1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2018, 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 25 #include "cds/archiveHeapLoader.inline.hpp"
 26 #include "cds/cdsConfig.hpp"
 27 #include "cds/heapShared.hpp"
 28 #include "cds/metaspaceShared.hpp"
 29 #include "classfile/classLoaderDataShared.hpp"
 30 #include "classfile/systemDictionaryShared.hpp"
 31 #include "classfile/vmClasses.hpp"
 32 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
 33 #include "logging/log.hpp"
 34 #include "memory/iterator.inline.hpp"
 35 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
 36 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
 37 #include "sanitizers/ub.hpp"
 38 #include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
 39 #include "utilities/copy.hpp"
 43 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::_is_mapped = false;
 44 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::_is_loaded = false;
 46 bool    ArchiveHeapLoader::_narrow_oop_base_initialized = false;
 47 address ArchiveHeapLoader::_narrow_oop_base;
 48 int     ArchiveHeapLoader::_narrow_oop_shift;
 50 // Support for loaded heap.
 51 uintptr_t ArchiveHeapLoader::_loaded_heap_bottom = 0;
 52 uintptr_t ArchiveHeapLoader::_loaded_heap_top = 0;
 53 uintptr_t ArchiveHeapLoader::_dumptime_base = UINTPTR_MAX;
 54 uintptr_t ArchiveHeapLoader::_dumptime_top = 0;
 55 intx ArchiveHeapLoader::_runtime_offset = 0;
 56 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::_loading_failed = false;
 58 // Support for mapped heap.
 59 uintptr_t ArchiveHeapLoader::_mapped_heap_bottom = 0;
 60 bool      ArchiveHeapLoader::_mapped_heap_relocation_initialized = false;
 61 ptrdiff_t ArchiveHeapLoader::_mapped_heap_delta = 0;
 63 // Every mapped region is offset by _mapped_heap_delta from its requested address.
 64 // See FileMapInfo::heap_region_requested_address().
 66 void ArchiveHeapLoader::init_mapped_heap_info(address mapped_heap_bottom, ptrdiff_t delta, int dumptime_oop_shift) {
 67   assert(!_mapped_heap_relocation_initialized, "only once");
 68   if (!UseCompressedOops) {
 69     assert(dumptime_oop_shift == 0, "sanity");
 70   }
 71   assert(can_map(), "sanity");
 72   init_narrow_oop_decoding(CompressedOops::base() + delta, dumptime_oop_shift);
 73   _mapped_heap_bottom = (intptr_t)mapped_heap_bottom;
 74   _mapped_heap_delta = delta;
 75   _mapped_heap_relocation_initialized = true;
 76 }
 78 void ArchiveHeapLoader::init_narrow_oop_decoding(address base, int shift) {
 79   assert(!_narrow_oop_base_initialized, "only once");
 80   _narrow_oop_base_initialized = true;
 81   _narrow_oop_base = base;
 82   _narrow_oop_shift = shift;
 83 }
 85 void ArchiveHeapLoader::fixup_region() {
 86   FileMapInfo* mapinfo = FileMapInfo::current_info();
 87   if (is_mapped()) {
 88     mapinfo->fixup_mapped_heap_region();
 89   } else if (_loading_failed) {
 90     fill_failed_loaded_heap();
 91   }
 92   if (is_in_use()) {
 93     if (!CDSConfig::is_using_full_module_graph()) {
 94       // Need to remove all the archived java.lang.Module objects from HeapShared::roots().
 95       ClassLoaderDataShared::clear_archived_oops();
 96     }
 97   }
 98 }
100 // ------------------ Support for Region MAPPING -----------------------------------------
102 // Patch all the embedded oop pointers inside an archived heap region,
103 // to be consistent with the runtime oop encoding.
104 class PatchCompressedEmbeddedPointers: public BitMapClosure {
105   narrowOop* _start;
107  public:
108   PatchCompressedEmbeddedPointers(narrowOop* start) : _start(start) {}
110   bool do_bit(size_t offset) {
111     narrowOop* p = _start + offset;
112     narrowOop v = *p;
113     assert(!CompressedOops::is_null(v), "null oops should have been filtered out at dump time");
114     oop o = ArchiveHeapLoader::decode_from_mapped_archive(v);
115     RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, o);
116     return true;
117   }
118 };
120 class PatchCompressedEmbeddedPointersQuick: public BitMapClosure {
121   narrowOop* _start;
122   uint32_t _delta;
124  public:
125   PatchCompressedEmbeddedPointersQuick(narrowOop* start, uint32_t delta) : _start(start), _delta(delta) {}
127   bool do_bit(size_t offset) {
128     narrowOop* p = _start + offset;
129     narrowOop v = *p;
130     assert(!CompressedOops::is_null(v), "null oops should have been filtered out at dump time");
131     narrowOop new_v = CompressedOops::narrow_oop_cast(CompressedOops::narrow_oop_value(v) + _delta);
132     assert(!CompressedOops::is_null(new_v), "should never relocate to narrowOop(0)");
133 #ifdef ASSERT
134     oop o1 = ArchiveHeapLoader::decode_from_mapped_archive(v);
135     oop o2 = CompressedOops::decode_not_null(new_v);
136     assert(o1 == o2, "quick delta must work");
137 #endif
138     RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, new_v);
139     return true;
140   }
141 };
143 class PatchUncompressedEmbeddedPointers: public BitMapClosure {
144   oop* _start;
145   intptr_t _delta;
147  public:
148   PatchUncompressedEmbeddedPointers(oop* start, intx runtime_offset) :
149     _start(start),
150     _delta(runtime_offset) {}
152   PatchUncompressedEmbeddedPointers(oop* start) :
153     _start(start),
154     _delta(ArchiveHeapLoader::mapped_heap_delta()) {}
156   bool do_bit(size_t offset) {
157     oop* p = _start + offset;
158     intptr_t dumptime_oop = (intptr_t)((void*)*p);
159     assert(dumptime_oop != 0, "null oops should have been filtered out at dump time");
160     intptr_t runtime_oop = dumptime_oop + _delta;
161     RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, cast_to_oop(runtime_oop));
162     return true;
163   }
164 };
166 void ArchiveHeapLoader::patch_compressed_embedded_pointers(BitMapView bm,
167                                                   FileMapInfo* info,
168                                                   MemRegion region) {
169   narrowOop dt_encoded_bottom = info->encoded_heap_region_dumptime_address();
170   narrowOop rt_encoded_bottom = CompressedOops::encode_not_null(cast_to_oop(region.start()));
171   log_info(cds)("patching heap embedded pointers: narrowOop 0x%8x -> 0x%8x",
172                   (uint)dt_encoded_bottom, (uint)rt_encoded_bottom);
174   // Optimization: if dumptime shift is the same as runtime shift, we can perform a
175   // quick conversion from "dumptime narrowOop" -> "runtime narrowOop".
176   narrowOop* patching_start = (narrowOop*)region.start() + FileMapInfo::current_info()->heap_oopmap_start_pos();
177   if (_narrow_oop_shift == CompressedOops::shift()) {
178     uint32_t quick_delta = (uint32_t)rt_encoded_bottom - (uint32_t)dt_encoded_bottom;
179     log_info(cds)("CDS heap data relocation quick delta = 0x%x", quick_delta);
180     if (quick_delta == 0) {
181       log_info(cds)("CDS heap data relocation unnecessary, quick_delta = 0");
182     } else {
183       PatchCompressedEmbeddedPointersQuick patcher(patching_start, quick_delta);
184       bm.iterate(&patcher);
185     }
186   } else {
187     log_info(cds)("CDS heap data quick relocation not possible");
188     PatchCompressedEmbeddedPointers patcher(patching_start);
189     bm.iterate(&patcher);
190   }
191 }
193 // Patch all the non-null pointers that are embedded in the archived heap objects
194 // in this (mapped) region
195 void ArchiveHeapLoader::patch_embedded_pointers(FileMapInfo* info,
196                                                 MemRegion region, address oopmap,
197                                                 size_t oopmap_size_in_bits) {
198   BitMapView bm((BitMap::bm_word_t*)oopmap, oopmap_size_in_bits);
199   if (UseCompressedOops) {
200     patch_compressed_embedded_pointers(bm, info, region);
201   } else {
202     PatchUncompressedEmbeddedPointers patcher((oop*)region.start() + FileMapInfo::current_info()->heap_oopmap_start_pos());
203     bm.iterate(&patcher);
204   }
205 }
207 // ------------------ Support for Region LOADING -----------------------------------------
209 // The CDS archive remembers each heap object by its address at dump time, but
210 // the heap object may be loaded at a different address at run time. This structure is used
211 // to translate the dump time addresses for all objects in FileMapInfo::space_at(region_index)
212 // to their runtime addresses.
213 struct LoadedArchiveHeapRegion {
214   int       _region_index;   // index for FileMapInfo::space_at(index)
215   size_t    _region_size;    // number of bytes in this region
216   uintptr_t _dumptime_base;  // The dump-time (decoded) address of the first object in this region
217   intx      _runtime_offset; // If an object's dump time address P is within in this region, its
218                              // runtime address is P + _runtime_offset
219   uintptr_t top() {
220     return _dumptime_base + _region_size;
221   }
222 };
224 void ArchiveHeapLoader::init_loaded_heap_relocation(LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_region) {
225   _dumptime_base = loaded_region->_dumptime_base;
226   _dumptime_top = loaded_region->top();
227   _runtime_offset = loaded_region->_runtime_offset;
228 }
230 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::can_load() {
231   return Universe::heap()->can_load_archived_objects();
232 }
234 class ArchiveHeapLoader::PatchLoadedRegionPointers: public BitMapClosure {
235   narrowOop* _start;
236   intx _offset;
237   uintptr_t _base;
238   uintptr_t _top;
240  public:
241   PatchLoadedRegionPointers(narrowOop* start, LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_region)
242     : _start(start),
243       _offset(loaded_region->_runtime_offset),
244       _base(loaded_region->_dumptime_base),
245       _top(loaded_region->top()) {}
247   bool do_bit(size_t offset) {
248     assert(UseCompressedOops, "PatchLoadedRegionPointers for uncompressed oops is unimplemented");
249     narrowOop* p = _start + offset;
250     narrowOop v = *p;
251     assert(!CompressedOops::is_null(v), "null oops should have been filtered out at dump time");
252     uintptr_t o = cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(ArchiveHeapLoader::decode_from_archive(v));
253     assert(_base <= o && o < _top, "must be");
255     o += _offset;
256     ArchiveHeapLoader::assert_in_loaded_heap(o);
257     RawAccess<IS_NOT_NULL>::oop_store(p, cast_to_oop(o));
258     return true;
259   }
260 };
262 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::init_loaded_region(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_region,
263                                            MemRegion& archive_space) {
264   size_t total_bytes = 0;
265   FileMapRegion* r = mapinfo->region_at(MetaspaceShared::hp);
266   r->assert_is_heap_region();
267   if (r->used() == 0) {
268     return false;
269   }
271   assert(is_aligned(r->used(), HeapWordSize), "must be");
272   total_bytes += r->used();
273   loaded_region->_region_index = MetaspaceShared::hp;
274   loaded_region->_region_size = r->used();
275   loaded_region->_dumptime_base = (uintptr_t)mapinfo->heap_region_dumptime_address();
277   assert(is_aligned(total_bytes, HeapWordSize), "must be");
278   size_t word_size = total_bytes / HeapWordSize;
279   HeapWord* buffer = Universe::heap()->allocate_loaded_archive_space(word_size);
280   if (buffer == nullptr) {
281     return false;
282   }
284   archive_space = MemRegion(buffer, word_size);
285   _loaded_heap_bottom = (uintptr_t)archive_space.start();
286   _loaded_heap_top    = _loaded_heap_bottom + total_bytes;
288   loaded_region->_runtime_offset = _loaded_heap_bottom - loaded_region->_dumptime_base;
290   return true;
291 }
293 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::load_heap_region_impl(FileMapInfo* mapinfo, LoadedArchiveHeapRegion* loaded_region,
294                                               uintptr_t load_address) {
295   uintptr_t bitmap_base = (uintptr_t)mapinfo->map_bitmap_region();
296   if (bitmap_base == 0) {
297     _loading_failed = true;
298     return false; // OOM or CRC error
299   }
301   FileMapRegion* r = mapinfo->region_at(loaded_region->_region_index);
302   if (!mapinfo->read_region(loaded_region->_region_index, (char*)load_address, r->used(), /* do_commit = */ false)) {
303     // There's no easy way to free the buffer, so we will fill it with zero later
304     // in fill_failed_loaded_heap(), and it will eventually be GC'ed.
305     log_warning(cds)("Loading of heap region %d has failed. Archived objects are disabled", loaded_region->_region_index);
306     _loading_failed = true;
307     return false;
308   }
309   assert(r->mapped_base() == (char*)load_address, "sanity");
310   log_info(cds)("Loaded heap    region #%d at base " INTPTR_FORMAT " top " INTPTR_FORMAT
311                 " size %6zu delta %zd",
312                 loaded_region->_region_index, load_address, load_address + loaded_region->_region_size,
313                 loaded_region->_region_size, loaded_region->_runtime_offset);
315   uintptr_t oopmap = bitmap_base + r->oopmap_offset();
316   BitMapView bm((BitMap::bm_word_t*)oopmap, r->oopmap_size_in_bits());
318   if (UseCompressedOops) {
319     PatchLoadedRegionPointers patcher((narrowOop*)load_address + FileMapInfo::current_info()->heap_oopmap_start_pos(), loaded_region);
320     bm.iterate(&patcher);
321   } else {
322     PatchUncompressedEmbeddedPointers patcher((oop*)load_address + FileMapInfo::current_info()->heap_oopmap_start_pos(), loaded_region->_runtime_offset);
323     bm.iterate(&patcher);
324   }
325   return true;
326 }
328 bool ArchiveHeapLoader::load_heap_region(FileMapInfo* mapinfo) {
329   assert(can_load(), "loaded heap for must be supported");
330   init_narrow_oop_decoding(mapinfo->narrow_oop_base(), mapinfo->narrow_oop_shift());
332   LoadedArchiveHeapRegion loaded_region;
333   memset(&loaded_region, 0, sizeof(loaded_region));
335   MemRegion archive_space;
336   if (!init_loaded_region(mapinfo, &loaded_region, archive_space)) {
337     return false;
338   }
340   if (!load_heap_region_impl(mapinfo, &loaded_region, (uintptr_t)archive_space.start())) {
341     assert(_loading_failed, "must be");
342     return false;
343   }
345   init_loaded_heap_relocation(&loaded_region);
346   _is_loaded = true;
348   return true;
349 }
351 class VerifyLoadedHeapEmbeddedPointers: public BasicOopIterateClosure {
352   ResourceHashtable<uintptr_t, bool>* _table;
354  public:
355   VerifyLoadedHeapEmbeddedPointers(ResourceHashtable<uintptr_t, bool>* table) : _table(table) {}
357   virtual void do_oop(narrowOop* p) {
358     // This should be called before the loaded region is modified, so all the embedded pointers
359     // must be null, or must point to a valid object in the loaded region.
360     narrowOop v = *p;
361     if (!CompressedOops::is_null(v)) {
362       oop o = CompressedOops::decode_not_null(v);
363       uintptr_t u = cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(o);
364       ArchiveHeapLoader::assert_in_loaded_heap(u);
365       guarantee(_table->contains(u), "must point to beginning of object in loaded archived region");
366     }
367   }
368   virtual void do_oop(oop* p) {
369     oop v = *p;
370     if(v != nullptr) {
371       uintptr_t u = cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(v);
372       ArchiveHeapLoader::assert_in_loaded_heap(u);
373       guarantee(_table->contains(u), "must point to beginning of object in loaded archived region");
374     }
375   }
376 };
378 void ArchiveHeapLoader::finish_initialization() {
379   if (is_loaded()) {
380     // These operations are needed only when the heap is loaded (not mapped).
381     finish_loaded_heap();
382     if (VerifyArchivedFields > 0) {
383       verify_loaded_heap();
384     }
385   }
386   if (is_in_use()) {
387     patch_native_pointers();
388     intptr_t bottom = is_loaded() ? _loaded_heap_bottom : _mapped_heap_bottom;
390     // The heap roots are stored in one or more segments that are laid out consecutively.
391     // The size of each segment (except for the last one) is max_size_in_{elems,bytes}.
392     HeapRootSegments segments = FileMapInfo::current_info()->heap_root_segments();
393     HeapShared::init_root_segment_sizes(segments.max_size_in_elems());
394     intptr_t first_segment_addr = bottom + segments.base_offset();
395     for (size_t c = 0; c < segments.count(); c++) {
396       oop segment_oop = cast_to_oop(first_segment_addr + (c * segments.max_size_in_bytes()));
397       assert(segment_oop->is_objArray(), "Must be");
398       HeapShared::add_root_segment((objArrayOop)segment_oop);
399     }
400   }
401 }
403 void ArchiveHeapLoader::finish_loaded_heap() {
404   HeapWord* bottom = (HeapWord*)_loaded_heap_bottom;
405   HeapWord* top    = (HeapWord*)_loaded_heap_top;
407   MemRegion archive_space = MemRegion(bottom, top);
408   Universe::heap()->complete_loaded_archive_space(archive_space);
409 }
411 void ArchiveHeapLoader::verify_loaded_heap() {
412   log_info(cds, heap)("Verify all oops and pointers in loaded heap");
414   ResourceMark rm;
415   ResourceHashtable<uintptr_t, bool> table;
416   VerifyLoadedHeapEmbeddedPointers verifier(&table);
417   HeapWord* bottom = (HeapWord*)_loaded_heap_bottom;
418   HeapWord* top    = (HeapWord*)_loaded_heap_top;
420   for (HeapWord* p = bottom; p < top; ) {
421     oop o = cast_to_oop(p);
422     table.put(cast_from_oop<uintptr_t>(o), true);
423     p += o->size();
424   }
426   for (HeapWord* p = bottom; p < top; ) {
427     oop o = cast_to_oop(p);
428     o->oop_iterate(&verifier);
429     p += o->size();
430   }
431 }
433 void ArchiveHeapLoader::fill_failed_loaded_heap() {
434   assert(_loading_failed, "must be");
435   if (_loaded_heap_bottom != 0) {
436     assert(_loaded_heap_top != 0, "must be");
437     HeapWord* bottom = (HeapWord*)_loaded_heap_bottom;
438     HeapWord* top = (HeapWord*)_loaded_heap_top;
439     Universe::heap()->fill_with_objects(bottom, top - bottom);
440   }
441 }
443 oop ArchiveHeapLoader::oop_from_offset(int offset) {
444   // Once GC starts, the offsets saved in CachedCodeDirectoryInternal::_permanent_oop_offsets
445   // will become invalid. I don't know what function can check if GCs are allowed, but surely
446   // GCs can't happen before the Object class is loaded.
447   assert(CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "sanity");
448   assert(vmClasses::Object_klass()->class_loader_data() == nullptr,
449          "can be called only very early during VM start-up");
450   if (is_loaded()) {
451     return cast_to_oop(_loaded_heap_bottom + offset);
452   } else {
453     assert(is_mapped(), "must be");
454     return cast_to_oop(_mapped_heap_bottom + offset);
455   }
456 }
458 class PatchNativePointers: public BitMapClosure {
459   Metadata** _start;
461  public:
462   PatchNativePointers(Metadata** start) : _start(start) {}
464   bool do_bit(size_t offset) {
465     Metadata** p = _start + offset;
466     *p = (Metadata*)(address(*p) + MetaspaceShared::relocation_delta());
467     return true;
468   }
469 };
471 void ArchiveHeapLoader::patch_native_pointers() {
472   if (MetaspaceShared::relocation_delta() == 0) {
473     return;
474   }
476   FileMapRegion* r = FileMapInfo::current_info()->region_at(MetaspaceShared::hp);
477   if (r->mapped_base() != nullptr && r->has_ptrmap()) {
478     log_info(cds, heap)("Patching native pointers in heap region");
479     BitMapView bm = FileMapInfo::current_info()->ptrmap_view(MetaspaceShared::hp);
480     PatchNativePointers patcher((Metadata**)r->mapped_base() + FileMapInfo::current_info()->heap_ptrmap_start_pos());
481     bm.iterate(&patcher);
482   }
483 }