1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2018, 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 25 #include "asm/macroAssembler.inline.hpp"
 27 #include "code/SCCache.hpp"
 28 #endif
 29 #include "gc/g1/g1BarrierSet.hpp"
 30 #include "gc/g1/g1BarrierSetAssembler.hpp"
 31 #include "gc/g1/g1BarrierSetRuntime.hpp"
 32 #include "gc/g1/g1CardTable.hpp"
 33 #include "gc/g1/g1HeapRegion.hpp"
 34 #include "gc/g1/g1ThreadLocalData.hpp"
 35 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
 36 #include "interpreter/interp_masm.hpp"
 37 #include "runtime/javaThread.hpp"
 38 #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
 39 #ifdef COMPILER1
 40 #include "c1/c1_LIRAssembler.hpp"
 41 #include "c1/c1_MacroAssembler.hpp"
 42 #include "gc/g1/c1/g1BarrierSetC1.hpp"
 43 #endif // COMPILER1
 44 #ifdef COMPILER2
 45 #include "gc/g1/c2/g1BarrierSetC2.hpp"
 46 #endif // COMPILER2
 48 #define __ masm->
 50 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_pre_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators,
 51                                                             Register addr, Register count, RegSet saved_regs) {
 52   bool dest_uninitialized = (decorators & IS_DEST_UNINITIALIZED) != 0;
 53   if (!dest_uninitialized) {
 54     Label done;
 55     Address in_progress(rthread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_active_offset()));
 57     // Is marking active?
 58     if (in_bytes(SATBMarkQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 4) {
 59       __ ldrw(rscratch1, in_progress);
 60     } else {
 61       assert(in_bytes(SATBMarkQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 1, "Assumption");
 62       __ ldrb(rscratch1, in_progress);
 63     }
 64     __ cbzw(rscratch1, done);
 66     __ push(saved_regs, sp);
 67     if (count == c_rarg0) {
 68       if (addr == c_rarg1) {
 69         // exactly backwards!!
 70         __ mov(rscratch1, c_rarg0);
 71         __ mov(c_rarg0, c_rarg1);
 72         __ mov(c_rarg1, rscratch1);
 73       } else {
 74         __ mov(c_rarg1, count);
 75         __ mov(c_rarg0, addr);
 76       }
 77     } else {
 78       __ mov(c_rarg0, addr);
 79       __ mov(c_rarg1, count);
 80     }
 81     if (UseCompressedOops) {
 82       __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_array_pre_narrow_oop_entry), 2);
 83     } else {
 84       __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_array_pre_oop_entry), 2);
 85     }
 86     __ pop(saved_regs, sp);
 88     __ bind(done);
 89   }
 90 }
 92 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::gen_write_ref_array_post_barrier(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators,
 93                                                              Register start, Register count, Register scratch, RegSet saved_regs) {
 94   __ push(saved_regs, sp);
 95   assert_different_registers(start, count, scratch);
 96   assert_different_registers(c_rarg0, count);
 97   __ mov(c_rarg0, start);
 98   __ mov(c_rarg1, count);
 99   __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_array_post_entry), 2);
100   __ pop(saved_regs, sp);
101 }
103 static void generate_queue_test_and_insertion(MacroAssembler* masm, ByteSize index_offset, ByteSize buffer_offset, Label& runtime,
104                                               const Register thread, const Register value, const Register temp1, const Register temp2) {
105   // Can we store a value in the given thread's buffer?
106   // (The index field is typed as size_t.)
107   __ ldr(temp1, Address(thread, in_bytes(index_offset)));   // temp1 := *(index address)
108   __ cbz(temp1, runtime);                                   // jump to runtime if index == 0 (full buffer)
109   // The buffer is not full, store value into it.
110   __ sub(temp1, temp1, wordSize);                           // temp1 := next index
111   __ str(temp1, Address(thread, in_bytes(index_offset)));   // *(index address) := next index
112   __ ldr(temp2, Address(thread, in_bytes(buffer_offset)));  // temp2 := buffer address
113   __ str(value, Address(temp2, temp1));                     // *(buffer address + next index) := value
114 }
116 static void generate_pre_barrier_fast_path(MacroAssembler* masm,
117                                            const Register thread,
118                                            const Register tmp1) {
119   Address in_progress(thread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_active_offset()));
120   // Is marking active?
121   if (in_bytes(SATBMarkQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 4) {
122     __ ldrw(tmp1, in_progress);
123   } else {
124     assert(in_bytes(SATBMarkQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 1, "Assumption");
125     __ ldrb(tmp1, in_progress);
126   }
127 }
129 static void generate_pre_barrier_slow_path(MacroAssembler* masm,
130                                            const Register obj,
131                                            const Register pre_val,
132                                            const Register thread,
133                                            const Register tmp1,
134                                            const Register tmp2,
135                                            Label& done,
136                                            Label& runtime) {
137   // Do we need to load the previous value?
138   if (obj != noreg) {
139     __ load_heap_oop(pre_val, Address(obj, 0), noreg, noreg, AS_RAW);
140   }
141   // Is the previous value null?
142   __ cbz(pre_val, done);
143   generate_queue_test_and_insertion(masm,
144                                     G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_index_offset(),
145                                     G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_buffer_offset(),
146                                     runtime,
147                                     thread, pre_val, tmp1, tmp2);
148   __ b(done);
149 }
151 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::g1_write_barrier_pre(MacroAssembler* masm,
152                                                  Register obj,
153                                                  Register pre_val,
154                                                  Register thread,
155                                                  Register tmp1,
156                                                  Register tmp2,
157                                                  bool tosca_live,
158                                                  bool expand_call) {
159   // If expand_call is true then we expand the call_VM_leaf macro
160   // directly to skip generating the check by
161   // InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_leaf_base that checks _last_sp.
163   assert(thread == rthread, "must be");
165   Label done;
166   Label runtime;
168   assert_different_registers(obj, pre_val, tmp1, tmp2);
169   assert(pre_val != noreg && tmp1 != noreg && tmp2 != noreg, "expecting a register");
171   generate_pre_barrier_fast_path(masm, thread, tmp1);
172   // If marking is not active (*(mark queue active address) == 0), jump to done
173   __ cbzw(tmp1, done);
174   generate_pre_barrier_slow_path(masm, obj, pre_val, thread, tmp1, tmp2, done, runtime);
176   __ bind(runtime);
178   __ push_call_clobbered_registers();
180   // Calling the runtime using the regular call_VM_leaf mechanism generates
181   // code (generated by InterpreterMacroAssember::call_VM_leaf_base)
182   // that checks that the *(rfp+frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp) == nullptr.
183   //
184   // If we care generating the pre-barrier without a frame (e.g. in the
185   // intrinsified Reference.get() routine) then rfp might be pointing to
186   // the caller frame and so this check will most likely fail at runtime.
187   //
188   // Expanding the call directly bypasses the generation of the check.
189   // So when we do not have have a full interpreter frame on the stack
190   // expand_call should be passed true.
192   if (expand_call) {
193     assert(pre_val != c_rarg1, "smashed arg");
194     __ super_call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_pre_entry), pre_val, thread);
195   } else {
196     __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_pre_entry), pre_val, thread);
197   }
199   __ pop_call_clobbered_registers();
201   __ bind(done);
203 }
205 static void generate_post_barrier_fast_path(MacroAssembler* masm,
206                                             const Register store_addr,
207                                             const Register new_val,
208                                             const Register tmp1,
209                                             const Register tmp2,
210                                             Label& done,
211                                             bool new_val_may_be_null) {
212   // Does store cross heap regions?
214   // AOT code needs to load the barrier grain shift from the aot
215   // runtime constants area in the code cache otherwise we can compile
216   // it as an immediate operand
217   if (SCCache::is_on_for_write()) {
218     address grain_shift_address = (address)AOTRuntimeConstants::grain_shift_address();
219     __ eor(tmp1, store_addr, new_val);
220     __ lea(tmp2, ExternalAddress(grain_shift_address));
221     __ ldrb(tmp2, tmp2);
222     __ lsrv(tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);
223     __ cbz(tmp1, done);
224   } else
225 #endif
226   {
227     __ eor(tmp1, store_addr, new_val);                     // tmp1 := store address ^ new value
228     __ lsr(tmp1, tmp1, G1HeapRegion::LogOfHRGrainBytes);   // tmp1 := ((store address ^ new value) >> LogOfHRGrainBytes)
229     __ cbz(tmp1, done);
230   }
232   // Crosses regions, storing null?
233   if (new_val_may_be_null) {
234     __ cbz(new_val, done);
235   }
236   // Storing region crossing non-null, is card young?
239   // AOT code needs to load the barrier card shift from the aot
240   // runtime constants area in the code cache otherwise we can compile
241   // it as an immediate operand
242   if (SCCache::is_on_for_write()) {
243     address card_shift_address = (address)AOTRuntimeConstants::card_shift_address();
244     __ lea(tmp2, ExternalAddress(card_shift_address));
245     __ ldrb(tmp2, tmp2);
246     __ lsrv(tmp1, store_addr, tmp2);                        // tmp1 := card address relative to card table base
247   } else
248 #endif
249   {
250     __ lsr(tmp1, store_addr, CardTable::card_shift());     // tmp1 := card address relative to card table base
251   }
253   __ load_byte_map_base(tmp2);                           // tmp2 := card table base address
254   __ add(tmp1, tmp1, tmp2);                              // tmp1 := card address
255   __ ldrb(tmp2, Address(tmp1));                          // tmp2 := card
256   __ cmpw(tmp2, (int)G1CardTable::g1_young_card_val());  // tmp2 := card == young_card_val?
257 }
259 static void generate_post_barrier_slow_path(MacroAssembler* masm,
260                                             const Register thread,
261                                             const Register tmp1,
262                                             const Register tmp2,
263                                             Label& done,
264                                             Label& runtime) {
265   __ membar(Assembler::StoreLoad);  // StoreLoad membar
266   __ ldrb(tmp2, Address(tmp1));     // tmp2 := card
267   __ cbzw(tmp2, done);
268   // Storing a region crossing, non-null oop, card is clean.
269   // Dirty card and log.
270   STATIC_ASSERT(CardTable::dirty_card_val() == 0);
271   __ strb(zr, Address(tmp1));       // *(card address) := dirty_card_val
272   generate_queue_test_and_insertion(masm,
273                                     G1ThreadLocalData::dirty_card_queue_index_offset(),
274                                     G1ThreadLocalData::dirty_card_queue_buffer_offset(),
275                                     runtime,
276                                     thread, tmp1, tmp2, rscratch1);
277   __ b(done);
278 }
280 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::g1_write_barrier_post(MacroAssembler* masm,
281                                                   Register store_addr,
282                                                   Register new_val,
283                                                   Register thread,
284                                                   Register tmp1,
285                                                   Register tmp2) {
286   assert(thread == rthread, "must be");
287   assert_different_registers(store_addr, new_val, thread, tmp1, tmp2,
288                              rscratch1);
289   assert(store_addr != noreg && new_val != noreg && tmp1 != noreg
290          && tmp2 != noreg, "expecting a register");
292   Label done;
293   Label runtime;
295   generate_post_barrier_fast_path(masm, store_addr, new_val, tmp1, tmp2, done, true /* new_val_may_be_null */);
296   // If card is young, jump to done
297   __ br(Assembler::EQ, done);
298   generate_post_barrier_slow_path(masm, thread, tmp1, tmp2, done, runtime);
300   __ bind(runtime);
301   // save the live input values
302   RegSet saved = RegSet::of(store_addr);
303   __ push(saved, sp);
304   __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_post_entry), tmp1, thread);
305   __ pop(saved, sp);
307   __ bind(done);
308 }
310 #if defined(COMPILER2)
312 static void generate_c2_barrier_runtime_call(MacroAssembler* masm, G1BarrierStubC2* stub, const Register arg, const address runtime_path) {
313   SaveLiveRegisters save_registers(masm, stub);
314   if (c_rarg0 != arg) {
315     __ mov(c_rarg0, arg);
316   }
317   __ mov(c_rarg1, rthread);
318   __ lea(rscratch1, RuntimeAddress(runtime_path));
319   __ blr(rscratch1);
320 }
322 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::g1_write_barrier_pre_c2(MacroAssembler* masm,
323                                                     Register obj,
324                                                     Register pre_val,
325                                                     Register thread,
326                                                     Register tmp1,
327                                                     Register tmp2,
328                                                     G1PreBarrierStubC2* stub) {
329   assert(thread == rthread, "must be");
330   assert_different_registers(obj, pre_val, tmp1, tmp2);
331   assert(pre_val != noreg && tmp1 != noreg && tmp2 != noreg, "expecting a register");
333   stub->initialize_registers(obj, pre_val, thread, tmp1, tmp2);
335   generate_pre_barrier_fast_path(masm, thread, tmp1);
336   // If marking is active (*(mark queue active address) != 0), jump to stub (slow path)
337   __ cbnzw(tmp1, *stub->entry());
339   __ bind(*stub->continuation());
340 }
342 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::generate_c2_pre_barrier_stub(MacroAssembler* masm,
343                                                          G1PreBarrierStubC2* stub) const {
344   Assembler::InlineSkippedInstructionsCounter skip_counter(masm);
345   Label runtime;
346   Register obj = stub->obj();
347   Register pre_val = stub->pre_val();
348   Register thread = stub->thread();
349   Register tmp1 = stub->tmp1();
350   Register tmp2 = stub->tmp2();
352   __ bind(*stub->entry());
353   generate_pre_barrier_slow_path(masm, obj, pre_val, thread, tmp1, tmp2, *stub->continuation(), runtime);
355   __ bind(runtime);
356   generate_c2_barrier_runtime_call(masm, stub, pre_val, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_pre_entry));
357   __ b(*stub->continuation());
358 }
360 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::g1_write_barrier_post_c2(MacroAssembler* masm,
361                                                      Register store_addr,
362                                                      Register new_val,
363                                                      Register thread,
364                                                      Register tmp1,
365                                                      Register tmp2,
366                                                      G1PostBarrierStubC2* stub) {
367   assert(thread == rthread, "must be");
368   assert_different_registers(store_addr, new_val, thread, tmp1, tmp2,
369                              rscratch1);
370   assert(store_addr != noreg && new_val != noreg && tmp1 != noreg
371          && tmp2 != noreg, "expecting a register");
373   stub->initialize_registers(thread, tmp1, tmp2);
375   bool new_val_may_be_null = (stub->barrier_data() & G1C2BarrierPostNotNull) == 0;
376   generate_post_barrier_fast_path(masm, store_addr, new_val, tmp1, tmp2, *stub->continuation(), new_val_may_be_null);
377   // If card is not young, jump to stub (slow path)
378   __ br(Assembler::NE, *stub->entry());
380   __ bind(*stub->continuation());
381 }
383 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::generate_c2_post_barrier_stub(MacroAssembler* masm,
384                                                           G1PostBarrierStubC2* stub) const {
385   Assembler::InlineSkippedInstructionsCounter skip_counter(masm);
386   Label runtime;
387   Register thread = stub->thread();
388   Register tmp1 = stub->tmp1(); // tmp1 holds the card address.
389   Register tmp2 = stub->tmp2();
390   assert(stub->tmp3() == noreg, "not needed in this platform");
392   __ bind(*stub->entry());
393   generate_post_barrier_slow_path(masm, thread, tmp1, tmp2, *stub->continuation(), runtime);
395   __ bind(runtime);
396   generate_c2_barrier_runtime_call(masm, stub, tmp1, CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_post_entry));
397   __ b(*stub->continuation());
398 }
400 #endif // COMPILER2
402 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::load_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
403                                     Register dst, Address src, Register tmp1, Register tmp2) {
404   bool on_oop = is_reference_type(type);
405   bool on_weak = (decorators & ON_WEAK_OOP_REF) != 0;
406   bool on_phantom = (decorators & ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF) != 0;
407   bool on_reference = on_weak || on_phantom;
408   ModRefBarrierSetAssembler::load_at(masm, decorators, type, dst, src, tmp1, tmp2);
409   if (on_oop && on_reference) {
410     // LR is live.  It must be saved around calls.
411     __ enter(/*strip_ret_addr*/true); // barrier may call runtime
412     // Generate the G1 pre-barrier code to log the value of
413     // the referent field in an SATB buffer.
414     g1_write_barrier_pre(masm /* masm */,
415                          noreg /* obj */,
416                          dst /* pre_val */,
417                          rthread /* thread */,
418                          tmp1 /* tmp1 */,
419                          tmp2 /* tmp2 */,
420                          true /* tosca_live */,
421                          true /* expand_call */);
422     __ leave();
423   }
424 }
426 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::oop_store_at(MacroAssembler* masm, DecoratorSet decorators, BasicType type,
427                                          Address dst, Register val, Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3) {
428   // flatten object address if needed
429   if (dst.index() == noreg && dst.offset() == 0) {
430     if (dst.base() != tmp3) {
431       __ mov(tmp3, dst.base());
432     }
433   } else {
434     __ lea(tmp3, dst);
435   }
437   g1_write_barrier_pre(masm,
438                        tmp3 /* obj */,
439                        tmp2 /* pre_val */,
440                        rthread /* thread */,
441                        tmp1  /* tmp1 */,
442                        rscratch2  /* tmp2 */,
443                        val != noreg /* tosca_live */,
444                        false /* expand_call */);
446   if (val == noreg) {
447     BarrierSetAssembler::store_at(masm, decorators, type, Address(tmp3, 0), noreg, noreg, noreg, noreg);
448   } else {
449     // G1 barrier needs uncompressed oop for region cross check.
450     Register new_val = val;
451     if (UseCompressedOops) {
452       new_val = rscratch2;
453       __ mov(new_val, val);
454     }
455     BarrierSetAssembler::store_at(masm, decorators, type, Address(tmp3, 0), val, noreg, noreg, noreg);
456     g1_write_barrier_post(masm,
457                           tmp3 /* store_adr */,
458                           new_val /* new_val */,
459                           rthread /* thread */,
460                           tmp1 /* tmp1 */,
461                           tmp2 /* tmp2 */);
462   }
464 }
466 #ifdef COMPILER1
468 #undef __
469 #define __ ce->masm()->
471 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::gen_pre_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, G1PreBarrierStub* stub) {
472   G1BarrierSetC1* bs = (G1BarrierSetC1*)BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c1();
473   // At this point we know that marking is in progress.
474   // If do_load() is true then we have to emit the
475   // load of the previous value; otherwise it has already
476   // been loaded into _pre_val.
478   __ bind(*stub->entry());
480   assert(stub->pre_val()->is_register(), "Precondition.");
482   Register pre_val_reg = stub->pre_val()->as_register();
484   if (stub->do_load()) {
485     ce->mem2reg(stub->addr(), stub->pre_val(), T_OBJECT, stub->patch_code(), stub->info(), false /*wide*/);
486   }
487   __ cbz(pre_val_reg, *stub->continuation());
488   ce->store_parameter(stub->pre_val()->as_register(), 0);
489   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(bs->pre_barrier_c1_runtime_code_blob()->code_begin()));
490   __ b(*stub->continuation());
491 }
493 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::gen_post_barrier_stub(LIR_Assembler* ce, G1PostBarrierStub* stub) {
494   G1BarrierSetC1* bs = (G1BarrierSetC1*)BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c1();
495   __ bind(*stub->entry());
496   assert(stub->addr()->is_register(), "Precondition.");
497   assert(stub->new_val()->is_register(), "Precondition.");
498   Register new_val_reg = stub->new_val()->as_register();
499   __ cbz(new_val_reg, *stub->continuation());
500   ce->store_parameter(stub->addr()->as_pointer_register(), 0);
501   __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(bs->post_barrier_c1_runtime_code_blob()->code_begin()));
502   __ b(*stub->continuation());
503 }
505 #undef __
507 #define __ sasm->
509 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::generate_c1_pre_barrier_runtime_stub(StubAssembler* sasm) {
510   __ prologue("g1_pre_barrier", false);
512   // arg0 : previous value of memory
514   BarrierSet* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set();
516   const Register pre_val = r0;
517   const Register thread = rthread;
518   const Register tmp = rscratch1;
520   Address in_progress(thread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_active_offset()));
521   Address queue_index(thread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_index_offset()));
522   Address buffer(thread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::satb_mark_queue_buffer_offset()));
524   Label done;
525   Label runtime;
527   // Is marking still active?
528   if (in_bytes(SATBMarkQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 4) {
529     __ ldrw(tmp, in_progress);
530   } else {
531     assert(in_bytes(SATBMarkQueue::byte_width_of_active()) == 1, "Assumption");
532     __ ldrb(tmp, in_progress);
533   }
534   __ cbzw(tmp, done);
536   // Can we store original value in the thread's buffer?
537   __ ldr(tmp, queue_index);
538   __ cbz(tmp, runtime);
540   __ sub(tmp, tmp, wordSize);
541   __ str(tmp, queue_index);
542   __ ldr(rscratch2, buffer);
543   __ add(tmp, tmp, rscratch2);
544   __ load_parameter(0, rscratch2);
545   __ str(rscratch2, Address(tmp, 0));
546   __ b(done);
548   __ bind(runtime);
549   __ push_call_clobbered_registers();
550   __ load_parameter(0, pre_val);
551   __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_pre_entry), pre_val, thread);
552   __ pop_call_clobbered_registers();
553   __ bind(done);
555   __ epilogue();
556 }
558 void G1BarrierSetAssembler::generate_c1_post_barrier_runtime_stub(StubAssembler* sasm) {
559   __ prologue("g1_post_barrier", false);
561   // arg0: store_address
562   Address store_addr(rfp, 2*BytesPerWord);
564   BarrierSet* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set();
565   CardTableBarrierSet* ctbs = barrier_set_cast<CardTableBarrierSet>(bs);
566   CardTable* ct = ctbs->card_table();
568   Label done;
569   Label runtime;
571   // At this point we know new_value is non-null and the new_value crosses regions.
572   // Must check to see if card is already dirty
574   const Register thread = rthread;
576   Address queue_index(thread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::dirty_card_queue_index_offset()));
577   Address buffer(thread, in_bytes(G1ThreadLocalData::dirty_card_queue_buffer_offset()));
579   const Register card_offset = rscratch2;
580   // LR is free here, so we can use it to hold the byte_map_base.
581   const Register byte_map_base = lr;
583   assert_different_registers(card_offset, byte_map_base, rscratch1);
585   __ load_parameter(0, card_offset);
586   __ lsr(card_offset, card_offset, CardTable::card_shift());
587   __ load_byte_map_base(byte_map_base);
588   __ ldrb(rscratch1, Address(byte_map_base, card_offset));
589   __ cmpw(rscratch1, (int)G1CardTable::g1_young_card_val());
590   __ br(Assembler::EQ, done);
592   assert((int)CardTable::dirty_card_val() == 0, "must be 0");
594   __ membar(Assembler::StoreLoad);
595   __ ldrb(rscratch1, Address(byte_map_base, card_offset));
596   __ cbzw(rscratch1, done);
598   // storing region crossing non-null, card is clean.
599   // dirty card and log.
600   __ strb(zr, Address(byte_map_base, card_offset));
602   // Convert card offset into an address in card_addr
603   Register card_addr = card_offset;
604   __ add(card_addr, byte_map_base, card_addr);
606   __ ldr(rscratch1, queue_index);
607   __ cbz(rscratch1, runtime);
608   __ sub(rscratch1, rscratch1, wordSize);
609   __ str(rscratch1, queue_index);
611   // Reuse LR to hold buffer_addr
612   const Register buffer_addr = lr;
614   __ ldr(buffer_addr, buffer);
615   __ str(card_addr, Address(buffer_addr, rscratch1));
616   __ b(done);
618   __ bind(runtime);
619   __ push_call_clobbered_registers();
620   __ call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, G1BarrierSetRuntime::write_ref_field_post_entry), card_addr, thread);
621   __ pop_call_clobbered_registers();
622   __ bind(done);
623   __ epilogue();
624 }
626 #undef __
628 #endif // COMPILER1