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  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */

 28 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
 29 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 30 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
 31 #include "utilities/istream.hpp"
 32 #include "utilities/resizeableResourceHash.hpp"
 34 class constantPoolHandle;
 35 class Thread;
 37 class CDSIndyInfo {
 38   GrowableArray<const char*>* _items;
 39 public:
 40   CDSIndyInfo() : _items(nullptr) {}
 41   void add_item(const char* item) {
 42     if (_items == nullptr) {
 43       _items = new GrowableArray<const char*>(9);
 44     }
 45     assert(_items != nullptr, "sanity");
 46     _items->append(item);
 47   }

 49     switch (ref_kind) {
 50     case JVM_REF_getField         : _items->append("REF_getField"); break;
 51     case JVM_REF_getStatic        : _items->append("REF_getStatic"); break;
 52     case JVM_REF_putField         : _items->append("REF_putField"); break;
 53     case JVM_REF_putStatic        : _items->append("REF_putStatic"); break;
 54     case JVM_REF_invokeVirtual    : _items->append("REF_invokeVirtual"); break;
 55     case JVM_REF_invokeStatic     : _items->append("REF_invokeStatic"); break;
 56     case JVM_REF_invokeSpecial    : _items->append("REF_invokeSpecial"); break;
 57     case JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial : _items->append("REF_newInvokeSpecial"); break;
 58     case JVM_REF_invokeInterface  : _items->append("REF_invokeInterface"); break;
 59     default                       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 60     }
 61   }
 62   GrowableArray<const char*>* items() {
 63     return _items;
 64   }
 65 };
 67 class ClassListParser : public StackObj {
 68   static const char* CONSTANT_POOL_TAG;

 69   static const char* LAMBDA_FORM_TAG;
 70   static const char* LAMBDA_PROXY_TAG;
 72 public:

 73   enum ParseMode {
 74     _parse_all,
 75     _parse_lambda_forms_invokers_only,
 76   };
 78 private:
 79   // Must be C_HEAP allocated -- we don't want nested resource allocations.
 80   typedef ResizeableResourceHashtable<int, InstanceKlass*,
 81                                       AnyObj::C_HEAP, mtClassShared> ID2KlassTable;
 83   enum {
 84     _unspecified      = -999,
 85   };
 87   // Use a small initial size in debug build to test resizing logic
 88   static const int INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE = DEBUG_ONLY(17) NOT_DEBUG(1987);
 89   static const int MAX_TABLE_SIZE = 61333;
 90   static volatile Thread* _parsing_thread; // the thread that created _instance
 91   static ClassListParser* _instance; // the singleton.
 92   const char* _classlist_file;

111   bool parse_uint_option(const char* option_name, int* value);
112   InstanceKlass* load_class_from_source(Symbol* class_name, TRAPS);
113   ID2KlassTable* id2klass_table() {
114     return &_id2klass_table;
115   }
116   InstanceKlass* lookup_class_by_id(int id);
117   void print_specified_interfaces();
118   void print_actual_interfaces(InstanceKlass *ik);
119   bool is_matching_cp_entry(const constantPoolHandle &pool, int cp_index, TRAPS);
121   InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class_helper(JavaThread* current, Symbol* class_name_symbol, oop class_loader_oop);
122   InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class(JavaThread* current, const char* class_name);
124   void resolve_indy(JavaThread* current, Symbol* class_name_symbol);
125   void resolve_indy_impl(Symbol* class_name_symbol, TRAPS);
126   void clean_up_input_line();
127   void read_class_name_and_attributes();
128   void parse_class_name_and_attributes(TRAPS);
129   Klass* load_current_class(Symbol* class_name_symbol, TRAPS);
130   void parse_constant_pool_tag();

132   size_t lineno() { return _input_stream.lineno(); }
133   FILE* do_open(const char* file);
134   ClassListParser(const char* file, ParseMode _parse_mode);
135   ~ClassListParser();
136   void print_diagnostic_info(outputStream* st, const char* msg, va_list ap) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
137   void print_diagnostic_info(outputStream* st, const char* msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
138   void constant_pool_resolution_warning(const char* msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
139   void error(const char* msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);

140   objArrayOop get_specified_interfaces(TRAPS);
142 public:
143   static void parse_classlist(const char* classlist_path, ParseMode parse_mode, TRAPS);
145   static bool is_parsing_thread();
146   static ClassListParser* instance() {
147     assert(is_parsing_thread(), "call this only in the thread that created ClassListParsing::_instance");
148     assert(_instance != nullptr, "must be");
149     return _instance;
150   }
151   static const char* lambda_proxy_tag() {
152     return LAMBDA_PROXY_TAG;
153   }
154   static const char* lambda_form_tag() {
155     return LAMBDA_FORM_TAG;
156   }
158   void parse(TRAPS);
159   void split_tokens_by_whitespace(int offset, GrowableArray<const char*>* items);

  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "interpreter/bytecodes.hpp"
 29 #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
 30 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 31 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
 32 #include "utilities/istream.hpp"
 33 #include "utilities/resizeableResourceHash.hpp"
 35 class constantPoolHandle;
 36 class Thread;
 38 class CDSIndyInfo {
 39   GrowableArray<const char*>* _items;
 40 public:
 41   CDSIndyInfo() : _items(nullptr) {}
 42   void add_item(const char* item) {
 43     if (_items == nullptr) {
 44       _items = new GrowableArray<const char*>(9);
 45     }
 46     assert(_items != nullptr, "sanity");
 47     _items->append(item);
 48   }

 50     switch (ref_kind) {
 51     case JVM_REF_getField         : _items->append("REF_getField"); break;
 52     case JVM_REF_getStatic        : _items->append("REF_getStatic"); break;
 53     case JVM_REF_putField         : _items->append("REF_putField"); break;
 54     case JVM_REF_putStatic        : _items->append("REF_putStatic"); break;
 55     case JVM_REF_invokeVirtual    : _items->append("REF_invokeVirtual"); break;
 56     case JVM_REF_invokeStatic     : _items->append("REF_invokeStatic"); break;
 57     case JVM_REF_invokeSpecial    : _items->append("REF_invokeSpecial"); break;
 58     case JVM_REF_newInvokeSpecial : _items->append("REF_newInvokeSpecial"); break;
 59     case JVM_REF_invokeInterface  : _items->append("REF_invokeInterface"); break;
 60     default                       : ShouldNotReachHere();
 61     }
 62   }
 63   GrowableArray<const char*>* items() {
 64     return _items;
 65   }
 66 };
 68 class ClassListParser : public StackObj {
 69   static const char* CONSTANT_POOL_TAG;
 70   static const char* DYNAMIC_PROXY_TAG;
 71   static const char* LAMBDA_FORM_TAG;
 72   static const char* LAMBDA_PROXY_TAG;
 74 public:
 75   static const char* ARRAY_TAG;
 77   static const char* CLASS_REFLECTION_DATA_TAG;
 78   static const char* LOADER_NEGATIVE_CACHE_TAG;
 80   enum ParseMode {
 81     _parse_all,
 82     _parse_lambda_forms_invokers_only,
 83   };
 85 private:
 86   // Must be C_HEAP allocated -- we don't want nested resource allocations.
 87   typedef ResizeableResourceHashtable<int, InstanceKlass*,
 88                                       AnyObj::C_HEAP, mtClassShared> ID2KlassTable;
 90   enum {
 91     _unspecified      = -999,
 92   };
 94   // Use a small initial size in debug build to test resizing logic
 95   static const int INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE = DEBUG_ONLY(17) NOT_DEBUG(1987);
 96   static const int MAX_TABLE_SIZE = 61333;
 97   static volatile Thread* _parsing_thread; // the thread that created _instance
 98   static ClassListParser* _instance; // the singleton.
 99   const char* _classlist_file;

118   bool parse_uint_option(const char* option_name, int* value);
119   InstanceKlass* load_class_from_source(Symbol* class_name, TRAPS);
120   ID2KlassTable* id2klass_table() {
121     return &_id2klass_table;
122   }
123   InstanceKlass* lookup_class_by_id(int id);
124   void print_specified_interfaces();
125   void print_actual_interfaces(InstanceKlass *ik);
126   bool is_matching_cp_entry(const constantPoolHandle &pool, int cp_index, TRAPS);
128   InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class_helper(JavaThread* current, Symbol* class_name_symbol, oop class_loader_oop);
129   InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class(JavaThread* current, const char* class_name);
131   void resolve_indy(JavaThread* current, Symbol* class_name_symbol);
132   void resolve_indy_impl(Symbol* class_name_symbol, TRAPS);
133   void clean_up_input_line();
134   void read_class_name_and_attributes();
135   void parse_class_name_and_attributes(TRAPS);
136   Klass* load_current_class(Symbol* class_name_symbol, TRAPS);
137   void parse_constant_pool_tag();
138   void parse_class_reflection_data_tag();
139   void parse_dynamic_proxy_tag();
140   void parse_loader_negative_cache_tag();
141   void parse_array_dimension_tag();
143   size_t lineno() { return _input_stream.lineno(); }
144   FILE* do_open(const char* file);
145   ClassListParser(const char* file, ParseMode _parse_mode);
146   ~ClassListParser();
147   void print_diagnostic_info(outputStream* st, const char* msg, va_list ap) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
148   void print_diagnostic_info(outputStream* st, const char* msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(3, 0);
149   void constant_pool_resolution_warning(const char* msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
150   void error(const char* msg, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
151   oop loader_from_type(const char* loader_name);
152   objArrayOop get_specified_interfaces(TRAPS);
154 public:
155   static void parse_classlist(const char* classlist_path, ParseMode parse_mode, TRAPS);
157   static bool is_parsing_thread();
158   static ClassListParser* instance() {
159     assert(is_parsing_thread(), "call this only in the thread that created ClassListParsing::_instance");
160     assert(_instance != nullptr, "must be");
161     return _instance;
162   }
163   static const char* lambda_proxy_tag() {
164     return LAMBDA_PROXY_TAG;
165   }
166   static const char* lambda_form_tag() {
167     return LAMBDA_FORM_TAG;
168   }
170   void parse(TRAPS);
171   void split_tokens_by_whitespace(int offset, GrowableArray<const char*>* items);
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