1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2012, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
  8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
  9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 10  *
 11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 15  * accompanied this code).
 16  *
 17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 20  *
 21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 23  * questions.
 24  */
 26 package java.lang.invoke;
 28 import jdk.internal.misc.CDS;
 29 import jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.*;
 30 import jdk.internal.util.ClassFileDumper;
 31 import sun.invoke.util.BytecodeDescriptor;
 32 import sun.invoke.util.VerifyAccess;
 33 import sun.security.action.GetBooleanAction;
 35 import java.io.Serializable;
 36 import java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs;
 37 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
 38 import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
 39 import java.util.Set;
 41 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleStatics.CLASSFILE_VERSION;
 42 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassOption.NESTMATE;
 43 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.ClassOption.STRONG;
 44 import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType;
 45 import static jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes.*;
 47 /**
 48  * Lambda metafactory implementation which dynamically creates an
 49  * inner-class-like class per lambda callsite.
 50  *
 51  * @see LambdaMetafactory
 52  */
 53 /* package */ final class InnerClassLambdaMetafactory extends AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory {
 54     private static final String METHOD_DESCRIPTOR_VOID = Type.getMethodDescriptor(Type.VOID_TYPE);
 55     private static final String JAVA_LANG_OBJECT = "java/lang/Object";
 56     private static final String NAME_CTOR = "<init>";
 57     private static final String LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD = "LAMBDA_INSTANCE$";
 59     //Serialization support
 60     private static final String NAME_SERIALIZED_LAMBDA = "java/lang/invoke/SerializedLambda";
 61     private static final String NAME_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION = "java/io/NotSerializableException";
 62     private static final String DESCR_METHOD_WRITE_REPLACE = "()Ljava/lang/Object;";
 63     private static final String DESCR_METHOD_WRITE_OBJECT = "(Ljava/io/ObjectOutputStream;)V";
 64     private static final String DESCR_METHOD_READ_OBJECT = "(Ljava/io/ObjectInputStream;)V";
 66     private static final String NAME_METHOD_WRITE_REPLACE = "writeReplace";
 67     private static final String NAME_METHOD_READ_OBJECT = "readObject";
 68     private static final String NAME_METHOD_WRITE_OBJECT = "writeObject";
 70     private static final String DESCR_CLASS = "Ljava/lang/Class;";
 71     private static final String DESCR_STRING = "Ljava/lang/String;";
 72     private static final String DESCR_OBJECT = "Ljava/lang/Object;";
 73     private static final String DESCR_CTOR_SERIALIZED_LAMBDA
 77     private static final String DESCR_CTOR_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION = "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
 78     private static final String[] SER_HOSTILE_EXCEPTIONS = new String[] {NAME_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION};
 80     private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
 82     // For dumping generated classes to disk, for debugging purposes
 83     private static final ClassFileDumper lambdaProxyClassFileDumper;
 85     private static final boolean disableEagerInitialization;
 87     // condy to load implMethod from class data
 88     private static final ConstantDynamic implMethodCondy;
 90     static {
 91         // To dump the lambda proxy classes, set this system property:
 92         //    -Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles
 93         // or -Djdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles=true
 94         final String dumpProxyClassesKey = "jdk.invoke.LambdaMetafactory.dumpProxyClassFiles";
 95         lambdaProxyClassFileDumper = ClassFileDumper.getInstance(dumpProxyClassesKey, "DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES");
 97         final String disableEagerInitializationKey = "jdk.internal.lambda.disableEagerInitialization";
 98         disableEagerInitialization = GetBooleanAction.privilegedGetProperty(disableEagerInitializationKey);
100         // condy to load implMethod from class data
101         MethodType classDataMType = methodType(Object.class, MethodHandles.Lookup.class, String.class, Class.class);
102         Handle classDataBsm = new Handle(H_INVOKESTATIC, Type.getInternalName(MethodHandles.class), "classData",
103                                          classDataMType.descriptorString(), false);
104         implMethodCondy = new ConstantDynamic(ConstantDescs.DEFAULT_NAME, MethodHandle.class.descriptorString(), classDataBsm);
105     }
107     // See context values in AbstractValidatingLambdaMetafactory
108     private final String implMethodClassName;        // Name of type containing implementation "CC"
109     private final String implMethodName;             // Name of implementation method "impl"
110     private final String implMethodDesc;             // Type descriptor for implementation methods "(I)Ljava/lang/String;"
111     private final MethodType constructorType;        // Generated class constructor type "(CC)void"
112     private final ClassWriter cw;                    // ASM class writer
113     private final String[] argNames;                 // Generated names for the constructor arguments
114     private final String[] argDescs;                 // Type descriptors for the constructor arguments
115     private final String lambdaClassName;            // Generated name for the generated class "X$$Lambda"
116     private final boolean useImplMethodHandle;       // use MethodHandle invocation instead of symbolic bytecode invocation
118     /**
119      * General meta-factory constructor, supporting both standard cases and
120      * allowing for uncommon options such as serialization or bridging.
121      *
122      * @param caller Stacked automatically by VM; represents a lookup context
123      *               with the accessibility privileges of the caller.
124      * @param factoryType Stacked automatically by VM; the signature of the
125      *                    invoked method, which includes the expected static
126      *                    type of the returned lambda object, and the static
127      *                    types of the captured arguments for the lambda.  In
128      *                    the event that the implementation method is an
129      *                    instance method, the first argument in the invocation
130      *                    signature will correspond to the receiver.
131      * @param interfaceMethodName Name of the method in the functional interface to
132      *                   which the lambda or method reference is being
133      *                   converted, represented as a String.
134      * @param interfaceMethodType Type of the method in the functional interface to
135      *                            which the lambda or method reference is being
136      *                            converted, represented as a MethodType.
137      * @param implementation The implementation method which should be called (with
138      *                       suitable adaptation of argument types, return types,
139      *                       and adjustment for captured arguments) when methods of
140      *                       the resulting functional interface instance are invoked.
141      * @param dynamicMethodType The signature of the primary functional
142      *                          interface method after type variables are
143      *                          substituted with their instantiation from
144      *                          the capture site
145      * @param isSerializable Should the lambda be made serializable?  If set,
146      *                       either the target type or one of the additional SAM
147      *                       types must extend {@code Serializable}.
148      * @param altInterfaces Additional interfaces which the lambda object
149      *                      should implement.
150      * @param altMethods Method types for additional signatures to be
151      *                   implemented by invoking the implementation method
152      * @throws LambdaConversionException If any of the meta-factory protocol
153      *         invariants are violated
154      * @throws SecurityException If a security manager is present, and it
155      *         <a href="MethodHandles.Lookup.html#secmgr">denies access</a>
156      *         from {@code caller} to the package of {@code implementation}.
157      */
158     public InnerClassLambdaMetafactory(MethodHandles.Lookup caller,
159                                        MethodType factoryType,
160                                        String interfaceMethodName,
161                                        MethodType interfaceMethodType,
162                                        MethodHandle implementation,
163                                        MethodType dynamicMethodType,
164                                        boolean isSerializable,
165                                        Class<?>[] altInterfaces,
166                                        MethodType[] altMethods)
167             throws LambdaConversionException {
168         super(caller, factoryType, interfaceMethodName, interfaceMethodType,
169               implementation, dynamicMethodType,
170               isSerializable, altInterfaces, altMethods);
171         implMethodClassName = implClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
172         implMethodName = implInfo.getName();
173         implMethodDesc = implInfo.getMethodType().toMethodDescriptorString();
174         constructorType = factoryType.changeReturnType(Void.TYPE);
175         lambdaClassName = lambdaClassName(targetClass);
176         // If the target class invokes a protected method inherited from a
177         // superclass in a different package, or does 'invokespecial', the
178         // lambda class has no access to the resolved method, or does
179         // 'invokestatic' on a hidden class which cannot be resolved by name.
180         // Instead, we need to pass the live implementation method handle to
181         // the proxy class to invoke directly. (javac prefers to avoid this
182         // situation by generating bridges in the target class)
183         useImplMethodHandle = (Modifier.isProtected(implInfo.getModifiers()) &&
184                                !VerifyAccess.isSamePackage(targetClass, implInfo.getDeclaringClass())) ||
185                                implKind == H_INVOKESPECIAL ||
186                                implKind == H_INVOKESTATIC && implClass.isHidden();
187         cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);
188         int parameterCount = factoryType.parameterCount();
189         if (parameterCount > 0) {
190             argNames = new String[parameterCount];
191             argDescs = new String[parameterCount];
192             for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
193                 argNames[i] = "arg$" + (i + 1);
194                 argDescs[i] = BytecodeDescriptor.unparse(factoryType.parameterType(i));
195             }
196         } else {
197             argNames = argDescs = EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
198         }
199     }
201     private static String lambdaClassName(Class<?> targetClass) {
202         String name = targetClass.getName();
203         if (targetClass.isHidden()) {
204             // use the original class name
205             name = name.replace('/', '_');
206         }
207         return name.replace('.', '/') + "$$Lambda";
208     }
210     /**
211      * Build the CallSite. Generate a class file which implements the functional
212      * interface, define the class, if there are no parameters create an instance
213      * of the class which the CallSite will return, otherwise, generate handles
214      * which will call the class' constructor.
215      *
216      * @return a CallSite, which, when invoked, will return an instance of the
217      * functional interface
218      * @throws LambdaConversionException If properly formed functional interface
219      * is not found
220      */
221     @Override
222     CallSite buildCallSite() throws LambdaConversionException {
223         final Class<?> innerClass = spinInnerClass();
224         if (factoryType.parameterCount() == 0 && disableEagerInitialization) {
225             try {
226                 return new ConstantCallSite(caller.findStaticGetter(innerClass, LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD,
227                                                                     factoryType.returnType()));
228             } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
229                 throw new LambdaConversionException(
230                         "Exception finding " + LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD + " static field", e);
231             }
232         } else {
233             try {
234                 MethodHandle mh = caller.findConstructor(innerClass, constructorType);
235                 if (factoryType.parameterCount() == 0) {
236                     // In the case of a non-capturing lambda, we optimize linkage by pre-computing a single instance
237                     Object inst = mh.asType(methodType(Object.class)).invokeExact();
238                     return new ConstantCallSite(MethodHandles.constant(interfaceClass, inst));
239                 } else {
240                     return new ConstantCallSite(mh.asType(factoryType));
241                 }
242             } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
243                 throw new LambdaConversionException("Exception finding constructor", e);
244             } catch (Throwable e) {
245                 throw new LambdaConversionException("Exception instantiating lambda object", e);
246             }
247         }
248     }
250     /**
251      * Spins the lambda proxy class.
252      *
253      * This first checks if a lambda proxy class can be loaded from CDS archive.
254      * Otherwise, generate the lambda proxy class. If CDS dumping is enabled, it
255      * registers the lambda proxy class for including into the CDS archive.
256      */
257     private Class<?> spinInnerClass() throws LambdaConversionException {
258         // CDS does not handle disableEagerInitialization or useImplMethodHandle
259         if (!disableEagerInitialization && !useImplMethodHandle) {
260             if (CDS.isUsingArchive()) {
261                 // load from CDS archive if present
262                 Class<?> innerClass = LambdaProxyClassArchive.find(targetClass,
263                                                                    interfaceMethodName,
264                                                                    factoryType,
265                                                                    interfaceMethodType,
266                                                                    implementation,
267                                                                    dynamicMethodType,
268                                                                    isSerializable,
269                                                                    altInterfaces,
270                                                                    altMethods);
271                 if (innerClass != null) return innerClass;
272             }
274             // include lambda proxy class in CDS archive at dump time
275             if (CDS.isDumpingArchive()) {
276                 Class<?> innerClass = generateInnerClass();
277                 LambdaProxyClassArchive.register(targetClass,
278                                                  interfaceMethodName,
279                                                  factoryType,
280                                                  interfaceMethodType,
281                                                  implementation,
282                                                  dynamicMethodType,
283                                                  isSerializable,
284                                                  altInterfaces,
285                                                  altMethods,
286                                                  innerClass);
287                 return innerClass;
288             }
290         }
291         return generateInnerClass();
292     }
294     /**
295      * Generate a class file which implements the functional
296      * interface, define and return the class.
297      *
298      * @return a Class which implements the functional interface
299      * @throws LambdaConversionException If properly formed functional interface
300      * is not found
301      */
302     private Class<?> generateInnerClass() throws LambdaConversionException {
303         String[] interfaceNames;
304         String interfaceName = interfaceClass.getName().replace('.', '/');
305         boolean accidentallySerializable = !isSerializable && Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(interfaceClass);
306         if (altInterfaces.length == 0) {
307             interfaceNames = new String[]{interfaceName};
308         } else {
309             // Assure no duplicate interfaces (ClassFormatError)
310             Set<String> itfs = LinkedHashSet.newLinkedHashSet(altInterfaces.length + 1);
311             itfs.add(interfaceName);
312             for (Class<?> i : altInterfaces) {
313                 itfs.add(i.getName().replace('.', '/'));
314                 accidentallySerializable |= !isSerializable && Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(i);
315             }
316             interfaceNames = itfs.toArray(new String[itfs.size()]);
317         }
320                  lambdaClassName, null,
321                  JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, interfaceNames);
323         // Generate final fields to be filled in by constructor
324         for (int i = 0; i < argDescs.length; i++) {
325             FieldVisitor fv = cw.visitField(ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL,
326                                             argNames[i],
327                                             argDescs[i],
328                                             null, null);
329             fv.visitEnd();
330         }
332         generateConstructor();
334         if (factoryType.parameterCount() == 0 && disableEagerInitialization) {
335             generateClassInitializer();
336         }
338         // Forward the SAM method
339         MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, interfaceMethodName,
340                                           interfaceMethodType.toMethodDescriptorString(), null, null);
341         new ForwardingMethodGenerator(mv).generate(interfaceMethodType);
343         // Forward the altMethods
344         if (altMethods != null) {
345             for (MethodType mt : altMethods) {
346                 mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, interfaceMethodName,
347                                     mt.toMethodDescriptorString(), null, null);
348                 new ForwardingMethodGenerator(mv).generate(mt);
349             }
350         }
352         if (isSerializable)
353             generateSerializationFriendlyMethods();
354         else if (accidentallySerializable)
355             generateSerializationHostileMethods();
357         cw.visitEnd();
359         // Define the generated class in this VM.
361         final byte[] classBytes = cw.toByteArray();
362         try {
363             // this class is linked at the indy callsite; so define a hidden nestmate
364             var classdata = useImplMethodHandle? implementation : null;
365             return caller.makeHiddenClassDefiner(lambdaClassName, classBytes, Set.of(NESTMATE, STRONG), lambdaProxyClassFileDumper)
366                          .defineClass(!disableEagerInitialization, classdata);
368         } catch (Throwable t) {
369             throw new InternalError(t);
370         }
371     }
373     /**
374      * Generate a static field and a static initializer that sets this field to an instance of the lambda
375      */
376     private void generateClassInitializer() {
377         String lambdaTypeDescriptor = factoryType.returnType().descriptorString();
379         // Generate the static final field that holds the lambda singleton
380         FieldVisitor fv = cw.visitField(ACC_PRIVATE | ACC_STATIC | ACC_FINAL,
381                 LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD, lambdaTypeDescriptor, null, null);
382         fv.visitEnd();
384         // Instantiate the lambda and store it to the static final field
385         MethodVisitor clinit = cw.visitMethod(ACC_STATIC, "<clinit>", "()V", null, null);
386         clinit.visitCode();
388         clinit.visitTypeInsn(NEW, lambdaClassName);
389         clinit.visitInsn(Opcodes.DUP);
390         assert factoryType.parameterCount() == 0;
391         clinit.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, lambdaClassName, NAME_CTOR, constructorType.toMethodDescriptorString(), false);
392         clinit.visitFieldInsn(PUTSTATIC, lambdaClassName, LAMBDA_INSTANCE_FIELD, lambdaTypeDescriptor);
394         clinit.visitInsn(RETURN);
395         clinit.visitMaxs(-1, -1);
396         clinit.visitEnd();
397     }
399     /**
400      * Generate the constructor for the class
401      */
402     private void generateConstructor() {
403         // Generate constructor
404         MethodVisitor ctor = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE, NAME_CTOR,
405                                             constructorType.toMethodDescriptorString(), null, null);
406         ctor.visitCode();
407         ctor.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
408         ctor.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESPECIAL, JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, NAME_CTOR,
409                              METHOD_DESCRIPTOR_VOID, false);
410         int parameterCount = factoryType.parameterCount();
411         for (int i = 0, lvIndex = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
412             ctor.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
413             Class<?> argType = factoryType.parameterType(i);
414             ctor.visitVarInsn(getLoadOpcode(argType), lvIndex + 1);
415             lvIndex += getParameterSize(argType);
416             ctor.visitFieldInsn(PUTFIELD, lambdaClassName, argNames[i], argDescs[i]);
417         }
418         ctor.visitInsn(RETURN);
419         // Maxs computed by ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS, these arguments ignored
420         ctor.visitMaxs(-1, -1);
421         ctor.visitEnd();
422     }
424     /**
425      * Generate a writeReplace method that supports serialization
426      */
427     private void generateSerializationFriendlyMethods() {
428         TypeConvertingMethodAdapter mv
429                 = new TypeConvertingMethodAdapter(
430                     cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL,
432                     null, null));
434         mv.visitCode();
435         mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, NAME_SERIALIZED_LAMBDA);
436         mv.visitInsn(DUP);
437         mv.visitLdcInsn(Type.getType(targetClass));
438         mv.visitLdcInsn(factoryType.returnType().getName().replace('.', '/'));
439         mv.visitLdcInsn(interfaceMethodName);
440         mv.visitLdcInsn(interfaceMethodType.toMethodDescriptorString());
441         mv.visitLdcInsn(implInfo.getReferenceKind());
442         mv.visitLdcInsn(implInfo.getDeclaringClass().getName().replace('.', '/'));
443         mv.visitLdcInsn(implInfo.getName());
444         mv.visitLdcInsn(implInfo.getMethodType().toMethodDescriptorString());
445         mv.visitLdcInsn(dynamicMethodType.toMethodDescriptorString());
446         mv.iconst(argDescs.length);
447         mv.visitTypeInsn(ANEWARRAY, JAVA_LANG_OBJECT);
448         for (int i = 0; i < argDescs.length; i++) {
449             mv.visitInsn(DUP);
450             mv.iconst(i);
451             mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
452             mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, lambdaClassName, argNames[i], argDescs[i]);
453             mv.boxIfTypePrimitive(Type.getType(argDescs[i]));
454             mv.visitInsn(AASTORE);
455         }
457                 DESCR_CTOR_SERIALIZED_LAMBDA, false);
458         mv.visitInsn(ARETURN);
459         // Maxs computed by ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS, these arguments ignored
460         mv.visitMaxs(-1, -1);
461         mv.visitEnd();
462     }
464     /**
465      * Generate a readObject/writeObject method that is hostile to serialization
466      */
467     private void generateSerializationHostileMethods() {
468         MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL,
469                                           NAME_METHOD_WRITE_OBJECT, DESCR_METHOD_WRITE_OBJECT,
470                                           null, SER_HOSTILE_EXCEPTIONS);
471         mv.visitCode();
472         mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, NAME_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION);
473         mv.visitInsn(DUP);
474         mv.visitLdcInsn("Non-serializable lambda");
476                            DESCR_CTOR_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION, false);
477         mv.visitInsn(ATHROW);
478         mv.visitMaxs(-1, -1);
479         mv.visitEnd();
481         mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PRIVATE + ACC_FINAL,
482                             NAME_METHOD_READ_OBJECT, DESCR_METHOD_READ_OBJECT,
483                             null, SER_HOSTILE_EXCEPTIONS);
484         mv.visitCode();
485         mv.visitTypeInsn(NEW, NAME_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION);
486         mv.visitInsn(DUP);
487         mv.visitLdcInsn("Non-serializable lambda");
489                            DESCR_CTOR_NOT_SERIALIZABLE_EXCEPTION, false);
490         mv.visitInsn(ATHROW);
491         mv.visitMaxs(-1, -1);
492         mv.visitEnd();
493     }
495     /**
496      * This class generates a method body which calls the lambda implementation
497      * method, converting arguments, as needed.
498      */
499     private class ForwardingMethodGenerator extends TypeConvertingMethodAdapter {
501         ForwardingMethodGenerator(MethodVisitor mv) {
502             super(mv);
503         }
505         void generate(MethodType methodType) {
506             visitCode();
508             if (implKind == MethodHandleInfo.REF_newInvokeSpecial) {
509                 visitTypeInsn(NEW, implMethodClassName);
510                 visitInsn(DUP);
511             }
512             if (useImplMethodHandle) {
513                 visitLdcInsn(implMethodCondy);
514             }
515             for (int i = 0; i < argNames.length; i++) {
516                 visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
517                 visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, lambdaClassName, argNames[i], argDescs[i]);
518             }
520             convertArgumentTypes(methodType);
522             if (useImplMethodHandle) {
523                 MethodType mtype = implInfo.getMethodType();
524                 if (implKind != MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic) {
525                     mtype = mtype.insertParameterTypes(0, implClass);
526                 }
527                 visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "java/lang/invoke/MethodHandle",
528                                 "invokeExact", mtype.descriptorString(), false);
529             } else {
530                 // Invoke the method we want to forward to
531                 visitMethodInsn(invocationOpcode(), implMethodClassName,
532                                 implMethodName, implMethodDesc,
533                                 implClass.isInterface());
534             }
535             // Convert the return value (if any) and return it
536             // Note: if adapting from non-void to void, the 'return'
537             // instruction will pop the unneeded result
538             Class<?> implReturnClass = implMethodType.returnType();
539             Class<?> samReturnClass = methodType.returnType();
540             convertType(implReturnClass, samReturnClass, samReturnClass);
541             visitInsn(getReturnOpcode(samReturnClass));
542             // Maxs computed by ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS,these arguments ignored
543             visitMaxs(-1, -1);
544             visitEnd();
545         }
547         private void convertArgumentTypes(MethodType samType) {
548             int lvIndex = 0;
549             int samParametersLength = samType.parameterCount();
550             int captureArity = factoryType.parameterCount();
551             for (int i = 0; i < samParametersLength; i++) {
552                 Class<?> argType = samType.parameterType(i);
553                 visitVarInsn(getLoadOpcode(argType), lvIndex + 1);
554                 lvIndex += getParameterSize(argType);
555                 convertType(argType, implMethodType.parameterType(captureArity + i), dynamicMethodType.parameterType(i));
556             }
557         }
559         private int invocationOpcode() throws InternalError {
560             return switch (implKind) {
561                 case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeStatic     -> INVOKESTATIC;
562                 case MethodHandleInfo.REF_newInvokeSpecial -> INVOKESPECIAL;
563                 case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeVirtual    -> INVOKEVIRTUAL;
564                 case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeInterface  -> INVOKEINTERFACE;
565                 case MethodHandleInfo.REF_invokeSpecial    -> INVOKESPECIAL;
566                 default -> throw new InternalError("Unexpected invocation kind: " + implKind);
567             };
568         }
569     }
571     static int getParameterSize(Class<?> c) {
572         if (c == Void.TYPE) {
573             return 0;
574         } else if (c == Long.TYPE || c == Double.TYPE) {
575             return 2;
576         }
577         return 1;
578     }
580     static int getLoadOpcode(Class<?> c) {
581         if(c == Void.TYPE) {
582             throw new InternalError("Unexpected void type of load opcode");
583         }
584         return ILOAD + getOpcodeOffset(c);
585     }
587     static int getReturnOpcode(Class<?> c) {
588         if(c == Void.TYPE) {
589             return RETURN;
590         }
591         return IRETURN + getOpcodeOffset(c);
592     }
594     private static int getOpcodeOffset(Class<?> c) {
595         if (c.isPrimitive()) {
596             if (c == Long.TYPE) {
597                 return 1;
598             } else if (c == Float.TYPE) {
599                 return 2;
600             } else if (c == Double.TYPE) {
601                 return 3;
602             }
603             return 0;
604         } else {
605             return 4;
606         }
607     }
609 }