< prev index next >


Print this page
*** 32,10 ***
--- 32,11 ---
  #include "cds/classListWriter.hpp"
  #include "cds/dumpTimeClassInfo.inline.hpp"
  #include "cds/dynamicArchive.hpp"
  #include "cds/filemap.hpp"
  #include "cds/heapShared.hpp"
+ #include "cds/lambdaFormInvokers.inline.hpp"
  #include "cds/metaspaceShared.hpp"
  #include "cds/runTimeClassInfo.hpp"
  #include "classfile/classFileStream.hpp"
  #include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
  #include "classfile/classLoaderData.inline.hpp"

*** 61,10 ***
--- 62,12 ---
  #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  #include "memory/universe.hpp"
  #include "oops/compressedKlass.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
  #include "oops/klass.inline.hpp"
+ #include "oops/methodData.hpp"
+ #include "oops/trainingData.hpp"
  #include "oops/objArrayKlass.hpp"
  #include "oops/objArrayOop.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/oopHandle.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/typeArrayOop.inline.hpp"

*** 80,10 ***
--- 83,12 ---
  SystemDictionaryShared::ArchiveInfo SystemDictionaryShared::_dynamic_archive;
  DumpTimeSharedClassTable* SystemDictionaryShared::_dumptime_table = nullptr;
  DumpTimeLambdaProxyClassDictionary* SystemDictionaryShared::_dumptime_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary = nullptr;
+ static bool _ignore_new_classes = false;
  // Used by NoClassLoadingMark
  DEBUG_ONLY(bool SystemDictionaryShared::_class_loading_may_happen = true;)
  #ifdef ASSERT
  static void check_klass_after_loading(const Klass* k) {

*** 103,12 ***
    if (ik != nullptr && !ik->shared_loading_failed()) {
      if ((SystemDictionary::is_system_class_loader(class_loader()) && ik->is_shared_app_class())  ||
          (SystemDictionary::is_platform_class_loader(class_loader()) && ik->is_shared_platform_class())) {
        SharedClassLoadingMark slm(THREAD, ik);
        PackageEntry* pkg_entry = CDSProtectionDomain::get_package_entry_from_class(ik, class_loader);
!       Handle protection_domain =
!         CDSProtectionDomain::init_security_info(class_loader, ik, pkg_entry, CHECK_NULL);
        return load_shared_class(ik, class_loader, protection_domain, nullptr, pkg_entry, THREAD);
    return nullptr;
--- 108,15 ---
    if (ik != nullptr && !ik->shared_loading_failed()) {
      if ((SystemDictionary::is_system_class_loader(class_loader()) && ik->is_shared_app_class())  ||
          (SystemDictionary::is_platform_class_loader(class_loader()) && ik->is_shared_platform_class())) {
        SharedClassLoadingMark slm(THREAD, ik);
        PackageEntry* pkg_entry = CDSProtectionDomain::get_package_entry_from_class(ik, class_loader);
!       Handle protection_domain;
!       if (!class_name->starts_with("jdk/proxy")) // java/lang/reflect/Proxy$ProxyBuilder defines the proxy classes with a null protection domain.
+       {
+         protection_domain = CDSProtectionDomain::init_security_info(class_loader, ik, pkg_entry, CHECK_NULL);
+       }
        return load_shared_class(ik, class_loader, protection_domain, nullptr, pkg_entry, THREAD);
    return nullptr;

*** 191,17 ***
  // Guaranteed to return non-null value for non-shared classes.
  // k must not be a shared class.
  DumpTimeClassInfo* SystemDictionaryShared::get_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
    MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
!   assert(!k->is_shared(), "sanity");
    return get_info_locked(k);
  DumpTimeClassInfo* SystemDictionaryShared::get_info_locked(InstanceKlass* k) {
!   assert(!k->is_shared(), "sanity");
    DumpTimeClassInfo* info = _dumptime_table->get_info(k);
    assert(info != nullptr, "must be");
    return info;
--- 199,17 ---
  // Guaranteed to return non-null value for non-shared classes.
  // k must not be a shared class.
  DumpTimeClassInfo* SystemDictionaryShared::get_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
    MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
! //assert(!k->is_shared(), "sanity"); // FIXME new workflow
    return get_info_locked(k);
  DumpTimeClassInfo* SystemDictionaryShared::get_info_locked(InstanceKlass* k) {
! //assert(!k->is_shared(), "sanity"); // FIXME new workflow
    DumpTimeClassInfo* info = _dumptime_table->get_info(k);
    assert(info != nullptr, "must be");
    return info;

*** 213,11 ***
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::check_for_exclusion(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo* info) {
!   if (MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_metaspace(k)) {
      // We have reached a super type that's already in the base archive. Treat it
      // as "not excluded".
      assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive(), "must be");
      return false;
--- 221,11 ---
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::check_for_exclusion(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo* info) {
!   if (!CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive() && MetaspaceShared::is_in_shared_metaspace(k)) {
      // We have reached a super type that's already in the base archive. Treat it
      // as "not excluded".
      assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive(), "must be");
      return false;

*** 279,11 ***
--- 287,21 ---
    } else {
      return false;
+ void SystemDictionaryShared::ignore_new_classes() {
+   _ignore_new_classes = true;
+ }
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::check_for_exclusion_impl(InstanceKlass* k) {
+   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive() && k->is_shared_unregistered_class()
+       && k->is_shared()) {
+     return false; // Do not exclude: unregistered classes are passed from preimage to final image.
+   }
    if (k->is_in_error_state()) {
      return warn_excluded(k, "In error state");
    if (k->is_scratch_class()) {
      return warn_excluded(k, "A scratch class");

*** 319,26 ***
    if (is_jfr_event_class(k)) {
      // We cannot include JFR event classes because they need runtime-specific
      // instrumentation in order to work with -XX:FlightRecorderOptions:retransform=false.
      // There are only a small number of these classes, so it's not worthwhile to
      // support them and make CDS more complicated.
!     return warn_excluded(k, "JFR event class");
!   if (!k->is_linked()) {
!     if (has_class_failed_verification(k)) {
!       return warn_excluded(k, "Failed verification");
!     }
!   } else {
!     if (!k->can_be_verified_at_dumptime()) {
!       // We have an old class that has been linked (e.g., it's been executed during
!       // dump time). This class has been verified using the old verifier, which
!       // doesn't save the verification constraints, so check_verification_constraints()
!       // won't work at runtime.
!       // As a result, we cannot store this class. It must be loaded and fully verified
!       // at runtime.
!       return warn_excluded(k, "Old class has been linked");
    if (k->is_hidden() && !should_hidden_class_be_archived(k)) {
      log_info(cds)("Skipping %s: Hidden class", k->name()->as_C_string());
--- 337,30 ---
    if (is_jfr_event_class(k)) {
      // We cannot include JFR event classes because they need runtime-specific
      // instrumentation in order to work with -XX:FlightRecorderOptions:retransform=false.
      // There are only a small number of these classes, so it's not worthwhile to
      // support them and make CDS more complicated.
!     if (!CDSConfig::is_dumping_reflection_data()) { // FIXME: !!! HACK !!!
+       return warn_excluded(k, "JFR event class");
+     }
!   if (!CDSConfig::preserve_all_dumptime_verification_states(k)) {
!     if (!k->is_linked()) {
!       if (has_class_failed_verification(k)) {
!         return warn_excluded(k, "Failed verification");
!       }
!     } else {
!       if (!k->can_be_verified_at_dumptime()) {
!         // We have an old class that has been linked (e.g., it's been executed during
!         // dump time). This class has been verified using the old verifier, which
!         // doesn't save the verification constraints, so check_verification_constraints()
!         // won't work at runtime.
!         // As a result, we cannot store this class. It must be loaded and fully verified
!         // at runtime.
+         return warn_excluded(k, "Old class has been linked");
+       }
    if (k->is_hidden() && !should_hidden_class_be_archived(k)) {
      log_info(cds)("Skipping %s: Hidden class", k->name()->as_C_string());

*** 361,10 ***
--- 383,16 ---
        log_warning(cds)("Skipping %s: interface %s is excluded", k->name()->as_C_string(), intf->name()->as_C_string());
        return true;
+   if (ClassLoaderExt::should_be_excluded(k)) {
+     ResourceMark rm;
+     log_info(cds)("Skipping %s: excluded via -XX:CacheOnlyClassesIn", k->name()->as_C_string());
+     return true;
+   }
    return false; // false == k should NOT be excluded
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
    oop class_loader = loader_data->class_loader();

*** 537,11 ***
  void SystemDictionaryShared::init_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
    MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
    assert(SystemDictionaryShared::class_loading_may_happen(), "sanity");
!   _dumptime_table->allocate_info(k);
  void SystemDictionaryShared::remove_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
    MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
--- 565,18 ---
  void SystemDictionaryShared::init_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
    MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
    assert(SystemDictionaryShared::class_loading_may_happen(), "sanity");
!   DumpTimeClassInfo* info = _dumptime_table->allocate_info(k);
+   if (_ignore_new_classes) {
+     if (!LambdaFormInvokers::may_be_regenerated_class(k->name())) {
+       ResourceMark rm;
+       log_debug(cds)("Skipping %s: Class loaded for lambda form invoker regeneration", k->name()->as_C_string());
+       info->set_excluded();
+     }
+   }
  void SystemDictionaryShared::remove_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) {
    MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);

*** 807,10 ***
--- 842,12 ---
+   TrainingData::cleanup_training_data();
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k) {
    assert(!class_loading_may_happen(), "class loading must be disabled");

*** 846,11 ***
  void SystemDictionaryShared::dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it) {
    auto do_klass = [&] (InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo& info) {
!     if (k->is_loader_alive() && !info.is_excluded()) {
--- 883,14 ---
  void SystemDictionaryShared::dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it) {
    auto do_klass = [&] (InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo& info) {
!     if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive() && !k->is_loaded()) {
+       assert(k->is_shared_unregistered_class(), "must be");
+       info.metaspace_pointers_do(it);
+     } else if (k->is_loader_alive() && !info.is_excluded()) {

*** 864,10 ***
--- 904,21 ---
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::add_verification_constraint(InstanceKlass* k, Symbol* name,
           Symbol* from_name, bool from_field_is_protected, bool from_is_array, bool from_is_object) {
    assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_archive(), "sanity");
+   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive() && k->is_shared()) {
+     // k is a new class in the static archive, but one of its supertypes is an old class, so k wasn't
+     // verified during dump time. No need to record constraints as k won't be included in the dynamic archive.
+     return false;
+   }
+   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_aot_linked_classes() && is_builtin(k)) {
+     // There's no need to save verification constraints
+     // TODO -- double check the logic before integrating into mainline!!
+     return false;
+   }
    DumpTimeClassInfo* info = get_info(k);
    info->add_verification_constraint(k, name, from_name, from_field_is_protected,
                                      from_is_array, from_is_object);
    if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_dynamic_archive()) {

*** 918,10 ***
--- 969,14 ---
    if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_invokedynamic()) {
      // The lambda proxy classes will be stored as part of aot-resolved constant pool entries.
      // There's no need to remember them in a separate table.
+   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_preimage_static_archive() || CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive()) {
+     // TODO: not supported in new workflow
+     return;
+   }
    assert(caller_ik->class_loader() == lambda_ik->class_loader(), "mismatched class loader");
    assert(caller_ik->class_loader_data() == lambda_ik->class_loader_data(), "mismatched class loader data");
    assert(java_lang_Class::class_data(lambda_ik->java_mirror()) == nullptr, "must not have class data");

*** 955,10 ***
--- 1010,14 ---
                                                                       Symbol* invoked_name,
                                                                       Symbol* invoked_type,
                                                                       Symbol* method_type,
                                                                       Method* member_method,
                                                                       Symbol* instantiated_method_type) {
+   if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive()) {
+     return nullptr;
+   }
    assert(caller_ik != nullptr, "sanity");
    assert(invoked_name != nullptr, "sanity");
    assert(invoked_type != nullptr, "sanity");
    assert(method_type != nullptr, "sanity");
    assert(instantiated_method_type != nullptr, "sanity");

*** 1020,11 ***
        proxy_klass = curr_klass;
        if (log_is_enabled(Debug, cds)) {
          ResourceMark rm;
!         log_debug(cds)("Loaded lambda proxy: %s ", proxy_klass->external_name());
    return proxy_klass;
--- 1079,11 ---
        proxy_klass = curr_klass;
        if (log_is_enabled(Debug, cds)) {
          ResourceMark rm;
!         log_debug(cds)("Loaded lambda proxy: " PTR_FORMAT " %s ", p2i(proxy_klass), proxy_klass->external_name());
    return proxy_klass;

*** 1079,11 ***
    return loaded_lambda;
  void SystemDictionaryShared::check_verification_constraints(InstanceKlass* klass,
                                                              TRAPS) {
!   assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive() && CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "called at run time with CDS enabled only");
    RunTimeClassInfo* record = RunTimeClassInfo::get_for(klass);
    int length = record->num_verifier_constraints();
    if (length > 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
--- 1138,11 ---
    return loaded_lambda;
  void SystemDictionaryShared::check_verification_constraints(InstanceKlass* klass,
                                                              TRAPS) {
!   //assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive() && CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "called at run time with CDS enabled only");
    RunTimeClassInfo* record = RunTimeClassInfo::get_for(klass);
    int length = record->num_verifier_constraints();
    if (length > 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

*** 1189,11 ***
  // returns true IFF there's no need to re-initialize the i/v-tables for klass for
  // the purpose of checking class loader constraints.
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::check_linking_constraints(Thread* current, InstanceKlass* klass) {
!   assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive() && CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "called at run time with CDS enabled only");
    LogTarget(Info, class, loader, constraints) log;
    if (klass->is_shared_boot_class()) {
      // No class loader constraint check performed for boot classes.
      return true;
--- 1248,11 ---
  // returns true IFF there's no need to re-initialize the i/v-tables for klass for
  // the purpose of checking class loader constraints.
  bool SystemDictionaryShared::check_linking_constraints(Thread* current, InstanceKlass* klass) {
!   //assert(!CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive() && CDSConfig::is_using_archive(), "called at run time with CDS enabled only");
    LogTarget(Info, class, loader, constraints) log;
    if (klass->is_shared_boot_class()) {
      // No class loader constraint check performed for boot classes.
      return true;

*** 1322,11 ***
    return total_size;
  unsigned int SystemDictionaryShared::hash_for_shared_dictionary(address ptr) {
!   if (ArchiveBuilder::is_active()) {
      uintx offset = ArchiveBuilder::current()->any_to_offset(ptr);
      unsigned int hash = primitive_hash<uintx>(offset);
          if (MetaspaceObj::is_shared((const MetaspaceObj*)ptr)) {
            assert(hash == SystemDictionaryShared::hash_for_shared_dictionary_quick(ptr), "must be");
--- 1381,11 ---
    return total_size;
  unsigned int SystemDictionaryShared::hash_for_shared_dictionary(address ptr) {
!   if (ArchiveBuilder::is_active() && ArchiveBuilder::current()->is_in_buffer_space(ptr)) {
      uintx offset = ArchiveBuilder::current()->any_to_offset(ptr);
      unsigned int hash = primitive_hash<uintx>(offset);
          if (MetaspaceObj::is_shared((const MetaspaceObj*)ptr)) {
            assert(hash == SystemDictionaryShared::hash_for_shared_dictionary_quick(ptr), "must be");

*** 1487,14 ***
    unsigned int hash = SystemDictionaryShared::hash_for_shared_dictionary_quick(name);
    const RunTimeClassInfo* record = nullptr;
    if (DynamicArchive::is_mapped()) {
      // Use the regenerated holder classes in the dynamic archive as they
      // have more methods than those in the base archive.
!     if (name == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_Invokers_Holder() ||
-         name == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_DirectMethodHandle_Holder() ||
-         name == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_LambdaForm_Holder() ||
-         name == vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_DelegatingMethodHandle_Holder()) {
        record = dynamic_dict->lookup(name, hash, 0);
        if (record != nullptr) {
          return record;
--- 1546,11 ---
    unsigned int hash = SystemDictionaryShared::hash_for_shared_dictionary_quick(name);
    const RunTimeClassInfo* record = nullptr;
    if (DynamicArchive::is_mapped()) {
      // Use the regenerated holder classes in the dynamic archive as they
      // have more methods than those in the base archive.
!     if (LambdaFormInvokers::may_be_regenerated_class(name)) {
        record = dynamic_dict->lookup(name, hash, 0);
        if (record != nullptr) {
          return record;

*** 1535,11 ***
    assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive(), "class ID is used only for static dump (from classlist)");
    DumpTimeClassInfo* info = get_info(k);
    info->_id = id;
! static const char* class_loader_name_for_shared(Klass* k) {
    assert(k != nullptr, "Sanity");
    assert(k->is_shared(), "Must be");
    assert(k->is_instance_klass(), "Must be");
    InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
    if (ik->is_shared_boot_class()) {
--- 1591,11 ---
    assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive(), "class ID is used only for static dump (from classlist)");
    DumpTimeClassInfo* info = get_info(k);
    info->_id = id;
! const char* SystemDictionaryShared::class_loader_name_for_shared(Klass* k) {
    assert(k != nullptr, "Sanity");
    assert(k->is_shared(), "Must be");
    assert(k->is_instance_klass(), "Must be");
    InstanceKlass* ik = InstanceKlass::cast(k);
    if (ik->is_shared_boot_class()) {

*** 1562,11 ***
    SharedDictionaryPrinter(outputStream* st) : _st(st), _index(0) {}
    void do_value(const RunTimeClassInfo* record) {
      ResourceMark rm;
      _st->print_cr("%4d: %s %s", _index++, record->klass()->external_name(),
!         class_loader_name_for_shared(record->klass()));
      if (record->klass()->array_klasses() != nullptr) {
--- 1618,11 ---
    SharedDictionaryPrinter(outputStream* st) : _st(st), _index(0) {}
    void do_value(const RunTimeClassInfo* record) {
      ResourceMark rm;
      _st->print_cr("%4d: %s %s", _index++, record->klass()->external_name(),
!         SystemDictionaryShared::class_loader_name_for_shared(record->klass()));
      if (record->klass()->array_klasses() != nullptr) {

*** 1583,11 ***
      if (record->proxy_klass_head()->lambda_proxy_is_available()) {
        ResourceMark rm;
        Klass* k = record->proxy_klass_head();
        while (k != nullptr) {
          _st->print_cr("%4d: %s %s", _index++, k->external_name(),
!                       class_loader_name_for_shared(k));
          k = k->next_link();
--- 1639,11 ---
      if (record->proxy_klass_head()->lambda_proxy_is_available()) {
        ResourceMark rm;
        Klass* k = record->proxy_klass_head();
        while (k != nullptr) {
          _st->print_cr("%4d: %s %s", _index++, k->external_name(),
!                       SystemDictionaryShared::class_loader_name_for_shared(k));
          k = k->next_link();

*** 1676,5 ***
--- 1732,59 ---
  void SystemDictionaryShared::cleanup_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary() {
    CleanupDumpTimeLambdaProxyClassTable cleanup_proxy_classes;
+ void SystemDictionaryShared::create_loader_positive_lookup_cache(TRAPS) {
+   GrowableArray<InstanceKlass*> shared_classes_list;
+   {
+     // With static dumping, we have only a single Java thread (see JVM_StartThread) so
+     // no no other threads should be loading classes. Otherwise, the code below may miss some
+     // classes that are loaded concurrently.
+     assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_static_archive(), "no other threads should be loading classes");
+     MutexLocker ml(DumpTimeTable_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
+     _dumptime_table->iterate_all_classes_in_builtin_loaders([&](InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo& info) {
+         if (!k->is_hidden() && !check_for_exclusion(k, &info)) {
+           shared_classes_list.append(k);
+         }
+       }
+     );
+   }
+   InstanceKlass* ik = vmClasses::Class_klass();
+   objArrayOop r = oopFactory::new_objArray(ik, shared_classes_list.length(), CHECK);
+   objArrayHandle array_h(THREAD, r);
+   for (int i = 0; i < shared_classes_list.length(); i++) {
+     oop mirror = shared_classes_list.at(i)->java_mirror();
+     Handle mirror_h(THREAD, mirror);
+     array_h->obj_at_put(i, mirror_h());
+   }
+   TempNewSymbol method = SymbolTable::new_symbol("generatePositiveLookupCache");
+   TempNewSymbol signature = SymbolTable::new_symbol("([Ljava/lang/Class;)V");
+   JavaCallArguments args(Handle(THREAD, SystemDictionary::java_system_loader()));
+   args.push_oop(array_h);
+   JavaValue result(T_VOID);
+   JavaCalls::call_virtual(&result,
+                           vmClasses::jdk_internal_loader_ClassLoaders_AppClassLoader_klass(),
+                           method,
+                           signature,
+                           &args,
+                           CHECK);
+     Handle exc_handle(THREAD, PENDING_EXCEPTION);
+     ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
+     log_warning(cds)("Exception during AppClassLoader::generatePositiveLookupCache() call");
+     LogStreamHandle(Debug, cds) log;
+     if (log.is_enabled()) {
+       java_lang_Throwable::print_stack_trace(exc_handle, &log);
+     }
+     return;
+   }
+ }
< prev index next >