< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/cds/archiveUtils.hpp
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// fixed, but _ptr_end can be expanded as more objects are dumped.
class ArchivePtrMarker : AllStatic {
static CHeapBitMap* _ptrmap;
static CHeapBitMap* _rw_ptrmap;
static CHeapBitMap* _ro_ptrmap;
+ static CHeapBitMap* _cc_ptrmap;
static VirtualSpace* _vs;
// Once _ptrmap is compacted, we don't allow bit marking anymore. This is to
// avoid unintentional copy operations after the bitmap has been finalized and written.
static bool _compacted;
static address* ptr_base() { return (address*)_vs->low(); } // committed lower bound (inclusive)
static address* ptr_end() { return (address*)_vs->high(); } // committed upper bound (exclusive)
static void initialize(CHeapBitMap* ptrmap, VirtualSpace* vs);
! static void initialize_rw_ro_maps(CHeapBitMap* rw_ptrmap, CHeapBitMap* ro_ptrmap);
static void mark_pointer(address* ptr_loc);
static void clear_pointer(address* ptr_loc);
static void compact(address relocatable_base, address relocatable_end);
static void compact(size_t max_non_null_offset);
static address* ptr_base() { return (address*)_vs->low(); } // committed lower bound (inclusive)
static address* ptr_end() { return (address*)_vs->high(); } // committed upper bound (exclusive)
static void initialize(CHeapBitMap* ptrmap, VirtualSpace* vs);
! static void initialize_rw_ro_cc_maps(CHeapBitMap* rw_ptrmap, CHeapBitMap* ro_ptrmap, CHeapBitMap* cc_ptrmap);
static void mark_pointer(address* ptr_loc);
static void clear_pointer(address* ptr_loc);
static void compact(address relocatable_base, address relocatable_end);
static void compact(size_t max_non_null_offset);
static CHeapBitMap* ro_ptrmap() {
return _ro_ptrmap;
+ static CHeapBitMap* cc_ptrmap() {
+ return _cc_ptrmap;
+ }
static void reset_map_and_vs() {
_ptrmap = nullptr;
_rw_ptrmap = nullptr;
_ro_ptrmap = nullptr;
+ _cc_ptrmap = nullptr;
_vs = nullptr;
// SharedDataRelocator is used to shift pointers in the CDS archive.
bool is_packed() const { return _is_packed; }
bool is_allocatable() const {
return !is_packed() && _base != nullptr;
+ bool is_empty() const { return _base == _top; }
void print(size_t total_bytes) const;
void print_out_of_space_msg(const char* failing_region, size_t needed_bytes);
void init(ReservedSpace* rs, VirtualSpace* vs);
template <typename T, ENABLE_IF(std::is_pointer<T>::value)>
static Array<T>* archive_array(GrowableArray<T>* tmp_array) {
return archive_ptr_array(tmp_array);
+ static const char* builtin_loader_name_or_null(oop loader); // "boot", "platform", "app", or nullptr
+ static const char* builtin_loader_name(oop loader); // "boot", "platform", or "app". Asserts if not a built-in-loader.
+ static bool builtin_loader_from_type(const char* loader_type, oop* value_ret);
+ static oop builtin_loader_from_type(int loader_type);
// The following functions translate between a u4 offset and an address in the
// the range of the mapped CDS archive (e.g., Metaspace::is_in_shared_metaspace()).
// Since the first 16 bytes in this range are dummy data (see ArchiveBuilder::reserve_buffer()),
// we know that offset 0 never represents a valid object. As a result, an offset of 0
// is used to encode a nullptr.
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