Notes generated: Thu May 02 05:28:03 CEST 2024


Issue Description
JDK-8046092 JEP 102: Process API Updates
Improve the API for controlling and managing operating-system processes.
JDK-8042950 JEP 110: HTTP/2 Client (Incubator)
Define a new HTTP client API that implements HTTP/2 and WebSocket, and can replace the legacy HttpURLConnection API. The API will be delivered as an incubator module, as defined in JEP 11, with JDK 9. This implies:
JDK-8046133 JEP 143: Improve Contended Locking
Improve the performance of contended Java object monitors.
JDK-8046148 JEP 158: Unified JVM Logging
Introduce a common logging system for all components of the JVM.
JDK-8046155 JEP 165: Compiler Control
This JEP proposes an improved way to control the JVM compilers. It enables runtime manageable, method dependent compiler flags. (Immutable for the duration of a compilation.)
JDK-8046183 JEP 193: Variable Handles
Define a standard means to invoke the equivalents of various java.util.concurrent.atomic and sun.misc.Unsafe operations upon object fields and array elements, a standard set of fence operations for fine-grained control of memory ordering, and a standard reachability-fence operation to ensure that a referenced object remains strongly reachable.
JDK-8043304 JEP 197: Segmented Code Cache
Divide the code cache into distinct segments, each of which contains compiled code of a particular type, in order to improve performance and enable future extensions.
JDK-8043311 JEP 199: Smart Java Compilation, Phase Two
Improve the sjavac tool so that it can be used by default in the JDK build, and generalize it so that it can be used to build large projects other than the JDK.
JDK-8051618 JEP 200: The Modular JDK
Use the Java Platform Module System, specified by JSR 376 and implemented by JEP 261, to modularize the JDK.
JDK-8051619 JEP 201: Modular Source Code
Reorganize the JDK source code into modules, enhance the build system to compile modules, and enforce module boundaries at build time.
JDK-8042566 JEP 211: Elide Deprecation Warnings on Import Statements
As of Java SE 8, java compilers are required by reasonable interpretations of the Java Language Specification to issue deprecation warnings when a deprecated type is imported by name or when a deprecated member (method, field, nested type) is imported statically. These warnings are uninformative and should not be required. Deprecation warnings at actual uses of deprecated members should remain.
JDK-8042878 JEP 212: Resolve Lint and Doclint Warnings
The JDK code base contains numerous lint and doclint errors as reported by javac. These warnings should be resolved, at least for the fundamental parts of the platform.
JDK-8042880 JEP 213: Milling Project Coin
The small language changes included in Project Coin / JSR 334 as part of JDK 7 / Java SE 7 have been easy to use and have worked well in practice. However, a few amendments could address the rough edges of those changes. In addition, using underscore ("_") as an identifier, which generates a warning as of Java SE 8, should be turned into an error in Java SE 9. It is also proposed that interfaces be allowed to have private methods.
JDK-8044022 JEP 214: Remove GC Combinations Deprecated in JDK 8
Remove the GC combinations that were previously deprecated in JDK 8 via JEP 173.
JDK-8051946 JEP 215: Tiered Attribution for javac
Implement a new method type-checking strategy in javac to speed up attribution of poly expression in argument position.
JDK-8056066 JEP 216: Process Import Statements Correctly
Fix javac to properly accept and reject programs regardless of the order of import statements and extends and implements clauses.
JDK-8047926 JEP 217: Annotations Pipeline 2.0
Redesign the javac annotations pipeline to better address the requirements of annotations and tools that process annotations.
JDK-8043758 JEP 219: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
Define an API for Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) version 1.0 (RFC 4347) and 1.2 (RFC 6347).
JDK-8061971 JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images
Restructure the JDK and JRE run-time images to accommodate modules and to improve performance, security, and maintainability. Define a new URI scheme for naming the modules, classes, and resources stored in a run-time image without revealing the internal structure or format of the image. Revise existing specifications as required to accommodate these changes.
JDK-8042809 JEP 221: New Doclet API
Provide a replacement for the Doclet API to leverage appropriate Java SE and JDK APIs, and update the standard doclet to use the new API.
JDK-8043364 JEP 222: jshell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
Provide an interactive tool to evaluate declarations, statements, and expressions of the Java programming language, together with an API so that other applications can leverage this functionality.
JDK-8061493 JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme
Define a version-string scheme that easily distinguishes major, minor, and security-update releases, and apply it to the JDK.
JDK-8046068 JEP 224: HTML5 Javadoc
Enhance the javadoc tool to generate HTML5 markup.
JDK-8044243 JEP 225: Javadoc Search
Add a search box to API documentation generated by the standard doclet that can be used to search for program elements and tagged words and phrases within the documentation. The search box appears in the header of all pages generated by the standard doclet.
JDK-8043553 JEP 226: UTF-8 Property Resource Bundles
Define a means for applications to specify property files encoded in UTF-8, and extend the ResourceBundle API to load them.
JDK-8043825 JEP 227: Unicode 7.0
Upgrade existing platform APIs to support version 7.0 of the Unicode Standard.
JDK-8043764 JEP 228: Add More Diagnostic Commands
Define additional diagnostic commands, in order to improve the diagnosability of Hotspot and the JDK.
JDK-8044445 JEP 229: Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default
Transition the default keystore type from JKS to PKCS12.
JDK-8050071 JEP 231: Remove Launch-Time JRE Version Selection
Remove the ability to request, at JRE launch time, a version of the JRE that is not the JRE being launched.
JDK-8043631 JEP 232: Improve Secure Application Performance
Improve the performance of applications that are run with a security manager installed.
JDK-8043467 JEP 233: Generate Run-Time Compiler Tests Automatically
Develop a tool to test the run-time compilers by automatically generating test cases.
JDK-8044127 JEP 235: Test Class-File Attributes Generated by javac
Write tests to verify the correctness of class-file attributes generated by javac.
JDK-8048176 JEP 236: Parser API for Nashorn
Define a supported API for Nashorn's ECMAScript abstract syntax tree.
JDK-8044552 JEP 237: Linux/AArch64 Port
Port JDK 9 to Linux/AArch64.
JDK-8047305 JEP 238: Multi-Release JAR Files
Extend the JAR file format to allow multiple, Java-release-specific versions of class files to coexist in a single archive.
JDK-8046661 JEP 240: Remove the JVM TI hprof Agent
Remove the hprof agent from the JDK.
JDK-8059039 JEP 241: Remove the jhat Tool
Remove the antiquated jhat tool.
JDK-8062493 JEP 243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface
Develop a Java based JVM compiler interface (JVMCI) enabling a compiler written in Java to be used by the JVM as a dynamic compiler.
JDK-8051498 JEP 244: TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension
Extend the package to support the TLS Application Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) Extension, which provides the means to negotiate an application protocol for a TLS connection.
JDK-8059557 JEP 245: Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments
Validate the arguments to all JVM command-line flags so as to avoid crashes, and ensure that appropriate error messages are displayed when they are invalid.
JDK-8046943 JEP 246: Leverage CPU Instructions for GHASH and RSA
Improve the performance of GHASH and RSA cryptographic operations by leveraging recently-introduced SPARC and Intel x64 CPU instructions.
JDK-8058150 JEP 247: Compile for Older Platform Versions
Enhance javac so that it can compile Java programs to run on selected older versions of the platform.
JDK-8073273 JEP 248: Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector
Make G1 the default garbage collector on 32- and 64-bit server configurations.
JDK-8046321 JEP 249: OCSP Stapling for TLS
Implement OCSP stapling via the TLS Certificate Status Request extension (section 8 of RFC 6066) and the Multiple Certificate Status Request Extension (RFC 6961).
JDK-8059092 JEP 250: Store Interned Strings in CDS Archives
Store interned strings in class-data sharing (CDS) archives.
JDK-8046010 JEP 251: Multi-Resolution Images
Define a multi-resolution image API so that images with resolution variants can easily be manipulated and displayed.
JDK-8043554 JEP 252: Use CLDR Locale Data by Default
Use locale data from the Unicode Consortium's Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) by default.
JDK-8076423 JEP 253: Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization
Define public APIs for the JavaFX UI controls and CSS functionality that is presently only available via internal APIs and will hence become inaccessible due to modularization.
JDK-8054307 JEP 254: Compact Strings
Adopt a more space-efficient internal representation for strings.
JDK-8044086 JEP 255: Merge Selected Xerces 2.11.0 Updates into JAXP
Upgrade the version of the Xerces XML parser included in the JDK with important changes from Xerces 2.11.0.
JDK-8044826 JEP 256: BeanInfo Annotations
Replace @beaninfo Javadoc tags with proper annotations, and process those annotations at run time to generate BeanInfo classes dynamically.
JDK-8043352 JEP 257: Update JavaFX/Media to Newer Version of GStreamer
Update the version of GStreamer included in FX/Media in order to improve security, stability, and performance.
JDK-8064530 JEP 258: HarfBuzz Font-Layout Engine
Replace the existing ICU OpenType font-layout engine with HarfBuzz.
JDK-8043814 JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
Define an efficient standard API for stack walking that allows easy filtering of, and lazy access to, the information in stack traces.
JDK-8132928 JEP 260: Encapsulate Most Internal APIs
Encapsulate most of the JDK's internal APIs by default so that they are inaccessible at compile time, and prepare for a future release in which they will be inaccessible at run time. Ensure that critical, widely-used internal APIs are not encapsulated, so that they remain accessible until supported replacements exist for all or most of their functionality.
JDK-8061972 JEP 261: Module System
Implement the Java Platform Module System, as specified by JSR 376, together with related JDK-specific changes and enhancements.
JDK-8065682 JEP 262: TIFF Image I/O
Extend the standard set of Image I/O plugins to support the TIFF image format.
JDK-8055212 JEP 263: HiDPI Graphics on Windows and Linux
Implement HiDPI graphics on Windows and Linux.
JDK-8046565 JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service
Define a minimal logging API which platform classes can use to log messages, together with a service interface for consumers of those messages. A library or application can provide an implementation of this service in order to route platform log messages to the logging framework of its choice. If no implementation is provided then a default implementation based upon the java.util.logging API is used.
JDK-8131760 JEP 265: Marlin Graphics Renderer
Update Java 2D to use the Marlin Renderer as the default graphics rasterizer.
JDK-8132960 JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates
An interoperable publish-subscribe framework, enhancements to the CompletableFuture API, and various other improvements.
JDK-8075115 JEP 267: Unicode 8.0
Upgrade existing platform APIs to support version 8.0 of the Unicode Standard.
JDK-8023732 JEP 268: XML Catalogs
Develop a standard XML Catalog API that supports the OASIS XML Catalogs standard, v1.1. The API will define catalog and catalog-resolver abstractions which can be used with the JAXP processors that accept resolvers.
JDK-8048330 JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections
Define library APIs to make it convenient to create instances of collections and maps with small numbers of elements, so as to ease the pain of not having collection literals in the Java programming language.
JDK-8046936 JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections
Reserve extra space on thread stacks for use by critical sections, so that they can complete even when stack overflows occur.
JDK-8059805 JEP 271: Unified GC Logging
Reimplement GC logging using the unified JVM logging framework introduced in JEP 158.
JDK-8048731 JEP 272: Platform-Specific Desktop Features
Define a new public API to access platform-specific desktop features such as interacting with a task bar or dock, or listening for system or application events.
JDK-8051408 JEP 273: DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations
Implement the three Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) mechanisms described in NIST 800-90Ar1.
JDK-8130227 JEP 274: Enhanced Method Handles
Enhance the MethodHandle, MethodHandles, and MethodHandles.Lookup classes of the java.lang.invoke package to ease common use cases and enable better compiler optimizations by means of new MethodHandle combinators and lookup refinement.
JDK-8080531 JEP 275: Modular Java Application Packaging
Integrate features from Project Jigsaw into the Java Packager, including module awareness and custom run-time creation.
JDK-8075866 JEP 276: Dynamic Linking of Language-Defined Object Models
Provide a facility for linking high-level operations on objects such as "read a property", "write a property", "invoke a callable object", etc., expressed as names in INVOKEDYNAMIC call sites. Provide a default linker for the usual semantics of these operations on plain Java objects, as well as a facility for installing language-specific linkers.
JDK-8065614 JEP 277: Enhanced Deprecation
Revamp the @Deprecated annotation, and provide tools to strengthen the API life cycle.
JDK-8139889 JEP 278: Additional Tests for Humongous Objects in G1
Develop additional white-box tests for the Humongous Objects feature of the G1 Garbage Collector.
JDK-8075621 JEP 279: Improve Test-Failure Troubleshooting
Automatically collect diagnostic information which can be used for further troubleshooting in case of test failures and timeouts.
JDK-8085796 JEP 280: Indify String Concatenation
Change the static String-concatenation bytecode sequence generated by javac to use invokedynamic calls to JDK library functions. This will enable future optimizations of String concatenation without requiring further changes to the bytecode emitted by javac.
JDK-8047975 JEP 281: HotSpot C++ Unit-Test Framework
Enable and encourage the development of C++ unit tests for HotSpot.
JDK-8131679 JEP 282: jlink: The Java Linker
Create a tool that can assemble and optimize a set of modules and their dependencies into a custom run-time image as defined in JEP 220.
JDK-8145568 JEP 283: Enable GTK 3 on Linux
Enable Java graphical applications, whether based on JavaFX, Swing, or AWT, to use either GTK 2 or GTK 3 on Linux.
JDK-8076052 JEP 284: New HotSpot Build System
Rewrite the HotSpot build system using the build-infra framework.
JDK-8147832 JEP 285: Spin-Wait Hints
Define an API to allow Java code to hint that a spin loop is being executed.
JDK-8064399 JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms
Implement the SHA-3 cryptographic hash functions (BYTE-only) specified in NIST FIPS 202.
JDK-8149555 JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
Improve the security configuration of the JDK by providing a more flexible mechanism to disable X.509 certificate chains with SHA-1 based signatures.
JDK-8149502 JEP 289: Deprecate the Applet API
Deprecate the Applet API, which is rapidly becoming irrelevant as web-browser vendors remove support for Java browser plug-ins. Guide developers to alternative technologies such as Java Web Start or installable applications.
JDK-8154961 JEP 290: Filter Incoming Serialization Data
Allow incoming streams of object-serialization data to be filtered in order to improve both security and robustness.
JDK-8142518 JEP 291: Deprecate the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
Deprecate the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) garbage collector, with the intent to stop supporting it in a future major release.
JDK-8066046 JEP 292: Implement Selected ECMAScript 6 Features in Nashorn
Implement, in Nashorn, a selected set of the many new features introduced in the 6th edition of ECMA-262, also known as ECMAScript 6, or ES6 for short.
JDK-8166730 JEP 294: Linux/s390x Port
Port JDK 9 to Linux/s390x.
JDK-8166089 JEP 295: Ahead-of-Time Compilation
Compile Java classes to native code prior to launching the virtual machine.
JDK-8168503 JEP 297: Unified arm32/arm64 Port
Integrate the unified port of HotSpot for arm32 and arm64, contributed by Oracle, into the JDK.
JDK-8164813 JEP 298: Remove Demos and Samples
Remove the outdated and unmaintained demos and samples.
JDK-8167227 JEP 299: Reorganize Documentation
Update the organization of the documents in the JDK, in both the source repositories and the generated docs.



Issue Description

XSLT stylesheets with erroneously placed import elements are now rejected

In accordance with XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 (, the xsl:import element is only allowed as a top-level element. The xsl:import element children must precede all other element children of an xsl:stylesheet element, including any xsl:include element children.

The JDK implementation has previously allowed the xsl:import element erroneously placed anywhere in a stylesheet. This issue has been fixed in the JDK 9 release. The JDK implementation now rejects any XSLT stylesheets with erroneously placed import elements.


Issue Description

"sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax" system property is no longer supported

The system property sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax was introduced as a temporary workaround to give customers time to remove their source dependency on calling ClassLoader.loadClass with the array syntax that is not supported since JDK 6. This temporary workaround is removed in JDK 9 and setting sun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax system property will have no effect to ClassLoader.loadClass. Existing code that calls ClassLoader.loadClass to create a Class object of an array class shall be replaced with Class.forName; otherwise it will get ClassNotFoundException.


De-synchronize java.util.Properties getter methods

java.util.Properties is a subclass of the legacy Hashtable class, which synchronizes on itself for any access. System properties are stored in a Properties object. They are a common way to change default settings, and sometimes must be read during classloading.

System.getProperties() returns the same Properties instance accessed by the system, which any application code might synchronize on. This situation has lead to deadlocks in the past, such as 6977738.

The Properties class has been updated to store its values in an internal ConcurrentHashMap (instead of using the inherited Hashtable mechanism), and its getter methods and legacy Enumerations are no longer synchronized. This should reduce the potential for deadlocks. It also means that since Properties' Iterators are now generated by ConcurrentHashMap, they don't fail-fast - ConcurrentModificationExceptions are no longer thrown.


Issue Description

JavaFX builder classes have been removed

The JavaFX builder classes, which were previously deprecated in JDK 8 with the stated intention to remove them, have been removed from JDK 9. JavaFX applications that use the builder classes should instead construct the needed scene graph objects directly and set the desired properties with the equivalent method calls.


Issue Description


The class has been removed. This class, which is in the JDK-specific extensions to JAAS, was deprecated in JDK 8 and previously flagged for removal.


auth.login.LoginContext needs to be updated to work with modules

After this change, besides implementing the necessary methods (initialize, login, logout, commit, abort), any login module must implement the LoginModule interface. Otherwise a LoginException will be thrown when the login module is used.


Access ExtendedGSSContext.inquireSecContext() result through SASL

The output of ExtendedGSSContext.inquireSecContext() is now available as negotiated properties for the SASL GSSAPI mechanism using the name "", where "typename" is the string form of the InquireType enum parameter in lower case. For example, "" for the session key of an established Kerberos 5 security context.


Issue Description

Non Java SE DOM APIs moved to jdk.xml.dom module

Before the Java SE 9 release, the DOM API package in org.w3c.dom included sub-packages that were not defined as a part of the Jave SE API. As of Java SE 9, these sub-packages are moved out of the java.xml module to a separate module called jdk.xml.dom. These packages are as follows: ` org.w3c.dom.css org.w3c.dom.html org.w3c.dom.stylesheets org.w3c.dom.xpath `


Issue Description

orb.idl and ir.idl moved to include directory

orb.idl and ir.idl have moved from the JDK lib directory to the include directory. Applications that use a CORBA IDL compiler in their build may need to change the include path from $JAVA_HOME/lib to $JAVA_HOME/include.


Issue Description

Remove Oracle Solaris ISA bin directories and links

On Oracle Solaris, the JDK and JRE no longer have an ISA (Instruction Specific Architecture) bin directory. The $JAVA_HOME/bin/sparcv9 and $JAVA_HOME/bin/amd64 directories, and the sym links in the directories, were present in JDK 8 to aid migration after 32-bit support was removed. Scripts or applications that rely on these locations should be updated to use $JAVA_HOME/bin.


lib/$ARCH directory removed from Linux and Solaris images

The lib/$ARCH directory, which used to contain native-code shared objects (.so files) for the VM and the libraries, has been removed and the contents has moved up one level into the lib/ directory.


Issue Description

com.sun.tracing APIs are removed

The following unsupported APIs are removed: * com.sun.tracing * com.sun.tracing.dtrace


Issue Description

Fixed memory leak when Java objects are passed into JavaScript

The bug fix for JDK-8089861, which was first integrated in JDK 8u102, fixes a memory leak when Java objects are passed into JavaScript. Prior to JDK 8u102, the WebView JavaScript runtime held a strong reference to such bound objects, which prevented them from being garbage collected. After the fix for JDK-8089861, the WebView JavaScript runtime uses weak references to refer to bound Java objects. The specification was updated to make it clear that this is the intended behavior.

Applications which rely on the previously unspecified behavior might be affected by the updated behavior if the application does not hold a strong reference to an object passed to JavaScript. In such case, the Java object might be garbage collected prematurely. The solution is to modify the application to hold a strong reference in Java code for objects that should remain live after being passed into JavaScript.


Fixed memory leak when Java objects are passed into JavaScript

The bug fix for JDK-8089861, which was first integrated in JDK 8u102, fixes a memory leak when Java objects are passed into JavaScript. Prior to JDK 8u102, the WebView JavaScript runtime held a strong reference to such bound objects, which prevented them from being garbage collected. After the fix for JDK-8089861, the WebView JavaScript runtime uses weak references to refer to bound Java objects. The specification was updated to make it clear that this is the intended behavior.

Applications which rely on the previously unspecified behavior might be affected by the updated behavior if the application does not hold a strong reference to an object passed to JavaScript. In such case, the Java object might be garbage collected prematurely. The solution is to modify the application to hold a strong reference in Java code for objects that should remain live after being passed into JavaScript.


Fixed memory leak when Java objects are passed into JavaScript

The bug fix for JDK-8089861, which was first integrated in JDK 8u102, fixes a memory leak when Java objects are passed into JavaScript. Prior to JDK 8u102, the WebView JavaScript runtime held a strong reference to such bound objects, which prevented them from being garbage collected. After the fix for JDK-8089861, the WebView JavaScript runtime uses weak references to refer to bound Java objects. The specification was updated to make it clear that this is the intended behavior.

Applications which rely on the previously unspecified behavior might be affected by the updated behavior if the application does not hold a strong reference to an object passed to JavaScript. In such case, the Java object might be garbage collected prematurely. The solution is to modify the application to hold a strong reference in Java code for objects that should remain live after being passed into JavaScript.


Issue Description

Remove Launch-Time JRE Version Selection

The Launch-Time JRE Version Selection also known as Multiple JRE or mJRE functionality will no longer be available with the java launcher. This means the java launcher will not invoke another JRE version, and will exit with an error.

The presence of "-version:x.y.z", "-jre-restrict-search" and "-jre-no-restrict-search" on the java launcher's command-line will cause it to exit with an error message. The environment variable "JREVERSIONPATH" will be ignored.

The Java Archive (jar) manifest entry "JRE-version" will cause the java launcher to emit a warning, and "JRE-Restrict-Search" will be ignored.


Support @-files for java command-line tool

The java launcher now supports reading arguments from "argument files" specified on the command line. It is not uncommon that the java launcher is invoked with very long command lines (a long class path for example). Many operating systems impose a limit on the length of a command line, something that "argument files" can be used to work around.

In JDK 9, java now can read arguments from specified files as they are put on the command line. See java command reference and java Command-Line Argument Files for more details.


Add a new launcher environment variable JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS

JDK 9 supports a new environment variable JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS to prepend options to those specified on the command line. The new environment variable has several advantages over the legacy/unsupported _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable including the ability to include java launcher options and @file support. The new environment variable may also be useful when migrating from JDK 8 to JDK 9 for cases where new command line options (that are not supported by JDK 8) are needed.

For more details, see java launcher reference guide.


The launcher no longer uses ergonomics to select the VM

In previous releases, on platforms that supported more than one VM, the launcher could use ergonomics to select the Server VM over the Client VM. Ergonomics would identify a "server-class" machine based on the number of CPUs and the amount of memory. With modern hardware platforms most machines are identified as server-class, and so now, only the Server VM is provided on most platforms. Consequently the ergonomic selection is redundant and has been removed. Users are advised to use the appropriate launcher VM selection flag on those systems where multiple VMs still exist.


Issue Description

IBM1166 character set now available

This release adds IBM1166 character set. It provides support for cyrillic multilingual with euro for Kazakhstan. Aliases for this new character set include "cp1166","ibm1166", "ibm-1166", "1166".


Issue Description

keytool now prints warnings when reading or generating certificates/certificate requests/CRLs using weak algorithms

With one exception, keytool will always print a warning if the certificate, certificate request, or CRL it is parsing, verifying, or generating is using a weak algorithm or key. When a certificate is from an existing TrustedCertificateEntry, either in the keystore directly operated on or in the cacerts keystore when the -trustcacerts option is specified for the -importcert command, keytool will not print a warning if it is signed with a weak signature algorithm. For example, suppose the file cert contains a CA certificate signed with a weak signature algorithm, keytool -printcert -file cert and keytool -importcert -file cert -alias ca -keystore ks will print out a warning, but after the last command imports it into the keystore, keytool -list -alias ca -keystore ks will not show a warning anymore.

An algorithm or a key is weak if it matches the value of the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property defined in the conf/security/ file.


keytool now prints out information of a certificate's public key

Keytool now prints out the key algorithm and key size of a certificate's public key, in the form of "Subject Public Key Algorithm: `<size>-bit RSA key", where <size>` is the key size in bits (ex: 2048).


Custom Policy Providers may need additional configuration

Classes loaded from the extensions directory are no longer granted AllPermission by default. See JDK-8040059.

A custom provider that was using the extensions mechanism may be depending on the policy grant statement that had previously granted it AllPermission. If the policy provider does anything that requires a permission check, the local policy file may need to be adjusted to grant those permissions.

Also, custom policy providers are loaded by the system class loader. The classpath may need to be configured to allow the provider to be located.


New default -sigalg and -keysize for jarsigner and keytool

Default signature algorithms for jarsigner and keytool are determined by both the algorithm and the key size of the private key which makes use of comparable strengths as defined in Tables 2 and 3 of NIST SP 800-57 Part 1-Rev.4. Specifically, for a DSA or RSA key with a key size greater than 7680 bits, or an EC key with a key size greater than or equal to 512 bits, SHA-512 will be used as the hash function for the signature algorithm. For a DSA or RSA key with a key size greater than 3072 bits, or an EC key with a key size greater than or equal to 384 bits, SHA-384 will be used. Otherwise, SHA-256 will be used. The value may change in the future.

For DSA keys, the default key size for keytool has changed from 1024 bits to 2048 bits.

There are a few potential compatibility risks associated with these changes:

  1. If you use jarsigner to sign JARs with the new defaults, previous versions (than this release) might not support the stronger defaults and will not be able to verify the JAR. jarsigner -verify on such a release will output the following error: ` jar is unsigned. (signatures missing or not parsable) If you thejarsignercommand line, the cause will be output: `` jar: processEntry caught: SHA256withDSA Signature not available `` If compatibility with earlier releases is important, you can, at your own risk, use the-sigalgoption ofjarsigner` and specify the weaker SHA1withDSA algorithm.

  2. If you use a PKCS11 keystore, the SunPKCS11 provider may not support the SHA256withDSA algorithm. jarsigner and some keytool commands may fail with the following exception if PKCS11 is specified with the -storetype option, ex:

    ` keytool error: No installed provider supports this key:$P11PrivateKey A similar error may occur if you are using NSS with the SunPKCS11 provider. The workaround is to use the-sigalgoption ofkeytool` and specify SHA1withDSA.

  3. If you have a script that uses the default key size of keytool to generate a DSA keypair but then subsequently specifies a specific signature algorithm, ex: ` keytool -genkeypair -keyalg DSA -keystore keystore -alias mykey ... keytool -certreq -sigalg SHA1withDSA -keystore keystore -alias mykey ... it will fail with one of the following exceptions, because the new 2048-bit keysize default is too strong for SHA1withDSA: `` keytool error: The security strength of SHA-1 digest algorithm is not sufficient for this key size keytool error: DSA key must be at most 1024 bits ```

    You will see a similar error if you use jarsigner to sign JARs using the new 2048-bit DSA key with -sigalg SHA1withDSA set.

    The workaround is to remove the -sigalg option and use the stronger SHA256withDSA default or, at your own risk, use the -keysize option of keytool to create new keys of a smaller key size (1024).

See JDK-8057810, JDK-8056174 and JDK-8138766 for more details.


Deprecate pre-1.2 SecurityManager methods and fields with forRemoval=true

The following pre-1.2 deprecated java.lang.SecurityManager methods and fields have been marked with forRemoval=true: the inCheck field, and the getInCheck, classDepth, classLoaderDepth, currentClassLoader, currentLoadedClass, inClass, and inClassLoader methods. This field and these methods should no longer be used and are subject to removal in a future version of Java SE.


Comodo Root CA removed

The Comodo "UTN - DATACorp SGC" root CA certificate has been removed from the cacerts file.


New IdenTrust certificates added to root CAs

Three new root certificates have been added :

IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1 alias: identrustpublicca DN: CN=IdenTrust Public Sector Root CA 1, O=IdenTrust, C=US

IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1 alias: identrustcommercial DN: CN=IdenTrust Commercial Root CA 1, O=IdenTrust, C=US

IdenTrust DST Root CA X3 alias: identrustdstx3 DN: CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.


jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar

The jarsigner tool has been enhanced to show details of the algorithms and keys used to generate a signed JAR file and will also provide an indication if any of them are considered weak.

Specifically, when "jarsigner -verify -verbose filename.jar" is called, a separate section is printed out showing information of the signature and timestamp (if it exists) inside the signed JAR file, even if it is treated as unsigned for various reasons. If any algorithm or key used is considered weak, as specified in the Security property jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms, it will be labeled with "(weak)".

For example: ` - Signed by "CN=weak_signer" Digest algorithm: MD2 (weak) Signature algorithm: MD2withRSA (weak), 512-bit key (weak) Timestamped by "CN=strong_tsa" on Mon Sep 26 08:59:39 CST 2016 Timestamp digest algorithm: SHA-256 Timestamp signature algorithm: SHA256withRSA, 2048-bit key `


Deprecate the com.sun.jarsigner package

The com.sun.jarsigner package is now deprecated. This includes the ContentSigner class, the ContentSignerParameters interface, and the jarsigner command's "-altsigner" and "-altsignerpath" options.


Required Algorithms for JDK 9

The following have been added to the security algorithm requirements for JDK implementations (keysize in parentheses):

  1. Signature: SHA256withDSA
  2. KeyPairGenerator: DSA (2048), DiffieHellman (2048, 4096), RSA (4096)
  3. AlgorithmParameterGenerator: DSA (2048), DiffieHellman (2048)
  4. Cipher: AES/GCM/NoPadding (128), AES/GCM/PKCS5Padding (128)
  5. SSLContext: TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2
  6. TrustManagerFactory: PKIX


Change in the default keystore type to PKCS12

As of JDK 9, the default keystore type (format) is "pkcs12" which is based on the RSA PKCS12 Personal Information Exchange Syntax Standard. Previously, the default keystore type was "jks" which is a proprietary format. Other keystore formats are available, such as "jceks" which is an alternate proprietary keystore format with stronger encryption than "jks" and "pkcs11", which is based on the RSA PKCS11 Standard and supports access to cryptographic tokens such as hardware security modules and smartcards.


Add mechanism to allow non default root CAs to not be subject to algorithm restrictions

'New certpath constraint: jdkCA In the file, an additional constraint named "jdkCA" is added to the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms property. This constraint prohibits the specified algorithm only if the algorithm is used in a certificate chain that terminates at a marked trust anchor in the lib/security/cacerts keystore. If the jdkCA constraint is not set, then all chains using the specified algorithm are restricted. jdkCA may only be used once in a DisabledAlgorithm expression.

Example:  To apply this constraint to SHA-1 certificates, include the following:  `SHA1 jdkCA`


New certificates added to root CAs

Eight new root certificates have been added :

QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3 alias: quovadisrootca1g3 DN: CN=QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3, O=QuoVadis Limited, C=BM

QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3 alias: quovadisrootca2g3 DN: CN=QuoVadis Root CA 2 G3

QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3 alias: quovadisrootca3g3 DN: CN=QuoVadis Root CA 3 G3, O=QuoVadis Limited, C=BM

DigiCert Assured ID Root G2 alias: digicertassuredidg2 DN: CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G2,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

DigiCert Assured ID Root G3 alias: digicertassuredidg3 DN: CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root G3,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

DigiCert Global Root G2 alias: digicertglobalrootg2 DN: CN=DigiCert Global Root G2,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

DigiCert Global Root G3 alias: digicertglobalrootg3 DN: CN=DigiCert Global Root G3,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US

DigiCert Trusted Root G4 alias: digicerttrustedrootg4 DN: CN=DigiCert Trusted Root G4,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US


Deprecate the API

The API has been deprecated. The classes in this package should no longer be used. The package contains suitable replacements. See Policy and related classes for details.


Deprecate policytool

The policytool security tool is deprecated in JDK 9. It will be removed in a future release.


Fix denyAfter and usage types for security properties

A new constraint named 'usage' has been added to the 'jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms' security property, that when set, restricts the algorithm if it is used in a certificate chain for the specified usage(s). Three usages are initially supported: 'TLSServer' for restricting authentication of TLS server certificate chains, 'TLSClient' for restricting authentication of TLS client certificate chains, and 'SignedJAR' for restricting certificate chains used with signed JARs. This should be used when disabling an algorithm for all usages is not practical. The usage type follows the keyword and more than one usage type can be specified with a whitespace delimiter. For example, to disable SHA1 for TLS server and client certificate chains, add the following to the property: "SHA1 usage TLSServer TLSClient"

The 'denyAfter' constraint has been added to the 'jdk.jar.disabledAlgorithms' security property. When set, it restricts the specified algorithm if it is used in a signed JAR after the specified date, as follows:

a. if the JAR is not timestamped, it will be restricted (treated as unsigned) after the specified date

b. if the JAR is timestamped, it will not be restricted if it is timestamped before the specified date.

For example, to restrict usage of SHA1 in jar files signed after January 1, 2018, add the following to the property: "SHA1 denyAfter 2018-01-01".


De-privileged module permissions granted by default

When using a SecurityManager, the permissions required by JDK modules are granted by default, and are not dependent on the policy.url properties that are set in the file.

This also applies if you are setting the system property with either the '=' or '==' option.


Modify requirements on Authority Key Identifier extension field during X509 certificate chain building

The requirement to have the Authority Key Identifier (AKID) and Subject Key Identifier (SKID) fields matching when building X509 certificate chains has been modified for some cases.


Add variant of DSA Signature algorithms that do not ASN.1 encode the signature bytes

A non-ASN.1 encoded form for DSA and ECDSA signatures has been implemented. This new signature output format concatenates the r and s values from the signature in conformance with IEEE P1363. Signature objects using this format must provide one of the following algorithm Strings to the Signature.getInstance() method:

For DSA: NONEwithDSAinP1363Format SHA1withDSAinP1363Format SHA224withDSAinP1363Format SHA256withDSAinP1363Format

For ECDSA: NONEwithECDSAinP1363Format SHA1withECDSAinP1363Format SHA224withECDSAinP1363Format SHA256withECDSAinP1363Format SHA384withECDSAinP1363Format SHA512withECDSAinP1363Format


Update SecurityManager::checkPackageAccess to restrict non-exported JDK packages by default

The implementation of the checkPackageAccess and checkPackageDefinition methods of java.lang.SecurityManager now automatically restrict all non-exported packages of JDK modules loaded by the platform class loader or its ancestors. This is in addition to any packages listed in the package.access and package.definition security properties. A "non-exported package" refers to a package that is not exported to all modules. Specifically, it refers to a package that either is not exported at all by its containing module or is exported in a qualified fashion by its containing module.

If your application is running with a SecurityManager, it will need to be granted an appropriate accessClassInPackage.{package} RuntimePermission to access any internal JDK APIs (in addition to specifying an appropriate --add-exports option). If the application has not been granted access, a SecurityException will be thrown.

Note that an upgraded JDK module may have a different set of internal packages than the corresponding system module, and therefore may require a different set of permissions.

The package.access and package.definition properties no longer contain internal JDK packages that are not exported. Therefore, if an application calls Security.getProperty("package.access"), it will not include the builtin non-exported JDK packages.

Also, when running under a SecurityManager, an attempt to access a type in a restricted package that does not contain any classes now throws a ClassNotFoundException instead of an AccessControlException. For example, loading sun.Foo now throws a ClassNotFoundException instead of an AccessControlException because there are no classes in the sun package.


New DTrust certificates added to root CAs

Two new root certificates have been added :

D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009 alias: dtrustclass3ca2 DN: CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 2009, O=D-Trust GmbH, C=DE

D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009 alias: dtrustclass3ca2ev DN: CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2 EV 2009, O=D-Trust GmbH, C=DE


New APIs for jar signing

A new API is added to the jdk.jartool module which can be used to sign a jar file.


Sonera Class1 CA Removed

The "Sonera Class1 CA" root CA certificate has been removed from the cacerts file.


Removed stopThread RuntimePermission from the default java.policy

The default java.policy no longer grants stopThread runtime permission in JDK 9.

In previous releases, untrusted code had the stopThread runtime permission by default. This allows untrusted code to call Thread::stop ( on threads other than the current one ). Having an arbitrary exception thrown asynchronously is not something that trusted code should be expected to handle gracefully. So this permission is removed by default in JDK 9. The following line is deleted from the file conf/security/java.policy : permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "stopThread";


SunPKCS11 Provider no longer offering SecureRandom by default

SecureRandom.PKCS11 from the SunPKCS11 Provider is disabled by default on Solaris because the native PKCS11 implementation has poor performance and is not recommended. If your application requires SecureRandom.PKCS11, you can re-enable it by removing "SecureRandom" from the disabledMechanisms list in conf/security/sunpkcs11-solaris.cfg

Performance improvements have also been made in the class. Improvements in the JDK implementation has allowed for synchronization to be removed from the[] bytes) method.


Default key sizes for the AlgorithmParameterGenerator and KeyPairGenerator implementations updated

To improve security, the default key size for the RSA and DiffieHellman KeyPairGenerator implementations and the DiffieHellman AlgorithmParameterGenerator implementations has been increased from 1024 bits to 2048 bits. The default key size for the DSA KeyPairGenerator and AlgorithmParameterGenerator implementations remains at 1024 bits to preserve compatibility with applications that are using keys of that size with the SHA1withDSA signature algorithm.

With increases in computing power and advances in cryptography, the minimum recommended key size increases over time. Therefore, future versions of the platform may increase the default size.


Disallow null values for Subject inputs

Inputs to the class now prohibit null values in the constructors and modification operations on the Principal and credential Set objects returned by Subject methods.

For the non-default constructor, the principals, pubCredentials, and privCredentials parameters may not be null, nor may any element within the Sets be null. A NullPointerException will be thrown if null values are provided.

For operations performed on Set objects returned by getPrincipals(), getPrivateCredentials() and getPublicCredentials(), a NullPointerException is thrown under the following conditions: * add(), remove(), or contains() uses a null parameter. * addAll(), removeAll(), containsAll() or retainsAll() provides a Collection containing a null element.


Security providers are now loaded through ServiceLoader and registered by name

As part of work for JEP 220 "Modular Run-Time Images", security providers loading mechanism is enhanced to support modular providers through java.util.ServiceLoader. The default JDK security providers have been refactored to be modular providers and registered inside file by provider name instead of provider class name. As for providers which have not been re-worked to modules, they should be registered by provider class names in file.


Support added to jarsigner for specifying timestamp hash algorithm

A new -tsadigestalg option is added to jarsigner to specify the message digest algorithm that is used to generate the message imprint to be sent to the TSA server. In older JDK releases, the message digest algorithm used was SHA-1. If this new option is not specified, SHA-256 will be used on JDK 7 Updates and later JDK family versions. On JDK 6 Updates, SHA-1 will remain the default but a warning will be printed to the standard output stream.


Issue Description

Demo references in Solaris install documentation

Demos were removed from the package tar.Z bundle(JDK-7066713). There is a separate Demos&Samples bundle beginning with 7u2 b08 and 6u32 b04, but Solaris patches still contain SUNWj7dmo/SUNWj6dmo. The 64 bit packages are SUNWj7dmx/SUNWj6dmx.

Demo packages remain in the existing Solaris patches; however, just because they are there doesn't mean that they are installed. They will be patched only if the end user has them installed on the system.

The link above is to the Solaris OS Install Directions for the JDK. The SUNWj7dmx package is mentioned in the tar.Z portion of the directions. This is confusing to some as, according to the cited bug, the SUNWj7dmx package shouldn't be part of the tar.Z bundle.


The JNI function DetachCurrentThread must tolerate pending exceptions

The JNI function DetachCurrentThread has been added to the list of JNI functions that can safely be called with an exception pending. The HotSpot Virtual Machine has always supported this as it reports that the exception occurred in a similar manner to the default handling of uncaught exceptions at the Java level. Other implementations are not obligated to do anything with the pending exception.


Issue Description

Fork/Join common pool threads return the system class loader as their thread context class loader

In Java SE 9, threads that are part of the fork/join common pool will always return the system class loader as their thread context class loader. In previous releases, the thread context class loader may have been inherited from whatever thread causes the creation of the fork/join common pool thread, e.g. by submitting a task. An application cannot reliably depend on when, or how, threads are created by the fork/join common pool, and as such cannot reliably depend on a custom defined class loader to be set as the thread context class loader.


Issue Description

Extend the search path for the org.omg.CORBA.ORB file

org.omg.CORBA.ORB specifies the search order to locate an ORB's file, and this includes searching ${java.home}/lib. The JDK 9 release will include a ${java.home}/conf directory as the location for properties files. As such, the ORB.init processing has been amended, to include ${java.home}/conf directory in its search path for an file. Thus, the preferred approach is to use the ${java.home}/conf directory, in preference to the ${java.home}/lib directory, as a location for an file.


Issue Description

JAX-WS, JAXB, JAF are deprivileged and defined by platform class loader

The defining class loader of, java.xml.bind, and java.activation module and their classes is changed to the platform class loader (non-null) (see the specification for java.lang.ClassLoader::getPlatformClassLoader).

Existing code that assumes the defining class loader of JAX-WS, JAXB, JAF classes may be impacted by this change (e.g. custom class loader delegation to the bootstrap class loader skipping the extension class loader).


Issue Description

Serialization Filter Configuration

Serialization Filtering introduces a new mechanism which allows incoming streams of object-serialization data to be filtered in order to improve both security and robustness. Every ObjectInputStream applies a filter, if configured, to the stream contents during deserialization. Filters are set using either a system property or a configured security property. The value of the "jdk.serialFilter" patterns are described in JEP 290 Serialization Filtering and in <JRE>/lib/security/ Filter actions are logged to the '' logger, if enabled.


serialver -show option is removed

The serialver -show option has been removed in this release.


Issue Description

Support the "s" (second) unit for kdc_timeout in krb5.conf

An interoperability issue is found between Java and the native Kerberos implementation on BSD (including macOS) on the kdc_timeout setting in krb5.conf, where Java interpreted it as milliseconds and BSD as seconds when no unit is specified. This code change adds support for the "s" (second) unit. Therefore if the timeout is 5 seconds, Java accepts both "5000" and "5s". Customers concerned about interoperability between Java and BSD should use "5s".


accept yes/no for boolean krb5.conf settings

Besides "true" and "false", krb5.conf now also accepts "yes" and "no" for boolean-valued settings.


Support "include" and "includedir" in krb5.conf

The krb5.conf file now supports including other files using either the "include FILENAME" or "includedir DIRNAME" directives. FILENAME or DIRNAME must be an absolute path. The named file or directory must exist and be readable. Including a directory includes all files within the directory whose names consist solely of alphanumeric characters, dashes, or underscores. An included file can include other files but no recursion is allowed.

Also, before this change, when the same setting for a single-valued option (For example, default_realm) is defined more than once in krb5.conf, the last value was chosen. After this change, the first value is chosen. This is to be consistent with other krb5 vendors.


rcache interop with krb5-1.15

The hash algorithm used in the Kerberos 5 replay cache file (rcache) is updated from MD5 to SHA256 with this change. This is also the algorithm used by MIT krb5-1.15. This change is interoperable with earlier releases of MIT krb5, which means Kerberos 5 acceptors from JDK 9 and MIT krb5-1.14 can share the same rcache file.

A new system property named jdk.krb5.rcache.useMD5 is introduced. If the system property is set to "true", JDK 9 will still use the MD5 hash algorithm in rcache. This is useful when both of the following conditions are true: 1) the system has a very coarse clock and has to depend on hash values in replay attack detection, and 2) interoperability with earlier versions of JDK for rcache files is required. The default value of this system property is "false".


Correction to end time checking for native TGT

The end times for native TGTs (ticket-granting tickets) are now compared with UTC time stamps.


Issue Description

Removal of native2ascii tool

native2ascii tool is removed in JDK 9. JDK 9 supports UTF-8 based properties resource bundles (see JEP 226 and the conversion for UTF-8 based properties resource bundles to ISO-8859-1 is no longer needed.


extcheck tool removed

The extcheck tool has been removed in this release.


Issue Description

MethodHandles.bind obeys protected access rules

The method java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.bind has been fixed to correctly obey the access rules when binding a receiver object to a protected method.


java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory cannot be constructed

A behavioural change has been made to class java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory so that it is no longer possible to construct an instance. This class only has static methods to create "function objects" (commonly utilized as bootstrap methods) and should not be instantiated. The risk of source and binary incompatibility is very low; analysis of existing code bases found no instantiations.


Class.getSimpleName() reads from the InnerClasses attribute

Class.getSimpleName() was changed to use the name recorded in the InnerClasses attribute of the class file. This change may affect applications which generate custom bytecode with incomplete or incorrect information recorded in the InnerClasses attribute.


invokedynamic implementation should not wrap Errors

The invokedynamic byte code instruction is no longer specified by the Java Virtual Machine Specification to wrap any Throwable thrown during linking in java.lang.invoke.BootstrapMethodError, which is then thrown to the caller.

If during linking an instance of Error, or a subclass of, is thrown then that Error is no longer wrapped and is thrown directly to the caller. Any other instance of Throwable, or subclass of, is still wrapped in java.lang.invoke.BootstrapMethodError.

This change in behaviour ensures that errors such as OutOfMemoryError or ThreadDeath are thrown unwrapped and may be acted on or reported directly, thereby enabling more uniform replacement of byte code with an invokedynamic instruction whose call site performs the same functionality as the replaced byte code (and may throw the same errors).


Internal package sun.invoke.anon has been removed

The internal package sun.invoke.anon has been removed. The functionality it used to provide, namely anonymous class loading with possible constant pool patches, is available via the Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass() method.


Issue Description

Add security property to configure XML Signature secure validation mode

A new security property named jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy has been added that allows you to configure the individual restrictions that are enforced when the secure validation mode of XML Signature is enabled. The default value for this property in the configuration file is: ` jdk.xml.dsig.secureValidationPolicy=\ disallowAlg,\ disallowAlg,\ disallowAlg,\ disallowAlg,\ maxTransforms 5,\ maxReferences 30,\ disallowReferenceUriSchemes file http https,\ noDuplicateIds,\ noRetrievalMethodLoops Please refer to the definition of the property in` file for more information.


The XML Digital Signature API (javax.xml.crypto and subpackages) has been enhanced to better support generics

The XML Digital Signature APIs (the javax.xml.crypto package and subpackages) have been enhanced to better support Generics, as follows: - all Collection and Iterator parameters and return types have been changed to parameterized types - the javax.xml.crypto.NodeSetData interface has been changed to a generic type that implements Iterable so that it can be used in for-each loops


Issue Description

Provided new utility visitors supporting SourceVersion.RELEASE_9

The constructors for the utility visitors in javax.lang.model.util that correspond to the RELEASE_6 source level have been deprecated since the reference implementation regards -source 6 as obsolete. Authors of annotation processors should update their processors to support newer source versions.


Issue Description

IANA Data 2015g

JDK contains IANA time zone data version 2015g. For more information, refer to [Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software|].


Deprecate sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass

The method sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass is deprecated for removal. Use the method java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass to define a class to the same class loader and in the same runtime package and protection domain of a given Lookup's lookup class.


Issue Description

Three internal fields are now private

Three static fields exposing event listener instances whose types are internal and intended use was internal are now made private. These are very unlikely to have been used by many applications as until recently they were shipped only as an unbundled component.


Issue Description

Improved exception handling for bad LDAP referral replies

The JDK was throwing a NullPointerException when a non-compliant REFERRAL status result was sent but no referral values were included. With this change, a NamingException with message value of "Illegal encoding: referral is empty" will be thrown in such circumstances. See JDK-8149450 and JDK-8154304 for more details


Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in java.naming

The javax.naming.CompoundName, an extensible type, has a protected member, impl whose type, javax.naming.NameImpl, is package-private. This is a long standing issue where an inaccessible implementation type has mistakenly made its way into the public Java SE API.

The new javac lint option javac -Xlint helped identify this issue. In Java SE 9, this protected member has been removed from the public API.


Since the type of the member is package-private it cannot be directly referenced by non-JDK code. The member type does not implement or extend any super type directly, therefore any non-JDK subtype of javax.naming.CompoundName could only refer to this member as Object. It is possible that such a subtype might invoke the toString, or any of Object's methods on this member, or even synchronize on it. In such a case such subtypes of javax.naming.CompoundName will require updating.

Source incompatible:

Code making a static reference to the member will fail to compile, e.g. error: impl has private access in CompoundName

Binary incompatible:

Previously compiled code executed with JDK 9, accessing the member directly will fail, e.g. java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field javax.naming.CompoundName.impl from class CompoundName$MyCompoundName


Context.APPLET is ignored when creating a JNDI InitialContext

javax.naming.Context.APPLET has been deprecated. If the environment specified when creating an InitialContext contains Context.APPLET then it is ignored. Applets with JNDI configuration in applet parameters should use the Applet.getParameter(String) method to read the parameters and use the values to create the JNDI context.


Issue Description

Support system or alternative implementations of zlib

The Java runtime now uses system zlib library (the zlib library installed on the underlying operation system) for its zlib compression support (the deflation and inflation functionality in, for example) on Solaris and Linux platforms.


Remove Packer/Unpacker addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyListener methods

The deprecated addPropertyListener and removePropertyListener methods have been removed from java.util.jar.Pack200.Packer and java.util.jar.Pack200.Unpacker. Applications that need to monitor progress of a packer or unpacker should poll the value of the PROGRESS property instead.

JDK-6233323 now always returns the ZipEntry instance with a '/' ended entry name for directory entry API doc specifies "A directory entry is defined to be one whose name ends with a '/'". However, in previous JDK releases entryName) may return a ZipEntry instance with an entry name that does not end with '/' for an existing zip directory entry when the passed in argument entryName does not end with a '/' and there is a matching zip directory entry with name entryName + '/' in the zip file. With JDK 9 the name of the ZipEntry instance returned from always ends with '/' for any zip directory entry.


The system property has been removed

The zip library implementation has been improved in JDK 9. The new implementation does not use mmap to map ZIP file central directory into memory anymore. As a result, the system property is no longer needed and has been removed.


Issue Description

Remove HTTP proxying from RMI

The mechanism of proxying RMI requests through HTTP, which was deprecated in Java SE 8, has been removed in Java SE 9. This mechanism used a web CGI script called java-rmi.cgi. This script has also been removed. The default mechanism for transmitting RMI requests is now simply a direct socket connection.


rmic -Xnew option is disabled

The experimental rmic -Xnew option has been disabled for this release.


RMI server-side multiplex protocol has been disabled

The RMI multiplex protocol is disabled by default. It can be re-enabled by setting the system property "sun.rmi.transport.tcp.enableMultiplexProtocol" to "true".


Issue Description

CodeStore service has been removed

The possibility to provide provide subclasses of jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.CodeStore through the java.util.ServiceLoader API has been removed in JDK 9.


Issue Description

Remove per-compiler performance counters

Per-thread compiler performance counters have been removed because they became obsolete in the presence of more fine-grained and precise compilation events. The corresponding interface in* has been deprecated since it will no longer provide information without the performance counters. Users can get similar or more fine-grained information via global performance counters, the event tracing API (JFR) or -XX:+PrintCompilation.


Remove BackEdgeThreshold flag

The -XX:BackEdgeThreshold flag has been removed because it is no longer supported. Users now need to use -XX:OnStackReplacePercentage instead.


Interpreter and compiled code process signaling NaN values inconsistently in 32-bit x86 VM

The IEEE 754 standard distinguishes between signaling and quiet NaNs. When executing floating point operations, some processors silently convert signaling NaNs to quiet NaNs. The 32-bit x86 version of the HotSpot JVM allows silent conversions to happen. With JVM releases preceding JDK 9, silent conversions happen depending on whether the floating point operations are part of compiled or interpreted code. With the JDK 9 release, interpreted and compiled code behaves consistently with respect to signaling and quiet NaNs.


AVX-512 (AVX3) instructions set support

JDK 9 will support code generation for AVX-512 (AVX3) instructions set on x86 CPUs, but not by default. A maximum of AVX2 is supported by default in JDK 9. The flag -XX:UseAVX=3 can be used to enable AVX-512 code generation on CPUs that support it.


Remove Use486InstrsOnly flag

The -XX:+Use486InstrsOnly flag has been removed because it is no longer supported.


Compilers accept modification of final fields outside initializer methods

According to the Java VM Specification, final fields can be modified by the putfield byte code instruction only if the instruction appears in the instance initializer method <init> of the field's declaring class. Similar, static final fields can be modified by a putstatic instruction only if the instruction appears in the class initializer method <clinit> of the field's declaring class. With the JDK 9 release, the HotSpot VM fully enforces the previously mentioned restrictions, but only for class files with version number >= 53. For class files with version numbers < 53, restrictions are only partially enforced (as it is done by releases preceding JDK 9). That is, for class files with version number < 53, final fields can be modified in any method of the class declaring the field (not only class/instance initializers).


Implemented performance improvements for BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply

We have implemented improvements that will improve performance of several security algorithms, especially when using ciphers with key lengths of 2048-bit or greater. To turn on these improvements, use the options -XX:+UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic and -XX:+UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic. This improvement is only for Linux and Solaris on x86_64 architecture.


Nondeterministic wrong answer on arithmetic corrected

When performing OSR on loops with huge stride and/or initial values, in very rare cases, the tiered/server compilers could produce non-canonical loop shapes that produce nondeterministic answers when the answers should be deterministic. This issue has now been fixed.


Remove SafepointPollOffset flag

The -XX:SafepointPollOffset flag has been removed because it was introduced only to reproduce a problem with the C1 compiler and is no longer needed.


Remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag

The -XX:EnableInvokeDynamic flag has been removed because the VM does no longer support execution without invokedynamic.


Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space

The 32-bit Client VM was removed from linux-x86 and Windows. As a result, the -client flag is ignored with 32-bit versions of Java on this platform. The 32-bit Server VM is used instead. However, due to limited virtual address space on Windows in 32-bit mode, by default the Server VM emulates the behavior of the Client VM and only uses the C1 JIT compiler, Serial GC, 32Mb CodeCache. To revert to server mode, the flag -XX:{+|-}TieredCompilation can be used. On linux-x86 there is no Client VM mode emulation.


Removed PICL warning message

In 8u40, and 7u80, a new feature was introduced to use the PICL library on Solaris to get some system information. If this library was not found, we printed an error message:

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM warning: PICL ( is missing. Performance will not be optimal.

This warning was misleading. Not finding the PICL library is a very minor issue, and the warnings mostly lead to confusion. In this release, the warning was removed.


Issue Description

Support for Customization of Default Enabled Cipher Suites via System Properties

The system property jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites can be used to customize the default enabled cipher suites for the client side of SSL/TLS connections. In a similar way, the system property jdk.tls.server.cipherSuites can be used for customization on the server side.

The system properties contain a comma-separated list of supported cipher suite names that specify the default enabled cipher suites. All other supported cipher suites are disabled for this default setting. Unrecognized or unsupported cipher suite names specified in properties are ignored. Explicitly setting enabled cipher suites will override the system properties.

Refer to the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for the standard JSSE cipher suite names, and the Java Cryptography Architecture Oracle Providers Documentation for the cipher suite names supported by the SunJSSE provider.

Note that the actual use of enabled cipher suites is restricted by algorithm constraints.

Note also that these system properties are currently supported by the JDK Reference Implementation. They are not guaranteed to be supported by other implementations.

Warning: These system properties can be used to configure weak cipher suites, or the configured cipher suites may become more weak over time. We do not recommend using the system properties unless you understand the security implications. Use them at your own risk.


Fix to resolve "Unable to process PreMasterSecret, may be too big" issue

Recent JDK updates introduced an issue for applications that depend on having a delayed provider selection mechanism. The issue was introduced in JDK 8u71, JDK 7u95 and JDK 6u111. The main error seen corresponded to an exception like the following : ` handling exception: Unable to process PreMasterSecret, may be too big `


Deprecate methods that reference APIs

The and methods have been deprecated. New applications should use the getPeerCertificates method instead.


Improve the default strength of EC in JDK.

To improve the default strength of EC cryptography, EC keys less than 224 bits have been deactivated in certification path processing (via the "jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms" Security Property) and SSL/TLS/DTLS connections (via the "jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms" Security Property) in JDK. Applications can update this restriction in the Security Properties and permit smaller key sizes if really needed (for example, "EC keySize < 192").

EC curves less than 256 bits are removed from the SSL/TLS/DTLS implementation in JDK. The new System Property, "jdk.tls.namedGroups", defines a list of enabled named curves for EC cipher suites in order of preference. If an application needs to customize the default enabled EC curves or the curves preference, please update the System Property accordingly. For example:

jdk.tls.namedGroups="secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1"

Note that the default enabled or customized EC curves follow the algorithm constraints. For example, the customized EC curves cannot re-activate the disabled EC keys defined by the Java Security Properties.

IllegalArgumentException from TLS handshake

A recent issue from the JDK-8148516 fix can cause issue for some TLS servers. The problem originates from an IllegalArgumentException thrown by the TLS handshaker code.

`java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: System property jdk.tls.namedGroups(null) contains no supported elliptic curves`

The issue can arise when the server doesn't have elliptic curve cryptography support to handle an elliptic curve name extension field (if present). Users are advised to upgrade to this release. By default, JDK 7 Updates and later JDK families ship with the SunEC security provider which provides elliptic curve cryptography support. Those releases should not be impacted unless security providers are modified.

See JDK-8173783


Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites

In TLS, a ciphersuite defines a specific set of cryptography algorithms used in a TLS connection. JSSE maintains a prioritized list of ciphersuites. In this update, GCM-based cipher suites are configured as the most preferable default cipher suites in the SunJSSE provider.

In the SunJSSE provider, the following ciphersuites are now the most preferred by default: ``` TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES256GCMSHA384 TLSECDHEECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256


TLSECDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 TLSRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 TLSECDHECDSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 TLSECDHRSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 TLSDHERSAWITHAES128GCMSHA256 TLSDHEDSSWITHAES128GCM_SHA256 ``` Note that this is a behavior change of the SunJSSE provider in the JDK, it is not guaranteed to be examined and used by other JSSE providers. There is no guarantee the cipher suites priorities will remain the same in future updates or releases.


SHA224 removed from the default support list if SunMSCAPI enabled

SunJSSE allows SHA224 as an available signature and hash algorithm for TLS 1.2 connections. However, the current implementation of SunMSCAPI does not support SHA224 yet. This can cause problems if SHA224 and SunMSCAPI private keys are used at the same time.

To mitigate the problem, we remove SHA224 from the default support list if SunMSCAPI is enabled.


Custom HostnameVerifier enables SNI extension

Earlier releases of JDK 8 Updates didn't always send the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension in the TLS ClientHello phase if a custom hostname verifier was used. This verifier is set via the setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier v) method in HttpsURLConnection. The fix ensures the Server Name is now sent in the ClientHello body. See JDK-8144566 for more details.


Correction of IllegalArgumentException from TLS handshake

A recent issue from the JDK-8148516 fix can cause issue for some TLS servers. The problem originates from an IllegalArgumentException thrown by the TLS handshaker code.

`java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: System property jdk.tls.namedGroups(null) contains no supported elliptic curves`

The issue can arise when the server doesn't have elliptic curve cryptography support to handle an elliptic curve name extension field (if present). Users are advised to upgrade to this release. By default, JDK 7 Updates and later JDK families ship with the SunEC security provider which provides elliptic curve cryptography support. Those releases should not be impacted unless security providers are modified.


TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension

JEP 244 has enhanced the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) to provide support for the TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) Extension (RFC 7301). New methods have been added to the classes SSLEngine, SSLSocket, and SSLParameters to allow clients and servers to negotiate an application layer value as part of the TLS handshake.


Deprecate the API

The API has been deprecated. The classes in this package should no longer be used. The package contains suitable replacements.


Support SHA224withDSA and SHA256withDSA in the SunJSSE provider

The SHA224withDSA and SHA256withDSA algorithms are now supported in the TLS 1.2 "signature_algorithms" extension in the SunJSSE provider. Note that this extension does not apply to TLS 1.1 and previous versions.


Issue Description

OOME caused by very large CDATA section in XML document can now be avoided

An event-based XML parsers may return character data in chunks.

SAX specification: states that SAX parsers may return all contiguous character data in a single chunk, or they may split it into several chunks.

StAX specification: did not specify explicitly.

The JDK implementation before JDK 9 returns all character data in a CData section in a single chunk by default. As of JDK 9, an implementation-only property jdk.xml.cdataChunkSize is added to instruct a parser to return the data in a CData section in a single chunk when the property is zero or unspecified, or in multiple chunks when it is greater than zero. The parser will split the data by linebreaks, and any chunks that are larger than the specified size to ones that are equal to or smaller than the size.

The property jdk.xml.cdataChunkSize is supported through the following means:

  1. through the SAX or StAX API, that is SAXParser or XMLReader for SAX, and XMLInputFactory for StAX. If the property is set, its value will be used in preference over any of the other settings.
  2. as a system property. The value set in the system property will overwrite that in, but may be overridden by the API setting above.
  3. in the file. The value in may be overridden by the system property or an API setting.


Issue Description

Stage background is now filled with Scene fill color

Starting with the JDK 9 release, a Stage on Mac and Linux platforms will be initially filled using the Fill property of the Scene if its Fill is a Color. An average color, computed within the stops range, will be used if the Fill is a LinearGradient or RadialGradient. Previously, it was initially filled with WHITE, irrespective of the Fill in the Scene. This change in behavior will reduce the flashing that can be seen with a dark Scene background, but applications should be aware of this change in behavior so they can set an appropriate Fill color for their Scene.


Issue Description

Removal of

The API was a Mac-only API and was carried into JDK 7u4 with the port of Apple's JDK 6 code. This seldom-used and unsupported API has been removed in JDK 9. Developers are encouraged to use the standard java.util.concurrent.Executor and java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService APIs instead.


Issue Description

Deprecate HostServices.getWebContext method with forRemoval=true

The HostServices.getWebContext method is deprecated in JDK 9 and is marked as forRemoval=true indicating that it will be removed in a future version of the JDK. Applets are deprecated in JDK 9, and this method is only used when running an FX application as an Applet in a browser.


Issue Description

Align behavior and spec for java.util.regex.Pattern.compile()

Pattern.compile(String, int) will throw IllegalArgumentException if anything other than a combination of predefined values is passed as the second argument, in accordance with the specification.


Correction to negation function of RegEx character classes

In `java.util.regex.Patternusing a character class of the form ``[^a-b[c-d]]``, the negation^` negates the entire class, not just the first range. The negation operator "^" has the lowest precedence among the character class operators, intersection "&&", union, range "-" and nested class "[ ]", so it is always applied last.

Previously, the negation was applied only to the first range or group leading to inconsistent and misunderstood matches. Detail and examples in the issue and


Issue Description

Omit public and abstract modifiers in javadoc for annotation type members

Previously javadoc would emit "public" and "abstract" modifiers for methods and fields in annotation types. These flags are not needed in source code and are elided for non-annotation interface types. With this change, those modifiers are also omitted for methods and fields defined in annotation types.


javadoc may exit on non-compliant sources.

If any errors are encountered while reading or analyzing the source code, the javadoc tool will treat them as unrecoverable errors and exit.


Compact javadoc display of single-element annotations

Previously javadoc would include "value=" when displaying annotations even when that text was not necessary in the source because the annotations were of single-element annotation type (JLS 9.6. Annotation Type Elements ). The extraneous "value=" text is now omitted, leading to more concise annotation display.


The old standard doclet is deprecated and will be removed in a future release

The standard doclet is the doclet in the JDK that produces the default HTML-formatted API output. The version that was available in previous releases ( has been replaced by a new version (jdk.javadoc.doclet.Standard). The old version is now deprecated and is subject to removal in a future version of Java SE. For more details, see JEP 221. For more details on the new Doclet API, see the jdk.javadoc module.


Issue Description

XPath enhancement

Java SE 9 improves the javax.xml.xpath API with new APIs that make use of modern language features to facilitate ease of use and extend support of the XPath specification.

  1. Support ANY type

javax.xml.xpath supported explicit data types defined by the XPath specification. However, it was missing the important ANY type without which the XPath API assumes that an explicit type is always known, which is not true in some circumstances. The new API now supports the ANY type so that an XPath evalution can be performed when the return type is unknown.

  1. Improved ease of use

For ease of use, four new evaluateExpression methods are added to the javax.xml.xpath.XPath and javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression interfaces to allow specifying explicit types as follows:

When specified explicitly, the new methods return the specific types, including Boolean, Double, Integer, Long, String and org.w3c.dom.Node.

When the return type is expected to be NODESET, the new methods will return a new XPathNodes type. XPathNodes is a new interface that extends Iterable<Node> which makes it easier to use than the traditional org.w3c.dom.NodeList.

When the return type is unknown or ANY, the new methods return a new XPathEvaluationResult type. XPathEvaluationResult provides an XPathResultType enum that defines the supported types that are ANY, BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING, NODESET, and NODE.


Issue Description

Various GC combinations have now been removed

The GC combinations that were deprecated in JDK 8 have now been removed. This means that the following GC combinations no longer exist: * DefNew + CMS * ParNew + SerialOld * Incremental CMS The "foreground" mode for CMS has also been removed.

The command line flags that were removed are: -Xincgc, -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode, -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection, -XX:+CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction and -XX:+UseCMSCollectionPassing.

The command line flag -XX:+UseParNewGC no longer has any effect. ParNew can only be used with CMS and CMS requires ParNew. Thus, the -XX:+UseParNewGC flag has been deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release.


UseAutoGCSelectPolicy has been deprecated

This option was deprecated in JDK 9, along with the -XX:AutoGCSelectPauseMillis option.

AutoGCSelectPauseMillis has been deprecated

This option was deprecated in JDK 9, following the deprecation of the -XX:+UseAutoGCSelectPolicy option.


New PerfCounters for STW Phases on Concurrent GC Are Available

A new GC performance counter has been added for pauses during the concurrent phase. This counter will be listed by jstat under the CGC (concurrent GC) heading. This information is only available for GCs with a concurrent phase and is GC specific: * G1 includes remark and cleanup pauses * CMS includes initial mark and remark pauses

For CMS, these pauses were previously included in the time listed by jstat under the FGC (full GC) heading.

The information is also available via the jcmd by using PerfCounter.print.


G1 now collects unreachable Humongous objects during young collections

G1 now tries to collect humongous objects of primitive type (char, integer, long, double) with few or no references from other objects at any young collection. During young collection, G1 checks if any remaining incoming references to these humongous objects are current. G1 will reclaim any humongous object having no remaining incoming references.

Three new experimental JVM options to control this behavior that have been added with this change:

  1. G1EagerReclaimHumongousObjects - This option controls whether G1 makes any attempt to reclaim unreachable humongous objects at every young GC. Default is enabled.
  2. G1EagerReclaimHumongousObjectsWithStaleRefs - When this option is enabled G1 attempts to reclaim humongous objects that may have a few stale incoming references at every young GC. Default is enabled.
  3. G1TraceEagerReclaimHumongousObjects - This option enables printing of some information about the collection of humongous objects at every young GC. Default is disabled.


Providing more granular levels for GC verification

This enhancement provides a way to specify more granular levels for the GC verification enabled using the "VerifyBeforeGC", "VerifyAfterGC" and "VerifyDuringGC" diagnostic options. It introduces a new diagnostic option VerifySubSet using which one can specify the subset of the memory system that should be verified.

With this new option, one or more sub-systems can be specified in a comma separated string. Valid memory sub-systems are: threads, heap, symboltable, stringtable, codecache, dictionary, classloaderdatagraph, metaspace, jnihandles, c-heap and codecacheoops.

During the GC verification, only the sub-systems specified using VerifySubSet get verified: ` D:\tests>java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+VerifyBeforeGC -XX:VerifySubSet="threads,c-heap" -Xlog:gc+verify=debug Test [0.095s][debug ][gc,verify] Threads [0.099s][debug ][gc,verify] C-heap [0.105s][info ][gc,verify] Verifying Before GC (0.095s, 0.105s) 10.751ms [0.120s][debug ][gc,verify] Threads [0.124s][debug ][gc,verify] C-heap [0.130s][info ][gc,verify] Verifying Before GC (0.120s, 0.130s) 9.951ms [0.148s][debug ][gc,verify] Threads [0.152s][debug ][gc,verify] C-heap If any invalid memory sub-systems are specified with VerifySubSet, Java process exits with the following error message: `` D:\tests>java -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions -XX:+VerifyBeforeGC -XX:VerifySubSet="threads,c-heap,hello" -Xlog:gc+verify=debug oom Error occurred during initialization of VM VerifySubSet: 'hello' memory sub-system is unknown, please correct it ```


Change default GC to G1

In JDK 9, the default garbage collector is G1 when a garbage collector is not explicitly specified. G1 provides a better overall experience for most users when compared to a throughput-oriented collector such as the Parallel GC, which was previously the default.

The options to configure the G1 collector are documented in the java command page (link). See also JEP 248 for more information on this change.


Use Unified Logging for GC logging

The logging for all garbage collectors in HotSpot have been changed to make use of a new logging framework that is configured through the -Xlog command line option. The command line flags -XX:+PrintGC, -XX:+PrintGCDetails and -Xloggc have been deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release. They are currently mapped to similar -Xlog configurations. All other flags that were used to control garbage collection logging have been removed. See the documentation for -Xlog for details on how to now configure and control the logging. These are the flags that were removed:

CMSDumpAtPromotionFailure, CMSPrintEdenSurvivorChunks, G1LogLevel, G1PrintHeapRegions, G1PrintRegionLivenessInfo, G1SummarizeConcMark, G1SummarizeRSetStats, G1TraceConcRefinement, G1TraceEagerReclaimHumongousObjects, G1TraceStringSymbolTableScrubbing, GCLogFileSize, NumberOfGCLogFiles, PrintAdaptiveSizePolicy, PrintClassHistogramAfterFullGC, PrintClassHistogramBeforeFullGC, PrintCMSInitiationStatistics, PrintCMSStatistics, PrintFLSCensus, PrintFLSStatistics, PrintGCApplicationConcurrentTime, PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime, PrintGCCause, PrintGCDateStamps, PrintGCID, PrintGCTaskTimeStamps, PrintGCTimeStamps, PrintHeapAtGC, PrintHeapAtGCExtended, PrintJNIGCStalls, PrintOldPLAB, PrintParallelOldGCPhaseTimes, PrintPLAB, PrintPromotionFailure, PrintReferenceGC, PrintStringDeduplicationStatistics, PrintTaskqueue, PrintTenuringDistribution, PrintTerminationStats, PrintTLAB, TraceDynamicGCThreads, TraceMetadataHumongousAllocation, UseGCLogFileRotation, VerifySilently


Deprecate the flag -XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses

The flag -XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. A user can enable the same functionality by setting the two flags -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent and -XX:+ClassUnloadingWithConcurrentMark.


Remove deprecated command line flags

These internal command line flags, which have been deprecated or aliased since JDK 6, have been removed:

CMSParPromoteBlocksToClaim, ParCMSPromoteBlocksToClaim, ParallelGCOldGenAllocBufferSize, ParallelGCToSpaceAllocBufferSize, UseGCTimeLimit, CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled, ResizeTLE, PrintTLE, TLESize, UseTLE, MaxTLERatio, TLEFragmentationRatio, TLEThreadRatio

In addition to this, these internal flags have been deprecated:

CMSMarkStackSizeMax, ParallelMarkingThreads, ParallelCMSThreads, CMSMarkStackSize, G1MarkStackSize


Issue Description

javac creates output directories as needed.

Output directories required by javac, specified with the -d, -s, -h options, will be created if they do not already exist.


Replace `` with `java.nio.file.Path`

The javac compiler handles source files linked by symbolic links differently starting with this JDK release. Previous behavior would generate the class file in the same directory as the symbolic link target file. The new behavior will generate the class in the same directory as the source of the symbolic link file. To override this behavior, use the -d javac option to specify where to place generated class files.


implement eager resolution of return types

The compiler specification, see JLS8 18.5.2, modified the treatment of nested generic method invocations for which the return type is an inference variable. The compiler has been adapted to implement the new logic. This is important to minimize incompatibility with the javac 7 inference algorithm. Three cases are considered: - The return type needs to be captured - The return type needs to have unchecked conversion - The return type needs to be unboxed

The compiler update implies an eager resolution for generic method invocations, provided that the return type is an inference variable.


Add compile-time check for invalid or out-of-range ConstantValue attributes

The classfile format (see JVMS section 4.7.2) defines an attribute called ConstantValue which is used to describe the constant value associated with a given (constant) field. The layout of this attribute is as follows:

` ConstantValue_attribute { u2 attribute_name_index; u4 attribute_length; u2 constantvalue_index; } Historically,javachas never performed any kind of range validation of the value contained in the constant pool entry atconstantvalue_index. As such, it is possible for a constant field of type e.g.booleanto have a constant value other than0or1(the only legal values allowed for a boolean). Starting from <version>,javacwill start detecting ill-formedConstantValue` attributes, and report errors if out-of-range values are found.


Changes in the way javac handles wildcards and capture type variables

The javac compiler's behavior when handling wildcards and "capture" type variables has been improved for conformance to the language specification. This improves type checking behavior in certain unusual circumstances. It is also a source-incompatible change: certain uses of wildcards that have compiled in the past may fail to compile because of a program's reliance on the javac bug.


Missing unchecked warnings when checking method reference return types

javac does not generate unchecked warnings when checking method reference return types.

``` import java.util.function.; import java.util.;

class Test { void m() { IntFunction[]> sls = List[]::new; //warning Supplier> sls = this::l; //warning }

List l() { return null; } } ```

Starting from , javac will emit a warning when unchecked conversion is required for a method reference to be compatible with a functional interface target.

This change brings the compiler in sync with JLS section 15.13.2:

A compile-time unchecked warning occurs if unchecked conversion was necessary for the compile-time declaration to be applicable, and this conversion would cause an unchecked warning in an invocation context.


A compile-time unchecked warning occurs if unchecked conversion was necessary for the return type R', described above, to be compatible with the function type's return type, R, and this conversion would cause an unchecked warning in an assignment context.


Javac incorrectly allows receiver parameters in annotation methods

javac was erroneously accepting receiver parameters in annotations methods. This implies that tests cases like the one below were being accepted: ` @interface MethodRun { int value(MethodRun this); } The JLS 8, see JLS8 9.6.1, doesn't allow any formal parameter in annotation methods, this extends to receiver parameters. More specifically, the grammar for annotation types does not allow arbitrary method declarations, instead allowing only AnnotationTypeElementDeclarations. The allowed syntax is: `` AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration: {AnnotationTypeElementModifier} UnannType Identifier ( ) [Dims] [DefaultValue]; ``` Note that nothing is allowed between the parentheses.


Remove support for 1.5 and earlier source and target options

The javac command no longer supports -source or-target values for releases before 6/1.6. However, older class files are still readable by javac. Source code for older release can be ported to a newer source level. To generate class files usable by releases older than JDK 6, a javac from a JDK 6, 7, or 8 release family can be used.

JEP 182 documents the policy for retiring old -source and -target options.


Compiler will emit a warning if deprecated javadoc tag is used without @Deprecated annotation

If the javadoc deprecated tag is used on an element without it also being deprecated using the @Deprecated annotation, the compiler will by default produce a new warning to this effect.

The new warning can be suppressed either by adding the command line option -Xlint:-dep-ann to the javac command line or by using @SuppressWarnings("dep-ann") annotation (as with any other warning-suppressing annotation, it is always a good practice to add such an annotation as close to the member being deprecated as possible).

In a future version of Java SE, the compiler may no longer treat @deprecated javadoc tag as indicating formal deprecation.


Several incorporation steps are silently failing when an error should be reported

Reporting previously silent errors found during incorporation, JLS 8 §18.3, was supposed to be a clean-up with performance only implications. But consider the test case: ``` import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List;

class Klass { public static List> foo(List... lists) { return foo(Arrays.asList(lists)); }

public static <B> List<List<B>> foo(List<? extends List<? extends B>> lists) {
    return null;

} ``` This code was not accepted before the patch for [1], but after this patch the compiler is accepting it. Accepting this code is the right behavior as not reporting incorporation errors was a bug in the compiler.

While determining the applicability of method: ` <B> List<List<B>> foo(List<? extends List<? extends B>> lists) For which we have the constraints: `` b <: Object t <: List t<: Object List <: t ``` First, inference variable b is selected for instantiation: ``` b = CAP1 of ? extends A ``` so this implies that: ``` t <: List t<: Object List <: t ``` Now all the bounds are checked for consistency. While checking if List is a subtype of List a bound error is reported. Before the compiler was just swallowing it. As now the error is reported while inference variable b is being instantiated, the bound set is rolled back to it's initial state, 'b' is instantiated to Object, and with this instantiation the constraint set is solvable, the method is applicable, it's the only applicable one and the code is accepted as correct. The compiler behavior in this case is defined at JLS 8 §18.4

This fix has source compatibility impact, right now code that wasn't being accepted is now being accepted by the javac compiler. Currently there are no reports of any other kind of incompatibility.



Missing error in qualified default super call

Javac was not in sync with JLS 8 §15.12.1, specifically:

If the form is TypeName . super . [TypeArguments] Identifier, then: ... - Otherwise, TypeName denotes the interface to be searched, I.

Let T be the type declaration immediately enclosing the method invocation. It is a compile-time error if I is not a direct superinterface of T, or if there exists some other direct superclass or direct superinterface of T, J, such that J is a subtype of I.

So javac was not issuing a compiler error for cases like: ``` interface I { default int f(){return 0;} }

class J implements I {}

class T extends J implements I { public int f() { return I.super.f(); } } ``` The compiler had some checks for method invocations of the form:

TypeName . super . [TypeArguments] Identifier

but there was one issue. If TypeName is an interface I and T is the type declaration immediately enclosing the method invocation, the compiler must issue a compile-time error if there exists some other direct superclass or superinterface of T, let's call it J such that J is a subtype of I, as in the example above.


Update class file version to 53.0

When generating class files in conjunction with -target 9 (specified either explicitly or implicitly), javac will generate class files with a major version number of 53. For details of version 53 class files, see the Java Virtual Machine Specification.

The JDK classes themselves mostly use version 53 class files.

Tools or libraries that rely on ASM or other bytecode manipulation libraries may need updated versions of these libraries to work with version 53 class files.


Issue Description

Revamping the pretty print feature for Transformer and LSSerializer

The JAXP library through the Transformer and LSSerializer supports a pretty print feature that can format the output by adding whitespaces and newlines to produce a more readable form of an XML document. As of the JDK 9 release, this feature has been enhanced to generate a format similar to that of the major web browsers. In addition, the xml:space attribute as defined in the XML specification ( is now supported.

The Pretty-Print feature does not define the actual format. The output format can change over time or vary from implementation to implementation, and therefore should not be relied on for exact text comparison. It is recommended that such applications turn off the Pretty-Print feature and perform an XML to XML comparison.


Issue Description

java.util.prefs.Preferences now disallows the use of any String containing the null control character

The specification of the class java.util.prefs.Preferences was modified to disallow the use of any String containing the null control character, code point U+0000, in any String used as the key or value parameter in any of the abstract put(), get(), and remove methods. If such a character is detected, an IllegalArgumentException shall be thrown.

The specification of the class java.util.prefs.AbstractPreferences was modified according to the corresponding change in its superclass java.util.prefs.Preferences to disallow the use of any String containing the null control character, code point U+0000, in any String used as the key or value parameter in any of the put(), get(), and remove() method implementations. These method implementations were modified to throw an IllegalArgumentException upon encountering such a character in a key or value String in these contexts. Also, the class specification was modified to correct the erroneous reference to the flush() and sync() methods as returning a boolean value when they are in fact void.


Properties loadFromXML/storeToXML methods do not support all encodings

java.util.Properties defines the loadFromXML and storeToXML methods for Properties stored in XML documents. XML specifications only require XML processors to read entities in UTF-8 and UTF-16 and the API docs for these methods only require an implementation to support UTF-8 and UTF-16. The implementation of these methods has changed in JDK 9 to use a smaller XML parser which may impact applications that have been using these methods with other encodings. The new implementation does not support all encodings that the legacy implementation had support for, in particular it does not support UTF-32/UCS-4, IBM or x-IBM- encodings. For maximum portability, applications are encouraged to use UTF-8 and UTF-16.


java.util.UUID#fromString(String) now throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is too long

As part of the fix for JDK-8006627, a check of the String parameter of java.util.UUID.fromString(String) was added which will result in an IllegalArgumentException being thrown if the length of the parameter is greater than 36.


Default locale in java.util.Formatter related classes.

The specification of the default locales used in Formatter related classes has been clarified to designate the default locale for formatting (Locale.Category.FORMAT).


Issue Description

Set 32 or 64 bit JRE requirements in a JNLP file

Web Start applications can now specify requested JREs with their arch attributes, and select the first one available that matches, even if it is not the same arch (32 bit vs 64 bit) as the currently running JRE. For example, the JNLP content below would place first preference on 64 bit JDK8, and if not available, 32 bit JDK9: ` <resources arch="x86_64"> <java version="1.8"/> </resources> <resources arch="x86"> <java version="1.9"/> </resources> ` Note that in the above example, in order to launch a 64 bit 1.8 JRE, a 64 bit 9 JRE must be installed. If only a 32 bit 9 JRE is installed, the 64 bit 1.8 JRE is unavailable.


32/64-bit interoperability in Java Web Start

The ability to specify a preference to launch a Java Web Start application in 64-bit or 32-bit architectures is now supported, by adding the 'arch' attribute to the JNLP resources block.


Issue Description

JShell -- New tool and API for interactive Java

Provide an interactive tool to evaluate declarations, statements, and expressions of the Java programming language, together with an API so that other applications can leverage this functionality. Adds Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) functionality for Java.

The jshell tool accepts "snippets" of Java code, evaluating them and immediately displaying the results. Snippets include variable and method declarations without enclosing class. An expression snippet immediately shows its value. The jshell tool also accepts commands for displaying and controlling snippets.

The jshell tool is built on the JShell API, making the evaluation of snippets of Java code available any Java program.

See: - jshell tool User's Guide - jshell tool Reference - JShell API Specification - JShell module specification


Issue Description

VP6 video and FXM/FLV container are deprecated

Support for VP6 video encoding format and FXM/FLV container are deprecated in JavaFX Media and it will be removed in a future release. Users encouraged to use H.264/AVC1 in MP4 container or HTTP Live Streaming instead.


Issue Description

Support for serialized applets removed

Support for serialized applets has been removed. The "OBJECT" attribute of the <APPLET> tag and "object" and "java_object" applet parameter tags will no longer be recognized during applet launching, and will be ignored.


AppleScript scripting engine has been removed

The AppleScript engine implementing javax.script engine API has been removed without replacement. The AppleScript engine has worked inconsistently. The services configuration (META-INF/services) file was missing and only worked by accident when installing JDK 7 or JDK 8 on systems that had Apple's version of AppleScriptEngine.jar already on the system.


Issue Description

Remove the JDK-Internal name service provider interface and default implementation

Previous JDK releases documented how to configure to use the JNDI DNS service provider as the name service. This mechanism, and the system properties to configure it, have been removed in JDK 9

A new mechanism to configure the use of a hosts file has been introduced.

A new system property has been defined. When this system property is set, the name and address resolution calls of InetAddress, i.e getByXXX, retrieve the relevant mapping from the specified file. The structure of this file is equivalent to that of the /etc/hosts file.

When the system property is set, and the specified file doesn't exist, the name or address lookup will result in an UnknownHostException. Thus, a non existent hosts file is handled as if the file is empty.


The netdoc URL protocol Handler is removed

The netdoc protocol handler has been removed in JDK 9. Code that attempts to construct a with the netdoc protocol, for example "netdoc:" will throw a MalformedURLException.

The netdoc protocol was used to point to network documents either on the local file system or externally through an HTTP URL. This capability is essentially defunct and is not supported by Safari, Firefox, and other major browsers.


Modified HttpURLConnection behavior when no suitable proxy is found

The behavior of HttpURLConnection when using a ProxySelector has been modified with this JDK release. HttpURLConnection used to fall back to a DIRECT connection attempt if the configured proxy(s) failed to make a connection. This release introduces a change whereby no DIRECT connection will be attempted in such a scenario. Instead, the HttpURLConnection.connect() method will fail and throw an IOException which occurred from the last proxy tested.

Modified HttpURLConnection Behavior When a Suitable Proxy Is Not Found

The behavior of HttpURLConnection when using ProxySelector has been modified in this JDK release. HttpURLConnection used to fall back to a direct connection attempt if the configured proxy(s) failed to make a connection. Beginning with this release, the default behavior has been changed to no longer use a direct connection when the first proxy connection attempt fails.

A new system property,, can be set to a value of "true" should an application need to fall back to the old behavior (fall back to a direct connection when the first proxy connection attempt fails).


Allow use of SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH on Microsoft Windows

Applications running on server editions of Microsoft Windows that make heavy use of loopback connections may see latency and performance improvements if SIOLOOPBACKFASTPATH is enabled. The system property "" controls whether the JDK enables SIOLOOPBACKFASTPATH on Microsoft Windows. It is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting the system property on the command line with or


Platforms without multicasting support

In Java SE 9 the requirement to support multicasting has been somewhat relaxed, in order to support a small number of platforms where multicasting is not available. The specification for the and the java.nio.channels.MulticastChannel::join methods has been updated to indicate that an UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown if invoked on a platform that does not support multicasting.

There is no impact to Oracle JDK platforms, since they do support multicasting.


The lib/ file has been removed

The lib/ file has been removed from the Java run-time image. The lib/ file contained the default MIME content-types table used to map content type to file extension, etc, and is used primarily by the URLConnection API. The lib/ file was never intended to be user editable. Instead there is a system property, content.types.user.table, that allows one to define their own content types.

See JDK-8039362, for further details on the use of content.types.user.table.


Issue Description

Running jps as root does not show all information

After the fix of [] (fixed in 8u31, 7u75 and 6u91), running jps as root did not show all the information from Java processes started by other users on some systems. This has now been fixed.


jhat tool removed.

The experimental/unsupported jhat tool has been removed.


management-agent.jar is removed.

management-agent.jar has been removed. Tools that have been using the Attach API to load this agent into a running VM should be aware that the Attach API has been updated in JDK 9 to define two new methods for starting a management agent: * agentProperties) *


Issue Description

Agent JAR added to app class loader rather than system class loader when running with -Djava.system.class.loader

When running a java application with the options "-javaagent:myagent.jar -Djava.system.classloader=MyClassLoader", myagent.jar is added to the custom system class loader rather than the application class loader.

In addition, the java.lang.instrument package description has a small update making it clear that a custom system class loader needs to define appendToClassPathForInstrumentation in order to load the agent at startup. Before custom system class loaders were required to implement this method only if the agents are started in the live phase (Agent_OnAttach).


Issue Description

JavaFX impl_* methods have been removed

Several deprecated and undocumented "impl_*" methods have been removed from JDK 9.

In prior releases, many public JavaFX classes in exported packages had public or protected implementation methods that were named with "impl_*" in the name, marked as "@Deprecated" with the stated intention of removing them, and hidden from the API documentation with the "@treatAsPrivate" javadoc tag.

These methods were never supported and were not intended to be used by applications. JavaFX applications that were using these undocumented methods will need to stop calling them.


Issue Description

IANA Data 2016a

JDK contains IANA time zone data version 2016a. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.


UTF-8 based Properties Files

Properties files in UTF-8 encoding are now supported by ResourceBundle, with automatic fall back to ISO-8859-1 encoding if needed. For more detail, refer to PropertiyResourceBundle class description.


Provide a better migration path for ResourceBundleControlProvider

In releases through JDK 8, SPI implementations of java.util.spi.ResourceBundleControlProvider were loaded using Java Extension Mechanism. In JDK 9, this mechanism is no longer available. Instead, SPI implementations may be placed on an application's class path.


Use CLDR locale data by default

In JDK 9, the default locale data uses data derived from the Unicode Consortium's Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR). As a result, users may see differences in locale sensitive services behavior and/or translations. For example, CLDR does not provide localized display names for most 3-letter time zone IDs, thus the display names may be different from JDK 8 and older. The JDK continues to ship with the legacy JRE locale data and the system property java.locale.providers can be used to configure the lookup order. To enable behavior compatible with JDK 8, the system property can be set with:


For more detail, refer to the JEP 252.


SPI based locale sensitive services need to be explicitly specified

The default locale data provider lookup does not load SPI based locale sensitive services. If it is needed, the system property "java.locale.providers" needs to designate "SPI" explicitly. For more detail, refer to LocaleServiceProvider.


Locale sensitive SPI and Input Method SPI implementations are now loaded from application's classpath

Prior to JDK 9, SPI implementations of, java.text.spi, and java.util.spi packages used the Java Extension Mechanism. In JDK 9, this mechanism has been removed. SPI implementations should now be deployed on the application class path or as module on the module path.


Issue Description

Deprecate Object.finalize

The java.lang.Object.finalize method has been deprecated. The finalization mechanism is inherently problematic and can lead to performance issues, deadlocks, and hangs. The java.lang.ref.Cleaner and java.lang.ref.PhantomReference provide more flexible and efficient ways to release resources when an object becomes unreachable. For further information, please see the java.lang.Object.finalize method specification.


Phantom references are automatically cleared as soft and weak references

This enhancement changes phantom references to be automatically cleared by the garbage collector as soft and weak references.

An object becomes phantom reachable after it has been finalized. This change may cause the phantom reachable objects to be GC'ed earlier - previously the referent is kept alive until PhantomReference objects are GC'ed or cleared by the application. This potential behavioral change might only impact existing code that would depend on PhantomReference being enqueued rather than when the referent be freed from the heap.


Spec update of ClassLoader.getResourceXXXXX() : @throws NPE

The spec of the following java.lang.ClassLoader methods for locating a resource by name are updated to throw NullPointerException when the specified name is null: ` getResource(String) getResourceAsStream(String) getResources(String) ` Custom class loader implementations that override these methods should be updated accordingly to conform to this spec.


Unicode 8 support

The JDK 9 release includes support for Unicode 8.0. Since the release of JDK 8, which supported Unicode 6.2.0, the Unicode 8.0 introduced the following new features that are now included in JDK 9:

  • 10,555 new characters

  • 42 new blocks

  • 29 scripts

  • 10,555 new characters; Includes Georgian Lari currency symbol. Two newly adopted currency symbols: Manat, used in Azerbaijan & Ruble, used in Russia and other countries.

  • 29 new scripts : Ahom Anatolian Hieroglyphs Bassa Vah Caucasian Albanian Duployan Elbasan Grantha Hatran Khojki Khudawadi Linear A Mahajani Manichaean Mende Kikakui Modi Mro Multani Nabataean Old Hungarian Old North Arabian Old Permic Pahawh Hmong Palmyrene Pau Cin Hau Psalter Pahlavi Siddham Sutton SignWriting Tirhuta Warang Citi

  • 42 new blocks which includes 29 blocks for the new scripts listed above and 13 blocks for the following existing scripts: Cherokee Supplement CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E Combining Diacritical Marks Extended Coptic Epact Numbers Early Dynastic Cuneiform Geometric Shapes Extended Latin Extended-E Myanmar Extended-B Ornamental Dingbats Shorthand Format Controls Sinhala Archaic Numbers Supplemental Arrows-C Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs


Deprecation of Boxed Primitive Constructors

Classes Boolean, Byte, Short, Character, Integer, Long, Float, and Double are "box" classes that correspond to primitive types. The constructors of these classes have been deprecated.

Given a value of the corresponding primitive type, it is generally unnecessary to construct new instances of these box classes. The recommended alternatives to construction are autoboxing or the valueOf static factory methods. In most cases, autoboxing will work, so an expression whose type is a primitive can be used in locations where a box class is required. This is covered in the Java Language Specification, section 5.1.7, "Boxing Conversion." For example, given List<Integer> intList, the code to add an Integer might be as follows: ` intList.add(new Integer(347)); This can be replaced with: `` intList.add(347); ` Autoboxing should not be used in places where it might affect overload resolution. For example, there are two overloads of the `List.remove` method: List.remove(int i) // removes the element at index i List.remove(Object obj) // removes an element equal to obj `` The code to remove the Integer value 347 might be as follows: ` intList.remove(new Integer(347)); If this code is changed in an attempt to use autoboxing: `` intList.remove(347); `` This will not remove theInteger` value 347, but instead it will resolve to the other overloaded method, and it will attempt to remove the element at index 347.

Autoboxing cannot be used in such cases. Instead, code should be changed to use the valueOf static factory method: ` intList.remove(Integer.valueOf(347)); `

Autoboxing is preferable from a readability standpoint, but a safer transformation is to replace calls to the box constructors with calls to the valueOf static factory method.

Using autoboxing or the valueOf method reduces memory footprint compared to the constructors, as the integral box types will generally cache and reuse instances corresponding to small values. The special case of Boolean has static fields for the two cached instances, namely Boolean.FALSE and Boolean.TRUE.

With the exception of Character, the box classes also have constructors that take a String argument. These parse and convert the string value and return a new instance of the box class. A valueOf overload taking a String is the equivalent static factory method for this constructor. Usually it's preferable to call one of the parse methods (Integer.parseInt, Double.parseDouble, etc.) which convert the string and return primitive values instead of boxed instances.


Change SecurityManager checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboard, checkAccessAwtEventQueueAccess to check AllPermission

The deprecated checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboard, and checkAccessAwtEventQueueAccess in java.lang.SecurityManager have been changed to check AllPermission, they no longer check AWTPermission. Libraries that invoke these SecurityManager methods to do permission checks may require users of the library to change their policy files.


JEP 254: Compact Strings

In JDK 9 the internal character storage of the java.lang.String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer classes has been changed from a UTF-16 char array to a byte array plus a one-byte encoding-flag field. The new storage representation stores/encodes the characters either as ISO-8859-1/Latin-1 (one byte per character), or as UTF-16 (two bytes per character), based upon the contents of the string. The newly added encoding flag field indicates which encoding is used. This feature reduces, by 50%, the amount of space required for String objects to store the characters if the String object only contains single-byte/ latin-1 characters.

A new jvm option -XX:-CompactStrings has been introduced in JDK 9 to disable this feature, which might be worth considering when - It is known that the String objects used in jvm/application will be overwhelmingly multi-byte character Strings. - In the unexpected event where a severe performance regression is observed in migrating from JDK 8 to JDK 9 and the analysis concludes the Compact String representation is the reason.


Deprecation of Boxed Primitive Constructors

Classes Boolean, Byte, Short, Character, Integer, Long, Float, and Double are "box" classes that correspond to primitive types. The constructors of these classes have been deprecated.

Given a value of the corresponding primitive type, it is generally unnecessary to construct new instances of these box classes. The recommended alternatives to construction are autoboxing or the valueOf static factory methods. In most cases, autoboxing will work, so an expression whose type is a primitive can be used in locations where a box class is required. This is covered in the Java Language Specification, section 5.1.7, "Boxing Conversion." For example, given List<Integer> intList, the code to add an Integer might be as follows: ` intList.add(new Integer(347)); This can be replaced with: `` intList.add(347); ` Autoboxing should not be used in places where it might affect overload resolution. For example, there are two overloads of the `List.remove` method: List.remove(int i) // removes the element at index i List.remove(Object obj) // removes an element equal to obj `` The code to remove the Integer value 347 might be as follows: ` intList.remove(new Integer(347)); If this code is changed in an attempt to use autoboxing: `` intList.remove(347); `` This will not remove theInteger` value 347, but instead it will resolve to the other overloaded method, and it will attempt to remove the element at index 347.

Autoboxing cannot be used in such cases. Instead, code should be changed to use the valueOf static factory method: ` intList.remove(Integer.valueOf(347)); `

Autoboxing is preferable from a readability standpoint, but a safer transformation is to replace calls to the box constructors with calls to the valueOf static factory method.

Using autoboxing or the valueOf method reduces memory footprint compared to the constructors, as the integral box types will generally cache and reuse instances corresponding to small values. The special case of Boolean has static fields for the two cached instances, namely Boolean.FALSE and Boolean.TRUE.

With the exception of Character, the box classes also have constructors that take a String argument. These parse and convert the string value and return a new instance of the box class. A valueOf overload taking a String is the equivalent static factory method for this constructor. Usually it's preferable to call one of the parse methods (Integer.parseInt, Double.parseDouble, etc.) which convert the string and return primitive values instead of boxed instances.

Deprecation Warnings Introduced

Several APIs have been deprecated in Java SE 9. This will cause javac to emit a variety of warnings during compilation. A deprecation warning will be emitted at the use site of an API deprecated with forRemoval=false. A removal warning will be emitted at the use site of an API deprecated with forRemoval=true.

A deprecation or removal warning is a recommendation that code be migrated away from the deprecated API. A removal warning is particularly strenuous, as it is an indication that the deprecated API will generally be removed from the next major release of the platform. However, it is not always practical to migrate code immediately. Therefore, two mechanisms have been provided for controlling the warnings that are emitted by javac: command-line options and annotations in source code.

The javac command-line options -Xlint:deprecation and -Xlint:removal will enable the respective warning types, and -Xlint:-deprecation and -Xlint:-removal will disable the respective warning types. Note that removal warnings are enabled by default.

The other mechanism is to add the @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") or @SuppressWarnings("removal") annotation to the source code. This annotation can be added at the declaration of a module, class, method, field, or local variable to suppress the respective warning types emitted within that declaration.

For further information about deprecation, see JEP 277 and the documentation for the java.lang.Deprecated annotation type.


java.lang.ref.Reference.enqueue method clears the reference object before enqueuing

java.lang.ref.Reference.enqueue method clears the reference object before it is added to the registered queue. When the enqueue method is called, the reference object is cleared and get() method will return null in JDK 9.

Typically when a reference object is enqueued, it is expected that the reference object is cleared explicitly via the clear method to avoid memory leak because its referent is no longer referenced. In other words the get method is expected not to be called in common cases once the enqueuemethod is called. In the case when the get method from an enqueued reference object and existing code attempts to access members of the referent, NullPointerException may be thrown. Such code will need to be updated.


Issue Description

New default -sigalg and -keysize for jarsigner and keytool

Default signature algorithms for jarsigner and keytool are determined by both the algorithm and the key size of the private key which makes use of comparable strengths as defined in Tables 2 and 3 of NIST SP 800-57 Part 1-Rev.4. Specifically, for a DSA or RSA key with a key size greater than 7680 bits, or an EC key with a key size greater than or equal to 512 bits, SHA-512 will be used as the hash function for the signature algorithm. For a DSA or RSA key with a key size greater than 3072 bits, or an EC key with a key size greater than or equal to 384 bits, SHA-384 will be used. Otherwise, SHA-256 will be used. The value may change in the future.

For DSA keys, the default key size for keytool has changed from 1024 bits to 2048 bits.

There are a few potential compatibility risks associated with these changes:

  1. If you use jarsigner to sign JARs with the new defaults, previous versions (than this release) might not support the stronger defaults and will not be able to verify the JAR. jarsigner -verify on such a release will output the following error: ` jar is unsigned. (signatures missing or not parsable) If you thejarsignercommand line, the cause will be output: `` jar: processEntry caught: SHA256withDSA Signature not available `` If compatibility with earlier releases is important, you can, at your own risk, use the-sigalgoption ofjarsigner` and specify the weaker SHA1withDSA algorithm.

  2. If you use a PKCS11 keystore, the SunPKCS11 provider may not support the SHA256withDSA algorithm. jarsigner and some keytool commands may fail with the following exception if PKCS11 is specified with the -storetype option, ex:

    ` keytool error: No installed provider supports this key:$P11PrivateKey A similar error may occur if you are using NSS with the SunPKCS11 provider. The workaround is to use the-sigalgoption ofkeytool` and specify SHA1withDSA.

  3. If you have a script that uses the default key size of keytool to generate a DSA keypair but then subsequently specifies a specific signature algorithm, ex: ` keytool -genkeypair -keyalg DSA -keystore keystore -alias mykey ... keytool -certreq -sigalg SHA1withDSA -keystore keystore -alias mykey ... it will fail with one of the following exceptions, because the new 2048-bit keysize default is too strong for SHA1withDSA: `` keytool error: The security strength of SHA-1 digest algorithm is not sufficient for this key size keytool error: DSA key must be at most 1024 bits ```

    You will see a similar error if you use jarsigner to sign JARs using the new 2048-bit DSA key with -sigalg SHA1withDSA set.

    The workaround is to remove the -sigalg option and use the stronger SHA256withDSA default or, at your own risk, use the -keysize option of keytool to create new keys of a smaller key size (1024).

See JDK-8057810, JDK-8056174 and JDK-8138766 for more details.


Issue Description

Marlin Renderer in JDK 8u

Starting from version 8u311, the Marlin graphics rasterizer and its artifacts will be built and distributed as a part of the JDK/JRE bundles. It is not the default rendering engine, however there is an option to enable it by setting the following system property:



Value of java.awt.font.OpenType.TAG_OPBD is incorrect

The value of the static final int field java.awt.font.OpenType.TAG_OPBD was incorrect

It was erroneously using the same value as TAG_MORT 0x6D6F7274UL and it has been changed to the correct 0x6F706264UL

Although this is strictly an incompatible binary change the likelihood of any practical impact on applications is near zero. The opbd table is used only in AAT fonts: and as such is likely to be extremely rare in the wild as they are natively understood only by MacOS and iOS. This table is not critical to rendering of text by Java or anything else. As such nothing goes looking for the table and nothing inside JDK utilises any part of this class.

The JDK does not provide a way to directly utilize these values. No Java API currently exists that accepts them and the class can not become useful unless an additional Java API is added.

Even if an application were to use it by passing the Java field's value to some custom native code to look up a table then it is likely to return "null" both before and afterward since: 1) the opbd table is extremely rare. 2) the "mort" table that the old value located is already replaced in all fonts on OSX by the "morx" table.

A representative sampling of 6 OS X fonts found none of them to have either table


Remove the com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package

com.sun.image.codec.jpeg has been shipped as a non-standard API since JDK 1.2. It was always advertised as a stop-gap measure until a proper standard equivalent was provided. That replacement (javax.imageio) has been there since JDK 1.4. As a result JDK 9 finally removes the long deprecated com.sun.image.codec.jpeg API which has been flagged as intended for removal for several releases. Applications which still depend on it will need to be re-coded in order to run on JDK9.


Issue Description

Message digest algorithms are now enabled by default for SunPKCS11 provider on Solaris

SunPKCS11 provider has re-enabled support for various message digest algorithms such as MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 on Solaris. If you are using Solaris 10 and experience a CloneNotSupportedException or PKCS11 error CKRSAVEDSTATE_INVALID, you should verify and apply the following patches or newer versions of them: 150531-02 on sparc 150636-01 on x86


Issue Description

Binary format for HPROF updated

When dumping the heap in binary format, HPROF format 1.0.2 is always used now. Previously, format 1.0.1 was used for heaps smaller than 2GB. HPROF format 1.0.2 is also used by jhsdb jmap for the serviceability agent.


Issue Description

SA-JDI has been removed

The Serviceability Agent (SA) Core and PID debugger Connectors have been removed in this release. It is no longer possible to use a Java Debugger to attach to a core file or process with the SA mechanism.


'jsadebugd' command has been replaced by 'jhsdb debugd' command.

The jsadebugd command to start remote debug server can now be launched from the common SA launcher jhsdb .

The new command to start remote debug server is jhsdb debugd .


Issue Description

References to java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages were removed from the public API

All methods that refer to types defined in the java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages (the "peer types") were removed from the Java API in Java SE 9 . Application code which calls any such method which accepts or returns a type defined in these packages will no longer link. This is a BINARY incompatible change.

Additional information is provided here:


Issue Description

New system property for the remote JMX connector

New JMX agent property -

A new property,, is introduced that specifies the bind address for the default JMX agent. If the latter is not specified, the default JMX agent will listen on all interfaces ( and the host value placed in the agent service URL (JMXServiceURL) is the IP address returned from invocation of InetAddress.getLocalHost() method.

  • Name:
  • Definition : Specifies the bind address for the default JMX agent. It can be specified via the command line while starting the JVM or as part of the agent config file (
  • Value: IP address of any network interface of the machine


Define ConstructorParameters annotation type for MXBeans

A new annotation in the module is introduced.

The newly introduced annotation will be 1:1 copy of @java.beans.ConstructorProperties. Constructors annotated by @java.beans.ConstructorProperties will still be recognized and processed.

In case a constructor is annotated by both and @java.beans.ConstructorProperties only the will be used.


New ManagementAgent.status diagnostic command added.

A new ManagementAgent.status diagnostic command is introduced for querying the JMX agent's status.

The status will be relayed to the user in the following form: ``` Agent: ( ConnectionType: Protocol: Host: URL: ( Properties: ( = )+ )? )+

Where: means an arbitrary value | means 'or' ( and ) denote a block + block repeats one or more times ? block appears at most once ```


Issue Description

New JVM Options: ExitOnOutOfMemoryError and CrashOnOutOfMemoryError

Two new JVM flags have been added:

ExitOnOutOfMemoryError When you enable this option, the JVM exits on the first occurrence of an out-of-memory error. It can be used if you prefer restarting an instance of the JVM rather than handling out of memory errors.

CrashOnOutOfMemoryError If this option is enabled, when an out-of-memory error occurs, the JVM crashes and produces text and binary crash files (if core files are enabled).


Update JNI Version Number

The current version of the Java Native Interface (JNI) needs to be updated due to the addition of new application programmatic interfaces to support Jigsaw. JNI_VERSION_9 was added with a value of 0x00090000 to the available versions and CurrentVersion was changed to this new value.


Enforce format checks for NameAndType strings

This change enforces the unqualified name format checks for NameAndType strings as outlined in the JVM specification sections 4.4.6 and 4.2.2, meaning that some illegal names and descriptors that users may be utilizing in their classfiles will now be caught with a Class Format Error. This includes format checking for all strings under non-referenced NameAndType's. Users will see a change if they (A) are using Java classfile version 6 or below and have an illegal NameAndType descriptor with no Methodref or Fieldref reference to it; or (B) are using any Java classfile version and have an illegal NameAndType name with no Methodref or Fieldref reference to it.

In both (A) and (B) the users will now receive a ClassFormatError for those illegal strings, which is an enforcement of unqualified name formats as delineated in JVMS 4.2.2.


os::set_native_thread_name() cleanups

On platforms that support the concept of a thread name on their native threads, the java.lang.Thread.setName() method will also set that native thread name. However, this will only occur when called by the current thread, and only for threads started through the java.lang.Thread class (not for native threads that have attached via JNI). The presence of a native thread name can be useful for debugging and monitoring purposes. Some platforms may limit the native thread name to a length much shorter than that used by the java.lang.Thread, which may result in some threads having the same native name.


VM Options "-Xoss", "-Xsqnopause", "-Xoptimize" and "-Xboundthreads" are obsolete

The VM Options "-Xoss", "-Xsqnopause", "-Xoptimize" and "-Xboundthreads" are obsolete in JDK 9 and are ignored. Use of these options will result in a warning being issued in JDK 9 and they may be removed completely in a future release.

The VM Options "-Xoss", "-Xsqnopause", "-Xoptimize" options were already silently ignored for a long time.

The VM Option "-Xboundthreads" was only needed on Solaris 8/9 (when using the T1 threading library).


Removal of rarely used sun.misc.Unsafe methods

The methods monitorEnter, monitorExit and tryMonitorEnter on sun.misc.Unsafe are removed in JDK 9. These methods are not used within the JDK itself and are very rarely used outside of the JDK.


Deprecate FlatProfiler

The VM Option "-Xprof" is deprecated in JDK 9 and will be removed in a future release. The option provides some profiling data for code being executed to standard output. Better data can be gathered with other tools such as Java Flight Recorder and therefore "-Xprof" will no longer be available in a future release.


Stack overflow can cause segfaults on Linux

Some linux kernel versions (including, but not limited to 3.13.0-121-generic and 4.4.0-81-generic) are known to contain an incorrect fix for a linux kernel stack overflow issue (See CVE-2017-1000364). The incorrect fix can trigger crashes in the Java Virtual Machine. Upgrading the kernel to a version that includes the corrected fix addresses the problem.


JNIDetachReleasesMonitors is obsolete

The -XX:-JNIDetachReleasesMonitors flag requested that the VM run in a pre-JDK 6 compatibility mode with regard to not releasing monitors when a JNI attached thread detaches. This option is obsolete in JDK 9, and is ignored, as the VM always conforms to the JNI Specification and releases monitors. Use of this option will result in a warning being issued in JDK 9 and it may be removed completely in a future release.


VM Options AdaptiveSizePausePolicy and ParallelGCRetainPLAB are obsolete

The VM Options -XX:AdaptiveSizePausePolicy and -XX:ParallelGCRetainPLAB are obsolete in JDK 9 and are ignored. Use of these options will result in a warning being issued in JDK 9 and they may be removed completely in a future release.

The VM Option -XX:AdaptiveSizePausePolicy has been unused for some time.

The VM Option -XX:ParallelGCRetainPLAB was a diagnostic flag relating to garbage collector combinations that no longer exist.

VM Options AdjustConcurrency and PrintJVMWarnings are removed

The VM Options -XX:AdjustConcurrency and -XX:PrintJVMWarnings are removed from JDK 9.

The VM option -XX:AdjustConcurrency was only needed on Solaris 8/9 (when using the T1 threading library).

The VM option -XX:PrintJVMWarnings was a development option only used by unimplemented VM functions that have themselves been removed in JDK 9.


New property jdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize

When a large TLS (Thread local storage) size is set for Threads, the JVM results in a stack overflow exception. The reason for this behavior is that the reaper thread was created with a low stack size of 32768k. When a large TLS size is set, it steals space from the threads stack, which eventually results in a stack overflow. This is a known glibc bug. To overcome this issue, we have introduced a workaround (jdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize) in which the user can set the reaper threads stack size to a default instead of to 32768. This gives the reaper thread a bigger stack size, so for a large TLS size, such as 32k, the process will not fail. Users can set this flag in one of two ways: 1. -Djdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize=true 2. System.setProperty("jdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize", "true")

The problem has been observed only when JVM is started from JNI code in which TLS is declared using "__thread"


Make -Xshare:auto the default for server VM

We expect CDS to be widely used with the Server VM. However, the current default CDS setting for Server VM is -Xshare:off. This makes it cumbersome to use CDS.

We should change the default to -Xshare:auto, so as long as a CDS archive exists in the JDK, CDS will be automatically used without specifying extra flags.

In JDK 8 and before, RewriteBytecodes was disabled when CDS was enabled. This caused performance degradation in the Server Compiler (aka C2). However this has been fixed in JDK-8074345 since JDK 9, so there's no longer need to disable CDS by default with the Server VM.

The proposed change is to remove this block of code


// Shared spaces work fine with other GCs but causes bytecode rewriting // to be disabled, which hurts interpreter performance and decreases // server performance. When -server is specified, keep the default off // unless it is asked for. Future work: either add bytecode rewriting // at link time, or rewrite bytecodes in non-shared methods. if (isservercompilationmodevm() && !DumpSharedSpaces && !RequireSharedSpaces && (FLAGISDEFAULT(UseSharedSpaces) || !UseSharedSpaces)) { nosharedspaces("COMPILER2 default: -Xshare:auto | off, have to manually setup to on."); }



Issue Description

Loggers with handlers configured from the configuration file will not be garbage collected until LogManager.reset is called.

When a logger has a handler configured in the logging configuration file (using the <logger>.handlers property), a reference to that logger will be internally kept by the LogManager until LogManager.reset() is called, in order to ensure that the associated handlers are properly closed on reset. As a consequence, such loggers won't be garbage collected until LogManager.reset() is called. An application that needs to allow garbage collection of these loggers before reset is called can revert to the old behaviour by additionally specifying <logger>.handlers.ensureCloseOnReset=false in the logging configuration file. Note however that doing so will reintroduce the resource leak that JDK-8060132 is fixing. Such an application must therefore take the responsibility of keeping the logger alive as long as it is needed, and close any handler attached to it before the logger gets garbage collected. See LogManager API documentation for more details.


java.util.logging.Formatter::formatMessage API specification has been clarified, and its implementation fixed.

java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage API specification specified that MessageFormat would be called if the message string contained "{0". In practice MessageFormat was called if the message string contained either "{0", "{1", "{2" or "{3".

In Java SE 9, the specification and implementation of this method have been changed to call MessageFormat if the message string contains "{<digit>", where <digit> is in [0..9].

In practice, this should be transparent for calling applications.

The only case where an application might see a behaviour change is if the application passes a format string that does not contain any formatter of the form "{0", "{1", "{2" or "{3", but contains "{<digit>" with <digit> within [4..9], along with an array of parameters that contains at least <digit>+1 elements, and depends on MessageFormat not to be called. In that case the method will return a formatted message instead of the format string.


A new configurable property in java.util.logging.FileHandler.maxLocks

A new "java.util.logging.FileHandler.maxLocks" configurable property is added to java.util.logging.FileHandler.

This new logging property can be defined in the logging configuration file and makes it possible to configure the maximum number of concurrent log file locks a FileHandler can handle. The default value is 100.

In a highly concurrent environment where multiple (more than 101) standalone client applications are using the JDK Logging API with FileHandler simultaneously, it may happen that the default limit of 100 is reached, resulting in a failure to acquire FileHandler file locks and causing an IO Exception to be thrown. In such a case, the new logging property can be used to increase the maximum number of locks before deploying the application.

If not overridden, the default value of maxLocks (100) remains unchanged. See java.util.logging.LogManager and java.util.logging.FileHandler API documentation for more details.

System Property Controls the java.util.logging.FileHandler's MAX_LOCKS Limit

A new JDK implementation specific system property jdk.internal.FileHandlerLogging.maxLocks has been introduced to control the java.util.logging.FileHandler MAXLOCKS limit. The default value of the current MAXLOCKS (100) is retained if this new system property is not set or an invalid value is provided to the property. Valid values for this property are integers ranging from 1 to Integer.MAX_VALUE-1.


Precision of time stamps in java.util.logging.LogRecord has been increased

LogRecord now stores the event time in the form of a java.time.Instant. XMLFormatter DTD is upgraded to print the new higher time resolution.

In Java SE 9 java.util.logging is updated to use java.time instead of System.currentTimeMillis() and java.util.Date. This allows for higher time stamp precision in LogRecord.

As a consequence, the implementation of the methods getMillis() and setMillis(long) in java.util.logging.LogRecord has been changed to use java.lang.Instant, and the method setMillis(long) has been deprecated in favor of the new method LogRecord.setInstant(java.time.Instant). The java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter has been updated to pass a java.time.ZonedDateTime object instead of java.util.Date to String.format. The java.util.logging.XMLFormatter has been updated to print a new optional <nanos> XML element after the <millis> element. The <nanos> element contains a nano seconds adjustment to the number of milliseconds printed in the <millis> element. The XMLFormatter will also print the full java.time.Instant in the <date> field, using the java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT formatter.

Compatibility with previous releases:

The LogRecord serial form, while remaining fully backward/forward compatible, now contains an additional serial nanoAdjustment field of type int, which corresponds to a nano seconds adjustment to the number of milliseconds contained in the serial millis field. If a LogRecord is serialized and transmitted to an application running on a previous release of the JDK, the application will simply see a LogRecord with a time truncated at the millisecond resolution. Similarly, if a LogRecord serialized by an application running on a previous release of the JDK, is transmitted to an application running on Java SE 9 or later, only the millisecond resolution will be available.

Applications that parse logs produced by the XMLFormatter, and which perform validation, may need to be upgraded with the newer version of the logger.dtd, available in the appendix A of the Logging Overview. In order to mitigate the compatibilty risks, the XMLFormatter class (and subclasses) can be configured to revert to the old XML format from Java SE 8 and before. See the java.util.logging.XMLFormatter API documentation for more details.

There could also be an issue if a subclass of LogRecord overrides getMillis/setMillis without calling the implementation of the super class. In that case, the event time as seen by the formatters and other classes may be wrong, as these have been updated to no longer call getMillis() but use getInstant() instead.


Remove LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods

The deprecated addPropertyListener and removePropertyListener methods have been removed from java.util.logging.LogManager. Code that relies on a listener to be invoked when logging configuration changes should use the new addConfigurationListener and removeConfigurationListener methods instead.


LogManager.readConfiguration will no longer propagate IllegalArgumentException directly when the logging configuration property file contains invalid unicode escape sequences.

LogManager.readConfiguration calls Properties.load, which may throw IllegalArgumentException if it encounters an invalid unicode escape sequence in the input stream. In previous versions of the JDK, the IllegalArgumentException was simply propagated to the caller. This was however in violation of the specification, since LogManager.readConfiguration is not specified to throw IllegalArgumentException. Instead, it is specified to throw IOException ''if there are problems reading from the stream''. In Java SE 9, LogManager.readConfiguration will no longer propagate such IllegalArgumentException directly, but will wrap it inside an IOException in order to conform to the specification.


Issue Description

Attach API cannot be used to attach to the current VM by default

The implementation of Attach API has changed in JDK 9 to disallow attaching to the current VM by default. This change should have no impact on tools that use the Attach API to attach to a running VM. It may impact libraries that mis-use this API as a way to get at the java.lang.instrument API. The system property jdk.attach.allowAttachSelf may be set on the command line to mitigate any compatibility with this change.


Module System

Java SE and the JDK have been significantly updated by the introduction of the Java Platform Module System (JSR 376) and using the module system to modularize the Java SE Platform and the JDK. The compatibility issues due to the changes are documented in the "Risks and Assumptions" section of JEP 261 and also summarized here.

  • All JDK internal classes are now encapsulated at compile-time. Using javac to compile source code with references to JDK internal classes will now fail. This differs to previous releases where javac emitted warnings of the form "XXX is an internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release". JEP 261 documents the --add-exports option which may be used as a temporary workaround to compile source code with references to JDK internal classes.

  • All JDK internal classes are also encapsulated at run-time but most remain accessible to applications and libraries on the class path. Specifically, all public classes in JDK internal packages that existed in JDK 8 remain accessible to code on the class path. Furthermore, these JDK internal packages, and the standard packages in Java SE 8, are open in JDK 9 for so-called deep reflection by code on the class path. This allows existing code on the class path that relies on the use of setAccessible to break into JDK internals, or to do other illegal access on members of classes in these packages, to work as per previous releases. A future JDK release will change this policy so that these packages will not be open and illegal access to members of classes in these packages will be denied. To help identify code that needs to be fixed, the JDK emits a warning to standard error on the first use of core reflection that performs an illegal access. The warning is not suppressible.

    Developers of applications that observe "illegal access" warnings caused by code in libraries that they use are encouraged to submit bugs to the library maintainers.

    Developers of libraries using core reflection that may rely on illegal access are encouraged to test with --illegal-access=warn or --illegal-access=debug to identify code in their library that may need updating.

    All developers are encouraged to use the jdeps tool to identify any static references to JDK internal classes. The jdeps tool was introduced in JDK 8 and has many significant improvements in JDK 9.

    In preparation for a JDK release that denies illegal access, applications and libraries should be tested with --illegal-access=deny. As documented in JEP 261, running with -Dsun.reflect.debugModuleAccessChecks=access may help to locate code that silently ignores IllegalAccessException or InaccessibleObjectException.

  • As detailed in JEP 261, the default set of root modules for applications on the class path is the module rather than the module. Applications and libraries that make use of classes in module java.xml.bind (JAXB), module (JAX-WS), module java.corba (CORBA), or other modules shared between Java SE and Java EE may need changes to how they are compiled and deployed. Furthermore, these modules have been deprecated in Java SE 9 for removal in a future release so applications and libraries using these APIs will need to eventually migrate to using the standalone releases of these modules. The JDK 9 Migration Guide details the options for applications and libraries using these APIs.

  • As documented in JEP 261, if a package is defined in both a named module and on the class path then the package on the class path will be ignored. This may impact applications that have (perhaps unknowingly) added classes to Java SE or JDK packages by means of the class path.

  • The boot class path has been mostly removed in this release. The java -Xbootclasspath and -Xbootclasspath/p options have been removed. The javac -bootclaspath option can only be used when compiling to JDK 8 or older. The system property sun.boot.class.path has been removed. Deployments that rely on overriding platform classes for testing purposes with -Xbootclasspath/p will need to changed to use the --patch-module option that is documented in JEP 261. The -Xbootclasspath/a option is unchanged.

  • The application class loader is no longer an instance of (an implementation detail that was never specified in previous releases). Code that assumes that ClassLoader::getSytemClassLoader returns a URLClassLoader object will need to be updated. Note that Java SE and the JDK do not provide an API for applications or libraries to dynamically augment the class path at run-time.

  • The classes in many non-core modules are now defined to the platform class loader rather than the boot class loader. This may impact code that creates class loaders with null as the parent class loader and assumes that all platform classes are visible to the parent class loader. Such code may need to be changed to use the platform class loader as the parent class loader (see java.lang.ClassLoader::getPlatformClassLoader). Tool agents that add supporting classes to the boot class path may also assume that all platform classes are visible to the boot class loader. The java.lang.instrument package description provides more information on this topic for maintainers of java agents.

  • The java.lang.Package API has been updated to represent a run-time package. The Class::getPackage method returns a Package object whose name is an empty string for a class in the unnamed package. This may impact code that expects Class::getPackage to return null for a class in the unnamed package. In addition, Package::getPackages and ClassLoader::getPackages may return an array with more than one Package object of the same package name, each defined by a different class loader in the class loader hierarchy. This differs to previous releases that only one Package object of a package name will be included in the returned array.

  • The java.lang.Package objects created by the built-in class loaders for packages in named modules do not have specification or implementation versioning information. This differs to previous releases where specification and implementation versioning information was read from the main manifest of rt.jar. This change may impact code that invokes getPackage on a platform class and expects the Package::getSpecificationXXX or Package::getImplementationXXX methods to return non-null values.

  • The Class::getResource and Class::getResourceAsStream methods have been updated in Java SE 9 so that invoking them on a Class in a named module will only locate the resource in the module. This may impact code that invokes these methods on platform classes on the assumption that the class path will be searched. Code that needs to search the class path for a resource should be changed to use ClassLoader::getSystemResource or ClassLoader::getSystemResourceAsStream.

  • JDK internal resources, other than class files, in the standard and JDK modules can no longer be located with the ClassLoader::getResourceXXX APIs. This may impact code that relies on using these APIs to get at JDK internal properties files or other resources. The Class::getResourceXXX APIs will continue to locate JDK internal resources in packages that are open for illegal access (see above). A further change to these APIs is that the permission needed, when running with a security manager, to locate resources in the run-time image has changed. The permission needed to locate resources in modules in the run-time image is RuntimePermission("accessSystemModules") and so different to previous releases where permission to read ${java.home}/lib/rt.jar was needed.

  • Stack traces have been updated to include module names in the stack trace elements for classes in named modules. Code that parses stack traces may need to be updated.

  • The JDK may not start (meaning java -version fails) in some unsupported configurations. In particular, if the system property file.encoding is set on the command line with the name of a charset that is not in the java.base module then startup will fail with an error message to indicate that the charset is not supported.

  • In previous releases, the "double equals" syntax could be used when setting the security policy to override the JDK security policy file (e.g. This has changed in JDK 9 so that it augments the permissions granted to the standard and JDK modules. This change means that application servers that override the JDK policy file do not need to copy the permissions granted to standard and JDK modules. More details on this issue can be found in JDK-8159752.

  • Maintainers of JVM TI agents to instrument or profile code that executes early in VM startup should review the changes in JEP 261 and the changes in the JVM TI specification. The default behavior has changed so that the ClassFileLoadHook event is not sent during the primordial phase, and the VMStart event (to signal the beginning of the start phase) is delayed until the module system is initialized. The JVM TI specification has been updated to define new capabilities for agents that need events for code that is executed before the VM is fully initialized.

Source Compatibility Issues

  • Java SE 9 adds the Module class to the java.lang package which is implicitly imported on demand (i.e., import java.lang.*). If code in an existing source file imports some other package on demand, and that package declares a Module type, and the existing code refers to that type, then the source file will not compile without changing it to use a single-type-import declaration (i.e., import otherlib.Module).

  • Java SE 9 adds two abstract methods to java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation. This interface isn't intended to be implemented outside of the java.instrument module but if there are implementations they will not compile with JDK 9 until they are updated to implement the new methods added in Java SE 9.

  • Java SE 9 adds a six-parameter transform method to java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer as a default method. This means that ClassFileTransformer is no longer a functional interface (JLS 9.8). Existing source code that uses the pre-existing five-parameter transform method as a functional interface will no longer compile.


Issue Description

Collections.asLifoQueue(null) now throws NPE as specified

Before the JDK 9 release, invocation of the method Collections.asLifoQueue with a null argument value would not throw a NullPointerException as specified by the class documentation. Instead a NullPointerException would be thrown when operating on the returned Queue. The JDK 9 release corrects the implementation of Collections.asLifoQueue to conform to the specification. Behavioral compatibility is not preserved but it is expected that the impact will be minimal given analysis of existing usages.


Arrays.asList().toArray() returns Object[]

The Arrays.asList() API returns an instance of List. Calling the toArray() method on that List instance is specified always to return Object[], that is, an array of Object. In previous releases, it would sometimes return an array of some subtype. Note that the declared return type of Collection.toArray() is Object[], which permits an instance of an array of a subtype to be returned. The specification wording, however, clearly requires an array of Object to be returned.

The toArray() method has been changed to conform to the specification, and it now always returns Object[]. This may cause code that was expecting the old behavior to fail with a ClassCastException. An example of code that worked in previous releases but that now fails is the following: ` List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c"); String[] array = (String[]) list.toArray(); If this problem occurs, rewrite the code to use the one-arg formtoArray(T[]), and provide an instance of the desired array type. This will also eliminate the need for a cast. `` String[] array = list.toArray(new String[0]); ```


List.spliterator should optimize for RandomAccess lists

Previously the default implementation of List.spliterator derived a Spliterator from the List's iterator, which is poorly splitting and that affects the performance of a parallel stream returned by List.parallelStream. The default implementation of List.spliterator now returns an optimal splitting Spliterator implementation for List implementations that implement java.util.RandomAccess. As a result parallel stream performance may be improved for third-party List implementations, such as those provided by Eclipse collections, that do not override List.spliterator for compatibility across multiple major versions of the Java platform. This enhancement is a trade-off. It requires that the List.get method, of such lists implementing RandomAccess, have no side-effects, ensuring safe concurrent execution of the method when parallel stream pipeline is executed.


Issue Description

Java Packager '-makeall' argument deprecated

The '-makeall' argument of the Java Packager's command line interface has been deprecated. Use of '-makeall' will result in a warning. In lieu of the '-makeall' command, independent commands should be issued to perform compilation, createjar, and deploy, steps.


Issue Description

Deprecate security APIs that have been superseded

The classes and interfaces in the and packages have been superseded by replacements for a long time and are deprecated in JDK 9. Two methods and are also deprecated since they return the type.


New defaults for DSA keys in jarsigner and keytool

For DSA keys, the default signature algorithm for keytool and jarsigner has changed from SHA1withDSA to SHA256withDSA and the default key size for keytool has changed from 1024 bits to 2048 bits.

Users wishing to revert to the previous behavior can use the -sigalg option of keytool and jarsigner and specify SHA1withDSA and the -keysize option of keytool and specify 1024.

There are a few potential compatibility risks associated with this change:

  1. If you have a script that uses the default key size of keytool to generate a DSA keypair but then subsequently specifies a specific signature algorithm, ex: ` keytool -genkeypair -keyalg DSA -keystore keystore -alias mykey ... keytool -certreq -sigalg SHA1withDSA -keystore keystore -alias mykey ... it will fail with one of the following exceptions, because the new 2048-bit keysize default is too strong for SHA1withDSA: `` keytool error: The security strength of SHA-1 digest algorithm is not sufficient for this key size keytool error: DSA key must be at most 1024 bits `` The workaround is to remove the-sigalgoption and use the stronger SHA256withDSA default or, at your own risk, use the-keysizeoption ofkeytool` to specify a smaller key size (1024).

  2. If you use jarsigner to sign JARs with the new defaults, previous versions (than this release) of JDK 6 and 7 do not support the stronger defaults and will not be able to verify the JAR. jarsigner -verify on an earlier release of JDK 6 or 7 will output the following error: ` jar is unsigned. (signatures missing or not parsable) If you thejarsignercommand line, the cause will be output: `` jar: processEntry caught: SHA256withDSA Signature not available `` If compatibility with earlier releases is important, you can, at your own risk, use the-sigalgoption ofjarsigner` and specify the weaker SHA1withDSA algorithm.

  3. If you use a PKCS11 keystore, the SunPKCS11 provider does not support the SHA256withDSA algorithm. jarsigner and some keytool commands may fail with the following exception if PKCS11 is specified with the -storetype option, ex:

    ` keytool error: No installed provider supports this key:$P11PrivateKey A similar error may occur if you are using NSS with the SunPKCS11 provider. The workaround is to use the-sigalgoption ofkeytool` and specify SHA1withDSA.


Issue Description

Executable.getAnnotatedReceiverType() is sensitive to the kind of Executable

The behavior of getAnnotatedReceiverType() has been clarified to return an empty AnnotatedType object only for a method/constructor which could conceptually have a receiver parameter but does not have one at present. (Since there is no receiver parameter, there are no annotations to return.) In addition, the behavior of getAnnotatedReceiverType() has been clarified to return null for a method/constructor which cannot ever have a receiver parameter (and therefore cannot have annotations on the type of a receiver parameter): static methods, and constructors of non-inner classes. Incompatibility: Behavioral


Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods more accurately follow inheritance rules

The javadoc for the Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods refer to the definition of inheritance in the Java Language Specification. Java SE 8 changed these rules in order to support default methods and reduce the number of redundant methods inherited from superinterfaces (see JLS 8, 8.4.8).

Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods were not updated with the 8 release to match the new inheritance definition (both may return non-inherited superinterface methods). The implementation has now been changed to filter out methods that are not members of the class.


Updates to java.lang.reflect.Field.get(), Field.get{primitive}() and java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke()

java.lang.reflect.Field.get(), Field.get{primitive}() and java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke() have been updated to use the primitive wrapper classes' valueOf() (for example Integer.valueOf()) instead of always creating new wrappers with "new" (for example new Integer()) after the reflection libraries have (potentially) optimised the Field/Method instance. This can affect applications that depended on two wrappers being != while still being .equals().


Annotation toString output not reusable for source input

The exact toString output of an annotation is deliberately not specified; from java.lang.annotation.Annotation.toString():

Returns a string representation of this annotation. The details of the representation are implementation-dependent [...]

Previously, the toString format of an annotation did not output certain information in a way that would be usable for a source code representation of an annotation, string values were not surrounded by double quote characters, array values were surrounded by brackets ("[]") rather than braces ("{}"), etc.

As a behavioral change, the annotation output has been updated to be faithful to a source code representation of the annotation.


javac no longer marks anonymous classes 'static'

Prior to JDK 9, javac set the 'static' modifier on anonymous classes declared in a static context, e.g., in static methods or static initialization blocks. This contradicts the Java Language Specification, which states that anonymous classes are never static. In JDK 9, javac does not mark anonymous classes 'static', whether they are declared in a static context or not.


Default methods affect the result of Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods

The javadoc for the Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods refer to the definition of inheritance in the Java Language Specification. Java SE 8 changed these rules in order to support default methods and reduce the number of redundant methods inherited from superinterfaces (see JLS 8, 8.4.8).

Class.getMethod and Class.getMethods were not updated with the 8 release to match the new inheritance definition (both may return non-inherited superinterface methods). Typically, the distinction is of no consequence; and for compatibility, it is preferred that the identity and number of returned methods match Java SE 7 as closely as possible. However, when the overriding method is a default method, it is important to filter out other overridden methods. As of 8u20, the implementation has been changed to perform this filtering step when the overrider is a default method.


Issue Description

IANA Data 2016f

JDK contains IANA time zone data version 2016f. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.


IANA Data 2016d

JDK contains IANA time zone data version 2016d. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.


The implementation of the clock returned by system factory methods in java.time.Clock has increased the resolution

The Java SE 8 specification for java.time.Clock states that ''The system factory methods provide clocks based on the best available system clock. This may use System.currentTimeMillis(), or a higher resolution clock if one is available.'' In JDK 8 the implementation of the clock returned was based on System.currentTimeMillis(), and thus has only a millisecond resolution. In JDK 9, the implementation is based on the underlying native clock that System.currentTimeMillis() is using, providing the maximum resolution available from that clock. On most systems this can be microseconds, or sometimes even tenth of microseconds.

An application making the assumption that the clock returned by these system factory methods will always have milliseconds precision and actively depends on it, may therefore need to be updated in order to take into account the possibility of a greater resolution, as was stated in the API documentation. It is also worth noting that a new Clock.tickMillis(zoneId) method has been added to allow time to be obtained at only millisecond precision - see:


Changing the boundaries specified by ChronoField.EPOCH_DAY

Boundaries specified by java.time.temporal.ChronoField.EPOCH_DAY have been corrected to match the epoch day of LocalDate.MIN and LocalDate.MAX


IANA Data 2016i

JDK contains IANA time zone data version 2016i. For more information, refer to Timezone Data Versions in the JRE Software.


Return unmodifiable set of zone IDs to optimize ZoneIdPrinterParser

The performance of is improved by returning an unmodifiable set of zone ids; previously the set was modifiable.


Issue Description

XML Catalog API

Java SE 9 introduces a standard XML Catalog API that supports the OASIS XML Catalogs version 1.1 standard. The API defines catalog and catalog-resolver abstractions that can be used as an intrinsic or external resolver with the JAXP processors that accept resolvers.

Existing libraries or applications that use the internal catalog API shall consider migrating to the new API in order to take advantage of the new features.


JAXP library updated with selected Xerces 2.11.0 updates

The JAXP library in JDK 9 has been updated to Xerces-J 2.11.0 release in the following areas: - Datatypes - DOM Level 3 serialization - XPointer - XML Schema Validation

This update includes improvement and bug fixes in the above areas up to the Xerces-J 2.11.0 release, but not the experimental support for XML Schema 1.1 features. Refer to Xerces-J 2.11.0 Release Notes for more details.


Issue Description

Extend the search path for the org.omg.CORBA.ORB file

org.omg.CORBA.ORB specifies the search order to locate an ORB's file, and this includes searching ${java.home}/lib. The JDK 9 release will include a ${java.home}/conf directory as the location for properties files. As such, the ORB.init processing has been amended, to include ${java.home}/conf directory in its search path for an file. Thus, the preferred approach is to use the ${java.home}/conf directory, in preference to the ${java.home}/lib directory, as a location for an file.


The jdk.Exported annotation has been removed

The JDK-specific annotation @jdk.Exported has been removed in JDK 9. The information that @jdk.Exported conveyed is now recorded in the exports declarations of modules. Tools that scan for this annotation should be updated to make use of the new API support in javax.lang.model and java.lang.module.


Issue Description

Visual VM removed in JDK 9

Visual VM is a tool that provides information about code running on a Java Virtual Machine. It was provided with Oracle JDK 6, Oracle JDK 7, and Oracle JDK 8.

Starting from JDK 9, the tool (jvisualvm) is no longer included in Oracle JDK. Users can still download the tool from the official project website at


Issue Description

Unlimited cryptography enabled by default

The JDK uses the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Jurisdiction Policy files to configure cryptographic algorithm restrictions. Previously, the Policy files in the JDK placed limits on various algorithms. This release ships with both the limited and unlimited jurisdiction policy files, with unlimited being the default. The behavior can be controlled via the new crypto.policy Security property found in the <java-home>/lib/ file. Refer to that file for more information on this property.


Updated Java Cryptography Jurisdiction Policy File Mechanism

This release introduces several changes to the JCE Jurisdiction Policy files.

Previously, to allow unlimited cryptography in the JDK, separate JCE Jurisdiction Policy files had be be downloaded and installed. The download and install steps are no longer necessary.

  1. Both the strong but "limited" (traditional default) and the "unlimited" policy files are included in this release.

  2. A new Security property (crypto.policy) was introduced to control which policy files are active. The new default is "unlimited".

  3. The files are now user-editable to allow for customized Policy configuration.

Please see the Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference Guide for more information.

Also see:

JDK-8186093: configuration file still says that "strong but limited" is the default value


MSCAPI KeyStore can handle same named certificates

Java SE KeyStore does not allow certificates that have the same aliases.

However, on Windows, multiple certificates stored in one keystore are allowed to have non-unique friendly names.

The fix for JDK-6483657 makes it possible to operate on such non-uniquely named certificates through the Java API by artificially making the visible aliases unique.

Please note, this fix does not enable creating same-named certificates with the Java API. It only allows you to deal with same-named certificates that were added to the keystore by 3rd party tools.

It is still recommended that your design not use multiple certificates with the same name. In particular, the following sentence will not be removed from the Java documentation: "In order to avoid problems, it is recommended not to use aliases in a KeyStore that only differ in case."


Support DHE sizes up to 8192-bits and DSA sizes up to 3072-bits

Enhance the JDK security providers to support 3072-bit DiffieHellman and DSA parameters generation, pre-computed DiffieHellman parameters up to 8192 bits and pre-computed DSA parameters up to 3072 bits.


Remove the ExemptionMechanism.finalize() method

The javax.crypto.ExemptionMechanism.finalize() method has been removed from both the specification and the implementation.


Issue Description

The SecurityException throws clauses of the java.nio.file.Files methods newBufferedWriter() and write() now indicate that the exception might arise from a "delete" permission check

The sentence

"The SecurityManager.checkDelete(String) method is invoked to check delete access if the file is opened with the DELETE_ON_CLOSE option."

was appended to the verbiage of the SecurityException throws clause in the specifications of the newBufferedWriter() and write() methods of java.nio.file.Files.

JDK-8142872 removed

The poll based SelectorProvider has been removed in JDK 9. It has been superseded for several releases by improved or higher performance implementations on all supported platforms.


Allow use of TransmitFile on Microsoft Windows

Applications running on server editions of Microsoft Windows that make heavy use of java.nio.channels.FileChannel.transferTo may see performance improvements if the implementation uses TransmitFile. TransmitFile makes use of the Windows cache manager to provide high-performance file data transfer over sockets. The system property "jdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer" controls whether the JDK uses TransmitFile on Microsoft Windows. It is disabled by default but can be enabled by setting the system property on the command line with -Djdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer or -Djdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer=true.


Ability to limit the capacity of buffers that can be held in the temporary buffer cache

The system property jdk.nio.maxCachedBufferSize has been introduced in to limit the memory used by the "temporary buffer cache". The temporary buffer cache is a per-thread cache of direct memory used by the NIO implementation to support applications that do I/O with buffers backed by arrays in the java heap. The value of the property is the maximum capacity of a direct buffer that can be cached. If the property is not set then no limit is put on the size of buffers that are cached. Applications with certain patterns of I/O usage may benefit from using this property. In particular if an application does I/O with large multi-megabyte buffers at startup but therefore does I/O with small buffers may see a benefit to using this property. Applications that do I/O using direct buffers will not see any benefit to using this system property.


java.nio.channels.FileLock constructors don't throw NPE if the channel argument is null

The java.nio.channels.FileLock constructors will now throw a NullPointerException if called with a null Channel parameter. To avoid an unexpected behavior change, subclasses of FileLock should therefore ensure that the Channel they pass to the superclass constructor is non-null.


Issue Description

JFR reports abnormally high machine CPU consumption on Linux

On Linux kernels 2.6 and later, the JDK would include time spent waiting for IO completion as "CPU usage". During periods of heavy IO activity, this could result in misleadingly high values reported as CPU consumption in various tools like Flight Recorder and performance counters. This issue has been resolved.


Issue Description

Introduced a new window ordering model

On the OS X platform, the AWT framework used native services to implement a parent-child relationship for windows. That caused some negative visual effects especially in multi-monitor environments. To get rid of disadvantages of such an approach, the new window ordering model, which is fully implemented at JDK layer, was introduced. Its main principles are listed below: - A window should be placed above its nearest parent window. - If a window has several child windows, all child windows should be located at the same layer and the window from the active window chain should be ordered above its siblings. - Ordering should not be performed for a window that is in an iconified state or when the transition to iconified state is in progress.

These rules are applied to every frame or dialog from the window hierarchy which contains the currently focused window.


Issue Description

Modular Run-Time Images

The JDK and JRE run-time images have been restructured as documented in JEP 220. The compatibility issues due to the changes are documented in the "Risks and Assumptions" section of the JEP and also summarized here.

  • Tools and libraries that rely on the existence of the jre directory, rt.jar, or tools.jar may need to be updated to work with the new layout and/or may need to be updated to use the jrt file system provider to access class files and other resources in the runtime image.

  • All user-editable configuration files are now located in the JDK/JRE conf directory. This includes the security policy file and other properties files. Scripts or procedures that rely on the old location of these files may need to be updated.

  • On Linux and Solaris, is now located in the JDK/JRE lib directory (it was located in lib/$ARCH in previous releases). Applications that use the JNI invocation API to create the VM may need to be updated to locate in its new location.

  • has moved from the top-level directory to the lib directory and now includes both the JDK and JavaFX source files in module directories. IDEs or tools that open this zip file may need to be updated.

  • The deprecated Endorsed-Standards Override Mechanism has been removed in this release. The runtime will refuse to start if ${java.home}/lib/endorsed exists or the system property java.endorsed.dirs is specified on the command line. The javac compiler will only accept the -endorseddirs option when compiling to JDK 8 or older. Applications that rely on this mechanism should migrate to the upgradeable modules mechanism, documented in JEP 261.

  • The deprecated Extensions Mechanism has been removed. The runtime will refuse to start if ${java.home}/lib/ext exists or the system property java.ext.dirs is specified on the command line. The javac compiler will only accept the -extdirs option when compiling to JDK 8 or older. The rmic compiler will no longer accept the -extdirs options. Applications that rely on this mechanism should consider deploying the libraries on the class path or as modules on the module path.


Issue Description

Tab key should move to focused button in a button group

The focus behavior of Swing toggle button controls (JRadioButton and JCheckBox) changed when they belonged to a button group. Now, if the input focus is requested to any toggle button in the group through either focus traversal or window activation, the currently selected toggle button is focused regardless of the focus traversal policy used in the container. If the selected toggle button is not eligible to be a focus owner, the focus is set according to the focus traversal policy.


Trackpad scrolling of text on OS X 10.12 Sierra is very fast

The MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation() method returned rounded native NSEvent deltaX/Y events on Mac OS X. The latest macOS Sierra 10.12 produces very small NSEvent deltaX/Y values so rounding and summing them leads to the huge value returned from the MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation(). The JDK-8166591 fix accumulates NSEvent deltaX/Y and the MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation() method returns non-zero values only when the accumulated value exceeds a threshold and zero value. This is compliant with the MouseWheelEvent.getWheelRotation() specification:

Returns the number of "clicks" the mouse wheel was rotated, as an integer. A partial rotation may occur if the mouse supports a high-resolution wheel. In this case, the method returns zero until a full "click" has been accumulated.

For the precise wheel rotation values, use the MouseWheelEvent.getPreciseWheelRotation() method instead.


Closing the ProgressMonitor dialog

The ProgressMonitor dialog can be closed in following ways : 1. 'Cancel' button is pressed 2. Dialog Close button is pressed 3. Escape key is pressed

If the ProgressMonitor dialog is closed, ProgressMonitor.isCanceled() method used to return 'true' in only cases (1) and (2) above. This fix corrects the behavior where ProgressMonitor.isCanceled() method will return 'true' in case the ProgressMonitor dialog is closed by pressing Escape key.

There is low compatibility impact of this fix : This change may impact user code that (incorrectly) assumes ProgressMonitor.isCanceled() will return false even if the ProgressMonitor dialog is closed as a result of pressing Escape key. Also, with this change, now there is no way to get the ProgressMonitor dialog out of way whilst having progress continue.


No longer possible to create System L&F via reflection

Some applications have used core reflection to instantiate JDK internal Swing L&Fs, i.e system L&Fs such as The Windows L&F : Class.forName("")

These classes are internal to the JDK and applications should have always treated them as such.

As of JDK 9 whether these are accessible to applications depends on the configuration of the Java Platform Module System and the value of the --illegal-access setting. By default in JDK 9 its value is "permit", but this is expected to change to "deny" in a future release.

Applications which need to create a system L&F must migrate to use the new method : javax.swing.UIManager.createLookAndFeel(String name).


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE was removed in favour of WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE

The public static constant JFrame.EXITONCLOSE was removed in favour of WindowConstants.EXITONCLOSE.


Issue Description

Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission

Prior to JDK 9, creating a FilePermission object canonicalized its pathname, and the implies and equals methods were based on this canonicalized pathname. For example, if "file" and "/path/to/current/directory/file" point to the same file in the file system, two FilePermission objects from these pathnames are equal and imply each other if their actions are also the same.

In JDK 9, the pathname will not be canonicalized by default. This means two FilePermission objects will not equal each other if one uses an absolute path and the other a relative path, or one uses a symbolic link and the other the target, or one uses a Windows long name and the other a DOS-style 8.3 name, even if they point to the same file in the file system.

A compatibility layer has been added to ensure that granting a FilePermission for a relative path will still permit applications to access the file with an absolute path (and vice versa). This works for the default Policy provider and the limited doPrivileged ( calls. For example, although a FilePermission on a file with a relative pathname of "a" no longer implies a FilePermission on the same file with an absolute pathname of "/pwd/a" (suppose "pwd" is the current working directory), granting code a FilePermission to read "a" allows that code to also read "/pwd/a" when a Security Manager is enabled. This compatibility layer does not cover translations between symbolic links and targets, or Windows long names and DOS-style 8.3 names, or any other different name forms that can be canonicalized to the same name.

A system property named has been introduced. When it is set to "true", FilePermission will canonicalize its pathname as it did before JDK 9. The default value of this property is "false".

Another system property named has also been introduced. When set to "true", the compatibility layer described above will also apply to third-party Policy implementations. The default value of this property is "false".


CharArrayReader, PushbackReader, and StringReader may now block in close()

The classes CharArrayReader, PushbackReader, and StringReader might now block in close() if there is another thread holding the Reader.lock lock.

The read() method of these classes could previously throw a NullPointerException if the internal state of the instance had become inconsistent. This was caused by a race condition due to close() not obtaining a lock before modifying the internal state of the Reader. This lock is now obtained which can result in close() blocking if another thread simultaneously holds the same lock on the Reader.


Issue Description

OS_VERSION property in `release` file removed

OS_VERSION property is no longer present in the release file. Scripts or tools that read the release file may need to be updated to handle this change.


Issue Description

Restrict javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry to ImageIO types

Since Java SE 1.4 javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry provided a facility roughly equivalent to the Java SE 1.6 java.util.ServiceLoader. This image i/o facility is now restricted to supporting SPIs defined as part of javax.imageio. Applications which use it for other purposes need to be re-coded to use ServiceLoader.


Issue Description

Changes in logging interface in MXBean

In Java SE 9 the java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean interface is deprecated in favor of the interface. The java.util.logging.LogManager.getLoggingMXBean() method is also deprecated in favor of java.lang.mangement.ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(PlatformLoggingMXBean.class).

The concrete implementation of the logging MXBean registered in the MBeanServer and obtained from the ManagementFactory will only implement, and no longer java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean. It must be noted that PlatformLoggingMXBean and LoggingMXBean attributes are exactly the same. The PlatformLoggingMXBean interface has all the methods defined in LoggingMXBean, and so PlatformLoggingMXBean by itself provides the full management capability of logging facility.

This should be mostly transparent to remote and local clients of the API.


Calls to ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection, ObjectName, java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean.class) and calls to JMX.newMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection, ObjectName, java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean.class) will continue to work as before.

Remote clients running any version of the JDK should see no changes, except for the interface name in MBeanInfo, and the change in isInstanceOf reported in 1. and 2. below.

The behavioral change and source incompatibility due to this change are as follows:

  1. ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer().isInstanceOf(ObjectName, "java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean") will now return 'false' instead of 'true'.
    If an application depends on this, then a workaround is to change the source of the calling code to check for instead.

  2. The Logging MXBean MBeanInfo will now report that its management interface is instead of the non standard$LoggingMXBean name it used to display.
    The new behavior has the advantage that the reported interface name is now a standard class.

  3. Local clients which obtain an instance of the logging MXBean by calling ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(PlatformLoggingMXBean.class) will no longer be able to cast the result to java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean.
    PlatformLoggingMXBean already has all the methods defined in LoggingMXBean, therefore a simple workaround is to change the code to accept PlatformLoggingMXBean instead - or change it to use the deprecated LogManager.getLoggingMXBean() instead.


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8051618 JEP 200: The Modular JDK
P1 JDK-8051619 JEP 201: Modular Source Code
P1 JDK-8061971 JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images
P1 JDK-8061493 JEP 223: New Version-String Scheme
P1 JDK-8132928 JEP 260: Encapsulate Most Internal APIs
P1 JDK-8061972 JEP 261: Module System
P3 JDK-8075621 JEP 279: Improve Test-Failure Troubleshooting


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8046245 JDK 9 client build failure on Solaris
P2 JDK-8136427 [macosx 10.11] There is no title for the Dialog
P2 JDK-8078654 CloseTTFontFileFunc callback should be removed
P2 JDK-8172500 Create test for SwingSet SliderDemo
P2 JDK-8154539 Examine the desktop module's use of sun.misc.SoftCache
P2 JDK-8143177 Integrate harfbuzz opentype layout engine per JEP 258
P2 JDK-8134721 NPE in SwingUtilities2.drawChars after JDK-6302464
P2 JDK-8064468 ownedWindowList access requires synchronization in Window.setAlwaysOnTop() method
P2 JDK-8165234 Provide a way to not close toggle menu items on mouse click on component level
P2 JDK-8074763 Remove API references to java.awt.dnd.peer
P2 JDK-8074028 Remove API references to java.awt.peer
P2 JDK-8037739 Remove API references to java.awt.peer and java.awt.dnd.peer packages in the JDK 9 timeframe
P2 JDK-8074757 Remove java.awt.Toolkit methods which return peer types
P2 JDK-8154546 Retire sun.misc.GThreadHelper
P2 JDK-8148886 SEGV in sun.java2d.marlin.Renderer._endRendering
P2 JDK-8156217 Selected text is shifted on HiDPI display
P2 JDK-8063066 Some look and feels ignores the JSlider.PaintTrack property
P2 JDK-8138959 SQE testing according to test plan
P2 JDK-8171845 The bold font doesn't change when switch "Dialog","Serif" and "Monospaced".
P2 JDK-8143256 The build is broken after JDK-8081411
P2 JDK-8160160 The menu displayed nothing with the option"-server -d64 -Xmixed".
P2 JDK-8085895 The Textfield can't be shown after clicking "Show Textfield" button.
P3 JDK-8040279 [macosx] Do not use the base image in the MultiResolutionBufferedImage constructor
P3 JDK-8160893 [macosx] JMenuItems in JPopupMenu are not accessible
P3 JDK-8075244 [macosx] The fix for JDK-8043869 should be reworked
P3 JDK-8059944 [OGL] Metrics for a method choice copying of texture should be improved
P3 JDK-8144023 [PIT] failure of text measurements in javax/swing/text/html/parser/Parser/6836089/
P3 JDK-8132658 [Regression] Test closed/sun/awt/font/Bidi/ fails
P3 JDK-8168992 Add floating point implementation for new BasicGraphicsUtils text related methods use floating point API
P3 JDK-8029979 Allow multiple calls to DropTargetDropEvent.acceptDrop()
P3 JDK-8155071 AppletViewer should print the deprecation warning that the Applet API is deprecated
P3 JDK-8154213 clean up uses of boxed primitive constructors in the java.desktop module
P3 JDK-8028212 Custom cursor HiDPI support
P3 JDK-8129116 Deadlock with multimonitor fullscreen windows.
P3 JDK-8160248 Dragged internal frame leaves artifacts for floating point ui scale
P3 JDK-8135160 Endless Loop in RiffReader
P3 JDK-8150998 Fix module dependences in java/lang tests
P3 JDK-8071630 Fix remaining doclint warnings in the jdk repo
P3 JDK-8165619 Frame is not repainted if created in state=MAXIMIZED_BOTH on Unity
P3 JDK-8077982 GIFLIB upgrade
P3 JDK-8145174 HiDPI splash screen support on Linux
P3 JDK-8143064 Icons are not properly rendered with Windows L&F on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8168899 java.nio.file.InvalidPathException if click button in JFileChooser demo of SwingSet2
P3 JDK-8169887 javax/swing/JEditorPane/8080972/, javax/swing/text/View/8080972/ are failing
P3 JDK-8149502 JEP 289: Deprecate the Applet API
P3 JDK-8151015 JTextArea.insert() does not behave as expected with invalid position
P3 JDK-8161407 Provide a javadoc description for the java.desktop module
P3 JDK-8143914 Provide Mac-specific fullscreen support
P3 JDK-8081722 Provide public access to methods which are required for implementing javax.swing.JFileChooser
P3 JDK-8173801 Remove non-client demos and samples.
P3 JDK-8147544 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from java.desktop
P3 JDK-8048891 Remove unused JObjC from jdk repository
P3 JDK-8055705 Rename UnixPrintServiceLookup and Win32PrintServiceLookup as a platform neutral class name
P3 JDK-8162531 needs updating
P3 JDK-8133677 Specification of AudioFileReader should be clarifed
P3 JDK-8069361 SunGraphics2D.getDefaultTransform() does not include scale factor
P3 JDK-8168316 Suppress deprecation warnings for Applet classes in java.desktop
P3 JDK-8066616 Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk libraries
P3 JDK-8179596 Update java.desktop to be HTML-5 friendly
P3 JDK-8058726 Update regtests using sun.awt.OSInfo, part 1
P4 JDK-8157476 -Wlogical-not-parentheses warnings in JRSUIConstantSync.m
P4 JDK-8081315 8077982 giflib upgrade breaks system giflib builds with earlier versions
P4 JDK-8143054 [macosx] KeyEvent modifiers do not contain information about mouse buttons
P4 JDK-8042087 [macosx] LWCToolkit.inokeAndWait is relying on main AppContext
P4 JDK-8036757 [macosx] Space menu accelerator not rendered correctly
P4 JDK-8134947 [macosx] Various memory leaks in Aqua look and feel
P4 JDK-8028618 [TEST BUG] javax/swing/JScrollBar/bug4202954/ fails
P4 JDK-6963359 [TEST_BUG] The FileDialog window is different from the case KeyboardInteractionTest.html description.
P4 JDK-8155742 [Windows] robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT_GRAPH) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in windows
P4 JDK-8043805 Allow using a system-installed libjpeg
P4 JDK-8081019 Check peer to null in CPlatformWindow.checkZoom() method
P4 JDK-8046589 clean up doclint warnings for block tags in javax/swing source
P4 JDK-8044460 Cleanup new Boolean and single character strings
P4 JDK-8078279 Closed tests should not use getPeer method
P4 JDK-8160650 Couple awt and swing tests have wrong require jtreg arguments
P4 JDK-8129822 Define "headful" jtreg keyword
P4 JDK-8133134 docs: replace tags (obsolete in html5) for java.desktop
P4 JDK-8140620 Find and load default.sf2 as the default soundbank on Linux
P4 JDK-8032733 Fix cast lint warnings in client libraries
P4 JDK-8072905 Fix copyright year for test from JDK-8071705
P4 JDK-8046590 fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 1 of 4
P4 JDK-8046597 fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 4 of 4
P4 JDK-8044613 Fix finally lint warnings in jdk libraries
P4 JDK-8155874 Fix java.desktop deprecation warnings about Class.newInstance
P4 JDK-8031082 Fix non-missing doclint problems in client libraries
P4 JDK-8046270 Fix overrides lint warnings jdk libraries
P4 JDK-8039096 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in jdk libraries
P4 JDK-8035686 Fix serial lint warnings in closed code
P4 JDK-8032976 Fix serial lint warnings in jdk libraries
P4 JDK-8035692 Fix serial lint warnings in mac-specific code
P4 JDK-8037174 Fix serial lint warnings in sun.applet
P4 JDK-8074807 Fix some tests unnecessary using internal API
P4 JDK-8032047 Fix static lint warnings in client libraries
P4 JDK-8055326 Fix typos in client-related packages
P4 JDK-8035287 gcc warnings compiling various libraries files
P4 JDK-8161483 Implement AccessibleAction interface in JList.AccessibleJList.AccessibleJListChild
P4 JDK-8061832 J2DBench can be improved
P4 JDK-8028241 Java Access Bridge: F key shortcuts not working if Ctrl, Alt, Shift modifier used
P4 JDK-8133807 java.desktop docs: replace some invalid "@returns" tags
P4 JDK-8059219 javax.print.PrintServiceLookup allows to register null service
P4 JDK-8151750 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8074092 Newly introduced unnecessary dependencies on internal API in client regtests
P4 JDK-8081547 Prepare client libs regression tests for running in a concurrent, headless jtreg environment
P4 JDK-8068619 remove internal layout function to match ICU
P4 JDK-8073373 Remove redundant imports from sun/applet/
P4 JDK-8067207 Replace concat String to append in StringBuilder parameters (client)
P4 JDK-8176046 Replace package.html files with in the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8049893 Replace uses of 'new Integer()' with appropriate alternative across client classes
P4 JDK-8137059 Run blessed-modifier-order script on client demos and misc. sources
P4 JDK-8136783 Run blessed-modifier-order script on java.desktop
P4 JDK-8066621 Suppress deprecation warnings in java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8081447 System JPEG builds include in-tree jpeglib.h, resulting in build failure
P4 JDK-8169900 The code which use Applets should be deprecated
P4 JDK-8166673 The new implementation of Robot.waitForIdle() may hang
P4 JDK-8135122 The SwingUtilities2.COMPONENT_UI_PROPERTY_KEY can be removed
P4 JDK-8135088 Typo in AuFileReader
P4 JDK-8147443 Use Common Cleaner in Marlin OffHeapArray
P5 JDK-8138838 docs cleanup for java.desktop
P5 JDK-8144301 Regression test for clipboard paste in javascript
P5 JDK-8157322 Several typos in javadoc
P5 JDK-8077036 swing docs: fix some tidy warnings
P5 JDK-8028050 Typo correction needed s/Classlaoder/Classloader/


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8162545 Mac build failure
P1 JDK-8037868 The build is broken after the JDK-8035630
P2 JDK-8037743 2d nightly: wrong class cast to DigraphNode
P2 JDK-7145508 [embedded] java.awt.GraphicsDevice.get/setDisplayMode behavior is incorrect when no display is present
P2 JDK-8181192 [macos] javafx.print.PrinterJob.showPrintDialog() hangs on macOS
P2 JDK-7162125 [macosx] A font has different behaviour for ligatures depending on its creation mode
P2 JDK-8147002 [macosx] Arabic character cannot be rendered on MacOS X
P2 JDK-8041900 [macosx] Java forces the use of discrete GPU
P2 JDK-8065373 [macosx] jdk8, jdk7u60 Regression in Graphics2D drawing of derived Fonts
P2 JDK-8023794 [macosx] LCD Rendering hints seems not working without FRACTIONALMETRICS=ON
P2 JDK-8162796 [macosx] LinearGradientPaint and RadialGradientPaint are not printed on OS X.
P2 JDK-8166034 [macosx] Non-AA Serif font always displays as regular - no bold or oblique.
P2 JDK-8167102 [macosx] PrintRequestAttributeSet breaks page size set using PageFormat
P2 JDK-8176287 [macosx] The print test crashed with Nimbus L&F
P2 JDK-8041644 [OGL] clip is ignored during surface->sw blit
P2 JDK-8079652 Could not enable D3D pipeline
P2 JDK-8170578 CUPS Printing is broken with Ubuntu 16.10 (CUPS 2.2)
P2 JDK-8137106 EUDC (End User Defined Characters) are not displayed on Windows with Java 8u60+
P2 JDK-6477756 GraphicsDevice.getConfigurations() is slow taking 3 or more seconds
P2 JDK-8144858 HBShaper.c does not compiler with VS2010
P2 JDK-8134986 Incorrect use of ConcurrentHashMap.contains in
P2 JDK-8138771 java.awt.image.AbstractMultiResolutionImage needs customized spec for methods of Image which it implements
P2 JDK-8057940 JCK test api/java_awt/Image/renderable/ParameterBlock fails with StackOverflowError
P2 JDK-8167523 JDK 9 build failure on MacOS due to unhandled cases in switch statement
P2 JDK-8162488 JDK should be updated to use LittleCMS 2.8
P2 JDK-8176530 JDK support for JavaFX modal print dialogs
P2 JDK-8131760 JEP 265: Marlin Graphics Renderer
P2 JDK-8149338 JVM Crash caused by Marlin renderer not handling NaN coordinates
P2 JDK-8076529 Marlin antialiasing renderer integration
P2 JDK-8144828 Marlin renderer causes unaligned write accesses
P2 JDK-8159902 OGL surfaces are not HiDPI compatible on Linux/Solaris
P2 JDK-8165947 One more page printed before the test page with OpenJDK
P2 JDK-8038106 PIT: access problem to a PrinterJob on OS X
P2 JDK-8178708 Regtest failure: java/awt/Color/
P2 JDK-8144526 Remove Marlin logging use of deleted internal API
P2 JDK-8177393 Result of RescaleOp for 4BYTE_ABGR images may be 25% black
P2 JDK-8069348 SunGraphics2D.copyArea() does not properly work for scaled graphics in D3D
P2 JDK-4497648 TextLayout equals method is not implemented
P2 JDK-8175025 The copyright section in the test/java/awt/font/TextLayout/ should be updated
P2 JDK-8038838 Totally remove all vestiges of com.sun.image.codec.jpeg from JDK 9
P2 JDK-8171456 Upgrade harfbuzz in JDK 9 to v1.4.1
P3 JDK-8151590 "ALL" radio button is not selected in printDialog when we call DefaultSelectionType.ALL in windows
P3 JDK-8041768 2D FontStyleTest fails because of empty resultsDir
P3 JDK-8044788 [D3D] clip is ignored during surface->sw blit
P3 JDK-8059941 [D3D] The fix for JDK-8029253 should be ported to d3d pipeline
P3 JDK-8169202 [macos] Font substitution does not work for supplementary characters
P3 JDK-8130737 [macosx] AffineTransformOp can't handle child raster with non-zero x-offset
P3 JDK-8015100 [macosx] Applet graphics corrupted when applet width/height exceeds screen dimensions
P3 JDK-8151725 [macosx] ArrayIndexOOB exception when displaying Devanagari text in JEditorPane
P3 JDK-8023213 [macosx] closed/java/awt/FontClass/ fails on MacOS X 10.9 and passes on MacOs X 10.8
P3 JDK-8168364 [macosx] Delete unused class NSPrintinfo
P3 JDK-8172967 [macosx] Exception while working with layout for text containing unmappable character
P3 JDK-8089573 [macosx] Incorrect char to glyph mapping printing on OSX 10.10
P3 JDK-8139176 [macosx] java.awt.TextLayout does not handle correctly the bolded logical fonts (Serif)
P3 JDK-8040617 [macosx] Large JTable cell results in a OutOfMemoryException
P3 JDK-8064833 [macosx] Native font lookup uses family+style, not full name/postscript name
P3 JDK-8042713 [macosx] Print dialog does not update attribute set with page range
P3 JDK-8040635 [macosx] Printing a shape filled with a texture doesn't work under Mac OS X
P3 JDK-8017472 [macosx] Transparency demo is not correctly dragged on the second monitor
P3 JDK-8170552 [macosx] Wrong rendering of diacritics on macOS
P3 JDK-8061831 [OGL] "java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet" during the blit of VI to VI in xor mode
P3 JDK-8039774 [OGL] Image painting is broken if 'sun.java2d.accthreshold' is set to 0
P3 JDK-8061456 [OGL] Incorrect clip is used during sw->surface blit in xor mode
P3 JDK-8041129 [OGL] surface->sw blit is extremely slow
P3 JDK-8144015 [PIT] failures of text layout font tests
P3 JDK-8166111 [PIT] possible regression: java/awt/font/GlyphVector/
P3 JDK-8145808 [PIT] test java/awt/Graphics2D/MTGraphicsAccessTest/ hangs on Win. 8
P3 JDK-8085948 [Regression] Few Swing, AWT and 2D case fails with Decoder isn't implemented for WingDings Charset error on Windows
P3 JDK-8071710 [solaris] libfontmanager should be linked against headless awt library
P3 JDK-8133309 [win10] Some unicode characters do not display any more after upgrading to Windows 10
P3 JDK-8162591 All existing gradient paint implementations have issues with coordinates/sizes larger than Short.MAX_VALUE (exactly) on any Linux systems
P3 JDK-6334602 Animated GIFs created from opaque PNG image frames appear transparent when loaded with Toolkit APIs
P3 JDK-8041480 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when JTable contains certain string
P3 JDK-8012351 Bold fonts everywhere in GTK L&F on Ubuntu with JDK 7
P3 JDK-8040647 bold fonts when using java 7 which shouldn't be bold
P3 JDK-7175487 Cannot customize font configuration on Linux
P3 JDK-8074562 CID keyed OpenType fonts are not supported by T2K
P3 JDK-8032227 ClassCastException in UnixPrintJob for ipp printer
P3 JDK-8144703 ClassCastException: sun.font.CompositeFont cannot be cast to PhysicalFont
P3 JDK-8056213 Clean up unix/native/common/sun/awt
P3 JDK-8039271 CMM profile files (cmm/*) should not be in ${java.home}/lib
P3 JDK-7107905 ColorModel subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods
P3 JDK-8132985 Crash in freetypescaler.c due to double free
P3 JDK-8172999 Crash on Windows getting FontMetrics since JDK 9 b96
P3 JDK-6801613 Cross-platform pageDialog and printDialog top margin entry broken
P3 JDK-8029339 Custom MultiResolution image support on HiDPI displays
P3 JDK-6789804 D3D: Remarkable performance loss in update 10>
P3 JDK-8036022 D3D: rendering with XOR composite causes InternalError.
P3 JDK-8059942 Default implementation of DrawImage.renderImageXform() should be improved for d3d/ogl
P3 JDK-7067052 Default printer media is ignored
P3 JDK-8035301 Eliminate dependency on sun.text from font code
P3 JDK-8164752 Extraneous debugging printf in
P3 JDK-8139803 Fix for 8132985 breaks OpenJDK build on windows.
P3 JDK-8163177 Fix for 8152971 breaks builds with VS2010
P3 JDK-8039273 Font related files should not be modified in ${java.home}/lib
P3 JDK-8013564 Font rendering anti-aliasing in translucent BufferedImages broken
P3 JDK-8072682 getBounds call on graphics.getDeviceConfiguration() returning cached information
P3 JDK-8144938 Handle properly coordinate overflow in Marlin Renderer
P3 JDK-8148127 IllegalArgumentException thrown by JCK test api/java_awt/Component/FlipBufferStrategy/indexTGF_General in opengl pipeline
P3 JDK-8062164 Incorrect color conversion, when bicubic interpolation is used
P3 JDK-8173028 Incorrect processing of supplementary-plane characters in text fields
P3 JDK-8168759 Incorrect vertical positioning of diacritics
P3 JDK-8167103 Intermittent font loading failure on macOS with JFXPanel application
P3 JDK-8170913 Java "1.8.0_112" on Windows 10 displays different characters for EUDCs from ones created in eudcedit.exe.
P3 JDK-8046007 Java app receives javax.print.PrintException: Printer is not accepting job.
P3 JDK-8073001 Java's system LnF on OS X: editable JComboBoxes are being rendered incorrectly
P3 JDK-6357905 java.awt.JobAttributes.getFromPage() and getToPage() always returns "1".
P3 JDK-8132850 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during text rendering with many fonts installed
P3 JDK-8145584 java/awt/font/TextLayout/ fails on Linux
P3 JDK-8062163 java/awt/geom/AffineTransform/ test fails
P3 JDK-8028486 java/awt/Window/WindowsLeak/ fails
P3 JDK-8032693 javax.print.PrintService does not find any CUPS-Printers on Linux
P3 JDK-8015368 javax/print/attribute/ fails on solaris with Connection timed out
P3 JDK-8165345 JDK macro definition re-defined by MacOS core framework
P3 JDK-8046010 JEP 251: Multi-Resolution Images
P3 JDK-8064530 JEP 258: HarfBuzz Font-Layout Engine
P3 JDK-8138817 JNI warnings loading fonts on MacOSX
P3 JDK-8160664 JVM crashed with font manager on Solaris 12
P3 JDK-8137571 Linux HiDPI Graphics support
P3 JDK-8058316 lookupDefaultPrintService returns null on Solaris 11 when default printer is set using lpoptions command
P3 JDK-8150233 Missing copyright headers in XSurfaceData/ExtendedKeyCodes
P3 JDK-8056210 Move libawt file to windows directory
P3 JDK-8149371 multi-res. image: -Dsun.java2d.uiScale does not work for Window icons (some ambiguity for Window.setIconImages()?)
P3 JDK-8079067 New version string scheme - Java2D
P3 JDK-8170954 non-ASCII characters in lcms and harfbuzz break Windows builds on some locales
P3 JDK-8087201 OGL: rendering of lcd text is slow
P3 JDK-7064425 PageFormat Dialog has no owner window to reactivate.
P3 JDK-8076419 Path2D copy constructors and clone method propagate size of arrays from source path
P3 JDK-8078464 Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear
P3 JDK-8140266 Performance loss between jdk8 and jdk9 on Maskfill
P3 JDK-8163922 Print-to-file is disabled for SERVICE_FORMATTED docflavor in linux
P3 JDK-8067059 PrinterJob.pageDialog() with DialogSelectionType.NATIVE returns a PageFormat when cancelled.
P3 JDK-8067364 Printing to Postscript doesn't support dieresis
P3 JDK-8034239 PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices() returns different amount of services in comparison with lpstat -v
P3 JDK-8169339 Provide internal API to JavaFX to locate JDK fonts
P3 JDK-8164818 Reg. test java/awt/font/TextLayout/ fails
P3 JDK-8152680 Regression in GlyphVector.getGlyphCharIndex behaviour
P3 JDK-8023990 Regression: postscript size increase from 6u18
P3 JDK-8056216 Remove "sun" directory layer from libawt and common
P3 JDK-8178457 Remove link to 2D guide from Line2D javadoc
P3 JDK-8056209 Remove unused files for libawt
P3 JDK-8038876 Remove use of ServiceLoader in finding class implementing sun.java2d.cmm.CMMServiceProvider
P3 JDK-8038875 Remove use of ServiceLoader in finding class implementing sun.java2d.pipe. RenderingEngine
P3 JDK-8155753 Removing a monitor in the OS dispaly configuration causes assertion fails under Windows if D3D is on
P3 JDK-8074829 Resolve disabled warnings for libawt_headless
P3 JDK-8074827 Resolve disabled warnings for libjavajpeg
P3 JDK-8074843 Resolve disabled warnings for libmlib_image and libmlib_image_v
P3 JDK-8138749 Revisited: PrinterJob.printDialog() does not support multi-mon, always displayed on primary
P3 JDK-8166981 RGBColorConvertTest has wrong @run line
P3 JDK-8014212 Robot captures black screen
P3 JDK-8160693 uses bitwise AND instead of logical AND
P3 JDK-8158356 SIGSEGV when attempting to rotate BufferedImage using AffineTransform by NaN degrees
P3 JDK-8073400 Some Monospaced logical fonts have a different width
P3 JDK-8039412 Stack overflow on Linux using DialogTypeSelection.NATIVE
P3 JDK-8039345 Strange behaviour of per-pixel translucency on linux
P3 JDK-8054991 sun.font.GlyphList uses broken double-checked locking
P3 JDK-8039444 Swing applications not being displayed properly
P3 JDK-8130136 Swing window sometimes fails to repaint partially when it becomes exposed
P3 JDK-8147839 Synthetically Bolded Fonts are Stretched Vertically under rotation.
P3 JDK-8059848 Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ causes JVM crash in OEL 7.0
P3 JDK-8020448 Test closed/java/awt/font/JNICheck/ fails on Solaris 11 since 7 FCS
P3 JDK-8058969 Test closed/sun/java2d/cmm/ fails
P3 JDK-8130400 Test java/awt/image/DrawImage/ fails with ClassCastException
P3 JDK-8047066 Test test/sun/awt/image/ fails with ClassCastException
P3 JDK-8166068 test/java/awt/font/GlyphVector/ does not compile
P3 JDK-8172813 test/java/awt/font/JNICheck/ fails on Linux
P3 JDK-8170950 Text is displayed in bold when fonts are installed into symlinked folder
P3 JDK-8132890 Text Overlapping on Dot Matrix Printers
P3 JDK-8076545 Text size is twice bigger under Windows L&F on Win 8.1 with HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8042199 The build of J2DBench via makefile is broken after the JDK-8005402
P3 JDK-8145542 The case failed automatically and thrown java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception.
P3 JDK-8167310 The graphics clip is incorrectly rounded for some fractional scales
P3 JDK-6232267 TrueType Fonts which have only Apple platform names cannot be loaded
P3 JDK-8036930 Type1 font not loaded by java.awt.Font.createFont
P3 JDK-8139932 Typo in makefile changes for 8043805 [Allow using a system-installed libjpeg]
P3 JDK-8056122 Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.6
P3 JDK-8078331 Upgrade JDK to use LittleCMS 2.7
P3 JDK-8163238 Upgrade to harfbuzz 1.3.0 in JDK 9
P3 JDK-8165212 VolatileImage should not be compatible with GraphicsConfiguration which transform is changed
P3 JDK-8041902 When printing, polylines are not rendered as joined
P3 JDK-8146035 Windows - With LCD antialiasing, some glyphs are not rendered correctly
P3 JDK-8073320 Windows HiDPI Graphics support
P3 JDK-8142966 Wrong cursor position in text components on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8078382 Wrong glyph is displayed for a derived font
P3 JDK-7063986 Wrong JNi method call in font scaler
P3 JDK-8033277 Wrong scaling when printing in Canon Pixma ip100
P3 JDK-7172749 Xrender: Class cast exception in 2D code running an AWT regression test
P3 JDK-8054638 xrender: text drawn after setColor(Color.white) is actually black
P4 JDK-8152971 -Xcheck:jni - WARNING in native method
P4 JDK-8037506 [javadoc] broken link in
P4 JDK-8039418 [macosx] Calling JNI functions in the scope of Get/ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical
P4 JDK-8061258 [macosx] PrinterJob's native Print Dialog does not reflect specified Copies or Page Ranges
P4 JDK-7185221 [macosx] Regtest should not throw exception if a suitable display mode found
P4 JDK-8160888 [PIT] What to expect of updated java/awt/print/PrinterJob/
P4 JDK-7148531 [TEST_BUG] [macosx] In test, the window does not have time to resize before make a screenshot
P4 JDK-8033673 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/image/ fails
P4 JDK-7131835 [TEST_BUG] Test does not consider that the rounded edges of the window in Mac OS 10.7
P4 JDK-8065195 [Win10] JAVA Print is not working with ReportCat API on Windows 10 Platform
P4 JDK-8146324 Add sun.font.FontUtilities.isComplexCharCode or related method to public API
P4 JDK-8153727 AIX jdk build broken after 8145174
P4 JDK-8155236 AIX: fix detection of Xrender extension
P4 JDK-8145077 AIX: fix harfbuzz support
P4 JDK-8034218 AIX: Provide a better file
P4 JDK-8075942 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at sun.java2d.pisces.Dasher.goTo(
P4 JDK-8144446 Automate the Marlin crash test
P4 JDK-8160721 Avoid deoptimizations in Font.equals.
P4 JDK-6575247 Banner checkbox in PrinterJob print dialog doesn't work
P4 JDK-8134476 Broken Hyperlink in JDK 8 java.awt.Font javadocs
P4 JDK-8066132 BufferedImage::getPropertyNames() always returns null
P4 JDK-8158495 CCE: sun.java2d.NullSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.opengl.OGLSurfaceData
P4 JDK-8081886 CGGlyphImages.m no longer builds with xcode 4.x
P4 JDK-8132408 Check before os.version in SunGraphicsEnvironment constructor
P4 JDK-8162429 Clean up obsolete font preferences for JDS.
P4 JDK-8162432 Clean up references in font code to old Solaris releases.
P4 JDK-8156894 Cleanup of sun.java2d.pipe.Region
P4 JDK-8130507 closed/java/awt/font/JNICheck/ test reports some warnings
P4 JDK-4957035 Code given in api is not compilable: docs/api/javax/print/package-summary.html
P4 JDK-8039394 Compiler warnings about C++ exceptions in windows printing code
P4 JDK-8072433 copy/paste duplicated tests in some condition statements
P4 JDK-8140530 Creating a VolatileImage with size 0,0 results in no longer working g2d.drawString
P4 JDK-6353518 Creation of a WritableRaster with a custom DataBuffer causes erroneous Exception
P4 JDK-8048328 CUPS Printing does not report supported printer resolutions.
P4 JDK-8048583 CustomMediaSizeName class matching to standard media is too loose
P4 JDK-8129457 Disposer.pollRemove may fail to dispose
P4 JDK-6212751 DOC: ServiceUI.printDialog() need to enhance the description for X,Y coordinates
P4 JDK-8139183 drawImage misses background's alpha channel
P4 JDK-8168288 Dubious FontMetrics values from NullFontScaler
P4 JDK-6966350 Empty pages when printing on Lexmark E352dn PS3 with "1200 IQ" setting
P4 JDK-8028539 Endless loop in native code of sun.java2d.loops.ScaledBlit
P4 JDK-8159093 Fix coding conventions in Marlin renderer
P4 JDK-8031736 Fix doclint issue in javax.print
P4 JDK-8039862 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in 2d
P4 JDK-8044694 Fix finally lint warnings in sun.print
P4 JDK-8161923 Fix free in awt_PrintControl.
P4 JDK-8042090 Fix invalid variable names in sun/java2d/loops/ProcessPath.c
P4 JDK-8033716 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in com.sun.imageio
P4 JDK-8034998 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.imageio
P4 JDK-8048980 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in platform-specific sun.font files
P4 JDK-8044396 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in platform-specific sun.java2d.*
P4 JDK-8033624 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.font
P4 JDK-8044861 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in closed client libs
P4 JDK-8042864 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in javax.print
P4 JDK-8039342 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.awt.*
P4 JDK-8038644 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.java2d.*
P4 JDK-8042870 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.print
P4 JDK-8034050 Fix serial lint warnings in javax.print
P4 JDK-8037139 Fix serial lint warnings in sun.print
P4 JDK-8033223 Fix serial lint warnings in sun.{font, java2d[.*]}
P4 JDK-8075934 Fix some tidy warnings/errors for javax/imageio
P4 JDK-8057986 freetype code to get glyph outline does not handle initial control point properly
P4 JDK-8035371 gcc compiler warnings in closed source code
P4 JDK-8155682 Get rid of legacy Windows Flags for DX
P4 JDK-8160695 getHBScriptCode script code validation
P4 JDK-6789262 getPageFormat doesn't apply PrintRequestAttributeSet specified
P4 JDK-6591280 getting IPP connection causes disabling jar caches
P4 JDK-7160052 GlyphVector.setGlyphPosition can throw an exception on valid input
P4 JDK-6587251 Import declaration not used in sun.java2d.*
P4 JDK-8159638 Improve array caches and renderer stats in Marlin renderer
P4 JDK-8144654 Improve Marlin logging
P4 JDK-6587235 Incorrect javadoc: "no parameter" in 2d source code
P4 JDK-8143849 Integrate Marlin renderer per JEP 265
P4 JDK-6529030 Java Printing: Print range > Selection gets enabled
P4 JDK-8043509 java.awt.Font gets initialized with the wrong font name for some Locales
P4 JDK-8054878 javadoc issues in javax.imageio
P4 JDK-8054877 javadoc issues in javax.print
P4 JDK-6509729 javax.print.ServiceUI.printDialog Border/Margin Evaluation is bugged
P4 JDK-8143848 JDK-8076529 changeset was pushed with wrong attributions
P4 JDK-8151110 libfontmanager should free memory with delete[] if it was allocated with new[]
P4 JDK-6601097 Margins are not reset to hardware margins when width/height is 0 or -ve alongwith x,y
P4 JDK-8144445 Maximum size checking in Marlin ArrayCache utility methods is not optimal
P4 JDK-8081313 tidy warnings
P4 JDK-8158072 Need a test for JDK-7172749
P4 JDK-8055463 Need public API allowing full access to font collections in Font.createFont()
P4 JDK-8139216 Non-ASCII characters in CUPS printer names are not properly displayed
P4 JDK-8154218 Non-usage of owner Frame when Frame object is passed to getPrintJob()
P4 JDK-6427331 NullPointerException in LookupOp.filter(Raster, WritableRaster)
P4 JDK-8085910 OGL text renderer: gamma lut cleanup
P4 JDK-8062497 Open up some AffineTransform tests
P4 JDK-8038723 Open up some PrinterJob tests
P4 JDK-8017773 OpenJDK7 returns incorrect TrueType font metrics
P4 JDK-8048782 OpenJDK: PiscesCache : xmax/ymax rounding up can cause RasterFormatException
P4 JDK-8177628 Opensource unit/regression tests for ImageIO
P4 JDK-5080098 Page Range must be disabled on the common print dlg for Non serv-formatted flvrs
P4 JDK-4885375 Page Ranges 'To Page' field must be populated based on Pageable
P4 JDK-8144718 Pisces / Marlin Strokers may generate invalid curves with huge coordinates and round joins
P4 JDK-8024168 Print dialog doesn't reflect default page size on Linux
P4 JDK-8061392 PrinterJob NPE when drawing translucent image with null user clip
P4 JDK-6197099 PrinterJob.getUserName() throws a security exception when permission is not given
P4 JDK-8061267 PrinterJob: Specified Page Ranges not displayed in Windows Native Print Dialog
P4 JDK-6218397 Printing to file does not throw a PrinterException if the file cannot be created
P4 JDK-5049012 PrintToFile option is not disabled for flavors that do not support destination
P4 JDK-8163362 Reconsider reflection usage in java.awt.font.JavaAWTFontAccessImpl class
P4 JDK-8072436 Refactor X11FontManager
P4 JDK-6345095 regression test EmptyClipRenderingTest fails
P4 JDK-8162433 Remove files for older Linuxes
P4 JDK-8047931 Remove unused medialib code
P4 JDK-7128051 Rendering artifacts with X11 rendering pipeline
P4 JDK-6357887 selected printertray is ignored under linux
P4 JDK-5080830 SheetCollate is not handled properly by the cross platform print dlg
P4 JDK-8160294 Some client libraries cannot be built with GCC 6
P4 JDK-6842011 StackOverflowError printing landscape with scale and transform.
P4 JDK-4882305 StreamPrintServ.getSupportedAttributeValues returns null for Orientation attr
P4 JDK-6948907 sun.print.DialogOwner does not support Dialogs as DialogOwner
P4 JDK-8040139 Test closed/javax/print/attribute/ fails with NullpointerException
P4 JDK-7102282 TEST_BUG: sun/java2d/OpenGL/ should be modified
P4 JDK-8081491 The case print incomplete.
P4 JDK-8170352 The collate option is not checked
P4 JDK-6921664 The number of copies and the job name are not passed to a 3rd party PrintService
P4 JDK-8037511 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt - 2d part
P4 JDK-6185114 Undefined Exception in SampleModel, method createCompatibleSampleModel
P4 JDK-7116979 Unexpected pixel colour when converting images to TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED
P4 JDK-7107175 UnixPrintJob doesn't handle mediaName vs customTray correctly
P4 JDK-8178984 Unnecessary angle brackets in the Line2D::intersectsLine() javadoc.
P4 JDK-8164628 update copyright header in java.awt.font.JavaAWTFontAccessImpl class
P4 JDK-8057934 Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.6 breaks AIX build
P4 JDK-8144630 Use PrivilegedAction to create Thread in Marlin RendererStats
P4 JDK-8077584 Value of java.awt.font.OpenType.TAG_OPBD is incorrect
P4 JDK-8072678 Wrong exception messages in java.awt.color.ICC_ColorSpace
P5 JDK-8143150 DrawImagePipe can skip some unnecessary blits
P5 JDK-6479801 java.awt.font.LineBreakMeasurer code incorrect
P5 JDK-6975892 Javadoc typo in javax.print.attribute.standard.DialogTypeSelection
P5 JDK-8153363 Redundant check for number of components in PackedColorModel.equals() method
P5 JDK-6708093 Redundant unused native method declaration in
P5 JDK-6483118 TEST_BUG: test instruction need to be clarified
P5 JDK-8170579 The "Banner page" checkbox is disabled


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8167988 java.nio.file.InvalidPathException if click button in JFileChooser demo of SwingSet2
P3 JDK-8065081 Intermittent NPE in Java2Demo applet on Stop/Restart in appletviewer
P3 JDK-8080444 Update SwingSet2 to use installed L&Fs instead of hard-coded list.
P4 JDK-8158408 Font2DTest demo needs to use FontPanel resolution matching the screen
P4 JDK-8133514 Update NervousText demo to use java.version System property
P5 JDK-8026497 Font2DTest demo: unused resource files


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8051588 [headless] DataTransferer.getInstance throws ClassCastException in headless mode
P1 JDK-8074668 [macosx] Mac 10.10: Application run with splash screen has focus issues
P1 JDK-8165555 [macosx] VM crashes on second attempt to execute JCK interactive tests that use Robot (single JVM, agent)
P1 JDK-8144074 [PIT] Crash calling Toolkit.getScreenSize() on Windows.
P1 JDK-8081231 JDK9 client build broken on Windows
P1 JDK-8074921 OS X build broken by reference to XToolkit
P1 JDK-8170539 Test clashes with another test with a similar name
P1 JDK-8037377 Windows: compilation failed after the fix for 8033712
P2 JDK-8177137 8175293 breaks Windows build on VS 2010
P2 JDK-8033326 9 build failure after merge with dev
P2 JDK-8145547 [AWT/Swing] Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux
P2 JDK-8145284 [Documentation] [TextField] Missing new line character handling
P2 JDK-8162959 [HiDPI] screenshot artifacts using AWT Robot
P2 JDK-8158230 [macosx] ActionEvent is not fired for menu item with option apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar
P2 JDK-8169589 [macosx] Activating a JDialog puts to back another dialog
P2 JDK-8132382 [macosx] Crash during JMC or JavaFX execution when NSApplication is controlled by SWT or JavaFX libraries
P2 JDK-8047061 [macosx] Crash when setting display mode
P2 JDK-8047288 [macosx] Endless loop in EDT on Mac
P2 JDK-8041572 [macosx] huge native memory leak in AWTWindow.m
P2 JDK-8167565 [macosx] Maximization of a dialog hides it
P2 JDK-8036917 [macosx] Native memory leaks.
P2 JDK-8029253 [macosx] Performance problems with Retina display on Mac OS X
P2 JDK-8163583 [macosx] Press "To Back" button on the Dialog,the Dialog moves behind the Frame
P2 JDK-8032595 [macosx] setResizable(false) makes a frame slide down
P2 JDK-8176490 [macosx] Sometimes NSWindow.isZoomed hangs
P2 JDK-8154088 [macosx] SWT does not work on JDK 9 since b65
P2 JDK-8158501 [macosx] The checkbox can't be checked via an event generate on the menu.
P2 JDK-8160623 [PIT] Exception running java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyChar/
P2 JDK-8072088 [PIT] NPE in DnD tests apparently because of the fix to JDK-8061636
P2 JDK-8161910 [PIT] regression: HW/LW mixing seems broken on Unity
P2 JDK-8155606 [PIT] Robot's createScreenCapture() broken on Linux
P2 JDK-8081371 [PIT] Test closed/java/awt/FullScreen/DisplayMode/ switches Linux to the single device mode
P2 JDK-8148109 [SWT] Provide a supported mechanism to use EmbeddedFrame
P2 JDK-8139581 AWT components are not drawn after removal and addition to a container
P2 JDK-8048265 AWT crashes inside CCombinedSegTable::In called from Java_sun_awt_windows_WDefaultFontCharset_canConvert
P2 JDK-8130525 Build fail on jdk9-client solaris-sparcv9
P2 JDK-8155784 Build failure on Linux arm64
P2 JDK-8023723 Can not paste and copy the text from the text area into the editor
P2 JDK-8148571 Curious failure of java/awt/Frame/SetMaximizedBounds/
P2 JDK-8177672 DataFlavor.imageFlavor is null when the java.desktop module is not resolved
P2 JDK-8065709 Deadlock in awt/logging apparently introduced by 8019623
P2 JDK-7155963 Deadlock in SystemFlavorMap.getFlavorsForNative and SunToolkit.awtLock
P2 JDK-8078053 Dialog windows invalid renders on Ubuntu 15.04
P2 JDK-8080317 Disable warning treated as error for signed/unsigned comparison in building splashscreen
P2 JDK-8160270 dual-screen issue with java.awt.Choice
P2 JDK-8035302 Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code.
P2 JDK-8164536 enableSuddenTermination() - Not throws SecurityException if a security manager exists and it will not allow the caller to invoke System.exit
P2 JDK-8136858 Examine the usage of ThreadGroup.stop() in sun.awt.AppContext
P2 JDK-8173853 IllegalArgumentException in java.awt.image.ReplicateScaleFilter
P2 JDK-8147077 IllegalArgumentException thrown by api/java_awt/Component/FlipBufferStrategy/indexTGF_General
P2 JDK-8177919 java.awt.Desktop.setDefaultMenuBar​() should be specified to throw IllegalStateException
P2 JDK-8030100 java.awt.Desktop: Enable check for supported URI schemes on Linux
P2 JDK-8179365 JAWT (AWT Native Interface) specification needs to be updated for JDK 9
P2 JDK-8055212 JEP 263: HiDPI Graphics on Windows and Linux
P2 JDK-8048731 JEP 272: Platform-Specific Desktop Features
P2 JDK-8179014 JFileChooser with Windows look and feel crashes on win 10
P2 JDK-8043393 NullPointerException and no event received when clipboard data flavor changes
P2 JDK-8143227 Platform-specific desktop features
P2 JDK-8055746 plenty of clipboard/dnd tests fail and break X11
P2 JDK-8176528 Progress state for window is not displayed in taskbar
P2 JDK-8037485 Refactor java.awt.datatransfer to eliminate dependency on AWT
P2 JDK-8039752 Regression: Clipboard couldn't be used on linux
P2 JDK-8173409 Remove non-standard jdk.desktop module from JDK9
P2 JDK-8060137 Removing Text from TextField / TextArea is not possible after typing
P2 JDK-8056298 Separate java.awt.datatransfer from the desktop module
P2 JDK-8079965 Stop ignoring warnings for libawt_lwawt
P2 JDK-8038217 SunFontManager.initIDs NoSuchFieldError: lcdSubPixPos
P2 JDK-8159374 Taskbar.setIconBadge() spec omits mention of exception for ICON_BADGE_TEXT feature
P2 JDK-8166594 Taskbar.setWindowProgressValue() spec does not specify expected visual behavior of setWindowProgressValue()
P2 JDK-8149636 TextField flicker & over scroll when selection scrolls beyond the bounds of TextField.
P2 JDK-8144915 TextField throws NPE
P2 JDK-8160056 TextField.setText breaks the contract of EOL
P2 JDK-8176009 The awt robot use incorrect location in a multi-screen environment
P2 JDK-8157320 The CheckboxMenuItem can not be selected
P2 JDK-8130769 The new menu can't be shown on the menubar after clicking the "Add" button.
P2 JDK-8072775 Tremendous memory usage by JTextArea
P2 JDK-8178905 Undecorated frame is not painted on OEL7(Gnome3).
P2 JDK-8155691 Update GIFlib library to the latest up-to-date
P2 JDK-8143295 Validating issue in AWT
P2 JDK-8176097 Window set location to a display with different DPI does not properly work
P2 JDK-8037287 Windows build failed after JDK-8030787
P3 JDK-8039926 -spash: can't be combined with -xStartOnFirstThread since JDK 7
P3 JDK-8156020 8145547 breaks AIX and and uses RTLD_NOLOAD incorrectly
P3 JDK-6614519 [Doc] Description java.awt.dnd.DragSourceContext.getCursor() should be clarified
P3 JDK-8150844 [hidpi] [macosx] -Dsun.java2d.uiScale should be taken into account for OS X
P3 JDK-8163100 [hidpi] Linux: display-wise scaling factor issues
P3 JDK-8149115 [hidpi] Linux: display-wise scaling factor should probably be taken into account
P3 JDK-8161273 [hidpi] The frame insets size is wrong on Linux HiDPI because it is not scaled.
P3 JDK-8159168 [hidpi] Window.setShape() works incorrectly on HiDPI
P3 JDK-8150176 [hidpi] wrong resolution variant of multi-res. image is used for TrayIcon
P3 JDK-8049065 [JLightweightFrame] Support DnD for SwingNode
P3 JDK-8152492 [macosx swing] double key event actions when using Mac menubar
P3 JDK-8007220 [macosx] Setting popupmenu on TrayIcon do not work if done *after* adding TrayIcon
P3 JDK-8057788 [macosx] "Pinch to zoom" does not work since jdk7
P3 JDK-8024926 [macosx] AquaIcon HiDPI support
P3 JDK-8148984 [macosx] Chinese Comma cannot be entered using Pinyin Input Method on OS X
P3 JDK-8132503 [macosx] Chinese full stop symbol cannot be entered with Pinyin IM on OS X
P3 JDK-8163979 [macosx] Chinese text shows as Latin w/ openVanilla input method
P3 JDK-8071668 [macosx] Clipboard does not work with 3rd parties Clipboard Managers
P3 JDK-8032667 [macosx] Components cannot be rendered in HiDPI to BufferedImage
P3 JDK-8050478 [macosx] Cursor not updating correctly after closing a modal dialog
P3 JDK-8048549 [macosx] Disable usage of system menu bar if AWT is embedded in FX
P3 JDK-8156099 [macosx] Drag and drop of link from web browser, DataFlavor types application/x-java-url and text/uri-list, getTransferData returns null
P3 JDK-8035147 [macosx] Drag and Drop tests are failing with -Xchech:jni
P3 JDK-8031964 [macosx] Dragging images from the browser does not work
P3 JDK-8173876 [macosx] Fast precise scrolling and DeltaAccumulator fix for macOS Sierra 10.12.2
P3 JDK-8025130 [macosx] Frame setLocationByPlatform has no effect under Mac OS X
P3 JDK-8065739 [macosx] Frame warps to lower left of screen when displayed
P3 JDK-8024185 [macosx] Fullscreen button freezes application when started with -splash
P3 JDK-8033534 [macosx] Get MultiResolution image from native system
P3 JDK-8154057 [macosx] getPrintJob doesn't throw NPE if Frame is null AND type is COMMON.
P3 JDK-8049198 [macosx] Incorrect thread access when showing splash screen
P3 JDK-8080729 [macosx] java 7 and 8 JDialogs on multiscreen jump to parent frame on focus
P3 JDK-8136763 [macosx] java always returns only one value for "text/uri-list" dataflavor even if several files were copied
P3 JDK-8038113 [macosx] JTree icon is not rendered in high resolution on Retina
P3 JDK-8041990 [macosx] Language specific keys does not work in applets when opened outside the browser
P3 JDK-8076264 [macosx] Launching app on MacOSX requires enclosing class
P3 JDK-8035069 [macosx] Loading resolution variants by demand
P3 JDK-8081787 [macosx] MalformedURLException is thrown during reading data for application/x-java-url; flavor
P3 JDK-8160570 [macosx] modal dialog can skip the activation/focus events
P3 JDK-8036882 [macosx] Native memory leak in Java_sun_lwawt_macosx_CImage_nativeGetNSImageRepresentationSizes
P3 JDK-8086038 [macosx] No available data flavors when copying from Microsoft Word for Mac
P3 JDK-8078165 [macosx] NPE when attempting to get image from toolkit
P3 JDK-8042752 [macosx] NSEvent instances leak throw JNI local references
P3 JDK-8160536 [macosx] Possible regression: com/apple/eawt/DefaultMenuBar/
P3 JDK-8158380 [macosx] Regression: java/awt/List/ActionEventTest/
P3 JDK-8129838 [macosx] Regression: NPE in java.awt.Choice
P3 JDK-8037840 [macosx] Rewrite CWarning window to eliminate the ExecutorService
P3 JDK-8155740 [macosx] robot.keyPress and robot.keyRelease do not generate key event for Alt-Graph key VK_ALT_GRAPH.
P3 JDK-8041987 [macosx] setDisplayMode crashes
P3 JDK-8131339 [macosx] setMaximizedBounds() doesn't work for undecorated Frame
P3 JDK-8032864 [macosx] sigsegv (0Xb) Being Generated When Starting JDev With Voiceover Running
P3 JDK-8026869 [macosx] Support apple.awt.use-file-dialog-packages property
P3 JDK-8156460 [macosx] Test case javax/swing/JPopupMenu/6827786/ fails
P3 JDK-8037371 [macosx] Test closed/java/awt/dnd/ImageTransferTest/ImageTransferTest.html fails
P3 JDK-8144166 [macosx] Test java/awt/Component/CompEventOnHiddenComponent/ fails
P3 JDK-8144164 [macosx] Test java/awt/Focus/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest/MouseClickRequestFocusRaceTest failed
P3 JDK-8049996 [macosx] test java/awt/image/ fails with NPE
P3 JDK-8042212 [macosx] Toolkit.getScreenResolution() can return incorrect resolution
P3 JDK-8151773 [macosx] TrayIcon.imageAutoSize property is ignored
P3 JDK-8156116 [macosx] two JNI locals to delete in AWTWindow.m, CGraphicsEnv.m
P3 JDK-8147841 [macosx] Updating TrayIcons popup menu does not work on Mac OSX
P3 JDK-8165717 [macosx] Various memory leaks in jdk9
P3 JDK-8017626 [OGL] Translucent VolatileImages don't paint correctly
P3 JDK-8153287 [PIT] [hidpi] java/awt/image/multiresolution/MultiresolutionIconTest failed (GTK+ and Nimbus L&F)
P3 JDK-8171363 [PIT] Four Windows-specific tests fail with InaccessibleObjectException when calling Field.setAccessible()
P3 JDK-8171909 [PIT] on Windows, failure of java/awt/Dialog/DialogAboveFrame/
P3 JDK-8168657 [PIT] Still, on Windows test always fails: java/awt/SplashScreen/MultiResolutionSplash/unix/
P3 JDK-8153274 [PIT] test always fails: java/awt/SplashScreen/MultiResolutionSplash/unix/
P3 JDK-8131752 [Regression] Test java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ fails
P3 JDK-8130471 [Regression] Test java/awt/Mouse/MouseModifiersUnitTest/ fails
P3 JDK-8151269 [TEST] add test covering getSource() method for multiresolution image
P3 JDK-8031765 [TEST] Child process error stream is not empty!
P3 JDK-8154328 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/TrayIcon/ActionEventTest/
P3 JDK-8058805 [TEST_BUG]Test java/awt/TrayIcon/SecurityCheck/NoPermissionTest/ fails
P3 JDK-8153526 [Unity] Taskbar.getTaskbar().setMenu(null) doesn't remove menu
P3 JDK-7195773 A Button pressed with a non-default keyboard layout grabs the window for events
P3 JDK-8022334 After calling frame.toBack() dialog goes to the back on Ubuntu 12.04
P3 JDK-8130390 Applet fails to launch on virtual desktop
P3 JDK-8059590 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when Container with overridden getComponents() is deserialized
P3 JDK-8157163 AWT FileDialog does not inherit icon image from parent Frame
P3 JDK-8157827 AWT_Desktop/Automated/Exceptions/BasicTest loads incorrect GTK version when jdk.gtk.version=3
P3 JDK-8012224 AWT_TopLevels/TopLevelEvents/Automated/WindowIconifyDeiconifyEventsTest02 fails on Ubuntu 12.04 Unity shell
P3 JDK-8140525 AwtFrame::WmShowWindow() may steal focus
P3 JDK-8059998 Broken link in java.awt.event Interface KeyListener
P3 JDK-8022810 Cannot list all the available display modes on Ubuntu linux in case of two screen devices
P3 JDK-8025815 Child FileDialog of modal dialog does not get focus on Gnome
P3 JDK-8134612 clipboard.getData(dataFlavor) can throw UnsupportedFlavorException for registered data flavor
P3 JDK-8047226 closed/java/awt/Component/GetScreenLocTest/GetScreenLocTest.html clicks on Unity's tool bar
P3 JDK-8058959 closed/java/awt/event/ComponentEvent/MovedResizedTwiceTest/ failed automatically
P3 JDK-7155957 closed/java/awt/MenuBar/MenuBarStress1/ hangs on win 64 bit with jdk8
P3 JDK-8175066 Compilation error due to tag in JDK-8162959
P3 JDK-8080993 Compilation errors with recent clang in awt_parseImage.c and splashscreen_sys.m
P3 JDK-8080395 consider making sun.awt.CausedFocusEvent functionality public
P3 JDK-8151975 Create some tests according to SQE Test Plan for Multi-Resolution Images
P3 JDK-8038631 Create wrapper for awt.Robot with additional functionality
P3 JDK-8173972 createScreenCapture not working as expected on multimonitor setup with different DPI scales.
P3 JDK-8024626 CTW CRASH: SIGSEGV in ctw/jre/lib/rt_jar/preloading_1 and ctw/jre/lib/rt_jar/sun_awt_X11_ListHelper
P3 JDK-8139192 Custom ImageFilters return blank images in Java 8(.45) while working in 7
P3 JDK-8130242 DataFlavorComparator transitivity exception
P3 JDK-8078606 Deadlock in awt clipboard
P3 JDK-8152683 Deadlock when resuming from sleep with different monitor setup
P3 JDK-8075516 Deleting a file from either the open or save java.awt.FileDialog hangs.
P3 JDK-8133453 Deprecate AWTKeyStroke.registerSubclass(Class) method
P3 JDK-8143077 Deprecate InputEvent._MASK in favor of InputEvent._DOWN_MASK
P3 JDK-8042103 Deserialization of empty java.awt.geom.Path2D will cause an exception
P3 JDK-8162840 Desktop. enableSuddenTermination() has no effect
P3 JDK-8155515 Desktop.moveToTrash() javadoc issue
P3 JDK-8167486 Device.getDisplayMode() doesn't report refresh rate on Linux in case of dual screen
P3 JDK-8169355 Diacritics input works incorrectly on Windows if Spanish (Latin American) keyboard layout is used
P3 JDK-8139218 Dialog that opens and closes quickly changes focus in original focusowner
P3 JDK-8077409 Drawing deviates when validate() is invoked on java.awt.ScrollPane
P3 JDK-8173890 Dual-screen linux: still no current mode in getDisplayModes()
P3 JDK-8028617 Dvorak keyboard mapping not honored when ctrl key pressed
P3 JDK-8134669 Empty screen insets in Gnome 3, OEL 7 in multiscreen mode
P3 JDK-8024061 Exception thrown when drag and drop between two components is executed quickly
P3 JDK-8062606 Fix a typo in java.awt.Robot class
P3 JDK-8061636 Fix for JDK-7079254 changes behavior of MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
P3 JDK-8075081 Fix missing doclint warnings in java.awt
P3 JDK-8073453 Focus doesn't move when pressing Shift + Tab keys
P3 JDK-8056915 Focus lost in applet when browser window is minimized and restored
P3 JDK-8020443 Frame is not created on the specified GraphicsDevice with two monitors
P3 JDK-8155772 gtk3_interface.c compilation error on Ubuntu 12.10
P3 JDK-8040007 GtkFileDialog strips user inputted filepath
P3 JDK-8071306 GUI perfomance are very slow compared java 1.6.0_45
P3 JDK-8158205 HiDPI hand cursor broken on Windows
P3 JDK-8145173 HiDPI splash screen support on Windows
P3 JDK-8144594 HiDPI: awt.Choice looks improperly (Win 8)
P3 JDK-8160696 IllegalArgumentException: adding a component to a container on a different GraphicsDevice
P3 JDK-8032788 ImageIcon constructor throws an NPE and hangs when passed a null String parameter
P3 JDK-8039269 images/cursors should not be in ${java.home}/lib
P3 JDK-8038999 In Java 8 java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor.equals is no longer symmetric
P3 JDK-8138764 In some cases the usage of TreeLock can be replaced by other synchronization
P3 JDK-8064934 Incorrect Exception message from
P3 JDK-8051449 Incorrect parsing of the default flavor mapping
P3 JDK-6815345 java.awt.Component.createImage(int width,int height) should remove behavioral optionality
P3 JDK-8066005 java.awt.event.KeyEvent.originalSource doesn't have "since" tag in Serialized Form
P3 JDK-8016313 java.awt.Headless exception has no spec since its creation
P3 JDK-8033936 java.awt.List events are not sent properly to handleEvent or ItemListener
P3 JDK-8075609 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: aContainer is not a focus cycle root of aComponent
P3 JDK-8041734 JFrame in full screen mode leaves empty workspace after close
P3 JDK-8037575 JFrame on Windows doesn't animate when setting ICONIFIED state
P3 JDK-8170387 JLightweightFrame#syncCopyBuffer() may throw IOOBE
P3 JDK-6571600 JNI use results in UnsatisfiedLinkError looking for
P3 JDK-8156098 JRE 1.8 java.awt.Dialog setvisible method has some thread issue.
P3 JDK-8156723 JVM crash at
P3 JDK-8011616 JWindow.getLocation and JWindow.getLocationOnScreen return different values on Unity
P3 JDK-8046495 KeyEvent can not be accepted in quick mouse clicking
P3 JDK-6788138 leak in Java_sun_awt_X11_XlibWrapper_getStringBytes?
P3 JDK-8068283 Mac OS Incompatibility between JDK 6 and 8 regarding input method handling
P3 JDK-6980209 Make tracking SecondaryLoop.enter/exit methods easier
P3 JDK-8167652 Making a frame/dialog resizeble/unresizeble shifts its position on Unity.
P3 JDK-4953367 MAWT: Java should be more careful manipulating NLSPATH, XFILESEARCHPATH env variables
P3 JDK-8171836 memory leak in java.desktop/unix/native/common/awt/fontpath.c
P3 JDK-8146317 Memory leak in wcstombsdmp
P3 JDK-8066436 Minimize can cause window to disappear on osx
P3 JDK-8041928 MouseEvent.getModifiersEx gives wrong result
P3 JDK-8035169 Move ThreadGroupUtils from the sun.misc package
P3 JDK-4379403 Need to disable the "magic AWT dump key" (CTRL+SHIFT+F1)
P3 JDK-8066139 Null return from PrintJob.getGraphics() running closed/java/awt/PrintJob/HighResTest/
P3 JDK-8165838 NullPointerException thrown at at
P3 JDK-8159460 On Ubuntu Unity, problem with java/awt/Window/FindOwner/FindOwnerTest
P3 JDK-8155083 On Windows, usage of USER_ATTENTION_WINDOW depends on state setting order
P3 JDK-8154434 Open the request focus methods of the java.awt.Component which accept FocusEvent.Cause
P3 JDK-8077686 OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call on Ubuntu 15.04
P3 JDK-8035159 PIT: On Linux encountered new fails in client-libs tests
P3 JDK-8131921 Pluggable EventQueue in modular JDK
P3 JDK-8131922 Pluggable Toolkit revisited in modular JDK
P3 JDK-4908075 Press shift and another key using robot does not trigger events properly - WinXP
P3 JDK-8073008 press-and-hold input method for accented characters works incorrectly on OS X
P3 JDK-8161531 Provide a javadoc description for the java.datatransfer module
P3 JDK-8056991 Provide OSInfo functionality to regression tests
P3 JDK-8164899 Provide package access to setComponentMixingCutoutShape
P3 JDK-8134152 Public API for java 8 DataFlavor fields do not have @since tag
P3 JDK-8069015 Re-examine Solaris/Linux java.desktop dependency on java.logging
P3 JDK-8047336 Read as resource
P3 JDK-7033533 realSync() doesn't work with Xfce
P3 JDK-8163261 regression on Linux: java/awt/LightweightDispatcher/
P3 JDK-8160421 Regression: JDK-8139192 causes NPE in java.awt.Toolkit.createCustomCursor()
P3 JDK-8058120 Rendering / caret errors with HTMLDocument
P3 JDK-8079595 Resizing dialog which is JWindow parent makes JVM crash
P3 JDK-8013116 Robot moves mouse to point which differs from set in mouseMove on Unity shell
P3 JDK-8021961 setAlwaysOnTop doesn't behave correctly in Linux/Solaris under certain scenarios
P3 JDK-8158918 setExtendedState(1) for maximized Frame results in state==7
P3 JDK-8025001 setFocusTraversalPolicy() to ContainerOrderFocusTraversalPolicy results in an infinite loop
P3 JDK-8036915 setLocationRelativeTo stopped working in Ubuntu 13.10 (Unity)
P3 JDK-8043610 Sorting columns in JFileChooser fails with AppContext NPE
P3 JDK-7081580 Specification for MouseInfo.getNumberOfButtons() doesn't contain info about "awt.mouse.numButtons"
P3 JDK-8056214 Stop including libjawt in libawt_xawt
P3 JDK-8056151 Switching to GTK L&F on-the-fly leads to X Window System error RenderBadPicture
P3 JDK-8072769 System tray icon title freezes java
P3 JDK-8153512 Taskbar support reported for Xfce4.
P3 JDK-8062738 Test java/awt/datatransfer/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug fails in Windows
P3 JDK-8031423 Test java/awt/dnd/DisposeFrameOnDragCrash/ fails by Timeout on Windows
P3 JDK-8075964 Test java/awt/Mouse/TitleBarDoubleClick/TitleBarDoubleClick.html fails intermittently with timeout error
P3 JDK-8058793 Test sun/awt/datatransfer/ fails with compilation error
P3 JDK-8058635 Test sun/awt/datatransfer/ fails with compilation error
P3 JDK-8040322 TextArea.replaceRange() and insert() are broken with setText(null)
P3 JDK-8055197 TextField deletes multiline strings
P3 JDK-8027324 The spec for Toolkit.setDynamicLayout() and Toolkit.isDynamicLayoutActive() needs to be clarified
P3 JDK-8117886 There is no tooltip while moving the mouse on the tray icon.
P3 JDK-8072069 Toolkit.getScreenInsets() doesn't update if insets change
P3 JDK-8168307 Toolkit.getScreenSize() returns incorrect size on unix in multiscreen systems
P3 JDK-8024858 Tooltip freezes entire application
P3 JDK-8156212 Typo in javadoc of java.awt.Taskbar, setIconBadge spec
P3 JDK-8046031 UI of Java Web Start app isn't updated when changing Windows theme
P3 JDK-8151787 Unify the HiDPI splash screen image naming convention
P3 JDK-8153522 Update JLightweightFrame to allow non-integer (and X/Y) scales
P3 JDK-8180326 Update the tables in java.desktop to be HTML-5 friendly
P3 JDK-6622944 Use instead of package.html within awt packages
P3 JDK-8139189 VK_OEM_102 dead key detected as VK_UNDEFINED
P3 JDK-8151998 VS2010 ThemeReader.cpp(758) : error C3861: 'round': identifier not found
P3 JDK-7157680 XAWT: Native components should not paint native part on UPDATE event
P3 JDK-8165232 XKeycodeToKeysym is deprecated and should be replaced
P4 JDK-8165269 (doc) Toolkit.isDynamicLayoutActive(): orphan ')' in first sentence
P4 JDK-8151385 [hidpi] JOptionPane-Icons only partially visible when using Windows 10 L&F
P4 JDK-8147648 [hidpi] multiresolution image: wrong resolution variant is used as icon in the Unity panel
P4 JDK-8026385 [macosx] (awt) setjmp/longjmp changes the process signal mask on OS X
P4 JDK-7153700 [macosx] add support for MouseMotionListener to the TrayIcon
P4 JDK-8026252 [macosx] Change AWT_DEBUG_BUG_REPORT_MESSAGE for macosx platform
P4 JDK-8027561 [macosx] Cleanup "may not respond to selector" warnings in native code
P4 JDK-8037560 [macosx] Cleanup CClipboard.m
P4 JDK-7156316 [macosx] Ctrl+Space does generate Unknown keychar
P4 JDK-8035568 [macosx] Cursor management unification
P4 JDK-8076106 [macosx] Drag image of TransferHandler does not honor MultiResolutionImage
P4 JDK-8165680 [macosx] Enhance handling of UTF-8 characters in
P4 JDK-7159591 [macosx] In SetFontTest there's no space for the second button
P4 JDK-8043869 [macosx] java -splash does not honor @2x hi dpi notation for retina support
P4 JDK-7124255 [macosx] java.awt.List: method select(int) doesn't work before be visible
P4 JDK-8023148 [macosx] java.util.NoSuchElementException at java.util.LinkedList.getFirst
P4 JDK-7124410 [macosx] Lion HiDPI support
P4 JDK-8042219 [macosx] LWComponentPeer should not reference classes from sun.lwawt.macosx
P4 JDK-8031090 [macosx] LWToolkit should not depends from the macosx.
P4 JDK-8160266 [macosx] and tests does not run with current JDK codebase after taking the files from MACOSX_PORT
P4 JDK-7154841 [macosx] Popups appear behind taskbar
P4 JDK-7124271 [macosx] RealSync test failure
P4 JDK-8037099 [macosx] Remove all references to GC from native OBJ-C code
P4 JDK-8044516 [macosx] ScreenPopupFactory uses native method that could be avoided
P4 JDK-8032219 [macosx] Scrollbars looks bad under retina in Motif and Metal L&F
P4 JDK-8033940 [macosx] SetDisplayMode fails if graphics system has only display modes with unknown refresh rate
P4 JDK-7124365 [macosx] setMaximizedBounds() should be implemented
P4 JDK-7158615 [macosx] Some TrayIcon tests presume action trigger on BUTTON1
P4 JDK-8080504 [macosx] SunToolkit.realSync() may hang
P4 JDK-8150230 [macosx] Test java/awt/keyboard/FunctionKeyCode/ function keys F17, F18 and F19 returns 0 as key code
P4 JDK-8078149 [macosx] The text of the TextArea is not wrapped at word boundaries
P4 JDK-8038765 [macosx] Toolkit.sync should be implemented
P4 JDK-8031694 [macosx] TwentyThousandTest test intermittently hangs
P4 JDK-8042585 [macosx] Unused code in LWCToolkit.m
P4 JDK-8163160 [PIT][TEST_BUG] Some issues in java/awt/image/multiresolution/MultiResolutionIcon/
P4 JDK-8151714 [TEST] [hidpi] add a test for JOptionPane dialog multires. icons
P4 JDK-8147966 [TEST] add a test for multiresolution image properties
P4 JDK-8150724 [TEST] HiDPI: create a test for multiresolution icons
P4 JDK-8150258 [TEST] HiDPI: create a test for multiresolution menu item icons
P4 JDK-8151697 [TEST] minor update of test/java/awt/image/multiresolution/
P4 JDK-8046221 [TEST_BUG] Cleanup datatransfer tests
P4 JDK-8041464 [TEST_BUG] CustomClassLoaderTransferTest does not support OS X
P4 JDK-8044157 [TEST_BUG] Improve recently submitted AWT_Mixing tests
P4 JDK-8017456 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/DataFlavor/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug/MissedHtmlAndRtfBug.html: test frames remain after test execution
P4 JDK-7035459 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Focus/TranserFocusToWindow/ failed
P4 JDK-8031422 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Paint/ fails on Windows 7
P4 JDK-8030640 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/Toolkit/Headless/WrappedToolkitTest/ fails with exit code 2
P4 JDK-8041592 [TEST_BUG] Move 42 AWT hw/lw mixing tests to jdk
P4 JDK-8044172 [TEST_BUG] Move regtests for 4523758 and AltPlusNumberKeyCombinationsTest to jdk
P4 JDK-8053657 [TEST_BUG] move some 5 tests related to undecorated Frame/JFrame to JDK
P4 JDK-8015900 [TEST_BUG] ScrollbarMouseWheelTest failed on ubuntu 12 with unity and unity 2D
P4 JDK-8068305 [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/Mixing/ fails with GTKL&F
P4 JDK-6191390 Action Event triggered by list does not reflect the modifiers properly on win32
P4 JDK-8081332 AIX: fix charset dependenicies after 8035302:Eliminate dependency on jdk.charsets from 2D font code.
P4 JDK-6475361 Attempting to remove help menu from java.awt.MenuBar throws NullPointerException
P4 JDK-8058197 AWT fails on generic non-reparenting window managers
P4 JDK-8042440 awt_Plugin no longer needed
P4 JDK-8153184 BorderLayout javadoc says current version of JDK is 1.2
P4 JDK-8139754 Change Boolean constructor use to the use of Boolean factorymethods. For the macosx-port-dev area
P4 JDK-8152693 Changed behavior of java/awt/xembed/server/ test
P4 JDK-8164104 Cleanup of javaclient related mapfiles
P4 JDK-8180889 Cleanup of javadoc in java.datatransfer module
P4 JDK-8032435 Cleanup of package
P4 JDK-8033141 Cleanup of sun.awt.X11 package
P4 JDK-6744401 Consider removal of code disabling JIT in Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit
P4 JDK-8139508 Debug option does not work in appletviewer
P4 JDK-8080137 Dragged events for extra mouse buttons (4,5,6) are not generated on JSplitPane
P4 JDK-7124381 DragSourceListener.dragDropEnd() never been called on completion of dnd operation
P4 JDK-8039567 Duplicated code in DataTransferer
P4 JDK-8081485 EDT auto shutdown is broken in case of new event queue usage
P4 JDK-8032527 fix a couple doclint errors in java/awt/geom/Path2D
P4 JDK-8030845 Fix doclint missing issues in java.awt.event
P4 JDK-8031467 Fix doclint missing issues in java.awt.{dnd[.peer], datatransfer}
P4 JDK-8033181 Fix doclint missing issues in java.awt.{peer, im[.spi]}
P4 JDK-8043967 Fix doclint warnings for java.awt
P4 JDK-8039861 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in awt
P4 JDK-8039501 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in jdk libraries
P4 JDK-8039859 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in sun.awt.image.codec
P4 JDK-8067087 Fix mac-specific deprecation warnings in the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8170525 Fix minor issues in AWT/ECC/PKCS11 coding
P4 JDK-8033712 Fix more serial lint warnings in sun.awt
P4 JDK-8031550 Fix overloads lint warnings in client code
P4 JDK-8044862 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in macosx specific code
P4 JDK-8044551 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in platform-specific sun.awt files
P4 JDK-8033526 Fix serial lint warnings in java.awt.*
P4 JDK-8033222 Fix serial lint warnings in sun.awt.*
P4 JDK-8075956 Fix some tidy warnings for java.awt
P4 JDK-8039109 Fix unchecked and raw lint warnings in java.awt
P4 JDK-8067093 Fix windows-specific deprecation warnings in the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8163408 Fix wrong prototype of getNativeScaleFactor() in systemScale.h
P4 JDK-6624085 Fourth mouse button (wheel) is treated like second button - isPopupTrigger returns true
P4 JDK-8030093 Generify DataTrasfer classes
P4 JDK-6778087 getLocationOnScreen() always returns (0, 0) for mouse wheel events
P4 JDK-8058930 GraphicsEnvironment.getHeadlessProperty() does not work for AIX
P4 JDK-8025492 Hand cursor does not use Windows' system cursor
P4 JDK-8057574 inconsistent behavior for setBackground (Windows/Linux)
P4 JDK-8134603 Incorrect destination is used in CGLLayer surface
P4 JDK-8132355 Incorrect guard block in HPkeysym.h, awt_Event.h
P4 JDK-8043807 Incorrect StackTrace in IOException thrown from ClipboardTransferable
P4 JDK-4703110 java.awt.Canvas(GraphicaConfiguration): null reaction
P4 JDK-8074500 java.awt.Checkbox.setState() call causes ItemEvent to be filed
P4 JDK-8158178 java.awt.SplashScreen.getSize() returns incorrect size for high dpi splash screens
P4 JDK-6544871 java/awt/event/KeyEvent/KeyTyped/CtrlASCII.html fails from jdk b09 on windows.
P4 JDK-8033128 Javadoc change is required for java.awt.Robot(GraphicsDevice screen) constructor
P4 JDK-8166313 JavaDoc mentions AppEvent subclasses as inner class of AppEvent
P4 JDK-8043646 libosxapp.dylib fails to build on Mac OS 10.9 with clang
P4 JDK-8049694 Migrate functional AWT_DesktopProperties/Automated tests to OpenJDK
P4 JDK-8055664 move 14 tests about setLocationRelativeTo to jdk
P4 JDK-8041915 Move 8 awt tests to OpenJDK regression tests tree
P4 JDK-8044429 move awt automated exclusion tests for AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository
P4 JDK-8043126 move awt automated functional tests from AWT_Events/Lw and AWT_Events/AWT to OpenJDK repository
P4 JDK-8047367 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 2
P4 JDK-8049617 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 3
P4 JDK-8050885 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 4
P4 JDK-8052012 move awt automated tests from AWT_Modality to OpenJDK repository - part 5
P4 JDK-8039279 Move awt tests to openjdk repository
P4 JDK-8048246 Move AWT_DnD/Clipboard/Automated functional tests to OpenJDK
P4 JDK-8047180 Move functional tests AWT_Headless/Automated to OpenJDK repository
P4 JDK-8044765 Move functional tests AWT_SystemTray/Automated to openjdk repository
P4 JDK-8043131 Move ShapedAndTranslucentWindows and GC functional AWT tests to regression tree
P4 JDK-8051440 move tests about maximizing undecorated to OpenJDK
P4 JDK-8147849 multiresolution image: some questions about selecting the proper image variant
P4 JDK-8132123 MultiResolutionCachedImage unnecessarily creates base image to get its size
P4 JDK-8004148 NPE in sun.awt.SunToolkit.getWindowDeactivationTime
P4 JDK-8062021 NPE in sun/lwawt/macosx/CPlatformWindow::toFront after JDK-8060146
P4 JDK-8129894 NSApplicationAWT.m:343:72: error: comparison of constant 777 with expression of type 'NSEventSubtype'
P4 JDK-8051857 OperationTimedOut exception inside from XToolkit.syncNativeQueue call
P4 JDK-8071483 Possible case-folding collision for color/Color subdirectories of jdk/test/java/awt/
P4 JDK-4419271 Provide support for scrolling-mechanisms of non-mouse input-devices
P4 JDK-8130478 Reconsider "awt.toolkit" property usage in java.awt.Toolkit getDefaultToolkit() method
P4 JDK-6829245 Reg test: java/awt/Component/isLightweightCrash/ fails
P4 JDK-6734341 REGTEST fails: SelectionAutoscrollTest.html
P4 JDK-8130776 Remove EmbeddedFrame.requestFocusToEmbedder() method
P4 JDK-8047798 Remove EventQueueDelegate
P4 JDK-8056911 Remove internal API usage from ExtendedRobot class
P4 JDK-8049830 Remove reflection from ScreenMenuBar
P4 JDK-8134808 Remove support for serialized applets from java.desktop
P4 JDK-8154269 Remove unused or unnecessary Xm/Xt files and header includes
P4 JDK-8047799 Remove WindowClosingSupport
P4 JDK-8043972 Remove wrong copyright notice in jdk/test/java/awt/Frame/DecoratedExceptions/
P4 JDK-8075717 Replace INTERNAL_BUILD with DEBUG in awt
P4 JDK-8160146 Resolve disabled GCC warning 'deprecated-declarations' for libawt_xawt
P4 JDK-8030953 SelectionVisible test should test multiline selection in case of TextArea
P4 JDK-6961123 setWMClass fails to null-terminate WM_CLASS string
P4 JDK-8068275 Some tests failed after JDK-8063104
P4 JDK-8042806 Splashscreen uses libjpeg-internal macros
P4 JDK-8080695 splashscreen_png.c compile error with gcc 4.9.2
P4 JDK-8030987 sun_awt_X11_GtkFileDialogPeer.h can be removed
P4 JDK-8067086 Suppress mac-specific deprecation warnings in the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8067092 Suppress windows-specific deprecation warnings in the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8150954 Taking screenshots on x11 composite desktop produce wrong result
P4 JDK-8039267 Test closed/java/awt/Choice/ChoiceLocationTest/ChoiceLocationTest.html should be removed
P4 JDK-7112454 TEST_BUG: java/awt/Choice/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents/PopdownGeneratesMouseEvents.html failed
P4 JDK-7161320 TEST_BUG: java/awt/event/KeyEvent/SwallowKeyEvents/ fails (Invalid key code)
P4 JDK-8040081 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.applet
P4 JDK-8039259 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt
P4 JDK-8038242 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.awt.datatransfer, java.awt.dnd, java.awt.event
P4 JDK-8139152 Toolkit.createCustomCursor() provides no way to produce retina-quality cursors
P4 JDK-6384991 TrayIcon ActionListener called at wrong time
P4 JDK-8178971 Uncommon formatting and typos in java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8149151 Use local GraphicsEnvironment to get screen size in WToolkit
P4 JDK-8177461 Wrong references are used in the javadoc in the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8003900 X11 dependencies should be removed from Mac OS X build.
P4 JDK-8158478 X11 keysym XK_topt maps to the wrong Unicode character
P4 JDK-8042416 X11GraphicsEnvironment.isDisplayLocal() throws NoSuchElementException if DISPLAY host has more IP addresses than a local interface
P5 JDK-8151136 [macosx] According to the description,the case is failed
P5 JDK-8035168 [macosx] Remove CThreading class
P5 JDK-8154016 [macosx] Some HiDPI code can be removed
P5 JDK-8137137 [macosx] The native dialog doesn't have 'close'(X) button on Mac OS.
P5 JDK-8138893 [tidy] a couple of new tidy warnings from java/awt/image
P5 JDK-8036103 Cleanup of java.awt and java.awt.peer packages
P5 JDK-8034068 Label.toString performance improvement
P5 JDK-8169043 The task bar icon color is not blue
P5 JDK-6690000 Typo's in DataFlavor Javadoc


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8136570 Stop changing user environment variables related to /usr/dt
P3 JDK-8031992 Add Kannada support to the JDK
P3 JDK-8154816 Caps Lock doesn't work as expected when using Pinyin Simplified input method
P3 JDK-8076455 IME Composition Window is displayed on incorrect position
P4 JDK-8019990 IM candidate window appears on the South-East corner of the display.
P4 JDK-8156662 Remove unused IM implementations (thaiim & indicim)
P4 JDK-7015696 The new currency symbols 20B9 (INDIAN RUPEE), 20BA (TURKISH LIRA), 20BD (RUBLE SIGN) not displayed


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8131754 AquaTreeUI.getCollapsedIcon() issue reported in java beans tests with a modular build
P2 JDK-8131926 java/beans/SimpleBeanInfo/LoadingStandardIcons/ failure with modular JDK
P2 JDK-8165263 Remove code in MetaData that hacks into private fields of Collections implementation classes
P2 JDK-4763438 Replace uses of @beaninfo with meta facility in core j2se
P2 JDK-8130937 Several methods in BeanProperty return null instead of boolean value
P3 JDK-8154756 @BeanProperty: invalid bean info in case of overloaded setter (varargs) - unstable behavior
P3 JDK-8132973 @BeanProperty: what is the correct output in case of repeating annotations?
P3 JDK-8051849 [TEST_BUG] Test java/beans/Introspector/7084904/ fails
P3 JDK-8129904 Add beans tests to tier 3
P3 JDK-8143346 Broken link in java.beans.XMLEncoder
P3 JDK-8040656 Classes with overriden methods with covariant returns return random read methods
P3 JDK-8132138 Create some tests according to SQE Test Plan for BeanInfo Annotations
P3 JDK-8039776 Introspector throws NullPointerException for subclasses' mismatched get/setter
P3 JDK-8030123 java/beans/Introspector/ fails
P3 JDK-8158281 fails with AssertionError
P3 JDK-8044826 JEP 256: BeanInfo Annotations
P3 JDK-8159898 Negative array size in java/beans/Introspector/
P3 JDK-8131347 new @BeanProperty annotation: inconsistent behavior for "enumerationValues"
P3 JDK-7179078 Remove @beaninfo processing from the makefiles
P3 JDK-8060027 Tests java/beans/XMLEncoder/ and java/beans/XMLEncoder/
P3 JDK-8066404 The case is failed automatically and thrown the "java.lang.IllegalStateException" exception
P3 JDK-8156043 Unstable behavior of PropertyDescriptor's getWriteMethod() in case of overloaded setters
P4 JDK-8154962 [TEST] @BeanProperty: add some tests for anonimous classes
P4 JDK-8131055 [TEST] bean annotations: add a test checking if a separate user-defined BeanInfo class is top-priority as compared with the annotations.
P4 JDK-8155021 [TEST] create one more inheritance test for @BeanProperty
P4 JDK-8044855 Add missing @since tag under java.beans.*
P4 JDK-8067657 Dead/outdated links in Javadoc of package java.beans
P4 JDK-8034085 Do not prefer indexed properties
P4 JDK-8031589 Fix doclint issues in java.beans.beancontext
P4 JDK-8032616 Fix non-deprecation warnings in com.sun.beans.*
P4 JDK-8042860 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in java.beans
P4 JDK-8034164 Introspector ignores indexed part of the property sometimes
P4 JDK-7084904 Introspector returns isX() from base package-private class that throws exception
P4 JDK-8159696 java.beans.MethodRef#get throws NullPointerException
P4 JDK-8146313 The java.beans.Statement.invoke() method handles 3-arg Class.forName incorrectly
P4 JDK-8038488 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.beans
P4 JDK-8156579 Two JavaBeans tests failed
P5 JDK-4058433 RFE: tool for creating BeanInfo template


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8053966 Add missing parts of Java Access Bridge and Accessibility Utilities to JDK
P2 JDK-8078408 Java version applet hangs with Voice over turned on
P2 JDK-8076249 NPE in AccessBridge while editing JList model
P2 JDK-8175915 NullPointerException from JComboBox and JList when Accessibility enabled
P2 JDK-8055160 Support loading of Assistive Technology from service provider
P3 JDK-8076554 [macosx] Custom Swing text components need to allow standard accessibility
P3 JDK-8166858 [macosx] Incorrect VoiceOver cursor behavior when selecting JList items
P3 JDK-8145207 [macosx] JList, VO can't access non-visible list items
P3 JDK-7124240 [macosx] Multi-select lists and trees are unusable by users who are blind
P3 JDK-8145984 [macosx] sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessible leaks
P3 JDK-8166497 [macosx] VoiceOver can only navigate to first two items of a JList
P3 JDK-8061379 [OS X Accessibility] JComboBox works very strange with Voice Over
P3 JDK-8165829 Android Studio 2.x crashes with NPE at sun.lwawt.macosx.CAccessibility.getAccessibleIndexInParent
P3 JDK-8144761 Assistive Technology not found when installing NetBeans on Linux
P3 JDK-8167182 Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.accessibility
P3 JDK-8068518 IllegalArgumentException in JTree.AccessibleJTree
P3 JDK-8071334 Investigate JAB changes required to support the version string change
P3 JDK-8036819 JAB: mneumonics not read for textboxes
P3 JDK-8145228 Java Access Bridge, getAccessibleStatesStringFromContext doesn't wrap the call to getAccessibleRole
P3 JDK-8154069 Jaws reads wrong values from comboboxes when no element is selected
P3 JDK-8017112 JTabbedPane components have inconsistent accessibility tree
P3 JDK-8076182 Open Source Java Access Bridge - Create Patch for JEP C127 8055831
P3 JDK-8171808 Performance problems in dialogs with large tables when JAB activated
P3 JDK-8078335 Re-examine jdk.accessibility/share/classes/com/sun/java/accessibility/util location
P3 JDK-8167213 Re-examine the alternative to deliver include/bridge/AccessBridgeCalls.c
P4 JDK-8054157 Access Bridge; add definitions for bits 8 and 9 for for new accelerator support
P4 JDK-8044183 AccessBridge crashes if running Ferret and hover off a menu item
P4 JDK-8132249 Clean up JAB debugging code
P4 JDK-8044820 Consider removing externalization of GUIInitializedMulticaster and TopLevelWindowMulticaster
P4 JDK-4305452 Example source code comments are misleading and should be changed
P4 JDK-8044469 Fix fallthrough lint warning in accessibility
P4 JDK-8046272 Fix overrides lint warnings in accessibility
P4 JDK-8042861 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in
P4 JDK-8048022 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in javax.accessibility
P4 JDK-8036983 JAB:Multiselection Ctrl+CursorUp/Down and ActivateDescenderPropertyChanged event
P4 JDK-8032443 Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed
P4 JDK-8057977 Java Access Bridge, regression, NPE, occurs randomly
P4 JDK-8175831 Provide a javadoc description for jdk.accessibility module
P4 JDK-8009883 REGRESSION: test/closed/javax/swing/AbstractButton/4246045/ fails
P4 JDK-8069131 Suppress deprecation warning in oracle.accessbridge


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8143342 Integrate Java Image I/O support for TIFF per JEP 262
P2 JDK-8065682 JEP 262: TIFF Image I/O
P2 JDK-8148891 Multiple failing javax/imageio/plugins after client integration
P2 JDK-8068749 Restrict javax.imageio.spi.ServiceRegistry to ImageIO types
P2 JDK-8160943 skipImage() in JPEGImageReader class throws IIOException if we have gaps between markers in Jpeg image.
P3 JDK-8145014 "IIOException: Couldn't seek!" when calling TIFFImageReader.getNumImages()
P3 JDK-8144997 "IIOException: Field data is past end-of-stream" when calling
P3 JDK-8040277 [macosx] Multiple threads cause no garbage collection
P3 JDK-8074967 [macosx] JPEGImageReader incorrectly identifies YCbCr JPEGs as RGB in standard metadata
P3 JDK-8148454 [PIT] Failure of ReplaceMetadataTest on TIFF with IllegalStateException
P3 JDK-8144245 [PIT] javax/imageio/plugins/shared/
P3 JDK-8149558 [TEST] add regression test for JDK-8150154
P3 JDK-8149028 [TEST] add test for TIFFDirectory
P3 JDK-8154075 [TIFF] AIOOB Exception from TIFFLZWDecompressor
P3 JDK-8154058 [TIFF] ignoreMetadata parameter of TIFFImageReader's setInput() method affects TIFFImageReadParam in non-obvious way
P3 JDK-8154228 [TIFF] IIOException: "Insufficient data offsets or byte counts" when loading test image
P3 JDK-8154093 [TIFF] NPE when reading LZW-compressed image
P3 JDK-8150154 AIOOB Exception during sequential write of TIFF images
P3 JDK-8167278 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when calling with RLE4 BMP
P3 JDK-6852563 ArrayOutOfBoundException when reading RLE8 compressed bitmap
P3 JDK-8148914 test fails
P3 JDK-8041465 BMPImageReader read error using ImageReadParam with set sourceRectangle
P3 JDK-8170142 Broken links in TIFF metadata format and usage notes
P3 JDK-8169725 cannot use TIFFField(TIFFTag tag, int value) for TIFF_LONG values greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE
P3 JDK-8152966 ClassCastException when adding IFD to the TIFFDirectory before the image write
P3 JDK-8165981 Consider making some classes in javax.imageio.plugins.tiff final
P3 JDK-8140229 Create some tests according to SQE Test Plan for TIFF Image I/O
P3 JDK-8145019 Exceptions from when loading bit depth test images
P3 JDK-8168498 ExifGPSTagSet and ExifTIFFTagSet should use string literals for String constants
P3 JDK-6294607 GIFWriter returns the same compression type twice
P3 JDK-8074954 ImageInputStreamImpl.readShort/readInt do not behave correctly at EOF
P3 JDK-7195572 ImageIO JPEG encoder fails due to missing in JRE
P3 JDK-8041501 ImageIO reader is not capable of reading JPEGs without JFIF header
P3 JDK-8154860 ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName() fails when jai_imageio is in the classpath
P3 JDK-8044289 In ImageIO.write() and null stream is not handled properly.
P3 JDK-6945174 IndexOutOfBoundsException calling on malformed PNG
P3 JDK-6967419 IndexOutOfBoundsException when drawing PNGs
P3 JDK-8152561 Is it allowed to have zero value for count in TIFFField.createArrayForType() for the rationals
P3 JDK-8145113 OutOfMemoryError when reading a 17KB corrupted TIFF image
P3 JDK-6488522 PNG writer should permit setting compression level and iDAT chunk maximum size
P3 JDK-8022640 ServiceRegistry (used by ImageIO) lack synchronization
P3 JDK-8156459 SimpleCMYKColorSpace serialVersionUID is inappropriate
P3 JDK-6379088 Suboptimal expression in javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier.getBitsPerBand(int)
P3 JDK-8168367 Table in javax.imageio package description does not mention TIFF
P3 JDK-8080086 Test javax/imageio/plugins/png/ fails on Linux with G1 GC
P3 JDK-8164750 TIFF reading fails when ignoring metadata with BaselineTIFFTagSet removed
P3 JDK-8173064 Unexpected tag in javax/imageio/plugins/tiff/package.html
P3 JDK-8140314 Verify IIOMetadataFormat class on loading.
P3 JDK-8166685 We should unpin stream and pixel buffer in case of setjmp during writeImage in JPEG.
P4 JDK-8145609 6488522 was committed with incorrect author attribution.
P4 JDK-8145776 [TEST] add a test for multipage tiff creation
P4 JDK-8152183 [TEST] add test for TIFFField
P4 JDK-8145780 [TEST] create a simple test for TIFF tag sets
P4 JDK-8146881 [TEST] update some imageio tests to affect TIFF format
P4 JDK-8043693 A typo in the javadoc for javax.imageio.ImageReader
P4 JDK-4952954 abort flag is not cleared for every write operation for JPEG ImageWriter
P4 JDK-8132500 Add imageio test to tier 3
P4 JDK-7182758 BMPMetadata returns invalid PhysicalPixelSpacing
P4 JDK-8172153 Create workaround for failure to use ICC profile contained in a TIFF field
P4 JDK-6386906 Faulty rounding code in BMPImageReader.decodeRLE4()
P4 JDK-8035487 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.imageio.spi
P4 JDK-8033616 Fix serial lint warnings in javax.imageio.*
P4 JDK-8163258 Getting NullPointerException from ImageIO.getReaderWriterInfo due to failure to check for null
P4 JDK-8152672 IIOException while getting second image properties for JPEG
P4 JDK-8167281 IIOMetadataNode bugs in getElementsByTagName and NodeList.item methods
P4 JDK-8144071 ImageIO does not reset stream if an exception is thrown
P4 JDK-8144744 ImageWriter.replacePixels() specification is incorrect regarding null ImageWriteParam
P4 JDK-8143562 JPEG reader returns null for getRawImageType()
P4 JDK-6243376 JPEGImageWriter corrupts color for non-JFIF images with differing sample factors
P4 JDK-4958064 JPGWriter does not throw UnsupportedException when canWriteSequence retuns false
P4 JDK-8156580 Make TIFFTagSet subclasses final
P4 JDK-8169728 Missing sign checks in TIFFField(TIFFTag tag, int type, int count, Object data) for TIFFTag.TIFF_LONG
P4 JDK-8168609 No link to BMP specification in javax.imageio package documentation
P4 JDK-8066904 NullPointerException when calling with corrupt BMP
P4 JDK-8145608 PNG writer should permit setting compression level and iDAT chunk maximum
P4 JDK-4991647 PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to invalid value
P4 JDK-4924727 reader.abort() method does not work when called inside imageStarted for PNG
P4 JDK-7059970 Test case: javax/imageio/plugins/png/ is not closing a file
P4 JDK-8155960 TIFF javadoc contains HTML entities inside {@code} tags
P4 JDK-8149562 TIFFField#createFromMetadataNode javadoc should provide information about sibling/child nodes that should be part of parameter node
P4 JDK-8153208 TIFFImageReadParam: should "contains()" check be appropriate for addAllowedTagSet() method?
P4 JDK-8164931 Verify if writer.abort() works properly for all writers in IIOWriteProgressListener.
P5 JDK-8149593 Change foo to {@code foo} in TIFF plugin classes


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8068412 [macosx] Initialization of Cocoa hangs if CoreAudio was initialized before
P2 JDK-8148915 Intermittent failures of
P2 JDK-8168751 Two "Direct Clip" threads are created to play the same "AudioClip" object, what makes clip sound corrupted
P3 JDK-8013586 audioInputStream.close() does not release the resource
P3 JDK-8148983 Fix extra comma in changes for JDK-8148916
P3 JDK-8160217 JavaSound should clean up resources better
P3 JDK-6729836 JavaSound treats large file sizes as negative and cannot read or skip
P3 JDK-8168881 javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ fails
P3 JDK-8134632 Mark javax/sound/midi/Devices/ as headful
P3 JDK-8180452 Mark as failing intermittently
P3 JDK-8074831 Resolve disabled warnings for libjsound
P3 JDK-8074832 Resolve disabled warnings for libjsoundalsa
P3 JDK-8058115 Some of MidiDeviceProviders do not follow the specification
P3 JDK-8054431 Some of the input validation in the javasound is too strict
P3 JDK-8156169 Some sound tests rarely hangs because of incorrect synchronization
P3 JDK-8159783 sound/javax_sound_midi/MidiDeviceTests/test520 fails on Windows 10
P3 JDK-8178685 Update links to guide in javax sound package javadoc
P4 JDK-8177560 @headful key can be removed from the tests for JavaSound
P4 JDK-8134554 Add sound tests to tier 3
P4 JDK-8166288 Au file format can be validated better
P4 JDK-6459818 Audio A-law and law decoder skip() method not implemented
P4 JDK-8131974 AudioFileReader incorrectly handle EOFException
P4 JDK-8038139 AudioInputStream.getFrameLength() returns wrong value for floating-point WAV
P4 JDK-8064800 AudioSystem/WaveFileWriter can't write PCM_FLOAT, but writes it anyway
P4 JDK-8143909 Behavior of null arguments not specified in javax.sound.midi.spi
P4 JDK-8135100 Behavior of null arguments not specified in javax.sound.sampled.spi
P4 JDK-8163949 Cleanup of classes which are related to JavaSound
P4 JDK-8039863 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in sound
P4 JDK-8170798 Fix minor issues in java2d and sound coding.
P4 JDK-8042256 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8044553 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.sound.*
P4 JDK-8042871 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in
P4 JDK-8034046 Fix serial lint warnings in javax.sound
P4 JDK-8037173 Fix serial lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8167435 IllegalArgumentException is not thrown by,byte[], int, int)
P4 JDK-8149958 Implementation/documantation of should be updated
P4 JDK-8059743 Incorrect assumtion in javax\sound\midi\Gervill\SoftProvider\
P4 JDK-8146144 Incorrect behaviour of AudioSystem.getTargetFormats/getTargetEncodings/isConversionSupported
P4 JDK-8168998 Incorrect implementation of equals in Encoding and Type in JavaSound
P4 JDK-8050852 Javadoc cleanup of javax.sound.midi package
P4 JDK-8043979 Javadoc cleanup of javax.sound.sampled package
P4 JDK-8042007 Javadoc cleanup of javax.sound.sampled.spi package
P4 JDK-7076354 JavaSoundAudioClip stop() Method sequencer.addMetaEventListener(this); wrong?
P4 JDK-7109623 javax/sound/sampled/DirectAudio/ failed
P4 JDK-8039901 jdk/src/share/classes/com/sun/media/sound/services/ appear not to be used
P4 JDK-8148916 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8170139 still fails
P4 JDK-8167615 Opensource unit/regression tests for JavaSound
P4 JDK-8129511 PlatformMidi.c:83 uses malloc without malloc header
P4 JDK-8142898 Prefer isFile()/isDirectory() over exists() in SoftSynthesizer
P4 JDK-8147407 Provide support of WaveExtensible sound format
P4 JDK-8050465 Remove package
P4 JDK-8132782 RIFFReader does not support WAVE-Files greater than 2 GiB
P4 JDK-8072665 SoundLibraries.gmk and SoundDefs.h: remove isSigned8() dead code
P4 JDK-8167028 can be removed
P4 JDK-8146239 Support of PCM_FLOAT for the AU file format
P4 JDK-6574989 TEST_BUG: javax/sound/sampled/Clip/ fails sometimes
P4 JDK-7058700 Unexpected exceptions and timeouts in SF2 parser code
P4 JDK-7058697 Unexpected exceptions in MID parser code
P4 JDK-8083664 Update AudioFileWriter to generate working @see reference
P4 JDK-8178383 Validation of FileIO in the tests for JavaSound should be stricter
P5 JDK-8037117 Javadoc cleanup of javax.sound.midi.spi package
P5 JDK-8169332 The fix JDK-8083664 in AudioFileWriter can be reverted
P5 JDK-8156583 Typo in the spec of javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat.Encoding.toString()


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8046239 Build failure in 9-client on all non-Windows platforms
P2 JDK-8051359 [headless] JPopupMenu creation in headless mode with JDK9b23 causes NPE
P2 JDK-8147602 [hidpi] two-display configuration: issues with mouse events when moving a Swing app to the 2nd display
P2 JDK-8166591 [macos 10.12] Trackpad scrolling of text on macOS 10.12 Sierra is very fast (Trackpad, Retina only)
P2 JDK-8178996 [macos] JComboBox doesn't display popup in mixed JavaFX Swing Application on 8u131 and Mac OS 10.12
P2 JDK-8176448 [macos] Popups in JCombobox and Choice have incorrect location in multiscreen systems
P2 JDK-8160879 [PIT] CloseOnMouseClickPropertyTest fails with AA hint:Nonantialiased rendering mode exception
P2 JDK-8098835 [PIT] Endless loop in JEditorPane
P2 JDK-8179665 [Windows] java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException: component must be showing on the screen to determine its location
P2 JDK-8136366 Add a public API to create a L&F without installation
P2 JDK-8055254 Address source incompatability of JSlider generification
P2 JDK-8057770 api/javax_swing/JScrollPane/indexTGF.html#UpdateUI failed with MotifLookAndFeel on all platform
P2 JDK-8150225 api/javax_swing/text/AbstractWriter/index_indent failed
P2 JDK-8177625 apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.getConstantName(int) checks for THUMB_START twice
P2 JDK-8017284 Aqua LaF: memory leak when HTML is used for JTabbedPane tab titles
P2 JDK-8174845 Bad scaling on Windows with large fonts with Java 9ea
P2 JDK-8058305 BadLocationException is not thrown by javax.swing.text.View.getNextVisualPositionFrom() for invalid positions
P2 JDK-8176883 Enable antialiasing for Metal L&F icons on HiDPI display
P2 JDK-8149879 Examine UIDefaults::addResourceBundle(String bundleName) with resource encapsulation
P2 JDK-8046391 Hang displaying JFileChooser with Windows L&F
P2 JDK-8147440 HiDPI (Windows): Swing components have incorrect sizes after changing display resolution
P2 JDK-8028616 Htmleditorkit parser doesn't handle leading slash (/)
P2 JDK-8158694 IOOBE in DefaultRowSorter.convertRowIndexToModel
P2 JDK-8175301 Java GUI hangs on Windows when Display set to 125%
P2 JDK-8177450 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript ignores a character after comment end
P2 JDK-8057184 JCK8's api/javax_swing/JDesktopPane/descriptions.html#getset failed with GTKLookAndFeel on Linux and Solaris run
P2 JDK-8179027 JComboBox too small under Windows LAF
P2 JDK-8055059 JDK9b22 public API exposes package private classes
P2 JDK-8061319 JDK9b28: no CCC for removing final modifier from javax.swing.event.SwingPropertyChangeSupport.isNotifyOnEDT
P2 JDK-8158734 JEditorPane.createEditorKitForContentType throws NPE after 6882559
P2 JDK-8154365 JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation is prohibited in jtreg
P2 JDK-8058870 Mac: JFXPanel deadlocks in jnlp mode
P2 JDK-8144170 NEED_TEST to cover JDK-8029196
P2 JDK-8057819 No CCC approving removing final modifier from javax.swing.SwingUtilities.isRectangleContainingRectangle static method
P2 JDK-8158566 Provide a Swing property to not close toggle menu items on mouse click
P2 JDK-8164937 Remove code from SortingFocusTraversalPolicy that hacks into non-public Arrays.legacyMergeSort
P2 JDK-8059297 Test api/javax_swing/interactive/JInternalFrameTests.html#JInternalFrame [JInternalFrameTest0007] fails with MotifLookAndFeel
P2 JDK-8171074 Test api/javax_swing/UIManager/index.html\#Methods is failing
P2 JDK-8176177 The new SwingContainer annotation can be removed from javax.accessibility.AccessibleContext
P2 JDK-8159068 The rendering of JTable is broken
P2 JDK-8175293 Window size is not updated after setting location to display with different DPI
P3 JDK-8156121 "Fail forward" fails for GTK3 if no GTK2 available
P3 JDK-8149849 [hidpi] DnD issues (cannot DnD from JFileChooser to JEditorPane or other text component) when scale > 1
P3 JDK-8147600 [hidpi] invalid rendering of Swing UI controls (radiobuttons, choice etc.)
P3 JDK-8144735 [hidpi] javax/swing/JWindow/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ fails
P3 JDK-8029455 [JLightweightFrame] support scaled painting
P3 JDK-8076164 [JTextField] When input too long Thai character, cursor's behavior is odd
P3 JDK-8168022 [macos] Double click and modifier clicks from external mouse not recognized on macOS Sierra
P3 JDK-8151303 [macosx] [hidpi] JButton's low-res. icon is visible when clicking on it
P3 JDK-8152677 [macosx] All files filter can't be selected in JFileChooser
P3 JDK-8148555 [macosx] An uncaught exception was raised entering Emoji into JTextArea
P3 JDK-8059943 [macosx] Aqua LaF should use BI.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE for a better performance
P3 JDK-8032872 [macosx] Cannot select from JComboBox in a JWindow
P3 JDK-8068040 [macosx] Combo box consuming ENTER key events
P3 JDK-8076062 [macosx] Erratic behavior of JScrollPane in case of drag pause
P3 JDK-8156182 [macosx] HiDPI/Retina icons do not work for disabled JButton/JMenuItem etc.
P3 JDK-8040291 [macosx] Http-Images are not fully loaded when using ImageIcon
P3 JDK-8147521 [macosx] Internal API Usage: setPopupType used to force creation of heavyweight popup
P3 JDK-8048506 [macosx] javax.swing.PopupFactory issue with null owner
P3 JDK-8016665 [macosx] JComponent behaviour doesn't comply API documentation (setComponentOrientation method), Aqua LAF
P3 JDK-8146321 [macosx] JInternalFrame frame icon in wrong position on Mac L&F if icon is not ImageIcon
P3 JDK-7124250 [macosx] JOptionPane dialogs show wrong icons
P3 JDK-8134917 [macosx] JOptionPane doesn't receive mouse events when opened from a drop event
P3 JDK-8147994 [macosx] JScrollPane jitters up/down during trackpad scrolling on MacOS/Aqua
P3 JDK-8133919 [macosx] JTable grid lines are incorrectly positioned on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8072676 [macosx] Jtree icon painted over label when scrollbars present in window
P3 JDK-8072900 [macosx] Mouse events are captured by the wrong menu in OS X
P3 JDK-8058193 [macosx] Potential incomplete fix for JDK-8031485
P3 JDK-8158390 [macosx] Regression: javax/swing/JMenuItem/8139169/
P3 JDK-8037776 [macosx] Swing app fails to exit after last window is disposed when security manager is enabled
P3 JDK-8041894 [macosx] Test javax/swing/JSpinner/8008657/ failed on Mac
P3 JDK-8133108 [PIT] Container size is wrong in JEditorPane
P3 JDK-8159135 [PIT] javax/swing/JMenuItem/8152981/ always fail
P3 JDK-8163167 [PIT] javax/swing/JTextArea/ScrollbarFlicker/ always fail
P3 JDK-8132136 [PIT] RTL orientation in JEditorPane is broken
P3 JDK-8160977 [PIT] Typo in
P3 JDK-8064575 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JEditorPane/6917744/ 100 times press keys and never releases
P3 JDK-8064573 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/text/AbstractDocument/6968363/ is asocial pressing VK_LEFT and not releasing.
P3 JDK-8081484 [TEST_BUG]Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/6866751/ fails
P3 JDK-8081411 Add an API for painting an icon with a SynthContext
P3 JDK-8134116 Add more comprehensive fix and regression test for JDK-8133897
P3 JDK-8075314 All the InternalFrames will be maximized after maximizing only one of the InternalFrame with the special options "-client -Xmixed".
P3 JDK-8154431 Allow source and target based validation for the focus transfer between two JComponents
P3 JDK-8078483 Apparent endless loop running JEditorPanePaintTest
P3 JDK-8042465 Applet menus not rendering when browser is full screen on Mac
P3 JDK-8074956 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in javax.swing.text.html.parser.ContentModel.first()
P3 JDK-8032874 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in JTable while clearing data in JTable
P3 JDK-8160986 Bad rendering of Swing UI controls with Metal L&F on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8165485 Bad rendering of Swing UI controls with Motif L&F on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8165594 Bad rendering of Swing UI controls with Windows Classic L&F on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-6424606 behavior of returned from MenuSelectionManager.defaultManager() object is inconsistent with spec
P3 JDK-8059995 Broken link in Package javax.swing.border
P3 JDK-8059993 Broken links in javax.swing
P3 JDK-8138881 Bug in
P3 JDK-8043705 Can't exit color chooser dialog when running as an applet
P3 JDK-8072448 Cannot input Japanese in JTextField on RedHat Linux
P3 JDK-7100952 closed/javax/swing/JComboBox/6246463/ deadlocks on MacOS
P3 JDK-8159152 Ctrl+F6, Ctrl+F5 doesn't work for iconified InternalFrame
P3 JDK-8030702 Deadlock between subclass of AbstractDocument and UndoManager
P3 JDK-8072767 DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates ActionEvent with wrong source object
P3 JDK-6521727 DefaultTreeCellEditor doesn't implement Serializable
P3 JDK-8048702 Deprecate obsolete classes in javax/swing/plaf/metal/
P3 JDK-8153141 Develop initial set of tests for SwingSet
P3 JDK-8059739 Dragged and Dropped data is corrupted for two data types
P3 JDK-8032878 Editable combos in table do not behave as expected
P3 JDK-8158209 Editing in TableView breaks the layout, when the document is I18n
P3 JDK-8146301 Enter key does not work in a deserialized JFileChooser
P3 JDK-8167176 Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in java.desktop
P3 JDK-8013566 Failure of GroupLayout in combination of addPreferredGap and addGroup's
P3 JDK-8154043 Fields not reachable anymore by tab-key, because of new tabbing behaviour of radio button groups.
P3 JDK-8017487 filechooser in Windows-Libraries folder: columns are mixed up
P3 JDK-8075082 Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing package
P3 JDK-8051617 Fullscreen mode is not working properly on Xorg
P3 JDK-8079640 GroupLayout incorrect layout with large JTextArea
P3 JDK-8153351 GTK Menu's have no border
P3 JDK-6260348 GTK+ L&F JTextComponent not respecting desktop caret blink rate
P3 JDK-8048289 Gtk: call to UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() leads to crash
P3 JDK-8044189 HiDPI support is different on OS X than on Windows
P3 JDK-7070795 High contrast colour scheme fails to be applied to JFormattedTextField
P3 JDK-7104635 HTMLEditorKit fails to write down some html files
P3 JDK-8149355 IllegalArgumentException exception in awt - Comparison method violates its general contract!
P3 JDK-8147842 IME Composition Window is displayed at incorrect location
P3 JDK-6897701 In Nimbus Disabled Menus and Menu Items don't look disabled
P3 JDK-8158924 Incorrect i18n text document layout.
P3 JDK-8041642 Incorrect paint of JProgressBar in Nimbus LF
P3 JDK-8159587 IOOBE in javax/swing/JFileChooser/7199708/
P3 JDK-6866751 J2SE_Swing_Reg: the caret disappears when moving to the end of the line.
P3 JDK-8038657 javax.swing.BufferStrategyPaintManager has unused imports
P3 JDK-8078268 javax.swing.text.html.parser.Parser parseScript incorrectly optimized
P3 JDK-8130735 javax.swing.TimerQueue: timer fires late when another timer starts
P3 JDK-8065098 JColorChooser no longer supports drag and drop between two JVM instances
P3 JDK-8152419 JColorChooser throws Exception
P3 JDK-8057893 JComboBox actionListener never receives "comboBoxEdited" from getActionCommand
P3 JDK-7072653 JComboBox popup mispositioned if its height exceeds the screen height
P3 JDK-8136998 JComboBox prevents wheel mouse scrolling of JScrollPane
P3 JDK-8156185 JDK-8024858 (long tooltip delay) is not fixed but is easily fixed
P3 JDK-8022057 JFileChooser blocks EDT in Win32ShellFolder2.getIcon
P3 JDK-8003399 JFileChooser gives wrong path to selected file when saving to Libraries folder on Windows 7
P3 JDK-8041694 JFileChooser removes trailing spaces in the selected directory name
P3 JDK-8154594 JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation is prohibited in jtreg: Missing part of the fix
P3 JDK-8062525 JInternalFrame can't show correctly with the specical option "-esa -ea -Xcheck:jni".
P3 JDK-8129940 JRadioButton does not honor non-standard FocusTraversalKeys
P3 JDK-8040328 JSlider has wrong preferred size with Synth LAF
P3 JDK-8162856 JSlider thumb is twice smaller on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8008657 JSpinner setComponentOrientation doesn't affect on text orientation
P3 JDK-8078269 JTabbedPane UI Property TabbedPane.tabAreaBackground no longer works
P3 JDK-4473075 JTable header rendering problem (after setting preferred size)
P3 JDK-8140748 JTable sorted tablechanged ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for clearSelectionAndL
P3 JDK-8001470 JTextField's size is computed incorrectly when it contains Indic or Thai characters
P3 JDK-8152968 JTree Collapse Buttons Clipped Off Under GTK
P3 JDK-8129830 JTree drag/drop on lower half of last child of container incorrect
P3 JDK-8164032 JViewport backing store image is not scaled on HiDPI display
P3 JDK-8152159 LabelUI is not updated for TitledBorder
P3 JDK-8160448 Make GTK3 menus appearence similar to native.
P3 JDK-8161664 Memory leak in removed progress bar still referenced
P3 JDK-8158325 Memory leak in removed JMenuItems are still referenced
P3 JDK-8030099 Memory usage of java process increases after pressing start button in test window
P3 JDK-8173145 Menu is activated after using mnemonic Alt/Key combination
P3 JDK-8163193 Metal L&F gradient is lighter on HiDPI display after the fix JDK-8143064
P3 JDK-6921687 Mnemonic disappears after repeated attempts to open menu items using mnemonics
P3 JDK-8033069 mouse wheel scroll closes combobox popup
P3 JDK-7190544 Nimbus LaF: regression UnitTest failure
P3 JDK-7190578 Nimbus: css test for 4936917 fails
P3 JDK-7190572 Nimbus: hard to understand but consistent failure of HTMLEditorKit test
P3 JDK-7190596 Nimbus: preferred sizes of components not less than that of tabbed pane
P3 JDK-7190602 Nimbus: regtest fails looking for some properties, are they mandatory?
P3 JDK-7190595 Nimbus: Test6657026 fails
P3 JDK-8132791 No access to SynthContext.getContext()
P3 JDK-8181436 No CCC for deprecated protected inner classes in MetalFileChooserUI
P3 JDK-8133926 No frame icon for InternalFrame in Windows LaF
P3 JDK-8033000 No Horizontal Mouse Wheel Support In BasicScrollPaneUI
P3 JDK-8079764 No indication in the progress bar to differentiate 0 and 1 in Nimbus and Windows L&F
P3 JDK-8080628 No mnemonics on Open and Save buttons in JFileChooser
P3 JDK-8039383 NPE when changing Windows Theme
P3 JDK-6219960 null reference in ToolTipManager
P3 JDK-8166683 On macOS (Mac OS X) getting a ScreenMenuBar when not running ""
P3 JDK-8041654 OutOfMemoryError: RepaintManager doesn't clean up cache of volatile images
P3 JDK-8009477 PageUp and PageDown keyboard buttons don't move slider indicator to next minor tick
P3 JDK-8163175 PlainView.modelToView() method should return Rectangle2D
P3 JDK-8132119 Provide public API for text related methods in SwingUtilities2
P3 JDK-8034221 Regression test javax/swing/JComboBox/8015300/ often fails
P3 JDK-8160246 Regression: 4410243 reproducible with GTK LaF
P3 JDK-6894632 Removing rows from a DefaultTableModel with a RowSorter deselectes last row
P3 JDK-8031109 Rendering HTML code in JEditorPane throws NumberFormatException
P3 JDK-8162350 RepaintManager shifts repainted region when the floating point UI scale is used
P3 JDK-8038919 Requesting focus to a modeless dialog doesn't work on Safari
P3 JDK-8149631 rgb(...) CSS color values are not parsed properly
P3 JDK-8139215 RTFEditorKit does not save alignment
P3 JDK-8016451 Scary messages emitted by during build
P3 JDK-7170310 ScrollBar doesn't become active when tabs are created more than frame size
P3 JDK-8134828 Scrollbar thumb disappears with Nimbus L&F
P3 JDK-8057791 Selection in JList is drawn with wrong colors in Nimbus L&F
P3 JDK-8044371 setOneTouchExpandable functionality of JSplitPane will reduce vertical Scrollbar
P3 JDK-8166897 Some font overlap in the Optionpane dialog.
P3 JDK-8048887 SortingFocusTraversalPolicy throws IllegalArgumentException from the sort method
P3 JDK-8133803 Swing JFileChooserBug2 test fais with MotifLookAndFeel
P3 JDK-8067346 Swing submenu has a changed starting offset
P3 JDK-8154706 SwingSet Sanity tests prepareBundle task doesn't produce working bundle
P3 JDK-8154381 SwingSet tests are not auto closed in jtreg
P3 JDK-8064939 SwingSet2: Themes are incorrectly enabled when running with Nimbus Look and feel
P3 JDK-8020039 SynthTableHeaderUI refers to possibly null parameter in cell renderer
P3 JDK-8074883 Tab key should move to focused button in a button group
P3 JDK-8032568 Test javax/swing/JInternalFrame/8020708/ fails on Windows virtual hosts
P3 JDK-8130892 Test javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicTextUI/8001470/ fails in Solaris Sparcv9
P3 JDK-8079253 Test javax/swing/SwingUtilities/TestBadBreak/ fails.Part of this bug is related to frame size bug JDK-8073710.Test case can be fully tested once frame size issue is resolved
P3 JDK-8130895 Test javax/swing/system/6799345/ fails on Solaris11 Sparcv9
P3 JDK-8139227 Text fields in JPopupMenu structure do not receive focus in hosted Applets
P3 JDK-8076312 The behavior of the javax.swing.SwingContainer.delegate contradicts spec
P3 JDK-8025082 The behaviour of the highlight will be lost after clicking the set button
P3 JDK-8141544 The interface sun.swing.UIClientPropertyKey can be made public
P3 JDK-8168135 The issue JDK-8164462 seems not fixed in b140
P3 JDK-8044444 The output's 'Page-n' footer does not show completely.
P3 JDK-8170349 The printed content is beyond the borders.
P3 JDK-8041917 unexcepted behavior of LineBorder while using Boolean variable true
P3 JDK-8042835 Unexpected mnemonic in JFileChooser
P3 JDK-8019180 Use JComboBox as it's own ActionListener leads to unexpected behaviour
P3 JDK-8048110 Using tables in JTextPane leads to infinite loop in FlowLayout.layoutRow
P3 JDK-6490753 Vista:JComboBox doesn't looks as native combobox in different states of component.
P3 JDK-8152647 Win L&F: TitledBorder colors are not from desktop
P3 JDK-8078614 WindowsClassicLookAndFeel : MetalComboBoxUI.getbaseLine fails with IllegalArgumentException
P3 JDK-7172652 With JDK 1.7 text field does not obtain focus when using mnemonic Alt/Key combin
P3 JDK-8169719 WrappedPlainView.modelToView() should return Rectangle2D
P3 JDK-8133864 Wrong display, when the document I18n properties is true.
P4 JDK-8149453 [hidpi] JFileChooser does not scale properly on Windows with HiDPI display and Windows L&F
P4 JDK-8149368 [hidpi] JLabel font is twice bigger than JTextArea font on Windows 7,HiDPI, Windows L&F
P4 JDK-8033233 [JLightweightFrame] support default JViewport BLIT_SCROLL_MODE
P4 JDK-8139169 [macosx] Action registered for keyboard shortcut is called twice
P4 JDK-7124238 [macosx] Font in BasicHTML document is bigger than it should be
P4 JDK-8137169 [macosx] Incorrect minimal heigh of JTabbedPane with more tabs
P4 JDK-8015085 [macosx] Label shortening via " ... " broken when String contains combining diaeresis
P4 JDK-8139213 [macosx] Mac OS X Aqua Look and Feel: JOptionPane can truncate the first button.
P4 JDK-8031696 [macosx] TwentyThousandTest test failed with OOM
P4 JDK-8017187 [TEST BUG] [macosx] After click "test",the case failed automatically with thrown exception in the log since jdk8b75
P4 JDK-7195187 [TEST_BUG] [macosx] javax/swing/SwingUtilities/7088744/ failed
P4 JDK-7124290 [TEST_BUG] [macosx] JComboBox.getSelectedIndex() returns wrong value
P4 JDK-7124218 [TEST_BUG] [macosx] Space should select cell in the JTable
P4 JDK-8025430 [TEST_BUG] closed/javax/swing/JEditorPane/5076514/ failed since jdk8b108
P4 JDK-8064809 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/JComboBox/4199622/ contains a lot of keyPress and not a single keyRelease
P4 JDK-8057775 [Test_bug] Test javax/swing/JSlider/6794836/ fails with Compilation error
P4 JDK-8032229 [TEST_BUG] The app failed automatically and it threw exception:java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException.
P4 JDK-8039966 Add @return and @param block tags in colorchooser and filechooser swing classes
P4 JDK-8032627 Add @SuppressWarnings("serial") to appropriate javax.swing classes
P4 JDK-8040893 Add block tags for @return and @param to swing border classes
P4 JDK-8042284 Add block tags for @return and @param to swing plaf classes
P4 JDK-8046485 Add missing @since tag under javax.swing.*
P4 JDK-4339584 Adding a getUI public method to JComponent
P4 JDK-6302464 Allow programmatic enabling of subpixel anti-aliasing in Swing on ANY platform
P4 JDK-6573305 Animated icon is not visible by click on menu
P4 JDK-8044301 BasicTreeUI: "revisit when Java2D is ready"
P4 JDK-8181877 Cleanup of javadoc in javax.accessibility package
P4 JDK-6827800 Default button is activated even when it is invisible
P4 JDK-8152981 Double icons with JMenuItem setHorizontalTextPosition on Win 10
P4 JDK-4849595 Erroneous javadoc for TableColumn.addPropertyChangeListener
P4 JDK-8173094 Error in API documentation for SwingWorker
P4 JDK-8181401 Error in Javadoc for JTabbedPane getAccessibleName()
P4 JDK-6515713 example in JFormattedTextField API docs instantiates abstract class
P4 JDK-7067885 FileChooser does not display soft link name if link is to nonexistent file/directory
P4 JDK-8046595 fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 2 of 4
P4 JDK-8046596 fix doclint issues in swing classes, part 3 of 4
P4 JDK-8040901 fix doclint missing block tag issues in swing event classes
P4 JDK-8050924 Fix doclint missing tag warnings in javax.swing.plaf.basic parts 5b,6b of 7
P4 JDK-8046445 Fix doclint warnings for javax.swing.plaf.multi
P4 JDK-8043968 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 1 of 7
P4 JDK-8049704 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 2 of 7
P4 JDK-8049808 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 3 of 7
P4 JDK-8049870 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 4 of 7
P4 JDK-8050009 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.basic package, 7 of 7
P4 JDK-8046434 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.plaf.metal package
P4 JDK-8042120 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.text.html.parser
P4 JDK-8042089 Fix doclint warnings from javax.swing.tree and javax.swing.undo packages
P4 JDK-8046446 Fix doclint warnings in javax.swing.text.html package
P4 JDK-8046895 Fix doclint warnings in javax.swing.text.html.parser package
P4 JDK-8039860 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in swing
P4 JDK-8044698 Fix finally lint warnings in javax.swing
P4 JDK-8076422 Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.border
P4 JDK-8076624 Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.text
P4 JDK-8076286 Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.{colorchooser, event, filechooser}
P4 JDK-8076520 Fix missing doclint warnings in javax.swing.{table, tree, undo, plaf.{metal, nimbus, synth}}
P4 JDK-8077094 Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing.plaf package
P4 JDK-8077095 Fix missing doclint warnings in the javax.swing.plaf.basic package
P4 JDK-8046271 Fix overrides lint warnings in Apple laf code
P4 JDK-8047027 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated beaninfo files
P4 JDK-8047025 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in generated nimbus files
P4 JDK-8043550 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.*
P4 JDK-8043548 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.plaf.*
P4 JDK-8049797 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.SortingFocusTraversalPolicy
P4 JDK-8043549 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in javax.swing.text.*
P4 JDK-8033525 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.swing.*
P4 JDK-8042849 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in
P4 JDK-8033908 Fix serial lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8034169 Fix serial lint warnings in javax.swing
P4 JDK-8033221 Fix serial lint warnings in sun.swing.*
P4 JDK-8042105 Fix some more doclint issues in javax.swing.text.html classes
P4 JDK-8151288 Generation of property files for gtk l&f can be skipped on win/osx
P4 JDK-7052708 Grammar error in EditorKit documentation
P4 JDK-8041561 Inconsistent opacity behaviour between JCheckBox and JRadioButton
P4 JDK-6612752 Incorrect getOpenIcon() instanceof in the DefaultTreeCellRenderer
P4 JDK-8071705 Java application menu misbehaves when running multiple screen stacked vertically
P4 JDK-8181894 java.desktop module documentation has links to technotes
P4 JDK-8044394 javadoc for BasicOptionPaneUI.addMessageComponents() has typo and grammar errors
P4 JDK-8013820 JavaDoc for JSpinner contains errors
P4 JDK-8049069 JButton incorrect behaviour on button release
P4 JDK-8041470 JButtons stay pressed after they have lost focus if you use the mouse wheel
P4 JDK-8051548 JColorChooser should have a way to disable transparency controls
P4 JDK-6567433 JComponent.updateUI() may create StackOverflowError
P4 JDK-7012008 JDesktopPane - Wrong background color with Win7+WindowsLnf
P4 JDK-6459798 JDesktopPane,JFileChooser violate encapsulation by returning internal Dimensions
P4 JDK-8146319 JEditorPane function setPage leaves a file lock
P4 JDK-8067660 JFileChooser create new folder fails silently
P4 JDK-8029536 JFileChooser filter uses .toString() instead of getDescription() for filter text on GTK laf
P4 JDK-8073420 JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE can be removed in favour of WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE
P4 JDK-8145896 JInternalFrame setMaximum before adding to desktop throws null pointer exception
P4 JDK-7169583 JInternalFrame title not antialiased in Nimbus LaF
P4 JDK-7126823 JInternalFrame.getNormalBounds() returns bad value after iconify/deiconify
P4 JDK-6288609 JInternalFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation() interferes with "close" behavior
P4 JDK-4769772 JInternalFrame.setIcon(true) before JDesktopPane.add(JIF) causes wrong state
P4 JDK-6206439 JInternalFrame.setLayer(Integer layer) should throw NullPointerException when layer=null
P4 JDK-6949414 JMenu.buildMenuElementArray() endless loop
P4 JDK-8073795 JMenuBar looks bad under retina
P4 JDK-5036022 JSpinner does not reflect new font on subsequent calls to setFont
P4 JDK-8152982 JTable icon print problem
P4 JDK-8162970 Merge error in the
P4 JDK-8145060 Minimizing a JInternal frame not shifting focus to frame below it
P4 JDK-8052408 Move AWT_BAT functional tests to OpenJDK (3 of 3)
P4 JDK-8135176 Moving test from javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4960629 to test/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4960629
P4 JDK-8054371 Need to suppress newly added unchecked cast and conversion in Swing code
P4 JDK-6882559 new JEditorPane("text/plain","") fails for null context class loader
P4 JDK-7172750 Nimbus ScrollBar:ScrollBarThumb[Pressed].backgroundPainter is never invoked
P4 JDK-7180976 Pending String deadlocks UIDefaults
P4 JDK-8065861 Pressing Esc does not set 'canceled' property of ProgressMonitor
P4 JDK-8133039 Provide public API to sun.swing.UIAction#isEnabled(Object)
P4 JDK-8054360 Refine generification of javax.swing
P4 JDK-8146276 Right aligned ToolBar component does not appear
P4 JDK-8068374 setAlignmentX, setAlignmentY, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY javadoc of JComponent
P4 JDK-6459800 Some Swing classes violate encapsulation by returning internal Insets
P4 JDK-8181640 Spelling mistake in javadoc: javax.swing.JEditorPane.scrollToReference(String)
P4 JDK-8169518 Suppress Deprecation warnings for deprecated Swing APIs
P4 JDK-7096375 Swing ignores first click after decreasing system's time
P4 JDK-6470361 Swing's Threading Policy example does not compile
P4 JDK-8049533 SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent misses MouseWheelEvent.preciseWheelRotation
P4 JDK-8039074 Tidy warnings cleanup for javax.swing
P4 JDK-8062946 Transparent JDialog will lose transparency upon iconify/deiconify sequence.
P4 JDK-8041909 Uncaught exceptions in JComboBox listeners cause listener not to receive events
P4 JDK-8175266 Use instead of package.html within swing packages
P4 JDK-6421058 When calls JSpinner.setEditor() the font in a JSpinner become is a bold
P4 JDK-5109918 Wrong documentation for JSpinner.DateEditor constructor
P4 JDK-8061592 wrong javadoc parameters for firePropertyChange()
P4 JDK-4796987 XP Only: JButton.setBorderPainted() does not work with XP L&F
P5 JDK-6521706 A switch operator in JFrame.processWindowEvent() should be rewritten
P5 JDK-8066142 closed/javax/swing/JComboBox/4212498/ the value in the text field and then press the tab key, the number don't increase
P5 JDK-6832045 DefaultSynthStyle.{getStateInfo,getMatchCount) should use Integer.bitCount
P5 JDK-6329748 Invalid/old variable name - newModel in setModel method in JTable class
P5 JDK-6338077 link back to self in javadoc JTextArea.replaceRange()
P5 JDK-6368321 MetalRootPaneUI calls to deprecated code
P5 JDK-6302052 Reference to nonexistant Class in javadoc
P5 JDK-6475394 Spelling mistake in doc for ComponentUI.getBaselineResizeBehaviour
P5 JDK-6206437 Typo in JInternalFrame setDefaultCloseOperation() doc (WindowClosing --> internalFrameClosing)
P5 JDK-6646604 Typos in documentation
P5 JDK-6521783 Unnecessary final modifier for a method in a final class


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8076112 Add @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation to indicate methods for which Java Runtime has intrinsics
P1 JDK-8032056 Create demo to illustrate new practices of the default methods usage
P1 JDK-8183161 Fix font-family style attributes in module declarations
P1 JDK-8182776 Fix typos in module declarations
P1 JDK-8164394 JDK build fails after 8161965
P1 JDK-8183251 Meta "keywords" tag malformed in overview-summary.html and related pages
P1 JDK-8146660 Resolve merge issue in resulting from sun.misc.VM move to jdk.internal.misc
P1 JDK-8031708 Windows x86 build failure: JNU_ThrowOutOfMemoryError undefined
P2 JDK-8130344 'assert(handle != __null) failed: JNI handle should not be null' in jni_GetLongArrayElements
P2 JDK-8171377 Add sun.misc.Unsafe::invokeCleaner
P2 JDK-8181292 Backport Rename internal methods from 10 to 9
P2 JDK-8136656 Check in
P2 JDK-8182416 Clean up like move requires transitive adjacent to exports
P2 JDK-8137058 Clear out all non-Critical APIs from sun.reflect and move to jdk.unsupported
P2 JDK-8053938 Collections.checkedList(empty list).replaceAll((UnaryOperator)null) doesn't throw NPE after JDK-8047795
P2 JDK-8136583 Core libraries should use blessed modifier order
P2 JDK-8044533 Deoptimizing negation produces wrong result for zero
P2 JDK-8181442 Deprecate sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass
P2 JDK-8171201 Drop java.compact$N aggregator modules
P2 JDK-8138978 Examine usages of sun.misc.IOUtils
P2 JDK-8166189 Fix for Bug 8165524 breaks AIX build
P2 JDK-8134941 Implement ES6 template literal support
P2 JDK-8151571 InnocuousThread cannot be created during early startup
P2 JDK-8164389 jdk.nio.zipfs.JarFileSystem does not completely traverse the versioned entries in a multi-release jar file
P2 JDK-8141571 jdk/internal/jimage/ crashing in msvcr120.dll
P2 JDK-8178286 Missing @moduleGraph in javadoc
P2 JDK-8140687 Move @Contended to the jdk.internal.vm.annotation package
P2 JDK-8137056 Move SharedSecrets and interface friends out of sun.misc
P2 JDK-8145990 Move sun.misc math support classes to jdk.internal.math
P2 JDK-8148117 Move sun.misc.Cleaner to jdk.internal.ref
P2 JDK-8145416 Move sun.misc.ProxyGenerator to jdk.internal.reflect
P2 JDK-8150162 Move sun.misc.Version to a truly internal package
P2 JDK-8145544 Move sun.misc.VM to jdk.internal.misc
P2 JDK-8144479 Remove character coders from sun.misc
P2 JDK-8147543 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread
P2 JDK-8145390 Remove sun.misc.Queue and replace usages with standard Collections
P2 JDK-8080007 Stop ignoring warnings for libjava
P2 JDK-8151778 fails after push of JDK-8150782
P2 JDK-8153737 Unsupported Module
P2 JDK-8153654 Update jdeps to be multi-release jar aware
P2 JDK-8140606 Update library code to use internal Unsafe
P2 JDK-8151542 URL resources for multi-release jar files have a #runtime fragment appended to them
P2 JDK-8139390 Very long classname in jimage causes SIGSEGV
P3 JDK-8037012 (tz) Support tzdata2014a
P3 JDK-8038306 (tz) Support tzdata2014b
P3 JDK-8098547 (tz) Support tzdata2015e
P3 JDK-8133321 (tz) Support tzdata2015f
P3 JDK-8138716 (tz) Support tzdata2015g
P3 JDK-8176563 @since value errors in apis of java.base/java.logging module
P3 JDK-8176566 @since value errors in types of java.base module
P3 JDK-8055852 Add test/java/lang/Math/ and
P3 JDK-8149611 Add tests for Unsafe.copySwapMemory
P3 JDK-8136556 Add the ability to perform static builds of MacOSX x64 binaries
P3 JDK-8129597 Add tier 3 test definitions to the JDK 9 forest
P3 JDK-8181639 Add tool and services information to module summary
P3 JDK-8135248 Add utility methods to check indexes and ranges
P3 JDK-8136690 AIX: libjimage should be linked with the C++ compiler
P3 JDK-8067366 Allow java.{endorsed,ext}.dirs property be set to empty string
P3 JDK-8065998 Avoid use of _ as a one-character identifier
P3 JDK-8180176 Broken javadoc links in java.logging and java.naming
P3 JDK-8149159 Clean up Unsafe
P3 JDK-8146038 CleanerImpl should not depend on ManagedLocalsThread
P3 JDK-8141370 com/sun/jndi/ldap/ failed intermittently
P3 JDK-8044534 Constant folding for unary + should produce int for boolean literals
P3 JDK-8035807 Convert use of sun.misc.BASE64Encoder/Decoder with java.util.Base64
P3 JDK-8161718 Copyright/License updates to corba, jdk
P3 JDK-8075565 Define @intermittent jtreg keyword and mark intermittently failuring jdk tests
P3 JDK-8035808 Eliminate dependency to GetPropertyAction and other convenient classes
P3 JDK-8038177 Eliminate unnecessary dependency to
P3 JDK-8146484 Examine sun.misc.MessageUtils
P3 JDK-8149656 Examine usages of sun.misc.LRUCache
P3 JDK-8163126 Fix @modules in some of jdk/* tests
P3 JDK-8174860 Fix bad javadoc link in
P3 JDK-8149391 Fix module dependences in java/util tests
P3 JDK-8066504 GetVersionEx in java.base/windows/native/libjava/java_props_md.c might not get correct Windows version
P3 JDK-8181156 html5 doclint issues in java.base javadoc
P3 JDK-8151832 Improve exception messages in exception thrown by new JDK 9 code
P3 JDK-8151384 Improve String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER and remove sun.misc.ASCIICaseInsensitiveComparator
P3 JDK-8080679 Include jline in JDK for Java and JavaScript REPLs
P3 JDK-8038451 Incorrect initialization order of static fields in sun.nio.cs.ext.JISAutoDetect$Decoder
P3 JDK-8181290 Invalid HTML 5 in core-libs docs
P3 JDK-8164585 JarFile::isMultiRelease does not return true in all cases where it should return true
P3 JDK-8165723 JarFile::isMultiRelease() method returns false when it should return true
P3 JDK-8150163 JarFileSystem support for MRJARs should use the JDK specific Version API
P3 JDK-8133528 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails intermittently (windows cygwin)
P3 JDK-8132735 java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest failed with java.lang.AssertionError: Start with zero children
P3 JDK-8149735 java/util/Currency/ fails with
P3 JDK-8154277 JavaDoc warnings in and
P3 JDK-8157716 jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders.addURLToUCP() should return converted real path URL
P3 JDK-8146718 jdk/internal/jimage tests listed in both tier 1 and tier 2
P3 JDK-8131913 jdk/internal/jline/console/ can't run in the background
P3 JDK-8143317 jdk/lambda/vm/ fails with IncompatibleClassChangeError
P3 JDK-8043814 JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
P3 JDK-8080678 jjs should use jline
P3 JDK-8157154 jmod jlink properties file need copyright header
P3 JDK-8043608 Make equality tests inline better
P3 JDK-8078334 Mark regression tests using randomness
P3 JDK-8058117 Missing jdk.deploy.osx from modules.xml
P3 JDK-8146736 Move sun.misc performance counters to jdk.internal.perf
P3 JDK-8144995 Move sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder to
P3 JDK-8149653 Move sun.misc.InnocuousThread to jdk.internal.misc
P3 JDK-8146735 Move sun.misc.PerformanceLogger to sun.awt.util
P3 JDK-8149122 Move sun.misc.URLClassPath and Resource to an internal package
P3 JDK-8153181 Move sun.misc.VMSupport to an internal package
P3 JDK-8067377 My hobby: caning, then then canning, the the can-can
P3 JDK-8081771 ProcessTool.createJavaProcessBuilder() needs new addTestVmAndJavaOptions argument
P3 JDK-8168980 Reinstate sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(Class,Constructor)
P3 JDK-8075670 Remove intermittent keyword from some tests
P3 JDK-8147922 Remove sun.misc.ClassFileTransformer
P3 JDK-8146000 Remove sun.misc.CompoundEnumeration
P3 JDK-8139307 Remove sun.misc.ConditionLock and Lock
P3 JDK-8146774 Remove sun.misc.JarFilter
P3 JDK-8145214 Remove sun.misc.Request and RequestProcessor
P3 JDK-8153118 Remove sun.misc.resources
P3 JDK-8145082 Remove sun.misc.Unsafe dependency from sun.nio.cs.StringUTF16
P3 JDK-8144480 Remove test dependencies on sun.misc.BASE64Encoder and BASE64Decoder
P3 JDK-8050051 Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in shell tests
P3 JDK-8146771 Remove unused CEFormatException and CEStreamExhausted from sun.misc
P3 JDK-8171202 Rename jdk.crypto.pkcs11 and jdk.pack200 to end with Java letters
P3 JDK-8151140 Replace use of lambda/method ref in jdk.Version constructor
P3 JDK-8074818 Resolve disabled warnings for libjava
P3 JDK-8074819 Resolve disabled warnings for libzip
P3 JDK-8061957 Some arithmetic operations have unnecessary widening
P3 JDK-8175131 sun.rmi.transport.tcp.TCPChannel.createConnection close connection on timeout
P3 JDK-8056909 test/sun/reflect/CallerSensitive/ fails with OOME
P3 JDK-8132475 The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only (once again)
P3 JDK-8079759 To add support in JVM to use system zlib or alternative implementations of zlib.
P3 JDK-8146105 Undo accidential changes to sun/security/ssl/
P3 JDK-8151233 Unify CopySwap and CopyMemory tests
P3 JDK-8078467 Update core libraries to use diamond with anonymous classes
P3 JDK-8153647 Update javah to be multi-release jar aware
P3 JDK-8153649 Update schemagen to be multi-release jar aware
P3 JDK-8181148 Update the jdeps build tool to list exported packages instead of just internal APIs
P3 JDK-8150921 Update Unsafe getters/setters to use double-register variants
P3 JDK-8153651 Update wsgen to be multi-release jar aware
P4 JDK-8137173 @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate is not Oracle-specific
P4 JDK-8166801 [s390] Add jvm.cfg file for Linux/s390x
P4 JDK-8181867 [tests] Reorganize EchoHandlers
P4 JDK-8132478 [tidy] three new warnings from java docs (, javax.annotation)
P4 JDK-8078245 aarch64 fails to build from source
P4 JDK-8149529 Adapt SAP copyrights to new company name in jdk repository
P4 JDK-8150840 Add an internal system property to control the default level of System.Logger when java.logging is not present.
P4 JDK-8164515 Add back javadoc module description for
P4 JDK-8136496 Add Connection.beginRequest/endRequest
P4 JDK-8139056 Add Convenience methods to improve usablility
P4 JDK-8166296 add documentation for Date,RegExp,Error,JSON objects
P4 JDK-8164618 add documentation for NativeNumber and NativeBoolean
P4 JDK-8135271 Add missing "-client IGNORE" to jvm.cfg file for ppc64
P4 JDK-8134569 Add tests for prototype callsites
P4 JDK-8141290 AIX: fix build after '8140661: Rename LDFLAGS_SUFFIX to LIBS'
P4 JDK-8132374 AIX: fix value of os.version property
P4 JDK-8046201 Avoid repeated flattening of nested ConsStrings
P4 JDK-8031737 CHECK_NULL and CHECK_EXCEPTION macros cleanup
P4 JDK-8058550 Clarify that TimerTasks are not reusable
P4 JDK-8030010 cleanup native code warnings
P4 JDK-8044461 Cleanup new Boolean and single character strings
P4 JDK-8044740 Convert all JDK versions used in @since tag to 1.n[.n] in jdk repo
P4 JDK-8081027 Create a common test to check adequacy of initial size of static HashMap/ArrayList fields
P4 JDK-8161965 Create initial javadoc description for modules
P4 JDK-8131314 Design Tasks
P4 JDK-8131315 Development Tasks
P4 JDK-8132468 docs: replace tags (obsolete in html5) for, java.lang, java.math
P4 JDK-8153370 Drop use of old style -XaddExports from tests
P4 JDK-8081674 EmptyStackException at startup if running with extended or unsupported charset
P4 JDK-8164982 Fix legal notices in java/lang, java/net, java/util tests.
P4 JDK-8170663 Fix minor issues in corelib and servicabilty coding.
P4 JDK-8042872 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in sun.applet
P4 JDK-8130247 Fix some new tidy warnings from jaxws and CORBA
P4 JDK-8054050 Fix stay raw and unchecked lint warnings in core libs
P4 JDK-8075284 fix up miscellaneous TM constructions
P4 JDK-8130315 Fix wrong prototype of GrowKnownVMs() in java.c
P4 JDK-8140649 imageFile should use delete[] with new[]
P4 JDK-8134939 Improve toString method of Dynalink DynamicMethod objects
P4 JDK-8136506 Include as a property that can be queried by jtreg
P4 JDK-8075283 incorrect SecurityException spec for Unsafe.getUnsafe
P4 JDK-8145212 ISO-8859-1 isn't properly handled as 'fastEncoding' in jni_util.c
P4 JDK-8151481 j.u.regex.Pattern cleanup
P4 JDK-8071959 java.lang.Object uses implicit default constructor
P4 JDK-8056285 java/util/logging/ java.lang.RuntimeException: Test failed: should have been able to create FileHandler for %t/writable-dir/log.log in writable directory.
P4 JDK-8068580 JavaAdapterFactory.isAutoConvertibleFromFunction should be more robust
P4 JDK-8141662 Javadoc fix. Do not suggest to use new Boolean(true).
P4 JDK-8144355 JDK 9 changes to ZipFileSystem to support multi-release jar files
P4 JDK-8132734 JDK 9 runtime changes to java.util.jar to support multi-release jar files
P4 JDK-8176187 jdk/internal/misc/JavaLangAccess/ is not run
P4 JDK-8146249 libjimage should use delete[] with new[]
P4 JDK-8030875 Macros for checking and returning on exceptions
P4 JDK-8164547 Make java.lang.reflect.ClassLoaderValue public for internal use
P4 JDK-8137232 Mark 3 more core-libs tests as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8179448 Mark as failing intermittently
P4 JDK-8149003 Mark more jdk_core tests as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8176337 Mark several tests as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8074577 Modernize Unsafe internal javadoc
P4 JDK-8153286 Move sun.misc.GC to java.rmi ( sun.rmi.transport )
P4 JDK-8152190 Move sun.misc.JarIndex and InvalidJarIndexException to an internal package
P4 JDK-8041485 Need to update test/TEST.groups for the relocation of zipfs
P4 JDK-8044816 On-demand compiled top-level program doesn't need :createProgramFunction
P4 JDK-8176865 overridden api has a wrong since value in java.base module
P4 JDK-8033154 PPC64: Fix AIX build after integration into jdk9/dev
P4 JDK-8161074 Quarantine jdk/vm/ci/hotspot/test/ in JDK9-dev
P4 JDK-8139282 Remove @author and @id tags from Dynalink JavaDoc
P4 JDK-8149920 Remove intermittent key from jdk_core tests
P4 JDK-8031721 remove invalid test entry from TEST.groups
P4 JDK-8157825 Remove JDK 9 specific methods from sun.misc.Unsafe
P4 JDK-8155156 Remove remaining sun.misc.* imports from the jdk repo
P4 JDK-8034853 Remove sun.misc.ClassLoaderUtil
P4 JDK-8037781 Remove sun.misc.Regexp* classes
P4 JDK-8034776 Remove sun.misc.Service
P4 JDK-8154919 Remove superfluous jdk.unsupported from tools/launcher/modules/limitmods/
P4 JDK-8076039 Remove the unused internal API sun.reflect.misc.FieldUtil.getDeclaredFields
P4 JDK-8031651 Remove unneeded -source and -target flags in jdk repo regression tests
P4 JDK-8047954 Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in closed jdk tests
P4 JDK-8034175 Remove use of UseVMInterruptibleIO from tests
P4 JDK-8055723 Replace concat String to append in StringBuilder parameters
P4 JDK-8135250 Replace custom crypto check/range functionality with check index/range methods in java.util.Objects
P4 JDK-8073479 Replace obj.getClass hacks with Objects.requireNonNull
P4 JDK-8080901 Replace package.html files with in the java.base module
P4 JDK-8133651 replace some tags (obsolete in html5) in core-libs docs
P4 JDK-8037866 Replace the Fun class in tests with lambdas
P4 JDK-8048874 Replace uses of 'new Byte', 'new Short' and 'new Character' with appropriate alternative across core classes
P4 JDK-8049892 Replace uses of 'new Integer()' with appropriate alternative across core classes
P4 JDK-8048267 Replace uses of 'new Long()' with appropriate alternative across core classes
P4 JDK-8041679 Replace uses of StringBuffer with StringBuilder within core library classes
P4 JDK-8131316 Stabilization and Tuning
P4 JDK-8166842 String.hashCode() has a non-benign data race
P4 JDK-8066617 Suppress deprecation warnings in java.base module
P4 JDK-8180866 Test issue
P4 JDK-8044638 Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards
P4 JDK-8039172 Tidy warnings cleanup for, java.time, java.rmi
P4 JDK-8172254 Typo in DriverManager implNote
P4 JDK-8161129 Unsafe::getUnsafe should allow the platform class loader to access it
P4 JDK-8081359 Update bug reporting URL
P4 JDK-8148220 Update TEST.groups to include jdk/internal/math and jdk/internal/misc
P4 JDK-8079419 Update to RegEx test to use random number library
P4 JDK-8169020 updated Deprecated JDBC methods to include the since element
P4 JDK-8054714 Use StringJoiner where it makes the code cleaner
P4 JDK-8149925 We don't need jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner any more - part 1
P4 JDK-8042451 Write tests for all possible kinds of type annotation
P5 JDK-8075959 Change parameter names in some IOException subclasses
P5 JDK-8009637 Error messages are missing a space
P5 JDK-8156661 Handful of typos in javadoc
P5 JDK-8081517 Minor cleanup for docs
P5 JDK-8074657 Missing space on a boundary of concatenated strings
P5 JDK-8080422 Some docs cleanup for core libs
P5 JDK-8076224 Some tidy warnings from core libs
P5 JDK-8074066 Useless code in share/native/libjava/VM.c
P5 JDK-8134356 {@code} tag contains < and > sequences


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8055949 ByteArrayOutputStream capacity should be maximal array size permitted by VM
P2 JDK-8177969 Faster FilePermission::implies by avoiding the use of Path::relativize
P2 JDK-8170900 Issue with FilePermission::implies for wildcard flag(-)
P2 JDK-8075222 RandomAccessFile.getChannel changed to non-final in error
P2 JDK-8164705 Remove pathname canonicalization from FilePermission
P2 JDK-8170602 Startup regression due to introduction of lambda in
P2 JDK-8163877 Tests added in JDK-8163518 fail on some platforms
P2 JDK-8170291 Unpredictable results of j.i.ObjectInputFilter::createFilter
P3 JDK-8168640 (fc) Avoiding AtomicBoolean in FileInput/-OutputStream improves startup
P3 JDK-8029804 (spec) BufferedWriter.write(String, int, int) IndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8029689 (spec)[], int, int) throws unspecified IndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8080835 Add blocking bulk read operations to
P3 JDK-8048840 File.createTempFile has uninformative failure message
P3 JDK-8148023 File.createTempFile is not adhering to the contract regarding file name lengths
P3 JDK-7086489 File.lastModified should specify accuracy as well as resolution
P3 JDK-8170364 FilePermission path modified during merge
P3 JDK-8168127 FilePermissionCollection merges incorrectly
P3 JDK-8153250 does not handle Windows paths of the form "D:" (no path) correctly
P3 JDK-8160215 jdk/test/java/io/Reader/ should clean up better
P3 JDK-8033917 Keep track of file paths in file streams and channels for instrumentation purposes
P3 JDK-8143394 PushbackReader throws NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8033911 Simplify instrumentation of FileInputStream and RandomAccessFile
P3 JDK-8152272 Unable to create temporary file using createTempFile method if System.getProperty("file.separator") is used
P4 JDK-8064562 (doc) errors in API documentation
P4 JDK-6791812 (file spec) Incompatible File.lastModified() and setLastModified() for negative time
P4 JDK-8154183 (spec) Spec of read(byte[],int,int) and readFully(byte[],int,int) is confusing/incomplete
P4 JDK-8168979 @implNote for invalid FilePermission
P4 JDK-8066867 Add InputStream transferTo to transfer content to an OutputStream
P4 JDK-8175042 Add success message to java/io/FileInputStream/
P4 JDK-8167646 Better invalid FilePermission
P4 JDK-8177526 BufferedReader readLine() javadoc does not match the implementation regarding EOF
P4 JDK-8042377 BufferedWriter and FilteredOutputStream.close throw IAE if flush and close throw equal exceptions
P4 JDK-8171906 Changes for 8148023 break AIX build
P4 JDK-8056310 Cleanup in WinNTFileSystem_md.c
P4 JDK-8180885 Create test to detect if TimeZone.setDefault affects File.setLastModifiedTime
P4 JDK-8087288 File.get{Free,Total,Usable}Space may return unexpected results with >2TB file systems
P4 JDK-8023173 FileDescriptor should respect append flag
P4 JDK-8180353 FileOutputStream documentation does not indicate properly whether files get truncated or not
P4 JDK-8054565 FilterOutputStream.close may throw IOException if called twice and underlying flush or close fails
P4 JDK-8173755 FilterOutputStream.write(byte[],int,int) javadoc correction
P4 JDK-8133105 Fix getFinalAttributes() on Windows to handle more special cases
P4 JDK-8136738 InputStream documentation for IOException in skip() is unclear or incorrect
P4 JDK-8163518 Integer overflow in and
P4 JDK-8156595 java/io/pathNames/ fail intermittently on windows-x64
P4 JDK-8054720 Modifications of I/O methods for instrumentation purposes
P4 JDK-8133249 Occasional SIGSEGV: non thread-safe use of strerr in getLastErrorString
P4 JDK-8179662 OutputStreamWriter javadocs states that you can set the buffer size but there is no way to do that
P4 JDK-6856817 Poor performance of Writer#append with CharBuffer
P4 JDK-8155808 Process.getInputStream().skip() method is faulty
P4 JDK-4823133 RandomAccessFile.length() is not thread-safe
P4 JDK-8068498 Remove constructor dependency on line.separator from PrintWriter and BufferedWriter
P4 JDK-7011804 SequenceInputStream with lots of empty substreams can cause StackOverflowError
P4 JDK-8068948 Update java.base module to use new try-with-resources statement
P4 JDK-8168923 Use unsigned random long in a temp directory name
P4 JDK-8169556 Wrap FileInputStream's native skip and available methods
P4 JDK-8130679 Writer/StringWriter.write methods do not specify index out bounds
P5 JDK-8173802 Incorrect argument name in[]) method documentation


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8155760 Implement Serialization Filtering
P2 JDK-8166739 Improve extensibility of ObjectInputFilter information passed to the filter
P2 JDK-8169645 j.i.ObjectInputFilter.Config spec is ambiguous regarding overriding the filter via System properties
P2 JDK-8154961 JEP 290: Filter Incoming Serialization Data
P2 JDK-8169653 Restore ObjectInputStream::resolveClass call stack default search order
P2 JDK-8155977 Update ObjectInputStream::resolveClass and resolveProxyClass to work with platform class loader
P3 JDK-8071474 Better failure atomicity for default read object
P3 JDK-8134424 BlockDataInputStream.readUTFBody: size local StringBuffer with the given length
P3 JDK-8180082 Broken javadoc links
P3 JDK-8066640 clarify security checks in ObjectInputStream.enableResolveObject and ObjectOutputStream.enableReplaceObject
P3 JDK-8074022 Serialization should issue a freeze action after reconstituting a graph that contains objects with final fields
P3 JDK-8180319 Update Serialization spec to omit obsolete serialver -show and change history
P4 JDK-6823565 Excessive use of HandleList class in de-serialization code causes OutOfMemory
P4 JDK-8067870 Fix
P4 JDK-8180807 class-level readObject description error
P4 JDK-8068260 java/io/Serializable/clearHandleTable/ timed out
P4 JDK-8155997 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8033778 ObjectIn/OutputStream improvements
P4 JDK-8151957 ObjectInputStream - Use new convenience method for immutable Map creation during static initialization
P4 JDK-8143926 ObjectStreamField constructor eagerly load ObjectStreamClass
P4 JDK-8042887 Remove serialver -show, this tool does not need a GUI
P4 JDK-8163517 Various cleanup in code


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8179950 Custom system class loader using Enum.valueOf in its initialization triggers java.lang.InternalError
P1 JDK-8157502 make docs broken after JDK-5100935
P1 JDK-8143967 The stream state check should handle unsigned anchor value
P2 JDK-8058464 (process spec) ProcessBuilder.redirectXXX throws unspecified NPE
P2 JDK-8071480 (process spec) ProcessBuilder.start spec linked to the wrong checkRead and checkWrite methods
P2 JDK-8067796 (process) Process.waitFor(timeout, unit) doesn't throw NPE if timeout is less than, or equal to zero when unit == null
P2 JDK-7131356 (props) "No Java runtime present, requesting install" when creating VM from JNI [macosx]
P2 JDK-8178832 (ref) jdk.lang.ref.disableClearBeforeEnqueue property is ignored
P2 JDK-8175797 (ref) Reference::enqueue method should clear the reference object before enqueuing
P2 JDK-8160954 (spec) Runtime.Version regex and $PRE/$OPT issues
P2 JDK-8046219 (str spec) String(byte[], int, int, Charset) should be clearer when IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown
P2 JDK-8056152 (thread) API to create Threads that do not inherit inheritable thread-local initial values
P2 JDK-8177036 Class.checkMemberAccess throws NPE when calling Class methods via JNI
P2 JDK-8151486 Class.forName causes memory leak
P2 JDK-8163476 java/lang/StackWalker/ fails after JDK-8163369
P2 JDK-8134456 jdk/test/java/lang/SecurityManager/ failing on several platforms
P2 JDK-8046092 JEP 102: Process API Updates
P2 JDK-8046183 JEP 193: Variable Handles
P2 JDK-8043825 JEP 227: Unicode 7.0
P2 JDK-8054307 JEP 254: Compact Strings
P2 JDK-8075115 JEP 267: Unicode 8.0
P2 JDK-8065614 JEP 277: Enhanced Deprecation
P2 JDK-8148604 JEP 280, Switch to more optimal concatenation strategy
P2 JDK-8077090 JEP-JDK-8046183: Test Task: Variable Handles
P2 JDK-8158168 Missing bounds checks for some String intrinsics
P2 JDK-8178347 Process and ProcessHandle getPid method name inconsistency
P2 JDK-8176815 Remove StackFramePermission and use RuntimePermission for stack walking
P2 JDK-8151660 Revert to use jdk.internal.ref.Cleaner
P2 JDK-8177738 Runtime.Version must be a value-based class
P2 JDK-8160000 Runtime.version() cause startup regressions in 9+119
P2 JDK-8160956 Runtime.Version.compareTo/compareToIgnoreOpt problem
P2 JDK-8182652 RuntimePermission("usePolicy") is not a Java SE permission
P2 JDK-8154017 Shutdown hooks are racing against shutdown sequence, if System.exit()-calling thread is interrupted
P2 JDK-8156651 SIGSEGV in StackValue::create_stack_value
P2 JDK-8148775 Spec for j.l.ProcessBuilder.Redirect.DISCARD need to be improved
P2 JDK-8173898 StackWalker.walk throws InternalError if called from a constructor invoked through reflection.
P2 JDK-8042589 String.toLowerCase do not work for some concatenated strings
P2 JDK-8048264 StringBuffer's codePoint methods throw unspecified IndexOutOfBoundsException
P2 JDK-6896810 TEST_BUG: java/lang/ref/SoftReference/ fails with OOME during System.out.println
P2 JDK-8132883 The spec of allChildren/children of j.l.Process/ProcessHandle need to be relaxed
P2 JDK-8039390 Unexpected behaviour of String.format with null arguments
P2 JDK-8179592 Update tables in java.base to be HTML 5-friendly.
P3 JDK-8055330 (process spec) ProcessBuilder.start and Runtime.exec should throw UnsupportedOperationException on platforms that don't support it
P3 JDK-8067748 (process) Child is terminated when parent's console is closed [win]
P3 JDK-8138566 (Process) java.lang.Process.allChildren specification clarification
P3 JDK-8130877 (process) java/lang/ProcessHandle/TreeTest test3 failure - Destroyed process.isAlive
P3 JDK-8010217 (process) Process should provide way to kill process tree
P3 JDK-8140250 (process) description is inaccurate
P3 JDK-8054841 (process) ProcessBuilder leaks native memory
P3 JDK-8132394 (process) ProcessBuilder support for a pipeline of processes
P3 JDK-8132541 (process) ProcessBuilder support for redirection to discard output
P3 JDK-8056238 (process) ProcessBuilder.redirectError spec has a broken link
P3 JDK-8072034 (process) ProcessBuilder.start and Runtime.exec UnsupportedOperationException editorial cleanup
P3 JDK-8129344 (process) ProcessHandle instances should define equals and be value-based
P3 JDK-8078099 (process) ProcessHandle should uniquely identify processes
P3 JDK-8078108 (process) ProcessHandle.isAlive should be robust
P3 JDK-8176272 (process) ProcessHandle::onExit fails to wait for non-child process
P3 JDK-8003490 (process) Provide Process.getCurrentPid() to get identifier of current process
P3 JDK-8003488 (process) Provide Process.getPid()
P3 JDK-8081536 (process) remove unreliable ScaleTest from ProcessHandle tests
P3 JDK-8071507 (ref) Clear phantom reference as soft and weak references do
P3 JDK-8069269 (spec) Defect in the System.nanoTime spec
P3 JDK-8178101 (thread) Migrate the thread deprecation technote to javadoc doc-files
P3 JDK-8156073 2-slot LiveStackFrame locals (long and double) are incorrect
P3 JDK-8067486 Add diagnostics for Exception: Read from closed pipe hangs
P3 JDK-8165636 add removal text to Runtime.traceInstructions/MethodCalls deprecation text
P3 JDK-8075544 Add tiered testing definitions to the jdk repo
P3 JDK-8039916 AnnotatedType.getType() of a Executable parameters may return wrong type
P3 JDK-8147585 Annotations with lambda expressions has parameter result in wrong behavior.
P3 JDK-8160312 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when comparing strings case insensitive
P3 JDK-8136874 Bug in port of fdlibm pow to Java
P3 JDK-8149330 Capacity of StringBuilder should not get close to Integer.MAX_VALUE unless necessary
P3 JDK-8029886 Change SecurityManager checkTopLevelWindow, checkSystemClipboard, checkAccessAwtEventQueueAccess to check AllPermission
P3 JDK-8037325 Class.getConstructor() performance regression
P3 JDK-8157877 Clean up StackWalker permission checks
P3 JDK-8146028 Common Cleaner for finalization replacements in OpenJDK
P3 JDK-8166501 compilation error in stackwalk.cpp on some gccs
P3 JDK-8156652 CountLocalSlots: testLocals(): number of locals (2) did not match expected (8)
P3 JDK-4285505 deprecate java.lang.Compiler
P3 JDK-8165641 Deprecate Object.finalize
P3 JDK-8161360 Deprecated vfork() should not be used on Solaris
P3 JDK-8157464 Disallow StackWalker.getCallerClass() be called by caller-sensitive method
P3 JDK-8050968 Extension class loader initialization fails on Win7 x64 zh_TW
P3 JDK-8180137 fix broken link in java.lang.Iterable
P3 JDK-8162563 Fix double checked locking in System.console()
P3 JDK-8154182 Fix java/lang/Class/getDeclaredField/ to only use available modules
P3 JDK-8179413 Fix remaining minor HTML5 issues in java.base module
P3 JDK-8161379 Force inline methods calling Reflection.getCallerClass
P3 JDK-8140450 Implement JEP 259: Stack-Walking API
P3 JDK-8176882 Incorrect integer comparison in version numbers
P3 JDK-8147039 Incorrect locals and operands in compiled frames
P3 JDK-8131763 j.l.Process.allChildren spec clarification
P3 JDK-8138696 java.lang.ref.Cleaner - an alternative to finalization
P3 JDK-8155215 java.lang.String concatenation spec is unnecessarily strong
P3 JDK-8138824 java.lang.String: spec doesn't match impl when ignoring case - equalsIgnoreCase(), regionMatches()
P3 JDK-8152936 java/lang/Class/ needs update to work with newer testng
P3 JDK-8081567 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed Cannot run program "whoami"
P3 JDK-8081566 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed on case sensitive command
P3 JDK-8098852 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed: total cpu time expected < 10s more
P3 JDK-8086278 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed - ProcessReaper StackOverflowException
P3 JDK-8038982 java/lang/ref/ elapsed time 981 is less than timeout 1000
P3 JDK-8086117 java/lang/Runtime/exec/ still fails intermittently with Process consumes memory
P3 JDK-8144552 java/lang/StackWalker/ fails with java.lang.NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8033812 javadoc for java.lang.annotation.ElementType needs minor correction
P3 JDK-8077350 JEP 102 Process API Updates Implementation
P3 JDK-8078025 JEP-JDK-8043825: Test task: Develop Global Suite tests
P3 JDK-8035640 JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION should support c++ JNI syntax
P3 JDK-8030814 Long.parseUnsignedLong should throw exception on too large input
P3 JDK-8053918 make the spec for @Documented comprehensible
P3 JDK-8168096 markup error in "since" element spec of @Deprecated
P3 JDK-5100935 No way to access the 64-bit integer multiplication of 64-bit CPUs efficiently
P3 JDK-8170595 Optimize Class.isAnonymousClass, isLocalClass, and isMemberClass
P3 JDK-8134795 Port fdlibm pow to Java
P3 JDK-8134780 Port fdlibm to Java, part 1
P3 JDK-8140213 Process/ProcessHandle.onExit() spec need to be improved
P3 JDK-8079782 RandomFactory should be in the jdk.testlibrary package
P3 JDK-8055251 Re-examine Integer.parseInt and Long.parseLong methods
P3 JDK-8153912 Reconsider StackFrame::getFileName and StackFrame::getLineNumber
P3 JDK-8172475 Remove usage from Class and ClassLoader
P3 JDK-8156810 remove redundant sentence in SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess doc
P3 JDK-8179370 Replace use of ,
and tags in java.base
P3 JDK-8157986 Runtime support for javac to determine arguments to the runtime environment
P3 JDK-8047904 Runtime.loadLibrary throws SecurityException when security manager is installed
P3 JDK-8162439 Runtime.Version.parse needs fast-path for major versions
P3 JDK-8134677 SecurityManager/ still failing on windows
P3 JDK-8157892 StackFrame::getFileName returns null when a source file exists for native methods
P3 JDK-4942697 StackTraceElement doesn't contain Class objects but only the class names
P3 JDK-8165372 StackWalker performance regression following JDK-8147039
P3 JDK-8153123 Streamline StackWalker code
P3 JDK-8027640 String.indexOf(String,int) for the empty string case not specified
P3 JDK-8041791 String.toLowerCase regression - violates Unicode standard
P3 JDK-8170155 StringBuffer and StringBuilder stream methods are not late-binding
P3 JDK-8143553 StringBuffer.getByte(byte[], int, byte) should be package private (not protected)
P3 JDK-8150463 StringConcat MH_INLINE_SIZED_EXACT should skip storage initialization
P3 JDK-8032446 Support Unicode 7.0.0 in JDK 9
P3 JDK-8160370 System.getProperty("os.version") returns "Unknown" on Mac
P3 JDK-8161039 System.getProperty("os.version") returns incorrect version number on Mac
P3 JDK-8067951 System.loadLibrary cannot find library when path contains quoted entry
P3 JDK-8132944 test java/lang/ClassLoader/ writes stuff to Agent stdout
P3 JDK-8137313 intermittently fails with a timeout
P3 JDK-8152174 Type annotations with a missing type throw NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8136831 Undefined null behavior in ClassLoader.getResourceXXXX()
P3 JDK-8072600 Unicode 8 support
P3 JDK-8179364 update "JDK-8179367 update use of align, valign attributes in java.base to use style attribute
P3 JDK-8169389 Use a bitmap to control StackTraceElement::toString format and save footprint
P3 JDK-8160457 VersionProps.versionNumbers() is broken
P4 JDK-6481080 (ann) @Deprecated annotation has no effect on packages
P4 JDK-6226715 (ann) java.lang.annotation.AnnotationTypeMismatchException could not be serialized
P4 JDK-8027348 (process) Enhancement of handling async close of ProcessInputStream
P4 JDK-8029629 (process) Improvements to test/java/lang/ProcessBuilder/
P4 JDK-8031961 (process) java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ uses "cp -p" which is inefficient
P4 JDK-8071481 (Process) Merge into
P4 JDK-8000975 (process) Merge &
P4 JDK-8155102 (Process) Process.toString could include pid, isAlive, exitStatus
P4 JDK-8072611 (process) ProcessBuilder redirecting output to file should work with long file names (win)
P4 JDK-8146574 (process) ProcessHandle test cleanup
P4 JDK-7021006 (process) Remove disabled clone-exec feature
P4 JDK-6853696 (ref) ReferenceQueue.remove(timeout) may return null even if timeout has not expired
P4 JDK-8060485 (str) contentEquals checks the String contents twice on mismatch
P4 JDK-8058643 (str) Improve String.hashCode implementation
P4 JDK-8077242 (str) Optimize AbstractStringBuilder.append(CharSequence, int, int) for String argument
P4 JDK-6764325 (str) String.getBytes(Charset) is slower than getBytes(String)
P4 JDK-8141359 @Deprecated on packages should be clarified
P4 JDK-8177949 @link tag arguments need correction for ElementType documentation
P4 JDK-8043477 [TEST_BUG] java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed with: java.lang.AssertionError: Some tests failed
P4 JDK-8073220 A typo in the documentation for class ProcessBuilder
P4 JDK-8155792 Add @jls citations to java.lang.String
P4 JDK-8066612 Add a test that will call getDeclaredFields() on all classes and try to set them accessible.
P4 JDK-8078826 Add diagnostic info for java/lang/Runtime/exec/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8160848 Add diagnostics to java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Zombies
P4 JDK-4851642 Add fused multiply add to Java math library
P4 JDK-8041972 Add improved parse methods for Long/Integer
P4 JDK-8158510 Add test cases to validate Annotation
P4 JDK-8173056 Add test that captures current behavior of annotations with invalid annotation types
P4 JDK-8071859 AnnotationInvocationHandler.equals(Object) return true when apply to annotation
P4 JDK-8165393 bad merge in java/lang/ref/
P4 JDK-8071477 Better Spliterator implementations for String.chars() and String.codePoints()
P4 JDK-8035813 Broken link in java.lang.Iterable
P4 JDK-4302423 class loaders should support "local" creation of Package objects
P4 JDK-8145459 Cleaner - use Reference.reachabilityFence
P4 JDK-8146012 CleanerTest fails: Cleanable should have been freed
P4 JDK-8074126 Correct @see cross-refs to the JLS in java.lang[.annotation]
P4 JDK-8138823 Correct bug in port of fdlibm hypot to Java
P4 JDK-8164524 Correct inconsistencies in floating-point abs spec
P4 JDK-8131313 Define Scoping
P4 JDK-8160901 Demote java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ to tier 2
P4 JDK-8153330 deprecate Runtime.traceInstructions() and traceMethodCalls()
P4 JDK-8145460 develop draft API specification for @Deprecated annotation and post for review
P4 JDK-8071434 doc updates for java.lang.Object
P4 JDK-8067669 Documentation for methods in Number incomplete regarding too large values.
P4 JDK-8043740 Doubles with large exponents overflow to Infinity incorrectly
P4 JDK-8164923 Error in the documentation for java.lang.Random
P4 JDK-8050114 Expose Integer/Long formatUnsigned methods internally
P4 JDK-8058779 Faster implementation of String.replace(CharSequence, CharSequence)
P4 JDK-8145461 finalize and integrate @Deprecated annotation specification change
P4 JDK-8043916 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in java/lang/
P4 JDK-8145430 Fix typo in StackWalker javadoc
P4 JDK-8177722 Improve grouping of jdk/internal/math tests
P4 JDK-8136500 Integer/Long getChars and stringSize should be more idiomatic
P4 JDK-4477961 java.lang.Math.toDegrees(double) could be optimized
P4 JDK-8067808 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed on Assertion
P4 JDK-8168517 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ failed with "java.lang.AssertionError: Some tests failed"
P4 JDK-8064932 java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ waitFor didn't take long enough
P4 JDK-8150346 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed: startTime after process spawn completed
P4 JDK-8136597 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ fails: commandLine() should at least contain 'java'
P4 JDK-8085981 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ AssertionError: Child onExit not called: 9680, parent: 23280: [] expected [true] but found [false]
P4 JDK-8086208 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ IllegalThreadStateException: process hasn't exited
P4 JDK-8085980 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ AssertionError: Wrong number of spawned children expected [1] but found [2]
P4 JDK-8129535 java_props_md.c should compile on VS 2010
P4 JDK-6961865 javadoc for Boolean.valueOf(String) with null argument not clearly specified
P4 JDK-8147832 JEP 285: Spin-Wait Hints
P4 JDK-8077089 JEP-JDK-8046092: Test Task: Process API Updates
P4 JDK-8136589 JEP-JDK-8075115: Test task: Develop Global Suite tests
P4 JDK-8161347 Mark java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8035427 Math.random() JavaDoc: missing maximum returned value
P4 JDK-8130889 Missing "@since 1.8" tags in
P4 JDK-8141454 Move java/lang/ProcessHandle/ until stability improves
P4 JDK-8065372 Object.wait(ms, ns) timeout returns early
P4 JDK-8029561 Optimization in Integer to string conversion
P4 JDK-8032016 Optimizations of{After,Up}({float,double})
P4 JDK-8155795 Optimize Integer/Long.reverse by using reverseBytes
P4 JDK-8145428 Optimize StringUTF16 compress/copy methods for C1
P4 JDK-4302406 Package sealing and creation of java.lang.Package objects is inconsistent.
P4 JDK-8136799 Port fdlibm cbrt to Java
P4 JDK-8139688 Port fdlibm exp to Java
P4 JDK-7130085 Port fdlibm hypot to Java
P4 JDK-8170153 PPC64/s390x/aarch64: Poor StrictMath performance due to non-optimized compilation
P4 JDK-8078672 Print and allow setting by Java property seeds used to initialize Random instances in java.lang numerics tests
P4 JDK-8131168 Refactor ProcessHandleImpl_*.c and add implememtation for AIX
P4 JDK-8133348 Reference.reachabilityFence
P4 JDK-8159590 Remove deprecated methods from jdk.internal.misc.VM
P4 JDK-8075304 Remove duplicate tests: FDTest, MethodReferenceTest and more
P4 JDK-8076632 Remove duplicate tests: FDTest, MethodReferenceTest and more -- follow-on (completion)
P4 JDK-8163934 Remove intermittent key from java/lang/ProcessBuilder/
P4 JDK-8161024 Remove intermittent key from java/lang/Runtime/exec/
P4 JDK-8156536 Remove intermittent key from and move back to tier1
P4 JDK-8031210 Remove serial warning from java.lang.Enum
P4 JDK-8033416 Remove sun.misc.FpUtils
P4 JDK-8145680 Remove unnecessary explicit initialization of volatile variables in java.base
P4 JDK-8033565 Remove unused nativeNewStringPlatform
P4 JDK-8149896 Removed unnecessary values in FloatConsts and DoubleConsts
P4 JDK-8157527 Replace @since 1.9 with @since 9 on new math methods
P4 JDK-8160264 Reuse Latin1/UTF16 compare routines
P4 JDK-8144210 Runtime.currentRuntime should be final
P4 JDK-4354680 Runtime.runFinalization() silently clears interrupted flag in the calling thread
P4 JDK-8161236 Runtime.Version.{compareTo,equals}IgnoreOpt should be renamed
P4 JDK-8027063 SecurityManger.getClassContext returns a raw type
P4 JDK-8154231 Simplify access to System properties from JDK code
P4 JDK-8060130 Simplify the synchronization of defining and getting java.lang.Package
P4 JDK-8168073 Speed up URI creation during module bootstrap
P4 JDK-8032012 String.toLowerCase/toUpperCase performance improvement
P4 JDK-8139070 StringUTF16 should check for the maximum length
P4 JDK-8177682 Suppress removal warning for System.runFinalizersOnExit
P4 JDK-8044051 Test jdk/lambda/vm/ gets IOException during compilation
P4 JDK-8143876 test/java/lang/ProcessHandle/ failed intermittently with assertion error
P4 JDK-8160564 TEST: Add a test to check the implementation of VersionProps.versionNumbers()
P4 JDK-8059677 Thread.getName() instantiates Strings
P4 JDK-8030709 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.lang package; minor cleanup in java.math, javax.script
P4 JDK-8178154 Typo in Object.finalize deprecation javadoc
P4 JDK-8032779 Update code in java.lang to use newer language features
P4 JDK-8145468 update java.lang APIs with new deprecations
P4 JDK-8048014 Update java.lang.SafeVararags for private methods
P4 JDK-8158312 Update String.join example code to use List convenience factory methods
P4 JDK-8169513 Update with final design detail
P4 JDK-8160824 is missing EOL
P4 JDK-7038914 VM could throw uncaught OOME in ReferenceHandler thread
P5 JDK-8080535 (ch) Expected size of is not optimal
P5 JDK-8032606 ClassValue.ClassValueMap.type is unused
P5 JDK-6667086 Double.doubleToLongBits(final double value) contains inefficient test for NaN
P5 JDK-8054857 Fix typos in java.lang.** packages
P5 JDK-8078136 Incorrect figure number in reference to Hacker's Delight book in Long.bitCount() method
P5 JDK-8068887 java.lang.Throwable could use Collections.emptyList for suppressedException
P5 JDK-8161413 Math.fma javadoc doesn't have @since 9
P5 JDK-8071571 Move substring of same string to slow path
P5 JDK-8180128 small errors in String javadoc
P5 JDK-8054828 TEST_BUG: Typos in java/lang/Long/ParsingTest
P5 JDK-8067471 Use private static final char[0] for empty Strings


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8073644 Assertion in LambdaFormEditor.bindArgumentType is too strict
P1 JDK-8058892 FILL_ARRAYS and ARRAYS are eagely initialized in MethodHandleImpl
P1 JDK-8184119 Incorrect return processing for the LF editor of MethodHandles.permuteArguments
P1 JDK-8031502 JSR292: IncompatibleClassChangeError in LambdaForm for CharSequence.toString() method handle type converter
P1 JDK-8063137 Never taken branches should be pruned when GWT LambdaForms are shared
P2 JDK-8151179 address issues raised by JCK team on JEP 274 API
P2 JDK-8020801 Apply the restriction of invoking MethodHandles.lookup to j.l.r.Method.invoke
P2 JDK-8143142 AssertionError in MethodHandleImpl
P2 JDK-8057919 Class.getSimpleName() should work for non-JLS compliant class names
P2 JDK-8069591 Customize LambdaForms which are invoked using MH.invoke/invokeExact
P2 JDK-8063135 Enable full LF sharing by default
P2 JDK-8059877 GWT branch frequencies pollution due to LF sharing
P2 JDK-8027827 Improve performance of catchException combinator
P2 JDK-8163946 java/lang/String/concat/ fails after 8163878
P2 JDK-8163814 JDK build has been failing after 8163373
P2 JDK-8161068 fails
P2 JDK-8163533 fails on jdk9/dev
P2 JDK-8057020 LambdaForm caches should support eviction
P2 JDK-8177153 LambdaMetafactory has default constructor
P2 JDK-8170408 fails with recent changes
P2 JDK-8167966 MethodHandles.iteratedLoop fails with IAE in the case of correct arguments
P2 JDK-8167974 MethodHandles.iteratedLoop(...) fails with CCE in the case of iterating over array
P2 JDK-8177146 MethodHandles.Lookup::bind allows illegal protected access
P2 JDK-8156485 MethodHandles.varHandleExactInvoker should perform exact checks
P2 JDK-8081245 failing across platforms
P2 JDK-8066746 MHs.explicitCastArguments does incorrect type checks for VarargsCollector
P2 JDK-8058291 Missing some checks during parameter validation
P2 JDK-8060483 NPE with explicitCastArguments unboxing null
P2 JDK-8155090 String concatenation fails with a custom SecurityManager that uses concatenation
P2 JDK-8148787 StringConcatFactory exactness check produces bad bytecode when a non-arg concat is requested
P2 JDK-8174226 Test failures after JDK-8033076
P2 JDK-8161212 Test times out: java/lang/invoke/
P2 JDK-8164485 Zero forms not properly generated
P3 JDK-8148730 Add @since tags in new String concat APIs
P3 JDK-8162107 Add acquire/release variants for getAndSet and getAndAdd
P3 JDK-8143343 add JEP 274 Javadoc tests to JavaDocExamplesTest
P3 JDK-8067344 Adjust java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ for recent changes in java.lang.invoke
P3 JDK-8157152 Atomic add for VarHandle byte[]/ByteBuffer views is incorrect for endian conversion
P3 JDK-8131129 Attempt to define a duplicate BMH$Species class
P3 JDK-8150360 augment/correct MethodHandle API documentation
P3 JDK-8161211 better inlining support for loop bytecode intrinsics
P3 JDK-8076596 BytecodeDescriptor.parseMethod doesn't work during bootstrapping
P3 JDK-8058661 Compiled LambdaForms should inherit from Object to improve class loading performance
P3 JDK-8078290 Customize adapted MethodHandle in MH.invoke() case
P3 JDK-8150829 Enhanced drop-args, identity and default constant, varargs adjustment
P3 JDK-8150824 Exceptions when omitting trailing arguments in cleanup
P3 JDK-8150782 findClass / accessClass throw unexpected exceptions
P3 JDK-8143232 Fix java.lang.invoke bootstrap when specifying COMPILE_THRESHOLD
P3 JDK-8149574 Fix java/lang/invoke/MethodHandleImpl's use of Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass()
P3 JDK-8037210 Get rid of char-based descriptions 'J' of basic types
P3 JDK-8059880 Get rid of LambdaForm interpretation
P3 JDK-8157171 Hook up Unsafe.weakCompareAndSetVolatile to VarHandles
P3 JDK-8139885 implement JEP 274: enhanced method handles
P3 JDK-8086045 Improve the java.lang.invoke first initialization costs
P3 JDK-8037209 Improvements and cleanups to bytecode assembly for lambda forms
P3 JDK-8156915 introduce MethodHandle factory for array length
P3 JDK-8168005 Introduce namespaces for GET, SET dynalink operations
P3 JDK-8166974 invokedynamic implementation should not wrap Errors
P3 JDK-8150635 j.l.i.MethodHandles.loop(...) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8150956 j.l.i.MethodHandles.whileLoop(...) and .iteratedLoop(...) throw unexpected exceptions in the case of 'init' return type is void
P3 JDK-8150953 j.l.i.MethodHandles: 'example' section in whileLoop(...) provides example for doWhileLoop
P3 JDK-8133719 java.lang.InternalError in java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleImpl$BindCaller.bindCaller
P3 JDK-8163553 java.lang.LinkageError from test java/lang/ThreadGroup/
P3 JDK-8143253 java/lang/invoke/ failing on mach5
P3 JDK-8155214 java/lang/invoke/ fails due to exhausted code cache
P3 JDK-8157239 java/lang/invoke/VarHandles/ tests fail by timeout with -Xcomp with lambda form linkage
P3 JDK-8143798 jck failures: api/java_lang/invoke/MethodHandle/index_MethodsTests[asSpreaderWMTE]: java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack
P3 JDK-8130227 JEP 274: Enhanced Method Handles
P3 JDK-8075866 JEP 276: Dynamic Linking of Language-Defined Object Models
P3 JDK-8038261 JSR292: cache and reuse typed array accessors
P3 JDK-8129532 failed with ConcurrentModificationException
P3 JDK-8050200 Make LambdaForm intrinsics detection more robust
P3 JDK-8034120 MethodHandles.catchException doesn't handle VarargsCollector right
P3 JDK-8036117 MethodHandles.catchException doesn't handle VarargsCollector right (8034120 failed)
P3 JDK-8154751 MethodHandles.countedLoop does not accept empty bodies
P3 JDK-8154754 MethodHandles.countedLoop errors in deriving loop arguments, result type, and local state
P3 JDK-8153637 MethodHandles.countedLoop/3 initialises loop counter to 1 instead of 0
P3 JDK-8164102 MethodHandles.countedLoop/4 works incorrect for start/end = Integer.MAX_VALUE
P3 JDK-8160717 MethodHandles.loop() does not check for excessive signature
P3 JDK-8150825 MethodHandles.tryFinally throws IndexOutOfBoundsException for non-conforming parameter lists
P3 JDK-8156868 doc issues
P3 JDK-8158851 MH.publicLookup() init circularity, triggered by custom SecurityManager with String concat and -limitmods java.base
P3 JDK-8152667 MHs.iteratedLoop(...) throws unexpected WMTE, disallows Iterator subclasses, generates inconsistent loop result type
P3 JDK-8155106 MHs.Lookup.findConstructor returns handles for array classes
P3 JDK-8172905 Minor startup cleanup of CallSite and MethodType
P3 JDK-8057719 New tests for LambdaForm Reduction and Caching feature
P3 JDK-8143211 provide bytecode intrinsics for loop and try/finally executors
P3 JDK-8165492 Reduce number of lambda forms generated by MethodHandleInlineCopyStrategy
P3 JDK-8165731 Reference to removed method in VarHandle JavaDoc
P3 JDK-8162106 Remove VarHandle.addAndGet
P3 JDK-8172201 Replace assert of return type in VarHandle.AccessMode with test
P3 JDK-8160439 Replace asserts in VarHandle.AccessMode with tests
P3 JDK-8163373 Rewrite GenerateJLIClassesPlugin to avoid reflective calls into java.lang.invoke
P3 JDK-8148869 StringConcatFactory MH_INLINE_SIZED_EXACT strategy does not work with -XX:-CompactStrings
P3 JDK-8149459 StringConcatFactory should be synced up with LambdaMetafactory
P3 JDK-8149835 StringConcatFactory should emit classes with the same package as the host class
P3 JDK-8158039 VarHandle float/double field/array access should support CAS/set/add atomics
P3 JDK-8155258 VarHandle implementation improvements
P3 JDK-8080588 VarHandles development
P3 JDK-8161444 VarHandles should provide access bitwise atomics
P3 JDK-8157726 VarHandles/Unsafe should support sub-word atomic ops
P4 JDK-8066798 [TEST] Make java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests use lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/ to define their number of iterations
P4 JDK-8154755 Add a VarHandle weakCompareAndSet with volatile semantics
P4 JDK-8133451 Add weak CAS, and acquire/release forms of CAS
P4 JDK-8157449 Adjust link-time generated Species classes to match JDK-8148604 usage
P4 JDK-8144931 Assert class signatures are correct and refer to valid classes
P4 JDK-8143410 augment pseudo-code descriptions in MethodHandles API
P4 JDK-8152951 Avoid calculating the reverse of StringConcatFactory$Recipe elements
P4 JDK-8152074 Avoid lambda usage in StringConcatFactory initializer
P4 JDK-8135081 Better C1 handling for VarHandles.(get|set)Opaque
P4 JDK-8058293 Bit set computation in MHs.findFirstDupOrDrop/findFirstDrop is broken
P4 JDK-8133568 C1 support for Unsafe.{getAcquire|setRelease}
P4 JDK-8130923 C1 trouble in VarHandle.getObject tests
P4 JDK-8142487 Cleanup sun.invoke.util.Wrapper zeroes to be both reliable and lazy
P4 JDK-8071788 CountingWrapper.asType() is broken
P4 JDK-8077054 DMH LFs should be customizeable
P4 JDK-8071787 Don't block inlining when DONT_INLINE_THRESHOLD=0
P4 JDK-8163369 Enable generating DMH classes at link time
P4 JDK-8163371 Enable tracing which JLI classes can be pre-generated
P4 JDK-8154447 Exempt classes under java.util.concurrent from MH.Lookup restrictions
P4 JDK-8031373 Fix deprecation and raw lint warnings in java.lang.invoke
P4 JDK-8036732 Fix raw warning in
P4 JDK-8164451 Generate all zero and identity forms at link time
P4 JDK-8164044 Generate corresponding simple DelegatingMethodHandles when generating a DirectMethodHandle at link time
P4 JDK-8164483 Generate field lambda forms at link time
P4 JDK-8164569 Generate non-customized invoker forms at link time
P4 JDK-8050166 Get rid of some package-private methods on arguments in j.l.i.MethodHandle
P4 JDK-8050053 Improve caching of different invokers
P4 JDK-8050057 Improve caching of MethodHandle reinvokers
P4 JDK-8136893 Improve early java.lang.invoke infrastructure initialization
P4 JDK-8141677 Improve java.lang.invoke.MemberName hashCode implementation
P4 JDK-8142334 Improve lazy initialization of java.lang.invoke
P4 JDK-8167229 Improve VarHandle documentation
P4 JDK-8149644 Integrate VarHandles
P4 JDK-8143127 InvokerBytecodeGenerator emitConst should handle Byte, Short, Character
P4 JDK-8150957 j.l.i.MethodHandles.whileLoop(...) fails with IOOBE in the case 'init' is null, 'step' and 'pred' have parameters
P4 JDK-8033465 JSR292: InvokerBytecodeGenerator: convert a check for REF_invokeVirtual on an interface into an assert
P4 JDK-8076461 JSR292: remove unused native and constants
P4 JDK-8160556 LambdaForm interpretation is not tested regularly
P4 JDK-8059455 LambdaForm.prepare() does unnecessary work for cached LambdaForms
P4 JDK-8044206 LambdaMetafactory.altMetafactory javadoc refers to wrong method
P4 JDK-8144723 MethodHandleImpl.initStatics is no longer needed
P4 JDK-8062180 MethodHandleImpl.makeArrays throws and swallows java.lang.NoSuchFieldError in normal flow
P4 JDK-8157590 MethodHandles.arrayLength() lacks @since tag, implementation throws wrong exception
P4 JDK-8147078 MethodHandles.catchException does not enforce Throwable subtype
P4 JDK-8158169 MethodHandles.dropArgumentsToMatch(...)
P4 JDK-8158171 MethodHandles.dropArgumentsToMatch(...) non-documented IAE
P4 JDK-8138884 MethodHandles.Lookup.findVirtual() Javadoc fails to consider private interface methods
P4 JDK-8141536 MethodType field offset calculation could be lazy
P4 JDK-8136931 more fine-grained condition checking for BMH species creation
P4 JDK-8144223 Move j.l.invoke.{ForceInline, DontInline, Stable} to jdk.internal.vm.annotation package
P4 JDK-8049555 Move varargsArray from sun.invoke.util package to java.lang.invoke
P4 JDK-8152641 Plugin to generate BMH$Species classes ahead-of-time
P4 JDK-8160971 Re-enable VarHandle tests quarantined by JDK-8160690
P4 JDK-8164525 Re-examine zero form link time pre-generation
P4 JDK-8163370 Reduce number of classes loaded by common usage of java.lang.invoke
P4 JDK-8081512 Remove sun.invoke.anon classes, or move / co-locate them with tests
P4 JDK-8164739 Remove computation of predefined interpreter forms
P4 JDK-8163878 Remove unnecessary bridge methods, allocations in java.lang.invoke
P4 JDK-8154737 Rename VarHandle.compareAndExchangeVolatile to VarHandle.compareAndExchange
P4 JDK-8162108 Rename weakCompareAndSetVolatile to weakCompareAndSet
P4 JDK-8062543 Replace uses of MethodHandleImpl.castReference with Class.cast
P4 JDK-8136967 revert all changes applied to obtain information about 8131129
P4 JDK-8050052 Small cleanups in java.lang.invoke code
P4 JDK-8150832 split T8139885 into several tests by functionality
P4 JDK-8158933 String concat stringifiers setup should avoid unnecessary lookups
P4 JDK-8141678 sun.invoke.util.Wrapper eagerly initializes all integral type caches
P4 JDK-8164866 tools/jlink/plugins/ can't compile after JDK-8163371
P4 JDK-8151063 Typo in java.lang.invoke.StringConcatFactory javadoc
P4 JDK-8160885 Unsafe.compareAndExchangeDouble/FloatAcquire should defer to compareAndExchangeLong/IntAcquire
P4 JDK-8151706 Update VarHandle implementation to use @Stable arrays
P4 JDK-8154556 Use java.nio.ByteOrder instead of boolean value
P4 JDK-8071368 Use more concrete types for NamedFunction constants in the code
P4 JDK-8072844 Use more efficient LambdaForm type representation
P4 JDK-8151198 VarHandle factory-specific exceptions
P4 JDK-8152645 VarHandle lookup access control tests
P4 JDK-8151705 VarHandle.AccessMode enum names should conform to code style
P4 JDK-8080596 VarHandles API specification
P4 JDK-8080599 VarHandles jcstress tests
P4 JDK-8134293 VH.(get|set)Opaque implementations
P4 JDK-8046903 VM anonymous class members can't be statically invocable
P5 JDK-8141539 Avoid calculating string constants in InnerClassLambdaMetaFactory
P5 JDK-8154067 Avoid early use of limited privilege escalation in InnerClassLambdaMetafactory
P5 JDK-8057656 Improve MethodType.isCastableTo() & MethodType.isConvertibleTo() checks
P5 JDK-8180075 Javadoc of MethodHandles.Lookup::bind should note the difference from MethodHandle::bindTo
P5 JDK-8138578 MethodHandles.Lookup.findSpecial() Javadoc fails to consider static methods
P5 JDK-8143131 Remove unused code from java.lang.invoke


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8175079 Lazy initialization of ImageReader breaks rmid
P1 JDK-8142968 Module System implementation
P1 JDK-8138960 Module version is checked incorrectly in libjimage
P2 JDK-8066477 Amend JEP 201 to define locations for demos, samples, and man pages
P2 JDK-8177474 Do not emit warnings when illegal access is allowed by --add-exports/--add-opens
P2 JDK-8139297 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class jdk.internal.jimage.ImageNativeSubstrate
P2 JDK-8143879 jdk/internal/jimage/ crashes jvm in msvcr120.dll
P2 JDK-8169069 Module system implementation refresh (11/2016)
P2 JDK-8170987 Module system implementation refresh (12/2016)
P2 JDK-8173393 Module system implementation refresh (2/2017)
P2 JDK-8174823 Module system implementation refresh (3/2017)
P2 JDK-8154956 Module system implementation refresh (4/2016)
P2 JDK-8177530 Module system implementation refresh (4/2017)
P2 JDK-8178380 Module system implementation refresh (5/2017)
P2 JDK-8181087 Module system implementation refresh (6/2017 update)
P2 JDK-8182482 Module System spec updates
P2 JDK-8156142 ModuleReader instances don't always throw NPE for passed null args
P3 JDK-8073596 Add in boot.modules that needs be exported to it
P3 JDK-8157068 ExceptionInInitializerError if images build patched to use exploded version of jdk.internal.module.SystemModules
P3 JDK-8135197 libjimage code needs translation from hotspot-ish to jdk-ish
P3 JDK-8168836 Minor clean up on warning/error messages on --add-exports and --add-reads
P3 JDK-8159334 ModuleDescriptor retains overlapping sets for all and concealed packages
P3 JDK-8158456 does not verify dependence on java.base in module-info.class
P3 JDK-8159248 ModuleFinder.of not clear that FindException thrown if module descriptor cannot be derived for automatic module
P3 JDK-8157598 ModuleReader find returns incorrect URI when modular JAR is a multi-release JAR
P3 JDK-8168789 ModuleReader.list and ModuleFinder.of update
P3 JDK-8171855 Move package name transformations during module bootstrap into native code
P3 JDK-8072601 Re-examine jdk.runtime and modules
P3 JDK-8168205 Should not default class path to CWD if -cp is not specified but -m is specified
P3 JDK-8136930 Simplify use of module-system options by custom launchers
P3 JDK-8148834 Update module-info reader/writer to 53.0
P4 JDK-8153538 module java.httpclient should not be in java.compact3
P4 JDK-8171400 Move checking of duplicate packages in the boot layer to link time
P4 JDK-8171373 Reduce copying during initialization of ModuleHashes


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8178726 Can't load classes from classpath if it is a UNC share
P2 JDK-8063147 Class.getFields spec should state that fields are inherited from superinterfaces
P2 JDK-8165346 j.l.ClassLoader.getDefinedPackage(String) throws NPE
P2 JDK-8169909 java agent fails to add to class path when the initial module is a named module
P2 JDK-8181696 Package versioning link does not exist in JAR file specification
P3 JDK-6516909 (cl spec) ClassLoader.loadClass() clarification to indicate it shouldn't be used for array classes
P3 JDK-6479237 (cl) Add support for classloader names
P3 JDK-4841786 (cl) flaw in ClassLoader getPackage/definePackage API
P3 JDK-6235792 (cl) improve performance penalty of loading classes from CLASSPATH versus BOOTCLASSPATH
P3 JDK-8154837 Class::getPackage with exploded modules when classes in modules defined to the boot loader
P3 JDK-8169435 ClassLoader.isParallelCapable is final and conflicting method may get VerifyError
P3 JDK-8165563 ClassLoader::getSystemClassLoader will never be null
P3 JDK-8029891 Deadlock detected in java/lang/ClassLoader/deadlock/
P3 JDK-8165793 Provide an API to query if a ClassLoader is parallel capable
P3 JDK-8068686 Remove meta-index support
P3 JDK-8064956 Remove sun.misc.ExtensionInstallationProvider and relevant classes
P3 JDK-7180225 SecurityExceptions not defined in some class loader methods
P3 JDK-8156989 Trailing empty element in classpath ignored
P4 JDK-8161230 ClassLoader: add resource methods returning
P4 JDK-6760902 inconsistent behavior in bootstrap class loader for classes and resources
P4 JDK-8061804 Re-examine Package of the same name allowed from ClassLoader.getPackages
P4 JDK-8180633 Remove intermittent key from java/lang/ClassLoader/


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8171988 Backout of fix for 8062389, 8029459, 8061950
P2 JDK-8029674 (reflect) getMethods returns default methods that are not members of the class
P2 JDK-8062389 Class.getMethod() is inconsistent with Class.getMethods() results
P2 JDK-8074977 Constructor.getAnnotatedParameterTypes returns wrong value
P2 JDK-8064846 Lazy-init thread safety problems in core reflection
P2 JDK-8156143 Module.getResourceAsStream throws unspecified SecurityException with module in custom Layer
P2 JDK-8065172 More core reflection final and volatile annotations
P2 JDK-8172190 Re-apply the fix for bugs 8062389, 8029459, 8061950
P3 JDK-8152115 (proxy) Examine performance of dynamic proxy creation
P3 JDK-8044629 (reflect) Constructor.getAnnotatedReceiverType() returns wrong value
P3 JDK-8029459 (reflect) getMethods returns methods that are not members of the class
P3 JDK-8170467 (reflect) Optimize SignatureParser's use of StringBuilders
P3 JDK-6378384 (reflect) subclass can’t access superclass’s protected fields and methods by reflection
P3 JDK-8038994 AnnotatedType.getType() of a TypeVariable boundary without annotations return null
P3 JDK-8062773 Clarifications for Class specification
P3 JDK-8054304 Clarify treatment of bounds in j.l.r.Annotated{WildcardType,TypeVariable}
P3 JDK-8034044 Class.getModifiers() returns "static" for anonymous classes
P3 JDK-8169993 Class::desiredAssertionStatus should call getClassLoader0
P3 JDK-8062771 Core reflection should use final fields whenever possible
P3 JDK-8033584 Remove java/lang/reflect/Method/invoke/ from exclude list
P3 JDK-8152642 Remove sun.misc.Unsafe dependency from java.lang.reflect.Proxy
P3 JDK-8169880 Remove the sun.reflect.noCaches option
P3 JDK-8073056 Repeating annotations throws with a SecurityManager
P3 JDK-8073952 Spec of j.l.r.Method.toString/toGenericString need to be clarified
P3 JDK-8162539 Test fails because it expects a blank between method signature and throws exception
P3 JDK-8038333 TEST_BUG: java/lang/ref/ fails with a non-adequate message
P4 JDK-5041778 (ann) AnnotationFormatError if "default" Class type not found
P4 JDK-5040830 (ann) please improve toString() for annotations containing exception proxies
P4 JDK-8153895 (proxy) redundant read edges to superinterfaces of proxy interfaces
P4 JDK-5043030 (reflect) unnecessary object creation in reflection
P4 JDK-8062556 Add jdk tests for JDK-8058322 and JDK-8058313
P4 JDK-8057804 AnnotatedType interfaces provide no way to get annotations on owner type
P4 JDK-8162817 Annotation toString output not reusable for source input
P4 JDK-8068736 Avoid synchronization on Executable/Field.declaredAnnotations
P4 JDK-8054213 Class name repeated in output of Type.toString()
P4 JDK-8061950 Class.getMethods() exhibits quadratic time complexity
P4 JDK-8060077 Class.toGenericString specification doesn't mention array types
P4 JDK-8168681 Correct deprecation text for Class.newInstance
P4 JDK-6850612 Deprecate Class.newInstance since it violates the checked exception language contract
P4 JDK-8036744 Fix raw lint warnings in java.lang.reflect.WeakCache
P4 JDK-8098790 Improve cross references and wording in java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedFoo types
P4 JDK-8159330 Improve deprecation text for Class.newInstance
P4 JDK-8168921 Inconsistent Annotation.toString()
P4 JDK-8169479 java.lang.reflect.Constructor class has wrong api documentation
P4 JDK-8058313 Mismatch of method descriptor and MethodParameters.parameters_count should cause MalformedParameterException
P4 JDK-8030785 Missing "since 1.8" javadoc for java.lang.reflect.Method:getParameterCount
P4 JDK-8158430 Push tests for JDK-5040830
P4 JDK-8031375 Revert test exclusions after fix for JDK-8030656 propagates
P4 JDK-8024812 Tests for malformed MethodParameters attributes
P4 JDK-8141368 Typo in java/lang/Class/ test
P4 JDK-8072843 Typo in the description of the j.l.r.Executable.getAnnotatedReceiverType
P4 JDK-8162815 unnecessary object creation in reflection
P4 JDK-8161500 Use getTypeName and StringJoiner in core reflection generic toString methods
P4 JDK-8058322 Zero name_index item of MethodParameters attribute cause MalformedParameterException.
P5 JDK-8051382 Optimize java.lang.reflect.Modifier.toString()


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-4851777 Add BigDecimal sqrt method
P3 JDK-8057793 BigDecimal is no longer effectively immutable
P3 JDK-8066842 java.math.BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, RoundingMode) produces incorrect result
P3 JDK-8152237 Support BigInteger.TWO
P4 JDK-8032027 Add BigInteger square root methods
P4 JDK-8023217 Additional floorDiv/floorMod/multiplyExact methods for java.lang.Math
P4 JDK-8074460 Always print seeds used in [Splittable]Random instances in java.math tests
P4 JDK-8064463 BigDecimal should populate NumberFormatException message
P4 JDK-8158551 BigDecimal.sqrt javadoc typo
P4 JDK-8058505 BigIntegerTest does not exercise Burnikel-Ziegler division
P4 JDK-8035279 Clean up internal deprecations in BigInteger
P4 JDK-4943627 Deprecate rounding mode integer constants in BigDecimal and their uses
P4 JDK-8157724 Improve javadoc tag usage in java.math
P4 JDK-8042478 Include Mersenne primes in BigInteger primality testing
P4 JDK-6375303 Review use of caching in BigDecimal
P4 JDK-8042983 test/java/math/BigInteger/ needs too much heap
P4 JDK-8059175 Zero BigDecimal with negative scale prints leading zeroes in String.format
P5 JDK-8026236 Add PrimeTest for BigInteger
P5 JDK-4026465 Provide more byte array constructors for BigInteger


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8035897 Better memory allocation for file descriptors greater than 1024 on macosx
P1 JDK-8042950 JEP 110: HTTP/2 Client (Incubator)
P1 JDK-8155578 OpenJDK build failed after JDK-8044773
P2 JDK-8164815 3 JCK NetworkInterface tests fail on Raspberry Pi
P2 JDK-8047031 Add SocketPermission tests for legacy socket types
P2 JDK-8180424 Another build issue on AIX after 8034174
P2 JDK-8155770 Correct URLClassLoader API documentation to explicitly say jar-scheme URL's are accepted
P2 JDK-8178161 Default multicast interface on Mac
P2 JDK-8134577 Eliminate or standardize a replacement for
P2 JDK-8155963 Fix deprecation warning in windows implementation
P2 JDK-8158690 GET request via HTTP/2 has a huge delays due to Nagle’s Algorithm and Delayed ACK clash
P2 JDK-8087112 HTTP API and HTTP/1.1 implementation
P2 JDK-8181430 HTTP/2 client might deadlock when receiving data during the initial handshake
P2 JDK-8159053 Improve onPing/onClose behavior
P2 JDK-8156693 Improve usability of CompletableFuture use in WebSocket API
P2 JDK-8161091 Incorrect HTTP Stream.FlowControl implementation allows to send DataFrame even when window size was exhausted
P2 JDK-8035653 InetAddress.getLocalHost crash
P2 JDK-8015692 is thrown on Windows XP when HTTP server is started and stopped in the loop.
P2 JDK-8163482 adds a trailing colon when header-names is empty
P2 JDK-8180044 java/net/httpclient/ failed due to timeout
P2 JDK-8071424 JCK test api/java_net/Socket/descriptions.html#Bind crashes on Windows
P2 JDK-8077104 JEP-JDK-8042950: Test task: Develop new tests for JEP110: HTTP/2 Client
P2 JDK-8179021 Latest bugfixes to WebSocket/HPACK from the sandbox repo
P2 JDK-8158980 Memory leak in HTTP2Connection.streams
P2 JDK-8156742 Miscellaneous WebSocket API improvements
P2 JDK-8170648 Move package out of Java SE to incubator namespace
P2 JDK-8058216 NetworkInterface.getHardwareAddress can return zero length byte array when run with preferIPv4Stack
P2 JDK-8157045 NPE during websocket communication with wss
P2 JDK-8178147 Race conditions in timeout handling code in http/2 incubator client
P2 JDK-8044773 Refactor API so that it can be moved out of the base module
P2 JDK-8132705 Refactor SharedSecrets in sun.misc.JavaNetAccess
P2 JDK-8180498 Remove httpclient internal APIs which supply ByteBuffers to read calls
P2 JDK-8153372 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from jdk.httpserver
P2 JDK-8075139 Restore java.protocol.handler.pkgs to work as a fallback for migration
P2 JDK-8161291 Serialization Tests for URLPermission is failing
P2 JDK-8156650 Simplify Text message support in WebSocket API
P2 JDK-8148609 socket impl supportedOptions() should return an immutable set
P2 JDK-8175814 Update default HttpClient protocol version and optional request version
P2 JDK-8157166 Update spec to account for platforms that do not support multicast
P2 JDK-8044769 URL/URLConnection needs to be updated to work with modules
P2 JDK-8174151 URLClassLoader no longer uses custom URLStreamHandler for jar URLs
P2 JDK-8087113 Websocket API and implementation
P2 JDK-8180155 WebSocket secure connection get stuck after onOpen
P3 JDK-8067846 (sctp) InternalError when receiving SendFailedNotification
P3 JDK-8067680 (sctp) Possible race initializing native IDs
P3 JDK-8038459 (sctp) Remove superflous classes on platforms without an implementation [macosx, aix]
P3 JDK-8034181 (sctp) SIGBUS in SctpChannelImpl receive
P3 JDK-8169495 Add a method to set an Authenticator on a HttpURLConnection.
P3 JDK-8169068 Add a new method:
P3 JDK-8166747 Add invalid network / computer name cases to isReachable known failure switch
P3 JDK-8163449 Allow per protocol setting for URLConnection defaultUseCaches
P3 JDK-8032832 Applet/browser deadlocks, when IIS integrated authentication is used
P3 JDK-8114860 Behavior of contradicts spec
P3 JDK-8044590 Broken links in
P3 JDK-8072466 Deadlock when initializing MulticastSocket and DatagramSocket
P3 JDK-8170868 DefaultProxySelector should use system defaults on Windows, MacOS and Gnome
P3 JDK-8041395 Doclint regression in
P3 JDK-8170785 Excessive allocation in ParseUtil.encodePath
P3 JDK-8161474 Extract interface from
P3 JDK-8170544 Fix code scan findings in libnet
P3 JDK-8154454 Fix compilation issue in PlainSocketImpl
P3 JDK-8179697 Fix Html5 errors in java.naming, java.logging, jdk.httpserver,, jdk.sctp
P3 JDK-8179392 Fix warnings in the httpclient javadoc
P3 JDK-8167295 Further cleanup to the native parts of libnet/libnio
P3 JDK-8160218 HPack decoder fails when processing header in multiple ByteBuffers
P3 JDK-8065994 HTTP Tunnel connection to NTLM proxy reauthenticates instead of using keep-alive
P3 JDK-8174745 Httpclient source update for JDK 8
P3 JDK-8133196 HTTPS hostname invalid issue with InetAddress
P3 JDK-8068795 HttpServer missing tailing space for some response codes
P3 JDK-8138990 Implementation of HTTP Digest authentication may be more flexible
P3 JDK-8071125 Improve exception messages in URLPermission
P3 JDK-8040747 Improve performance of IP address parsing
P3 JDK-8080819 Inet4AddressImpl regression caused by JDK-7180557
P3 JDK-8168840 InetAddress.getByName() throws no such interface when used with virtual interfaces on Solaris
P3 JDK-8159410 InetAddress.isReachable returns true for non existing IP addresses
P3 JDK-8133015 InetAddress.isReachable(tmout) returning wrong value on Windows for IPv6
P3 JDK-8143397 It looks like InetAddress.isReachable(timeout) works incorrectly
P3 JDK-8154487 java.httpclient/ failing on Windows
P3 JDK-8039470 Content Handler API incorrectly specifies implementation specific location of handler classes
P3 JDK-8143923 socket supportedOptions set depends on call order
P3 JDK-8163586 has been made public by mistake
P3 JDK-8169115 java/net/InetAddress/ptr/ failed intermittently
P3 JDK-8041677 java/net/MulticastSocket/TestInterfaces failed on Oracle VM Virtual Ethernet Adapter
P3 JDK-8173354 javadoc warning notice for types in Incubator Modules
P3 JDK-8041397 Lint regression in
P3 JDK-8077155 LoginContext Subject ignored by jdk8
P3 JDK-8157816 Mark 4 httpclient tests as intermittently failing
P3 JDK-8175325 NetworkInterface.getInterfaceAddresses throws NPE when no addresses
P3 JDK-8065078 NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() triggers intermittent test failures
P3 JDK-8160786 No CCC for public class
P3 JDK-8151788 NullPointerException from ntlm.Client.type3
P3 JDK-8175261 Per-protocol cache setting not working for JAR URLConnection
P3 JDK-8164625 Pooled HttpConnection should be removed during close
P3 JDK-8165180 Provide a shared secret to access non-public ServerSocket constructor
P3 JDK-8025710 Proxied HTTPS connections reused by HttpClient can send CONNECT to the server
P3 JDK-8038079 Re-examine integration of SPNEGO authentication
P3 JDK-8039362 Read as a resource
P3 JDK-8087190 Regression in
P3 JDK-8161333 Relay all exceptions through CompletableFuture rather than throw in-place
P3 JDK-8039253 Remove undocumented
P3 JDK-8172253 test fails with http return code 404
P3 JDK-8150521 SharedSecrets.getJavaNetInetAddressAccess should ensure that InetAddress is initialised
P3 JDK-8158023 SocketExceptions contain too little information sometimes
P3 JDK-8075484 SocketInputStream.socketRead0 can hang even with soTimeout set
P3 JDK-8129444 socksProxyVersion system property ignored for Socket(Proxy)
P3 JDK-8172732 spec clarification for URLClassLoader for Multirelease jars
P3 JDK-8161016 Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy
P3 JDK-8056065 sun/net/www/protocol/http/ failing.
P3 JDK-8046588 test for SO_FLOW_SLA availability does not check for EACCESS
P3 JDK-8035633 TEST_BUG: java/net/NetworkInterface/ and some tests failed on windows intermittently
P3 JDK-8048212 Two tests failed with " Bad protocol option" on Windows after 8029607
P3 JDK-8029607 Type of Service (TOS) cannot be set in IPv6 header
P3 JDK-8163149 Typo in
P3 JDK-8143554 UnsupportedOperationException is not thrown for unsupported options
P3 JDK-8160050 UnsupportedTemporalTypeException is thrown when setting WebSocket connect timeout
P3 JDK-8157965 update httpserver logging to use java.lang.System.Logger
P3 JDK-8064924 Update to work with modules
P3 JDK-8148626 URI.toURL needs to use protocol Handler to parse file URIs
P3 JDK-8147962 URL should handle lower-casing of protocol locale-independently
P3 JDK-8073667 URL should not use service loader to lookup the jar protocol handler
P3 JDK-8166914 URLClassLoader spec needs to mention that it's MR-aware
P3 JDK-8064925 URLConnection::getContent needs to be updated to work with modules
P3 JDK-8156518 WebSocket.Builder.connectTimeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) implicitly affect websocket connection timeout
P3 JDK-8151586 Wrong exception catch for FTPClient in JDK-8055032
P4 JDK-8150460 (linux|bsd|aix)_close.c: file descriptor table may become large or may not work at all
P4 JDK-8075039 (sctp) com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel/ fails on Solaris only
P4 JDK-8038438 (sctp) Review comments from 8034181
P4 JDK-8139037 [aix] Crash in ResolverConfigurationImpl.c - pointer shearing
P4 JDK-8149179 [JEP 110] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown when update table max size
P4 JDK-8068597 Add error code to to exception condition message resulting from GetAdaptersAddresses function calls
P4 JDK-8157811 Additional minor fixes and cleanups in Networking native code
P4 JDK-8035876 AIX build issues after '8034174: Remove use of JVM_* functions from code'
P4 JDK-8040837 Avoid provoking NumberFormatException when initializing InetAddrCachePolicy
P4 JDK-8043954 Behavior difference when connect() is interrupted by signal on AIX
P4 JDK-8167481 cleanup of headers and includes for native libnet
P4 JDK-7052625 com/sun/net/httpserver/bugs/6725892/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8151441 Completion result in httpclient lost
P4 JDK-8158651 ConcurrentModification exceptions in httpclient
P4 JDK-8162745 files are missing some modern types
P4 JDK-8146686 Create the schemeSpecificPart for non-opaque URIs lazily
P4 JDK-8158881 Doc typo in src/../java/net/
P4 JDK-8154185 Drop code to support Windows XP in DefaultDatagramSocketImplFactory
P4 JDK-8154238 Drop code to support Windows XP in windows socket impl
P4 JDK-7010989 Duplicate closure of file descriptors leads to unexpected and incorrect closure of sockets
P4 JDK-8145732 Duplicate entry in http.nonProxyHosts will ignore subsequent entries
P4 JDK-8031201 Fix casting lint issues in
P4 JDK-8175274 Fix httpclient asynchronous usage
P4 JDK-8162819 fix minor Javadoc issues and remove warnings in
P4 JDK-8044858 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in socket direct protocol
P4 JDK-8038821 Fix typos in
P4 JDK-7167293 FtpURLConnection connection leak on FileNotFoundException
P4 JDK-8163181 Further improvements for Unix NetworkInterface native implementation
P4 JDK-8153353 HPACK implementation
P4 JDK-8151299 Http client SelectorManager overwriting read and write events
P4 JDK-8157105 HTTP/2 client hangs in blocking mode if an invalid frame has been received
P4 JDK-8157107 HTTP/2 client may fail with NPE if additional logging enabled
P4 JDK-8087124 HTTP/2 implementation (main part)
P4 JDK-8005068 HttpCookie does not correctly handle negative maxAge values
P4 JDK-8144692 HttpServer API: use of non-existant method in example in package Javadoc
P4 JDK-8156710 HttpTimeoutException should be thrown if server doesn't respond
P4 JDK-8027308 HttpURLConnection should better handle URLs with literal IPv6 addresses
P4 JDK-7150539 HttpURLConnection.getResponseMessage() doesn't throw IOException on server error (OS X)
P4 JDK-8147020 Impl: HTTP/2 small implementation tasks
P4 JDK-8146526 Improve$Parser startup characteristics
P4 JDK-8145862 Improve lazy initialization of fields in
P4 JDK-8049228 Improve multithreaded scalability of InetAddress cache
P4 JDK-8055032 Improve numerical parsing in and
P4 JDK-8158519 Incorrect network mask and broadcast address on Linux when there are multiple IPv4 addresses on an interface
P4 JDK-8171075 Inet4AddressImpl: Remove duplicate and (no longer used ?) native coding for BSD
P4 JDK-8016521 InetAddress should not always re-order addresses returned from name service
P4 JDK-7186258 InetAddress$Cache should replace currentTimeMillis with nanoTime for more precise and accurate
P4 JDK-8042581 Intermittent failure in java/net/DatagramSocket/
P4 JDK-8025209 Intermittent test failure java/net/Socket/asyncClose/
P4 JDK-6947916 JarURLConnection does not handle useCaches correctly
P4 JDK-8065096 should be properly synchronized
P4 JDK-8160174 - fixes and improvements for network interface listing
P4 JDK-4906983 constructors throw MalformedURLException in undocumented way
P4 JDK-8057936 uses exceptions in control flow
P4 JDK-8162521 java/net/Authenticator/ fails intermittently with BindException
P4 JDK-8156825 java/net/httpclient/ failed with "java.lang.AssertionError"
P4 JDK-8174716 java/net/httpclient/security/ failing in JDK 9
P4 JDK-8180279 java/net/httpclient/whitebox/ failed due to timeout
P4 JDK-8129510 java/net/Inet6Address/serialize/ should exclude testing the Teredo tunneling interface on Windows
P4 JDK-8140472 java/net/ipv6tests/ failed intermittently with Address already in use: NET_Bind
P4 JDK-8027903 java/net/MulticastSocket/ throws Cannot assign requested address
P4 JDK-8131155 java/net/NetworkInterface/ failed because of Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
P4 JDK-8146209 java/net/NetworkInterface/ still fails after fix JDK-8131155
P4 JDK-8038276 java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails on Windows intermittently for Teredo Interface
P4 JDK-8165711 java/net/SetFactoryPermission/ needs to run in ovm mode
P4 JDK-8065076 java/net/SocketPermission/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8047674 java/net/URLPermission/nstest/ NoClassDefFoundError when run in concurrent mode
P4 JDK-8078568 java/net/URLPermission/ fails intermittently with BindException
P4 JDK-8062744 does not support IP_TOS
P4 JDK-8153147 Mark java/net/BindException/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8164545 Mark java/net/URLPermission/nstest/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8157499 Mark several tests from jdk_net as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8151260 Mark URLPermission/ and ipv6tests/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8156521 Minor fixes and cleanups in NetworkInterface.c
P4 JDK-8034182 Misc. warnings in code
P4 JDK-8050983 Misplaced parentheses in break HTTP PUT streaming
P4 JDK-8151281 Module java.httpclient could use System.Logger instead of PlatformLogger
P4 JDK-8055747 Move SimpleSSLContext to jdk/testlibrary
P4 JDK-8044766 New classes have @since 1.9 tags in 8u20
P4 JDK-8166850 No runtime error expected after calling NET_MapSocketOption
P4 JDK-8168471 Non ANSI C declaration of block local variable in NetworkInterface_winXP.c
P4 JDK-7150092 NTLM authentication fail if user specified a different realm
P4 JDK-8137174 NTLM impl should use doPrivileged when it reads system properties
P4 JDK-8147862 Null check too late in
P4 JDK-8168405 Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native/libnet
P4 JDK-7018010 Reference to ProxySelector is without link
P4 JDK-8176351 Release Note: The netdoc URL protocol Handler is removed
P4 JDK-8168771 Remove #ifdef AF_INET6 guards in libnet native coding
P4 JDK-8177564 Remove check for Windows XP and Server 2003 in java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/
P4 JDK-8146567 Remove dead code finalizer methods
P4 JDK-8035158 Remove dependency on sun.misc.RegexpPool and friends
P4 JDK-8164057 Remove erroneous @since for[46]Address
P4 JDK-8155928 Remove hardcoded port numbers from httpclient/ test
P4 JDK-8159745 Remove
P4 JDK-8166584 Remove obsolete utility function NET_ThrowSocketException in windows libnet
P4 JDK-8180303 Remove technote doc link from ProxySelector/ test
P4 JDK-8035949 Remove unused macro USE_SELECT and clean up Unix version of net_util_md.{c,h}
P4 JDK-8034174 Remove use of JVM_* functions from code
P4 JDK-8155086 Replace usage of -Djdk.launcher.limitmods in tests with -limitmods
P4 JDK-8036584 Review comments from 8035897
P4 JDK-8144008 Setting NO_PROXY on HTTP URL connections does not stop proxying
P4 JDK-7178362 Socket impls should ignore unsupported proxy types rather than throwing
P4 JDK-7100957 SOCKS proxying does not work with IPv6 connections
P4 JDK-8159039 sun/net/httpclient/hpack/ fails on some locales
P4 JDK-8060097 sun/net/idn/ failed.
P4 JDK-8177144 sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ should run in ovm mode
P4 JDK-8065222 sun/net/www/protocol/http/ doesn't execute as expected
P4 JDK-8129507 sun/net/www/protocol/http/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8085785 sun/net/www/protocol/http/ times out intermittently
P4 JDK-8146257 sun/net/www/protocol/jar/ fails intermittently with java.lang.RuntimeException: some jar_cache files left behind
P4 JDK-8036979 Support<> in socket types
P4 JDK-8060170 Support SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH option on Windows
P4 JDK-8168773 Temporarily remove java/net/httpclient from jdk_net test group
P4 JDK-8043838 Test java/net/ServerSocket/ failed intermittently in nightly
P4 JDK-7155591 test/java/net/MulticastSocket/ fails on macOS
P4 JDK-8072615 test/lib/testlibrary/jdk/testlibrary/ wrong on Windows
P4 JDK-8147015 Test: ALPN
P4 JDK-8031666 TEST_BUG: java/net/ipv6tests/ failed because of SocketTimeoutException
P4 JDK-8158525 Update a few java/net tests to use the loopback address instead of the host address
P4 JDK-8037396 URI getQuery() and getFragment() don't decode properly
P4 JDK-8147462 URI.toURL could be more efficient for most non-opaque URIs
P4 JDK-6933879 URISyntaxException when non-alphanumeric characters are present in scope_id
P4 JDK-8049220 URL.factory data race
P4 JDK-8145388 URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream returns image/jpg for some JPEG images
P4 JDK-8071660 URLPermission not handling empty method lists correctly
P4 JDK-8139179 URLStreamHandler* should link to URL ctor that specifies how factories/providers are located
P4 JDK-8031326 Use Class rather than Class in method signatures
P4 JDK-8171077 Use getaddrinfo/getnameinfo in Windows Inet4AddresImpl native code
P4 JDK-8145988 Use the raw methods of when possible
P5 JDK-6432031 Add support for SO_REUSEPORT
P5 JDK-8146041 does not recognize TIFF streams
P5 JDK-8059450 Not quite correct code sample in javadoc
P5 JDK-8036088 Replace strtok() with its safe equivalent strtok_s() in DefaultProxySelector.c
P5 JDK-8022580 path) handles "null" incorrectly
P5 JDK-8179512 Typo in HttpURLConnection documentation
P5 JDK-8175305 Typos in


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8140630 java/nio/Buffer/ crashes vm on linux-x64 using latest devkit to build
P2 JDK-8064466 (fs spec) Files.readAttributes(Path, String, LinkOption...) not clear when called with zero attributes
P2 JDK-8062553 (fs spec) Files.write and newBufferedWriter methods missing @throws IAE
P2 JDK-8062949 (fs) Files.setLastModifiedTime(path, null) does not throw NPE
P2 JDK-8029516 (fs) WatchKey cancel unreliable on Windows
P2 JDK-8176709 (zipfs) JarFileSystem::isMultiReleaseJar is incorrect
P2 JDK-8162458 Buffer view implementations use incorrect offset for Unsafe access
P2 JDK-8079459 JCK test api/java_nio/ByteBuffer/index.html#GetPutXXX start failing after JDK-8026049
P2 JDK-8163431 probeContentType/ fails after changes for JDK-8146215
P2 JDK-8170920 SO_RCVBUF and SO_SNDBUF options problem for network channels on MacOS
P2 JDK-8141491 Unaligned memory access in Bits.c
P3 JDK-8171452 (ch) linux io_util_md: Operation not supported exception after 8168628
P3 JDK-8050499 (ch) NativeSignal.signal fails with error 316 on OS X
P3 JDK-8055955 (ch) Remove unnecessary initialization of InetAddress from FileChannel
P3 JDK-8151582 (ch) test java/nio/channels/ failing due to "Connection succeeded"
P3 JDK-7133499 (fc) not preempted by asynchronous close on OS X
P3 JDK-8168628 (fc) SIGBUS when extending file size to map it
P3 JDK-8065109 (fs spec) Files.newBufferedWriter doesn't specify SecurityException for DELETE_ON_CLOSE option
P3 JDK-8062955 (fs spec) Files.setLastModifiedTime should specify SecurityException more clearly
P3 JDK-8062632 (fs spec) Package description could be clearer on the cases where NPE is thrown
P3 JDK-8066943 (fs) Path.relativize() gives incorrect result for ".."
P3 JDK-8030090 (fs) Add default methods to Path for derived methods
P3 JDK-8173982 (fs) DefaultFileSystemProvider should be split into platform specific versions
P3 JDK-8165323 (fs) Files.getFileStore fails with "Mount point not found" in chroot environment
P3 JDK-8132539 (fs) Files.lines(path).collect() returns wrong value in JDK 9 with certain files
P3 JDK-8153414 (fs) Internal sun/nio/fs exceptions should be stackless
P3 JDK-8145981 (fs) LinuxWatchService can reports events against wrong directory
P3 JDK-8042816 (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified, part 2
P3 JDK-8072495 (fs) Path.relativize() gives incorrect result for empty path on Windows
P3 JDK-8140449 (fs) Paths.get("x").relativize("") return ..\ on Windows
P3 JDK-8152043 (fs) Remove dynamic loopup of Win32 API functions in WindowsNativeDispatcher needed to support Windows XP and Server 2003
P3 JDK-8160220 (fs) Tests in jdk/test/java/nio/file/WatchService leave directory trees behind
P3 JDK-8153925 (fs) WatchService hangs on GetOverlappedResult and locks directory (win)
P3 JDK-8153192 (se) uses wrong timeout after EINTR (lnx)
P3 JDK-8172547 (se) fires repeatedly
P3 JDK-8173197 (se) WindowsSelectorImpl.c does not compile with VS2010
P3 JDK-8071599 (so) Socket adapter sendUrgentData throws IllegalBlockingMode when channel configured non-blocking
P3 JDK-8150496 (zipfs) Fix performance issues in zip-fs
P3 JDK-8150366 (zipfs) lastAccessTime and createTime returned as null instead of default value
P3 JDK-8034773 (zipfs) newOutputstream uses CREATE_NEW when no options specified
P3 JDK-8028480 (zipfs) NoSuchFileException on creating a file in ZipFileSystem with CREATE and WRITE
P3 JDK-8038500 (zipfs) Upgrade ZIP provider to be a supported provider
P3 JDK-8131067 (zipfs) Zip File System Provider returns doubly-encoded Path URIs
P3 JDK-8069211 (zipfs) ZipFileSystem creates corrupted zip if entry output stream gets closed more than once
P3 JDK-8132854 Adjust tier 1 and 2 definitions for nio-related intrinsics
P3 JDK-8034057 Files.getFileStore and Files.isWritable do not work with SUBST'ed drives (win)
P3 JDK-8154455 Fix compilation issue in WindowsAsynchronousSocketChannelImpl
P3 JDK-8153563 java/nio/Buffer/ and are failing after JDK-8149469
P3 JDK-8153209 java/nio/channels/ fails throwing exception: java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException
P3 JDK-8164432 java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ fails on windows for Content type: audio/vnd.dlna.adts
P3 JDK-8160221 jdk/test/java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ leaving files behind
P3 JDK-8174960 Mark as failing intermittently
P3 JDK-8037945 Paths.get("").normalize() throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8066258 Re-examine com.sun.nio.file to see if it should be a supported API
P3 JDK-8142872 Remove support for from 9
P3 JDK-8074821 Resolve disabled warnings for libnio
P3 JDK-8165643 SecureDirectoryStream doesn't work on linux non-x86
P3 JDK-8146359 test/java/nio/file/attribute/BasicFileAttributeView/ fails when nc is not available
P3 JDK-8065595 Wrong JNI_OnLoad called if just loaded lib does not have JNI_OnLoad function
P3 JDK-8172921 Zip filesystem performance improvement and code cleanup
P4 JDK-8065570 (bf spec) ByteBuffer.slice() should make it clear that the initial order is BIG_ENDIAN
P4 JDK-8147468 (bf) Allow users to bound the size of buffers cached in the per-thread buffer caches
P4 JDK-8065556 (bf) Buffer.position and other methods should include detail in IAE
P4 JDK-6857566 (bf) DirectByteBuffer garbage creation can outpace reclamation
P4 JDK-8150785 (bf) Hoist slice and duplicate methods up to java.nio.Buffer
P4 JDK-8026049 (bf) Intrinsify ByteBuffer.put{Int,Double,Float,...} methods
P4 JDK-8075655 (bf) NIO test generation scripts have incorrect path to
P4 JDK-8065720 (ch) AbstractInterruptibleChannel.end sets interrupted to null
P4 JDK-8174127 (ch) Add instrumentation to java/nio/channels/FileChannel/
P4 JDK-8176317 (ch) Add print of timeout value to java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/
P4 JDK-8055915 (ch) FileDispatcherImpl.truncate0 should use SetFileInformationByHandle [win]
P4 JDK-8087304 (ch) java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ received 4 times while expected 3
P4 JDK-8178074 (ch) java/nio/channels/etc/ add instrumentation
P4 JDK-8177984 (ch) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ should use RandomFactory
P4 JDK-8180085 (ch) java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ add debug instrumentation
P4 JDK-8041772 (ch) PendingFuture.CANCELLED has backtrace that potentially keeps objects alive
P4 JDK-8166866 (ch) Remove AIX specific implementation file java.base/aix/native/libnio/ch/AixNativeThread.c
P4 JDK-8166604 (ch) remove unneeded locals variables and correct NPE
P4 JDK-8165664 (ch) does not respect timeout in case of system date/time change and blocks
P4 JDK-8068693 (ch) test java/nio/channels/ failing
P4 JDK-8032451 (dc) DatagramChannel.join should support include-mode filtering on OS X
P4 JDK-8143610 (dc) java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ failed intermittently due to SocketTimeoutException
P4 JDK-8076644 (dc) fails with NumberFormatException due to network interference
P4 JDK-8079651 (dc) fails with NumberFormatException due to network interference
P4 JDK-8177550 (fc) Enable java/nio/channels/FileChannel/{,} on Linux and Windows
P4 JDK-8064407 (fc) FileChannel transferTo should use TransmitFile on Windows
P4 JDK-8054029 (fc) FileChannel.size() returns 0 for block devices on Linux
P4 JDK-8053931 (fc) FileDispatcherImpl.lock0 does not handle ERROR_IO_PENDING [win]
P4 JDK-8025619 (fc) FileInputStream.getChannel on closed stream returns FileChannel that doesn't know that stream is closed
P4 JDK-8176846 (fc) Increase timeouts of and instrument some tests using FileChannel#write
P4 JDK-8137121 (fc) Infinite loop FileChannel.truncate
P4 JDK-8043495 (fc) Provide native implementation of FileChannel.transferTo for AIX
P4 JDK-8068507 (fc) Rename the new system property to jdk.nio.enableFastFileTransfer
P4 JDK-8176895 (fc) Split java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ into smaller tests
P4 JDK-8024086 (fs) AtomicMoveNotSupportedException allows reason to be null
P4 JDK-8055421 (fs) bad error handling in java.base/unix/native/libnio/fs/UnixNativeDispatcher.c
P4 JDK-8160687 (fs) Cannot tell which WatchService test is not deleting temp directories "work*"
P4 JDK-8139133 (fs) Changing the modification time on a unix domain socket file fails
P4 JDK-8080115 (fs) Crash in libgio when calling Files.probeContentType(path) from parallel threads
P4 JDK-8154208 (fs) Drop code for Windows XP/2003 from file system provider
P4 JDK-8150204 (fs) Enhance java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ debugging output
P4 JDK-8080589 (fs) FileChannel.force should use fcntl(F_FULLFSYNC) instead of fsync on OS X
P4 JDK-6880737 (fs) FileLock constructors don't throw NPE if the channel argument is null
P4 JDK-8072773 (fs) Files.lines needs a better splitting implementation for stream source
P4 JDK-8066915 (fs) Files.newByteChannel opens directories for cases where subsequent reads may fail
P4 JDK-8129632 (fs) Files.probeContentType returns null on Mac OS X
P4 JDK-8081843 (fs) FileStore.getTotalSpace returns unexpected results with >2TB file systems
P4 JDK-8073445 (fs) FileSystem.getPathMatcher(...) should check syntax component without regard to case
P4 JDK-8132497 (fs) FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI, ..) doesn't handle UOE thrown by provider
P4 JDK-8129633 (fs) Investigate removing the GNOME-based FileTypeDetector from the Linux and Solaris implementations
P4 JDK-8146215 (fs) java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ failed frequently on Solaris-sparc with Unexpected type: text/plain
P4 JDK-8133287 (fs) java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ should use othervm mode
P4 JDK-8135091 (fs) java/nio/file/Files/ should test empty files
P4 JDK-8176237 (fs) java/nio/file/FileStore/ should conditionally check FileStores
P4 JDK-8173910 (fs) java/nio/file/FileSystem/ should conditionally check FileStores
P4 JDK-8148821 (fs) Path.getParent() javadoc error
P4 JDK-8011537 (fs) Path.register(..) clears interrupt status of thread with no InterruptedException
P4 JDK-8056205 (fs) Potential for NPE in Files.walkFileTree if closing directory fails
P4 JDK-8080629 (fs) Re-enable ability to fsync() on directories even though read()s on those directories may fail.
P4 JDK-8154077 (fs) Reduce number of file system classes loaded during startup
P4 JDK-8162624 (fs) Remove FileTypeDetectors based on libgio and libmagic
P4 JDK-8160018 (fs) Remove GioFileTypeDetector on Solaris
P4 JDK-8133987 (fs) Rename GnomeFileTypeDetector to GioFileTypeFileDetector
P4 JDK-8066196 (fs) Typo in Path::normalize, empty path only returned if path does not have a root component
P4 JDK-8168500 (se) EPollArrayWrapper optimization for update events should be robust to dynamic changes in file descriptor resource limits
P4 JDK-8138819 (se) File descriptor leak when fails
P4 JDK-8175033 (se) Improve internal timing of java/nio/channels/Selector/
P4 JDK-8061777 (zipfs) IllegalArgumentException in ZipCoder.toString when using Shitft_JIS
P4 JDK-8062754 (zipfs) newFileSystem should throw IOException instead of
P4 JDK-8066643 (zipfs) Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.zipfs module
P4 JDK-8139956 (zipfs) ZipPath does not produce correct empty path on relativize()
P4 JDK-8147539 (zipfs) ZipPath should throw ProviderMismatchException when invoking register()
P4 JDK-8153248 (zipfs) ZipPath#getFileName( ) returns inconsistent result
P4 JDK-8146754 (zipfs) ZipPath.relativize() returns wrong result for path ending with slash /
P4 JDK-8133232 [fs] Regex has redundant | in the char class
P4 JDK-8175209 Account for race condition in java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/
P4 JDK-8163136 Add print statements to java/nio/file/WatchService/
P4 JDK-8162902 Add some debugging output to test/java/nio/file/WatchService/DeleteInterference
P4 JDK-8163305 Add some print instrumentation to java/nio/channels/Selector/RacyDeregister
P4 JDK-8175041 Add success message to java/nio/channels/FileChannel/
P4 JDK-8034801 AIX: (ch) Fix synchronization issue in
P4 JDK-8151163 All Buffer implementations should leverage Unsafe unaligned accessors
P4 JDK-8132795 Bug ID accidentally omitted from top level regression test in fix for JDK-8065556
P4 JDK-8149469 ByteBuffer API and implementation enhancements for VarHandles
P4 JDK-8164649 Cleanup of test java/nio/channels/FileChannel/
P4 JDK-8164556 Drop AAC and FLAC from content type check in java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/
P4 JDK-8154436 Drop code to support Windows XP in windows async channel impl
P4 JDK-8177559 Enable java/nio/channels/Selector/ for macOS >= 10.10.5
P4 JDK-8032220 Files.createDirectories throws exception with confusing message for root directories that exist
P4 JDK-8066644 Fix deprecation warnings in jdk.zipfs module
P4 JDK-8033527 Fix raw type lint warning in
P4 JDK-8160831 GioFileTypeDetector always calls deprecated g_type_init
P4 JDK-8175115 Improve instrumentation of java/nio/file/WatchService/
P4 JDK-8176744 Improve internal timing of java/nio/channels/Selector/
P4 JDK-8176394 Incorrect relational operator in java/nio/channels/FileChannel/
P4 JDK-8176332 Increase sleep time in java/nio/channels/Selector/ write1()
P4 JDK-8156931 java.nio.Buffer tests cleanup
P4 JDK-8177565 java/nio/channels/Selector/ disabled for Windows release >= 6.0
P4 JDK-8081293 java/nio/file/Files/ failed with java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException intermittently
P4 JDK-8030795 java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ failing with ServiceConfigurationError without jtreg -agentvm option
P4 JDK-8130274 java/nio/file/FileStore/ fails when two successive stores in an iteration are determined to be equal
P4 JDK-8073078 java/nio/file/FileStore/ sensitive to NFS configuration
P4 JDK-8179247 java/util/zip/ add some instrumentation which might illuminate the failure of 2016-09-14
P4 JDK-8132652 Java_sun_nio_ch_Net_poll passes a long to an int
P4 JDK-8073207 javadoc typos in java.nio.channels.Pipe
P4 JDK-8176834 jdk/nio/zipfs/ test fails after JDK-8176709
P4 JDK-8152749 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8175062 Mark java/nio/channels/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8153722 Mark java/nio/channels/Selector/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8156512 Mark several tests from java/nio as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8062501 Modifications of server socket channel accept() methods for instrumentation purposes
P4 JDK-8169764 output more information when java/nio/channels/AsynchronousSocketChannel/ fails
P4 JDK-8168417 Pending exceptions in java.base/windows/native/libnio
P4 JDK-8179452 Remove "intermittent" key from some tests which appear no longer to fail
P4 JDK-8180431 Remove "intermittent" keyword from some no longer failing NIO tests
P4 JDK-8149596 Remove java.nio.Bits copy wrapper methods
P4 JDK-8133459 replace tags (obsolete in html5) in java.nio docs
P4 JDK-8165000 throws IOException when timeout is a large long
P4 JDK-8132505 Signature of Java_sun_nio_ch_Net_socket0 should return jint not int
P4 JDK-8075774 Small readability and performance improvements for zipfs
P4 JDK-8031113 TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8031563 TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/Selector/ failed once
P4 JDK-8027212 TEST_BUG: java/nio/channels/Selector/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-4774077 Use covariant return types in the NIO buffer hierarchy
P4 JDK-8037394 ZipFileSystem leaks file descriptor when file is not a valid zip file
P5 JDK-8059840 (bb) Typo in javadoc for ByteBuffer.wrap()
P5 JDK-8051057 (bf) Optimize StringCharBuffer.toString(int, int)
P5 JDK-8074067 (bf) Re-examine java.base/share/native/libjava/Bits.c
P5 JDK-8058099 (fc) Cleanup in FileChannel/FileDispatcher native implementation [win]
P5 JDK-8073923 (fs) Files.lines documentation needs clarification
P5 JDK-8133986 (fs) java/nio/file/FileSystem/ checkNoUOE(): do not delete paths which caused an unexpected exception
P5 JDK-8040262 (fs) Misc. typos in comments and implementation
P5 JDK-8042470 (fs) Path.register doesn't throw IllegalArgumentException if multiple OVERFLOW events are specified
P5 JDK-8148121 (fs) Typo in API , FileOwnerAttributeView.getOwner() and FileOwnerAttributeView.setOwner()
P5 JDK-8167058 (fs) UnixDirectoryIterator::stream unused
P5 JDK-8024832 (so) ServerSocketChannel.socket().accept() throws IllegalBlockingModeException if not bound
P5 JDK-8069262 Doclint regression in java.nio.channels.Channels
P5 JDK-8066678 java.nio.channels.Channels cleanup
P5 JDK-8178783 Java_sun_nio_ch_EPoll_close0 definition, but no declaration.
P5 JDK-8161455 Missing word in API documentation


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8080330 (cs) Charset.availableCharsets failing with NPE on several platforms
P2 JDK-8080248 Coding regression in HKSCS charsets
P2 JDK-8030179 java/nio/Buffer/, testcases seems all pass but jtreg/testng failed with java.lang.AssertionError
P2 JDK-8038310 Re-examine integration of extended Charsets
P3 JDK-8155513 Deprivilege jdk.charsets
P3 JDK-8132459 ExceptionInInitializerError from 'java -version' under zh_CN.GB18030 locale
P3 JDK-8071447 IBM1166 Locale Request for Kazakh characters
P3 JDK-8177314 java VM fails to start with a Japanese ShiftJIS locale
P3 JDK-8022224 Rare bug in JISAutodetect charset detected by FindDecoderBugs test
P3 JDK-8174831 Reduce number of Charset classes loaded on bootstrap
P3 JDK-8167957 Remove FilePermission from default policy for jdk.charsets module
P3 JDK-8039474 sun.misc.CharacterDecoder.decodeBuffer should use getBytes(iso8859-1)
P3 JDK-8080803 sun/nio/cs/ failing intermittently
P3 JDK-8073152 Update Standard/ExtendedCharsets to work with module system
P3 JDK-8039751 UTF-8 decoder fails to handle some edge cases correctly
P4 JDK-8073692 (cs) Inconsistent docs for CharsetDecoder.replaceWith and CharsetEncoder.replaceWith
P4 JDK-8035814 Broken link in java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
P4 JDK-8081522 build failed with jdk8081452 change.
P4 JDK-8073893 Enable charsets build system to configure euc_tw into java.base module/sun.nio.cs
P4 JDK-8036848 Fix deprecation warning in sun.misc.CharacterDecoder
P4 JDK-8081452 Move sun.nio.cs.AbstractCharsetProvider into jdk.charset/sun.nio.cs.ext
P4 JDK-8067964 Native2ascii doesn't close one of the streams it opens
P4 JDK-8080711 Prepare sun/nio/cs/ to find intermittent failures
P4 JDK-8171234 Remove intermittent key from test java/nio/charset/coders/
P4 JDK-8080680 sun/nio/cs/ should be removed from TEST.groups
P4 JDK-8166258 Unexpected code conversion by HKSCS converters
P4 JDK-8080658 Update sun/nio/cs/ to use random number generator library
P4 JDK-8073924 Update test/java/nio/charset/Charset/ to work with module system


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8180582 After updating to Java8u131, the bind to rmiregistry is rejected by registryFilter even though registryFilter is set
P2 JDK-8180949 Correctly handle exception in TCPChannel.createConnection
P2 JDK-8155182 fix to JDK-8066750 broke jdk9 builds
P2 JDK-8165649 Re-examine if Activatable object can be created from non-public class and/or constructor
P2 JDK-8165806 UnicastServerRef support to export an object with a filter
P3 JDK-8146299 Disable rmic -Xnew
P3 JDK-8152277 Move URLClassPath.pathToURLs(String) to RegistryImpl
P3 JDK-8066750 Remove HTTP proxy implementation and tests from RMI
P3 JDK-8155978 Remove HTTP proxy implementation and tests from RMI (again)
P3 JDK-8153320 Remove HttpProxy descriptions from RMI specification
P3 JDK-8165261 RMI API to export an object with a serialization filter
P3 JDK-8158963 RMI server-side multiplex protocol should be disabled
P3 JDK-8153882 rmid emits warning about security policy with obsolete URL
P3 JDK-8046339 sun.rmi.transport.DGCAckHandler leaks memory
P3 JDK-8066835 TEST_BUG: javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ fails
P3 JDK-8044626 Update RMI specifications to reflect modularization changes
P4 JDK-8079778 Add intermittent tag to java/rmi/activation/rmidViaInheritedChannel/
P4 JDK-8159408 duplicated data in rmic's
P4 JDK-8066633 Fix deprecation warnings in java.rmi module
P4 JDK-8154733 Fix module dependencies missed in java.rmi tests
P4 JDK-8151263 Mark java/rmi test as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8139407 Mark java/rmi/registry/readTest/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8158560 Mark java/rmi/transport/dgcDeadLock/ as intermittently faiing
P4 JDK-8161011 Mark RMI tests DownloadActivationGroup, UseCustomSocketFactory, and RestartService as itnermittent
P4 JDK-8129624 Move jdk_rmi test group from tier 2 to tier 3
P4 JDK-8023541 Race condition in rmid initialization
P4 JDK-8172347 Refactoring src/java.rmi/share/classes/sun/rmi/registry/ to improve testability of rmiregistry
P4 JDK-6512052 remove java-rmi.exe and java-rmi.cgi
P4 JDK-8036095 RMI tests using testlibrary.RMID and testlibrary.JavaVM do not pass through vmoptions
P4 JDK-8151847 rmic should support v53 classfiles
P4 JDK-8129499 Structure of java/rmi/activation/rmidViaInheritedChannel tests masks exception
P4 JDK-8157570 sun.rmi.transport.GC retains a strong reference to the context class loader
P4 JDK-8066632 Suppress deprecation warnings in java.rmi module
P4 JDK-8069255 Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.rmic module (jdk repo)
P4 JDK-8034999 TEST_BUG: change rmidRunning to a simple lookup
P4 JDK-8035117 TEST_BUG: java/rmi/server/RemoteObject/notExtending/ can fail with timeout
P4 JDK-8035000 TEST_BUG: remove ActivationLibrary.DestroyThread and have callers call rmid.destroy() instead
P4 JDK-8027810 TEST_BUG: RMI CheckUsage tests should be deleted
P4 JDK-8007256 TEST_BUG: RMI testlibrary cleanup: remove JavaVMCallbackHandler
P4 JDK-8035001 TEST_BUG: the retry logic in RMID.start() should check that the subprocess hasn't terminated
P4 JDK-8067316 TEST_BUG: update RMI test library with better test.timeout.factor handling
P4 JDK-8031179 TEST_BUG: update RMI tests to declare othervm explicitly
P4 JDK-8171120 The RMI specification is converted to use Markdown.


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8058429 JCK test api/java_sql/Timestamp/descriptions.html start failing after 8058230
P3 JDK-8176721 @since value errors java.sql module
P3 JDK-8085984 Add support for Sharding
P3 JDK-8154189 Deprivilege java.sql and java.sql.rowset module
P3 JDK-8180256 Fix HTML 5 issues in java.sql and java.sql.rowset modules
P3 JDK-8058514 TEST_BUG: New tests introduced in 8058429 are TimeZone dependent
P4 JDK-8057826 Add DataProvider support to the Date, Time and Timestamp tests
P4 JDK-8055776 Add initial unit tests which test SQLPermissions
P4 JDK-8179634 Add JDBC 4.2 to builet list in package.html
P4 JDK-8144082 Add Statement.enquoteNCharLiteral to support National Character Set literals
P4 JDK-8143165 Add Statement.isSimpleIdentifier and add throws clause to enquoteLiteral
P4 JDK-8067904 Additional DriverManager clean-up from 8060068
P4 JDK-8039088 Borken links to the JDBC spec and tutorial in src/share/classes/javax/sql/package.html
P4 JDK-8058413 change formatDecimalInt so it is package private
P4 JDK-8038653 Clarify that Time.toLocalTime treats the nanos as 0
P4 JDK-8180728 DatabaseMetaData.getRowIdLifetime() refers to an int return value rather than enum
P4 JDK-8058394 Doclint issue for java vs javadoc comment in Date.sql
P4 JDK-8058366 export sun.misc to java.sql
P4 JDK-8141546 fix typo in due to 8136496
P4 JDK-8058230 Improve java.sql toString formatting
P4 JDK-8055055 Improve numeric parsing in java.sql
P4 JDK-6925714 JDBC should not require rowset RI to be present
P4 JDK-8169806 Minor cleanup of the DriverManager overview comments
P4 JDK-8138661 Minor correction in Java API doc for DataSource
P4 JDK-8133939 Minor javadoc clarification for java.sql.Date.toLocalDate
P4 JDK-8062288 Minor reorg of test/java/sql testng tests
P4 JDK-8178130 Minor updates to Connection javadocs
P4 JDK-8176235 Minor updates to java.sql and javax.sql package.html
P4 JDK-8038493 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.sql
P4 JDK-8034896 typo in
P4 JDK-8172350 Typo in java.sql.Timestamp.toString() method Javadoc.
P5 JDK-8054555 javadoc typo clean up
P5 JDK-8066261 Typo in isValid(int timeout) API in java.sql.Connection


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8065159 AttributedString has quadratic resize algorithm
P2 JDK-8149452 j.t.SimpleDateFormat.getDateFormatSymbols().getZoneStrings() returns incorrect result for some time zones
P3 JDK-8150702 change in javadoc for parseObject for MessageFormat - JDK-8073211
P3 JDK-8087104 DateFormatSymbols triggers this.clone() in the constructor
P3 JDK-8165466 DecimalFormat percentage format can contain unexpected %
P3 JDK-8169480 Inconsistencies across Format class hierarchy in their API spec and actual implementation of Exceptions
P3 JDK-8055900 j.t.SimpleDateFormat spec needs to be clarified regarding month patterns
P3 JDK-8159943 JavaTimeSupplementary resource bundles need update
P3 JDK-8134720 Lazy initialization support for currency names in DecimalFormatSymbols
P3 JDK-8074791 Long-form date format incorrect month string for Finnish locale
P3 JDK-8081794 ParsePosition getErrorIndex returns 0 for TimeZone parsing problem
P3 JDK-8038092 Re-examine Bidi reflective dependency on java.awt.font
P3 JDK-8151393 Revert changes for JDK-8087104
P3 JDK-8165804 Revisit the way of loading BreakIterator rules/dictionaries
P3 JDK-7184310 Update Java bidi engine with the latest UAX #9 (Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm)
P3 JDK-8039915 Wrong NumberFormat.format() HALF_UP rounding when last digit exactly at rounding position greater than 5
P4 JDK-8027289 [Windows zh_CN] NumberFormat: Incorrect sequence of loading currency symbol
P4 JDK-7094818 closed/java/text/Format/DateFormat tests failed on Hindi
P4 JDK-8075173 DateFormat in german locale returns wrong value for month march
P4 JDK-8129555 DateFormatSymbols: month-related methods must refer to Calendar constants
P4 JDK-8072099 Format "ha" is unable to parse hours 10-12
P4 JDK-8073211 javadoc of Format parseObject methods should specify NullPointerExceptions
P4 JDK-8138663 Missing @build in test/java/text/Format/DecimalFormat/
P4 JDK-8139572 SimpleDateFormat parse month stand-alone format bug
P4 JDK-7090039 Wrong link in comment of java.text.DateFormatSymbols


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8159530 recent compiler change results in compile error in
P2 JDK-8151876 (tz) Support tzdata2016d
P2 JDK-8166875 (tz) Support tzdata2016g
P2 JDK-8170316 (tz) Support tzdata2016j
P2 JDK-8177449 (tz) Support tzdata2017b
P2 JDK-8067800 Clarify java.time.chrono.Chronology.isLeapYear for out of range years
P2 JDK-8064914 tzdb.dat compilation failure when using tzdata2014j
P2 JDK-8178823 Unable to initialize HijrahCalendar: Hijrah-umalqura when running with a security manager
P3 JDK-8032051 "ZonedDateTime" class "parse" method fails with short time zone offset ("+01")
P3 JDK-8159684 (tz) Support tzdata2016f
P3 JDK-8168512 (tz) Support tzdata2016h
P3 JDK-8169191 (tz) Support tzdata2016i
P3 JDK-8176044 (tz) Support tzdata2017a
P3 JDK-8030864 Add an efficient getDateTimeMillis method to java.time
P3 JDK-8051641 Africa/Casablanca transitions is incorrectly calculated starting from 2027
P3 JDK-8068278 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException instead of DateTimeException in j.t.chrono.JapaneseChronology.eraOf()
P3 JDK-8180428 Clarify implementation note in to match implementation changes made by JDK-8068730
P3 JDK-8042126 DateTimeFormatter "MMMMM" returns English value in Japanese locale
P3 JDK-8077640 DateTimeFormatter does not parse/accept the era.toString() result from MinguoEra/ThaiBuddhistEra
P3 JDK-8032491 DateTimeFormatter fixed width adjacent value parsing does not match spec
P3 JDK-8032494 DateTimeFormatter spec includes irrelevant detail on parsing pattern
P3 JDK-8139107 DateTimeFormatter with Locale.UK throw a NullPointerException when parsing zone
P3 JDK-8031085 DateTimeFormatter won't parse dates with custom format "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS"
P3 JDK-8074406 DateTimeFormatter.appendZoneOrOffsetId() fails to resolve a ZoneOffset for OffsetDateTime
P3 JDK-8171348 Incorrect documentation for DateTimeFormatter letter 'k'
P3 JDK-8068730 Increase the precision of the implementation of java.time.Clock.systemUTC()
P3 JDK-8032558 Instant spec includes incorrect assertion wrt valid range
P3 JDK-8074032 Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis).toEpochMilli() can throw arithmetic overflow in toEpochMilli()
P3 JDK-8040058 IsoFields.WEEK_BASED_YEAR adjustInto incorrect
P3 JDK-8054214 JapaneseEra.getDisplayName doesn't return names if it's an additional era
P3 JDK-8075577 java.time does not support HOST provider
P3 JDK-8068276 java.time.chrono.HijrahChronology.eraOf() assertions may lead to misunderstanding
P3 JDK-8054978 java.time.Duration.parse() fails for negative duration with 0 seconds and nanos
P3 JDK-8066806 java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter cannot parse an offset with single digit hour
P3 JDK-8033662 java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter doesn't set zone when parsing
P3 JDK-8134928 java.time.Instant.truncatedTo(TemporalUnit unit) is truncating up if the year < 1970
P3 JDK-8160681 LocalDate.ofEpochDay input validation
P3 JDK-8044671 NPE from JapaneseEra when a new era is defined in
P3 JDK-8048124 Read as a resource
P3 JDK-8066571 UnsupportedTemporalTypeException is thrown not only in the case of unsupported temporal
P3 JDK-8173423 Wrong display name for supplemental Japanese era
P3 JDK-8066982 ZonedDateTime.parse() returns wrong ZoneOffset around DST fall transition
P3 JDK-8079063 ZoneOffsetTransitionRule.of should throw IAE for non-zero nanoseconds
P4 JDK-8030822 (tz) Support tzdata2013i
P4 JDK-8146489 @since tag missed
P4 JDK-8155823 Add date-time patterns 'v' and 'vvvv'
P4 JDK-8071919 Add java.time.Clock.tickMillis(ZoneId zone) method
P4 JDK-8142936 Add java.time.Duration methods for days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.
P4 JDK-8032510 Add java.time.Duration.dividedBy(Duration)
P4 JDK-8146218 Add LocalDate.datesUntil method producing Stream
P4 JDK-8143413 add toEpochSecond methods for efficient access
P4 JDK-8145633 Adjacent value parsing not supported for Localized Patterns
P4 JDK-8036785 ChronoLocalDate refers to generics that have been removed
P4 JDK-8073394 Clock.systemUTC() should return a constant
P4 JDK-8148947 DateTimeFormatter pattern letter 'g'
P4 JDK-8148949 DateTimeFormatter pattern letters 'A','n','N'
P4 JDK-8036818 DateTimeFormatter withResolverFields() fails to accept null
P4 JDK-8167618 DateTimeFormatter.format() uses exceptions for flow control
P4 JDK-8076441 Dead code in java.time.chrono.Chronology.isLeapYear after fixing JDK-8067800
P4 JDK-8062513 doclint warnings in HijrahChronology
P4 JDK-8129744 Documentation in Month refers to quarters
P4 JDK-8145166 Duration.toString violates specification
P4 JDK-8148950 Enhance ChronoField Javadoc
P4 JDK-8032888 Error message typo in TemporalAccessor
P4 JDK-8140211 Example in the Documentation is wrong for java.time.ZonedDateTime.minusHours
P4 JDK-8034906 Fix typos, errors and Javadoc differences in java.time
P4 JDK-8061533 HijrahChronology should use Integer.parseInt
P4 JDK-8163330 HijrahDate aligned day of week incorrect
P4 JDK-8142539 Incorrect definition of ZoneOffset.MIN
P4 JDK-8171940 Incorrect statement about an absolute value of months unit after period's normalization
P4 JDK-8133022 Instant.toEpochMilli() silently overflows
P4 JDK-8062804 IsoFields WEEK_BASED_YEAR and QUARTER_OF_YEAR too lenient
P4 JDK-8160036 Java API doc for method minusMonths in LocalDateTime class needs correction
P4 JDK-8167166 Java API docs mention a non-existent method getNanosOfSecond
P4 JDK-8032502 java.time add @param tags to readObject
P4 JDK-8075678 java.time javadoc error in DateTimeFormatter::parsedLeapSecond
P4 JDK-8133079 java.time LocalDate and LocalTime ofInstant() factory methods
P4 JDK-8075676 java.time package javadoc typos
P4 JDK-8169482 java.time.DateTimeFormatter javadoc: F is not week-of-month
P4 JDK-8146747 java.time.Duration.toNanos() and toMillis() exception on negative durations
P4 JDK-8154050 java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter can't parse localized zone-offset
P4 JDK-8085887 java.time.format.FormatStyle.LONG or FULL causes unchecked exception
P4 JDK-8159616 java.time.Instant falls through switch statement
P4 JDK-8074003 can be optimized
P4 JDK-8074002 java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault() should be faster
P4 JDK-8079628 java.time: DateTimeFormatter containing "DD" fails on 3-digit day-of-year value
P4 JDK-8043387 java/time/test/java/util/ failed.
P4 JDK-8151868 Javadocs for java.time.Instant until(Temporal endExclusive, TemporalUnit unit) contains typo
P4 JDK-8164669 Lazier initialization of java.time
P4 JDK-8072746 LocalDate.isEra() should return IsoEra not Era
P4 JDK-8068285 Missing @throws in DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendInstant
P4 JDK-8068284 Missing @throws in DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendOffset
P4 JDK-8156718 Need tests for IsoFields getFrom for unsupported non-Iso Temporal fields
P4 JDK-8177678 Overstatement of universality of Era.getDisplayName() implementation
P4 JDK-8046707 Performance of java.time could be better
P4 JDK-8068803 Performance of LocalDate.plusDays could be better
P4 JDK-8055004 Reduce allocation overhead in java.time.Period/Duration parse methods
P4 JDK-8042369 Remove duplicated java.time classes in
P4 JDK-8129556 TemporalAdjusters dayOfWeekInMonth wrongly says "in the same month"
P4 JDK-8170653 The javadoc of ZoneRules.previousTransition() is wrong
P4 JDK-8148849 Truncating Duration
P4 JDK-8169527 Typo in getCalendarType() method of Chronology class.
P4 JDK-8032749 Typo in java.time.Clock
P4 JDK-8035106 Typo in java.time.format.Parsed error message
P4 JDK-8032221 Typo in
P4 JDK-8171301 TZ: 2016j
P4 JDK-8148570 throws Null Pointer Exception While Compiling and building TZDB data file
P4 JDK-8138664 ZonedDateTime parse error for any date using 'GMT0' ZoneID
P4 JDK-8066291 ZoneIdPrinterParser can be optimized
P4 JDK-8164366 ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds() does not reject invalid input
P5 JDK-8139529 java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.FOREVER typo


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8166148 Fix for JDK-8165936 broke Solaris builds
P2 JDK-8059361 (spec) Properties.stringPropertyNames() returns a set inconsistent with the assertions from the spec
P2 JDK-8075071 [TEST_BUG] OOME: Java heap space: MaxHeap shrinked by MaxRAMFraction
P2 JDK-8154049 DualPivot sorting calculates incorrect runs for nearly sorted arrays
P2 JDK-8073347 javadoc of Formattable messed up by JDK-8019857
P2 JDK-8147545 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from java.prefs
P2 JDK-8150488 Scanner.findAll() can return infinite stream if regex matches zero chars
P3 JDK-8040809 '}' left in the spec for j.u.Random.doubles(..)
P3 JDK-8075110 (prefs) CodePointZeroPrefsTest fails on certain platforms
P3 JDK-8042889 (props) Properties.loadFromXML/storeToXML should consistently use the UKit parser
P3 JDK-8043119 (props) Properties.storeToXML closes output stream
P3 JDK-8148936 Adapt UUID.toString() to Compact Strings
P3 JDK-8152617 add missing wildcards to Optional or() and flatMap()
P3 JDK-8155052 add notes and links to j.u.Observer/Observable deprecation comments
P3 JDK-8072784 Better spliterator implementation for
P3 JDK-8039527 Broken links in ConcurrentMap javadoc
P3 JDK-8159855 Create an SPI for tools
P3 JDK-8172221 Directorate of Time has been superseded
P3 JDK-8067289 Fix deprecation warnings in java.base module - CRC32C
P3 JDK-8159548 Formatter returns unexpected strings if locale is null.
P3 JDK-8174950 Gracefully handle null Supplier in Objects.requireNonNull
P3 JDK-8146458 Improve exception reporting for Objects.checkIndex/checkFromToIndex/checkFromIndexSize
P3 JDK-8146156 Inconsistent default locale in string formatter methods
P3 JDK-8154553 Incorrect GPL header in reported
P3 JDK-8074043 java.util.Arrays setAll and parallelSetAll subrange note
P3 JDK-8043476 java/util/BitSet/ failed with: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
P3 JDK-8033148 Lexicographic comparators and mismatchers for arrays
P3 JDK-8155794 Move Objects.checkIndex BiFunction accepting methods to an internal package
P3 JDK-8034043 Native methods for preferences API should not be in libjava
P3 JDK-8176041 Optimize handling of comment lines in Properties$LineReader.readLine
P3 JDK-8167981 Optional: add notes explaining intended use
P3 JDK-8056951 pico-optimize contains(Object) methods
P3 JDK-8176221 Preferences docs contain reference to Sun's JRE
P3 JDK-8175385 ServiceLoader$LazyClassPathLookupIterator scans boot and platform modules for services
P3 JDK-8157964 Static build of libzip is missing JNI_OnLoad_zip entry point
P3 JDK-8169808 Stream returning methods should specify if they are late binding
P3 JDK-8048209 SynchronizedNavigableSet tailSet uses wrong mutex
P3 JDK-8056313 TEST_BUG: java/util/Timer/ fails intermittently
P3 JDK-8072909 TimSort fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on worst case long arrays
P3 JDK-8062185 Unpaired braces in javadoc
P3 JDK-8142493 Utility methods to check indexes and ranges doesn't specify behavior when function produces null
P3 JDK-8136924 Vectorized support for array equals/compare/mismatch using Unsafe
P3 JDK-8139507 WARNING: Could not open/create prefs root node Software\JavaSoft\Prefs
P3 JDK-8068790 ZipEntry/JarEntry.setCreation/LastAccessTime(null) don't throw NPE as specified
P4 JDK-8065070 (fmt) Avoid creating substrings when building FormatSpecifier
P4 JDK-8058887 (fmt) Improve java/util/Formatter test coverage of group separators and width
P4 JDK-8068373 (prefs) FileSystemPreferences writes \0 to XML storage, causing loss of all preferences
P4 JDK-8075156 (prefs) get*() and remove() should disallow the use of the null control character '\u0000' as key
P4 JDK-8066013 (prefs) Unused variable in src/java.prefs/share/classes/java/util/prefs/
P4 JDK-8133830 [solaris] Potential memory leak in TimeZone_md.c, function findJavaTZ_md()
P4 JDK-8075824 Add default[Read|Write]Object to java.util.Date
P4 JDK-8080418 Add Optional.or()
P4 JDK-8081678 Add Stream returning methods to classes where there currently exist only Enumeration returning methods
P4 JDK-8072722 add stream support to Scanner
P4 JDK-8129544 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when decoding corrupt Base64 string
P4 JDK-8141409 Arrays.equals accepting a Comparator
P4 JDK-8165243 Base64.Encoder.wrap(os).write(byte[],int,int) with incorrect arguments should not produce output
P4 JDK-8085858 Better failure output for test/java/util/Arrays/
P4 JDK-8040806 BitSet.toString() can throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
P4 JDK-8181824 Broken javadoc link in java.util.BitSet
P4 JDK-8076442 Cannot fully read if bit Integer.MAX_VALUE is set
P4 JDK-8076184 Cleanup compile/link warnings on Solaris
P4 JDK-8154801 deprecate Observer and Observable
P4 JDK-8074674 Doclint regression in java/util/regex/
P4 JDK-8133188 docs: replace tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util
P4 JDK-8133115 docs: replace tags (obsolete in html5) for java.util.logging, java.util.prefs,, java.util.jar
P4 JDK-8131052 Documentation of AbstractSpliterator refers to forEach rather than forEachRemaining
P4 JDK-8022852 Fix serial javac warnings in ArrayPrefixHelpers
P4 JDK-8035452 Fix serial lint warnings in core libs
P4 JDK-8080945 Improve the performance of primitive Arrays.sort for certain patterns of array elements
P4 JDK-8170566 incorrect phrase usage in javadocs documentation
P4 JDK-8062901 Iterators is spelled incorrectly in the Javadoc for Spliterator
P4 JDK-8138963 java.lang.Objects new method to default to non-null
P4 JDK-8080252 java.util.Formatter documentation of %n converter is misleading
P4 JDK-8071670 java.util.Optional: please add a way to specify if-else behavior
P4 JDK-8139414 java.util.Scanner hasNext() returns true, next() throws NoSuchElementException
P4 JDK-8073214 javadoc of Properties methods should specify NullPointerExceptions
P4 JDK-8085879 Mark intermittently failing: java/util/Arrays/
P4 JDK-8151798 Mark java/util/TimeZone/ as intermittently failing and demote to tier2
P4 JDK-8174171 Move spliterator testing of BitSet into big memory tests BitSetStreamTest
P4 JDK-8050142 Optimize java.util.Formatter
P4 JDK-8164934 javadoc code example is incorrect
P4 JDK-8059324 orElseThrow has different signatures for OptionalPrimitive and Optional
P4 JDK-8155600 Performance optimization of Arrays.asList().iterator()
P4 JDK-8050820 Please add to convert Optional to Stream
P4 JDK-8169903 Refactor spliterator traversing tests into a library
P4 JDK-8153933 Remove intermittent key from TimeZone/ and move back to tier1
P4 JDK-8168505 Remove the intermittent keyword from java/util/Arrays/
P4 JDK-8141652 Rename methods Objects.nonNullElse* to requireNonNullElse*
P4 JDK-8023897 Replace/update/rename executeAndCatch in various tests to assertThrows
P4 JDK-8157997 Reverting a push with wrong id
P4 JDK-8072582 Scanner delimits incorrectly when delimiter spans a buffer boundary
P4 JDK-8166261 Scanner.nextInt(int) (and similar methods) throws PatternSyntaxException
P4 JDK-8029451 Tidy warnings cleanup for java.util package; minor changes in java.nio, java.sql
P4 JDK-8073124 Tune test and document TimSort runs stack size increase
P4 JDK-8075560 Typo in Javadoc for java.util.Optional.equals()
P4 JDK-8141243 Unexpected timezone returned after parsing a date
P4 JDK-8030851 Update code in java.util to use newer language features
P4 JDK-8006627 UUID to/from String performance should be improved by reducing object allocations
P5 JDK-8075362 j.u.Properties.load() methods have misaligned @throws clauses
P5 JDK-8042262 Javadoc typo in java.util.Formatter
P5 JDK-8054221 StringJoiner imlementation optimization
P5 JDK-8033943 Typo in the documentation for the class Arrays
P5 JDK-8143858 typo in Timer.purge() doc
P5 JDK-8043772 Typos in Double/Int/


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8134853 Bulk integration of java.util.concurrent and related java.util classes
P2 JDK-8134854 Bulk integration of java.util.concurrent.atomic classes
P2 JDK-8134855 Bulk integration of java.util.concurrent.locks classes
P2 JDK-8179515 Class java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom fails to Initialize when using SecurityManager
P2 JDK-8081734 ConcurrentHashMap/, times out 90% of time on sparc with 256 cpu.
P2 JDK-8166507 ConcurrentSkipListSet.clear() can leave the Set in an invalid state
P2 JDK-8147508 Correct fix for JDK-8147480
P2 JDK-8145164 Default implementation of ConcurrentMap::compute can throw NPE
P2 JDK-8134851 Integrate CompletableFuture with API enhancements
P2 JDK-8134852 Integrate fork/join with API enhancements
P2 JDK-8134850 Integrate the Flow API
P2 JDK-8162396 j.u.c java.lang.LinkageError
P2 JDK-8150014 java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ fails with NoClassDefFoundError
P2 JDK-8065804 JEP 171: Clarifications/corrections for fence intrinsics
P2 JDK-8132960 JEP 266: More Concurrency Updates
P2 JDK-8072030 Race condition in
P2 JDK-8066397 Remove network-related seed initialization code in ThreadLocal/SplittableRandom
P2 JDK-8148638 test failure in test/java/util/concurrent/tck
P2 JDK-8153715 Use Unsafe.weakCompareAndSet in java.util.concurrent
P2 JDK-8173083 VarHandle usages in LockSupport and ThreadLocalRandom result in circularity issues
P3 JDK-8167202 ArrayDeque improvements
P3 JDK-8166465 CompletableFuture.minimalCompletionStage().toCompletableFuture() should be non-minimal
P3 JDK-8143089 CompletableFuture.whenComplete should use addSuppressed
P3 JDK-8172023 Concurrent spliterators fail to handle exhaustion properly
P3 JDK-8161372 ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent(k,f) locks bin when k present
P3 JDK-8169738 CopyOnWriteArrayList subList needs more synchronization
P3 JDK-8164814 Deprecate Atomic*.weakCompareAndSet and defer to Atomic*.weakCompareAndSetPlain
P3 JDK-8143086 Document that ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory.newThread can return null to reject request
P3 JDK-8160710 Enable Thread to grant VarHandle field access to ThreadLocalRandom/Striped64
P3 JDK-8181104 Fix specs for updateAndGet and related methods
P3 JDK-8176303 Flow.Subscription.request(0) should be treated as an error
P3 JDK-8172726 ForkJoin common pool retains a reference to the thread context class loader
P3 JDK-8080939 ForkJoinPool and Phaser deadlock
P3 JDK-8060052 FutureTask; fix underflow when timeout = Long.MIN_VALUE
P3 JDK-8160402 Garbage retention with CompletableFuture.anyOf
P3 JDK-8056249 Improve CompletableFuture resource usage
P3 JDK-8139927 Improve documentation for CompletableFuture composition
P3 JDK-8143073 Improve documentation for ConcurrentHashMap serialized form
P3 JDK-8056248 Improve ForkJoin thread throttling
P3 JDK-8142441 Improve jtreg tests for java.util.concurrent
P3 JDK-8152924 Improve scalability of CompletableFuture with large number of dependents
P3 JDK-8146467 Integrate JSR 166 jck tests into JDK repo
P3 JDK-8140468 java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ failed with java.lang.Error: Completed == 4; expected 2
P3 JDK-8040928 java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ java.lang.Error: Completed != 2
P3 JDK-8163210 java/util/concurrent/tck/ testWriteAfterReadLock(StampedLockTest): timed out waiting for thread to terminate
P3 JDK-8166059 fails with NPE in dumpTestThreads on timeout
P3 JDK-8169739 LinkedBlockingDeque spliterator needs to support node self-linking
P3 JDK-8171051 LinkedBlockingQueue spliterator needs to support node self-linking
P3 JDK-8169748 LinkedTransferQueue bulk remove is O(n^2)
P3 JDK-8151501 LockSupport/ AssertionError: lost unpark
P3 JDK-8150417 Make ThreadLocalRandom more robust against static initialization cycles
P3 JDK-8147480 Mark as intermittently failing
P3 JDK-8143087 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2015-11
P3 JDK-8150416 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-03
P3 JDK-8153768 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-05
P3 JDK-8161591 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-07
P3 JDK-8162627 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-08
P3 JDK-8166646 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-11
P3 JDK-8171886 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-02
P3 JDK-8173909 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2017-03
P3 JDK-8078490 Missed submissions in ForkJoinPool
P3 JDK-8181580 No CCC for LinkedBlockingDeque#addAll
P3 JDK-8159351 non-atomic "bulk" ops note in class javadoc for ConcurrentLinkedQueue, ConcurrentLinkedDeque, & LinkedTransferQueue shouldn't include equals
P3 JDK-8163353 NPE in ConcurrentHashMap.removeAll()
P3 JDK-8162805 Optimize AtomicBoolean.getAndSet
P3 JDK-8160751 Optimize ConcurrentHashMap.keySet().removeAll
P3 JDK-8157522 Performance improvements to CompletableFuture
P3 JDK-8054446 Repeated offer and remove on ConcurrentLinkedQueue lead to an OutOfMemoryError
P3 JDK-8169515 Review and update description
P3 JDK-8161608 StampedLock should use storeStoreFence when acquiring write lock
P3 JDK-8176155 SubmissionPublisher closeExceptionally() may override close()
P3 JDK-8176551 testCommonPoolThreadContextClassLoader fails with "Should throw SecurityException"
P3 JDK-7153400 ThreadPoolExecutor's setCorePoolSize method allows corePoolSize > maxPoolSize
P3 JDK-8157523 Various improvements to ForkJoin/SubmissionPublisher code
P3 JDK-8159924 Various improvements to StampedLock code
P4 JDK-8072456 @since tags missing from TimeUnit
P4 JDK-8140587 Atomic*FieldUpdaters should use Class.isInstance instead of direct class check
P4 JDK-7089615 Broken javadoc link in AbstractQueuedSynchronizer
P4 JDK-8169272 Clarify Semaphore.drainPermits behavior when current permits are negative
P4 JDK-8141452 Convert between TimeUnit and ChronoUnit
P4 JDK-8011645 CopyOnWriteArrayList.COWSubList.subList does not validate range properly
P4 JDK-8074578 Document memory visibility effects of Unsafe compareAndSwap methods
P4 JDK-8164983 Improve CountedCompleter code samples; add corresponding tests
P4 JDK-8151344 Improve timeout factor handling in tck/JSR166TestCase
P4 JDK-8068432 Inconsistent exception handling in CompletableFuture.thenCompose
P4 JDK-8031067 java/util/concurrent/atomic/ java.lang.Error: Unexpected reflective access
P4 JDK-6772009 java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ test failed with 'Completed != 2'
P4 JDK-8140471 java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ timed out
P4 JDK-8139237 java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8169243 java/util/concurrent/ThreadPoolExecutor/ still fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8073208 javadoc typo in java.util.concurrent.Executor
P4 JDK-8085978 LinkedTransferQueue.spliterator can report LTQ.Node object, not T
P4 JDK-8161567 Mark java/util/concurrent/forkjoin/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8133231 Mark as failing intermittently
P4 JDK-8145485 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-02
P4 JDK-8164169 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-09
P4 JDK-8165919 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-09-21
P4 JDK-8170484 Miscellaneous changes imported from jsr166 CVS 2016-12
P4 JDK-8146762 Move back java/util/concurrent/Phaser/ to tier1
P4 JDK-8177313 Move and back to tier1
P4 JDK-8142370 Move java/util/concurrent/Phaser/ to tier 2
P4 JDK-8151579 Optimize ConcurrentHashMap.Node
P4 JDK-8152083 Optimize TimeUnit conversions
P4 JDK-8139574 ReentrantReadWriteLock documentation example has compile time error
P4 JDK-8032057 Remove unneeded/obsolete -source options in concurrency tests
P4 JDK-8078645 removeIf(filter) in ConcurrentHashMap removes entries for which filter is false
P4 JDK-8080603 Replace Unsafe with VarHandle in java.util.concurrent classes
P4 JDK-8044730 small errors in ConcurrentHashMap and LongAdder docs
P4 JDK-8132964 Spliterator documentation on Priority(Blocking)Queue
P4 JDK-8031374 TEST_BUG: java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentQueues/ fails Intermittently
P4 JDK-8152433 Typo in interface Deque javadocs.


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8151339 Adding fragment to JAR URLs breaks ant
P1 JDK-8184306 zlib 1.2.11 upgrade triggers regression
P2 JDK-8029646 [pack200] should support the new zip64 format.
P2 JDK-8144958 changes by JDK-8142508 seems to have broken jtreg
P2 JDK-8152276 Clarify behaviour when a Jar Index is found to be invalid
P2 JDK-8165726 fix for 8165595 revealed a bug in pack200 tool's handling of main class attribute of module-info classes
P2 JDK-8147588 Jar file and Zip file not removed in spite of the OPEN_DELETE flag
P2 JDK-8165944 jar utility doesn't process more than one -C argument
P2 JDK-8150680 JarFile.Release enum needs reconsideration with respect to it's values
P2 JDK-8179645 java.util.jar.Packer.newPacker and newUnpacker fails when running with security manager
P2 JDK-8161942 not covering UpperLimit range of DOS epoch
P2 JDK-8175053 Mach 5 builds failed on Windows/install repo after JDK-8173207
P2 JDK-8156807 Pack200 must support v53.0 class files
P2 JDK-8182023 some java.util.jar docs contain links to technotes
P2 JDK-8131777 Test task: Create tests for new JarFile API related to multi-release jar files
P2 JDK-8168862 Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.zipfs module
P2 JDK-8182494 Update jar specification for Automatic-Module-Name
P2 JDK-8048990 ZipFile.entries() can't handle empty zip entry names
P2 JDK-8056934 ZipInputStream does not correctly handle local header data descriptors with the optional signature missing
P3 JDK-8067889 4 pack200 tests fail on mac since jdk became modular
P3 JDK-8157069 Assorted ZipFile improvements
P3 JDK-8152733 Avoid creating Manifest when checking for Multi-Release attribute
P3 JDK-8059973 Broken link in Class Pack200
P3 JDK-8079841 Buffer underflow with empty zip entry names
P3 JDK-8044725 Bug in zlib 1.2.5 prevents inflation of some gzipped files (zlib 1.2.8 port)
P3 JDK-8152352 Compiling warnings in zip_util.c blocks devkit to build with --with-zlib=system
P3 JDK-8163798 Create a JarFile versionedStream method
P3 JDK-8076641 getNextEntry throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when unzipping file
P3 JDK-8157613 Internal documentation improvements to
P3 JDK-8146431 j.u.z.ZipFile.getEntry("") throws AIOOBE
P3 JDK-8058520 jar xf does not work on zip files with leading garbage
P3 JDK-8150976 JarFile and MRJAR tests should use the JDK specific Version API
P3 JDK-8150678 JarFile stream() and entries() methods need performance enhancement
P3 JDK-8166735 JarFile#getVersion spec clarification for unversioned jars
P3 JDK-8139706 JarFile.getBytes could use InputStream.readNBytes
P3 JDK-8062194 java.util.jar.Attributes should use insertion-ordered iteration
P3 JDK-8165782 java.util.jar.JarFile.runtimeVersion() spec needs clarification
P3 JDK-8075526 Need a way to read and write ZipEntry timestamp using local date/time without tz conversion
P3 JDK-8066272 pack200 must support Multi-Release Jars
P3 JDK-8064736 Part of java.util.jar.JarFile spec looks confusing with references to Zip
P3 JDK-8044727 Problem reading the contents of some zip files
P3 JDK-8029806 Remove Packer/Unpacker addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyListener methods
P3 JDK-8074839 Resolve disabled warnings for libunpack and the unpack200 binary
P3 JDK-8148627 to 64-bit platforms
P3 JDK-8157524 Revert JarFile methods "entries" and "stream" to Java 8 behavior
P3 JDK-8148624 Test failure of
P3 JDK-8151901 test/tools/pack200/Pack200Test fails on verifying native unpacked JAR
P3 JDK-8142508 To bring j.u.z.ZipFile's native implementation to Java to remove the expensive jni cost and mmap crash risk
P3 JDK-8145260 To bring j.u.z.ZipFile's native implementation to Java to remove the expensive jni cost and mmap crash risk [2]
P3 JDK-8058856 tools/jar/, introduced in JDK-8058520, fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8066745 tools/pack200/ failed with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
P3 JDK-8060432 tools/pack200/ fails on Windows with after JDK-8058854
P3 JDK-8073187 Unexpected side effect in Pack200
P3 JDK-8150469 unpack200 fails to compare crc correctly.
P3 JDK-8150681 Update JAR specification for multi-release jar files
P3 JDK-8177910 Update zlib copyright note in idk/src/java.base/share/legal/
P3 JDK-8073158 zip files with total entry count 0xFFFF need not be ZIP64 files
P3 JDK-6907252 ZipFileInputStream Not Thread-Safe
P3 JDK-8173072 zipfs fails to handle incorrect info-zip "extended timestamp extra field"
P4 JDK-8033147 [pack200] the closed test needs some improvement
P4 JDK-6321472 Add CRC32C class, similar to
P4 JDK-8068338 Better message about incompatible zlib in Deflater.init
P4 JDK-8144977 Class.getResourceAsStream("directory") in JAR returns broken InputStream
P4 JDK-8133170 Deflater.deflate with small output buffers fails
P4 JDK-8038502 Deflater.needsInput() should use synchronization
P4 JDK-7142247 Disable the mmap usage in ZipFile implementation by default
P4 JDK-7031075 GZIPInputStream's available() reports 1, but read() gives -1.
P4 JDK-8153213 Jar manifest attribute "Multi-Release" accepts any value
P4 JDK-8157850 Jar tests should pass through VM options
P4 JDK-8130914 java/util/zip/ fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: setTime should make getLastModifiedTime return the specified instant: 3078282244456 got: 3078282244455"
P4 JDK-8135108 java/util/zip/ fails intermittently with Invalid value for NanoOfSecond
P4 JDK-8155616 java/util/zip/ fails intermittently with storing mtime failed
P4 JDK-8073497 Lazy conversion of ZipEntry time
P4 JDK-8130402 Mark intermittently failing test: tools/pack200/
P4 JDK-8154031 Mark tools/pack200/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8146587 Mark tools/pack200/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8142369 Move to tier 2
P4 JDK-8154980 Remove intermittent key from test
P4 JDK-8151286 Remove intermittent key from and move back to tier1
P4 JDK-8031767 Support system or alternative implementations of zlib
P4 JDK-8173752 Syntax error in ZipEntry.setCompressedSize(long) method documentation
P4 JDK-8173751 Syntax error in ZipFile.getComment() method
P4 JDK-8166248 tools/pack200/ fails on Win32: Could not reserve enough space
P4 JDK-8079769 tools/pack200/ may timeout at preparing the large test file
P4 JDK-8174148 Typo in method documentation
P4 JDK-8173871 Typos in Jar Packer/Unpacker PROGRESS field documentation
P4 JDK-8000650 unpack200.exe should check gzip crc
P4 JDK-8074579 Use more efficient and readable way of checking PKZIP signatures
P4 JDK-6233323 ZipEntry.isDirectory() may return false incorrectly
P4 JDK-8170831 ZipFile implementation no longer caches the last accessed entry/pos


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8177136 Caller sensitive method System::getLogger should specify what happens if there is no caller on the stack.
P2 JDK-8170984 java.util.logging might force the initialization of ResourceBundle class too early.
P2 JDK-8065991 LogManager unecessarily calls JavaAWTAccess from within a critical section
P2 JDK-8153158 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from java.logging
P2 JDK-8177835 System.LoggerFinder#getLogger or getLocalizedLogger does not throw NPE
P3 JDK-8152515 (logging) LogManager.resetLogger should ignore LinkageError
P3 JDK-8029876 Add a test to verify that Logger.getLogger & LogManager.getLogManager don't throw NPE when System.out == null
P3 JDK-8153955 increase java.util.logging.FileHandler MAX_LOCKS limit
P3 JDK-8072645 java.util.logging should use java.time to get more precise time stamps
P3 JDK-8137289 java/util/logging/ hangs
P3 JDK-8046565 JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service
P3 JDK-8140364 JEP 264: Platform Logging API and Service Implementation
P3 JDK-6543126 Level.known can leak memory
P3 JDK-8148568 LoggerFinder.getLogger and LoggerFinder.getLocalizedLogger should take a Module argument instead of a Class.
P3 JDK-8159245 Loggers created by system classes are not initialized correctly when configured programmatically from application code.
P3 JDK-8080933 LogManager.demandSystemLogger should accept a 'caller' argument.
P3 JDK-8144262 LogRecord.getMillis() method is a convenience API that should not have been deprecated
P3 JDK-8148820 Missing @since Javadoc tag in Logger.log(Level, Supplier)
P3 JDK-8153666 Optimize Formatter.formatMessage
P3 JDK-8043306 Provide a replacement for the API that allowed to listen for LogManager configuration changes
P3 JDK-8033661 readConfiguration does not cleanly reinitialize the logging system
P3 JDK-8048020 Regression on java.util.logging.FileHandler
P3 JDK-8029805 Remove LogManager addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener methods
P3 JDK-8144214 Some log messages will be discarded when VM is bootstrapping.
P3 JDK-8163162 The separation between system loggers and application loggers should take the extension loader in consideration.
P4 JDK-8146691 @since 9 tag missing for System.getLogger
P4 JDK-8152436 Add a test to verify that the root logger correctly reports the caller's information
P4 JDK-8031980 Add new j.u.l deadlock test for JDK-8027670 and JDK-8029281
P4 JDK-8029595 Avoid cases of Logger being GC'ed in tests
P4 JDK-8130069 closed/java/util/logging/ java.lang.NullPointerException
P4 JDK-8025690 Default FileHandler constructor doesn't throw NullPointerException if pattern is empty and count > 1
P4 JDK-8036916 Deprecation warnings in LogManager
P4 JDK-8059269 FileHandler may throw NPE if pattern is a simple name and the lock file already exists
P4 JDK-8059767 FileHandler should allow 'long' limits and handle overflow of MeteredStream.written.
P4 JDK-8060132 Handlers configured on abstract nodes in are not always properly closed
P4 JDK-8077846 Improve locking strategy for readConfiguration(), reset(), and initializeGlobalHandlers()
P4 JDK-8144460 Improve the code coverage for BootstrapLogger and SimpleConsoleLogger APIs and verify bug fix JDK-8144214
P4 JDK-8150856 Inconsistent API documentation for @param caller in System.LoggerFinder.getLogger
P4 JDK-8152606 java.base no longer needs to export sun.util.logging to java.httpclient
P4 JDK-8130649 java/util/logging/ times out
P4 JDK-8031068 java/util/logging/ checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected loggers
P4 JDK-8031525 Logger created in test/tools/jar/ might get gc'ed too early.
P4 JDK-7113878 LogManager - namedLoggers should be ConcurrentHashMap instead of Hashtable
P4 JDK-8075810 LogManager.readConfiguration may throw undocumented IllegalArgumentException
P4 JDK-8145686 SimpleConsoleLogger and LogRecord should take advantage of StackWalker to skip classes implementing System.Logger
P4 JDK-8030801 SocketHandler(host, port) requires permission ("java.util.logging.LoggingPermission" "control")
P4 JDK-8144215 Test development task for : JEP-JDK-8046565: SQE Test Plan for Platform Logging API and Service
P4 JDK-8042147 test sun/util/logging/ failed: Unexpected source: java.util.Currency info
P4 JDK-8033542 test/java/util/logging/SimpleLogManager might let Loggers be gc'ed too early.
P4 JDK-8030187 TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/Logger/setResourceBundle/ failing again
P4 JDK-8030192 TEST_BUG: java/util/logging/ failed with NPE
P4 JDK-8029781 Theoretical data race on java.util.logging.Handler.sealed
P5 JDK-8028788 Logger.enterring uses String concatenation in a loop
P5 JDK-8178139 Minor typo in API documentation of java.util.logging.Logger


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8074678 JCK test api/java_util/regex/MatchResult/index.html starts failing after JDK-8071479
P3 JDK-8041398 Doclint regresion in java.util.regex
P3 JDK-8176029 Linebreak matcher is not equivalent to the pattern as stated in javadoc
P3 JDK-4867170 Pattern doesn't work with composite character in CANON_EQ mode
P3 JDK-8160302 Reduce number of lambdas created when loading java.util.regex.Pattern
P3 JDK-6609854 Regex does not match correctly for negative nested character classes
P3 JDK-8149787 test/java/util/regex/ source file has non-ascii character u+00f7
P4 JDK-8143282 \p{Cn} unassigned code points should be included in \p{C}
P4 JDK-6736245 A character in Composition Exclusion Table does not match itself.
P4 JDK-6995635 CANON_EQ pattern flag is buggy
P4 JDK-4916384 CANON_EQ supports only combining character sequences with non-spacing marks
P4 JDK-8131034 Cleanup in j.u.regex.Pattern.quote()
P4 JDK-6728861 ExceptionInInitializerError is caught when the pattern has precomposed character
P4 JDK-8039124 j.u.regex.Matcher.appendReplace/Tail() should support StringBuilder variant for better performance
P4 JDK-8079544 Mark java/util/regex/ as failing intermittently
P4 JDK-8158615 Matcher does not terminate, or is extremly slow
P4 JDK-7006761 Matcher.matches() has infinite loop
P4 JDK-8132206 move into OpenJDK
P4 JDK-8145007 Pattern splitAsStream is not late binding as required by the specification
P4 JDK-8035076 Pattern$BnMS never used due to bug in Pattern$BnM.optimize
P4 JDK-8035975 Pattern.compile(String, int) fails to throw IllegalArgumentException
P4 JDK-8069325 Pattern.splitAsStream does not return input if it is empty and there is no match
P4 JDK-6693451 RegEx matcher goes into infinite delay
P4 JDK-6988218 RegEx matcher loops
P4 JDK-8158482 regex UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS flag cannot be disabled with an embedded flag expression
P4 JDK-8150224 Regular expression slowly working
P4 JDK-8071479 Stream and lambdafication improvements to j.u.regex.Matcher
P4 JDK-6328855 String: Matches hangs at short and easy Strings containing \r \n
P4 JDK-7080302 the normalization in java regex pattern may have flaw
P4 JDK-8147531 To add named character construct \N{...} to support Unicode name property
P4 JDK-7071819 To support Extended Grapheme Clusters in Regex
P5 JDK-6360775 regular expressions: combining groups and greedy quantifiers halts the JVM


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8031187 DoubleStream.count is incorrect for a stream containing > Integer.MAX_VALUE elements
P1 JDK-8075307 Pipeline calculating inconsistent flag state for parallel stateful ops
P1 JDK-8032190 Specifications of stream flatMap methods should require mapped streams to be closed
P2 JDK-8148928 java/util/stream/test/**/ timed out intermittently
P2 JDK-8076458 java/util/stream/test/org/openjdk/tests/java/util/stream/ timeout
P2 JDK-8037857 Methods j.u.Arrays.spliterator/stream(X[], int, int) throw IAE instead of specified AIOOBE when endIndex < startIndex
P2 JDK-8058204 stream tests timeout, intermittently but more likely to happen after JDK-8056248
P2 JDK-8134329 fails across platforms after fix for JDK-8129547
P3 JDK-8159821 "PrimitiveStream.iterateFinite" methods contain incorrect code sample
P3 JDK-8068599 Add mutability, serializability, and thread-safety, caveat to all Collectors that do not accept a Collection supplier
P3 JDK-8130023 API explicitly specify guaranteed execution of the pipeline
P3 JDK-8170560 Improve code samples in Collectors javadoc
P3 JDK-8075111 Mark testFlatMappingClose (from CollectorsTest) as serialization hostile
P3 JDK-8142996 move jdk java/util/streams tests into java.base directories
P3 JDK-8075230 Optimized count operations incorrectly declare the stream shape
P3 JDK-8167524 Rogue character in Stream javadoc
P3 JDK-8164691 Stream specification clarifications for iterate and collect
P4 JDK-8032396 [TEST_BUG] lambda SAND framework needs adjustments.
P4 JDK-8144675 Add a filtering collector
P4 JDK-8071600 Add a flat-mapping collector
P4 JDK-8071597 Add Stream dropWhile and takeWhile operations
P4 JDK-8072727 add variation of Stream.iterate() that's finite
P4 JDK-8147505 BaseStream.onClose() should not allow registering new handlers after stream is consumed
P4 JDK-8048689 Clarify documentation on BaseStream.spliterator
P4 JDK-8132800 clarify stream package documentation regarding sequential vs parallel modes
P4 JDK-8136686 Collectors.counting can use Collectors.summingLong to reduce boxing
P4 JDK-8170943 Collectors.partitioningBy should specify that false and true entries are always present
P4 JDK-8151123 Collectors.summingDouble/averagingDouble unnecessarily call mapper twice
P4 JDK-8043327 Collectors.toMap studentToGPA example uses Functions.identity()
P4 JDK-8164189 Collectors.toSet() parallel performance improvement
P4 JDK-8031428 CountTest causes lambda Ser/Derialization tests to fail
P4 JDK-8151785 Doc typo in src/../java/util/stream/
P4 JDK-8175360 Error in Collectors.averagingXXX Java Doc
P4 JDK-8030942 Explicitly state floating-point summation requirements on non-finite inputs
P4 JDK-8030079 Fix raw and unchecked warnings
P4 JDK-8130828 Fix some typos and omissions in the the JavaDoc
P4 JDK-8029452 Fork/Join task ForEachOps.ForEachOrderedTask clarifications and minor improvements
P4 JDK-8031306 Incorrect bug id on tests
P4 JDK-8040892 Incorrect message in Exception thrown by Collectors.toMap(Function,Function)
P4 JDK-8131140 Mark some tests from and as serialization hostile
P4 JDK-8044047 Missing null pointer checks for streams
P4 JDK-8154387 Parallel unordered Stream.limit() tries to collect 128 elements even if limit is less
P4 JDK-8050819 Please add java.util.Stream.ofNullable(T object)
P4 JDK-8153293 Preserve SORTED and DISTINCT characteristics for boxed() and asLongStream() operations
P4 JDK-8048989 small errors in Collectors examples
P4 JDK-8141630 Specification of Collections.synchronized* need to state traversal constraints
P4 JDK-8042355 stream with sorted() causes downstream ops not to be lazy
P4 JDK-8148115 Stream.findFirst for unordered source optimization
P4 JDK-8148838 Stream.flatMap(...).spliterator() cannot properly split after tryAdvance()
P4 JDK-8132097 Stream.generate should use a covariant Supplier as parameter
P4 JDK-8148250 Stream.limit() parallel tasks with ordered non-SUBSIZED source should short-circuit
P4 JDK-8129120 Terminal operation properties should not be back-propagated to upstream operations
P4 JDK-8168841 The JavaDoc of method collectingAndThen has incorrect code snippet
P4 JDK-8043328 Typo in documentation of package
P5 JDK-8067969 Optimize Stream.count for SIZED Streams
P5 JDK-8073779 StackOverflowError called StackOverflowException in javadoc
P5 JDK-8157437 Typos in Stream JavaDoc


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8031133 AbstractMap should specify its default implementation using @implSpec
P1 JDK-8036568 Serial incompatibility in java.util.TreeMap.NavigableSubMap
P2 JDK-8050091 (coll) LinkedList has incorrect implementation comment
P2 JDK-8048207 CheckedQueue.offer calls wrong method on wrapped queue
P2 JDK-8145006 Collections.asLifoQueue(null) doesn't throw NPE as specified
P2 JDK-8047795 Collections.checkedList checking bypassed by List.replaceAll
P2 JDK-8172720 Collections.SingletonList::hashCode not spec-compliant
P2 JDK-8030848 Collections.sort(List l, Comparator) should defer to List.sort(Comparator )
P2 JDK-8030016 HashMap.computeIfAbsent generates spurious access event
P2 JDK-8046085 HashMap.put with null key may throw NullPointerException
P2 JDK-8173706 Is able to set a negative j.u.Vector size in JDK9 b151
P2 JDK-8072015 java/util/Collections/ failed TreeSet(reverseOrder)
P2 JDK-8029055 Map.merge must refuse null values
P3 JDK-6260652 (coll) Arrays.asList(x).toArray().getClass() should be Object[].class
P3 JDK-6721085 (coll) Broken link to Collections Framework Tutorial
P3 JDK-8031142 AbstractCollection and AbstractList should specify their default implementation using @implSpec
P3 JDK-8035284 AbstractMap unnecessarily initializes two volatiles to null
P3 JDK-8181334 add spec for Deque.addAll
P3 JDK-8144952 add wildcards to the Map.ofEntries() method
P3 JDK-8169679 ArrayList.subList().iterator().forEachRemaining() off-by-one-error
P3 JDK-8170733 HashMap.HashIterator.remove method does not use cached value for the hash code.
P3 JDK-8144742 Instrument intermittently failing test
P3 JDK-8048330 JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections
P3 JDK-6842353 Linux testcase failure java/util/WeakHashMap/
P3 JDK-8177788 migrate collections technotes/guides into java/util/doc-files
P3 JDK-8014066 Mistake in documentation of ArrayList#removeRange
P3 JDK-8146568 NegativeArraySizeException in ArrayList.grow(int)
P3 JDK-8037106 Optimize Arrays.asList(...).forEach
P3 JDK-8066070 PriorityQueue corrupted when adding non-Comparable
P3 JDK-8032513 The Spliterator characteristics CONCURRENT and IMMUTABLE are mutually exclusive
P3 JDK-8159404 throw UnsupportedOperationException unconditionally for mutator methods
P3 JDK-8029574 TreeMap: optimization of method computeRedLevel()
P3 JDK-8173152 Wrong wording in method spec
P4 JDK-8145539 (coll) AbstractMap.keySet and .values should not be volatile
P4 JDK-6904367 (coll) IdentityHashMap is resized before exceeding the expected maximum size
P4 JDK-8079136 Accessing a nested sublist leads to StackOverflowError
P4 JDK-8072726 add adapter to convert Enumeration to Iterator
P4 JDK-8139232 add initial API and skeleton implementations
P4 JDK-8139233 add initial compact immutable collection implementations
P4 JDK-8133977 add specification for serialized forms
P4 JDK-8035584 ArrayList(c) should avoid inflation if c is empty
P4 JDK-8148748 ArrayList.subList().spliterator() is not late-binding
P4 JDK-8020860 cluster Hashtable field updates for better transactional memory behaviour
P4 JDK-8158253 Collections: Implement a noop clear() for EmptyList, EmptyMap and EmptySet
P4 JDK-8167005 Comment on the need for an empty constructor in ArrayList$Itr
P4 JDK-8023898 Consolidate Map tests Collisions and InPlaceOpsCollisions into general Map-based test
P4 JDK-8080450 doc for Double/Int/LongSummaryStatistics.toString has errors
P4 JDK-8177789 fix collections framework links to point to java.util package doc
P4 JDK-8071667 HashMap.computeIfAbsent() adds entry that HashMap.get() does not find.
P4 JDK-8068427 Hashtable deserialization reconstitutes table with wrong capacity
P4 JDK-8168745 Iterator.forEachRemaining vs. Iterator.remove
P4 JDK-8077097 JEP-JDK-8048330: Test Task: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections
P4 JDK-8158365 List.spliterator should optimize for RandomAccess lists
P4 JDK-8156079 make empty instances singletons
P4 JDK-8169222 minor immutable collections optimizations
P4 JDK-8154911 Move back to tier1
P4 JDK-8148174 NegativeArraySizeException in Vector.grow(int)
P4 JDK-8164793 new ArrayDeque(2**N) allocates backing array of size 2**(N+1)
P4 JDK-8062849 Optimize EnumMap.equals
P4 JDK-8166446 SingletonIterator.forEachRemaining doesn't advance before calling action
P4 JDK-8166365 Small immutable collections should provide optimized implementations when possible
P4 JDK-8166840 Synthetic bridge constructor in ArrayList$Itr blocks inlining
P4 JDK-8151062 unbalanced parenthesis in java.util.EnumMap.clone() Javadoc
P4 JDK-8134373 use collections convenience factories in the JDK
P4 JDK-8043329 Wrong variable used in java.util.Collections javadoc code
P5 JDK-8138938 Clarify javadoc for java.util.Collections.copy()
P5 JDK-8177653 clarify restrictions on Iterator.forEachRemaining
P5 JDK-8145139 clean up jdk_collections and jdk_concurrent test groups
P5 JDK-8144305 documentation of Queue interface contains reference to LinkedBlockingQueue twice in 'See Also' section
P5 JDK-8143577 optimize ArrayList.removeIf
P5 JDK-8148044 Remove Enum[0] constants from EnumSet and EnumMap
P5 JDK-8078463 TEST_BUG: optimize java/util/Map/


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8165605 Thai resources in jdk.localedata cause split package issue with java.base
P2 JDK-8159766 "Switching encoding from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1" log message should be trace/debug message
P2 JDK-8075545 Add permission check for locale service provider implementations
P2 JDK-8130845 Change to CLDR Locale data in JDK 9 b71 causes SimpleDateFormat parsing errors
P2 JDK-8134384 Continuation of JDK-8130845 : A date string created by Date#toString() is not parseable neither with ENGLISH, US nor ROOT locale
P2 JDK-8048588 Granularity of localedata and cldrdata
P2 JDK-8134915 Improve performance of CLDRLocaleProviderAdapter.getCandidateLocales
P2 JDK-8152873 java/util/Locale/ fails after JDK-8150432
P2 JDK-8170840 java/util/Locale/ failed with "Uncaught exception thrown in test method TestGetLangsAndCountries"
P2 JDK-8154853 java/util/TimeZone/ fails after JDK-8154231
P2 JDK-8033893 jdk build is broken due to the changeset of JDK-8033370
P2 JDK-8043553 JEP 226: UTF-8 Property Resource Bundles
P2 JDK-8152817 Locale data loading fails silently when running with a security manager
P2 JDK-8152926 PropertyResourceBundle constructor don't understand the System.setProperty change
P2 JDK-8038436 Re-examine the mechanism to determine available localedata and cldrdata
P2 JDK-8148346 Reduce number of packages in jdk.localedata module
P2 JDK-8180375 Rename Provider to .spi.Provider
P2 JDK-8170772 ResourceBundle improper caching causes tools/javadoc tests intermittently
P2 JDK-8161203 ResourceBundle.getBundle performance regression
P2 JDK-8177980 ResourceBundle.getBundle throws NoClassDefFoundError when fails to define a class
P2 JDK-8057747 Several test failing after update to tzdata2014g
P2 JDK-8055253 test/java/util/Currency/ modifies the test JDK
P2 JDK-8168906 Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.localedata module
P2 JDK-8008577 Use CLDR Locale Data by Default
P3 JDK-8152077 (cal) Calendar.roll does not always roll the hours during daylight savings changes
P3 JDK-8027607 (rb) Provide UTF-8 based properties resource bundles
P3 JDK-8043012 (tz) Support tzdata2014c
P3 JDK-8049343 (tz) Support tzdata2014g
P3 JDK-8059206 (tz) Support tzdata2014i
P3 JDK-8064560 (tz) Support tzdata2014j
P3 JDK-8072042 (tz) Support tzdata2015a
P3 JDK-8075667 (tz) Support tzdata2015b
P3 JDK-8077685 (tz) Support tzdata2015d
P3 JDK-8148446 (tz) Support tzdata2016a
P3 JDK-7044727 (tz) TimeZone.getDefault() call returns incorrect value in Windows terminal session
P3 JDK-8054010 [HOST provider, not gregory] Return NULL when calling Calendar.getDisplayNames for Calendar.ERA
P3 JDK-8054482 [HOST provider] only return standalone-style month display name
P3 JDK-8055258 [HOST provider] Short era display name is not returned
P3 JDK-8039301 [ja] Host Locale Provider uses non-translated Calendar field names
P3 JDK-8079186 Add 'localeServiceProvider' target in the class description of RuntimePermission
P3 JDK-8062006 Add a new locale data name "COMPAT" for java.locale.providers system property to reduce ambiguity
P3 JDK-8136356 Add time zone mappings on Windows
P3 JDK-8157792 After Integrating tzdata2016d the test/sun/util/calendar/zi/ fails for "Asia/Oral" and "Asia/Qyzylorda" Timezones
P3 JDK-8134520 Bug8134250 test fails in en_IE locale
P3 JDK-8167273 Calendar.getDisplayNames inconsistent with DateFormatSymbols
P3 JDK-8167143 CLDR timezone parsing does not work for all locales
P3 JDK-8058509 CLDRLocaleDataMetaInfo should be in jdk.localedata
P3 JDK-7068008 closed/java/util/Calendar/CalendarTestScripts/ execution failed on Windows 7
P3 JDK-8134250 Create unit tests for CLDR unique features
P3 JDK-8055222 Currency update needed for ISO 4217 Amendment #159
P3 JDK-8145952 Currency update needed for ISO 4217 Amendment #161
P3 JDK-8164784 Currency update needed for ISO 4217 Amendment #162.
P3 JDK-7102969 supercede not working correctly
P3 JDK-8136668 Default locale provider adapter incorrectly set to JRE
P3 JDK-8171189 Deprecate ResourceBundleControlProvider for removal
P3 JDK-8132125 German (Switzerland) formatting broken if CLDR Locale Data is used
P3 JDK-8166994 Improve sun.util.locale.LocaleMatcher
P3 JDK-8179274 Incorrect Java version in the page "Supported Encoding"
P3 JDK-8129361 ISO 4217 amendment 160
P3 JDK-8130246 java/util/Currency/ fails Exception java.lang.NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8129881 JDK-8008577 breaks Nashorn test
P3 JDK-8043554 JEP 252: Use CLDR Locale Data by Default
P3 JDK-8079548 JEP-JDK-8043553: Test task: Develop Global Suite test
P3 JDK-8174779 Locale issues with Mac 10.12
P3 JDK-8035133 Locale matching: Weight q=0 isn't handled correctly.
P3 JDK-8071929 Locale.getISOCountries() has inconsistent behaviour for "AN", "BU" and "CS" country codes
P3 JDK-8163350 LocaleProviderAdapter Preference list retrieved is wrong, when -Djava.locale.providers=COMPAT
P3 JDK-8039969 Old Korean Calendar conflicts with Host Locale
P3 JDK-8076287 Performance degradation observed with TimeZone Benchmark
P3 JDK-8165936 Potential Heap buffer overflow when seaching timezone info files
P3 JDK-8172365 Provide a better migration path for ResourceBundleControlProvider
P3 JDK-8171140 Re-examine ResourceBundle::clearCache method
P3 JDK-8039317 Read as a resource
P3 JDK-8150434 Remove redundant "jdk_localedata" from the CLDR locale data meta info class name
P3 JDK-8176886 Remove stray @deprecated in Date#getDate
P3 JDK-8153041 Remove unused redundant parameter in CLDRConverter
P3 JDK-8048123 Replace with another mechanism to specify a new Japanese calendar era
P3 JDK-8165984 ResourceBundle lookup fields not completely thread-safe
P3 JDK-8075548 SimpleDateFormat formatting of "LLLL" in English is incorrect; should be identical to "MMMM"
P3 JDK-8171139 Simplify ResourceBundle.CacheKey and ClassLoader may not be needed
P3 JDK-8042360 Subtag syntax check is incomplete in Locale.LanguageRange
P3 JDK-8074351 Support for currencies with the 4 digits (or more) minor unit
P3 JDK-8062588 Support java.util.spi.*, java.text.spi.*, loaded from classpath
P3 JDK-8078020 Test task: Develop new Global Suite tests
P3 JDK-8158504 test/sun/util/locale/provider/ non English locale(s) included in available locales
P3 JDK-8072602 Unpredictable timezone on Windows when OS's timezone is not found in tzmappings
P3 JDK-8165296 update existing i18n test cases of test/java/util
P3 JDK-8164791 Update existing test cases of test/java/text/Format.
P3 JDK-8040211 Update LSR datafile for BCP 47
P3 JDK-8132494 Wrong CLDR resource bundle names for legacy ISO language codes
P4 JDK-7129443 (cal) Difference between comment and implementation of DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH
P4 JDK-8049835 [ar/HOST adapter] Hijri calendar era is used but date number follows gregorian
P4 JDK-8047780 [Doc] Locale.LanguageRange() throws an undocumented IAE when range is ill-formed.
P4 JDK-8035726 A sentence is truncated in the API doc for j.u.Locale.LanguageRange.parse(String, Map).
P4 JDK-8026766 Add toString() to j.u.Locale.LanguageRange.
P4 JDK-8034220 AIX: Provide better time zone mappings (i.e. tzmappings file)
P4 JDK-8134505 Cleanup of "TimeZone_md.c"
P4 JDK-8154295 Currency iso code is int and hence looses the preceeding zero.
P4 JDK-8075315 Currency.getInstance(Locale) API doc is incorrect
P4 JDK-8066652 Default TimeZone is GMT not local if user.timezone is invalid on Mac OS
P4 JDK-8074411 Describe "minor unit" and/or "default fraction digits" in Currency class' javadoc clearly
P4 JDK-8044233 Development Tasks
P4 JDK-8157138 Error while fetching currency instance by Currency.getInstance(currencycode)
P4 JDK-8050953 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.text.normalizer.UnicodeSet
P4 JDK-8146750 java.time.Month.getDisplayName() return incorrct narrow names with JRE provider on locale de,de_DE,en_US,tr_TR.
P4 JDK-8135055 java.util.Date.after(java.sql.Timestamp ) does not return correct results
P4 JDK-8135061 java.util.Locale#lookup throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException for range having '-' as second character
P4 JDK-8132861 java/text/Format/DateFormat/ failed in Thai locale
P4 JDK-8134733 java/util/Calendar/ failed in ar locale.
P4 JDK-8150432 java/util/Locale/ failed on Win10.
P4 JDK-8136518 java/util/TimeZone/ fails for de.
P4 JDK-8176185 java/util/TimeZone/ is not run
P4 JDK-8025547 Locale.toString() documentation error
P4 JDK-8154797 Localization data for "GMT"
P4 JDK-8060006 No Russian time zones mapping for Windows
P4 JDK-8030696 Norwegian locales nb_NO and nn_NO should be available locales
P4 JDK-8055088 Optimization for locale resources loading isn't working
P4 JDK-7047633 remove @ignore 6876961 from test/java/util/ResourceBundle/
P4 JDK-8138613 Remove SPI locale provider adapter from the default provider list
P4 JDK-8039565 Remove test exclusion for java/util/ResourceBundle/
P4 JDK-8169514 Review and update description
P4 JDK-8074350 Support ISO 4217 "Current funds codes" table (A.2)
P4 JDK-8159420 The LanguageRange.parse() method is throwing IllegalArgumentException in Turkish Locale
P4 JDK-8158025 Typo in java.util.Locale
P4 JDK-8166993 typo in java.util.Locale javadoc
P4 JDK-8167992 Update documentation of java.util.Date class
P4 JDK-8157112 Upgrade CLDR locale data
P4 JDK-8033627 UTC+02:00 time zones are not detected correctly on Windows


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8175013 (ann) Add @Generated
P2 JDK-8175119 Need to specify module of types created by Filer.createSourceFile/Filer.createClassFile?
P3 JDK-8173944 Reference Origin.MANDATED in getEnclosedElements specs
P3 JDK-8174854 Two javax.annotation.processing javadoc link issues
P3 JDK-8178916 Update annotation processing API for terminology changes in modules
P3 JDK-6818181 Update naming convention annotation processing samples for modules
P4 JDK-8159378 Correct wording of RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWithAny
P4 JDK-8032230 Enhance javax.a.p.RoundEnvironment after repeating annotations


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8175184 Annotation processor observes interface private methods as default methods
P2 JDK-8031744 Annotations on many Language Model elements are not returned
P2 JDK-8182566 Including missing test update for JDK-8163989
P2 JDK-8172810 ModuleElement should declare and provide appropriate modifiers
P3 JDK-8173945 Add methods for Elements.getAll{Type, Package, Module}Elements
P3 JDK-8028543 Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_9
P3 JDK-8163989 Clarify ModuleElement spec
P3 JDK-8172531 Correct misstatements in javax.lang.model visitor documentation
P3 JDK-8173609 Elements.printElements needs to support modules
P3 JDK-8175786 Fix small doc issues
P3 JDK-8163315 Implement an API to identify an implicitly declared annotation (or declaration)
P3 JDK-8175335 Improve handling of module types in javax.lang.model.util.Types
P3 JDK-8173676 Improvements to javax.annotation.processing and javax.lang.model docs
P3 JDK-8172458 Make javax.lang.model javadoc HTML 5 compliant
P3 JDK-8176266 Make visitUnknown specification more explicit
P3 JDK-8173776 More javax.lang.model improvements to support modules
P3 JDK-8175118 Revisit modeling of module directives
P3 JDK-8173798 Tests for printing modules
P3 JDK-8172910 Use default methods as appropriate for language model visitors
P3 JDK-8176477 Use DirectiveVisitor to print module information
P3 JDK-8172686 Use less aggressive deprecation of utility visitors
P4 JDK-8051482 Fix deprecation warnings in javax.lang.model.util
P4 JDK-8037120 Fix doclint warnings in javax.lang.model exception types
P4 JDK-6415644 Make javax.lang.model.SourceVersion more informative
P4 JDK-8050430 Provided new utility visitors supporting SourceVersion.RELEASE_9
P4 JDK-8173164 Resolve remaining HTML5 issues in javax.lang.model.*
P4 JDK-8029715 test needs bugID added to @bug tag
P4 JDK-8160506 Use @implSpec tags in javax.lang.model.util


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8156824 com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.PoolCleaner should clear its context class loader
P3 JDK-7011441 ./jndi/ldap/ needs to avoid spurious wakeup
P3 JDK-8042857 14 stuck threads waiting for notification on LDAPRequest
P3 JDK-8149521 automatic discovery of LDAP servers with Kerberos authentication
P3 JDK-8041451 com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection:ReadTimeout should abandon ldap request
P3 JDK-8158802 com.sun.jndi.ldap.SimpleClientId produces wrong hash code
P3 JDK-8169465 Deadlock in com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Connections
P3 JDK-8129957 Deadlock in JNDI LDAP implementation when closing the LDAP context
P3 JDK-8140325 Incorrect package.html file
P3 JDK-8141148 LDAP "follow" throws ClassCastException with Java 8
P3 JDK-8149450 LdapCtx.processReturnCode() throwing Null Pointer Exception
P3 JDK-8050798 New unchecked warning introduced in com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection
P3 JDK-8159822 Non-synchronized access to shared members of com.sun.jndi.ldap.pool.Pool
P3 JDK-8154304 NullpointerException at LdapReferralException.getReferralContext
P3 JDK-8051422 Remove JNDI dependency on java.applet.Applet
P3 JDK-8044627 Update JNDI to work with modules
P4 JDK-8078276 add copyright header to IPv6NameserverPlatformParsingTest
P4 JDK-8170338 com/sun/jndi/rmi/registry/RegistryContext/ failed with "Port already in use"
P4 JDK-8050869 Convert runtime dependency to Applet to a static dependency in cosnaming
P4 JDK-8035105 DNS provider cleanups
P4 JDK-8132877 docs: replace tags (obsolete in html5) for java.naming
P4 JDK-8074761 Empty optional parameters of LDAP query are not interpreted as empty
P4 JDK-8061273 Export JNDI providers
P4 JDK-8066642 Fix deprecation warnings in jdk.naming module
P4 JDK-8051991 Flatten VersionHelper hierarchies
P4 JDK-8047062 Improve diagnostic output in com/sun/jndi/ldap/
P4 JDK-6991580 IPv6 Nameservers in resolv.conf throws NumberFormatException
P4 JDK-8049884 Reduce possible timing noise in com/sun/jndi/ldap/
P4 JDK-8176352 Release Note: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in java.naming
P4 JDK-8048175 Remove redundant use of reflection on core classes from JNDI
P4 JDK-8066641 Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.naming module
P4 JDK-8039041 Tidy warnings cleanup for javax.naming
P4 JDK-8151065 Typo in javax.naming.CompoundName
P4 JDK-8051350 Update javadoc for com.sun.jndi.toolkit.corba.CorbaUtils
P5 JDK-8054158 Fix typos in JNDI-related packages
P5 JDK-4682009 Typo in javadocs in javax/naming


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8062132 Nashorn incorrectly binds "this" for constructor created by another function
P2 JDK-8071588 The spec for javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getProgram() should specify NPEs thrown
P3 JDK-8066932 __noSuchMethod__ binds to this-object without proper guard
P3 JDK-8068978 All versions of javax.script.ScriptEngine.eval(...) method may clarify ScriptException throwing
P3 JDK-8041697 CompiledScript slower when eval with binding
P3 JDK-8154192 Deprivilege java.scripting module
P3 JDK-8031359 Invocable.getInterface() works incorrectly if interface has default methods
P3 JDK-8068938 javax.script package description should specify use of ServiceLoader
P3 JDK-8068462 javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getParameter spec is not completely consistent with the rest of the API
P3 JDK-8150219 ReferenceError in 1.8.0_72
P3 JDK-8068587 ScriptEngineFactory.getParameter() should specify NPE for a null key
P3 JDK-8072002 The spec on javax.script.Compilable contains a typo and confusing inconsistency
P4 JDK-8068279 (typo in the spec) javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory.getLanguageName
P4 JDK-8073611 javax.script.ScriptEngineFactory: formatting error in javadoc of getParameter
P4 JDK-8062030 Nashorn bug retrieving array property after key string concatenation
P4 JDK-8044689 Nashorn is slower than Rhino on B-Tree test
P4 JDK-8055033 Shell tests for jrunscript don't pass through VM options


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8181832 Broken link in javax/sql/rowset/spi/package-summary.html
P3 JDK-8164061 Fix @since for javax.sql.rowset.BaseRowSet and javax.sql.CommonDataSource
P4 JDK-8037507 [javadoc] Broken link in javax/sql/rowset/package.html
P4 JDK-8064356 Add BaseRowSet, SQLInputImpl, and SQLOutputImpl tests
P4 JDK-8074939 Add few sample scripts to demo nashorn parser API
P4 JDK-8068732 Add initial RowSet tests
P4 JDK-8062558 Add javax/sql/rowset/spi tests
P4 JDK-8046389 Add missing @since tag under javax.sql.**
P4 JDK-8059570 Add RowSetFactory and RowSetProvider tests
P4 JDK-8062198 Add RowSetMetaDataImpl Tests and add column range validation to isdefinitlyWritable
P4 JDK-8066188 BaseRowSet returns the wrong default value for escape processing
P4 JDK-8059997 Broken link in javax.sql.rowset Interface WebRowSet
P4 JDK-8059882 Disable RowSetFactory and RowSetProviderTests which are failing due to agentvm mode
P4 JDK-8146803 Enhance Sharding API to avoid compiler errors due implementing multiple interfaces
P4 JDK-8055979 java.sql.Wrapper repeat of the word 'the' in api docs
P4 JDK-8180309 Minor update to javax.sql.rowset package.html
P4 JDK-8178915 Minor update to the PooledConnection javadoc
P4 JDK-8132801 Remove extra '" from javax.sql.RowSet.setBlob(String,InputStream,long)
P4 JDK-8059411 RowSetWarning does not correctly chain warnings
P4 JDK-8058480 test/closed/com/sun/rowset/internal/xmlreadercontenthandler/ should not write to testbase
P4 JDK-8039488 Tidy warnings cleanup for javax.sql


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8135336 Fix broken build after JDK-8135262
P1 JDK-8068994 Forgot to add a test model to JDK-8068573
P1 JDK-8064705 LengthNotWritableFilter breaks the build
P1 JDK-8059132 Nashorn broke JDK9 build, because JDK make of Nasgen has bootstrapping problems
P1 JDK-8080295 Need to adjust test output for 8067931
P1 JDK-8075223 Revert JDK-8073706 (multithreaded deoptimizing compilation livelock prevention)
P1 JDK-8136647 Syntactic error accidentally left in JDK-8135251 changeset
P1 JDK-8073560 Update BuildNashorn.gmk to require source/target 8 for jdk9 build
P2 JDK-8166298 3 nashorn ant tests fail with latest jdk9-dev tip
P2 JDK-8170594 >>>=0 generates invalid bytecode for BaseNode LHS
P2 JDK-8027933 Add --const-as-var option
P2 JDK-8072596 Arrays.asList results in ClassCastException with a JS array
P2 JDK-8062308 b36 of 9 introduces regressions over b35 when running lyra
P2 JDK-8157250 BeanLinker assumes fixed array type linkage
P2 JDK-8061113 Boolean used as optimistic call return type
P2 JDK-8068889 Calling a @FunctionalInterface from JS leaks internal objects
P2 JDK-8072426 Can't compare Java enums to strings
P2 JDK-8046921 Deoptimization type information peristence
P2 JDK-8053905 Eager code generation fails for earley boyer with split threshold set to 1000
P2 JDK-8164748 Edit pad crashes when calling function
P2 JDK-8043605 Enable history for empty property maps
P2 JDK-8075550 Error "JavaFX runtime not found" in nashorn when load predefines scripts to import JavaFX packages
P2 JDK-8134873 ES6 Numeric Literals
P2 JDK-8067139 Finally blocks inlined incorrectly
P2 JDK-8043133 Fix corner cases of JDK-8041995
P2 JDK-8043431 Fix yet another corner case of JDK-8041995
P2 JDK-8043002 Improve performance of Nashorn equality operators
P2 JDK-8047764 Indexed or polymorphic set on global affects Object.prototype
P2 JDK-8065985 Inlining failure of Number.doubleValue() in JSType.toNumeric() causes 15% peak perf regresion on Box2D
P2 JDK-8071678 javax.script.ScriptContext setAttribute method should clarify behavior when GLOBAL_SCOPE is used and global scope object is null
P2 JDK-8176511 JSObject property access is broken for numeric keys outside the int range
P2 JDK-8081204 ListAdapter throws NPE when adding/removing elements outside of JS context
P2 JDK-8073706 Livelock in CompiledFunction.getValidOptimisticInvocation
P2 JDK-8042364 Make __proto__ ES6 draft compliant
P2 JDK-8043956 Make code caching work with optimistic typing and lazy compilation
P2 JDK-8044750 megamorphic getter for scope objects does not call __noSuchProperty__ hook
P2 JDK-8044154 Nashorn : all tests failed with
P2 JDK-8078049 Nashorn crashes when attempting to start TypeScript compiler
P2 JDK-8156820 Nashorn nightly test failure after fix for 8156738
P2 JDK-8044851 nashorn properties leak memory
P2 JDK-8066683 nashorn test failures after modular image changes
P2 JDK-8142501 nashorn tests failing after recent changes
P2 JDK-8156040 Nashorn tests still failing after latest Jigsaw merge
P2 JDK-8007465 Need to supplement JavaScript Programmer's Guide with Rhino to Nashorn Migration Guide
P2 JDK-8038413 NPE in unboxInteger
P2 JDK-8038638 Persistent store for compiled scripts
P2 JDK-8058610 Pessimistic LMUL used where optimistic should be
P2 JDK-8164260 readLine does not echo characters
P2 JDK-8048869 Reduce time spent in
P2 JDK-8043004 Reduce variability at JavaAdapter call sites
P2 JDK-8087136 regression: apply on $EXEC fails with ClassCastException
P2 JDK-8069002 REGRESSION: test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch11/11.2/11.2.3/S11.2.3_A3_T5.js fails with tip
P2 JDK-8144160 Regression: two tests fail on Windows with "ant test" target
P2 JDK-8151518 relax test requirements to reduce dependency on directory contents
P2 JDK-8140273 Restore use of CompositeOperation.contains where it is needed
P2 JDK-8074491 run-nasgen in ant doesn't see the right Nashorn classes
P2 JDK-8030182 scopeCall with -1 as line number
P2 JDK-8053910 ScriptObjectMirror causing havoc with Invocation interface
P2 JDK-8076972 Several nashorn tests failing
P2 JDK-8021350 Share script classes between threads/globals within context
P2 JDK-8057148 Skip nested functions on reparse
P2 JDK-8028373 Specialize parseInt
P2 JDK-8074410 Startup time: Port shell.js to Java
P2 JDK-8057703 Still, lots of trivial classes are generated by Nashorn compiler
P2 JDK-8048586 String concatenation with optimistic types is slow
P2 JDK-8145909 tools/jjs/ fails after JDK-8145750 except on windows
P2 JDK-8043235 Type-based optimizations interfere with continuation methods
P2 JDK-8074545 Undefined object values in object literals with spill properties
P2 JDK-8059370 Unnecessary work in deoptimizing recompilation
P2 JDK-8043003 Use strongly referenced generic invokers
P2 JDK-8131340 Varargs function is recompiled each time it is linked
P2 JDK-8051439 Wrong type calculated for ADD operator with undefined operand
P3 JDK-8168373 "Bad local variable type" in ES6 Nashorn when reassigning a `let` within a `try`
P3 JDK-8151515 $EXEC output is truncated
P3 JDK-8141209 $EXEC should allow streaming
P3 JDK-8151291 $EXEC yields "unknown command" on Cygwin
P3 JDK-8047035 (function() "hello")() crashes in Lexer with jdk9
P3 JDK-8047728 (function(x){var o={x:0}; with(o){delete x} return o.x})() evaluates to 0 instead of undefined
P3 JDK-8144711 (x) => x + 1 causes Assertion failure instead of SyntaxError
P3 JDK-8080090 -d option should dump script source as well
P3 JDK-8159034 4 nashorn ant tests fail with latest jdk9-dev build with IncompatibleClassChangeError
P3 JDK-8068431 @since and @jdk.Exported are missing in jdk.nashorn.api.scripting classes and files
P3 JDK-8062216 [TEST_BUG] [nashorn] regresion test failure with TimeZone
P3 JDK-8057742 [TEST_BUG] ant clean test should not fail if one or more external test suites are missing
P3 JDK-8044647 [TEST_BUG] sun/tools/jrunscript/ start failing: Output of jrunscript -l nashorn differ from expected output
P3 JDK-8055899 [TEST_BUG] Two nashorn tests fail in 8u40 nightly build with ClassNotFoundException
P3 JDK-8077149 __noSuchProperty__ and __noSuchMethod__ invocations are not properly guarded
P3 JDK-8044000 Access to undefined property yields "null" instead of "undefined"
P3 JDK-8158467 AccessControlException is thrown on public Java class access if "script app loader" is set to null
P3 JDK-8145630 accidental debug printlns in
P3 JDK-8158736 Adapter class loaders can avoid creating named dynamic modules
P3 JDK-8054411 Add "nashorn.args.prepend" system property
P3 JDK-8133948 Add 'edit' function to allow external editing of scripts
P3 JDK-8047057 Add a regression test for the passing test cases from JDK-8042304
P3 JDK-8144230 Add a sample for pluggable dynalink linker
P3 JDK-8086032 Add compiler error tests when syntax extensions are used with --no-syntax-extensions option
P3 JDK-8145529 Add documentation for JS builtins in resource
P3 JDK-8140759 add ES6 template literal test
P3 JDK-8078174 Add few FX and parser API samples for nashorn
P3 JDK-8133347 Add makefiles support and basic session, persistence history navigation with jline
P3 JDK-8042600 Add more samples in nashorn/samples directory
P3 JDK-8135054 Add more samples to nashorn samples directory
P3 JDK-8131929 Add option for debuggable scopes
P3 JDK-8072752 Add regression tests for 8071678 and 8071594
P3 JDK-8047369 Add regression tests for passing test cases of JDK-8024971
P3 JDK-8147558 Add support for ES6 collections
P3 JDK-8137149 add tests for issues closed during Nashorn issue cleanup
P3 JDK-8033763 Add tests to assert map identity of certain objects
P3 JDK-8057019 Additional arguments to Function.prototype.apply messes up actual arguments passed
P3 JDK-8157225 adopt method handle for array length getter in BeanLinker
P3 JDK-8131039 after adding a function property to Object.prototype, JSON.parse with reviver function goes into infinite loop
P3 JDK-8134609 Allow constructors with same prototoype map to share the allocator map
P3 JDK-8075454 Anonymous functions have internal names exposed via parser API
P3 JDK-8055368 Ant build broken after modular source code change
P3 JDK-8167157 ant build fails with [javadoc] javadoc: error - Illegal package name: "implNote:a:Implementation Note:"
P3 JDK-8155944 ant build/test of nashorn is broken with the latest jdk9-dev build
P3 JDK-8152533 ant octane target fails with "Unable to load a script engine manager (org.apache.bsf.BSFManager or javax.script.ScriptEngineManager)"
P3 JDK-8046905 apply on apply is broken
P3 JDK-8145669 apply2call optimized callsite fails after becoming megamorphic
P3 JDK-8161579 Array-like AbstractJSObject-based instance not treated as array by native array functions
P3 JDK-8080182 Array.prototype.sort throws IAE on inconsistent comparison
P3 JDK-8068972 Array.splice should follow the ES6 specification
P3 JDK-8144131 ArrayData.getInt implementations do not convert to int32
P3 JDK-8047078 ArrayLiteral mutability caused trouble in optimistic types
P3 JDK-8061955 asm.js idioms result in unnecessarily code emission
P3 JDK-8060101 AssertionError: __noSuchProperty__ placeholder called from NativeJavaImporter
P3 JDK-8056129 AtomicInteger is treated as primitive number with optimistic compilation
P3 JDK-8150218 Autoconversion SAM adapters sometimes don't get privileges
P3 JDK-8146251 Avoid annotation to specify documentation for JS builtin functions
P3 JDK-8054898 Avoid creation of empty type info files
P3 JDK-8167614 Avoid module dependency from jdk.dynalink to jdk.internal.module of java.base module
P3 JDK-8047959 bindings created for declarations in eval code are not mutable
P3 JDK-8067854 bound java static method throws NPE when 'null' is used for this argument
P3 JDK-8137333 Boundless soft caching of property map histories causes high memory pressure
P3 JDK-8067136 BrowserJSObjectLinker does not handle call on JSObjects
P3 JDK-8067420 BrowserJSObjectLinker should give priority to beans linker for property get/set
P3 JDK-8136544 Call site switching to megamorphic causes incorrect property read
P3 JDK-8157680 Callback parameter of any JS builtin implementation should accept any Callable
P3 JDK-8080042 can't build nashorn.jar from jdk9-dev/nashorn using jdk8 installation as JAVA_HOME
P3 JDK-8171849 Can't unambiguously select between fixed arity signatures [(java.util.Collection), (java.util.Map)]
P3 JDK-8156615 Catch parameter can be a BindingPattern in ES6 mode
P3 JDK-8166186 ClassCastException with arguments usage
P3 JDK-8156492 ClassFormatError thrown when arrow function is used
P3 JDK-8079424 Code generator emits an extra POP for discarded boolean logical operation
P3 JDK-8077168 fails in jtreg mode on Mac
P3 JDK-8170402 Compilation warning with NashornException
P3 JDK-8055042 Compile-time expression evaluator was missing variables
P3 JDK-8060242 Compile-time expression evaluator wasn't seeing into ArrayBufferViews
P3 JDK-8060011 Concatenating an array and converting it to Java gives wrong result
P3 JDK-8044732 ConsString should provide accessors for left and right parts
P3 JDK-8073707 const re-assignment should not reported as a "early error"
P3 JDK-8144979 Context.fromClass should catch exception from Class.getClassLoader call
P3 JDK-8134973 Control flow exceptions should avoid filling stack trace
P3 JDK-8098808 Convert Scope from interface to class
P3 JDK-8059842 Creating symbols for declared functions shouldn't be a special case
P3 JDK-8138910 Ctrl-D causes jjs to crash with NPE
P3 JDK-8134490 Dead var statement evacuation incorrectly descends into nested functions
P3 JDK-8033924 Default permissions are not given for eval code
P3 JDK-8080848 delete of bound Java method property results in crash
P3 JDK-8064467 Deoptimization type information persistence doesn't work - "Failed to calculate version dir name"
P3 JDK-8062386 Different versions of nashorn use same code cache directory
P3 JDK-8152646 disable ant octane target to avoid hudson build failure notifications
P3 JDK-8139269 Do not expose prune method handles from ChainedCallSite
P3 JDK-8139270 Drastically reduce memory footprint of ChainedCallSite
P3 JDK-8066669 dust.js performance regression caused by primitive field conversion
P3 JDK-8147070 Dynalink GuardedInvocation must check the Class object passed
P3 JDK-8144914 Eagerly lookup browser JS object class in BrowserJSObjectLinker
P3 JDK-8139756 Eliminate GuardedTypeConversion, DynamicLinker.getCurrentLinkRequest and its associated permission
P3 JDK-8142857 Enable all nashorn "api" tests for jtreg test run
P3 JDK-8081609 engine.eval call from a java method which was called from a previous engine.eval results in wrong ScriptContext being used.
P3 JDK-8044518 Ensure exceptions related to optimistic recompilation are not serializable
P3 JDK-8133119 Error message associated with TypeError for call and new should include stringified Node
P3 JDK-8031983 Error objects should capture stack at the constructor
P3 JDK-8164467 ES6 computed properties are implemented wrongly
P3 JDK-8156743 ES6 for..of should work for Java Maps and Sets
P3 JDK-8156665 ES6 for..of should work on Java Iterables and Java arrays
P3 JDK-8048071 eval within 'with' statement does not use correct scope if with scope expression has a copy of eval
P3 JDK-8098546 eval within a 'with' leaks definitions into global scope
P3 JDK-8047067 eval("23", ({})[/x/]) crashes with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with optimistic compilation
P3 JDK-8157444 exclude jjs shebang handling test from runs
P3 JDK-8049242 Explicit constructor overload selection should work with StaticClass as well
P3 JDK-8133872 Expression completion should work on contexts where an expression is accepted
P3 JDK-8055107 Extension directives to turn on callsite profiling, tracing, AST print and other debug features locally
P3 JDK-8144051 failing test262parallel run leads to successful build
P3 JDK-8134397 Features that require AWT, swing should handle headless mode properly
P3 JDK-8147613 Fix all jjs tests to run on windows
P3 JDK-8149451 fix bytecode generation issue after 8149186
P3 JDK-8179304 Fix HTML 5 errors in jdk.scripting.nashorn and jdk.dynalink module
P3 JDK-8144221 fix Nashorn shebang argument handling on Mac/Linux
P3 JDK-8168049 Fix Performance of Lexer.isJSWhitespace
P3 JDK-8149744 fix testng.jar delivery in Nashorn build.xml
P3 JDK-8141505 floating point parse incorrect on big integer
P3 JDK-8047371 function f(){ var a=1; with({ get a() { return false } }) return a }; f() throws TypeError with optimistic compilation
P3 JDK-8066407 Function with same body not reparsed after SyntaxError
P3 JDK-8047357 Function("switch((null >> x3)) { default: {var x; break ; }\nthrow x; }")() results in AssertionError in LocalVariableTypesCalculator
P3 JDK-8051778 Function.prototype.bind doesn't work on all callables
P3 JDK-8066218 Fuzzing bug: And jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source#byteToCharArray: Detection for UTF-32LE does not work because it has the same prefix as UTF-16LE.
P3 JDK-8066221 Fuzzing bug: Assertion error related to bytecode slots
P3 JDK-8066238 Fuzzing bug: AssertionError in ParserContext.pop
P3 JDK-8066232 Fuzzing bug: AssertionError when defining local variable in Block
P3 JDK-8066229 Fuzzing bug: Can't find scope depth
P3 JDK-8066227 Fuzzing bug: CodeGenerator load unitialized slot
P3 JDK-8066224 Fuzzing bug: constant folding of ternary operator and IfNode with constant test
P3 JDK-8066225 Fuzzing bug: duplicate integer switch cases
P3 JDK-8066215 Fuzzing bug: length valueOf bug
P3 JDK-8066217 Fuzzing bug: new ArrayBuffer() throws exception
P3 JDK-8066214 Fuzzing bug: Object.prototype.toLocaleString(0)
P3 JDK-8066226 Fuzzing bug: parameter counts differ in TypeConverterFactory
P3 JDK-8066237 Fuzzing bug: Parser error on optimistic recompilation
P3 JDK-8066236 Fuzzing bug: StackMapTable error: bad offset, ClassFormatError
P3 JDK-8066230 Fuzzing bug: Undefined object type assertion when computing TypeBounds
P3 JDK-8042304 Fuzzing jdk9/dev/nashorn
P3 JDK-8044502 Get rid of global optimistic flag
P3 JDK-8049524 Global object initialization via javax.script API should be minimal
P3 JDK-8098578 Global scope is not accessible with indirect load call
P3 JDK-8062937 GlobalConstants produces wrong result with Object.defineProperty
P3 JDK-8073613 Here documents: how to avoid string interpolation?
P3 JDK-8163945 Honor Number type hint in toPrimitive on Numbers
P3 JDK-8133812 identifier and member expression completion handling is not uniform
P3 JDK-8060241 Immediately invoked function expressions cause lot of deoptimization
P3 JDK-8032068 implement @sourceURL and #sourceURL directives
P3 JDK-8144919 Implement missing member handler for BeansLinker
P3 JDK-8059844 Implement optimistic splitter
P3 JDK-8133695 Implement tab-completion for identifiers
P3 JDK-8134255 Implement tab-completion for java package prefixes and package names
P3 JDK-8133652 Implement tab-completion for member select expressions
P3 JDK-8139761 Improve Dynalink class nomenclature and package organization
P3 JDK-8038456 improve nasgen type checks and use specific return type for @Function, @SpecializedFunctio methods
P3 JDK-8173480 in operator should work on java objects and classes
P3 JDK-8148924 Inconsistent "this" context in JSAdapter adaptee function calls
P3 JDK-8043232 Index selection of overloaded java new constructors
P3 JDK-8074021 Indirect eval fails when used as an element of an array or as a property of an object
P3 JDK-8168146 Infinite recursion in Uint8ClampedArray.set
P3 JDK-8032004 instance property "message" of Error objects should be non-enumerable
P3 JDK-8057931 Instead of not skipping small functions in parser, make lexer avoid them instead
P3 JDK-8139895 Introduce GuardingDynamicLinkerExporter
P3 JDK-8139931 Introduce Operation objects in Dynalink instead of string encoding
P3 JDK-8138616 invokeFunction fails if function calls a function defined in GLOBAL_SCOPE
P3 JDK-8137134 invokespecial on indirect super interface is generated by Java adapter generator
P3 JDK-8062024 Issue with date.setFullYear when time other than midnight
P3 JDK-8146147 Java linker indexed property getter does not work for computed nashorn string
P3 JDK-8062624 java.lang.String methods not available on concatenated strings
P3 JDK-8162839 JavaAdapters do not work with ScriptObjectMirror objects
P3 JDK-8079900 javadoc is missing for jdk.nashorn.api.tree package
P3 JDK-8050432 javax.script.filename variable should not be enumerable with nashorn engine's ENGINE_SCOPE bindings
P3 JDK-8053908 jdeps is not PATH on Mac, results in ant clean test failure on Mac
P3 JDK-8173851 JDK-8008448.js fails to parse test for JDK-8169481
P3 JDK-8062490 JDK-8061391 regresses typescript: OOME with too fat SparseArrayData instances
P3 JDK-8156847 jdk.dynalink package is shown under "Other Packages" section
P3 JDK-8066146 jdk.nashorn.api.scripting package javadoc should be included in jdk docs
P3 JDK-8148379 jdk.nashorn.api.scripting spec. adjustments, clarifications
P3 JDK-8134931 jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.TypeMap should not use Map
P3 JDK-8079145 jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.arrays.IntArrayData.convert assertion
P3 JDK-8080334 jdk.nashorn.internal.test.framework.ScriptRunnable::test/script/nosecurity/JDK-8078049.js fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8066749 jdk9-dev/nashorn ant build fails with jdk9 modular image build as JAVA_HOME
P3 JDK-8048176 JEP 236: Parser API for Nashorn
P3 JDK-8066046 JEP 292: Implement Selected ECMAScript 6 Features in Nashorn
P3 JDK-8075604 jjs exits even when non-daemon threads are still active
P3 JDK-8055034 jjs exits interactive mode if exception was thrown when trying to print value of last evaluated expression
P3 JDK-8145750 jjs fails to run simple scripts with security manager turned on
P3 JDK-8134562 jjs history object should have methods to save/load history to/from given file and also allow reexecution of commands by a call
P3 JDK-8134260 jjs in jre directory fails with "Could not find or load main class"
P3 JDK-8139852 jjs interactive mode fails to work with security manager
P3 JDK-8145186 jjs package completion should have a fallback when javac is not available
P3 JDK-8049300 jjs scripting: need way to quote $EXEC command arguments to protect spaces
P3 JDK-8146253 jjs should look for "doc string" property to print documentation on shift-tab
P3 JDK-8137320 jjs should support @argfile to pass command line arguments from a file
P3 JDK-8145486 jjs should support documentation key shortcut in interactive mode
P3 JDK-8134279 jjs should support multiple line input to complete incomplete code
P3 JDK-8135151 jjs should work in cygwin environment
P3 JDK-8156489 jjs tab-completion crashes with stack overflow error
P3 JDK-8145314 jjs tab-completion should support camel case completion
P3 JDK-8159031 jjs throws NoSuchFileException if ~/.jjs.history does not exist
P3 JDK-8152268 jjs tool makefile should use --addmods ALL-SYSTEM
P3 JDK-8178954 jjs uses wrong javadoc base URL
P3 JDK-8055796 JSObject and browser JSObject linkers should provide fallback to call underlying Java methods directly
P3 JDK-8170565 JSObject call() is passed undefined for the argument 'thiz'
P3 JDK-8137258 JSObjectLinker and BrowserJSObjectLinker should not expose internal JS objects
P3 JDK-8066773 JSON-friendly wrapper for objects
P3 JDK-8048718 JSON.parse('{"0":0, "64":0}') throws ArrayindexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8149334 JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([])).push(10) creates an array containing two elements
P3 JDK-8157160 JSON.stringify does not work on ScriptObjectMirror objects
P3 JDK-8081062 ListAdapter should take advantage of JSObject
P3 JDK-8134309 load call argument completion could be done with file chooser
P3 JDK-8134381 load completion should not use swing from non UI thread
P3 JDK-8067774 Local variable type calculation mismatch
P3 JDK-8165595 Main class should be set for nashorn modules
P3 JDK-8059843 Make AST serializable
P3 JDK-8139919 Make CallSiteDescriptor a concrete class
P3 JDK-8057551 Make class dumping available outside --compile-only mode
P3 JDK-8141538 Make DynamicLinker specific to a Context in Nashorn
P3 JDK-8044171 Make optimistic exception handlers smaller
P3 JDK-8139435 Make sure CallSiteDescriptor.getLookup is subject to a security check
P3 JDK-8046898 Make sure that there is no difference in test exercise behavior between lazy and non lazy
P3 JDK-8065832 Man Pages for jjs is being removed
P3 JDK-8065830 Man Pages for jrunscript is being removed
P3 JDK-8145550 Megamorphic invoke should use CompiledFunction variants without any LinkLogic
P3 JDK-8136694 Megemorphic scope access does not throw ReferenceError when property is missing
P3 JDK-8135190 Method code too large in Babel browser.js script
P3 JDK-8079470 Misleading error message when explicit signature constructor is called with wrong arguments
P3 JDK-8061959 Missing ArrayBuffer.isView() Method
P3 JDK-8171219 Missing checks in sparse array shift() implementation
P3 JDK-8066119 Missing resource
P3 JDK-8133624 Move JDK-8055034.js and JDK-8130127.js to currently-failing directory to exclude from test run
P3 JDK-8141338 Move jdk.internal.dynalink package to jdk.dynalink
P3 JDK-8141144 Move NameCodec to jdk.nashorn.internal space
P3 JDK-8046014 MultiGlobalCompiledScript used to cache method handle and strict mode - not anymore
P3 JDK-8141285 NameCode should pass tests from
P3 JDK-8085802 Nashorn -nse option causes parse error on anonymous function definition
P3 JDK-8167018 Nashorn and jjs should support --module-path and --add-modules options
P3 JDK-8178315 nashorn ant build failure with @moduleGraph javadoc tag
P3 JDK-8061257 nashorn ant build script should have a sanity target
P3 JDK-8138643 nashorn ant build.xml javadoc, javadocapi targets are broken and netbeans makefile does not include shell sources
P3 JDK-8134887 nashorn ant test configuration should disable assertion for LamdaFormEditor class
P3 JDK-8171503 Nashorn build, test failures with the latest jdk9-dev forest - javadoc target and test target fail
P3 JDK-8144473 Nashorn code assumes NashornCallSiteDescriptor always
P3 JDK-8172493 Nashorn FX example 3-4 using load for fx: scripts fails to run with latest jdk9 ea build
P3 JDK-8172006 Nashorn JavaScript engine fails to call @FunctionalInterface with a java.util.List argument
P3 JDK-8150731 Nashorn JSObject linker should be exposed as a service provider
P3 JDK-8055762 Nashorn misses linker for netscape.javascript.JSObject instances
P3 JDK-8074671 Nashorn Parser API
P3 JDK-8149929 Nashorn Parser API needs to be updated for ES6
P3 JDK-8075448 nashorn parser API returns init variable tree object of a for loop after for loop statement tree object
P3 JDK-8075207 Nashorn parser API returns StatementTree objects in out of order
P3 JDK-8134403 Nashorn react.js benchmark performance regression
P3 JDK-8143642 Nashorn shebang argument handling is broken
P3 JDK-8158131 Nashorn should not use jdk.internal.module.Modules API
P3 JDK-8055395 Nashorn should use source, target to be 1.8 and use ASM5 version for generated code
P3 JDK-8076646 nashorn tests should avoid using package names used by nashorn sources
P3 JDK-8158338 Nashorn's ScriptLoader split delegation has to be adjusted
P3 JDK-8168663 Nashorn: Add support for external java options in ant testng framework
P3 JDK-8055878 Nashorn: all tests failed with AccessControlException
P3 JDK-8054223 Nashorn: AssertionError when use __DIR__ and ScriptEngine.eval()
P3 JDK-8030197 Nashorn: Object.defineProperty() can be lured to change fixed NaN property
P3 JDK-8030199 Nashorn: Uint8ClampedArray - Incorrect ToUint8Clamp implementation
P3 JDK-8071989 NashornScriptEngine returns javax.script.ScriptContext instance with insonsistent get/remove methods behavior for undefined attributes
P3 JDK-8068603 NashornScriptEngine.put/get() impls don't conform to NPE, IAE spec assertions
P3 JDK-8068524 NashornScriptEngineFactory.getParameter() throws IAE for an unknown key, doesn't conform to the general spec
P3 JDK-8135337 NativeDebug.dumpCounters with incorrect scope count
P3 JDK-8011964 need indexed access to externally-managed ByteBuffer
P3 JDK-8134865 Need to restore for container block from lexical context in finally
P3 JDK-8137240 Negative lookahead in RegEx breaks backreference
P3 JDK-8166902 Nested object literal property maps not reset in optimistic recompilation
P3 JDK-8067219 NPE in ScriptObject.clone() when running with object fields
P3 JDK-8058561 NullPointerException at jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.LocalVariableTypesCalculator.symbolIsUsed(
P3 JDK-8135000 Number.prototype.toFixed returns wrong string for 0.5 and -0.5
P3 JDK-8098847 obj."prop" and obj.'prop' should result in SyntaxError
P3 JDK-8079269 Optimistic rewrite in object literal causes ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8066753 should work properly with "jrt" URL
P3 JDK-8066777 should use Files.readAllBytes instead of getting size and then read
P3 JDK-8050964 should use java.util.Date instead of java.sql.Date
P3 JDK-8137281 OutOfMemoryError with large numeric keys in JSON.parse
P3 JDK-8075240 Output of some tests contains platform specific line break
P3 JDK-8058615 Overload resolution ambiguity involving ConsString
P3 JDK-8146625 OverloadedDynamicMethod has unused ClassLoader field that can be removed.
P3 JDK-8039047 Parser accepts conditional catch clauses even when --no-syntax-extensions / -nse option is passed
P3 JDK-8156714 Parsing issue with automatic semicolon insertion
P3 JDK-8048079 Persistent code store is broken after optimistic types merge
P3 JDK-8068573 POJO setter using [] syntax throws an exception
P3 JDK-8144917 Prepare AbstractJavaLinker/BeanLinker codebase for missing member implementation
P3 JDK-8032060 PropertyMap of Error objects is not stable
P3 JDK-8170781 PropertyMapIterator throws NoSuchElementException on last element
P3 JDK-8172183 Provide a javadoc description for jdk.dynalink module
P3 JDK-8164391 Provide a javadoc description for jdk.scripting.nashorn
P3 JDK-8035312 push() on frozen array increases its length property
P3 JDK-8143304 Random failures when script size exceeds token limits
P3 JDK-8035948 Redesign property listeners for shared classes
P3 JDK-8058100 Reduce the RecompilableScriptFunctionData footprint
P3 JDK-8166187 Regression: NPE during reparse when using persistent code cache and optimistic types
P3 JDK-8057930 Remove "eval id" from eval locations
P3 JDK-8066751 Remove casts redundant with Java 9 buffer APIs
P3 JDK-8139588 Remove concept of runtime context arguments, call site tokens, and link counts
P3 JDK-8037400 Remove getInitialMap getters and GlobalObject interface.
P3 JDK-8148457 Remove class
P3 JDK-8144020 Remove long as an internal numeric type
P3 JDK-8149462 revert changes for 8149186
P3 JDK-8046215 Running uncompilable scripts throws NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8135332 ScriptFunction constructor should use is bound and is strict check rather than checking for 'arguments' and 'caller'
P3 JDK-8073653 Secondary heredoc eating wrong lines.
P3 JDK-8051019 Separate src and test execution sandbox directories
P3 JDK-8029003 setField in ScriptObject is incorrect for non extensible objects
P3 JDK-8133785 SharedScopeCall should be enabled for non-optimistic call sites even with optimistic compilation
P3 JDK-8059321 Significant parser/frontend overhead in recompilation of avatar.js
P3 JDK-8072853 SimpleScriptContext used by NashornScriptEngine doesn't completely complies to the spec regarding exception throwing
P3 JDK-8141541 Simplify Nashorn's Context class loader handling
P3 JDK-8059346 Single class loader is used to load compiled bytecode
P3 JDK-8139273 Small improvements to DynamicLinker and DynamicLinkerFactory
P3 JDK-8141537 Some Nashorn tests fail with -Dnashorn.unstable.relink.threshold=1
P3 JDK-8170977 SparseArrayData should not grow its underlying dense array data
P3 JDK-8170322 Specialized functions convert booleans to numbers
P3 JDK-8098807 Strict eval throws ClassCastException with large scripts
P3 JDK-8061391 String.concat needs to have optimistic builtin versions
P3 JDK-8062381 String.prototype.charCodeAt called with invalid index throws ClassCastException
P3 JDK-8164708 String.prototype.replace replaces empty match twice
P3 JDK-8044612 StringIndexOutOfBoundException in NativeRegExp.appendReplacement
P3 JDK-8134503 support ES6 parsing in Nashorn
P3 JDK-8068901 Surprising behavior with more than one functional interface on a class
P3 JDK-8031317 SyntaxError when property setter has no parameter
P3 JDK-8075623 Temporary patch to get fx imports working interim
P3 JDK-8072626 Test for JDK-8068872 fails in tip
P3 JDK-8173888 Test for JDK-8169481 causes stack overflows in parser tests
P3 JDK-8043443 Test framework changes to run script tests without security manager
P3 JDK-8151994 test/script/basic/JDK-8141209.js fails
P3 JDK-8054503 test/script/external/test262/test/suite/ch12/12.6/12.6.4/12.6.4-2.js fails with tip
P3 JDK-8066696 test/script/nosecurity/JDK-8055034.js -Xbootclasspath option is wrong
P3 JDK-8173257 test/script/trusted/JDK-8021189.js and test/script/trusted/JDK-8021129.js fail in nashorn nightly
P3 JDK-8038615 test262 repo is now a git repo in github
P3 JDK-8051346 Test262 tests for ECMAScript 5 now in branch "es5-tests"
P3 JDK-8160034 The `this` value in the `with` is broken by the repetition of a function call
P3 JDK-8075006 Threads spinning infinitely in WeakHashMap.get running test262parallel
P3 JDK-8062583 Throwing object with error prototype causes error proto to be caught
P3 JDK-8055199 Tidy up Nashorn codebase for code standards (August 2014)
P3 JDK-8066222 too strong assertion on function expression names
P3 JDK-8148617 top level make docs target does not generate javadocs for dynalink API
P3 JDK-8058551 Top level README accidentally modified with changeset 1025:3936203c7dc8
P3 JDK-8012518 Turn Parser into bottom up
P3 JDK-8054993 type info cache may be disabled for test262 and tests explicitly changing that property should use @fork
P3 JDK-8048009 Type info caching accidentally defeated
P3 JDK-8168140 TypedArrays should implement ES6 iterator protocol
P3 JDK-8073733 TypeError messages with "call" and "new" could be improved
P3 JDK-8157819 TypeError when a java.util.Comparator object is invoked as a function
P3 JDK-8043930 TypeError when attemping to create an instance of non-public class could be better
P3 JDK-8046013 TypeError: Cannot apply "with" to non script object
P3 JDK-8169050 underscore_linker.js sample fails after dynalink changes for JDK-8168005
P3 JDK-8156619 Unimplemented ES6 features should result in clear Error being thrown
P3 JDK-8133777 Use file based persistence for history instead of preferences
P3 JDK-8139274 Use JDK 8 default method for LinkerServices.asTypeLosslessReturn
P3 JDK-8135251 Use Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass for loading Nashorn script code
P3 JDK-8058422 Users should be able to overwrite "context" and "engine" variables
P3 JDK-8134488 var statement in if(false) block incorrectly evacuated into enclosing function
P3 JDK-8062141 Various performance issues parsing JSON
P3 JDK-8047365 Very long function names break codegen
P3 JDK-8058545 With strict mode, bean property assignment of a non-existent property should result in TypeError
P3 JDK-8055687 Wrong "this" passed to JSObject.eval call
P3 JDK-8068985 Wrong 'this' bound to eval call within a function when caller's 'this' is a Java object
P3 JDK-8141407 Wrong evaluation of a != a when a = NaN
P3 JDK-8030200 Wrong result for Number.prototype.toString() for certain radix/inputs
P4 JDK-8029031 "ant clean jar" on nashorn repo results in number of ASM deprecated warnings
P4 JDK-8130317 "ant test" fails to complete on Windows when run under cygwin shell
P4 JDK-8149665 $EXEC changes clean up
P4 JDK-8047366 (1000000000000000128).toString() and (1000000000000000128).toFixed() don't evaluate to expected values.
P4 JDK-8155025 0.001.toFixed(2) should return "0.00" not "0"
P4 JDK-8130663 6 fields can be static fields in Global class
P4 JDK-8038396 8037534 breaks richards Octane benchmark
P4 JDK-8044695 __stack__ becomes visible in Error properties
P4 JDK-8038416 Access to undefined scoped variables deoptimized too much
P4 JDK-8162955 Activate anonymous class loading for small sources
P4 JDK-8080490 add $EXECV command to Nashorn scripting mode
P4 JDK-8139905 Add a convenience AccessControlContext factory
P4 JDK-8006996 Add a pretty printer that prints script source in nice form
P4 JDK-8144841 Add a sample for pluggable dynalink linker for stream property on arrays and a REAMDE for linker samples
P4 JDK-8144519 Add a sample for pluggable dynalink linker that demonstrats beans linker delegation
P4 JDK-8085937 add autoimports sample script to easily explore Java classes in interactive mode
P4 JDK-8147389 add documentation for NativeArray
P4 JDK-8160801 add documentation for NativeString
P4 JDK-8037572 Add more test cases to check static types
P4 JDK-8151700 Add support for ES6 for-of
P4 JDK-8141702 Add support for Symbol property keys
P4 JDK-8169886 Add test for JDK-8162839 that runs with SecurityManager
P4 JDK-8139047 add test for JSAdapter __getIds__
P4 JDK-8074687 Add tests for JSON parsing of numeric keys
P4 JDK-8075090 Add tests for the basic failure of try/finally compilation
P4 JDK-8075555 Add tiered testing definitions to the nashorn repo
P4 JDK-8085885 address Javadoc warnings in Nashorn source code
P4 JDK-8081015 Allow conversion of native arrays to Queue and Collection
P4 JDK-8114838 Anonymous functions escape to surrounding scope when defined under "with" statement
P4 JDK-8030809 Anonymous functions should not be shown with internal names in script stack trace
P4 JDK-8067636 ant javadoc target is broken
P4 JDK-8044415 ant makefile should have a target to generate javadoc only for jdk.nashorn.api and sub-packages
P4 JDK-8130734 Apply transformations found by netbeans Refactor->Inspect and transform menu
P4 JDK-8148140 arguments are handled differently in apply for JS functions and AbstractJSObjects
P4 JDK-8059211 ArrayData.length() function is now a protected field, we should explicitly use it internally
P4 JDK-8053913 Auto format caused warning in CompositeTypeBasedGuardingDynamicLinker
P4 JDK-8167289 Backport ES6 updates from Graal.js
P4 JDK-8062799 Binary logical expressions can have numeric types
P4 JDK-8040024 BranchOptimizer produces bad code for NaN FP comparison
P4 JDK-8141446 Cache Class.forName for permanently loaded classes
P4 JDK-8148926 Call site profiling fails on braces-wrapped anonymous function
P4 JDK-8068903 Can't invoke vararg @FunctionalInterface methods
P4 JDK-8074031 Canonicalize "is a JS string" tests
P4 JDK-8037086 Check that deoptimizing recompilations are correct
P4 JDK-8161930 Cleanup ScriptObject warnings
P4 JDK-8059371 Code duplication in handling of break and continue
P4 JDK-8059372 Code duplication in split emitter
P4 JDK-8043137 Collapse long sequences of NOP in Nashorn bytecode output
P4 JDK-8141524 CompilerTest execution time dominated by Field.setAccessible
P4 JDK-8151811 Const declarations do not work in loops
P4 JDK-8150814 correct package declaration in Nashorn test
P4 JDK-8015958 DataView constructor is not defined
P4 JDK-8067880 Dead typed push methods in ArrayData
P4 JDK-8129959 DebugLogger has unnecessary API methods
P4 JDK-8134930 Defer stack trace walking of NashornException for extracting line number and file name
P4 JDK-8131683 Delete fails over multiple scopes
P4 JDK-8029090 Developers should be able to pass nashorn properties and enable/disable JFR from command line
P4 JDK-8134484 disallow backquotes as heredoc end marker delimiters
P4 JDK-8029332 Do not require nasgen-generated functions to return Object
P4 JDK-8078414 Don't create impossible converters for ScriptObjectMirror
P4 JDK-8149186 Don't use indy for optimistic arithmetic
P4 JDK-8161928 Dynalink documentation updates
P4 JDK-8079349 Eliminate dead code around Nashorn code generator
P4 JDK-8130306 enable running Nashorn test on Windows
P4 JDK-8079362 Enforce best practices for Node token API usage
P4 JDK-8133300 Ensure symbol table immutability in Nashorn AST
P4 JDK-8081603 erroneous dot file generated from Nashorn --print-code
P4 JDK-8156546 ES6 Binary and octal literals
P4 JDK-8156542 ES6 iterators and for..of loops
P4 JDK-8156541 ES6 let, const, and block scope
P4 JDK-8156543 ES6 Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet
P4 JDK-8151809 ES6 Map/Set insertion with existing keys changes iteration order
P4 JDK-8156545 ES6 Symbols
P4 JDK-8142924 ES6 symbols created with Symbol.for should deserialize to canonical instances
P4 JDK-8156540 ES6 Template strings
P4 JDK-8161929 FindProperty.isInherited() never used standalone
P4 JDK-8132305 fix incorrect title assignment in Nashorn JavaFX samples
P4 JDK-8081668 fix Nashorn ant externals command
P4 JDK-8145305 fix Nashorn shebang handling on Cygwin
P4 JDK-8040655 Fix RewriteException debug object return value
P4 JDK-8151810 for-in iteration does not provide per-iteration scope
P4 JDK-8074661 Forward port AbstractJSObject.getDefaultValue(JSObject, Class) to 9
P4 JDK-8134731 Function.prototype.apply interacts incorrectly with 'arguments'
P4 JDK-8130234 Get rid of JSType.isNegativeZero
P4 JDK-8058179 Global constants get in the way of self-modifying properties
P4 JDK-8012190 Global scope should be initialized lazily
P4 JDK-8054651 Global.initConstructor and ScriptFunction.getPrototype(Object) can have stricter types
P4 JDK-8068784 Halve the function object creation code size
P4 JDK-8130424 if directory specified with --dest-dir does not exist, only .class files are dumped and .js files are not
P4 JDK-8144113 Implement new tests to cover jjs functionality
P4 JDK-8141425 Improve caching in NashornCallSiteDescriptor
P4 JDK-8139590 Improve Dynalink JavaDoc
P4 JDK-8139888 Improve Dynalink JavaDoc some more
P4 JDK-8067931 Improve error message when with statement is passed a POJO
P4 JDK-8130307 improve Nashorn Javadoc target
P4 JDK-8031715 Indexed access to java package not working
P4 JDK-8087211 Indirect evals should be strict with -strict option
P4 JDK-8167117 Insert missing "final" keywords in Nashorn sources
P4 JDK-8141550 Introduce a command line option instead of nashorn.unstable.relink.threshold system property
P4 JDK-8055870 iteration fails if index var is not used
P4 JDK-8129410 Java adapters with class-level overrides should preserve variable arity constructors
P4 JDK-8143896 java.lang.Long is implicitly converted to double
P4 JDK-8080501 javaarrayconversion.js test is flawed
P4 JDK-8179891 JavaDoc for is incorrect
P4 JDK-8080598 Javadoc warnings in after lazy initialization
P4 JDK-8055830 JDK-8015969.js is silently failing
P4 JDK-8146556 jdk.dynalink.beans.ClassLinker can avoid using specific lookup and can use publicLookup instead
P4 JDK-8157310 should have more checks before adding module read link
P4 JDK-8055906 jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.ApplySpecialization$1.leaveIdentNode() should throw stackless Exception
P4 JDK-8055917 jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilationPhase$N should be renamed to proper classes
P4 JDK-8056025 jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilationPhase.setStates() is hot in class installation phase
P4 JDK-8055913 delegates to Object.hashCode() and is hot
P4 JDK-8056052 jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Source.getContent() does excess Object.clone()
P4 JDK-8055923 jdk.nashorn.internal.{codegen.CompilationPhase|runtime.Timing} should use System.nanoTime
P4 JDK-8057611 jdk/nashorn/internal/scripts/JO* classes are missing from the generated methods dump
P4 JDK-8081156 jjs "nashorn.args" system property is not effective when script arguments are passed
P4 JDK-8158922 jjs tab completion of Java classes shows package-private, "hidden" classes too
P4 JDK-8081813 JSONListAdapter should delegate its [[DefaultValue]] to wrapped object
P4 JDK-8047359 large string size RangeError should be thrown rather than reporting negative length
P4 JDK-8131142 late-bind check for testng.jar presence in Nashorn test execution
P4 JDK-8156614 Lazy parsing of ES6 shorthand method syntax is broken
P4 JDK-8059443 Logical NOT operator throws NullPointerException for null Boolean return values
P4 JDK-8057588 Lots of trivial classes are generated by Nashorn compiler
P4 JDK-8134150 Make Nashorn Timing class both threadsafe and efficient
P4 JDK-8036977 Make process singleton options to be context wide
P4 JDK-8136700 Make sure Context.anonymousHostClasses doesn't grow unbounded
P4 JDK-8027137 Merge ScriptFunction and ScriptFunctionImpl
P4 JDK-8049086 Minor API convenience functions on "Java" object
P4 JDK-8081809 Missing final modifier in method parameters (nashorn code convention)
P4 JDK-8074484 More aggressive value discarding
P4 JDK-8130035 Move test/script/basic/NASHORN-627.js to currently-failing until JDK-8129881 is fixed
P4 JDK-8033951 nasgen needs the newly build nasgen and nashorn classes in the bootclasspath
P4 JDK-8117883 nasgen prototype, instance member count calculation is wrong
P4 JDK-8080087 Nashorn $ENV.PWD is originally undefined
P4 JDK-8158250 nashorn ant javadoc targets are broken
P4 JDK-8044520 Nashorn cannot execute node.js's express module
P4 JDK-8143297 Nashorn compilation time reported in nanoseconds
P4 JDK-8133299 Nashorn Java adapters should not early bind to functions
P4 JDK-8147008 Nashorn primitive linker should handle ES6 symbols
P4 JDK-8157789 Nashorn sample/test.js should not use undocumented System property
P4 JDK-8087292 nashorn should have a "fail-fast" option for scripting, analog to bash "set -e"
P4 JDK-8064789 Nashorn should just warn on code store instantiation error
P4 JDK-8072595 nashorn should not use obj.getClass() for null checks
P4 JDK-8167443 Nashorn static method linking bypasses autoexported linkers
P4 JDK-8039387 Nashorn supports indexed access of List elements, but length property is not supported
P4 JDK-8007456 Nashorn test framework @argument does not handle quoted strings
P4 JDK-8027958 NASHORN TEST: Create tests to test markdown javascript engine work with Nashorn.
P4 JDK-8060688 Nashorn: Generated script class name fails --verify-code for names with special chars
P4 JDK-8031106 Nashorn: IndexOutOfBoundsException in NashornCallSiteDescriptor.getNameToken()
P4 JDK-8037562 Nashorn: JSON.parse comes up with nonexistent entries if there are gaps between the keys
P4 JDK-8069182 Nashorn: Nightly test results are empty for targets test262/markdown/testjfx
P4 JDK-8057035 Nashorn: Some tests failed using java.awt.Color on Solaris without X11 libraries
P4 JDK-8057006 Nashorn: Test classfilter_mozilla_compat.js fails with jcov
P4 JDK-8029364 NashornException to expose thrown object
P4 JDK-8036743 need ArrayBuffer constructor with specified data
P4 JDK-8030169 Need regression test for bug JDK-8010731
P4 JDK-8164216 Netbeans makefile for nashorn should use JDK_9 as platform
P4 JDK-8067777 NetBeans nashorn debug target is broken. Nashorn source directory config. is wrong
P4 JDK-8036986 New tests need to be written for optimistic typing feature
P4 JDK-8130853 Non-extensible global is not handled property
P4 JDK-8058304 Non-serializable fields in serializable classes
P4 JDK-8134304 NPE in initialization of OptimisticTypesPersistence
P4 JDK-8059938 NPE restoring cached script with optimistic types disabled
P4 JDK-8030811 NPE when enabling -Dnashorn.methodhandles.debug
P4 JDK-8010803 Number to String conversion functionality overhaul
P4 JDK-8057010 Object type is wrong for unit test
P4 JDK-8157263 Octane svn repository no longer exists
P4 JDK-8043504 Octane test harness in Nashorn is missing an argument for print_always
P4 JDK-8065769 OOM on Window/Solaris in test compile-octane-splitter.js
P4 JDK-8038398 OptimisticRecompilationTest fails on staging repo nashorn/jdk9/nashorn due to test framework
P4 JDK-8138882 Performance regression due to anonymous classloading
P4 JDK-8078612 Persistent code cache should support more configurations
P4 JDK-8039181 Persistent code store does not use absolute paths internally
P4 JDK-8159220 Preserve position info in module import and export entries
P4 JDK-8136832 property_delete.js tests be moved out from currently-failing
P4 JDK-8087312 PropertyMapWrapper.equals should compare className
P4 JDK-8029667 Prototype linking is incorrect
P4 JDK-8055911 Questionable String.intern() in
P4 JDK-8055954 Questionable use of parallelStream() in jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.Context$ContextCodeInstaller.initialize()
P4 JDK-8134933 re-enable LambdaFormEditor assertions in Nashorn testing
P4 JDK-8048505 readFully does not handle ConsString file names
P4 JDK-8081696 reduce dependency of Nashorn tests on external components
P4 JDK-8139887 Reduce visibility of few methods in TypeUtilities and Guards API
P4 JDK-8073868 Regex matching causes java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 64
P4 JDK-8060204 Remove all Joni and test Warnings
P4 JDK-8167037 Remove CALL_METHOD support from internal Nashorn linkers
P4 JDK-8157241 Remove javac warnings of Nashorn "ant clean test"
P4 JDK-8028345 Remove nashorn repo "bin" scripts to avoid confusion with JDK bin launcher programs
P4 JDK-8064707 Remove NativeArray link logic fields
P4 JDK-8148148 Remove pluggable CodeStore API
P4 JDK-8139304 Remove some obsolete Dynalink classes
P4 JDK-8130476 Remove unused methods in
P4 JDK-8160141 removed deprecated method calls in nashorn code
P4 JDK-8135075 Reorder short-circuit tests in ApplySpecialization to run cheapest first
P4 JDK-8060238 Reports for optimistic test run overwrite those for pessimistic run
P4 JDK-8085810 Return value of Objects.requireNonNull call can be used
P4 JDK-8147591 Revisit Collection.toArray(new T[size]) calls in nashorn and dynalink code
P4 JDK-8044517 Run & debug single Nashorn test
P4 JDK-8135262 Sanitize CodeInstaller and Compiler API
P4 JDK-8086052 Script evaluation should not return last function declaration
P4 JDK-8156896 Script stack trace should display function names
P4 JDK-8057743 Single quotes must be escaped in message resource file
P4 JDK-8148214 Slow object allocation due to multiple synchronization
P4 JDK-8142422 Smaller Dynalink API adjustments
P4 JDK-8044786 Some tests fail with non-optimistic compilation
P4 JDK-8160435 Source.baseURL is slow for URLs with unregistered protocol
P4 JDK-8138632 Sparse array does not handle growth of underlying dense array
P4 JDK-8048868 Spend less time in parser.
P4 JDK-8074487 Static analysis of IfNode should consider terminating branches
P4 JDK-8130127 streamline input parameter of Nashorn scripting $EXEC function
P4 JDK-8162771 Strict equality operators should not be optimistic
P4 JDK-8039185 Test for persistent code store path handling
P4 JDK-8136894 test/script/currently-failing/gettersetter.js passes, move it out of currently-failing tests
P4 JDK-8146274 Thread spinning on WeakHashMap.getEntry() with concurrent use of nashorn
P4 JDK-8075927 toNumber(String) accepts illegal characters
P4 JDK-8080275 transparently download testng.jar for Nashorn testing
P4 JDK-8063037 Trivial bugfixing and exception reuse in ApplySpecialization
P4 JDK-8159977 typeof operator does not see lexical bindings declared in other scripts
P4 JDK-8130888 Typos in nashorn sources
P4 JDK-8136349 Typos patch for nashorn sources submitted on Sep 10, 2015
P4 JDK-8138758 U+180E not recognized as whitespace by Joni
P4 JDK-8077955 Undeclared globals in eval code should not be handled as fast scope
P4 JDK-8044803 Unnecessary restOf check in CodeGenerator.undefinedCheck
P4 JDK-8074972 Unused imports, a missing javadoc and a build warning
P4 JDK-8160953 Update build-nagen-eclipse task to work with JDK 9
P4 JDK-8144186 Update Main.asm sample to use dynalink public API
P4 JDK-8139884 Use privileged blocks when working with class loaders
P4 JDK-8156738 Use StackWalker for DynamicLinker.getLinkedCallSiteLocation()
P4 JDK-8062401 User accessors require boxing and do not support optimistic types
P4 JDK-8147845 Varargs Array functions still leaking longs
P4 JDK-8129950 Wrong condition for checking absence of logger in MethodHandleFactory
P4 JDK-8146888 Wrong license headers in test files
P5 JDK-8139266 add JSAdapter example with fallthrough
P5 JDK-8056123 Anonymous function statements leak internal function names into global scope
P5 JDK-8139038 cleanup and documentation around JSAdapter
P5 JDK-8063036 Cosmetics: The recompile log produces double lines for some reason
P5 JDK-8134502 introduce abstraction for basic NodeVisitor usage
P5 JDK-8148040 jjs -fx test does not exit
P5 JDK-8130862 let hg ignore TestNG ZIP file in Nashorn test library directory
P5 JDK-8072000 New compiler warning after JDK-8067139
P5 JDK-8142864 Raw types warning in WeakValueCache
P5 JDK-8081604 rename ScriptingFunctions.tokenizeCommandLine
P5 JDK-8143821 Wrong test name in JDK-8143304


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8042859 Build broken for Solaris
P2 JDK-8033366 Add configure option to allow RMIConnector IIOP transport be selected compiled in or not
P2 JDK-8146454 Add support for module aware agents
P2 JDK-8060692 Delete com/sun/jmx/snmp and sun/management/snmp from OpenJDK
P2 JDK-8059034 ProcessTools.startProcess() might leak processes
P3 JDK-8048193 [tests] Replace JPS and stdout based PID retrieval by Process.getPid()
P3 JDK-8132271 A number of SA tests fails with sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException: No suitable match for type of address
P3 JDK-8049194 com/sun/tools/attach/ start failing after JDK-8048193
P3 JDK-8182596 Fix broken links in
P3 JDK-8156769 gc/metaspace/ fails with java.lang.Exception
P3 JDK-8164390 Provide a javadoc descriptions for jdk.attach, jdk.jvmstat,, jdk.jdi modules
P3 JDK-8062303 Remove com.sun.tracing API
P3 JDK-8074841 Resolve disabled warnings for the JVMTI demo compiledMethodLoad
P3 JDK-8074842 Resolve disabled warnings for the JVMTI demo waiters
P3 JDK-8062750 Separate SNMP messages from
P3 JDK-8034960 Serviceability tests using @library failing with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
P3 JDK-8152206 Simplify jvmstat modules
P3 JDK-8065213 Specify and implement PlatformMBeanProvider for looking for all platform MBeans
P3 JDK-8132648 sun/tools/jhsdb/BasicLauncherTest fails with java.lang.RuntimeException
P3 JDK-8154144 Tests in com/sun/jdi fails intermittently with "jdb input stream closed prematurely"
P4 JDK-8079510 AIX: fix build after '8042901: Allow to be in a different module...'
P4 JDK-8057746 Cannot handle JdpException in JMX agent initialization.
P4 JDK-8041639 Don't link the java_crw_demo shared library from product tools
P4 JDK-8080538 hprof does not work well with multiple agents on non-Solaris platforms
P4 JDK-8073713 javadoc warnings in serviceability code
P4 JDK-8057556 JDP should better handle non-active interfaces
P4 JDK-8145417 JInfoSanityTest failed with Error attaching to remote server: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused
P4 JDK-8145869 Mark test and as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8039368 Remove testcase from npt utf.c


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8042095 Broken bootcycle build
P1 JDK-8081470 com/sun/jdi tests are failing with "Error. failed to clean up files after test" with jtreg 4.1 b12
P1 JDK-8043716 JDI test com/sun/jdi/ and other 3 jdi tests failed in nightly
P2 JDK-8038163 Build failure on Mac OS 10.9.2 (Mavericks) due to warning treated as error
P2 JDK-8132059 com/sun/jdi/ fails with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad line number
P2 JDK-8145408 com/sun/jdi/ Required output "Full GC" not found
P2 JDK-8072828 com/sun/jdi/ failed with 'IOException reading output of child java interpreter:Stream Closed"
P2 JDK-8152719 ignore com/sun/jdi/ until bug is fixed
P2 JDK-8046024 JDI shared memory transport failed with "Observed abandoned IP mutex"
P2 JDK-6988950 JDWP exit error JVMTI_ERROR_WRONG_PHASE(112)
P2 JDK-6940142 nsk/jdi/ReferenceType/isInitialized/isinit001 tests cause 1.4.2 JVM crash
P2 JDK-8165827 Support private interface methods in JNI, JDWP, JDI and JDB
P3 JDK-8153711 [REDO] JDWP: Memory Leak: GlobalRefs never deleted when processing invokeMethod command
P3 JDK-8181834 Broken link in jdk.jdi module documentation
P3 JDK-8062070 com/sun/jdi/ fails intermittently after 8056143
P3 JDK-8049226 com/sun/jdi/ test times out again
P3 JDK-8157555 com/sun/jdi/ times out due to Indify String Concat being slow in debug mode
P3 JDK-8144308 com/sun/jdi/ failed with "transport error 202: send failed: Broken pipe"
P3 JDK-6822627 java.lang.NullPointerException at ReferenceTypeImpl.constantPool(
P3 JDK-8160024 jdb returns invalid argument count if first parameter to Arrays.asList is null
P3 JDK-8152847 JDI use of sun.boot.class.path needs to be updated for Jigsaw
P3 JDK-8166237 jdk.jdi missing requires jdk.jdwp.agent
P3 JDK-8160987 JDWP ClassType.InvokeMethod doesn't validate class
P3 JDK-8150725 JDWP specification: referenceTypeID size needs clarification
P3 JDK-8054194 jstack crash: assert(handle != NULL) failed: JNI handle should not be null
P3 JDK-4505697 nsk/jdi/ExceptionEvent/_itself_/exevent006 and exevent008 tests fail with InvocationTargetException
P3 JDK-6744127 NullPointerException at
P3 JDK-8074696 Remote debugging session hangs for several minutes when calling findBootType
P3 JDK-8043981 Remove the JPDA demo
P3 JDK-8154529 some places in the invoke.c that use InvokeRequest* not protected with invokerLock
P3 JDK-8032901 WaitForMultipleObjects() return value not handled appropriately
P4 JDK-8074146 [TEST_BUG] jdb has succeded to read an unreadable file
P4 JDK-8036132 [TEST_BUG] Tab characters in test/com/sun/jdi files
P4 JDK-8059105 Add better failure reporting to com/sun/jdi/ test.
P4 JDK-8042096 Backout JDK-8042091
P4 JDK-8034203 Change JavaDoc for com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequest.setEnabled(boolean val)
P4 JDK-8071324 com/sun/jdi/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8077611 com/sun/jdi/ should be unquarantined
P4 JDK-8071582 com/sun/jdi/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8030204 com/sun/jdi/ Required output "Can\\'t convert 2147483648 to int" not found
P4 JDK-8062136 com/sun/jdi/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8077612 com/sun/jdi/ should be unquarantined
P4 JDK-8058651 com/sun/jdi/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8033758 gcc warnings compiling jdk/src/share/back
P4 JDK-8042778 Getting all visible methods in ReferenceTypeImpl is slow
P4 JDK-6645723 Incorrect detection of a dead process in closed/serviceability/4367942/
P4 JDK-6815126 intermittent failure
P4 JDK-8028430 JDI: ReferenceType.visibleMethods() return wrong visible methods
P4 JDK-8067030 JDWP crash in transport_startTransport on OOM
P4 JDK-8040167 JDWP spec for ClassType#InvokeMethod contradicts JLS
P4 JDK-4858370 JDWP: Memory Leak: GlobalRefs never deleted when processing invokeMethod command
P4 JDK-8073555 nsk/jdi/ReferenceType/defaultStratum/defaultStratum004 fails due to addition of copyright header
P4 JDK-8072936 nsk/jdi/ThreadReference/resume/resume001 should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8077956 nsk/jdwp/ReferenceType/MethodsWithGeneric/methwithgeneric001 should be unquarantined
P4 JDK-8161177 quarantine com/sun/jdi/sde/ on Win*
P4 JDK-4515292 ReferenceType.isStatic() returns true for arrays
P4 JDK-8041498 Remove npt library
P4 JDK-8078622 remove tidy warnings from JPDA docs
P4 JDK-6946101 based tests can issue "write error: Broken pipe" messages
P4 JDK-8055673 test/com/sun/jdi/ does not honor -javaoption
P4 JDK-6622468 TEST_BUG: Time to retire the @debuggeeVMOptions mechanism used in the com.sun.jdi infrastructure
P4 JDK-6618335 ThreadReference.stop(null) throws NPE instead of InvalidTypeException
P4 JDK-4660158 TTY: NumberFormatException while trying to set values by 'set' command
P4 JDK-8179538 Update jdk.jdi to be HTML-5 friendly


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8160950 Agent JAR added to app class loader rather than system class loader when running with -Djava.system.class.loader
P2 JDK-8156147 NPE in InstrumentationImpl.transform when loading classes from -Xbootclasspath/a
P2 JDK-8167026 Quarantine
P3 JDK-8159147 Add ClassLoader parameter to new ClassFileTransformer transform method
P3 JDK-8161225 Assert failure in JVMTI GetNamedModule at JPLISAgent.c line: 792
P3 JDK-8035054 JarFacade.c should not include ctype.h
P3 JDK-8132436 java.lang.instrument is using deprecated ASM APIs
P3 JDK-8034025 Remove JPLIS agent dependency on canonicalize_md.c
P3 JDK-8151100 Test java/lang/instrument/ can't attempt to do CheckIntrinsics
P3 JDK-8158628 test/java/lang/instrument/ Error occurred during initialization of VM: Failed to start tracing backend.
P4 JDK-6835233 Fedora 9 jdk regression test failed: java/lang/instrument/
P4 JDK-8145278 Memory leak in splitPathList
P4 JDK-8161388 quarantine java/lang/instrument/DaemonThread/
P4 JDK-8167034 Re-enable once JDK-8167001 is fixed
P5 JDK-7142035 assert in j.l.instrument agents during shutdown when daemon thread is running


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8152161 Problem loading platform MBean server
P1 JDK-8151348 quarantine compiler/codecache/jmx/ in JDK9-dev
P1 JDK-8069286 Unexpected count of notification in LowMemoryTest
P2 JDK-8072908 [TEST_BUG] com/sun/management/OperatingSystemMXBean/ fails on OS X with exit code 2
P2 JDK-8071641 [TEST_BUG] java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ intermittently failed with NPE
P2 JDK-8151345 compiler/codecache/jmx/ is failing on jdk9/dev for JPRT -testset hotspot
P2 JDK-8162945 HotspotDiagnosticMXBean getFlags erroneously reports OutOfMemory
P2 JDK-8056143 interrupted java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ leaves running process
P2 JDK-8151797 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ : inconsistent results
P2 JDK-8072742 nsk/monitoring/MemoryNotificationInfo/from/from001 hangs in every nightly
P2 JDK-8139982 Re-examine dependency on java.util.logging.LoggingMXBean
P2 JDK-8139870 fails for composite types with items of ArrayType
P2 JDK-8074368 ThreadMXBean.getThreadInfo() corrupts memory when called with empty array for thread ids
P3 JDK-8176204 [DOC] ThreadMXBean Fails to Detect ReentrantReadWriteLock Deadlock
P3 JDK-8034263 [TEST_BUG] java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails intermittently
P3 JDK-8077408 [TEST_BUG] javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ fails due to Port already in use: 2468
P3 JDK-8042901 Allow to be in a different module to
P3 JDK-8169575 com/sun/management/DiagnosticCommandMBean/ failing with jtreg tip
P3 JDK-8038343 Eliminate use of reflection to access JavaBeans Introspector
P3 JDK-8179631 Fix Html5 errors in,, jdk.jdi and jdk.attach
P3 JDK-8179460 Fix unnecessary uses of {@docRoot} in serviceability APIs
P3 JDK-8061616 HotspotDiagnosticMXBean.getVMOption() throws IllegalArgumentException for flags of type double
P3 JDK-8151099 should work even if is not present
P3 JDK-8172971 could use System.Logger
P3 JDK-8152589 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently, blocked on wrong object
P3 JDK-8068233 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ is still in exclude list
P3 JDK-8031126 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently
P3 JDK-8060166 javax/management/MBeanInfo/ fails with modular image
P3 JDK-7132577 javax/management/monitor/ fails in JDK8-B22
P3 JDK-8145982 JMXInterfaceBindingTest is failing intermittently
P3 JDK-8146015 JMXInterfaceBindingTest is failing intermittently for IPv6 addresses
P3 JDK-8140481 NoClassDefFoundError thrown by ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer
P3 JDK-8133666 OperatingSystemMXBean reports abnormally high machine CPU consumption on Linux
P3 JDK-8178447 Remove link from JavaDoc to Dev guide
P3 JDK-8035952 Remove use of JVM_Open, JVM_Read and JVM_Close functions from serviceability code
P3 JDK-8162524 src/ doesn't handle JNI exceptions
P3 JDK-8162530 src/ doesn't handle JNI exceptions properly
P3 JDK-8158350 Table in ThreadInfo.from(CompositeData) may need updates for new stack trace attributes
P3 JDK-8058506 ThreadMXBeanStateTest throws exception
P3 JDK-8077327 throws exception: BlockedThread expected to have BLOCKED but got RUNNABLE
P3 JDK-8031036 Used for the fix push for JDK-8038322: fails intermittently, presumed deadlock
P4 JDK-8059209 [API documentation] warning: Tag @see reference not found in
P4 JDK-6588467 Add isDaemon() and getPriority() to ThreadInfo
P4 JDK-8057150 Add more diagnostics to JMXStartStopTest
P4 JDK-8162702 should not return reference of it's private member
P4 JDK-8028994 is missing the ATTACH_ON_DEMAND origin
P4 JDK-8046351 com/sun/management/GarbageCollectorMXBean/GarbageCollectionNotification[Content] should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8133040 docs: replace tags (obsolete in html5) for
P4 JDK-6659240 Exceptions thrown by MXBeans wrongly documented in j.l.m.ManagementFactory
P4 JDK-8044865 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in management-related code
P4 JDK-8031361 Fix raw types warning in
P4 JDK-6486771 Fix snmp tests connection timeout problem.
P4 JDK-8034857 gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/management
P4 JDK-8069296 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8038822 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ still fails with OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace
P4 JDK-8075820 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ should be unquarantined
P4 JDK-8058652 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8074948 javadoc typo in {code instead of {@code
P4 JDK-8168141 javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ No notif received!
P4 JDK-8073144 nsk/monitoring/MemoryNotificationInfo/from/from001 should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8056253 nsk/monitoring: ThreadMXBean fails. getThreadAllocatedBytes() return value is not sufficiently accurate
P4 JDK-8175845 Provide javadoc descriptions for jdk.hotspot.agent module
P4 JDK-8131783 Put in quarantine
P4 JDK-8159959 Quarantine java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/
P4 JDK-6712222 Race condition in java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/
P4 JDK-8066634 Suppress deprecation warnings in module
P5 JDK-8025886 replace [[ and == bash extensions in regtest


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8139725 Backout escaped partial fix for JDK-7199353
P1 JDK-8067241 failed with negative timeout value
P2 JDK-8064441 [TEST_BUG] java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently, blocked on wrong object
P2 JDK-8023093 Add ManagementAgent.status diagnostic command
P2 JDK-8058089 api/javax_management/loading/MLetArgsSupport.html\#MLetArgsSupportTest0001 fails because of java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (argument type mismatch)
P2 JDK-8139727 Define ConstructorParameters annotation type for MXBeans
P2 JDK-7199353 Define ConstructorProperties annotation type for MXBeans
P2 JDK-8173607 JMX RMI connector should be in its own module
P2 JDK-8147553 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from
P3 JDK-8038309 [TEST_BUG] closed/javax/management/openmbean/ failed because it 'Did not resurrect a mutant OpenType'
P3 JDK-8066952 [TEST_BUG] javax/management/monitor/ hangs
P3 JDK-8075926 Add a perf counter to track its state
P3 JDK-8165579 Add missing javadoc information for
P3 JDK-8177721 Improve diagnostics in
P3 JDK-8078143 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently
P3 JDK-8064331 JavaSecurityAccess.doIntersectionPrivilege() drops the information about the domain combiner of the stack ACC
P3 JDK-8066588 javax/management/remote/mandatory/connection/ fails to compile
P3 JDK-8031753 JMXServiceURL should not use getLocalHost or its usage should be enhanced
P3 JDK-8164730 Make it clear that 'cl' parameter passed to RMIConnector.OISWL is never null.
P3 JDK-8138748 ManagementAgent.status DCMD fails with NPE for JMX configured on command line
P3 JDK-8142398 ManagementAgent.status diagnostic command only outputs the specifically set properties
P3 JDK-8167294 MXBean javadoc should be updated to take modules into account
P3 JDK-8173858 Rename libmanagement_rmi to libmanagement_agent
P3 JDK-8073148 RMIConnectionImpl may need to inform a ClientNotifForwarder of the its termination
P3 JDK-8038321 can't start rmid if running on fastdebug or Solaris-sparc
P3 JDK-8173608 Separate JDK management agent from module
P3 JDK-8145919 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/RmiSslBootstrapTest failed with Connection failed for no credentials
P3 JDK-8038826 sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/ fails with "should report port in use"
P3 JDK-8052961 Test "com/sun/tools/attach/" failing intermittently
P3 JDK-8049303 Transient network problems cause JMX thread to fail silenty
P3 JDK-8179415 Update and to be HTML-5 friendly
P3 JDK-8167337 When jmxremote.port=0, JDP broadcasts "0" instead of assigned port
P4 JDK-8044427 [test] sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/JMXStartStopTest times out intermittently on Solaris/Sparcv9
P4 JDK-8077923 Add missing doclint in
P4 JDK-8048005 Add test timing information to JMXStartStopTest
P4 JDK-6425769 Allow specifying an address to bind JMX remote connector
P4 JDK-8046778 Better error messages when starting JMX agent via attach or jcmd
P4 JDK-8129215 com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.Introspector may provide results inconsistent with the JavaBeans Introspector
P4 JDK-8173821 com.sun.jmx.remote.internal.Unmarshal should be removed.
P4 JDK-8156226 DiagnosticCommandImpl::invoke throws not very comprehensive message in case if method exists but signature or parameters are wrong
P4 JDK-8147985 Exclude sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ on jdk9/dev
P4 JDK-8066635 Fix deprecation warnings in module
P4 JDK-8049821 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in closed
P4 JDK-8049820 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8039038 Fix serial lint warnings in com.sun.jmx.snmp
P4 JDK-8058649 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8057937 javax/management/monitor/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8143121 javax/management/remote/mandatory/loading/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8164609 javax/management/remote/mandatory/notif/ fails with AssertionError
P4 JDK-8141591 javax/management/remote/mandatory/threads/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8077952 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8038795 Tidy warnings cleanup for
P4 JDK-8080663 Use sun.misc.SharedSecrets to allow access from to @ConstructorProperties
P5 JDK-7065236 To interpret case-insensitive string locale independently


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8041948 Build broken by fix of 8033104
P2 JDK-8058470 [jconsole] VM Summary Tab is blank for JDK9's jconsole.
P2 JDK-8044135 Add API to start JMX agent from attach framework
P2 JDK-8165881 Backout JDK-8164913
P2 JDK-8059038 Create new launcher for SA tools
P2 JDK-8039432 demo/jvmti/mtrace/ can't connect to X11
P2 JDK-8043936 Drop HPROF as demo, keep as HPROF agent shipped with JDK
P2 JDK-8077422 hprof agent: Build failed with VS2013 Update 4
P2 JDK-8046661 JEP 240: Remove the JVM TI hprof Agent
P2 JDK-8059039 JEP 241: Remove the jhat Tool
P2 JDK-8153671 Quarantine serviceability/tmtools/jstack/ until JDK-8153319 is fixed
P2 JDK-8169597 Quarantine until JDK-8169232 is solved
P2 JDK-8176533 REGRESSION: a java process is not recognized by jcmd/jinfo/jstack/jmap tool
P3 JDK-8039080 "jinfo server_id@host" fails with "Invalid process identifier"
P3 JDK-8041989 [jstatd] Could not bind /JStatRemoteHost to RMI Registry
P3 JDK-8035668 [test] Check that jstat does not cause problems when monitored application exits before jstat finishes its work
P3 JDK-8043138 Attach API should not require jvmstat rmi protocol
P3 JDK-8030103 Java Usage Tracker: need to escape separator chars
P3 JDK-8150168 jconsole AboutDialog should use the JDK specific Version API
P3 JDK-8173947 jconsole does not show local running VMs to attach
P3 JDK-8170401 JConsole might use System.Logger
P3 JDK-6605915 jinfo -flag functionality doesn't work with core files
P3 JDK-8075773 jps running as root fails after the fix of JDK-8050807
P3 JDK-8077423 jstatd is not terminated even though it cannot contact or bind to RMI Registry
P3 JDK-8164913 JVMTI.agent_load dcmd should show useful error message
P3 JDK-8140244 Port fix of JDK-8075773 to AIX and possibly MacOSX
P3 JDK-8165513 Quarantine sun/tools/jps/
P3 JDK-8043939 Remove management-agent.jar
P3 JDK-8155091 Remove SA related functions from tmtools
P3 JDK-8044034 Remove unused com/sun/tools/hat files
P3 JDK-8154905 Rename jdk.jvmstat.rmi to jdk.jstatd
P3 JDK-8028623 SA: hash codes in SymbolTable mismatching java_lang_String::hash_code for extended characters.
P3 JDK-8029887 Some 'nsk/sajdi' tests fail with: UnmappedAddressException in Symbol.probe()
P3 JDK-8049340 sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ timed out
P3 JDK-8134420 sun/tools/jps/TestJpsClass fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: The line 'line 2' does not match pattern '^\\d+\\s+.*': expected true, was false
P3 JDK-8160923 sun/tools/jps/ fails due to ClassNotFoundException: jdk.testlibrary.ProcessTools
P3 JDK-8159925 sun/tools/jps/ still fails after fix for JDK-8153278
P3 JDK-8165500 TestJpsJar shouldn't jar all test.classpath directories
P3 JDK-8164843 UsageTracker should limit records and avoid truncation
P3 JDK-8048710 Use ServiceLoader for the jvmstat protocols
P4 JDK-8166012 [linux] Remove remnants of LinuxThreads from Linux attach framework
P4 JDK-8154985 Add the ability to use main class as lookup (as jcmd) to jinfo, jmap, jstack
P4 JDK-8054066 com/sun/jdi/ fails with timeout
P4 JDK-8036675 Compiler warnings in serviceability code
P4 JDK-8043572 demo/jvmti/mtrace/ fails with AWTError: Can't connect to X11 window server using '$DISPLAY_SITE' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
P4 JDK-8079559 Exclude demo/jvmti/hprof tests
P4 JDK-8134686 Exclude sun/tools/jps/ tests
P4 JDK-8059047 Extract parser/validator from jhat for use in tests
P4 JDK-8049736 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in sun.tracing
P4 JDK-8049794 Fix raw and unchecked warnings in jvmstat
P4 JDK-8038233 Fix unsafe strcpy in Java_sun_tools_attach_{Aix,Bsd,Linux}VirtualMachine_connect()
P4 JDK-8037825 Fix warnings and enable "warnings as errors" in serviceability native libraries
P4 JDK-8036010 hs: Some jtreg tests use hard coded ports
P4 JDK-8151442 jstack doesn't close quotation marks properly with threads' name greater than 1996 characters
P4 JDK-6364329 jstat displays "invalid argument count" with usage
P4 JDK-8059868 JVM crashes on attach on Windows when compiled with /RTC1
P4 JDK-8134458 Make sun/tools/jps tests non-concurrent with other tests
P4 JDK-8057776 Misc cleanups of the attach code
P4 JDK-8057778 Misc cleanups of the attach code (aix)
P4 JDK-6380601 MISC_REGRESSION tests need to be more resilient to ps cmd problems
P4 JDK-8074812 More specific error message when the .java_pid well-known file is not secure
P4 JDK-8039173 Propagate errors from Diagnostic Commands as exceptions in the attach framework
P4 JDK-8161010 quarantine sun/tools/jps/ in JDK9-dev and JDK9-hs
P4 JDK-8047846 Quarantine tmtools/jps/format-jar-relative
P4 JDK-8044495 Remove test demo/jvmti/mtrace/
P4 JDK-8076470 Remove the code and update makefiles
P4 JDK-8076473 Remove the jhat code and update makefiles
P4 JDK-8075056 Remove from jconsole
P4 JDK-6656031 SA: jmap -permstat number of classes is off by 1
P4 JDK-8066636 Suppress deprecation warnings in the jdk.jvmstat and jdk.jdi modules
P4 JDK-6545321 TEST BUG: has to be resilient to unexpected output
P4 JDK-8156537 Tools using MonitoredVmUtil do not parse module in cmdline correctly
P4 JDK-8028357 Unnecessary allocation in AliasFileParser
P4 JDK-8036599 Use Diagnostic Commands instead of SA by default in jinfo
P4 JDK-8057558 VirtualMachineImpl.execute on windows should close PipedInputStream before throwing exceptions


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8039313 Correct the fix for JDK-8039155
P1 JDK-8042658 Fix crash of unit tests for none windows platforms
P1 JDK-8167359 Fix for JDK-8164622 broke the new Control Panel.
P1 JDK-8043030 Fix JUnit compilation error
P2 JDK-8170805 [jcp] [windows] Icon missing for main JCP window
P2 JDK-8170809 [jcp] Correct ComboBox position for "Temporary Files" tab
P2 JDK-8169365 [jcp] jcp process is not terminated if DialogSelector is not closed
P2 JDK-8169059 [jcp] Text labels are not displayed on DRS tab
P2 JDK-8170806 [jcp] User/system toggle buttons should be fixed
P2 JDK-8157622 Add @Deprecated annotations to the Applet API classes
P2 JDK-8074402 Add DRS rules block to Java Usage Tracker records.
P2 JDK-8160727 Add new format arguments to the list of secure VM arguments
P2 JDK-7087594 Clearing java cache does not provide adequate feedback when OK button is pressed.
P2 JDK-8157720 Create functional tests to cover JDK-8157337
P2 JDK-8150099 Create test specs and test to cover list of new secure VM args
P2 JDK-8141467 Create tests to verify fix agianst JDK-8081627
P2 JDK-8033578 Deploy unit test to 100% pass rate
P2 JDK-8139049 deploy-test build broken
P2 JDK-8158562 Digest Auth is not working with JDK9
P2 JDK-8167187 Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.jsobject
P2 JDK-8139799 Exports packages in jdk.deploy in ant script and java code
P2 JDK-8165104 File protocol in Exception Site List needs to show three slashes
P2 JDK-8130627 Fix for 8129600 was pushed to 9-client with wrong bug number (8029600)
P2 JDK-8145217 Fix GenericCookieHandlerTest
P2 JDK-8174042 Incorrect expiration date for JDK 9 EA build 155
P2 JDK-8175117 Java Control Panel for JDK 9 links to JDK 8 doc
P2 JDK-8134008 java.lang.StackOverFlowError when loading javaws applications from local file system
P2 JDK-8068415 JDK-8064477 broke linux build
P2 JDK-8156857 JDK9 can't run applets
P2 JDK-8073591 junit issue after fix to JDK-8073589
P2 JDK-8041964 JUnit test compilation error on non Windows platform
P2 JDK-8068426 Linux build broken -
P2 JDK-8068421 linux build still broken after JDK-8068415
P2 JDK-8078009 Merge problem in 9-client - test build failure
P2 JDK-8130270 Missing resources for cache viewer in JDK9
P2 JDK-8038599 Move and to deploy
P2 JDK-8132743 Move netscape.javascript package from jdk.plugin to new module
P2 JDK-8039016 Old JRE's
P2 JDK-8055704 Putback if 8055179 missed TrustDeciderDialogTest
P2 JDK-8142982 Race Condition can cause CacheEntry.getJarSigningData() to return null.
P2 JDK-8044063 Remove* from jdk repo
P2 JDK-8132853 Runtime exception when loading javafx applications
P2 JDK-8175558 TCK failure on MacOSX: The file can not be opened or saved
P2 JDK-8181222 unreachable proxy server causes ConcurrentModificationException
P2 JDK-8176524 Update doc links in Java Control Panel for JDK 9
P2 JDK-8067481 Update tests with conf/ instead of lib
P3 JDK-8156672 "javaws.exe -viewer" does not open Java Cache Viewer for new JCP
P3 JDK-8024685 $USER_HOME not working anymore
P3 JDK-8178298 (LdapLoginModule)fix the JNDI properties technote
P3 JDK-8133598 3rd party approval for GStreamer
P3 JDK-8162453 [JCP] [Mac]Cannot launch JCP on Mac os with zh_CN, zh_TW locale
P3 JDK-8167608 [jcp] Change links to (General tab)
P3 JDK-8160550 [linux] Increase the size of top buttons for FX JCP
P3 JDK-8035706 [parfait] Refix Parfait Bugs
P3 JDK-8160799 [test] "Run" instead of "Install" button should show for extensions of library type
P3 JDK-8161659 [test] Add more tests to System level Java cache viewer in fx jcp.
P3 JDK-8145387 [test] Association prompt will show up even test app with all permission due to fix of JDK-8140219
P3 JDK-8143018 [test] Build error for common due to fix of 8141479
P3 JDK-8143182 [test] Build error for javaws due to fix of 8141479
P3 JDK-8139254 [test] Need tests for JDK-7087594
P3 JDK-8139382 [test] Need tests for JDK-8133665
P3 JDK-8139950 [test] SignedJarTest need to change due to JDK-8139493 not a bug
P3 JDK-8161446 [test] Some cases in PolicyFileValidationTest failed due to the location of changes
P3 JDK-8180139 [test] Test for JDK-8176059: Better update checking for jdk9
P3 JDK-8141689 [test] The "plugin2 denied" will not be sent till after the blocked dialog is dismissed.
P3 JDK-8141254 [test] Three cases in ExpiredJREOldJREInstalledTest failed due to wrong param in doNegativeTest
P3 JDK-8145384 [test] Two cases in AssociationSuiteTest need to be updated due to JDK-8145311 was marked as "not an issue"
P3 JDK-8141515 [test]BetterTimestampHandligTest::testSignedTrustedValid_VERY_HIGH needs to be updated
P3 JDK-8141522 [test]EmbededCertificateTest::testEmbedcert_normal_signedjar_application_prompt needs to be updated
P3 JDK-8135244 [test] thrown by javaws suite tests in nightly
P3 JDK-8139621 [test]Javaws cases failed due to wrong dialog type used in UI driver
P3 JDK-8160802 [test]MD5 is a disabled algorithm when signing jar since jdk9-b02
P3 JDK-8145478 [test]Need to update test code to adapt change in URL format of resources listed in JCP's Java Cache Viewer
P3 JDK-8143290 [test]Not all -notWebJava app should be filtered out
P3 JDK-8141374 [test]One case in JavaRuntimeEnviromentSettingTest failed due to not handling https dialog
P3 JDK-8132680 [test]plugin BAT suite need to update due to JDK8132222
P3 JDK-8141401 [test]Some cases in AutoproxyTest need to be updated due to fix of JDK-8064606
P3 JDK-8141380 [test]The subcategory under "Shortcut Creation" from JCP has been changed due to fix of JDK-6921877
P3 JDK-8168084 Add initTrace in new FX JCP
P3 JDK-8166720 Additional info is not displayed on Automatic Update Advanced Settings window
P3 JDK-8172986 Allow --add-opens option for JNLP signed all permission apps
P3 JDK-8166714 Apply button should be disabled (if no changes)
P3 JDK-8166014 At step6.The third applet can not be loaded and it will redirect to an invalid page after launching it.
P3 JDK-8143294 cookie handler can't get JSESSIONID on linux
P3 JDK-8148866 Copyright cleanup project (deploy part)
P3 JDK-8067026 Dead Code Cleanup Umbrella Bug
P3 JDK-8067025 Delete splash.c from Repository
P3 JDK-8075708 Deploy netbeans project do not work on Windows
P3 JDK-8156960 Deprecate JSObject.getWindow(Applet) method
P3 JDK-8063141 Disabling all TLS/SSL protocols in JCP should not prevent applet from establishing HTTPS connection if non-empty system property "https.protocols" is passed to VM
P3 JDK-8048337 Examine if macosx/bundle/JavaAppLauncher and can be removed
P3 JDK-8039098 Exception is shown in security dialog
P3 JDK-8134978 File ccc for deprecation of of VP6/FXM/FLV support
P3 JDK-8157929 File CCC request
P3 JDK-8156673 Fix "Advanced -> Configurations" for new JCP
P3 JDK-8164557 Fix translatability Issue on JCP General Tab
P3 JDK-8072111 Implement change in extractFlagsFromRuntime
P3 JDK-8072112 Implement change in extractFlagsFromVersion
P3 JDK-8061350 Improve settings.xml parser
P3 JDK-8050016 Improve Java Control Panel support for High DPI
P3 JDK-8165763 infoplistScenarios/testInfoplist: test instruction step4 need update
P3 JDK-8148610 JCP to notify expired certificates used for DRS
P3 JDK-8039007 jdeps incorrectly reports javax.jnlp as JDK internal APIs
P3 JDK-8142351 JRE Finder dialog in JCP no longer working
P3 JDK-8038012 missing copyright notice
P3 JDK-8155401 Move from ALL-SYSTEM to ALL-DEFAULT
P3 JDK-8038986 Nashorn fails to evaluate autoconfig-script when used via JavaWS
P3 JDK-8158663 Need 3rd party approval for CoreAudio Utility Library 2.0
P3 JDK-8157692 Need Test : JDK-8041798
P3 JDK-8157694 Need test JDK-8068707
P3 JDK-8157696 Need Test:JDK-8064606
P3 JDK-8011951 Need to get the certs in "JCP->Manage Certificates" sorted.
P3 JDK-8157695 NEED_TEST JDK-8047110
P3 JDK-8157618 new JCP: Cache Viewer does not update.
P3 JDK-8157340 new JCP: cannot import certificate file into user trusted cacerts file.
P3 JDK-8157342 new JCP: cannot remove certificates from user trust store
P3 JDK-8165298 No "Java" tab can be found in the Java Control Panel
P3 JDK-8165297 No "Select Folder" button display on the dialog.
P3 JDK-8141244 NoSuchMethodException found when using detect java applet
P3 JDK-8157238 Nothing could be saved in tab Update in new FX JCP.
P3 JDK-8068313 Parsing JNLP file should not cause download of extensions.
P3 JDK-8145912 Platform version of JDK9 is wrong (set product version 9-na)
P3 JDK-8133495 Platform.getInstalledJREList() returns only the jres of the current arch on windows.
P3 JDK-8080375 plugin tests that need to install old jre failed on linux
P3 JDK-8006402 progress window shows again when relaunching app, if progress class is defined in main jnlp
P3 JDK-8047738 Radio button lables for JCP security level setting should be clickable
P3 JDK-8043134 refactoring existing DRS functionality - splitting RuleId class into smaller classes
P3 JDK-8164634 Registered JREs match to different 'osname'
P3 JDK-8143404 Remove apple script engine code in jdk repository
P3 JDK-8142345 Remove code that adds certificate and manifest data to cache entry index file
P3 JDK-8057164 Remove dead code
P3 JDK-8166710 Remove old JCP
P3 JDK-8144950 Remove static dependency on sun.misc.BASE64Decoder BASE64Encoder
P3 JDK-8145319 Remove static reference on sun.misc.HexDumpEncoder
P3 JDK-8074105 Remove support for downloaded JavaFX classes
P3 JDK-8039113 Remove unused code left after JDK-8001167 changes
P3 JDK-8066776 Replace use of sun.misc.BASE64Encoder/Decoder with java.util.Base64
P3 JDK-8069557 Setup LDAP server for Deployment SQE Tesm to avoid unnecessary dependency on core-lib team
P3 JDK-8165764 The applet can't be loaded successfully with Safari browser on MacOS
P3 JDK-8165301 The security dialog is not the expected one.
P3 JDK-8058810 There is no Context Menu in ControlPanel -> Exception Site List
P3 JDK-8157549 Two cases in JavawsJnlpEscaping should run on IE only
P3 JDK-8164098 Unable to export certificate from Client Authentication store
P3 JDK-7145672 Unify error message between JNLP and non JNLP apps
P3 JDK-8037518 Unit Test Failures due to RDF and other 8u5 changes.
P3 JDK-8164054 Version information is blank if launch JCP using "javaws -viewer"
P3 JDK-8054904 Webstart cache path error for Java >= 7u65
P3 JDK-8039364 Wrong port in HTTPS connection warning
P4 JDK-8164559 [JCP] Include architecture (x86 of x64) to version string
P4 JDK-8169060 [jcp] Update tab displays incorrect string on linux
P4 JDK-8134477 [JPC Test]Enable Java content making JCP hangs up
P4 JDK-8038724 [Nightly test failure]: PreloaderDelegateTest.testEarlyError
P4 JDK-8173683 [test] Add workaround for some cases for JDK-8089203
P4 JDK-8145273 [test] Build error for javaws
P4 JDK-8163843 [test] jp2launcher.exe has been renamed to jweblauncher.exe
P4 JDK-8064772 [test] Need to remove the AMC propeties from deploy.args file
P4 JDK-8143977 [test]Create manual tests to verify fix against JDK-8075783
P4 JDK-8139240 [test]remove tests about serialized applet
P4 JDK-8139773 Add more debug traces to deployment registration process (RegFx.cpp)
P4 JDK-8044360 Add more things to ignore to .hgignore
P4 JDK-8036938 BaseDirTest.testUserDir Failure on linux
P4 JDK-8030975 Both testcases testLoadClassFromLazyBlackListJar and testLoadClassFromLazyBlackListJar_NoCache caused an error
P4 JDK-8032833 Both testCheckConnectWithContext and testCheckConnect started failing after recent sync from the sandbox
P4 JDK-8181821 Broken link in javadoc for JSObject.getWindow
P4 JDK-8041520 CacheTest Failure
P4 JDK-8062183 Change the order of linux proxy detection
P4 JDK-8008347 Cleanup deploy code related to CreateProcess
P4 JDK-8028812 com.sun.deploy.cache.CacheEntryTest.testReadSigningData failed
P4 JDK-8028821 com.sun.deploy.registration.RegisterDeployTest failed
P4 JDK-8029313 com.sun.deploy.uitoolkit.impl.awt.ui.DownloadWindowForServiceTest: progress should be hidden after download
P4 JDK-8038651 com.sun.javaws.JnlpUpdateTest NPE
P4 JDK-8029308 com.sun.javaws.LaunchDownloadHttpsTest failed
P4 JDK-8033415 crash
P4 JDK-8030075 com.sun.jnlp.DownloadServiceImplTest.testRemoveAndLoadPart: NPE at ToolkitStore.get().getAppContext()
P4 JDK-8031209 com.sun.jnlp.JNLPClassLoaderTest: Error for testGetPermissions
P4 JDK-8031410 com.sun.jnlp.JNLPPreverifyClassLoaderTest.testInternalGzip: JNLPPreverifyClassLoader.initialize: FAILED
P4 JDK-8165110 Create functional tests to cover JDK-8157042 for plugin
P4 JDK-8037480 DeployCacheHandlerTest NPE due to server resourse cleanup
P4 JDK-8037536 Disable CacheUtilTest.testNoCodebase on Linux
P4 JDK-8033481 Disable crashing deploy unit tests
P4 JDK-8039128 Disable SecurityBaseline.backgroundUpdate for JUnit test
P4 JDK-8039540 Disable timeout junit tests
P4 JDK-8036746 Exclude some tests that failed or causes error on Linux
P4 JDK-8068870 ExpiredJREOldJREInstalledTest::testUnsignedNegative should expect TIMEOUT instead of TESTPASS
P4 JDK-8133600 File ccc for serialized applet removal
P4 JDK-8035721 FileNotFoundException when SetupHelper.blackListJarFile
P4 JDK-8143262 fix ClientConfigSystemPropertyTest unit test
P4 JDK-8036631 Fix Deployment Unit Test Timeout on Hudson
P4 JDK-8138967 Fix JREMatcherTest (junit test)
P4 JDK-8072713 Fix Native Projects for new deploy build system
P4 JDK-8037782 Fix server issue in some tests and WebServer
P4 JDK-8135189 fix several junit test failures.
P4 JDK-8034990 hudson junit test failures observed on mac but not windows
P4 JDK-8034917 Improve com/sun/deploy/security/ so that it warns about missing system certificates file
P4 JDK-8166408 Intermittent test failure in JNLPClassLoaderTest
P4 JDK-8035806 Investigate
P4 JDK-8036831 Investigate failed testcase com.sun.deploy.util.BlackListTest.testWithInstanceEmpty on windows but not mac
P4 JDK-8038598 Investigate MemoryCacheTest, JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest, JVMManagerTest and JnlpUpdateTest
P4 JDK-7009881 java control panel should be resizable
P4 JDK-8037119 jdk9-client build failure caused by a jar not found
P4 JDK-8138703 Junit test Errors
P4 JDK-8035895 Make the starting web server port in sun.tests.helpers.WebServer configurable via an environment variable
P4 JDK-8157616 new JCP: single instance service not hooked up.
P4 JDK-8037883 new unit test failure on linux-amd64: com.sun.javaws.PreloaderTest.testProgressInOfflineMode
P4 JDK-8033492 Provide a way to override the default junit timeout of 10 minutes when running the deployment test suite
P4 JDK-8074073 putback to 7124025 did not remove newly unreferenced files.
P4 JDK-8169333 regression/js/ fails after JDK-8148781
P4 JDK-8087221 Remove IsJavaVersionAtLeast16() calls from JDK9
P4 JDK-7124025 Remove logic to upgrade cache from JDK5 to JDK6
P4 JDK-8168143 remove obsolete code and move all calls to genenv to Environment
P4 JDK-8048709 Remove references to package
P4 JDK-8074161 Remove support for serialized applets
P4 JDK-8134809 Remove support for serialized applets from deploy
P4 JDK-8080554 replace sun.misc.BASE64Encoder with java.util.Base64
P4 JDK-8169733 Resurrect plugin regression tests not in sun.plugin2.applet
P4 JDK-8029641 SetupHelpers.blackListJarFile is out dated
P4 JDK-8036959 Some JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest tests fail on linux-amd64
P4 JDK-8129353 Some simple junit test failures
P4 JDK-8030931 sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoaderTest -- Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running
P4 JDK-8033293 sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2DownloadTest : Caused an ERROR
P4 JDK-8032497 sun.plugin2.applet.AWTAppletLifecycleTest.testAppletHasParentBeforeInit test failure
P4 JDK-8033406 sun.plugin2.applet.FXAppletSecurityManagerTest: Error and Failure
P4 JDK-8031824 sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2ClassLoaderTest.testFindGetBasics: Error
P4 JDK-8031407 sun.plugin2.applet.JNLP2ClassLoaderTest: 11 errors
P4 JDK-8031533 sun.plugin2.applet.JNLPAppletPreloaderTest: 5 errors
P4 JDK-8032599 sun.plugin2.applet.SerialAppletTest.testInitNormalSerialApplet: Caused an ERROR
P4 JDK-8031365 sun.plugin2.applet.SignedAsBLOBJarTest: 5 similar errors due to ExitException
P4 JDK-8030688 sun.plugin2.applet.SignedCachedJarTest failed
P4 JDK-8030357 sun.plugin2.applet.viewer.JNLP2ViewerTest failed on Mac
P4 JDK-8030066 sun.plugin2.main.server.JVMManagerTest Failed
P4 JDK-8030225 sun.plugin2.message.LaunchJVMAppletMessageTest failed
P4 JDK-8036674 test co-location: remove old SQE blackbox tests.
P4 JDK-8038354 The fix for is still not good enough - unit test failure on linux-i586: com.sun.javaws.PreloaderTest.testProgressInOfflineMode
P4 JDK-8068407 two deployment junit tests fail in JDK9 due to rt.jar assumptions
P4 JDK-8033708 Typo in the fix for 8033492
P4 JDK-8028684 Unit test error PolicyParserTest
P4 JDK-8069558 Update ldap related cases to use our own ldap server - deploy ws
P4 JDK-8031186 Webkit based browser is able to remove user defined global object via Java liveconnect.
P4 JDK-8167634 WinDeployCookieSelectorTest fails
P4 JDK-8077518 XMLParserTest unit test failure.
P5 JDK-8066406 [test] aurora failed to submit for windows result
P5 JDK-8012910 Entries to the user's trusted certs keystore are not correctly named


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8133045 java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to extract baseline.versions error
P2 JDK-7166247 Deployment Toolkit should recognize IE Metro for Windows 8 and provide appropriate default response
P2 JDK-8173911 DT(deployJava.js) fails to load applet in FF or Safari on Linux or Mac
P2 JDK-8176071 Java Deployment Toolkit needs to support JDK 8 and the Firefox ESR
P2 JDK-8163117 JCP - Delete files not working
P2 JDK-8180052 Preexisting desktop shortcuts broken, and deployment cache not seen after JRE update
P2 JDK-8153805 Revamped JCP: Advanced-Network Tab Voiceover/JAWS issues
P2 JDK-8153813 Revamped JCP: Usability Issues with Update Tab
P2 JDK-8158099 Revise image and link paths dtjava.js and deployJava.js
P2 JDK-8075179 Test jnlp_file/applicationDesc/index.html#args fails with incorrect arg value
P2 JDK-8147484 Web Start tutorial page works on IE but not on Firefox
P3 JDK-8168315 [JCP] Java Cache Viewer throws exception for Chinese Locale (zh-hant)
P3 JDK-8158820 Add some strings to excludes - New JCP
P3 JDK-8158823 Correct search tab to open the correct tab
P3 JDK-8163844 dtjava - chrome / edge browser - "Java Plug-in is not supported by this browser. More info" message box blocking content
P3 JDK-8055734 FireFox on OS X returning HTMLAppletElement instead of expected Applet
P3 JDK-8038463 Java Control Panel doesn't display correctly in high resolution
P3 JDK-8042641 jcontrol script should use pwd with -P flag
P3 JDK-8156875 Rename strings for new JCP
P3 JDK-8153812 Revamped JCP: Generic issues
P3 JDK-8153808 Revamped JCP: High Contrast Mode
P3 JDK-8037471 The warning message displays the app name and publisher as "UNKNOWN" if cache is disabled
P3 JDK-8066376 There is option labeled as 'Suppress sponsors offers when installing or updating Java' under 'Miscellaneous' section.
P4 JDK-8039011 JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest sometimes timeout on Windows
P4 JDK-8153800 Revamped JCP: General Tab


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8038621 [nightly] Plugin doesn't work for javafx applets since from build 25.03.2014
P1 JDK-8170948 JCP not launching
P2 JDK-8179200 "Request authentication" dialog from Java is blank
P2 JDK-8166482 Evaluate relative dimension test failures under javafx/deploy
P3 JDK-8166873 [test] Many javafx cases failed on Ubuntu due to "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Toolkit not initialized" when handing security warning dialog
P3 JDK-8175258 [test] Some cases in FXOcspAndCrlCheckTest failed due to bad cert dialog need more time to show up
P3 JDK-8166602 [test] Some cases in FXOcspAndCrlCheckTest failed on Mac due to gibberish when hanlding dialog
P3 JDK-8166605 [test] The expect dialog title string in driver xml is wrong for some LSPFXAutoTest cases
P3 JDK-8046826 All permission fx javaws app could not set Security Manager to null.
P3 JDK-8087909 at step11:it's failed to launch this applet after clicking OK on the dialog.
P3 JDK-8165831 At step12,The content contained in 'More Information' dialog is incorrect.
P3 JDK-8165813 At step2,There is an Application Error dialog pop-up after launching the applet.
P3 JDK-8165826 At step5,There is a Desktop Integration Warning dialog pop-up after clicking "Run".
P3 JDK-8165817 At step7:No the first security warning dialog display after relaunching the applet.
P3 JDK-8166774 Filter out applets under fx deploy on unsupported config
P3 JDK-8155849 FXUIToolkit.showMessageDialog() fails when running jre below 7u55
P3 JDK-8087668 implementation of custom preloader's handleErrorNotification doesn't take effect for jnlp app
P3 JDK-8088334 Linux: 'Remember password' checkbox missing in the authentication dialog
P3 JDK-8088495 ListView in Request Authentication dialog does not use entire width
P3 JDK-8155796 NPE showing icons in deploy FX dialogs when relaunching into JDK8
P3 JDK-8087725 User defined Icon not installed
P3 JDK-8030982 With cache disabled, FX jnlp application cannot be launched
P4 JDK-8155835 FXUIToolkit.showFileChooser() fails when jre is below 7u21
P4 JDK-8155837 FXUIToolkit.showSandboxSecurityDialog fails when running jre below 7u21
P4 JDK-8094289 JavaFX applet deployed on Ruby on Rails Bug
P4 JDK-8093881 multiple javaw.exe process if i run javafx 2.2 application
P4 JDK-8095075 on linux, when java console is hidden, fx applet area doesn't show on page
P4 JDK-8134810 Remove support for serialized applets from FX deploy
P5 JDK-8180915 The app can not be blocked.
P5 JDK-8180920 The app will be blocked once the app is launched


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8147392 [launcher] Change Linux to use JLI rather than JNI
P1 JDK-8171858 Application fail to launch with early access build 150 in both Oracle Linux 7.0 and Ubuntu
P1 JDK-8168306 Iconswap program used by the packager is flagged as malware by Windows Defender
P1 JDK-8171352 javapackager throws "Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No modules to add" when bundled with NormalJar
P1 JDK-8176582 javapackager.exe doesn't work from "C:\Program Files"
P1 JDK-8165721 jmods folder is not auto discovered
P2 JDK-8166996 "javapackager --add-modules ..." throws Exception: java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Module ... not found
P2 JDK-8166172 --add-modules and --limit-modules are broken in certain situations
P2 JDK-8166281 -Bidentifier="" not working for modules in MAC
P2 JDK-8131321 8u60 Windows 64-bit packager - install succeeds but application fails to start
P2 JDK-8166881 .cfg Configuration file contains hard coded values of path
P2 JDK-8167973 Absolute path for module-path is not working when trying to execute javapackager from other drive in CLI
P2 JDK-8166544 ANT issues in Mac developer build
P2 JDK-8170127 Commercial Modules are present in redistributable module list
P2 JDK-8088064 Enhance Launcher to Support Long File Names
P2 JDK-8162923 Error: Unknown Argument thrown by javpackager when argument values are passed with multiple words with in quotation
P2 JDK-8179363 Errors in Redistributable Module List
P2 JDK-8172985 Executable files in repo after JDK-8172925
P2 JDK-8171309 Fix failing test cases in ubuntu
P2 JDK-8170904 Fix javapackager failing testcases mentioned in description of bug
P2 JDK-8165416 Javapackager issues in Linux Developer Build
P2 JDK-8167405 javapackager test suite modifications for JDK9 as mentioned in description
P2 JDK-8171967 javapackager testsuite issues in jdk9
P2 JDK-8166975 javapackager throws " java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Module not found"
P2 JDK-8165794 javapackager throws "No application jars found" when "-srcfiles" is omitted in CLI
P2 JDK-8172444 Javapackager throws NullPointerException for simple CLI hello world test case
P2 JDK-8180368 javapackager.exe fails to launch: Unrecognized option: -m
P2 JDK-8165059 Many jdk.packager properties files are missing from javafxsdk.tbom
P2 JDK-8166803 Modular Jars are missing in installation directory after msi installation
P2 JDK-8170151 Remove Commercial modules from redistributable list
P2 JDK-8170851 Secondary Launchers picks wrong main class from module
P2 JDK-8167388 value for key "LSApplicationCategoryType" is not set in Info.plist when trying to set through javapackager -BapplicationCategory=""
P2 JDK-8175179 Windows Defender warning is not correct for all cases
P3 JDK-8088039 [launcher] Change Windows to use JLI rather than JNI
P3 JDK-8150200 [package] Java Packager HTML generation
P3 JDK-8091625 [Packager, Windows] launcher.exe stub should have version resource, description, copyright, vendor, etc. populated
P3 JDK-8165383 [packager] -native image generates all bundlers
P3 JDK-8095879 [packager] Bit Architecture check fails on windows with system JRE and 64bit JVM
P3 JDK-8165057 [packager] cleanup .properties files
P3 JDK-8144619 [packager] GetSystemJRE fails after changes for new version string
P3 JDK-8159634 [packager] include Java Runtime and Java Packager version strings in cfg file
P3 JDK-8144922 [packager] intermittent test failures
P3 JDK-8089325 [packager] javafxjar should have an option for non-cli password entry
P3 JDK-8147492 [packager] javapackager.exe support for unicode
P3 JDK-8151417 [packager] Linux javapackager doesn't work
P3 JDK-8160569 [packager] location of dtjava.js
P3 JDK-8154250 [packager] Mac Bundle Plugins directory rename
P3 JDK-8150991 [packager] Module Path Packager Arguments
P3 JDK-8164248 [packager] New Modular Arguments to be made public for Packager API
P3 JDK-8149975 [packager] Programmatically Determine JDK or JRE Modules
P3 JDK-8154898 [packager] Refactor Java Packager
P3 JDK-8154102 [packager] Refactor Public API
P3 JDK-8158977 [packager] Remove All JDK Module Paths from Module Path but the first one.
P3 JDK-8155956 [packager] runtime choice is only for JNLP not bundled apps
P3 JDK-8154479 [packager] Test Mac App Store Submission
P3 JDK-8170883 Add Class Path to Examples
P3 JDK-8146582 Ant Support for modular arguments
P3 JDK-8167508 ant-javafx.jar and jdk.packager runtime version check
P3 JDK-8140037 App Bundler: Detect Dependent Module from module path or classpath
P3 JDK-8093714 crash with MacPkgBundler
P3 JDK-8160944 Change in Command Line Invocation for test cases of javapackager
P3 JDK-8173225 codesign fails on symlinks
P3 JDK-8160835 Deprecate -makeall from Java Packager
P3 JDK-8169443 Deprecate Java Packager Blob Signing
P3 JDK-8170736 Executables are not available in bin directory when "javapackager --strip-native-commands false" is invoked through ant for normal jar
P3 JDK-8168138 Fix failing testcases in javapackager test suite and other modifications mentioned in description
P3 JDK-8147490 Fix white space issue in JavaVirtualMachine.cpp
P3 JDK-8172789 fx packager: fx:info doesn't work
P3 JDK-8170295 fx:jvmarg is not set
P3 JDK-8094953 Implement change in extractFlagsFromRuntime
P3 JDK-8165882 Java Packager Cleanup
P3 JDK-8088981 javafxpackager deploy task: -templateId option is not working
P3 JDK-8165548 javapackager -help shows --modulepath not --module-path
P3 JDK-8163076 javapackager bundling fails due to issue in JAVA-API
P3 JDK-8173473 javapackager clean up JDK 9 test suite
P3 JDK-8146169 Javapackager displays version as 8.0 instead of 9.0 for JDK9
P3 JDK-8147781 Javapackager installer needs to cleanup temporary folders
P3 JDK-8166870 javapackager support for -Djava-extension-type while executing single test case in testsuite
P3 JDK-8164832 javapackager testsuite modifications for below mentioned issues
P3 JDK-8165414 javapackager throws NullPointerException in Windows Operating System for CLI
P3 JDK-8080531 JEP 275: Modular Java Application Packaging
P3 JDK-8143393 JNLPBundler fails to generate JNLP
P3 JDK-8157913 Launcher can not find path to
P3 JDK-8170134 Linux Ant Swing Test Fails
P3 JDK-8140020 Linux Application Image Bundling
P3 JDK-8150511 LSMinimumSystemVersion set incorrectly
P3 JDK-8172925 Mac App Store Fixes
P3 JDK-8170199 Missing Modules from Redistributable List Should be Warnings
P3 JDK-8171979 Missing/Renamed Modules in Redistributable list
P3 JDK-8173407 New Ensemble AppStore icon
P3 JDK-8170122 Packager Tests
P3 JDK-8088690 packaging: make sure user content is properly escaped
P3 JDK-8146126 Put the Java version in the .cfg file
P3 JDK-8171811 References to ant-javafx.jar
P3 JDK-8166661 Remove "-outfile" as compulsary when bundling modules in javapackager
P3 JDK-8165522 Remove #ifndef USE_JLI_LAUNCH from native launcher
P3 JDK-8166305 Remove applet code
P3 JDK-8168017 Remove
P3 JDK-8172523 Revert Plugins Rename
P3 JDK-8154895 Revisit javapackager module path related options
P3 JDK-8143314 Runtime not respected with INI-configuration while creating native bundle
P3 JDK-8170609 Show Error When Mac AppStore Certificate Expired
P3 JDK-8170198 Static Redistributable Module List
P3 JDK-8173660 Submit MinesweeperFX to AppStore
P3 JDK-8170121 Test Accessibility of Packaged App
P3 JDK-8174131 Update redistribable.list
P3 JDK-8140026 Windows MSI Installer
P4 JDK-8094138 "fx:info" arguments "copyright" and "license" do nothing
P4 JDK-8098200 [packager] Mac code is noisy on non-mac platforms
P4 JDK-8164498 Backout changeset c9f45449d053 which has wrong bug id and commit message
P4 JDK-8078231 Both javafxpackager and javapackager tool is provided with JDK installation.
P4 JDK-8098208 Create a Gradle plugin for JavaFX
P4 JDK-8098148 Enhance Ability To add icon to Native Launcher
P4 JDK-8088048 fx packager: instead of under is generated
P4 JDK-8089290 fx:template still generates http url but task reference says https
P4 JDK-8097848 javafxpackager doesn't support local installation as fx tasks supports
P4 JDK-8093877 Mac Packager tends to hang with Google Drive installed
P4 JDK-8167496 Packager Cleanup
P4 JDK-8087504 Possible unimplemented stuff in fx:deploy Ant task
P4 JDK-8093858 WinLauncher doesn't support extra user arguments


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8133523 _releaseObject called from wrong thread
P1 JDK-8046822 Browser throws ClassNotFoundException when javaws.args present in on Windows
P2 JDK-8062099 [nightly] 8u40 - second security warning in html signed sandbox applet
P2 JDK-8134109 Applet2Manager.getMainDeploymentRuleSet ignores jar version.
P2 JDK-8173157 Applets exit after a short idle time on Mac
P2 JDK-8004653 AuthCacheBridge should not be in package
P2 JDK-8035572 build broken: imports were missed
P2 JDK-7148764 deprecate static version CLSID
P2 JDK-8173154 Popups are not rendered for FX applets running on Mac
P2 JDK-8133665 REGRESSION: Hidden applet does not load in 8u60 and 8u65
P2 JDK-8035321 REGRESSION: There is no '-Daaa=/home/test' for javaplugin.vm.options after clicking on the JCP and pressing 's' key to dump system properties
P2 JDK-8148690 Simple applet in IE11 throws NPE in Applet2Manager.getParametersString()
P3 JDK-8133985 "Apply" button is permanently disabled in JCP, after roaming profile option is changed
P3 JDK-8065082 7u72 https fails with CertificateException: Java couldn't trust Server
P3 JDK-8043231 [mac] Too long pipe names: sometimes duplicate names arises when many applets on page
P3 JDK-8074481 [macosx] Menu items are appearing on top of other windows
P3 JDK-8074482 [macosx] Menu items disappear and redrawn quickly when moving mouse into applet frame
P3 JDK-8161459 [test] All DT tests in DepreationTest failed due to the wrong locationof deployJava.js
P3 JDK-8161461 [test] CheckDeprecation.xml is missing in workspace
P3 JDK-8163461 [test] Need to evaluate SignedJNLPTest::testSimpleLiveConnectJNLPApplet
P3 JDK-8161450 [test] Two "unsinged" cases in DepreationTest failed due to they load a valid signed app
P3 JDK-8161464 [test]Some cases in DepreationTest should use handleJavaPopUpSettingsForceXML
P3 JDK-8079618 AccessControlException with deployment cache and RMI
P3 JDK-8030636 Accessibility class in jar on -xbootclasspath/a is not loaded by jvm
P3 JDK-8058474 Applet is not started in IE on dynamic insertion into a web page
P3 JDK-8133465 applet parameter jnlp_embedded does not work in JDK9
P3 JDK-8170377 At step 7:AppletB can not loaded successfully and there is only one Java console window shown up.
P3 JDK-8170376 At step 8:There is no "Application Error" dialog shown up.
P3 JDK-8134495 Cannot enable debugging on JNLP applet with java-vm-args params
P3 JDK-8042696 Existing Java method cannot be called from JavaScript in IE
P3 JDK-6849206 Got null when invoke getAttribute("nohref") on an HTMLAreaElement under firefox
P3 JDK-6849203 Got null when invoke getAttribute("tabindex") on an HTMLAreaElement under firefox
P3 JDK-8161349 It's "Perform..." link shown on the page rather than link "Classic Preserve Entrust TruePass Applet JRE Test"
P3 JDK-8036620 JAR file is downloaded on DownloadService.removeResource, if it is not in Deployment Cache
P3 JDK-8059622 Java Console GUI is irresponsive in JRE 8u20 on OS X
P3 JDK-8043230 MacNPAPIJavaPlugin incorrectly constructed which sometimes causes Applet not to load
P3 JDK-8066546 miss dependency on ant target "compile-driver" when just running liveconnect suite for plugin manual on a new clean machine
P3 JDK-8043229 NPE in sun.lwawt.macosx.CEmbeddedFrame.getLayerPtr during applet startup
P3 JDK-8025874 NullPointerException when starting applet from Firefox (if applet is not cached)
P3 JDK-8023910 on refresh of browser window, multiple Java console windows open and pausing occ
P3 JDK-8146336 pac file returns wrong proxy with IE only due to broken wildcarding
P3 JDK-8169071 Port initial plugin unit tests from graveyard
P3 JDK-8168023 Problems with BlockedException thrown from SecureStaticVersioning
P3 JDK-8034774 Remove dependency on sun.misc.ClassFileTransformer
P3 JDK-8159702 Security Exception(Sealing Violation) in package
P3 JDK-8007744 Security slider should be enable instantly after switching on 'enable java content in the browser'
P3 JDK-8134122 Showing property name rather than value in JCP-Advanced-Advanced Security Settings
P3 JDK-8066545 Simplify parameters in deploy.args
P3 JDK-8080123 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in CertUtils.checkWildcardDomain
P3 JDK-8040786 Text is truncated in JavaScript to Java security warning dialog on OS X
P3 JDK-8030689 The initial revoked dialog doesn't show up after reloads applet
P3 JDK-6852001 The results returned by HTMLBodyElement.getBackground under firefox and IE are not consistent.
P3 JDK-8015850 Unix/ Firefox 21+: Java Plug-in should use UTF8 instead of HTML entities
P3 JDK-8068632 Update plugin visual assets with new blue and orange branding
P3 JDK-8044381 Verifying Https-connection during Applet-startup uses wrong URL
P4 JDK-8010523 [ko] Text truncation on general page of Java Control Panel
P4 JDK-8044105 [mac] Plugin2Manager incorrectly disposes Applet window on JreSelectException
P4 JDK-8135112 [test] Need to update jcp vm argument test since JDK-8134813 is not a bug
P4 JDK-8137074 [test] Need to update JNLPURLProtocal test according to EG's feedback
P4 JDK-8136989 [test] Need to update shortcut test since JDK-8136585 is not a product bug
P4 JDK-8076228 Add MIME type registration for "application/x-java-applet;version=1.9" in plugin
P4 JDK-6837852 Java Console window does not test for Start Menu bar position
P4 JDK-8034819 Java Control Panel does not honor system date/time settings
P4 JDK-8027011 jnlp applet can not get vm argument MaxTenuringThreshold
P4 JDK-7183619 No exception is thrown when trying remove an user defined JS object on Chrome/Safari.
P4 JDK-8043695 Socket permission invalidates http-session
P4 JDK-8131164 Test task: forward port MV jar files deployment tests to JDK 9 Deployment WS
P4 JDK-8023002 The Java loading animation should stop immediately in the background when revoked dialog shows up
P4 JDK-8132227 The plug-in java does not work on Internet bank


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8152839 Java WebStart throws ClassNotFoundException when attempting to link to JAXB type
P2 JDK-8134515 [tck] JNLP version specification is not consistent with JEP 223 and
P2 JDK-8153077 Allow -XaddExports be specified via the java-vm-args attribute
P2 JDK-8157337 Allow always checkbox in security dialog when jnlp location is unknown
P2 JDK-8151455 API dialog in JDK9 causes a Security Exception
P2 JDK-8035386 backout parfait changes for javaws crash
P2 JDK-8149497 cannot relaunch to alternate architecture
P2 JDK-8165271 Fix use of reflection to gain access to private fields
P2 JDK-8075605 JNLP Specification update for JDK9
P2 JDK-8139323 JNLPSignedResourcesHelperTest shows regression caused by JDK-8129600
P2 JDK-8078815 Launching of jnlp app fails with JNLPException
P2 JDK-8153736 NPE in JarIndexWrapper if jar has no jar index.
P2 JDK-8022939 REGRESSION:NullPointerException at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch()
P2 JDK-8140740 Test jnlp_file/applicationDesc/index.html\#args is failing
P2 JDK-8160828 Unable to set "java.locale.providers" to use legacy JRE locale data
P2 JDK-8056013 Web Start looks in currently directory for all classes prior to jars - slow
P2 JDK-8152838 webstart can't run RMI application: jdk.javaws does not export com.sun.jnlp to module java.rmi
P2 JDK-8155076 Webstart loads JARs from MANIFEST.MF after loading the jars from resources-tag
P3 JDK-8024035 'Authorization' header not header initially not sent via HttpUrlConnection
P3 JDK-8147627 64 bit only app may have problems when initially launched with 32 bit javaws
P3 JDK-8161191 [test] Build error in javaws due to missing files in changeset 4654
P3 JDK-8145865 [test] CacheViewerTest::testReInstallApp2 fails by timeout because it doesn't wait enough time till reinstall will succeed
P3 JDK-8162526 [test] Due to fix of 8161468, update tests in javaws https suite
P3 JDK-8162590 [test] InteropTest::testCorba failed due to "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"
P3 JDK-8162503 [test] JavawsCPBTest::testSignedAndUnsigned is very unstable
P3 JDK-8173951 [test] JavawsMultiversionJarTest cases still fail after fix of 8171144
P3 JDK-8164069 [test] JawsESLExtraTest::testESLUnsignedSandBoxMultiJarVHigh failed due to unable to find selfsigned dialog
P3 JDK-8164014 [test] JawsLocalSecurityPolicyTest::testLSPCertRun_High need to be updated since JDK-8163140 was closed as "not an issue"
P3 JDK-8145872 [test] JawsOcspAndCrlCheckSSLCertTest::testSSLCertBadChainJNLP failed due to that the certificates expired
P3 JDK-8164022 [test] JawsOcspAndCrlCheckTest::testMultiJarValidCertDoubleSignOnlyB fails sometimes due to OCSP/CRL checking is disabled.
P3 JDK-8164717 [test] JDK8048972Test::testUpdateIntegrityLevel failed due to unable to find "Low Mandatory Level"
P3 JDK-8161380 [test] One case in EmbededCertificateTest failed due to missing a jar
P3 JDK-8161381 [test] one case in JavawsRegressionTest failed due to module jdk.javaws does not export com.sun.javaws.jnl to unnamed module
P3 JDK-8161384 [test] One case in JawsESLCertCheckTest failed due to the cert used to sign jnlp is "revocation status unknown"
P3 JDK-8162450 [test] One case in JawsESLCertCheckTest failed due to the cert used to sign jnlp is not correct
P3 JDK-8145524 [test] Some AssociationSuiteTest cases failed due to failing to find entry in deploy cache
P3 JDK-8161343 [test] Some cases in BlacklistTest failed due to IllegalAccessError in deploy.sqe.drivers.Resources class
P3 JDK-8164013 [test] Some cases in CacheViewerTest still failed due to new FX JCP changes
P3 JDK-8145498 [test] Some cases in DownloadService2Test are unstable with jre9-b96
P3 JDK-8161240 [test] Some cases need to be updated due to new FX JCP changes
P3 JDK-8162448 [test] Some javaws cases that loading applet should be filtered out for unsupport plugin config
P3 JDK-8164991 [test] Tests that loading applet should be filtered out for unsupport plugin config
P3 JDK-8161899 [test] testSSLCertBadChainJNLP failed due to the version of tcnative-1.dll is too low
P3 JDK-8145379 [test] The DRS version attribute for 9 need to be updated in JawsLocalSecurityPolicy suite
P3 JDK-8162525 [test] The last cmd must be wait when result is sent by app.
P3 JDK-8162957 [test] Three cases in DialogFreqJawsTest failed due to fix of 8161468
P3 JDK-8164701 [test]Expected Error Dialog is not seen when javaws is launched with escaped arguments
P3 JDK-8148707 [test]One case in javaws/EmbeddedCertificates couldn't find window with title Starting application
P3 JDK-8139479 [test]Some cases in javaws need to be updated due to JDK-8135266 was closed as "not an issue"
P3 JDK-8148530 [test]Some cases in vmargsTest failed due to that some secure jvm args are no longer valid in JDK9
P3 JDK-8161244 [test]Two cases in vmargsTest need to be updated due to that some secure jvm args are no longer valid in JDK9
P3 JDK-8081847 Add a URL scheme handler to reliably launch .jnlp files - Mac registration part
P3 JDK-8081846 Add a URL scheme handler to reliably launch .jnlp files - Windows registration part
P3 JDK-8003984 Allow relaunch between 32 / 64 bit versions in Java Web Start when you have latest versions of both
P3 JDK-8024536 Allow wildcard for property value of a secure property in signed jnlp file.
P3 JDK-7156268 app is stuck when launching with javaagent if there is no jre info in
P3 JDK-8156822 Application started using javaws now starts in {java.home} rather than current directory
P3 JDK-8165928 At step3:A dialog with title "Desktop Integration Warning" display when importing application from CMD
P3 JDK-8129223 Avoid invoking older versions of java from javaws launcher.
P3 JDK-7145168 cache remove process depends on extension uninstallers to be "Well Behaved"
P3 JDK-6564138 Cache: resources with parameters such as foo.jar;jsessionid=123456 are multiply cached
P3 JDK-8136844 Change to use NSTask or execv
P3 JDK-8144348 Desktop shortcut is not updated after JNLP is changed in deployment cache
P3 JDK-6945162 DownloadService Ignores Jar Resources When URL Contains Params
P3 JDK-8135227 DRS 1.3 enhancements doesn't work as expected when load no href jnlp by "javaws "
P3 JDK-8072999 DRS certificate based rule does not match with Java WS Application compressed by pack200
P3 JDK-8135115 DRS1.3: App is not blocked when there is a invalid attribute in jnlp-checksum
P3 JDK-8145383 ESL app signed by expired cert with sandbox permissions is not blocked if main jar is blacklisted
P3 JDK-8170380 Fail to remove the specific application by "javaws -uninstall URL"
P3 JDK-8028538 Fedora Linux issue with jnlp-servlet.jar demo source code license
P3 JDK-8020680 Gnome Desktop Shortcut Multiline Description Bug
P3 JDK-8051890 Java Web Start raises "Unable to create a shortcut for " dialog
P3 JDK-8140193 JNLP Installer gets a wrong argument when uninstall
P3 JDK-8041339 JNLP with java-vm-args whose length exceeded 512 chars failed to get loaded with CouldNotLoadArgumentException
P3 JDK-8163338 JnlpDownloadServlet doesn't handle newline character properly
P3 JDK-8077380 JNLPSigning exception when signed jnlp is launched from local tomcat server
P3 JDK-8071897 JRE 8U25 and 8u31 b32 cannot launch Java Web Start with proxy pac but works fine for 7u67
P3 JDK-8042649 JWS System Menu not translated
P3 JDK-8172872 JWS app fails to run with zip END header not found
P3 JDK-8173230 More cases failed due to use disabledAlgorithm SHA-1
P3 JDK-8148266 nohref jnlp files can cause multiple cache entries.
P3 JDK-8143820 NPE caused by JDK-6990109 fix
P3 JDK-8133874 NullPointerException when launching JNLP + problems on OSX
P3 JDK-8055448 Provide a way to specify JRE data model requirements in JNLP file
P3 JDK-8139946 Proxy issues when using a proxy PAC file returning no port number
P3 JDK-8131070 re enable secure launcher for cross platform launches.
P3 JDK-8139389 Register a protocol handler for Java Webstart
P3 JDK-8138995 regression in JDK9 parsing preloader-class from javafx-desc
P3 JDK-8044290 Shortcuts are not created for javaws x64 with JRE 7u55 on Windows OS
P3 JDK-8168415 ShowDocument fails with URL using jnlp or jnlps protocol
P3 JDK-8167306 Side effects of using url schema handler.
P3 JDK-8157785 Signed JWS application unexpectedly asks for permission to open a socket
P3 JDK-8143286 Test jnlp that signed with revoked cert exits silently with jre9-b92
P3 JDK-8171955 The dialog title is wrong for some tests in Javaws8167370Test
P3 JDK-8171937 The messgae on blocked dialog changed for weakly signed jnlp
P3 JDK-8171936 The warning message in java trace is changed for weakly signed jnlp
P3 JDK-6999748 Uninstaller Error occurs while trying to uninstall apps imported by 32 bit JWS on 64 bit systems
P3 JDK-8153087 URL Scheme handler problem
P3 JDK-8081627 Use awt splash mechanism in all cases in JDK9
P3 JDK-8068939 Visual Studio javaws Project to Debug Native Code
P3 JDK-8080607 Web Start does not honor height / width % values
P3 JDK-8074544 webstart app fails with CouldNotLoadArgumentException when account in Japanese
P3 JDK-8141054 WebStart does not clean up jnlp file after closing
P4 JDK-8035058 "Don't ask again..." doesn't work for expired native dialog on Ubuntu
P4 JDK-8172838 [test] httpsTest::testhttps_inside2 need to be updated
P4 JDK-8172959 [test] Need to update cleanup-after target in buildjavawsmanual.xml
P4 JDK-8137130 [test]"jnlp-checksum" should work with "block" permission
P4 JDK-8147054 [test]JawsOcspAndCrlCheckTest::testMultiJarValidCert_extension need to be updated due to JDK-8066674 was marked as "not an issue"
P4 JDK-8136982 [test]Need to update drs1.3 related cases due to JDK-8136687 was resolved as "not an issue"
P4 JDK-8148531 [test]Test case testFailToAccessCerRevoSiteJNLP_High is unstable on some machines
P4 JDK-8147055 [test]The allowed range for PrintCMSStatistics is from 0 to 2 now
P4 JDK-8148814 [test]The value of MarkStackSize must be less than or equal to MarkStackSizeMax
P4 JDK-7154104 arguments in original jnlp overwrite the arguments in href jnlp when using SingleInstance Service
P4 JDK-8039120 Backout 8034028 [parfait] JNI exception pending in deploy/src/common/macosx/native/MacOSXBundleUtil.m
P4 JDK-8049943 com.sun.deploy.cache.DeployCacheHandler LEAKS memory
P4 JDK-6954823 Deployment cache Viewer can be totally off the screen on windows.
P4 JDK-8043409 Deployment toolkit web start launcher fails when a percent sign is in either url
P4 JDK-8038748 Fix copyright years
P4 JDK-8146450 Java Web Start resource cache doesn't store all HTTP response headers
P4 JDK-8068539 javaws Dead Native Code Cleanup
P4 JDK-6602021 javaws does not show all options on command line
P4 JDK-8139321 JFXHelperTest unit tests uncovers a regression.
P4 JDK-8077285 jnlp spec version 8.20 is not supported
P4 JDK-6506300 JNLP Specification: Version Selection Not Well Defined
P4 JDK-8043993 JWS doesn't report -Djnlpx.origFilenameArg on relaunch
P4 JDK-8061626 known-platforms arg in extension protocol repeats platforms.
P4 JDK-6435287 Last execution date field is blank for javaws application
P4 JDK-8166582 LaunchDownloadTest failure after fix for JDK-8165001
P4 JDK-8036050 launcher.c DetermineVersion() does not use jreversion or jrelocation
P4 JDK-8022291 Mac OS: Unexpected JavaLaunchHelper message displaying
P4 JDK-8068531 Netbeans javaws Project to Debug Native Code
P4 JDK-8044212 NPE in CPCallbackHandler.isAuthenticated
P4 JDK-8159908 Port simple test from com/sun/javaws/jnl to new unit test infrastructure
P4 JDK-8039126 Refix [parfait] JNI exception pending in deploy/src/common/macosx/native/MacOSXBundleUtil.m
P4 JDK-6510995 Resources with download="lazy" are eagerly updated
P4 JDK-8167304 Shortcut cannot be created when there is no title element in jnlp
P4 JDK-8177684 Suppress lint removal warnings in AppletSecurity
P4 JDK-8057671 unable to find nativelib on windows when case-sensitivity mismatch
P4 JDK-8130026 When using browser certificate store, JWS should filter out expired certs
P4 JDK-8067172 Xcode javaws Project to Debug Native Code


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8065679 "Javadoc home page" is way out of date
P2 JDK-8177855 Clean up legal files
P2 JDK-8151051 JavaFX API javadoc bundle is out of date on
P2 JDK-8182029 Make the top-level docs index.html to a HTML-level redirect to the API overview page
P2 JDK-8057190 The Java Accessibility Documentation is out of date.
P2 JDK-8069356 Update the jdk 8 and 9 rmi documentation as per description.
P3 JDK-8178072 Document needed: Add a new launcher environment variable JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS
P3 JDK-8152397 Documentation ambiguity of support @deprecated tag on package element
P3 JDK-8042048 should be updated with jdk9 release.
P3 JDK-8141079 javac man page must document -h option
P3 JDK-8167227 JEP 299: Reorganize Documentation
P3 JDK-8079466 JNI Specification Update and Clean-up (JDK 8)
P3 JDK-8182861 Missing module graph png images in JDK documentation
P3 JDK-8171897 Remove third party readme files left from JDK-8169925
P3 JDK-8174977 Update license files with consistent license/notice names
P4 JDK-8159345 -sigalg option of keytool and jarsigner: Technical Review
P4 JDK-8158817 add documentation for NativeMath
P4 JDK-8181082 class-level since tag issues in java.base & java.datatransfer module
P4 JDK-8174698 Fix @since in in dev/corba repo
P4 JDK-8174696 Fix @since in in dev/jaxp repo
P4 JDK-8174697 Fix @since in in dev/jaxws repo
P4 JDK-8173957 Fix @since in in dev/jdk repo
P4 JDK-8174699 Fix @since in in dev/nashorn repo
P4 JDK-8146173 java.time.Duration.parse examples are incorrect.
P4 JDK-8043975 Update README for jdk9


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8146404 Post-DITA-conversion cleanup of the Troubleshooting Guide
P2 JDK-8130375 add OSX-specific explanation to signal chaining documentation
P2 JDK-8032342 Clarify the set of properties that are considered secure
P2 JDK-8162619 Doc changes for JDK-8159752
P2 JDK-8136582 JSSE Documentation Error Of Unsafe Server Certificate
P2 JDK-8076027 JSSE Reference Guide sample certificates should not use MD5 or SHA1-based signatures
P2 JDK-8032343 Multi applets inside html with sandbox-permission in manifest but no permission tag behaves differently
P2 JDK-8180377 SunJCE section of Oracle Providers doc missing AES/GCM Cipher
P2 JDK-8170498 Update docs to reflect unlimited policy file by default
P2 JDK-8075902 Update security provider docs for changes under 8038084 and 7191662
P2 JDK-8073976 Update the Security Troubleshooting Guide to cover latest options
P3 JDK-8004078 [docs] Create Standard Names for SHA-3 algorithms.
P3 JDK-8043237 Add a link to the com.sun.nio.sctp API in IO guide
P3 JDK-8136562 Add Documentation For Manual Linux Install of Protocol Handler
P3 JDK-8073261 Add new P1363 Format Signature algorithms to security guides
P3 JDK-8190931 Broken link to Standard Algorithm Names spec in Security Guide
P3 JDK-8043933 Clean-up stale JPDA docs
P3 JDK-8080612 Deploy JNLP Documentation
P3 JDK-8139622 Deprecate allowUnsafeRenegotiation and allowLegacyHelloMessages in JSSE Ref Guides
P3 JDK-8141493 disabled/enabled/not enabled ciphersuites need to be defined in our docs.
P3 JDK-8169745 Discourage the use of SunX509 trust manager
P3 JDK-8151405 Doc changes for JDK-8138653
P3 JDK-8162716 Doc tasks for JEP 254: Compact Strings
P3 JDK-8162719 Doc tasks for JEP 274: Enhanced Method Handles
P3 JDK-8171188 Docs to reflect deprecation
P3 JDK-8165977 Document -makeall deprecation
P3 JDK-8130486 Document Java.asJSONCompatible() function
P3 JDK-8136649 Document new required algorithms in Standard Algorithm Names guide
P3 JDK-8151897 Document the XML Signature secure validation mode
P3 JDK-8130515 Erroneous information regarding array handling in "Using Java From Scripts"
P3 JDK-8034047 JavaSound Guide "Appendix 1: Code Overview:" need updating
P3 JDK-8155881 JNI Specification for DetachCurrentThread needs modification in relation to pending exceptions
P3 JDK-8074399 Nashorn User's Guide points to invalid URL
P3 JDK-8130497 Obsolete "Caution" in section 3.10 of "Using Java From Scripts"
P3 JDK-8073431 Remove technotes guide
P3 JDK-8164386 Security Guide: Update methods in SecureRandom
P3 JDK-8147605 Significant misinformation about argument order in "Using Java from Scripts" guide
P3 JDK-8175866 Solaris install docs make reference to packages they should not
P3 JDK-8186683 Substitute a Built-In Resource Doc Change
P3 JDK-8162113 Update DRS guide to cover features of version 1.3
P3 JDK-8153932 Update Kerberos 5 GSS-API Mechanism technotes
P3 JDK-8173298 Update KeySize Restrictions sections of Oracle Providers doc
P3 JDK-8162110 Update list of secure properties and secure vm args
P3 JDK-8038433 Update Security Overview page for JDK 9
P3 JDK-8135316 Update the ENT MSI guide to state "modifyremove" parameter is not supported
P3 JDK-8187906 Windows Registry Key Changes Omitted from JDK 9 Migration Guide
P4 JDK-8032344 Add DejaVu fonts files that will be used for JDK API docs
P4 JDK-8057108 Broken links in developersguide for Java Web Start
P4 JDK-8033208 Change name of SunProviders.html to OracleProviders.html
P4 JDK-8073212 Command Reference documentation typo
P4 JDK-8169753 doc change for JDK-7004967
P4 JDK-8178412 Doc link updates for i18n
P4 JDK-8069071 Document Java Discovery Protocol
P4 JDK-8157429 Documentation for fx:deploy mentions obsolete attributes
P4 JDK-8050912 javadoc for is missing from Java Accessibility documentation
P4 JDK-8184121 keytool -destkeystore default is not documented
P4 JDK-8049833 Nashorn api doc says all java collections are treated like arrays - only Lists are treated like so.
P4 JDK-8173065 security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html contains invalid html tag.
P4 JDK-8129948 Should document
P4 JDK-8080639 technotes update for JDK-8077102
P4 JDK-8129743 Typos in guide "The Java Scripting API"
P4 JDK-8089507 update packager's docs for changes in ant task
P4 JDK-8088189 update packager's docs for new boolean flag "installdirChooser"
P4 JDK-8060759 Update the JCA providers doc for 8046002


Priority Bug Summary
P4 JDK-8169583 Add documentation for JDK-8068945 to Tools Reference Guide


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8132902 Document JavaFX deployment mechanism(s)


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8173331 "Supported Locales" document for JDK9


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8183260 Several documents issues with the Javadoc tools reference page
P3 JDK-8073392 Clarify that diagnostic tools cannot be used with different JDK versions
P3 JDK-8027379 Clarify use of the term java launcher in tools documentation
P3 JDK-8189385 colon-semicolon discrepancy between command docs and usage message
P3 JDK-8141358 Document -XX:VMOptionsFile
P3 JDK-8134259 Document needed for @argfile feature for java
P3 JDK-8187891 Incorrectly documented java flags
P3 JDK-8146980 javac tool documentation error
P3 JDK-8055467 Missing Classpath documentation and other problem in Java command page
P3 JDK-8143084 Remove -Xusealtsigs and -XX:+UseAltSigs from manpages
P3 JDK-8138768 Tooldoc for JDK-8138766 and JDK-8056174
P3 JDK-8071573 Update the JMC options on the man page
P4 JDK-8141575 'man java' doesn't mention -classpath
P4 JDK-8169584 Add documentation for JDK-6869327 to Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8169580 Add documentation for JDK-8046809 to Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8169586 Add documentation for JDK-8059604 to Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8169587 Add documentation for JDK-8139340 to Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8174062 Add documentation for JDK-8154122 to Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8169582 Add documentation for JDK-8166002 to Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8143985 Doc change for JDK-8130132
P4 JDK-8143860 Doc change for JDK-8141457
P4 JDK-8162961 doc change for JDK-8162739
P4 JDK-8179049 Document on the "java" command that the "UseAltSigs" options are Obsolete
P4 JDK-8134448 Document XX:SharedArchiveConfigFile=
P4 JDK-8152556 Incorrect serviceability option of the Java launcher
P4 JDK-8041337 jarsigner.html enhancements
P4 JDK-8156919 jmap/jstack/jinfo documentation should be updated to reflect command line changes
P4 JDK-8033767 jrunscript tool page for jdk8 has wrong link for jsdoc pages
P4 JDK-8141579 misleading example in javadoc man page
P4 JDK-8081857 Need a documentation for new SA launcher
P4 JDK-8169581 Remove -XX:UseCondCardMark from Tools Reference Guide
P4 JDK-8169585 Remove/adapt documentation for intrinsic flags after JDK-8145348
P4 JDK-8058521 tooldoc change for JDK-8057810
P4 JDK-8073401 typo in javac man page for bootclasspath
P4 JDK-8161691 Typo in the keytool man pages: env variable in place of program name
P4 JDK-8043620 Update documentation for serialver tool
P4 JDK-8148207 Update policytool man page and tool doc
P4 JDK-8078745 Wrong option -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemory in Tech Notes


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8061564 Suspicious failure of test java/util/concurrent/Phaser/


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8031411 SEGV in AsyncGetCallTrace while getting StackOverflowException via jdi
P5 JDK-8012627 Method::build_method_counters might leak memory


Priority Bug Summary
P4 JDK-8049055 Jtreg /jdk/TEST.groups should be changed for profiles


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8080774 DateFormat for Singapore/English locale (en_SG) is M/d/yy instead of d/M/yy
P3 JDK-8179566 Jaxws 2.2 API msg update : wrapperTask.needEndorsed and runtime.modeler.addressing.responses.nosuchmethod
P4 JDK-8034972 Era translation wrong for "AD" -> "??.d.C." Romanian lang.


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8037111 space before % is inconsistent between sv and sv_SE
P3 JDK-8017142 Time display for Spanish(Chile, Ecuador ) locale doesn't show 24-hour format
P3 JDK-8057004 Time zone names needs to be updated after tzdata2014f
P4 JDK-7037368 Currency names missing in some locales (b138)
P4 JDK-8065555 Remove incorrect locale data for inexistent language 'German (Greece)'
P4 JDK-8037343 Wrong dateformat for locale es_DO
P4 JDK-8081643 Wrong number format for Serbian locale with Latin script (sr-Latn-RS)


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8077351 Broken Localization Strings (
P3 JDK-8180337 JavaFX 9 msg drop 40 l10n resource file update
P3 JDK-8161544 JDK 9 msg drop 20 resource update - openjdk
P3 JDK-8157776 JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - Corba
P3 JDK-8157775 JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - JAXP
P3 JDK-8155918 JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - JDK
P3 JDK-8157778 JDK 9 Prep Message Drop L10n resource file translation update - Langtools
P3 JDK-8180167 JDK9 msg drop 40 l10n resource file update
P3 JDK-8039463 Swedish translation for label in JFileChooser is incorrect
P4 JDK-8159897 [ja] should translate string "variable" and "reset to null" in
P4 JDK-8156616 Extra dash char '-' prefix for options in java launcher.opt.header
P4 JDK-8172950 JavaFX 9 l10n resource file update - msgdrop 30
P4 JDK-8169618 JDK9 message drop interim L10n resource file update -open
P4 JDK-8159324 JDK9 msg drop 10 resource update
P4 JDK-8172956 JDK9 msg drop 30 l10n resource file update - open
P4 JDK-8150227 L10n change for JDK-8130302
P4 JDK-8041336 Need translation for JDK-8038837
P4 JDK-8163145 Remove two "null" lines in the end of
P4 JDK-8158486 remove wtpg id from jaxp resource files in JDK9
P4 JDK-8159757 resource string translation for JDK-8027781
P4 JDK-8144459 Resource strings change for JDK-8130132
P4 JDK-8143862 Resource strings change for JDK-8141457
P4 JDK-8159409 Unclear translation in (key=javac.opt.Xbootclasspath.p)
P4 JDK-8043613 Update .properties files for serialver tool
P5 JDK-8055798 Japanese translation for a warning from javac looks incorrect.
P5 JDK-8166587 JShell: Wrong Japanese translation for method


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8054054 8040121 is broken
P1 JDK-8139750 [BACKOUT] Elide more final field's write memory barrier with escape analysis result
P1 JDK-8153816 [BACKOUT] Make intrinsics flags diagnostic
P1 JDK-8141149 [jittester] create Visitor for generating bytecode
P1 JDK-8140656 [jittester] Get rid of jargs.jar
P1 JDK-8140657 [jittester] Make Builders instead of ponderous constructors
P1 JDK-8140494 [jittester] Refactor: make Factory for a node's building
P1 JDK-8140495 [jittester] Refactor: make Visitor instead Production::toJavaCode
P1 JDK-8141208 [jittester] remove links to jargs.jar from Makefile
P1 JDK-8155023 [JVMCI] needs to securely export services
P1 JDK-8145714 [JVMCI] SPARC broken after JDK-8134994
P1 JDK-8139558 [JVMCI] SPARC hits: guarantee(heap_end < allocation_end) failed: heap end too close to end of address space (might lead to erroneous TLAB allocations)
P1 JDK-8183551 Aarch64 platform specific code for 8173770
P1 JDK-8183543 Aarch64: C2 compilation often fails with "failed spill-split-recycle sanity check"
P1 JDK-8139259 aarch64: jtreg test TestLogSum segvs after 8132207
P1 JDK-8155864 api/java_lang/Math/cos_cos6 and sin_sin6 fail
P1 JDK-8066900 Array Out Of Bounds Exception causes variable corruption
P1 JDK-8071821 Assert failed in
P1 JDK-8080699 Assert failed: Not a Java pointer in JCK test
P1 JDK-8071302 assert(!_reg_node[reg_lo] || edge_from_to(_reg_node[reg_lo],def)) failed: after block local scheduling
P1 JDK-8071534 assert(!failing()) failed: Must not have pending failure. Reason is: out of memory
P1 JDK-8073792 assert((get_length_if_constant(phase) == -1) == !ary_src->size()->is_con()) failed: inconsistent
P1 JDK-8055530 assert(_exits.control()->is_top() || !_gvn.type(ret_phi)->empty()) failed: return value must be well defined
P1 JDK-8073957 assert(ary_src != 0) failed: not an array or instance?
P1 JDK-8077279 assert(ic->is_clean()) failed: IC should be clean
P1 JDK-8143026 assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(java_class)) failed: must be a Class object
P1 JDK-8071533 assert(n0->is_Call()) failed: expect a call here
P1 JDK-8140388 Backout runtime checks in intrinsics before integration
P1 JDK-8072774 bigapps/Weblogic+medrec/nowarnings fails due to CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods' exhaustion
P1 JDK-8174818 bigapps/Weblogic12medrec fails with assert(check_call_consistency(jvms, cg)) failed: inconsistent info
P1 JDK-8150514 C1 crashes in Canonicalizer::do_ArrayLength() after fix for JDK-8150102
P1 JDK-8167578 C1: compiler.escapeAnalysis.TestArrayCopy fails to throw ArrayStoreException
P1 JDK-8152972 C2 crashes with SIGSEGV in LoadNode::make
P1 JDK-8148754 C2 loop unrolling fails due to unexpected graph shape
P1 JDK-8140574 C2 must re-execute checks after deoptimizing from merged uncommon traps
P1 JDK-8039298 C2: assert(base == NULL || t_adr->isa_rawptr() || !phase->type(base)->higher_equal(TypePtr::NULL_PTR)) failed: NULL+offs not RAW address?
P1 JDK-8032207 C2: assert(VerifyOops || MachNode::size(ra_) <= (3+1)*4) failed: bad fixed size
P1 JDK-8155635 C2: Mixed unsafe oop accesses break alias analysis
P1 JDK-8155781 C2: opaque unsafe access triggers an assert
P1 JDK-8079205 CallSite dependency tracking is broken after sun.misc.Cleaner became automatically cleared
P1 JDK-8130847 Cloned object's fields observed as null after C2 escape analysis
P1 JDK-8062735 CodeCacheSweeperThread missing from SA
P1 JDK-8149797 Compilation fails with "assert(in_hash) failed: node should be in igvn hash table"
P1 JDK-8071312 compiler/arguments/ fails
P1 JDK-8071864 compiler/c2/6772683/ failed in nightly
P1 JDK-8069125 compiler/codecache/stress tests timeout in nightlies
P1 JDK-8067338 compiler/debug/ segfaults
P1 JDK-8145338 compiler/jsr292/ fails: assert(dep_implicit_context_arg(dept) == 0) failed: sanity
P1 JDK-8145026 compiler/jsr292/NonInlinedCall/ fails with: java.lang.NullPointerException in ClassFileInstaller.main
P1 JDK-8183401 compiler/jvmci/ fails with: The VM does not support the minimum JVMCI API version required by Graal
P1 JDK-8069035 compiler/oracle/ nightly failure
P1 JDK-8069126 compiler/rtm/locking/ nightly failure
P1 JDK-8064669 compiler/whitebox/ crashes / asserts
P1 JDK-8068003 compiler/whitebox/ fails: compilation 48 can't be available
P1 JDK-8038633 crash in VM_Version::get_processor_features() on startup
P1 JDK-8145620 Disable compiler/floatingpoint/
P1 JDK-8040085 dtrace/jsdt tests crash on solaris. found an unadvertised bad scavengable oop in the code cache
P1 JDK-8153792 EA: assert(ptn->as_LocalVar()->edge_count() > 0) failed: sanity when compiling compareAndExchange
P1 JDK-8042570 Excessive number of tests timing out on nightly testing due to fix for 8040798
P1 JDK-8068746 Exclude hotspot/test/compiler/codecache/jmx/ from nightly runs
P1 JDK-8067475 Exclude vm/mlvm/indy/stress/java/mutableCallSiteDekker from execution
P1 JDK-8046275 Fastdebug build failing on jdk9/hs/ control jobs after pulling some hs-comp changes
P1 JDK-8150186 Folding mismatched accesses with @Stable is incorrect
P1 JDK-8141629 Hs-comp doesn't build with JDK-8139040
P1 JDK-8066713 ignore compiler/types/correctness
P1 JDK-8058536 java/lang/instrument/ fails due to VirtualMachineError: out of space in CodeCache for method handle intrinsic
P1 JDK-8139454 java/lang/Math/ crashes on Linux-amd64
P1 JDK-8060252 JDK-7173584 compiler changes regress SPECjvm2008 on SPARC
P1 JDK-8062493 JEP 243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface
P1 JDK-8166089 JEP 295: Ahead-of-Time Compilation
P1 JDK-8146157 JVMCI must not fold accesses to @Stable fields if -XX:-FoldStableValues
P1 JDK-8139170 JVMCI refresh
P1 JDK-8137122 leftovers group #3
P1 JDK-8181742 Load that bypasses arraycopy has wrong memory state
P1 JDK-8145345 LogCompilation output is empty after JEP165: Compiler Control
P1 JDK-8080692 lots of jstack tests failing in pit
P1 JDK-8139595 MethodHandles::remove_dependent_nmethod is not MT safe
P1 JDK-6675699 need comprehensive fix for unconstrained ConvI2L with narrowed type
P1 JDK-8072753 Nondeterministic wrong answer on arithmetic
P1 JDK-8159244 Partially initialized string object created by C2's string concat optimization may escape
P1 JDK-8183103 Post loop vectorization produces incorrect results
P1 JDK-8146978 PPC64: Fix build after integration of C++ interpreter removal
P1 JDK-8153195 Quarantine compiler/gcbarriers/
P1 JDK-8152640 Quarantine compiler/intrinsics/string/
P1 JDK-8079231 quarantine compiler/jsr292/
P1 JDK-8161581 Quarantine compiler/jvmci/
P1 JDK-8073499 quarantine compiler/tiered/LevelTransitionTest
P1 JDK-8061784 Quarantine nsk/jvmti/popframe005
P1 JDK-8148970 Quarantine testlibrary_tests/whitebox/vm_flags/
P1 JDK-8177095 Range check dependent CastII/ConvI2L is prematurely eliminated
P1 JDK-8042235 redefining method used by multiple MethodHandles crashes VM
P1 JDK-8184036 Restore -XX:UseAVX=3 as product value
P1 JDK-8135035 Reverse changes from 8075093
P1 JDK-8146424 runtime/ReservedStack/ triggers: assert(thread->deopt_mark() == __null) failed: no stack overflow from deopt blob/uncommon trap
P1 JDK-8054883 Segmentation error while running program
P1 JDK-8058461 serviceability/dcmd/ and serviceability/dcmd/ SIGSEGV
P1 JDK-8046684 sharedRuntime.cpp...assert(((nmethod*)cb)->is_at_poll_or_poll_return(pc)) failed: safepoint polling: type must be poll
P1 JDK-8155751 Some tests miss othervm for main/bootclasspath mode
P1 JDK-8068440 times out
P1 JDK-8139094 Tier1 test java/util/zip/ fails due to fixes for JDK-8134553
P1 JDK-8058564 Tiered compilation performance drop in PIT
P1 JDK-8134321 tools/pack200/ crashes in the VM PIT jdk9 b79
P1 JDK-8073670 TypeF::eq and TypeD::eq do not handle NaNs correctly
P1 JDK-8134994 use separate VMStructs databases for SA and JVMCI
P1 JDK-8059653 VM startup fails with 'Invalid code heap sizes' if -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize is set
P1 JDK-8046809 vm/mlvm/meth/stress/compiler/deoptimize CodeCache is full.
P1 JDK-8067769 Whitebox API misses deoptimizeFrames() functions
P1 JDK-8178723 Workaround for failure of CRC32C intrinsic on x86 machines without CLMUL support (JDK-8178720)
P2 JDK-8036667 "assert(adr->is_AddP() && adr->in(AddPNode::Offset)->is_Con()) failed: offset is a constant" with FoldStableValues on
P2 JDK-8030662 "assert(counter_changed) failed: failed dependencies, but counter didn't change" still fails
P2 JDK-8145333 -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler -XX:-EnableJVMCI makes JVM crash
P2 JDK-8171137 [AOT] Avoid warning: -Xint is not compatible with AOT (switching AOT off)
P2 JDK-8177856 [AOT] EliminateRedundantInitializationPhase is not working
P2 JDK-8167519 [AOT] Failed compilation: java.math.MutableBigInteger.divide3n2n
P2 JDK-8176238 [AOT] failure to build jdk.vm.compiler with --with-jobs=1 configure flag
P2 JDK-8175217 [AOT] Fix after module renaming
P2 JDK-8172310 [AOT] Fix unverified entry point
P2 JDK-8175052 [AOT] jaotc does not accept file name with .class
P2 JDK-8182310 [AOT][JVMCI] Get host class of VM anonymous class
P2 JDK-8173195 [BACKOUT] 8087341: C2 doesn't optimize redundant memory operations with G1
P2 JDK-8141198 [jittester] Add 'throw'
P2 JDK-8141197 [jittester] Add 'try/catch' with simple exceptions
P2 JDK-8141178 [jittester] generate bytecode : ArgumentDeclaration
P2 JDK-8141171 [jittester] generate bytecode : ArrayCreation
P2 JDK-8141172 [jittester] generate bytecode : ArrayElement
P2 JDK-8141173 [jittester] generate bytecode : ArrayExtraction
P2 JDK-8141150 [jittester] generate bytecode : BinaryOperator
P2 JDK-8141151 [jittester] generate bytecode : Block
P2 JDK-8141152 [jittester] generate bytecode : Break
P2 JDK-8141153 [jittester] generate bytecode : CastOperator
P2 JDK-8141174 [jittester] generate bytecode : ClassDefinitionBlock
P2 JDK-8141179 [jittester] generate bytecode : ConstructorDefinition
P2 JDK-8141180 [jittester] generate bytecode : ConstructorDefinitionBlock
P2 JDK-8141154 [jittester] generate bytecode : Continue
P2 JDK-8141190 [jittester] generate bytecode : CounterInitializer
P2 JDK-8141191 [jittester] generate bytecode : CounterManipulator
P2 JDK-8141155 [jittester] generate bytecode : Declaration
P2 JDK-8141192 [jittester] generate bytecode : DoWhile
P2 JDK-8141193 [jittester] generate bytecode : For
P2 JDK-8141181 [jittester] generate bytecode : Function
P2 JDK-8141182 [jittester] generate bytecode : FunctionDeclaration
P2 JDK-8141183 [jittester] generate bytecode : FunctionDeclarationBlock
P2 JDK-8141184 [jittester] generate bytecode : FunctionDefinition
P2 JDK-8141185 [jittester] generate bytecode : FunctionDefinitionBlock
P2 JDK-8141186 [jittester] generate bytecode : FunctionRedefinition
P2 JDK-8141187 [jittester] generate bytecode : FunctionRedefinitionBlock
P2 JDK-8141156 [jittester] generate bytecode : If
P2 JDK-8141157 [jittester] generate bytecode : Initialization
P2 JDK-8141175 [jittester] generate bytecode : Interface
P2 JDK-8141176 [jittester] generate bytecode : Klass
P2 JDK-8141158 [jittester] generate bytecode : Literal
P2 JDK-8141159 [jittester] generate bytecode : LocalVariable
P2 JDK-8141194 [jittester] generate bytecode : LoopingCondition
P2 JDK-8141177 [jittester] generate bytecode : MainKlass
P2 JDK-8141160 [jittester] generate bytecode : NonStaticMemberVariable
P2 JDK-8141162 [jittester] generate bytecode : PrintVariables
P2 JDK-8141188 [jittester] generate bytecode : Return
P2 JDK-8141163 [jittester] generate bytecode : Statement
P2 JDK-8141189 [jittester] generate bytecode : StaticConstructorDefinition
P2 JDK-8141164 [jittester] generate bytecode : StaticMemberVariable
P2 JDK-8141165 [jittester] generate bytecode : Switch
P2 JDK-8141166 [jittester] generate bytecode : TernaryOperator
P2 JDK-8141167 [jittester] generate bytecode : Type
P2 JDK-8141196 [jittester] generate bytecode : Type_Array
P2 JDK-8141168 [jittester] generate bytecode : UnaryOperator
P2 JDK-8141169 [jittester] generate bytecode : VariableDeclaration
P2 JDK-8141170 [jittester] generate bytecode : VariableDeclarationBlock
P2 JDK-8141195 [jittester] generate bytecode : While
P2 JDK-8140493 [jittester] Move all command line arguments to a property file.
P2 JDK-8140655 [jittester] Remove redundant classes
P2 JDK-8136661 [JVMCI] Type "CompilerToVM", referenced in VMStructs::localHotSpotVMStructs in the remote VM, was not present in the remote VMStructs::localHotSpotVMTypes table (should have been caught in the debug build of that VM)
P2 JDK-8136653 [JVMCI] assert(value->type() == T_INT) failed: Agreement.
P2 JDK-8144529 [JVMCI] compiler/jvmci/errors/ fails to compile after JDK-8143730
P2 JDK-8137021 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM methods "lookupNameRefInPool" and "lookupSignatureRefInPool" cause JVM crash
P2 JDK-8137159 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::getConstantPool method does not work according to javadoc
P2 JDK-8136655 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::getVtableIndexForInterface crash in case HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl(1st parameter) is not initialized
P2 JDK-8136659 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::getVtableIndexForInterface returns invalid vtable index(-4) for non-default interface method
P2 JDK-8152903 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::resolveMethod should correctly handle private methods in interfaces
P2 JDK-8137125 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::writeDebugOutput need input data range checks
P2 JDK-8161550 [JVMCI] Crash: assert(sig_bt[member_arg_pos] == T_OBJECT)
P2 JDK-8146608 [JVMCI] DebugInfo Tests on DeoptimizeALot runs fails in assert(_pc == *pc_addr || pc == *pc_addr) frame::patch_pc() /frame_x86.cpp:285
P2 JDK-8137192 [JVMCI] GetNextStackFrameTest SIGSEGV @ ScopeDesc::objects()+0x1
P2 JDK-8151266 [JVMCI] HotSpotResolvedJavaFieldImpl.isStable() does not work as expected
P2 JDK-8174957 [JVMCI] jaotc is broken in Xcomp mode
P2 JDK-8144521 [JVMCI] JVMCI is built on 32-bit Windows compiler2 and tiered builds
P2 JDK-8177673 [JVMCI] missing checks in HotSpotMemoryAccessProviderImpl can cause VM assertions to fail
P2 JDK-8150738 [JVMCI] runtime/CommandLine/ fails with: java.lang.RuntimeException: '' missing from stdout/stderr
P2 JDK-8145435 [JVMCI] some tests on Windows fail with: assert(!thread->is_Java_thread()) failed: must not be java thread
P2 JDK-8159888 [JVMCI] the client VM build is broken when INCLUDE_JVMCI is defined
P2 JDK-8178119 [JVMCI] when rethrowing exceptions at deopt the exception must be fetched after materialization
P2 JDK-8140309 [REDO] failed: no mismatched stores, except on raw memory: StoreB StoreI
P2 JDK-8172881 AArch64: assertion failure: the int pressure is incorrect
P2 JDK-8179954 AArch64: C1 and C2 volatile accesses are not sequentially consistent
P2 JDK-8173472 AArch64: C1 comparisons with null only use 32-bit instructions
P2 JDK-8177661 AArch64: Incorrect C2 patterns cause system register corruption
P2 JDK-8081279 Adapt C2's string concatenation optimization
P2 JDK-8164002 Add a new CPU family (S_family) for SPARC S7 and above processors
P2 JDK-8038193 Add command line option tests for BMI options
P2 JDK-8039496 Add sanity tests on RTM-related command line options
P2 JDK-8035857 Add tests to verify correctness of operations with BMI1 and LZCNT instructions
P2 JDK-8086053 Address inconsistencies regarding ZeroTLAB
P2 JDK-8178047 Aliasing problem with raw memory accesses
P2 JDK-8153292 AllocateInstancePrefetchLines>AllocatePrefetchLines can trigger out-of-heap prefetching
P2 JDK-8172850 Anti-dependency on membar causes crash in register allocator due to invalid instruction scheduling
P2 JDK-8176887 AOT: SIGSEGV in AOTCodeHeap::next when using specific configuration
P2 JDK-8176888 AOT: SIGSEGV in frame InetAddressHolder.getHostName
P2 JDK-8167501 ARMv7 Linux C2 compiler crashes running jtreg harness on MP systems
P2 JDK-8179678 ArrayCopy with same src and dst can cause incorrect execution or compiler crash
P2 JDK-8038222 Assembler::bsrl fails on assert when -UseCountLeadingZerosInstruction is used on CPU with LZCNT support
P2 JDK-8075921 assert assert(allocx == alloc) fails in library_call.cpp
P2 JDK-8172844 Assert fails in deoptimization due to original PC at the end of code section
P2 JDK-8059299 assert(adr_type != NULL) failed: expecting TypeKlassPtr
P2 JDK-8080157 assert(allocates2(pc)) failed: not in CodeBuffer memory
P2 JDK-8073796 assert(check_obj_alignment(result)) failed: address not aligned: ...
P2 JDK-8156659 assert(CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(_pc) == _cb) failed: inconsistent
P2 JDK-8035841 assert(dp_src->tag() == dp_dst->tag()) failed: should be same tags 1 != 0 at ciMethodData.cpp:90
P2 JDK-8034216 assert(false) failed: infinite loop in PhaseIterGVN::optimize
P2 JDK-8129094 assert(is_java_primitive(bt)) failed: only primitive type vectors
P2 JDK-8140267 assert(is_native_ptr || alias_type->adr_type() == TypeOopPtr::BOTTOM || alias_type->field() != __null || alias_type->element() != __null) failed: field, array element or unknown
P2 JDK-8038048 assert(null_obj->escape_state() == PointsToNode::NoEscape,etc) runThese -full
P2 JDK-8147386 assert(size == calc_size) failed: incorrect size calculattion
P2 JDK-8173019 Backout JDK-8172990 changes.
P2 JDK-8081284 Basic string intrinsics for Sparc
P2 JDK-8081277 Basic string intrinsics for x86
P2 JDK-8153527 break_tty_lock_for_safepoint causes "assert(false) failed: bad tag in log" and broken compile log
P2 JDK-8062950 Bug in locking code when UseOptoBiasInlining is disabled: assert(dmw->is_neutral()) failed: invariant
P2 JDK-8142333 Build failure in debugInfoRec.cpp with SS12u4
P2 JDK-8175567 Build of hotspot for arm-vfp-sflt fails
P2 JDK-8178033 C1 crashes with -XX:UseAVX = 3: "not a mov [reg+offs], reg instruction"
P2 JDK-8146575 C1 fast TLAB refills can overflow with large minimum TLAB sizes
P2 JDK-8158228 C1 incorrectly folds mismatched loads from stable arrays
P2 JDK-8143930 C1 LinearScan asserts when compiling two back-to-back CompareAndSwapLongs
P2 JDK-8175887 C1 value numbering handling of Unsafe.get*Volatile is incorrect
P2 JDK-8146983 C1: assert(appendix.not_null()) failed for invokehandle bytecode
P2 JDK-8160543 C1: Crash in java.lang.String.indexOf in some java.sql tests
P2 JDK-8148175 C1: G1 barriers don't preserve FP registers
P2 JDK-8174721 C1: Inlining through MH invokers/linkers in unreachable code is unsafe
P2 JDK-8140659 C1: invokedynamic call patching violates JVMS-6.5.invokedynamic
P2 JDK-8173373 C1: NPE is thrown instead of LinkageError when accessing inaccessible field on NULL receiver
P2 JDK-8181872 C1: possible overflow when strength reducing integer multiply by constant
P2 JDK-8142303 C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file"
P2 JDK-8158639 C2 compilation fails with SIGSEGV
P2 JDK-8065618 C2 RA incorrectly removes kill projections
P2 JDK-8066103 C2's range check smearing allows out of bound array accesses
P2 JDK-8078497 C2's superword optimization causes unaligned memory accesses
P2 JDK-8170455 C2: Access to [].clone from interfaces fails
P2 JDK-8172145 C2: anti dependence missed because store hidden by membar
P2 JDK-8159611 C2: ArrayCopy elimination skips required parameter checks
P2 JDK-8168926 C2: Bytecode escape analyzer crashes due to stack overflow
P2 JDK-8059556 C2: crash while inlining MethodHandle invocation w/ null receiver
P2 JDK-8058847 C2: EliminateAutoBox regression after 8042786
P2 JDK-8152179 C2: Folding of unsigned loads is broken w/ @Stable
P2 JDK-8054478 C2: Incorrectly compiled char[] array access crashes JVM
P2 JDK-8176518 C2: Invalid ImplicitNullChecks with non-protected heap base
P2 JDK-8068038 C2: large constant offsets aren't handled on SPARC
P2 JDK-8144935 C2: safepoint is pruned from a non-counted loop
P2 JDK-8179882 C2: Stale control info after cast node elimination during loop optimization pass
P2 JDK-8134918 C2: Type speculation produces mismatched unsafe accesses
P2 JDK-8068915 C2: uncommon trap w/ Reason_speculate_class_check causes performance regression due to continuous deoptimizations
P2 JDK-8154831 CastII/ConvI2L for a range check is prematurely eliminated
P2 JDK-8140390 Char stores/loads accessing byte arrays must be marked as unmatched
P2 JDK-8147876 ciTypeFlow::is_dominated_by() writes outside dominated array
P2 JDK-8059390 code cache fills up for bigapps/Weblogic+medrec/nowarnings
P2 JDK-8140779 Code generation fixes for avx512
P2 JDK-8173151 Code heap corruption due to incorrect inclusion test
P2 JDK-8058737 CodeCache::find_blob fails with 'unsafe access to zombie method'
P2 JDK-8075587 Compilation of constant array containing different sub classes crashes the JVM
P2 JDK-8073184 Compile of java.lang.Integer::getChars fails with LoopLimitCheck = false after 8054478
P2 JDK-8056950 Compiled code (64-bit) on SPARC should sign extend INT parameters passed on registers to runtime or native methods.
P2 JDK-8098573 Compiler accesses to shared archive fail if archive is remapped
P2 JDK-8058318 compiler changes for eager interface initialization
P2 JDK-8063112 Compiler diagnostic commands should have locking instead of safepoint
P2 JDK-8141420 Compiler runtime entries don't hold Klass* from being GCed
P2 JDK-8166761 Compiler testing in tier2 should be optimized to finish in 20 minutes.
P2 JDK-8143208 compiler/c1/6855215/ supports_sse2() failed
P2 JDK-8178800 compiler/c2/ fails on Xeon Phi linux host with UseAVX=3
P2 JDK-8062258 compiler/debug/ segfaults in trace_PhaseIterGVN
P2 JDK-8078866 compiler/eliminateAutobox/6934604/ assert(p_f->Opcode() == Op_IfFalse) failed
P2 JDK-8078309 compiler/jsr292/ failed with java.lang.RuntimeException: 'MHInlineTest$A::protected_x (3 bytes) virtual call' found in stdout
P2 JDK-8146245 compiler/jvmci/ tests fail: java.lang.AssertionError: minimum config for aarch64
P2 JDK-8146244 compiler/jvmci/code/ crashes: SIGSEGV in (getConstClass)getConstClass
P2 JDK-8148741 compiler/jvmci/code/ fails in 'frame::sender_for_compiled_frame'
P2 JDK-8147475 compiler/jvmci/code/ fails in Assembler::locate_operand: ShouldNotReachHere()
P2 JDK-8134739 compiler/loopopts/superword/TestVectorizationWithInvariant crashes in loop opts
P2 JDK-8078554 Compiler: implement ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them missing
P2 JDK-8155108 CompilerControl: Enable option set incorrectly
P2 JDK-8140776 CompilerControl: Remove UTF-16 from the tests
P2 JDK-8157181 Compilers accept modification of final fields outside initializer methods
P2 JDK-8133194 CompilerToVM interface lacks java docs
P2 JDK-8050972 Concurrency problem in PcDesc cache
P2 JDK-8173699 Crash during deoptimization with "assert(result == __null || result->is_oop()) failed: must be oop"
P2 JDK-8143408 Crash during InstanceKlass unloading when clearing dependency context
P2 JDK-8058744 Crash in C1 OSRed method w/ Unsafe usage
P2 JDK-8039050 Crash in C2 compiler at Node::rematerialize
P2 JDK-8162540 Crash in C2 escape analysis with assert: "node should be registered"
P2 JDK-8134389 Crash in HotSpot with jvm.dll+0x42b48 ciObjectFactory::create_new_metadata
P2 JDK-8079343 Crash in PhaseIdealLoop with "assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance"
P2 JDK-8064703 crash running specjvm98's javac following 8060252
P2 JDK-8050079 crash while compiling java.lang.ref.Finalizer::runFinalizer
P2 JDK-8075805 Crash while trying to release CompiledICHolder
P2 JDK-8074553 Crash with assert(!is_unloaded()) failed: should not call follow on unloaded nmethod
P2 JDK-8164480 Crash with assert(handler_address == SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(..) failed: Must be the same
P2 JDK-8054081 Crashes with assert "modified node is not on IGVN._worklist"
P2 JDK-8067708 dacapo tradesoap fails with -XX:-TieredCompilation -Xcomp
P2 JDK-8138800 develop tests for CompilerToVM::getResolvedJavaMethod
P2 JDK-8138708 develop tests for the rest of CP related methods in CompilerToVM
P2 JDK-8138801 develop tests to check that CompilerToVM::isMature state is consistence w/ reprofile
P2 JDK-8176573 Do not use FLAG_SET_ERGO to update MaxRAM for emulated client
P2 JDK-8131675 EA fails with assert(false) failed: not unsafe or G1 barrier raw StoreP
P2 JDK-8058825 EA: ConnectionGraph::split_unique_types does incorrect scalar replacement
P2 JDK-8139771 Eliminating CastPP nodes at Phis when they all come from a unique input may cause crash
P2 JDK-8166002 Emulate client build on platforms with reduced virtual address space
P2 JDK-8058746 escape analysis special case code for array copy broken by 7173584
P2 JDK-8136473 failed: no mismatched stores, except on raw memory: StoreB StoreI
P2 JDK-8180197 Failing assert: id must be initialized
P2 JDK-8144856 fix assert in CompiledStaticCall::set_to_interpreted
P2 JDK-8050978 Fix bad field access check in C1 and C2
P2 JDK-8177346 hotspot change for 8176513 breaks jdk9 build on Ubuntu 16.04
P2 JDK-8056124 Hotspot should use PICL interface to get cacheline size on SPARC
P2 JDK-8006960 hotspot, "impossible" assertion failure
P2 JDK-8081285 Improve performance of string compression on Sparc
P2 JDK-8081287 Improve performance of string inflation on Sparc
P2 JDK-8138815 improve tests CompilerToVM::getStackTraceElement
P2 JDK-8138809 improve tests for CompilerToVM::hasCompiledCodeForOSR
P2 JDK-8138799 improve tests for CompilerToVM::MaterializeVirtualObjectTest
P2 JDK-8138798 improve tests for HotSpotVMEventListener::notifyInstall
P2 JDK-8145137 Incorrect call signature can be used in nmethod::preserve_callee_argument_oops
P2 JDK-8153134 Infinite loop in handle_wrong_method in jmod
P2 JDK-8164989 Inflate and compress intrinsics produce incorrect results with avx512
P2 JDK-8038348 Instance field load is replaced by wrong data Phi
P2 JDK-8058563 InstanceKlass::_dependencies list isn't cleared from empty nmethodBucket entries
P2 JDK-8080156 Integer.toString(int value) sometimes throws NPE
P2 JDK-8132375 Investigate performance regressions on Sparc
P2 JDK-8166377 is_compiled_by_jvmci hot in some profiles - improve nmethod compiler type detection
P2 JDK-8165482 java in ldoms, with cpu-arch=generic has problems
P2 JDK-8074676 fails with "assert(is_Initialize()) failed: invalid node class"
P2 JDK-8074308 JavaThread C2 CompilerThread0 crashes on org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.CommitManager::commitChangedObjectsForClassWithChangeSet
P2 JDK-8153756 should not depend on sun.misc ( jdk.unsupported module )
P2 JDK-8141443 jdk/test/java/util/regex/ fails: No match found
P2 JDK-8046155 JEP 165: Compiler Control
P2 JDK-8044552 JEP 237: Linux/AArch64 Port
P2 JDK-8038956 JITted code erroneously hangs on to a MethodHandle.constant
P2 JDK-8051344 JVM crashed in Compile::start() during method parsing w/ UseRTMDeopt turned on
P2 JDK-8161147 jvm crashes when -XX:+UseCountedLoopSafepoints is enabled
P2 JDK-8041481 JVM crashes with collect_args_for_profiling
P2 JDK-8034839 jvm hangs with gc/gctests/LoadUnloadGC test
P2 JDK-8080012 JVM times out with vdbench on SPARC M7-16
P2 JDK-8139545 JVMCI : guarantee(heap_end < allocation_end) failed on some sparcv9 hosts
P2 JDK-8139524 JVMCI cannot be initialized with CMS or Serial GCs
P2 JDK-8144964 JVMCI compilations need to be disabled until the module system is initialized
P2 JDK-8146820 JVMCI options should not use System.getProperty directly
P2 JDK-8139386 JVMCI test failed with assert(_jvmci._alternate_call_target == 0L) failed: must be
P2 JDK-8146246 JVMCICompiler::abort_on_pending_exception: assert(!thread->owns_locks()) failed: must release all locks when leaving VM
P2 JDK-8036913 make DeoptimizeALot dependent on number of threads
P2 JDK-8059735 make_not_entrant_or_zombie sees zombies
P2 JDK-8058148 MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff should be increased
P2 JDK-8078426 mb/jvm/compiler/InterfaceCalls/testAC2 - assert(predicate_proj == 0L) failed: only one predicate entry expected
P2 JDK-8080999 MemoryPoolMXBean.getUsageThresholdCount() returns incorrect value
P2 JDK-8067985 merging hs-comp to hs blocked by some tests not updated in 8054892
P2 JDK-8148752 MethodHandle inlining with long/double arguments is broken in C2
P2 JDK-8160360 Mismatched field loads are folded in LoadNode::Value
P2 JDK-8062854 move compiler jtreg test to corresponding subfolders and use those in TEST.groups
P2 JDK-8179070 nashorn+octane's box2d causes c2 to crash with "Bad graph detected in compute_lca_of_uses"
P2 JDK-8177845 Need a mechanism to load Graal
P2 JDK-8038286 nm->set_rtm_state() should be called after (nm != NULL) check
P2 JDK-8153267 nmethod's exception cache not multi-thread safe
P2 JDK-8181757 NonNMethod heap in segmented CodeCache is not scanned in some cases
P2 JDK-8164612 NoSuchMethodException when method name contains NULL or Latin-1 supplement character
P2 JDK-8055153 nsk/stress/jck60/jck60014 crashes on sparc
P2 JDK-8180617 Null pointer dereference in InitializeNode::complete_stores
P2 JDK-8180575 Null pointer dereference in LoadNode::Identity()
P2 JDK-8180511 Null pointer dereference in Matcher::ReduceInst()
P2 JDK-8180576 Null pointer dereference in Matcher::xform()
P2 JDK-8180855 Null pointer dereference in OopMapSet::all_do of oopMap.cpp:394
P2 JDK-8180813 Null pointer dereference of CodeCache::find_blob() result
P2 JDK-8180565 Null pointer dereferences of ConstMethod::method()
P2 JDK-8142386 Octane crashes with assert(is_Load())
P2 JDK-8136469 OptimizeStringConcat fails on pre-sized StringBuilder shapes
P2 JDK-8066045 opto/node.hpp:355, assert(i < _max) failed: oob: i=1, _max=1
P2 JDK-8172751 OSR compilation at unreachable bci causes C1 crash
P2 JDK-8145754 PhaseIdealLoop::is_scaled_iv_plus_offset() does not match AddI
P2 JDK-8136461 PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_before_loop() may bypass early loop exit
P2 JDK-8136926 phi == NULL assert in PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_after_loop
P2 JDK-6351437 PIT : compiler/6329104/ fails due to execution time variation
P2 JDK-8158260 PPC64: unaligned Unsafe.getInt can lead to the generation of illegal instructions
P2 JDK-8145566 PrintNMethods compile command broken since b89
P2 JDK-8139048 Quarantine compiler/startup/
P2 JDK-8140668 Quarantine RandomValidCommandsTest
P2 JDK-8160690 Quarantine VarHandles tests
P2 JDK-8157306 Random infrequent null pointer exceptions in javac
P2 JDK-8148490 RegisterSaver::restore_live_registers() fails to restore xmm registers on 32 bit
P2 JDK-8156159 replace CompilerToVM.readUncompressedOop with Unsafe.getUncompressedObject
P2 JDK-8157560 Reserve space for allocation prefetch only in builds that support allocation prefetching
P2 JDK-8146043 run JVMCI tests in JPRT
P2 JDK-8140343 SEGV in DirectivesStack::getMatchingDirective
P2 JDK-8145331 SEGV in DirectivesStack::release(DirectiveSet*)
P2 JDK-8058891 serviceability/dcmd/ - fails on all platforms
P2 JDK-8165565 Shorten branches causes incorrect code for SKX
P2 JDK-8047383 SIGBUS in C2 compiled method weblogic.wsee.jaxws.framework.jaxrpc.EnvironmentFactory$SimulatedWsdlDefinitions.
P2 JDK-8035936 SIGBUS in StubRoutines::aesencryptBlock, solaris-sparc
P2 JDK-8059559 SIGSEGV at CodeHeap::allocate(unsigned int, bool)
P2 JDK-8156137 SIGSEGV in ReceiverTypeData::clean_weak_klass_links
P2 JDK-8163105 SIGSEGV: constantPoolHandle::constantPoolHandle(ConstantPool*)
P2 JDK-8059780 SPECjvm2008-MPEG performance regressions on x64 platforms
P2 JDK-8164954 split_if creates empty phi and region nodes
P2 JDK-8138922 StubCodeDesc constructor publishes partially-constructed objects on StubCodeDesc::_list
P2 JDK-8160651 StubRoutines::_dtan does not restore callee save register rbx
P2 JDK-8043274 Test compiler/7184394/ gets NPE on solaris
P2 JDK-8048003 test/compiler/8009761/ failed with: java.lang.RuntimeException: static java.lang.Object Test8009761.m3(boolean,boolean) not compiled
P2 JDK-8032662 test/compiler/ciReplay/ should report ulimit issues
P2 JDK-8057758 Tests run TypeProfileLevel=222 crash with guarantee(0) failed: must find derived/base pair
P2 JDK-8023461 Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on: MethodCompileQueue_lock
P2 JDK-8080976 Unexpected AIOOB thrown from 1.9.0-ea-b64 on (regression)
P2 JDK-8164508 unexpected profiling mismatch in c1 generated code
P2 JDK-8170600 Unified arm32/arm64 Port Tasks
P2 JDK-8156068 Unsafe.{get|set}Opaque should be single copy atomic
P2 JDK-8167656 Unstable MethodHandle inlining causing huge performance variations
P2 JDK-8160425 Vectorization with signalling NaN returns wrong result
P2 JDK-8152861 VM crash on assert: locked methods shouldn't be flushed
P2 JDK-8152947 VM crash with assert(!removed || is_in_use()) failed: unused osr nmethod should be invalidated
P2 JDK-8059128 VM hangs because threads fail to synchronize at safepoint
P2 JDK-8143897 Weblogic12medrec assert(handler_address == SharedRuntime::compute_compiled_exc_handler(nm, pc, exception, force_unwind, true)) failed: Must be the same
P2 JDK-8039597 WhiteBox :: clean type profiling data
P2 JDK-8058828 Wrong ciConstant type for arrays from ConstantPool::_resolved_reference
P2 JDK-8067744 XMM/SSE float register values corrupted by JNI_CreateVM call in JRE 8 (Windows)
P2 JDK-8078122 YMM registers upper 128 bits may get clobbered by a JNI call on windows
P3 JDK-8171435 "assert(is_single_cpu() && !is_virtual()) failed: type check" with -XX:+PatchALot on SPARC
P3 JDK-8054402 "klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive" for anonymous classes
P3 JDK-8048879 "unexpected yanked node" opto/postaloc.cpp:139
P3 JDK-8029443 'assert(klass->is_loader_alive(_is_alive)) failed: must be alive' during VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation
P3 JDK-8060196 'CodeHeap is full' warning suggests to increase wrong code heap size
P3 JDK-8138651 -XX:DisableIntrinsic matches intrinsics overly eagerly
P3 JDK-8041957 -XX:UseAVX=0 cause assert(UseAVX) failed
P3 JDK-8030680 292 cleanup from default method code assessment
P3 JDK-8078113 8011102 changes may cause incorrect results.
P3 JDK-8129893 8129094 fix is incomplete
P3 JDK-8134974 8130847 broken with loop predicates
P3 JDK-8171807 8170761 fix should be applied to ARM code after 8168503
P3 JDK-8149415 [AArch64] implement JVMCI CodeInstaller
P3 JDK-8150561 [AArch64] JVMCI improvements
P3 JDK-8072129 [AARCH64] missing fix for 8066900
P3 JDK-8171082 [AOT] AOT'd SystemModules.modules() fails to load when too large
P3 JDK-8173054 [AOT] Avoid zero-shift for compressed oops
P3 JDK-8171394 [AOT] failed AOT compilation in compiler/aot/
P3 JDK-8173673 [AOT] Fix comparison input types in GraalHotSpotVMConfigNode.inlineContiguousAllocationSupported()
P3 JDK-8173158 [AOT] fix typo in jaotc --help output
P3 JDK-8169588 [AOT] jaotc --classpath option is confusing
P3 JDK-8172990 [AOT] Missing GC scan of _metaspace_got array containing Klass*
P3 JDK-8168792 [AOT] problems in MethodHandle with aot-compiled java.base
P3 JDK-8169938 [AOT] SIGSEGV at ~BufferBlob::vtable chunks
P3 JDK-8173846 [AOT] Stubs hang onto intermediate compiler state forever
P3 JDK-8151130 [BACKOUT] Remove Method::_method_data for C1
P3 JDK-8173147 [ctw] fails during compilation of with " graph should be schedulable"
P3 JDK-8141202 [jittester] Add 'final' classes
P3 JDK-8141047 [jittester] Add Object and String to property file and remove 'wait*' functions
P3 JDK-8142946 [jittester] Add property file to exclude several functions
P3 JDK-8140676 [jittester] call/use methods for core-libs
P3 JDK-8141046 [jittester] Read list of classes from property file and add them to TypeList
P3 JDK-8142491 [jittester] Remove internal realization of testlibrary. Use testlibrary from jdk
P3 JDK-8142859 [jittester] simplify logic of BinaryOperatorFactory
P3 JDK-8142858 [jittester] simplify logic of UnaryOperatorFactory
P3 JDK-8150727 [JVMCI] add LoadLoad to the implicit memory barriers on AMD64
P3 JDK-8149695 [JVMCI] add missing Checkstyle configuration file
P3 JDK-8151664 [JVMCI] add missing test in 8151266 integration
P3 JDK-8172733 [JVMCI] add ResolvedJavaMethod.hasNeverInlineDirective
P3 JDK-8135277 [JVMCI] assert(fr().is_deoptimized_frame()) failed: frame must be scheduled for deoptimization
P3 JDK-8175917 [JVMCI] Avoid long JNI handle chains
P3 JDK-8158850 [JVMCI] be more precise when enforcing OopMapValue encoding limitations
P3 JDK-8149689 [JVMCI] CodeInstaller::pd_patch_DataSectionReference should be able to throw exceptions
P3 JDK-8137083 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM methods "resolveConstantInPool" and "resolvePossiblyCachedConstantInPool" have poor javadoc
P3 JDK-8159010 [JVMCI] crashes with class redefinition
P3 JDK-8167180 [JVMCI] Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in
P3 JDK-8150075 [JVMCI] expose reserved stack machinery and Inline flag in HotSpotVMConfig
P3 JDK-8173912 [JVMCI] fix memory overhead of JVMCI
P3 JDK-8173227 [JVMCI] HotSpotJVMCIMetaAccessContext.fromClass is inefficient
P3 JDK-8174961 [JVMCI] incorrect implementation of isCompilable
P3 JDK-8136685 [JVMCI] jdk.internal.jvmci.runtime.tests fail on windows w/ JVMCIError: Unexpected OS name
P3 JDK-8145337 [JVMCI] JVMCI initialization with SecurityManager installed fails: access denied
P3 JDK-8137086 [JVMCI] JVMCICounterSize value range should be limited
P3 JDK-8160121 [JVMCI] failed NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/vm/ci/runtime/JVMCI
P3 JDK-8156025 [JVMCI] make HotSpotResolvedObjectTypeImpl.createField non-public
P3 JDK-8166125 [JVMCI] Missing JVMCI flag default values
P3 JDK-8149076 [JVMCI] missing ResourceMark in JVMCIRuntime::initialize_HotSpotJVMCIRuntime
P3 JDK-8142511 [JVMCI] must eagerly initialize classes with static fields accessed by JVMCI native code
P3 JDK-8160647 [JVMCI] need to be able to copy internal arrays from LocalVariableTable and LineNumberTable
P3 JDK-8158351 [JVMCI] NoClassDefFoundError: jdk/vm/ci/runtime/JVMCI
P3 JDK-8156034 [JVMCI] Notify the jvmci compiler on completion of a bootstrap
P3 JDK-8136712 [JVMCI] notifyInstall event is triggered if code installation failed
P3 JDK-8173278 [JVMCI] query_update_method_data might write outside _trap_hist array
P3 JDK-8160177 [JVMCI] race condition in HotSpotMemoryAccessProviderImpl.verifyReadRawObject
P3 JDK-8156552 [JVMCI] remove final and stable field handling from ConstantReflectionProvider
P3 JDK-8156741 [JVMCI] remove LocationIdentity interface
P3 JDK-8156768 [JVMCI] remove support for patching Symbol pointers
P3 JDK-8156587 [JVMCI] remove Unsafe.getJavaMirror and Unsafe.getKlassPointer
P3 JDK-8151470 [JVMCI] remove up-call to HotSpotJVMCICompilerConfig.selectCompiler
P3 JDK-8156942 [JVMCI] replace LIRKind with abstract base class
P3 JDK-8147599 [JVMCI] simplify code installation interface
P3 JDK-8175811 [JVMCI] StubRoutines::_multiplyToLen symbol needs to be exported
P3 JDK-8168915 [JVMCI] use MethodParameters attribute instead of depending on -g option for sanity checks
P3 JDK-8168317 [JVMCI] use reflection instead of jdk 9 Module API in
P3 JDK-8173794 [REDO] [AOT] Missing GC scan of _metaspace_got array containing Klass*
P3 JDK-8169317 [s390] Various minor bug fixes and adaptions.
P3 JDK-8169901 AArch64: CompareAndExchange intrinsics clobber address register
P3 JDK-8171537 aarch64: compiler/c1/ generates guarantee failure in C1
P3 JDK-8161190 AArch64: Fix overflow in immediate cmp instruction
P3 JDK-8171410 aarch64: long multiplyExact shifts by 31 instead of 63
P3 JDK-8055494 Add C2 x86 intrinsic for BigInteger::multiplyToLen() method
P3 JDK-8039498 Add iterators to GrowableArray
P3 JDK-8050407 Add jtreg compiler tests to Hotspot JPRT jobs
P3 JDK-8076276 Add support for AVX512
P3 JDK-8015774 Add support for multiple code heaps
P3 JDK-8173584 Add unit test for 8173309
P3 JDK-8074980 add WhiteBox API to get a flag value for a method
P3 JDK-8150839 Adjust the number of compiler threads for 32-bit platforms
P3 JDK-8168283 adlc: fix error expanding expanded nodes.
P3 JDK-8146801 Allocating short arrays of non-constant size is slow
P3 JDK-8072016 Array copy may cause infinite cycle of deoptimization/compilation
P3 JDK-8029441 assert(!((nmethod*)_cb)->is_deopt_pc(_pc)) failed: invariant broken
P3 JDK-8076523 assert(((ABS(iv_adjustment_in_bytes) % elt_size) == 0)) fails in superword.cpp
P3 JDK-8163313 assert(comp != __null) failed: compiler not available
P3 JDK-8046698 assert(false) failed: only Initialize or AddP expected macro.cpp:943
P3 JDK-8053886 assert(false) failed: Should not allocate with exception pending
P3 JDK-8069263 assert(fm == NULL || fm->method_holder() == _participants[n]) failed: sanity
P3 JDK-8033260 assert(lrg._area >= 0.0) failed: negative spill area
P3 JDK-8144484 assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected
P3 JDK-8139906 assert(src->section_index_of(target) == CodeBuffer::SECT_NONE) failed: sanity
P3 JDK-8042052 assert(t != NULL) failed: must set before get
P3 JDK-8075922 assert(t == t_no_spec) fails in phaseX.cpp
P3 JDK-8167298 assert(tp->base() != Type::AnyPtr) crash with Unsafe.compareAndExchangeObject*
P3 JDK-8057737 Avoid G1 write barriers on newly allocated objects
P3 JDK-8038297 Avoid placing CTI immediately following cbcond instruction on T4
P3 JDK-8081247 AVX 512 extended support
P3 JDK-8154974 AVX-512 equipped inflate, has_negatives & compress intrinsics
P3 JDK-8081320 Backout JDK-8059340: ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
P3 JDK-8161720 Better byte behavior for off-heap data
P3 JDK-8152496 Blended code generation
P3 JDK-8153013 BlockingCompilation test times out
P3 JDK-8136757 C1 and C2 intrinsics for StringUTF16.(get|set)Char
P3 JDK-8158546 C1 compilation fails with "Constant field loads are folded during parsing"
P3 JDK-8134883 C1 hard crash in range check elimination in Nashorn test262parallel
P3 JDK-8131682 C1 should use multibyte nops everywhere
P3 JDK-8171092 C1's Math.fma() intrinsic doesn't correctly process its inputs
P3 JDK-8143407 C1: @Stable array support
P3 JDK-8154172 C1: NPE is thrown instead of linkage error when invoking nonexistent method
P3 JDK-8044090 C1: Old value instead of new one is passed to post-barrier in UnsafeGetAndSetObject
P3 JDK-8074869 C2 code generator can replace -0.0f with +0.0f on Linux
P3 JDK-8150804 C2 Compilation fails with assert(_base >= OopPtr && _base <= AryPtr) failed: Not a Java pointer
P3 JDK-8153357 C2 creates incorrect cast after eliminating phi with unique input
P3 JDK-8143542 C2 doesn't eliminate identical checks
P3 JDK-8066199 C2 escape analysis prevents VM from exiting quickly
P3 JDK-6653795 C2 intrinsic for Unsafe.getAddress performs pointer sign extension on 32-bit systems
P3 JDK-8135069 C2 replaces range checks by unsigned comparison with -1
P3 JDK-8073480 C2 should optimize explicit range checks
P3 JDK-8132081 C2 support for Adler32 on SPARC
P3 JDK-8073583 C2 support for CRC32C on SPARC
P3 JDK-8035968 C2 support for SHA on SPARC
P3 JDK-8152590 C2: @Stable support doesn't always work w/ incremental inlining
P3 JDK-8164103 C2: Broken cmpxchgb encoding on x86
P3 JDK-8060036 C2: CmpU nodes can end up with wrong type information
P3 JDK-8173338 C2: continuous CallSite relinkage eventually disables compilation for a method
P3 JDK-8162101 C2: Handle "wide" aliases for unsafe accesses
P3 JDK-8062280 C2: inlining failure due to access checks being too strict
P3 JDK-8152773 C2: LoadNode properties aren't preserved when converting between signed/unsigned variants
P3 JDK-8173404 C2: wrong nmethod dependency can be recorded for
P3 JDK-8057967 CallSite dependency tracking scales devastatingly poorly
P3 JDK-8038181 Can't build product VM without precompiled header
P3 JDK-8169711 CDS does not patch entry trampoline if intrinsic method is disabled
P3 JDK-8167987 change merge context to clear for mask register usage model
P3 JDK-8170039 Change UseAVX < 3 on SKX/KNL to not emit evex vector check
P3 JDK-8134493 Cleaning inline caches of unloaded nmethods should be done in sweeper
P3 JDK-8031498 Cleanup and re-factorize PhaseChaitin::build_ifg_physical
P3 JDK-8072422 Cleanup: Remove some unused flags/code in loop optimizations
P3 JDK-8152090 Code missing from JDK-8150054 causing many test failures
P3 JDK-8169941 CodeBlob::is_frame_complete_at() does not honor CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe
P3 JDK-8157024 CodeCache JFR events reporting wrong data
P3 JDK-8061256 com/sun/management/DiagnosticCommandMBean/ timed out
P3 JDK-8172434 CompareAndExchangeObject inserts two pre-barriers
P3 JDK-8148753 Compilation fails due to field accesses on array types
P3 JDK-8148758 Compilation fails with "this call site should not be polymorphic"
P3 JDK-8042428 CompileQueue::free_all() code is incorrect
P3 JDK-8042281 compiler/7184394/ fails with: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length not multiple of 16 bytes
P3 JDK-8021775 compiler/8009761/ "Failed: init recursive calls: 51. After deopt 50"
P3 JDK-8130008 compiler/codecache/jmx/ should be quarantined
P3 JDK-8151795 compiler/compilercontrol/parser/ fails with "assert failed: 0 != 0"
P3 JDK-8146100 compiler/jvmci/code/ JUnit Failure: expected:<12> but was:<109710641>
P3 JDK-8173119 compiler/jvmci/events/ fails with custom Tiered Level set externally
P3 JDK-8075663 compiler/rangechecks/ fails in compiler nightlies
P3 JDK-8029873 compiler/uncommontrap/ crashes with SIGSEGV
P3 JDK-8151796 compiler/whitebox/ fails due to method not compiled
P3 JDK-8056071 compiler/whitebox/ fails with 'method() is not compilable after 3 iterations'
P3 JDK-8150054 CompilerControl: add Xmixed for execution
P3 JDK-8144246 CompilerControl: adding lots of directives via jcmd may produce OOM crash
P3 JDK-8144091 CompilerControl: directive file doesn't override inlining rules
P3 JDK-8150441 CompileTask::print_impl() is broken after JDK-8146905
P3 JDK-8129847 Compiling methods generated by Nashorn triggers high memory usage in C2
P3 JDK-8087218 Constant fold loads from final instance fields in VM anonymous classes
P3 JDK-8149918 CPUIDBrandString stub is generated on demand
P3 JDK-8041351 Crash in src/share/vm/opto/loopnode.cpp:3215 - assert(!had_error) failed: bad dominance
P3 JDK-8150821 Crash with assert(!((nmethod*)_cb)->is_deopt_pc(_pc)) failed: invariant broken
P3 JDK-8067247 Crash: assert(method_holder->data() == 0 ...) failed: a) MT-unsafe modification of inline cache
P3 JDK-8143012 CRC32 Intrinsics support on SPARC
P3 JDK-8134553 CRC32C implementations for x86/x64 targets
P3 JDK-8057750 CTW should not make MH intrinsics not entrant
P3 JDK-8173679 Disable ProfileTrap code and UseRTMLocking in emulated client Win32
P3 JDK-8153340 Disallow misconfiguration and improve the consistency of allocation prefetching
P3 JDK-8149741 Don't refer to stub entry points by index in external_word relocations
P3 JDK-8166836 Elimination of clone's ArrayCopyNode may make compilation fail silently
P3 JDK-8032633 Enable type speculation by default
P3 JDK-8150767 Enables SHA Extensions on x86
P3 JDK-8143925 enhancing CounterMode.crypt() for AESCrypt.implEncryptBlock()
P3 JDK-8069021 Exclude compiler/codecache/stress tests from JPRT runs
P3 JDK-8140581 Excluding compile messages should only be printed with PrintCompilation
P3 JDK-8035605 Expand functionality of PredictedIntrinsicGenerator
P3 JDK-8031752 Failed speculative optimizations should be reattempted when root of compilation is different
P3 JDK-8152483 Fix a couple of tests that are being incorrectly run on C1 after jigsaw M3
P3 JDK-8165287 fix compress intrinsics to produce correct results with avx512
P3 JDK-8073866 Fix for 8064703 is not sufficient
P3 JDK-8168770 Fix for 8151988 causes performance regression on SPARC
P3 JDK-8171974 Fix for R10 Register clobbering with usage of ExternalAddress
P3 JDK-8065915 Fix includes after 8058148: MaxNodeLimit and LiveNodeCountInliningCutoff
P3 JDK-8166549 fix incorrectly @ignore-d hotspot/compiler tests
P3 JDK-8005079 fix LogCompilation for incremental inlining
P3 JDK-8041992 Fix of JDK-8034775 neglects to account for non-JIT VMs
P3 JDK-8059468 Fix PrintCodeCache output changed by JDK-8059137
P3 JDK-8167067 Fix x86 SHA instructions to be non Vex encoded
P3 JDK-8152634 generalize exception throwing routines in JVMCIRuntime
P3 JDK-8147645 get_ctrl_no_update() code is wrong
P3 JDK-8130341 GHASH 32bit intrinsics has AEADBadTagException
P3 JDK-8074551 GWT can be marked non-compilable due to deopt count pollution
P3 JDK-8130120 Handling of SHA intrinsics inconsistent across platforms
P3 JDK-8151988 Hotspot deoptimizes div/mod pair usage
P3 JDK-8156775 IGV: StringUtils is absent
P3 JDK-7173584 Implement arraycopy as a macro node
P3 JDK-8150900 Implement diagnostic_pd
P3 JDK-8139247 Improper locking of MethodData::_extra_data_lock
P3 JDK-6642881 Improve performance of Class.getClassLoader()
P3 JDK-8076284 Improve vectorization of parallel streams
P3 JDK-8150436 Incorrect invocation mode when linkToInteface linker is eliminated
P3 JDK-8134031 Incorrect JIT compilation of complex code with inlining and escape analysis
P3 JDK-8157842 indexOfChar intrinsic is not emitted on x86
P3 JDK-8166110 Inlining through MH invokers/linkers in unreachable code is unsafe
P3 JDK-8074981 Integer/FP scalar reduction optimization
P3 JDK-8171008 Integrate AOT compiler into JDK
P3 JDK-8166418 Integrate AOT tests
P3 JDK-8166415 Integrate AOT tool JAOTC
P3 JDK-8166417 Integrate Graal-core into JDK for AOT compiler
P3 JDK-8166416 Integrate JDK build changes and launcher 'jaotc' for AOT compiler
P3 JDK-8166413 Integrate VM part of AOT changes
P3 JDK-8140604 Internal Error runtime/stubRoutines.hpp:392 assert(_intrinsic_log != 0L) failed: must be defined
P3 JDK-8076373 Interpreter and compiled code process signaling NaN values inconsistently in 32-bit x86 VM
P3 JDK-8136761 Intrinsics for VarHandle.compareAndExchange{Volatile, Acquire, Release}
P3 JDK-8059139 It should be possible to explicitly disable usage of TZCNT instr w/ -XX:-UseBMI1Instructions
P3 JDK-8146416 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError triggers: assert(current_bci == 0) failed: bci isn't zero for do_not_unlock_if_synchronized
P3 JDK-8155162 Interpreter/C1 intrinsics support on SPARC
P3 JDK-8148940 java/lang/ref/ can time out due to frequent safepointing
P3 JDK-8078436 java/util/stream/boottest/java/util/stream/ crashed with an assert in ifnode.cpp
P3 JDK-8144212 JDK 9 b93 breaks Apache Lucene due to compact strings
P3 JDK-8043304 JEP 197: Segmented Code Cache
P3 JDK-8166730 JEP 294: Linux/s390x Port
P3 JDK-8168503 JEP 297: Unified arm32/arm64 Port
P3 JDK-8059550 JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: segment overflow w/ empty others
P3 JDK-8059551 JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: stress tests
P3 JDK-8059575 JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: Tiered Compilation level transition tests
P3 JDK-8059624 JEP-JDK-8043304: Test task: WhiteBox API for testing segmented codecache feature
P3 JDK-8066153 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: cover existing
P3 JDK-8066166 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: dcmd tests
P3 JDK-8066158 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: directive parser
P3 JDK-8066157 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: method matcher
P3 JDK-7177745 JSR292: Many Callsite relinkages cause target method to always run in interpreter mode
P3 JDK-8139377 JVM can't be started w/ -XX:+EnableJVMCI -XX:+UseJVMCICompiler and default TypeProfileWidth
P3 JDK-8059621 JVM crashes with "unexpected index type" assert in LIRGenerator::do_UnsafeGetRaw
P3 JDK-8078666 JVM fastdebug build compiled with GCC 5 asserts with "widen increases"
P3 JDK-8152344 JVMCI test task: Unit tests for ConstantReflectionProvider
P3 JDK-8152341 JVMCI test task: Unit tests for MemoryAccessProvider
P3 JDK-8152342 JVMCI test task: Unit tests for MethodHandleAccessProvider
P3 JDK-8152343 JVMCI test tasks: Unit tests for MetaAccessProvider
P3 JDK-8152024 JVMCI: MemoryAccessProvider javadoc should be modified
P3 JDK-8152021 JVMCI: MethodHandleAccessProvider.lookupMethodHandleIntrinsic throws NPE on null argument
P3 JDK-8155163 JVMCI: MethodHandleAccessProvider.resolveInvokeBasicTarget implementation doesn't match javadoc
P3 JDK-8152022 JVMCI: MethodHandleAccessProvider.resolveInvokeBasicTarget throws NPE on null first argument
P3 JDK-8152023 JVMCI: MethodHandleAccessProvider.resolveLinkToTarget throws NPE/IAE on null/wrong argument
P3 JDK-8173309 jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet may update the wrong frame
P3 JDK-8134802 LCM register pressure scheduling
P3 JDK-8067014 LinearScan::is_sorted significantly slows down fastdebug builds' performance
P3 JDK-8134468 Lucene test failures with 32 bit JDK 9b78, Server compiler
P3 JDK-8042997 Make intrinsic some or all check index/range methods
P3 JDK-8145348 Make intrinsics flags diagnostic
P3 JDK-8153998 Masked vector post loops
P3 JDK-8063086 Math.pow yields different results upon repeated calls
P3 JDK-8059137 MemoryPoolMXBeans for different code heaps should contain 'Code heap' in their names
P3 JDK-8075263 MHI::checkCustomized isn't eliminated for inlined MethodHandles
P3 JDK-8146581 Minor corrections to the patch submitted for earlier bug id - 8143925
P3 JDK-8150543 Mismatched access detection is inaccurate
P3 JDK-8054927 Missing MemNode::acquire ordering in some volatile Load nodes
P3 JDK-8142500 missing null checks in IfNode::has_only_uncommon_traps
P3 JDK-8031475 Missing oopmap in patching stubs
P3 JDK-8058184 Move _highest_comp_level and _highest_osr_comp_level from MethodData to MethodCounters
P3 JDK-8033805 Move Fast_Lock/Fast_Unlock code from .ad files to macroassembler
P3 JDK-8153115 Move private interface check to linktime
P3 JDK-8153818 Move similar CompiledIC platform specific code to shared code.
P3 JDK-8149813 Move trusted final field handling from C2 LoadNode::Value to shared code
P3 JDK-8066433 Move Whitebox test library to top level repository
P3 JDK-8069191 moving predicate out of loops may cause array accesses to bypass null check
P3 JDK-8062169 Multiple OSR compilations issued for same bci
P3 JDK-8151573 Multiversioning for range check elimination
P3 JDK-8071374 Native disassembler implementation may be not thread-safe
P3 JDK-8130309 Need to bailout cleanly if creation of stubs fails when codecache is out of space
P3 JDK-8074548 Never-taken branches cause repeated deopts in MHs.GWT case
P3 JDK-8133612 new clone logic added in 8042235 is missing from compiler intrinsics
P3 JDK-8026694 New type profiling points break compilation replay
P3 JDK-8026253 New type profiling points: sparc support
P3 JDK-8146478 Node limit exceeded with -XX:AllocateInstancePrefetchLines=1073741823
P3 JDK-8160742 Node::operator new invokes undefined behavior
P3 JDK-8149472 NPE when executing HotSpotConstantReflectionProvider::constantEquals with null first arg
P3 JDK-8149740 NPEs when executing some HotSpotConstantReflectionProvider with null args
P3 JDK-8073432 Object.getClass() throws stackless NPE, due to C2 intrinsic
P3 JDK-8144024 Octane fails with "memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark"
P3 JDK-8064458 OopMap class could be more compact
P3 JDK-8076188 Optimize arraycopy out for non escaping destination
P3 JDK-8052081 Optimize code generated by C2 for Intel's Atom processor
P3 JDK-8085832 Optimize main and post loop out when pre loop is found empty
P3 JDK-8149141 Optimized build is broken
P3 JDK-8043354 OptimizePtrCompare too aggressive when allocations are present
P3 JDK-8034188 OSR methods may not be recompiled at proper compilation level after deoptimization
P3 JDK-8023191 OSR nmethods should be flushed to free space in CodeCache
P3 JDK-8159016 Over-unrolled loop is partially removed
P3 JDK-8155046 Parse::Block construction using undefined behavior
P3 JDK-6378256 Performance problem with System.identityHashCode in client compiler
P3 JDK-8144487 PhaseIdealLoop::build_and_optimize() must restore major_progress flag if skip_loop_opts is true
P3 JDK-8176513 Poor code quality for ByteBuffers
P3 JDK-8171266 PPC64: Add support to -XX:RTMSpinLoopCount=0
P3 JDK-8066964 ppc64: argument and return type profiling, fix problem with popframe
P3 JDK-8033168 PPC64: gcc 4.8 warning in output_c.cpp
P3 JDK-8146792 Predicate moved after partial peel may lead to broken graph
P3 JDK-8144601 Premature assert in directive inline parsing
P3 JDK-8161085 PreserveFPRegistersTest fails with 'AssertionError: Final value has changed'
P3 JDK-8061436 Processing of options related to segmented code cache should be enhanced
P3 JDK-8140721 ProfilerNumberOf*Methods flags should be diagnostic
P3 JDK-8042786 Proper fix for 8032566
P3 JDK-8156480 Quarantine compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/
P3 JDK-8148696 Race loading hsdis may cause SIGSEGV
P3 JDK-8149543 range check CastII nodes should not be split through Phi
P3 JDK-8054224 Recursive method that was compiled by C1 is unable to catch StackOverflowError
P3 JDK-8150349 Reduce the execution time of the hotspot_compiler_3 group
P3 JDK-8043413 REGRESSION: Hotspot causes segmentation fault in jdk8ux, but not in jdk7ux
P3 JDK-8147978 Remove Method::_method_data for C1
P3 JDK-8152698 Remove obsolete Unsafe.putOrdered{X} methods, usages, runtime and compiler support
P3 JDK-8144957 Remove PICL warning message
P3 JDK-8170918 Remove shell script from test/compiler/c2/cr7200264/
P3 JDK-8140389 Remove StringCharIntrinsics flag after JDK-8138651 is fixed
P3 JDK-8155719 remove TrustedInterface from JVMCI
P3 JDK-8067337 Remove Whitebox API from hotspot repository
P3 JDK-8136406 Remove ZapDeadCompiledLocals code
P3 JDK-8174879 Rename to
P3 JDK-8148994 Replacing MH::invokeBasic with a direct call breaks LF customization
P3 JDK-8072383 resolve conflicts between open and closed ports
P3 JDK-8155638 Resource allocated BitMaps are often cleared twice
P3 JDK-8078563 Restrict reduction optimization
P3 JDK-8172731 runtime/Thread/ fails on solaris-x64 with product build
P3 JDK-8172199 s390: Use same get_key_start_from_aescrypt_object implementation as PPC64
P3 JDK-8174164 SafePointNode::_replaced_nodes breaks with irreducible loops
P3 JDK-8035283 Second phase of branch shortening doesn't account for loop alignment
P3 JDK-8140327 segfault on solaris-amd64 with "-XX:CompilerThreadStackSize=1" option
P3 JDK-8046516 Segmentation fault in JVM (easily reproducible)
P3 JDK-8046769 Set T family feature bit on Niagara systems
P3 JDK-8166742 SIGFPE in C2 Loop IV elimination
P3 JDK-8068909 SIGSEGV in c2 compiled code with OptimizeStringConcat
P3 JDK-8149789 SIGSEGV in CompileTask::print
P3 JDK-8043180 SIGSEGV in Events::log_deopt_message
P3 JDK-8060147 SIGSEGV in Metadata::mark_on_stack() while marking metadata in ciEnv
P3 JDK-8075214 SIGSEGV in nmethod sweeping
P3 JDK-8067144 SIGSEGV with +TraceDeoptimization in Deoptimization::print_objects
P3 JDK-8142980 SKX SpecJvm2008 - Derby
P3 JDK-8134898 Small fixes found during JVMCI work
P3 JDK-8054164 solaris makefile
P3 JDK-8148639 Some MethodCounter fields can be excluded when not including C2
P3 JDK-8038939 Some options related to RTM locking optimization works inconsistently
P3 JDK-8129376 SPECjvm98-client performance regression in 9-b66
P3 JDK-8038636 speculative traps break when classes are redefined
P3 JDK-8133625 src/share/vm/opto/compile.hpp:96: error: integer constant is too large for ‘long’ type
P3 JDK-8155608 String intrinsic range checks are not strict enough
P3 JDK-8150180 String.value contents should be trusted
P3 JDK-8132344 stub sizes too small
P3 JDK-8080325 SuperWord loop unrolling analysis
P3 JDK-8170470 superword may miss reductions
P3 JDK-8132160 support for AVX 512 call frames and stack management
P3 JDK-8135028 support for vectorizing double precision sqrt
P3 JDK-8152664 Support non-continuous CodeBlobs in HotSpot
P3 JDK-8150933 System::arraycopy intrinsic doesn't mark mismatched loads
P3 JDK-8032656 Tag the MachSpillCopies with purpose information
P3 JDK-8159129 TestStringIntrinsicRangeChecks fails w/ No exception thrown for compressByte/inflateByte
P3 JDK-6898462 The escape analysis with G1 cause crash assertion src/share/vm/runtime/vframeArray.cpp:94
P3 JDK-8028064 tiered may collect wrong receiver type at virtual call
P3 JDK-8172884 TraceOptoPipelining and TraceOptoOutput are broken
P3 JDK-8035828 Turn on @Stable support in VM
P3 JDK-8156803 Turn StressLCM/StressGCM flags to diagnostic
P3 JDK-8031755 Type speculation should be used to optimize explicit null checks
P3 JDK-8031754 Type speculation should favor profile data from outermost inlined method
P3 JDK-8080308 TypeProfileLevel on SPARC platform should enable JSR292-only profiling level
P3 JDK-8077504 Unsafe load can loose control dependency and cause crash
P3 JDK-8150465 Unsafe methods to produce uninitialized arrays
P3 JDK-8155965 Unsafe.weakCompareAndSetVolatile entry points and intrinsics
P3 JDK-8143355 Update for addition of vectorizedMismatch intrinsic for x86
P3 JDK-8154473 Update for CompilerDirectives to control stub generation and intrinsics
P3 JDK-8154975 Update for vectorizedMismatch with AVX512
P3 JDK-8132207 update for x86 exp in the math lib
P3 JDK-8139575 update for x86 log in the math lib
P3 JDK-8145688 update for x86 pow in the math lib
P3 JDK-8154495 Update for x86 SHA256 using AVX2
P3 JDK-8143353 update for x86 sin and cos in the math lib
P3 JDK-8152907 Update for x86 tan and log10 in the math lib
P3 JDK-8145717 Use AVX3 instructions for Arrays.equals() intrinsic
P3 JDK-8144771 Use AVX3 instructions for string compare
P3 JDK-8081778 Use Intel x64 CPU instructions for RSA acceleration
P3 JDK-8134119 Use new API to get cache line sizes
P3 JDK-8155735 use strings instead of Symbol* in JVMCI exception stubs
P3 JDK-8158012 Use SW prefetch instructions instead of BIS for allocation prefetches on SPARC Core C4
P3 JDK-8173037 V [jvm.dll+0x2343fc] GraphBuilder::args_list_for_profiling+0x8c
P3 JDK-8142387 Various JVMCI tests fail on unexpected exception
P3 JDK-8129920 Vectorized loop unrolling
P3 JDK-8149421 Vectorized Post Loops
P3 JDK-8049252 VerifyStack logic in Deoptimization::unpack_frames does not expect to see invoke bc at the top frame during normal deoptimization
P3 JDK-8156760 VM crashes if -XX:-ReduceInitialCardMarks is set
P3 JDK-8154151 VM crashes with assert "Ensure we don't compile before compilebroker init"
P3 JDK-8078629 VM should constant fold Unsafe.get*() loads from final fields
P3 JDK-8139380 VMError::report_and_die() does not produce replay file
P3 JDK-8036851 volatile double accesses are not explicitly atomic in C2
P3 JDK-8176505 Wrong assertion 'should be an array copy/clone' in arraycopynode.cpp
P3 JDK-8170430 x86 pow() stub from Intel libm is inconsistent with pow() from fdlib
P3 JDK-8148786 xml.transform fails on x86-64
P3 JDK-8133951 Zero interpreter asserts in stubRoutines.cpp
P4 JDK-8147853 "assert(t->meet(t0) == t) failed: Not monotonic" with sun/util/calendar/zi/
P4 JDK-8167299 -XX:+PrintRelocations crashes the VM
P4 JDK-8058578 -XX:+TraceDependencies is broken for call_site_target_value dependency type
P4 JDK-8026478 -XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing is broken
P4 JDK-6661301 128-bit alignment of arrays for JNI SSE
P4 JDK-8059002 8058744 needs a test case
P4 JDK-8154939 8153998 broke vectorization on aarch64
P4 JDK-8168086 8166869 broke jvmci build on aarch64
P4 JDK-8141203 [jittester] Add 'synchronized' method
P4 JDK-8141199 [jittester] Add 'throws' to function signature
P4 JDK-8144147 [jittester] add javadocs for hard to understand or use methods
P4 JDK-8141200 [jittester] Add more complex exceptions
P4 JDK-8145580 [jittester] Fix Makefile to get ability to use different 'seed' and 'number-of-tests' (not only from property file)
P4 JDK-8143545 [jittester] Make generated test to pass all the tiers and run for some time
P4 JDK-8142878 [jittester] make more informative names for locals
P4 JDK-8153852 [jittester] move TypeUtil to utils package
P4 JDK-8142953 [jittester] reduce chance throwing ArraysOutOfBoundsException
P4 JDK-8143644 [jittester] reduce chance throwing NullPointerException while execute generated code
P4 JDK-8168295 [JVMCI] -XX:+JVMCIPrintProperties should exit after printing
P4 JDK-8158985 [JVMCI] access to HotSpotJVMCIRuntime.vmEventListeners must be thread safe
P4 JDK-8157292 [JVMCI] add missing test files from 8156034
P4 JDK-8144704 [JVMCI] add tests for simple code installation
P4 JDK-8160197 [JVMCI] AllocatableValue.toString overrides are missing reference information
P4 JDK-8152311 [JVMCI] allow JVMCI compiler to change the compilation policy for a method
P4 JDK-8162477 [JVMCI] assert(wf.check_method_context(ctxk, m)) failed: proper context
P4 JDK-8143151 [JVMCI] assertion for allocation of "too many" CompileTasks must take JVMCI into account
P4 JDK-8141330 [JVMCI] avoid deadlock between application thread and JVMCI compiler thread under -Xbatch
P4 JDK-8151874 [JVMCI] canInlineMethod should check is_not_compilable for correct CompLevel
P4 JDK-8156835 [JVMCI] clean up and minimize JVMCI
P4 JDK-8144083 [JVMCI] CompilationResult should be finalized by JVMCI compiler and made effectively final
P4 JDK-8136654 [JVMCI] compiler/jvmci test fail on linux-i586
P4 JDK-8137216 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::allocateCompileIdTest doesn't throw an exception for illegal bci
P4 JDK-8133195 [JVMCI] CompilerToVM::getLocalVariableTableStart and CompilerToVM::getLocalVariableTableLength return 0
P4 JDK-8141133 [JVMCI] crash during safepoint deopt if rethrow_exception is set
P4 JDK-8143571 [JVMCI] Double unregistering of nmethod during unloading
P4 JDK-8137296 [JVMCI] Enable sharing of debug info by default in all configurations
P4 JDK-8161265 [JVMCI] EnableJVMCI should only be required when its not implied by other flags
P4 JDK-8153315 [JVMCI] evol_method dependencies failures should return dependencies_failed
P4 JDK-8166517 [JVMCI] export JVMCI to auto-detected JVMCI compiler
P4 JDK-8166929 [JVMCI] Expose decompile counts in MDO
P4 JDK-8164358 [JVMCI] expose Hotspot intrinsics and HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate info to JVMCI compilers
P4 JDK-8169554 [JVMCI] expose missing StubRoutines for intrinsics
P4 JDK-8156178 [JVMCI] expose StubRoutines trig functions
P4 JDK-8155047 [JVMCI] findLeafConcreteSubtype should handle arrays of leaf concrete subtype
P4 JDK-8159167 [JVMCI] fix HotSpotVMConfig startup performance
P4 JDK-8142436 [JVMCI] fix management of nmethod::_installed_code field
P4 JDK-8161603 [JVMCI] HotSpotVMConfig.baseVtableLength is incorrectly computed
P4 JDK-8164214 [JVMCI] include VarHandle in signature polymorphic method test
P4 JDK-8169331 [JVMCI] incomplete API to MethodParameters attribute
P4 JDK-8151829 [JVMCI] incorrect documentation about jvmci.compiler property
P4 JDK-8165457 [JVMCI] increase InterpreterCodeSize for JVMCI
P4 JDK-8143730 [JVMCI] infopoint recording is too restrictive
P4 JDK-8163962 [JVMCI] integrate VarHandles
P4 JDK-8136658 [JVMCI] fail due to a compilation error
P4 JDK-8136657 [JVMCI] fail due to compilation errors
P4 JDK-8144944 [JVMCI] JVMCI compiler initialization can happen on different thread than JVMCI initialization
P4 JDK-8167353 [JVMCI] JVMCI re-initialization check is in the wrong location
P4 JDK-8151723 [JVMCI] JVMCIRuntime::treat_as_trivial: Don't limit trivial prefixes to boot class path
P4 JDK-8148101 [JVMCI] Make CallingConvention.Type extensible
P4 JDK-8151871 [JVMCI] missing HAS_PENDING_EXCEPTION check
P4 JDK-8161292 [JVMCI] missing test files from 8159368
P4 JDK-8148507 [JVMCI] mitigate deadlocks related to JVMCI compiler under -Xbatch
P4 JDK-8167194 [JVMCI] no reliable mechanism for querying JVMCI system properties
P4 JDK-8150850 [JVMCI] NPE when executing HotSpotConstantReflectionProvider.readStableFieldValue
P4 JDK-8142329 [JVMCI] pass Handle by value
P4 JDK-8143072 [JVMCI] Port JVMCI to AArch64
P4 JDK-8152134 [JVMCI] printing compile queues always prints C2 regardless of UseJVMCICompiler
P4 JDK-8149969 [JVMCI] PrintNMethods is ignored for CompilerToVM.installCode when not called from the broker
P4 JDK-8166869 [JVMCI] record metadata relocations for metadata references
P4 JDK-8166972 [JVMCI] reduce size of interpreter when JVMCI is enabled
P4 JDK-8144826 [JVMCI] Remove and use jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable
P4 JDK-8157428 [JVMCI] remove MemoryAccessProvider.readUnsafeConstant from API
P4 JDK-8147564 [JVMCI] remove unused method CodeCacheProvider.needsDataPatch
P4 JDK-8165755 [JVMCI] replace use of vm_abort with vm_exit
P4 JDK-8156211 [JVMCI] ResolvedJava* interfaces should extend AnnotatedElement
P4 JDK-8142435 [JVMCI] restore missing InstalledCode.version increment
P4 JDK-8159368 [JVMCI] SPARCHotSpotRegisterConfig.callingConvention gives incorrect calling convention for native calls containing fp args
P4 JDK-8139589 [JVMCI] throw exceptions in faulty code installation operations
P4 JDK-8137175 [JVMCI] Unable to use CompilerToVM with option: -Djvmci.option.UseProfilingInformation=true
P4 JDK-8153782 [JVMCI] update JVMCI sources to Eclipse 4.5.2 format style
P4 JDK-8159236 [JVMCI] Window-saved SPARC registers should not be considered callee-save
P4 JDK-8156190 [ppc] Fix build after "8151268: Wire up the x86 _vectorizedMismatch stub routine in C1"
P4 JDK-8139758 [REDO] Elide more final field's write memory barrier with escape analysis result
P4 JDK-8166561 [s390] Adaptions needed for s390 port in C1 and C2.
P4 JDK-8166560 [s390] Basic enablement of s390 port.
P4 JDK-8167184 [s390] Extend relocations for pc-relative instructions.
P4 JDK-8167673 [s390] The s390 port.
P4 JDK-8140001 _allocateInstance intrinsic does not throw InstantiationException for abstract classes and interfaces
P4 JDK-8031199 _MSC_VER is only defined on _WIN32
P4 JDK-8143219 AArch64 broken by 8141132: JEP 254: Compact Strings
P4 JDK-8144582 AArch64 does not generate correct branch profile data
P4 JDK-8146891 AArch64 needs patch for 8032463
P4 JDK-8079203 aarch64 needs to cater for different partner implementations
P4 JDK-8149100 AArch64: "bad AD file" for LL enconding AryEq Node matching
P4 JDK-8153797 aarch64: Add Arrays.fill stub code
P4 JDK-8077615 AARCH64: Add C2 intrinsic for BigInteger::multiplyToLen() method
P4 JDK-8131779 AARCH64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic
P4 JDK-8146843 aarch64: add scheduling support for FP and vector instructions
P4 JDK-8086087 aarch64: add support for 64 bit vectors
P4 JDK-8151775 aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE atomic operations
P4 JDK-8150394 aarch64: add support for 8.1 LSE CAS instructions
P4 JDK-8139043 aarch64: add support for adler32
P4 JDK-8131062 aarch64: add support for GHASH acceleration
P4 JDK-8130687 aarch64: add support for hardware crc32c
P4 JDK-8129426 aarch64: add support for PopCount in C2
P4 JDK-8135231 aarch64: add support for vectorizing double precision sqrt
P4 JDK-8138583 aarch64: add support for vectorizing fabs/fneg
P4 JDK-8085805 aarch64: AdvancedThresholdPolicy lacks tuning of InlineSmallCode size
P4 JDK-8150045 AArch64: arraycopy causes segfaults in SATB during garbage collection
P4 JDK-8146678 aarch64: assertion failure: call instruction in an infinite loop
P4 JDK-8155015 Aarch64: bad assert in spill generation code
P4 JDK-8154957 AArch64: Better byte behavior
P4 JDK-8131362 aarch64: C2 does not handle large stack offsets
P4 JDK-8133842 aarch64: C2 generates illegal instructions with int shifts >=32
P4 JDK-8074349 AARCH64: C2 generates poor code for some byte and character stores
P4 JDK-8155617 aarch64: ClearArray does not use DC ZVA
P4 JDK-8139042 AARCH64: Correct regression introduced by 8080293
P4 JDK-8155790 aarch64: debug VM fails to start after 8155617
P4 JDK-8136615 aarch64: elide DecodeN when followed by CmpP 0
P4 JDK-8159467 AArch64: Enable compact strings
P4 JDK-8155717 Aarch64: enable loop superword's unrolling analysis
P4 JDK-8078743 AARCH64: Extend use of stlr to cater for volatile object stores
P4 JDK-8146886 aarch64: fails to build following 8136525 and 8139864
P4 JDK-8133935 aarch64: fails to build from source
P4 JDK-8132875 AArch64: Fix error introduced into AArch64 CodeCache by commit for 8130309
P4 JDK-8165673 AArch64: Fix JNI floating point argument handling
P4 JDK-8155967 aarch64: fix register usage in block zeroing
P4 JDK-8134322 AArch64: Fix several errors in C2 biased locking implementation
P4 JDK-8164113 AArch64: follow-up the fix for 8161598
P4 JDK-8144587 aarch64: generate vectorized MLA/MLS instructions
P4 JDK-8148948 aarch64: generate_copy_longs calls align() incorrectly
P4 JDK-8133352 aarch64: generates constrained unpredictable instructions
P4 JDK-8134869 AARCH64: GHASH intrinsic is not optimal
P4 JDK-8143067 aarch64: guarantee failure in javac
P4 JDK-8139674 aarch64: guarantee failure in
P4 JDK-8146286 aarch64: guarantee failures with large code cache sizes on jtreg test java/lang/invoke/LFCaching10/
P4 JDK-8157834 aarch64: Hello World crashes with fastdebug build
P4 JDK-8153172 aarch64: hotspot crashes after the 8.1 LSE patch is merged
P4 JDK-8080586 aarch64: hotspot test compiler/codegen/7184394/ fails
P4 JDK-8131483 aarch64: illegal stlxr instructions
P4 JDK-8152840 aarch64: improve _unsafe_arraycopy stub routine
P4 JDK-8169497 Aarch64: Improve internal array handling
P4 JDK-8153713 aarch64: improve short array clearing using store pair
P4 JDK-8167421 AArch64: in one core system, fatal error: Illegal threadstate encountered
P4 JDK-8162338 AArch64: Intrinsify fused mac operations
P4 JDK-8153310 AArch64: JEP 254: Implement byte_array_inflate and char_array_compress
P4 JDK-8156861 AArch64: JEP 254: Partially-implemented intrinsics
P4 JDK-8161072 AArch64: jtreg compiler/uncommontrap/TestDeoptOOM failure
P4 JDK-8140611 aarch64: jtreg test jdk/tools/pack200/ SEGVs
P4 JDK-8140582 aarch64: jvm fails to initialise after 8078556
P4 JDK-8144498 aarch64: large code cache generates SEGV
P4 JDK-8075930 aarch64: Make fp register available to register allocator
P4 JDK-8150038 aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing narrow pointer with zero
P4 JDK-8152537 aarch64: Make use of CBZ and CBNZ when comparing unsigned values with zero
P4 JDK-8149365 aarch64: memory copy does not prefetch on backwards copy
P4 JDK-8075443 AARCH64: Missed L2I optimizations in C2
P4 JDK-8135018 AARCH64: Missing memory barriers for CMS collector
P4 JDK-8170106 AArch64: Multiple JVMCI issues
P4 JDK-8150313 aarch64: optimise array copy using SIMD instructions
P4 JDK-8150082 aarch64: optimise small array copy
P4 JDK-8159063 aarch64: optimise unaligned array copy long
P4 JDK-8151502 aarch64: optimize pd_disjoint_words and pd_conjoint_words
P4 JDK-8150229 aarch64: pipeline class for several instructions is not set correctly
P4 JDK-8157841 aarch64: prefetch ignores cache line size
P4 JDK-8151340 aarch64: prefetch the destination word for write prior to ldxr/stxr loops
P4 JDK-8148240 aarch64: random infrequent null pointer exceptions in javac
P4 JDK-8149080 AArch64: Recognize disjoint array copy in stub code
P4 JDK-8154943 AArch64: redundant address computation instructions with vectorization
P4 JDK-8149733 AArch64: refactor array_equals/string_equals
P4 JDK-8132010 aarch64: regression test fails compiler/intrinsics/sha/cli/
P4 JDK-8155100 AArch64: Relax alignment requirement for byte_map_base
P4 JDK-8149418 AArch64: replace tst+br with tbz instruction when tst's constant operand is 2 power
P4 JDK-8169529 AArch64: Revert old JDK-8167595 changes after JDK-8159035 fix is pushed
P4 JDK-8167595 AArch64: SEGV in stub code cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt
P4 JDK-8158913 aarch64: SEGV running Spark terasort
P4 JDK-8148783 aarch64: SEGV running SpecJBB2013
P4 JDK-8154537 AArch64: some integer rotate instructions are never emitted
P4 JDK-8157906 aarch64: some more integer rotate instructions are never emitted
P4 JDK-8129551 aarch64: some regressions introduced by addition of vectorisation code
P4 JDK-8075045 AARCH64: Stack banging should use store rather than load
P4 JDK-8074723 AARCH64: Stray pop in C1 LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type
P4 JDK-8157708 aarch64: StrIndexOfChar intrinsic is not implemented
P4 JDK-8156943 aarch64: intrinsic does not support CompactStrings
P4 JDK-8154826 AArch64: take better advantage of base + shifted offset addressing mode
P4 JDK-8154739 AArch64: TemplateTable::fast_xaccess loads in wrong mode
P4 JDK-8131358 aarch64: test compiler/loopopts/superword/ fails when run with debug VM
P4 JDK-8136524 aarch64: test/compiler/runtime/7196199/ fails
P4 JDK-8136165 AARCH64: Tidy up compiled native calls
P4 JDK-8149907 aarch64: use load/store pair instructions in call_stub
P4 JDK-8155612 Aarch64: vector nodes need to support misaligned offset
P4 JDK-8078263 AARCH64: Volatile fields should be accessed with ldar and stlr
P4 JDK-8027966 Adapt PPC to 8023657: New type profiling points: arguments to call
P4 JDK-8027969 Adapt PPC to 8026328: Setting a breakpoint on invokedynamic crashes the JVM
P4 JDK-8086069 Adapt runtime calls to recent intrinsics to pass ints as long
P4 JDK-8147937 Adapt SAP copyrights to new company name.
P4 JDK-8047362 Add a version of CompiledIC_at that doesn't create a new RelocIterator
P4 JDK-8058716 Add include missing in 8015774
P4 JDK-8028468 Add inlining information into ciReplay
P4 JDK-8139921 add mx configuration files to support HotSpot IDE configuration generation
P4 JDK-6869327 Add new C2 flag to keep safepoints in counted loops.
P4 JDK-8066312 Add new Node* Node::find_out(int opc) method
P4 JDK-8150646 Add support for blocking compiles though whitebox API
P4 JDK-8073607 add trace events for inlining
P4 JDK-8029305 add type tag to AbstractCompiler
P4 JDK-8079565 Add vectorization support for aarch64
P4 JDK-8077843 adlc: allow nodes that use TEMP inputs in expand rules.
P4 JDK-8161907 adlc: Fix crash in cisc_spill_match if _rChild == NULL
P4 JDK-8075798 Allow ADLC register class to depend on runtime conditions also for cisc-spillable classes
P4 JDK-8072398 assert fails in L1RGenerator::increment_event_counter_impl
P4 JDK-8160898 assert while replaying ciReplay file created using TieredStopAtLevel=1
P4 JDK-8036748 assert(_base == Int) failed: Not an Int w/ -XX:+TraceIterativeGVN
P4 JDK-8027422 assert(_gvn.type(obj)->higher_equal(tjp)) failed: cast_up is no longer needed
P4 JDK-8046226 assert(_thread == Thread::current()) failed: thread must be current w/ -XX:+TraceDeoptimization -XX:+Verbose
P4 JDK-8027626 assert(Opcode() != Op_If || outcnt() == 2) failed: bad if #1
P4 JDK-8055946 assert(result == NULL || result->is_oop()) failed: must be oop
P4 JDK-6563994 assert(wf.check_method_context(ctxk, m),"proper context") failed
P4 JDK-8044538 assert(which != imm_operand) failed: instruction is not a movq reg, imm64
P4 JDK-8140483 Atomic*FieldUpdaters final fields should be trusted
P4 JDK-8021770 BackEdgeThreshold option is no longer used and should be removed
P4 JDK-8053915 bigapps assert failure in C2: modified node is not on IGVN._worklist
P4 JDK-8142314 Bug in C1 ControlFlowOptimizer::delete_unnecessary_jumps with bytecode profiling
P4 JDK-8150690 C++11 user-defined literal syntax in jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
P4 JDK-8131782 C1 Class.cast optimization breaks when Class is loaded from static final
P4 JDK-8151708 C1 FastTLABRefill can allocate TLABs past the end of the heap
P4 JDK-8150669 C1 intrinsic for Class.isPrimitive
P4 JDK-8147805 C1 segmentation fault due to inline Unsafe::getAndSetObject
P4 JDK-8141044 C1 should fold (this == null) to false
P4 JDK-8150102 C1 should fold arraylength for constant/trusted arrays
P4 JDK-8076987 C1 should support conditional card marks (UseCondCardMark)
P4 JDK-8138890 C1: Ambiguous operator delete
P4 JDK-8164122 C1: assert(false) failed: stack or locks not matching (invalid bytecodes)
P4 JDK-8138952 C1: Distinguish between PPC32 and PPC64
P4 JDK-8037149 C1: getThreadTemp should return a T_LONG register on 64bit
P4 JDK-8150320 C1: Illegal bci in debug info for MH::linkTo* methods
P4 JDK-8138892 C1: Improve counter overflow checking
P4 JDK-8037140 C1: Incorrect argument type used for SharedRuntime::OSR_migration_end in LIRGenerator::do_Goto
P4 JDK-8151818 C1: LIRGenerator::move_to_phi can't deal with illegal phi
P4 JDK-8138896 C1: NativeGeneralJump is mixed up with NativeCall in C1 patching code
P4 JDK-8144850 C1: operator delete needs an implementation
P4 JDK-8143817 C1: Platform dependent stack space not preserved for all runtime calls
P4 JDK-8166140 C1: Possible integer overflow in LIRGenerator::generate_address on several platforms
P4 JDK-8138895 C1: PPC64 Port needs special register for Locks in synchronization code
P4 JDK-8041771 C1: remove unused IR::_locals_size
P4 JDK-8138894 C1: Support IRIW on weak memory platforms
P4 JDK-8141551 C2 can not handle returns with incompatible interface arrays
P4 JDK-8138861 C2 complains about unreasonably large method running Octane zlib in Nashorn
P4 JDK-8079135 C2 disables some optimizations when a large number of unique nodes exist
P4 JDK-8040213 C2 does not put all modified nodes on IGVN worklist
P4 JDK-8087341 C2 doesn't optimize redundant memory operations with G1
P4 JDK-8068864 C2 failed: modified node is not on IGVN._worklist
P4 JDK-8141137 C2 fails rematerializing nodes using flag registers.
P4 JDK-8001532 C2 node files refactoring
P4 JDK-8081823 C2 performs unsigned comparison against -1
P4 JDK-8155738 C2: fix frame_complete_offset
P4 JDK-8156131 C2: MachProj dumps data on tty w/ -XX:+WizardMode
P4 JDK-8146612 C2: Precedence edges specification violated
P4 JDK-8155729 C2: Skip transformation of LoadConP for heap-based compressed oops
P4 JDK-8166562 C2: Suppress relocations in scratch emit.
P4 JDK-8054492 Casting can result in redundant null checks in generated code
P4 JDK-8076094 CheckCastPPNode::Value() has outdated logic for constants
P4 JDK-8029436 CICompilerCount is not updated when the number of compiler threads is adjusted to the number of CPUs
P4 JDK-8130858 CICompilerCount=1 when tiered is off is not allowed any more
P4 JDK-8033289 clang: clean up unused function warning
P4 JDK-8033215 clang: node.cpp:284 IDX_INIT macro use uninitialized field _out
P4 JDK-8047373 Clean the ExceptionCache in one pass
P4 JDK-8160245 Clean up platform #defines in c1_LIR.hpp.
P4 JDK-8150720 Cleanup code around PrintOptoStatistics
P4 JDK-8151593 Cleanup definition/usage of INLINE/NOINLINE macros and add xlC support
P4 JDK-8072482 Cleanup: In jvm.cpp and other shared files declaration of 64bits constants should use the CONST64/UCONST64 macros instead of the LL suffix
P4 JDK-8035328 closed/compiler/6595044/ failed with timeout
P4 JDK-8145322 Code generated from unsafe loops can be slightly improved
P4 JDK-8137049 Code quality: reducing an trivial integer loop does not produce an optimal code
P4 JDK-8151956 CodeBlob ctor virtual call on partially constructed subclass
P4 JDK-8029343 CodeCache::allocate increments '_number_of_blobs' even if allocation fails.
P4 JDK-7194669 CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization should avoid verifying dependencies multiple times
P4 JDK-8065334 CodeHeap expansion fails although there is uncommitted memory
P4 JDK-8152554 CompactStrings broken on AArch64
P4 JDK-8170130 Compilation fails with "assert(counter_changed) failed: failed dependencies, but counter didn't change"
P4 JDK-8139996 CompileCommand prints quoted ascii strings
P4 JDK-8054889 Compiler team's implementation task
P4 JDK-8058968 Compiler time traces should be improved
P4 JDK-8046289 compiler/6340864/ timeout with
P4 JDK-8042431 compiler/7200264/ fails with: Test Failed: AddVI 0 < 4
P4 JDK-8073257 compiler/codecache/stress/ + fastdebug + -XX:+LogCompilation, "allocating without ResourceMark"
P4 JDK-8139907 compiler/intrinsics/montgomerymultiply/ fails with timeout
P4 JDK-8136914 compiler/loopopts/superword/ times out
P4 JDK-8134288 compiler/runtime/6859338/ crashes in PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_after_loop
P4 JDK-8040798 compiler/startup/ timed out in RT_Baseline
P4 JDK-8042893 compiler: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8170416 CompilerControl: VectorizeDebug option type is incorrect
P4 JDK-8141585 CompilerDirectivesDCMDTest intermittently SEGVs in MethodMatcher::matcher
P4 JDK-8069389 CompilerOracle prefix wildcarding is broken for long strings
P4 JDK-8041984 CompilerThread seems to occupy all CPU in a very rare situation
P4 JDK-8047326 Consolidate all CompiledIC::CompiledIC implementations and move it to compiledIC.cpp
P4 JDK-8075324 Costs of memory operands in are inconsistent
P4 JDK-8035392 cppInterpreter: fix message of NPE
P4 JDK-8143307 Crash in C2 local code motion
P4 JDK-8154763 Crash with "assert(RangeCheckElimination)" if RangeCheckElimination is disabled
P4 JDK-8158214 Crash with "assert(VM_Version::supports_sse4_1()) failed" if UseSSE < 4 is set
P4 JDK-8086057 Crash with "modified node is not on IGVN._worklist" when running with -XX:-SplitIfBlocks
P4 JDK-8155241 Crash with assert in Xcomp mode and with disabled ReduceBulkZeroing
P4 JDK-8161652 Crash with assert(ft == _type) failed in PhiNode::Value()
P4 JDK-8152004 CTW crashes with failed assertion after 8150646 integration
P4 JDK-8050198 Development plan for JEP 165: Compiler Control
P4 JDK-8074382 Development plan for JEP 233 Generate Run-Time Compiler Tests Automatically
P4 JDK-8138641 Disable C2 peephole by default for aarch64
P4 JDK-8071654 disassembler handles embedded OOPs not uniformly
P4 JDK-8135157 DMB elimination in AArch64 C2 synchronization implementation
P4 JDK-8153439 do not install an empty SpeculationLog in an nmethod
P4 JDK-8067012 Don't create MDO for constant getters
P4 JDK-8162881 Effect of -XX:CICompilerCount depends on ordering of other flags
P4 JDK-8138956 Elide more final field's write memory barrier with escape analysis result
P4 JDK-8144993 Elide redundant memory barrier after AllocationNode
P4 JDK-8072008 Emit direct call instead of linkTo* for recursive indy/MH.invoke* calls
P4 JDK-8131326 Enable CheckIntrinsics in all types of builds
P4 JDK-8027754 Enable loop optimizations for loops with MathExact inside
P4 JDK-8080650 Enable stubs to use frame pointers correctly
P4 JDK-8075093 Enable UseFPUForSpilling support on SPARC
P4 JDK-8170683 Enhancement backport request
P4 JDK-8066770 fails to compile method
P4 JDK-8081288 erronous free in RegClass::~RegClass()
P4 JDK-8073956 Escape analysis dump misses args information
P4 JDK-8086046 escape analysis generates incorrect code as of B67
P4 JDK-8139881 Exclude java/lang/invoke/LFCaching/ from execution
P4 JDK-8069582 Exclude vm/mlvm/indy/stress/java/volatileCallSiteDekker
P4 JDK-8031818 Experimental VM flag for enforcing safe object construction
P4 JDK-8033380 Experimental VM flag to enforce access atomicity
P4 JDK-8075269 Extend -XX:CompileCommand=print,* to work for MethodHandle.invokeBasic/linkTo*
P4 JDK-8130832 Extend the WhiteBox API to provide information about the availability of compiler intrinsics
P4 JDK-8135068 Extract methodmatchers from CompilerOracle
P4 JDK-8159720 Failure of C2 compilation with tiered prevents some C1 compilations
P4 JDK-8027571 fatal error: meet not symmetric
P4 JDK-8041468 Field nmethod::_lock_count should be declared volatile
P4 JDK-8134758 Final String field values should be trusted as stable
P4 JDK-8160006 Fix AArch64 after changes made by 8151661
P4 JDK-8057129 Fix AIX build after the Extend CompileCommand=option change 8055286
P4 JDK-8042443 Fix C++-Interpreter after "8036956: remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag"
P4 JDK-8087183 Fix call to inline function is_oop in header debugInfo.hpp.
P4 JDK-8159715 Fix for 8072422 is incorrect
P4 JDK-8168567 Fix for 8166972 breaks aarch64 build.
P4 JDK-8076532 Fix format warning/error in methodHandles_ppc.cpp
P4 JDK-8079280 Fix format warning/error in vm_version_ppc.cpp
P4 JDK-8162427 fix indent in CompileTask::print_tty
P4 JDK-8153165 Fix MX tool config script to make the tool work with TESTNG
P4 JDK-8057780 Fix ppc build after "8050147: StoreLoad barrier interferes with stack usages"
P4 JDK-8086073 Fix PrintStubCode for empty StubCodeGenerator.
P4 JDK-8140239 Fix product build after "8132168: Support IdealGraphVisualizer in optimized build"
P4 JDK-8129423 Fix unlink() of LogCompilation tmp files lost in merge of 8007993 and 8060074.
P4 JDK-8073624 Fix warning "converting to non-pointer type 'bool' from NULL" in arraycopynode.cpp
P4 JDK-8036122 Fix warning "format not a string literal"
P4 JDK-8131676 Fix warning 'negative int converted to unsigned' after 8085932.
P4 JDK-8145553 Fix warnings in AArch64 directory
P4 JDK-6985422 flush the output streams before OnError commands
P4 JDK-8136820 Generate better code for some Unsafe addressing patterns
P4 JDK-8145438 Guarantee failures since 8144028: Use AArch64 bit-test instructions in C2
P4 JDK-8146999 hotspot/test/compiler/c2/8007294/ test nightly failure
P4 JDK-8026336 hs_err improvement: Print compilation mode, server, client or tiered
P4 JDK-8135252 IdealLoopTree::dump_head() prints negative trip count
P4 JDK-8130150 Implement BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply intrinsic
P4 JDK-8004073 Implement C2 Ideal node specific dump() method
P4 JDK-8170226 Implement setting jtreg @requires property vm.jvmci
P4 JDK-8141633 Implement VarHandles/Unsafe intrinsics on AArch64
P4 JDK-8141635 Implement VarHandles/Unsafe intrinsics on POWER
P4 JDK-8141634 Implement VarHandles/Unsafe intrinsics on SPARC
P4 JDK-8039043 Implicit null check is in the wrong place in C1 -UseCompressedOops
P4 JDK-6941938 Improve array equals intrinsic on SPARC
P4 JDK-8138575 Improve generated code for profile counters
P4 JDK-8146705 Improve JVMCI support for blocking compilation
P4 JDK-8044775 Improve usage of umbrella header atomic.inline.hpp.
P4 JDK-8149488 Incorrect declaration of bitsInByte in regmask.cpp
P4 JDK-8146709 Incorrect use of ADRP for byte_map_base
P4 JDK-8077586 IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt can be initialized in general way instead of explicit way
P4 JDK-8148146 Integrate new internal Unsafe entry points, and basic intrinsic support for VarHandles
P4 JDK-8143966 integration
P4 JDK-8080289 Intermediate writes in a loop not eliminated by optimizer
P4 JDK-8143180 Internal Error in src/cpu/ppc/vm/macroAssembler_ppc.cpp:4287
P4 JDK-8155206 Internal VM test DirectiveParser_test is too verbose
P4 JDK-8154122 Intrinsify fused mac operations on x86
P4 JDK-8144693 Intrinsify StringCoding.hasNegatives() on SPARC
P4 JDK-8049325 Introduce and clean up umbrella headers for the files in the cpu subdirectories.
P4 JDK-8058880 Introduce identifier TEMP_DEF for effects in adl.
P4 JDK-8048241 Introduce umbrella header os.inline.hpp and clean up includes.
P4 JDK-8042737 Introduce umbrella header prefetch.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8144657 Invalid format specifiers in jvmci trace messages
P4 JDK-8132525 java -client -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:CICompilerCount=1 -version asserts since 8130858
P4 JDK-8079062 Java 9-fastdebug crash(hit assertion) with "-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice=1 -XX:-TieredCompilation" options
P4 JDK-8079775 Java 9-fastdebug ia32 Error: Unimplemented with "-XX:CompilationPolicyChoice=1 -XX:-TieredCompilation" options
P4 JDK-8155643 Java crash with assert in Xcomp mode and disabled ReduceInitialCardMarks
P4 JDK-8031994 java/lang/Character/CheckProp test times out
P4 JDK-8058863 jdk9/hs-comp fails in jprt with "-testset hotspot" from top-level
P4 JDK-8043467 JEP 233: Generate Run-Time Compiler Tests Automatically
P4 JDK-8138993 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: add check for Compiler.directives_print diagnostic command
P4 JDK-8066154 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: huge directive file
P4 JDK-8066156 JEP-JDK-8046155: Test task: stress by dcmd
P4 JDK-8137167 JEP165: Compiler Control: Implementation task
P4 JDK-8005873 JRuby test_respond_to.rb asserts with: MT-unsafe modification of inline cache
P4 JDK-8027388 JVM crashes with SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00000001077cbbf6
P4 JDK-8147432 JVMCI should report bailouts in PrintCompilation output
P4 JDK-8155244 JVMCI: MemoryAccessProvider.readUnsafeConstant javadoc should be updated for null JavaKind case
P4 JDK-8149356 Leftover from JDK-8141044: UseNewCode usage
P4 JDK-8141624 Limit calculation of pre loop during super word optimization is wrong
P4 JDK-8001622 loadUB2L_immI8 & loadUS2L_immI16 rules don't match some 8-bit/16-bit masks
P4 JDK-8049529 LogCompilation: annotate make_not_compilable with compilation level
P4 JDK-8049532 LogCompilation: C1: inlining tree is flat (no depth is stored)
P4 JDK-8156126 LogCompilation: Dump additional info about deoptimization events
P4 JDK-8161651 Logic in ConnectionGraph::split_unique_types() wrongly assumes node always have memory input
P4 JDK-8154135 Loop alignment may be added inside the loop body
P4 JDK-8151002 Make Assembler methods vextract and vinsert match actual instructions
P4 JDK-8022494 Make compilation IDs sequential
P4 JDK-8007270 Make IsMethodCompilable test work with tiered
P4 JDK-8146629 Make phase->is_IterGVN() accessible from Node::Identity and Node::Value
P4 JDK-8037970 make PrintMethodData a diagnostic options
P4 JDK-8026796 Make replace_in_map() on parent maps generic
P4 JDK-8049528 Method marked w/ @ForceInline isn't inlined with "executed < MinInliningThreshold times" message
P4 JDK-8140650 Method::is_accessor should cover getters and setters for all types
P4 JDK-6900757 minor bug fixes to LogCompilation tool
P4 JDK-8131344 Missing klass.inline.hpp include in compiler files
P4 JDK-8162496 missing precedence edge for anti_dependence
P4 JDK-8133557 Missing test before a branch when checking for MethodCounters in TemplateTable::branch() on x86
P4 JDK-8033332 missing types in TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_result_handler_for
P4 JDK-8144748 Move assembler/macroAssembler inline function definitions to corresponding inline.hpp files
P4 JDK-8148202 move lookup of Java class and hub from ResolvedJavaType to ConstantReflectionProvider
P4 JDK-8043638 Multiple compilation attempts break LogCompilation, lead to confusing PrintInlining output
P4 JDK-8145270 Need to eagerly initialize JVMCI compiler under -Xcomp
P4 JDK-8065134 Need WhiteBox::allocateCodeBlob(long, int) method to be implemented
P4 JDK-8147844 new method j.l.Thread.onSpinWait() and the corresponding x86 hotspot instrinsic
P4 JDK-8076758 new StringBuilder().append(String).toString() should be recognized by OptimizeStringConcat
P4 JDK-8056067 NodeHash debug variables are available in product build
P4 JDK-8073154 NULL-pointer dereferencing in LIR_OpProfileType::print_instr
P4 JDK-6700100 optimize inline_native_clone() for small objects with exact klass.
P4 JDK-8043284 Optimize signed integer comparison
P4 JDK-8136445 Performance issue with Nashorn and C2's global code motion
P4 JDK-8162384 Performance regression: bimorphic inlining may be bypassed by type speculation
P4 JDK-8042924 Possible memory leak during MethodCounters initialization
P4 JDK-8129757 ppc/aarch: Fix passing thread to runtime after "8073165: Contended Locking fast exit bucket."
P4 JDK-8019517 PPC64 (part 102): cppInterpreter: implement G1 support
P4 JDK-8019518 PPC64 (part 104) : cppInterpreter: implement support for compressed Oops
P4 JDK-8144019 PPC64 C1: Introduce Client Compiler
P4 JDK-8037915 PPC64/AIX: Several smaller fixes
P4 JDK-8146231 ppc64/gcc 4.1.2: fix build after "8143072: [JVMCI] Port JVMCI to AArch64"
P4 JDK-8033117 PPC64: Adapt to 8002074: Support for AES on SPARC
P4 JDK-8159976 PPC64: Add missing intrinsics for sub-word atomics
P4 JDK-8145913 PPC64: add Montgomery multiply intrinsic
P4 JDK-8170991 PPC64: Bad code for initialization of short arrays
P4 JDK-8146613 PPC64: C2 does no longer respect int to long conversion for stub calls
P4 JDK-8068503 ppc64: Encode/Decode nodes for disjoint cOops mode
P4 JDK-8035970 PPC64: fix ad file after 8027754: Enable loop optimizations for loops with MathExact inside
P4 JDK-8144466 ppc64: fix argument passing through opto stubs.
P4 JDK-8144822 PPC64: Fix build after 8072008
P4 JDK-8145300 ppc64: fix port of "8072008: Emit direct call instead of linkTo* for recursive indy/MH.invoke* calls"
P4 JDK-8145336 PPC64: fix string intrinsics after CompactStrings change
P4 JDK-8080190 PPC64: Fix wrong rotate instructions in the .ad file
P4 JDK-8149655 PPC64: Implement CompactString intrinsics
P4 JDK-8166684 PPC64: implement intrinsic code with vector instructions for Unsafe.copyMemory()
P4 JDK-8158232 PPC64: improve byte, int and long array copy stubs by using VSX instructions
P4 JDK-8170094 PPC64: Keep immediate value 0 cached into a register to improve performance
P4 JDK-8171244 PPC64: Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
P4 JDK-8035394 PPC64: Make usage of intrinsic dsqrt depend on processor recognition.
P4 JDK-8039045 PPC64: need include in adl generated files after 8001532
P4 JDK-8166689 PPC64: Race condition between stack bang and non-entrant patching
P4 JDK-8152172 PPC64: Support AES intrinsics
P4 JDK-8035647 PPC64: Support for elf v2 abi.
P4 JDK-8068724 ppc64: update assembler: SPR access, CR logic, HTM
P4 JDK-8170328 PPC64: Use andis instead of lis/and
P4 JDK-8168318 PPC64: Use cmpldi instead of li/cmpld
P4 JDK-8130432 ppc64le: Fix build of hsdis
P4 JDK-8139421 PPC64LE: MacroAssembler::bxx64_patchable kills register R12
P4 JDK-8150353 PPC64LE: Support RTM on linux
P4 JDK-8164920 ppc: enhancement of CRC32 intrinsic
P4 JDK-8131048 ppc: implement CRC32 intrinsic
P4 JDK-8130654 ppc: implement MultiplyToLen intrinsic
P4 JDK-8078482 ppc: pass thread to throw_AbstractMethodError
P4 JDK-8162369 ppc: Wrong ucontext used after SIGTRAP while in HTM critical section
P4 JDK-8135067 Preparatory refactorings for compiler control
P4 JDK-8075270 Print locals & stack slots location for PcDescs
P4 JDK-8065151 PrintIdealGraphLevel range should be [0..4]
P4 JDK-8051550 Printing of 'cmpN_reg_branch_short' instruction shows wrong 'op2' register
P4 JDK-8007988 PrintInlining output is inconsistent with incremental inlining
P4 JDK-8147433 PrintNMethods no longer works with JVMCI
P4 JDK-8175833 Provide a javadoc description for jdk.aot module
P4 JDK-8049530 Provide descriptive failure reason for compilation tasks removed for the queue
P4 JDK-8030783 Provide regression test for 8026478: -XX:+VerifyAdapterSharing is broken
P4 JDK-8136725 Provide utility for creation a counted loop reserve copy (clone).
P4 JDK-8037043 put Method flag bits in predictable positions
P4 JDK-8140669 Quarantine ClearDirectivesFileStackTest
P4 JDK-8161172 quarantine closed/compiler/compilercontrol/
P4 JDK-8146129 quarantine compiler/cpuflags/
P4 JDK-8146205 quarantine compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/
P4 JDK-8159282 quarantine compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/
P4 JDK-8148161 quarantine compiler/loopopts/
P4 JDK-8148864 Quarantine CompilerControl tests
P4 JDK-8150985 Quarantine jit/escape/LockCoarsening test
P4 JDK-8071906 Quarantine OverloadCompileQueueTest until the reason for timeout is known
P4 JDK-8161175 quarantine serviceability/dcmd/compiler/ on 32-bit
P4 JDK-8151157 Quarantine test/compiler/unsafe/
P4 JDK-8160739 quarantine tests failing due to -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
P4 JDK-8064512 Quarantine vm/mlvm/mixed/stress/regression/b6969574
P4 JDK-8059592 Recent bugfixes in ppc64 port.
P4 JDK-8077838 Recent developments for ppc.
P4 JDK-8139041 Redundant DMB instructions
P4 JDK-8019968 Reference CAS induces GC store barrier even on failure
P4 JDK-8039407 Regression test needed for JDK-8015396
P4 JDK-8136458 Remove "marked for reclamation" nmethod state
P4 JDK-8032490 Remove -XX:+-UseOldInlining
P4 JDK-8146364 Remove @ServiceProvider mechanism from JVMCI
P4 JDK-8136596 Remove aarch64: MemBarRelease when final field's allocation is NoEscape or ArgEscape
P4 JDK-8032894 Remove dead code in Pressure::lower
P4 JDK-8044242 Remove dead NativeMovRegMemPatching class
P4 JDK-8036956 remove EnableInvokeDynamic flag
P4 JDK-8034812 remove IDX_INIT macro hack in Node class
P4 JDK-8151003 Remove nds->is_valid() checks from assembler_x86.cpp
P4 JDK-8134607 Remove per-compiler performance counters
P4 JDK-8149019 remove redundant modifiers
P4 JDK-8148981 remove ResolvedJavaType.getClassFilePath()
P4 JDK-8146001 Remove support for command line options from JVMCI
P4 JDK-8150652 Remove unused code in AArch64 back end
P4 JDK-8054033 Remove unused references to Compile*
P4 JDK-8149374 Replace C1-specific collection classes with universal collection classes
P4 JDK-8137168 Replace IfNode with a new RangeCheckNode for range checks
P4 JDK-8048703 ReplacedNodes dumps it's content to tty
P4 JDK-8138810 rework tests for CompilerToVM::allocateCompiledId
P4 JDK-8055503 Rollback 8054164 changeset
P4 JDK-8171236 RTM/HTM jtreg tests regression after transition to the new GNU-style options
P4 JDK-8054013 run hotspot JTREG compiler tests only on fastdebug platforms and also on macosx
P4 JDK-8033145 Runtime1::arraycopy_count_address uses wrong _oop_arraycopy_cnt variable
P4 JDK-8171398 s390x Make interpreter's math entries consistent with C1 and C2 and support FMA
P4 JDK-8167300 Scheduling failures during gcm should be fatal
P4 JDK-8036619 Shark: add LLVM 3.4 support
P4 JDK-8075266 Show runtime call details when printing machine code
P4 JDK-8075105 soft match failure with LoopLimitNode
P4 JDK-8042309 Some bugfixes for the ppc64 port.
P4 JDK-8022968 Some codecache allocation failures don't result in invoking the sweeper
P4 JDK-8062591 SPARC PICL causes significantly longer startup times
P4 JDK-8057038 Speculative traps not robust when compilation and class unloading are concurrent
P4 JDK-8071996 split_if accesses NULL region of ConstraintCast
P4 JDK-8050147 StoreLoad barrier interferes with stack usages
P4 JDK-8003585 strength reduce or eliminate range checks for power-of-two sized arrays
P4 JDK-8138690 String.charAt blows the MaxInlineSize limit, penalizes C1
P4 JDK-8138702 StringUTF16.(get|set)Char intrinsic should use scaled operand
P4 JDK-8139340 SuperWord enhancement to support vector conditional move (CMovVD ) on Intel AVX cpu
P4 JDK-8002074 Support for AES on SPARC
P4 JDK-8132168 Support IdealGraphVisualizer in optimized build
P4 JDK-8062284 Sweeper thread should not be visible when calling Thread.getAllStackTraces()
P4 JDK-8153437 Temporary exclude AllocatePrefetchDistance from testing
P4 JDK-8149916 Test case for 8149797
P4 JDK-8028536 Test cases to cover type system fixes pushed with 8024070
P4 JDK-8058092 Test vm/mlvm/meth/stress/compiler/deoptimize. Assert in src/share/vm/classfile/systemDictionary.cpp: MH intrinsic invariant
P4 JDK-8160299 Test8015436 doesn't check which method was executed
P4 JDK-8055751 needs to copy additional WhiteBox class file to JTwork/scratch/sun/hotspot
P4 JDK-8141353 Testlibrary: add various changes into testlibrary Utils
P4 JDK-8067836 The Universe::flush_foo methods belong in CodeCache.
P4 JDK-8051415 TypeTuple::make_domain() and TypeTuple::make_range() allocate too much memory
P4 JDK-8061563 Typo in test/compiler/exceptions/
P4 JDK-8141042 Typos and refactoring in Compiler constraints functions
P4 JDK-8131078 typos in ghash cpu message
P4 JDK-8147441 Unchecked pending exceptions in the WhiteBox API's implementation
P4 JDK-8145096 Undefined behaviour in HotSpot
P4 JDK-8039960 Unexpected exit from test compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass/
P4 JDK-8132457 Unify command-line flags controlling the usage of compiler intrinsics
P4 JDK-8075136 Unnecessary sign extension for byte array access
P4 JDK-8140654 Unquarantine nsk/jvmit/popframe005
P4 JDK-8133599 Unsafe.getAndSetObject() is no longer intrinsified by c2
P4 JDK-8148518 Unsafe.getCharUnaligned() loads aren't folded in case of -XX:-UseUnalignedAccesses
P4 JDK-8156124 Update compiler/unsafe/UnsafeGetConstantField after JDK-8148518 is fixed
P4 JDK-8152354 Update for x86 AES CBC Decryption
P4 JDK-8165381 Update for x86 SHA512 using AVX2
P4 JDK-8075492 update IGV in hs-comp
P4 JDK-8154483 update IGV with improvements from Graal
P4 JDK-8147470 update JVMCI mx extensions
P4 JDK-8067374 Use %f instead of %g for LogCompilation output
P4 JDK-8144028 Use AArch64 bit-test instructions in C2
P4 JDK-8137160 Use Compile::live_nodes instead of Compile::unique() in appropriate places -- followup
P4 JDK-8011858 Use Compile::live_nodes() instead of Compile::unique() in appropriate places
P4 JDK-8079564 Use FP register as proper frame pointer in JIT compiled code on aarch64
P4 JDK-8068945 Use RBP register as proper frame pointer in JIT compiled code on x86
P4 JDK-8035946 Use ResourceHashtable for dependency checking
P4 JDK-8170227 use vm.jvmci property in compiler/jvmci tests
P4 JDK-6808665 Use486InstrsOnly aborts 32-bit VM
P4 JDK-8140594 Various minor code improvements (compiler)
P4 JDK-8154836 VM crash due to "Base pointers must match"
P4 JDK-8035887 VM crashes trying to force inlining the recursive call
P4 JDK-8086068 VM crashes with "-Xint -XX:+UseCompiler" options
P4 JDK-8164091 VM fails during startup with "assert(resolved_method->method_holder()->is_linked()) failed: must be linked"
P4 JDK-8029799 vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/oome prints warning: CodeHeap: # of free blocks > 10000
P4 JDK-8151268 Wire up the x86 _vectorizedMismatch stub routine in C1
P4 JDK-8154896 xml.transform fails intermittently on SKX
P5 JDK-8051303 'optimized' build broken by JDK-8039425
P5 JDK-8048721 -XX:+PrintCompilation prints negative bci for non entrant OSR methods
P5 JDK-8151882 -XX:+Verbose prints messages even if no other flag is set
P5 JDK-8159620 -XX:-UseOnStackReplacement does not work together with -XX:+TieredCompilation
P5 JDK-8071652 -XX:CompileOnly does not behave as documented
P5 JDK-8132318 -XX:TraceJumps is broken on Sparc
P5 JDK-8044496 8034812 broke build with clang
P5 JDK-8080281 8068945 changes break building the zero JVM variant
P5 JDK-8160730 [JVMCI] compiler selection should work without -Djvmci.Compiler
P5 JDK-8163864 [JVMCI] move MethodProfileWidth to jvmci_globals.hpp
P5 JDK-8157249 [JVMCI] remove ConstantReflectionProvider.isEmbeddable method
P5 JDK-8158000 [JVMCI] remove unused ParseClosure class
P5 JDK-8037821 Account for trampoline stubs when estimating code buffer sizes
P5 JDK-8025277 Add -XX: flag to print code cache sweeper statistics
P5 JDK-8059604 Add CompileThresholdScaling flag to control when methods are first compiled (with +/-TieredCompilation)
P5 JDK-8079797 assert(index >= 0 && index < _count) failed: check
P5 JDK-8007987 ciConstantPoolCache::_keys should be array of 32bit int
P5 JDK-8058452 ciInstanceKlass::non_static_fields() can be removed
P5 JDK-8050860 Cleanup TypeTuple and TypeFunc
P5 JDK-8143616 Cleanup: Remove unused PrintNMethodsAtLevel flag
P5 JDK-7033917 closed/compiler/6507107/ sometimes works too long
P5 JDK-8043063 Code aging should allocate MethodCounters when flushing a method
P5 JDK-8039425 Code cleanup: PhaseIterGVN::optimize()
P5 JDK-8065894 CodeHeap::next_free should be renamed
P5 JDK-8008321 compile.cpp verify_graph_edges uses "bool" as "int"
P5 JDK-8027829 CompileCommand does not accept all JLS-conformant class/method names
P5 JDK-8160083 compiler.codecache.jmx.InitialAndMaxUsageTest can not be used w/ disabled SegmentedCodeCache
P5 JDK-8059847 complement JDK-8055286 and JDK-8056964 changes
P5 JDK-8156585 Cosmetic: AARCH64 defines in c1_LIRAssembler_aarch64.hpp
P5 JDK-8059606 Enable per-method usage of CompileThresholdScaling (per-method compilation thresholds)
P5 JDK-8072428 Enable UseLoopCounter ergonomically if on-stack-replacement is enabled
P5 JDK-8050853 Extend -XX:CompileCommand to include an option that always compiles the specified method
P5 JDK-8055286 Extend CompileCommand=option to handle numeric parameters
P5 JDK-8065339 Failed compilation does not always trigger a JFR event 'CompilerFailure'
P5 JDK-8034775 Failing to initialize VM when running with negative value for -XX:CICompilerCount
P5 JDK-8166781 fix wrong comment in ReceiverTypeData
P5 JDK-8085932 Fixing bugs in detecting memory alignments in SuperWord
P5 JDK-8007986 GrowableArray should implement binary search
P5 JDK-8059846 InstanceKlass should use MutexLockerEx to acquire OsrList_lock
P5 JDK-8068505 interpreter profiling incorrect on PPC64
P5 JDK-8131778 java disables UseAES flag when using VIS=2 on sparc
P5 JDK-8056964 JDK-8055286 changes are incomplete.
P5 JDK-8025962 JSR 292: NoSuchMethodError and NoSuchFieldError in MHN_resolve_Mem
P5 JDK-8161508 JVMCI: MaterializeVirtualObjectTest fails w/ "CASE: invalidate=true: has no virtual object before materialization
P5 JDK-8036146 make CPP interpreter build again
P5 JDK-8074095 Method validation in CompileCommand
P5 JDK-8169201 Montgomery multiply intrinsic should use correct name
P5 JDK-8064892 Non-methods code cache overflow is not handled correctly
P5 JDK-8031389 On x86 C1 emits two relocations for polls
P5 JDK-8060215 per-method PrintIdealGraphLevel
P5 JDK-8059331 Print additional information for the assert in Compile::start()
P5 JDK-8151724 Remove -XX:GenerateCompilerNullChecks
P5 JDK-8041794 remove bytecodes_.{cpp,hpp} files
P5 JDK-8043913 remove legacy code in SPARC's VM_Version::platform_features
P5 JDK-8031203 remove SafepointPollOffset
P5 JDK-8024769 Remove unused code in sharedRuntime.cpp
P5 JDK-8169656 Return of build giving extraneous find warnings
P5 JDK-8026413 ScopeDesc::is_equal is declared in header file but not implemented
P5 JDK-8041959 Skip replay parsing errors with ReplayIgnoreInitErrors
P5 JDK-8150016 small typo in ciReplay code
P5 JDK-6604786 SSE optimization for basic elementwise array operations
P5 JDK-8069580 String intrinsic related cleanups
P5 JDK-8134583 should handle absence of per-thread perf counters
P5 JDK-6912521 System.arraycopy works slower than the simple loop for little lengths
P5 JDK-8149105 typo in jvmciCodeInstaller.cpp
P5 JDK-8160942 Unused code in GraphKit::record_profiled_receiver_for_speculation


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8134972 [BACKOUT] GC: implement ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them missing
P1 JDK-8068036 assert(is_available(index)) failed in G1 cset
P1 JDK-8098815 Assertion failure in CDS shared string archive support on Windows
P1 JDK-8155966 Assertion failures when -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=1
P1 JDK-8139275 Asserts due to GC id changes
P1 JDK-8079556 BACKOUT - Determining the desired PLAB size adjusts to the the number of threads at the wrong place
P1 JDK-8061467 Bad page size passed to setup_large_pages() on Solaris
P1 JDK-8074319 barrier_set_cast defined via friend injection
P1 JDK-8077315 Build failure on OSX after compiler upgrade
P1 JDK-8077420 Build failure with SS12u4
P1 JDK-8133349 CMS: Assert failed: Ctl pt invariant
P1 JDK-8065634 Crash in InstanceKlass::clean_method_data when _method is NULL
P1 JDK-8057910 G1: BOT verification should not pass top
P1 JDK-8040245 G1: VM hangs during shutdown
P1 JDK-8076995 gc/ergonomics/ failed with java.lang.RuntimeException: 'new_active_workers' missing from stdout/stderr
P1 JDK-8151499 gc/g1/g1OopClosures.inline.hpp: assert(_from->is_in_reserved(p)) failed: p is not in from
P1 JDK-8069034 gc/g1/ nightly failure
P1 JDK-8149834 gc/shared/gcTimer.cpp:88 assert(_is_concurrent_phase_active) failed: A concurrent phase is not active
P1 JDK-8067873 gc/ does not compile
P1 JDK-8180048 Interned string and symbol table leak memory during parallel unlinking
P1 JDK-8069004 Kitchensink hanged with 16Gb heap and GC pause >30 min
P1 JDK-8151460 Metaspace counters can have inconsistent values
P1 JDK-8049411 Minimal VM build broken after gcId.cpp was added
P1 JDK-8155946 Minimal VM fails to built after 8154153: PS: Restore preserved marks in parallel
P1 JDK-8130330 Quarantine gc/survivorAlignment/
P1 JDK-8161660 Quarantine and
P1 JDK-8185133 Reference pending list root might not get marked
P1 JDK-8129961 SIGSEGV when copying to survivor space
P1 JDK-8077302 src/share/vm/oops/instanceRefKlass.inline.hpp has a double /*
P1 JDK-8161552 Test issue: VM init failed: GC triggered before VM initialization completed. Try increasing NewSize, current value 768K.
P1 JDK-8067368 crashed at G1CollectedHeap::heap()+0xb
P1 JDK-8139294 still fails after JDK-8134953
P1 JDK-8138717 fails
P1 JDK-8139293 fails after JDK-8134953
P1 JDK-8059651 Tests specify -XX:+UseG1GC and -XX:ParallelGCThreads=0
P1 JDK-8067773 compilation failed
P1 JDK-8144315 update_rs is passed wrong object
P1 JDK-8062063 Usage of UseHugeTLBFS, UseLargePagesInMetaspace and huge SurvivorAlignmentInBytes cause crashes in CMBitMapClosure::do_bit
P2 JDK-8145192 'count' variable can overflow in PSMarkSweep::invoke on 64 bit JVM
P2 JDK-8048248 [Backed out] G1 Class Unloading after completing a concurrent mark cycle
P2 JDK-8175086 [BACKOUT] fix for JDK-8166188
P2 JDK-8153302 [BACKOUT] STW phases at Concurrent GC should count in PerfCounter
P2 JDK-8175085 [REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
P2 JDK-8134995 [REDO] GC: implement ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them missing
P2 JDK-8176100 [REDO][REDO] G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
P2 JDK-8169177 aarch64: SIGSEGV when "-XX:+ZeroTLAB" is specified along with GC options
P2 JDK-8136677 Adaptive sizing for IHOP in G1
P2 JDK-8048269 Add flag to turn off class unloading after G1 concurrent mark
P2 JDK-8166583 Add oopDesc::klass_or_null_acquire()
P2 JDK-8165808 Add release barriers when allocating objects with concurrent collection
P2 JDK-8142935 Adding old gen regions does not consider available free space
P2 JDK-8060116 After JDK-8047976 gc/g1/TestSummarizeRSetStatsThreads fails
P2 JDK-8156072 AllocatedObj msgs coming out during -version etc
P2 JDK-8152188 Allow CMSBitMapYieldQuantum for BitMap::clear_range and clear_large_range
P2 JDK-8151684 assert(_is_concurrent_phase_active) in TestStressRSetCoarsening
P2 JDK-8042933 assert(capacity_until_gc >= committed_bytes) failed
P2 JDK-8073321 assert(q > prev_q) failed: we should be moving forward through memory
P2 JDK-8153117 Back out JDK-8142935 until JDK-8152723 fixed
P2 JDK-8061805 BACKOUT - Remove the generations array
P2 JDK-8044768 Backout fix for JDK-8040807
P2 JDK-8152176 Big ParGCCardsPerStrideChunk values can cause overflow for CMS GC
P2 JDK-8055525 Bigapp weblogic+medrec fails to startup after JDK-8038423
P2 JDK-8158946 btree009 fails with assert(s > 0) failed: Bad size calculated
P2 JDK-8142354 Build failure with --disable-precompiled-headers --disable-jfr
P2 JDK-8081607 Change default GC for server configurations to G1
P2 JDK-8166862 CMS needs klass_or_null_acquire
P2 JDK-8145312 CMS: There is insufficient memory with CMSSamplingGrain=1
P2 JDK-8077144 Concurrent mark initialization takes too long
P2 JDK-8133051 Concurrent refinement threads may be activated and deactivated at random
P2 JDK-8168914 Crash in ClassLoaderData/JNIHandleBlock::oops_do during concurrent marking
P2 JDK-8044673 Create jtreg groups to list GC specific tests
P2 JDK-8161079 Default heap size causes native memory exhaustion on 32 bit Windows
P2 JDK-8153410 Disable tests until JDK-8151460 gets to main
P2 JDK-8069367 Eagerly reclaimed humongous objects left on mark stack
P2 JDK-8166229 Eliminate ParNew's use of klass_or_null()
P2 JDK-8136680 Enable adaptive IHOP by default
P2 JDK-8141056 Erroneous assignment in HeapRegionSet.cpp
P2 JDK-8141356 Explicitly stop CMS threads during VM termination.
P2 JDK-8146695 FinalizeTest04 crashes VM with EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
P2 JDK-8059758 Footprint regressions with JDK-8038423
P2 JDK-8147611 G1 - Missing memory barrier in start_cset_region_for_worker
P2 JDK-8164936 G1 age table printout contains contents from previous GC
P2 JDK-8049421 G1 Class Unloading after completing a concurrent mark cycle
P2 JDK-8136854 G1 ConcurrentG1RefineThread::stop delays JVM shutdown for >150ms
P2 JDK-8169703 G1 crashes with guarantee(pretouch_gang != NULL) failed: No pretouch gang specified
P2 JDK-8056043 G1 does not uncommit within the heap after JDK-8038423
P2 JDK-8114823 G1 doesn't honor request to disable class unloading
P2 JDK-8073476 G1 logging ignores changes to PrintGC* flags via MXBeans
P2 JDK-8166607 G1 needs klass_or_null_acquire
P2 JDK-8166188 G1 Needs pre barrier on dereference of weak JNI handles
P2 JDK-8031686 G1: assert(_hrs.max_length() == _expansion_regions) failed
P2 JDK-8057722 G1: Code root hashtable updated incorrectly when evacuation failed
P2 JDK-8040803 G1: Concurrent mark hangs when mark stack overflows
P2 JDK-8040804 G1: Concurrent mark stuck in loop calling os::elapsedVTime()
P2 JDK-8043239 G1: Missing post barrier in processing of j.l.ref.Reference objects
P2 JDK-8158387 G1: native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 2G
P2 JDK-8129626 G1: set_in_progress() and clear_started() needs a barrier on non-TSO platforms
P2 JDK-8153843 G1CardLiveDataHelper incorrectly sets next_live_bytes on dead humongous regions
P2 JDK-8131330 G1CollectedHeap::verify_dirty_young_list fails with assert
P2 JDK-8156964 gc/logging/ hits assert
P2 JDK-8163413 gc/metaspace/TestMetaspacePerfCounters failure
P2 JDK-8078555 GC: implement ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them missing
P2 JDK-8151912 guarantee(GCPauseIntervalMillis >= 1) failed: Constraint for GCPauseIntervalMillis should guarantee that value is >= 1
P2 JDK-8179084 HotSpot VM fails to start when AggressiveHeap is set
P2 JDK-8087322 Implement a Semaphore utility class
P2 JDK-8136678 Implement adaptive sizing algorithm for IHOP
P2 JDK-8176363 Incorrect lock rank for G1 PtrQueue related locks
P2 JDK-8164948 Initializing stores of HeapRegions are not ordered with regards to their use in G1ConcurrentMark
P2 JDK-8165313 Inserting freed regions during Free Collection Set serial phase takes very long on huge heaps
P2 JDK-8140588 Internal Error: gc/g1/ptrQueue.hpp:126 assert(_index == _sz) failed: invariant: queues are empty when activated
P2 JDK-8154743 Internal Error: psParallelCompact.hpp assert(addr >= _region_start) failed: bad addr
P2 JDK-8056240 Investigate increased GC remark time after class unloading changes in CRM Fuse
P2 JDK-8044022 JEP 214: Remove GC Combinations Deprecated in JDK 8
P2 JDK-8073273 JEP 248: Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector
P2 JDK-8136679 JFR event for adaptive IHOP
P2 JDK-8073532 jmap -heap fails after generation array removal
P2 JDK-8140695 KitchenSink times out resulting in forced exit of Stress
P2 JDK-8046670 Make CMS metadata aware closures applicable for other collectors
P2 JDK-8077836 Make sure G1ParGCAllocBuffer are marked as retired
P2 JDK-8144052 mark_card_deferred does not need to check g1_young_gen
P2 JDK-8155917 Memory access in free regions during G1 full gc causes regressions in SPECjvm2008 scimark.fft,lu,sor,sparse with 9+116 on Linux-x64
P2 JDK-8160369 Memory fences needed around setting and reading object lengths
P2 JDK-8049831 Metadata Full GCs are not triggered when CMSClassUnloadingEnabled is turned off
P2 JDK-8170395 Metaspace initialization queries the wrong chunk freelist
P2 JDK-8081508 metaspace/shrink_grow/CompressedClassSpaceSize fails with OOM: Compressed class space
P2 JDK-8145190 MinTLABSize can cause overflow problem with CMS GC
P2 JDK-8075735 Missing include causes minimal build failure
P2 JDK-8031703 Missing post-barrier in ReferenceProcessor
P2 JDK-8156500 Move Reference pending list into VM to prevent deadlocks
P2 JDK-8155527 New test TestHumongousClassLoader fails with "-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent" option
P2 JDK-8129108 nmethod related crash in CMS
P2 JDK-8140584 nmethod::oops_do_marking_epilogue always runs verification code
P2 JDK-8149405 OOM Error running java/lang/invoke/ on windows-x86
P2 JDK-8148771 os::active_processor_count() returns garbage which causes VM to crash.
P2 JDK-8177963 Parallel GC fails fast when per-thread task log overflows
P2 JDK-8133023 ParallelGCThreads is not calculated correctly
P2 JDK-8152182 Possible overflow in initialzation of _rescan_task_size and _marking_task_size
P2 JDK-8171046 Quarantine until JDK-8171045 is fixed
P2 JDK-8080106 Refactor setup of parallel GC threads
P2 JDK-8152185 ReferencePendingListLocker incorrectly assumes that the lock is never taken recursively
P2 JDK-8151920 Region liveness printing is broken
P2 JDK-8055816 Remove dead code in g1BlockOffsetTable
P2 JDK-8072911 Remove includes of oop.inline.hpp from .hpp files
P2 JDK-8055818 Remove PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC from g1BlockOffsetTable.cpp
P2 JDK-8080111 Remove SubTaskDone::_n_threads
P2 JDK-8166228 Remove unused HeapRegion::object_iterate_mem_careful()
P2 JDK-8080110 Remove usage of CollectedHeap::n_par_threads() from root processing
P2 JDK-8080112 Replace and remove the last usages of CollectedHeap::n_par_threads()
P2 JDK-8139768 Running with -XX:CMSOldPLABNumRefills=2147483648 causes EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO on Windows i586
P2 JDK-8080930 SA changes broke bootcycle-images builds
P2 JDK-8075466 SATB queue pre-filter verify found reclaimed humongous object
P2 JDK-8152989 serviceability/tmtools/jstat/ fails with OOME
P2 JDK-8152180 SIGFPE in CMSCollector::preclean with big CMSScheduleRemarkSamplingRatio
P2 JDK-8152160 SIGFPE in CompactibleFreeListSpaceLAB::compute_desired_plab_size
P2 JDK-8159890 SIGSEGV with UseStringDeduplication and UseSharedSpaces/RequireSharedSpaces
P2 JDK-8166663 Simplify oops_on_card_seq_iterate_careful
P2 JDK-8060021 Startup performance regressions after JDK-8038423
P2 JDK-8144949 TestOptionsWithRanges -XX:NUMAInterleaveGranularity=2147483648 crashes VM
P2 JDK-8153201 TestOptionsWithRanges fails with -XX:OldPLABSize=2147483648
P2 JDK-8145000 failure for XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+UseNUMAInterleaving -XX:NUMAInterleaveGranularity=65536
P2 JDK-8138707 crashes using undefined GC id.
P2 JDK-8159464 Tests hit assert in G1 code
P2 JDK-8165292 The gc+task logging is repeated a lot, decreasing the usefulness of -Xlog:gc*=info
P2 JDK-8144573 TLABWasteIncrement=max_jint fires an assert on SPARC for non-G1 GC mode
P2 JDK-8165455 Tracing events for G1 have incorrect metadata
P2 JDK-8087323 Unify and split the work gang classes
P2 JDK-8144040 UpdateRSetDeferred in G1EvacFailure will never visit survivor regions
P2 JDK-8166207 Use of Copy::conjoint_oops_atomic in global mark stack causes crashes on arm64
P2 JDK-8087324 Use semaphores when starting and stopping GC task threads
P2 JDK-8080109 Use single-threaded code in Threads::possibly_parallel_oops_do when running with only one worker thread
P2 JDK-8064811 Use THREAD instead of CHECK_NULL in return statements
P2 JDK-8141421 Various test fail with OOME on win x86
P2 JDK-8078023 verify_no_cset_oops found reclaimed humongous object in SATB buffer
P2 JDK-8147000 VM crashes during initialization trying to print log message
P2 JDK-8145315 VM crashes in print_task_time_stamps()
P2 JDK-8069760 When iterating over a card, G1 often iterates over much more references than are contained in the card
P2 JDK-8173229 Wrong assert whether all remembered set entries have been iterated over in presence of coarsenings
P3 JDK-8078182 -ZapUnusedHeapArea triggers: assert(top() == NULL || *(intptr_t*)top() != 0, "overzeroing detected")
P3 JDK-8169931 8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk freelist
P3 JDK-8170355 [BACKOUT] 8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk freelist
P3 JDK-8164124 [BACKOUT] G1 does not implement millis_since_last_gc which is needed by RMI GC
P3 JDK-8072693 [BACKOUT] GCCause should distinguish jcmd from System.gc()
P3 JDK-8009538 [Event Request] Want events for tenuring distribution
P3 JDK-8170358 [REDO] 8k class metaspace chunks misallocated from 4k chunk freelist
P3 JDK-8164482 [REDO] G1 does not implement millis_since_last_gc which is needed by RMI GC
P3 JDK-8157373 Active workers should not be reset in AbstractWorkGang initialize()
P3 JDK-8146436 Add -XX:-ShrinkHeapInSteps option (previously -XX:+UseAggressiveHeapShrink)
P3 JDK-8130459 Add additional validation after heap creation
P3 JDK-8150367 Add back information about the number of GC workers
P3 JDK-8145180 Add back PrintGC, PrintGCDetails and -Xloggc
P3 JDK-8144714 Add extension point to G1 evacuation closures
P3 JDK-8067868 Add GCOld as a JTreg test
P3 JDK-8067115 Add jtreg gc tests to Hotspot JPRT jobs
P3 JDK-8036696 Add metaspace gc threshold to metaspace summary trace event
P3 JDK-8132712 Add tests which check that Humongous objects behave as expected after Full GC
P3 JDK-8132710 Add tests which check that Humongous objects behave as expected after Young GC
P3 JDK-8132715 Add tests which check that no allocations allowed in any of humongous regions
P3 JDK-8132721 Add tests which check that heap counters work as expected during Humongous allocations
P3 JDK-8132720 Add tests which checks that Humongous objects are not moved after Full GC.
P3 JDK-8132717 Add tests checking that instances of j.l.Classes of a large size are allocated as Humongous.
P3 JDK-8132708 Add tests for Humongous objects allocation threshold
P3 JDK-8132713 Add tests which check that Humongous objects behave as expected after finishing ConcMark Cycle
P3 JDK-8132711 Add tests which check that Humongous objects behave as expected after Mixed GC
P3 JDK-8132718 Add tests which check that when humongous classloader object becomes unreachable it and all classes that were loaded in it should be collected
P3 JDK-8145442 Add the facility to verify remembered sets for G1
P3 JDK-8036698 Add trace event for updates to metaspace gc threshold
P3 JDK-8036699 Add trace event when a metaspace allocation fails
P3 JDK-8036701 Add trace event when a metaspace throws out of memory error
P3 JDK-8036703 Add trace event with statistics for the metaspace chunk free lists
P3 JDK-8139883 Add virtual destructor G1ParScanThreadState
P3 JDK-8152952 Allow G1 phase logging to use individual number of threads
P3 JDK-8055239 assert(_thread == Thread::current()->osthread()) failed: The PromotionFailedInfo should be thread local.
P3 JDK-8149343 assert(rp->num_q() == no_of_gc_workers) failed: sanity
P3 JDK-8048895 Back out JDK-8027915
P3 JDK-8155043 BitMap set operations assume clear bits beyond unaligned end
P3 JDK-8155087 Calculation in other_time_ms() is incorrect
P3 JDK-8059066 CardTableModRefBS might commit the same page twice
P3 JDK-8065992 Change CMSCollector::_young_gen to be a ParNewGeneration*
P3 JDK-8038405 Clean up some virtual fucntions in Space class hierarchy
P3 JDK-8145303 Clean up the units for log_gc_footer
P3 JDK-8165857 CMS _overflow_list is missing volatile specifiers.
P3 JDK-8170409 CMS: Crash in CardTableModRefBSForCTRS::process_chunk_boundaries
P3 JDK-8038265 CMS: enable time based triggering of concurrent cycles
P3 JDK-8026303 CMS: JVM intermittently crashes with "FreeList of size 258 violates Conservation Principle" assert
P3 JDK-8139868 CMSScavengeBeforeRemark broken after JDK-8134953
P3 JDK-8129558 Coalesce dead objects during removal of self-forwarded pointers
P3 JDK-8062036 ConcurrentMarkThread::slt may be invoked before ConcurrentMarkThread::makeSurrogateLockerThread causing intermittent crashes
P3 JDK-8152300 Convert G1_ALLOC_REGION_TRACING to unified logging
P3 JDK-8153186 Convert TraceGCTaskThread to use unified logging
P3 JDK-8152491 Convert TracePageSizes to use UL
P3 JDK-8153187 Convert TraceWorkGang to use unified logging
P3 JDK-8135152 Create a G1ParScanThreadStateSet class for managing G1 GC per thread states
P3 JDK-8170388 Deprecate the flag -XX:ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrentAndUnloadsClasses
P3 JDK-8027454 Do not traverse string table during G1 remark when treating them as strong roots during initial mark
P3 JDK-8150721 Don't explicitly manage G1 young regions in YoungList
P3 JDK-8151633 Don't keep copies of the survivor lists and counts in the G1CollectorPolicy
P3 JDK-8159073 Error handling incomplete when creating GC threads lazily
P3 JDK-8048093 Explicitly setting := vs = in the -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal output
P3 JDK-8151386 Extract card live data out of G1ConcurrentMark
P3 JDK-8151808 Factor G1 heap sizing code out of the G1CollectorPolicy
P3 JDK-8143220 Fix documentation of InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent
P3 JDK-8033552 Fix missing missing volatile specifiers in CAS operations in GC code
P3 JDK-8066133 Fix missing reivew changes for JDK-8065972
P3 JDK-8074459 Flags handling memory sizes should be of type size_t
P3 JDK-8024137 Flags should be set using the proper macro
P3 JDK-8059466 Force young GC to initiate marking cycle when stat update is requested
P3 JDK-8140597 Forcing an initial mark causes G1 to abort mixed collections
P3 JDK-8150362 G1 base elapsed time prediction is wrong because rs_length prediction is wrong
P3 JDK-8153834 G1 Card table verification fails due to concurrent region cleanup
P3 JDK-8138684 G1 decision about taking regions into the collection set is too aggressive
P3 JDK-8071770 G1 does not implement millis_since_last_gc which is needed by RMI GC
P3 JDK-8028710 G1 does not retire allocation buffers after reference processing work
P3 JDK-8067469 G1 ignores AlwaysPreTouch
P3 JDK-8167679 G1 phase logging is messy
P3 JDK-8147906 G1 use of os::processor_count()
P3 JDK-8148733 G1: Add log message to print the heap region size
P3 JDK-8033922 G1: Back out 8033601 and go back to use the to-obj for chunked arrays.
P3 JDK-8059452 G1: Change the default values for G1HeapWastePercent and G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent
P3 JDK-8038423 G1: Decommit memory within the heap
P3 JDK-8040807 G1: Enable G1CollectedHeap::stop()
P3 JDK-8030177 G1: Enable TLAB resizing
P3 JDK-8044796 G1: Enabled G1CollectedHeap::stop()
P3 JDK-8060697 G1: Investigate heap sizing heuristics
P3 JDK-8148734 G1: Make G1GCPhaseTimes keep track of the start GC time
P3 JDK-8129549 G1: Make sure the concurrent thread does not mix its logging with the STW pauses
P3 JDK-8039042 G1: Phantom zeros in cardtable
P3 JDK-8077873 G1: Remove G1SATBPrintStubs
P3 JDK-8077841 G1: Remove PrintReachable support
P3 JDK-6991197 G1: specialize deal_with_reference() for narrowOop*
P3 JDK-8165856 g1ConcurrentMark is missing volatile specifiers for _finger
P3 JDK-8079840 G1StringDedupTable::deduplicate() reset String hash value unnecessarily
P3 JDK-8058568 GC cleanup phase can cause G1 skipping a System.gc()
P3 JDK-8028254 gc/arguments/ failed with unexpected initial heap size
P3 JDK-8037112 gc/g1/ caused SIGSEGV
P3 JDK-8156548 gc/gctests/StringInternSyncWithGC2 fails with Test level exit status: 151
P3 JDK-8142341 GC: current flags need ranges to be implemented
P3 JDK-8157620 Guarantee in run_task(task, num_workers) fails
P3 JDK-8165858 heapRegionManager is missing volatile specifier for _claims.
P3 JDK-8143251 Test is failing on jdk9/dev
P3 JDK-8055797 Improve g1 CSet selection for mixed gc to avoid to-space exhausted
P3 JDK-8146987 Improve Parallel GC Full GC by caching results of live_words_in_range()
P3 JDK-8027455 Improve symbol table scan times during gc pauses
P3 JDK-8027450 Improve time reporting in G1 remark
P3 JDK-8169423 Infinite loop in G1's ConcurrentMarkThread
P3 JDK-8168904 Initialize and reset G1 phase times to zero
P3 JDK-8138966 Intermittent SEGV running ParallelGC
P3 JDK-8078438 Interpreter should support conditional card marks (UseCondCardMark) on x86 and aarch64
P3 JDK-8144663 Invalid constraints in memset_with_concurrent_readers_sparc.cpp inline assembly
P3 JDK-8150984 Invalid VM argument causes crash -XX:G1ConcRefinementServiceIntervalMillis=2147483648
P3 JDK-8059805 JEP 271: Unified GC Logging
P3 JDK-8139889 JEP 278: Additional Tests for Humongous Objects in G1
P3 JDK-8142518 JEP 291: Deprecate the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
P3 JDK-8061726 JEP-JDK-8044022: Test task: Check that deprecated combinations do not work
P3 JDK-8157243 JMap heap test fail when used with external heap
P3 JDK-8173013 JVMTI tagged object access needs G1 pre-barrier
P3 JDK-8057003 Large reference arrays cause extremely long synchronization times
P3 JDK-8142484 Let IHOP follow the current capacity, not the maximum capacity
P3 JDK-8148736 Let the G1 heap transition log regions instead of bytes
P3 JDK-8039089 List verification enabled in product builds
P3 JDK-8150068 Log the main G1 phases at info level
P3 JDK-8158871 Long response times with G1 and StringDeduplication
P3 JDK-8150393 Maintain the set of survivor regions in an array between GCs
P3 JDK-8149035 Make the full_gc_dump() calls be recorded as part of the GC
P3 JDK-8134953 Make the GC ID available in a central place
P3 JDK-8028391 Make the Min/MaxHeapFreeRatio flags manageable
P3 JDK-8065993 Merge OneContigSpaceCardGeneration with TenuredGeneration
P3 JDK-8037962 metaspaceTracer.cpp misses a symbol
P3 JDK-8066781 Minor cleanups to TenuredGeneration
P3 JDK-8160055 Misplaced call to ClassLoaderDataGraph::clear_claimed_marks during initial mark
P3 JDK-8165489 Missing G1 barrier in Unsafe_GetObjectVolatile
P3 JDK-8166811 Missing memory fences between memory allocation and refinement
P3 JDK-8033545 Missing volatile specifier in Bitmap::par_put_range_within_word
P3 JDK-8135154 Move cards scanned and surviving young words aggregation to G1ParScanThreadStateSet
P3 JDK-8066782 Move common code from CMSGeneration and TenuredGeneration to CardGeneration
P3 JDK-8151711 Move G1 number sequences out of the G1 collector policy
P3 JDK-8038412 Move object_iterate_careful down from Space to ContigousSpace and CFLSpace
P3 JDK-8038404 Move object_iterate_mem from Space to CMS since it is only ever used by CMS
P3 JDK-8151693 Move print_heap_before/after_gc to debug level
P3 JDK-8150390 Move rs length sampling data to the sampling thread
P3 JDK-8151178 Move the collection set out of the G1 collector policy
P3 JDK-8150952 Net PLAB size is clipped to max PLAB size as a whole, not on a per thread basis
P3 JDK-8035057 NewSize ergonomics wrong when setting small or unaligned size on command line
P3 JDK-8144527 NewSizeThreadIncrease would make an overflow
P3 JDK-8156050 ParallelCompact_test should skip test if UseParallelOldGC is off
P3 JDK-8157952 Parallelize Memory Pretouch
P3 JDK-8034842 Parallelize the Free CSet phase in G1
P3 JDK-8061259 ParNew promotion failed is serialized on a lock
P3 JDK-8150013 ParNew: Prune nmethods scavengable list
P3 JDK-8159237 PreservedMarks verification code fails
P3 JDK-8151696 Print all regions on trace level to get same behavior as old PrintHeapAtGCExtended
P3 JDK-8042668 Provide GC support for shared heap ranges in Class Data Sharing
P3 JDK-8150647 Quarantine until JDK-8150183 is fixed
P3 JDK-8044132 Quarantine unstable/broken GC tests
P3 JDK-8061802 REDO - Remove the generations array
P3 JDK-8075957 Reduce calls to the GC specific object visitors in oopDesc
P3 JDK-8065358 Refactor G1s usage of save_marks and reduce related races
P3 JDK-8057531 refactor gc argument processing code slightly
P3 JDK-8166276 Refactor gen_process_roots to allow simpler fix for 8165949
P3 JDK-8138762 Refactor setup of evacuation closures in G1
P3 JDK-8138863 Refactor WaitForBarrierGCTask
P3 JDK-8152113 Remove _last_ditch_collection GC-cause and avoid expanding heap on Metaspace OOM
P3 JDK-8140781 Remove _MARKING_STATS_ from the G1 code
P3 JDK-8141037 Remove _MARKING_VERBOSE_ from the G1 code
P3 JDK-8141049 Remove CARD_REPEAT_HISTO from the G1 code
P3 JDK-8167190 Remove confusing timestamps from the gc log
P3 JDK-8038399 Remove dead oop_iterate MemRegion variants from SharedHeap, Generation and Space classes
P3 JDK-8142472 Remove debugging code guarded by CMSPrintPromoBlockInfo
P3 JDK-8061611 Remove deprecated command line flags
P3 JDK-8141530 Remove G1RecordHRRSOops and G1RecordHRRSEvents
P3 JDK-8077403 Remove guarantee from GenCollectedHeap::is_in()
P3 JDK-8061308 Remove iCMS
P3 JDK-8153203 Remove liveRange.hpp
P3 JDK-8143847 Remove REF_CLEANER reference category
P3 JDK-8138862 Remove some unused code and subclasses in gcTaskManager.hpp/cpp
P3 JDK-8141045 Remove SPARSE_PRT_VERBOSE from the G1 code
P3 JDK-8065972 Remove support for ParNew+SerialOld and DefNew+CMS
P3 JDK-8064702 Remove the CMS foreground collector
P3 JDK-8064865 Remove the debug funciontality RotateCMSCollectionTypes for CMS
P3 JDK-8141394 Remove the instrumentation added by JDK-6898948
P3 JDK-8032379 Remove the is_scavenging flag to process_strong_roots
P3 JDK-8077938 Remove TraceMarkSweep
P3 JDK-8142475 Remove TraceParallelOldGCTasks
P3 JDK-8076237 Remove unused _collector_policy field in SharedHeap
P3 JDK-8031401 Remove unused code in the reference processor
P3 JDK-8076241 Remove unused methods mod_card_iterate() and non_clean_card_iterate_serial()
P3 JDK-8075955 Replace the macro based implementation of oop_oop_iterate with a template based solution
P3 JDK-7098155 Resize young gen at full collections for UseParallelGC
P3 JDK-8140404 Revert the removal of CMSTestInFreeList
P3 JDK-8151336 Root region scanning should be cancelled and disabled when the ConcurrentMarkThread::run_service() exits
P3 JDK-8133553 Running with -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:OldSize=30k crashes jvm
P3 JDK-8138681 Runtime.getFreeMemory() reports wrong value after humongous allocation.
P3 JDK-8033426 Scale initial NewSize using NewRatio if not set on command line
P3 JDK-8154154 Separate G1 specific policy code from the CollectorPolicy class hierarchy
P3 JDK-8058298 Separate heap region iterator claim values from the data structures iterated over
P3 JDK-8165949 Serial and ConcMarkSweep do not unload strings when class unloading is disabled
P3 JDK-8134749 SoftReferences declared dead too early
P3 JDK-8036025 Sort the freelist in order to shrink the heap
P3 JDK-8058354 SPECjvm2008-Derby -2.7% performance regression on Solaris-X64 starting with 9-b29
P3 JDK-8066780 Split CardGeneration out to its own file
P3 JDK-8139149 Split G1 evacuate_collection_set into multiple steps
P3 JDK-8073994 STATIC_ASSERT use of __LINE__ is wrong
P3 JDK-8029075 String deduplication in G1
P3 JDK-8158089 subTask for JDK-8073997
P3 JDK-8058475 fails with '.*CMS Initial Mark.*' missing from stdout/stderr
P3 JDK-8027915 TestParallelHeapSizeFlags fails with unexpected heap size
P3 JDK-8068653 fails when the page size is 64k
P3 JDK-8042310 TestStringDeduplicationMemoryUsage test failing
P3 JDK-8152438 Threads may do significant work out of the non-shared overflow buffer
P3 JDK-7164100 Throughput collector shows performance regression vs jrockit
P3 JDK-8030646 Track collection set membership in one place
P3 JDK-8151670 Unexpected concurrent refinement deactivation and reactivation
P3 JDK-8077400 Unnecessary and incorrect "Code Cache Roots" G1 log entry
P3 JDK-8149541 Use log_error() instead of log_info() when verification reports a problem
P3 JDK-8153188 Use log_error(gc, verify) for logging in verification code
P3 JDK-8147464 Use LogConfiguration::configure_stdout() instead of parse_log_arguments
P3 JDK-8049051 Use of during_initial_mark_pause() in G1CollectorPolicy::record_collection_pause_end() prevents use of seperate object copy time prediction during marking
P3 JDK-8145092 Use Unified Logging for the GC logging
P3 JDK-8068582 UseSerialGC not always set up properly
P3 JDK-8159422 Very high Concurrent Mark mark stack contention
P3 JDK-8148992 VM can hang on exit if root region scanning is initiated but not executed
P3 JDK-8085965 VM hangs in C2Compiler
P3 JDK-8170423 Well known file is not secure (wrong owner)
P3 JDK-8165860 WorkGroup classes are missing volatile specifiers for lock-free code
P3 JDK-8154280 Zero build fails with undeclared G1LastPLABAverageOccupancy
P4 JDK-8151698 "assert(_process_completed_threshold >= 0) failed: _process_completed is negative" with big G1ConcRefinementGreenZone values on 64 bit JVM
P4 JDK-8153065 "Preserve CM refs" log message disconnected from "Parallel Preserve CM refs"
P4 JDK-6964767 -XX:+AggressiveHeap set incorrect (too big) heap size for 32bit VM
P4 JDK-8148755 -XX:+HeapDumpAfterFullGC creates heap dump both before and after Full GC
P4 JDK-8098552 8079792 breaks Zero builds without precompiled headers
P4 JDK-8072913 [REDO] GCCause should distinguish jcmd from System.gc()
P4 JDK-8068971 A heap region being cleared should not belong to the cset
P4 JDK-8048085 Aborting marking just before remark results in useless additional clearing of the next mark bitmap
P4 JDK-8081682 AbstractWorkGang::_terminate is never used
P4 JDK-8143014 Access PtrQueue member offsets through derived classes
P4 JDK-8027965 Adapt PPC to 8015107: NPG: Use consistent naming for metaspace concepts
P4 JDK-8043607 Add a GC id as a log decoration similar to PrintGCTimeStamps
P4 JDK-8069016 Add BarrierSet downcast support
P4 JDK-8035398 Add card redirty time in "Other" time in G1
P4 JDK-8076614 Add comment to ClearNoncleanCardWrapper::do_MemRegion()
P4 JDK-8073013 Add detailed information about PLAB memory usage
P4 JDK-8142494 Add extension point to G1EvacuationRootClosures
P4 JDK-8066443 Add G1 support for promotion event
P4 JDK-8144077 Add getter for G1CollectorPolicy::_collectionSetChooser
P4 JDK-8146395 Add inline qualifier in oop.hpp and fix inlining in gc files
P4 JDK-8133530 Add JFR event for evacuation statistics
P4 JDK-8150630 Add logging for ParScanThreadState merge phase
P4 JDK-8076463 Add logging for the preserve CM referents task
P4 JDK-8155245 Add logging when MMU target is violated
P4 JDK-8075809 Add missing includes of stack.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8035746 Add missing Klass::oop_is_instanceClassLoader() function
P4 JDK-8140509 Add note_gc_start to G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8149648 Add number of regions to the G1HeapSummary event
P4 JDK-8066441 Add PLAB trace event
P4 JDK-8156022 Add prediction for cost_per_byte_ms to G1Analytics
P4 JDK-8066442 Add PS and ParOld support for promotion event
P4 JDK-8135253 Add push method to CollectionSetChooser
P4 JDK-8054823 Add size_t as a valid VM flag type
P4 JDK-8140257 Add support for "gc service threads" to ConcurrentGCThread
P4 JDK-8079579 Add SuspendibleThreadSetLeaver and make SuspendibleThreadSet::joint()/leave() private
P4 JDK-8067169 Add tests for promotion event in Parallel Scavenge
P4 JDK-8152007 Add the thread to the GCPhase trace events
P4 JDK-8035654 Add times for evacuation failure handling in "Other" time
P4 JDK-8078901 Add trace event for G1 MMU information
P4 JDK-8080947 Add uint as a valid VM flag type
P4 JDK-8140508 Add utility method for logging phases to G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8069330 Adjustment of concurrent refinement thresholds does not take hot card cache into account
P4 JDK-8075506 aix: improve handling of native memory
P4 JDK-8080581 Align SA with new GC directory structure
P4 JDK-8077276 allocating heap with UseLargePages and HugeTLBFS may trash existing memory mappings (linux)
P4 JDK-8139892 Allow G1CollectorPolicy to specify if reference processing should be enabled
P4 JDK-8067336 Allow that PLAB allocations at the end of regions are flexible
P4 JDK-8073115 assert(_covered_region.contains(p)) needs better error messages
P4 JDK-8034056 assert(_heap_alignment >= _space_alignment) failed: heap_alignment less than space_alignment
P4 JDK-8035326 Assume non-NULL references in G1CollectedHeap::in_cset_fast_test
P4 JDK-8155232 Augment Workgang to run task with a given number of threads
P4 JDK-8135209 Avoid abutting string literals and identifiers
P4 JDK-8040162 Avoid reallocating PLABs between GC phases in G1
P4 JDK-8153745 Avoid spawning G1ParPreserveCMReferentsTask when there is no work to be done
P4 JDK-8077413 Avoid use of Universe::heap() inside collectors
P4 JDK-8034948 Back out JDK-6976350 since it does not fix any issue
P4 JDK-8077710 BACKOUT - java hangs with -XX:ParallelGCThreads=0 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent options
P4 JDK-8043639 Backout JDK-8034852: Shrinking of Metaspace high-water-mark causes incorrect OutOfMemoryErrors or back-to-back GCs
P4 JDK-8136627 Backout JDK-8133818 Additional number of processed references printed with -XX:+PrintReferenceGC after JDK-8047125
P4 JDK-8078193 BACKOUT: Rename and clean up the ParGCAllocBuffer class
P4 JDK-8071805 BarrierSet::Other is not used and should be removed.
P4 JDK-8080775 Better argument formatting for assert() and friends
P4 JDK-8054808 Bitmap verification sometimes fails after Full GC aborts concurrent marking
P4 JDK-8037959 BitMap::resize frees old map before copying memory if !in_resource_area
P4 JDK-8155810 Bound the number of root region scan threads to the number of survivor regions
P4 JDK-8146694 Break out shared constants and static BOT functions.
P4 JDK-8139427 Break out YoungList to own class.
P4 JDK-8155224 Bring back version control history to g1Policy.hpp and g1DefaultPolicy.*
P4 JDK-8035815 Cache-align and pad the from card cache
P4 JDK-8026752 Cancel MetaspaceGC request for a CMS concurrent collection after GC
P4 JDK-8153170 Card Live Data does not correctly handle eager reclaim
P4 JDK-8072817 CardTableExtension kind() should be BarrierSet::CardTableExtension
P4 JDK-8144584 Change FilterIntoCSClosure to inherit OopClosure
P4 JDK-8154946 Change flag -XX:+UseDeterministicGC to -XX:+UseDeterministicG1GC
P4 JDK-8151085 Change G1 concurrent timer and tracer measuring time
P4 JDK-8144505 Change G1ParCopyHelper to inherit OopClosure
P4 JDK-8144486 Change G1UpdateRSOrPushRefOopClosure to inherit OopClosure
P4 JDK-8154051 Change G1YoungGenSizer to use UL log_warning instead of warning
P4 JDK-8139867 Change how startsHumongous and continuesHumongous regions work in G1.
P4 JDK-8155992 Change name of StealRegionCompactionTask to something that emphasizes the compaction task.
P4 JDK-8027553 Change the in_cset_fast_test functionality to use the G1BiasedArray abstraction
P4 JDK-8144701 Change three G1 remembererd set closures to be OopClosures
P4 JDK-8151605 Change warning() to log_warning(gc) in the GC code
P4 JDK-8067865 Changes 8066780/8066782 broke the non-PCH build
P4 JDK-8150002 Check for the validity of oop before printing it in verify_remembered_set
P4 JDK-8067768 Check for too small values for -Xmx
P4 JDK-8079330 Circular dependency between G1CollectedHeap and G1BlockOffsetSharedArray
P4 JDK-8073543 Circular include dependency between psScavenge.inline.hpp and psPromotionManager.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8155634 Clean out old logging and dead code from SurvRateGroup
P4 JDK-8078897 Clean out unused code in G1MMUTracker
P4 JDK-8080840 Clean up active_workers() asserts
P4 JDK-8072621 Clean up around VM_GC_Operations
P4 JDK-8064947 Clean up BarrierSet ctor/dtor
P4 JDK-8040002 Clean up code and code duplication in re-diryting cards for verification
P4 JDK-8151126 Clean up duplicate code for clearing the mark bitmaps
P4 JDK-8042474 Clean up duplicated code in RSHashTable
P4 JDK-8145037 Clean up FreeIdSet usage
P4 JDK-8067655 Clean up G1 remembered set oop iteration
P4 JDK-8143252 Clean up G1CollectedHeap interface
P4 JDK-8156032 Clean up parallel GC specific code from vm/gc/shared/preservedMarks.cpp
P4 JDK-8134806 Clean up write_ref_field_work
P4 JDK-8076454 Clean up/move things out of SharedHeap
P4 JDK-8150419 Cleanup BufferNode API
P4 JDK-8035412 Cleanup ClassLoaderData::is_alive
P4 JDK-8075249 Cleanup forward_to_atomic and ClaimedForwardPtr
P4 JDK-8075416 Cleanup GC include dependencies in memoryPool.hpp
P4 JDK-8154752 Cleanup initialization of G1Policy
P4 JDK-8154467 Cleanup initialization of GCPolicyCounters
P4 JDK-8151601 Cleanup locking of the Reference pending list
P4 JDK-8076294 Cleanup of CollectedHeap::kind()
P4 JDK-8077417 Cleanup of Universe::initialize_heap()
P4 JDK-8075247 Cleanup specialized_oop_closures.hpp
P4 JDK-8039147 Cleanup SuspendibleThreadSet
P4 JDK-8139772 Cleanups in Generation related code
P4 JDK-8016276 CMS concurrentMarkSweepGeneration contains lots of unnecessary allocation failure handling
P4 JDK-8081629 CMS split_block() does not correctly fix up block-offset-table for large blocks
P4 JDK-8050973 CMS/G1 GC: add missing Resource and Handle mark
P4 JDK-6820053 CMS: disabled CMSPLABRecordAlways leads to SIGSEGV or "Out of bounds value" assertion
P4 JDK-6916659 CMS: enhance -verbosegc logging for initial mark / remark pauses
P4 JDK-8076055 cms: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8135318 CMS: wrong max_eden_size for check_gc_overhead_limit
P4 JDK-8152962 CMSCollector::shouldConcurrentCollect incorrectly logs against the debug stream
P4 JDK-8166790 Co-locate stress test GCBasher in hotspot/test
P4 JDK-8035729 Code using assert(is_oop_or_null) needs better error messages
P4 JDK-8055091 CollectedHeap::_reserved usage should be cleaned up
P4 JDK-8129573 CollectedHeap::fill_with_objects() needs to use multiple arrays in 32 bit mode too
P4 JDK-8076534 CollectedHeapName in SA agent incorrect
P4 JDK-8148944 CollectorPolicy methods for memory allocations are specific to GenCollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8058963 CollectorPolicy::satisfy_failed_metadata_allocation can avoid some safepoints
P4 JDK-8151845 Comment in globals.hpp for MetaspaceSize is incorrect.
P4 JDK-8160897 Concurrent mark mark stack memory allocation leaks memory
P4 JDK-8149826 Concurrent misspelled in the CMS logging
P4 JDK-8139651 ConcurrentG1Refine uses ints for many of its members that should be unsigned types
P4 JDK-8080585 concurrentGCThread.hpp should not include suspendibleThreadSet.hpp
P4 JDK-8037958 ConcurrentMark::cleanup leaks BitMaps if VerifyDuringGC is enabled
P4 JDK-8079080 ConcurrentMark::mark_stack_push(oop) is unused
P4 JDK-8054326 Confusing message in "Current rem set statistics"
P4 JDK-8048088 Conservative maximum heap alignment should take vm_allocation_granularity into account
P4 JDK-8042930 Consider removing UseMemSetInBOT
P4 JDK-8148467 Consistent use of : in the logging
P4 JDK-8059340 ConstantPool::_resolved_references is missing in heap dump
P4 JDK-8146990 Convert CollectorPolicy to use log_warning instead of warning
P4 JDK-8140600 Convert unnecessarily malloc'd Monitors to value members
P4 JDK-7036665 COOPs: rounding up of heap size leads to unoptimal COOPs mode with any GC on solaris-sprcv9
P4 JDK-8149650 Create a trace event for G1 heap region type transitions
P4 JDK-6858051 Create GC worker threads dynamically
P4 JDK-8027559 Decrease code size and templatizing in G1ParCopyClosure::do_oop_work
P4 JDK-8069273 Decrease Hot Card Cache Lock contention
P4 JDK-8154452 Deferred cleanups after split of G1CollectorPolicy code
P4 JDK-8140251 Define the G1 term MMU somewhere in the source code.
P4 JDK-8139664 Delete ConcurrentMarkSweepThread::is_ConcurrentGC_thread()
P4 JDK-8150421 Delete experimental G1UseConcMarkReferenceProcessing
P4 JDK-8167494 Deprecate AutoGCSelectPauseMillis
P4 JDK-8179013 Deprecate the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
P4 JDK-8166461 Deprecate UseAutoGCSelectPolicy
P4 JDK-8073204 Determining the desired PLAB size adjusts to the the number of threads at the wrong place
P4 JDK-8151781 DirtyCardQueue::apply_closure is unused
P4 JDK-8149793 DirtyCardQueueSet::apply_closure_to_completed_buffer_helper isn't helpful
P4 JDK-8155263 DisableStartThread should not be applied to GC worker threads
P4 JDK-8059527 Disallow ParallelGCThreads=0 for G1
P4 JDK-8135012 Don't use G1RootProcessor when scanning remembered sets
P4 JDK-8035648 Don't use Handle in java_lang_String::print
P4 JDK-8039244 Don't use UINT32_FORMAT and INT32_FORMAT when printing uints and ints in the GC code
P4 JDK-8080877 Don't use workers()->total_workers() when walking G1CollectedHeap::_task_queues
P4 JDK-8051973 Eager reclaim leaves marks of marked but reclaimed objects on the next bitmap
P4 JDK-8048179 Early reclaim of large objects that are referenced by a few objects
P4 JDK-8027959 Early reclamation of large objects in G1
P4 JDK-8139200 Eliminate G1ParClosureSuper::_worker_id
P4 JDK-7103238 Ensure pending list lock is held on behalf of GC before enqueuing references on to the pending list
P4 JDK-8026784 Error message in AdaptiveFreeList::verify_stats is wrong
P4 JDK-8135025 Error message is repeated for large value at G1ConcRefinementThreads
P4 JDK-8147121 Evacuation failure allocation statistics added too late
P4 JDK-8052172 Evacuation failure handling in G1 does not evacuate all objects if -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate is set
P4 JDK-8035667 EventMetaspaceSummary doesn't report committed Metaspace memory
P4 JDK-8145027 Exclude NUMAInterleaveGranularity from
P4 JDK-8055283 Expand ResourceHashtable with C_HEAP allocation, removal and some unit tests
P4 JDK-8034868 Extract G1 From Card Cache into separate class
P4 JDK-8137082 Factor out G1 prediction code from G1CollectorPolicy and clean up
P4 JDK-8136681 Factor out IHOP calculation from G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-7146977 finalize and PermGen and PhantomReference prevent GC inocrrectly
P4 JDK-8135179 Fix conversion warning after 8067341
P4 JDK-8064786 Fix debug build after 8062808: Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning
P4 JDK-8075803 Fix GC includes and forward declarations
P4 JDK-8066662 Fix include after 8065993: Merge OneContigSpaceCardGeneration with TenuredGeneration
P4 JDK-8078243 Fix include of stack.inline.hpp in taskqueue.hpp.
P4 JDK-8038498 Fix includes and C inlining after 8035330
P4 JDK-8145674 Fix includes and forward declarations in g1Remset files
P4 JDK-8076457 Fix includes of inline.hpp in GC code
P4 JDK-8079148 Fix incorrect include guards
P4 JDK-8155813 Fix indentation in G1RemSetScanState::clear_card_table()
P4 JDK-8131761 Fix merge error adding code that was removed in 8077936.
P4 JDK-8078048 Fix non-pch build after "8076457: Fix includes of inline.hpp in GC code"
P4 JDK-8036116 Fix thread-id types in G1 remembered set implementations
P4 JDK-8035401 Fix visibility of G1ParScanThreadState members
P4 JDK-8080869 FlexibleWorkGang initializes _active_workers to more than _total_workers
P4 JDK-8042891 Format issues embedded in macros for two g1 source files
P4 JDK-8079337 Format string issues in workgroup.cpp and taskqueue.cpp
P4 JDK-8027295 Free CSet takes ~50% of young pause time
P4 JDK-8078669 G1 applies SurvivorAlignmentInBytes to both survivor and old gen
P4 JDK-8052170 G1 asserts at collection exit with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
P4 JDK-8047820 G1 Block offset table does not need to support generic Space classes
P4 JDK-8048268 G1 Code Root Migration performs poorly
P4 JDK-8161993 G1 crashes if active_processor_count changes during startup
P4 JDK-8040977 G1 crashes when run with -XX:-G1DeferredRSUpdate
P4 JDK-8143587 G1 crashes with humongous object of size that almost fills a heap region
P4 JDK-8073463 G1 does not mangle freed heap regions
P4 JDK-8076542 G1 does not print heap page size information with -XX:+TracePageSizes
P4 JDK-8047821 G1 Does not use the save_marks functionality as intended
P4 JDK-8141422 G1 eager reclaim card dirtying may dirty outside of allocated objects
P4 JDK-8031538 G1 eden usage is sometimes higher than target eden (printed Eden size)
P4 JDK-8048112 G1 Full GC needs to support the case when the very first region is not available
P4 JDK-8047819 G1 HeapRegionDCTOC does not need to inherit ContiguousSpaceDCTOC
P4 JDK-8047818 G1 HeapRegions can no longer be ContiguousSpaces
P4 JDK-8058446 G1 Hot card cache should use ArrayAllocator to allocate the cache array
P4 JDK-8132148 G1 hs_err region dump legend out of sync with region values
P4 JDK-8157459 G1 IHOP JFR event attribute with incorrect content type
P4 JDK-8061630 G1 iterates over JNIHandles two times
P4 JDK-8073146 G1 merges thread local age tables too early with global age table
P4 JDK-8142402 G1 should not redirty cards in free regions
P4 JDK-8159350 G1 String deduplication logging malformed
P4 JDK-8159974 G1 String deduplication logging not aligned with the rest of G1
P4 JDK-8152104 G1 StringTable cleaning incorrectly logs with the stringdedup tag
P4 JDK-8036673 G1: Abort weak reference processing if mark stack overflows
P4 JDK-7097567 G1: abstract and encapsulate collector phases and transitions between them
P4 JDK-8036672 G1: alloc_purpose in copy_to_survivor_space() used incorrectly
P4 JDK-8013171 G1: C1 x86_64 barriers use 32-bit accesses to 64-bit PtrQueue::_index
P4 JDK-8040722 G1: Clean up usages of heap_region_containing
P4 JDK-8017462 G1: guarantee fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads
P4 JDK-8014716 G1: heap (re-)sizing does not take card table alignment required into account
P4 JDK-8019342 G1: High "Other" time most likely due to card redirtying
P4 JDK-8033601 G1: Make array chunking use the same length field as the other young GCs
P4 JDK-8038829 G1: More useful information in a few assert messages
P4 JDK-8058495 G1: normalize names for isHumongous() and friends
P4 JDK-8004687 G1: Parallelize object self-forwarding and scanning during an evacuation failure
P4 JDK-8076054 g1: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8003237 G1: Reduce unnecessary (and failing) allocation attempts when handling an evacuation failure
P4 JDK-8034079 G1: Refactor the HeapRegionSet hierarchy
P4 JDK-8042097 G1: Remove ConcurrentMark::update_g1_committed()
P4 JDK-8078156 G1: Remove dead code PrintObjsInRegionClosure
P4 JDK-8037407 G1: Remove heapRegionSets.cpp
P4 JDK-8081039 G1: Remove unused statistics code in G1NoteEndOfConcMarkClosure and G1ParNoteEndTask
P4 JDK-8060017 G1: Report heap sizing time
P4 JDK-8057799 G1: Unnecessary NULL check in G1KeepAliveClosure
P4 JDK-8017629 G1: UseSHM in combination with a G1HeapRegionSize > os::large_page_size() falls back to use small pages
P4 JDK-7132678 G1: verify that the marking bitmaps have no marks for objects over TAMS
P4 JDK-8038930 G1CodeRootSet::test fails with assert(_num_chunks_handed_out == 0) failed: No elements must have been handed out yet
P4 JDK-8085983 G1CollectedHeap::collection_set_iterate_from() has unused code and can be simplified
P4 JDK-8141434 G1CollectedHeap::into_cset_dirty_card_queue_set should be moved to G1RemSet
P4 JDK-8138969 G1CollectorPolicy should use const for applicable methods
P4 JDK-8068739 G1CollectorPolicy uses uninitialized field '_sigma' in the constructor
P4 JDK-8139871 G1CollectorPolicy::_cur_mark_stop_world_time_ms is never read from
P4 JDK-8138972 G1CollectorPolicy::_max_survivor_regions should be intialized in the initializer list
P4 JDK-8138971 G1CollectorPolicy::_rs_lengths_prediction is not initialized before use
P4 JDK-8138975 G1CollectorPolicy::calculate_young_list_target_length should be const
P4 JDK-8138752 G1CollectorPolicy::should_should_update_surv_rate_group_predictors() uses wrong predicate
P4 JDK-8139903 G1EvacStats does not split log entries.
P4 JDK-8144145 G1GCPhaseTimes should allow externally accounted time
P4 JDK-8134509 G1ParCopyClosure does not need a ReferenceProcessor
P4 JDK-8142399 G1ParCopyClosure does not need do_oop_work
P4 JDK-8144072 G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs does not need to call is_in_reserved
P4 JDK-8144690 g1Predictions.hpp includes allocation.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8145673 G1RemSetSummary.hpp uses FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY
P4 JDK-8166898 G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS::invalidate() incorrect with whole_heap == true
P4 JDK-8067499 G1SATBCardTableModRefBS should not inherit from CardTableModRefBSForCTRS
P4 JDK-8058801 G1TraceReclaimDeadHumongousObjectsAtYoungGC only prints humongous object liveness output when there is at least one candidate humongous object
P4 JDK-8156028 G1YoungGenSizer _adaptive_size not correct when setting NewSize and MaxNewSize to the same value
P4 JDK-8133565 GC - 2nd followup to JDK-8059557
P4 JDK-8079792 GC directory structure cleanup
P4 JDK-8157240 GC task trace logging is incomprehensible
P4 JDK-6407976 GC worker number should be unsigned
P4 JDK-8073464 GC workers do not have thread names
P4 JDK-8038928 gc/g1/ fail with "[Evacuation Failure' found"
P4 JDK-8149642 gc/g1/TestShrinkAuxiliaryData* tests fail with "GC triggered before VM initialization completed"
P4 JDK-8025564 gc/memory/UniThread/Linear1 times out during heap verification
P4 JDK-8042892 gc: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8068589 GCCause should distinguish jcmd from System.gc()
P4 JDK-8139922 Get rid of dead code in ConcurrentMark
P4 JDK-8073388 Get rid of the dependency from handles.hpp to klass.hpp
P4 JDK-8078613 HAS_BEEN_MOVED has been moved
P4 JDK-8078405 Heap decommit failed in TestShrinkAuxiliaryData tests
P4 JDK-8155730 HeapInfoDCmd should get Heap_lock
P4 JDK-8133456 HeapRegionManager::shrink_by() iterates suboptimally across regions
P4 JDK-8139341 Hide ExtendedOopClosure::_ref_processor
P4 JDK-8053998 Hot card cache flush chunk size too coarse grained
P4 JDK-8155524 HotCardCache shouldn't be part of ConcurrentG1Refine
P4 JDK-8152239 hotspot/test/gc/ failed in jdk9
P4 JDK-8152905 hs_err file is missing gc threads
P4 JDK-8148960 Humongous mis-spelled in log output
P4 JDK-8145301 Improve and unify the printout format for the g1HRPrinter.
P4 JDK-8153507 Improve Card Table Clear Task
P4 JDK-8035406 Improve data structure for Code Cache remembered sets
P4 JDK-8151614 Improve logging in concurrent mark code
P4 JDK-8148099 Improve memory access to FromCardCache during GC
P4 JDK-8047328 Improve memory usage for cards in SparsePRTEntry
P4 JDK-8027476 Improve performance of Stringtable unlink
P4 JDK-8144837 Improve the printout of heap regions in hs_err dump files.
P4 JDK-8151101 Improve UseParallelGC parallelization of object array processing
P4 JDK-8068942 Improve validation of -XX:G1ConfidencePercent value
P4 JDK-8064473 Improved handling of age during object copy in G1
P4 JDK-8134857 Inconsistency in maximum TLAB/PLAB size and humonguous object size
P4 JDK-8134856 Incorrect use of PLAB::min_size() in MaxPLABSizeBounds
P4 JDK-8150629 Initializing all ParScanThreadStates causes significant unaccounted "Other" times
P4 JDK-8151439 Inline the BitMap constructor
P4 JDK-8146991 Introduce per-worker preserved mark stacks in ParallelGC
P4 JDK-8146989 Introduce per-worker preserved mark stacks in ParNew
P4 JDK-8140489 Introduce shorthand for average_time_ms in G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8144605 Invalid format specifier when printing in_cset_state_t
P4 JDK-8160356 invalid suffix on literal warning is occurred with GCC 6
P4 JDK-8139062 Investigate heuristics at G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8080584 isGCActiveMark.hpp should not include parallelScavengeHeap.hpp
P4 JDK-8062506 Java GCCause enum is out of sync with C++ GCCause enum
P4 JDK-8132306 java/lang/ref/ fails with "RuntimeException: Error: poll() returned null; expected ref object"
P4 JDK-8156660 JDK-8150393 does not set _scan_in_progress properly
P4 JDK-8061727 JEP-JDK-8044022: Test task: Check that valid GC combinations still work
P4 JDK-8061732 JEP-JDK-8044022: Test task: Make sure that deprecated combinations no longer appear in public documents
P4 JDK-8061731 JEP-JDK-8044022: Test task: Perform promotion testing when changes are available
P4 JDK-8061728 JEP-JDK-8044022: Test task: Remove tests using deprecated combinations from regression test suites
P4 JDK-8033440 jmap reports unexpected used/free size of concurrent mark-sweep generation
P4 JDK-8145204 JVM can hang when ParGCArrayScanChunk=4294967296 and ParallelGC is used
P4 JDK-8155233 Lazy coarse map clear
P4 JDK-8151436 Leaner ArrayAllocator and BitMaps
P4 JDK-8048214 Linker error when compiling G1SATBCardTableModRefBS after include order changes
P4 JDK-8151842 Local variables have wrong names after JDK-8148736
P4 JDK-8153582 Logging of ConcGCThreads is done too early
P4 JDK-8153176 Long pause in ParOldGC, because ParallelTaskTerminator peeks wrong TaskQueueSet
P4 JDK-8140777 Make Adaptive IHOP logging information the same as JFR logging
P4 JDK-8146690 Make all classes in GC follow the naming convention.
P4 JDK-8073632 Make auxiliary data structures know their own translation factor
P4 JDK-8143544 Make CMSCollector::is_cms_reachable() non-product
P4 JDK-8081382 Make flags ParallelGCThreads and ConcGCThreads of type uint
P4 JDK-8142403 Make G1CollectorPolicy::predictor const
P4 JDK-8042255 make gc src file exclusion more automatic
P4 JDK-8057768 Make heap region region type in G1 HeapRegion explicit
P4 JDK-8073654 Marking statistics should use size_t
P4 JDK-6521376 MaxTenuringThreshold and AlwaysTenure/NeverTenure consistency
P4 JDK-8133193 Memory leak in G1 because G1RootProcessor doesn't have desctructor
P4 JDK-8027643 Merge GenCollectorPolicy and TwoGenerationCollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8054322 Milestone 1 - Remove iCMS
P4 JDK-8054323 Milestone 2 - Remove the foreground collector in CMS
P4 JDK-8054324 Milestone 5 - TOI
P4 JDK-8152118 MinTLABSize should be less than TLAB max
P4 JDK-8134626 Misc cleanups after generation array removal
P4 JDK-8149542 Missing failure reporting in HeapRegion::verify
P4 JDK-8055635 Missing include in g1RegionToSpaceMapper.hpp results in unresolved symbol of fastdebug build without precompiled headers
P4 JDK-8153193 Missing includes in gc/g1/heapRegionBounds.hpp
P4 JDK-8132524 Missing includes to resourceArea.hpp
P4 JDK-8129332 Missing test case for JDK-8078438
P4 JDK-8077265 Modify assert to help debug JDK-8068448
P4 JDK-8067341 Modify PLAB sizing algorithm to waste less
P4 JDK-8151440 Move BitMap verfication inline functions out from bitMap.hpp
P4 JDK-8065218 Move CMS-specific fields from Space to CompactibleFreeListSpace
P4 JDK-8151637 Move CollectionSetChooser rebuild code into CollectionSetChooser
P4 JDK-8075829 Move CSpaceCounters implementation to cSpaceCounters.cpp
P4 JDK-8154745 Move default G1 pause time target setup to argument parsing
P4 JDK-8144076 Move evac failure handling and reference processing to post_evacuate_collection_set
P4 JDK-8145667 Move FromCardCache into separate files
P4 JDK-8152101 Move G1 concurrent refinement adjustment code out of G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8131319 Move G1Allocator::_summary_bytes_used back to G1CollectedHeap
P4 JDK-8155943 Move G1Eden/SurvivorRegions into their own source files
P4 JDK-8035329 Move G1ParCopyClosure::copy_to_survivor_space into G1ParScanThreadState
P4 JDK-8142495 Move G1ParEvacuateFollowersClosure to header file
P4 JDK-8035400 Move G1ParScanThreadState into its own files
P4 JDK-8151365 Move G1YoungGenSizer to a separate file
P4 JDK-8149820 Move G1YoungGenSizer to g1CollectorPolicy.cpp
P4 JDK-8133121 Move implementation of process_grey_object to concurrentMark.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8064581 Move INCLUDE_ALL_GCS include section to the end of the include list
P4 JDK-8080837 Move number of workers calculation out of CollectionSetChooser::prepare_for_par_region_addition
P4 JDK-8144075 Move prepare_for_oops_into_collection_set_do into pre_evacuate_collection_set
P4 JDK-8078345 Move PSParallelCompact::mark_and_push to ParCompactionManager
P4 JDK-8153503 Move remset scan iteration claim to remset local data structure
P4 JDK-8142390 Move ScanRSClosure to header file
P4 JDK-8145774 Move scrubbing setup code away out of ConcurrentMark
P4 JDK-8155209 Move setting of young index in cset to G1CollectionSet
P4 JDK-8076076 Move SharedHeap::print_size_transition() into G1 code
P4 JDK-8072910 Move the g1EvacFailure.hpp implementation to g1EvacFailure.cpp
P4 JDK-8076289 Move the StrongRootsScope out of SharedHeap
P4 JDK-8076225 Move the thread claim parity from SharedHeap to Thread
P4 JDK-8147814 Move verification code out of g1collectedheap
P4 JDK-8073387 Move VerifyOopClosures out from genOopClosures.hpp
P4 JDK-8140393 Move WorkerDataArray to its own file
P4 JDK-8147884 Names of GC threads should be set before the threads start
P4 JDK-8154955 Negative Other Time in gc logs due to 'Wait for Root Region Scan' not included
P4 JDK-8058265 No callers of ReferenceProcessor::clear_discovered_references
P4 JDK-8150617 nth_bit and friends are broken
P4 JDK-8060025 Object copy time regressions after JDK-8031323 and JDK-8057536
P4 JDK-8077571 ObjPtrQueue is poorly named
P4 JDK-8032583 Observing more footprint usage with JDK8-b121 G1 GC
P4 JDK-7179222 Older HashMaps references not properly marked
P4 JDK-8129417 Oop iteration clean-up to remove oop_ms_follow_contents
P4 JDK-8149973 Optimize object alignment check in debug builds.
P4 JDK-8077301 Optimized build is broken
P4 JDK-8049536 os::commit_memory on Solaris uses aligment_hint as page size
P4 JDK-8151414 os::pretouch_memory should take void* instead of char*
P4 JDK-8152916 ostream has unnecessary dependency on GCId
P4 JDK-8036860 Pad and cache-align the BiasedMappedArray
P4 JDK-6968345 Pad popular instantiations of TaskQueue
P4 JDK-6787054 Par compact - remove code that clears source_region
P4 JDK-8027423 Parallel compact GC class unloading measurement includes symbol and string table time
P4 JDK-8076541 Parallel GC registers Java heap twice to NMT
P4 JDK-8049341 Parallelize clearing the next mark bitmap
P4 JDK-8142404 Parallelize the restoring of preserved marks
P4 JDK-8076071 parallelScavenge: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8155257 ParNew/CMS: Clean up promoted object tracking
P4 JDK-8076072 parNew: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8152312 ParNew: Restore preserved marks in parallel
P4 JDK-8060463 ParNew: SurvivorAlignmentInBytes greater then YoungPLABSize cause assert(obj != NULL || plab->words_remaining() < word_sz) failed: Else should have been able to allocate
P4 JDK-8144067 Pass obj directly to G1ParScanThreadState::update_rs
P4 JDK-8027962 Per-phase timing measurements for strong roots processing
P4 JDK-8067339 PLAB reallocation might result in failure to allocate object in that recently allocated PLAB
P4 JDK-8140585 PLAB statistics are flushed too late
P4 JDK-8072725 Provide more granular levels for GC verification
P4 JDK-8154153 PS: Restore preserved marks in parallel
P4 JDK-7012980 PSOldGen is increased if there is no space in Metaspace
P4 JDK-8077414 PSPromotionLAB _state is unintialized
P4 JDK-8156763 Quarantine gc/g1/humongousObjects/objectGraphTest/
P4 JDK-8161174 quarantine gc/stress/ on 32-bit
P4 JDK-8155754 Quarantine serviceability/tmtools/jstat/
P4 JDK-8079235 quarantine
P4 JDK-8058537 Quarantine tests in JDK-8058459
P4 JDK-8149331 Re-examine G1 use of os::processor_count
P4 JDK-8079555 REDO - Determining the desired PLAB size adjusts to the the number of threads at the wrong place
P4 JDK-8062943 REDO - Parallelize clearing the next mark bitmap
P4 JDK-8151534 Refactor ArrayAllocator for easier reuse
P4 JDK-8130931 Refactor CardTableModRefBS[ForCTRS]
P4 JDK-8054818 Refactor HeapRegionSeq to manage heap region and auxiliary data
P4 JDK-8135078 Refactor InCSetState::is_in_cset_or_humongous
P4 JDK-8133821 Refactor initialization of the heap and the collector policy
P4 JDK-8155082 Refactor mutator region restriction
P4 JDK-8080746 Refactor oop iteration macros to be more general
P4 JDK-8066566 Refactor ParNewGeneration to contain ParNewTracer
P4 JDK-8075210 Refactor strong root processing in order to allow G1 to evolve separately from GenCollectedHeap
P4 JDK-8146399 Refactor the BlockOffsetTable classes.
P4 JDK-8074037 Refactor the G1GCPhaseTime logging to make it easier to add new phases
P4 JDK-8138920 Refactor the sampling thread from ConcurrentG1RefineThread
P4 JDK-8066771 Refactor VM GC operations caused by allocation failure
P4 JDK-8150302 Reference processing logging prints the "from list" incorrectly
P4 JDK-8151604 Rely on options range checking rather than explict checks
P4 JDK-8080879 Remove AbstractGangTask::set_for_termination
P4 JDK-8144908 Remove apply_to_weak_ref_discovered_field override for UpdateRSOopClosure
P4 JDK-8057632 Remove auxiliary code used to handle the generations array
P4 JDK-8073466 Remove buffer retaining functionality and clean up in ParGCAllocBuffer
P4 JDK-8140761 Remove caching from WorkerDataArray
P4 JDK-8149643 Remove check of counters in VirtualSpaceNode::inc_container_count
P4 JDK-8024945 Remove check on minimum size of MetaspaceSize
P4 JDK-8061748 Remove check_ct_logs_at_safepoint()
P4 JDK-8138833 Remove CMMarkStack::drain
P4 JDK-8034246 remove CMS and ParNew adaptive size policy code
P4 JDK-8037952 Remove code duplication in Metaspace::deallocate
P4 JDK-8080113 Remove CollectedHeap::set_par_threads()
P4 JDK-8077411 Remove CollectedHeap::supports_heap_inspection()
P4 JDK-8079275 Remove CollectedHeap::use_parallel_gc_threads
P4 JDK-8134738 Remove CollectorPolicy::Name
P4 JDK-8159045 Remove const from methods returning size_t in threadLocalAllocBuffer.hpp
P4 JDK-8138750 Remove dead code in survivor rate group
P4 JDK-8151513 Remove debugging code from BarrierSet
P4 JDK-8145672 Remove dependency of G1FromCardCache to HeapRegionRemSet
P4 JDK-8141946 Remove develop flag G1TraceHeapRegionRememberedSet
P4 JDK-8075401 Remove DiscoveredListIterator::update_discovered()
P4 JDK-8151539 Remove duplicate AlwaysTrueClosures
P4 JDK-8155099 Remove duplicate comments from G1Policy
P4 JDK-8077415 Remove duplicate variables holding the CollectedHeap
P4 JDK-8134797 Remove explicit casts in CollectorPolicy hierarchy
P4 JDK-8038630 Remove ExtendedOopClosure::prefetch_style()
P4 JDK-8079093 Remove FakeRttiSupport workaround for spurious gcc -Wtype-limits
P4 JDK-8134858 Remove G1 specific checking of Young/OldPLABSize in G1CollectorPolicy constructor
P4 JDK-8071462 Remove G1ParGCAllocator::alloc_buffer_waste
P4 JDK-8035330 Remove G1ParScanPartialArrayClosure and G1ParScanHeapEvacClosure
P4 JDK-8144712 Remove g1RootClosures.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8075635 Remove GenerationSpec array
P4 JDK-8155811 Remove HeapRegionRemSet::_coarse_dirty flag
P4 JDK-8039596 Remove HeapRegionRemSet::clear_incoming_entry
P4 JDK-8137756 Remove hrs_err_msg and hrs_ext_msg from heapRegionSet
P4 JDK-8026396 Remove information duplication in the collector policy
P4 JDK-8151602 Remove logging from refillLinearAllocBlockIfNeeded()
P4 JDK-8076267 Remove n_gens()
P4 JDK-8037495 Remove platform specific specification of SurvivorRatio for BSD
P4 JDK-8038934 Remove prefix allocated_ from methods and variables in Metaspace
P4 JDK-8066822 Remove PSMarkSweep::set_reference_processor
P4 JDK-8081007 Remove redundant active worker variables and calls in ParNewGeneration::collect
P4 JDK-8066827 Remove ReferenceProcessor::clean_up_discovered_references()
P4 JDK-8139277 Remove ScavengeWithObjectsInToSpace, ParallelOldGCSplitALot, ParallelOldGCSplitInterval, PSAdjustTenuredGenForMinorPause and PSAdjustYoungGenForMajorPause
P4 JDK-8076452 Remove SharedHeap
P4 JDK-8054341 Remove some obsolete code in G1CollectedHeap class
P4 JDK-8152086 Remove SpaceMangler::mangle_region logging
P4 JDK-6979279 remove special-case code for ParallelGCThreads==0
P4 JDK-8075242 Remove SpecializationStats
P4 JDK-8133825 Remove the class G1CollectorPolicyExt
P4 JDK-8034761 Remove the do_code_roots parameter from process_strong_roots
P4 JDK-8055702 Remove the generations array
P4 JDK-8073389 Remove the include of resourceArea.hpp from classFileParser.hpp
P4 JDK-8077842 Remove the level parameter passed around in GenCollectedHeap
P4 JDK-8042298 Remove the names gen0 and gen1 from the GC code
P4 JDK-8151514 Remove the noisy NOISY debugging code from parCardTableModRefBS.cpp
P4 JDK-8076314 Remove the static instance variable SharedHeap:: _sh
P4 JDK-8031776 Remove the unnecessary enum GenRemSet::Name
P4 JDK-8077936 Remove the unused java_lang_invoke_CallSite::target_volatile
P4 JDK-8078341 Remove the unused PSParallelCompact::_updated_int_array_klass_obj
P4 JDK-8078340 Remove the unused PSParallelCompact::KeepAliveClosure
P4 JDK-8026720 Remove the unused SpaceManager::mangle_freed_chunks
P4 JDK-8033764 Remove the usage of StarTask from BufferingOopClosure
P4 JDK-8139506 Remove the WaterMark class
P4 JDK-8073554 Remove unnecessary includes of markSweep[.inline].hpp
P4 JDK-8076456 Remove unnecessary oopDesc::klass() calls
P4 JDK-8047330 Remove unrolled card loops in G1 SparsePRTEntry
P4 JDK-8030180 Remove unsused method CollectedHeap::unsafe_max_alloc()
P4 JDK-8062206 Remove unusable G1RSLogCheckCardTable command line argument
P4 JDK-8047323 Remove unused _copy_metadata_obj_cl in G1CopyingKeepAliveClosure
P4 JDK-8149013 Remove unused and dead code from G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8038628 Remove unused Closure::abort()
P4 JDK-8133669 Remove unused code in Arguments
P4 JDK-8143013 Remove unused DirtyCardQueue::iterate_closure_all_threads
P4 JDK-8138846 Remove unused enum ConcurrentGCThread::CGC_flag_type
P4 JDK-8042209 Remove unused function G1SATBCardTableLoggingModRefBS::write_ref_field_static()
P4 JDK-8069230 Remove unused G1PostBarrierStub::byte_map_base and friends
P4 JDK-8131343 Remove unused imports from hotspot/test/testlibrary/jdk/test/lib/*.java
P4 JDK-8076231 Remove unused is_in_partial_collection()
P4 JDK-8076447 Remove unused MemoryManager::kind()
P4 JDK-8148951 Remove unused method Generation::performs_in_place_marking()
P4 JDK-8134504 Remove usage of EvacuationInfo from G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8076177 Remove usage of stack.inline.hpp functions from taskqueue.hpp
P4 JDK-8139952 Remove UseCMSAdaptiveFreeLists, UseAsyncConcMarkSweepGC, CMSDictionaryChoice, CMSOverflowEarlyRestoration and CMSTestInFreeList
P4 JDK-8067891 Remove vestigal G1SATBCT barrier set kind
P4 JDK-8050228 Rename 'rem_size' in compactibleFreeListSpace.cpp because of name clashes on AIX
P4 JDK-8074546 Rename and clean up the ParGCAllocBuffer class
P4 JDK-8145671 Rename FromCardCache to G1FromCardCache
P4 JDK-8148973 Rename g1/concurrentMark.{hpp,cpp,inline.hpp} to g1/g1ConcurrentMark.{hpp,cpp,inline.hpp}
P4 JDK-8054819 Rename HeapRegionSeq to HeapRegionManager
P4 JDK-8144996 Replace the HeapRegionSetCount class with an uint
P4 JDK-8039957 Replace the last few %p usages with PTR_FORMAT in the GC code
P4 JDK-8080876 Replace unnecessary MAX2(ParallelGCThreads, 1) calls with ParallelGCThreads
P4 JDK-8059638 Resourced or red for Make G1 a Suitable Replacement for CMS
P4 JDK-8152639 ResourceMark missing in reportFreeListStatistics
P4 JDK-8152100 Rework and unify the GC phase logging
P4 JDK-8068579 Running with -XX:-UseParallelGC does not turn ParalleGC off
P4 JDK-8078021 SATB apply_closure_to_completed_buffer should have closure argument
P4 JDK-8076073 shared: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8073944 Simplify ArgumentsExt and remove unneeded functionallity
P4 JDK-8150134 Simplify concurrent refinement thread deactivation
P4 JDK-8076265 Simplify deal_with_reference
P4 JDK-8145038 Simplify mut_process_buffer worker id management
P4 JDK-8156867 Simplify/reduce testing in ParallelCompact_test
P4 JDK-8057916 Sort includes and verify copyright for new files
P4 JDK-8155721 Sparse remset wastes half of entry memory
P4 JDK-8135260 Split G1CollectorPolicy::finalize_cset into two parts
P4 JDK-8140602 Split other time calculation into methods in G1CollectorPolicy
P4 JDK-8138740 Start initial mark right after mixed GC if needed
P4 JDK-8029361 Stress bpm sq:performance is slow with g1gc - not freeing regions correctly
P4 JDK-8149837 String.intern creates more work than necessary for G1
P4 JDK-8159893 StringTable cleaning log line lacks the GC ID prefix
P4 JDK-8151674 STW phases at Concurrent GC should count in PerfCounter
P4 JDK-8079263 Suppress warning about disabling adaptive size policy when enabling UseLargePages with UseNUMA when adaptive size policy is disabled
P4 JDK-8152196 SuspendibleThreadSet::yield scales poorly
P4 JDK-8147940 Test gc/g1/ fails
P4 JDK-8051883 TEST.groups references missing test: gc/class_unloading/
P4 JDK-8033443 Test8000311 fails after latest changes to parallelize string and symbol table unlink
P4 JDK-8064721 The card tables only ever need two covering regions
P4 JDK-8032771 The flag VerifySilently misses a test case
P4 JDK-8065093 The variable total_reserved in GenCollectedHeap::initialize is unused
P4 JDK-8152120 TLAB compute_size() should not allow any size larger than max_size
P4 JDK-8068394 Trace event for concurrent GC phases
P4 JDK-8155229 Tune thread usage for live data clearing
P4 JDK-8155230 Tune thread usage for mark bitmap clear
P4 JDK-8154753 Turn G1Policy into an interface
P4 JDK-8062808 Turn on the -Wreturn-type warning
P4 JDK-8023899 Typo in TraceCPUTime message
P4 JDK-8035822 Unable to test minimalVM
P4 JDK-8139434 Unify GenRemSet and CardTableRS
P4 JDK-8058944 Unify the reporting strings for the GC debug level logging in G1
P4 JDK-8072056 Unneccessary include of gc_implementation/shared/parGCAllocBuffer.hpp in tenuredGeneration.cpp
P4 JDK-8146889 Update @requires expression for GC tests to run if GC is default
P4 JDK-8057918 Update out-dated ignore tags in GC jtreg tests
P4 JDK-8078673 Update TEST.groups for recent GC tests
P4 JDK-7169803 Usage of pretenured value is not correct
P4 JDK-8159978 Use an array to store the collection set regions instead of linking through regions
P4 JDK-8033923 Use BufferingOopClosure for G1 code root scanning
P4 JDK-8150676 Use BufferNode index
P4 JDK-8035393 Use CLDClosure instead of CLDToOopClosure in frame::oops_interpreted_do
P4 JDK-8039743 Use correct format specifier to print size_t values and pointers in the GC code
P4 JDK-8151603 Use error stream instead of tty for logging before ShouldNotReachHere()
P4 JDK-8034764 Use process_strong_roots to adjust the StringTable
P4 JDK-8073545 Use shorter and more descriptive names for GC worker threads
P4 JDK-8037344 Use the "next" field to iterate over fine remembered instead of using the hash table
P4 JDK-8151556 Use the PreservedMarks* classes for the G1 preserved mark stacks
P4 JDK-8079315 UseCondCardMark broken in conjunction with CMS precleaning on x86
P4 JDK-8150994 UseParallelGC fails with UseDynamicNumberOfGCThreads with specjbb2005
P4 JDK-8133470 Uses of Atomic methods in plab.hpp should be moved to .inline.hpp file
P4 JDK-8067785 Using AlwaysPreTouch does not always touch all pages
P4 JDK-8057037 Verification in ClassLoaderData::is_alive is too slow
P4 JDK-8079082 VerifyNoCSetOopsClosure is derived twice from Closure
P4 JDK-8130823 VerifyRememberedSets is an expensive nop in product builds
P4 JDK-8076173 VirtualSpaceNode container_count() and container_count_slow() have different return types
P4 JDK-8134992 vm/gc/compact/Compact_InternedStrings_Strings failed due to a malloc() failure
P4 JDK-8065579 WB method to start G1 concurrent mark cycle should be introduced
P4 JDK-8140583 Without PrintPLAB, there are superfluous newlines in the GC log messages
P4 JDK-8139134 Wrong tenuring threshold in young GC trace event
P4 JDK-8074561 Wrong volatile qualifier for field ClassLoaderDataGraphKlassIteratorAtomic::_next_klass
P4 JDK-8141141 Young and Old gen PLAB stats are similar in output with -XX:+PrintPLAB
P5 JDK-8072921 -Xincgc should be removed from output
P5 JDK-8136991 [REDO] Additional number of processed references printed with -XX:+PrintReferenceGC after JDK-8047125
P5 JDK-8133818 Additional number of processed references printed with -XX:+PrintReferenceGC after JDK-8047125
P5 JDK-8139874 After G1 Full GC, the next GC is always a young-only GC
P5 JDK-8031779 Assert in MetaspaceGC is always true
P5 JDK-8049420 Backout 8048248 to correct attribution
P5 JDK-8133043 Clean up code related to termination stats printing
P5 JDK-8068018 Clean up friends of G1CollectedHeap
P5 JDK-8066102 Clean up HeapRegionRemSet files
P5 JDK-8141123 Cleanup in FreeIdSet
P5 JDK-8027440 DefNew does not log heap change information when a promotion failure occurs
P5 JDK-8072688 Description of flag ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent should mention G1 as well
P5 JDK-8027428 Different conditions for printing taskqueue statistics for parallel gc, parNew and G1
P5 JDK-8079843 do_young_space_rescan - comment out of sync with code
P5 JDK-8152400 Enabling TASK_STATS_ONLY filters out just enabled messages anyway
P5 JDK-8047976 Ergonomics for GC thread counts should update the flags
P5 JDK-8139583 Fix formatting in survRateGroup.cpp
P5 JDK-8145752 Fix include guards in GC code
P5 JDK-8025856 Fix typos in the GC code
P5 JDK-8026849 Fix typos in the GC code, part 2
P5 JDK-8027067 Flag UsePSAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy needs to be named UseAdaptiveSurvivorSizePolicy
P5 JDK-7004580 forward_to_atomic() implementation is in the wrong file
P5 JDK-6899049 G1: Clean up code in ptrQueue.[ch]pp and ptrQueue.inline.hpp
P5 JDK-7006810 G1: Introduce peace-of-mind checking in the Suspendible Thread Set
P5 JDK-8040792 G1: Memory usage calculation uses sizeof(this) instead of sizeof(classname)
P5 JDK-8029255 G1: Reference processing should not enqueue references on the shared SATB queue
P5 JDK-8029162 G1: Shared SATB queue never enabled
P5 JDK-8154838 G1CardLiveData::free_large_bitmap() uses wrong calculation to determine the number of words
P5 JDK-8134631 G1DummyRegionsPerGC fires assert of assert(words <= filler_array_max_size()) failed: too big for a single object
P5 JDK-8153182 GC ID prefix for gc, humongous log messages are missing
P5 JDK-8076613 gc/ failed with OOME
P5 JDK-7090324 gclog rotation via external tool
P5 JDK-8057143 Incomplete renaming of variables containing "hrs" to "hrm" related to HeapRegionSeq
P5 JDK-8076311 Java 9 process negative MaxTenuringThreshold in different way than Java 8
P5 JDK-8043723 max_heap_for_compressed_oops() declared with size_t, but defined with uintx
P5 JDK-8049426 Minor cleanups after G1 class unloading
P5 JDK-8147003 Move BubbleUpRef test into CMS directory
P5 JDK-8131166 Remove additional whitespace in G1Allocator
P5 JDK-8055919 Remove dead code in G1 concurrent marking code
P5 JDK-8068037 Remove dead code in G1CollectedHeap
P5 JDK-8027746 Remove do_gen_barrier template parameter in G1ParCopyClosure
P5 JDK-8141135 Remove G1RemSet::write_ref
P5 JDK-8058534 Remove HeapRegion::_orig_end
P5 JDK-8133042 Remove some direct accesses of G1Allocator to G1CollectedHeap members
P5 JDK-8051837 Remove temporary G1UseParallelRSetUpdating and G1UseParallelRSetScanning flags
P5 JDK-8141134 Remove unnecessary pragma warning(disable:4355) from GC code
P5 JDK-8054491 Remove wrong assert and refactor code in G1CollectorPolicy::record_concurrent_mark_end
P5 JDK-8136701 Remove YOUNG_LIST_VERBOSE code from G1CollectedHeap
P5 JDK-8073052 Rename and clean up the allocation manager hierarchy in g1Allocator.?pp
P5 JDK-8133047 Rename G1ParScanThreadState::_queue_num to _worker_id
P5 JDK-8140689 Skip last young-only gc if nothing to do in the mixed gc phase
P5 JDK-8043722 Swapped usage of idx_t and bm_word_t types in parMarkBitMap.cpp
P5 JDK-8077255 TracePageSizes output reports wrong page size on Windows with G1
P5 JDK-8033106 Wrong predicate for checking whether the correct amount of symbol table entries have been processed in G1
P5 JDK-8059492 Wrong spelling in assert: "Not initialied properly?"


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8176555 Invoke newRecording on mbean and server halts
P2 JDK-8163937 ActiveRecording recordingDuration unit says nanos, values is in milliseconds
P2 JDK-8170543 Adapt JFR source code for dummy jar
P2 JDK-8159900 Can't dump recording "0"
P2 JDK-8164523 Clean up metadata for event based tracing
P2 JDK-8065079 closed/com/oracle/jfr/dynamicstart/ timeout
P2 JDK-8174922 Event metadata not cleared when event class is unloaded or unregistered
P2 JDK-8175913 EventSettings should use java.lang.String
P2 JDK-8139515 JFR File Read events with Bytes Read=-1
P2 JDK-8139379 Tests fail with assert(nm->insts_contains(original_pc)) failed: original PC must be in nmethod
P3 JDK-8163589 Add back class id intrinsic method for event based tracing
P3 JDK-8033361 Disable
P3 JDK-8167497 Inform user of alternative to -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=defaultrecording
P3 JDK-8155945 JavaStatisticsThrowables is called JavaStaticsThrowables in JFC files
P3 JDK-8133527 JFR reports abnormally high machine CPU consumption on Linux
P3 JDK-8058729 JFR tests should not leave temporary files behind
P3 JDK-8040011 Metaspace events are missing from JFC files
P3 JDK-8167506 Remove -XX:FlightRecorderOptions=compressedintegers=false
P3 JDK-8047368 Remove oracle.jrockit.jfr from open package.access list
P3 JDK-8167586 Replace with java.lang.String in the JFR type name
P3 JDK-8135800 Socket events should use event.shouldWrite() before adding data to event
P3 JDK-8167500 Unified logging for JFR
P3 JDK-8034176 Update mapfile for libjfr
P4 JDK-8064348 Add TraceEvent::is_enabled() for embedded/minimal builds
P4 JDK-8067095 Fix deprecation warnings in Java Flight Recorder
P4 JDK-8031789 sorts files in a non-chronological order
P4 JDK-8042311 oracle/jrockit/jfr/ imports wrong ASM
P4 JDK-8035816 TestDynamicRequestable fails intermittently
P5 JDK-8154794 Add support for experimental fields/events to event-based tracing


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8157188 2 test failures in demo/jvmti due to unexpected class file version 53
P2 JDK-8165268 [BACKOUT] InstanceKlass::_previous_version_count goes negative
P2 JDK-8165246 [REDO] InstanceKlass::_previous_version_count goes negative
P2 JDK-8151066 assert(0 <= i && i < length()) failed: index out of bounds
P2 JDK-8165496 assert(_exception_caught == false) failed: _exception_caught is out of phase
P2 JDK-8041934 com/sun/jdi/ fails in RT_Baseline on all platforms with assert(_cur_stack_depth == count_frames()) failed: cur_stack_depth out of sync
P2 JDK-8043314 Fix for JDK-8041934 causes assert(is_interpreted_frame()) failed: interpreted frame expected
P2 JDK-8134434 JVM_DoPrivileged() fires assert(_exception_caught == false) failed: _exception_caught is out of phase
P2 JDK-8172969 JVMTI spec: GetCurrentThread may return NULL in the early start phase
P2 JDK-8051398 jvmti tests fieldacc002, fieldmod002 fail in nightly with errors: (watch#0) wrong location
P2 JDK-8042796 jvmtiRedefineClasses.cpp: guarantee(false) failed: OLD and/or OBSOLETE method(s) found
P2 JDK-8153749 New capability can_generate_early_class_hook_events
P2 JDK-8077312 nsk/jdi/ThreadReference/forceEarlyReturn/forceEarlyReturn010 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
P2 JDK-8151910 nsk/jvmti/ tests fail with "Could not find agent library ... on the library path"
P2 JDK-8040237 nsk/jvmti/RetransformClasses/retransform001 crashed the VM on all platforms when run with with -server -Xcomp
P2 JDK-8030027 nsk/jvmti/scenarios/hotswap/HS101/hs101t006 Crashed the vm on Linux-amd64: SIGSEGV in JavaThread::last_java_vframe(RegisterMap*)+0xfa
P2 JDK-8032223 nsk/regression/b4663146 gets assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint() || JvmtiEnv::is_thread_fully_suspended(get_thread(), false, &debug_bits))
P2 JDK-8057570 RedefineClasses() tests fail assert(((Metadata*)obj)->is_valid()) failed: obj is valid
P3 JDK-8067662 "java.lang.NullPointerException: Method name is null" from StackTraceElement.
P3 JDK-8172261 [JVMTI] Specification for early VM start event needs to lower expectations in relation to class loading
P3 JDK-8162795 [REDO] MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries
P3 JDK-8159145 Add JVMTI function GetNamedModule
P3 JDK-6904403 assert(f == k->has_finalizer(),"inconsistent has_finalizer") with debug VM
P3 JDK-8063154 Checked in jvmti.h not in sync with generated jvmti.h
P3 JDK-8165681 ClassLoad and ClassPrepare JVMTI events are missed in the start phase
P3 JDK-8153535 Convert TraceRedefineClasses to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8173693 disable post_class_unload() for non JavaThread initiators
P3 JDK-8081219 hs_err improvement: Add event logging for class redefinition to the hs_err file
P3 JDK-8164692 InstanceKlass::_previous_version_count goes negative
P3 JDK-8022203 Intermittent test failures in demo/jvmti/hprof
P3 JDK-8013942 JSR 292: assert(type() == T_OBJECT) failed: type check
P3 JDK-8008678 JSR 292: constant pool reconstitution must support pseudo strings
P3 JDK-8149743 JVM crash after debugger hotswap with lambdas
P3 JDK-8038797 JVMTI FollowReferences does not report roots reachable from nmethods
P3 JDK-8153190 JVMTI GetAllModules should make it clear that it also returns unnamed modules
P3 JDK-8158237 JVMTI hides critical debug information for memory leak tracing
P3 JDK-8035493 JVMTI PopFrame capability must instruct compilers not to prune locals
P3 JDK-7034834 JVMTI xml file referring to old JDK version
P3 JDK-8147943 jvmti.h generated with GPL header
P3 JDK-8025841 JVMTI: "vtable stub" dynamic code notification is misplaced
P3 JDK-8159017 JVMTI: assert(_value != 0i64) failed: resolving NULL _value
P3 JDK-6584008 jvmtiStringPrimitiveCallback should not be invoked when string value is null
P3 JDK-8152271 MemberNameTable doesn't purge stale entries
P3 JDK-8035938 Memory leak in JvmtiEnv::GetConstantPool
P3 JDK-8164921 Memory leaked when instrumentation.retransformClasses() is called repeatedly
P3 JDK-8073705 more performance issues in class redefinition
P3 JDK-8034249 need more workarounds for suspend equivalent condition issue
P3 JDK-8139566 need proper sync for adding default read edges
P3 JDK-8145964 NoClassDefFound error in transforming lambdas
P3 JDK-8139391 nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/redefclass029 failed
P3 JDK-8035358 nsk/jvmti/scenarios/general_functions/GF08/gf08t002 timed out in nightly test run
P3 JDK-8076579 Popping a stack frame after exception breakpoint sets last method param to exception
P3 JDK-8057043 Type annotations not retained during class redefine / retransform
P3 JDK-8164208 Update tests with redefine classes UL options and tags
P3 JDK-8155951 VM crash in nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine: assert failed: Corrupted constant pool
P4 JDK-8035423 AIX: Fix os::get_default_process_handle() in os_aix.cpp after 8031968
P4 JDK-8055008 Clean up code that saves the previous versions of redefined classes
P4 JDK-6471769 Error: assert(_cur_stack_depth == count_frames(),"cur_stack_depth out of sync")
P4 JDK-8034935 JSR 292 support for PopFrame has a fragile coupling with DirectMethodHandle
P4 JDK-6976636 JVM/TI test ex03t001 fails assertion
P4 JDK-8036666 JVMTI GetObjectMonitorUsage does not return correct recursion count.
P4 JDK-8154064 JVMTI trace event crashes
P4 JDK-8075030 JvmtiEnv::GetObjectSize reports incorrect java.lang.Class instance size
P4 JDK-8154728 JvmtiExport::add_default_read_edges hits a guarantee
P4 JDK-8141035 Let jvmtiGen exit with a non-zero exit code upon failure
P4 JDK-8177531 libGetNamedModuleTest.c crash when printing NULL-pointer
P4 JDK-8034867 Object references from expression stack are not visible as roots via jvmti FollowReferences and HeapDump
P4 JDK-8049441 PPC64: Don't use StubCodeMarks for zero-length stubs
P4 JDK-8068242 Quarantine the test
P4 JDK-8179457 Remove demo/jvmti tests
P4 JDK-8171226 simple typo in the JVMTI spec
P4 JDK-8081806 TEST_BUG: no proper sync with agent thread in hs103t002
P4 JDK-8046246 the constantPoolCacheOopDesc::adjust_method_entries() used in RedefineClasses does not scale
P4 JDK-8037138 x86: problem with JVMTI breakpoint
P5 JDK-8154041 JVMTI trace to Unified Logging


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8067972 Bring changes made to in 8047290 to that file new location in the top repo
P1 JDK-8059924 com/sun/management/DiagnosticCommandMBean/ assert(Universe::verify_in_progress() || !SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint()) failed: invariant
P1 JDK-8146481 Disable runtime/logging/
P1 JDK-8145629 Disable test/runtime/logging/
P1 JDK-8137194 Exclude runtime/memory/ from JPRT
P1 JDK-8037842 Failing to allocate MethodCounters and MDO causes a serious performance drop
P1 JDK-8034860 Fatal error due to incorrect thread state during nightly testing
P1 JDK-8149697 Fix for 8145725 is broken
P1 JDK-8112746 Followup to JDK-8059557
P1 JDK-8140452 Internal Error memory/allocation.cpp:179
P1 JDK-8064571 java/lang/instrument/ assert(length > 0) failed: should only be called if table is present
P1 JDK-8146751 jdk/test/tools/launcher/ failed on Mac OS
P1 JDK-8059557 JEP 245: Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments
P1 JDK-8122937 JEP 245: Validate JVM Command-Line Flag Arguments Implementation
P1 JDK-8068451 Kitchensink fails with assert(_size >= sz) failed: Negative size
P1 JDK-8182777 New stack overflow segfaults on Linux
P1 JDK-8031241 nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed invalid method ordering length on Solaris
P1 JDK-8161949 quarantine runtime/Unsafe/ to allow sync with JDK9-dev
P1 JDK-8143911 Reintegrate JEP 259 Stack-Walking API
P1 JDK-8154121 Remove test mistakenly added during a merge
P1 JDK-8069124 runtime/NMT/ failing in nightlies
P1 JDK-8154028 Several hotspot tests need to be updated after 8153737 (Unsupported Module)
P1 JDK-8033931 Several nightly tests failing with assert(imin < imax) failed: Unexpected page size
P1 JDK-8067982 some jcmd /gc/heap_dump tests failed: hprof output contains warning or error
P1 JDK-8050485 super() in a try block in a ctor may need to cause VerifyError
P1 JDK-8065346 WB_AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch calls JvmtiEnv::create_a_jvmti when not in _thread_in_vm state
P2 JDK-8154239 -Xbootclasspath/a breaks exploded build
P2 JDK-8142510 -XX:+PrintFlagsRanges should print default range value for those flags that have constraint and an implicit range.
P2 JDK-8079156 32 bit Java 9-fastdebug hit assertion in client mode with StackShadowPages flag value from 32 to 50
P2 JDK-8146093 [sparc only] compiler/interpreter/7116216/ Program terminates with signal 11, Segmentation fault. in __1cLRegisterMap2t6MpnKJavaThread_b_v_ ()
P2 JDK-8173339 AArch64: Fix minimum stack size computations
P2 JDK-8167446 Add back PermSize and MaxPermSize
P2 JDK-8027429 Add diagnostic command to get hs_err print-out
P2 JDK-8047934 Adding new API for unlocking diagnostic argument for SharedArchiveFile
P2 JDK-8055061 assert at share/vm/services/virtualMemoryTracker.cpp:332 Error: ShouldNotReachHere() when running NMT tests
P2 JDK-8161280 assert failed: reference count underflow for symbol
P2 JDK-8160551 assert(c == Bytecodes::_putfield) failed: must be putfield
P2 JDK-8154589 assert(k != NULL) failed: preloaded klass not initialized
P2 JDK-8138917 Back out change for 8130681
P2 JDK-8143931 Back out JDK-8140450
P2 JDK-8143324 Backout JDK-8087223
P2 JDK-8165226 Bad -Xloggc: arguments crashes the VM
P2 JDK-8158060 BasicLayerTest causes fatal error: Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on: Module_lock
P2 JDK-8162340 Better class stream parsing
P2 JDK-8066863 bigapps/runThese/nowarnings fails: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: WaitForMultipleObjects
P2 JDK-8077674 BSD build failures due to undefined macros
P2 JDK-8129786 Buffer overrun when passing long not existing option in JDK 9
P2 JDK-8160350 cannot truss jdk9 [ solaris ]
P2 JDK-8078644 CDS needs to support JVMTI ClassFileLoadHook
P2 JDK-8141341 CDS should be disabled if JvmtiExport::should_post_class_file_load_hook() is true
P2 JDK-8135085 Change Method::_intrinsic_id from u1 to u2
P2 JDK-8046662 Check JNI ReleaseStringChars / ReleaseStringUTFChars verify_guards test inverted
P2 JDK-8139150 ClassVerifier frees exception message while it's still in use
P2 JDK-8147494 com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/ fails with "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: VM option 'TraceExceptions' does not exist"
P2 JDK-8076450 com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/ assert(!on_C_heap() || allocated_on_C_heap()) failed: growable array must be on C heap if elements are
P2 JDK-8156851 Compilation error compiling and
P2 JDK-8134239 compiler/arguments/ still fails
P2 JDK-8144256 compiler/uncommontrap/ crashes VM on Solaris
P2 JDK-8161224 CONSTANT_NameAndType_info permits references to illegal names and descriptors
P2 JDK-8162553 Crash in class unloading due to null CLD having a zero _keep_alive value
P2 JDK-8087342 Crash in klassItable::initialize_itable_for_interface when running SelectionResolution
P2 JDK-8165153 Crash in rebuild_cpu_to_node_map
P2 JDK-8098821 Crash in system dictionary initialization with shared strings
P2 JDK-8153352 Crash with assert(pd != 0L) failed: PcDesc must not be NULL
P2 JDK-8176098 Deprecate FlatProfiler
P2 JDK-8079359 disable JDK-8061553 optimization while JDK-8077392 is resolved
P2 JDK-8015396 double a%b returns NaN for some (a,b) (|a| < inf, |b|>0)
P2 JDK-8043301 Duplicate definitions in vm/runtime/sharedRuntimeTrans.cpp versus math.h in VS2013
P2 JDK-8061999 Enhance VM option parsing to allow options to be specified in a file
P2 JDK-8087153 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION when CDS RO section vanished on win32
P2 JDK-8166364 fatal error: acquiring lock DirtyCardQ_CBL_mon/16 out of order with lock Module_lock/6 -- possible deadlock
P2 JDK-8171971 Fix timing bug in JVM management of package export lists
P2 JDK-8160178 IllegalArgumentException: timeout value is negative
P2 JDK-8151509 In check_addr0() function pointer is not updated correctly
P2 JDK-8061964 Insufficient compiler barriers for GCC in OrderAccess functions
P2 JDK-8043275 interface initialization for default methods
P2 JDK-8167333 Invalid source path info might be used when creating ClassFileStream after CFLH transforms a shared classes in some cases
P2 JDK-8033150 invokestatic: IncompatibleClassChangeError trying to invoke static method from a parent in presence of conflicting defaults
P2 JDK-8177390 java -version does not differentiate between which port of AArch64 is used
P2 JDK-6522873 Java not print "Unrecognized option" when it is invalid option.
P2 JDK-8155727 java/util/concurrent/locks/Lock/ timeouts.
P2 JDK-8029453 java/util/concurrent/locks/ReentrantLock/ failed by timeout
P2 JDK-8072434 JDK-8064457: introduces performance regressions in 9-b47
P2 JDK-8059092 JEP 250: Store Interned Strings in CDS Archives
P2 JDK-8152949 Jigsaw crash when Klass in _fixup_module_field_list is unloaded
P2 JDK-8151728 jni test crashes JVM assert(_handle != __null) failed: resolving NULL handle
P2 JDK-8176147 JVM should throw CFE for duplicate Signature attributes
P2 JDK-8175383 JVM should throw NCDFE if ACC_MODULE and CONSTANT_Module/Package are set
P2 JDK-8174725 JVM should throw NoClassDefFoundError if ACC_MODULE is set in access_flags
P2 JDK-8152329 jvm should treat the "Multi-Release" jar manifest attribute name as case insensitive
P2 JDK-8138705 Kitchen sink stress test fails
P2 JDK-8064694 Kitchensink: WaitForMultipleObjects failed in hotspot\src\os\windows\vm\os_windows.cpp: 3844
P2 JDK-8069412 Locks need better debug-printing support
P2 JDK-8143320 Many vm/runtime/defmeth/scenarios/ConflictingDefaults_v50_none_direct_noredefine fail with ICCE, ExitCode: 97
P2 JDK-8033405 metaspace/stressHierarchy/stressHierarchy005 hangs in atexit handler
P2 JDK-8152357 Need to check if SQE builds and use the shared archive for server VMs during nightly testing
P2 JDK-8170431 non-ASCII characters in source code comments (jimage.hpp)
P2 JDK-8042727 nsk/jdb/unwatch/unwatch001 crash in InstanceKlass::methods_do(void (*)(Method*))
P2 JDK-8151546 nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine fails in hs nightly
P2 JDK-8139692 nsk/stress/metaspace/jck90/jck90004 timed out
P2 JDK-8087333 Optionally Pre-Generate the HotSpot Template Interpreter
P2 JDK-8066171 Out of order with Metaspace allocation lock
P2 JDK-8028280 ParkEvent leak when running modified runThese which only loads classes
P2 JDK-8071501 perfMemory_solaris.cpp failing to compile with "Error: dd_fd is not a member of DIR."
P2 JDK-8156871 Possible concurrency issue with JVM_AddModuleExports
P2 JDK-8139891 Prepare Unsafe for true encapsulation
P2 JDK-8151526 Print -Xlog configuration in the hs_err_pid file
P2 JDK-8145400 ProjectCreator broken after JEP 223 changes
P2 JDK-8147629 quarantine tests failing in 2016.01.14 PIT snapshot
P2 JDK-8049304 race between VM_Exit and _sync_FutileWakeups->inc()
P2 JDK-8147791 Reenable tests that were temporarily quarantined in jdk9/hs
P2 JDK-8051012 Regression in verifier for method call from inside of a branch
P2 JDK-8156088 Reintegrate 8153892: Handle unsafe access error directly in signal handler instead of going through a stub
P2 JDK-8140091 remove VMStructs cast_uint64_t workaround for GCC 4.1.1 bug
P2 JDK-8145317 ReservedStackTest fails with ReentrantLock looks corrupted
P2 JDK-8159019 ResourceMark in ClassLoader::open_versioned_entry() is being used incorrectly
P2 JDK-8144953 runtime/CommandLine/ fails when exception is thrown in compiled code
P2 JDK-8150746 runtime/logging/ fails with: java.lang.RuntimeException: 'Resolving: klass: ' missing from stdout/stderr
P2 JDK-8047212 runtime/ParallelClassLoading/bootstrap/random/inner-complex assert(ObjectSynchronizer::verify_objmon_isinpool(inf)) failed: monitor is invalid
P2 JDK-8166145 runtime/threads/ThreadInterruptTest3 fails with ExitCode 0
P2 JDK-8161947 runtime/Unsafe/ is failing on jdk9/dev
P2 JDK-8078556 Runtime: implement ranges (optionally constraints) for those flags that have them missing
P2 JDK-8138983 Runtime: implement ranges for Shared*** flags
P2 JDK-8142437 is occasionally failing in JPRT
P2 JDK-8046598 Scalable Native Memory Tracking development
P2 JDK-8171155 Scanning method file for initialized final field updates can fail for non-existent fields
P2 JDK-8152849 share/vm/runtime/mutex.cpp:1161 assert(((uintptr_t(_owner))|(uintptr_t(_LockWord.FullWord))|(uintptr_t(_EntryList))|(uintptr_t(_WaitSet))|(uintptr_t(_OnDeck))) == 0) failed
P2 JDK-8152380 Shared symbol tables should never use alternate hashcode
P2 JDK-8146984 SIGBUS: bool Method::has_method_vptr(const void*)+0xc
P2 JDK-8059100 SIGSEGV VirtualMemoryTracker::remove_released_region
P2 JDK-8064701 Some CDS optimizations should be disabled if bootclasspath is modified by JVMTI
P2 JDK-8076318 split verifier needs to add TraceClassResolution
P2 JDK-8058715 stability issues when being launched as an embedded JVM via JNI
P2 JDK-8175178 Stack traversal during OSR migration asserts with invalid bci or invalid scope desc on x86
P2 JDK-8077392 Stream fork/join tasks occasionally fail to complete
P2 JDK-8146011 sun/management/jmxremote/bootstrap/CustomLauncherTest crash at assert(stack_size)
P2 JDK-8065895 Synchronous signals during error reporting may terminate or hang VM process
P2 JDK-8040140 System.nanoTime() is slow and non-monotonic on OS X
P2 JDK-8133678 test fails due to 'CICompilerCount=0 must be at least 1' missing from stdout/stderr
P2 JDK-8060721 Test runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ fails in jdk 9 fcs new platforms/compiler
P2 JDK-8137165 Tests fail in SR_Handler because thread is not VMThread or JavaThread
P2 JDK-8161145 The min/max macros make hotspot tests fail to build with GCC 6
P2 JDK-8176593 Throwable::getStackTrace performance regression
P2 JDK-8144716 Unable to build in Visual Studio after JVMCI change
P2 JDK-8042471 Unable to build JDK 9 Hotspot within VS2010
P2 JDK-8058897 Unsafe.reallocateMemory() ignores -XX:MallocMaxTestWords setting
P2 JDK-8137314 vm crash from test java/security/Policy/SignedJar/
P2 JDK-8146697 VM crashes in test Test7005594
P2 JDK-8135265 VM fails on 'empty' interface public ()V method with VerifyError
P2 JDK-8173081 VM no longer prints "Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: " message
P2 JDK-8135195 VM Options file should not be limited to 1k in bytes
P2 JDK-8135208 VM permits illegal access_flags, versions 51-52
P2 JDK-8165358 vmassert_status is not debug-only
P2 JDK-8159262 Walking PackageEntry Export and ModuleEntry Reads Must Occur Only When Neccessary And Wait Until ClassLoader's Aliveness Determined
P3 JDK-8033696 "assert(thread != NULL) failed: just checking" due to Thread::current() and JNI pthread interaction
P3 JDK-8157189 'iload_w' in shared class is not interpreted correctly
P3 JDK-8164011 --patch-module support for CDS
P3 JDK-6311046 -Xcheck:jni should support checking of GetPrimitiveArrayCritical
P3 JDK-8167995 -Xlog:defaultmethods=debug: lengthy method descriptor triggers "StringStream is re-allocated with a different ResourceMark"
P3 JDK-8129855 -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions hides out of range VM options.
P3 JDK-8066670 -XX:+PrintSharedArchiveAndExit does not exit the VM when the archive is invalid
P3 JDK-8067187 -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=20m -Xshare:dump caused JVM to crash
P3 JDK-8161539 8159666 breaks minimal VM
P3 JDK-8171129 [aarch64] hs_err logs do not print register mappings
P3 JDK-8172964 [aix] AIX VM should not handle SIGDANGER
P3 JDK-8176442 [aix] assert(_thr_current == 0L) failed: Thread::current already initialized
P3 JDK-8171225 [aix] Fix gtests compile error on AIX 7.1 with xlC 12
P3 JDK-8138760 [JVMCI] VM warning: Performance bug: SystemDictionary lookup_count=21831450 lookup_length=1275207287 average=58.411479 load=5.572844
P3 JDK-8148987 [Linux] Allow building on older systems without CPU_ALLOC support
P3 JDK-8170888 [linux] Experimental support for cgroup memory limits in container (ie Docker) environments
P3 JDK-8078470 [Linux] Replace syscall use in os::fork_and_exec with glibc fork() and execve()
P3 JDK-8165315 [ppc] Port "8133749: NMT detail stack trace cleanup"
P3 JDK-8166765 [ppc] Port "8163014: Mysterious/wrong value for long frame local variable on 64-bit"
P3 JDK-8166777 [ppc] port "8164086: Checked JNI pending exception check should be cleared"
P3 JDK-8172049 [s390] Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections".
P3 JDK-8154710 [Solaris] Investigate use of in-memory low-resolution timestamps for Java and internal time API's
P3 JDK-8141024 [Solaris] Obsolete UseAltSigs
P3 JDK-8149901 [Solaris] Use of -XX:+UseThreadPriorities crashes fastdebug
P3 JDK-8163231 A couple of runtime tests failing for the -testset hotspot snapshot job
P3 JDK-8173474 AArch64: fix reported -Xss minimum
P3 JDK-8172144 AArch64: Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections"
P3 JDK-8181906 AArch64: port bugfix for 7009641 to AArch64
P3 JDK-8081800 AbstractMethodError when evaluating a private method in an interface via debugger
P3 JDK-8079561 Add a method to convert counters to milliseconds
P3 JDK-8057623 add an extension class for argument handling
P3 JDK-8153820 Add class fingerprinting
P3 JDK-8165550 Add class loader names to ClassCastException message
P3 JDK-8015086 add interned strings to the shared archive
P3 JDK-8049071 Add jtreg jobs to JPRT for Hotspot
P3 JDK-8033990 Add message to verbose output to indicate when JVM was unable to use shared archive (with -Xshare:auto)
P3 JDK-8154750 Add missing OrderAccess operations to ClassLoaderData lock-free data structures
P3 JDK-8072575 Add missing test for 8065895
P3 JDK-8151342 Add module name/version to class histogram output
P3 JDK-8153394 Add Unified Logging to make it easy to trace time taken in initPhase2
P3 JDK-8173825 Adjust the comment for flags UseAES, UseFMA, UseSHA in globals.hpp
P3 JDK-8058818 Allocation of more then 1G of memory using Unsafe.allocateMemory is still causing a fatal error on 32bit platforms
P3 JDK-8079473 allow demangling to be optional in dll_address_to_function_name
P3 JDK-8159695 Arguments::atojulong() fails to detect overflows
P3 JDK-8131734 assert(!is_null(v)) failed: narrow klass value can never be zero with -Xshared:auto
P3 JDK-8058251 assert(_count > 0) failed: Negative counter when running runtime/NMT/
P3 JDK-8146222 assert(_initialized) failed: TLS not initialized yet!
P3 JDK-8146546 assert(fr->safe_for_sender(thread)) failed: Safety check
P3 JDK-8157904 Atomic::cmpxchg for jbyte is missing a fence on initial failure
P3 JDK-8166312 Backout 8165017
P3 JDK-8030656 Bad version check for parameter information in src/share/vm/classfile/javaClasses.cpp
P3 JDK-8159666 Better CDS support for Event-based tracing
P3 JDK-8159461 bigapps/Kitchensink/stressExitCode hits assert: Must be VMThread or JavaThread
P3 JDK-8155936 Boolean value should be set 1/0 or true/false via VM.set_flag jcmd
P3 JDK-8041918 BootstrapMethods attribute cannot be empty
P3 JDK-8087121 bscmake fails when building inside VS2013
P3 JDK-8162999 Build give extraneous find warnings
P3 JDK-8143958 CDS Shared flags need constraint function
P3 JDK-8169870 CDS: "assert(partition_size <= size()) failed: partition failed" on 32 bit JVM
P3 JDK-8168790 CDS: assert(max_delta <= (0x7FFFFFFF)) failed: range check
P3 JDK-8132286 change 'InlineNotify' flag option from "product" to "diagnostic"
P3 JDK-8064375 Change certain errors to warnings in CDS output
P3 JDK-8160527 Check for final instance field updates can be omitted
P3 JDK-8164086 Checked JNI pending exception check should be cleared when returning to Java frame
P3 JDK-8030221 Checking for anonymous class should check for NULL as well as potential nesting
P3 JDK-8133537 clarify position of unlock options in error messages
P3 JDK-8046070 Class Data Sharing clean up and refactoring
P3 JDK-8148854 Class names "SomeClass" and "LSomeClass;" treated by JVM as an equivalent
P3 JDK-8165699 Class unloading test fails with RuntimeException: Class ClassAbc_0___________________________________ must live! Failing test.
P3 JDK-7127066 Class verifier accepts an invalid class file
P3 JDK-8158681 ClassLoader::classloader_type() is called from code not included under #if INCLUDE_CDS
P3 JDK-8155574 ClassLoader::initialize_module_loader_map crashes if the char_buf is not NULL terminated
P3 JDK-8155678 ClassLoader::initialize_module_loader_map should only be called when dumping CDS archive
P3 JDK-8140802 Clean up and refactor of class loading code for CDS
P3 JDK-8150607 Clean up CompactHashtable
P3 JDK-8145593 Clean up metaspaceShared.cpp
P3 JDK-8153858 Clean up needed when obtaining the package name from a fully qualified class name
P3 JDK-7143664 Clean up OrderAccess implementations and usage
P3 JDK-8057107 cleanup indent white space issues prior to Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
P3 JDK-8047104 cleanup misc issues prior to Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
P3 JDK-8047156 cleanup more non-indent white space issues prior to Contended Locking cleanup bucket
P3 JDK-8046758 cleanup non-indent white space issues prior to Contended Locking cleanup bucket
P3 JDK-8057777 Cleanup of old and unused VM interfaces
P3 JDK-8152358 code and comment cleanups found during the hunt for 8077392
P3 JDK-8147477 com/sun/management/HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean/ is failing for the jdk9/hs snapshot control job
P3 JDK-8153039 Command line processing should use mtCommand or mtArguments rather than mtInternal for NMT
P3 JDK-8059510 Compact symbol table layout inside shared archive
P3 JDK-8156959 compiler/codecache/jmx/ fails with exit 134
P3 JDK-8066803 compiler/intrinsics/mathexact/ crashed in os::is_first_C_frame(frame*)
P3 JDK-8164521 compiler/rangechecks/ is missing @build for sun.hotspot.WhiteBox
P3 JDK-8163880 Constant pool caching of fields inhibited/delayed unnecessarily
P3 JDK-8135322 ConstantPool::release_C_heap_structures not run in some circumstances
P3 JDK-8073165 Contended Locking fast exit bucket
P3 JDK-8075171 Contended Locking fast notify bucket
P3 JDK-8147026 Convert an assert in ClassLoaderData to a guarantee
P3 JDK-8152896 Convert PrintCompressedOopsMode to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8171011 convert some CDS dump time warning and error messages to informational messages which will be printed with -XX:+PrintSharedSpaces
P3 JDK-8149383 Convert TraceBiasedLocking to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8150103 Convert TraceClassPaths to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8139564 Convert TraceDefaultMethods to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8141211 Convert TraceExceptions to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8141564 Convert TraceItables and PrintVtables to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8145153 Convert TraceMonitorInflation to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8149064 Convert TraceProtectionDomainVerification to Unified Logging.
P3 JDK-8140348 Convert TraceSafepoint to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8149991 Convert TraceSafepointCleanupTime to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8148630 Convert TraceStartupTime to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8143157 Convert TraceVMOperation to Unified Logging
P3 JDK-8170827 Correct errant "java.base" string to macro
P3 JDK-8152846 Creation of ModuleEntryTable Investigate Need For OrderAccess::storestore()
P3 JDK-8163969 Cyclic interface initialization causes JVM crash
P3 JDK-8055236 Deadlock during NMT2 shutdown on Windows
P3 JDK-8146653 Debug version missing in hs_err files and on internal version after Verona
P3 JDK-8073990 Deprecated "UseVectoredExceptions" VM options still defined in several globals files
P3 JDK-8073989 Deprecated integer options are considered as invalid instead of deprecated in Java 9
P3 JDK-8074026 Deprecated UseBoundThreads, DefaultThreadPriority and NoYieldsInMicrolock VM options still defined in globals.hpp
P3 JDK-8148481 Devirtualize Klass::vtable
P3 JDK-8166931 Do not include classes which are unusable during run time in the classlist file
P3 JDK-8143608 Don't 64-bit align start of InstanceKlass vtable, itable, and nonstatic_oopmap on 32-bit systems
P3 JDK-8149977 DumpLoadedClassList should not include generated classes
P3 JDK-8098557 Eager initialization of a superinterface with a default method
P3 JDK-8144491 ElfSymbolTable::lookup returns bad value when the lookup has failed
P3 JDK-6664815 Eliminate redundant memcpy operation in jni_GetStringUTFRegion
P3 JDK-8145603 Enable build.bat to use vcproj to build
P3 JDK-8166738 Enable concurrency in Hotspot jtreg testing
P3 JDK-8074345 Enable RewriteBytecodes when VM runs with CDS
P3 JDK-8136766 Enable ThreadStackSize range test
P3 JDK-8170821 Ensure access checks result in consistent answers
P3 JDK-8158854 Ensure release_store is paired with load_acquire in lock-free code
P3 JDK-8159470 Error message for ICCE for MethodHandle constant pool not helpful
P3 JDK-8139801 Error message from validation check has wrong order on Windows
P3 JDK-8170672 Event-based tracing to support classloader instances
P3 JDK-8046668 Excessive checked JNI warnings from Java startup
P3 JDK-8173743 Failures during class definition can lead to memory leaks in metaspace
P3 JDK-8145073 Filename and linenumber are not printed for asserts any more.
P3 JDK-8035983 Fix "Native frames:" in crash report (hs_err file)
P3 JDK-8163808 Fix asserts and logging for old classfile vtable construction
P3 JDK-8047714 Fix for JDK-6546236 made Solaris os::yield() a no-op
P3 JDK-8166433 Fix for JDK-8163014 broke Aarch64 build
P3 JDK-8172288 Fix Jigsaw related module/package error messages and throw correct exceptions
P3 JDK-8076421 Fix Zero Interpreter bugs in class redefinition and template interpreter changes
P3 JDK-8168305 GC.class_stats should not require -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
P3 JDK-8153892 Handle unsafe access error directly in signal handler instead of going through a stub
P3 JDK-8175135 Header template correction for year
P3 JDK-8039150 host_klass invariant fails when verifying newly loaded JSR-292 anonymous classes
P3 JDK-8069005 Hotspot crashes in System.out.println with assert(resolved_method->method_holder()->is_linked()) failed: must be linked
P3 JDK-8051045 HotSpot fails to wrap Exceptions from invokedynamic in a BootstrapMethodError
P3 JDK-8043086 Hotspot is expected to report OOM which is occurred String.intern(), but crashes in JDK8u5
P3 JDK-8145628 hotspot metadata classes shouldn't use HeapWordSize or heap related macros like align_object_size
P3 JDK-8085865 hs_err improvement: Printing /proc/cpuinfo makes too long hs_err files
P3 JDK-8162412 Ignore any System property specified as -Djdk.module that matches reserved module system properties
P3 JDK-8058575 IllegalAccessError trying to access package-private class from VM anonymous class
P3 JDK-8138745 Implement ExitOnOutOfMemory and CrashOnOutOfMemory in HotSpot
P3 JDK-8151322 Implement os::set_native_thread_name() on Solaris
P3 JDK-8079408 Improve class loading log (with unified logging)
P3 JDK-8143963 improve ClassLoader::trace_class_path to accept an additional outputStream* arg
P3 JDK-8139864 Improve handling of stack protection zones.
P3 JDK-8152845 Improve PackageEntry and ModuleEntry print methods for future logging
P3 JDK-8016644 Improve UnsupportedClassVersionError message
P3 JDK-8157907 Incorrect inclusion of atomic.hpp instead of atomic.inline.hpp
P3 JDK-8130183 InnerClasses: VM permits wrong inner_class_info_index value of zero
P3 JDK-8139163 InstanceKlass::cast passes through NULL
P3 JDK-8187930 Integrate JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections
P3 JDK-8087223 InterfaceMethod CP entry pointing to a class should cause ICCE
P3 JDK-8079441 Intermittent failures on Windows with "Unexpected exit from test [exit code: 1080890248]" (0x406d1388)
P3 JDK-8146410 Interpreter functions are declared and defined in the wrong files
P3 JDK-8147379 Investigate if ConvertSleepToYield still should be false by default on Sparc
P3 JDK-8038468 java/lang/instrument/ fails with ClassCircularityError
P3 JDK-8164520 java/lang/ProcessHandle/ is missing @library tag
P3 JDK-8136439 javaw not reporting fatal error (-Xmx too large)
P3 JDK-8046133 JEP 143: Improve Contended Locking
P3 JDK-8046936 JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections
P3 JDK-8145098 JNI GetVersion should return JNI_VERSION_9
P3 JDK-8043217 JNI_CreateJavaVM hangs if we use dlopen() previously
P3 JDK-8048353 jstack -l crashes VM when a Java mirror for a primitive type is locked
P3 JDK-8076319 jstat verified class fix
P3 JDK-8072588 JVM crashes in JNI if toString is declared as an interface method
P3 JDK-6424123 JVM crashes on failed 'strdup' call.
P3 JDK-8145788 JVM crashes with -XX:+EnableTracing
P3 JDK-8140249 JVM Crashing During startUp If Flight Recording is enabled
P3 JDK-8152844 JVM InstanceKlass Methods For Obtaining Package/Module Should Be Moved to Klass
P3 JDK-8134161 JVM is creating too many GC helper threads on T7/M7 linux/sparc platform
P3 JDK-8160487 JVM should validate a module by checking for an instance of java.lang.reflect.Module
P3 JDK-8075118 JVM stuck in infinite loop during verification
P3 JDK-8035893 JVM_GetVersionInfo fails to zero structure
P3 JDK-8136552 Last argument wins does not work for special options with "-XX:VMOptionsFile" option
P3 JDK-8130425 libjvm crash due to stack overflow in executables with 32k tbss/tdata
P3 JDK-8133561 linux thread id should be reported in decimal in the error reports now
P3 JDK-8025692 Log what methods are touched at run-time
P3 JDK-8170936 Logging: LogFileOutput.invalid_file_test crashes when executed twice.
P3 JDK-8080718 Make -XX:CreateCoredumpOnCrash control core dumping in all cases
P3 JDK-8074354 Make CreateMinidumpOnCrash a new name and available on all platforms
P3 JDK-8162670 make of jtreg_tests fails if no tests are run, causing jprt test runs to also fail
P3 JDK-8059216 Make PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime print information about stopping threads
P3 JDK-8033735 make Throwable.backtrace visible to Class.getDeclaredField again
P3 JDK-8057109 manual cleanup of white space issues prior to Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
P3 JDK-8166454 meminfo(2) has been available since Solaris 9
P3 JDK-8132725 Memory leak in Arguments::add_property function
P3 JDK-8132892 Memory must be freed after calling Arguments::set_sysclasspath function
P3 JDK-8074717 Merge interp_masm files for x86 _32 and _64
P3 JDK-8013393 Merge template interpreter files for x86 _32 and _64
P3 JDK-8074718 Merge templateTable_x86 _32 and _64 .hpp files
P3 JDK-8170812 Metaspace corruption caused by incorrect memory size for MethodCounters
P3 JDK-8043630 Method os::yield_all() should be removed
P3 JDK-8169867 Method::restore_unshareable_info() does not invoke Method::link_method()
P3 JDK-8140274 methodHandles and constantPoolHandles should be passed as const references
P3 JDK-8068566 Migrating from 1.7 -> 1.8 caused language errors in method calls
P3 JDK-8166930 minor cleanups 1) remove reference to ZIP_ReadMappedEntry 2) checking of st_mode
P3 JDK-8156789 missing condition in ClassPathZipEntry::open_versioned_entry()
P3 JDK-8154145 Missing klass/method name in stack traces on error
P3 JDK-8165018 Missing memory barrier for PPC64 in Unsafe_GetObjectVolatile
P3 JDK-8149442 MonitorInUseLists should be on by default, deflate idle monitors taking too long
P3 JDK-8049105 Move array component mirror to instance of java/lang/Class (hotspot part 2)
P3 JDK-8067713 Move clean_weak_method_links for redefinition out of class unloading
P3 JDK-8164852 Move slow tier1/tier2 runtime tests to later tiers
P3 JDK-8148047 Move the vtable length field to Klass
P3 JDK-8068352 Move virtualspace.* out of src/share/vm/runtime to memory directory
P3 JDK-8064319 Need to enable -XX:+TraceExceptions in release builds
P3 JDK-8055007 NMT2: emptyStack missing in minimal build
P3 JDK-8032827 NMT: missing virtual memory tagging in os::workaround_expand_exec_shield_cs_limit()
P3 JDK-8166203 NoClassDefFoundError should not be thrown if class is in_error_state at link time
P3 JDK-8026977 NPG: Remove ConstantPool::lock
P3 JDK-8160180 NullPointerException accessing entry from getAllStackTraces() map
P3 JDK-8078399 Obsolete -Xoss, -Xsqnopause, -Xoptimize and -Xboundthreads options in JDK 9
P3 JDK-8131045 Obsolete JNIDetachReleasesMonitors
P3 JDK-8148005 One byte may be corrupted by get_datetime_string()
P3 JDK-8009444 Open GC log files with O_APPEND to allow external log rotation
P3 JDK-8074895 os::getenv is inadequate
P3 JDK-8154566 os_linux.cpp parse_os_info gives non descriptive output on current SLES releases
P3 JDK-8029178 Parallel class loading test anonymous-simple gets SIGSEGV in Metaspace::contains
P3 JDK-8134642 ParkEvent::RawThreadIdentity appears to be unused and should be removed.
P3 JDK-8036102 part of the fix for 6498581 lost in mismerge
P3 JDK-8170981 Possible access to char array with negative index
P3 JDK-8144197 Possible use after free in Arguments::add_property function
P3 JDK-8072147 Preloading libjsig.dylib causes deadlock when signal() is called
P3 JDK-8162415 Print a warning for module related properties that get ignored.
P3 JDK-8064814 Print more helpful error message when getting OOM due to low Java Heap base when running with CompressedOops
P3 JDK-8133984 print_compressed_class_space() is only defined in 64-bit VM
P3 JDK-8152468 PrintMiscellaneous in constantPool.cpp that should use logging
P3 JDK-8049684 pstack crashes on java core dump
P3 JDK-8165730 quarantine anonymous classloader tests
P3 JDK-8164731 Quarantine failing tests
P3 JDK-8153206 Quarantine heapdump/JMapHeap until JDK-8149790 has been fixed
P3 JDK-8159981 Quarantine vm/runtime/defmeth/scenarios/Stress_* tests
P3 JDK-8160892 Race at the VM exit causes "WaitForMultipleObjects timed out"
P3 JDK-8028073 race condition in ObjectMonitor implementation causing deadlocks
P3 JDK-8172169 Re-examine String field optionality
P3 JDK-8150778 Reduce Throwable.getStackTrace() calls to the JVM
P3 JDK-8149018 ReentrantReadWriteLock can't enter into 'read' lock with no 'write' locks
P3 JDK-8144534 Refactor templateInterpreter and templateInterpreterGenerator functions
P3 JDK-8170847 Refactor trace/traceStream.hpp
P3 JDK-8133885 Reimplement Runtime tracing code in Unified Logging framework (phase 1)
P3 JDK-8146936 Reimplement runtime tracing code in Unified Logging framework (phase 2)
P3 JDK-8168796 relax vm options checking during CDS dump time
P3 JDK-8153071 Remove client testing from JPRT
P3 JDK-8143255 Remove debug logging from SymbolTable::unlink() and SymbolTable::possibly_parallel_unlink()
P3 JDK-8036128 Remove deprecated VM flag UseVMInterruptibleIO
P3 JDK-8149850 Remove HandleAllocationLimit and TotalHandleAllocationLimit when removing TraceHandleAllocation
P3 JDK-8156882 Remove hotspot/test/testlibrary/whitebox
P3 JDK-8165889 Remove jdk.test.lib.unsafe.UnsafeHelper
P3 JDK-8143078 Remove JVM_DefineClassWithSourceCond() API
P3 JDK-8073423 Remove LazyClassPathEntry support if no longer needed
P3 JDK-8068687 Remove meta-index support and cleanup hotspot code for rt.jar etc in non-modular jdk image
P3 JDK-8135284 Remove Method::_method_size field
P3 JDK-6983747 Remove obsolete dl_mutex lock
P3 JDK-8075216 Remove old flags, regarding to JDK9, from obsolete_jvm_flags
P3 JDK-8163146 Remove os::check_heap on Windows
P3 JDK-8163289 Remove SA-JDI from tests
P3 JDK-8038473 Remove support for old T1 libthread
P3 JDK-8146850 Remove TraceHandleAllocation rather than converting to UL
P3 JDK-8146849 Remove TraceJNIHandleAllocation rather than converting to UL
P3 JDK-8143155 Remove TraceRuntimeCalls, TraceJNICalls and TraceJVMCalls rather than convert to UL
P3 JDK-8153742 Remove unnecessary thread.inline.hpp includes
P3 JDK-8171809 Remove unused CDS code from JDK 9
P3 JDK-8068592 Remove unused code in objectMonitor.hpp
P3 JDK-6313046 Remove unused frame::native_param_addr code
P3 JDK-8030076 remove unused runtime related code
P3 JDK-8078211 Rename ExtraSharedSymbolsFile to SharedArchiveConfigFile
P3 JDK-8153876 Replace 4K stack allocations with Resource allocations
P3 JDK-8132510 Replace ThreadLocalStorage with compiler/language-based thread-local variables
P3 JDK-7102541 RFE: os::set_native_thread_name() cleanups
P3 JDK-8076161 Runtime stub for throw_null_pointer_exception always constructs log messages
P3 JDK-6515172 Runtime.availableProcessors() ignores Linux taskset command
P3 JDK-8055051 runtime/NMT/ fails
P3 JDK-8165537 runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ fails with NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8154457 runtime/SharedArchiveFile/SharedStrings Shared string table stats missing
P3 JDK-8144629 runtime/thread/ test should ran in othervm mode
P3 JDK-8141641 Runtime: implement range for ErrorLogTimeout
P3 JDK-8151560 Safepoint logging has mismatch between command line level and printed level
P3 JDK-8154580 Save mirror in interpreter frame to enable cleanups of CLDClosure
P3 JDK-8173163 searching for a versioned entry in a multi-release jar in hotspot is inconsistent with java code
P3 JDK-8140520 segfault on solaris-amd64 with "-XX:VMThreadStackSize=1" option
P3 JDK-8169551 Segfaults in error traces when module version is null
P3 JDK-8165215 Setting same UL tag multiple times matches wrong tagset
P3 JDK-8157090 SharedArchiveFile/ fails as space utilization is below 30 percent
P3 JDK-8028497 SIGSEGV at ClassLoaderData::oops_do(OopClosure*, KlassClosure*, bool)
P3 JDK-8140665 SIGSEGV when a primitive type's class is used as the host class in a call to DefineAnonymousClass call
P3 JDK-8129526 Solaris: clean up another remnant of interruptible I/O
P3 JDK-8160997 Solaris: deprecated and interfaces should be replaced
P3 JDK-8079301 Some command line options not settable via JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
P3 JDK-8148195 Some InstanceKlass and MethodCounters fields can be excluded when JVMTI is not supported
P3 JDK-8055146 Split Verifier incorrectly throws VerifyError for getstatic of an array field
P3 JDK-8152404 Stabilize PackageEntry::package_exports_do
P3 JDK-8166064 StackWalker implementation added logging option without using UL
P3 JDK-8130332 StarvationMonitorInterval, PreInflateSpin, VerifyGenericSignatures and CountInterpCalls VM Options can be deprecated or removed in JDK 9
P3 JDK-8165634 Support multiple --add-modules options on the command line
P3 JDK-8145940 TempNewSymbol should have correct copy and assignment functions
P3 JDK-8148766 Test got wrong number of processors
P3 JDK-8058093 Test nsk/stress/jck60/jck60014: assert in src/share/vm/oops/constantPool.cpp: should not be resolved otherwise
P3 JDK-8036547 test/runtime/CompressedOops/ fails with product build since -XX:+PrintMiscellaneous is a debug only flag
P3 JDK-8144578 TestOptionsWithRanges test only ever uses the default collector
P3 JDK-8080446 The change for 8074354 removed the server check when creating minidumps on Windows
P3 JDK-8163406 The fixup_module_list must be protected by Module_lock when inserting new entries
P3 JDK-8147500 The HashtableTextDump::get_num() should check for integer overflow
P3 JDK-8146551 The output from -Xlog:classresolve=info looks not useful
P3 JDK-8071962 The SA code needs to be updated to support Symbol lookup from the shared archive
P3 JDK-8038332 The trace event vm/class/load is not always being sent
P3 JDK-8130448 thread dump improvements, comment additions, new diagnostics inspired by 8077392
P3 JDK-8029630 Thread id should be displayed as hex number in error report
P3 JDK-6546236 Thread interrupt() of Thread.sleep() can be lost on Solaris due to race with signal handler
P3 JDK-6498581 ThreadInterruptTest3 produces wrong output on Windows
P3 JDK-8152065 TraceBytecodes breaks the interpreter expression stack
P3 JDK-8031376 TraceClassLoading expects there to be a (Java) caller when you load a class with the bootstrap class loader
P3 JDK-8132904 Type checking verifier fails to reject assignment from array to an interface
P3 JDK-8165014 Unaligned unsafe access should throw InternalError on Solaris
P3 JDK-8135097 Unmap failure for executable memory on windows
P3 JDK-8073861 Unused VM Options in JDK9 HotSpot
P3 JDK-8148785 Update class file version to 53 for JDK-9
P3 JDK-8154110 Update class* and safepoint* logging subsystems
P3 JDK-8071530 Update OS detection code to reflect Windows 10 version change
P3 JDK-8075966 Update ProjectCreator to create projects using Visual Studio 2013 toolset
P3 JDK-8060169 Update the Crash Reporting URL in the Java crash log
P3 JDK-8153498 Update the PostVMInitHook mechanism to use an internal package in the base module
P3 JDK-8059803 Update use of GetVersionEx to get correct Windows version in hs_err files
P3 JDK-8169734 Update uses of string "java.base" to macro
P3 JDK-8147461 Use byte offsets for vtable start and vtable length offsets
P3 JDK-8043780 Use open(O_CLOEXEC) instead of fcntl(FD_CLOEXEC)
P3 JDK-8171924 Use SIZE_FORMAT to print size_t values.
P3 JDK-8145221 Use trampolines for i2i and i2c entries in Methods that are stored in CDS archive
P3 JDK-8154976 UseSharedSpaces error message is incomplete
P3 JDK-8042059 Various fixes to linux/sparc
P3 JDK-8146523 VirtualMemoryTracker::remove_released_region double count unmapped CDS shared memory
P3 JDK-8066875 VirtualSpace does not use large pages
P3 JDK-8146098 Visual Studio build fails after SA restructure
P3 JDK-8163973 VM Anonymous classes should not call Class File Load Hooks
P3 JDK-8076110 VM crash when class is redefined with Instrumentation.redefineClasses
P3 JDK-8038268 VM Crashes in MetaspaceShared::generate_vtable_methods while creating CDS archive with limiting SharedMiscCodeSize
P3 JDK-8146616 VM exit path throws fatal error: Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on: BeforeExit_lock
P3 JDK-8170548 VM may crash at startup because StdoutLog/StderrLog logging stream can be badly aligned
P3 JDK-8145127 VM warning: WaitForMultipleObjects timed out (0) ...
P3 JDK-8042660 vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/byteMutation failed with: assert(index >=0 && index < _length) failed: symbol index overflow
P3 JDK-8081012 vm/mlvm/cp/stress/classfmt/incorrectBootstrap fails with IllegalAccessError: no such method: Dummy.bootstrapInstance
P3 JDK-8151939 VM_Version_init() print buffer is too small
P3 JDK-8148813 Windows os::check_heap needs more information
P3 JDK-8169373 Work around linux NPTL stack guard error
P3 JDK-8152856 Xcode 7.3 -Wshift-negative-value compile failure on Mac OS X
P3 JDK-8170767 Zero fastdebug build triggers assertion
P3 JDK-8075967 Zero interpreter asserts for SafeFetch<32,N> calls in ObjectMonitor
P4 JDK-8062307 'Reference handler' thread triggers assert w/ TraceThreadEvents
P4 JDK-6191224 (reflect) Misleading detail string in IllegalArgumentException thrown by Array.get
P4 JDK-8043224 -Xcheck:jni improvements to exception checking and excessive local refs
P4 JDK-8048933 -XX:+TraceExceptions output should include the message
P4 JDK-8064749 -XX:-UseCompilerSafepoints breaks safepoint rendezvous
P4 JDK-8156929 [aix] Add missing includes.
P4 JDK-8079125 [aix] clean up Linux-specific code remnants in AIX coding
P4 JDK-8159056 [aix] Compressed class space not allocated in lower regions
P4 JDK-8143125 [aix] Further Developments for AIX
P4 JDK-8154996 [aix] Implement compare_file_modified_times for "8146879: Add option ..."
P4 JDK-8145184 [aix] Implement os::platform_print_native_stack on AIX
P4 JDK-8145103 [aix] implement os::print_register_info()
P4 JDK-8140645 [aix] Recent Developments for AIX
P4 JDK-8144343 [aix] Stack bottom should be page aligned
P4 JDK-8153673 [BACKOUT] JDWP: Memory Leak: GlobalRefs never deleted when processing invokeMethod command
P4 JDK-8087120 [GCC5] java.lang.StackOverflowError on Zero JVM initialization on non x86 platforms
P4 JDK-8078513 [linux] Clean up code relevant to LinuxThreads implementation.
P4 JDK-8170655 [posix] Fix minimum stack size computations
P4 JDK-8144219 [posix] Remove redundant code around os::print_siginfo()
P4 JDK-8155085 [ppc] Fix Type-O in "8154580: Save mirror in interpreter frame..."
P4 JDK-8156923 [ppc] Implement "JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections".
P4 JDK-8156922 [ppc] Implement template interpreter stack overflow checks as on x86/sparc.
P4 JDK-8144192 [windows] Enhancements to os::print_siginfo()
P4 JDK-8150379 [windows] Fix Leaks in perfMemory_windows.cpp
P4 JDK-8081289 aarch64: add support for RewriteFrequentPairs in interpreter
P4 JDK-8167200 AArch64: Broken stack pointer adjustment in interpreter
P4 JDK-8160969 AArch64: CDS is broken after 8079507
P4 JDK-8170100 AArch64: Crash in C1-compiled code accessing References
P4 JDK-8182581 aarch64: fix for crash caused by earlyret of compiled method
P4 JDK-8129584 AARCH64: Fix required for aarch64 after 8122937
P4 JDK-8156731 aarch64: java/util/Arrays/ fails due to _generic_arraycopy stub routine
P4 JDK-8148328 aarch64: redundant lsr instructions in stub code
P4 JDK-8170098 AArch64: VM is extremely slow with JVMTI debugging enabled
P4 JDK-8166970 Adapt mutex padding according to DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
P4 JDK-8135198 Add -XX:VMOptionsFile support to JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and _JAVA_OPTIONS
P4 JDK-8046715 Add a way to verify an extended set of command line options
P4 JDK-8064779 Add additional comments for "8062370: Various minor code improvements"
P4 JDK-8031151 Add basic CDS tests
P4 JDK-8146632 Add descriptive error messages for removed non-product logging flags.
P4 JDK-8053995 Add method to WhiteBox to get vm pagesize.
P4 JDK-8156156 Add module specific NMT MemoryType
P4 JDK-8141615 Add new public methods to sun.reflect.ConstantPool
P4 JDK-8037295 Add size_t versions of Atomic::add, dec, and inc
P4 JDK-8146485 Add test for classresolve logging tag
P4 JDK-8149036 Add tracing for thread related events at os level
P4 JDK-8160565 AIX port: cleanup of libo4 wrapper stub, add new structure to libperfstat_aix
P4 JDK-8036777 AIX: Adapt implementation after '6546236: Thread interrupt() of Thread.sleep() can be lost on Solaris..'
P4 JDK-8076057 aix: After 8075506, aix does not support large pages.
P4 JDK-8034797 AIX: Fix os::naked_short_sleep() in os_aix.cpp after 8028280
P4 JDK-8131054 aix: fix two minor issues: large page size and hs_err printing.
P4 JDK-8076212 AllocateHeap() and ReallocateHeap() should be inlined.
P4 JDK-8153743 AllocateHeap() and ReallocateHeap() should use ALWAYSINLINE macro
P4 JDK-8031427 AllocObject and Unsafe.allocateInstance segfault for primitive types
P4 JDK-8048150 Allow easy configurations for large CDS archives
P4 JDK-8033792 AltHashing used jint for imprecise bit shifting
P4 JDK-8040292 Annotation attributes must not appear more than once
P4 JDK-8072055 Argument checking for SE Embedded and ARM should be moved out of arguments.cpp
P4 JDK-8030955 assert(_prologue != NULL) failed: prologue pointer must be initialized
P4 JDK-8130135 backout 8087143 (2 bytes Symbol::_identity_hash) due to failures in 8130115
P4 JDK-8131715 backout the fix for JDK-8079359 when JDK-8077392 is fixed
P4 JDK-8141496 BitMap set operations copy their other BitMap argument
P4 JDK-6536943 Bogus -Xcheck:jni warning for SIG_INT action for SIGINT in JVM started from non-interactive shell
P4 JDK-8046611 Build errors with gcc on sparc/fastdebug
P4 JDK-8076181 bytecodeInterpreter.cpp refers to unknown labels.
P4 JDK-8132969 C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier
P4 JDK-8147910 Cache initial active_processor_count
P4 JDK-8056175 Change "8048150: Allow easy configurations for large CDS archives" triggers conversion warning with older GCC
P4 JDK-8048169 Change 8037816 breaks HS build on PPC64 and CPP-Interpreter platforms
P4 JDK-8153026 Change logging tag 'verboseverification' to 'verification'
P4 JDK-8146683 check_addr0 should be more efficient
P4 JDK-8027146 Class loading verification failure if GC occurs in Universe::flush_dependents_on
P4 JDK-8061962 classFileParser.cpp.orig got erroneously added to the hotspot source repository
P4 JDK-8057846 ClassVerifier::change_sig_to_verificationType temporary symbol creation code is hot
P4 JDK-8057845 ClassVerifier::verify_exception_handler_targets reconstructs the ExceptionTable in a loop
P4 JDK-8029567 Clean up linkResolver code
P4 JDK-8038201 Clean up misleading usage of malloc() in init_system_properties_values()
P4 JDK-8146401 Clean up oop.hpp: add inline directives and fix header files
P4 JDK-8080298 Clean up os::...::supports_variable_stack_size()
P4 JDK-8144536 Clean up Unified Logging test directory
P4 JDK-8059474 Clean up vm/utilities/Bitmap type uses
P4 JDK-8081406 cleanup and minor extensions of the debugging facilities in CodeStrings
P4 JDK-8062851 cleanup ObjectMonitor offset adjustments
P4 JDK-8146905 cleanup ostream, staticBufferStream
P4 JDK-8046607 Code cleanup: PerfMemory::backing_store_filename() should be removed
P4 JDK-8143615 compactHashtable.hpp includes oop.inline.hpp file
P4 JDK-8139268 CompactStrings flag handling without extending the JVM interface
P4 JDK-8158565 Consider to clean up classresolve "info" level msgs
P4 JDK-8139203 Consistent naming for klass type predicates
P4 JDK-8061553 Contended Locking fast enter bucket
P4 JDK-8049737 Contended Locking reorder and cache line bucket
P4 JDK-8061552 Contended Locking speedup PlatformEvent unpark bucket
P4 JDK-8149995 Convert TraceClassLoadingPreorder to Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8150085 Convert TraceClearedExceptions to Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8149996 Convert TraceLoaderConstraints to Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8150084 Convert TraceMonitorMismatch to Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8150083 Convert VerboseVerification to Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8025842 Convert warning("Thread holding lock at safepoint that vm can block on") to fatal(...)
P4 JDK-6583051 crash when adding non-static methods to java.lang.Object class
P4 JDK-8129446 crash when reporting corrupted classfile
P4 JDK-8145320 Create unsafe_arraycopy and generic_arraycopy for AArch64
P4 JDK-8027113 decouple the '-XXaltjvm=' option from the gamma launcher
P4 JDK-8145235 Deprecate product flags that have been converted to Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8130728 Disable WorkAroundNPTLTimedWaitHang by default
P4 JDK-8140424 don't prefix developer and notproduct flag variables with CONST_ in product builds
P4 JDK-8030808 dtrace/hotspot/Monitors/Monitors001 fails in product builds on solaris-sparc
P4 JDK-8039904 dtrace/hotspot/Monitors/Monitors001 fails with "assert(s > 0) failed: Bad size calculated"
P4 JDK-8066821 Enhance command line processing to manage deprecating and obsoleting -XX command line arguements
P4 JDK-8043896 Error reporting for insufficient shared region size is incorrect
P4 JDK-8143558 evaluate if thr_sigsetmask can be removed from hotspot (solaris) codebase
P4 JDK-8138562 Event based tracing should cover monitor inflation
P4 JDK-8149023 Event based tracing should cover safepoint begin and end
P4 JDK-8049717 expose L1_data_cache_line_size for diagnostic/sanity checks
P4 JDK-8023697 failed class resolution reports different class name in detail message for the first and subsequent times
P4 JDK-8151805 fatal error: heap walk aborted with error 1
P4 JDK-8055754 filemap.cpp does not compile with clang
P4 JDK-8039146 Fix 64-bit store to int JNIHandleBlock::_top
P4 JDK-8154921 Fix aix after "8146879: Add option for handling existing log files in UL"
P4 JDK-8138733 Fix build: gcc < 4.8 doesn't grok -Wno-format-zero-length added in 8080775
P4 JDK-8160189 Fix for 8159335 breaks AArch64
P4 JDK-8172721 Fix for 8172144 breaks AArch64 build
P4 JDK-8157141 Fix for JDK-8031290 is unnecessarily fragile
P4 JDK-8048128 Fix for Solaris Studio C++ 5.13, CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS breaks PPC build
P4 JDK-8141529 Fix handling of _JAVA_SR_SIGNUM
P4 JDK-8139040 Fix initializations before ShouldNotReachHere() etc. and enable -Wuninitialized on linux.
P4 JDK-8135002 Fix or remove broken links in objectMonitor.cpp comments
P4 JDK-8150688 Fix os_windows siglabel
P4 JDK-8130036 Fix problems with imprecise C++ coding
P4 JDK-8159335 Fix problems with stack overflow handling.
P4 JDK-8153835 Fix range of flag MaxDirectMemorySize which is parsed at jlong.
P4 JDK-8039805 Fix the signature of the global new/delete operators in allocation.cpp
P4 JDK-8043925 Fix typo in verifier.cpp
P4 JDK-8085975 Fix warning "converting to jlong from double" of gcc 4.1.2 after 8079561
P4 JDK-8135298 Fix zero builds for "unknown" architectures on linux.
P4 JDK-8141570 Fix Zero interpreter build for --disable-precompiled-headers
P4 JDK-8139116 Fixes for warning "format not a string literal"
P4 JDK-8143628 Fork sun.misc.Unsafe and jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe native method tables
P4 JDK-8068655 frame::safe_for_sender() computes incorrect sender_sp value for interpreted frames
P4 JDK-8140663 FrameValue might be used uninitialized
P4 JDK-8072439 Further refinement of the fix JDK-8047720 - Xprof hangs on Solaris
P4 JDK-8144930 gcc 4.1.2: fix build flags after "8114853 variable tracking size limit exceeded"
P4 JDK-8143215 gcc 4.1.2: fix three issues breaking the build.
P4 JDK-8136525 Generate interpreter entries only once and avoid unnecessary jump to jump
P4 JDK-7008747 Header files with conditional behaviour can not be precompiled
P4 JDK-8081202 Hotspot compile warning: "Invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and identifier"
P4 JDK-8056039 Hotspot does not compile with clang 3.4 on Linux
P4 JDK-8044738 HotSpot must check attribute_length of EnclosingMethod attribute
P4 JDK-8026324 hs_err improvement: Add summary section to hs_err file
P4 JDK-8035074 hs_err improvement: Add time zone information in the hs_err file
P4 JDK-8026335 hs_err improvement: Print exact compressed oops mode and the heap base value.
P4 JDK-8026333 hs_err improvement: Print GC Strategy
P4 JDK-8026331 hs_err improvement: Print if we have seen any OutOfMemoryErrors or StackOverflowErrors
P4 JDK-8059586 hs_err report should treat redirected core pattern.
P4 JDK-8132953 imageDecompressor.hpp should not include precompiled.hpp
P4 JDK-8160484 Implement Hotspot Runtime tier 2
P4 JDK-8067015 Implement os::pd_map_memory() on AIX
P4 JDK-8049158 Improve Contended Locking Development
P4 JDK-8087133 Improve sharing of native wrappers in SignatureHandlerLibrary
P4 JDK-8067306 Improve STATIC_ASSERT
P4 JDK-8150619 Improve thread based logging introduced with 8149036
P4 JDK-8026894 Improve VerifyError message about overriding a final method
P4 JDK-8145247 incorrect comment in SystemDictionary::load_shared_class
P4 JDK-8055289 Internal Error: mallocTracker.cpp:146 fatal error: Should not use malloc for big memory block, use virtual memory instead
P4 JDK-8133646 Internal Error: x86/vm/macroAssembler_x86.cpp:886 DEBUG MESSAGE: StubRoutines::call_stub: threads must correspond
P4 JDK-8035396 Introduce accessor for tmp_oop in frame.
P4 JDK-8064457 Introduce compressed oops mode "disjoint base" and improve compressed heap handling.
P4 JDK-8042195 Introduce umbrella header orderAccess.inline.hpp
P4 JDK-8028749 java -version crashes with 'fatal error: heap walk aborted with error 1'
P4 JDK-8057696 java -version triggers assertion for slowdebug zero builds
P4 JDK-8042885 java does not take hexadecimal number as vm option
P4 JDK-8027314 Java should recognize Diagnostic options if -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions is not specified and print an informative message
P4 JDK-8069046 jcmd/gc/heap_dump/* should be unquarantined
P4 JDK-8148945 JDK-8148481: Devirtualize Klass::vtable breaks Zero build
P4 JDK-8145015 jni_GetStringCritical asserts for empty strings
P4 JDK-6651256 jstack: DeleteGlobalRef method call doesn't lead to descreasing of global refs count shown by jstack
P4 JDK-8139069 JVM should throw ClassFormatError for methods in interfaces
P4 JDK-8139164 JVM should throw ClassFormatError for non-void methods named
P4 JDK-8143584 Load constant pool tag and class status with load acquire
P4 JDK-8132242 LogTouchedMethods (8025692) asserts if TieredCompilation is off.
P4 JDK-8015272 Make @Contended within the same group to use the same oop map
P4 JDK-8136577 Make AbortVMOnException available in product builds
P4 JDK-8076492 Make common code from template interpreter code
P4 JDK-8080925 Make error log write timeout parameter configurable
P4 JDK-8047290 Make Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag locks verify that this lock never checks for safepoint
P4 JDK-8075288 malloc without free in VM_PopulateDumpSharedSpace::doit()
P4 JDK-8148470 Metadata print routines should not print to tty
P4 JDK-8061205 MetadataOnStackMark only needs to walk code cache during class redefinition
P4 JDK-8056971 Minor class loading clean-up
P4 JDK-8154715 Missing destructor and/or TLS clearing calls for terminating threads
P4 JDK-8143285 Missing load acquire when checking if ConstantPoolCacheEntry is resolved
P4 JDK-8074543 Missing symbol "objArrayOopDesc::obj_at" when buiding with CPP Interpreter
P4 JDK-8076475 Misuses of strncpy/strncat
P4 JDK-8047737 Move array component mirror to instance of java/lang/Class
P4 JDK-8064580 Move INCLUDE_CDS include section to the end of the include list
P4 JDK-8077618 Move rtmLocking.cpp to shared directory.
P4 JDK-8150079 MSVC prior to VS 2013 doesn't know the 'va_copy' macro
P4 JDK-8136978 Much nearly duplicated code for vmError support
P4 JDK-8086027 Multiple STATIC_ASSERTs at class scope doesn't work
P4 JDK-8072128 mutexLocker.cpp _mutex_array[] initialization broken with safepoint check change
P4 JDK-8058255 Native jbyte Atomic::cmpxchg for supported x86 platforms
P4 JDK-8072694 Need errno info when CDS archive creation fails
P4 JDK-8006280 Need to reorder metadata structures to reduce size (64-bit)
P4 JDK-8167650 NMT should check for invalid MEMFLAGS.
P4 JDK-8054546 NMT2 leaks memory
P4 JDK-8031820 NPG: Fix remaining references to metadata as oops in comments
P4 JDK-8004128 NPG: remove stackwalking in Threads::gc_prologue and gc_epilogue code
P4 JDK-8054368 nsk/jdi/VirtualMachine/exit/exit002 crash with detail tracking on (NMT2)
P4 JDK-8162348 nsk/jvmti/ tests fail with "Could not find agent library ... on the library path"
P4 JDK-8036630 Null ProtectionDomain in JVM can cause NPE because principals field is not initialized to an empty array
P4 JDK-8060449 Obsolete command line flags accept arbitrary appendix
P4 JDK-8077308 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: increase O_BUFLEN in ostream.hpp -- output truncated
P4 JDK-8144201 openjdk aarch64: jdk/test/com/sun/net/httpserver/ fails with --enable-unlimited-crypto
P4 JDK-8060074 os::free() takes MemoryTrackingLevel but doesn't need it
P4 JDK-8065788 os::reserve_memory() on Windows should not assert that allocation size is aligned to OS allocation granularity
P4 JDK-8056930 Output host info under some condition for core dump
P4 JDK-8152207 Perform array bound checks while getting a length of bytecode instructions
P4 JDK-8064471 Port 8013895: G1: G1SummarizeRSetStats output on Linux needs improvement to AIX
P4 JDK-8005262 possible gamma launcher issues
P4 JDK-8154867 PPC64: Better byte behavior
P4 JDK-8168083 PPC64: Cleanup template interpreter after 8154580 and 8154867
P4 JDK-8145292 PPC64: fix build after "8046936: JEP 270: Reserved Stack Areas for Critical Sections"
P4 JDK-8080684 PPC64: Fix little-endian build after "8077838: Recent developments for ppc"
P4 JDK-8050942 PPC64: implement template interpreter for ppc64le
P4 JDK-8036976 PPC64: implement the template interpreter
P4 JDK-8154156 PPC64: improve array copy stubs by using vector instructions
P4 JDK-8145117 PPC64: Remove cpp interpreter implementation
P4 JDK-8145528 PPC64: Remove cpp interpreter implementation - part II
P4 JDK-8036767 PPC64: Support for little endian execution model
P4 JDK-8144847 PPC64: Update Transactional Memory and Atomic::cmpxchg code
P4 JDK-8139258 PPC64LE: argument passing problem when passing 15 floats in native call
P4 JDK-8139734 ppc: fix build after “8078556: Runtime: implement ranges…”
P4 JDK-8076163 ppc: port "8074345: Enable RewriteBytecodes when VM runs with CDS"
P4 JDK-8146187 Print develop and nonproduct flags by -XX:+PrintFlags* options in debug build
P4 JDK-8144853 Print the names of callees in PrintAssembly/PrintInterpreter
P4 JDK-8057925 PrintSymbolTableSizeHistogram prints misleading output
P4 JDK-8141501 Problems with BitMap buffer management
P4 JDK-8076185 Provide SafeFetch implementation for zero
P4 JDK-8054547 Re-enable warning for incompatible java launcher
P4 JDK-8187927 Record integration information
P4 JDK-8130115 REDO - Reduce Symbol::_identity_hash to 2 bytes
P4 JDK-8087143 Reduce Symbol::_identity_hash to 2 bytes
P4 JDK-8141068 refactor -XXFlags= code in preparation for removal
P4 JDK-8143269 Refactor code in universe_post_init that sets up methods to upcall
P4 JDK-8056084 Refactor Hashtable to allow implementations without rehashing support
P4 JDK-8058345 Refactor native stack printing from vmError.cpp to debug.cpp to make it available in gdb as well
P4 JDK-8142976 Reimplement TraceClassInitialization with Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8144874 Reimplement TraceClassResolution with Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8040018 Remove bad assert in ClassFileParser.cpp
P4 JDK-8068975 Remove deprecated methods on sun.misc.Unsafe and clean up native implementation
P4 JDK-8079091 Remove dictionary NULL check on common path of BlockFreeList methods
P4 JDK-8144921 Remove JDK6_OR_EARLIER code from os_windows
P4 JDK-8028737 Remove JVM_AccessVMIntFlag / JVM_AccessVMBooleanFlag / JVM_VMBreakPoint
P4 JDK-8047736 Remove JVM_GetClassLoader as no longer used
P4 JDK-8031819 Remove legacy jdk checks and code
P4 JDK-8048521 Remove obsolete code from os_windows.cpp/hpp
P4 JDK-8138923 Remove oop coupling with InstanceKlass subclasses
P4 JDK-8041415 remove port.{cpp,hpp} files
P4 JDK-8098791 Remove PrintClassStatistics and PrintMethodStatistics
P4 JDK-8146947 Remove PrintOopAddress rather than converting to UL
P4 JDK-8155639 Remove STEP numbers from error reporting
P4 JDK-8054494 Remove sun.misc.Unsafe.monitorEnter, monitorExit and tryMonitorEnter
P4 JDK-8074457 Remove the non-Zero CPP Interpreter
P4 JDK-8145725 Remove the WorkAroundNPTLTimedWaitHang workaround
P4 JDK-8153967 Remove top.hpp
P4 JDK-8079216 Remove undefined method oopDesc::is_null(Klass *).
P4 JDK-8149096 Remove unused code in methodComparator
P4 JDK-8151304 Remove unused develop options(ClearInterpreterLocals and others)
P4 JDK-8150506 Remove unused locks
P4 JDK-8068977 Remove unused sun.misc.Unsafe prefetch intrinsic support
P4 JDK-8034171 Remove use of template template parameters from binaryTreeDictionary.
P4 JDK-8003426 Remove UseFastAccessors and UseFastEmptyMethods except for zero
P4 JDK-8061618 Removed unused networking functions from os class
P4 JDK-8068396 Rename assert() to vmassert()
P4 JDK-8146800 Reorganize logging alias code.
P4 JDK-8072863 Replace fatal() with vm_exit_during_initialization() when an incorrect class is found on the bootclasspath
P4 JDK-8049104 resolve atomic.hpp wording issues from JDK-8047104 code review
P4 JDK-8149557 Resource mark breaks printing to string stream
P4 JDK-6961433 Revisit need to disable Windows C++ compiler optimisation of sharedRuntimeTrig.cpp
P4 JDK-8043680 RFE - add debugging info for ByteMutation and other MLVM vm testbase tests
P4 JDK-7012961 runtime/jni/WindowsExceptionFilter/WindowsExceptionFilter01 crashes on windows-amd64
P4 JDK-8054888 Runtime: Add Diagnostic Command that prints the class hierarchy
P4 JDK-8042894 runtime: PRAGMA_FORMAT_MUTE_WARNINGS_FOR_GCC needs to be removed from source files
P4 JDK-8074552 SafeFetch32 and SafeFetchN do not work in error handling
P4 JDK-8160361 SEGV occurred at JNIHandleBlock::oops_do(OopClosure*)
P4 JDK-8038654 Separate SymbolTable and StringTable code
P4 JDK-8139765 set_numeric_flag can call Flag::find_flag to determine the flag type
P4 JDK-6762191 Setting stack size to 16K causes segmentation fault
P4 JDK-8132232 Signature mismatch between declaration and definition of PosixSemaphore::timedwait
P4 JDK-8161259 Simplify including platform files.
P4 JDK-8162869 Small fixes for AIX perf memory and attach listener
P4 JDK-8041620 Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13 change in behavior for placing friend declarations within surrounding scope
P4 JDK-8041627 Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13 compilation error due to lack of "surplus" prototype for binaryTreeDictionary.cpp
P4 JDK-8041623 Solaris Studio 12.4 C++ 5.13, CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS use of class oop's copy constructor definitions causing error level diagnostic
P4 JDK-7092838 Some tests timeout with fastdebug bits
P4 JDK-8138659 Speed up InstanceKlass subclass discrimination
P4 JDK-8036823 Stack trace sometimes shows 'locked' instead of 'waiting to lock'
P4 JDK-8148425 strerror() function is not thread-safe
P4 JDK-8005521 StressMethodComparator is not thread-safe
P4 JDK-8074860 Structured Exception Catcher missing around CreateJavaVM on Windows
P4 JDK-8155819 Support non-continuous CodeBlobs in HotSpot broke Zero
P4 JDK-8155949 Support relaxed semantics in cmpxchg
P4 JDK-8025580 Temporary flags: UseNewReflection and ReflectionWrapResolutionErrors
P4 JDK-8032024 Test not added for bug 8025937: assert(existing_f1 == NULL || existing_f1 == f1) failed: illegal field,change
P4 JDK-8058843 TEST.groups has runtime/runtime/7158988/
P4 JDK-8057745 TEST_BUG: runtime/SharedArchiveFile/ fails with openjdk build
P4 JDK-8028553 The JVM should not throw VerifyError when 'overriding' a static final method in a superclass.
P4 JDK-8060256 The loop in Arguments::parse() can be enhanced
P4 JDK-8016903 Thread::_handle_area initial size too big
P4 JDK-8156181 UL: File size limit on 32 bit Linux
P4 JDK-8098517 Unprotected PrintMalloc in os::realloc
P4 JDK-8165771 Unquarantine tests after JDK-8164561 is fixed
P4 JDK-8044339 Update FilterSpuriousWakeups documentation. Review "Solaris only" vm options descriptions
P4 JDK-8150490 Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2016
P4 JDK-8141445 Use of Solaris/SPARC M7 can generate unknown signal in hs_err file
P4 JDK-8168490 Use the LL/ULL suffixes to define 64-bit integer literals on Windows
P4 JDK-8144702 Using tid decorator in Unified Logging may crash VM
P4 JDK-8025550 valgrind: Conditional jump depends on uninitialised value in Arena::set_size_in_bytes()
P4 JDK-8062370 Various minor code improvements
P4 JDK-8140482 Various minor code improvements (runtime)
P4 JDK-8059595 Verifier::verify is wasting time before is_eligible_for_verification check
P4 JDK-8145740 Visual Studio pragmas should be guarded by #ifdef _MSC_VER
P4 JDK-8065050 vm crashes during CDS dump when very small SharedMiscDataSize is specified
P4 JDK-8026300 VM warning: increase O_BUFLEN in ostream.hpp -- output truncated occurs with fastdebug VM when printing flags
P4 JDK-7182040 volano29 limited by os resource on Linux - need better diagnostic message
P4 JDK-8150426 Wrong cast in metadata_at_put
P4 JDK-6811960 x86 biasedlocking epoch expired rare bug
P4 JDK-8058827 XCode 6.0 (Clang) warning "operator new' should not return a null pointer unless..."
P4 JDK-8047720 Xprof hangs on Solaris
P4 JDK-8151623 Zap freed Metaspace chunks in non-product binaries
P4 JDK-8147482 Zero build fails after 8144953
P4 JDK-8152440 Zero build fails after JDK-8146801
P4 JDK-8143245 Zero build requires disabled warnings
P4 JDK-8067231 Zero builds fails after JDK-6898462
P4 JDK-8078504 Zero fails to build
P4 JDK-8146085 Zero fails to build after 8139864
P4 JDK-8141140 Zero JVM fails to initialize after JDK-8078554
P4 JDK-8153275 Zero JVM fails to initialize after JDK-8152440
P4 JDK-8075533 Zero JVM segfaults for -version after JDK-8074552
P4 JDK-8055231 ZERO variant build is broken
P4 JDK-8064815 Zero+PPC64: Stack overflow when running Maven
P4 JDK-8067331 Zero: Atomic::xchg and Atomic::xchg_ptr need full memory barrier
P4 JDK-8154210 Zero: Better byte behaviour
P5 JDK-8077257 (AIX) Use CanUseSafeFetch instead of probing SafeFetch stub directly
P5 JDK-8147509 [aix] Newlines missing in register info printout
P5 JDK-8143233 [windows] Fixes to os::check_heap()
P5 JDK-8147510 [windows] no text locations shown for register info in hs-err file
P5 JDK-8150843 [windows] os::getTimesSecs() returns negative values for kernel, user times
P5 JDK-8022853 add ability to load uncompressed object and Klass references in a compressed environment to Unsafe
P5 JDK-8012125 Comments for ConstantPoolCache should reflect the addition of resolved_references in ConstantPool
P5 JDK-8145114 const-correctness for ucontext_t* reading functions
P5 JDK-8072935 Fix missing newline at end of file after 8067447
P5 JDK-8078628 linux-zero does not build without precompiled header
P5 JDK-6885993 Named Thread: introduce print() and print_on(outputStream* st) methods
P5 JDK-8133740 NMT for Linux/x86/x64 and bsd/x64 slowdebug builds includes NativeCallStack::NativeCallStack() frame in backtrace
P5 JDK-8149184 os::is_server_class_machine() could return incorrect result if a host's cpu have a few logical cores
P5 JDK-8145410 OutputStream::fill_to() does not work for error log
P5 JDK-8143291 Remove redundant coding around os::exception_name().
P5 JDK-6661889 thread id on Linux is inconsistent in error and log outputs
P5 JDK-8145061 Too many instances of java.lang.Boolean created in Java application (hotspot repo)
P5 JDK-8155685 Wrong indentation in ClassFileParser::post_process_parsed_stream


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-7076820 assert(addr != 0) failed: address sanity check in PerfMemory::detach with -XX:-UsePerfData
P1 JDK-8053902 Fix for 8030115 breaks build on Windows and Solaris
P1 JDK-8079248 JDK fails with "jdk\\bin\\management_ext.dll: The specified procedure could not be found"
P1 JDK-8059037 hangs when trying to kill the test VM
P1 JDK-8066708 JMXStartStopTest fails to connect to port 38112
P1 JDK-8072472 serviceability/dcmd/framework/* should be quarantined
P1 JDK-8072835 sun/tools/jmap/heapconfig/ Key MaxHeapSize doesn't match
P1 JDK-8072932 Test fails with access denied ("" "getDomainCombiner")
P1 JDK-8062450 Timeout in
P2 JDK-8146009 "pure virtual method called" with using new GC logging mechanism
P2 JDK-8044107 Add Diagnostic Command to list all ClassLoaders
P2 JDK-8142979 Add programmatic enable/disable methods to Unified Logging
P2 JDK-8152950 fails due to type error
P2 JDK-8164012 com/sun/jdi/ fails on jdk9/hs with Required output "Exception occurred: java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException" not found
P2 JDK-8151053 com/sun/jdi/ fails in 2016-03-01 JDK9-hs-rt nightly
P2 JDK-8062282 'Cannot load this JVM TI agent twice' missing from stdout/stderr
P2 JDK-8047812 Ensure ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_unloading_do only delivers klasses from CLDs with non-reclaimed class loader oops
P2 JDK-8041723 Event Based tracing ids to be reassigned for CDS klasses
P2 JDK-8049324 interpretedVFrame::expressions to index oopmap correctly
P2 JDK-8168662 Intrinsic support for event based tracing needs explicit control dependency
P2 JDK-8055677 java/lang/instrument/ start failing after JDK-8055012
P2 JDK-8151444 JDP not working on some windows configurations
P2 JDK-8046148 JEP 158: Unified JVM Logging
P2 JDK-8043764 JEP 228: Add More Diagnostic Commands
P2 JDK-8049881 jstack not working on core files
P2 JDK-8037340 Linux semaphores to use CLOCK_REALTIME
P2 JDK-8150563 can't find
P2 JDK-8144134 Nightly tests fail with SIGSEGV in Ticks::now()
P2 JDK-8150562 Quarantine due to JDK-8150318
P2 JDK-8130063 Refactoring tmtools jstat and jstack tests to jtreg
P2 JDK-8149062 Remove misplaced integration of test code after 8149025
P2 JDK-8067194 Restructure hotspot/agent/src to conform the modular source layout
P2 JDK-8032247 SA: Constantpool lookup for invokedynamic is not implemented
P2 JDK-8076344 serviceability/dcmd/vm/ test fails with "java.lang.Error: 'MaxHeapSize' flag is not available or immutable"
P2 JDK-8150986 serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/ failing because expects HPROF JAVA PROFILE 1.0.1 file format
P2 JDK-8076971 sun/management/jmxremote/startstop/ failed with AssertionError
P2 JDK-8038296 sun/tools/jinfo/ Command failed in target VM
P2 JDK-8134030 test/serviceability/dcmd/gc/HeapDumpTest fails to verify the dump
P2 JDK-8145294 triggers a race in the UL framework
P2 JDK-8147848 tmtools tests ported to JTREG need to be quarantined.
P2 JDK-8131331 tmtools/jstack/locks/wait_interrupt and wait_notify fail due to wrong number of lock records
P2 JDK-8142952 Unified Logging framework does not allow multiple -Xlog: arguments.
P2 JDK-8144732 VM_HeapDumper hits assert with bad dump_len
P3 JDK-8152435 (CL)HSDB should be started with no argument
P3 JDK-8039348 -XX:+TraceDeoptimization -XX:+Verbose -Xcomp can crash VM
P3 JDK-8031304 Add dcmd to print all loaded dynamic libraries.
P3 JDK-8166806 Add intrinsic support for writer used in event based tracing
P3 JDK-8032250 Add trace event for VM flag changes
P3 JDK-8166117 Add UTC timestamp decorator for UL
P3 JDK-8149803 Adjust lock rankings for some Event-based tracing locks
P3 JDK-8144885 agent/src/os/linux/libproc.h needs to support Linux/SPARC builds
P3 JDK-8069590 AIX port of "8050807: Better performing performance data handling"
P3 JDK-8141526 Allow to collect stdout/stderr from the FinalizationRunner even before the process returns
P3 JDK-8079360 AttachProviderImpl could not be instantiated
P3 JDK-8046408 Build failure from multiple ptrace.h
P3 JDK-8153723 Change the default logging output for errors and warnings from stderr to stdout
P3 JDK-8140485 Class load and creation cleanup
P3 JDK-8132166 closed/com/oracle/jfr/sa tests failing since removed from exclude list
P3 JDK-8146948 Enable listing of LogTagSets and add support for LogTagSet descriptions
P3 JDK-8044531 Event based tracing locks to rank as leafs where possible
P3 JDK-8171960 Event-based tracing needs separate flag representation for Method
P3 JDK-8147442 Event-based tracing to allow for tracing Klass creation
P3 JDK-8152119 Event-based tracing to allow for tracing Klass definition
P3 JDK-8170855 Example for -Xlog:help do not contain one with multiple tags
P3 JDK-8074905 Exclude aarch64 from Visual Studio projectcreator.make
P3 JDK-8035650 Exclude AIX from VS.NET make/windows/projectcreator.make
P3 JDK-8067447 Factor out the shared implementation of the VM flags manipulation code
P3 JDK-6730115 Fastdebug VM crashes with "ExceptionMark destructor expects no pending exceptions" error
P3 JDK-8038392 Generating prelink cache breaks JAVA 'jinfo' utility normal behaviour
P3 JDK-8164939 GTest LogDecorations.iso8601_time_test fails on macOS
P3 JDK-8039905 heapdump/OnOOMToFile and heapdump/OnOOMToPath fail with "assert(fr().interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() >= length) failed: error in expression stack!"
P3 JDK-8025636 Hide lambda proxy frames in stacktraces
P3 JDK-8150973 Hotspot agent use of sun.boot.class.path needs to be updated for Jigsaw
P3 JDK-8059036 Implement Diagnostic Commands for heap and finalizerinfo
P3 JDK-8061219 Implement unit-tests for UL
P3 JDK-8073688 Infinite loop reading types during jmap attach.
P3 JDK-8150015 Integrate TraceTime with Unified Logging more seamlessly
P3 JDK-8062037 java/lang/instrument/ should be quarantined
P3 JDK-8036126 jcmd/jmxagent/startstop/startstop tests fail intermittently on Solaris-amd64 since JDK 8 b129
P3 JDK-8075331 jdb eval java.util.Arrays.asList(array) shows inconsistent behaviour
P3 JDK-8172188 JDI tests fail due to "permission denied" when creating temp file
P3 JDK-8136768 jdk jdi tests fail to get required information
P3 JDK-8077402 JMXStartStopTest fails intermittently on slow hosts
P3 JDK-6792720 JSDT tests with float arguments fail in 64bit mode
P3 JDK-8057564 JVM hangs at getAgentProperties after attaching to VM with lower IntegrityLevel
P3 JDK-8151991 jvmti diagnostics commands requires INCLUDE_SERVICES
P3 JDK-8153622 Make nsk/jdi/AttachingConnector/attach/attach001 use a non-default port for debugger
P3 JDK-8145934 Make ttyLocker equivalent for Unified Logging framework
P3 JDK-8143226 Minor updates to Event Based tracing
P3 JDK-8174798 Mis-merge left serviceability/sa/ ignored
P3 JDK-7189721 nightly tests failed on JDI attaching
P3 JDK-8158033 Notify_tracing() misplaced for intended purpose
P3 JDK-8122944 perfdata used is seen as too high on sparc zone with jdk1.9 and causes a test failure
P3 JDK-8071908 Port internal Diagnostic Command tests and test framework to jtreg
P3 JDK-8146877 Quarantine the failing tests until they are ported to jtreg
P3 JDK-8066814 Reduce accessibility in TraceEvent
P3 JDK-8153658 Redundant memory copy in LogStreamNoResourceMark
P3 JDK-8068976 Remove JSDT implementation
P3 JDK-8034080 Remove the USDT1 dtrace code from Hotspot
P3 JDK-8147918 Rename develop_log_is_enabled() to log_develop_is_enabled()
P3 JDK-8135188 Exception java.lang.Error: Test failure: Object was not finalized
P3 JDK-8166289 RuntimeException\: canRead() reports false for reading from the same module\: expected true, was false
P3 JDK-7127191 SA JSDB does not display native symbols correctly for transported Linux cores
P3 JDK-8023667 SA: ExceptionBlob and other C2 classes not available in client VM
P3 JDK-8072440 serviceability/dcmd/ tests timeout
P3 JDK-8044416 serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/ fails with AssertionFailure: can not get class data for java/lang/UNIXProcess$Platform$$Lambda
P3 JDK-8159917 Space character is missing in ClassLoaderData::print_value_on
P3 JDK-8037274 needs more descriptive message when pipe creation fails
P3 JDK-8069030 support new PTRACE_GETREGSET
P3 JDK-8170857 Typo in -Xlog:help output
P3 JDK-8157948 UL allows same log file with multiple file=
P3 JDK-8150823 UL disables log outputs incorrectly
P3 JDK-8144220 UL does not support full path names for log files on windows
P3 JDK-8154106 UL Xlog:help regd'g 'rt' tag
P3 JDK-8143228 Update module exports for Java Flight Recorder
P3 JDK-8154235 Using deprecated flags converted to UL shows wrong hint
P4 JDK-8031305 (hotspot) is missing the ATTACH_ON_DEMAND origin
P4 JDK-8078521 AARCH64: Add AArch64 SA support
P4 JDK-8151264 Add a notification mechanism for UL configuration changes.
P4 JDK-8151265 Add a way to extend UL tags
P4 JDK-8148659 Add all option to JSnap
P4 JDK-8147388 Add diagnostic commands to attach JVMTI agent.
P4 JDK-8140556 Add force rotation option to VM.log jcmd
P4 JDK-8056242 Add function to return structured information about loaded libraries.
P4 JDK-8151181 Add JSnap to jhsdb
P4 JDK-8146879 Add option for handling existing log files in UL
P4 JDK-8147079 Add serviceability/logging folder to the hotspot_serviceability test group
P4 JDK-8150026 Add the ability to log with variable log level
P4 JDK-8150232 AIX cleanup: Integrate changes of 7178026 and others
P4 JDK-8044398 Attach code should propagate errors in Diagnostic Commands as errors
P4 JDK-8131694 backout the fix for JDK-8131331 when JDK-8131693 is fixed
P4 JDK-8145099 Better error message when SA can't attach to a process
P4 JDK-8078519 Can't run SA tools from a non-images build
P4 JDK-8032462 Change the linux SDT implementation to use USDT2 instead of USDT1
P4 JDK-8030812 Change the solaris DTrace implementation to use USDT2 instead of USDT1
P4 JDK-8068718 com/sun/jdi/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8151887 com/sun/jdi/ failed with timeout
P4 JDK-8068584 Compiler attach tests should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8081634 Concurrent usage of a StringBuilder causes test intermittent failures
P4 JDK-8149112 configure_stdout test depends on VM arguments
P4 JDK-8153659 Create a CHeap backed LogStream class
P4 JDK-8152711 Create a non-template Log wrapper class
P4 JDK-8152637 Create a stack allocatable LogStream class
P4 JDK-8152635 Create a UL class to represent a Log + Level combination
P4 JDK-8065783 DCMD parser fails to recognize one character argument when it's positioned last
P4 JDK-8144916 Decrease PerfDataMemorySize back to 32K
P4 JDK-7187999 dtrace jstack action is broken
P4 JDK-8039947 Dtrace return probe name for jni_SetStaticBooleanField named incorrectly
P4 JDK-8023816 dtrace test crashes with SIGBUS in generated code
P4 JDK-8023810 DTraceJSDT::is_probe_enabled crashes with SIGSEGV
P4 JDK-8156133 FindCrashesAction in HSDB does not work except Solaris platform
P4 JDK-8079200 Fix heapdump tests to validate heapdump after jhat is removed
P4 JDK-8137260 fix warning after "8046148: JEP 158: Unified JVM Logging"
P4 JDK-8065361 Fixup headers and definitions for INCLUDE_TRACE
P4 JDK-8139762 Format warnings in libjvm_db.c
P4 JDK-8129419 heapDumper.cpp: assert(length_in_bytes > 0) failed: nothing to copy
P4 JDK-8144332 HSDB could not terminate when close button is pushed.
P4 JDK-8148104 HSDB could not terminate when launched on CLI
P4 JDK-8043264 hsdis library not picked up correctly on expected paths
P4 JDK-8130910 hsperfdata file is created in wrong directory and not cleaned up if /tmp/hsperfdata_ has wrong permissions
P4 JDK-8061221 Implement JTREG tests.
P4 JDK-8142482 Improve the support for prefix functions in unified logging
P4 JDK-8065220 Include alternate sa.make file for MacOSX
P4 JDK-8153731 Increase max tag combinations for UL expression (config)
P4 JDK-8132876 Increase PerfDataMemorySize to 64K
P4 JDK-8055755 Information about loaded dynamic libraries is wrong on MacOSX.
P4 JDK-8035939 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ timed out on Linux-amd64
P4 JDK-6625574 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ fails: "pending finalization = 0 but expected > 0"
P4 JDK-8156033 jhsdb jmap cannot set heapdump name
P4 JDK-8151709 jhsdb should show help message in SALauncher.
P4 JDK-8154719 JvmtiBreakpoint rename method print() to print_on()
P4 JDK-8059904 libjvm_db.c warnings in solaris/sparc build with SS
P4 JDK-8158150 LogConfiguration::describe output can get truncated
P4 JDK-8138916 Logging write function does not allow for long enough messages
P4 JDK-8146793 logStream::write re-formats string
P4 JDK-8147348 LogTagLevelExpression not properly initialized in configure_stdout
P4 JDK-8029070 memory leak in jmm_SetVMGlobal
P4 JDK-8054174 minor buglet in computation of end of pc descs in libjvm_db.c
P4 JDK-6969276 minor memory leak detected by cppcheck in agent/src/os/linux/symtab.c
P4 JDK-8135161 Missing commas in copyright notices
P4 JDK-8060040 nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/setValue/setvalue004 should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8143921 nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/waitingThreads/waitingthreads003 fails with JVMTI_ERROR_INVALID_CLASS
P4 JDK-8029727 On OS X dtrace probes CallMethodA/CallMethodV are not fired.
P4 JDK-8029728 On OS X dtrace probes SetStaticBooleanField are not fired
P4 JDK-8029726 On OS X some dtrace probe names are mismatched with Solaris
P4 JDK-8049715 PPC64: First steps to enable SA on Linux/PPC64
P4 JDK-8049716 PPC64: Implement SA on Linux/PPC64
P4 JDK-8078601 print_concurrent_locks should be guarded with INCLUDE_SERVICES
P4 JDK-8155958 quarantine failing tests from JDK-8155957
P4 JDK-8150067 Quarantine
P4 JDK-8161164 quarantine more tests that can't attach symbolicator to the process on MacOS X
P4 JDK-8163879 quarantine serviceability/sa/sadebugd/ since it hangs intermittently
P4 JDK-8160743 quarantine tests that can't attach symbolicator to the process on MacOS X
P4 JDK-8138637 Remove err_msg from LOG_PREFIX macro
P4 JDK-8148141 Remove fixed level padding in UL
P4 JDK-8143235 Remove libjfr mapfile
P4 JDK-8154942 Remove ProcessTools.getVmInputArguments() from the hotspot test library, as it is not used by any of the hotspot tests
P4 JDK-8153174 Remove trailing comma from log configuration listings
P4 JDK-8030184 Remove unneeded "content_type" declarations from tracetypes.xml
P4 JDK-8148053 Remove unused log tags
P4 JDK-8152632 Rename LogHandle(...) to Log(...)
P4 JDK-8143229 Replace the develop level with develop macros in Unified Logging
P4 JDK-8046282 SA update
P4 JDK-8071999 SA's buildreplayjars fail with exception
P4 JDK-8077832 SA's dumpreplaydata, dumpcfg and buildreplayjars are broken
P4 JDK-8166552 SA: Missed testcase for add default methods to InstanceKlass
P4 JDK-8140031 SA: Searching for a value in Threads does not work
P4 JDK-8151368 SA: Unexpected ArithmeticException in CompactHashTable
P4 JDK-7010732 SA_ALTROOT only works if running the SA tools from their build directory.
P4 JDK-4990369 SAJDI: visibleMethods() and methodsByName() return wrong visible methods
P4 JDK-8032466 serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/ fails with compilation errors
P4 JDK-8044540 serviceability/sa/jmap-hashcode/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8062135 serviceability/threads/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8075818 serviceability/threads/ should be unquarantined
P4 JDK-8054890 Serviceability: New diagnostic commands 'VM.set_flag' and 'JVMTI.data_dump'
P4 JDK-8144965 Show oop pointer in call frame at HSDB.
P4 JDK-8065226 sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ should be quarantined
P4 JDK-8081475 SystemTap does not work when JDK is compiled with GCC 5
P4 JDK-8163269 Testcase missed in push for JDK-8160817
P4 JDK-8033142 tmtools/jmap/heap_config/jmap_heap_config_huge tests failed with Debuggee start script failed with exit code 1
P4 JDK-8160102 Typo in message for NULL memory size arguments in diagnosticArgument.cpp
P4 JDK-8152538 UL doesn't inline the LogTagSet::is_level check
P4 JDK-8155089 UL: Remove trailing comma from log decoration list
P4 JDK-8153073 UL: Set filesize option with k/m/g
P4 JDK-8153074 UL: Show output option in VM.log jcmd
P4 JDK-8142483 Unified logging log instances cause warnings on windows when only static functions are used
P4 JDK-8144146 Unified Logging tags cannot be reserved keywords
P4 JDK-8150894 Unused -Xlog tag sequences are silently ignored.
P4 JDK-8028408 unused-value warning on forte.cpp when build on Mac
P4 JDK-8060245 update bsd version of jhelper.d to be in sync with the fix of 8009204 on solaris
P4 JDK-8145083 Use semaphore instead of mutex for synchronization of Unified Logging configuration
P4 JDK-8114853 variable tracking size limit exceeded in vmStructs.cpp
P5 JDK-8148219 Add decorator hostname to UL
P5 JDK-8029798 Build warnings in windows/makefiles/sa.make
P5 JDK-8153254 Delegate (v)write from Log to LogTagSet
P5 JDK-8149099 jcmd -help mention non-existent option
P5 JDK-8154059 JVMTI ObjectTagging to UL
P5 JDK-8151993 Remove inclusion of inline.hpp in log.hpp
P5 JDK-8153396 Remove unused ResourceMarks from UL internal vm tests.
P5 JDK-8151438 UL instantiates duplicate tag sets
P5 JDK-8153845 UL log write method missing essential assert


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8164383 jhsdb dumps core on Solaris 12 when loading dumped core
P2 JDK-8078632 conflicts between open and closed SA ports
P2 JDK-8171084 heapdump/JMapHeapCore fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Heap segment size overflow.
P2 JDK-8076012 SA don't support flags of type size_t
P2 JDK-8164943 sun/tools/jhsdb/HeapDumpTest failed with Can't find library: /test/lib/share/classes
P3 JDK-8160817 Add jsadebugd functionality to jhsdb
P3 JDK-8160376 DebuggerException: Can't attach symbolicator to the process
P3 JDK-8058229 heapdump/JMapHeapCore and heapdump/JMapMetaspaceCore fail due to SA not being able to open core file
P3 JDK-8159127 hprof heap dumps broken for lambda classdata
P3 JDK-8163143 illegal bci error with interpreted frames in SA due to mirror being stored in interpreted frames
P3 JDK-8173941 SA does not work if executable is DSO
P3 JDK-8027920 SA: Add default methods to InstanceKlass
P3 JDK-8163150 SA: CLHSDB printmdo throws an exception with "java.lang.InternalError: missing reason for 22"
P3 JDK-8171318 serviceability/sa/jmap-hprof/ fails latest Jigsaw integration
P3 JDK-8145627 sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.InstanceKlass::getSize() returns the incorrect size and has no test
P4 JDK-8163580 Cannot get Monitor Cache Dump in HSDB
P4 JDK-8164319 CLHSDB dumpcodecache throws StackOverflowError
P4 JDK-8155627 Enable SA on AArch64
P4 JDK-8163581 Heap Parameters in HSDB cannot handle G1CollectedHeap
P4 JDK-8163272 jhsdb jinfo cannot show system properties
P4 JDK-8163185 jhsdb jstack cannot work with normal mode
P4 JDK-8163364 Need documentation for addition of new command to SA launcher
P4 JDK-8169344 Potential open file descriptor in exists() of hotspot/agent/src/os/bsd/ps_core.c
P4 JDK-8166657 Remove exports to jdk.hotspot.agent
P4 JDK-8158050 Remove SA-JDI
P4 JDK-8165493 SA: Add method in to be able to access the 'data' field
P4 JDK-8164783 SA: jhsdb clhsdb 'printall' often throws "Corrupted constant pool" assertion failure
P4 JDK-8169232 SA: fails with sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.DebuggerException: binary search bug: should have found entry 1
P4 JDK-8164562 serviceability/sa/ fails with NPE
P4 JDK-8165114 stale reference to hotspot test
P4 JDK-8168397 sun/tools/jhsdb/ timesout on MacOS X on non images build
P4 JDK-8163346 Update jmap-hashcode/ for better diagnostic of timeout.


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8154080 AccessControlException: access denied
P1 JDK-8181896 There are no hosts in Aurora to execute bigapps with large heap.
P2 JDK-8173356 Echeneis tests doesn't work with JDK9
P2 JDK-8078017 Introduce hotspot_basicvmtest
P2 JDK-8047975 JEP 281: HotSpot C++ Unit-Test Framework
P2 JDK-8171366 macOS: Do not run failure handler commands that require Developer mode access
P2 JDK-8172724 PUnit tests failing when JDK9 is tested
P2 JDK-8161208 Unable to run jtreg tests with MinimalVM
P2 JDK-8168414 Various timeouthandler fixes
P3 JDK-8157453 Convert DependencyContext_test to GTest
P3 JDK-8165696 Convert gcTraceTime internal tests to GTest
P3 JDK-8156852 Convert JSON_test to Gtest
P3 JDK-8165702 Convert LogFileOutput internal tests to GTest
P3 JDK-8165700 Convert LogMessage internal tests to GTest
P3 JDK-8165704 Convert LogStream internal tests to GTest
P3 JDK-8165698 Convert LogTagSet related internal tests to GTest
P3 JDK-8156800 Convert QuickSort_test to GTest
P3 JDK-8166132 Convert TestGlobalDefinitions_test to GTest
P3 JDK-8157455 Convert TestOS_test to GTest
P3 JDK-8166262 failurehandler should not use jtreg internal API
P3 JDK-8166483 gtest fmw should be updated to support null detection on SS >= 12u4
P3 JDK-8166129 hitting vmassert during gtest execution doesn't generate core and hs_err files
P3 JDK-8139146 implement a native method to get PID on windows in case of JTReg test timeouts
P3 JDK-8139140 implement framework to run platform specific tools on JTReg test failures
P3 JDK-8146412 Kitchensink/Weblogic tests fail because of sudoers config issue
P3 JDK-8149591 Prepare hotspot for GTest
P3 JDK-8168412 Reduce buffering in jtreg timeouthandler
P3 JDK-8168483 Remove jtreg timeout handler timeout
P3 JDK-8065279 Remove testlibrary_tests from compact profile in jtreg
P3 JDK-8139144 specify linux specific tools to be run on JTReg test failures
P3 JDK-8139145 specify mac specific tools to be run on JTReg test failures
P3 JDK-8139143 specify solaris specific tools to be run on JTReg test failures
P3 JDK-8139142 specify windows specific tools to be run on JTReg test failures
P3 JDK-8075931 Update build system to support GTest
P3 JDK-8050802 Update jprt runthese test suite to jck-8
P3 JDK-8168409 Update list of tools run by the jtreg timeouthandler
P4 JDK-8071822 [TEST_BUG] Adapt collectorPolicy internal tests to support 64K pages
P4 JDK-8029447 [TEST_BUG] AWT toolkit initialization fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError on linux x64
P4 JDK-8081669 aarch64: JTreg TestStable tests failing
P4 JDK-8081790 aarch64: SHA tests fail
P4 JDK-8080600 AARCH64: testlibrary does not support AArch64
P4 JDK-8159370 Add FlagGuard for easier modification of flags for unit tests
P4 JDK-8156681 Add jtreg wrapper for hotspot gtest tests
P4 JDK-8141616 Add new methods to the java Whitebox API
P4 JDK-8058919 Add sanity test for minimal VM in test/Makefile
P4 JDK-8159365 assert is not defined for unit tests
P4 JDK-8064953 Asserts.assert* should print values
P4 JDK-8039260 c.o.j.t.ProcessTools::createJavaProcessBuilder(boolean, String... ) must also take
P4 JDK-8148244 Finalize and integrate GTest implementation
P4 JDK-8147012 Fix includes in internalVMTests.cpp
P4 JDK-8163984 Fix license and copyright headers under /test/lib/sun/hotspot/ for white & blank space, comma
P4 JDK-8165687 Fix license and copyright headers under jdk9/jdk9/hotspot for white & blank space, comma
P4 JDK-8149780 GatherProcessInfoTimeoutHandler shouldn't call getWin32Pid if the lib isn't load
P4 JDK-8148012 get rid of slash-dot-dot in @library directives
P4 JDK-8159366 Header guards missing for unittest.hpp
P4 JDK-8078450 Implement consistent process for quarantine of tests
P4 JDK-8059732 improve hotspot_*test targets
P4 JDK-8154174 improve JitTester performance
P4 JDK-8180004 jdk.test.lib.DynamicVMOption should be moved to
P4 JDK-8158185 jdk/test/lib/FileInstaller throws NPE if dst is in current directory
P4 JDK-8162852 Mark stress compiler and gc tests with stress keyword
P4 JDK-8146994 Move internal vm tests to a separate file
P4 JDK-8180037 move jdk.test.lib.InMemoryJavaCompiler to a separate package
P4 JDK-8180793 move jdk.test.lib.wrappers.* to jdk.test.lib package
P4 JDK-8066290 Port JDK-8066191 into hotspot
P4 JDK-8066473 Port timeout utils from jdk test library into hotspot
P4 JDK-8170228 register closed @requires property setter
P4 JDK-8129615 Remove jbb from jprt hotspot testset
P4 JDK-8129518 Remove ParOldGC tests from the jprt hotspot testset
P4 JDK-8048620 Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in hotspot tests
P4 JDK-8067452 Rename hotspot_all in hotspot/test/TEST.groups
P4 JDK-8067211 rewrite Utils::fileAsString
P4 JDK-8166925 several native TESTs should be changed to TEST_VM
P4 JDK-8047986 SQE: Test Arch initial signoff for Hotspot Unit Test support for C++
P4 JDK-8166708 Timeout handler not being run on Windows
P4 JDK-8146287 typos in /test/failure_handler
P4 JDK-8073167 Undo change to -retain argument in hotspot/test/Makefile
P4 JDK-8148844 Update run_unit_test macro for InternalVMTests
P4 JDK-8072455 Use jtreg's requiredVersion tag in hotspot/test/TEST.ROOT
P5 JDK-8062131 dummy bug - testing jira


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8130092 Backout Update with property listing tests subtrees
P2 JDK-8049367 Modular Run-Time Images
P3 JDK-8172712 configure should check that grep handles empty pattern correctly
P3 JDK-8164813 JEP 298: Remove Demos and Samples
P3 JDK-8042804 Support invoking Hotspot tests from top level
P3 JDK-8030068 Update .jcheck/conf files for JDK 9
P4 JDK-8039990 Add sequential operation support to hgforest
P4 JDK-8081295 Build failed with GCC 5.1.1
P4 JDK-8048184 outputs 'integer expression expected' messages
P4 JDK-8055095 Improve "do nothing" incremental build performance after modularized source code integration
P4 JDK-8136383 Improve make utilities containing and not-containing
P4 JDK-8061346 Source changes needed to build JDK 9 with Mac OS 9 'Maverics' and clang/Xcode 5.1.1
P4 JDK-8047154 Testset all fails because of missing jdk_beansX test groups
P4 JDK-8059101 should be able to deal with stdin/stdout
P4 JDK-8160825 Update minimum Solaris Studio compiler version to 5.13


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8180453 [JVMCI] mx eclipseinit doesn't pick up generated sources
P1 JDK-8137013 ar (static linker) broken since JDK-8065912
P1 JDK-8033115 Bad merge between 8027584 and 8031759
P1 JDK-8160285 Bootcycle builds are broken on jdk9/hs for windows i586
P1 JDK-8160571 Bootcycle builds still broken with server jvm on Windows 32bit
P1 JDK-8179658 Build failed on Linux64 after JDK-8179453 Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown
P1 JDK-8171167 Build fails in Mach 5 with "File name too long."
P1 JDK-8180129 Bundles.gmk:181: *** unterminated call to function 'filter-out': missing ')'
P1 JDK-8145206 Configure broken on Macosx
P1 JDK-8157506 Disable bootcycle build when cross compiling
P1 JDK-8037816 Fix for 8036122 breaks build with Xcode5/clang
P1 JDK-8040332 fixpath must quote empty string arguments
P1 JDK-8047734 gcc/g++ -Og is harmful to the debugging experience.
P1 JDK-8131317 Image writer throws NPE when creating compact profile images
P1 JDK-8153217 javafx modules are not included in the jre
P1 JDK-8171548 JDK bundles changes sym links incorrectly in the legal directory
P1 JDK-8170392 JDK-8031567 broke builds from source bundles
P1 JDK-8170385 JDK-8031567 broke source bundles
P1 JDK-8170784 JDK-8038957 broke cross compilation
P1 JDK-8041265 jdk/bin/rmic -iiop failed on macosx-x86_64 with "Class sun.rmi.rmic.iiop.BatchEnvironmen not found"
P1 JDK-8153257 Jib profiles config broken after JDK-8031767
P1 JDK-8153303 Jib profiles config broken after JDK-8153257 after JDK-8031767
P1 JDK-8152697 JVMCI tests fail with UnsatisfiedLinkError as not defined by boot loader
P1 JDK-8183166 lib\jawt.lib is missing from JDK 9 distribution for Windows
P1 JDK-8054834 Modular Source Code
P1 JDK-8035725 Must keep microsoft VS_PATH on PATH after toolchain detection
P1 JDK-8072107 New dependency introduced by deploy.dll and awt.dll (msvcp100.dll)
P1 JDK-8145670 New Solaris devkits are missing gobjcopy
P1 JDK-8152209 Non-Linux builds failing after JDK-8151841
P1 JDK-8158540 Open only linux-x86 builds using Jib fails when building "minimal" jvm
P1 JDK-8033680 Profiles build broken
P1 JDK-8074072 Race condition in build since JDK-8072842 can cause failed builds on Solaris
P1 JDK-8036948 Solaris builds broken by fix for 8036611: Cleanup of handling of properties ...
P2 JDK-8055855 "make profiles" failing since refactoring of java.awt.datatransfer
P2 JDK-8150497 32 jshell tests failed on Windows 32 bit
P2 JDK-8055497 [infra] build failure when building bootcycle images
P2 JDK-8072116 [Solaris] : Fix for 8071710 needs to be updated for build dependency checking.
P2 JDK-8179105 A new property to specify import module to be included in unified docs bundle
P2 JDK-8043492 ad_x86_64_misc.obj : error LNK2011: precompiled object not linked in; image may not run
P2 JDK-8073231 Add convenient way of adding custom configure options to jprt
P2 JDK-8047740 Add hotspot testset to
P2 JDK-8073021 add native code coverage target into makefiles
P2 JDK-8072842 Add support for building native JTReg tests
P2 JDK-8180083 Adjust Jib and JDL configurations for 9 to support new generation Mach 5
P2 JDK-8134157 adlc fails to compile with SS12u4
P2 JDK-8055352 AIX hprof should include its own copy of dladdr in porting_aix.c
P2 JDK-8170424 back out change from JDK-8170424
P2 JDK-8170633 backslashes in gensrc/ comments need escaping
P2 JDK-8180328 Bad links in footer of all javadoc-generated pages
P2 JDK-8071781 Bootcycle build fails on macosx
P2 JDK-8059658 Bootcycle build not actually using built image
P2 JDK-8139935 Bootcycle builds are broken on jdk9/hs due to JVMCI changes
P2 JDK-8031580 bootcycle-images crashes with Unrecognized VM option 'PermSize=32m'
P2 JDK-8065734 Build instructions for copying db to images have conflicting non-dependent targets
P2 JDK-8060766 build of jdk9-b33 seems broken due to how security zip files are interfaced
P2 JDK-8072904 building jdk9 with jdk9 boot jdk can cause failure or incorrect results
P2 JDK-8058797 Building with sjavac broken after JDK-8058118
P2 JDK-8144141 Builds fail if the build id contains commas
P2 JDK-8151297 Class name change for CLDRLocaleDataMetaInfo_jdk_localedata needs updating in makefile
P2 JDK-8172241 Cleanup mistakes in jib publish support change
P2 JDK-8171859 Configure check for modular boot jdk needs to be updated
P2 JDK-8080082 configure fails if you create an empty directory and then run configure from it
P2 JDK-8030941 Darwin mapfile-vers doesn't work for other BSDs
P2 JDK-8114822 debug build with --disable-debug-symbols fails:
P2 JDK-8027584 disable ccache by default
P2 JDK-8058448 Disable JPRT submissions from the hotspot repo
P2 JDK-8134408 Disable warnings for jdk libraries triggered by SS12u4
P2 JDK-8027565 Enable /d2Zi+ when building with Visual Studio 2013
P2 JDK-8032045 Enable compiler and linker safety switches for debug builds
P2 JDK-8077524 Enable selective test bundle installation for jprt test targets
P2 JDK-8170741 Enable uploading of built artifacts through Jib
P2 JDK-8043146 Error messages in JAXP resource files (*.properties) truncated in the build process
P2 JDK-8079788 Fix broken CL version detection in configure for some Visual Studio configurations
P2 JDK-8130064 Fix building deploy unit tests
P2 JDK-8141439 Fix -o (broken by JDK-8136813)
P2 JDK-8033532 Freetype include statement must come before X11 include
P2 JDK-8065412 generated source to compile .properties file incorreectly includes the module name in the package name
P2 JDK-8153035 GenModuleInfoSource strips away the API comments
P2 JDK-8056269 does not copy the closed repos when cloning local filesystems
P2 JDK-8171310 Gtest is always stripped
P2 JDK-8042810 hgforest: some shells run read in sub-shell and can't use fifo
P2 JDK-8046818 Hotspot build system looking for sdt.h in the wrong place
P2 JDK-8047321 Hotspot debug builds with clang are broken
P2 JDK-8179035 Include tool modules in unified docs
P2 JDK-8073328 Incremental build of gensrc broken
P2 JDK-8179438 Incremental builds broken on Windows
P2 JDK-8172842 Invoke lldb with --batch from failure handler
P2 JDK-8037483 issue with the crypto / sec zip unzipping in the jdk8 build
P2 JDK-8138820 JDK Hotspot build fails with Xcode 7.0.1
P2 JDK-8075277 JDK is still building X11 related Java files on OSX
P2 JDK-8157507 JDK-8157348 broke gensrc of imported modules
P2 JDK-8157511 JDK-8157348 broke gensrc of module infos with extra provides
P2 JDK-8076052 JEP 284: New HotSpot Build System
P2 JDK-8038132 jprt bundles have libjsig.dylib in different place on OSX
P2 JDK-8145828 JPRT hotspot push jobs should allow merge on push
P2 JDK-8164402 key word 'requires' appearing in comment causing a build failure
P2 JDK-8170279 Langtools test/Makefile ignores failed tests
P2 JDK-8077419 Launcher mapfile fails linking with SS12u4
P2 JDK-8138692 libjsig compilation is missing EXTRA_CFLAGS on macosx
P2 JDK-8055353 libsplashscreen build fails on MacOSX Mavericks
P2 JDK-8161915 Linking gtestLauncher may end up linking with non-gtest libjvm
P2 JDK-8182032 Make java.compiler upgradeable
P2 JDK-8131128 Merge error in leads to missing devkit argument
P2 JDK-8160722 Module summary generation fails on Windows 32bit
P2 JDK-8171249 modules_legal from imported modules are not read by the build
P2 JDK-8066476 Move demo, sample, and man content into source modules
P2 JDK-8034191 Move relevant parts of build system to new closed repo
P2 JDK-8169816 Move and jrt-fs.jar under the lib directory
P2 JDK-8170428 Move to JDK/lib/
P2 JDK-8176033 New cygwin grep does not match \r as newline
P2 JDK-8059135 New Nasgen dependencies to Nashorn breaks the JDK 9 build - bootstrapping problem?
P2 JDK-8177135 OpenJDK 9 freetype needs msvcr100.dll
P2 JDK-8178064 OpenJDK RI binary should include the license file for freetype
P2 JDK-8080013 OpenJDK windows build fails due to warning in libfontmanager
P2 JDK-8179600 OS_* properties in the `release` file in JDK 9
P2 JDK-8144172 Problem with bootcycle-images and sjavac
P2 JDK-8180208 Provide a new docs bundle page
P2 JDK-8170528 Race condition with release file creation
P2 JDK-8175271 Race in GenerateLinkOptData.gmk
P2 JDK-8174172 Race when building java.base.jmod
P2 JDK-8154209 Remove client VM from default JIB profile on windows-x86 and linux-x86
P2 JDK-8175307 rpath macro needs to use an argument on macosx
P2 JDK-8038435 Some commands don't receive parameters
P2 JDK-8046474 Source changes needed to build JDK 9 with new platforms and compilers on Solaris and Linux
P2 JDK-8042707 Source changes needed to build JDK 9 with Visual Studio 2013 (VS2013)
P2 JDK-8179361 specify -javafx option for javadoc command
P2 JDK-8148929 Suboptimal code generated when setting sysroot include with Solaris Studio
P2 JDK-8051010 Support @apiNote, @implSpec and @implNote in all javadoc bundles
P2 JDK-8054009 Support SKIP_BOOT_CYCLE=false when invoked from JPRT
P2 JDK-8076531 Switch default compiler on Windows to VS2013
P2 JDK-8141332 Switch macosx devkit in JPRT
P2 JDK-8074904 Temporarily disable new build-infra makefiles in deploy as default
P2 JDK-8067759 Test bundles
P2 JDK-8152666 The new Hotspot Build System
P2 JDK-8179557 Update generated Javadoc footer documentation link
P2 JDK-8033926 Update hotspot/make/ to use jdk 9 instead of jdk 8
P2 JDK-8030793 Update to release jdk9
P2 JDK-8179633 Update title and introductory text on overview-summary page
P2 JDK-8180717 Upgrade the docs bundle index page
P2 JDK-8172709 Upgrade to jtreg 4.2 b05
P2 JDK-8067479 verify-modules fails in bootcycle build
P2 JDK-8035825 Warn instead of fail when calling the configure wrapper directly
P2 JDK-8043491 warning LNK4197: export '... ...' specified multiple times; using first specification
P3 JDK-8171929 "make docs" in clean forest is broken
P3 JDK-8144695 --disable-warnings-as-errors does not work for HotSpot build
P3 JDK-8036079 --with-boot-jdk-jvmargs configure options are ignored
P3 JDK-8180281 --with-jtreg is broken for many use cases
P3 JDK-7090807 -xc99=%none conflict with snv_173's /usr/include/X11/Xfuncproto.h
P3 JDK-8058763 /deploy/make/plugin/nsstub should be excluded from jdk9 source bundles
P3 JDK-8145564 8036003: startup regression on linux fastdebug builds
P3 JDK-8036965 9-dev solaris builds failed: sort: can't read STDIN: Illegal byte sequence
P3 JDK-8056113 [build] tools.jar missing modules.xml
P3 JDK-8029997 [infra] remove Solaris ISA directories and the links
P3 JDK-8043340 [macosx] Fix hard-wired paths to JavaVM.framework
P3 JDK-8175824 Adapt javadoc generation to different requirements for JDK and JavaSE
P3 JDK-8030681 add "serve" command and --quiet and --verbose options to hgforest
P3 JDK-8065183 Add --with-copyright-year option to configure
P3 JDK-8036003 Add --with-debug-symbols=[none|internal|external|zipped]
P3 JDK-8179453 Add a proper SetupProcessMarkdown
P3 JDK-8176785 Add build support to generate PNG file from .dot file
P3 JDK-8074016 Add convenient way of adding custom test targets to hotspot's test makefile
P3 JDK-8067099 Add deprecation lint warning to build of jdk repository
P3 JDK-8041267 Add filtering capability to CacheFind
P3 JDK-8168924 Add jdk.unsupported to the compact profile builds
P3 JDK-8178316 Add JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB.mib to jdk/src/
P3 JDK-8173303 Add module-subgraph images to main platform documentation
P3 JDK-8031747 Add overloads lint warning to build of jdk repository
P3 JDK-8180540 Add pandoc build fix for windows
P3 JDK-8179022 Add serialization spec as markdown
P3 JDK-8177955 Add testing documentation
P3 JDK-8058367 Add verify-modules target to the default and images target
P3 JDK-8149545 Add zlib devel package to devkit sysroot on Linux
P3 JDK-8177553 Address removal lint warnings in the JDK build
P3 JDK-8146425 After change 8142907 'EXCLUDE_FILE' is wrongly interpreted as pattern
P3 JDK-8175036 All API docs should be built for HTML 5
P3 JDK-8142367 Allow files with .png extension to be copied for javadoc
P3 JDK-8081471 Allow SetupTestFilesCompilation to set LDFLAGS for individual tests
P3 JDK-8033921 alsa library name is asound, not alsa
P3 JDK-8170863 Always pass MAKE_ARGS to MAKE in Main.gmk
P3 JDK-8072950 api/xinclude/Harold/harold-97.html\#harold-97, api/xinclude/Harold/harold-67.html\#harold-67 fails on solaris with build port-stage-aarch64
P3 JDK-8071436 apply linux cleanup to other platforms
P3 JDK-8151302 Attempt at silencing build log broke html32.bdtd
P3 JDK-8160505 Automated test runs fail in nashorn because TEST_IMAGE_DIR is set by jib
P3 JDK-8136695 Automatic build comparison with COMPARE_BUILD
P3 JDK-8056215 AWT source dirs should only point to java2d, not below
P3 JDK-8077847 Better handling of Windows executable manifest version
P3 JDK-8031567 Better model for storing source revision information
P3 JDK-8138636 bootcycle-images build fails
P3 JDK-8152959 Build crashes in jdk9-hs-comp on Linux with gnumake 3.81
P3 JDK-8149963 build errors during API docs build
P3 JDK-8151300 Build shell trace functionality lost in JDK-8076060
P3 JDK-8136397 Build should recognise .cc file extension
P3 JDK-8136378 Build test libs using properly integrated makefile
P3 JDK-8027480 Build Windows x64 fastdebug builds using /homeparams
P3 JDK-8138864 Build with nice to lower UI impact
P3 JDK-8001903 build-infra: Consider removing/disabling builddeps before switchover
P3 JDK-8001918 build-infra: Only check for X11 if needed
P3 JDK-8003593 build-infra: Paths to optional platform-specific files should not be hardwired to src/closed
P3 JDK-8140396 BUILD_LIBJIMAGE missing as a dependency to JAVA_BASE_EXPORT_SYMBOLS_SRC
P3 JDK-8031064 not working correctly for new build cross compile
P3 JDK-8044797 Building with clang gives: fatal error: file '...' has been modified since the precompiled header was built
P3 JDK-8172577 Builds for OS X after build 149 does not include Java Mission
P3 JDK-8042932 Bump up the -source version for JDK 9 builds
P3 JDK-8066757 Can't build 'images' with --disable-zip-debug-info on OS X after jigsaw m2 merge
P3 JDK-8157605 Can't set both CONCURRENCY and EXTRA_JTREG_OPTIONS when running tests
P3 JDK-8141590 Cannot build Zero with devkit
P3 JDK-8055141 Catch linker errors earlier in the JVM build by not allowing unresolved externals
P3 JDK-8074048 ccache 1.3.10 still not detected properly
P3 JDK-7164925 Change -KPIC to -xcode=pic32 on sparc
P3 JDK-8075236 Change layout of gcov .gcno files in symbols image
P3 JDK-8019470 Changes needed to compile JDK 8 on MacOS with clang compiler
P3 JDK-8172562 Changing log level on Javadoc causes total rebuild
P3 JDK-8055856 checkdeps build target doesn't work for cross-compilation builds
P3 JDK-8080984 clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-pthread'
P3 JDK-8055719 Clean out support for old VC versions from ProjectCreator
P3 JDK-8169860 Clean up and unify the refactored Javadoc generation
P3 JDK-8141261 Clean up building of demos
P3 JDK-8141444 Clean up building of JDK launchers
P3 JDK-8153261 Clean up fix for JDK-8153217
P3 JDK-8078058 Clean up mac bundles logic
P3 JDK-8035751 Clean up Visual Studio detection logic
P3 JDK-8156658 Common way to run jtreg tests
P3 JDK-8152691 Compare script broken after Module system
P3 JDK-8064372 CompileJavaModules overwrites settings from custom
P3 JDK-8066828 configure fails if it's set --with-boot-jdk to use JDK 9 modular image
P3 JDK-8147754 Configure fails to detect freetype installed by XQuartz on OSX 10.11
P3 JDK-8062816 Configure fails to detect freetype on macosx Yosemite
P3 JDK-8073864 Configure must handle invalid elements on INCLUDE/LIB for visualstudio
P3 JDK-8153211 Convert build tool to use the new -XaddExports syntax in bootcycle build
P3 JDK-8168772 Convert javadoc generation to build-infra standards
P3 JDK-8142336 Convert the SA agent build to modular build-infra makefiles
P3 JDK-8178038 Copy jdwp-protocol.html to proper location
P3 JDK-8178039 Copy jvmti.html to proper location
P3 JDK-8177434 Copy specifications from module specs directory to docs image
P3 JDK-8058579 Copy-java.base.gmk no longer needs to differentiate win32 and win64 java.policy
P3 JDK-8074554 Create custom hook for running after AC_OUTPUT
P3 JDK-8155786 Determine modules depending on upgradeable modules directly and indirectly
P3 JDK-8176084 Developer-friendly run-test facility
P3 JDK-8054487 Devkit tools not found by configure
P3 JDK-8074096 Disable (most) native warnings in JDK on a per-library basis
P3 JDK-8148629 Disable remaining warnings in awt/fontmanager
P3 JDK-8064808 Disable use of broken objcopy on Solaris, remove adhoc helper tools
P3 JDK-8067898 Disable verify-modules until JDK-8067479 is resolved
P3 JDK-8076577 Do not allow ccache prior to 3.2 on macosx
P3 JDK-8171978 docs should use CSS-friendly instead of
P3 JDK-8175165 Don't process if crypto sources is not present
P3 JDK-8137088 Drop building of interim_java.corba
P3 JDK-8077992 Eliminate JDK build dependency of native2ascii and update Japanese nroff man pages to UTF-8 encoding
P3 JDK-8075771 Enable "missing" doclint check in build of the java.desktop module
P3 JDK-8030350 Enable additional compiler warnings for GCC
P3 JDK-8156756 Enable build-time use of resource ordering plugin
P3 JDK-8130929 Enable deployment tests in build system
P3 JDK-8074312 Enable hotspot builds on 4.x Linux kernels
P3 JDK-8180318 Enable HTML 5 checking at compile time.
P3 JDK-8025701 Enforce consistent code design and style in build-infra
P3 JDK-8073498 Enhance GensrcProperties.gmk to allow an alternative source root
P3 JDK-8062810 Examine in JDK image and decide if source classes should be organized by module
P3 JDK-8150736 Excessive disk space used by build system
P3 JDK-8147086 Excluding of copy files broken after JDK-8144226
P3 JDK-8166948 Exploded image too slow to be usable
P3 JDK-8039411 Extend fixpath to allow environment variable definitions
P3 JDK-8173107 Fix autoconf/spec.gmk mismatches
P3 JDK-8177634 Fix for 8175307 may cause linker errors on OS X 10.9
P3 JDK-8169261 Fix for JDK-8067744 creates build failures with some versions of gcc and/or linux
P3 JDK-8074690 Fix for JDK-8074429 was not complete
P3 JDK-8168369 fix for langtools intermittent failures needs to check PRODUCT_HOME
P3 JDK-8163102 Fix headless only configuration option
P3 JDK-8014510 Fix sjavac on all platforms in jprt
P3 JDK-8079771 Fix SoundLibraries.gmk mismerge after JDK-8072665
P3 JDK-8150822 Fix typo in JDK-8150201
P3 JDK-8139969 Fix unzip in broken by JDK-8136813
P3 JDK-8039426 gcc can target wrong instruction set when building JDK native code
P3 JDK-8150044 Generate classlists at build-time
P3 JDK-8047387 Generate different version of java.policy file for windows 32-bit and 64-bit
P3 JDK-8171323 generate dot file for and with only API dependences
P3 JDK-8058118 Generate modules.list during the build
P3 JDK-8139668 Generate README-build.html from markdown
P3 JDK-8171374 GenGraphs should filter the rank grouping if the group is empty
P3 JDK-8151619 genSocketOptionRegistry.exe always relinked on Windows
P3 JDK-8055772 : version check assumes English localization
P3 JDK-8157325 gtest tests are not excluded for minimal builds
P3 JDK-8047952 hotspot fastdebug builds broken on fedora 19 after JDK-8047734
P3 JDK-8156018 Hotspot visual studio project generation broken
P3 JDK-8139026 hotspot/make/hotspot.script cannot handle command-line arguments with spaces
P3 JDK-8072633 HotSpot: Investigate new version string impact on the HotSpot code
P3 JDK-8176172 Imported FX modules have have residual_imported.marker file
P3 JDK-8033119 Improve and document boot-jdk.m4
P3 JDK-8141696 Improve COMPARE_BUILD
P3 JDK-8076060 Improve make bootstrap process
P3 JDK-8071767 Improve names and dependencies for image targets
P3 JDK-8138761 Improved handling of libffi, and cleanup of libraries.m4
P3 JDK-8074055 Improvements in from build-infra
P3 JDK-8017241 inconsistent date string in bundle names if build runs across midnight
P3 JDK-8149647 Incremental enhancements from build-infra
P3 JDK-8178438 Info-privileged.plist claims launchers to be "OpenJDK 7 Command"
P3 JDK-8136777 Introduce bundle targets
P3 JDK-8146995 Introduce named arguments in configure
P3 JDK-8165314 Javac server process left running if build fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8046309 JDK - rt.jar does not contain debug symbols
P3 JDK-8129562 JDK 9 build using boot-jdk classes instead of newly compiled classes
P3 JDK-8031372 JDK 9 Specification-Version in jar files is still 1.8
P3 JDK-8019729 JDK build HIGHEST compiler optimisation setting isn't valid for Sun C++ compiler
P3 JDK-8044480 JDK image target overwrites lib/server/libjsig.dylib symlink with a copy of lib/libjsig.dylib
P3 JDK-8164304 JDK should build with Oracle Developer Studio
P3 JDK-8055513 jdk/src/windows/classes/sun/security/krb5 missing in unshuffle_list.txt
P3 JDK-8157758 JDK9 does not compile on Linux with GCC 6.1 because left-shifting a negative number has undefined behavior
P3 JDK-8055735 JDK_FILTER is broken
P3 JDK-8151230 jib config fails to download asmtools when latest link changed
P3 JDK-8167600 jib make run-test for langtools and intermittent failures on windows-x86
P3 JDK-8166648 jib make run-test for langtools results in intermittent failures on windows-x86
P3 JDK-8175311 Jib sets bad JT_JAVA on linux aarch64
P3 JDK-8066507 JPRT is not capable of running jtreg tests located jdk/test
P3 JDK-8072834 jrt-fs.jar missing META-INF/services/java.nio.file.spi.FileSystemProvider
P3 JDK-8168607 langtools/test/Makefile should set -retain:fail,error by default
P3 JDK-8029797 Let jprt run configure when building
P3 JDK-8168108 lib/classlist should be packaged in java.base.jmod
P3 JDK-8080983 libdt_socket: Build failed with VS2013 SP4
P3 JDK-8164999 does not work when linked statically
P3 JDK-8169255 Link gtestLauncher statically if libjvm is configured for static linking
P3 JDK-8148655 LOG=cmdlines and other build-infra fixes
P3 JDK-8135014 needs to handle commands with variable assignment prefixes
P3 JDK-8143036 Make install target does not depend on images
P3 JDK-8046765 makefiles should use parameterized $(CP) and $(MV) rather than explicit commands
P3 JDK-8171163 Merge 9de6a70d5d81 broke test/Makefile
P3 JDK-8066769 Merge errors following JDK-8049367 (Modular Run-Time Images)
P3 JDK-8016210 Migrate NetBeans projects to new build infrastructure
P3 JDK-8168982 Missing dependency for docs-copy
P3 JDK-8157100 missing dependency in build system
P3 JDK-8167354 Missing jtreg output when run using langtools makefiles
P3 JDK-8177822 Move closed jib configuration for arm platforms to open
P3 JDK-8072740 move closed jvm.cfg files out of open repo
P3 JDK-8178037 Move information from jdi-overview.html into jdk.jdi
P3 JDK-8051806 Native compilation warnings about unused parameters should be disabled for core-libs
P3 JDK-8076581 Need a NON-PCH build to quickly detect missing dependencies in the source base
P3 JDK-8023626 Need an option for a strict mode in configure so that any warnings will fail fast
P3 JDK-8076465 New Init.gmk needs improvements
P3 JDK-8058756 OpenJDK builds fail on Windows - cannot copy freetype.dll
P3 JDK-8136764 ORIGINAL_PATH is broken if PATH contains directory with "#" in it's name
P3 JDK-8180472 Pandoc should generate html5 from markdown
P3 JDK-8173120 Preserve command line at build failure
P3 JDK-8135180 Print configure arguments using make print-configuration
P3 JDK-8044071 Print format/argument warnings
P3 JDK-8007897 Problems cleaning up a file named build/window/jdk/gensrc/java/nio/_the..
P3 JDK-8072106 Properly handle dependencies for deleted header files
P3 JDK-8173476 Provide lldb from devkit when running tests on macosx
P3 JDK-8167488 Race condition in build with new exploded-image-optimize target
P3 JDK-8047763 Recognize sparc64 as a sparc platform
P3 JDK-8072732 Regression in configure due to JDK-8069057
P3 JDK-8172973 Remove add exports from ModuleSummary build
P3 JDK-8170629 Remove code duplication in test makefiles
P3 JDK-8155632 Remove debuginfo from jmod files
P3 JDK-8029292 Remove j2sdk and j2re nomenclature from build images
P3 JDK-8172702 Remove left-over OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_JLI_CFLAGS
P3 JDK-8080940 Remove mcs post-hook from hotspot solaris builds
P3 JDK-8078046 Remove MCS post-processing on Solaris
P3 JDK-8170483 Remove modules_src_jake workaround for JavaFX transition to new module-info syntax
P3 JDK-8150257 Remove softfloat lib support
P3 JDK-8044363 Remove special build options for unpack200 executable
P3 JDK-8066474 Remove the lib/$ARCH directory from Linux and Solaris images
P3 JDK-8172714 Remove unused and unexpanded variables from
P3 JDK-8145185 Rename JAB the build tool to JIB
P3 JDK-8140661 Rename LDFLAGS_SUFFIX to LIBS
P3 JDK-8150201 Restore missing -g flags to files with OPT_CFLAGS/per-file
P3 JDK-8080722 Revisit how to check for doclint reference warning during the build
P3 JDK-8034788 Rewrite toolchain.m4 to support multiple toolchains per platform
P3 JDK-8153125 rmic from bootcycle build should launch with -m jdk.rmic/sun.rmi.rmic.Main
P3 JDK-8178965 Second part of JDK-8176785
P3 JDK-8176196 sed from FindTests.gmk prints warnings
P3 JDK-8180420 Set PATH for dot and pandoc in JIB
P3 JDK-8182408 Simplify the API-specification overview page
P3 JDK-8152197 Single place to specify module-specific information for images build
P3 JDK-7051922 Solaris 11 build issues using -xc99=%none
P3 JDK-8068902 Solaris build fails with new 10u10 devkit
P3 JDK-8161057 Solaris: deprecated/obsolete compiler flags should be removed
P3 JDK-8136997 src bundle build failure: Missing Directory jdk/src/closed/java.instrument/share
P3 JDK-8145271 stand-alone hotspot build is broken
P3 JDK-8176271 Still unable to build JDK 9 on some *7 sparcs
P3 JDK-8080630 Stop doing sed manipulation of manifest files in SetupJavaCompilation
P3 JDK-8170632 Stop modifying VERSION_OPT for adhoc builds on reconfigure
P3 JDK-8079891 Store configure log in $BUILD/configure.log
P3 JDK-8050825 Support running regression tests using jtreg_tests+TESTDIRS from top level
P3 JDK-8174064 Tab expansion broken for make
P3 JDK-8153273 Test lib compilations trigger find crash on Solaris
P3 JDK-8174895 test/TestCommon.gmk: value of JTREG_TESTVM_MEMORY_OPTION is missing
P3 JDK-8066766 The commands in the modular images are executable by the owner only
P3 JDK-8166202 Tracefile gensrc cannot handle closed src dir in different location
P3 JDK-8077912 Turn on doclint checking for more modules
P3 JDK-8072734 Turn on doclint checking in the build of modules in the jdk repo
P3 JDK-8174945 Turn on doclint reference checking in build of java.compiler module
P3 JDK-8175045 Turn on doclint reference checking in build of the module
P3 JDK-8074859 Turn on warnings as error
P3 JDK-8057643 Unable to build --with-debug-level=optimized on OSX
P3 JDK-8171932 unresolved macro in javadoc command
P3 JDK-8179892 Update build documentation for JDK 9
P3 JDK-8172312 Update docs target and image for new combined docs
P3 JDK-8173374 Update GenGraphs tool to generate dot graph with requires transitive edges
P3 JDK-8033236 Update GensrcCharsetMapping.gmk to build-infra standards
P3 JDK-8146855 Update hotspot sources to recognize Solaris Studio 12u4 compiler
P3 JDK-8030011 Update Hotspot version string output
P3 JDK-8075495 Update jtreg bin location in configure
P3 JDK-8074726 Update source and target version used when compiling hotspot class files
P3 JDK-8062223 Upgrading to ccache 1.3.10 disables the use of ccache
P3 JDK-8180480 Use "requires transitive" relationship when determining modules for javadoc
P3 JDK-8139413 Use --with-x to set X11 root directory
P3 JDK-8033251 Use DWARF debug symbols for Linux 32-bit as default
P3 JDK-8046471 Use OPENJDK_TARGET_CPU_ARCH instead of legacy value for hotspot ARCH
P3 JDK-8176509 Use pandoc for converting build readme to html
P3 JDK-8180426 Use standard css file for new docs bundle index.html page
P3 JDK-8026860 Use symlinks for full debug symbols instead of copies
P3 JDK-8168037 using ZIP as a make variable conflicts with zip's use of ZIP as an environment variable
P3 JDK-8170862 VarDeps breaks when a file with overridden CFLAGS has the same name as the library
P3 JDK-8069064 Various improvements and fixes in build system
P3 JDK-8137014 Various improvements in build infrastructure
P3 JDK-8174069 Verify that bash is at least version 3.2
P3 JDK-8173085 Warning module name in --add-exports not found: jdk.jdeps when compiling for BUILD_JIGSAW_TOOLS
P3 JDK-8176469 Warnings from the build: Unknown module: jdk.rmic specified in --patch-module
P3 JDK-8057905 Windows fastdebug builds from top-level does not have "fastdebug" as part of the version string
P3 JDK-8055922 Work around sjavac limitation with public api tracking cross modules
P4 JDK-8039103 "explicitly" is misspelled as "explicitely" in configure scripts
P4 JDK-8141416 "expr: syntax error" due to gcc -dumpversion excluding micro
P4 JDK-8077364 "if( !this )" construct prevents build on Xcode 6.3
P4 JDK-8061610 "make test" broken for hotspot test targets
P4 JDK-8160873 (cs) JDK9 Build failure on Hindi locale
P4 JDK-8158763 --disable-hotspot-gtest not working on Solaris
P4 JDK-8168302 --disable-warnings-as-errors doesn't work for the hotspot build on Solaris
P4 JDK-8146938 --with-devkit doesn't control nmake
P4 JDK-8151406 --with-native-debug-symbols=none no longer works on mac after JDK-8145596
P4 JDK-8162750 -D__solaris__ added twice
P4 JDK-8058180 .hgignore should be updated with webrev in all repos
P4 JDK-8162409 8160873 did not update
P4 JDK-8172094 8171433 changes in generated-configure should be restored
P4 JDK-8171433 [aix] switch on gtest AIX build
P4 JDK-8171408 [aix] TOC overflow when linking the gtest
P4 JDK-8145427 [aix] xlc: wrong flag used to switch off optimization
P4 JDK-8025675 [infra] cleanup stale solaris overlay logic in the build infrastructure
P4 JDK-8166800 [s390] Top-level build changes required for Linux/s390x
P4 JDK-8137329 [windows] Build broken on VS2010 after "8046148: JEP 158: Unified JVM Logging"
P4 JDK-8075860 aarch64 fails to build
P4 JDK-8160534 aarch64: fails to build after 8157834
P4 JDK-8081294 aarch64: fails to build on ubuntu wily
P4 JDK-8078621 AARCH64: Fails to build without precompiled headers
P4 JDK-8034199 Add "reconfigure" target for re-creating a configuration
P4 JDK-8077814 Add .DELETE_ON_ERROR to makefiles
P4 JDK-8050805 Add a target to langtools/make/build.xml to generate docs for test library classes
P4 JDK-8032734 Add cast lint warning to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8140591 Add configure argument specifying make executable in JPRT
P4 JDK-8140593 Add configure parameter for devkit for the build compiler
P4 JDK-8139272 Add configure variable to set concurrency for jtreg tests
P4 JDK-8145548 Add default directory for freetype source
P4 JDK-8087208 Add devkit creation script for windows
P4 JDK-8159340 Add extension to CompileGtest.gmk
P4 JDK-8039865 Add fallthrough lint warning to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8044715 Add finally lint warning to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8073637 Add JDK_FILTER to list of known make control variables
P4 JDK-8056072 add jprt_optimized targets
P4 JDK-8157028 Add make target for running gtest tests
P4 JDK-8139256 Add Makefile target to run internal VM tests
P4 JDK-8047925 Add Mercurial Version check to
P4 JDK-8155950 Add minimal VM in JIB profile on linux-x86
P4 JDK-8046273 Add overrides lint warning to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8039102 Add raw and unchecked lint warnings to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8032977 Add serial lint warning to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8032048 Add static lint warning to build of jdk repository
P4 JDK-8079087 Add support for Cygwin 2.0
P4 JDK-8063157 add targets for optimized builds
P4 JDK-8139271 Add top-level Makefile target to run hotspots jtreg tests
P4 JDK-8056062 Additional minor cleanups from source restructure build changes
P4 JDK-8028407 failed build with GNU Make 4.0 with -I
P4 JDK-8145560 AIX: change '8036003: Add --with-debug-symbols' broke AIX build
P4 JDK-8075858 AIX: clean-up HotSpot make files
P4 JDK-8075515 AIX: cleanup xlc options and use -bernotok to detect missing symbols at build time
P4 JDK-8036614 AIX: fix to build with GNU Make 4.0 (adapt 8028407 for AIX)
P4 JDK-8067923 AIX: link with -bernotok to detect missing symbols at build time and suppress warning 1540-1639
P4 JDK-8158938 AIX: some more new hotspot build fixes
P4 JDK-8079344 Allow custom or platform specific java source to automatically override shared source
P4 JDK-8035341 Allow using a system installed libpng
P4 JDK-8042159 Allow using a system-installed lcms2
P4 JDK-8008771 anacronism removal: change use of j2* to jdk,jre etc...
P4 JDK-8154251 ANSI-C Quoting bug in hotspot.m4 during configure on SLES 10 and 11
P4 JDK-8158629 bash >(...) construct still causes race conditions
P4 JDK-8073862 BASIC_FIXUP_EXECUTABLE should not fail on empty path
P4 JDK-8041151 Better concurrency in
P4 JDK-8065912 Better handling of classpath in build-infra
P4 JDK-8138627 Better help message in configure for reduced builds (target-bits=32)
P4 JDK-8069041 Bootcycle builds do not work with sjavac
P4 JDK-8073965 Bring up to date with JDK 9
P4 JDK-8143141 Bring in minor build changes from the jigsaw/jake forest
P4 JDK-8054160 build - images didn't rebuild when jdk/src/closed/windows/native/sun/bridge file was updated
P4 JDK-8067060 build can still fail with spaces following -L on link lines
P4 JDK-8057132 Build fails if PROFILE is set in the environment
P4 JDK-8042208 Build fails on Solaris using devkit when X isn't installed
P4 JDK-8157348 Build fails with certain source configurations
P4 JDK-8151841 Build needs additional flags to compile with GCC 6
P4 JDK-8141051 Build test libs -source/-target 9
P4 JDK-8057538 Build the freetype library during configure on Windows
P4 JDK-8007327 build-infra Emit MEMORY_SIZE into spec.gmk
P4 JDK-8009700 build-infra removing source files can result in docs target failure
P4 JDK-8009371 build-infra: Add information about available configurations to make help output
P4 JDK-8009563 build-infra: AR not correctly defined by configure on macosx, should be set to $(CC)
P4 JDK-8001904 build-infra: Clean up compare-objects and
P4 JDK-8001932 build-infra: Clean up remaining non-build-infra files in jdk/makefiles
P4 JDK-8001940 build-infra: HotspotWrapper.gmk does not detect removed files
P4 JDK-8001458 build-infra: jobjc headers cause incorrect make dependencies
P4 JDK-8001902 build-infra: ListPathsSafely confusing unneccessary and confusing replacements
P4 JDK-8004227 build-infra: Need minimum version checks on compilers/tools
P4 JDK-8005379 build-infra: track down reason for [Error] encoded value errors
P4 JDK-8001930 build-infra: Use AC_CHECK_LIB properly
P4 JDK-8072664 BUILD_LD is set incorrectly when cross compiling on linux
P4 JDK-8147786 Building hotspot gives error message from find
P4 JDK-8005612 builds are creating dirs and files in C: root on windows
P4 JDK-8159628 Bundles contain extra /./ path element for all files
P4 JDK-8016909 Can corba, jaxp, jaxws be compiled with the new javac/core libraries?
P4 JDK-8043029 Change 8037816 breaks HS build with older GCC versions which don't support diagnostic pragmas
P4 JDK-8147950 Change JPRT to use new platforms for Linux, Windows and Macosx
P4 JDK-8172037 Change log message of SetupCopyFiles
P4 JDK-8146985 Change output directory for hotspot's jtreg tests
P4 JDK-8179879 Clarify
P4 JDK-8016523 Clean up how unpack200.exe is compiled and linked on windows.
P4 JDK-8033111 Clean up left-over JObjC code in build system
P4 JDK-8153969 Clean up module src dir logic
P4 JDK-8140648 Clean up remnants of fork1() from non-solaris platforms
P4 JDK-8038340 Cleanup and fix sysroot and devkit handling on Linux and Solaris
P4 JDK-8055189 Cleanup gensrc after source code restructure
P4 JDK-8055190 Cleanup include and exclude of core-libs native libraries after source code restructure
P4 JDK-8036611 Cleanup of handling of properties and other java resources in the build
P4 JDK-8044733 common/autoconf/configure script doesn't properly detect missing tools
P4 JDK-8154237 Compare script broken for windows native library deps comparison
P4 JDK-8034979 Configuration help messages don't consider --no-create
P4 JDK-8140277 Configuration out-of-date check should also check closed sources
P4 JDK-8154070 Configuration script unable to detect boot JDK's modules support
P4 JDK-8031709 Configure --with-jvm-variants=client,server,x produces default outputdir containing comma
P4 JDK-8147933 Configure check for number of cpus ignores HT on Macosx
P4 JDK-8035730 Configure fails in cygwin if current dir is in /home/user
P4 JDK-8068735 Configure fails on Windows if Visual Studio $LIB/$INCLUDE is lower case
P4 JDK-8146091 Configure fails to configure icecc on OEL
P4 JDK-8034098 Configure leaves 'a.out' in root dir.
P4 JDK-8077113 Configure script do not properly detect cross-compilation gcc
P4 JDK-8065124 Configure script refers to the wrong JDK version
P4 JDK-8158535 Configure script uses basic tools directly in many places
P4 JDK-8016918 configure should check for proper version of the boot JDK
P4 JDK-8031759 Configure should handle overrides of tools better
P4 JDK-8028794 configure should provide better error reports about bootjvm binaries
P4 JDK-8081692 Configure should verify that -fstack-protector is valid
P4 JDK-8129395 Configure should verify that -fstack-protector is valid - take 2
P4 JDK-8074516 Configure with VS2013 fails if Windows SDK 7.1 is present unless VS2010 is also present
P4 JDK-8144911 Consider having modifications to jdk.jlink trigger recreation of all jmods
P4 JDK-8043127 Convert JPRT_ARCHIVE_BUNDLE to unix style paths
P4 JDK-8155641 Correct merge typo in compare script
P4 JDK-8062618 Create a build failure summary at end of build log
P4 JDK-8171409 Create a smoother configure experience on macosx
P4 JDK-8159537 create build file to generate diags reports for all locales
P4 JDK-8069261 Create make dependencies on make variable values
P4 JDK-8038957 DEBUG_BINARIES can be removed
P4 JDK-8166737 default langtools make test settings result in no ouput
P4 JDK-8011180 Delete obsolete scripts
P4 JDK-8061924 demos target fails if users CDPATH is incorrectly set
P4 JDK-8141414 Deprecate configure source overriding
P4 JDK-8138694 Devkit build on Macosx still requires Xcode to be installed
P4 JDK-8056053 Disable HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS when building with configure
P4 JDK-8159047 Disable redundant build steps when creating buildjdk
P4 JDK-8062661 Do not perform X11 checks in configure when X11 is not needed
P4 JDK-8038027 DTDBuilder should be run in headless mode
P4 JDK-8004973 Dtrace error message building on linux
P4 JDK-8170280 Enable -g for all java compilation in the build
P4 JDK-8075511 Enable -Woverloaded-virtual C++ warning for HotSpot build
P4 JDK-8164858 Enable build-time use of java.lang.invoke resolve tracing
P4 JDK-8142983 Enable builds with icecc/icecream
P4 JDK-8145596 Enable debug symbols for all libraries
P4 JDK-8138739 Enable devkit on macosx in JPRT (again)
P4 JDK-8048321 Enable doclint warnings in build of docs from langtools
P4 JDK-8149777 Enable enhanced failure handler for "make test"
P4 JDK-8073315 Enable gcc -Wtype-limits and fix upcoming issues.
P4 JDK-8144039 Enable javac server by default
P4 JDK-8140312 Enable new sjavac server only mode in jdk build
P4 JDK-8065576 Enable pipefail in the shell used by make to better detect build errors
P4 JDK-8078437 Enable use of devkits for Windows.
P4 JDK-8054355 ENFORCE_CC_COMPILER_REV needs to be updated to Solaris C++ 12u3 for JDK 9
P4 JDK-8074099 Even with toolchain type clang, OBJC is set to gcc
P4 JDK-8032203 Explicitly disabling ccache results in error messages which imply it is not installed
P4 JDK-8171500 Explicitly set --with-target-bits=64 in 64bit jib profiles
P4 JDK-8037298 Export HotSpots 'optimized' (i.e. not-product) configuration in the top-level configure/makefile
P4 JDK-8026773 Failing compilation in Corba does not fail the build
P4 JDK-8148993 fastdebug with --enable-native-debug-symbols=internal is slowdebug
P4 JDK-8154087 Fix AIX and Linux/ppc64le after the integration of the new hotspot build
P4 JDK-8056246 Fix AIX build after the Modular Source Code change 8054834
P4 JDK-8130303 Fix bogus check for in libraries.m4
P4 JDK-8157253 Fix compare script for html files
P4 JDK-8149479 Fix to have a clean baseline with COMPARE_BUILD
P4 JDK-8056064 Fix corba locale build problem on windows
P4 JDK-8146639 Fix detection of Cups headers during configuration
P4 JDK-8048232 Fix for 8046471 breaks PPC64 build
P4 JDK-8143895 Fix LDFLAGS issues after JDK-8056925
P4 JDK-8148416 Fix merge error in hotspot.m4 introduced in Merge changeset 8b46c6cecc37
P4 JDK-8041487 Fix proper dependencies for correct incremental build of javadocs
P4 JDK-8140223 fix the build with a toolchain with a linker defaulting to ld --as-needed
P4 JDK-8151685 Fix the version of required jdk in configure help text
P4 JDK-8061301 Fix typo when translating characters in $USER
P4 JDK-8179889 Fix typographic errors in copyright headers
P4 JDK-8169630 Fix wrong cpu build flag for Linux/ppc64le build
P4 JDK-8062159 Fix Xrender check to work with sysroot
P4 JDK-8165158 Fix zero builds for non-listed architectures
P4 JDK-8043164 Format warning in traceStream.hpp
P4 JDK-8042213 Freetype detection fails on Solaris sparcv9 when using devkit
P4 JDK-8055188 General cleanup of minor issues from source restructure
P4 JDK-8154313 Generated javadoc scattered all over the place
P4 JDK-8157336 Generation of classlists at build time should be configurable
P4 JDK-8159364 Gtest unit tests does not support PCH
P4 JDK-8163998 help.m4 includes incorrect message for apt-get
P4 JDK-8067631 mishandles arguments with spaces
P4 JDK-8074910 needs an option to bring over a smaller set of extra repos
P4 JDK-8042417 hgforest: allow local clone of extra repos
P4 JDK-8055331 hgforest: cleaner handling of exit results.
P4 JDK-8059000 hgforest: pass options to serve command
P4 JDK-8033714 hotspot 'install_jvm' bld target broken with ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0
P4 JDK-8151653 Hotspot build does not respect --enable-openjdk-only
P4 JDK-8156980 Hotspot build doesn't have -std=gnu++98 gcc option
P4 JDK-7191719 hotspot build error for JDK 8 on Solaris 11
P4 JDK-8008288 Hotspot build fails on Windows when username contains space
P4 JDK-8055838 Hotspot does not compile with clang 6.0 (OS X Yosemite)
P4 JDK-8141548 Hotspot Windows build should respect WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS
P4 JDK-8058936 hotspot/test/Makefile should use jtreg script from $JT_HOME/bin/jreg (instead of $JT_HOME/win32/bin/jtreg)
P4 JDK-8150723 HSDB toolbar icons are missing.
P4 JDK-8026280 implement Full Debug Symbols on MacOS X jdk
P4 JDK-8168137 import-hotspot build target not removed from hotspot-ide-project
P4 JDK-8154430 Imported modules rebuilt on second run when nothing has changed
P4 JDK-8037281 Improve CacheFind and enable on all platforms
P4 JDK-8073634 Improve clean targets
P4 JDK-8035495 Improvements in autoconf integration
P4 JDK-8074310 Incorrect handling of LIBM
P4 JDK-8168950 Incremental build of images always rebuilds jmods
P4 JDK-8130109 Incremental build of java.base-gensrc broken
P4 JDK-8139657 Incremental build of creates repeated entries in services file
P4 JDK-8150203 Incremental update from build-infra project
P4 JDK-8034144 Initial hg tags for closed repo
P4 JDK-8043259 Install build fails on Ubuntu with sh error in
P4 JDK-8150197 Integrate AIX fixes from build-infra
P4 JDK-8142907 Integration of minor fixes from the build-infra project
P4 JDK-8144857 Intermittent build error building jdk/src/demo/solaris/jni/Poller/Poller.c
P4 JDK-8151726 Introduce a JPRT testset buildinfra
P4 JDK-8077824 Introduce DefineNativeToolchain to handle toolchain configurations
P4 JDK-8065911 Introduce EvalDebugWrapper for all Setup* macros
P4 JDK-8066761 Investigate -sourcepath usage when compiling java
P4 JDK-8143296 javac-server/sjavac not compatible with LogFailures on Windows
P4 JDK-8055405 JDK 9 build started failing on ja_JP.UTF-8 locale due to mapping error (encoding=ascii).
P4 JDK-8037238 JDK 9 images don't rebuild when access bridge jars rebuild
P4 JDK-8155824 JDK build should tune down small apps more aggressively
P4 JDK-7133254 JDK installer should bundle rt.jar with debug symbols
P4 JDK-8079507 jdk9: aarch64: fails to build after merge from hs-comp
P4 JDK-8151800 Jib profile for open linux should produce compact profiles images by default
P4 JDK-8164301 jib should provide a JDK for running jtreg with
P4 JDK-8166235 jib-profile.js debug_level is an array instead of string
P4 JDK-8026285 JPRT -buildenv ZIP_DEBUGINFO_FILES=0 no longer works
P4 JDK-8144677 should allow creating a user specified testset with custom build flavors and build targets
P4 JDK-8164297 Jtreg test exeinvoke fails to link on Ubuntu
P4 JDK-8066508 JTReg tests timeout on slow devices when run using JPRT
P4 JDK-8016039 jvm.lib is missing from export list unless building server
P4 JDK-8153660 missing from JRE image
P4 JDK-8157895 langtools script is broken
P4 JDK-8147930 Langtools test Makefile still requires special make in Cygwin
P4 JDK-8032441 langtools/test/Makefile breaks when JT_JAVA set to a JDK 9 build
P4 JDK-8003656 langtools/test/Makefile refers to JDK 1.7.0
P4 JDK-8081578 LDCXX should not be set to 'gcc'
P4 JDK-8154841 Let different Jib profiles have different default make targets
P4 JDK-8028770 LIBARCHNAME should not be used in CompileLauncher.gmk
P4 JDK-8169625 Libjsig build doesn't set flags for ppc64/s390 builds
P4 JDK-8136813 Log output automatically to file
P4 JDK-8027627 LOG=trace hardcodes value to bash
P4 JDK-8057125 LOG=trace hardcodes value to bash (still)
P4 JDK-8136648 Make help does not initiate log level correctly
P4 JDK-8056999 Make hotspot builds less verbose on default log level
P4 JDK-8066589 Make importing sa-jdi.jar optional on its existance
P4 JDK-8145115 make JAVAC_FLAGS=-g no longer works
P4 JDK-8013242 Make Mac builds work with Parfait
P4 JDK-8039145 Make reconfigure fails sometimes
P4 JDK-8069057 Make sure configure is run by bash
P4 JDK-8149116 Make test/Makefile more silent
P4 JDK-8146871 Make the clean target silent in hotspot/test/Makefile
P4 JDK-8175071 Minor cleanup in Javadoc.gmk
P4 JDK-8151656 Minor tweaks to old Hotspot build to ease comparison with new
P4 JDK-8075054 Mixed case Windows path break native dependency checks
P4 JDK-8155629 MODULES_FILTER should apply to imported modules
P4 JDK-8168636 More detailed information about native libraries in build log
P4 JDK-8069063 More merge errors following JDK-8049367 (Modular Run-Time Images)
P4 JDK-8170284 Move fine granular hotspot make targets to top level
P4 JDK-8028145 Move webrev.ksh out of JDK into separate code-tools repo
P4 JDK-8160353 narrowing conversion error is occurred with GCC 6
P4 JDK-8146002 Need to support mirrors for bootstrapping Jib
P4 JDK-8049288 New warning in hotspot build
P4 JDK-8033580 Old debug information in IMPORT_JDK is not removed
P4 JDK-8148351 Only display resolved symlink for compiler, do not change path
P4 JDK-8146638 Only use compiler option files if they are really supported by the toolchain
P4 JDK-8062312 OpenJDK build fails when bundling freetype libraries
P4 JDK-8024504 OS X 10.7.x Unable to use java web start
P4 JDK-8073139 PPC64: User-visible arch directory and os.arch value on ppc64le cause issues with Java tooling
P4 JDK-8065215 Print warning summary at end of configure
P4 JDK-8141543 Propagate --disable-warnings-as-errors to hotspot
P4 JDK-8170077 Properly parallelize javadoc generation
P4 JDK-8047933 Race between jdk/make/scripts/ and
P4 JDK-8074395 Random build failures in javadoc on Solaris
P4 JDK-8156837 RC resource compilation on windows generates false build failure reports
P4 JDK-8074988 Reduce boilerplate in Setup* macro definitions
P4 JDK-8065155 Refactor Hotspot mapfiles
P4 JDK-8147934 Remove --with-sdk-name from macosx jib profile
P4 JDK-8149427 Remove .class files from the hotspot repo .hgignore file
P4 JDK-8075725 Remove /jre subdir in hotspot dist dir
P4 JDK-8156560 Remove AddJsum
P4 JDK-8157317 Remove bundle target logic from install makefiles
P4 JDK-8074091 Remove dead code from merge mistake in JavaCompilation.gmk
P4 JDK-8173822 Remove dead code in BuildNashorn.gmk
P4 JDK-8147091 Remove debug output in basics.m4
P4 JDK-8081694 Remove DISABLED_WARNINGS_gcc for libsctp
P4 JDK-8055096 Remove explicit mx flag from javadoc command line
P4 JDK-8040267 Remove forced -g from java compile lines in jaxp and jaxws
P4 JDK-8081616 Remove hard-coded CFLAGS_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS to fully respect --disable-warnings-as-errors
P4 JDK-8170184 Remove incorrect comments
P4 JDK-8170651 Remove legacy hotspot compiler setup
P4 JDK-8144312 Remove limitations on the default number of jobs in the build
P4 JDK-8156561 Remove makeClasslist.js
P4 JDK-8098579 Remove non-existent package from CORE_PKGS.gmk
P4 JDK-8039891 Remove ppcsflt builds from JPRT
P4 JDK-8067829 Remove setting -bootclasspath $(JDK_OUTPUTDIR)/classes from Javadoc.gmk
P4 JDK-8066752 Remove space after -L on linker lines
P4 JDK-8140282 Remove test directories on clean-test-*
P4 JDK-8065648 Remove the flag -fsanitize=undefined for GCC 4.9 and later
P4 JDK-8150601 Remove the old Hotspot build system
P4 JDK-8069540 Remove universal binaries support from hotspot build
P4 JDK-8062806 Remove unused build/make files
P4 JDK-8058631 Rename posix to unix in build system to match file name changes
P4 JDK-8141333 Rename SetupArchive to SetupJarArchive
P4 JDK-8130821 repeated "make images" finds stuff to do
P4 JDK-6535379 Restructure echo messages in makefiles, avoid echo -e
P4 JDK-8048839 Reverse sense of -Xlint options in build of jdk repo
P4 JDK-8034094 SA agent can't compile when jni_x86.h is used
P4 JDK-8160423 Serial build is broken because of missing dependencies for jmod
P4 JDK-8057537 Serialize reconfigure and fix make clean-foo foo
P4 JDK-8071550 SetupJavaComilation EXCLUDE/INCLUDE/EXCLUDE_FILE do not work on META-INF files
P4 JDK-8087156 SetupNativeCompilation ignores CFLAGS_release for cpp files
P4 JDK-8147449 sjavac builds of jdk9/dev with closed sources broken
P4 JDK-8075140 Solaris build of native libraries not consistently using EXTRA_CFLAGS and EXTRA_LDFLAGS
P4 JDK-8036145 Solaris standard grep does not understand -qE
P4 JDK-8139086 Solaris/Sparc slowdebug build fails for memset_with_concurrent_readers.cpp
P4 JDK-8165163 Solaris11 and onwards provide CUPS by default, references to csw and sfw versions should be removed
P4 JDK-8165161 Solaris: /usr/ccs /opt/sfw and /opt/csw are dead, references should be expunged
P4 JDK-8161601 Solaris: __USE_LEGACY_PROTOTYPES__ is redundant and should be removed
P4 JDK-8166965 Some small java build tools are still running with big JVM configuration
P4 JDK-8140762 Specifying --without-LIB if not needed should not result in warning
P4 JDK-8055191 Split GensrcProperties.gmk into separate modules
P4 JDK-8044235 should include all sources
P4 JDK-8145106 Still intermittent build error building jdk/src/demo/solaris/jni/Poller/Poller.c
P4 JDK-8158181 Stop adding missing newline to manifest files
P4 JDK-8071329 Stop exporting INCLUDE and LIB when building on windows
P4 JDK-8139735 Switch compilers in JPRT for windows and linux
P4 JDK-8145789 Switch JDK 9 to use Jib in JPRT
P4 JDK-8129969 Switch JPRT configuration to use devkits for Windows and Macosx
P4 JDK-8150600 Switch to the new Hotspot build system
P4 JDK-8068726 Tab completion of targets fails when current dir is the output dir
P4 JDK-8155872 Temporarily disable deprecation checking on the java.desktop module
P4 JDK-8170666 Test for microsoft compiler minimum version
P4 JDK-8067442 Tests using -Xshare:dump does not work with 'make test'
P4 JDK-8042788 The build log uses inconsistent reporting style
P4 JDK-8031668 TOOLCHAIN_FIND_COMPILER unexpectedly resolves symbolic links
P4 JDK-8058317 Top-level Makefiles uses deprecated target jvmg in HotSpot Makefiles
P4 JDK-8075035 Turn on doclint checking of modules in the langtools repo
P4 JDK-8155821 Typo for s390x for HOTSPOT_$1_CPU_DEFINE
P4 JDK-8056223 typo in export_optimized_jdk
P4 JDK-8033898 undefined symbol when build hotspot with Xcode5
P4 JDK-8157623 Unexpected warning about ignoring value of CCACHE from environment
P4 JDK-8004842 Unify values of boolean make variables set in configure to true/false
P4 JDK-8172548 unpack200 fails linking with new update of SS12u4
P4 JDK-8048302 Update bug reporting URL in make/Javadoc.gmk
P4 JDK-8169632 Update compare script for clean compare
P4 JDK-8160728 Update compare script to clean baseline
P4 JDK-8030794 Update configure to require jdk8 as boot
P4 JDK-8143236 Update devkit creation makefiles for linux
P4 JDK-8179225 Update graphviz bundle script with up to date build instructions
P4 JDK-8034146 Update for new closed tree
P4 JDK-8000962 Update JDK_MINOR_VERSION for JDK 9
P4 JDK-8098834 Update with property listing tests subtrees
P4 JDK-8145391 Update, devtools, jib and readme with SS12u4
P4 JDK-8028163 Update Netbeans / Solaris Studio project files on Linux
P4 JDK-8028162 Update Netbeans / Solaris Studio project files on Mac
P4 JDK-8028164 Update Netbeans / Solaris Studio project files on Solaris
P4 JDK-8041593 Update README-builds.html to refer to jdk9
P4 JDK-8179537 Update testing.html and building.html for more clarity regarding JTREG
P4 JDK-8065656 Use DWARF debug symbols for Solaris
P4 JDK-8142383 Use named arguments for SetupCompileProperties in jdk
P4 JDK-8152545 Use preprocessor instead of compiling a program to generate native nio constants
P4 JDK-8022263 use same Clang warnings on BSD as on Linux
P4 JDK-8031081 Use separate doclint flags for different doc bundles
P4 JDK-8140484 Vardeps broken when variable value contains '$'
P4 JDK-8166096 variable tracking size limit exceeded in jvmciCompilerToVM.cpp
P4 JDK-8136385 Various build speed improvements for windows
P4 JDK-8065914 Various improvements and cleanup of build system
P4 JDK-8065913 Various improvements in SetupNativeCompilation
P4 JDK-8167424 Various trivial fixes in build system
P4 JDK-8081676 Verify that configure detects AS on Solaris and print help otherwise
P4 JDK-8011592 Warning about ALT_ variables should not state that they are ignored
P4 JDK-8146403 Windows build can be faster
P4 JDK-8151435 Windows devkit missing 32bit msvcdis120.dll
P4 JDK-8022177 Windows/MSYS builds broken
P4 JDK-8153281 Workaround another find crash in tonga build
P4 JDK-8140238 Zero fails to build from source
P4 JDK-8067330 ZERO_ARCHDEF incorrectly defined for PPC/PPC64 architectures
P5 JDK-8154394 Bad test for ENABLE_SJAVAC in build-performance.m4
P5 JDK-8001939 build-infra: Add more correct way of locating boot JDK on Windows
P5 JDK-8004844 build-infra: Docs target doesn't really depend on hotspot
P5 JDK-8014074 Building hotspot with ccache in new build is very slow with empty cache.
P5 JDK-8048298 Clang needs to lower optimization level for some files
P5 JDK-8034179 Clean up nio genConstants
P5 JDK-8065791 docs wrong for ccache
P5 JDK-8015779 Don't depend on VCINSTALLDIR to find msvcr100.dll when not needed
P5 JDK-8159186 jdk/test/Makefile: allow users to set verbosity
P5 JDK-8158992 langtools/test/Makefile: improve support for control via variables
P5 JDK-8035187 Move fontconfig src files to make/data
P5 JDK-8034173 Move JavaApp.icns to proper place in make/data
P5 JDK-8035067 Move jdk/src/share/classes/java/util/ to jdk/make/data
P5 JDK-8034769 Move logutil in corba to make/tools
P5 JDK-8035821 Move psfont properties files from src/share/classes to src/share/lib
P5 JDK-8034193 Move X11 wrapper generator files to make/src and make/data
P5 JDK-8170576 Silence error message in when selecting images
P5 JDK-8042882 Support verbosity options in langtools testing
P5 JDK-8066138 Trailing whitespace in title of javadoc: "Overview (Java Platform SE 7 )"
P5 JDK-8062449 Update langtools/test/Makefile to use JCK 9
P5 JDK-8025936 Windows .pdb and .map files does not have proper dependencies setup
P5 JDK-8038262 Workaround for ccache in vm.make is missing for aix


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8166799 ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION contains historical company name
P4 JDK-8154469 Update FSF address


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8049056 Deployment .jar files are missing in JAVA_HOME\lib, when installer calls RegisterDeployEx() from deploy.dll
P2 JDK-8039182 jds catch breaks the installer.exe
P3 JDK-8037870 "Back" button should not be shown on the JDK public jre's changefolder dialog.
P3 JDK-8037248 [Installer.patch] Add checksum check to baseimage
P3 JDK-8146650 [windows] browsers.cpp: isInstalled(BrowserId browser, bool is32bit) has a typo for checking Chrome browser
P3 JDK-8042868 Add lib/ext/jfxrt.jar to java.policy file
P3 JDK-8076982 Create HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\ registry keys with msi.
P3 JDK-8078210 Eliminate MacOSX install build dependency on native2ascii
P3 JDK-8034956 fully commit to new msi design
P3 JDK-8073326 Install build fails when building with VS 2013
P3 JDK-8145939 Minor local windows build fixes
P3 JDK-8031597 Need msi with one-file-per-componet
P3 JDK-8032038 need to fix new msi wrapper extraction issue
P3 JDK-8036950 need to turn on new patching mechanism during install runtime
P3 JDK-8155698 undo xml part of 8154788
P3 JDK-8037542 uninstaller not removing AU2.0
P3 JDK-8044173 VPAT: "Uninstall out-of-date versions" dialogs - JAWS issues
P4 JDK-8039281 ErrorHandling macros log wrong source position
P4 JDK-8081423 Improve naming consistency in make/installer/bundles/macosx/Makefile
P4 JDK-8027770 need to consolidate our registry manipulation approach
P4 JDK-8065940 not compressing the non-english msi's will speed up the build
P4 JDK-8039249 Registry class enhancements
P4 JDK-8030058 The PackageVersion of the Java 7 Update 45.pkg is set to "1.0".


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8071490 JDK9 nightly build from 01/23 failed
P2 JDK-8153779 Installation cannot be completed for Java 8 update 77 for Mac users.
P2 JDK-8036768 replace AU dialog (AUWelcome) with HtmlUI
P3 JDK-8041144 AU should be easier to setup after a DS build
P4 JDK-8071838 Add files skipped from the fix to JDK-8071490 by mistake


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8044035 RPM internal names must match the standard bundle file name patterns
P2 JDK-8132891 8u60b25 installation fails on Windows XP
P2 JDK-8178145 [windows] Incorrect location of (should be lib/, is / when installed from an installer
P2 JDK-8038395 enterprise MSI PIT has 2 major issues
P2 JDK-8036769 html_ui: implement automatic selection of the locale
P2 JDK-8133736 IPS bundle build failed on S11.1
P2 JDK-6406136 java man pages should be available on the default MANPATH
P2 JDK-8148167 jdk 8u71 fails to install with no error message
P2 JDK-8031405 jdk9/dev build fails in install on solaris after JDK_MINOR_VERSION was changed to 9
P2 JDK-8166957 JRE 8u101 installation fails in SUSE 11 SP4 with error: /usr/sbin/alternatives: No such file or directory
P2 JDK-8172932 JRE installation fails with 1603 on Windows 10 with enabled Deviceguard
P2 JDK-8036840 non-windows build is broken
P2 JDK-8132434 On Mac Install Run to register protocol handler with Launch Services
P2 JDK-8034894 Provide Re-factored UE for MSI/Enterprise Redesign Project
P2 JDK-8161945 REGRESSION: 8u91 update of 32 bit JRE removes preferences of the 64 bit JRE
P2 JDK-8036770 replace wrapper dialogs with HtmlU
P2 JDK-8051639 require patching and bsdiff for all install builds
P2 JDK-8146056 the fix for JDK-8145094 is incomplete to *.xml
P2 JDK-8061433 too much delay between welcome and progress dialog
P2 JDK-8037044 unpack200.exe calls are broken on windows
P2 JDK-8043777 VPAT: "Uninstall out-of-date versions" dialogs - keyboard a11y issue
P3 JDK-8021612 [macosx] The JRE installer does not look right with 8 b100 promotion build.
P3 JDK-8040930 [MSI] Some files left after uninstalled 32bit JRE if 64bit JRE exists
P3 JDK-6567904 can't do windows install on very large disk
P3 JDK-8007409 Cmdline processing needs to be streamlined
P3 JDK-6702817 Download/Installation appears too fragmented
P3 JDK-8156895 ent msi does not have double-click support
P3 JDK-8049608 HtmlUI: "Change destination folder" checkbox in WelcomeDialog is not accessible by mouse
P3 JDK-8049614 HtmlUI: checkbox text labels should be clickable
P3 JDK-8076010 issues with MSI uninstall registry key
P3 JDK-8163171 Java installer leaves cached files on host after update
P3 JDK-8039397 msi installers should support rollback
P3 JDK-8059087 Typo in Installer Removal Tool UE, "hightly"
P3 JDK-8039085 Unittests for new functionality in FileUtils is required
P3 JDK-8037267 zh-SG (Chinese Singapore) locale should be handled as Chinese Simplified
P4 JDK-6482493 installers fail when installed on mapped drive
P4 JDK-8147792 move all msi-related files to common location


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8032675 Can not use removal tool
P3 JDK-8053909 Grammatical error in the Uninstall Tool
P3 JDK-8043256 Java(TM) 6 update 20 (64-bit) didn't uninstall via Removal Applet
P3 JDK-8007811 JavaScrub-NoAdmin.exe doesn't remove all JRE files when applet in use
P3 JDK-8048909 msi uninstaller not localized


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8132897 ComboBox hangs on Windows 10 when clicked while not in focus
P2 JDK-8159723 Crash, JavaFX, JAWS - When pressing tab to change focus in HelloComboBox
P3 JDK-8087975 [Accessibility, JAWS, Narrator, VoiceOver] ListView row items not voiced when using CTRL-Up/Down Arrow
P3 JDK-8151974 Invisible controls are still accessible by screen readers.
P3 JDK-8151977 Unable to read current window using JAWS keystroke INSERT+B
P4 JDK-8088441 [Accessibility, Windows 7] Sometimes Narrator does not read the Toolbar info
P4 JDK-8089380 [Accessibility, Windows7] Can't hear anything when selecting text in text fields
P4 JDK-8089333 [Accessibility, Windows7] doesn't read accordion element state
P4 JDK-8088366 [Accessibility, Windows7] Narrator doesn't properly read current page for pagination
P4 JDK-8089039 [Accessibility, Windows7] Sometimes the Child count is not correct
P4 JDK-8087424 [Accessibility, Windows8] TreeView, Narrator does not read "expanded"/"collapsed" when pressing right/left arrow
P4 JDK-8155724 [Accessibility, Windows] MenuItem with submenus is hardly visible
P4 JDK-8087955 [Accordion, Windows 7] Narrator is not reading the status (collapsed / expanded)
P4 JDK-8087712 [CheckBox, Windows7] - Narrator is not reading the intermediate / mixed / partial status
P4 JDK-8148372 High contrast is not applied to placeholder text


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8181828 Broken Image link in documentation for Tangent interpolator
P4 JDK-8171513 Fix typo in API doc for AnimationTimer
P4 JDK-8153348 JavaFX API doc examples use nonexistent package "javafx.animation.transition"
P5 JDK-8094707 StackedAreaChart has exceptions when setCreateSymbols(false) & setAnimated(true)


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8169289 JavaFX application in named module fails to launch if no main method
P2 JDK-8153754 Nashorn needs access to com.sun.javafx.application
P3 JDK-8170624 [Mac] HostServices.showDocument() throws IllegalAccessException
P3 JDK-8157508 Add (since="9", forRemoval=true) to @Deprecated annotation on HostServices.getWebContext
P3 JDK-8160464 Application.getHostServices throws ClassNotFoundException
P3 JDK-8156963 Deprecate HostServices.getWebContext method
P3 JDK-8170702 Document that needs explicit access to application main class
P3 JDK-8088252 Fix SandBoxAppTest unit test to work with XPatch
P3 JDK-8155687 Legacy sample jar fails in launch
P3 JDK-8153872 Nashorn no longer needs access to com.sun.javafx.application
P3 JDK-8161053 Passing objects between JavaScript (JavaFX / WebKit) and Java causes a memory leak
P3 JDK-8090865 Please make Toolkit.enterNestedEventLoop and exitNestedEventLoop public API
P3 JDK-8090585 Provide an official API to start the JavaFX platform
P4 JDK-8132251 LauncherImpl: verbose flag used before property is read
P4 JDK-8088865 Need better documentation for the FX initialization process


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8177566 FX user module gets IllegalAccessException from sun.reflect.misc.Trampoline
P3 JDK-8157475 annotation build issue with jigsaw
P3 JDK-8089557 bindBidirection works for ReadOnly*Wrapper incorrectly
P3 JDK-8134934 Bindings.bindContent doesn't reflect the value changes in the ObservableMap
P3 JDK-8091500 Evaluate why javafx.base needs to depend on java.desktop
P3 JDK-8163383 Fix doclint errors and warnings in javafx.base module
P3 JDK-8164096 ListChangeListener on ReadOnlyListWrapper's getReadOnlyProperty() does not reset change
P3 JDK-8089305 Memory leak - many "weak" listeners within JavaFX core classes do not implement WeakListener
P3 JDK-8134760 Refactor Javafx base module tests for clear separation of tests
P3 JDK-8157276 Remove obsolete java7 dir from javafx.base
P3 JDK-8134655 SortedList wrapping a FilteredList causes AIOOBE
P4 JDK-8129401 Bindings.bindContentBidirectional does not work correctly
P4 JDK-8147824 ClassCastException when unbinding observable lists
P4 JDK-8157012 Cleanup whitespace after fix for JDK-8139848
P4 JDK-8146916 FXCollections.unmodifiableObservableSet does not implement Set::contains
P4 JDK-8140503 Improve javafx.util.Pair hash code computation
P4 JDK-8136465 MapProperty.removeListener(changlistener) removes all the listeners not just one
P4 JDK-8130458 Memory leak in bind/unbind of [Primitive]PropertyBase
P4 JDK-8157473 missing export to fxml in base module
P4 JDK-8132906 ReadOnly*Wrapper.ReadOnlyPropertyImpl could use ReadOnly*PropertyBase
P4 JDK-8161673 Scatter-Chart is incompatible with ListProperty
P4 JDK-8139848 SortedList should provide a way to map source index to view index
P5 JDK-8145518 MapExpressionHelper.SimpleChange.toString() missing space character


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8144353 gradle apps fails to build on linux-arm platforms
P1 JDK-8166958 javafx dll binaries are in the wrong directory in the jmod files
P1 JDK-8171450 JavaFX native libraries are no longer loaded after fix for JDK-8066474
P1 JDK-8144490 Update assemblyIdentity version in javapackager manifest for Verona
P2 JDK-8169271 Bump JavaFX minimum build JDK to b144
P2 JDK-8150109 Cannot build FX apps or tests with JDK 9
P2 JDK-8169500 Cannot build JavaFX with OpenJDK due to dependency on jdk.jfr
P2 JDK-8173767 correct build.gradle buildVersionFile
P2 JDK-8097884 Enable new compilers for production builds
P2 JDK-8142443 Error compiling generated web classes with gradle 2.8
P2 JDK-8151565 Exclude FX class files from javadoc classpath to workaround JDK-8151191
P2 JDK-8180040 Exclude jdk.packager module from unified JDK 9 docs
P2 JDK-8172237 Fix errors in gradle dependencies
P2 JDK-8162114 Fix more hardcoded paths in gradle build
P2 JDK-8169396 Include sources for javafx.* modules in
P2 JDK-8169683 Incremental build of WebKit native library is broken
P2 JDK-8169747 javac @compile.args does not pick up changes in local build
P2 JDK-8093235 JavaFX fails to launch on OL 6 after compiler upgrade
P2 JDK-8169417 JavaFX to include jake-compatible versions of with import bundles
P2 JDK-8169286 Need to exclude Monocle from production build
P2 JDK-8176167 Point to JDK 9 EA docs when building FX 9 docs
P2 JDK-8178075 Provide generic add-exports mechanism
P2 JDK-8171674 Remove JavaFX .so files from the lib/$ARCH directory on Linux
P2 JDK-8146907 Remove or rename non-compliant hg tags
P2 JDK-8161705 Rename directories under modules to exactly match the module names
P2 JDK-8148969 Reorganize FX SDK layout to match JDK 9 layout
P2 JDK-8165809 Rework build to enable future jigsaw aware JDK9 build
P2 JDK-8088023 Some text files included in jfxrt.jar have GPL copyright
P2 JDK-8149976 Switch production build of FX to gradle 2.11
P2 JDK-8161704 Switch to Jigsaw-aware boot JDK for compiling FX 9
P2 JDK-8146045 Update copyright header for files modified in 2015
P2 JDK-8164177 Update copyright header for files modified in 2016
P2 JDK-8149964 Update FX 9 boot JDK to JDK 9
P2 JDK-8163316 Update FX to use new gnu style java command line options
P2 JDK-8155862 Update Xpatch usage in JavaFX tests
P2 JDK-8154022 Upgrade production compilers on Windows to Visual Studio 2013 SP4
P3 JDK-8122950 [ANDROID] build file update
P3 JDK-8089990 [WebView] fix the race with generate/copy the InspectorJS* files
P3 JDK-8098169 Add lib/ext/jfxrt.jar to java.policy file
P3 JDK-8143332 Change minimum gradle version to 2.9
P3 JDK-8145604 Change minimum version of OS X SDK to 10.9
P3 JDK-8161227 Clean up module relative paths in build.gradle
P3 JDK-8147967 Cleanup whitespace and file permission
P3 JDK-8153231 convert addExports to new syntax
P3 JDK-8160004 Disable Java Packager
P3 JDK-8172522 Doc resources for javafx.* modules are missing from modules_src
P3 JDK-8091730 Enable -Xdoclint:all to treat all javadoc warnings as errors
P3 JDK-8172749 Enable additional compiler warnings for gcc
P3 JDK-8155056 Enable Java Packager
P3 JDK-8152860 Enforce gradle 2.11 as minimum version
P3 JDK-8150019 Examine and decide if source classes should be organized by module
P3 JDK-8173779 fix developer script compareBuilds to properly support windows
P3 JDK-8153657 fix DragDrop builds with ARM
P3 JDK-8153539 JavaFX build script checking order for jfxrt.jar is non-deterministic
P3 JDK-8166759 jfxwebkit.dll is missing file detail for 8u112 and 9
P3 JDK-8147454 move systemsTest block later in build.gradle
P3 JDK-8133750 Parse new JDK version string format in build.gradle
P3 JDK-8146565 Pass java.library.path through gradle junit worker workaround
P3 JDK-8147427 refactor test launchers to make common the building of the command
P3 JDK-8141583 Remove dependency of :graphics compile on swt.jar
P3 JDK-8169899 Remove obsolete properties from
P3 JDK-8172243 SecurityException when running local build with security manager enabled
P3 JDK-8150307 Some tests fail when run on JDK 9 due to use of -Djava.ext.dirs
P3 JDK-8095513 Stop delivering msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll in FX 9
P3 JDK-8090171 Switch production build of FX to gradle 2.9
P3 JDK-8133596 Switch production builds for FX 9 to Oracle Linux 7 + GLIBC_2.14
P3 JDK-8170485 Switch to building JavaFX with new module-info syntax
P3 JDK-8178329 Update minimum boot JDK to jdk-9+165
P3 JDK-8097930 Update the JDK version used to build FX to JDK 8u40
P3 JDK-8091264 Upgrade to newer version of antlr
P3 JDK-8088665 Windows native binaries have inconsistent "Product version"
P3 JDK-8092808 Wrong filenames in javafx-java.policy file for embedded
P4 JDK-8130145 [ARM] missing i.MX sources for soft float build
P4 JDK-8098236 Add 64-bit IOS build support
P4 JDK-8153110 Add a command line toggle for worker.debug
P4 JDK-8147951 Add a whitespace checking utility
P4 JDK-8163130 add tools/scripts/compareBuilds
P4 JDK-8163196 Build should fail fast with unsupported OS/ARCH
P4 JDK-8149547 checkrepo should suggest -a
P4 JDK-8150536 Cleanup indentation
P4 JDK-8092386 Consider using FXC from Visual Studio 2013 instead of DirectX SDK
P4 JDK-8169511 correct concatenation of dependencies/*/*.extra files
P4 JDK-8147975 correct whitespace detection tool
P4 JDK-8148065 correct whitespace detection tool (again)
P4 JDK-8093616 Create an ARMv5 build of JavaFX.
P4 JDK-8145739 dalvik/ios builds broken with Gradle 2.9
P4 JDK-8150673 enable debug info in linux shared libraries
P4 JDK-8098398 Evaluate Retrolambda for Android
P4 JDK-8169552 fix old jar list in build.gradle
P4 JDK-8092772 FX fails to load msvcr120.dll on Windows7 due to bad file permission
P4 JDK-8166662 Gradle test takes more time when skipping sdk
P4 JDK-8166746 Improve IntelliJ support for developing JavaFX
P4 JDK-8151865 JavaFX Gradle build script fails with Gradle 2.12
P4 JDK-8088200 Linux build flag -W is deprecated, replaced by -Wextra
P4 JDK-8150260 make checkrepo executable bit optional
P4 JDK-8096696 Media in cross build
P4 JDK-8097862 Provide bundling for OpenJFX
P4 JDK-8155831 Provide for extra jvm arguments for gradle test task
P4 JDK-8151747 remove a cygwin dependency
P4 JDK-8163502 Support Gradle version 2.14+
P4 JDK-8171326 update tools/scripts/compareBuilds
P5 JDK-8156859 Add an option for skipping creation of module zip file
P5 JDK-8134725 Gradle openZip task does not support JDK9 layout


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8136416 [TextInputControl] Can't type characters with shift
P2 JDK-8136486 [ChoiceBox] Can't open ChoiceBox with click.
P2 JDK-8136840 Correct controls test refactor
P2 JDK-8081290 Fix functional tests to start using classes migrated to public packages
P2 JDK-8148377 Home and End keys work wrong for TabPane
P2 JDK-8176404 Remove public test-only convenience method from CssParser
P3 JDK-8136838 [ComboBox, DatePicker] Value doesn't update when focus is lost
P3 JDK-8143033 [CSS] Performance issue with JavaFX
P3 JDK-8139606 [MenuBar] Menus should activate on ALT released, not pressed, on Windows/Linux
P3 JDK-8141586 [TextArea] Platform specific key mappings don't work
P3 JDK-8090119 [TextArea] TextArea does not have focus when its ScrollBar has focus
P3 JDK-8172851 Accordion does not respect contentBias of children
P3 JDK-8135312 Add '@since 9' notation to new API introduced due to JEP 253
P3 JDK-8145515 addEventFilter for combobox editor does not react on key action enter
P3 JDK-8152396 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when listening to selection changes on TreeTableView
P3 JDK-8139841 Axis class does not render ticks marks when tick labels are invisible
P3 JDK-8149624 Can't add subcolumns dynamically
P3 JDK-8139850 CategoryAxis rotates improperly as yAxis
P3 JDK-8152665 Cell selection does not work in table views after filtering
P3 JDK-8150603 Clicking on ComboBoxListCell item in popup listview does not commit edit fully
P3 JDK-8087838 ComboBox: Root observable list changing causes very strange selection issues
P3 JDK-8138683 ComboBoxTableCell: combo must not commit on navigation in drop-down
P3 JDK-8138688 ComboBoxTableCell: edit must be committed on selecting old value
P3 JDK-8150046 ComboBoxTableCell: incorrect behavior on Esc/Enter
P3 JDK-8077916 Complete development work for project one: make UI control skins public API
P3 JDK-8077918 Complete development work for project two: review and make public relevant CSS API
P3 JDK-8145588 Custom rendering for selected ComboBox list item fails
P3 JDK-8150962 Editable Spinner throws NPE
P3 JDK-8141124 Error when combining ListView with SortedList
P3 JDK-8136468 Error when trying to bind the visibleProperty of a TableColumn
P3 JDK-8162883 ESC button fails to cancel Dialog
P3 JDK-8169276 Fix cssref.html to remove reference to loading internal resources
P3 JDK-8176517 Fix doclint error in DatePicker control
P3 JDK-8163385 Fix doclint errors and warnings in javafx.controls module
P3 JDK-8144500 fixed cell size causes column removing problems and slow rendering
P3 JDK-8158808 Focus problems in a radio button group
P3 JDK-8159044 Gap between ContextMenu and the anchor Node.
P3 JDK-8155798 Graphic jumps to bottom row in HelloTreeTableView
P3 JDK-8146480 Hidden TableColumns create problem with re-ordering columns using the mouse
P3 JDK-8154008 HTMLEditor : Replace multi line text (3 lines or more) from "paragraph" to "heading" leads to IndexOutOfBoundsExcpetions
P3 JDK-8134923 IndexOutOfBoundsException when selecting null value in ComboBox
P3 JDK-8169642 IndexOutOfBoundsException when sorting TreeTableView with multi-selection enabled
P3 JDK-8150636 InputMap: must cleanup internals on mappings.remove(...)
P3 JDK-8170500 Interminate ProgressIndicator no longer animates if scene is set on stage before content is added
P3 JDK-8092546 Invisible Indeterminate ProgressBar has memory leak
P3 JDK-8151756 JavaFX CSS is applied redundantly leading to significant performance degradation
P3 JDK-8136535 JavaFX NumberAxis AutoRange Infinite Loop
P3 JDK-8076423 JEP 253: Prepare JavaFX UI Controls & CSS APIs for Modularization
P3 JDK-8161082 Key event consume() method doesn't work
P3 JDK-8167134 Keyboard navigation between menus in menubar leads to incorrect selection
P3 JDK-8167137 Keyboard navigation through collapsed menus in menubar should not show sibling menus
P3 JDK-8089059 Left padding of CheckBox doesn't only add padding to the left, but also to top
P3 JDK-8147823 ListView's selected items list contains null elements although no items are null
P3 JDK-8136501 Make HTMLEditorSkin public API
P3 JDK-8152418 Memory Leak in StackedBarChart when series are removed
P3 JDK-8166950 Memory Leak: MenuBar added to Tab is still referenced on tab close and is not garbage collected
P3 JDK-8167138 Menu does not respond on the repeating mouse clicks
P3 JDK-8167132 Menu keyboard navigation retains previous focus index
P3 JDK-8155062 MenuItem styling is broken
P3 JDK-8149496 Miscellaneous UI controls related issues
P3 JDK-8090026 Mnemonics don't work without Alt when MenuBar is activated with Alt or F10
P3 JDK-8160894 Mouse Dragged event can not be triggered when dragging the mouse
P3 JDK-8166013 NestedTableColumnHeader: must use factory method for header creation always
P3 JDK-8166021 NestedTableColumnHeader: package private access to skin prevents custom headers
P3 JDK-8088428 Node as table column breaks tab traversal
P3 JDK-8152106 NPE when pressing Left-Arrow-Key twice on a top-level TreeItem that is expanded
P3 JDK-8090029 NullPointerException in DatePicker when a custom ButtonSkin is set
P3 JDK-8163486 NumberAxis: inaccurate rendering of ticks when tick unit is low
P3 JDK-8166847 NumberAxis: sticked numbers sometimes
P3 JDK-8135313 Perform final API review on JEP 253 CSS API
P3 JDK-8135314 Perform final API review on JEP 253 Skin API
P3 JDK-8149508 Performance issue when scrolling ListView due to excess CSS processing
P3 JDK-8131151 Pressing ESC in a nested alert closes self and parent alert
P3 JDK-8151166 Progress Indicator indeterminate transition not stopped when component is not visible
P3 JDK-8151165 ProgressIndicator indeterminate transition initializated even in non visible controls
P3 JDK-8143830 Re-expose API in Table skin APIs to override default nodes for headers
P3 JDK-8134764 Refactor Javafx controls module tests for clear separation of tests
P3 JDK-8137308 Refactor/fix LabeledImpl control tests
P3 JDK-8174048 Region.getUserAgentStylesheet() not consider under certain conditions
P3 JDK-8150041 Regression - ComboBoxTableCell: editable combo doesn't commit
P3 JDK-8150042 Regression - ComboBoxTableCell: throws NPE when clicking on arrow
P3 JDK-8144956 Remove impl_cssGet*InitialValue() methods from Node and Labeled
P3 JDK-8151673 Remove package-protected abstract methods from TableViewSkinBase
P3 JDK-8167520 remove unused import in test
P3 JDK-8136971 Review the new TextPosInfo API
P3 JDK-8154506 SelectedItems list is tripped up by cell multiple selection
P3 JDK-8140507 Spinner within gridpane has unintended resize effects
P3 JDK-8146325 Spinner throws a ClassCastException under Linux
P3 JDK-8171071 SplitPane is not visible after visible property changes
P3 JDK-8171228 StackOverflowError on MenuBarSkin when handling key-events and only menu is disabled
P3 JDK-8171229 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when programmatically replace text in TextArea
P3 JDK-8149999 StylesheetWithSecurityManagerTest.testRT_38395_the_sequel invalid test with Jake
P3 JDK-8148573 Table skin classes: can't extend due to abstract package private methods
P3 JDK-8149615 Table view header cells not aligned with content cells after horizontal scrolling
P3 JDK-8130384 TableColumn header height does not shrink when removing nested TableColumns
P3 JDK-8166025 TableColumnHeader: loses custom style classes
P3 JDK-8095464 TableMenuButton has erroneous behaviour with assigned data
P3 JDK-8097169 TableView selected items listener reports wrong changes
P3 JDK-8138848 TableView TableViewArrayListSelectionModel getSelectedIndices() contains -1
P3 JDK-8144685 TableView: clearAndSelect != clear + select when cell selection enabled
P3 JDK-8150525 TableView: data corruption when editing newly added item
P3 JDK-8160771 TableView: newly added tableColumn must be fully configured in notification from visibleLeafColumns
P3 JDK-8167055 TableViews with many columns lose alignment between headers and cells
P3 JDK-8152162 TabPane Padding is mostly ignored
P3 JDK-8089884 TextInputControls capturing function key events
P3 JDK-8168895 Tick marks position is not animated when toggling forceZeroInRange
P3 JDK-8088667 TreeCell does not listen to TreeItem.setGraphic()
P3 JDK-8131924 TreeTableView - SelectionModel works incorrect when removing / adding elements
P3 JDK-8143266 TreeTableView flickers when inserting elements
P3 JDK-8096330 TreeTableView ImageViews vanish and aren't redrawn when scrolling
P3 JDK-8144501 TreeTableView's selectedItems reports include null items.
P3 JDK-8165624 TreeTableView: incorrect scrolling range
P3 JDK-8157205 TreeView / TreeTableView product incorrect output when items are collapsed
P3 JDK-8140504 TreeView/TreeTableView show "index exceeds maxCellCount" warning after scrolling
P3 JDK-8139538 Value for region size in CSS Reference Guide
P3 JDK-8146255 When selecting twice an choicebox item in a tableview, no event is raised
P3 JDK-8144789 Wrong visual caret position in TextField after text replacement
P4 JDK-8087621 [ComboBox] ComboBox must respect converter always
P4 JDK-8088253 [CSS] getUserAgentStylesheet() gets called too often causing lower performance
P4 JDK-8088601 [DatePicker] Insufficient space to handle all month names for different font sizes
P4 JDK-8088397 [Dialog] ButtonType text not updated when Locale changes
P4 JDK-8089293 [Pagination] Clicking on pagination does not transfer focus to the control; pagination focus not visible
P4 JDK-8147819 [TableView] NullPointerException when selecting with control and shift
P4 JDK-8090114 [TabPane] TabPane selection menu not in sync after tab graphic change
P4 JDK-8087451 [TextArea, TextField] TextField and TextArea don't consume Accelerators
P4 JDK-8089424 [TextField] Right-click opens both popup and context menu.
P4 JDK-8136487 [TextInputControl] Can't select by word with kbd
P4 JDK-8136898 [TOYS] HelloDialogs throws NPE for ExceptionDialog, showLinearWizard, and showBranchingWizard
P4 JDK-8139509 A buttons onActionEvent must be triggered also on RETURN
P4 JDK-8144871 Add default method getStyleableNode to Styleable interface
P4 JDK-8144088 Add missing generic type to TableCell.tableRow property
P4 JDK-8150370 Add promptText property in javafx.scene.control.Spinner
P4 JDK-8147483 Adding items to a TreeTableView is inefficient
P4 JDK-8089755 AreaChart area color change when series is removed
P4 JDK-8181169 Block comments mistakenly used in place of missing javadoc comments
P4 JDK-8163358 BubbleChart.updateLegend should add all LegendItems with setAll
P4 JDK-8087709 Can set only second menu as system, when trying to set two menus at once
P4 JDK-8151844 Chain consumer execution using Consumer::andThen in LambdaMultipleChangeListenerHandler
P4 JDK-8090015 ChoiceBox: must update value when setting a SelectionModel
P4 JDK-8088261 ChoiceBox: selectPrevious doesn't move selection if previous is separator
P4 JDK-8147822 ClassCastException when pressing F2 or Enter on editable TreeTableView
P4 JDK-8095239 ComboBox changes selection when item in list is deleted
P4 JDK-8139660 ComboBox is always in focus state
P4 JDK-8149622 ComboBox produces unexpected event behaviour when ENTER key is pressed
P4 JDK-8158192 Combobox reset selected value on edition state change
P4 JDK-8160493 ComboBox value property fires too many events on change
P4 JDK-8150960 ComboBox: incorrect behavior when clicking the arrow
P4 JDK-8150178 ComboBoxTableCell: default converter causes NPE in TextFormatter
P4 JDK-8149546 correct whitespace in
P4 JDK-8093296 CSS styling is 'erased' when removing classes from a control
P4 JDK-8090477 Customizable visibility timing for Tooltip
P4 JDK-8150946 Editable ComboBox / Spinner controls need uniform 'commit on focus lost' semantics
P4 JDK-8161449 Enhance CustomColorDialog to have flexibility to hide 'Opacity', 'Use' and 'Save' Button
P4 JDK-8088969 Ensemble8: HTML Editor's popup controls retain focus
P4 JDK-8090230 ESCAPE key doesn't hide Popup if a TextField on Popup has focus
P4 JDK-8161005 FXVK keyboard files incorrectly located
P4 JDK-8161054 Garbled displaying when moving a TableView column, for which a context menu is opened
P4 JDK-8156075 Graphic disappears in check TreeView when root node is collapsed / expanded
P4 JDK-8161103 Import HelloTreeTableView and HelloTreeView test apps into apps
P4 JDK-8148827 Indeterminate ProgressBar initially tree invisible does not animate until layoutChildren()
P4 JDK-8089292 Invalid Change on clear items
P4 JDK-8177627 JavaDoc issues in JavaFX UI Controls
P4 JDK-8133833 JavaFX HTMLEditor Font Family should not default to a platform-specific font.
P4 JDK-8160858 JavaFX TableView - wrong focus when tabbing into table and focus was not on first row or cell
P4 JDK-8158684 JAWS should not pronounce 'Alt' when speaking menu mnemonic key
P4 JDK-8090201 Keyboard traversal of menu with hidden menu item is broken
P4 JDK-8150264 LineChart does not display correctly when a XYChart.Series is cleared and repopulated.
P4 JDK-8151443 ListCell: must not use ChangeListener to itemsProperty
P4 JDK-8161104 ListView default focus state inconsistent with other virtualised controls
P4 JDK-8088752 ListView: incorrect selection state after insert of uncontained selectedItem
P4 JDK-8089709 ListView: selectedIndices fires incorrect change on items modification
P4 JDK-8160242 Make DefaultSkin creation in Control#impl_processCSS reentrant safe
P4 JDK-8088554 Menu is disappearing on click even when having Menu items in it
P4 JDK-8158668 Menu mnemonics not active after pressing the Alt key
P4 JDK-8149623 menuItem setStyle works ONLY on the initial menu show
P4 JDK-8088809 MenuItem.setText() is broken (Mac)
P4 JDK-8171926 Minor cleanup of API docs in controls
P4 JDK-8163016 mnemonics in menus are always black
P4 JDK-8158671 No focus event on menu bar when pressing the Alt key
P4 JDK-8143594 NPE during TableView row selection when table contains null
P4 JDK-8152532 On TabPane With Custom Skin ComboBox Has Two Arrow Buttons
P4 JDK-8089655 Pagination: Missing indication that Pagination control has focus
P4 JDK-8163454 PieChart legend is not updated while invisible
P4 JDK-8166055 PieChart: overlapped labels sometimes
P4 JDK-8144962 Promote TableColumn reorderable property to public API
P4 JDK-8168258 Remove bad Javadoc links in skin constructors
P4 JDK-8144872 Remove ContextMenu.impl_showRelativeToWindow API
P4 JDK-8155999 Remove duplication from TreeTableView / TableView selection models
P4 JDK-8145140 Remove TableColumnBase.impl_fixedProperty (and getter / setter)
P4 JDK-8154286 Remove usage of ReadOnlyUnbackedObservableList in selection models for the selectedIndices list
P4 JDK-8154216 Remove usage of ReadOnlyUnbackedObservableList in selection models for the selectedItems list
P4 JDK-8144868 Rename non-public Dialog.impl_setResultAndClose API to Dialog.setResultAndClose
P4 JDK-8151617 SkinBase: missing unregisterChangeListener
P4 JDK-8145567 Slider: snapToTicks not honoured on changing to true
P4 JDK-8151978 Specify the execution order of Consumers registered by SkinBase::registerChangeListener
P4 JDK-8088193 Spinner control on the grid might be rendered by overlapping the neighboring cells.
P4 JDK-8150377 Spinner's tooltip is not set on its editor
P4 JDK-8148828 SplitPane Child Does Not Have null Parent After Being Removed
P4 JDK-8163576 StackedBarChart.getSeriesSize is unneeded
P4 JDK-8143035 Tab graphics are not cloned properly for popup menu
P4 JDK-8144790 TableView consumes ENTER and ESC keys unnecessarily (even when not editable)
P4 JDK-8149818 TableView localization could not be changed after first usage
P4 JDK-8163943 TableView, TableColumn, scrollBar with horizontal orientation
P4 JDK-8144681 TableView: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with cell selection / multiselection
P4 JDK-8088896 TableView: selectedIndices fires incorrect change on items modification
P4 JDK-8090258 TabPane cannot shrink
P4 JDK-8144983 TabPane disabled pseudo-class cascades until invisibility
P4 JDK-8152392 Text in a disabled TextArea is lighter than text in a disabled TextField
P4 JDK-8089120 TextArea: Wrong behavior of CTRL-UP/OPTION-UP
P4 JDK-8087481 TextField rendered wrong with Touch
P4 JDK-8152557 TextField/ComboBox: inconsistent state on receiving ActionEvent
P4 JDK-8170189 TextInputControl JavaDoc says empty prompts are null
P4 JDK-8090175 TODO: remove protected void impl_processCSS(WritableValue cacheHint)
P4 JDK-8090181 ToolBar/ToolBarSkin does not ignore not-managed items when calculating the min/pref size and when layouting.
P4 JDK-8131925 TreeTableView - resizable behavior of Column does not work correct
P4 JDK-8157285 TreeTableView produces incorrect selection model state when requested from expandedItemCount property listener
P4 JDK-8088194 TreeView keyboard focus moves to unexpected node when child nodes are added
P4 JDK-8158679 When closing submenu focus event not fired on preceding popup menu
P4 JDK-8158683 When focus moves from menu bar to popup menu no focus event is fired
P4 JDK-8133197 Wrong scrolling direction for TabPane
P4 JDK-8160554 Wrong unit measure in CornerRadiiConverter
P4 JDK-8151524 XXCellSkin: throws NPE on instantiation
P4 JDK-8131324 XYChart.extraValue change doesn't result in chart update.
P5 JDK-8163501 NumberAxis: a couple of typos in the docs
P5 JDK-8176236 Some field descriptions are truncated after the JDK-8163501


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8145857 Enable fxml module tests in jake
P2 JDK-8131011 Remove use of obsolete ReflectUtil.newInstance method
P2 JDK-8154203 Use StackWalker instead of the now-deprecated sun.reflect.Reflection class
P3 JDK-8134600 Can't pass ObservableList as argument using FXML
P3 JDK-8136892 Cannot get rid of OK and CANCEL buttons using pure FXML
P3 JDK-8145858 Refactor fxml module for clear separation of tests
P3 JDK-8178281 Remove @link reference to Module class until boot JDK is updated
P3 JDK-8167522 remove unused import in fxml test
P3 JDK-8170701 Update FXML documentation for setAccessible
P4 JDK-8124382 Return custom specialized builders fairly impossible
P4 JDK-8133839 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in setter search when using


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8172719 Build failure on Windows platform after fix for JDK-8172372
P1 JDK-8139450 JavaFX applications cannot be run with JDK 9-b85 promoted build
P2 JDK-8159892 [GTK3] invalid rendering of FX app stage in case of scaling
P2 JDK-8088205 [Mac] WebView renders icons instead of letters on some sites
P2 JDK-8132775 [macosx] JavaFX forces the use of discrete GPU
P2 JDK-8162783 [Windows] HiDPI screenshot artifacts using glass Robot
P2 JDK-8180086 Changing cache hint can cause effect to darken
P2 JDK-8157440 Cleanup whitespace after fix for JDK-8157280
P2 JDK-8155903 Crash while running imported/w3c/canvas/2d.gradient.interpolate.overlap2.html
P2 JDK-8178804 Excessive memory consumption in TriangleMesh/MeshView
P2 JDK-8171852 JavaFX Stage flickers on resize on Windows platforms
P2 JDK-8169270 Leverage new Java2D Marlin rasterizer for JavaFX
P2 JDK-8178989 Missing copyright headers for some files
P2 JDK-8088395 Print dialogs are not blocking/modal w.r.t specified owner windows
P2 JDK-8154464 Prism fails to compile with VS 2010
P2 JDK-8157280 remove use of GetPropertyAction
P2 JDK-8163496 Rework Glass GTK to correct gtk3 structure sizes
P2 JDK-8178521 Severe performance drop for path rendering
P2 JDK-8145565 blocked for several minutes
P2 JDK-8129862 Windows Hi-DPI scaling leads to blurry text at 125% (120 dpi)
P3 JDK-8166565 [hidpi] a flickering scrollbar when using Caspian style sheet
P3 JDK-8146920 [hidpi] Multi-Monitor issue with HiDpi scaling and undecorated stages
P3 JDK-8166382 [hidpi] Ubuntu 16.04: invalid coordinates when using glass robot
P3 JDK-8089847 [JAVADOC] Change docs to not refer to full-screen exclusive mode
P3 JDK-8094825 [Mac,Retina,3D] Lighting is wrong (too dark, incorrect highlight) with pixel scaling
P3 JDK-8154148 [Mac] JavaFX crashes on startup when run on Mac in VMWare
P3 JDK-8088179 [Quantum] White flashing when opening a stage with dark background
P3 JDK-8093124 [TEST] Update version check unit test for FX 9
P3 JDK-8143158 [Text, TextFlow] Make public API from internal "impl" APIs
P3 JDK-8090357 [Text] Make public API's for hit_test/selection
P3 JDK-8136346 [TextFlow] Expose API to obtain caret and selection shapes
P3 JDK-8136350 [TextFlow] Hit test API for TextFlow
P3 JDK-8172219 Allow compiling without GTK 3.0 being installed
P3 JDK-8139838 Bug in PrismFontFactory generates NullPointerException when loading .ttc font
P3 JDK-8156170 Clean up Stage and StageHelper
P3 JDK-8147455 correct systemTest monocle.TestLog
P3 JDK-8157390 Correct unused import in FXDnD
P3 JDK-8089063 Dotted Border clipped to the outside
P3 JDK-8155757 Encapsulate impl_ methods in animation, canvas, image, input, layout, paint, and text packages
P3 JDK-8155053 Encapsulate impl_ methods in Effect and on the setting of TraversalEngine
P3 JDK-8158659 Encapsulate impl_ methods in Node and its subclasses
P3 JDK-8157295 Encapsulate impl_ methods in Scene and KeyValue classes
P3 JDK-8157350 Encapsulate impl_ methods in Shapes related classes
P3 JDK-8157900 Encapsulate JavaFX impl_* implementation methods in Node (peer and dirty)
P3 JDK-8155998 Encapsulate JavaFX impl_* implementation methods in stage package
P3 JDK-8155762 Encapsulate JavaFX impl_* implementation methods in transform package
P3 JDK-8171403 Failure to fallback to sw pipeline with remote connections
P3 JDK-8163384 Fix doclint errors and warnings in module
P3 JDK-8170879 Fix Quad / Cubic BND constants for Marlin (FX)
P3 JDK-8154177 Font spacing is incorrect at 125% or 150% scaling on Windows
P3 JDK-8173468 Font.loadFont returns null on some Ubuntu 32bits
P3 JDK-8087298 FontMetrics.computeStringWidth method is not correct for persian/arabic
P3 JDK-8088325 FX needs to be aware of JDK module system constraints or layout in locating JDK fonts
P3 JDK-8088707 GUI is slowing down sporadically
P3 JDK-8088918 Illegal parameters when creating PageLayout
P3 JDK-8171393 Integrate precision fixes for Marlin
P3 JDK-8171330 Issues with transparent stage and GTK
P3 JDK-8174688 JavaFX Applet popup windows are in the wrong location on Mac
P3 JDK-8133103 JavaFX Clipboard should not require AllPermission
P3 JDK-8159860 JavaFX Path drawing appears to leak native memory
P3 JDK-8169294 JavaFX Path2D storage growth algorithms should be less linear
P3 JDK-8150181 javafx print jobs take 60 times longer than javax.print
P3 JDK-8139210 JavaFX rendering glitch when rendering many Paths using HW pipeline
P3 JDK-8161672 Javafx window is black on Ubuntu 16.04
P3 JDK-8160073 menu issues in case of two-display configuration
P3 JDK-8088857 Menu slow to respond after resizing a window multiple times with animation running
P3 JDK-8147398 Move systemTest shims to proper module
P3 JDK-8156982 NPE in PrismImage.toDataURL when browsing web pages with images
P3 JDK-8136495 On es2 pipe, SceneAntialiasing.BALANCED flips scene affecting Mac and Linux platforms
P3 JDK-8090176 Pisces software renderer shows incomplete border images in particular situation
P3 JDK-8150076 Print jobs do not finish when using a page range
P3 JDK-8130762 PrinterJob.showPrintDialog() doesn't update the copies number on Linux
P3 JDK-8088718 Printing of LinearGradient fails
P3 JDK-8163526 protect FileChooser return from internal NPE
P3 JDK-8091832 Provide a Screen.getScale method for Hi-DPI screens
P3 JDK-8134762 Refactor Javafx graphics module tests for clear separation of tests
P3 JDK-8145203 Refactor systemTests for clear separation of tests
P3 JDK-8148549 Region is not rendered correctly when node cache is enabled
P3 JDK-8144942 Remove false ARM dependancy on X11 in
P3 JDK-8156809 Remove obsolete com.sun.javafx.robot package
P3 JDK-8154509 Remove the word impl_ in the name of private and package scope methods and fields
P3 JDK-8157186 Remove unnecessary @treatasprivate tag in source code
P3 JDK-8139593 Running apps on FX 9 + JDK 8u fails when security manager is enabled
P3 JDK-8087565 Scaling problem on OSX Retina
P3 JDK-8145516 Scene content shows too large on Retina display, when a regular screen attached
P3 JDK-8155114 Set both X and Y position for some window managers
P3 JDK-8156078 Stage alwaysOnTop property not reset to false if permission is denied
P3 JDK-8160473 shows either black or white rectangle instead of window content
P3 JDK-8137050 Support Linux settings for HiDPI scaling
P3 JDK-8098184 Support the Windows 8 APIs that indicate proper scaling for HiDPI screens
P3 JDK-8087632 The printer job status shows "ERROR" after setting the pages range and printing the content.
P3 JDK-8147010 Update JavaFX for move of sun.misc.PerformanceLogger to sun.awt.util
P3 JDK-8166564 use @Native annotation in graphics, mac
P3 JDK-8166230 use @Native annotation in graphics, media classes
P3 JDK-8166471 use @Native annotation in graphics, windows
P3 JDK-8087793 Windows scaling override also disables font scaling on HiDPI displays
P3 JDK-8151744 wrong width/height in texture update
P4 JDK-8168616 -Xcheck:jni indicates there are missing exception checks in Font
P4 JDK-8091170 [Mac] Compile-time warnings in prism-es2 code
P4 JDK-8092760 [Printing] HBox/VBox can't be printed correctly if it contains TextField/PasswordField.
P4 JDK-8088993 Accepting object is null after a drop
P4 JDK-8097424 armv6 glass GTK has false dep on pcre
P4 JDK-8120125 Bad rendering of circle in chart
P4 JDK-8097561 Beagleboard image - We should set "WindowSystem" to in /etc/powervr.ini as part of the the next Beagleboard image
P4 JDK-8118784 Black region artifacts when using multiple Stages
P4 JDK-8087624 BoxBounds.is2D() method needs to take into account of its Z dimension in it return value
P4 JDK-8139843 buggy -fx-border-image-slice with SWPipeline
P4 JDK-8155692 changes to compile under Visual Studio 14.0
P4 JDK-8170030 Code in Marlin-based rasterizers may have an off-by-1 bug (causing extra work, no failures)
P4 JDK-8156094 ContextMenu shown at wrong position on Windows10 with Extended Screen
P4 JDK-8097921 Document prism.fontsdir in the wiki with a non-Lucida font
P4 JDK-8152423 Generated temp files (+JXF...temp) for custom fonts not deleted on exit.
P4 JDK-8157213 HiDPI support for Linux creates unnecessary dependency
P4 JDK-8094471 JNI warnings in javafx-iio
P4 JDK-8149756 JobSettingsTest.testPaper fails with small paper sizes
P4 JDK-8097322 NPE when trying to load default font on Slackware linux
P4 JDK-8166856 OS X: dual screen rendering issue
P4 JDK-8103615 Pi: support transparency in frame buffer
P4 JDK-8125891 poor quality of graphic
P4 JDK-8092553 Pulse Logger null pointer
P4 JDK-8154256 quiet Prism warnings
P4 JDK-8144542 Remove an experimental stopgap fix (-Dprism.experimental.skipMeshNormalComputation) that is no longer needed
P4 JDK-8135310 Remove CascadingStyle class from public API
P4 JDK-8170140 Rendering anomaly with MarlinFX renderer
P4 JDK-8146520 Stage full screen property remains true even when it fails to enter full screen mode
P4 JDK-8143598 Stage.setMinWidth and Stage.setMinHeight is useless with DPI scaling enabled
P4 JDK-8102698 SW pipeline: improve fillRect with ImagePaint
P4 JDK-8102887 SW pipeline: improve ImagePaint performance/memory usage
P4 JDK-8102049 SW pipeline: incorporate LCD Contrast for LCD text
P4 JDK-8102105 SW pipeline: remove top/bottom opacity from drawImage internals
P4 JDK-8103489 SW pipeline: use new text-sub-pixel position API
P4 JDK-8094211 Unit test failures in ShowAndWait test if printer is not available
P5 JDK-8139753 Typo in JavaFX


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8133159 NLS: javafx9 translation message drop 10 integration
P4 JDK-8160049 Add dummy entry in JavaFX tbom to test translation tool
P4 JDK-8160274 Remove dummy entry from JavaFX tbom


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8150464 [Linux] Build broken after fix for JDK-8136920
P1 JDK-8144678 JVM crashes when selecting video on youtube in WebView
P1 JDK-8130219 Seek fails for media streams after several tries
P2 JDK-8170630 [MacOSX] Media crash NSInvalidArgumentException playing some video
P2 JDK-8152355 IllegalAccessError: cannot access jdk.internal.ref
P2 JDK-8153534 Intermittent hang in GSTMedia.gstDispose
P2 JDK-8156563 JavaFX Ensemble8 media sample hang and crash
P2 JDK-8131066 JavaFX MediaPlayer crashes on dispose with certain MP4s
P2 JDK-8160988 NoClassDefFound exception when using getDeclaredMethod method of MediaView class
P2 JDK-8150503 Provide media support for libav version 55 and 56
P3 JDK-8145602 [macosx] Remove QTKit based media player
P3 JDK-8134330 Deprecate VP6/FXM/FLV support in JavaFX Media
P3 JDK-8135304 ERROR_MEDIA_INVALID when playing MP4 file
P3 JDK-8154275 HTTP connections originated from Media does not timeout if server is not responding
P3 JDK-8159869 HTTP Live Streaming not working anymore
P3 JDK-8154287 Intermittent crash when disposing MediaPlayer
P3 JDK-8043352 JEP 257: Update JavaFX/Media to Newer Version of GStreamer
P3 JDK-8167175 JFX MediaPlayer Leaks Native Memory in Windows
P3 JDK-8130750 JFXMedia Player EventQueueThread does not always terminate
P3 JDK-8091132 Support JavaFX MediaPlayer over HTTPS
P3 JDK-8137324 Warning from MacOSX for deprecated Carbon Component Manager module
P3 JDK-8136480 Warnings printed to console from new GStreamer code
P4 JDK-8091078 [JavaDoc] Mispelling in MediaView Constructor documentation
P4 JDK-8134996 GSTREAMER_LITE conditional compilation should be used for all changes in GStreamer


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8178132 Add @moduleGraph javadoc tag to javadoc for JavaFX modules
P2 JDK-8173080 Add licenses for non-distributed third-party source code in repo
P2 JDK-8180064 Add missing copyright headers to package.html files
P2 JDK-8131888 Deliver javafx.swt as a modular jar in JDK 9
P2 JDK-8133431 Finalize module names and dependencies for javafx modules
P2 JDK-8174971 Missing modified source location in third-party WebKit, GStreamer, and Glib licenses
P2 JDK-8092093 Modularization support for JavaFX
P2 JDK-8172526 Third-party licenses for javafx.* modules are missing
P2 JDK-8162980 Typo in doc-files/javafxsdk.tbom file
P2 JDK-8172805 Update copyright header for files modified in 2016
P2 JDK-8179644 Update copyright header for files modified in 2017
P2 JDK-8177751 Update FX implementation to prepare for renaming of Module and Layer classes
P2 JDK-8174972 WebKit version number is missing in third-party license file
P3 JDK-8088147 [SWT] FXCanvas: implement custom cursors
P3 JDK-8160325 [SWT] Provide public API to access FXCanvas for embedded scene
P3 JDK-8178282 Add '@since 9' javadoc tags to JavaFX module descriptions
P3 JDK-8171983 Add javadoc comments to for javafx.* modules
P3 JDK-8180338 Additional HTML5 cleanup
P3 JDK-8179454 Build FX docs for HTML 5
P3 JDK-8178015 Clarify requirement for app modules to export/open packages to javafx modules
P3 JDK-8091308 Define fine-grained permissions for JavaFX
P3 JDK-8179395 Duplicate entry in javafxsdk.tbom file
P3 JDK-8144585 Encapsulate JavaFX impl_* implementation methods
P3 JDK-8166932 Fix @Deprecated annotations for deprecated JavaFX methods
P3 JDK-8090255 Fix doclint errors and warnings in JavaFX API docs
P3 JDK-8176538 Fix errors in JavaFX API docs when using 'javadoc -html5'
P3 JDK-8176158 Fix typos in FX API docs
P3 JDK-8161282 FXCanvas does not forward horizontal mouse scroll events to the embedded scene
P3 JDK-8143596 FXCanvas does not forward touch gestures to embedded scene
P3 JDK-8173852 FXCanvas needs to invert rotation angle when forwarding a gesture event
P3 JDK-8164497 Update .hgignore files to ingore .jcheck dir until we actually enable jcheck
P3 JDK-8144768 Update version numbers in FX docs for JDK 9
P3 JDK-8176770 Use consistent naming for LGPL in license files
P4 JDK-8163514 Add HelloDirectoryChooser toy.
P4 JDK-8151907 Add HelloFileChooser toy
P4 JDK-8162872 Add xpatch argfile creation script
P4 JDK-8166934 Cleanup obsolete impl_ references in JavaFX modules
P4 JDK-8153086 Conditionally save policy file in Sandbox tests
P4 JDK-8153126 Correct whitespace in
P4 JDK-8180070 Fix additional typos in API docs
P4 JDK-8158078 IDE cleanup [IntelliJ]
P4 JDK-8153536 move DragDrop test app to openjfx
P4 JDK-8173385 spelling errors in JavaFX javadoc
P4 JDK-8163010 support macosx with fix_patch scripts
P4 JDK-8146018 Update Netbeans test dependancies for Javafx
P5 JDK-8098130 Add .nb-gradle directory to .hgignore


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8161618 Need to revert JDK-8161103
P2 JDK-8157371 Cleanup whitespace after fix for JDK-8154579
P2 JDK-8165373 Ensemble8 uses setAccessible to access methods and fields of various classes
P2 JDK-8165378 HelloDialog program in apps/toys uses setAccessible
P3 JDK-8136918 Ensemble uses deprecated flv (vp6) media files hosted on OTN
P3 JDK-8170421 Ensemble8 black flash at startup on b145+
P3 JDK-8091485 Ensemble8: Review each sample description, playground, appearance, related docs and links
P3 JDK-8088670 Remove use of internal classes methods from toys
P3 JDK-8134716 Remove use of internal classes methods from toys/Hello
P3 JDK-8098315 Samples should be updated to use Lambdas for Java 8
P3 JDK-8168095 Second image in Ensemble8/Image Creation sample does not load
P4 JDK-8136968 [Mac] Regression from JDK-8087709
P4 JDK-8134354 Ensemble Media samples sliders don't react to clicks
P4 JDK-8152858 Ensemble Timeline regression
P4 JDK-8142439 Ensemble8 media player slider issues
P4 JDK-8096472 Ensemble8: Charts category - empty tabs are shown when opening "View Source".
P4 JDK-8134366 Modena sample shouldn't access internal JavaFX resources
P4 JDK-8098033 Move TouchSuite into open toys
P5 JDK-8097613 HelloSanity: Adding gesture test-case (includes usage of scroll, rotate and zoom)


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8165342 NPE when JavaFX loads default stylesheet or font families if CCL is null
P2 JDK-8092861 Remove deprecated builders module from JavaFX runtime
P3 JDK-8096912 [TabPane] TableView in TabPane has memory leak
P3 JDK-8097917 add a pulse listener facility
P3 JDK-8144556 Add support to allow user specified rendering order
P3 JDK-8181829 Broken link to css reference guide in Background documentation
P3 JDK-8164933 Charts are layed out on each pulse
P3 JDK-8166933 Clean up private TextAttributes class
P3 JDK-8143356 Create additional tests for nested event loops
P3 JDK-8157500 Create unit tests for new public methods in GridPane
P3 JDK-8172364 Ensemble8 Canvas Fireworks jitters while animating
P3 JDK-8158006 Improve javadoc for abstract classes that application should not directly extend
P3 JDK-8130376 Incorrect LayoutFlags adjustment when adding unmanaged children to SceneGraph
P3 JDK-8137004 Memory leak caused by Parent#removed not being freed
P3 JDK-8148721 Memory leak caused by scroll gesture
P3 JDK-8091874 Need API in GridPane to get row count, column count, and cell bounds
P3 JDK-8090322 Need new tree visible property in Node that consider Scene and Stage visibility
P3 JDK-8158004 Node, Shape and Shape3D need meaningful runtime exception message when application directly extends these classes
P3 JDK-8173796 Overriden method, requestLayout(), by subclass of Parent didn't get call when process layout
P3 JDK-8144686 PathElement.isAbsolute() return value changes after calling absoluteProperty()
P3 JDK-8102604 Picking issues
P3 JDK-8144628 Provide API to expose list of showing Windows
P3 JDK-8159021 Redo layout bounds tests in GroupTest
P3 JDK-8136573 Review (and possibly make public) candidate API from private APIs
P3 JDK-8144680 Stage.alwaysOnTop() doesn't work if a security manager is set
P4 JDK-8164141 [Javadoc] Replace references of Stage with Window in the Window class
P4 JDK-8117384 ConcurrentModificationException at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableMapWrapper$ObservableEntrySet
P4 JDK-8130675 Document that setting scene on stage changes stage size unless explicitly set
P4 JDK-8144625 Expose code and char properties on KeyCode
P4 JDK-8177341 Fix typos in FX API docs
P4 JDK-8173685 JavaDoc in JDK9 mixes up {@literal } sections in StyleablePropertyFactory
P4 JDK-8137252 JavaFX StackPane bounds not updated
P4 JDK-8130381 KeyEvents lost when focused node is removed from the Scene
P4 JDK-8175051 PerspectiveCamera docs are misleading for movable Camera
P4 JDK-8088846 PopupWindow does not disappear when associated Control is not visible.
P4 JDK-8145143 Promote Image.impl_getUrl() to public API as Image.getUrl()
P4 JDK-8092737 Scene not repainted on change to Stage opacity with StageStyle.TRANSPARENT
P4 JDK-8177081 visible entity for @ in sample code in ImageView


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8096769 [Mac] Swing interop unit tests hangs on headless test machines
P2 JDK-8172554 [macos] deadlock on JFXPanel startup
P2 JDK-8134709 Cannot compile FXDnD with JDK 9: DropTargetContext::addNotify, removeNotify not found
P2 JDK-8149967 Cannot compile JFXPanel with JDK 9: SurfaceData::getDefaultScale not found
P2 JDK-8165363 PlatformImpl in uses setAccessible to access method in javafx.swing
P3 JDK-8088247 [JFXPanel, Mac Intel Iris Pro GPU] JDialog with JavaFX scene has major performance problem on Mac PowerBook w/retina display
P3 JDK-8096542 [JFXPanel] back out fix for RT-38922
P3 JDK-8147459 fix resources for Swing test
P3 JDK-8156591 IllegalAccessError in JFXPanel after fix for JDK-8080395
P3 JDK-8169309 Migrate SwingNode to the new float API of JLightweightFrame
P3 JDK-8150175 Need replacement in FXDnD for DropTargetContext::addNotify, removeNotify
P3 JDK-8174154 NPE in JFXPanel$HostContainer#setEmbeddedStage
P3 JDK-8147416 Refactor swing Tests to match the rest of the tests
P3 JDK-8162551 SwingNode scaling doesn't work


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8158948 SceneBuilder needs public access to CSS styling support from JavaFX that is no longer available
P2 JDK-8159005 SceneBuilder needs public access to FXMLLoader setStaticLoad support from JavaFX that is no longer available
P2 JDK-8134249 SceneBuilderKit: EditorUtils: FXML LoadException in OSGi environments
P3 JDK-8138909 [Mac] SceneBuilder fails to exit on Mac OS X


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8172399 Fix build failure after JDK-8165909
P1 JDK-8162386 Revert build.gradle changes added by JDK-8161724
P1 JDK-8170930 WebView unit test crashes in 32-bit mode
P2 JDK-8094088 [Mac] WebView unit tests hang on headless test machines
P2 JDK-8136466 [regression] [WebView] Load single page application from jar
P2 JDK-8144263 [WebView, OS X] Webkit rendering artifacts with inertia scrolling
P2 JDK-8096529 [WebView] Crash while content selection on
P2 JDK-8096775 [WebView] implement missing functionality in PasteboardJava.cpp
P2 JDK-8097381 [WebView] solar system web page is slow, has rendering problems and throws exceptions
P2 JDK-8161258 [Win] Timer functionality is broken after JDK-8089563
P2 JDK-8167675 Animated gifs are not working
P2 JDK-8151576 Cleanup whitespace after fix for JDK-8149537
P2 JDK-8151044 Cleanup whitespace in after fix for JDK-8147851
P2 JDK-8153501 Crash in ResourceLoader::releaseResources()
P2 JDK-8152737 Crash in RuntimeObject::put when object passed to JSObject::setMember is GCed
P2 JDK-8150982 Crash when calling WebEngine.print on background thread
P2 JDK-8170450 Crash while loading in HiDPI / Retina display
P2 JDK-8147410 Crash with long selector list
P2 JDK-8149045 Debug build is not working after new WebKit upgrade
P2 JDK-8157145 DRT crash at fast/css-generated-content/initial-letter-basic.html
P2 JDK-8161724 EOFException in GZIPInputStream.readUByte while browsing
P2 JDK-8096628 Java crashes when trying to render
P2 JDK-8180825 Javafx WebView fails to render pdf.js
P2 JDK-8149537 JavaFX WebView performance regression when inserting html via javascript
P2 JDK-8097274 javafx.scene.web.IrresponsiveScriptTest hangs on Linux with new WebKit
P2 JDK-8160563 jvm crash at javafx com.sun.webkit.WebPage.twkPrePaint (GFlag + Heap verification)
P2 JDK-8154186 JVM crash while using JavaFW WebView and colgroup/cols html feature
P2 JDK-8158056 Linux: has hard-coded path
P2 JDK-8165853 Loading "" with JavaFX WebView crashes JVM.
P2 JDK-8170938 Memory leak in JavaFX WebView
P2 JDK-8159383 Mouse hover on Webview scroll bar leads to NPE in ScrollBarThemeImpl.hitTest
P2 JDK-8145937 Not able to enter text and pop menu disappearing on Mouseover Menu
P2 JDK-8177412 Remove unused third-party code from WebKit sources
P2 JDK-8147485 Revert fix for JDK-8090061 to push it with the correct commit message
P2 JDK-8156887 Revert fix for JDK-8155903 to push it with the correct author
P2 JDK-8174919 SocketException no longer handled by WebView when processing web pages
P2 JDK-8146177 SVG "Copy Image to Clipboard" action causes JVM Crash in WebView
P2 JDK-8159868 the JVM for our Swing application crashes, once we login into our application server
P2 JDK-8166999 Update to newer version of WebKit
P2 JDK-8161766 Upload webview-deps version 1.3.1 to maven central
P2 JDK-8132675 VBox.setVgrow and HBox.setHgrow corrupt following controls when window resized
P2 JDK-8179321 WebEngine.getDocument().getDocumentURI() no longer returns null for loading a String of HTML
P2 JDK-8162979 Website cannot be loaded
P2 JDK-8139114 WebView crashes on Yahoo login page
P2 JDK-8089681 WebView leaks memory when containing object acts as javascript callback handler
P3 JDK-8147572 8144162 caused unit test compilation failure
P3 JDK-8087932 [Mac] intermittent crash on exit in WebView
P3 JDK-8139317 [Mac] SecurityException when constructing WebView from JFXPanel application
P3 JDK-8138652 [macosx] New WebView Native Code uses private Apple APIs
P3 JDK-8144472 [Webcore] DRT test fast/dom/HTMLInputElement/input-line-height.html fails
P3 JDK-8097539 [WebView] "outstanding resource locks detected" when playing youtube
P3 JDK-8096612 [WebView] "outstanding resource locks detected" when using clip in canvas
P3 JDK-8168887 [WebView] ComboBox and DropDownList - Render fragments of the scrollbar are visible
P3 JDK-8090098 [WebView] getTimezoneOffset() of a ISO strings returns a wrong value
P3 JDK-8089090 [WebView] Heavy use of JSObject.callImpl can cause native crash
P3 JDK-8152420 [WebView] Icon font doesn't work if single page application will be loaded from jar
P3 JDK-8092649 [WebView] IllegalArgumentException when dragging in google maps
P3 JDK-8132149 [WebView] not reporting device scale factor to a web service
P3 JDK-8160769 [WebView] Unable to tile SVG image using css background property
P3 JDK-8134470 [WebView] UnsatisfiedLinkError calling getId on HTMLIFrameElement
P3 JDK-8097290 [WebView] Use application locale setting in WebView language header
P3 JDK-8162949 [WebView] WebView can't display social network icons on
P3 JDK-8164076 [Windows] JavaFX crash in WebPage.twkOpen in 8u112 when closing WebView while debugging
P3 JDK-8159549 Add timestamp to WebView Keyboard Event
P3 JDK-8161137 Assertion fails with
P3 JDK-8153151 Call JavaScriptCore GC whenever JVM GC happens
P3 JDK-8159614 Can't get file size with javascript
P3 JDK-8141345 Cannot build WebKit with bison3
P3 JDK-8165173 canvas/philip/tests/2d.path.clip.empty.html fails with 8u112
P3 JDK-8160326 Char value is returned as integer, not as character
P3 JDK-8158926 Char value is set as integer, not as character
P3 JDK-8153148 Defer image decoding until WebCore requests ImageFrame
P3 JDK-8136847 DRT test fast/canvas/canvas-fillRect-shadow.html fails
P3 JDK-8087714 DRT test fast/dom/HTMLInputElement/input-line-height.html fails
P3 JDK-8148114 Enable BLOB feature in JavaFX WebView
P3 JDK-8146107 Enable web module tests in jake
P3 JDK-8170585 Fix PlatformContextJava type leaking to GraphicsContext
P3 JDK-8162977 General sibling selector is broken for selected input boxes in WebView
P3 JDK-8166677 HTMLEditor freezes after restoring previously maximized window
P3 JDK-8090216 HTMLEditor: font bold doesn't work when an indent is set
P3 JDK-8160757 Implement overridePreference() for DRT framework
P3 JDK-8165508 Incorrect Bug ID in comment for JDK-8164076
P3 JDK-8146715 Input fields accepting characters beyond maxlength attribute
P3 JDK-8149768 JavaFX Application Performance Issue
P3 JDK-8163582 JavaFX browser can get stuck in an infinite loop when calling path.getTotalLength()
P3 JDK-8162922 JavaFx WebView canvas doesn't support dash within strokeRec
P3 JDK-8089563 Javascript Timing Events stop work on system clock changes at past
P3 JDK-8165909 JavaScript to Java String conversion is not correct
P3 JDK-8144688 JFX WebView DRT implementation doesn't pass mouse button for mousemove simulation
P3 JDK-8149737 JRE crash in
P3 JDK-8147851 jvm crash at javafx com.sun.webkit.WebPage.twkPrePaint
P3 JDK-8157559 Linux: Javascript Timing Events stop work on system clock changes at past
P3 JDK-8088408 Memory leak OOM Webview + Openlayers
P3 JDK-8169204 Need to document JSObject Call and setSlot APIs to use weak references
P3 JDK-8154127 Need to document that JavaScript to Java bindings use weak references
P3 JDK-8144162 NullPointerException printed when loading webpage in WebView with anchor
P3 JDK-8136532 Outlook paste text into an email causes webkit.ContextMenu NullPointerException
P3 JDK-8145856 Refactor web module for clear separation of tests
P3 JDK-8157477 remove old annotations from web
P3 JDK-8088916 Replace with public API
P3 JDK-8088689 Several fast/regions/webkit-* tests fail
P3 JDK-8133775 Some WebNode tests crash JVM
P3 JDK-8152393 SQL Server Reporting Services in WebViews shows 401
P3 JDK-8146512 Table Borders are not drawn properly
P3 JDK-8160388 Test Case Failure in CallBackTest
P3 JDK-8090292 Test transitions/created-while-suspended.html fails
P3 JDK-8145682 topDocument() returns an incorrect reference for cached Documents
P3 JDK-8141386 Unable to pass values to java functions which takes wrapper objects as arguments
P3 JDK-8090062 Update java-wrappers for WebKit generated classes following WebKit update
P3 JDK-8166231 use @Native annotation in web classes
P3 JDK-8174866 User Agent String for JavaFX is not correct
P3 JDK-8097240 VM crash when call a method from within javascript code present in a page loaded in webEngine
P3 JDK-8160837 WebEngine doesn't handle html5 color picker
P3 JDK-8165098 WebEngine.print will attempt to print even if the printer job is complete or has an error
P3 JDK-8134985 WebKit build fails with XCode 6.4
P3 JDK-8154161 Webkit: Conversion from string literal loses const qualifier
P3 JDK-8130749 WebView 8u60 Gmail display problems on HiDPI
P3 JDK-8146211 WebView can't alert from a timer
P3 JDK-8160260 WebView cannot render CSS background image with SVG data
P3 JDK-8140501 WebView crashes when loading content in a locationlistener
P3 JDK-8096814 WebView crashes when you attempt to stop loading a large image
P3 JDK-8172836 WebView Debug build is broken
P3 JDK-8130740 WebView does not render woff fonts
P3 JDK-8158196 WebView Form Post fails if connection is closed before keepAlive-Timeout
P3 JDK-8088808 WebView horizontal scrolling using mouse or touch device causes rendering artifacts
P3 JDK-8153681 WebView needs to resolve resources relative to "jrt:" URLs
P3 JDK-8093303 Webview radio button and checkboxes missing
P3 JDK-8095055 WebView sample doesn't load web content on mac 10.9
P3 JDK-8130727 WebView Tooltip position no longer changes in 8u60
P4 JDK-8098213 [IOS, Android] Changes to fix WebView
P4 JDK-8161405 [OS X] Compilation Issue in WebPage.cpp
P4 JDK-8164314 [WebView] Debug build is no longer working after JDK-8089681
P4 JDK-8087438 [WebView] NPE when running WebEngine without WebView
P4 JDK-8090061 [WebView] replace "char*" with "const char*" where appropriate
P4 JDK-8141388 Add Compiled Python Objects(*.pyc) into .hgignore
P4 JDK-8166775 Audio slider works incorrectly for short files
P4 JDK-8164495 Backout changeset 653ce34aafba to add correct bug ID in commit message
P4 JDK-8143894 clipboard paste on outlook email body doesn't work for the first time
P4 JDK-8161699 Fix compilation warnings in WebCore and JavaScriptCore
P4 JDK-8089915 Input of type file doesn't honor "accept" attribute.
P4 JDK-8089842 JavaScript2Java Bridge: A char value cannot be set from JavaScript
P4 JDK-8150800 NullPointer exception in WebView
P4 JDK-8094705 VBox spacing with WebView problem on Mac
P5 JDK-8163971 Revert "MiscellaneousTest.testRT26306 and testWebViewWithoutSceneGraph" Indentation done while JDK-8163582 fix


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8171928 Build fails on Oracle Linux 7 with unused parameter warning
P1 JDK-8145855 Fix build glass_gtkcompat.cpp issue
P2 JDK-8087516 [JavaFX] Conditional support for GTK 3 on Linux
P2 JDK-8157060 [Linux] sandboxed applications fail with AccessControlException
P2 JDK-8094649 [Mac] Intermittent crash after starting Multitouch support
P2 JDK-8172847 [macos] If you hit the escape key repeatedly to close the subwindow, the process crashes
P2 JDK-8156491 Autodetect GTK version for JFX
P2 JDK-8144258 Ensemble Advanced Media sample hangs after going full screen
P2 JDK-8137141 Fatal error in Method::build_method_counters when called from
P2 JDK-8089337 JDK crash on Mac 10.10 with very large stage
P2 JDK-8145568 JEP 283: Enable GTK 3 on Linux
P2 JDK-8166106 JVM crash on resizing JavaFX application with title and icon
P2 JDK-8175204 Linux: Dialog windows come up 1-pixel wide
P2 JDK-8175205 Linux: Stage initially in full-screen mode not shown when exiting full-screen
P2 JDK-8160241 Maximizing an Window with Screen-Size hides it
P2 JDK-8175822 Pulldown position regression and not painting correctly tooltips regression
P2 JDK-8136966 Remove experimental, non-shipping glass SWT platform
P2 JDK-8178155 Revert fix for JDK-8176844 in JDK 9
P2 JDK-8166414 Scene returns incorrect coordinates
P2 JDK-8157002 Toggle gtk version if SWT used via FXCanvas
P2 JDK-8151170 WINDOW_MODAL dialog does not popup when restoring iconified owner window, which causes application freeze
P3 JDK-8095826 "Too many touch points reported" exception when tapping too fast
P3 JDK-8166470 -Xcheck:jni indicates there are missing exception checks in Glass
P3 JDK-8088110 [ARM] missing i.MX sources for soft float build
P3 JDK-8090249 [Linux] Restoring owner stage after minimize does not restore position of child stage
P3 JDK-8095451 [Linux] Stage.setIconified(true) not working with TRANSPARENT or UNDECORATED stage
P3 JDK-8087498 [Mac] Full screen mode fails for certain StageStyles
P3 JDK-8163137 [Mac] Maximizing a window with Cmd+Green button with Screen-Size hides it
P3 JDK-8095236 [Monocle] software rendering pipeline crash when running GUIMark2
P3 JDK-8152421 After initing the modality of a non-primary stage to MODAL, closing that stage causes the primary stage to become non-resizable
P3 JDK-8154206 Clear potential exception when reporting exceptions from JNI Glass
P3 JDK-8172561 Copying String with "\r\n" to Clipboard duplicates "\r"
P3 JDK-8157600 Failed to launch hello.HelloSanity due to undefined symbol: _Z36g_settings_schema_source_get_defaultv
P3 JDK-8148719 JavaFx/Swing application crash when exiting
P3 JDK-8171976 Linux: JavaFX window not painted with background when using GTK 3
P3 JDK-8173901 Linux: Position of Stage is not restored after exiting full screen
P3 JDK-8145837 Remove deprecated GTK2 calls in JavaFX
P3 JDK-8166147 Ubuntu 16.04: expandable content goes outside of the alert dialog
P3 JDK-8117840 Win: Runtime bug,JVM breakdown
P4 JDK-8092704 [Drag and Drop Linux] setDragView still doesn't work on linux
P4 JDK-8096316 [Drag and Drop, Windows] COM error when doing DnD on a ListView with null items list
P4 JDK-8092519 [GTK] Gdk-ERROR **: g_thread_init() must be called before gdk_threads_init()
P4 JDK-8096038 Build to linux desktop by "gradle -PCOMPILE_TARGETS=x86egl" fails
P4 JDK-8097516 Dialog on iOS is not implemented
P4 JDK-8144780 Incorrect assertion fails in the GlassCursor.m
P4 JDK-8138853 InvokeLaterDispatcher should set thread name
P4 JDK-8093200 Mac resize cursors are wrong
P4 JDK-8103614 Pi: create framebuffer on hardware layer 1 and cursor on layer 2


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8148822 (spec) Regex in Runtime.Version and JEP 223 should match
P3 JDK-8148877 (spec) Specify when an empty '+' is required in a version string
P3 JDK-8147755 ASM should create correct constant tag for invokestatic on handle point to interface static method
P3 JDK-8043753 Drop javax.transaction from compact2 and compact3
P3 JDK-8059083 Remove jdk.compact3 from modules.xml
P3 JDK-8152227 Remove jdk.deploy.osx module descriptor
P3 JDK-8148187 Remove OS X-specific package
P3 JDK-8179852 Remove references to demo tests from TEST.groups
P3 JDK-8149519 Set java.specification.version to the MAJOR java version
P4 JDK-8080293 AARCH64: Remove unnecessary dmbs from generated CAS code
P4 JDK-8170530 bash configure output contains a typo in a suggested library name
P4 JDK-8034780 Remove unused imports
P4 JDK-8154159 rmic should not have a supported entry point
P4 JDK-8163180 Typos around @code javadoc tag usage
P5 JDK-8023022 Some more typos in javadoc


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8029073 (corba) New connection reclaimed when number of connection is greater than highwatermark
P2 JDK-8068682 Deprivilege/move java.corba to the ext class loader
P2 JDK-8164907 Eliminate dependency on java.naming/com.sun.jndi.toolkit.url
P2 JDK-8180041 Fix HTML 5 issues in java.corba
P2 JDK-7130985 Four helper classes missing in Sun JDK
P2 JDK-8164908 ReflectionFactory support for IIOP and custom serialization
P2 JDK-8170116 Remove qualified exports from java.base to java.corba
P2 JDK-8148863 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from corba
P3 JDK-8038861 [javadoc] broken links in org/omg/CORBA/FloatSeqHelper.html
P3 JDK-8153894 idlj usage or compilation errors not printed
P3 JDK-8050123 Incorrect property name documented in CORBA InputStream API
P3 JDK-8146975 NullPointerException in IIOPInputStream.inputClassFields
P3 JDK-8144144 ORB destroy() leaks filedescriptors after unsuccessful connection
P3 JDK-8077395 org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream constructor should not specify JDK-specific property
P3 JDK-8043958 Remove unused com.sun.pept classes from jdk repository
P3 JDK-8068721 RMI-IIOP communication fails when ConcurrentHashMap is passed to remote method
P4 JDK-8176784 Amend HREF to technote/guides in CORBA API docs to unilinks for guides
P4 JDK-8181836 BadKindHelper.html and BoundsHelper.html contains broken link in the javadoc
P4 JDK-8033075 Broken LInk in CORBA API docs
P4 JDK-8169041 com/sun/corba/cachedSocket should be added to exclusiveAccess.dirs
P4 JDK-8168614 Disable CORBA com.sun.corba.serialization.ObjectStreamTest.echoObjects
P4 JDK-8086029 Fix doclint reference warnings in org.omg.CORBA
P4 JDK-8073696 Remove unused imports in java.corba, java.jaxws, jdk.httpserver
P4 JDK-8133650 replace some tags (obsolete in html5) in CORBA docs
P4 JDK-8079075 some docs cleanup for CORBA - part 1
P4 JDK-8079342 some docs cleanup for CORBA - part 2
P4 JDK-8039440 Tidy warnings cleanup for org/omg


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8049389 Move orb.idl and ir.idl to JDK include directory


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8039108 Build Broken : 8035618 fix breaks corba build
P3 JDK-8039114 Build failure - JDK-8039108 issue
P3 JDK-8049375 Extend how the org.omg.CORBA.ORB handles the search for
P4 JDK-8049522 Move @implNote in org.omg.CORBA.ORB to init method
P4 JDK-8042906 Remove use of reflection in ORB


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8168613 CORBA ObjectStreamTest fails with address in use
P3 JDK-7095856 OutputStreamHook doesn't handle null values


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8080959 Remove Java DB from JDK 9


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8049379 Examine reference to ${java.home}/lib in javax.activation.MailcapCommandMap
P3 JDK-8057795 No mime type for .png files
P5 JDK-8038764 Tidy warnings cleanup for javax.activation


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8037221 [asm] refresh internal ASM version
P2 JDK-8044046 [asm] refresh internal ASM version to v5.0.3
P2 JDK-8174728 Add @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) to EE modules
P2 JDK-8181195 Add @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) to the aggregator module
P2 JDK-8068680 Move java.transaction to the ext class loader
P2 JDK-8144062 Move jdk.Version to java.lang.Runtime.Version
P2 JDK-8049376 Move user-editable configuration files to top-level conf directory
P2 JDK-8049422 Remove @jdk.Exported
P3 JDK-8061830 [asm] refresh internal ASM version v5.0.3
P3 JDK-8075573 Add jdk_other and jdk_svc to jdk tier 2 test definition
P3 JDK-8047776 Add module java.transaction to export API javax.transaction
P3 JDK-8072379 CoreLibs: Implement jdk.Version
P3 JDK-8030035 Create a stable test group in TEST.groups
P3 JDK-7152892 some jtreg tests fail with permission denied
P3 JDK-8150337 sun/misc/ failed intermittently
P3 JDK-8153928 test/lib/share/classes/jdk/test/lib/ introduced dependency to java.base/jdk.internal.misc
P3 JDK-8151858 update ASM 5.1 to accept V53.0 classfiles
P4 JDK-8047723 @since tag cleanup in jaxp
P4 JDK-8047724 @since tag cleanup in jaxws
P4 JDK-8037529 [asm] add back @Suppress tags, removed by last bulk refresh
P4 JDK-8075160 Add javadoc to serialver class
P4 JDK-8157061 Add support for running jtreg tests from IntelliJ project
P4 JDK-8151056 ASM enable original deprecated methods.
P4 JDK-8149750 Decouple sun.misc.Signal from the base module
P4 JDK-8152638 Exclude closed/javax/sound/sampled/FileWriter/
P4 JDK-8142927 Feed some text to STDIN in ProcessTools.executeProcess()
P4 JDK-8044477 Fix fallthrough lint warning in ASM
P4 JDK-8039864 Fix fallthrough lint warnings in other libs
P4 JDK-8044866 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in asm
P4 JDK-8044867 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in*
P4 JDK-8031369 Fix raw types warnings in sun.misc.{Cache, SoftCache}
P4 JDK-8039022 Fix serial lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8074716 IntelliJ IDEA project support
P4 JDK-8081565 javac lint warnings in jdk testlibrary
P4 JDK-8077991 Missing javadoc in exceptions types in javax.transaction
P4 JDK-8048021 Remove @version tag in jaxp repo
P4 JDK-8032397 Remove sun.misc.Ref
P4 JDK-8046902 Remove sun.misc.Timer
P4 JDK-8177723 Suppress lint removal warning in and jdk.unsupported
P4 JDK-8134984 Text files should end in exactly one newline
P4 JDK-8136494 Update "@since 1.9" to "@since 9" to match java.specification.version
P4 JDK-8158458 Update references from "1.9" to "9"


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8144590 JEP-JDK-8085796: Indify String Concatenation - Performance Plan
P3 JDK-8081589 Output of -XX:+TraceClassLoadingPreorder in JDK9 incompatible with MakeClasslist tool
P3 JDK-8058349 SPECjbb2005 1.4% performance regression on Linux with 9-b29
P4 JDK-8065641 JEP-JDK-8046155: Compiler Control - Performance Plan
P4 JDK-8064810 JEP-JDK-8054307: Performance plan for More memory-efficient internal representation for Strings


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8063700 -Xcheck:jni changes cause many JCK failures in api/javax_crypto tests in SunPKCS11
P2 JDK-8033900 Remove reference to JNU_Equals in GSSLibStub.c
P3 JDK-8040059 Change default policy for extensions to no permission
P3 JDK-8158116 com/sun/crypto/provider/KeyAgreement/ failed with timeout
P3 JDK-8073430 Deprecate security APIs that have been superseded
P3 JDK-8040321 keytool and jarsigner tests doesn't pass though VM tools to tools
P3 JDK-8141411 keytool can wrongly parse the start date value given by the -startdate option
P3 JDK-8161171 Missed the make/common/Modules.gmk file when integrating JDK-8154191
P3 JDK-8057810 New defaults for DSA keys in jarsigner and keytool
P3 JDK-8171423 Relocate /test/lib/security/
P3 JDK-8036844 test failures due to wrong keystore paths
P4 JDK-8078528 clean out tidy warnings from security.auth
P4 JDK-8152612 Dev task: Enhance OracleUcrypto provider with SHA-3 MessageDigest implementations
P4 JDK-8152613 Dev task: Update regression tests for SHA-3 MessageDigests
P4 JDK-8033271 Manual security tests have @ignore rather than @run main/manual
P4 JDK-8165463 Native implementation of sunmscapi should use operator new (nothrow) for allocations
P4 JDK-8033757 Redo JDK-8011983 (due to bad merge with JDK-8031586)
P4 JDK-8149922 Remove intermittent key from security tests
P4 JDK-8074531 Remove usage in internal networking packages
P4 JDK-8133802 replace some tags (obsolete in html5) in security-libs docs
P4 JDK-8132130 Some docs cleanup
P4 JDK-8159861 sun/security/tools/keytool/ timeout
P4 JDK-8177683 Suppress lint removal warnings in and jdk.policytool
P4 JDK-8075618 Test task: Create tests to check jarsigner work with multi-version jar
P4 JDK-8055901 Update policytool for
P4 JDK-8078468 Update security libraries to use diamond with anonymous classes
P4 JDK-8079107 Update to use random number generator library
P5 JDK-8079478 some docs cleanup for


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8050118 Windows policy file missing semicolon
P2 JDK-8172869 4096 is not supported yet for the DH Parameter Generator
P2 JDK-8154005 Add algorithm constraint that specifies the restriction date
P2 JDK-8167591 Add MD5 to signed JAR restrictions
P2 JDK-8140422 Add mechanism to allow non default root CAs to be not subject to algorithm restrictions
P2 JDK-8145954 Add new DigiCert roots
P2 JDK-8153080 Add new DTrust roots
P2 JDK-8154757 Add new IdenTrust roots
P2 JDK-8145955 Add new QuoVadis roots
P2 JDK-8000415 Add support for SHA-3
P2 JDK-8074931 Additional tests for CertPath API
P2 JDK-8049171 Additional tests for jarsigner's warnings
P2 JDK-8154015 Apply algorithm constraints to timestamped code
P2 JDK-8134708 Certpath validation fails to load certs and CRLs if AIA and CRLDP extensions point to LDAP resources
P2 JDK-8162739 Create new keytool option to access cacerts file
P2 JDK-8168075 Custom system class loader + security manager + malformed policy file = recursive initialization
P2 JDK-8157469 fails with no provider class found
P2 JDK-8153780 Deployment: pass timestamp to CertPath code
P2 JDK-8161506 Deprecate pre-1.2 SecurityManager methods and fields with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8157847 Deprecate the API with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8157707 Deprecate the API with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8157730 Deprecate the{Identity,IdentityScope,Signer} APIs with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8137132 Dev Task: Design
P2 JDK-8137133 Dev Task: Implementation
P2 JDK-8176503 Disable SHA-1 TLS Server Certificates
P2 JDK-8181295 Document that SecurityManager::checkPackageAccess may be called by the VM
P2 JDK-8175251 Failed to load RSA private key from pkcs12
P2 JDK-8160655 Fix denyAfter and usage types for security properties
P2 JDK-8159752 Grant de-privileged module permissions by default with override option
P2 JDK-8153777 Implement "denyAfter" constraint
P2 JDK-8048621 Implement basic keystore tests
P2 JDK-8153776 Implement jdkCA constraint
P2 JDK-8048619 Implement tests for converting PKCS12 keystores
P2 JDK-8048830 Implement tests for new functionality provided in JEP 166
P2 JDK-8153778 Implement timestamp check
P2 JDK-4985694 Incomplete spec for most of the getInstances
P2 JDK-8156584 Initialization race in
P2 JDK-8163304 jarsigner -verbose -verify should print the algorithms used to sign the jar
P2 JDK-7191662 JCE providers should be located via ServiceLoader
P2 JDK-8130648 JCK test api/java_security/AuthProvider/ProviderTests_login starts failing after JDK-7191662
P2 JDK-8152205 is ambiguously documented
P2 JDK-8044445 JEP 229: Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default
P2 JDK-8043631 JEP 232: Improve Secure Application Performance
P2 JDK-8051408 JEP 273: DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations
P2 JDK-8064399 JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms
P2 JDK-8149555 JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
P2 JDK-8181978 Keystore probing mechanism fails for large PKCS12 keystores
P2 JDK-8130800 KeyStore.getInstance(File,char[]) does not throw IOE for null password
P2 JDK-8130799 KeyStoreSpi.engineProbe does not throw the expected NullPointerException
P2 JDK-8177569 keytool should not warn if signature algorithm used in cacerts is weak
P2 JDK-8171319 keytool should print out warnings when reading or generating cert/cert req using weak algorithms
P2 JDK-8175250 Manifest checking throws exception with no entry
P2 JDK-8050374 More Signature tests
P2 JDK-8041787 Need new regressions tests for buffer handling for PBE algorithms
P2 JDK-8050370 Need new regressions tests for MessageDigest with DigestIOStream
P2 JDK-8049237 Need new tests for X509V3 certificates
P2 JDK-8050281 New permission tests for JEP 140
P2 JDK-8048052 Permission tests for "setFactory"
P2 JDK-8163503 PKCS12 keystore cannot store non-X.509 certificates
P2 JDK-8075706 Policy implementation does not allow policy.provider to be on the class path
P2 JDK-8156192 Provider#compute and #merge methods expect wrong permission & #compute ClassCastException even with wrong permission.
P2 JDK-8141540 Remove "UTN - DATACorp SGC" Root CA Certificate
P2 JDK-8159180 Remove default setting for
P2 JDK-8173827 Remove forRemoval=true from several deprecated security APIs
P2 JDK-7067728 Remove stopThread RuntimePermission from the default java.policy
P2 JDK-8048356 SecureRandom default provider tests
P2 JDK-8165274 SHA1 certpath constraint check fails with OCSP certificate
P2 JDK-8153948 sun/security/mscapi/ fails with "Field length overflow"
P2 JDK-8160658 sun/security/tools/keytool/ fails on all platforms after JDK-8160415
P2 JDK-8048362 Test doPrivileged with accomplice
P2 JDK-8048607 Test key generation of DES and DESEDE
P2 JDK-8072507 Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP 229 Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default
P2 JDK-8141039 Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP 273: DRBG-Based SecureRandom Implementations
P2 JDK-8156062 Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
P2 JDK-8068092 Test Task: Update existing tests for Improve Secure Application Performance JEP
P2 JDK-8072506 Test Task: Update existing tests for JEP 229 Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default
P2 JDK-8156060 Test Task: Update existing tests for JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms
P2 JDK-8156061 Test Task: Update existing tests for JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
P2 JDK-8156059 Test Task: Update/Develop new tests for JEP 287: SHA-3 Hash Algorithms
P2 JDK-8157896 test fails with timeout
P2 JDK-8048617 Tests for PKCS12 read operations
P2 JDK-8048618 Tests for PKCS12 write operations
P2 JDK-8044199 Tests for RSA keys and key specifications
P2 JDK-8050402 Tests to check for use of policy files
P2 JDK-8168374 fails on all platforms
P3 JDK-8180635 (doc) Clarify the compatibility and interoperability issue when using provider default values
P3 JDK-8157526 3KeyTDEA word left in DRBG after JDK-8156213
P3 JDK-8130302 Add -addprovider option to jarsigner and keytool
P3 JDK-8058657 Add @jdk.Exported to com.sun.jarsigner.ContentSigner API
P3 JDK-8169335 Add a crypto policy fallback in case Security Property 'crypto.policy' does not exist
P3 JDK-8047223 Add algorithm parameter to EncodedKeySpec class and its two subclasses
P3 JDK-8134364 Add defensive copies to get/set methods for OCSPNonceExtension
P3 JDK-8038837 Add support to jarsigner for specifying timestamp hash algorithm
P3 JDK-8042967 Add variant of DSA Signature algorithms that do not ASN.1 encode the signature bytes
P3 JDK-8165367 Additional tests for JEP 288: Disable SHA-1 Certificates
P3 JDK-8037258 AIOB while parsing CRL for revoked certificate
P3 JDK-8077055 Allow other named SecurityPermissions, RuntimePermissions, and AuthPermissions to be used
P3 JDK-8165101 AnchorCertificates throws NPE when cacerts file not found
P3 JDK-8157489 AppleProvider in java.base/macosx/classes/
P3 JDK-8174157 Backout 8151116
P3 JDK-8181797 Broken links in specs/security/standard-names.html
P3 JDK-8042053 Broken links to jarsigner and keytool docs in package summary
P3 JDK-8025708 Certificate Path Building problem with AKI serial number
P3 JDK-8032573 CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509").generateCertificates(InputStream) does not throw CertificateException for invalid input
P3 JDK-8038084 CertStore needs a way to add new CertStore types
P3 JDK-8043406 Change default policy for JCE providers to run with as few privileges as possible
P3 JDK-8174849 Change SHA1 certpath restrictions
P3 JDK-8150468 ClassCircularityError on error in security policy file
P3 JDK-6997010 Consolidate files into one file with modifications
P3 JDK-8152108 Correct jarsigner warning message about missing timestamp
P3 JDK-8138653 Default key sizes for the AlgorithmParameterGenerator and KeyPairGenerator implementations should be upgraded
P3 JDK-8164071 Default.policy file missing content for solaris
P3 JDK-8130181 Deprecate, double, String), add Provider(String, String, String)
P3 JDK-8147400 Deprecate policytool
P3 JDK-8062653 Design and Implementation
P3 JDK-8166632 Document how to grant permissions for a module jrt:/ in the image
P3 JDK-8156501 DRBG not synchronized at reseeding
P3 JDK-8158534 DrbgParameters strength parameter is underspecified if < -1
P3 JDK-8163896 Finalizing one key of a KeyPair invalidates the other key
P3 JDK-8047765 Generate blacklist.certs in build
P3 JDK-8172808 Handle bundle in ResourcesMgr in the same way as AuthResources
P3 JDK-8072692 Improve performance of SecurityManager.checkPackageAccess
P3 JDK-8054037 Improve tracing for
P3 JDK-8168911 Increased number of classes initialized during initialization of SignatureFileVerifier
P3 JDK-8130132 jarsigner should emit warning if weak algorithms or keysizes are used
P3 JDK-8044659 Java SecureRandom on SPARC T4 much slower than on x86/Linux
P3 JDK-8015081 throws NPE
P3 JDK-8144294 jdk/security/jarsigner/ failed to clean up files after test on Windows
P3 JDK-8074935 jdk8 keytool doesn't validate pem files for RFC 1421 correctness, as jdk7 did
P3 JDK-8062264 KeychainStore requires non-null password to be supplied when retrieving a private key
P3 JDK-8173956 KeyStore regression due to default keystore being changed to PKCS12
P3 JDK-8167371 KeyStoreSpi.engineSetEntry should throw an Exception if password protection alg is specified
P3 JDK-8151836 keytool -importkeystore -help does not list option -destprotected
P3 JDK-8151679 Mark as intermittently failing.
P3 JDK-8058547 Memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache
P3 JDK-8086002 Move to a proper module
P3 JDK-8069551 Move from compact3 to java.base
P3 JDK-8071338 Move policytool from JRE to JDK
P3 JDK-8074018 Named extension not recognized in keytool -ext honored after 8073182
P3 JDK-8037346 Need to terminate server process if client runs into problems
P3 JDK-8056174 New APIs for jar signing
P3 JDK-8138766 New default -sigalg for keytool
P3 JDK-8085903 New fix for memory leak in ProtectionDomain cache
P3 JDK-8149411 PKCS12KeyStore cannot extract AES Secret Keys
P3 JDK-8132926 PKIXParameters built with public key form of TrustAnchor causes NPE during cert path building/validation
P3 JDK-8130841 policytool needs to be updated to work with modules
P3 JDK-8158589 Possible integer overflow issues for DRBG
P3 JDK-8155775 Re-examine naming of privileged methods to access System properties
P3 JDK-8172048 Re-examine use of AtomicReference in
P3 JDK-8156671 Refactor sun/security/rsa/
P3 JDK-8144784 Remove @Deprecated annotation from, and com.sun.jarsigner packages
P3 JDK-8163303 Remove identity scope information from jarsigner -verbose output
P3 JDK-8065233 Remove Policy provider code that synchronizes on identityPolicyEntries List
P3 JDK-8072463 Remove requirement that AKID and SKID have to match when building certificate chain
P3 JDK-8156213 Remove SHA-1 and 3KeyTDEA algorithms from DRBG
P3 JDK-8072663 Remove the package which is not used in the JDK
P3 JDK-8015388 Required algorithms for JDK 9
P3 JDK-8131486 SecureClassLoader key for ProtectionDomain cache also needs to take into account certificates
P3 JDK-6826789 SecureClassLoader should not use CodeSource URLs as HashMap keys
P3 JDK-8047769 SecureRandom should be more frugal with file descriptors
P3 JDK-8098581 SecureRandom.nextBytes() hurts performance with small size requests
P3 JDK-8158442 SecureRandomParameters missing "@since 9"
P3 JDK-8030823 Security Providers need to have their version numbers updated for JDK9
P3 JDK-8157881 security.provider property description needs to be updated for modules
P3 JDK-8172975 SecurityTools.keytool() needs to accept user input
P3 JDK-8155847 SHA groups needed for
P3 JDK-8154523 SHA1PRNG output should change after setSeed
P3 JDK-8039921 SHA1WithDSA with key > 1024 bits not working
P3 JDK-8149802 Signature.verify() doesn't reset the signature object on exception
P3 JDK-8077418 StackOverflowError during PolicyFile lookup
P3 JDK-8065942 Store PermissionCollection entries in a ConcurrentHashMap instead of a HashMap in Permissions class
P3 JDK-8056179 Store permissions in concurrent collections in PermissionCollection subclasses
P3 JDK-7107611 is scalability blocker
P3 JDK-8049516 throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
P3 JDK-8023546 sun/security/mscapi/ fails intermittently
P3 JDK-8144559 sun/security/mscapi/ failed intermittently
P3 JDK-8137231 sun/security/rsa/ timeout with Agent error: java.lang.Exception
P3 JDK-8159805 sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ fails after JDK-8027781
P3 JDK-8157667 sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ has to be updated due to JDK-8134577
P3 JDK-8130850 Support loading a keystore with a custom KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter class
P3 JDK-8157898 failed with timeout
P3 JDK-8015595 Test sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails with Timeout error
P3 JDK-8046046 Test sun/security/pkcs11/Signature/ fails intermittently on Solaris 11 in 8u40 nightly
P3 JDK-8146377 test/sun/security/tools/jarsigner/ failing (cert expired?)
P3 JDK-8139859 'message larger than modulus' using SunRsaSign KeyFactory
P3 JDK-8069155 The value of 'KeyStore Type' isn't 'jks'
P3 JDK-8071562 change removes a whitespace between command and args
P3 JDK-8130875 Ucrypto library leaks memory when null output buffer is specified
P3 JDK-8037550 Update RFC references in javadoc to RFC 5280
P3 JDK-8055206 Update SecurityManager::checkPackageAccess to restrict non-exported JDK packages by default
P3 JDK-8159964 Update Tests to verify JDK build for "JDK-8159488 Deprivilege java.xml.crypto"
P3 JDK-8165103 Update to "denyAfter constraint check" exception message
P3 JDK-8176350 Usage constraints don't take effect when using PKIX
P3 JDK-8055753 Use ConcurrentHashMap to map ProtectionDomain to PermissionCollection
P3 JDK-8161571 Verifying ECDSA signatures permits trailing bytes
P4 JDK-8176182 4 security tests are not run
P4 JDK-8040769 add a comment to the NewInstance test
P4 JDK-8044755 Add a test for algorithm constraints check in jarsigner
P4 JDK-8130766 Add notAfter constraint to the jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms security property
P4 JDK-8046777 has a problem searching for identities
P4 JDK-8163489 Avoid using Utils.getFreePort() in test
P4 JDK-8156709 Cannot call setSeed on NativePRNG on Mac if EGD is /dev/urandom
P4 JDK-8058543 Certificate returns null Subject Alternative Name if it is an X400Address type
P4 JDK-8164846 CertificateException missing cause of underlying exception
P4 JDK-8059916 Change default criticality of policy mappings and policy constraints certificate extensions
P4 JDK-8129972 Clarify the javadoc of as to the nullability of 'location'
P4 JDK-4867890 Clarify the return value/exception for
P4 JDK-6964512 closed/sun/security/provider/SeedGenerator/ failing intermittently
P4 JDK-8039358 com.sun.jarsigner.ContentSignerParameters.getTSAPolicyID() should be a default method
P4 JDK-8057076 Correct exception message in
P4 JDK-8131359 Correct the JTREG tags in java/security/KeyStore/PKCS12/ test
P4 JDK-8043252 Debug of access control is obfuscated - NullPointerException in ProtectionDomain
P4 JDK-8046702 test failure on Solaris
P4 JDK-8076535 Deprecate the com.sun.jarsigner package
P4 JDK-8152611 Dev task: Enhance SUN provider with SHA-3 MessageDigest implementations
P4 JDK-8174909 Doc error in SecureRandom
P4 JDK-8069277 Doclint regression in java/security/
P4 JDK-8168822 Document that algorithm restrictions do not apply to trusted anchors
P4 JDK-8160940 Enable debug log in javax/net/ssl/HttpsURLConnection/ to track JDK-8160210
P4 JDK-8059313 Enable keytool NSS test on Mac
P4 JDK-8076117 EndEntityChecker should not process custom extensions after PKIX validation
P4 JDK-8130151 Exclude sun/security/provider/SecureRandom/ from testruns on MacOSX 10.10
P4 JDK-8069128 Fix deprecation warnings in jdk.deploy.osx module
P4 JDK-8030084 Fix lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8031302 Fix raw types lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8030082 Fix raw types lint warnings, etc. in various libraries
P4 JDK-8036747 Fix unchecked lint warnings in
P4 JDK-8136436 jarsigner tests include both a and a warnings subdir
P4 JDK-8132786 java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/OCSP/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8074788 Javadoc typo in PKCS8EncodedKeySpec
P4 JDK-8141690 JDK-8133151 change to is not complete
P4 JDK-8144107 jdk/security tests not included
P4 JDK-8062843 Keystore type detector
P4 JDK-8136425 KeystoreImpl.m using wrong type for cert format
P4 JDK-8073181 keytool -ext honored not working correctly
P4 JDK-6968542 keytool -importcert cannot deal with duplicate certs
P4 JDK-8162752 keytool -importkeystore should probe srcstoretype if not specified
P4 JDK-8141457 keytool default cert fingerprint algorithm should be SHA-256
P4 JDK-8168882 keytool doesn't print certificate info if disabled algorithm was used for signing a jar
P4 JDK-8073182 keytool may generate duplicate extensions
P4 JDK-8029659 Keytool, print key algorithm of certificate or key entry
P4 JDK-8073853 has too many too long lines
P4 JDK-8059009 LDAPCertStore fails to retrieve CRL after LDAP server closes idle connection
P4 JDK-8157308 Make AbstractDrbg non-Serializable
P4 JDK-8075567 Mark intermittently failing security-libs tests
P4 JDK-8161022 Mark java/security/SignedObject/ as failing intermittently
P4 JDK-8151835 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8151225 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8160415 Mark sun/security/tools/keytool/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8151228 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8136459 MessageDigest.isEqual is not a "simple byte compare"
P4 JDK-8176542 Missing @Deprecated arguments for jdk.policytool
P4 JDK-8143913 MSCAPI keystore should accept Certificate[] in setEntry()
P4 JDK-8028591 NegativeArraySizeException in
P4 JDK-8027781 New jarsigner timestamp warning is grammatically incorrect
P4 JDK-8028431 NullPointerException in DerValue.equals(DerValue)
P4 JDK-8079129 NullPointerException in PKCS#12 Keystore in
P4 JDK-8074064 OCSPResponse.SingleResponse objects do not parse singleExtensions
P4 JDK-8080522 Optimize string operations in java.base/share/classes/sun/security/x509/
P4 JDK-8044771 PKIXValidator indent cleanup
P4 JDK-8131350 policytool can directly reference permission classes
P4 JDK-8161354 policytool fails if it needs to show an error dialog before the main window appears
P4 JDK-8023197 Pre-configured command line options for keytool and jarsigner
P4 JDK-8072578 creates files in test.src
P4 JDK-8155575 contains very long lines because of lambda
P4 JDK-8164229 Redundant "sun/net/www/protocol/https" tests in jdk_security3 group
P4 JDK-8035974 Refactor DigestBase.engineUpdate() method for better code generation by JIT compiler
P4 JDK-7194452 Remove "Reverse" PKIX CertPathBuilder implementation
P4 JDK-8178083 Remove intermittent key from java/security/SignedObject/
P4 JDK-8156035 Remove intermittent key from sun/security/rsa/
P4 JDK-8160341 Remove intermittent key from
P4 JDK-8154382 Remove intermittent keyword from
P4 JDK-8141276 Remove Sonera Class1 CA
P4 JDK-8022444 Remove other) method
P4 JDK-8130016 Remove the intermittent keyword from these mscapi tests
P4 JDK-8036841 Reuse no-perms AccessControlContext object when performing isAuthorized check
P4 JDK-8064890 SecureClassLoader should use a ConcurrentHashMap
P4 JDK-8176793 SecureRandom FIPS 140-2, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules link 404
P4 JDK-8169312 SecureRandom::getSeed(num) not specified if num is negative
P4 JDK-8157495 SHA-3 Hash algorithm performance improvements (~12x speedup)
P4 JDK-8031025 SQE test CertPath/CertPathBuilderTest/* failed with java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
P4 JDK-8157387 timeout after push for JDK-8141039
P4 JDK-8139436 might load incomplete data
P4 JDK-8080911 sun/security/krb5/auto/ timed out intermittently
P4 JDK-8055351 sun/security/provider/DSA/ failed with interrupted! (timed out?)
P4 JDK-8069127 Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.deploy.osx module
P4 JDK-8151834 Test times out intermittently
P4 JDK-8168423 Test Task: Custom system class loader + security manager + malformed policy file = recursive initialization
P4 JDK-8157318 ThreadedSeedGenerator uses System.currentTimeMillis and stops generating when time is set back
P4 JDK-8028266 Tidy warnings cleanup for packages
P4 JDK-8049834 Two security tools tests do not run with only JRE
P4 JDK-8157544 Typo in CtrDrbg::toString
P4 JDK-8059462 Typo in keytool resource file
P4 JDK-8155211 Ucrypto Library leaks native memory
P4 JDK-8044215 Unable to initiate SpNego using a S4U2Proxy GSSCredential (Krb5ProxyCredential)
P4 JDK-8073955 Update help text to reflect recent enhancements for debugging
P4 JDK-8049936 Update the test to find new location of blacklisted.certs.pem
P5 JDK-8046368 Code cleanup in
P5 JDK-8024714 In file, ocsp.responderCertSubjectName should not contain quotes
P5 JDK-8060007 Keytool test can use bundled NSS lib on Mac
P5 JDK-8155036 Remove
P5 JDK-8165413 Typos in javadoc: extra period, wrong number, misspelled word
P5 JDK-8130022 Use Java-style array declarations consistently


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8048603 Additional tests for MAC algorithms
P2 JDK-8075286 Additional tests for signature algorithm OIDs and transformation string
P2 JDK-8081792 buffer size calculation issue in NativeGCMCipher
P2 JDK-8170157 Enable unlimited cryptographic policy by default in Oracle JDK builds
P2 JDK-8048819 Implement reliability test for DH algorithm
P2 JDK-8048820 Implement tests for SecretKeyFactory
P2 JDK-8046943 JEP 246: Leverage CPU Instructions for GHASH and RSA
P2 JDK-8041781 Need new regression tests for PBE keys
P2 JDK-8043836 Need new tests for AES cipher
P2 JDK-8044193 Need to add tests for AES cipher
P2 JDK-8059307 OpenJDK build problem with JDK-8058845
P2 JDK-8072452 Support DHE sizes up to 8192-bits and DSA sizes up to 3072-bits
P2 JDK-8076359 Test Task: Develop new tests for Leverage CPU Instructions for GHASH and RSA
P2 JDK-8137068 Tests added in JDK-8048604 fail to compile
P2 JDK-8048596 Tests for AEAD ciphers
P2 JDK-8048601 Tests for JCE crypto ciphers (part 1)
P2 JDK-8048599 Tests for key wrap and unwrap operations
P2 JDK-8048624 Tests for SealedObject
P2 JDK-8048604 Tests for strong crypto ciphers
P2 JDK-8167512 Tighten permissions granted to the jdk.crypto.ucrypto module
P2 JDK-8028627 Unsynchronized code path from javax.crypto.Cipher to the WeakHashMap used by JceSecurity to store codebase mappings
P2 JDK-8182609 Update ECC license file
P2 JDK-8058845 Update JCE environment for build improvements
P2 JDK-8180307 Update JDK 9 Required Cipher Algorithms
P2 JDK-8177784 Use CounterMode intrinsic for AES/GCM
P3 JDK-8036970 Accessing Tomcat 8.0.3 via HTTPS doesn't work using TLS 1.2 GCM with ucrypto provider
P3 JDK-8173410 Add commented config line for
P3 JDK-8132855 Adjust tier 1 and 2 definitions for security-related intrinsics
P3 JDK-8158633 BASE64 encoded cert not correctly parsed with UTF-16
P3 JDK-8058912 Broken link (access denied error) to in RC5ParameterSpec class summary
P3 JDK-8064546 CipherInputStream throws BadPaddingException if stream is not fully read
P3 JDK-8056026 Debug security logging should print Provider used for each crypto operation
P3 JDK-8165712 Grant permission to read specific properties instead of all to the jdk.crypto.ucrypto module
P3 JDK-8069072 Improve GHASH performance
P3 JDK-8078880 Mark a few more intermittently failing security-libs tests
P3 JDK-8046002 Move Ucrypto to the open jdk repo
P3 JDK-6483657 MSCAPI provider does not create unique alias names
P3 JDK-8165751 NPE hit with
P3 JDK-8061842 Package jurisdiction policy files as something other than JAR
P3 JDK-8173581 performance regression in com/sun/crypto/provider/
P3 JDK-8162882 Permission merge issue in jdk.crypto.ucrypto module
P3 JDK-8173708 Re-enable AES cipher with CFB128 mode for Ucrypto provider
P3 JDK-8035166 Remove dependency on EC classes from pkcs11 provider
P3 JDK-8159009 Remove ExemptionMechanism.finalize() implementation
P3 JDK-8168078 Remove permission to read all system properties granted to the module
P3 JDK-8079898 Resolve disabled warnings for libj2ucrypto
P3 JDK-8164494 SunPKCS11 requires a non-empty PBE password
P3 JDK-8157627 Ucrypto prov need to workaround the renaming of CK_AES_GCM_PARAMS starting S11.3
P3 JDK-8149417 Use final restricted flag
P3 JDK-8073108 Use x86 and SPARC CPU instructions for GHASH acceleration
P4 JDK-8145344 Add SHA1 and SHA-224 to preferred provider list for solaris-sparc
P4 JDK-8133535 Better exception messaging in Ucrypto code
P4 JDK-8030132 Cipher.init syntax error in javadoc @code tag
P4 JDK-8151149 CipherSpi implementation of PBEWithSHA1AndDESede returns key size in bytes
P4 JDK-8043349 Consider adding aliases for Ucrypto algorithm-only Cipher transformations.
P4 JDK-8178014 CryptoPolicyParser's API comment contains < and > characters
P4 JDK-8158620 Enable debug option for sun/security/ec/
P4 JDK-8150530 Improve javax.crypto.BadPaddingException messages
P4 JDK-8132330 Ineffective SecureRandom usage in RSA encoding with PKCS1Padding.
P4 JDK-6972386 issues with String.toLowerCase/toUpperCase
P4 JDK-8158517 Minor optimizations to ISO10126PADDING
P4 JDK-8170876 NPE in JCE engine classes with
P4 JDK-8133151 Preferred provider configuration for JCE
P4 JDK-8043342 Replace uses of StringBuffer with StringBuilder within crypto code
P4 JDK-8067088 Suppress solaris-specific deprecation warnings in the jdk.crypto.ucrypto module
P4 JDK-8067091 Suppress Windows-specific deprecation warnings in the jdk.crypto.mscapi module
P4 JDK-6977937 The SunJCE PBKDF2KeyImpl is requiring the MAC instance also be from SunJCE.
P4 JDK-7065233 To interpret case-insensitive string locale independently
P4 JDK-8160267 Ucrypto config file cannot be read when -Dfile.encoding=UTF-16 is set
P4 JDK-8150512 Update test for security property.
P5 JDK-8098854 Do cleanup in a proper order in sunmscapi code
P5 JDK-8160222 javax/crypto/ has a typo
P5 JDK-7176176 Need to make improvement to access temporary dir


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8048622 Enhance tests for PKCS11 keystores with NSS
P2 JDK-8048357 PKCS basic tests
P2 JDK-8172527 Rename jdk.crypto.token to jdk.crypto.cryptoki
P2 JDK-8074580 sun/security/pkcs11/rsa/ fails due to PKCS11Exception: CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED
P2 JDK-8143377 Test fails
P3 JDK-8037745 Consider re-enabling PKCS11 mechanisms previously disabled due to Solaris bug 7050617
P3 JDK-8098580 drainRefQueueBounds() puts pressure on pool.size()
P3 JDK-8059627 Enable PKCS11 tests on Mac
P3 JDK-8132551 Initialize local variables before returning them in p11_convert.c
P3 JDK-8062170 Error parsing configuration with space
P3 JDK-6946830 javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal behavior differs depending on platform
P3 JDK-8134232 KeyStore.load() throws an IOException with a wrong cause in case of wrong password
P3 JDK-8047085 PKCS11/NSS tests failing intermittently on Windows
P3 JDK-8041142 Re-enabling CBC_PAD PKCS11 mechanisms for Solaris
P3 JDK-8037742 Re-enabling PKCS11 HMAC mechanisms in Solaris
P3 JDK-8153371 Remove sun.misc.ManagedLocalsThread from jdk.crypto.pkcs11
P3 JDK-8165275 Replace the reflective call to the implUpdate method in HandshakeMessage::digestKey
P3 JDK-8074838 Resolve disabled warnings for libj2pkcs11
P3 JDK-8156841 poller thread retains a strong reference to the context class loader
P3 JDK-8168313 Tighten permissions granted to jdk.crypto.pkcs11 module
P3 JDK-8144539 Update PKCS11 tests to run with security manager
P4 JDK-8078661 [SunPKCS11] Fails to cast into RSAPrivateCrtKey after RSA KeyPair Generation
P4 JDK-8078348 [TEST_BUG] sun/security/pkcs11/sslecc/ fails with BindException
P4 JDK-8077273 Disable the PKCS11 NSS tests on Windows
P4 JDK-8133318 Exclude intermittent failing PKCS11 tests on Solaris SPARC 11.1 and earlier
P4 JDK-8034856 gcc warnings compiling src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11
P4 JDK-8156716 Incorrect condition in test
P4 JDK-8160337 Remove intermittent key from sun/security/pkcs11/rsa/
P4 JDK-8039212 needs to avoid NSS libnss3 and libsoftokn3 version mismatches
P4 JDK-8051972 sun/security/pkcs11/ec/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8022313 sun/security/pkcs11/rsa/ failed in aurora
P4 JDK-8066638 Suppress deprecation warnings in jdk.crypto module
P5 JDK-8039898 sunpkcs11-solaris.cfg should be in solaris specific directory


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8063068 Dev schedule: Dev implementation
P1 JDK-8063069 Dev schedule: Post Integration Stabilization
P1 JDK-8063071 Dev schedule: Spec design
P1 JDK-8173783 IllegalArgumentException: jdk.tls.namedGroups
P1 JDK-8043758 JEP 219: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
P1 JDK-8144093 JEP 244/8051498 - TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension
P1 JDK-8051498 JEP 244: TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension
P1 JDK-8072515 Test Task: Develop new tests for JEP 219: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
P1 JDK-8072514 Test Task: Update existing tests for JEP 219: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS)
P2 JDK-8167459 Add debug output for indicating if a chosen ciphersuite was legacy
P2 JDK-8075007 Additional tests for krb5-related cipher suites with unbound server
P2 JDK-8158978 ALPN not working when values are set directly on a SSLServerSocket
P2 JDK-8167472 Chrome interop regression with JDK-8148516
P2 JDK-8141651 Deadlock in
P2 JDK-8149017 Delayed provider selection broken in RSA client key exchange.
P2 JDK-8161898 Deprecate methods that reference APIs with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8157712 Deprecate the and APIs with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8176745 Drop SSLContext TLSv1 cipher suite requirements
P2 JDK-8161086 DTLS handshaking fails if some messages were lost
P2 JDK-8167680 DTLS implementation bugs
P2 JDK-8170282 Enable ALPN parameters to be supplied during the TLS handshake
P2 JDK-8163419 Final CCS and Finished DTLS messages can't be re-transmitted
P2 JDK-8147931 Incorrect edits for JDK-8064330
P2 JDK-8148516 Increase the minimum strength of EC keys
P2 JDK-8133632 does not properly handle received SSL fatal alerts
P2 JDK-8069038 javax/net/ssl/TLS/ needs to be updated for JDK-8061210
P2 JDK-8046321 JEP 249: OCSP Stapling for TLS
P2 JDK-8129988 JSSE should create a single instance of the cacerts KeyStore
P2 JDK-8132082 Let OracleUcrypto accept RSAPrivateKey
P2 JDK-8049429 Need new tests for java client server communications with various TLS/SSL combinations
P2 JDK-8040062 Need to add new methods in BaseSSLSocketImpl
P2 JDK-8049432 New tests for TLS property jdk.tls.client.protocols
P2 JDK-8146197 after push of JDK-8146192
P2 JDK-8145854 SSLContextImpl.statusResponseManager should be generated if required
P2 JDK-8172273 SSLEngine.unwrap fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
P2 JDK-8149169 SSLSocketInputRecord.decodeInputRecord buffer overflow
P2 JDK-8049321 Support SHA224withDSA and SHA256withDSA in the SunJSSE provider
P2 JDK-8076366 Test Task: Develop new tests for OCSP Stapling for TLS
P2 JDK-8076365 Test Task: Update existing tests for OCSP Stapling for TLS
P3 JDK-8171443 (spec) An ALPN callback function may also ignore ALPN
P3 JDK-8162808 Add references to the standard JSSE cipher suite names in javadoc
P3 JDK-8136410 AlgorithmDecomposer is not parsing padding correctly
P3 JDK-8145849 ALPN: getHandshakeApplicationProtocol() always return null
P3 JDK-8161232 test fails timeout.
P3 JDK-8170131 Certificates not being blocked by jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property
P3 JDK-8171337 Check for correct SSLEngineImpl/SSLSocketImpl.setSSLParameters handshaker update method
P3 JDK-8062969 Client-side OCSP Stapling development
P3 JDK-8063033 Client-side OCSP Stapling unit tests
P3 JDK-8179451 Confidential copyright header in openjdk
P3 JDK-8144566 Custom HostnameVerifier disables SNI extension
P3 JDK-8059588 deadlock in java/io/PrintStream when verbose flags are set
P3 JDK-8076221 Disable RC4 cipher suites
P3 JDK-8136442 Don't tie Certificate signature algorithms to ciphersuites
P3 JDK-8046294 Generate the 4-byte timestamp randomly
P3 JDK-8130461 HandshakeStatus.NEED_UNWRAP_AGAIN applies only to DTLS
P3 JDK-8133070 Hot lock on BulkCipher.isAvailable
P3 JDK-8055299 HttpsURLConnection.equals() broken
P3 JDK-8161106 Improve SSLSocket test template
P3 JDK-8028518 Increase the priorities of GCM cipher suites
P3 JDK-8130460 Increase the stability of DTLS test
P3 JDK-8162362 Introduce system property to control enabled ciphersuites
P3 JDK-8042449 Issue for negative byte major record version
P3 JDK-8146725 Issues with SignatureAndHashAlgorithm.getSupportedAlgorithms
P3 JDK-8129389 javax/net/ssl/DTLS tests fail intermittently
P3 JDK-8159038 javax/net/ssl/SSLSession/ failed with Address already in use
P3 JDK-8069253 javax/net/ssl/TLS/ failed on Mac
P3 JDK-8170329 New SSLSocket testing template
P3 JDK-8072385 Only the first DNSName entry is checked for endpoint identification
P3 JDK-8064330 Remove SHA224 from the default support list if SunMSCAPI enabled
P3 JDK-8169229 RSAClientKeyExchange debug info is incorrect
P3 JDK-8062988 Server-side OCSP Stapling development
P3 JDK-8063034 Server-side OCSP Stapling unit tests
P3 JDK-8132943 ServerHandshaker may select non-empty OCSPStatusRequest structures when Responder ID selection is not supported
P3 JDK-8159501 intermittently times out
P3 JDK-8052406 SSLv2Hello protocol may be filtered out unexpectedly
P3 JDK-8038089 TLS optional support for Kerberos cipher suites needs to be re-examined
P3 JDK-8042982 Unexpected RuntimeExceptions being thrown by SSLEngine
P3 JDK-8157035 Use stronger algorithms and keys for JSSE testing
P3 JDK-8170035 When determining the ciphersuite lists there is no debug output for disabled suites.
P4 JDK-8042178 A comment need to go in
P4 JDK-8144890 Add the intermittent keyword test
P4 JDK-8131665 Bad exception message in HandshakeHash.getFinishedHash
P4 JDK-8138704 CertStatusReqItemV2 should not implement StatusRequest interface
P4 JDK-6996366 convert MacAlg to an enum
P4 JDK-8083436 Doclint regression introduced by JDK-8043758
P4 JDK-8169318 Dump the reproduced packet in
P4 JDK-8153531 Improve exception messaging for RSAClientKeyExchange
P4 JDK-8030842 Intermittent test failure
P4 JDK-8169362 Interop automated testing with Chrome
P4 JDK-8078823 javax/net/ssl/ciphersuites/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8164595 javax/net/ssl/FixingJavadocs/ fails intermittently with Remote host terminated the handshake
P4 JDK-8153829 javax/net/ssl/Stapling/ fails intermittently with NullPointerException
P4 JDK-8143302 javax/net/ssl/Stapling/ fails intermittently: Server died
P4 JDK-8152745 javax/net/ssl/TLS/ fails intermittently: Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
P4 JDK-8055207 keystore and truststore debug output could be much better
P4 JDK-8158111 Make handling of 3rd party providers more stable
P4 JDK-8154196 Mark javax/net/ssl/DTLS/ as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8159502 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8148497 Mark as failing intermittently
P4 JDK-8152798 Mark as intermittently failing
P4 JDK-8168969 Merge SSLSocketSample and SSLSocketTemplate
P4 JDK-8077806 mismatch comment and code in
P4 JDK-8173066 More verbose debug output for selection of X509 certs
P4 JDK-8172217 Need debug log for the intermittent failure of AnonCipherWithWantClientAuth
P4 JDK-8151856 Note that disabledAlgorithms override the same algorithms of legacyAlgorithms
P4 JDK-8157529 Remove intermittent key from javax/net/ssl/DTLS/
P4 JDK-8157530 Remove intermittent key from javax/net/ssl/DTLS/
P4 JDK-8160339 Remove intermittent key from javax/net/ssl/templates/
P4 JDK-8160333 Remove intermittent key from javax/net/ssl/TLSv12/
P4 JDK-8130031 Remove the intermittent keyword for this test
P4 JDK-8032473 Restructure JSSE regression test hierarchy in jdk test
P4 JDK-8161303 Sample NIO Server README needs updating.
P4 JDK-8132942 ServerHandshaker should not throw SSLHandshakeException when CertificateStatus constructor is called with invalid arguments
P4 JDK-6996377 shrink duplicate code in the constructor of PKIXValidator
P4 JDK-8169416 SSLSessionImpl finalize overhead
P4 JDK-8166530 sun/net/www/protocol/https/HttpsClient/ fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8129329 sun/security/ssl/SSLContextImpl/ failed intermittently
P4 JDK-8143298 Test fails intermittently
P4 JDK-8141593 Test RetryHttps timed out intermittently
P4 JDK-8028562 Test intermittent failed with "Data length error"
P4 JDK-8150966 Typo in
P4 JDK-8157925 Typo in the API documentation of X509KeyManager
P4 JDK-8156502 Use short name of
P4 JDK-8152221 Use try-with-resource in test templates
P5 JDK-8036676 Rename class name testEnabledProtocols to TestEnabledProtocols
P5 JDK-8025415 Test timed out


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8049814 Additional SASL client-server tests
P2 JDK-8075299 Additional tests for krb5 settings
P2 JDK-8047789 auth.login.LoginContext needs to be updated to work with modules
P2 JDK-8157848 Deprecate the API with forRemoval=true
P2 JDK-8129575 Equal DelegationPermission instances may return different hash codes
P2 JDK-8050460 JAAS login/logout tests with LoginContext
P2 JDK-8050427 LoginContext tests to cover JDK-4703361
P2 JDK-8048147 Privilege tests with JAAS Subject.doAs
P2 JDK-8050409 Test for JAAS getPrivateCredentials
P2 JDK-8048138 Tests for JAAS callbacks
P2 JDK-8075301 Tests for system property
P2 JDK-8050461 Tests for syntax checking of JAAS configuration file
P3 JDK-8044500 Add kinit options and krb5.conf flags that allow users to obtain renewable tickets and specify ticket lifetimes
P3 JDK-8058290 JAAS Krb5LoginModule has suspect ticket-renewal logic, relies on clockskew grace
P3 JDK-8035986 KerberosKey algorithm names are not specified
P3 JDK-8029904 Remove
P3 JDK-8173024 Replace direct use of AuthResources resource bundle from
P4 JDK-8044085 Access ExtendedGSSContext.inquireSecContext() result through SASL
P4 JDK-8039951 missing classes on some platforms
P4 JDK-8167647 Copy-and-paste bug in
P4 JDK-8028780 JDK KRB5 module throws OutOfMemoryError when CCache is corrupt
P4 JDK-8039575 liberate two manual kerberos tests
P4 JDK-7026255 Methods of Subject that throw SecurityException do not specify what permissions are required
P4 JDK-8146619 Re-examine supportness of public classes in**
P4 JDK-8040068 SolarisSystem should be @Deprecated and @jdk.Exported(false)
P4 JDK-8163104 Unexpected NPE still possible on some Kerberos ticket calls
P4 JDK-8147772 Update KerberosTicket to describe behavior if it has been destroyed and fix NullPointerExceptions
P4 JDK-8034820 Wrong isAssignableFrom test when adding Principal to Subject
P5 JDK-8063087 policytool reports error message with prefix of "java.lang.Exception"
P5 JDK-8076223 rest of tidy warning in /


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8039118 Windows build failure (j2pcsc.dll : fatal error unresolved external symbol throwByName)
P2 JDK-7047033 (smartcardio) Card.disconnect(boolean reset) does not reset when reset is true
P2 JDK-6469513 (smartcardio) CardPermission(String termName, String actions) violates specification
P2 JDK-8049021 Add smartcardio tests with APDU buffer
P2 JDK-8168851 Tighten permissions granted to the java.smartcardio module
P3 JDK-8039319 (smartcardio) Card.transmitControlCommand() does not work on Mac OS X
P3 JDK-8046343 (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect('direct') does not work on MacOSX
P3 JDK-6474807 (smartcardio) CardTerminal.connect() throws CardException instead of CardNotPresentException
P3 JDK-8043507 (smartcardio) javax.smartcardio.CardTerminals.list() fails on MacOSX
P3 JDK-8153438 Avoid repeated "Please insert a smart card" popup windows
P3 JDK-8154191 Deprivilege java.smartcardio module
P3 JDK-7195480 javax.smartcardio does not detect cards on Mac OS X
P4 JDK-8050893 (smartcardio) Invert reset argument in tests in sun/security/smartcardio
P4 JDK-8043720 (smartcardio) Native memory should be handled more accurately
P4 JDK-8077915 Fix doclint issues in javax.smartcardio
P4 JDK-6470634 Typos in CardTerminals.list(CardTerminals.State) javadoc


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8151893 Add security property to configure XML Signature secure validation mode
P2 JDK-8074784 Additional tests for XML DSig API
P2 JDK-8172003 getInstance() with unknown provider throws NPE
P3 JDK-8079693 Add support for ECDSA P-384 and P-521 curves to XML Signature
P3 JDK-8162723 Array index overflow in Base64 utility class
P3 JDK-8159488 Deprivilege java.xml.crypto
P3 JDK-8046949 Generify the javax.xml.crypto API
P3 JDK-8079140 IgnoreAllErrorHandler should use doPrivileged when it reads system properties
P3 JDK-8044027 Remove unused XML Signature schema and dtd files from source
P3 JDK-8038349 Signing XML with DSA throws Exception when key is larger than 1024 bits
P3 JDK-8046724 XML Signature ECKeyValue elements cannot be marshalled or unmarshalled
P3 JDK-8049244 XML Signature performance issue caused by unbuffered signature data
P4 JDK-8075034 Bad javadoc tags in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
P4 JDK-8038431 Close InputStream when finished retrieving XML Signature HTTP References
P4 JDK-7147060 com/sun/org/apache/xml/internal/security/transforms/ doesn't run in agentvm mode
P4 JDK-8031148 Fix doclint issues in javax.xml.crypto.dsig
P4 JDK-8046044 Fix raw and unchecked lint warnings in XML Signature Impl
P4 JDK-8031191 Warning exception when XMLSignature logging is enabled
P4 JDK-8038184 XMLSignature throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if ID attribute value is empty String


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8173082 java/bean/* tests fail since change of JDK-8055206
P3 JDK-8182118 Package summary is missing in module
P3 JDK-8172529 Use PKIXValidator in jarsigner
P4 JDK-8174837 Add "since=9" to deprecated ContentSigner and ContentSignerParameters classes
P4 JDK-8171190 Bump reference of NIST 800-57 Part 1 Rev 3 to Rev 4 in JarSigner API spec
P4 JDK-8175846 Provide javadoc descriptions for jdk.policytool and jdk.crypto.* modules


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8078439 SPNEGO auth fails if client proposes MS krb5 OID
P3 JDK-8159528 Deprivilege, and
P3 JDK-8167181 Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in
P3 JDK-8056141 Move into a new module
P3 JDK-8164397 Provide javadoc descriptions for the and modules
P3 JDK-8039853 Provider.Service.newInstance() does not work with current JDK JGSS Mechanisms.
P3 JDK-8074835 Resolve disabled warnings for libj2gss
P3 JDK-8179369 src/ should be HTML5-friendly
P4 JDK-8048194 GSSContext.acceptSecContext fails when a supported mech is initiator preferred
P4 JDK-8170732 GssKrb5Client sends non-zero buffer size when qop is "auth"
P4 JDK-8129789 implies() of ServicePermission and DelegationPermission underspecified
P4 JDK-8055373 Typo in


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8043537 Changes for JDK-8039951 introduced circular dependency between Kerberos and
P1 JDK-8051399 Fix for JDK-8043071 breaks dev build
P2 JDK-8176715 sun/security/krb5/auto/ does not compile
P2 JDK-8075297 Tests for RFEs 4515853 and 4745056
P3 JDK-8029995 accept yes/no for boolean krb5.conf settings
P3 JDK-8042900 Allow to be in different module than org.ietf.jgss
P3 JDK-8048073 Cannot read ccache entry with a realm-less service name
P3 JDK-8132111 Do not request for addresses for forwarded TGT
P3 JDK-8034943 Eliminate Kerberos dependency on to avoid circular dependency
P3 JDK-8043071 Expose session key and KRB_CRED through extended GSS-API
P3 JDK-8054817 File ccache only recognizes Linux and Solaris defaults
P3 JDK-8031111 fix krb5 caddr
P3 JDK-8131051 KDC might issue a renewable ticket even if not requested
P3 JDK-8164656 krb5 does not retry if TCP connection timeouts
P3 JDK-8036971 krb5.conf does not accept directive lines before the first section
P3 JDK-8151734 Mark and as intermittently failing
P3 JDK-8022582 Relax response flags checking in
P3 JDK-8074836 Resolve disabled warnings for libosxkrb5
P3 JDK-8034026 SCDynamicStoreConfig.m should not be in src/macosx/native/java/util/
P3 JDK-8138638 Security tests using jdk/test/sun/security/krb5/auto/ fail intermittently with OutOfMemoryError
P3 JDK-8055045 StringIndexOutOfBoundsException while reading krb5.conf
P3 JDK-8036779 interprets kdc_timeout as msec instead of sec
P3 JDK-8135114 sun/security/krb5/auto tests failed on machine with TR locale
P3 JDK-8029994 Support "include" and "includedir" in krb5.conf
P3 JDK-8176296 Test sun/security/krb5/auto/ faling after adding module declaration into
P3 JDK-8134555 The test was mistakenly removed
P4 JDK-8130720 BadKDC1 failed again
P4 JDK-8130112 Create a common for @modules in test/sun/security/krb5/auto
P4 JDK-8077102 dns_lookup_realm should be false by default
P4 JDK-8078495 End time checking for native TGT is wrong
P4 JDK-8171340 HttpNegotiateServer/java test should not use system proxy on Mac
P4 JDK-8178795 krb5 test should be basic
P4 JDK-8071313 krb5.conf not read if SCDynamicStore krb5 config is empty
P4 JDK-8034762 Move krb5.conf related tests into a single place
P4 JDK-8079821 test is not perfect
P4 JDK-8031046 Native Windows ccache might still get unsupported ticket
P4 JDK-8046499 nativecache.c prints to stdout in debug build
P4 JDK-8168518 rcache interop with krb5-1.15
P4 JDK-8175120 Remove old tests on kdc timeout policy
P4 JDK-8038754 ReplayCacheTestProc test fails with timeout
P4 JDK-8160518 Semicolon is not recognized as comment starting character (Kerberos)
P4 JDK-8181461 sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails with java.lang.Exception: Does not match
P4 JDK-8169751 sun/security/krb5/auto/ fails on solaris
P4 JDK-8164437 Test for JDK-8042900
P4 JDK-8156471 test/sun/security/krb5/auto/TestHosts should not be modified in-place
P4 JDK-8081278 Typo in Exception Message
P5 JDK-8036104 Rename the test
P5 JDK-8037262 typo in error message in KrbAsReq.authenticate()


Priority Bug Summary
P3 JDK-8068581 Clarify potential compatibility of method references
P3 JDK-8043176 16.1.10: Add DA/DU rules for lambda expressions
P3 JDK-8069544 18.5.2: Define method invocation compatibility without forcing lambdas to be checked
P4 JDK-8068692 1.1: Clarify that a class's implementation may come from interfaces
P4 JDK-8054172 14.11: switch runtime behavior doesn't account for reference types
P4 JDK-8065600 14.20.3: Allow certain variables as resources
P4 JDK-8147496 Align check for unrelated functional interfaces with javac
P4 JDK-7028828 Confusion in rules for maximally specific method disambiguation
P4 JDK-8042285 Describe treatment of generic function types
P4 JDK-8143576 Refine parameter equality constraint for functional most-specific test
P4 JDK-7034913 Resolution of call to abstract methods is nondeterministic
P4 JDK-8148464 Unclear interpretation of a method's "erasure"
P4 JDK-8033466 Clean up description of protected access
P4 JDK-8171128 15.8.2: Remove mention of scope for a class literal
P4 JDK-8161009 15.9.5: Anonymous classes aren't actually 'final'
P4 JDK-8073593 15.9: Allow diamond to be used with anonymous classes
P4 JDK-8146039 18.2.1: Don't allow out-of-scope type variables in inference bounds from method references
P4 JDK-8164587 18.4: Ignore 'Serializable' upper bound for 'throws' ivars
P4 JDK-8065599 3.9: Introduce underscore as a keyword
P4 JDK-8059898 4.10.4: lub incorrect for '? extends T', '? super T' combination
P4 JDK-8067894 4.2.2: Clarify that + doesn't convert char operand to decimal form
P4 JDK-7190924 5.1.7: JLS does not mention caching of autoboxed longs
P4 JDK-8166326 5.2: Allow widening before unboxing
P4 JDK-8166396 5.5: Clean up description of legal conversions in casts
P4 JDK-8033790 6.6.2: Protected accessibility check inconsistent with longstanding javac behavior
P4 JDK-8046689 final fields must be DA (and moreover not DU) at end of ctor
P4 JDK-8168045 8.3.2: Forward reference by qualified name can observe uninitialized constant variable
P4 JDK-8025762 8.3.3: Clarify that a field cannot be referenced in its own initializer
P4 JDK-8175353 8.8.10: Clarify that protected ctor may be used to instantiate (anonymous sub-)class
P4 JDK-8157994 Account for an inherited supertype S
P4 JDK-8148419 8.9.3: Clarify class variable initializer for enum constant
P4 JDK-8145157 9.1.2: Prohibit references to interface type parameters in static methods
P4 JDK-8072872 9.4: Allow interface methods to be 'private'
P4 JDK-8140279 Do not retain declaration annotations on lambda formals
P4 JDK-8068543 @Deprecated on a package declaration has no effect
P4 JDK-8145716 Clarify relationship of "enhanced" deprecation to traditional deprecation
P4 JDK-8065613 Don't issue deprecation warnings on import statements
P4 JDK-8047159 Allow @SafeVarargs on private methods
P4 JDK-8145032 9.7.4: Clarify when a type annotation serves as a declaration annotation
P4 JDK-8131749 JLS changes for VarHandles
P5 JDK-8043189 12.4.1: Should asserts trigger initialization of outer classes?
P5 JDK-8139324 13.4.9: Avoid use of Boolean constructor in example
P5 JDK-8061877 Description of nested class access checks is incorrect
P5 JDK-8068458 15.13.1: Clarify wording of static vs. non-static disambiguation
P5 JDK-8059640 15.13.3: Note the possibility of LinkageError on method reference evaluation
P5 JDK-8067188 15.25: Clarify treatment of generic method invocations in numeric conditionals
P5 JDK-8055781 4.3.1: Lambdas and method refs can implicitly create new objects
P5 JDK-8079089 6.1: Update definition of members to allow default methods
P5 JDK-8079096 6.5.2: Do not allow a TypeName to be qualified by an ExpressionName
P5 JDK-8160131 7.5.3: Clarify static import of "several fields or types"
P5 JDK-6975015 7.5: Stricter prohibition against import from unnamed package
P5 JDK-8156770 9.6.3: Typo '@Interface' in example 2


Priority Bug Summary
P4 JDK-8171002 2.0: Update the JVM's dependence on Unicode to 8.0
P4 JDK-8130682 2.9: Clarify class and interface initialization methods
P4 JDK-8122940 2.9: Clarify instance initialization methods
P4 JDK-8131725 Clarify array types in verification type system
P4 JDK-8057856 Clarify that types may take up two local variables
P4 JDK-8056119 Clarify that FieldClass cannot be an array type in getfield/putfield
P4 JDK-8159747 Clarify that putfield can early-assign to fields of 'this'
P4 JDK-8075766 Clarify details for exceptional local variable array
P4 JDK-8067975 4.7.18: Specify a mapping from Signature and *Annotations attributes to method descriptors
P4 JDK-8044736 4.8: Clarify attribute_length checking
P4 JDK-8075167 5.2: Clarify that the "initial class" may be an interface
P4 JDK-8081349 Clarify that method handle resolution is protected-aware
P4 JDK-8138569 Clarify that method handle resolution is static-aware
P4 JDK-8138883 Clarify that method handle resolution of REF_invokeInterface is private-aware
P4 JDK-8138880 Clarify that method handle resolution of REF_newInvokeSpecial needs a precise ctor
P4 JDK-8080790 REF_invokeSpecial behavior should enforce sender/receiver relationship
P4 JDK-8075168 5.5: Clarify that new/getstatic/etc only attempt to initialize
P4 JDK-8087356 5.5: Do not guard superinterface initialization on state of superclass
P4 JDK-8164693 6.5: Clarify wrapping of exceptions during invokedynamic
P4 JDK-8069130 6.5: Inappropriate use of 'interface type' in aastore, checkcast, instanceof
P4 JDK-8131750 JVMS changes for VarHandles
P5 JDK-8076120 2.9: Minimize references to the Java Programming Language
P5 JDK-8147879 Loosen offset of annotated instanceof
P5 JDK-8160200 4.7.6: Acknowledge that ACC_FINAL may be implicit


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8165524 Better detect JRE that Linux JLI will be using
P2 JDK-8169203 (jdeprscan) eliminate duplicate "can't find class" errors
P2 JDK-8168444 (jdeprscan) improper handling of primitives and primitive array types
P2 JDK-8172767 a bulk of tests failed with FileSystemException on Windows
P2 JDK-8178518 Add method JavaFileManager.contains
P2 JDK-8167558 Add new JMOD section for header files and man pages
P2 JDK-8087115 Due to a javac type inference issue, sjavac doesn't compile with 8u31
P2 JDK-8148154 Integrate JOpt Simple for internal usage by JDK tools
P2 JDK-8148432 tools/javac/annotations/typeAnnotations/classfile/ fails on all platforms
P2 JDK-8153481 tools/jdeps/modules/ and fails intermittently
P2 JDK-8153317 Two jimage tests have been failing since JDK-8152641 was fixed
P2 JDK-8176482 Use of DirectiveVisitor needs @DefinedBy annotation for
P3 JDK-8171395 (jdeprscan) add comments to L10N message file
P3 JDK-8165646 (jdeprscan) adjust output to improve clarity
P3 JDK-8169078 (jdeprscan) bug id missing from
P3 JDK-8164837 (jdeprscan) fix TestLoad and TestScan failures on Windows
P3 JDK-8164834 (jdeprscan) remove jdeprscan from tools/launcher/
P3 JDK-8161338 (jdeprscan) remove JEP 293 non-conforming -cp option
P3 JDK-8167965 (jdeprscan) using --release option with 8 or earlier throws exception
P3 JDK-8048063 (jdeps) Add filtering capability
P3 JDK-8050804 (jdeps) Recommend supported API to replace use of JDK internal API
P3 JDK-8160398 (jdeps) Replace a list of JDK 8 internal API for detecting if it's removed in JDK 9 or later
P3 JDK-8156575 Add jdeps -addmods, -system, -inverse options
P3 JDK-8081334 and are not exported API
P3 JDK-8043283 Create .out files for negative tests in langtools regression ws
P3 JDK-8154190 Deprivilege java.compiler module
P3 JDK-8175560 Drop String pkgName from location, JavaFileObject fo, String pkgName)
P3 JDK-8147050 Enhance jdeps to work with modules and modulepath
P3 JDK-8065831 Ensure the pack200/unpack200 help is consistent with man page
P3 JDK-8168386 Fix jdeps verbose options.
P3 JDK-8153407 javac, fold debug options
P3 JDK-8167630 jdeps --generate-module-info forgets to close the resource after checking any unnamed package
P3 JDK-8169606 jdeps --list-reduced-deps should not show java.base as all modules require it
P3 JDK-8172212 jdeps --require and --check should detect the specified module in the image
P3 JDK-8159524 jdeps -jdkinternals throws NPE when no replacement is known
P3 JDK-8176333 jdeps error message should include a proper MR jar file name
P3 JDK-8166846 jdeps fails to generate module info if there is any class in unnamed package
P3 JDK-8156680 jdeps implementation refresh
P3 JDK-8157391 jdeps left JarFile open
P3 JDK-8153042 jdeps should continue to report JDK internal APIs that are removed/renamed in JDK 9
P3 JDK-8068937 jdeps shows "not found" if target class has no reference other than its own package
P3 JDK-8167057 jdeps to list the modules and internal APIs to help find @modules for tests
P3 JDK-8167014 jdeps: Missing message: warn.skipped.entry
P3 JDK-8169492 jdk.internal.jmod.JmodFile.JMOD_MAGIC_NUMBER is a mutable array
P3 JDK-8153920 jshell tool: allow a parameter on the /vars /methods /classes commands
P3 JDK-8049284 Missing bug id in test/tools/javac/varargs/warning/Warn*
P3 JDK-8074429 Move jar, jarsigner tool to jdk.jartool module
P3 JDK-8074432 Move jdeps and javap to jdk.jdeps module
P3 JDK-8074428 Move pack200, unpack200, to jdk.pack200
P3 JDK-8074430 Move policytool to jdk.policytool
P3 JDK-8155955 packager needs to determine the root modules to create JRE image
P3 JDK-8074993 policytool launcher missing
P3 JDK-8042888 Remove extcheck tool
P3 JDK-8171418 Remove jdeps hidden --include-system-modules option
P3 JDK-8074431 Remove native2ascii tool
P3 JDK-8098850 Remove remaining native2ascii resource files and man pages
P3 JDK-8164689 Retrofit jar, jlink, jmod as a ToolProvider
P3 JDK-8170859 Run time and tool support for ModuleResolution
P3 JDK-8150941 Sjavac should not wait for portfile to materialize if server process is terminated
P3 JDK-8162401 Support multiple --add-exports and --add-reads with the same module/package
P3 JDK-8048594 The sjavac client/server protocol should be hidden behind an interface
P3 JDK-8152502 tools/jdeps/modules/ and TransitiveDeps fails on windows
P3 JDK-8160213 tools/pack200/ should clean up javac*.tmp files
P3 JDK-8166238 Update jdeps for GNU-style long form options
P3 JDK-8067360 verify-modules target was dropped in jdk9 b41
P3 JDK-8162746 failure after change for JDK-8160921
P4 JDK-8145464 (jdeprscan) implement deprecation static analysis tool
P4 JDK-8164698 (jdeprscan) modify jdk makefiles to build jdeprscan
P4 JDK-8161887 (jdeprscan) support dot-separated binary names of class files
P4 JDK-8169659 (jdeps) missing messages for localization
P4 JDK-8029548 (jdeps) use @jdk.Exported to determine supported vs JDK internal API
P4 JDK-8054461 Add @file support for sjavac command line
P4 JDK-8081472 Add a mode to the tests for class-file attributes which dumps in-memory sources to disk
P4 JDK-8077622 Add sources from jdk/src/jdk.deploy.osx/macosx/classes/ to unshuffle script
P4 JDK-8163991 Fix license and copyright headers under test/jdk/javadoc/ and test/tools/javac/
P4 JDK-8035453 Fix serial lint warnings in and elsewhere
P4 JDK-8152614 jdeps output extremely wide
P4 JDK-8114827 JDK 9 multi-release enabled jar tool
P4 JDK-8042878 JEP 212: Resolve Lint and Doclint Warnings
P4 JDK-8164326 jrtfsviewer.js and jrtls.js does not work
P4 JDK-8159713 Make the non-translated keywords clear to translator in
P4 JDK-8080608 Missing archive name from jdeps -v -e output if no dependency on other JAR
P4 JDK-8056288 Missing bug id in test/com/sun/javadoc/testOrdering/
P4 JDK-8042771 Missing bug id in test/tools/javac/classfiles/attributes/SourceFile/
P4 JDK-8141639 Signatures in Lower could be made tighter by using JCExpression instead of JCTree
P4 JDK-8145342 Some copyright notices are inconsistently and ill formatted
P4 JDK-8075616 Test task: Create tests to check schemagen work with multi-version jar
P4 JDK-8144941 test/tools/javac/processing/ should have /nodynamiccopyright
P4 JDK-8144009 ToolBox should have a cleanDirectory method
P4 JDK-8143126 Unwanted System.out in jimage
P4 JDK-8030244 Update langtools code base to use diamond syntax
P4 JDK-8030262 Update langtools code base to use for-each loops
P4 JDK-8041695 Update the NetBeans build script and metadata
P5 JDK-8157073 jdeps -genmoduleinfo should generate a message when run against a module


Priority Bug Summary
P2 JDK-8176772 jar tool support to report automatic module names
P2 JDK-8047305 JEP 238: Multi-Release JAR Files
P2 JDK-8073962 PIT testing: Multiversion jar tool works incorrectly with anonymous classes
P3 JDK-8158295 Add a multi-release jar validation mechanism to jar tool
P3 JDK-8156497 Add jar tool support for Multi-Release Modular JARs
P3 JDK-8165640 Enhance jar tool to allow module-info in versioned directories but not in base in modular multi-release jar files
P3 JDK-8173396 Error message issue with jar tool API validator
P3 JDK-8164805 Fail to create a MR modular JAR with a versioned entry of a concealed package
P3 JDK-8171524 jar --help doesn't provide information that stdout and stdin can be used as output and input for tool
P3 JDK-8165035 jar --help-extra should provide information on the -n/--normalize option
P3 JDK-8167328 jar -d m.jar hangs
P3 JDK-8172432 jar cleanup/update for module and mrm jar
P3 JDK-8174996 jar leaves temporary file when exception occur in creating jar
P3 JDK-8171522 Jar prints error message with old (non gnu-style options).
P3 JDK-8167237 Jar tool can not correctly find/process the --release option if it occurs before the file list
P3 JDK-8171830 jar tool should validate if any exported or open package is missing
P3 JDK-8170952 jar's usage message output need some cleanup
P3 JDK-8036709 Java 7 jarsigner displays warning about cert policy tree
P3 JDK-8172761 Test change in tools/jar/ for JDK-8172432 is missing
P3 JDK-8131157 tools/pack200/ failed with Not enough storage is available to process this command
P3 JDK-8152622 tools/pack200/ timed out
P4 JDK-8151768 Consider moving pack200 tests to tier 1
P4 JDK-8176215 Provide javadoc description for jdk.jartool module
P4 JDK-8004028 tools/ failing intermittently


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8030687 Add .out files to fix failing tests
P1 JDK-8169074 Build is failing after JDK-8166538
P1 JDK-8139243 compiler crashes with exception on sum operation of String var and void method call result
P1 JDK-8030214 fix for JDK-8020216 breaks the build
P1 JDK-8058708 java.lang.AssertionError compiling source code
P1 JDK-8078433 javac, some tests are failing after JDK-8078024 because of golden files mismatch
P1 JDK-8041521 JDK-8034245 breaks a bootcycle build
P1 JDK-8172668 NPE in jdk.compiler/$ImportsPhase.importNamed(
P1 JDK-8171412 tools/javac/modules/ failed with "error: module not found"
P2 JDK-8139474 -release 7 -verbose causes Javac exception
P2 JDK-8081541 @ignore CheckEBCDICLocaleTest
P2 JDK-8172158 Annotation processor not run with -source <= 8
P2 JDK-8157512 AssertionError in javac when module-info < v53.0
P2 JDK-8178011 Automatic module warnings
P2 JDK-8069069 Build failure because of dependency on generated file
P2 JDK-8154283 Check for clash between package and class not working when package in a different module
P2 JDK-8163190 Clarify JavaFileManager use of "module location"
P2 JDK-8148131 compilation result depends on order of sources
P2 JDK-8173117 Compilation significantly slower after JDK-8169197
P2 JDK-8075274 Compilation still depends on the order of imports
P2 JDK-8139249 Compiler crashes on unary bitwise complement with non-integral operand
P2 JDK-8139245 compiler crashes with exception on int:new method reference and generic method inference
P2 JDK-8154824 Compiler should handle java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException gracefully and not abort
P2 JDK-8143388 Compiler throws NullPointerException during compilation
P2 JDK-8166628 Compiling with annotation processing, access error in specific situation
P2 JDK-8131915 CompletionFailure during import listing crashes javac
P2 JDK-8037385 constant pool errors with -target 1.7 and static default methods
P2 JDK-8079613 Deeply chained expressions + several overloads + unnecessary inference result in excessive compile times.
P2 JDK-8177311 Denied access when named module accesses unreferences package from the unnamed module
P2 JDK-8067001 DetectMutableStaticFields fails after modular images push
P2 JDK-8050080 DEV PLAN for REPL
P2 JDK-8172809 Error compiling javafx modules after fix for JDK-8169197
P2 JDK-8035763 Error parsing binary type annotations data in javac.
P2 JDK-8075799 Extraneous access checks implemented by javac
P2 JDK-8175790 field JCVariableDecl.vartype can't be null after post attribution analysis
P2 JDK-8178012 Finish removal of -Xmodule:
P2 JDK-8044487 Fix for 8042785 causes regression tests to fail with java.lang.VerifyError
P2 JDK-8158559 Fix for 8132216 breaks langtools build
P2 JDK-8055076 fix test failures in classfile tests
P2 JDK-8031967 For some sources compiler compiles for ever
P2 JDK-8177097 Generic method reference returning wildcard parameterized type does not compile
P2 JDK-8166635 getEnclosedElements() on package causes BadClassFile error
P2 JDK-8178152 Handling of incubating modules, the jdk.unsupported module and --add-exports with --release
P2 JDK-8062244 implement a lightweight type check approach for tiered attribution
P2 JDK-8067886 Inaccessible nested classes can be incorrectly imported
P2 JDK-8027182 Incorrect annotation attributes for type annotations on constructor type parameters
P2 JDK-8174243 incorrect error message for nested service provider
P2 JDK-8030741 Inference: implement eager resolution of return types, consistent with JDK-8028800
P2 JDK-8147801 java.nio.file.ClosedFileSystemException when using Javadoc APIs in JDK 9
P2 JDK-8153268 javac accepts enums being referenced by 'uses' statement
P2 JDK-8139751 Javac crash with -XDallowStringFolding=false
P2 JDK-8034048 javac crash with method references plus lambda plus var args
P2 JDK-8176572 Javac does not enforce module name restrictions
P2 JDK-8066731 javac does not work on exploded image
P2 JDK-8172807 Javac doesn't report errors on duplicate provides with different service implementations
P2 JDK-8168854 javac erroneously reject a service interface inner class in a provides clause
P2 JDK-8151191 javac error when running javadoc on some inner classes
P2 JDK-8175990 Javac fails to find if module source path contains symlinks
P2 JDK-8043725 javac fails with StackOverflowException
P2 JDK-8175198 Javac incorrectly allows receiver parameters in annotation methods
P2 JDK-8176714 javac is wrongly assuming that field JCMemberReference.overloadKind has been assigned to
P2 JDK-8066725 javac produces classfiles it cannot read
P2 JDK-8176327 javac produces wrong module-info
P2 JDK-8156962 javac should support options specified in _JAVAC_OPTIONS
P2 JDK-8067747 javac throws exception during compilation when annotation processing is enabled
P2 JDK-8168312 javac throws NPE if annotation processor is specified and module is declared in a file named arbitrarily
P2 JDK-8035259 javac, incorrect shadowing of classes vs type parameters
P2 JDK-8138914 javac, method visitTypeVar() at visitor Types.hashCode generates the same hash code for different type variables
P2 JDK-8172901 javac: 'opens' statement cannot specify non observable package
P2 JDK-8173596 JavaCompiler.CompilationTask should support addModules
P2 JDK-8175277 javadoc AssertionError when specified with release 8
P2 JDK-8161277 javax.lang.model.util.Types.isSameType(...) returns true on wildcards
P2 JDK-8178017 JDK 9 change to symlink handling causes misleading diagnostic
P2 JDK-8147995 JDK-8147930 uses incorrect whitespace in langtools/test/Makefile
P2 JDK-8035890 jdk8 javac -source 7 compiles test case it should not
P2 JDK-8043311 JEP 199: Smart Java Compilation, Phase Two
P2 JDK-8042880 JEP 213: Milling Project Coin
P2 JDK-8051946 JEP 215: Tiered Attribution for javac
P2 JDK-8047926 JEP 217: Annotations Pipeline 2.0
P2 JDK-8175116 jtreg agentvms uses more virtual address space in langtool/test :tier1 runs
P2 JDK-8044748 JVM cannot access constructor though ::new reference although can call it directly
P2 JDK-8038420 Lambda returning post-increment generates wrong code
P2 JDK-8044737 Lambda: NPE while obtaining method reference through lambda expression
P2 JDK-8155959 Langtools ant build should support new Xpatch option format
P2 JDK-8157030 langtools dev build broken after classfile version bump
P2 JDK-8163113 langtools repeating annotations tests depend rely on annotations toString output
P2 JDK-8030807 langtools should still build using jdk 7
P2 JDK-8080572 langtools/test/tools/javac/generics/ failing
P2 JDK-8142948 langtools/test/tools/javac/lambda/speculative/ fails on some platforms
P2 JDK-8155816 langtools/tools/javac/classfiles/attributes/LineNumberTable/ test broken
P2 JDK-8173777 Merge javac -Xmodule into javac--patch-module
P2 JDK-8175057 module-info on patch path should not produce an error
P2 JDK-8178509 MODULE_SOURCE_PATH: Implement missing methods
P2 JDK-8172311 and failing across platforms
P2 JDK-8160489 Multiple -Xpatch lines ignored by javac
P2 JDK-8166700 NPE during invoking getEnclosedElements() on javax.lang.model.element.Element instance representing a package
P2 JDK-8171098 NPE when --add-modules java.corba is used
P2 JDK-8158224 NullPointerException in when module missing
P2 JDK-8172262 packages missing from docs build
P2 JDK-8182162 Remove -XD-Xmodule
P2 JDK-8151141 Sjavac fails to fork server on Windows
P2 JDK-8055767 Sjavac is leaking servers
P2 JDK-8177933 Stackoverflow during compilation, starting jdk-9+163
P2 JDK-8058511 StackOverflowError at
P2 JDK-8162712 StandardJavaFileManager.getModuleLocation() can't find a module
P2 JDK-8178493 StandardJavaFileManager: Clarify/document the use of IllegalStateException
P2 JDK-8151223 String concatenation fails with implicit toString() on package-private class
P2 JDK-8178414 fails even after fix for JDK-8178283
P2 JDK-8081538 test CheckEBCDICLocaleTest is failing
P2 JDK-8057753 Test langtools/test/tools/javac/ is failing when run together with langtools/test/tools/javac/
P2 JDK-8087349 Test tools/sjavac/ is failing
P2 JDK-8080897 tests broken in bad merge
P2 JDK-8039466 Tests failing in langtools repository.
P2 JDK-8177332 The presence of a file with a Japanese ShiftJIS name can cause javac to fail
P2 JDK-8139371 Three langtools test failures after the removal of sun.misc.Lock
P2 JDK-8063145 ToolBox should support extracting classes from a JavaFileManager/Location
P2 JDK-8173141 tools/javac/classreader/ fails on Windows
P2 JDK-8178283 tools/javac/lambda/speculative/ fails with assertion error
P2 JDK-8164550 tools/javac/modules/ fails on Windows after JDK-8153391
P2 JDK-8030726 tools/javac/ fails due to enforcement no use of String.toLowerCase on non-langtools classes
P2 JDK-8169005 tools/javac/T8132562/ fails after fix to JDK-8132562
P2 JDK-8154149 tools/javac/unit/ broken on Windows after JDK-8150641
P2 JDK-8176900 TreePosTest should disable annotation processing
P2 JDK-8152832 Type inference regression in javac
P2 JDK-8054563 Update for source code reorg
P2 JDK-8076538 Verify error at runtime due to incorrect classification of a lambda as being instance capturing
P2 JDK-6533516 Warning needed for file with future time stamps
P2 JDK-8042839 XPreferTest fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8054448 (ann) Cannot reference field of inner class in an anonymous class
P3 JDK-8150475 -sourcepath / crashes javac
P3 JDK-8172411 -XDnoModules must be removed
P3 JDK-7026941 199: path options ignored when reusing filemanager across tasks
P3 JDK-8061723 8060056 breaks tests on Windows
P3 JDK-8056283 @ignore tools/javac/defaultMethods/ until JDK-8047675 is fixed
P3 JDK-8176492 @since value errors in java.compiler module
P3 JDK-8055500 [javac] fix for 8030046 is incorrect
P3 JDK-8055501 [javac] ignore test/tools/javac/Paths/
P3 JDK-8134483 A recent update to copyright headers caused two tests to fail
P3 JDK-8042830 A recently added Xprefer test fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8129214 Access error when unboxing a primitive whose target is a type-variable in a different package
P3 JDK-8028545 Add -source 9 and -target 9 to javac
P3 JDK-8146208 Add a public DocTreeFactory to the Compiler Tree API
P3 JDK-8054964 Add a test for invalid package annotations
P3 JDK-8137269 Add better support for local caching in ArgumentAttr
P3 JDK-8170251 Add
P3 JDK-8073645 Add lambda-based lazy eval versions of Assert.check methods
P3 JDK-8075546 Add tiered testing definitions to the langtools repo
P3 JDK-8050117 add to javac test tests that show correct operation for source/target options pre 1.9
P3 JDK-8181825 Add tool and services information to module summary
P3 JDK-8048614 Add TypeMetadata to contain type annotations and other type information
P3 JDK-8167975 align javac --add-* modules options with launcher
P3 JDK-8153391 an image created for "jdk.compiler" fails to run javac
P3 JDK-8056258 Analysis of public API does not take super classes into account
P3 JDK-8176878 ArgumentAttr.argumentTypeCache should be disabled in some cases
P3 JDK-8068737 ArrayType prints element type post order
P3 JDK-8145987 Assertion failure when compiling stream with type annotation
P3 JDK-8171322 AssertionError in TypeSymbol.getAnnotationTypeMetadata
P3 JDK-8171993 AssertionError when compiling method reference with generic code and varargs.
P3 JDK-8132446 AsssertionError in ClassSymbol.setAnnotationType
P3 JDK-8132096 Augment the Compiler Tree API to support the new Simplified Doclet API
P3 JDK-8072503 Bind ct.sym creation to the build system
P3 JDK-8169676 boolean result of Option.process is often ignored
P3 JDK-8145392 Build fails with "No portfile values materialized"
P3 JDK-8072054 Cannot build langtools if checked-out in a directory ending with "com"
P3 JDK-8144832 cast conversion fails when converting a type-variable to primitive type
P3 JDK-8162546 change hidden options -Xdebug to --debug, -XshouldStop to --should-stop, and -diags to --diags
P3 JDK-8032587 Change silent failure in to assertion
P3 JDK-8135246 CheckAttributedTree silently generates spurious compiler error
P3 JDK-8056021 checkin for JDK-8027262 breaks Checker Framework
P3 JDK-8132215 class InferenceContext should live in a separate file
P3 JDK-8046824 class SJavacTestUtil and *Wrapper are redundant and should be removed
P3 JDK-8069265 ClassCastException when compiled with JDK 9b08+, JDK8 compiles OK.
P3 JDK-8046977 ClassCastException: typing information needed for method reference bridging not preserved
P3 JDK-8170667 ClassReader assigns method parameters from MethodParameters incorrectly when long/double parameters are present
P3 JDK-8040319 Clean up type annotation exception index generating code in
P3 JDK-8157474 clean up/simplify/rename ModuleWrappers class
P3 JDK-8047347 com.sun.source.util.Trees breaks the compiler.
P3 JDK-8173456 during code compilation
P3 JDK-8133235 Compilation depends on order of source files
P3 JDK-8071291 Compiler crashes trying to cast UnionType to IntersectionClassType
P3 JDK-8174104 Compiler does not allow non-existent module path entry
P3 JDK-8062747 Compiler error when anonymous class uses method with parametrized exception
P3 JDK-8057794 Compiler Error when obtaining .class property
P3 JDK-8141613 Compiler fails to infer generic type
P3 JDK-8132535 Compiler fails with diamond anonymous class creation with intersection bound of enclosing class
P3 JDK-8133135 Compiler internall error (NPE) on anonymous class defined by qualified instance creation expression with diamond
P3 JDK-8068517 Compiler may generate wrong InnerClasses attribute for static enum reference
P3 JDK-8171177 Compiler should issue a warning for incubating modules that are resolved
P3 JDK-6898851 Compiling against this corrupt class file causes a stacktrace from javac
P3 JDK-8166420 Confusing error message when reading bad module declaration
P3 JDK-8181925 Confusing error when unnamed module reads multiple modules exporting the same package.
P3 JDK-8076420 Consolidate javac file handling in javac.file package
P3 JDK-8025505 Constant folding deficiency
P3 JDK-8068759 ConstFoldTest fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8059976 Convert JavacFileManager to use java.nio.file internally
P3 JDK-8015101 Covariance of return type implied by upper bounding on type parameter is ignored
P3 JDK-8044546 Crash on faulty reduce/lambda
P3 JDK-8054220 Debugger doesn't show variables *outside* lambda
P3 JDK-8058227 Debugger has no access to outer variables inside Lambda
P3 JDK-8148400 Decrease the regression test heap.
P3 JDK-8029240 Default methods not always visible under -source 7
P3 JDK-8030855 Default methods should be visible under source previous to 8
P3 JDK-8146439 delete test as redundant
P3 JDK-8065219 Deprecated warning in method reference are missing in some cases.
P3 JDK-8061549 Disallow _ as a one-character identifier
P3 JDK-8008685 DPrinter should include MethodType.recvtype
P3 JDK-8173068 ElementUtils getPackageElement does not allow for an unnamed package
P3 JDK-8040327 Eliminate AnnotatedType
P3 JDK-8135131 Enable thin server mode in Sjavac
P3 JDK-8144287 Enhance DocTree API to support @index javadoc tags.
P3 JDK-8078561 Error message should be generated once when -source 6 is specified
P3 JDK-8157519 Error messages when compiling a malformed confusing
P3 JDK-8056984 Exception in compiler: java.lang.AssertionError: isSubClass T
P3 JDK-8129547 Excess entries in BootstrapMethods with the same (bsm, bsmKind, bsmStaticArgs), but different dynamicArgs
P3 JDK-8067384 Facilitate extension of the javac parser
P3 JDK-8033814 Facilities for Bytecode Offset Tests
P3 JDK-8073844 fatal annotation processing errors do not stop compilation
P3 JDK-8071484 fix comment in DCReference
P3 JDK-8037379 fix for JDK-8029569 doesn't cover all possible cases
P3 JDK-8050283 fix for JDK-8049305 should be removed
P3 JDK-8179299 Fix HTML 5 errors in java.compiler module
P3 JDK-8179300 Fix HTML 5 errors in jdk.compiler module
P3 JDK-8171005 Fix JavaFileManager.getLocationForModule(Location location, JavaFileObject fo, String pkgName) to work with location == CLASS_OUTPUT
P3 JDK-8069164 Fix langtools make build so that diagnostic framework can be used
P3 JDK-8174051 fix terminology in javadoc comment
P3 JDK-8036953 Fix timing of varargs access check, per JDK-8016205
P3 JDK-8058373 Group 10a: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8058410 Group 10b: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8068463 Group 10c: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8068464 Group 10d: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8068465 Group 10e: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8074387 Group 11: golden files for coin tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8074408 Group 12: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8074417 Group 13a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
P3 JDK-8074425 Group 13b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
P3 JDK-8074502 Group 13c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
P3 JDK-8074514 Group 13d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics dir
P3 JDK-8075163 Group 14a: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
P3 JDK-8075164 Group 14b: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
P3 JDK-8075165 Group 14c: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
P3 JDK-8075166 Group 14d: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/wildcards dir
P3 JDK-8080826 Group 15: golden files for tests in tools/javac/generics/type* dirs
P3 JDK-8044064 Group 1: create .out files for cast and capture negative tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8044072 Group 2: create .out files for OverrideChecks tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8044080 Group 3: create .out files for unicode, implicitThis and importChecks tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8044236 Group 4: create .out files for DefiniteAssignment tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8044864 Group 5a: .out files for enum tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8046618 Group 5b: .out files for enum tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8046635 Group 5c: .out files for enum tests in tools/javac/dir
P3 JDK-8046770 Group 6: .out files for assert, boxing, overload, and completion tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8048833 Group 7a: .out files for generics tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8048836 Group 7b: .out files for generics tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8048837 Group 7c: .out files for generics tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8049126 Group 8a: golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
P3 JDK-8049127 Group 8b: golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
P3 JDK-8049129 Group 8c: golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
P3 JDK-8049130 Group 8d: golden files for annotations test in tools/java dir
P3 JDK-8055074 Group 9a: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8055075 Group 9b: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8055079 Group 9c: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8055080 Group 9d: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8055783 Group 9e: golden files for tests in tools/javac dir
P3 JDK-8173312 Hide support for --inherit-runtime-environment
P3 JDK-8000316 Huge performance bottleneck in
P3 JDK-8049238 Implement classfile tests for Signature attribute.
P3 JDK-8171355 Implement Elements.getOrigin
P3 JDK-8072502 Implement the -platform command line option
P3 JDK-8072499 Implement versioned ct.sym construction
P3 JDK-6388543 improve accuracy of source positions for AnnotationValue param of Messager.printMessage
P3 JDK-8078320 Improve DocTrees parsing.
P3 JDK-8056897 Improve error recovery for empty binary and hexadecimal literals.
P3 JDK-8169197 Improve error reporting for compiling against unexported package
P3 JDK-8072604 Improve handling of direct use of accept with TreePathScanner
P3 JDK-8134007 Improve string folding
P3 JDK-8170692 inconsistent check of module-related options against target version
P3 JDK-8044196 Incorrect applying of repeatable annotations with incompatible target to type parameter
P3 JDK-8175007 Incorrect error messages for inaccessible classes in visible packages
P3 JDK-8165102 incorrect message from javac
P3 JDK-8063039 incorrect message reference or broken message file
P3 JDK-8056252 Incremental build fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8055963 Inference failure with nested invocation
P3 JDK-8159680 Inference failure with unchecked subtyping and arrays
P3 JDK-8033718 Inference ignores capture variable as upper bound
P3 JDK-8164399 inference of thrown variable does not work correctly
P3 JDK-8042656 Inference produces spurious error for intersection type bounds check
P3 JDK-8039214 Inference should not map capture variables to their upper bounds
P3 JDK-8130304 Inference: NodeNotFoundException thrown with deep generic method call chain
P3 JDK-8062977 Inference: NullPointerException during bound incorporation
P3 JDK-8078261 Initialization of DocLint triggers out of order initialization of Dependencies
P3 JDK-8161376 Introduce -Xlint:exports
P3 JDK-8067379 Investigate and replace .class files in langtools/test with equivalent .jasm files
P3 JDK-8129962 Investigate performance improvements in langtools combo tests
P3 JDK-8154052 Java compiler error displays line from the wrong file
P3 JDK-8039262 Java compiler performance degradation jdk1.7 vs. jdk1.6 should be amended
P3 JDK-8142931 java compiler: type erasure doesn't work since 9-b28
P3 JDK-8138667 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method (for a protected method)
P3 JDK-8066871 java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type - local final String
P3 JDK-8067429 java.lang.VerifyError: Inconsistent stackmap frames at branch target
P3 JDK-8147414 java.nio.file.ClosedFileSystemException in javadoc
P3 JDK-8066540 java: java.lang.AssertionError: isSubClass T
P3 JDK-8164590 javac --inherit-runtime-environment fails with "cannot find modules: ALL-DEFAULT"
P3 JDK-8165008 javac -Xmodule compiles the module in a way that reads the unnamed module
P3 JDK-8027886 javac allows illegal receiver parameters
P3 JDK-8028196 Javac allows timestamps inside rt.jar to affect compilation when using -sourcepath.
P3 JDK-8152911 javac assertion error when compiling overlay sources
P3 JDK-8062359 javac Attr crashes with NPE in TypeAnnotationsValidator visitNewClass
P3 JDK-8038788 javac behaves incorrectly for annotations after method type parameters in some cases
P3 JDK-8145471 javac changes for enhanced deprecation
P3 JDK-8143647 Javac compiles method reference that allows results in an IllegalAccessError
P3 JDK-8038182 javac crash with FunctionDescriptorLookupError for invalid functional interface
P3 JDK-8067792 Javac crashes in finder mode with nested implicit lambdas
P3 JDK-8155028 javac crashes in silly do-while loop
P3 JDK-8036007 javac crashes when encountering an unresolvable interface
P3 JDK-8052070 javac crashes when there are duplicated type parameters
P3 JDK-8059453 javac crashes with -Xjcov and union types
P3 JDK-8034147 javac crashes with a NullPointerException during bounds checking
P3 JDK-8065753 javac crashing on a html-like file
P3 JDK-8142876 Javac does not correctly implement wildcards removal from functional interfaces
P3 JDK-8175317 javac does not issue unchecked warnings when checking method reference return types
P3 JDK-8064803 Javac erroneously uses instantiated signatures when merging abstract most-specific methods
P3 JDK-8136809 Javac fails compiling Collectors.reducing with method reference combiner
P3 JDK-8132562 javac fails with CLASSPATH with double-quotes as an environment variable
P3 JDK-8171255 Javac generates Deprecated class file attribute for @deprecated javadoc tag on module declaration.
P3 JDK-8064857 javac generates LVT entry with length 0 for local variable
P3 JDK-8155026 javac grants implied readability to explicit modules
P3 JDK-8156954 javac incorrectly complains of incompatible types
P3 JDK-8030046 javac incorrectly handles absolute paths in manifest classpath
P3 JDK-8170553 javac info options should match launcher options
P3 JDK-8148329 javac internal option cleanup
P3 JDK-8053906 javac is accepting a self-referencing variable initializer inside a lambda expression
P3 JDK-8160156 javac is generating let expressions unnecessarily
P3 JDK-8161383 javac is looking for operator symbols at the wrong place
P3 JDK-8158102 javac localization issues
P3 JDK-8037404 javac NPE or VerifyError for code with constructor reference of inner class
P3 JDK-8172675 javac option listing is broken for ONEOF option types
P3 JDK-8176470 javac Pretty printer should include doc comment for modules
P3 JDK-8034127 javac provide debug oriented toString() methods to InferenceContext and UndetVar
P3 JDK-8146722 javac remove test as irrelevant in 9
P3 JDK-8139255 javac reports "cannot override" messages instead of "cannot hide" messages for static methods
P3 JDK-8169447 javac should detect/reject repeated use of --patch-module on command line
P3 JDK-8172474 javac should enable doclint checking for HTML 5
P3 JDK-8057685 javac should not crash compiling type annotations
P3 JDK-8172240 javac should not need the transitive closure to compile a module
P3 JDK-6598104 javac should not warn about imports of deprecated classes
P3 JDK-8054556 javac should report the error for default usage as the primary error
P3 JDK-8072480 javac should support compilation for a specific platform version
P3 JDK-8167431 javac takes too long time to resolve interface dependency
P3 JDK-8146719 javac test should be deleted
P3 JDK-8043186 javac test langtools/tools/javac/util/ fails
P3 JDK-8058445 Javac throws exception when displaying info
P3 JDK-8143217 javac throws NPE when printing diagnostics for Lambda expressions
P3 JDK-8159439 javac throws NPE with Module attribute and super_class != 0
P3 JDK-8073594 javac, before calling rawInstantiate from selectBest the warner should be cleared out
P3 JDK-8042785 javac, bridge methods are not getting the flags from the original method
P3 JDK-8020216 javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned
P3 JDK-8030218 javac, compile time error isn't shown when final static field is not assigned, follow-up
P3 JDK-8161019 javac, fold formatter options
P3 JDK-8161020 javac, fold stop compilation options
P3 JDK-8050386 javac, follow-up of fix for JDK-8049305
P3 JDK-8042347 javac, Gen.LVTAssignAnalyzer should be refactored, it shouldn't be a static class
P3 JDK-8033437 javac, inconsistent generic types behaviour when compiling together vs. separate
P3 JDK-8051004 javac, incorrect bug id in tests for JDK-8050386
P3 JDK-8160915 javac, option forceSerializable should be restored
P3 JDK-8135203 javac, patch intended for an issue was pushed with wrong id and message
P3 JDK-8148808 javac, remove unused options, step 1
P3 JDK-8149600 javac, remove unused options, step 2
P3 JDK-8160891 javac, remove unused options, step 3
P3 JDK-8035891 javac, rename method asFree() in InferenceContext to asUndetVar() which reflects better it's purpose
P3 JDK-8069545 javac, shouldn't check nested stuck lambdas during overload resolution
P3 JDK-8030224 javac, some fixes should be forward-ported to 9
P3 JDK-8034143 javac, subclasses of Infer.IncorporationStep should implement the accepts() method
P3 JDK-8059710 javac, the same approach used in fix for JDK-8058708 should be applied to Code.closeAliveRanges
P3 JDK-8166472 javac/javadoc expands @files incorrectly
P3 JDK-8037937 javac: AssertionError during LVT generation, wrong variable ranges
P3 JDK-8037935 Javac: final local String var referenced in binary/unary op in lambda produces code that does not verify
P3 JDK-8145466 javac: No line numbers in compilation error
P3 JDK-8042239 javac: TreeMaker.Type(Type t) does not handle UnionClassType
P3 JDK-8173308 JAVAC_OPTIONS should be updated to align with JAVA_OPTIONS
P3 JDK-8153229 JavacFiler.checkFileReopening drowns in exceptions after Modular Runtime Images change
P3 JDK-8050106 JavaCompiler relies on inappropriate result from comparison
P3 JDK-8066902 JavacParserTest fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8062579 JavacTask, DocumentationTask impls should close file manager when possible
P3 JDK-8162711 javax.lang.model.util.Elements.getModuleElement returns null during annotation processing on class files
P3 JDK-8155765 returns app class loader even if no tool is available
P3 JDK-8134759 jdb: Incorrect stepping inside finally block
P3 JDK-8047183 JDK build fails with sjavac enabled
P3 JDK-8042566 JEP 211: Elide Deprecation Warnings on Import Statements
P3 JDK-8056066 JEP 216: Process Import Statements Correctly
P3 JDK-8044127 JEP 235: Test Class-File Attributes Generated by javac
P3 JDK-8058150 JEP 247: Compile for Older Platform Versions
P3 JDK-8148483 JEP 280 Integration
P3 JDK-8085796 JEP 280: Indify String Concatenation
P3 JDK-8160454 JSR269 jigsaw update: javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.getDirectives() causes NPE on unnamed modules
P3 JDK-8161501 JSR269 jigsaw update: javax.lang.model.element.ModuleElement.getEnclosedElements() on unnamed module with unnamed package
P3 JDK-8076104 Key collisions in ZipFileIndexFileObject content cache lead to wrong content
P3 JDK-8079888 Keys for -release in javac should be pluggable
P3 JDK-8042759 Lambda returning implicitly-typed lambdas considered pertinent to applicability
P3 JDK-8177667 Langtools ant build has issues with Windows file separators
P3 JDK-8167442 Langtools ant build not working after addition of -Xlint:exports
P3 JDK-8166857 langtools build.xml broken on windows
P3 JDK-8158836 langtools build.xml needs some adjustments
P3 JDK-8158630 Langtools Intellij project is missing some source roots
P3 JDK-8133671 langtools tests have bad license
P3 JDK-8062348 langtools tests should close file manager (group 1)
P3 JDK-8143268 Langtools tools should create output directories as needed.
P3 JDK-8140766 langtools/make/test/sym/ contains incorrect paths
P3 JDK-8066808 langtools/test/Makefile should not use OS-specific jtreg binary
P3 JDK-8066807 langtools/test/Makefile should use -agentvm not -samevm
P3 JDK-8066737 langtools/test/tools/javac/processing/6348193/ fails
P3 JDK-8132885 langtools/test/tools/javac/sym/ is also searching default classpath
P3 JDK-8166675 Latent bug in jar file handling during module path processing.
P3 JDK-8075509 should return itself if list is unchanged
P3 JDK-8068639 Make certain annotation classfile warnings opt-in
P3 JDK-8044133 Make sjavac the default in the build scripts
P3 JDK-8176265 Method overload resolution on a covariant base type doesn't work in 9
P3 JDK-8169091 Method reference T::methodName for generic type T does not compile any more
P3 JDK-8057800 Method reference with generic type creates NPE when compiling
P3 JDK-8162576 Missing doclint check missing for modules
P3 JDK-8042867 Missing license header for langtools/make/netbeans/langtools/nbproject/
P3 JDK-8035972 missing test file for 8034048
P3 JDK-8058489 More adjustments of langtools/make/build.xml to modularized layout
P3 JDK-8034223 Most-specific should not have any special treatment for boxed vs. unboxed types
P3 JDK-8150111 Need to change signature of StandardJavaFileManager.setLocationFromPaths
P3 JDK-8066961 fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8067445 New modular image-based file manager skips boot classes
P3 JDK-8174073 NPE caused by @link reference to class
P3 JDK-8082311 NPE when compiling expression with "^"
P3 JDK-8150733 NPE when compiling with a class declaration in a non-module mode
P3 JDK-8145489 NPE while compiling annotations with qualified names in
P3 JDK-8028389 NullPointerException compiling annotation values that have bodies
P3 JDK-8035063 Option handling in sjavac needs to be rewritten
P3 JDK-8167070 Performance regression in compound scopes
P3 JDK-8027258 Permit a single source annotation to generate multiple bytecode annotations
P3 JDK-8168774 Polymorhic signature method check crashes javac
P3 JDK-8148651 prepare for V53.0 class files
P3 JDK-8059349 Public API scanning should be implemented in the form of a TaskListener
P3 JDK-8143048 Re-examine dependency on property sun.boot.class.path
P3 JDK-8029042 Receiver parameter not supported on local class constructor
P3 JDK-8077306 Recursive implementation of leads to stack overflow
P3 JDK-8033287 Reduce the size of the endPosTable
P3 JDK-8073372 Redundant CONSTANT_Class entry not generated for inlined constant
P3 JDK-8081769 Redundant error message on bad usage of 'class' literal
P3 JDK-8080726 Redundant error message on private abstract interface method with body
P3 JDK-8031569 Refactor javac scope implementation to enable lazy imports
P3 JDK-8048318 Refactor sjavac as a thin client
P3 JDK-8054500 Refactor sjavac Main class into ClientMain and ServerMain
P3 JDK-8054457 Refactor Symbol kinds from small ints to an enum
P3 JDK-8152897 refactor ToolBox to allow reduced documented dependencies
P3 JDK-8034245 Refactor TopLevel tree node.
P3 JDK-8174249 Regression in generic method unchecked calls
P3 JDK-8147546 regression when type-checking generic calls inside nested declarations occurring in method context
P3 JDK-8147493 regression when type-checking unchecked method calls
P3 JDK-8064464 regression with type inference of conditional expression
P3 JDK-8148128 Regression: array constructor references marked as inexact
P3 JDK-8152411 Regression: inference fails to reject incompatible upper bounds
P3 JDK-8148213 Regression: nested unchecked call does not trigger erasure of return type
P3 JDK-8154180 Regression: stuck expressions do not behave correctly
P3 JDK-8055996 Remove @ignore from tools/javac/
P3 JDK-8032506 Remove commit.txt that was accidentally pushed with the changeset
P3 JDK-8042275 Remove dead code in javac after 1.5 source/target are dropped
P3 JDK-8170301 remove debug print statement
P3 JDK-8062593 remove debug print statements
P3 JDK-8080539 Remove few test files that did not get removed with the patch
P3 JDK-8036142 Remove redundant call to annotateTypeLater with null Symbol
P3 JDK-8011044 Remove support for 1.5 and earlier source and target options
P3 JDK-8149328 remove the dependency on java.logging from java.compiler
P3 JDK-8049491 Remove three auxilary files in tools/javac/enum dir
P3 JDK-8055054 Remove visitWildcard visitor method from erasure visitor
P3 JDK-8060043 Rename Locations.Path to Locations.SearchPath
P3 JDK-8150641 Repeated compilation with a long classpath significantly slower on JDK 9
P3 JDK-8060056 replace with java.nio.file.Path
P3 JDK-8061876 replace with java.nio.file.Path (again)
P3 JDK-8048805 Request to investigate and update lexer error recovery in javac
P3 JDK-8049948 Restore test
P3 JDK-8044131 Restructure client / server protocol code
P3 JDK-8173636 Results from Processor.getSupportedAnnotationTypes should be intepreted strictly
P3 JDK-8062336 Revert tools/javap/ to original test code
P3 JDK-8030049 RoundEnvironment.getElementsAnnotatedWith receives wrong elements
P3 JDK-8037348 RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations should not be generated for type annotation on anonymous innerclass creation
P3 JDK-8041663 Sensitive dependence on location of nested interface
P3 JDK-8078093 Severe compiler performance regression Java 7 to 8 for nested method invocations
P3 JDK-8040181 Silent failure in Code.findExceptionIndex
P3 JDK-8033218 Silent failure in TypeAnnotations.resolveFrame
P3 JDK-8048609 simplify sjavac dependence on javac dependency gathering
P3 JDK-8062740 Since changeset 2686:56f8be952a5c test/tools/sjavac/ does no longer compile
P3 JDK-8027261 Single codepath for attaching annotations to symbols
P3 JDK-8145944 sjavac client could not connect to server
P3 JDK-8062737 Sjavac creates unnecessarily many SjavacClient/PooledSjavac/SjavacImpl instances
P3 JDK-8055039 Sjavac does not print compilation errors to the console
P3 JDK-8046828 sjavac Main class should be more API/test friendly
P3 JDK-8046369 sjavac should not use javac internal API for starting javac
P3 JDK-8061320 Sjavac should prevent using source dir as dest dir
P3 JDK-8054717 SJavac should track changes in the public apis of classpath classes!
P3 JDK-8042088 Sjavac spawns external processes in a unnecessarily complex and platform dependent way
P3 JDK-8144226 Sjavac's handling of include/exclude patterns is buggy, redundant and inconsistent
P3 JDK-8171294 Slow compilation with long classpaths under JDK 9
P3 JDK-8043253 Slow javac compile times in JDK 8
P3 JDK-8075793 Source incompatibility for inference using -source 7
P3 JDK-8041422 Split javac ClassReader into ClassReader+ClassFinder
P3 JDK-8144066 StackOverflowException when computing glb
P3 JDK-8149843 StandardJavaFileManager should provide a way to get paths from strings
P3 JDK-8059977 StandardJavaFileManager should support java.nio.file.Path
P3 JDK-8173914 StandardJavaFileManager.setLocationForModule
P3 JDK-8141343 Subtle semantics changes for union types in cast conversion
P3 JDK-8069094 SuppressWarnings("deprecation") not respected on default clause on annotation declarations
P3 JDK-8131742 Syntactically meaningless code accepted by javac
P3 JDK-8062245 Test executes incorrect class
P3 JDK-8046296 TEST java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue/ fails in nightly on all platform due to compiler issue
P3 JDK-8039250 Test tools/javac/classfiles/InnerClasses/ fails
P3 JDK-8039079 Test tools/javac/processing/environment/round/ fails
P3 JDK-8146727 test tools/sjavac/ fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8130826 test writes file in test source directory
P3 JDK-8063074 test/tools/javac/plugin/showType/ fails on Windows
P3 JDK-8151516 test/tools/javac/TestIndyStringConcat depends on runtime JDK details
P3 JDK-8079335 The field Gen.stringBufferType is no longer needed (and not always initialized properly)
P3 JDK-8148498 The sjavac client should never create a port file
P3 JDK-8037085 The sjavac exclude option should accept valid directory identifiers
P3 JDK-8050993 There is no record for condition in ternary operator in LineNumberTable.
P3 JDK-8034091 There is no records in LineNumberTable attribute for ternary operator ?: splitted to several lines.
P3 JDK-8144888 ToolBox should close any file manager it opens
P3 JDK-8047675 tools/javac/defaultMethods/ fails if run with -enableassertions (-ea)
P3 JDK-8072445 tools/javac/lambda/ fails across platforms
P3 JDK-8176743 tools/javac/modules/ test fails on Mac
P3 JDK-8167320 Trying to document only java.base causes a NPE in javac
P3 JDK-8074100 Turn Type.Mapping into a true visitor
P3 JDK-8055995 Two type annotation tests have @ignore with no open bug id
P3 JDK-8027181 Type Annotations Cleanup
P3 JDK-8056014 Type inference may be skipped for a complex receiver generic method in a parameter position
P3 JDK-8041713 Type inference of non-existent method references crashes the compiler
P3 JDK-8067767 type inference performance regression
P3 JDK-8046916 Type parameter annotations don't work with multiple type parameters
P3 JDK-8043974 TypeAnnotation attribute is not generated for repeatable annotation in lambda
P3 JDK-8044009 TypeAnnotation attribute is not generated for repeatable annotation in nested types.
P3 JDK-8044010 TypeAnnotation attribute is not generated for repeatable annotation in type argument
P3 JDK-8046685 Uncompilable large expressions involving generics.
P3 JDK-8150011 Update javac to generate V53.0 class files
P3 JDK-8152958 Update javac to implement new policy to not resolve the EE modules
P3 JDK-8156568 Update javac to support compiling against a modular JAR that is a multi-release JAR
P3 JDK-8149783 Update javac to support the new proposal for -Xpatch
P3 JDK-8133896 Update javax.lang.model APIs
P3 JDK-8164887 update tests to remove use of old-style options
P3 JDK-8062514 Update ToolTester tests to close file manager
P3 JDK-8050429 Update/cleanup ToolBox
P3 JDK-8038455 Use single Context for all rounds of annotation processing
P3 JDK-8075520 Varargs access check mishandles capture variables
P3 JDK-8139961 Various sjavac tests result in error on Windows (JPRT)
P3 JDK-8165193 Workaround intermittent failures of JavacTreeScannerTest and SourceTreeScannerTest due to C2 memory usage
P3 JDK-8163999 Workaround intermittent failures of due to C2 memory usage
P3 JDK-8147527 Wrong code generated for postfix unary operators
P3 JDK-8175038 Wrong note about multiple type/package elements being found.
P3 JDK-8145051 Wrong parameter name in synthetic lambda method leads to verifier error
P3 JDK-8055514 Wrong, confusing error when non-static varargs referenced in static context
P4 JDK-8077667 'variable may not have been initialized' error for parameter in lambda function
P4 JDK-8033421 @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") does not work when overriding deprecated method
P4 JDK-8031023 [javac] LambdaToMethod is missing forceSerializedRepresentation logic and switch
P4 JDK-8031545 [javac] refactor and cleanup
P4 JDK-8054689 [Test Task] Split large test source into multiple files
P4 JDK-8054465 Add --permit-artifact=bar.txt to sjavac
P4 JDK-8054474 Add --state-dir=foo to chose location for javac_state file
P4 JDK-8043643 Add an crules analyzer avoiding string concatenation in messages of Assert checks.
P4 JDK-8046451 Add basic IntelliJ support for langtools
P4 JDK-8067663 Add bugId to tests that have been modified as part of JDK-8064365
P4 JDK-8154997 Add examples for jigsaw diagnostics
P4 JDK-8030642 Add golden files to javac/limits
P4 JDK-8153362 Add javac -Xlint warning to list exposed types which are not accessible
P4 JDK-8068626 Add javac lint warning when the @Deprecated annotation is used where it is a no-op
P4 JDK-8048890 Add option to keep track of symbol completion dependencies
P4 JDK-8130803 add regression test related to fix for JDK-8078024
P4 JDK-8159834 Add some support for jtreg test headers in IntelliJ langtools project
P4 JDK-8056075 Add support for dumping inference dependency graphs
P4 JDK-8049234 Add support for running/debugging bootstrap tools in IntelliJ
P4 JDK-8078389 Add test for -Xdoclint + -XDcompletionDeps
P4 JDK-8047407 Add test for JDK-8037385
P4 JDK-8149821 Add VarHandle signature-polymorphic invocation byte code tests
P4 JDK-8071453 Allow interface methods to be private
P4 JDK-8057548 Annotate.Worker should be replaced with lambdas
P4 JDK-8146167 Anonymous type declarations drop supertype type parameter annotations
P4 JDK-8060448 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with annotation processing printout of empty line
P4 JDK-8163027 AssertionError while compiling a program that uses try with resources.
P4 JDK-8162874 AST nodes representing operators should have a common superclass
P4 JDK-8074148 Attr.visitBinary flags error at wrong position
P4 JDK-8060249 Backout fix for JDK-8058243
P4 JDK-8028235 Better error recovery for parsing 'void' as a type of the lambda parameter
P4 JDK-8064365 Better support for finder capabilities in target-typing context
P4 JDK-8142476 Call site initialization exception caused by LambdaConversionException: Invalid receiver type
P4 JDK-8139836 Can't use super::x method reference when x is protected
P4 JDK-8051958 Cannot assign a value to final variable in lambda
P4 JDK-8000961 Change javac source and target default to 9
P4 JDK-8077786 Check varargs access against inferred signature
P4 JDK-8174099 class ComboTask at the combo test library needs an execute() method
P4 JDK-8015927 Class reference duplicates in constant pool
P4 JDK-8062358 ClassCastException in TransTypes.visitApply
P4 JDK-8049896 Clean up (Basic)JavacTask.getTypeMirror
P4 JDK-8149772 cleanup handling of -encoding in JavacFileManager
P4 JDK-8068995 Cleanup method reference lookup code
P4 JDK-8006469 Cleanup reflective access of java.lang.annotation.Repeatable
P4 JDK-8058199 Code generation problem with javac skipping a checkcast instruction
P4 JDK-8138840 Compiler crashes when compiling bitwise operations with illegal operand types
P4 JDK-8066974 Compiler doesn't infer method's generic type information in lambda body
P4 JDK-8078592 Compiler fails to reject erroneous use of diamond with anonymous classes involving "fresh" type variables.
P4 JDK-8081521 Compiler has trouble compiling nested diamond allocation constructs involving anonymous classes.
P4 JDK-7101822 Compiling depends on order of imports
P4 JDK-8043984 Confusing (incorrect) error message on repeatable annotations
P4 JDK-8073534 Confusing / incorrect error message regarding annotations on non-declarations
P4 JDK-8171370 Convert anonymous inner classes into lambdas/method references
P4 JDK-8036952 copyright issues in jdk9/dev/langtools files
P4 JDK-8171528 Crash in Annotate with duplicate package-info declarations
P4 JDK-8058542 Devise scheme for better diagnostic creation
P4 JDK-6707032 Division by zero warning not suppressed properly in some cases
P4 JDK-8138612 Do not retain declaration annotations on lambda formal parameters
P4 JDK-8041648 do while loop that misses ending semicolon has wrong end position
P4 JDK-8054562 document skip results in
P4 JDK-8032211 Don't issue deprecation warnings on import statements
P4 JDK-8043484 DPrinter does not compile
P4 JDK-8007307 DPrinter: support the DocTree API
P4 JDK-8073616 Duplicate error message: cannot inherit from final (class) F
P4 JDK-8040822 Duplicated notifications can be sent to TaskListener
P4 JDK-8080675 Enhance the classfile library to support construction of classfiles from scratch
P4 JDK-8174027 error message should adapt to the corresponding top level element
P4 JDK-8147569 Error messages from sjavac server does not always get relayed back to client
P4 JDK-8031383 Error recovery in JavacParser could be improved
P4 JDK-8035766 Execute TypeAnnotate visitor at queue flush time
P4 JDK-8153884 Expression lambda erroneously compatible with void-returning descriptor
P4 JDK-8068488 Facilitate extension of the javac parser -- missing modifier
P4 JDK-8026895 Facilities for parallel execution of combo tests
P4 JDK-8046614 Fill in missing doc comments
P4 JDK-8209874 Filtering streams using an unchecked method invocation won't compile
P4 JDK-8174695 Fix @since in in dev/langtools repo
P4 JDK-8151134 Fix bug id in test for JDK-8151018
P4 JDK-8177392 Fix default verbosity for IntelliJ Ant logger wrapper
P4 JDK-8144767 Fix handling of capture variables in most-specific test
P4 JDK-8154500 fix handling of jdk.launcher.patch.* in tests
P4 JDK-8064367 Fix IntelliJ langtools support to use new dev build
P4 JDK-8050116 Fix javac test when JDK9DEV class number pushed to 53
P4 JDK-8155880 Fix langtools usage of the deprecated Class.newInstance method
P4 JDK-8060234 Fix push for JDK-8058243
P4 JDK-8029800 uses String.toLowerCase without specifying Locale
P4 JDK-8033961 Formatting of -Xlint: command line help
P4 JDK-8029376 Full attribution of unresolvable annotations
P4 JDK-8037947 functional interface causes ClassCastException when extending raw superinterface
P4 JDK-8046620 Further investigation needed for few error messages for negative unicode tests in langtools regression ws
P4 JDK-8169200 Gen has a reference to Flow that is not used, should be removed
P4 JDK-7040592 fix code for handling 'null' literal when expected type is array
P4 JDK-8169093 Generics: suboptimal error message when actual type arguments arity does not match
P4 JDK-8059591 Give TaskListener methods empty default implementations
P4 JDK-8044411 Implement classfile tests for RuntimeAnnotations and RuntimeParameterAnnotations attribute.
P4 JDK-8044537 Implement classfile tests for Synthetic attribute.
P4 JDK-8149757 Implement Multi-Release jar aware JavacFileManager for javac
P4 JDK-8143852 Implement type variable renaming for functional interface most specific test
P4 JDK-8171132 Improve class reading of invalid or out-of-range ConstantValue attributes
P4 JDK-8172287 improve intellij logging to cover javac internal errors
P4 JDK-8073201 Incorrect @bug annotation in checkin for JDK-8069545
P4 JDK-8129740 Incorrect class file created when passing lambda in inner class constructor
P4 JDK-8148930 Incorrect erasure of exceptions in override-equivalent dual interface impl
P4 JDK-8138598 Incorrect reference to JLS in javadoc for Types.isSignaturePolymorphic()
P4 JDK-8028576 Incorrect RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations for exception parameters when not generating debuging info
P4 JDK-8063052 Inference chokes on wildcard derived from method reference
P4 JDK-8158355 Inference graph dot support broken
P4 JDK-8170410 inference: javac doesn't implement 18.2.5 correctly
P4 JDK-8168134 Inference: javac incorrectly propagating inner constraint with primitive target
P4 JDK-8157149 Inference: weird propagation of thrown inference variables
P4 JDK-8078600 Infinite loop when compiling annotations with -XDcompletionDeps
P4 JDK-8147554 InfoOptsTest fails when executed outside make
P4 JDK-8147571 Information about written .h files is printed on the wrong logging level
P4 JDK-8077605 Initializing static fields causes unbounded recursion in javac
P4 JDK-8066889 IntelliJ langtools launcher ought to be Windows friendly
P4 JDK-8055390 IntelliJ langtools project should reflect modular source tree
P4 JDK-8157326 Intellij langtools project should use shared run configurations
P4 JDK-8057005 IntelliJ should allow import for nested classes
P4 JDK-8056055 IntelliJ source paths broken after modularization of langtools
P4 JDK-8073842 Invalid method reference when referencing a method on a wildcard type
P4 JDK-8071241 Investigate alternate strategy for type-checking operators
P4 JDK-8144733 Iterating over elements of a Scope can return spurious inner class elements
P4 JDK-8073550 java* tools: replace obj.getClass hacks with Assert.checkNonNull or Objects.requireNonNull
P4 JDK-8074381 java.lang.AssertionError during compiling
P4 JDK-8144580 java.lang.AssertionError: Missing type variable in where clause: T
P4 JDK-8141508 java.lang.invoke.LambdaConversionException: Invalid receiver type ...
P4 JDK-8037546 javac -parameters does not emit parameter names for lambda expressions
P4 JDK-8138729 javac -parameters should not emit parameter names for lambda expressions
P4 JDK-8156180 javac accepts code that violates JLS chapter 16
P4 JDK-8130506 javac AssertionError when invoking MethodHandle.invoke with lambda parameter
P4 JDK-8048121 javac complex method references: revamp and simplify
P4 JDK-8029161 javac crashing when processing broken annotations
P4 JDK-8078473 javac diamond finder crashes when used to build java.base module
P4 JDK-7118295 javac does not explicitly close -Xstdout file
P4 JDK-8044859 javac duplicates option processing when using Compiler API
P4 JDK-8074501 Javac fix for 8073432 is missing right test BugIDs
P4 JDK-8160928 javac incorrectly copies over interior type annotations to bridge method
P4 JDK-8075184 javac is mistakenly considering a missing enclosing instance error as an overload error
P4 JDK-8047338 javac is not correctly filtering non-members methods to obtain the function descriptor
P4 JDK-8067883 Javac misses some opportunities for diagnostic simplification
P4 JDK-8033414 javac Plugin to receive notification (before and) after the compilation.
P4 JDK-8054956 Javac reports wrong error offset for unknown identifier of annotation element/value pair
P4 JDK-8151018 javac should emit a clearer diagnostic when a <> inferred anonymous type's non-private methods don't override super's
P4 JDK-7152104 javac should not warn about missing serialVersionUID for anonymous inner classes
P4 JDK-8048803 javac should report complete character code in the error messages
P4 JDK-8164073 Javac should unconditionally warn if deprecated javadoc tag is used without @Deprecated annotation
P4 JDK-8076031 javac should use deterministic data structures for managing free type listeners
P4 JDK-8162359 javac should use stdout for --help and --version
P4 JDK-8027888 javac wrongly allows annotations in array-typed class literals
P4 JDK-8154270 javac wrongly rejects some class literals as annotation element values
P4 JDK-8043926 javac, code valid in 7 is not compiling for 8
P4 JDK-8161708 javac, consider a different way to handle access code for operators
P4 JDK-8065800 javac, fix diagnostic position for statement-bodied lambdas
P4 JDK-8015499 javac, Gen is generating extra checkcast instructions in some corner cases
P4 JDK-8035956 javac, incomplete error message
P4 JDK-8159970 javac, JLS8 18.2.4 is not completely implemented by the compiler
P4 JDK-8078024 javac, several incorporation steps are silently failing when an error should be reported
P4 JDK-8049075 javac, wildcards and generic vararg method invocation not accepted
P4 JDK-8042406 javac.jvm.ClassReader.readClassFile() is using Target to verify valid major versions
P4 JDK-4910483 Javadoc renders the string ".*\\.pdf" as ".\*\.pdf"
P4 JDK-8061323 JavadocTokenizer repeatedly compiles pattern to check for deprecation
P4 JDK-8050086 jdk.Exported is missing @return
P4 JDK-8080641 JEP-JDK-8042880 : Implement new tests on Project Coin
P4 JDK-8048543 JLS8 18.5.3: inference variable seems to be instantiated unexpectedly
P4 JDK-8070507 LambdaLambdaSerialized can fail in -agentvm mode
P4 JDK-8050319 LocalVariableTestBase has unexpected dependency on LocalVariableTableTest
P4 JDK-8033004 Make base TypeAnnotationPosition data immutable, create better methods for obtaining base TypeAnnotationPositions
P4 JDK-8056061 Mark implementations of public interfaces with an annotation
P4 JDK-8066843 Messager.printMessage cannot print multiple errors for same source position
P4 JDK-8068254 Method reference uses wrong qualifying type
P4 JDK-8166363 Method with reordered type parameter bounds compiles with @Override annotation but does not actually override superclass method.
P4 JDK-8151016 Migrate asserts introduced in Valhalla code generation to JDK9 dev
P4 JDK-8078660 Misleading recommendation from diamond finder.
P4 JDK-8043336 Missing bug id in test/tools/javac/lambda/
P4 JDK-8176534 Missing check against target-type during applicability inference
P4 JDK-8059921 Missing compile error in Java 8 mode for Interface.super.field access
P4 JDK-8058244 missing error in qualified default super call
P4 JDK-8166367 Missing ExceptionTable attribute in anonymous class constructors
P4 JDK-8048905 More tweaking with langtools intellij support
P4 JDK-8155774 move code from ModuleTestBase to toolbox
P4 JDK-8076583 move jdk.Exported from langtools to jdk
P4 JDK-8071617 move pathToURLs from javac.file.Locations to javadoc.DocletInvoker
P4 JDK-8029690 Move symbol creation from ClassReader to Symtab
P4 JDK-8035768 Move TypeAnnotationPosition from Attribute.Compound to Attribute.TypeCompound
P4 JDK-8074803 Name clash
P4 JDK-8161013 Never treat anonymous classes as 'final'
P4 JDK-8069229 new .java file with no copyright notice
P4 JDK-8144168 No type annotations generated for nested lambdas
P4 JDK-8171325 NPE in Check.clearLocalClassNameIndexes
P4 JDK-8058921 NPE in javac when compiling large class
P4 JDK-8171332 NPE in MembersPhase.finishClass
P4 JDK-8158123 NPE when the annotations is used in export-to of module-info
P4 JDK-8156950 NPE while accessing ExportsDirectives.getTargetModules
P4 JDK-8081271 NPE while compiling a program with erroneous use of constructor reference expressions.
P4 JDK-8074306 NULLCHK is emitted as Object.getClass
P4 JDK-8147568 NullPointerException in option parsing
P4 JDK-8054210 NullPointerException when compiling specific code.
P4 JDK-8152062 obscure error message for bad 'provides'
P4 JDK-8149173 obsolete reference to
P4 JDK-8080870 Open up Dependencies for use from other packages
P4 JDK-8141355 does not use --state-dir option
P4 JDK-8136453 Parameter name indices array size not updated correctly
P4 JDK-8024672 Post-JDK8 test improvement, cleanup, and consolidation
P4 JDK-8068460 Pretty printing for loops
P4 JDK-7196160 Project Coin: Allow @SafeVarargs on private methods
P4 JDK-7196163 Project Coin: Allow final or effectively final variables to be used as resources in try-with-resources
P4 JDK-8062373 Project Coin: diamond and anonymous classes
P4 JDK-7020499 Project Coin: improvements to try-with-resources desugaring
P4 JDK-8071851 Provide filtering of doclint checking based on packages
P4 JDK-8050979 Provide javadoc for "framework" classes in langtools tests
P4 JDK-8058243 Reduce size of bytecode for large switch statements
P4 JDK-8067914 Redundant type cast nodes in AST (follow up from JDK-8043741)
P4 JDK-8038263 Refactor annotation handling after actualEnterAnnotations
P4 JDK-8076279 Refactor Attr.check* methods to receive/handle a CheckMode enumeration
P4 JDK-8167000 Refine handling of multiple maximally specific abstract methods
P4 JDK-8142467 Remove all references to Flags.IPROXY
P4 JDK-8032188 Remove dead code in TransTypes
P4 JDK-8152785 Remove javac -XDnoModules
P4 JDK-8164481 Remove jtreg run configurations from langtools idea project
P4 JDK-8171371 Remove redundant type-arguments from generic method calls
P4 JDK-8079191 remove remaining references to "cp -p" from langtools/test
P4 JDK-8068489 remove unnecessary complexity in Flow and Bits, after JDK-8064857
P4 JDK-8031745 Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in javac tests, part 1
P4 JDK-8036842 Remove unneeded/obsolete -source/-target options in javac tests, part 2
P4 JDK-8172213 Remove unused and partially implemented JavacElements#getSourcePosition methods
P4 JDK-8006730 remove workaround tests when jtreg updated
P4 JDK-8048127 rename log file with better extension
P4 JDK-8164519 Rendering of supertype_target for annotated extends clause
P4 JDK-8145472 replace remaining with java.nio.file.Path
P4 JDK-8030610 replace test/tools/javac/versions/
P4 JDK-8057652 Request to improve error messages for labeled declarations
P4 JDK-8030091 Request to update error messages from javac for negative varargs test cases
P4 JDK-8044597 Request to update tools/javap/ to add test for package option
P4 JDK-8048162 Restrict catch type from Throwable to ReflectiveOperationException
P4 JDK-8130745 Revert fix pushed for JDK-8074346
P4 JDK-7177211 SharedNameTable.create and .dispose are not used
P4 JDK-8033483 Should ignore nested lambda bodies during overload resolution
P4 JDK-8037420 Silent failures in Annotate.actualEnterTypeAnnotations
P4 JDK-8056989 Sjavac --server option should be optional
P4 JDK-8143301 Sjavac does not close file given to --compare-found-sources
P4 JDK-8042441 sjavac does not properly track dependencies
P4 JDK-8152465 Sjavac should not prefix server generated log messages with [server]
P4 JDK-8151379 Sjavac should not print connection attempts on info logging level
P4 JDK-8048457 Sjavac should not use portfiles, sockets, etc if background=false
P4 JDK-8129114 Sjavac should stream back compiler output to the client as soon as it becomes available
P4 JDK-8137075 Sjavac tests are leaking file managers
P4 JDK-8048146 sjavac uses unexpected exit code of -1
P4 JDK-8080880 Some docs cleanup for langtools
P4 JDK-8042358 some tests have placeholder bugid 1234567
P4 JDK-8138822 Source version error missing version number
P4 JDK-8168480 Speculative attribution of lambda causes NPE in Flow
P4 JDK-8161985 Spurious override of Object.getClass leads to NPE
P4 JDK-7177813 Static import to local nested class fails
P4 JDK-8061472 String.format in DeferredAttr.DeferredTypeMap constructor leads to excessive object creation
P4 JDK-8028267 contains a main-method with test code
P4 JDK-8062376 Suppress cast warnings when using NIO buffers
P4 JDK-8155516 Suppress warnings from uses of deprecated Class.newInstance langtools
P4 JDK-8037789 Surprising more-specific results for lambda bodies with no return expressions
P4 JDK-8144673 Suspect message regarding suitable enclosing instance not being in scope
P4 JDK-8081417 test needs more info to diagnose
P4 JDK-8024658 test library files appear as tests
P4 JDK-8026699 test test/tools/javac/lambda/T8024947/ has an extra @compile attribute that should be removed
P4 JDK-8046067 test/tools/javac/api/6410643/ is broken
P4 JDK-8071310 Tests missing for checkin for JDK-8046977
P4 JDK-8062676 Tests which leak lots of file managers should be fixed (group 2)
P4 JDK-8078560 The crash reporting URL listed by javac needs to be updated
P4 JDK-8030714 The steps attribute, flow and desugar are unnecessary for implicit classes when compiling with -implicit:none
P4 JDK-8060715 There is a small race condition in IdleResetSjavac
P4 JDK-8078861 tools/javac/classfiles/attributes/Synthetic/ fails on Windows
P4 JDK-8028415 TreeMaker.Literal(Object) creates invalid JCLiterals when passed a Character.
P4 JDK-6411385 Trees.getPath does not work for constructors
P4 JDK-8173305 Trial reversion of langtools test changes for limited win32 address space
P4 JDK-8067006 Tweak IntelliJ langtools project to show jtreg report directory
P4 JDK-8167456 Tweak IntelliJ langtools project's jtreg settings
P4 JDK-8140333 Tweak langtools IntelliJ project to better support Kulla changes
P4 JDK-8074346 type annotation on a qualified type causes spurious 'cannot find symbol' errors
P4 JDK-8136419 Type annotations in initializers and lambda bodies not written to class file
P4 JDK-8055984 type inference exponential compilation performance
P4 JDK-8175235 type inference regression after JDK-8046685
P4 JDK-8034933 Types.directSupertypes() incorrectly returns java.lang.Object as the super type of interfaces
P4 JDK-8172214 typo in 'intersection types in cast are not supported' message
P4 JDK-8052398 Uniqify test framework class names
P4 JDK-7190296 unsoundness in type-containment implementation
P4 JDK-8145557 Unused method in JavacState should be removed
P4 JDK-8146572 Update "@since 1.9" to "@since 9" to match java.version.specification [langtools]
P4 JDK-8078559 Update error message to indicate illegal character when encoding set to ascii
P4 JDK-8031360 Update langtools code base to use RELEASE_9
P4 JDK-8030253 Update langtools code base to use strings in switch
P4 JDK-8030245 Update langtools code base to use try-with-resources and multi-catch
P4 JDK-8067872 Update langtools/build.xml
P4 JDK-8063718 Update TestInferBinaryName to reduce dependence on sun.boot.class.path
P4 JDK-8054215 Use instead of 'assert'
P4 JDK-8149160 use StringJoiner in sjavac option handling
P4 JDK-8080842 Using Lambda Expression with name clash results in ClassFormatError
P4 JDK-8043741 VerifyError due to missing checkcast
P4 JDK-8166108 VerifyError passing anonymous inner class to supertype constructor
P4 JDK-8038776 VerifyError when running successfully compiled java class
P4 JDK-8069254 Warning issued despite @SafeVarargs annotation on constructor
P4 JDK-8168499 Workaround intermittent failures of
P4 JDK-8064362 WriteableScope.dupUnshared misbehaves on shared Scopes
P4 JDK-8061778 Wrong LineNumberTable for default constructors
P4 JDK-8143133 Wrong MethodParameters on capturing local class with multiple constructors
P5 JDK-8148100 Convert lambda most specific positive tests to check runtime behavior
P5 JDK-8034980 Fix @summary tag of test/tools/javac/parser/
P5 JDK-8160504 Fix typo in JavacProcessingEnvironment.importStringToPattern
P5 JDK-8037804 Implement specified test for related functional interface types
P5 JDK-8050021 Improper "duplicate case label" error
P5 JDK-8043893 Inference doesn't report error on incompatible upper bounds
P5 JDK-8067422 Lambda method names are unnecessarily unstable
P5 JDK-8035758 Move annotation codepaths from to
P5 JDK-8044050 Move misplaced inference tests to test/tools/javac/generics/inference
P5 JDK-6987475 Order of declarations affects whether abstract method considered overridden
P5 JDK-8027999 Poorly worded error message when attempting to assign to this
P5 JDK-8042338 Refactor Types.upperBound to treat wildcards and variables separately
P5 JDK-8065054 Some tests have junk before the legal header


Priority Bug Summary
P1 JDK-8182736 javadoc generates bad names and broken module graph links
P1 JDK-8161255 jdk build "all" (docs) fails on all platforms, error from
P2 JDK-8149886 16 windows tests broke with recent putback
P2 JDK-8149139 [javadoc] Modify Content to accept CharSequence
P2 JDK-8179479 Add new styles to enable HTML 5 tables
P2 JDK-8174974 Annotation type pages generated by javadoc is missing module information
P2 JDK-8177567 cache VisibleMemberMap
P2 JDK-8177417 Constructor Summary readability problems in jdk9 javadoc
P2 JDK-8175823 doclet crashes when documenting a single class in a module.
P2 JDK-8031212 doclint incorrectly rejects some @see tags in javadoc comments
P2 JDK-8182492 docs bundle needs legal notices for 3rd party libraries distributed for javadoc search
P2 JDK-8159305 Enhance the javadoc tool to support module related options
P2 JDK-8149903 Fix other Extern.
P2 JDK-8176901 Internal error running javadoc over jdk internal classes
P2 JDK-8154705 invalid use of ALL-MODULE-PATH causes crash
P2 JDK-8174805 JavacTrees should use Types.skipTypeVars() to get the upper bound of type variables
P2 JDK-8174839 javadoc crashes with a method which does not override a super.
P2 JDK-8175860 javadoc crashes with incorrect module sourcepath
P2 JDK-8176481 javadoc does not consider mandated modules
P2 JDK-8175346 javadoc does not handle Locations correctly with --patch-module
P2 JDK-8167383 Javadoc does not handle packages correctly when used with module option.
P2 JDK-8176778 javadoc does not produce summary pages for aggregated modules
P2 JDK-8174715 Javadoc fails on JDK 7 and JDK 8 sources with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
P2 JDK-8173419 Javadoc fix 8166175 results in test failures
P2 JDK-8178339 javadoc includes qualified opens in "Additional Opened Packages" section
P2 JDK-8155061 javadoc incorrectly sorted items in All Classes list and Index files
P2 JDK-8152818 Javadoc must support module options supported by javac.
P2 JDK-8150000 Javadoc omits package listing for type
P2 JDK-8031625 javadoc problems referencing inner class constructors
P2 JDK-8166175 javadoc search doesn't work on local doc bundles
P2 JDK-8175219 javadoc should exit when it encounters compilation errors.
P2 JDK-8167967 javadoc should identify the ordinal value of enum constants
P2 JDK-8042601 Javadoc sort fails
P2 JDK-8154482 javadoc tool must support legacy doclet and taglet
P2 JDK-8176452 Javadoc UI style issue with index in description.
P2 JDK-8178078 jdk/javadoc/doclet/testDeprecatedDocs/ failed due to some subtests failed
P2 JDK-8178079 jdk/javadoc/doclet/testModules/ failed due to some subtests failed
P2 JDK-8046068 JEP 224: HTML5 Javadoc
P2 JDK-8175200 Long method signatures disturb Method Summary table
P2 JDK-8148417 Memory leak in javadoc DocFileFactory
P2 JDK-8148413 Memory leak in javadoc VisibleMemberMap
P2 JDK-8157349 Missing doc-files in javadoc documentation
P2 JDK-8175799 module summary page shows duplicated output
P2 JDK-8154399 Need replacement for jdk.javadoc/
P2 JDK-8152771 NPE accessing comments on module declarations
P2 JDK-8150130 NPE building javafx docs with new doclet
P2 JDK-8145722 NullPointerException in javadoc
P2 JDK-8172528 problem generating JavaFX docs
P2 JDK-8176836 Provide Taglet with context
P2 JDK-8178725 provide way to link to external documentation
P2 JDK-8164316 Refine the Doclet APIs
P2 JDK-8177562 Small updates to module summary page
P2 JDK-8178830 standard doclet: -javafx option should be unhidden
P2 JDK-8178067 support for @uses/@provides tags is broken
P2 JDK-8178043 Support grouping modules in unified javadoc
P2 JDK-8072461 Table's field width in "Use" page generated by javadoc with '-s' is unbalanced
P2 JDK-8042886 Test langtools/test/com/sun/javadoc/testHtmlDocument/ fails on Windows
P2 JDK-8175218 The fix for JDK-8141492 broke formatting of some javadoc documentation.
P2 JDK-8177484 The old standard doclet should be deprecated for removal.
P3 JDK-8146475 "-helpfile" option issue
P3 JDK-8146427 "-nohelp" option issue
P3 JDK-8075703 "jdk.javadoc" module exports "" package which contains a lot of internal API.
P3 JDK-8072052
part of
list in javadoc should not be in monospace font
P3 JDK-8043698 tag not getting generated in package-summary pages for un-named packages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8050031</a></td> <td>[javadoc] class-use pages have duplicates and missing entries</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8037484</a></td> <td>[javadoc] fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: endPosTable already set</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047162</a></td> <td>[javadoc] index files are non deterministic</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042829</a></td> <td>[javadoc] index-file output is not sorted correctly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049393</a></td> <td>[javadoc] parameters are not sorted correctly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8073100</a></td> <td>[javadoc] Provide an ability to suppress document generation for specific elements.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054925</a></td> <td>[javadoc] refactor the Doclet start method.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039028</a></td> <td>[javadoc] refactor the usage of</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038583</a></td> <td>[javadoc] Refactor uses of arrays to Collections</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035473</a></td> <td>[javadoc] Revamp the existing Doclet APIs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042654</a></td> <td>[javadoc] revert the default methods list.sort to Collections.sort</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039231</a></td> <td>[javadoc] test failure caused by javax.crypto fix</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151777</a></td> <td>Add "@index" tag to the sampleapi generator</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8086737</a></td> <td>Add support for -release to Javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164747</a></td> <td>allclasses-frame broken after JDK-8162353</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032489</a></td> <td>API docs home page issues - Structure</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033071</a></td> <td>API docs home page issues - Table</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157102</a></td> <td>Avoid exceptional control flow in Configuration.getText</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162674</a></td> <td>change javadoc output text and style emitted by for-removal deprecations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8133223</a></td> <td>Clean up package handling code in JavadocTool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151102</a></td> <td>Cleanup javadoc exception handling</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150096</a></td> <td>Cleanup synthetic JCCompilationUnit for html files</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169608</a></td> <td>Compiler Tree API's Doctrees.getDocTreePath needs to accept a PackageElement</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8052392</a></td> <td>Convert class-use writer to javax.lang.model</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130880</a></td> <td>Create sampleapi regression test</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157606</a></td> <td>deprecate com.sun.javadoc API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157608</a></td> <td>deprecate old entry points for javadoc tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8076026</a></td> <td>DocTree should parse hyphenated attributes correctly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154578</a></td> <td>Drop residual use of addReads from javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175055</a></td> <td>Errors reported by Arguments.validate should (probably) be fatal</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159096</a></td> <td>Expose (new) Standard doclet class.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8180486</a></td> <td>extLink taglet needs escaped "&"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157611</a></td> <td>field visiblePackages is null for the unnamed module producing NPE when accessed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165991</a></td> <td>Fix DocTreeFactory newDocCommentTree</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8179301</a></td> <td>Fix HTML 5 errors in jdk.javadoc module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8046069</a></td> <td>Fix javadoc tests in langtools regression ws for tidy warnings/errors</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8181441</a></td> <td>Fix minor typo/link in the old standard doclet API documentation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8179632</a></td> <td>Fix the old doclet documentation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8074521</a></td> <td>Generate iframe instead of frame and frameset for index.html page</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151743</a></td> <td>Header can still disappear behind the navbar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160137</a></td> <td>HTMLDoclet and AbstractDoclet should implement Doclet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160697</a></td> <td>HTMLWriter needs perf cleanup</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166379</a></td> <td>IAE while invoking javadoc with --patch-module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8141492</a></td> <td>Implement search feature in javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172753</a></td> <td>Improve style of left-side index pages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8148399</a></td> <td>Increase heap for langtools regression tests</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176231</a></td> <td>javadoc -javafx creates bad link when Property is an array of objects</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8140429</a></td> <td>javadoc @index words must also be in the generated index html file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166391</a></td> <td>Javadoc allows use of both options "--module-source-path" and "--source-path" at the same time.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8041628</a></td> <td>Javadoc cross-compilation problem</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175048</a></td> <td>javadoc does not decode options containing '=' and ':' correctly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139101</a></td> <td>javadoc emits "specified by" clause when class has a method that matches a static interface method</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8048806</a></td> <td>Javadoc errors out on some valid HTML tags</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173707</a></td> <td>Javadoc generated pages should default to no-frames view</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159396</a></td> <td>javadoc getSupportedVersion returns 8 instead of 9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176539</a></td> <td>javadoc ignores module-info files on the command line</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8149842</a></td> <td>javadoc incorrectly tries to get the documentation for inherited methods.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038976</a></td> <td>javadoc requires a trailing / for links where java 7's javadoc didn't</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160301</a></td> <td>javadoc RootDoclmpl and DocEnv needs to be renamed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147890</a></td> <td>Javadoc search does not work with Enums</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176794</a></td> <td>javadoc search results sorted incorrectly on packages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8141636</a></td> <td>Javadoc search should support camelCase search</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8072945</a></td> <td>Javadoc should generate valid and compliant HTML5 output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047745</a></td> <td>Javadoc should include encoding information in generated html files</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8031969</a></td> <td> Javadoc should move to html5 and iframes </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162353</a></td> <td>javadoc should provide a way to disable use of frames</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175047</a></td> <td>javadoc should support --help-extra as a synonym for -X</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168766</a></td> <td>javadoc should support deprecation on modules.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8062504</a></td> <td>javadoc Start does not close file managers that it opens</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8048628</a></td> <td>javadoc strips HTML incorrectly; causes invalid generated HTML files</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159756</a></td> <td>javadoc tests needs a tool invoker</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173804</a></td> <td>javadoc throws UnsupportedOperationException: should not happen</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168688</a></td> <td>javadoc top left frame should display all modules while in module mode</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042809</a></td> <td>JEP 221: New Doclet API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8044243</a></td> <td>JEP 225: Javadoc Search</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166176</a></td> <td>module search generates URLs with extra '/'</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160196</a></td> <td>Module summary page should display information based on "api" or "detail" mode.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173302</a></td> <td>Move the Description up on module and package index page</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154349</a></td> <td>New doclet incorrectly shows entire text body for JavaFX properties in summary section</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166144</a></td> <td>New javadoc options don't conform to JEP 293 (GNU style options)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157987</a></td> <td>overview-summary.html generated by javadoc should include module information</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-7198272</a></td> <td>RFE : Javadoc Accessibility : Generate WAI-ARIA compliant HTML</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168965</a></td> <td>search items are not listed in any sensible order</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032066</a></td> <td>Serialized form has broken links to non private inner classes of package private</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8046071</a></td> <td>Set 1: update three javadoc tests for empty <p> tag</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047300</a></td> <td>Set 2: update tools/javadoc/6227454 test for missing <DOCTYPE> tags</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047303</a></td> <td>Set 3: update com/sun/javadoc/DocRootSlash/DocRootSlash for unexpected </a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047316</a></td> <td>Set 4: update javadoc tests to fix tidy warning for incorrect html comment</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047743</a></td> <td>Set 5: update com/sun/javadoc/testHref for unrecognized <action></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047744</a></td> <td>Set 6: update 2 javadoc tests for nested emphasis <code></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8048168</a></td> <td>Set 7: update 2 javadoc tests to add summary attribute for table tag</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8048293</a></td> <td>Set 8: update tools/javadoc/6227454 to have missing <head> tag</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164130</a></td> <td>Simplify doclet IOException handling</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176331</a></td> <td>Simplify new doclet packages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176131</a></td> <td>Simplify new Taglet API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6689311</a></td> <td>Some links are broken</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8149773</a></td> <td>StandardDocFileFactory should be converted to use java.nio.file.Path</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162363</a></td> <td>Tables in javadoc documentation missing row headers</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039251</a></td> <td>Test tools/javadoc/6964914/ fails</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163800</a></td> <td>The fix for JDK-8072052 shows up other minor incorrect use of styles</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160135</a></td> <td>The Html doclet handles options incorrectly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169813</a></td> <td>The index pages are sorted in a confusing manner</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8048351</a></td> <td>tidy errors for attribute href, name for langtools javadoc tests needs investigation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173667</a></td> <td>Update command line help for -public -protected -package -private options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8050954</a></td> <td>update DocRootSlash test for tidy error: empty <p></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146529</a></td> <td>Update the new Doclet API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159749</a></td> <td>Update toolbox ModuleBuilder for doc comments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8058755</a></td> <td>Update tools/javadoc/6227454 to add head tag </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047721</a></td> <td>@since should have JDK version</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039410</a></td> <td>[javadoc] fix class-use items to be deterministic and index ordering</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049396</a></td> <td>[javadoc] add more class-use test cases</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8135291</a></td> <td>[javadoc] broken link in Package</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047157</a></td> <td>[javadoc] fixup tests for determinism and add classes uses</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054044</a></td> <td>[javadoc] javadoc tester must print out the javadoc run arguments.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038732</a></td> <td>[javadoc] NetBeans IDE target does not build doclets</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129909</a></td> <td>Add -Xdoclint/package: to javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168368</a></td> <td>Add missing bug id for JDK-8167383</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-4649116</a></td> <td>Add option to include full package description at top, before interface table</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8041253</a></td> <td>Avoid redundant synonyms of NO_TEST</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8041150</a></td> <td>Avoid silly use of static methods in JavadocTester</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8031649</a></td> <td>Clean up javadoc tests</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038730</a></td> <td>Clean up the way JavadocTester is invoked, and checks for errors.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8040903</a></td> <td>Clean up use of BUG_ID in javadoc tests</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8058761</a></td> <td>Create a "Sample API" generator to assist testing javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-4773109</a></td> <td>Doclet API: Describe difference between Parameter and ParamTag</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163524</a></td> <td>doclet resources are redundant</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8075529</a></td> <td>Documentation in DocumentationTool.getTask(...) should mention about "null" parameter for doclet.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150077</a></td> <td>Due to a javac type inference issue, javadoc doesn't compile with a jdk prior to 8u40</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8040904</a></td> <td>Ensure javadoc tests do not overwrite results within tests</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178426</a></td> <td>Extra } is coming in the javadoc of Taglet.toString() API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8046613</a></td> <td>Fill in missing doc comments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150895</a></td> <td>Fix bug id in test for JDK-8149842</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178686</a></td> <td>Fix incorrect bug id in test.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032526</a></td> <td>fix the accessibility, html, syntax errors and warnings reported by doclint report in langtools</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154817</a></td> <td>Fix the click-through navigation for modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-4269446</a></td> <td>Include search engine in JDK documentation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-5043689</a></td> <td>inherit.gif should have a transparent background</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8148985</a></td> <td>javadoc "FRAMES" and "NO FRAMES" links not working correctly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035877</a></td> <td>javadoc classes are missing @return and @param tags</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6299868</a></td> <td>javadoc command displays the usage with error</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8061305</a></td> <td>Javadoc crashes when method name ends with "Property"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081820</a></td> <td>javadoc does not report warnings in case of multiple "@param" tags for the same parameter and multiple "@return" tags for the same method.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6457406</a></td> <td>javadoc doesn't handle <a href='http://...'> properly in producing index pages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8029145</a></td> <td>javadoc fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: endPosTable already set</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6469561</a></td> <td>javadoc for annotation types should not display "public abstract" modifiers on methods</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081854</a></td> <td>Javadoc should generate named anchors for HTML4 output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8040908</a></td> <td>javadoc test TestDocEncoding should use -notimestamp</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038726</a></td> <td>javadoc test TestTopOption has SRC_DIR in a string which is wrong.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035878</a></td> <td>javadoc tool documentation should be using {@code ..} specifier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8037881</a></td> <td>javax.crypto is not listed in the compact* profiles javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154261</a></td> <td>Module summary page should display directives for the module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154119</a></td> <td>Module summary page should display module description</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154262</a></td> <td>Navigation bar in javadoc generated pages needs to be updated to display module information</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035875</a></td> <td>remove deprecated html <font> tags from javadoc file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8031670</a></td> <td>Remove unneeded -source options in javadoc tests</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-5029959</a></td> <td>Store and pass in translated doc comments for values() and valueOf() of Enum</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156077</a></td> <td>Support javadoc tags in module documentation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175390</a></td> <td>TYPE_USE annotations not shown in JavaDoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155995</a></td> <td>Update javadoc to include module search</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157763</a></td> <td>update links to technotes in javadoc API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6469562</a></td> <td>Use compact notation to display annotation values</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035375</a></td> <td>Use of new HTML 5 tags should be warnings, not errors</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8062647</a></td> <td>Wrong indentation of arguments of annotated methods</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-7089994</a></td> <td>Wrong link to cpyr.html in overview-tree.html</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/javah</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152360</a></td> <td>deprecate javah</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153416</a></td> <td>unexport javah from jdk.compiler module</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/javap</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033711</a></td> <td>An exception is thrown if using the "-classpath" option with no arguments </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170708</a></td> <td>javap -m <module> cannot read a module-info.class</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047072</a></td> <td>javap OOM on fuzzed classfile</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035104</a></td> <td>reorder class file attributes in javap listing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033726</a></td> <td>StackMapTable does not unindent properly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8059631</a></td> <td>Use of '#' to represent MethodHandle kind is confusing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038414</a></td> <td>Constant pool's strings are not escaped properly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143366</a></td> <td>Control characters in constant pool strings are not escaped properly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032819</a></td> <td>Extra empty line between field declarations for the "-v -c" and "-v -l" combination of options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8051768</a></td> <td>Inconsistent output for Visible and InvisibleParameterAnnotations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033581</a></td> <td>Incorrect comment alignment</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033913</a></td> <td>Incorrect indentation of StackMapTable entries</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033686</a></td> <td>Internal error for zero indent</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8041793</a></td> <td>javap misses newline after printing AnnotationDefault</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033798</a></td> <td>javap output has unnecessary trailing whitespace</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032814</a></td> <td>LineNumberTable/LocalVariableTable tables duplication for the "-v -l" combination of options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032869</a></td> <td>remove support for legacy options in javap</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033114</a></td> <td>The values of non-static final fields are printed for the -constants option</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035364</a></td> <td>An extra space in the comments of constant pool entries</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033180</a></td> <td>An inappropriate newline symbol in the help section</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8034861</a></td> <td>Incorrect format and indentation of InnerClasses section</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033930</a></td> <td>Unnecessary new line after the StackMapTable</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/jconsole</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039027</a></td> <td>Fix serial lint warnings in jconsole and jstat</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8030698</a></td> <td>Some messages in jconsole in 7u40 (and later) aren't displayed correctly</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/jlink</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166860</a></td> <td>Add magic number to jmod file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159206</a></td> <td>All jlink tests failing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175026</a></td> <td>Capture build-time parameters to --generate-jli-classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153930</a></td> <td>Compiler crashed (intermittently)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8066492</a></td> <td>Enhance jrt file system to support /modules and /packages directories</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165772</a></td> <td>fix for 8165595 results in failure of jdk/test/tools/launcher/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175010</a></td> <td>ImageReader is not thread-safe</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146712</a></td> <td>jdk/internal/jimage/ fails on all platforms</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156766</a></td> <td>jdk/test/tools/jlink/plugins/ broken</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131679</a></td> <td>JEP 282: jlink: The Java Linker</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170113</a></td> <td>jimage extract to readonly directory causes MissingResourceException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169715</a></td> <td>jimage fails with IAE when attempts to inspect an empty file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169713</a></td> <td>jimage fails with StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when path to the inspected image is an empty string</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8132335</a></td> <td>jimage tool extract and recreate options are not consistent</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8132527</a></td> <td>jimage tool extract and recreate options are not consistent (no NPE)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178404</a></td> <td>jlink --suggest-providers should list providers from observable modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175193</a></td> <td>jlink and `requires static`</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159004</a></td> <td>jlink attempts to create launcher scripts when root/bin dir does not exist</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178405</a></td> <td>Jlink doesn't report anything when provider is not used by anyone.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163116</a></td> <td>jlink exclude VM plugin does not fully support cross platform image creation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155237</a></td> <td>jlink plugin to order resources should take a class list as input</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178327</a></td> <td>Jlink suggests more providers than requested.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173096</a></td> <td>jmod files are not world-readable</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8087181</a></td> <td>Move native jimage code to its own library (maybe libjimage)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175819</a></td> <td>OS name and arch in JMOD files should match the values as in the bundle names</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173381</a></td> <td>osName/osArch/osVersion is missing in ModuleDescriptor created by SystemModules </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170289</a></td> <td>Re-examine entry point support in jlink</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080511</a></td> <td>Refresh of jimage support</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174740</a></td> <td>RuntimeException: Module m's descriptor returns inconsistent package set</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159172</a></td> <td>Update usage of jlink/jimage/jmod to show option patterns</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174718</a></td> <td>"Module <name>'s descriptor returns inconsistent package set" confusing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156209</a></td> <td>Add argument checks to BasicImageReader calls</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150990</a></td> <td>Add helper class in jdk.jlink for packager use to avoid coordination with FX and JDK builds</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171316</a></td> <td>Add IMPLEMENTOR property to the release file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159487</a></td> <td>Add JAVA_VERSION, OS_NAME, OS_ARCH properties in release file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166568</a></td> <td>Add jmod extract subcommand</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158061</a></td> <td>Additional argument checks to BasicImageReader calls</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154179</a></td> <td>BasicImageReader activating ImageBufferCache when not used</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155756</a></td> <td>Better context for some jlink exceptions</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8149776</a></td> <td>BSD license for jimage code</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156781</a></td> <td>change to jlink has result in test failure</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147460</a></td> <td>Clean-up jrtfs implementation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164800</a></td> <td>Cross targeting Windows</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168254</a></td> <td>Detect duplicated resources in packaged modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168149</a></td> <td>Examine the behavior of jmod command-line options - repeating vs last one wins</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159228</a></td> <td>Exclude jlink tests until jrt-fs patterns are rectified </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146721</a></td> <td>FileCopierPlugin should not create fake module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157936</a></td> <td>Files.size(Path p) returns 0 if path is from JrtFileSystem with exploded build</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151807</a></td> <td>ImageBufferCache should release buffers when all classes are loaded</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157992</a></td> <td>Improve jlink help message on optimization-related options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160359</a></td> <td>Improve jlink logging for cases when a plugin throws exception</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166645</a></td> <td>Include locales plugin throws InternalError with "*" specified.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155649</a></td> <td>IncludeLocalesPlugin throws NPE when jdk.localedata not resolved</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158272</a></td> <td> fails with timeout</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163320</a></td> <td>JAVA_VERSION in release file should come from java.base module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156602</a></td> <td>javac crashes again on Windows 32-bit with ClosedChannelException </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156994</a></td> <td>jimage --help is not helpful</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151806</a></td> <td>JImage decompress code needs to be revised to be more effective </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8069079</a></td> <td>jimage extract / list to organize classes by modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158407</a></td> <td>jimage: verify should do more extensive test</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173717</a></td> <td>jlink --help fails with missing "plugin.opt.plugin-module-path" key in resource bundle</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159781</a></td> <td>jlink --include-locales fails with java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159214</a></td> <td>jlink --include-locales problems</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152143</a></td> <td>jlink --include-locales should gracefully detect certain user error</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152742</a></td> <td>jlink --include-locales th fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158402</a></td> <td>jlink and related tools should use PathPatterns for all pattern operations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156914</a></td> <td>jlink API minor cleanups</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152704</a></td> <td>jlink command line output/help message improvement</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163952</a></td> <td>jlink exclude VM plugin does not support static libraries</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165503</a></td> <td>jlink exclude VM plugin's handling of jvmlibs is wrong</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165735</a></td> <td>jlink incorrectly accepts multiple --module-path and --limit-modules options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160459</a></td> <td>jlink minor code clean up</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162782</a></td> <td>jlink ResourcePool.releaseProperties should be removed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165697</a></td> <td>jlink running on Mac with windows jmods produces non-runnable image</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168091</a></td> <td>jlink should check security permission early when programmatic access is used</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166810</a></td> <td>jlink should fail on extra arguments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159393</a></td> <td>jlink should print a warning that a signed modular JAR will be treated as unsigned</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160348</a></td> <td>jlink should use System.out for usage messages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174826</a></td> <td>jlink support for linking in service provider modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147794</a></td> <td>Jlink's can't be consumed more than once and ModuleEntry content should be read only if needed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163256</a></td> <td>jlink/plugins/ failed with Selected VM server doesn't exist</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161067</a></td> <td>jlink: Enable plugins to use the module pool for class lookup </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166286</a></td> <td>jmod fails on symlink to directory</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160286</a></td> <td>jmod hash is creating unlinkable modules.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170618</a></td> <td>jmod should validate if any exported or open package is missing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154403</a></td> <td>JRT filesystem loaded by JDK8 with URLClassLoader is not closable since JDK-8147460</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175561</a></td> <td>Memory churn in jimage code affects startup after resource encapsulation changes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147491</a></td> <td>module graph consistency checks after jlink plugins operate on module pool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168925</a></td> <td>MODULES property should be topologically ordered and space-separated list</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169925</a></td> <td>Organize licenses by module in source, JMOD file, and run-time image</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168256</a></td> <td>Plugin alias options in jlink --help output seems to be in an arbitrary order</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162538</a></td> <td>plugin API should avoid read only pool, have module view separated from resource view and have pool builder to modify</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159593</a></td> <td>Plugin Set<Category> getType() should return a Category</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172659</a></td> <td>PluginException("TargetPlatform attribute is missing ...") - should be ModuleTarget</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160641</a></td> <td>PostProcessingPlugin and ExecutableImage should not be part of plugin API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160063</a></td> <td>Provide a means to disable a plugin via the command line</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147894</a></td> <td>Refresh jlink API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171380</a></td> <td>Remove all exports from jdk.jlink </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160829</a></td> <td>Remove ASMPool support from jlink</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172864</a></td> <td>Remove custom plugin module path</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171138</a></td> <td>Remove FileCopierPlugin </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173156</a></td> <td>Remove from the probelm list on windows</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174739</a></td> <td>Rename JMOD section name for native libraries from native to lib</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174209</a></td> <td>Renumber the compress levels </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163382</a></td> <td>ResourcePoolManager.findEntry has a bug in startsWith call</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171070</a></td> <td>Test fails</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172870</a></td> <td>test/tools/jmod/ fails on windows with AccessDeniedException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153038</a></td> <td>The set of jlink plugins enabled by default should be the same via CLI or jlink API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158468</a></td> <td>tools/jlink/plugins/ doesn't detect test failures</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152508</a></td> <td>tools/jlink/ failed intermittently</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169505</a></td> <td>Update changes by JDK-8159393 to reflect CCC review</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156499</a></td> <td>Update jlink to support creating images with modules that are packaged as multi-release JARs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8066577</a></td> <td>Cleanup and make better use of the stream API in the jrtfs code</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162797</a></td> <td>Code clean-up in IncludeLocalesPlugin</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153027</a></td> <td>Exclude tools/jimage/ </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169720</a></td> <td>jimage help message for --include option should be corrected</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8082537</a></td> <td>jimage should print usage when started with no args</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156995</a></td> <td>jimage: extract specified contents</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160346</a></td> <td> should compute exact number of plugins from jdk.jlink module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8134847</a></td> <td>jmod: module-info encountered in the cmds, libs or config is not added to jmod file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8134779</a></td> <td>jmod: ZipException is thrown if there are duplicate resources</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8148955</a></td> <td> compiled with wrong flags</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147426</a></td> <td>Missing definition for JIMAGE_NOT_FOUND</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161937</a></td> <td>non-ASCII characters in source code comments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162343</a></td> <td>non-ASCII characters in source code comments (.hpp)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161055</a></td> <td>Remove plugin ordering by isAfter, isBefore.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154090</a></td> <td>Remove support for jimage recreate</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157801</a></td> <td>spurious > character in the javadoc comment for</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163793</a></td> <td>jlink has typo in copy-files plugin help text example</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/jshell</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P1</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160935</a></td> <td>JShell: Without at least one source file 8160035 breaks build</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150874</a></td> <td>Disable the ComputeFQNsTest.testSuspendIndexing test</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178013</a></td> <td>Finetuning of merged tab and shift tab completion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169828</a></td> <td>jdk/jshell/ testStatementMush() fails frequently on all platform</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153482</a></td> <td>jdk/jshell/ fails on Windows after JDK-8147515</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8043364</a></td> <td>JEP 222: jshell: The Java Shell (Read-Eval-Print Loop)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173845</a></td> <td>JShell API: not patch compatible</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163817</a></td> <td>JShell tests: disable minor failing editor tool cases: 8161276, 8163816, 8159229</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174041</a></td> <td>jshell tool: --startup PRINTING references undeclared Locale class</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174028</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /method /type failed declaration listed (without indication)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173916</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /methods signature confusing/non-standard format</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176412</a></td> <td>jshell tool: automatic imports are excluded on /reload causing it to fail</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178077</a></td> <td>jshell tool: crash on ctrl-up or ctrl-down</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156910</a></td> <td>jshell tool: crash when code with syntax error contains format specifier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178023</a></td> <td>jshell tool: crash with ugly message on attempt to add non-existant module path</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177090</a></td> <td>jshell tool: crash: shift-tab twice on command</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173653</a></td> <td>jshell tool: ctrl-C when in external editor aborts jshell -- history lost</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174797</a></td> <td>jshell tool: invalid module path crashes tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169595</a></td> <td>jshell tool: pasting multiple lines hangs input</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176903</a></td> <td>jshell tool: poor /help descriptions, discoverability, and access</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155580</a></td> <td>jshell tool: push for -R missed added file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174796</a></td> <td>jshell tool: regression user home (tilde) not translated</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173652</a></td> <td>jshell tool: store history on fatal exit</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175304</a></td> <td>JShell tool: The /reset command hangs after setting a startup script</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177079</a></td> <td>jshell tool: usability of /help for commands and sub-commands</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177076</a></td> <td>jshell tool: usability of completion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8141092</a></td> <td>JShell: Completion hangs on identifier completion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173807</a></td> <td>JShell: control characters should be escaped in String values</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175886</a></td> <td>JShell: crash on tab-complete with NPE.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8179531</a></td> <td>JShell: fails to provide bytecode for dynamically created lambdas</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166744</a></td> <td>JShell: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException for legal history access</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173848</a></td> <td>JShell: less-than causes: reached end of file while parsing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158101</a></td> <td>JShell: Mac throws exception when called without any options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173893</a></td> <td>JShell: reduce memory leaks</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151570</a></td> <td>jtreg tests leave tty in bad state</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150860</a></td> <td>Mach 5 tier1 test started failing - jdk/jshell/ (after 8131027/8150814)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169599</a></td> <td>Several JShell tests are failing on Solaris after JDK-8145838</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162255</a></td> <td>'Alt-Enter v'/'Alt-Enter i' not working on some terminals</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143334</a></td> <td>@ignore langtools/test/jdk/jshell/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150427</a></td> <td>Demote and mark as intermittently failing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168974</a></td> <td>Editor support: include properties file in image</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8179303</a></td> <td>Fix HTML 5 errors in jdk.jshell module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170406</a></td> <td>JShell (root repo): remove exports exclusion from -Xlint for jdk.jshell</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8134254</a></td> <td>JShell API/tool: REPL for Java into JDK9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159111</a></td> <td>JShell API: Add access to wrappers and dependencies</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161983</a></td> <td>JShell API: Clean-up following 8160127 et. al.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131646</a></td> <td>JShell API: collapse ImportDeclaration into SubKind</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159122</a></td> <td>JShell API: Configurable invocation mechanism</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143964</a></td> <td>JShell API: convert query responses to Stream instead of List/Collection</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172255</a></td> <td>JShell API: ExecutionControl/LoaderDelegate: Remove unused/unimplemented setClassPath</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167185</a></td> <td>JShell API: Exported elements referring to inaccessible types in jdk.jshell</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159118</a></td> <td>JShell API: IDE integration support</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168615</a></td> <td>JShell API: jdk.jshell.spi should be a pluggable ServiceLoader SPI</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139837</a></td> <td>JShell API: make a common JShellException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164277</a></td> <td>JShell API: Snippets are immutable and should be available for post-mortem analysis</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159027</a></td> <td>JShell API: SourceCodeAnalysis.Suggestion has constructor, ...</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172414</a></td> <td>jshell not working in exploded JDK build</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143037</a></td> <td>JShell should determine commands by prefix</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156101</a></td> <td>JShell SPI: Provide a pluggable execution control SPI</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173232</a></td> <td>JShell test: ReplaceTest takes too long</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172678</a></td> <td>JShell Tests: Disable CompletionSuggestionTest.testBrokenClassFile2()</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139872</a></td> <td>JShell tests: EditorPadTest failing on headless</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173007</a></td> <td>JShell Tests: ToolFormatTest takes too long</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170194</a></td> <td>jshell tool (jdk repo): launch tool from JShellToolProvider</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172155</a></td> <td>jshell tool (make): include built-in startup scripts in image</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170195</a></td> <td>jshell tool (make): update javadoc generation for jdk.jshell to include jdk.jshell.tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165405</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /classpath is inconsistent</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167128</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /drop of statement gives confusing output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171130</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /edit adds empty statement to brace terminated snippet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143006</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /edit doesn't process each line as same as inputs for jshell</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167637</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /edit should use EDITOR setting</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177735</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /help /help -- typo "comand"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167462</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /help /reload is wrong about re-executing commands</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8140265</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /save saves rejected input</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080347</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /vars when the status is other than Active</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131019</a></td> <td>jshell tool: access javadoc from tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157200</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Add /retain command to persist settings</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151754</a></td> <td>jshell tool: add command line options for setting feedback mode</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154714</a></td> <td>jshell tool: add exports support</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157395</a></td> <td>jshell tool: allow the position of options on commands to be more flexible</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157185</a></td> <td>jshell tool: ambiguous format -- distinguished arguments should be options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173073</a></td> <td>jshell tool: blank lines removed from multiline snippets</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172179</a></td> <td>jshell tool: builtin startup settings should be by reference not content</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166535</a></td> <td>jshell tool: cannot handle non-ascii characters</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169818</a></td> <td>jshell tool: completion provider for /vars /methods /types gives -history</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177308</a></td> <td>jshell tool: documentation: multiple start-up files and predefines not documented</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169561</a></td> <td>jshell tool: double shift-tab on variable crashes tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167639</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Edit Pad has readability issues</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167636</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Edit Pad should be in its own module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080352</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Error message for using "package" should be more descriptive than "Failed"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167640</a></td> <td>jshell tool: external editor temp file should be *.java</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177078</a></td> <td>jshell tool: fix documentation of /help shortcuts</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152246</a></td> <td>jshell tool: history overflow</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080843</a></td> <td>JShell tool: invalid key error occurs when external editor is used.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164596</a></td> <td>jshell tool: jdk repo module pages to allow double-dash fix to access Jopt-simple</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170044</a></td> <td>jshell tool: jshell missing from</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158174</a></td> <td>jshell tool: leaks threads waiting on StopDetectingInputStream</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171387</a></td> <td>jshell tool: message inconsistencies</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166649</a></td> <td>jshell tool: missing --add-modules and --module-path</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171343</a></td> <td>jshell tool: missing options: --help-extra --show-version</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178992</a></td> <td>jshell tool: missing references in /help /set mode</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153551</a></td> <td>jshell tool: no longer a mechanism to see current feedback modes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170162</a></td> <td>jshell tool: no mechanism to programmatically launch</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171386</a></td> <td>jshell tool: paging of javadoc output broken on Windows</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163840</a></td> <td>jshell tool: provide way to display configuration settings</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172102</a></td> <td>jshell tool: remove print method forwarding to System.out from default startup</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167461</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Scanner#next() hangs tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153759</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Smart completion detection is not reliable</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167552</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Typo in jshell command '/? /reload' description</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171385</a></td> <td>jshell tool: unresponsive to ctrl-C in input wait on Windows</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160089</a></td> <td>jshell tool: use new double-dash long-form command-line options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153417</a></td> <td>jshell tool: use test passed locale to retrieve ResourceBundle</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154513</a></td> <td>JShell tool: welcome message should match feedback mode</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174762</a></td> <td>JShell: @since tags missing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164518</a></td> <td>JShell: Add failover case of explicitly listening to "localhost"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129559</a></td> <td>JShell: compilation fails if class, method or field is annotated and has modifiers</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167343</a></td> <td>JShell: Completeness analysis infers an incomplete declaration as COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI, which is a first line of Allman style</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153761</a></td> <td>JShell: Completion -- Show parameter names if possible </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172103</a></td> <td>JShell: crash in TaskFactory$WrapSourceHandler.diag</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158906</a></td> <td>JShell: crashes with extremely long result value</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154445</a></td> <td>JShell: Drop residual use of addReads from jshell</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081431</a></td> <td>JShell: Dropping import should update dependencies</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130450</a></td> <td>JShell: events are not generated for repeated source</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171981</a></td> <td>JShell: Fails compilation: new Object().getClass().getSuperclass()</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169519</a></td> <td>JShell: Gracefully handle start-up failures and hangs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169234</a></td> <td>JShell: hangs on startup on some computers caused by hostname</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171892</a></td> <td>JShell: incorrect printing of multidemensional arrays</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174245</a></td> <td>JShell: Javadoc is not working for some methods</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166581</a></td> <td>JShell: locks forever if -R options is wrong</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166890</a></td> <td>JShell: locks forever when input is piped</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131024</a></td> <td>JShell: multi-line comment not detected as incomplete</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166655</a></td> <td>JShell: Process running JShell should not be blocked from exit by non-daemon data-transfer threads</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131029</a></td> <td>JShell: recover from VMConnection launch failure</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157917</a></td> <td>JShell: shutdown could cause remote JDWP errors to be visible to users</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167643</a></td> <td>JShell: silently ignore access modifiers (as semantically irrelevant)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143952</a></td> <td>JShell: space in class path causes remote launch failure</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8133507</a></td> <td>JShell: StackTraceElement#getFileName of EvalException does not use custom id generator</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131023</a></td> <td>JShell: does not work</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131013</a></td> <td>JShell: The prompt isn't always printed at the right location after executing a command</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145239</a></td> <td>JShell: throws AssertionError when replace classes with some methods which depends on these classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172530</a></td> <td>JShell: TypeProjection .stream().map(...).collect(...) must be replaced with .map(...)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152296</a></td> <td>langtools/test/jdk/jshell/ failing if there is no persisted history</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165564</a></td> <td>langtools\test\jdk\jshell\ fails on some windows </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156158</a></td> <td>Mark as intermittently failing, demote to tier 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147949</a></td> <td>NetBeans cannot open langtools repository because of the reserved word "aux"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168972</a></td> <td>Editor support: move built-in and external editor support to the jdk repo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174262</a></td> <td>Error message misspelling: "instanciated"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144906</a></td> <td>Fix jshell's ToolBasicTest</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8133549</a></td> <td>Generalize jshell's EditingHistory</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150632</a></td> <td>jdk.jshell.TaskFactory should use jdk.Version to check for java.specification.version</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131027</a></td> <td>JShell API/tool: suggest imports for a class</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159635</a></td> <td>JShell API: Add compiler options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160035</a></td> <td>JShell API: Add javadoc overview and package files</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150382</a></td> <td>JShell API: Allow setting remote JVM arguments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139832</a></td> <td>JShell API: Diag constructor should not be exposed and fix typo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160127</a></td> <td>JShell API: extract abstract JDI and abstract streaming implementations of ExecutionControl</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160128</a></td> <td>JShell API: extract abstract streaming remote agent</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139831</a></td> <td>JShell API: Need to escape or otherwise format "<" and ">" in code sample in package description. </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081845</a></td> <td>JShell API: Need way to refresh relative to external state</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139829</a></td> <td>JShell API: No use of fields to return information from public types</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159935</a></td> <td>JShell API: Reorganize execution support code into jdk.jshell.execution</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153896</a></td> <td>JShell API: doc -- breaks make doc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139835</a></td> <td>JShell API: doc -- specify: no meaning, dynamic</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129631</a></td> <td>JShell test: Add tests for Key.Kind</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157528</a></td> <td>JShell tests: jdk/jshell/ failed intermittently with NPE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163816</a></td> <td>JShell tests: jdk/jshell/ -- unexpected results EditorTestBase.testEditClass1() and .testEditMethod1()</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161132</a></td> <td>JShell tests: jdk/jshell/ should pass if sources are not provided</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157953</a></td> <td>JShell tests: reenable ToolBasicTest</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157918</a></td> <td>JShell tests: StartOptionTest displays insufficient information to diagnose failures</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143956</a></td> <td>JShell tool (UX): default prompts</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143955</a></td> <td>JShell tool (UX): Output structure</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153897</a></td> <td>jshell tool: "not active" must be pulled from resource file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8178520</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /help /save -- incorrect description of /save -start</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174857</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /help /set truncation -- confusing indentation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170015</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /help output looks terrible on a 100 column wide terminal</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147887</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /list start -- fails</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147898</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /reload quiet -- should quiet echo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161969</a></td> <td>jshell tool: /var value is not truncated per feedback setting</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146138</a></td> <td>jshell tool: add /help <command></td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157517</a></td> <td>jshell tool: allow undoing operations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157393</a></td> <td>jshell tool: change /set newmode ... to be consistent with /retain mode</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080763</a></td> <td>JShell tool: clarify documentation of /edit command</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8142447</a></td> <td>JShell tool: Command change: re-run n-th command should be re-run by id</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147886</a></td> <td>jshell tool: commands don't allow reference to start-up or explicit id of dropped/failed snippets</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8164825</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Completion for subcommand</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153402</a></td> <td>jshell tool: completion provider for /help</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8148316</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Configurable output format</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166637</a></td> <td>jshell tool: confusing truncation of long result values</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147495</a></td> <td>jshell tool: correctly handle arguments on /seteditor command</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8142384</a></td> <td>JShell tool: New command: /imports, /i which show the list of imported packages or classes, etc...</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144095</a></td> <td>JShell tool: normalize command parameter handling </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166183</a></td> <td>jshell tool: on return from Ctrl-Z, garbage on screen, dies with Ctrl-C</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131017</a></td> <td>jshell tool: pasting code with tabs invokes tab completion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170368</a></td> <td>jshell tool: post setting not properly applied, line-ends not prefixed correctly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151755</a></td> <td>jshell tool: properly cover resolution issues in output configuration</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155581</a></td> <td>jshell tool: replace use of Option.get()</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158738</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Save does not affect jshell if started from another editor</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166333</a></td> <td>jshell tool: shortcut var does not import its type</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153716</a></td> <td>JShell tool: should warn when failed to launch editor</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153433</a></td> <td>jshell tool: truncate value display if too long</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157261</a></td> <td>jshell tool: truncation for expressions is not consistent</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166589</a></td> <td>jshell tool: typo: remove out of place text in /help /set truncation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8148317</a></td> <td>jshell tool: unify commands into /set</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8133012</a></td> <td>JShell tool: UX (user experience)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154812</a></td> <td>jshell tool: value printing truncation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160009</a></td> <td>JShell: Add SPI and execution to generated JShell javadoc (root ws)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8149524</a></td> <td>JShell: CompletenessAnalysis fails on class Case<E1 extends Enum<E1>, E2 extends Enum<E2>, E3 extends Enum<E3>> {}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080071</a></td> <td>JShell: Completion detection: "new" constructor reference considered incomplete</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146368</a></td> <td>JShell: couldn't smash the error when it's Japanese locale</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131025</a></td> <td>JShell: crash on tab-complete reference to bad class file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144903</a></td> <td>JShell: determine incorrectly the type of the expression which is array type of captured type</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152925</a></td> <td>JShell: enable corralling of any type declaration, including enum</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156911</a></td> <td>JShell: file manager should be closed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165211</a></td> <td>JShell: Fix completion analysis problems</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145263</a></td> <td>JShell: Fix the format of SourceCodeAnalysis#documentation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166400</a></td> <td>JShell: friendlier representation of array values</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130454</a></td> <td>JShell: incorrect completion analysis for class literals</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154485</a></td> <td>JShell: infrastructure for multi-Snippet class wrappers</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129422</a></td> <td>JShell: methods and fields of uncompleted expressions should be suggested</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080357</a></td> <td>JShell: Only unqualified unresolved references should be corralled</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154377</a></td> <td>JShell: readAndReportExecutionResult() in the ExecutionControl does not actually throw ClassNotFoundException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080354</a></td> <td>JShell: Runtime visible annotations cannot be retrieved</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154374</a></td> <td>JShell: setContextClassLoader() for remote Snippet class loader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8114842</a></td> <td>JShell: SourceCodeAnalysis splits code with array initialiazer incorrectly</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080069</a></td> <td>JShell: Support for corralled classes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144756</a></td> <td>JShell: missing @bug tag for 8142447</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129421</a></td> <td>JShell: unacceptable suggestions in 'extends', 'implements' in smart completion</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8141415</a></td> <td>JShell: wrap erroneous with one-liner comment-outed imports</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153243</a></td> <td>make docs should generate JShell API docs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147984</a></td> <td>WindowsTerminal should support function keys</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156984</a></td> <td>JShell tool: for (FormatCase e : EnumSet.allOf(FormatCase.class)) </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080067</a></td> <td>jshell tool: Need way to escape incomplete input</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080883</a></td> <td>JShell tool: tool does not report errors if -startup and -nostartup flags are specified</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/launcher</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P1</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8183141</a></td> <td>java --help-extra in non-English locales lists --permit-illegal-access which no longer exists</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P1</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154212</a></td> <td>launcher SEGV when _JAVA_LAUNCHER_DEBUG is set</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P1</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171245</a></td> <td>Solaris builds fails after JDK-8170663</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8132379</a></td> <td>-J options can cause crash or "Warning: app args parsing error passing arguments as-is"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8024033</a></td> <td>[launcher] remove solaris dual mode support</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8181033</a></td> <td>Confusing message: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173711</a></td> <td>Disable JAVA_OPTIONS env variable support until JDK-8173712 is resolved</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174694</a></td> <td>improve error message shown when main class can't be loaded</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172215</a></td> <td>java launcher no longer accepts -cp "" empty string</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152721</a></td> <td>Java Web Start splash mechanism is not working in JDK9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175000</a></td> <td>jexec fails to execute simple helloworld.jar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173712</a></td> <td>Rename JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8143640</a></td> <td>Showing incorrect result while passing specific argument in the Java launcher tools</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8027634</a></td> <td>Support @argfiles for java command-line tool</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8180447</a></td> <td>Trailing space in JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS causes an application fail to launch</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144533</a></td> <td> failing after Verona changes in dev</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144660</a></td> <td> fails when it tries to run jaccess*.exe -J-version on windows</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170832</a></td> <td>Add a new launcher environment variable JAVA_OPTIONS</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159596</a></td> <td>Add java --dry-run</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145409</a></td> <td>Better detect JRE that JLI will be using</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173943</a></td> <td>Change error reporting of LauncherHelper to include actual Error class name</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8172309</a></td> <td>classpath wildcards code does not support --class-path</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154470</a></td> <td>defines.h confused about PROGNAME and JAVA_ARGS</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160698</a></td> <td>java --dry-run should not cause main class be initialized</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039071</a></td> <td>java -X options do not list all documented -X options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8029388</a></td> <td>java.exe consumes argument intended for launched java class</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8077822</a></td> <td>javac does not recognize '*.java' as file if '-J' option is specified</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042469</a></td> <td>Launcher changes for native memory tracking scalability enhancement</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173634</a></td> <td>libjli/cmdtoargs.c does not compile with VS2010</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065825</a></td> <td>Make the java -help consistent with the man page</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168093</a></td> <td>Need a way for the launcher to query the JRE location using Windows registry.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6765774</a></td> <td>new launcher behavior in jdk 7 b38</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8074373</a></td> <td>NMT is not enabled if NMT option is specified after class path specifiers</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081824</a></td> <td>Remove dead code GetPublicJREHome in the launcher</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169001</a></td> <td>Remove launcher's built-in ergonomics</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8058407</a></td> <td>Remove Multiple JRE support in the Java launcher</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160851</a></td> <td>Remove old launcher module-related options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8074840</a></td> <td>Resolve disabled warnings for libjli and libjli_static</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167063</a></td> <td>spurious message "A JNI error has occurred" if start-class cannot be initialized</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161951</a></td> <td>8132379 introduced non ANSI C coding</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042266</a></td> <td>[launcher] create test groups for launcher regression tests</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145418</a></td> <td>[macosx] Help message for -Xdock:name has a superfluous trailing quote "</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080991</a></td> <td>Compilation error with recent clang in java.base/share/native/launcher/main.c: error: comparison of array 'const_jargs' not equal to a null pointer is always true</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168010</a></td> <td>Deprecate obsolete launcher -d32/-d64 options</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8050071</a></td> <td>JEP 231: Remove Launch-Time JRE Version Selection</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157211</a></td> <td>Mark tools/launcher/ as intermittently failing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8067290</a></td> <td>Missing bug id in test/tools/launcher/*</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035782</a></td> <td>sun/launcher/LauncherHelper$FXHelper loaded unnecessarily</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8078225</a></td> <td>tools/launcher/ fails intermittently (win)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8066185</a></td> <td>VM crashed with SIGSEGV VirtualMemoryTracker::add_reserved_region</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8155939</a></td> <td>sun.launcher.LauncherHelper INSTANCE is unused</td> </tr> </table> <h3>tools/visualvm</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8058101</a></td> <td>Integrate new version of Java VisualVM based on VisualVM 1.3.8 into JDK</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160881</a></td> <td>Remove jvisualvm from JDK9</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8181702</a></td> <td>Add @Deprecated(since="9", forRemoval=true) to the jdk.xml.bind and modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173390</a></td> <td>Investigate SymbolTable in SAXParser</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153262</a></td> <td>javax/xml/bind/marshal/8134111/ fails</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042058</a></td> <td>Missing deleted files from JDK-8040754 breaks jdk9/dev build</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8042244</a></td> <td>Re-examine the supportedness of non-SE org.w3c.dom.** API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8180385</a></td> <td>Fix HTML5 issues in the java.xml module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8068839</a></td> <td>newDuration(x) produces incorrect outputs for some values of x</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8072579</a></td> <td> creates files in test.src</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049109</a></td> <td>Add @since 1.9 to new packages added in jaxp</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129527</a></td> <td>Develop tests for Catalog API: Basic resolutions</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129530</a></td> <td>Develop tests for Catalog API: Catalog file management</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129528</a></td> <td>Develop tests for Catalog API: Complex resolutions</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129529</a></td> <td>Develop tests for Catalog API: Control resolution</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129531</a></td> <td>Develop tests for Catalog API: Miscellaneous cases</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145545</a></td> <td>Typos in Javadoc of XmlAdapter</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/javax.xml.parsers</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8034087</a></td> <td>XML parser may overwrite element content if that content falls onto the border of an entity scanner buffer</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8072081</a></td> <td>Supplementary characters are rejected in comments</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035469</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: EncodingMap does not recognize Java-style encodings Cp1141-Cp1149</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8059327</a></td> <td>XML parser returns corrupt attribute value</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8058175</a></td> <td>[XML 1.0/1.1] - Attribute values with supplemental characters are being corrupted.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-7156085</a></td> <td>ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException throws in UTF8Reader of SAXParser</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8067474</a></td> <td>Examine reference to the lib/ in StAX</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173111</a></td> <td>Excessive recursion in EventFilterSupport when filtering over large number of XML events can cause StackOverflow</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169450</a></td> <td>StAX parse error if there is a newline in xml declaration</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8061686</a></td> <td>Size limits in BufferAllocator should have been final</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8069098</a></td> <td>StAX produces the wrong event stream</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147051</a></td> <td>StaxEntityResolverWrapper should create StaxXMLInputSource with a resolver indicator</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/javax.xml.transform</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169112</a></td> <td>java.lang.VerifyError: (class: GregorSamsa, method: template$dot$0$outline$1 signature: (LGregorSamsa$48;)V) Register 10 contains wrong type</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175043</a></td> <td>Multiple jaxp tests failing across platforms</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174025</a></td> <td>Regression in XML Transform caused by JDK-8087303 </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169772</a></td> <td>[JAXP] XALAN: Transformation of DOM with null valued text node causes NPE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169631</a></td> <td>[JAXP] XALAN: transformation of XML via namespace-unaware SAX input yields a different result than namespace-unaware DOM input</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161454</a></td> <td>Fails to Load external Java method from inside of a XSL stylesheet if SecurityManager is present</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8058152</a></td> <td>JDK accepts XSLT stylesheet having import element erroneously placed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162666</a></td> <td>Mark as intermittently failing</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165116</a></td> <td>redirect function is not allowed even with enableExtensionFunctions </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8179868</a></td> <td>Java API Docs of javax.xml.transform.stax contains TODOs</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/javax.xml.validation</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049514</a></td> <td>FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING can not be turned off on a validator through SchemaFactory</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8037819</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: jaxp/validation/XMLSchemaFactory</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8142900</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: Xerces XPath</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8036951</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: and</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8142463</a></td> <td>Xml schema validation failing after Xerces update; maxOccurs ignored </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6948474</a></td> <td>XSD: fractionDigits cannot be other than 0 for byte, short and etc.(i.e. a whole number)</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/javax.xml.xpath</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8087283</a></td> <td>Add support for the XML Signature here() function to the JDK XPath implementation </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8160069</a></td> <td>RuntimeException thrown by XPathFactory::newInstance missing the cause</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054196</a></td> <td>XPath: support any type</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/jax-ws</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177883</a></td> <td>access denied ("java.lang.RuntimePermission" "createClassLoader") from de-privileged module module even with "all-permissions" on</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047775</a></td> <td>Audit JAX-WS and SAAJ, scope out API/other changes that might be needed to work with modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8040754</a></td> <td>Break the circular dependency between SAAJ and JAXB </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8029815</a></td> <td>Constants in seis not allowed, contrary to the jax-ws specification</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8012914</a></td> <td>incorrect GPL headers in newly added JAX-WS packages</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038307</a></td> <td>JAX-WS conformance tests fail when running JCK-devtools-8 suite against RI in EBCDIC emulation mode</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054548</a></td> <td>JAX-WS tools need to updated to work with modular image</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8182137</a></td> <td>Missing permissions in deprivileged java.xml.bind and modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146086</a></td> <td>Publishing two webservices on same port fails with " Address already in use"</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170370</a></td> <td>Re-examine wrapper gen in JAX-WS</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8078057</a></td> <td>Reapply fixes for 8073361, 8073374, 8073696</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169313</a></td> <td>Service.<init> fails with SecurityException, not granted NetPermission("getProxySelector")</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8174735</a></td> <td>Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065870</a></td> <td>Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version (2.2.11-b141124.1933)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8071585</a></td> <td>Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version (2.2.11-b150127.1410)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8076549</a></td> <td>Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version (2.2.11-b150402.1412)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139743</a></td> <td>Update JAX-WS RI integration to latest version (2.3.0-SNAPSHOT)</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8060113</a></td> <td>Updates to JAX-WS tools to work with modular image need further work</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153060</a></td> <td>WebService annotation processor cannot use javac internal APIs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153944</a></td> <td>wsimport and wsgen usage messages not printed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8057645</a></td> <td>Deprivilege JAX-WS, JAXB, JAF to extension class loader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166745</a></td> <td>Eliminate SAAJ dependency on JAXP internal API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049380</a></td> <td>Examine reference to ${java.home}/lib in</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049381</a></td> <td>Examine references to ${java.home}/lib in javax.xml.soap</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8039210</a></td> <td>Fix type error in DefaultResourceInjector</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8043129</a></td> <td>JAF initialisation in SAAJ clashing with the one in javax.mail</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8038966</a></td> <td>JAX-WS handles wrongly xsd:any arguments for Web services</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131667</a></td> <td>JAX-WS Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129960</a></td> <td>JAX-WS tools - exporting generated java types</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161549</a></td> <td>Need to build JAX-WS without dependency on JDK-internal sun.reflect.misc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8043762</a></td> <td>Remove unused files from jaxws repository</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173604</a></td> <td>Rename module java.annotations.common to</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131334</a></td> <td>SAAJ Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8159058</a></td> <td>SAXParseException when sending soap message</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8067867</a></td> <td>Subsume module java.xml.soap into module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130753</a></td> <td>Sync-up javadoc changes in jax-ws area - includes JAX-B API, JAX-WS API, SAAJ-API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8148861</a></td> <td>Update jaxws to use the new non-inheriting thread-local Thread constructor</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156928</a></td> <td>XmlDataContentHandler did not handle MimeType "application/XML", because of uppercase</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8182405</a></td> <td>add legal file for freebxml</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8073374</a></td> <td>Re-examine dependency on SOAPNamespaceConstants</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8098582</a></td> <td>Remove redundant package.html file in</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065107</a></td> <td> contains incorrect property value syntax</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065103</a></td> <td> contains spurious quote character</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065100</a></td> <td> contains spurious "/" character</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065104</a></td> <td> contains unnecessary double quote character</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/jaxb</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8047774</a></td> <td>Audit JAXB and scope out API/other changes that might be needed to work with modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150173</a></td> <td>JAXBContext.newInstance causes PrivilegedActionException when createContext's declared in abstract class extended by discovered JAXB implementation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8046817</a></td> <td>JDK 8 schemagen tool does not generate xsd files for enum types</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145112</a></td> <td>newInstance(String, ClassLoader): java.lang.JAXBException should not be wrapped as expected according to spec</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145104</a></td> <td>NPE is thrown when JAXBContextFactory implementation is specified in system property</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8061466</a></td> <td> RELAX NG API visible but not accessible</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8072839</a></td> <td>JAX-B Plugability Layer: using java.util.ServiceLoader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129946</a></td> <td>JAXB tools - exporting generated java types</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8073519</a></td> <td>schemagen does not report errors while generating xsd files</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080502</a></td> <td>Update JAXB and JAX-WS to work with resource encapsulation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8040282</a></td> <td>With active Securitymanager JAXBContext.newInstance fails</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8043092</a></td> <td>XML JAXB test colocation</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8076139</a></td> <td>[TEST_BUG] test/javax/xml/ws/8046817/ creates files in test.src</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163266</a></td> <td>Doc for ValidationEvent#getSeverity() should say it returns a constant from ValidationEvent instead of ValidationError</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157311</a></td> <td>FileNotFoundException from Unmarshaller.unmarshal(File f), if f contains #</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/jaxp</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8062608</a></td> <td>BCEL corrupts debug data of methods that use generics</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8064516</a></td> <td>BCEL still corrupts generic methods if bytecode offsets are modified</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8163232</a></td> <td>Catalog API: Consolidating CatalogResolver to support all XML Resolvers</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158084</a></td> <td>Catalog API: JAXP XML Processor Support</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8173260</a></td> <td>CatalogManager.catalogResolver should not fail when non-existing URI is passed to it</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8171243</a></td> <td>CatalogManager.catalogResolver throws FileSystemNotFoundException with jar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162431</a></td> <td>CatalogUriResolver with circular/self referencing catalog file is not throwing CatalogException as expected</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165617</a></td> <td>Cleanup whitespace in jaxp/test</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-5077522</a></td> <td> incorrect for some values</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081248</a></td> <td>Implement JEP 268: XML Catalog API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8076290</a></td> <td>JCK test api/xsl/conf/string/string17 starts failing after JDK-8074297</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150470</a></td> <td>JCK: api/xsl/conf/copy/copy19 test failure</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8044086</a></td> <td>JEP 255: Merge Selected Xerces 2.11.0 Updates into JAXP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8023732</a></td> <td>JEP 268: XML Catalogs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8029837</a></td> <td>NPE seen in XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.setProperty since 7u40b33</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176168</a></td> <td>Performance drop due to SAXParser SymbolTable reset</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8161538</a></td> <td>Relative rewriteSystem xml:base at group level failed with CatalogUriResolver.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150256</a></td> <td>removing xerces-related dead code</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8069054</a></td> <td>reU6 JCK test: 23F unicode character should match \w</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8043592</a></td> <td>The basic XML parser based on UKit fails to read XML files encoded in UTF-16BE or LE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8168968</a></td> <td>Two jaxp tests failing after JDK-8167646</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8177350</a></td> <td>Two missed in the change from ${java.home}/lib to ${java.home}/conf</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8156845</a></td> <td>Uri is getting incorrectly unwrapped</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8053965</a></td> <td>Xerces update breaks profile build</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144094</a></td> <td>Add Catalog API to java.xml module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169778</a></td> <td>Add new public methods to get new instances of the JAXP factories builtin system-default implementations</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8062518</a></td> <td>AIOBE occurs when accessing to document function in extended function in JAXP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8073385</a></td> <td>Bad error message on parsing illegal character in XML attribute</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166220</a></td> <td>Catalog API: JAXP XML Processor Support - add StAX test coverage</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144966</a></td> <td>Catalog API: Null handling and reference to Reader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146606</a></td> <td>Catalog.matchSystem() appends an extra '/' to the matched result</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8166398</a></td> <td>CatalogSupport tests need to be fixed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129572</a></td> <td>Cleanup usage of getResourceAsStream in jaxp</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150969</a></td> <td>DEFER from Features API is taking precedence over defer preference in catalog file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8165784</a></td> <td>Deprecate the internal Catalog API in JDK 9</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8077931</a></td> <td>Develop tests for XML Catalog API</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8149915</a></td> <td>enabling validate-annotations feature for xsd schema with annotation causes NPE</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8049378</a></td> <td>Examine references to ${java.home}/lib in JAXP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8081392</a></td> <td>getNodeValue should return 'null' value for Element nodes</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032908</a></td> <td>getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151154</a></td> <td>IllegalArgumentException not thrown when wrong syntax value is set for javax.xml.catalog.files</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153781</a></td> <td>Issue in XMLScanner: EXPECTED_SQUARE_BRACKET_TO_CLOSE_INTERNAL_SUBSET when skipping large DOCTYPE section with CRLF at wrong place</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144967</a></td> <td>javax.xml.transform.Source and org.xml.sax.InputSource can be empty</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167002</a></td> <td>JAXP schema validator: Use HashSet instead of ArrayList for tracking XML IDs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054116</a></td> <td>LSSerializer doesn't remove the content of a node when it has a filter, which rejects any node</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167179</a></td> <td>Make XSL generated namespace prefixes local to transformation process</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150187</a></td> <td>NPE expected if the system identifier is null for CatalogResolver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8133924</a></td> <td>NPE may be thrown when xsltc select a non-existing node after JDK-8062518</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152530</a></td> <td>NullPointerException when xmlns=""</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8131907</a></td> <td>Numerous threads lock during XML processing while running Weblogic 12.1.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146237</a></td> <td>PREFER from Features API taking precedence over catalog file</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8175830</a></td> <td>Provide javadoc description for jdk.xml.dom module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8151162</a></td> <td>Public entries not searched when prefer='system'</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152527</a></td> <td>Relative rewriteSystem with xml:base at group level failed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8043666</a></td> <td>Remove unused files from jaxp repository</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8046274</a></td> <td>Removing dependency on jakarta-regexp </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8154220</a></td> <td>Semi-colon delimited list of catalog files in System property is throwing IllegalArgumentException</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8074297</a></td> <td>substring in XSLT returns wrong character if string contains supplementary chars</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8144593</a></td> <td>Suppress not recognized property/feature warning messages from SAXParser</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8077566</a></td> <td>Test Task: Develop tests for Xerces Update</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169948</a></td> <td>Update ServiceProviderTest for newDefaultInstance() methods in JAXP factories</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8153082</a></td> <td>Update XSLT compiler to generate classes that invoke addReads</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8150704</a></td> <td>XALAN: ERROR: 'No more DTM IDs are available' when transforming with lots of temporary result trees</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8056202</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: Catalog Resolver</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8033980</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: datatype XMLGregorianCalendarImpl and DurationImpl</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035577</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: impl/xpath/regex/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8041523</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: Serializer improvements from Xalan</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8176541</a></td> <td>XML deprecation "since" values should use 1.x version form for 1.8 and earlier</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8057941</a></td> <td>Xml document validator partly accepts UTF lexical presentation of digit and words</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8145974</a></td> <td>XMLStreamWriter produces invalid XML for surrogate pairs on OutputStreamWriter</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139584</a></td> <td>XMLStreamWriterImpl does not write 'standalone' property</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6211561</a></td> <td>XPath.evaluate(String,Object,QName) throws exception if context node is null</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8062923</a></td> <td>XSL: Run-time internal error in 'substring()'</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8062924</a></td> <td>XSL: wrong answer from substring() function</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8032909</a></td> <td>XSLT string-length returns incorrect length when string includes complementary chars</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8162598</a></td> <td>XSLTC transformer swallows empty namespace declaration which is needed to undeclare default namespace</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8046443</a></td> <td>A few typos in JAXP JavaDoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8074714</a></td> <td>Add javax/xml/jaxp/testng/validation to othervm.dirs in TEST.ROOT</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8075551</a></td> <td>Add tiered testing definitions to the jaxp repo</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8132091</a></td> <td>Clean up JAXP code that has dependency on Java version string</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129880</a></td> <td>Cleanup usage of getResource in jaxp</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130051</a></td> <td>Cleanup usage of reflection in jaxp</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146271</a></td> <td>File system contention in debug print via XPathFactory.newInstance</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130716</a></td> <td>Fix reference problems in jaxp javadoc</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8021787</a></td> <td>javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar.getMonth() return is documented wrong</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8147431</a></td> <td>javax/xml/jaxp/isolatedjdk/catalog/ copied JDK failed</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8129956</a></td> <td>jaxp: CodeSource.getLocation() might return null</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8132256</a></td> <td>jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/bcel/internal/util/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130059</a></td> <td>jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/ </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130058</a></td> <td>jaxp: Investigate removal of com/sun/org/apache/xalan/internal/xslt/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054115</a></td> <td>LSSerializer remove a '\n' following the xml declaration</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8074870</a></td> <td>Really add javax/xml/jaxp/testng/validation to othervm.dirs in TEST.ROOT </td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8130238</a></td> <td>Remove</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8180349</a></td> <td>Review JAXP Java SE 9 API javadocs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8067183</a></td> <td>TEST_BUG:File locked when processing the cleanup on test jaxp/test/javax/xml/jaxp/functional/javax/xml/transform/ptests/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8077332</a></td> <td>tidy warnings from javax/xml</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8170556</a></td> <td>Warnings cleanup related to JDK-8167340</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8037259</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: XPointer update</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8027359</a></td> <td>XML parser returns incorrect parsing results</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8077052</a></td> <td>tidy warnings for xml</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P5</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8139585</a></td> <td>Typo: "APIi" instead of "API"</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/org.w3c.dom</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8135283</a></td> <td>DOM API update: Element Traversal Specification</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8057627</a></td> <td>Add org.w3c.dom.ranges and org.w3c.dom.traversal as exported API in modules.xml</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8138721</a></td> <td>ElementTraversal: javadoc warning; also, hasFeature shall return true</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8080266</a></td> <td>Failed to create CharInfo due to ResourceBundle update for modules</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8146961</a></td> <td>Fix PermGen memory leaks caused by static final Exceptions</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8078139</a></td> <td>jdk.xml.dom should be loaded by the ext class loader</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8087303</a></td> <td>LSSerializer pretty print does not work anymore. regression?</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8114834</a></td> <td>LSSerializerImpl always serializes an entity reference node to" &entityName;" even if "entities" property is false</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054197</a></td> <td>org.w3c.dom.xpath visible but not accessibile</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8182111</a></td> <td>Package summary is missing in jdk.xml.dom module</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8169723</a></td> <td>remove jaxp/src/java.xml/share/classes/org/w3c/dom/xpath/COPYRIGHT.html</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035467</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: Move to Xalan based DOM L3 serializer. Deprecate Xerces' native serializer.</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8035437</a></td> <td>Xerces Update: xml/serialize/DOMSerializerImpl</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8054632</a></td> <td>[since-tag]: javadoc for xml classes has invalid @since tag</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065748</a></td> <td>Add a test to verify that non ascii characters in do not cause issues</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8065138</a></td> <td>Encodings.isRecognizedEnconding sometimes fails to recognize 'UTF8'</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8023276</a></td> <td>Java SE should include the full DOM API from JAXP</td> </tr> </table> <h3>xml/org.xml.sax</h3> <table> <tr> <th>Priority</th> <th>Bug</th> <th width='99%'>Summary</th> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8152912</a></td> <td>SAX XMLReaderFactory needs to be ServiceLoader compliant</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P2</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158246</a></td> <td>Several api/org_xml/sax/helpers/XMLReader tests failed due to no SAXException occurs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8015099</a></td> <td>Classloading boundary crossing in Java 7</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-6770436</a></td> <td>Entity callback order differs between Java1.5 and Java1.6</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8158619</a></td> <td>Very large CDATA section in XML document causes OOME</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P3</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8167340</a></td> <td>XMLStreamReader.getElementText return corrupt content when size of element is > 8192</td> </tr> <tr> <td>P4</td> <td><a href="">JDK-8157797</a></td> <td>SAX Parser throws incorrect error on invalid xml</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>