1 package java.lang.reflect.code;
 3 /**
 4  * Source location information.
 5  *
 6  * @param sourceRef the reference to the source
 7  * @param line the line in the source
 8  * @param column the column in the source
 9  */
10 public record Location(String sourceRef, int line, int column) {
12     /**
13      * The location value, {@code null}, indicating no location information.
14      */
15     public static final Location NO_LOCATION = null;
17     public Location(int line, int column) {
18         this(null, line, column);
19     }
21     @Override
22     public String toString() {
23         StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
24         s.append(line).append(":").append(column);
25         if (sourceRef != null) {
26             s.append(":").append(sourceRef);
27         }
28         return s.toString();
29     }
31     public static Location fromString(String s) {
32         String[] split = s.split(":", 3);
33         if (split.length < 2) {
34             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
35         }
37         int line = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
38         int column = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
39         String sourceRef;
40         if (split.length == 3) {
41             sourceRef = split[2];
42         } else {
43             sourceRef = null;
44         }
45         return new Location(sourceRef, line, column);
46     }
47 }