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 78 // [A] In most of the cases, the module bootstrap code will update the static field
 79 //     to point to part of the archived module graph. E.g.,
 80 //     - java/lang/System::bootLayer
 81 //     - jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders::BOOT_LOADER
 82 // [B] A final static String that's explicitly initialized inside <clinit>, but
 83 //     its value is deterministic and is always the same string literal.
 84 // [C] A non-final static string that is assigned a string literal during class
 85 //     initialization; this string is never changed during -Xshare:dump.
 86 // [D] Simple caches whose value doesn't matter.
 87 // [E] Other cases (see comments in-line below).
 89 CDSHeapVerifier::CDSHeapVerifier() : _archived_objs(0), _problems(0)
 90 {
 91 # define ADD_EXCL(...) { static const char* e[] = {__VA_ARGS__, nullptr}; add_exclusion(e); }
 93   // Unfortunately this needs to be manually maintained. If
 94   // test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds/cacheObject/ArchivedEnumTest.java fails,
 95   // you might need to fix the core library code, or fix the ADD_EXCL entries below.
 96   //
 97   //       class                                         field                     type
 98   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/ClassLoader",                      "scl");                   // A
 99   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/Module",                           "ALL_UNNAMED_MODULE",     // A
100                                                          "ALL_UNNAMED_MODULE_SET", // A
101                                                          "EVERYONE_MODULE",        // A
102                                                          "EVERYONE_SET");          // A
104   // This is the same as java/util/ImmutableCollections::EMPTY_SET, which is archived
105   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/reflect/AccessFlag$Location",      "EMPTY_SET");             // E
107   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/System",                           "bootLayer");             // A
109   // A dummy object used by HashSet. The value doesn't matter and it's never
110   // tested for equality.
111   ADD_EXCL("java/util/HashSet",                          "PRESENT");               // E
112   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader",     "packageToModule");       // A
113   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders",           "BOOT_LOADER",            // A
114                                                          "APP_LOADER",             // A
115                                                          "PLATFORM_LOADER");       // A
116   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/module/Builder",                "cachedVersion");         // D
117   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/module/ModuleLoaderMap$Mapper", "APP_CLASSLOADER",        // A
118                                                          "APP_LOADER_INDEX",       // A
119                                                          "PLATFORM_CLASSLOADER",   // A
120                                                          "PLATFORM_LOADER_INDEX"); // A
121   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/module/ServicesCatalog",        "CLV");                   // A
123   // This just points to an empty Map
124   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/reflect/Reflection",            "methodFilterMap");       // E
126   // Integer for 0 and 1 are in java/lang/Integer$IntegerCache and are archived
127   ADD_EXCL("sun/invoke/util/ValueConversions",           "ONE_INT",                // E
128                                                          "ZERO_INT");              // E
130   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_invokedynamic()) {
131     ADD_EXCL("java/lang/invoke/InvokerBytecodeGenerator", "MEMBERNAME_FACTORY",    // D
132                                                           "CD_Object_array",       // E same as <...>ConstantUtils.CD_Object_array::CD_Object
133                                                           "INVOKER_SUPER_DESC");   // E same as java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs::CD_Object
134   }

136 # undef ADD_EXCL
138   ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(this);
139 }
141 CDSHeapVerifier::~CDSHeapVerifier() {
142   if (_problems > 0) {
143     log_error(cds, heap)("Scanned %d objects. Found %d case(s) where "
144                          "an object points to a static field that "
145                          "may hold a different value at runtime.", _archived_objs, _problems);
146     MetaspaceShared::unrecoverable_writing_error();
147   }
148 }
150 class CDSHeapVerifier::CheckStaticFields : public FieldClosure {
151   CDSHeapVerifier* _verifier;
152   InstanceKlass* _ik; // The class whose static fields are being checked.
153   const char** _exclusions;
154 public:
155   CheckStaticFields(CDSHeapVerifier* verifier, InstanceKlass* ik)
156     : _verifier(verifier), _ik(ik) {
157     _exclusions = _verifier->find_exclusion(_ik);
158   }
160   void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) {
161     if (fd->field_type() != T_OBJECT) {
162       return;
163     }
165     if (fd->signature()->equals("Ljdk/internal/access/JavaLangAccess;")) {
166       // A few classes have static fields that point to SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().

 78 // [A] In most of the cases, the module bootstrap code will update the static field
 79 //     to point to part of the archived module graph. E.g.,
 80 //     - java/lang/System::bootLayer
 81 //     - jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders::BOOT_LOADER
 82 // [B] A final static String that's explicitly initialized inside <clinit>, but
 83 //     its value is deterministic and is always the same string literal.
 84 // [C] A non-final static string that is assigned a string literal during class
 85 //     initialization; this string is never changed during -Xshare:dump.
 86 // [D] Simple caches whose value doesn't matter.
 87 // [E] Other cases (see comments in-line below).
 89 CDSHeapVerifier::CDSHeapVerifier() : _archived_objs(0), _problems(0)
 90 {
 91 # define ADD_EXCL(...) { static const char* e[] = {__VA_ARGS__, nullptr}; add_exclusion(e); }
 93   // Unfortunately this needs to be manually maintained. If
 94   // test/hotspot/jtreg/runtime/cds/appcds/cacheObject/ArchivedEnumTest.java fails,
 95   // you might need to fix the core library code, or fix the ADD_EXCL entries below.
 96   //
 97   //       class                                         field                     type
 98   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/ClassLoader$Holder",               "scl");                   // A
 99   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/Module",                           "ALL_UNNAMED_MODULE",     // A
100                                                          "ALL_UNNAMED_MODULE_SET", // A
101                                                          "EVERYONE_MODULE",        // A
102                                                          "EVERYONE_SET");          // A
104   // This is the same as java/util/ImmutableCollections::EMPTY_SET, which is archived
105   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/reflect/AccessFlag$Location",      "EMPTY_SET");             // E
107   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/System",                           "bootLayer");             // A
109   // A dummy object used by HashSet. The value doesn't matter and it's never
110   // tested for equality.
111   ADD_EXCL("java/util/HashSet",                          "PRESENT");               // E
112   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/loader/BuiltinClassLoader",     "packageToModule");       // A
113   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/loader/ClassLoaders",           "BOOT_LOADER",            // A
114                                                          "APP_LOADER",             // A
115                                                          "PLATFORM_LOADER");       // A
116   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/module/Builder",                "cachedVersion");         // D
117   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/module/ModuleLoaderMap$Mapper", "APP_CLASSLOADER",        // A
118                                                          "APP_LOADER_INDEX",       // A
119                                                          "PLATFORM_CLASSLOADER",   // A
120                                                          "PLATFORM_LOADER_INDEX"); // A
121   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/module/ServicesCatalog",        "CLV");                   // A
123   // This just points to an empty Map
124   ADD_EXCL("jdk/internal/reflect/Reflection",            "methodFilterMap");       // E
126   // Integer for 0 and 1 are in java/lang/Integer$IntegerCache and are archived
127   ADD_EXCL("sun/invoke/util/ValueConversions",           "ONE_INT",                // E
128                                                          "ZERO_INT");              // E
130   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_invokedynamic()) {
131     ADD_EXCL("java/lang/invoke/InvokerBytecodeGenerator", "MEMBERNAME_FACTORY",    // D
132                                                           "CD_Object_array",       // E same as <...>ConstantUtils.CD_Object_array::CD_Object
133                                                           "INVOKER_SUPER_DESC");   // E same as java.lang.constant.ConstantDescs::CD_Object
134   }
136   // These are used by BuiltinClassLoader::negativeLookupCache, etc but seem to be
137   // OK. TODO - we should completely disable the caching unless ArchiveLoaderLookupCache
138   // is enabled
139   ADD_EXCL("java/lang/Boolean",                           "TRUE",                  // E
140                                                           "FALSE");                // E
142 # undef ADD_EXCL
144   ClassLoaderDataGraph::classes_do(this);
145 }
147 CDSHeapVerifier::~CDSHeapVerifier() {
148   if (_problems > 0) {
149     log_error(cds, heap)("Scanned %d objects. Found %d case(s) where "
150                          "an object points to a static field that "
151                          "may hold a different value at runtime.", _archived_objs, _problems);
152     //MetaspaceShared::unrecoverable_writing_error(); // FIXME -- leyden+JEP483 merge
153   }
154 }
156 class CDSHeapVerifier::CheckStaticFields : public FieldClosure {
157   CDSHeapVerifier* _verifier;
158   InstanceKlass* _ik; // The class whose static fields are being checked.
159   const char** _exclusions;
160 public:
161   CheckStaticFields(CDSHeapVerifier* verifier, InstanceKlass* ik)
162     : _verifier(verifier), _ik(ik) {
163     _exclusions = _verifier->find_exclusion(_ik);
164   }
166   void do_field(fieldDescriptor* fd) {
167     if (fd->field_type() != T_OBJECT) {
168       return;
169     }
171     if (fd->signature()->equals("Ljdk/internal/access/JavaLangAccess;")) {
172       // A few classes have static fields that point to SharedSecrets.getJavaLangAccess().
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