8334357 | Use NonInterleavingLogStream for report_metadata_oome |
P4 | JDK-8337783 | Use THROW_NULL instead of THROW_0 in pointer contexts in misc runtime code |
P4 | JDK-8337782 | Use THROW_NULL instead of THROW_0 in pointer contexts in prims code |
P4 | JDK-8338257 | UTF8 lengths should be size_t not int |
P4 | JDK-8334564 | VM startup: fatal error: FLAG_SET_ERGO cannot be used to set an invalid value for NonNMethodCodeHeapSize |
P4 | JDK-8321818 | vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/ failed with 'Cannot read the array length because " |
P4 | JDK-8338010 | WB_IsFrameDeoptimized miss ResourceMark |
P4 | JDK-8332786 | When dumping static CDS archives, explicitly assert that we don't use a CDS archive |
P4 | JDK-8300732 | Whitebox functions for Metaspace test should use byte size |
P4 | JDK-8339730 | Windows regression after removing ObjectMonitor Responsible |
P5 | JDK-8336855 | Duplicate protected declaration and comment in interp_masm_aarch64.hpp |
P5 | JDK-8339771 | RISC-V: Reduce icache flushes |
P5 | JDK-8343473 | Update copyright year of |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8330846 | Add stacks of mounted virtual threads to the HotSpot thread dump |
P4 | JDK-8334145 | |
P4 | JDK-8341060 | Cleanup statics in HeapDumper |
P4 | JDK-8338160 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in management.cpp |
P4 | JDK-8313562 | hsperfdata should export module path and "launcher" metadata |
P4 | JDK-8340213 | jcmd ignores max argument |
P4 | JDK-8331015 | Obsolete -XX:+UseNotificationThread |
P4 | JDK-8333117 | Remove support of remote and manual debuggee launchers |
P4 | JDK-8342857 | SA: Heap iterator makes incorrect assumptions about TLAB layout |
P4 | JDK-8334215 | serviceability/dcmd/thread/ failing with JTREG_TEST_THREAD_FACTORY=Virtual |
P4 | JDK-8340334 | Update jcmd max parameter to be INT |
P4 | JDK-8343344 | Windows attach logic failed to handle a failed open on a pipe |
P5 | JDK-8339384 | Unintentional IOException in jdk.jdi module when JDWP end of stream occurs |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8307318 | Test serviceability/sa/ failed: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
P3 | JDK-8311993 | Test serviceability/sa/ failed: duplicate vtables detected |
P4 | JDK-8340657 | [PPC64] SA determines wrong unextendedSP |
P4 | JDK-8341820 | Check return value of hcreate_r |
P4 | JDK-8338894 | Deprecate jhsdb debugd for removal |
P4 | JDK-8341796 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in jdk.hotspot.agent |
P4 | JDK-8337163 | Improve SA error message when failing to attach to a core file |
P4 | JDK-8335743 | jhsdb jstack cannot print some information on the waiting thread |
P4 | JDK-8339307 | jhsdb jstack could not trace FFM upcall frame |
P4 | JDK-8343741 | SA jstack --mixed should print information about VM locks |
P4 | JDK-8343529 | serviceability/sa/ fails AssertionFailure: Corrupted constant pool |
P4 | JDK-8253440 | serviceability/sa/ failed with "Didn't find enough line numbers" |
P4 | JDK-8336284 | Test fails with -Xcomp after JDK-8335743 |
P5 | JDK-8339871 | serviceability/sa/ should be driver |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8341412 | Various test failures after JDK-8334305 |
P3 | JDK-8347127 | CTW fails to build after JDK-8334733 |
P4 | JDK-8340439 | AArch64: Extra entry declaration for assember test |
P4 | JDK-8340974 | Ambiguous name of jtreg property vm.libgraal.enabled |
P4 | JDK-8332252 | Clean up vmTestbase/vm/share |
P4 | JDK-8336587 | failure_handler lldb command times out on macosx-aarch64 core file |
P4 | JDK-8338154 | Fix -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant warnings in gtest framework |
P4 | JDK-8202100 | Merge vm/share/InMemoryJavaCompiler w/ jdk/test/lib/compiler/InMemoryJavaCompiler |
P4 | JDK-8334305 | Remove all code for nsk.share.Log verbose mode |
P4 | JDK-8335299 | Remove hs-atr-ci-genzgc |
P4 | JDK-8343634 | Remove temporary fix of label introduced by 8336556 |
P4 | JDK-8334078 | RISC-V: fails after JDK-8332153 when running without RVV |
P4 | JDK-8335227 | runThese fails because still using Runtime.exit() after retransformation |
P4 | JDK-8314439 | Test Plan for Implementation of JEP 450: Compact Object Headers |
P4 | JDK-8341261 | Tests assume UnlockExperimentalVMOptions is disabled by default |
P4 | JDK-8330702 | Update failure handler to don't generate Error message if cores actions are empty |
P4 | JDK-8332113 | Update nsk.share.Log to be always verbose |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8334036 | Update JCov for class file version 68 |
P4 | JDK-8335911 | Document ccls indexer in doc/ |
P4 | JDK-8334166 | Enable binary check |
P4 | JDK-8344607 | Link Time Optimization - basic support for clang |
P4 | JDK-8339591 | Mark jdk/jshell/ intermittent |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8339364 | AIX build fails: various unused variable and function warnings |
P2 | JDK-8339480 | Build static-jdk image with a statically linked launcher |
P2 | JDK-8333743 | Change .jcheck/conf branches property to match valid branches |
P3 | JDK-8348975 | Broken links in the JDK 24 JavaDoc API documentation, build 33 |
P3 | JDK-8339128 | Cannot resolve user specified tool properly after JDK-8338304 |
P3 | JDK-8345524 | CHECK_FOR_FILES should properly handle directories |
P3 | JDK-8338404 | Cross-compilation to different endianness fails after JDK-8318913 |
P3 | JDK-8268895 | Do not filter out man pages from build |
P3 | JDK-8345507 | Fix build of static launcher |
P3 | JDK-8339336 | Fix build system whitespace to adhere to coding conventions |
P3 | JDK-8338108 | Give better error message in configure if a full XCode is missing |
P3 | JDK-8338768 | Introduce runtime lookup to check for static builds |
P3 | JDK-8339371 | jlink.log warning when building after JDK-8338404 |
P3 | JDK-8345424 | Move FindDebuginfoFiles out of FileUtils.gmk |
P3 | JDK-8344128 | Regression: make help broken after JDK-8340818 |
P3 | JDK-8331431 | Update to use jtreg 7.4 |
P3 | JDK-8339156 | Use more fine-granular clang unused warnings |
P3 | JDK-8339120 | Use more fine-granular gcc unused warnings |
P4 | JDK-8343379 | [BACKOUT] 8343190 GHA: Try building JTReg several times |
P4 | JDK-8336498 | [macos] [build]: install-file macro may run into permission denied error |
P4 | JDK-8341024 | [test] build/ fails with OOM when using ubsan-enabled binaries |
P4 | JDK-8337536 | AArch64: Enable BTI branch protection for runtime part |
P4 | JDK-8340818 | Add a new jtreg test root to test the generated documentation |
P4 | JDK-8336343 | Add more known sysroot library locations for ALSA |
P4 | JDK-8340815 | Add file |
P4 | JDK-8339570 | Add Tidy build support for JDK tests |
P4 | JDK-8324966 | Allow selecting jtreg test case by ID from make |
P4 | JDK-8340075 | Autoconf bundle cannot run on read-only filesystem |
P4 | JDK-8342836 | Automatically determine that a test in the docs test root is requested |
P4 | JDK-8345234 | Build system erroneously treats 32-bit x86 Zero as deprecated |
P4 | JDK-8338916 | Build warnings about overriding recipe for jvm-ldflags.txt |
P4 | JDK-8345302 | Building microbenchmarks require larger Java heap |
P4 | JDK-8330206 | Bump minimum boot jdk to JDK 23 |
P4 | JDK-8343883 | Cannot resolve user specified toolchain-path for lld after JDK-8338304 |
P4 | JDK-8338304 | clang on Linux - check for lld presence after JDK-8333189 |
P4 | JDK-8345218 | Clean out references to windows-x86 in jib profiles |
P4 | JDK-8337283 | configure.log is truncated when build dir is on different filesystem |
P4 | JDK-8341871 | Disable G1 for unsupported platforms after JDK-8334060 |
P4 | JDK-8340804 | doc/ update Xcode instructions to note that full install is required |
P4 | JDK-8336091 | Fix HTML warnings in the generated HTML files |
P4 | JDK-8339235 | Fix indentation in build system |
P4 | JDK-8336342 | Fix known X11 library locations in sysroot |
P4 | JDK-8341806 | Gcc version detection failure on Alinux3 |
P4 | JDK-8282944 | GHA: Add Alpine Linux x86_64 pre-integration check |
P4 | JDK-8342988 | GHA: Build JTReg in single step |
P4 | JDK-8336928 | GHA: Bundle artifacts removal broken |
P4 | JDK-8341424 | GHA: Collect hs_errs from build time failures |
P4 | JDK-8338286 | GHA: Demote x86_32 to hotspot build only |
P4 | JDK-8330586 | GHA: Drop additional gcc/glibc packages installation for x86_32 |
P4 | JDK-8340418 | GHA: MacOS AArch64 bundles can be removed prematurely |
P4 | JDK-8342704 | GHA: Report truncation is broken after JDK-8341424 |
P4 | JDK-8342578 | GHA: RISC-V: Bootstrap using Debian snapshot is still failing |
P4 | JDK-8339548 | GHA: RISC-V: Use Debian snapshot archive for bootstrap |
P4 | JDK-8338402 | GHA: some of bundles may not get removed |
P4 | JDK-8343923 | GHA: Switch to Xcode 15 on MacOS AArch64 runners |
P4 | JDK-8343190 | GHA: Try building JTReg several times |
P4 | JDK-8341861 | GHA: Use only retention mechanism to remove bundles |
P4 | JDK-8343186 | hsdis build libopcodes and libbfd are not found |
P4 | JDK-8344093 | Implement JEP 501: Deprecate the 32-bit x86 Port for Removal |
P4 | JDK-8298920 | Improve microbenchmark build times |
P4 | JDK-8344383 | Include ZipArchive and JarArchive directly |
P4 | JDK-8330205 | Initial troff manpage generation for JDK 24 |
P4 | JDK-8333676 | JCK_RETRY_COUNT appears to not work |
P4 | JDK-8342858 | Make target mac-jdk-bundle fails on chmod command |
P4 | JDK-8333685 | Make update-copyright-year script more useful |
P4 | JDK-8336040 | Missing closing anchor element in Docs.gmk |
P4 | JDK-8335880 | More troubleshooting tips around windows space in path |
P4 | JDK-8336849 | Remove .llvm_addrsig section from JDK/VM static libraries (.a files) |
P4 | JDK-8340194 | Replace usage of -ms with -Xms in LauncherCommon.gmk make file |
P4 | JDK-8323672 | Suppress unwanted autoconf added flags in CC and CXX |
P4 | JDK-8334618 | ubsan: support setting additional ubsan check options |
P4 | JDK-8333823 | Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 26 |
P4 | JDK-8333826 | Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 29 |
P4 | JDK-8335823 | Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 33 |
P4 | JDK-8337715 | Update --release 23 symbol information for JDK 23 build 37 |
P4 | JDK-8337819 | Update GHA JDKs to 22.0.2 |
P4 | JDK-8329288 | Update Visual Studio visibility support for POSIX functions |
P4 | JDK-8338290 | Xcode project generator for hotspot |
P5 | JDK-8344350 | Add '.gdbinit' and '.lldbinit' to file '.gitignore' |
P5 | JDK-8333477 | Delete extra empty spaces in Makefiles |
P5 | JDK-8340552 | Harden TzdbZoneRulesCompiler against missing zone names |
P5 | JDK-8343486 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations and -Xlint:-foo options |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8349095 | A link is missing from the JDK 24 Tool Specifications to the jnativescan tool documentation |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8339783 | Implement JEP 479: Remove the Windows 32-bit x86 Port |
P3 | JDK-8344056 | Use markdown format for man pages |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8345276 | Remove EA from the JDK 24 version string with first RC promotion |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8332316 | Convert package.html files to |
P4 | JDK-8332286 | Fix the `@since` tags in java source code documentation |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8341880 | RISC-V: riscv_vector.h native build fails with gcc13 after JDK-8320500 |
P4 | JDK-8334490 | Normalize string with locale invariant `toLowerCase()` |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8342279 | Performance Plan for JEP483: Ahead-of-Time Class Loading & Linking |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8343305 | Remove Indify-dependent microbenchmarks |
P4 | JDK-8343345 | Use -jvmArgsPrepend when running microbenchmarks in RunTests.gmk |
P4 | JDK-8342958 | Use jvmArgs consistently in microbenchmarks |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8342002 | sun/security/tools/keytool/ failed due to missing certificate output |
P4 | JDK-8341792 | Fix ExceptionOccurred in |
P4 | JDK-8345512 | Remove wrapper functions for intrinsics in PQC algorithms |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P1 | JDK-8338625 | JEP 486: Permanently Disable the Security Manager |
P2 | JDK-8341057 | Add 2 TLS roots |
P2 | JDK-8345057 | ML_KEM NamedParameterSpec constants removed by ML-DSA integration |
P2 | JDK-8341927 | Replace hardcoded security providers with new system property |
P2 | JDK-8342183 | Update tests to use stronger algorithms and keys |
P2 | JDK-8342181 | Update tests to use stronger Key and Salt size |
P2 | JDK-8342188 | Update tests to use stronger key parameters and certificates |
P3 | JDK-8340327 | A common framework to support public key algorithms with standard parameter sets |
P3 | JDK-8305406 | Add @spec tags in java.base/java.* (part 2) |
P3 | JDK-8333754 | Add a Test against ECDSA and ECDH NIST Test vector |
P3 | JDK-8336665 | CCE in X509CRLImpl$TBSCertList.getCertIssuer |
P3 | JDK-8345065 | Cleanup DomainCombiner, SubjectDomainCombiner, Subject, and PrivilegedAction specifications |
P3 | JDK-8345414 | Google CAInterop test failures |
P3 | JDK-8336667 | IAE in DerInputStream.toByteArray |
P3 | JDK-8338411 | Implement JEP 486: Permanently Disable the Security Manager |
P3 | JDK-8298387 | Implement JEP 497: Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm |
P3 | JDK-8337826 | Improve logging in OCSPTimeout and SimpleOCSPResponder to help diagnose JDK-8309754 |
P3 | JDK-8338587 | Internal XOF Methods for SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 |
P3 | JDK-8328723 | IP Address error when client enables HTTPS endpoint check on server socket |
P3 | JDK-8309841 | Jarsigner should print a warning if an entry is removed |
P3 | JDK-8339010 | JEP 497: Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Digital Signature Algorithm |
P3 | JDK-8317538 | Potential bottleneck in Provider::getService: specjvm2008::crypto.rsa have scalability issue for high vCPU numbers |
P3 | JDK-8342062 | Reformat keytool and jarsigner output for keys with a named parameter set |
P3 | JDK-8345502 | Remove doIntersectionPrivilege methods |
P3 | JDK-8344397 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from and packages |
P3 | JDK-8344992 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from API and implementations |
P3 | JDK-8345060 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from and Identity APIs and implementations |
P3 | JDK-8319332 | Security properties files inclusion |
P3 | JDK-8313367 | SunMSCAPI cannot read Local Computer certs w/o Windows elevation |
P3 | JDK-8345533 | Switch ML-DSA implementation to FIPS 204 final |
P3 | JDK-8337951 | Test sun/security/validator/ CertificateNotYetValidException: NotBefore validation |
P3 | JDK-8335344 | test/jdk/sun/security/tools/keytool/ fails to compile |
P3 | JDK-8347596 | Update HSS/LMS public key encoding |
P3 | JDK-8349017 | Update ML tests to verify against ACVP version |
P3 | JDK-8349084 | Update vectors used in several PQC benchmarks |
P4 | JDK-8335172 | Add manual steps to run security/auth/callback/TextCallbackHandler/ test |
P4 | JDK-8343775 | Add since checker tests to the security area modules |
P4 | JDK-8334562 | Automate com/sun/security/auth/callback/TextCallbackHandler/ test |
P4 | JDK-8336854 | conflicted with /manual and /timeout |
P4 | JDK-8331391 | Enhance the keytool code by invoking the buildTrustedCerts method for essential options |
P4 | JDK-8322133 | getParameterSpec(ECGenParameterSpec.class) on EC AlgorithmParameters does not return standard names |
P4 | JDK-8339347 | keytool -importpass insists prompting the user even if there is no terminal |
P4 | JDK-8273046 | Minor cleanups could be done throughout the security code base |
P4 | JDK-8324841 | PKCS11 tests still skip execution |
P4 | JDK-8340670 | Policy.UNSUPPORTED_EMPTY_COLLECTION.isReadOnly does not return true |
P4 | JDK-8345221 | Replace legacy with new Provider APIs in SunNativeGSS |
P4 | JDK-8343549 | SeededSecureRandomTest needn't be in a package |
P4 | JDK-8302111 | Serialization considerations |
P4 | JDK-8333867 | SHA3 performance can be improved |
P4 | JDK-8248981 | Specify list of standard message digest and mgf algorithms for RSASSA-PSS signature |
P4 | JDK-8342442 | Static ACVP sample tests |
P4 | JDK-8340116 | test/jdk/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ can fail due to regex |
P4 | JDK-8329754 | The ThreadSafe attribute is ignored for SecureRandom algorithm aliases |
P5 | JDK-8338395 | Add test coverage for instantiating NativePRNG with SecureRandomParameters |
P5 | JDK-8343194 | Avoid redundant Hashtable.containsKey call in CodeSource.readObject |
P5 | JDK-8343848 | Fix typo of property name in TestOAEPPadding after 8341927 |
P5 | JDK-8344024 | Unnecessary Hashtable usage in RSAPSSSignature.DIGEST_LENGTHS |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8347289 | HKDF delayed provider selection failed with non-extractable PRK |
P3 | JDK-8331008 | Implement JEP 478: Key Derivation Function API (Preview) |
P3 | JDK-8298390 | Implement JEP 496: Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism |
P3 | JDK-8189808 | JEP 478: Key Derivation Function API (Preview) |
P3 | JDK-8339009 | JEP 496: Quantum-Resistant Module-Lattice-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism |
P3 | JDK-8344310 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from javax.crypto and com.sun.crypto packages |
P3 | JDK-8344214 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from jdk.crypto.mscapi module |
P4 | JDK-8320743 | AEAD ciphers throw undocumented exceptions on overflow |
P4 | JDK-8344144 | AES/CBC slow at big payloads |
P4 | JDK-8344766 | AES/CTR slow at big payloads |
P4 | JDK-8343772 | Expected IAPE not thrown in KDF.getInstance (TCK) |
P4 | JDK-8333364 | Minor cleanup could be done in com.sun.crypto.provider |
P4 | JDK-8209092 | Remove outdated wording from RC5ParameterSpec |
P4 | JDK-8343684 | Test intermittent fails didn't finish within the time-out 150 |
P5 | JDK-8336240 | Test com/sun/crypto/provider/Cipher/DES/ fails with java.lang.ArithmeticException |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8344120 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from jdk.crypto.cryptoki module |
P3 | JDK-8335288 | SunPKCS11 initialization will call C_GetMechanismInfo on unsupported mechanisms |
P3 | JDK-8342270 | Test sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ needs write access to src tree |
P3 | JDK-8333317 | Test sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ failed with: Invalid ECDH ServerKeyExchange signature |
P4 | JDK-8336499 | Failure when creating non-CRT RSA private keys in SunPKCS11 |
P4 | JDK-8330842 | Support AES CBC with Ciphertext Stealing (CTS) in SunPKCS11 |
P4 | JDK-8331959 | Update PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface to v3.1 |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8341059 | Change Entrust TLS distrust date to November 12, 2024 |
P2 | JDK-8328608 | Multiple NewSessionTicket support for TLS |
P3 | JDK-8341964 | Add mechanism to disable different parts of TLS cipher suite |
P3 | JDK-8344924 | Default CA certificates loaded despite request to use custom keystore |
P3 | JDK-8245545 | Disable TLS_RSA cipher suites |
P3 | JDK-8337664 | Distrust TLS server certificates issued after Oct 2024 and anchored by Entrust Root CAs |
P3 | JDK-8344652 | Remove access control context text from SSLEngine and SSLSession APIs |
P3 | JDK-8344366 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from and packages |
P3 | JDK-8334670 | SSLSocketOutputRecord buffer miscalculation |
P3 | JDK-8326705 | Test fails to find alert certificate_required |
P4 | JDK-8332524 | Instead of printing "TLSv1.3," it is showing "TLS13" |
P4 | JDK-8339261 | Logs truncated in test javax/net/ssl/DTLS/ |
P4 | JDK-8331682 | Slow networks/Impatient clients can potentially send unencrypted TLSv1.3 alerts that won't parse on the server |
P4 | JDK-4966250 | SSLSessionContext.setSessionTimeout() documentation could be updated |
P4 | JDK-8339403 | swallows interrupt status |
P4 | JDK-8327538 | The SSLExtension class specifies incorrect values for heartbeat per RFC 6520 and post_handshake_auth per RFC 8446 |
P4 | JDK-8339560 | Unaddressed comments during code review of JDK-8337664 |
P4 | JDK-8338380 | Update TLSCommon/interop/AbstractServer to specify an interface to listen for connections |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8344949 | does not do a security check anymore |
P3 | JDK-8344147 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from module |
P3 | JDK-8344420 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from package |
P3 | JDK-8344788 | Specify that the access control context parameters of Subject.doAsPrivileged are ignored |
P4 | JDK-8329959 | Update - fix typo in javadoc string |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8331958 | Update PC/SC Lite for Suse Linux to 2.3.0 |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8345415 | Rollback JDK-8301991 change on |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8334441 | Mark tests in jdk_security_infra group as manual |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8344248 | Remove Security Manager dependencies from and modules |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8344768 | Consider removing "" system property |
P3 | JDK-8345578 | New test in JDK-8343622 fails with a promoted build |
P4 | JDK-8343622 | AesDkCrypto.stringToKey should not return null |
P4 | JDK-8333772 | Incorrect Kerberos behavior when udp_preference_limit = 0 |
P4 | JDK-8336935 | Test sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails: java.lang.RuntimeException: Should not reach here |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8336773 | Link to JLS changes for JEP 455 doesn't appear in specifications index page |
P4 | JDK-8341799 | Update ExceptionOccurred description in the JNI documentation |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8335190 | local class creation expression should take into account captured local variables |
P3 | JDK-8335186 | Member inner class creation in early construction context |
P4 | JDK-8335697 | 15.20.2: Type Comparison instanceof operator refers to "checked cast compatible" which is not defined |
P4 | JDK-8344998 | 15.29: Remove the production for ConstantExpression |
P4 | JDK-8346100 | 15.9.2: Assertion regarding local class creation and static contexts should refer to direct superclass of the anonymous class, not the anonymous class itself |
P4 | JDK-8346380 | 15.9.2: Fix the assertion regarding instantiation of an anonymous class |
P4 | JDK-8342443 | 6.1, 12.2.2: Remove informative mentions of SecurityManager |
P4 | JDK-8334172 | 7.7.1: Repeated modifiers for a requires directive should be forbidden |
P4 | JDK-8345595 | Minor erroneous text in clause calculating the immediately enclosing instance of a super call |
P4 | JDK-8336092 | Doccheck: HTML warning in flexible constructor bodies page |
P4 | JDK-8335876 | JEP 488: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Second Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335987 | JEP 494: Module Import Declarations (Second Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335984 | JEP 495: Simple Source Files and Instance Main Methods (Fourth Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8338289 | JLS changes for Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8341409 | JLS Changes for JEP 488: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Second Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335990 | JLS changes for Module Import Declarations (Second Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335992 | JLS Changes for Simple Source Files and Instance Main Methods (Fourth Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8341289 | module imports should be shadowed by both on-demand and single-type imports |
P5 | JDK-8338838 | Use "import declarations" not "import statements" |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8342455 | 2.11.1: include i2c in the opcode table |
P4 | JDK-8342445 | 2.12: Remove normative mention of SecurityManager |
P4 | JDK-8330207 | 4.1: Allow v68.0 class files for Java SE 24 |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8317611 | Add a tool like jdeprscan to find usage of restricted methods |
P4 | JDK-8343780 | Add since checker tests to the Tools area modules and add missing @since to jdk.jfr |
P4 | JDK-8341134 | Deprecate for removal the jrunscript tool |
P4 | JDK-8337851 | Some tests have name which confuse jtreg |
P4 | JDK-8344298 | Test tools/sincechecker/modules/jdk.hotspot.agent/ fails on platforms without sa |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8173970 | jar tool should have a way to extract to a directory |
P3 | JDK-8342930 | New tests from JDK-8335912 are failing |
P4 | JDK-8339810 | Clean up the code in to properly close resources and use ZipFile during extract |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8334757 | AssertionError: Missing type variable in where clause |
P2 | JDK-8345248 | Module name 'transitive' not accepted for `requires transitive` |
P2 | JDK-8336320 | NullPointerException: Cannot invoke Type.getTag because type is null after JDK-8334037 |
P2 | JDK-8336491 | Unnecessary boxing conversions in void-returning lambdas |
P2 | JDK-8336786 | VerifyError with lambda capture and enclosing instance references |
P3 | JDK-8338981 | Access to private classes should be permitted inside the permits clause of the enclosing top-level class |
P3 | JDK-8334258 | Compiler erronousely allows access to instance variable in argument expression of a constructor invocation |
P3 | JDK-8337998 | CompletionFailure in getEnclosingType attaching type annotations |
P3 | JDK-8338301 | Error recovery and reporting should be improved for erroneous implicitly declared classes |
P3 | JDK-8334488 | Improve error for illegal early access from nested class |
P3 | JDK-8335817 | javac AssertionError addLocalVar checkNull |
P3 | JDK-8335385 | javac crash on unattributed piece of AST |
P3 | JDK-8332850 | javac crashes if container for repeatable annotation is not found |
P3 | JDK-8288590 | javac failure: incompatible types: cannot infer type arguments due to Object.hashCode collision |
P3 | JDK-8341935 | javac states that -proc:full is the default but the default as of 23 is -proc:none |
P3 | JDK-8345944 | JEP 492: extending local class in a different static context should not be allowed |
P3 | JDK-8345953 | JEP 492: instantiating local classes in a different static context should not be allowed |
P3 | JDK-8344647 | Make participate in the preview language feature `requires transitive java.base` |
P3 | JDK-8347646 | module-info classfile missing the preview flag |
P3 | JDK-8333313 | NullPointerException in lambda instantiating an inner local class in prologue |
P3 | JDK-8339190 | Parameter arrays that are capped during annotation processing report incorrect length |
P3 | JDK-8340145 | Problem with generic pattern matching results in internal compiler error |
P3 | JDK-8339296 | Record deconstruction pattern in switch fails to compile |
P3 | JDK-8336492 | Regression in lambda serialization |
P3 | JDK-8345474 | Translation for instanceof is not triggered when patterns are not used in the compilation unit |
P3 | JDK-8337795 | Type annotation attached to incorrect type during class reading |
P3 | JDK-8334055 | Unhelpful 'required: reference' diagnostics after JDK-8043226 |
P3 | JDK-8341901 | Using 'var' keyword switch pattern matching causes compiler error |
P4 | JDK-8332744 | [REDO] 'internal proprietary API' diagnostics if --system is configured to an earlier JDK version |
P4 | JDK-8330184 | Add source 24 and target 24 to javac |
P4 | JDK-8334466 | Ambiguous method call with generics may cause FunctionDescriptorLookupError |
P4 | JDK-8334121 | Anonymous class capturing two enclosing instances fails to compile |
P4 | JDK-8338906 | Avoid passing EnumDescs and extra classes to type switch methods that don't use them |
P4 | JDK-8341966 | Broken annotated module may lead to an exception in javac |
P4 | JDK-8318902 | Broken reference on javac man page: Compilation Modes |
P4 | JDK-8342679 | Clean up PreviewFeature.Feature |
P4 | JDK-8345153 | Clean up SecurityManager references from jdk.compiler module |
P4 | JDK-8338288 | Compiler Implementation for Flexible Constructor Bodies (Third Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8337037 | compiler internal options are not printing the stacktrace after a compiler crash |
P4 | JDK-8330037 | Compiler produces invalid bytecode for method class creation from static method |
P4 | JDK-8342806 | Desugar capturing lambda in StringNameTable |
P4 | JDK-8336781 | Erroneous exhaustivity check with boolean switch |
P4 | JDK-8338678 | Erroneous parameterized type represented as |
P4 | JDK-8343932 | Error when parsing qualified generic type test pattern in switch |
P4 | JDK-8341408 | Implement JEP 488: Primitive Types in Patterns, instanceof, and switch (Second Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335989 | Implement JEP 494: Module Import Declarations (Second Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8335991 | Implement Simple Source Files and Instance Main Methods (Fourth Preview) |
P4 | JDK-8324859 | Improve error recovery |
P4 | JDK-8336942 | Improve test coverage for class loading elements with annotations of different retentions |
P4 | JDK-8340024 | In ClassReader, extract a constant for the superclass supertype_index |
P4 | JDK-8340568 | Incorrect escaping of single quotes when pretty-printing character literals |
P4 | JDK-8342090 | Infer::IncorporationBinaryOp::equals can produce side-effects |
P4 | JDK-8337976 | Insufficient error recovery in parser for switch inside class body |
P4 | JDK-8334248 | Invalid error for early construction local class constructor method reference |
P4 | JDK-8345438 | Invalid error for return in early construction context lambda |
P4 | JDK-8328536 | javac - crash on unknown type referenced in yield statement |
P4 | JDK-8341907 | javac -Xlint should ignore /// on first line of source file |
P4 | JDK-8337980 | Javac allows invocation of an inherited instance method from a static method |
P4 | JDK-8334870 | javac does not accept classfiles with certain permitted RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations and RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attributes |
P4 | JDK-8341070 | javac fails with an exception when compiling import module under source level 8 |
P4 | JDK-8343306 | javac is failing to determine if a class and a sealed interface are disjoint |
P4 | JDK-8345058 | Javac issues different error messages for the modifiers of the requires directive |
P4 | JDK-8332600 | javac uses record components source position during compilation |
P4 | JDK-8334163 | JEP 482 Spec disallows qualified this in early construction context |
P4 | JDK-8342967 | Lambda deduplication fails with non-metafactory BSMs and mismatched local variables names |
P4 | JDK-8333427 | langtools/tools/javac/newlines/ is failing on Japanese Windows |
P4 | JDK-8334037 | Local class creation in lambda in pre-construction context crashes javac |
P4 | JDK-8342839 | Malformed copyright in StringNameTable since JDK-8342806 |
P4 | JDK-8343286 | Missing unchecked cast warning in polymorphic method call |
P4 | JDK-8335159 | Move method reference to lambda desugaring before Lower |
P4 | JDK-8322882 | Null pointer error when compiling Static initializer in a local class |
P4 | JDK-8343540 | Report preview error for inherited effectively-preview methods |
P4 | JDK-8333766 | Stack overflow with anonymous class in super() parameter |
P4 | JDK-8335766 | Switch case with pattern matching and guard clause compiles inconsistently |
P4 | JDK-8337334 | Test tools/javac/7142086/ timeout with fastdebug binary |
P4 | JDK-8332474 | Tighten up ToolBox' JavacTask to not silently accept javac crash as a failure |
P4 | JDK-8326616 | tools/javac/patterns/ intermittently Timeout signalled after 480 seconds |
P4 | JDK-8342934 | TYPE_USE annotations printed with error causing "," in toString output |
P4 | JDK-8335136 | Underscore as parameter name in one-parameter functional types fails to compile |
P4 | JDK-8334252 | Verifier error for lambda declared in early construction context |
P5 | JDK-8343412 | Missing escapes for single quote marks in |
P5 | JDK-8334679 | Wrong bug number in regression test for JDK-8334252 |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8325369 | @sealedGraph: Bad link to image for tag on nested classes |
P3 | JDK-8318106 | Generated HTML for snippet does not always contain an id |
P3 | JDK-8322708 | Global HTML attributes are not allowed |
P3 | JDK-8325090 | javadoc fails when -subpackages option is used with non-modular -source |
P3 | JDK-8202617 | javadoc generates broken links to undocumented (e.g. private) members |
P3 | JDK-8338525 | Leading and trailing code blocks by indentation |
P3 | JDK-8344041 | Re-enable external specs page |
P3 | JDK-8336036 | Synthetic documentation for a record's equals is incorrect for floating-point types |
P3 | JDK-8343752 | The javadoc should contain a note about usages of requires transitive java.base; |
P3 | JDK-8299080 | Wrong default value of snippet lang attribute |
P4 | JDK-8334241 | Adjust API docs side bar dimensions |
P4 | JDK-8332753 | Anchor already defined in javadoc files |
P4 | JDK-8337113 | Bad character checker for generated documentation |
P4 | JDK-8337111 | Bad HTML checker for generated documentation |
P4 | JDK-8335623 | Clean up HtmlTag.HtmlTag and make the ARIA role attribute global |
P4 | JDK-8338133 | Cleanup direct use of `new HtmlTree` |
P4 | JDK-8344271 | Comparison build fails due to difference in doc summary |
P4 | JDK-8340565 | Create separate index page for terms defined by the index tag |
P4 | JDK-8339541 | CSS rule is not specific enough |
P4 | JDK-8321935 | Define the term 'standard doclet' |
P4 | JDK-8337114 | DocType checker for generated documentation |
P4 | JDK-8337118 | Experimenting with different link checkers |
P4 | JDK-8337117 | External links checker for generated documentation |
P4 | JDK-8333230 | Improve code example in doclet package |
P4 | JDK-8322036 | Improve help output from the javadoc tool |
P4 | JDK-8337116 | Internal links checker for generated documentation |
P4 | JDK-6381729 | Javadoc for generic constructor doesn't document type parameter |
P4 | JDK-8343239 | Javadoc marks non-preview type as preview if it's the subtype of a preview type |
P4 | JDK-8321500 | javadoc rejects '@' in multi-line attribute value |
P4 | JDK-8342808 | Javadoc should add whitespace between type parameters |
P4 | JDK-8313931 | Javadoc: links to type parameters actually generate links to classes |
P4 | JDK-8340203 | Link color is hard to distinguish from text color in API documentation |
P4 | JDK-8281533 | Odd "preview" label in link/linkplain |
P4 | JDK-8339005 | Programmer's Guide to Snippets has broken Indentation example |
P4 | JDK-8335122 | Reorganize internal low-level support for HTML in jdk.javadoc |
P4 | JDK-8339684 | ResizeObserver callback interrupts smooth scrolling on Chrome |
P4 | JDK-8341904 | Search tag in inherited doc comment creates additional index item |
P4 | JDK-8341198 | since header missing in Documentation Comment Specification page |
P4 | JDK-8318416 | Superscript marks should use consistent font style |
P4 | JDK-8334332 | fails if run by root |
P4 | JDK-8338190 | TOC vertical offsets not updated when document size changes |
P4 | JDK-8341347 | Update CSS classes in JavaDoc output spec |
P4 | JDK-8336259 | Wrong link to stylesheet.css in JavaDoc API documentation |
P5 | JDK-8343480 | Remove unnecessary @SuppressWarnings annotations (javadoc) |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8333748 | javap crash - Fatal error: Unmatched bit position 0x2 for location CLASS |
P4 | JDK-8341924 | Improve error message with structurally malformed Code array |
P4 | JDK-8034066 | Incorrect alignment in the "Code" section for "-c -XDdetails" options |
P4 | JDK-8333308 | javap --system handling doesn't work on internal class names |
P5 | JDK-8345145 | Display javap LineNumberTable and LocalVariableTable iff disassembled code output with `-c` or `-v` |
P5 | JDK-8035271 | Incorrect indentation of LineNumberTable/LocalVariableTable/Exception table/LocalVariableTypeTable/StackMapTable/RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations in verbose mode |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8343839 | Detect patched modules and abort run-time image link early |
P3 | JDK-8345259 | Disallow ALL-MODULE-PATH without explicit --module-path |
P3 | JDK-8345573 | Module dependencies not resolved from run-time image when --limit-module is being used |
P4 | JDK-8204582 | Extra spaces in jlink documentation make it incorrect. |
P4 | JDK-8311302 | Implement JEP 493: Linking Run-Time Images without JMODs |
P4 | JDK-8333799 | JEP 493: Linking Run-Time Images without JMODs |
P4 | JDK-8334057 | support receive test.tool.vm.opts |
P4 | JDK-8344524 | Remove SecurityManager related code from jdk.jlink module |
P4 | JDK-8344036 | Tests tools/jlink/runtimeImage fail on AIX after JDK-8311302 |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P2 | JDK-8346069 | Add missing Classpath exception statements |
P2 | JDK-8344550 | Compilation error of jpackage test source |
P2 | JDK-8346739 | jpackage tests failed after JDK-8345259 |
P3 | JDK-8342576 | [macos] AppContentTest still fails after JDK-8341443 for same reason on older macOS versions |
P3 | JDK-8343100 | Consolidate EmptyFolderTest and EmptyFolderPackageTest jpackage tests into single java file |
P3 | JDK-8336087 | Doccheck: the jpackage command page doesn't show the correct command-line options |
P3 | JDK-8334301 | Errors in jpackage man page |
P3 | JDK-8325089 | jpackage utility creates an "infinite", undeleteable directory tree |
P3 | JDK-8341939 | SigningOptionsTest fails without Xcode with command line developer tools after JDK-8341443 |
P3 | JDK-8343178 | Test javac compile fails cannot find symbol |
P3 | JDK-8319457 | Update jpackage to support WiX v4 and v5 on Windows |
P4 | JDK-8342544 | [macos] jpackage test helper should check for both "--app-image" and "--mac-sign" for signing predefined app image case |
P4 | JDK-8343085 | [macos] jpackage verbose output on macOS contains numerous "Running /usr/bin/codesign" entries |
P4 | JDK-8325525 | Create jtreg test case for JDK-8325203 |
P4 | JDK-8342299 | Document that jpackage includes (possibly old) VC Redistributable MSVCP140.dll from JDK |
P4 | JDK-8340311 | JPackage app-image exe launches multiple exe's in JDK 22+ |
P4 | JDK-8342609 | jpackage test helper function incorrectly removes a directory instead of its contents only |
P4 | JDK-8289771 | jpackage: ResourceEditor error when path is overly long on Windows |
P4 | JDK-8343875 | Minor improvements of jpackage test library |
P4 | JDK-8334319 | Missing keys in jpackage resource bundle |
P4 | JDK-8343314 | Move common properties from jpackage jtreg test declarations to file |
P4 | JDK-8344326 | Move jpackage tests from "jdk.jpackage.tests" package to the default package |
P4 | JDK-8344587 | Reduce number of "jdk.jpackage.internal" classes used from other packages |
P4 | JDK-8343102 | Remove `--compress` from jlink command lines from jpackage tests |
P4 | JDK-8338918 | Remove non translated file name from WinResources resource bundle |
P4 | JDK-8344415 | Restruct jpackage utility classes |
P4 | JDK-8343101 | Rework BasicTest.testTemp test cases |
P4 | JDK-8344770 | Switch jpackage unit tests to use JUnit5 |
P4 | JDK-8344275 | tools/jpackage/windows/ fails on localized Windows platform |
P4 | JDK-8336315 | tools/jpackage/windows/ Failed: Check is calculator process is alive |
P4 | JDK-8346872 | tools/jpackage/windows/ fails |
P4 | JDK-8333572 | Update with info related to WiX v4 and v5 support |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8336375 | Crash on paste to JShell |
P3 | JDK-8341631 | JShell should auto-import* |
P3 | JDK-8334433 | jshell.exe runs an executable test.exe on startup |
P3 | JDK-8341176 | Permit access to diagnostics for transient snippets |
P4 | JDK-8340133 | Add concise usage message to the java executable |
P4 | JDK-8332314 | Add window size configuration option to JavaShellToolBuilder interface |
P4 | JDK-8341495 | JShell crashes with java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException |
P4 | JDK-8338281 | jshell does not run shutdown hooks |
P4 | JDK-8332014 | since-checker - Fix @ since tags in jdk.jshell |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8346735 | -Xfuture JVM arguement removed in Java 24 |
P3 | JDK-8341135 | Incorrect format string after JDK-8339475 |
P4 | JDK-8293040 | Argfile documentation for java launcher tool is confusing regarding usage of wildcards |
P4 | JDK-8225049 | Bad -Xlog example in -Xlog:help, online documentation, JEP |
P4 | JDK-8343040 | Clean up references to JRE in the launcher code |
P4 | JDK-8339475 | Clean up return code handling for pthread calls in library coding |
P4 | JDK-8211033 | Clean up the processing -classpath argument not to set LM_CLASS |
P4 | JDK-8333714 | Cleanup the usages of CHECK_EXCEPTION_NULL_FAIL macro in java launcher |
P4 | JDK-8286851 | Deprecate for removal several of the undocumented java launcher options |
P4 | JDK-8337506 | Disable "best-fit" mapping on Windows command line |
P4 | JDK-8339918 | Remove checks for outdated -t -tm -Xfuture -checksource -cs -noasyncgc options from the launcher |
P4 | JDK-8340596 | Remove dead code from RequiresSetenv function in java.base/unix/native/libjli/java_md.c |
P4 | JDK-8340623 | Remove outdated PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 from Windows coding |
P4 | JDK-8340114 | Remove outdated SelectVersion() function from the launcher and update the code comments explaining the code flow |
P4 | JDK-8343293 | Remove the check for |
P4 | JDK-8340717 | Remove unused function declarations from java.c/java.h of the launcher |
P4 | JDK-8340655 | Source launcher fails on GraalVM 23 with preview enabled |
P4 | JDK-8335896 | Source launcher should set TCCL |
P5 | JDK-8344540 | Remove superseded wildcard description from java manpage |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8344895 | SM cleanup of module java.xml |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P3 | JDK-8317542 | Specjvm::xml have scalability issue for high vCPU numbers |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8344800 | Add W3C DTDs and XSDs to the JDK built-in Catalog |
P4 | JDK-8343004 | Adjust JAXP limits |
P4 | JDK-8343001 | Adjust XSLT and XPath Extension Function Property |
P4 | JDK-8345353 | Test for JDK-8344800 W3C DTDs and XSDs in the built-in Catalog |
Priority | Bug | Summary |
P4 | JDK-8336021 | Doccheck: valign not allowed for HTML5 in java.xml |