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@@ -58,10 +58,14 @@
      //   The ProtectionDomains are cached in the corresponding ModuleEntries
      //   for fast access by the VM.
      // all packages from module image are already created during VM bootstrap in
      // Modules::define_module().
      assert(pkg_entry != nullptr, "archived class in module image cannot be from unnamed package");
+     Handle archived_pd = get_archived_protection_domain(THREAD, ik);
+     if (archived_pd.not_null()) {
+       return archived_pd;
+     }
      ModuleEntry* mod_entry = pkg_entry->module();
      return get_shared_protection_domain(class_loader, mod_entry, THREAD);
    } else {
      // For shared app/platform classes originated from JAR files on the class path:
      //   Each of the 3 CDSProtectionDomain::_shared_xxx arrays has the same length

@@ -85,22 +89,28 @@
      //   Note that if an element of these 3 _shared_xxx arrays is null, it will be initialized by
      //   the corresponding CDSProtectionDomain::get_shared_xxx() function.
      Handle manifest = get_shared_jar_manifest(index, CHECK_NH);
      Handle url = get_shared_jar_url(index, CHECK_NH);
+    if (!CDSConfig::is_loading_packages()) { // leyden
      int index_offset = index - AOTClassLocationConfig::runtime()->app_cp_start_index();
      if (index_offset < PackageEntry::max_index_for_defined_in_class_path()) {
        if (pkg_entry == nullptr || !pkg_entry->is_defined_by_cds_in_class_path(index_offset)) {
          // define_shared_package only needs to be called once for each package in a jar specified
          // in the shared class path.
          define_shared_package(class_name, class_loader, manifest, url, CHECK_NH);
          if (pkg_entry != nullptr) {
+       } else {
+         define_shared_package(class_name, class_loader, manifest, url, CHECK_NH);
-     } else {
-       define_shared_package(class_name, class_loader, manifest, url, CHECK_NH);
+     }
+    } // leyden-end
+     Handle archived_pd = get_archived_protection_domain(THREAD, ik);
+     if (archived_pd.not_null()) {
+       return archived_pd;
      return get_shared_protection_domain(class_loader, index, url, THREAD);

@@ -206,10 +216,40 @@
    url_h = Handle(THREAD, shared_jar_url(shared_path_index));
    assert(url_h.not_null(), "sanity");
    return url_h;
+ Handle CDSProtectionDomain::get_archived_protection_domain(JavaThread* current, InstanceKlass* klass) {
+   oop pd = nullptr;
+   if (CDSConfig::is_loading_protection_domains()) {
+     oop mirror;
+     if (klass->has_archived_mirror_index()) {
+       mirror = klass->archived_java_mirror();
+     } else {
+       mirror = klass->java_mirror();
+     }
+     if (mirror != nullptr) {
+       pd = java_lang_Class::protection_domain(mirror);
+     }
+   }
+   if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds, protectiondomain)) {
+     ResourceMark rm;
+     log_info(cds, protectiondomain)("Archived protection domain for %s = %s", klass->external_name(),
+                                     (pd == nullptr) ? "none" : "found");
+   }
+   if (pd == nullptr) {
+     return Handle();
+   } else {
+     return Handle(current, pd);
+   }
+ }
  oop CDSProtectionDomain::to_file_URL(const char* path, Handle url_h, TRAPS) {
    JavaValue result(T_OBJECT);
    Handle path_string = java_lang_String::create_from_str(path, CHECK_NULL);
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