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@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
  #include "classfile/classLoadInfo.hpp"
  #include "classfile/dictionary.hpp"
  #include "classfile/javaClasses.inline.hpp"
  #include "classfile/klassFactory.hpp"
  #include "classfile/loaderConstraints.hpp"
+ #include "classfile/modules.hpp"
  #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp"
  #include "classfile/placeholders.hpp"
  #include "classfile/resolutionErrors.hpp"
  #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
  #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"

@@ -988,11 +989,15 @@
    ModuleEntry* mod_entry = (pkg_entry == nullptr) ? nullptr : pkg_entry->module();
    bool should_be_in_named_module = (mod_entry != nullptr && mod_entry->is_named());
    bool was_archived_from_named_module = !cl->has_unnamed_module();
    bool visible;
-   if (was_archived_from_named_module) {
+   if (mod_entry != nullptr && mod_entry->location() == nullptr && mod_entry->is_named()) {
+     // Archived module for dynamic proxies. It's always visible.
+     assert(Modules::is_dynamic_proxy_module(mod_entry), "must be");
+     visible = true;
+   } else if (was_archived_from_named_module) {
      if (should_be_in_named_module) {
        // Is the module loaded from the same location as during dump time?
        visible = mod_entry->shared_path_index() == scp_index;
        if (visible) {
          assert(!mod_entry->is_patched(), "cannot load archived classes for patched module");

@@ -1170,11 +1175,17 @@
    // For boot loader, ensure that GetSystemPackage knows that a class in this
    // package was loaded.
    if (loader_data->is_the_null_class_loader_data()) {
      s2 path_index = ik->shared_classpath_index();
-     ik->set_classpath_index(path_index);
+     if (path_index >= 0) { // FIXME ... for lambda form classes
+       ik->set_classpath_index(path_index);
+       if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive()) {
+         AOTClassLocationConfig::dumptime_update_max_used_index(path_index);
+       }
+     }
    // notify a class loaded from shared object
    ClassLoadingService::notify_class_loaded(ik, true /* shared class */);

@@ -1253,22 +1264,22 @@
      InstanceKlass* k = nullptr;
      if (CDSConfig::is_using_archive())
-       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_shared_classload_time());
+       PerfTraceElapsedTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_shared_classload_time());
        InstanceKlass* ik = SystemDictionaryShared::find_builtin_class(class_name);
        if (ik != nullptr && ik->is_shared_boot_class() && !ik->shared_loading_failed()) {
          SharedClassLoadingMark slm(THREAD, ik);
          k = load_shared_class(ik, class_loader, Handle(), nullptr,  pkg_entry, CHECK_NULL);
      if (k == nullptr) {
        // Use VM class loader
-       PerfTraceTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_sys_classload_time());
+       PerfTraceElapsedTime vmtimer(ClassLoader::perf_sys_classload_time());
        k = ClassLoader::load_class(class_name, pkg_entry, search_only_bootloader_append, CHECK_NULL);
      // find_or_define_instance_class may return a different InstanceKlass
      if (k != nullptr) {
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