1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  */
 24 /*
 25  * @test
 26  * @modules jdk.incubator.code
 27  * @run testng TestExpressionGraphs
 28  */
 30 import org.testng.annotations.Test;
 32 import java.io.Writer;
 33 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 34 import jdk.incubator.code.*;
 35 import jdk.incubator.code.analysis.SSA;
 36 import jdk.incubator.code.op.CoreOp;
 37 import jdk.incubator.code.writer.OpWriter;
 38 import jdk.incubator.code.CodeReflection;
 39 import java.util.*;
 40 import java.util.function.Function;
 41 import java.util.stream.IntStream;
 42 import java.util.stream.Stream;
 44 public class TestExpressionGraphs {
 46     @CodeReflection
 47     static double sub(double a, double b) {
 48         return a - b;
 49     }
 51     @CodeReflection
 52     static double distance1(double a, double b) {
 53         return Math.abs(a - b);
 54     }
 56     @CodeReflection
 57     static double distance1a(final double a, final double b) {
 58         final double diff = a - b;
 59         final double result = Math.abs(diff);
 60         return result;
 61     }
 63     @CodeReflection
 64     static double distance1b(final double a, final double b) {
 65         final double diff = a - b;
 66         // Note, incorrect for negative zero values
 67         final double result = diff < 0d ? -diff : diff;
 68         return result;
 69     }
 71     @CodeReflection
 72     static double distanceN(double[] a, double[] b) {
 73         double sum = 0d;
 74         for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
 75             sum += Math.pow(a[i] - b[i], 2d);
 76         }
 77         return Math.sqrt(sum);
 78     }
 80     @CodeReflection
 81     static double squareDiff(double a, double b) {
 82         // a^2 - b^2 = (a + b) * (a - b)
 83         final double plus = a + b;
 84         final double minus = a - b;
 85         return plus * minus;
 86     }
 88     @Test
 89     void traverseSub() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
 90         // Get the reflective object for method sub
 91         Method m = TestExpressionGraphs.class.getDeclaredMethod(
 92                 "sub", double.class, double.class);
 93         // Get the code model for method sub
 94         Optional<CoreOp.FuncOp> oModel = Op.ofMethod(m);
 95         CoreOp.FuncOp model = oModel.orElseThrow();
 97         // Depth-first search, reporting elements in pre-order
 98         model.traverse(null, (acc, codeElement) -> {
 99             // Count the depth of the code element by
100             // traversing up the tree from child to parent
101             int depth = 0;
102             CodeElement<?, ?> parent = codeElement;
103             while ((parent = parent.parent()) != null) depth++;
104             // Print out code element class
105             System.out.println("  ".repeat(depth) + codeElement.getClass());
106             return acc;
107         });
109         // Stream of elements topologically sorted in depth-first search pre-order
110         model.elements().forEach(codeElement -> {
111             // Count the depth of the code element
112             int depth = 0;
113             CodeElement<?, ?> parent = codeElement;
114             while ((parent = parent.parent()) != null) depth++;
115             // Print out code element class
116             System.out.println("  ".repeat(depth) + codeElement.getClass());
117         });
118     }
120     @Test
121     void traverseDistance1() throws ReflectiveOperationException {
122         // Get the reflective object for method distance1
123         Method m = TestExpressionGraphs.class.getDeclaredMethod(
124                 "distance1", double.class, double.class);
125         // Get the code model for method distance1
126         Optional<CoreOp.FuncOp> oModel = Op.ofMethod(m);
127         CoreOp.FuncOp model = oModel.orElseThrow();
129         // Depth-first search, reporting elements in pre-order
130         model.traverse(null, (acc, codeElement) -> {
131             // Count the depth of the code element by
132             // traversing up the tree from child to parent
133             int depth = 0;
134             CodeElement<?, ?> parent = codeElement;
135             while ((parent = parent.parent()) != null) depth++;
136             // Print out code element class
137             System.out.println("  ".repeat(depth) + codeElement.getClass());
138             return acc;
139         });
141         // Stream of elements topologically sorted in depth-first search pre-order
142         model.elements().forEach(codeElement -> {
143             // Count the depth of the code element
144             int depth = 0;
145             CodeElement<?, ?> parent = codeElement;
146             while ((parent = parent.parent()) != null) depth++;
147             // Print out code element class
148             System.out.println("  ".repeat(depth) + codeElement.getClass());
149         });
150     }
153     @Test
154     void printSub() {
155         CoreOp.FuncOp model = getFuncOp("sub");
156         print(model);
157     }
159     @Test
160     void printDistance1() {
161         CoreOp.FuncOp model = getFuncOp("distance1");
162         print(model);
163     }
165     @Test
166     void printDistance1a() {
167         CoreOp.FuncOp model = getFuncOp("distance1a");
168         print(model);
169     }
171     @Test
172     void printDistance1b() {
173         CoreOp.FuncOp model = getFuncOp("distance1b");
174         print(model);
175     }
177     @Test
178     void printDistanceN() {
179         CoreOp.FuncOp model = getFuncOp("distanceN");
180         print(model);
181     }
183     void print(CoreOp.FuncOp f) {
184         System.out.println(f.toText());
186         f = f.transform(OpTransformer.LOWERING_TRANSFORMER);
187         System.out.println(f.toText());
189         f = SSA.transform(f);
190         System.out.println(f.toText());
191     }
194     @Test
195     void graphsDistance1() {
196         CoreOp.FuncOp model = getFuncOp("distance1");
197         Function<CodeItem, String> names = names(model);
198         System.out.println(printOpWriteVoid(names, model));
200         // Create the expression graph for the terminating operation result
201         Op.Result returnResult = model.body().entryBlock().terminatingOp().result();
202         Node<Value> returnGraph = expressionGraph(returnResult);
203         System.out.println("Expression graph for terminating operation result");
204         // Transform from Node<Value> to Node<String> and print the graph
205         System.out.println(returnGraph.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
207         System.out.println("Use graphs for block parameters");
208         for (Block.Parameter parameter : model.parameters()) {
209             Node<Value> useNode = useGraph(parameter);
210             System.out.println(useNode.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
211         }
213         // Create the expression graphs for all values
214         Map<Value, Node<Value>> graphs = expressionGraphs(model);
215         System.out.println("Expression graphs for all declared values in the model");
216         graphs.values().forEach(n -> {
217             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
218         });
220         // The graphs for the terminating operation result are the same
221         assert returnGraph.equals(graphs.get(returnGraph.value()));
223         // Filter for root graphs, operation results with no uses
224         List<Node<Value>> rootGraphs = graphs.values().stream()
225                 .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
226                         switch (opr.op()) {
227                             // An operation result with no uses
228                             default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
229                         })
230                 .toList();
231         System.out.println("Root expression graphs");
232         rootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
233             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
234         });
235     }
237     @Test
238     void graphsDistance1a() {
239         CoreOp.FuncOp f = getFuncOp("distance1a");
240         Function<CodeItem, String> names = names(f);
241         System.out.println(printOpWriteVoid(names, f));
243         {
244             Map<Value, Node<Value>> graphs = expressionGraphs(f);
245             List<Node<Value>> rootGraphs = graphs.values().stream()
246                     .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
247                             switch (opr.op()) {
248                                 // An operation result with no uses
249                                 default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
250                             })
251                     .toList();
252             System.out.println("Root expression graphs");
253             rootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
254                 System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
255             });
256         }
258         {
259             Map<Value, Node<Value>> graphs = expressionGraphs(f);
260             List<Node<Value>> rootGraphs = graphs.values().stream()
261                     .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
262                             switch (opr.op()) {
263                                 // Variable declarations modeling local variables
264                                 case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
265                                 // An operation result with no uses
266                                 default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
267                             })
268                     .toList();
269             System.out.println("Root (with variable) expression graphs");
270             rootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
271                 System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
272             });
273         }
275         Map<Value, Node<Value>> prunedGraphs = prunedExpressionGraphs(f);
276         List<Node<Value>> prunedRootGraphs = prunedGraphs.values().stream()
277                 .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
278                         switch (opr.op()) {
279                             // Variable declarations modeling local variables
280                             case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
281                             // An operation result with no uses
282                             default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
283                         })
284                 .toList();
285         System.out.println("Pruned root expression graphs");
286         prunedRootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
287             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
288         });
289     }
291     @Test
292     void graphsDistance1b() {
293         CoreOp.FuncOp f = getFuncOp("distance1b");
294         Function<CodeItem, String> names = names(f);
295         System.out.println(printOpWriteVoid(names, f));
297         Map<Value, Node<Value>> prunedGraphs = prunedExpressionGraphs(f);
298         List<Node<Value>> prunedRootGraphs = prunedGraphs.values().stream()
299                 .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
300                         switch (opr.op()) {
301                             // Variable declarations modeling declaration of local variables
302                             case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
303                             // An operation result with no uses
304                             default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
305                         })
306                 .toList();
307         System.out.println("Pruned root expression graphs");
308         prunedRootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
309             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
310         });
311     }
313     @Test
314     void graphsDistanceN() {
315         CoreOp.FuncOp f = getFuncOp("distanceN");
316         Function<CodeItem, String> names = names(f);
317         System.out.println(printOpWriteVoid(names, f));
319         Map<Value, Node<Value>> prunedGraphs = prunedExpressionGraphs(f);
320         List<Node<Value>> prunedRootGraphs = prunedGraphs.values().stream()
321                 .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
322                         switch (opr.op()) {
323                             // Variable declarations modeling declaration of local variables
324                             case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
325                             // An operation result with no uses
326                             default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
327                         })
328                 .toList();
329         System.out.println("Pruned root expression graphs");
330         prunedRootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
331             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
332         });
333     }
335     @Test
336     void graphsSquareDiff() {
337         CoreOp.FuncOp f = getFuncOp("squareDiff");
338         Function<CodeItem, String> names = names(f);
339         System.out.println(printOpWriteVoid(names, f));
341         {
342             Map<Value, Node<Value>> graphs = expressionGraphs(f);
343             List<Node<Value>> rootGraphs = graphs.values().stream()
344                     .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
345                             switch (opr.op()) {
346                                 // An operation result with no uses
347                                 default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
348                             })
349                     .toList();
350             System.out.println("Root expression graphs");
351             rootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
352                 System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
353             });
354         }
356         {
357             Map<Value, Node<Value>> graphs = expressionGraphs(f);
358             List<Node<Value>> rootGraphs = graphs.values().stream()
359                     .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
360                             switch (opr.op()) {
361                                 // Variable declarations modeling local variables
362                                 case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
363                                 // An operation result with no uses
364                                 default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
365                             })
366                     .toList();
367             System.out.println("Root (with variable) expression graphs");
368             rootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
369                 System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
370             });
371         }
373         Map<Value, Node<Value>> prunedGraphs = prunedExpressionGraphs(f);
374         List<Node<Value>> prunedRootGraphs = prunedGraphs.values().stream()
375                 .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
376                         switch (opr.op()) {
377                             // Variable declarations modeling local variables
378                             case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
379                             // An operation result with no uses
380                             default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
381                         })
382                 .toList();
383         System.out.println("Pruned root expression graphs");
384         prunedRootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
385             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
386         });
387     }
391     @CodeReflection
392     static int h(int x) {
393         x += 2;                                                 // Statement 1
394         g(x);                                                   // Statement 2
395         int y = 1 + g(x) + (x += 2) + (x > 2 ? x : 10);         // Statement 3
396         for (                                                   // Statement 4
397                 int i = 0, j = 1;                               // Statements 4.1
398                 i < 3 && j < 3;
399                 i++, j++) {                                     // Statements 4.2
400             System.out.println(i);                              // Statement 4.3
401         }
402         return x + y;                                           // Statement 5
403     }
405     static int g(int i) {
406         return i;
407     }
409     @Test
410     void graphsH() {
411         CoreOp.FuncOp f = getFuncOp("h");
412         Function<CodeItem, String> names = names(f);
413         System.out.println(printOpWriteVoid(names, f));
415         Map<Value, Node<Value>> graphs = prunedExpressionGraphs(f);
416         List<Node<Value>> rootGraphs = graphs.values().stream()
417                 .filter(n -> n.value() instanceof Op.Result opr &&
418                         switch (opr.op()) {
419                             // Variable declarations modeling declaration of local variables
420                             case CoreOp.VarOp vop -> vop.operands().get(0) instanceof Op.Result;
421                             // Variable stores modeling assignment expressions whose result is used
422                             case CoreOp.VarAccessOp.VarStoreOp vsop -> vsop.operands().get(1).uses().size() == 1;
423                             // An operation result with no uses
424                             default -> opr.uses().isEmpty();
425                         })
426                 .toList();
427         rootGraphs.forEach(n -> {
428             System.out.println(n.transformValues(v -> printValue(names, v)));
429         });
430     }
433     static String printValue(Function<CodeItem, String> names, Value v) {
434         if (v instanceof Op.Result opr) {
435             return printOpHeader(names, opr.op());
436         } else {
437             return "%" + names.apply(v) + " <block parameter>";
438         }
439     }
441     static String printOpHeader(Function<CodeItem, String> names, Op op) {
442         return OpWriter.toText(op,
443                 OpWriter.OpDescendantsOption.DROP_DESCENDANTS,
444                 OpWriter.VoidOpResultOption.WRITE_VOID,
445                 OpWriter.CodeItemNamerOption.of(names));
446     }
448     static String printOpWriteVoid(Function<CodeItem, String> names, Op op) {
449         return OpWriter.toText(op,
450                 OpWriter.VoidOpResultOption.WRITE_VOID,
451                 OpWriter.CodeItemNamerOption.of(names));
452     }
454     static Function<CodeItem, String> names(Op op) {
455         OpWriter w = new OpWriter(Writer.nullWriter(),
456                 OpWriter.VoidOpResultOption.WRITE_VOID);
457         w.writeOp(op);
458         return w.namer();
459     }
462     static Node<Value> expressionGraph(Value value) {
463         return expressionGraph(new HashMap<>(), value);
464     }
466     static Node<Value> expressionGraph(Map<Value, Node<Value>> visited, Value value) {
467         // If value has already been visited return its node
468         if (visited.containsKey(value)) {
469             return visited.get(value);
470         }
472         // Find the expression graphs for each operand
473         List<Node<Value>> edges = new ArrayList<>();
474         for (Value operand : value.dependsOn()) {
475             edges.add(expressionGraph(operand));
476         }
477         Node<Value> node = new Node<>(value, edges);
478         visited.put(value, node);
479         return node;
480     }
482     static Node<Value> expressionGraphDetailed(Map<Value, Node<Value>> visited, Value value) {
483         // If value has already been visited return its node
484         if (visited.containsKey(value)) {
485             return visited.get(value);
486         }
488         List<Node<Value>> edges;
489         if (value instanceof Op.Result result) {
490             edges = new ArrayList<>();
491             // Find the expression graphs for each operand
492             Set<Value> valueVisited = new HashSet<>();
493             for (Value operand : result.op().operands()) {
494                 // Ensure an operand is visited only once
495                 if (valueVisited.add(operand)) {
496                     edges.add(expressionGraph(operand));
497                 }
498             }
499             // TODO if terminating operation find expression graphs
500             //      for each successor argument
501         } else {
502             assert value instanceof Block.Parameter;
503             // A block parameter has no outgoing edges
504             edges = List.of();
505         }
506         Node<Value> node = new Node<>(value, edges);
507         visited.put(value, node);
508         return node;
509     }
512     static Node<Value> useGraph(Value value) {
513         return useGraph(new HashMap<>(), value);
514     }
516     static Node<Value> useGraph(Map<Value, Node<Value>> visited, Value value) {
517         // If value has already been visited return its node
518         if (visited.containsKey(value)) {
519             return visited.get(value);
520         }
522         // Find the use graphs for each use
523         List<Node<Value>> edges = new ArrayList<>();
524         for (Op.Result use : value.uses()) {
525             edges.add(useGraph(visited, use));
526         }
527         Node<Value> node = new Node<>(value, edges);
528         visited.put(value, node);
529         return node;
530     }
532     static Map<Value, Node<Value>> expressionGraphs(CoreOp.FuncOp f) {
533         return expressionGraphs(f.body());
534     }
536     static Map<Value, Node<Value>> expressionGraphs(Body b) {
537         // Traverse the model building structurally shared expression graphs
538         return b.traverse(new LinkedHashMap<>(), (graphs, codeElement) -> {
539             switch (codeElement) {
540                 case Body _ -> {
541                     // Do nothing
542                 }
543                 case Block block -> {
544                     // Create the expression graphs for each block parameter
545                     // A block parameter has no outgoing edges
546                     for (Block.Parameter parameter : block.parameters()) {
547                         graphs.put(parameter, new Node<>(parameter, List.of()));
548                     }
549                 }
550                 case Op op -> {
551                     // Find the expression graphs for each operand
552                     List<Node<Value>> edges = new ArrayList<>();
553                     for (Value operand : op.result().dependsOn()) {
554                         // Get expression graph for the operand
555                         // It must be previously computed since we encounter the
556                         // declaration of values before their use
557                         edges.add(graphs.get(operand));
558                     }
559                     // Create the expression graph for this operation result
560                     graphs.put(op.result(), new Node<>(op.result(), edges));
561                 }
562             }
563             return graphs;
564         });
565     }
567     static Map<Value, Node<Value>> prunedExpressionGraphs(CoreOp.FuncOp f) {
568         return prunedExpressionGraphs(f.body());
569     }
571     static Map<Value, Node<Value>> prunedExpressionGraphs(Body b) {
572         // Traverse the model building structurally shared expression graphs
573         return b.traverse(new LinkedHashMap<>(), (graphs, codeElement) -> {
574             switch (codeElement) {
575                 case Body _ -> {
576                     // Do nothing
577                 }
578                 case Block block -> {
579                     // Create the expression graphs for each block parameter
580                     // A block parameter has no outgoing edges
581                     for (Block.Parameter parameter : block.parameters()) {
582                         graphs.put(parameter, new Node<>(parameter, List.of()));
583                     }
584                 }
585                 // Prune graph for variable load operation
586                 case CoreOp.VarAccessOp.VarLoadOp op -> {
587                     // Ignore edge for the variable value operand
588                     graphs.put(op.result(), new Node<>(op.result(), List.of()));
589                 }
590                 // Prune graph for variable store operation
591                 case CoreOp.VarAccessOp.VarStoreOp op -> {
592                     // Ignore edge for the variable value operand
593                     // Add edge for value to store
594                     List<Node<Value>> edges = List.of(graphs.get(op.operands().get(1)));
595                     graphs.put(op.result(), new Node<>(op.result(), edges));
596                 }
597                 case Op op -> {
598                     // Find the expression graphs for each operand
599                     List<Node<Value>> edges = new ArrayList<>();
600                     for (Value operand : op.result().dependsOn()) {
601                         // Get expression graph for the operand
602                         // It must be previously computed since we encounter the
603                         // declaration of values before their use
604                         edges.add(graphs.get(operand));
605                     }
606                     // Create the expression graph for this operation result
607                     graphs.put(op.result(), new Node<>(op.result(), edges));
608                 }
609             }
610             return graphs;
611         });
612     }
614     record Node<T>(T value, List<Node<T>> edges) {
615         <U> Node<U> transformValues(Function<T, U> f) {
616             List<Node<U>> transformedEdges = new ArrayList<>();
617             for (Node<T> edge : edges()) {
618                 transformedEdges.add(edge.transformValues(f));
619             }
620             return new Node<>(f.apply(value()), transformedEdges);
621         }
623         Node<T> transformGraph(Function<Node<T>, Node<T>> f) {
624             Node<T> apply = f.apply(this);
625             if (apply != this) {
626                 // The function returned a new node
627                 return apply;
628             } else {
629                 // The function returned the same node
630                 // Apply the transformation to the children
631                 List<Node<T>> transformedEdges = new ArrayList<>();
632                 for (Node<T> edge : edges()) {
633                     transformedEdges.add(edge.transformGraph(f));
634                 }
635                 boolean same = IntStream.range(0, edges().size())
636                         .allMatch(i -> edges().get(i) ==
637                                 transformedEdges.get(i));
638                 if (same) {
639                     return this;
640                 } else {
641                     return new Node<>(this.value(), transformedEdges);
642                 }
643             }
644         }
646         @Override
647         public String toString() {
648             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
649             print(sb, "", "");
650             return sb.toString();
651         }
653         private void print(StringBuilder sb, String prefix, String edgePrefix) {
654             sb.append(prefix);
655             sb.append(value);
656             sb.append('\n');
657             for (Iterator<Node<T>> it = edges.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
658                 Node<T> edge = it.next();
659                 if (it.hasNext()) {
660                     edge.print(sb, edgePrefix + "├── ", edgePrefix + "│   ");
661                 } else {
662                     edge.print(sb, edgePrefix + "└── ", edgePrefix + "    ");
663                 }
664             }
665         }
666     }
669     static CoreOp.FuncOp getFuncOp(String name) {
670         Optional<Method> om = Stream.of(TestExpressionGraphs.class.getDeclaredMethods())
671                 .filter(m -> m.getName().equals(name))
672                 .findFirst();
674         Method m = om.get();
675         return Op.ofMethod(m).get();
676     }
678 }