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 83   const char* name() const { return _dir; }
 84   ClassPathDirEntry(const char* dir) {
 85     _dir = copy_path(dir);
 86   }
 87   virtual ~ClassPathDirEntry();
 88   ClassFileStream* open_stream(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
 89 };
 91 class ClassPathZipEntry: public ClassPathEntry {
 92  private:
 93   jzfile* _zip;              // The zip archive
 94   const char*   _zip_name;   // Name of zip archive
 95   bool _from_class_path_attr; // From the "Class-path" attribute of a jar file
 96   bool _multi_release;       // multi-release jar
 97  public:
 98   bool is_jar_file() const { return true;  }
 99   bool is_multi_release_jar() const { return _multi_release; }
100   void set_multi_release_jar() { _multi_release = true; }
101   bool from_class_path_attr() const { return _from_class_path_attr; }
102   const char* name() const { return _zip_name; }
103   ClassPathZipEntry(jzfile* zip, const char* zip_name, bool is_boot_append, bool from_class_path_attr, bool multi_release);
104   virtual ~ClassPathZipEntry();

105   u1* open_entry(JavaThread* current, const char* name, jint* filesize, bool nul_terminate);
106   ClassFileStream* open_stream(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
107 };
110 // For java image files
111 class ClassPathImageEntry: public ClassPathEntry {
112 private:
113   const char* _name;
114   DEBUG_ONLY(static ClassPathImageEntry* _singleton;)
115 public:
116   bool is_modules_image() const;
117   const char* name() const { return _name == nullptr ? "" : _name; }
118   JImageFile* jimage() const;
119   JImageFile* jimage_non_null() const;
120   void close_jimage();
121   ClassPathImageEntry(JImageFile* jimage, const char* name);
122   virtual ~ClassPathImageEntry() { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
123   ClassFileStream* open_stream(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
124   ClassFileStream* open_stream_for_loader(JavaThread* current, const char* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data);

140   ModuleClassPathList(Symbol* module_name);
141   ~ModuleClassPathList();
142   void add_to_list(ClassPathEntry* new_entry);
143 };
145 class ClassLoader: AllStatic {
146  public:
147   enum ClassLoaderType {
148     OTHER = 0,
149     BOOT_LOADER = 1,      /* boot loader */
150     PLATFORM_LOADER  = 2, /* PlatformClassLoader */
151     APP_LOADER  = 3       /* AppClassLoader */
152   };
153  protected:
155   // Performance counters
156   static PerfCounter* _perf_accumulated_time;
157   static PerfCounter* _perf_classes_inited;
158   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_init_time;
159   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_init_selftime;

160   static PerfCounter* _perf_classes_verified;
161   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_verify_time;
162   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_verify_selftime;
163   static PerfCounter* _perf_classes_linked;
164   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_link_time;
165   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_link_selftime;
166   static PerfCounter* _perf_shared_classload_time;
167   static PerfCounter* _perf_sys_classload_time;
168   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classload_time;
169   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classload_selftime;
170   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classload_count;
171   static PerfCounter* _perf_define_appclasses;
172   static PerfCounter* _perf_define_appclass_time;
173   static PerfCounter* _perf_define_appclass_selftime;
174   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classfile_bytes_read;
175   static PerfCounter* _perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read;

176   static PerfCounter* _perf_ik_link_methods_time;
177   static PerfCounter* _perf_method_adapters_time;
178   static PerfCounter* _perf_ik_link_methods_count;
179   static PerfCounter* _perf_method_adapters_count;
181   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_indy_time;
182   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_invokehandle_time;
183   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_mh_time;
184   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_mt_time;
186   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_indy_count;
187   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_invokehandle_count;
188   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_mh_count;
189   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_mt_count;
191   static PerfCounter* _unsafe_defineClassCallCounter;
193   // Count the time taken to hash the scondary superclass arrays.
194   static PerfCounter* _perf_secondary_hash_time;
196   // The boot class path consists of 3 ordered pieces:
197   //  1. the module/path pairs specified to --patch-module
198   //    --patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*
199   //  2. the base piece
200   //    [jimage | build with exploded modules]
201   //  3. boot loader append path
202   //    [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
203   //
204   // The boot loader must obey this order when attempting

290   static PerfCounter* perf_classes_verified()         { return _perf_classes_verified; }
291   static PerfCounter* perf_class_verify_time()        { return _perf_class_verify_time; }
292   static PerfCounter* perf_class_verify_selftime()    { return _perf_class_verify_selftime; }
293   static PerfCounter* perf_classes_linked()           { return _perf_classes_linked; }
294   static PerfCounter* perf_class_link_time()          { return _perf_class_link_time; }
295   static PerfCounter* perf_class_link_selftime()      { return _perf_class_link_selftime; }
296   static PerfCounter* perf_shared_classload_time()    { return _perf_shared_classload_time; }
297   static PerfCounter* perf_secondary_hash_time() {
298     return _perf_secondary_hash_time;
299   }
300   static PerfCounter* perf_sys_classload_time()       { return _perf_sys_classload_time; }
301   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classload_time()       { return _perf_app_classload_time; }
302   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classload_selftime()   { return _perf_app_classload_selftime; }
303   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classload_count()      { return _perf_app_classload_count; }
304   static PerfCounter* perf_define_appclasses()        { return _perf_define_appclasses; }
305   static PerfCounter* perf_define_appclass_time()     { return _perf_define_appclass_time; }
306   static PerfCounter* perf_define_appclass_selftime() { return _perf_define_appclass_selftime; }
307   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classfile_bytes_read() { return _perf_app_classfile_bytes_read; }
308   static PerfCounter* perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read() { return _perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read; }

310   static PerfCounter* perf_ik_link_methods_time() { return _perf_ik_link_methods_time; }
311   static PerfCounter* perf_method_adapters_time() { return _perf_method_adapters_time; }
312   static PerfCounter* perf_ik_link_methods_count() { return _perf_ik_link_methods_count; }
313   static PerfCounter* perf_method_adapters_count() { return _perf_method_adapters_count; }
315   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_invokedynamic_time() { return _perf_resolve_indy_time; }
316   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_invokehandle_time() { return _perf_resolve_invokehandle_time; }
317   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_method_handle_time() { return _perf_resolve_mh_time; }
318   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_method_type_time() { return _perf_resolve_mt_time; }
320   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_invokedynamic_count() { return _perf_resolve_indy_count; }
321   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_invokehandle_count() { return _perf_resolve_invokehandle_count; }
322   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_method_handle_count() { return _perf_resolve_mh_count; }
323   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_method_type_count() { return _perf_resolve_mt_count; }

325   static void print_counters(outputStream *st);
327   // Record how many calls to Unsafe_DefineClass
328   static PerfCounter* unsafe_defineClassCallCounter() {
329     return _unsafe_defineClassCallCounter;
330   }
332   // Modular java runtime image is present vs. a build with exploded modules
333   static bool has_jrt_entry() { return (_jrt_entry != nullptr); }
334   static ClassPathEntry* get_jrt_entry() { return _jrt_entry; }
335   static void close_jrt_image();
337   // Add a module's exploded directory to the boot loader's exploded module build list
338   static void add_to_exploded_build_list(JavaThread* current, Symbol* module_name);
340   // Search the module list for the class file stream based on the file name and java package
341   static ClassFileStream* search_module_entries(JavaThread* current,
342                                                 const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list,
343                                                 PackageEntry* pkg_entry, // Java package entry derived from the class name
344                                                 const char* const file_name);

398   static char* lookup_vm_options();
400   // Determines if the named module is present in the
401   // modules jimage file or in the exploded modules directory.
402   static bool is_module_observable(const char* module_name);
404   static JImageLocationRef jimage_find_resource(JImageFile* jf, const char* module_name,
405                                                 const char* file_name, jlong &size);
407   static void  trace_class_path(const char* msg, const char* name = nullptr);
409   // VM monitoring and management support
410   static jlong classloader_time_ms();
411   static jlong class_method_total_size();
412   static jlong class_init_count();
413   static jlong class_init_time_ms();
414   static jlong class_verify_time_ms();
415   static jlong class_link_count();
416   static jlong class_link_time_ms();

418   // adds a class path to the boot append entries
419   static void add_to_boot_append_entries(ClassPathEntry* new_entry);
421   // creates a class path zip entry (returns null if JAR file cannot be opened)
422   static ClassPathZipEntry* create_class_path_zip_entry(const char *apath, bool is_boot_append);
424   static bool string_ends_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find);
426   // Extract package name from a fully qualified class name
427   // *bad_class_name is set to true if there's a problem with parsing class_name, to
428   // distinguish from a class_name with no package name, as both cases have a null return value
429   static Symbol* package_from_class_name(const Symbol* class_name, bool* bad_class_name = nullptr);
431   // Debugging
432   static void verify()              PRODUCT_RETURN;
433 };
435 // PerfClassTraceTime is used to measure time for class loading related events.
436 // This class tracks cumulative time and exclusive time for specific event types.
437 // During the execution of one event, other event types (e.g. class loading and
438 // resolution) as well as recursive calls of the same event type could happen.
439 // Only one elapsed timer (cumulative) and one thread-local self timer (exclusive)
440 // (i.e. only one event type) are active at a time even multiple PerfClassTraceTime
441 // instances have been created as multiple events are happening.
442 class PerfClassTraceTime {

 83   const char* name() const { return _dir; }
 84   ClassPathDirEntry(const char* dir) {
 85     _dir = copy_path(dir);
 86   }
 87   virtual ~ClassPathDirEntry();
 88   ClassFileStream* open_stream(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
 89 };
 91 class ClassPathZipEntry: public ClassPathEntry {
 92  private:
 93   jzfile* _zip;              // The zip archive
 94   const char*   _zip_name;   // Name of zip archive
 95   bool _from_class_path_attr; // From the "Class-path" attribute of a jar file
 96   bool _multi_release;       // multi-release jar
 97  public:
 98   bool is_jar_file() const { return true;  }
 99   bool is_multi_release_jar() const { return _multi_release; }
100   void set_multi_release_jar() { _multi_release = true; }
101   bool from_class_path_attr() const { return _from_class_path_attr; }
102   const char* name() const { return _zip_name; }
103   ClassPathZipEntry(jzfile* zip, const char* zip_name, bool from_class_path_attr, bool multi_release);
104   virtual ~ClassPathZipEntry();
105   bool has_entry(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
106   u1* open_entry(JavaThread* current, const char* name, jint* filesize, bool nul_terminate);
107   ClassFileStream* open_stream(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
108 };
111 // For java image files
112 class ClassPathImageEntry: public ClassPathEntry {
113 private:
114   const char* _name;
115   DEBUG_ONLY(static ClassPathImageEntry* _singleton;)
116 public:
117   bool is_modules_image() const;
118   const char* name() const { return _name == nullptr ? "" : _name; }
119   JImageFile* jimage() const;
120   JImageFile* jimage_non_null() const;
121   void close_jimage();
122   ClassPathImageEntry(JImageFile* jimage, const char* name);
123   virtual ~ClassPathImageEntry() { ShouldNotReachHere(); }
124   ClassFileStream* open_stream(JavaThread* current, const char* name);
125   ClassFileStream* open_stream_for_loader(JavaThread* current, const char* name, ClassLoaderData* loader_data);

141   ModuleClassPathList(Symbol* module_name);
142   ~ModuleClassPathList();
143   void add_to_list(ClassPathEntry* new_entry);
144 };
146 class ClassLoader: AllStatic {
147  public:
148   enum ClassLoaderType {
149     OTHER = 0,
150     BOOT_LOADER = 1,      /* boot loader */
151     PLATFORM_LOADER  = 2, /* PlatformClassLoader */
152     APP_LOADER  = 3       /* AppClassLoader */
153   };
154  protected:
156   // Performance counters
157   static PerfCounter* _perf_accumulated_time;
158   static PerfCounter* _perf_classes_inited;
159   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_init_time;
160   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_init_selftime;
161   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_init_bytecodes_count;
162   static PerfCounter* _perf_classes_verified;
163   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_verify_time;
164   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_verify_selftime;
165   static PerfCounter* _perf_classes_linked;
166   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_link_time;
167   static PerfCounter* _perf_class_link_selftime;
168   static PerfCounter* _perf_shared_classload_time;
169   static PerfCounter* _perf_sys_classload_time;
170   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classload_time;
171   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classload_selftime;
172   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classload_count;
173   static PerfCounter* _perf_define_appclasses;
174   static PerfCounter* _perf_define_appclass_time;
175   static PerfCounter* _perf_define_appclass_selftime;
176   static PerfCounter* _perf_app_classfile_bytes_read;
177   static PerfCounter* _perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read;
178   static PerfCounter* _perf_preload_total_time;
179   static PerfCounter* _perf_preload_time;
180   static PerfCounter* _perf_prelink_time;
181   static PerfCounter* _perf_preinit_time;
182   static PerfCounter* _perf_preresolve_time;
183   static PerfCounter* _perf_ik_link_methods_time;
184   static PerfCounter* _perf_method_adapters_time;
185   static PerfCounter* _perf_ik_link_methods_count;
186   static PerfCounter* _perf_method_adapters_count;
188   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_indy_time;
189   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_invokehandle_time;
190   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_mh_time;
191   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_mt_time;
193   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_indy_count;
194   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_invokehandle_count;
195   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_mh_count;
196   static PerfCounter* _perf_resolve_mt_count;
198   static PerfCounter* _unsafe_defineClassCallCounter;
200   // Count the time taken to hash the scondary superclass arrays.
201   static PerfCounter* _perf_secondary_hash_time;
203   // The boot class path consists of 3 ordered pieces:
204   //  1. the module/path pairs specified to --patch-module
205   //    --patch-module=<module>=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*
206   //  2. the base piece
207   //    [jimage | build with exploded modules]
208   //  3. boot loader append path
209   //    [-Xbootclasspath/a]; [jvmti appended entries]
210   //
211   // The boot loader must obey this order when attempting

297   static PerfCounter* perf_classes_verified()         { return _perf_classes_verified; }
298   static PerfCounter* perf_class_verify_time()        { return _perf_class_verify_time; }
299   static PerfCounter* perf_class_verify_selftime()    { return _perf_class_verify_selftime; }
300   static PerfCounter* perf_classes_linked()           { return _perf_classes_linked; }
301   static PerfCounter* perf_class_link_time()          { return _perf_class_link_time; }
302   static PerfCounter* perf_class_link_selftime()      { return _perf_class_link_selftime; }
303   static PerfCounter* perf_shared_classload_time()    { return _perf_shared_classload_time; }
304   static PerfCounter* perf_secondary_hash_time() {
305     return _perf_secondary_hash_time;
306   }
307   static PerfCounter* perf_sys_classload_time()       { return _perf_sys_classload_time; }
308   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classload_time()       { return _perf_app_classload_time; }
309   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classload_selftime()   { return _perf_app_classload_selftime; }
310   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classload_count()      { return _perf_app_classload_count; }
311   static PerfCounter* perf_define_appclasses()        { return _perf_define_appclasses; }
312   static PerfCounter* perf_define_appclass_time()     { return _perf_define_appclass_time; }
313   static PerfCounter* perf_define_appclass_selftime() { return _perf_define_appclass_selftime; }
314   static PerfCounter* perf_app_classfile_bytes_read() { return _perf_app_classfile_bytes_read; }
315   static PerfCounter* perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read() { return _perf_sys_classfile_bytes_read; }
317   static PerfCounter* perf_preload_total_time() { return _perf_preload_total_time; }
318   static PerfCounter* perf_preload_time() { return _perf_preload_time; }
319   static PerfCounter* perf_prelink_time() { return _perf_prelink_time; }
320   static PerfCounter* perf_preinit_time() { return _perf_preinit_time; }
321   static PerfCounter* perf_preresolve_time() { return _perf_preresolve_time; }
322   static PerfCounter* perf_ik_link_methods_time() { return _perf_ik_link_methods_time; }
323   static PerfCounter* perf_method_adapters_time() { return _perf_method_adapters_time; }
324   static PerfCounter* perf_ik_link_methods_count() { return _perf_ik_link_methods_count; }
325   static PerfCounter* perf_method_adapters_count() { return _perf_method_adapters_count; }
327   static PerfTickCounters* perf_resolve_invokedynamic_time() { return _perf_resolve_indy_time; }
328   static PerfTickCounters* perf_resolve_invokehandle_time() { return _perf_resolve_invokehandle_time; }
329   static PerfTickCounters* perf_resolve_method_handle_time() { return _perf_resolve_mh_time; }
330   static PerfTickCounters* perf_resolve_method_type_time() { return _perf_resolve_mt_time; }
332   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_invokedynamic_count() { return _perf_resolve_indy_count; }
333   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_invokehandle_count() { return _perf_resolve_invokehandle_count; }
334   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_method_handle_count() { return _perf_resolve_mh_count; }
335   static PerfCounter* perf_resolve_method_type_count() { return _perf_resolve_mt_count; }
337   static PerfCounter* perf_class_init_bytecodes_count() { return _perf_class_init_bytecodes_count; }
339   static void print_counters(outputStream *st);
341   // Record how many calls to Unsafe_DefineClass
342   static PerfCounter* unsafe_defineClassCallCounter() {
343     return _unsafe_defineClassCallCounter;
344   }
346   // Modular java runtime image is present vs. a build with exploded modules
347   static bool has_jrt_entry() { return (_jrt_entry != nullptr); }
348   static ClassPathEntry* get_jrt_entry() { return _jrt_entry; }
349   static void close_jrt_image();
351   // Add a module's exploded directory to the boot loader's exploded module build list
352   static void add_to_exploded_build_list(JavaThread* current, Symbol* module_name);
354   // Search the module list for the class file stream based on the file name and java package
355   static ClassFileStream* search_module_entries(JavaThread* current,
356                                                 const GrowableArray<ModuleClassPathList*>* const module_list,
357                                                 PackageEntry* pkg_entry, // Java package entry derived from the class name
358                                                 const char* const file_name);

412   static char* lookup_vm_options();
414   // Determines if the named module is present in the
415   // modules jimage file or in the exploded modules directory.
416   static bool is_module_observable(const char* module_name);
418   static JImageLocationRef jimage_find_resource(JImageFile* jf, const char* module_name,
419                                                 const char* file_name, jlong &size);
421   static void  trace_class_path(const char* msg, const char* name = nullptr);
423   // VM monitoring and management support
424   static jlong classloader_time_ms();
425   static jlong class_method_total_size();
426   static jlong class_init_count();
427   static jlong class_init_time_ms();
428   static jlong class_verify_time_ms();
429   static jlong class_link_count();
430   static jlong class_link_time_ms();
431   static jlong class_init_bytecodes_count();
433   // adds a class path to the boot append entries
434   static void add_to_boot_append_entries(ClassPathEntry* new_entry);
436   // creates a class path zip entry (returns null if JAR file cannot be opened)
437   static ClassPathZipEntry* create_class_path_zip_entry(const char *apath);
439   static bool string_ends_with(const char* str, const char* str_to_find);
441   // Extract package name from a fully qualified class name
442   // *bad_class_name is set to true if there's a problem with parsing class_name, to
443   // distinguish from a class_name with no package name, as both cases have a null return value
444   static Symbol* package_from_class_name(const Symbol* class_name, bool* bad_class_name = nullptr);
446   // Debugging
447   static void verify()              PRODUCT_RETURN;
448 };
450 // PerfClassTraceTime is used to measure time for class loading related events.
451 // This class tracks cumulative time and exclusive time for specific event types.
452 // During the execution of one event, other event types (e.g. class loading and
453 // resolution) as well as recursive calls of the same event type could happen.
454 // Only one elapsed timer (cumulative) and one thread-local self timer (exclusive)
455 // (i.e. only one event type) are active at a time even multiple PerfClassTraceTime
456 // instances have been created as multiple events are happening.
457 class PerfClassTraceTime {
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