< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/cds/heapShared.hpp
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+ #include "cds/cds_globals.hpp"
#include "cds/dumpTimeClassInfo.hpp"
#include "cds/metaspaceShared.hpp"
#include "classfile/compactHashtable.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gc_globals.hpp"
> RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable;
static DumpTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable* _dump_time_subgraph_info_table;
static RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable _run_time_subgraph_info_table;
! static CachedOopInfo make_cached_oop_info(oop obj);
static ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord* archive_subgraph_info(KlassSubGraphInfo* info);
static void archive_object_subgraphs(ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[],
bool is_full_module_graph);
// Archive object sub-graph starting from the given static field
> RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable;
static DumpTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable* _dump_time_subgraph_info_table;
static RunTimeKlassSubGraphInfoTable _run_time_subgraph_info_table;
! static CachedOopInfo make_cached_oop_info(oop obj, oop referrer);
static ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord* archive_subgraph_info(KlassSubGraphInfo* info);
static void archive_object_subgraphs(ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[],
bool is_full_module_graph);
// Archive object sub-graph starting from the given static field
HeapShared::oop_hash> SeenObjectsTable;
static SeenObjectsTable *_seen_objects_table;
// The "special subgraph" contains all the archived objects that are reachable
// from the following roots:
// - interned strings
// - Klass::java_mirror() -- including aot-initialized mirrors such as those of Enum klasses.
// - ConstantPool::resolved_references()
// - Universe::<xxx>_exception_instance()
static KlassSubGraphInfo* _dump_time_special_subgraph; // for collecting info during dump time
static ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord* _run_time_special_subgraph; // for initializing classes during run time.
! static GrowableArrayCHeap<oop, mtClassShared>* _pending_roots;
static GrowableArrayCHeap<OopHandle, mtClassShared>* _root_segments;
static int _root_segment_max_size_elems;
static OopHandle _scratch_basic_type_mirrors[T_VOID+1];
static MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* _scratch_java_mirror_table;
static MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* _scratch_references_table;
HeapShared::oop_hash> SeenObjectsTable;
static SeenObjectsTable *_seen_objects_table;
// The "special subgraph" contains all the archived objects that are reachable
// from the following roots:
// - interned strings
// - Klass::java_mirror() -- including aot-initialized mirrors such as those of Enum klasses.
// - ConstantPool::resolved_references()
// - Universe::<xxx>_exception_instance()
static KlassSubGraphInfo* _dump_time_special_subgraph; // for collecting info during dump time
static ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord* _run_time_special_subgraph; // for initializing classes during run time.
! static GrowableArrayCHeap<OopHandle, mtClassShared>* _pending_roots;
static GrowableArrayCHeap<OopHandle, mtClassShared>* _root_segments;
+ static GrowableArrayCHeap<const char*, mtClassShared>* _context; // for debugging unarchivable objects
static int _root_segment_max_size_elems;
static OopHandle _scratch_basic_type_mirrors[T_VOID+1];
static MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* _scratch_java_mirror_table;
static MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable* _scratch_references_table;
assert(_seen_objects_table != nullptr, "must be");
delete _seen_objects_table;
_seen_objects_table = nullptr;
+ class ContextMark;
// Statistics (for one round of start_recording_subgraph ... done_recording_subgraph)
static int _num_new_walked_objs;
static int _num_new_archived_objs;
static int _num_old_recorded_klasses;
bool is_full_module_graph);
static void done_recording_subgraph(InstanceKlass *k, const char* klass_name);
static bool has_been_seen_during_subgraph_recording(oop obj);
static void set_has_been_seen_during_subgraph_recording(oop obj);
! static bool archive_object(oop obj, KlassSubGraphInfo* subgraph_info);
static void resolve_classes_for_subgraphs(JavaThread* current, ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[]);
static void resolve_classes_for_subgraph_of(JavaThread* current, Klass* k);
static void clear_archived_roots_of(Klass* k);
static const ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord*
bool is_full_module_graph);
static void done_recording_subgraph(InstanceKlass *k, const char* klass_name);
static bool has_been_seen_during_subgraph_recording(oop obj);
static void set_has_been_seen_during_subgraph_recording(oop obj);
! static bool archive_object(oop obj, oop referrer, KlassSubGraphInfo* subgraph_info);
static void resolve_classes_for_subgraphs(JavaThread* current, ArchivableStaticFieldInfo fields[]);
static void resolve_classes_for_subgraph_of(JavaThread* current, Klass* k);
static void clear_archived_roots_of(Klass* k);
static const ArchivedKlassSubGraphInfoRecord*
static void mark_native_pointers(oop orig_obj);
static bool has_been_archived(oop orig_obj);
static void prepare_resolved_references();
static void archive_strings();
static void archive_subgraphs();
+ // PendingOop and PendingOopStack are used for recursively discovering all cacheable
+ // heap objects. The recursion is done using PendingOopStack so we won't overflow the
+ // C stack with deep reference chains.
+ class PendingOop {
+ oop _obj;
+ oop _referrer;
+ int _level;
+ public:
+ PendingOop() : _obj(nullptr), _referrer(nullptr), _level(-1) {}
+ PendingOop(oop obj, oop referrer, int level) : _obj(obj), _referrer(referrer), _level(level) {}
+ oop obj() const { return _obj; }
+ oop referrer() const { return _referrer; }
+ int level() const { return _level; }
+ };
+ class ReferentPusher;
+ using PendingOopStack = GrowableArrayCHeap<PendingOop, mtClassShared>;
+ static PendingOop _object_being_archived;
+ static bool walk_one_object(PendingOopStack* stack, int level, KlassSubGraphInfo* subgraph_info,
+ oop orig_obj, oop referrer);
+ static void exit_on_error();
static void reset_archived_object_states(TRAPS);
static void create_archived_object_cache() {
_archived_object_cache =
new (mtClass)ArchivedObjectCache(INITIAL_TABLE_SIZE, MAX_TABLE_SIZE);
oop orig_obj);
static void add_to_dumped_interned_strings(oop string);
static bool is_dumped_interned_string(oop o);
+ static void track_scratch_object(oop orig_obj, oop scratch_obj);
// Scratch objects for archiving Klass::java_mirror()
static void set_scratch_java_mirror(Klass* k, oop mirror);
static void remove_scratch_objects(Klass* k);
static void get_pointer_info(oop src_obj, bool& has_oop_pointers, bool& has_native_pointers);
static void set_has_native_pointers(oop src_obj);
// Other types of roots are also cleared similarly when they become referenced.
// Dump-time only. Returns the index of the root, which can be used at run time to read
// the root using get_root(index, ...).
static int append_root(oop obj);
! static GrowableArrayCHeap<oop, mtClassShared>* pending_roots() { return _pending_roots; }
// Dump-time and runtime
static objArrayOop root_segment(int segment_idx);
static oop get_root(int index, bool clear=false);
// Run-time only
static void clear_root(int index);
static void get_segment_indexes(int index, int& segment_index, int& internal_index);
static void setup_test_class(const char* test_class_name) PRODUCT_RETURN;
static void write_heap(ArchiveHeapInfo* heap_info) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static objArrayOop scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src);
static void add_scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src, objArrayOop dest) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_dumping() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_scratch_objects(TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
// Other types of roots are also cleared similarly when they become referenced.
// Dump-time only. Returns the index of the root, which can be used at run time to read
// the root using get_root(index, ...).
static int append_root(oop obj);
! static GrowableArrayCHeap<OopHandle, mtClassShared>* pending_roots() { return _pending_roots; }
// Dump-time and runtime
static objArrayOop root_segment(int segment_idx);
static oop get_root(int index, bool clear=false);
// Run-time only
static void clear_root(int index);
static void get_segment_indexes(int index, int& segment_index, int& internal_index);
static void setup_test_class(const char* test_class_name) PRODUCT_RETURN;
+ static oop orig_to_scratch_object(oop orig_obj);
static void write_heap(ArchiveHeapInfo* heap_info) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static objArrayOop scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src);
static void add_scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src, objArrayOop dest) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_dumping() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_scratch_objects(TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
#ifndef PRODUCT
static bool is_a_test_class_in_unnamed_module(Klass* ik) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
static void initialize_test_class_from_archive(TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
+ static void add_to_permanent_oop_table(oop obj, int offset);
+ // AOT-compile time only: get a stable index for an archived object.
+ // Returns 0 if obj is not archived.
+ static int get_archived_object_permanent_index(oop obj) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(-1);
+ // Runtime only: get back the same object for an index returned by
+ // get_archived_object_permanent_index().
+ static oop get_archived_object(int permanent_index) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(nullptr);
static void initialize_java_lang_invoke(TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static void init_classes_for_special_subgraph(Handle loader, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
static bool is_lambda_form_klass(InstanceKlass* ik) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
static bool is_lambda_proxy_klass(InstanceKlass* ik) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN_(false);
static void scan_java_class(Klass* k);
static void scan_java_mirror(oop orig_mirror);
static void copy_and_rescan_aot_inited_mirror(InstanceKlass* ik);
+ class CachedCodeDirectoryInternal {
+ int _permanent_oop_count;
+ int* _permanent_oop_offsets; // offset of each permanent object from the bottom of the archived heap
+ public:
+ void dumptime_init_internal() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
+ void runtime_init_internal() NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
+ };
class DumpedInternedStrings :
public ResizeableResourceHashtable<oop, bool,
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