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*** 85,17 ***
            "The path and name of the dynamic archive file")                  \
    product(ccstr, ExtraSharedClassListFile, nullptr,                         \
            "Extra classlist for building the CDS archive file")              \
!   product(int, ArchiveRelocationMode, 1, DIAGNOSTIC,                        \
             "(0) first map at preferred address, and if "                    \
             "unsuccessful, map at alternative address; "                     \
             "(1) always map at alternative address (default); "              \
             "(2) always map at preferred address, and if unsuccessful, "     \
             "do not map the archive")                                        \
             range(0, 2)                                                      \
  // end of CDS_FLAGS
--- 85,96 ---
            "The path and name of the dynamic archive file")                  \
    product(ccstr, ExtraSharedClassListFile, nullptr,                         \
            "Extra classlist for building the CDS archive file")              \
!   /*FIXME - AOT code has direct pointers to metadata that's not relocated*/ \
+   product(int, ArchiveRelocationMode, 0, DIAGNOSTIC,                        \
             "(0) first map at preferred address, and if "                    \
             "unsuccessful, map at alternative address; "                     \
             "(1) always map at alternative address (default); "              \
             "(2) always map at preferred address, and if unsuccessful, "     \
             "do not map the archive")                                        \
             range(0, 2)                                                      \
+                                                                             \
+   /*========== New "AOT" flags =========================================*/  \
+   /* The following 3 flags are aliases of -Xshare:dump, */                  \
+   /* -XX:SharedArchiveFile=..., etc. See CDSConfig::check_flag_aliases()*/  \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstr, AOTMode, nullptr,                                          \
+           "Specifies how AOTCache should be created or used. Valid values " \
+           "are: off, record, create, auto, on; the default is auto")        \
+           constraint(AOTModeConstraintFunc, AtParse)                        \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstr, AOTConfiguration, nullptr,                                 \
+           "Configuration information used by CreateAOTCache")               \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstr, AOTCache, nullptr,                                         \
+           "Cache for improving start up and warm up")                       \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, AOTInvokeDynamicLinking, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                 \
+           "AOT-link JVM_CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic entries in archived "        \
+           "ConstantPools according to profile")                             \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, AOTClassLinking, false,                                     \
+           "Load/link all archived classes for the boot/platform/app "       \
+           "loaders before application main")                                \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstrlist, AOTEndTrainingOnMethodEntry, "",                       \
+           "List of methods (pkg/class.name) to trigger end of AOT "         \
+           "training run.  Optional ',count=N' where N is > 0")              \
+                                                                             \
+   /*========== New options added by Leyden =============================*/  \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstr, CacheOnlyClassesIn, nullptr,                               \
+           "If set, only classes loaded from these JAR files will be "       \
+           "stored in the AOTCache")                                         \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstr, CacheDataStore, nullptr,                                   \
+           "If valid, use the specified file for SharedArchiveFile; "        \
+           "otherwise the specified file is generated at program exit")      \
+                                                                             \
+   product(ccstr, CDSPreimage, nullptr,                                      \
+           "(** internal use only **) -- used by a child JVM process to "    \
+           "create the CacheDataStore final image")                          \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, CDSManualFinalImage, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                     \
+           "(** internal use only **) -- if false, automatically launch a "  \
+           "child process to create the final image.")                       \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, PrelinkSharedClasses, true,                                 \
+           "Link all shared classes for the boot/platform/app loaders "      \
+           "immediately at VM start-up")                                     \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ArchiveDynamicProxies, false,                               \
+           "Archive classes generated for java/lang/reflect/Proxy")          \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ArchiveLoaderLookupCache, false,                            \
+           "Archive app loader's positive and negative lookup cache")        \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ArchivePackages, false,                                     \
+           "Archive the java.lang.ClassLoader::{packages,package2certs} "    \
+           "tables")                                                         \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ArchiveProtectionDomains, false,                            \
+           "Archive the java.security.SecureClassLoader::pdcache table")     \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ArchiveReflectionData, false,                               \
+           "Archive Class::reflectionData field")                            \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, TempDisableAddJVMCIModule, false,                           \
+           "Do not add jdk.internal.vm.ci module even for -XX:+EnableJVMCI") \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, UsePermanentHeapObjects, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                 \
+           "Allow AOT code to access permanent archived heap objects")       \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, VerifyTrainingData, trueInDebug, DIAGNOSTIC,                \
+           "Verify archived training data")                                  \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, SkipArchiveHeapVerification, false,                         \
+           "Skip verification of CDS archive heap")                          \
  // end of CDS_FLAGS
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