RELEASE NOTES FOR: openjdk8u442 ==================================================================================================== Notes generated: Sun Jan 12 05:04:22 CET 2025 Hint: Prefix bug IDs with to reach the relevant JIRA entry. JAVA ENHANCEMENT PROPOSALS (JEP): None. RELEASE NOTES: None. ALL FIXED ISSUES, BY COMPONENT AND PRIORITY: client-libs/2d: (P3) JDK-8260380: Upgrade to LittleCMS 2.12 client-libs/javax.swing: (P3) JDK-8239312: [macOS] javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/ (P3) JDK-8189687: Swing: Invalid position of candidate pop-up of InputMethod in Hi-DPI on Windows (P4) JDK-8315731: Open source several Swing Text related tests core-libs/java.lang:reflect: (P4) JDK-8058322: Zero name_index item of MethodParameters attribute cause MalformedParameterException. core-libs/java.nio: (P4) JDK-8133287: (fs) java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ should use othervm mode hotspot/compiler: (P2) JDK-8342822: jdk8u432-b06 does not compile on AIX (P2) JDK-8048003: test/compiler/8009761/ failed with: java.lang.RuntimeException: static java.lang.Object Test8009761.m3(boolean,boolean) not compiled (P4) JDK-8209023: fix 2 compiler tests to avoid JDK-8208690 hotspot/runtime: (P4) JDK-8339882: Replace ThreadLocalStorage::thread with Thread::current_or_null in jdk8 backport of JDK-8183925 hotspot/svc: (P1) JDK-8066708: JMXStartStopTest fails to connect to port 38112 (P4) JDK-8339133: [8u] Profiler crashes at guarantee(is_result_safe || is_in_asgct()): unsafe access to zombie method infrastructure/build: (P4) JDK-8342841: [8u] Separate jdk_security_infra tests from jdk_tier1 (P4) JDK-8340815: Add file (P4) JDK-8338402: GHA: some of bundles may not get removed infrastructure/release_eng: (P4) JDK-8339394: Bump update version of OpenJDK: 8u442