18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 *
23 */
28 #include "cds/cds_globals.hpp"
29 #include "cds/filemap.hpp"
30 #include "cds/dumpTimeClassInfo.hpp"
31 #include "cds/lambdaProxyClassDictionary.hpp"
32 #include "cds/runTimeClassInfo.hpp"
33 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
34 #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp"
35 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
36 #include "oops/klass.hpp"
37 #include "oops/oopHandle.hpp"
40 /*===============================================================================
42 Handling of the classes in the AppCDS archive
44 To ensure safety and to simplify the implementation, archived classes are
45 "segregated" into 2 types. The following rules describe how they
46 are stored and looked up.
48 [1] Category of archived classes
50 There are 2 disjoint groups of classes stored in the AppCDS archive:
52 BUILTIN: These classes may be defined ONLY by the BOOT/PLATFORM/APP
53 loaders.
55 UNREGISTERED: These classes may be defined ONLY by a ClassLoader
56 instance that's not listed above (using fingerprint matching)
158 static DumpTimeLambdaProxyClassDictionary* _dumptime_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary;
160 static ArchiveInfo _static_archive;
161 static ArchiveInfo _dynamic_archive;
163 static ArchiveInfo* get_archive(bool is_static_archive) {
164 return is_static_archive ? &_static_archive : &_dynamic_archive;
165 }
167 static InstanceKlass* load_shared_class_for_builtin_loader(
168 Symbol* class_name,
169 Handle class_loader,
170 TRAPS);
171 static InstanceKlass* acquire_class_for_current_thread(
172 InstanceKlass *ik,
173 Handle class_loader,
174 Handle protection_domain,
175 const ClassFileStream* cfs,
176 TRAPS);
178 // Guaranteed to return non-null value for non-shared classes.
179 // k must not be a shared class.
180 static DumpTimeClassInfo* get_info(InstanceKlass* k);
181 static DumpTimeClassInfo* get_info_locked(InstanceKlass* k);
183 static void write_dictionary(RunTimeSharedDictionary* dictionary,
184 bool is_builtin);
185 static void write_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary(LambdaProxyClassDictionary* dictionary);
186 static void cleanup_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary();
187 static void reset_registered_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
188 static bool is_jfr_event_class(InstanceKlass *k);
189 static bool check_for_exclusion_impl(InstanceKlass* k);
190 static void remove_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
191 static bool has_been_redefined(InstanceKlass* k);
192 static InstanceKlass* retrieve_lambda_proxy_class(const RunTimeLambdaProxyClassInfo* info) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
193 DEBUG_ONLY(static bool _class_loading_may_happen;)
195 static void copy_verification_constraints_from_preimage(InstanceKlass* klass);
196 static void copy_linking_constraints_from_preimage(InstanceKlass* klass);
198 public:
199 static bool is_registered_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
200 static bool is_hidden_lambda_proxy(InstanceKlass* ik);
201 static bool is_early_klass(InstanceKlass* k); // Was k loaded while JvmtiExport::is_early_phase()==true
202 static bool has_archived_enum_objs(InstanceKlass* ik);
203 static void set_has_archived_enum_objs(InstanceKlass* ik);
205 static InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class(Symbol* class_name);
207 static const RunTimeClassInfo* find_record(RunTimeSharedDictionary* static_dict,
208 RunTimeSharedDictionary* dynamic_dict,
209 Symbol* name);
211 static bool has_platform_or_app_classes();
213 // Called by PLATFORM/APP loader only
214 static InstanceKlass* find_or_load_shared_class(Symbol* class_name,
215 Handle class_loader,
216 TRAPS);
219 static void allocate_shared_data_arrays(int size, TRAPS);
221 static bool is_builtin_loader(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
223 static InstanceKlass* lookup_super_for_unregistered_class(Symbol* class_name,
224 Symbol* super_name, bool is_superclass);
226 static void initialize() NOT_CDS_RETURN;
227 static void init_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
228 static void init_dumptime_info_from_preimage(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
229 static void handle_class_unloading(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
231 static Dictionary* boot_loader_dictionary() {
232 return ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->dictionary();
233 }
235 static void update_shared_entry(InstanceKlass* klass, int id);
236 static void set_shared_class_misc_info(InstanceKlass* k, ClassFileStream* cfs);
238 static InstanceKlass* lookup_from_stream(Symbol* class_name,
239 Handle class_loader,
240 Handle protection_domain,
241 const ClassFileStream* st,
242 TRAPS);
243 // "verification_constraints" are a set of checks performed by
244 // VerificationType::is_reference_assignable_from when verifying a shared class during
245 // dump time.
246 //
247 // With AppCDS, it is possible to override archived classes by calling
248 // ClassLoader.defineClass() directly. SystemDictionary::load_shared_class() already
249 // ensures that you cannot load a shared class if its super type(s) are changed. However,
250 // we need an additional check to ensure that the verification_constraints did not change
261 InstanceKlass* lambda_ik,
262 Symbol* invoked_name,
263 Symbol* invoked_type,
264 Symbol* method_type,
265 Method* member_method,
266 Symbol* instantiated_method_type, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
267 static void add_to_dump_time_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary(LambdaProxyClassKey& key,
268 InstanceKlass* proxy_klass) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
269 static InstanceKlass* get_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* caller_ik,
270 Symbol* invoked_name,
271 Symbol* invoked_type,
272 Symbol* method_type,
273 Method* member_method,
274 Symbol* instantiated_method_type) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
275 static InstanceKlass* get_shared_nest_host(InstanceKlass* lambda_ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
276 static InstanceKlass* prepare_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* lambda_ik,
277 InstanceKlass* caller_ik, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
278 static bool check_linking_constraints(Thread* current, InstanceKlass* klass) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
279 static void record_linking_constraint(Symbol* name, InstanceKlass* klass,
280 Handle loader1, Handle loader2) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
281 static bool is_builtin(InstanceKlass* k) {
282 return (k->shared_classpath_index() != UNREGISTERED_INDEX);
283 }
284 static bool add_unregistered_class(Thread* current, InstanceKlass* k);
286 static void finish_exclusion_checks();
287 static DumpTimeSharedClassTable* dumptime_table() { return _dumptime_table; }
289 static bool should_be_excluded(Klass* k);
290 static bool check_for_exclusion(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo* info);
291 static void validate_before_archiving(InstanceKlass* k);
292 static bool is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k);
293 static void set_excluded(InstanceKlass* k);
294 static void set_excluded_locked(InstanceKlass* k);
295 static bool warn_excluded(InstanceKlass* k, const char* reason);
296 static void dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it);
297 static size_t estimate_size_for_archive();
298 static void write_to_archive(bool is_static_archive = true);
299 static void adjust_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary();
300 static void serialize_dictionary_headers(class SerializeClosure* soc,
301 bool is_static_archive = true);
302 static void serialize_vm_classes(class SerializeClosure* soc);
303 static void print() { return print_on(tty); }
304 static void print_on(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
305 static void print_shared_archive(outputStream* st, bool is_static = true) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
306 static void print_table_statistics(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
307 static bool is_dumptime_table_empty() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(true);
308 static bool is_supported_invokedynamic(BootstrapInfo* bsi) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
309 DEBUG_ONLY(static bool class_loading_may_happen() {return _class_loading_may_happen;})
311 #ifdef ASSERT
312 // This object marks a critical period when writing the CDS archive. During this
313 // period, the JVM must not load any new classes, so as to avoid adding new
314 // items in the SystemDictionaryShared::_dumptime_table.
315 class NoClassLoadingMark: public StackObj {
316 public:
317 NoClassLoadingMark() {
318 assert(_class_loading_may_happen, "must not be nested");
319 _class_loading_may_happen = false;
320 }
321 ~NoClassLoadingMark() {
322 _class_loading_may_happen = true;
323 }
324 };
325 #endif
327 template <typename T>
328 static unsigned int hash_for_shared_dictionary_quick(T* ptr) {
329 assert(MetaspaceObj::is_shared((const MetaspaceObj*)ptr), "must be");
330 assert(ptr > (T*)SharedBaseAddress, "must be");
331 uintx offset = uintx(ptr) - uintx(SharedBaseAddress);
332 return primitive_hash<uintx>(offset);
333 }
335 static unsigned int hash_for_shared_dictionary(address ptr);
336 };
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 *
23 */
28 #include "cds/cds_globals.hpp"
29 #include "cds/filemap.hpp"
30 #include "cds/dumpTimeClassInfo.hpp"
31 #include "cds/lambdaProxyClassDictionary.hpp"
32 #include "cds/runTimeClassInfo.hpp"
33 #include "classfile/classLoaderData.hpp"
34 #include "classfile/packageEntry.hpp"
35 #include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
36 #include "oops/klass.hpp"
37 #include "oops/oopHandle.hpp"
38 #include "oops/trainingData.hpp"
41 /*===============================================================================
43 Handling of the classes in the AppCDS archive
45 To ensure safety and to simplify the implementation, archived classes are
46 "segregated" into 2 types. The following rules describe how they
47 are stored and looked up.
49 [1] Category of archived classes
51 There are 2 disjoint groups of classes stored in the AppCDS archive:
53 BUILTIN: These classes may be defined ONLY by the BOOT/PLATFORM/APP
54 loaders.
56 UNREGISTERED: These classes may be defined ONLY by a ClassLoader
57 instance that's not listed above (using fingerprint matching)
159 static DumpTimeLambdaProxyClassDictionary* _dumptime_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary;
161 static ArchiveInfo _static_archive;
162 static ArchiveInfo _dynamic_archive;
164 static ArchiveInfo* get_archive(bool is_static_archive) {
165 return is_static_archive ? &_static_archive : &_dynamic_archive;
166 }
168 static InstanceKlass* load_shared_class_for_builtin_loader(
169 Symbol* class_name,
170 Handle class_loader,
171 TRAPS);
172 static InstanceKlass* acquire_class_for_current_thread(
173 InstanceKlass *ik,
174 Handle class_loader,
175 Handle protection_domain,
176 const ClassFileStream* cfs,
177 TRAPS);
180 static void write_dictionary(RunTimeSharedDictionary* dictionary,
181 bool is_builtin);
182 static void write_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary(LambdaProxyClassDictionary* dictionary);
183 static void cleanup_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary();
184 static void reset_registered_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
185 static bool check_for_exclusion_impl(InstanceKlass* k);
186 static void remove_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
187 static InstanceKlass* retrieve_lambda_proxy_class(const RunTimeLambdaProxyClassInfo* info) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
188 DEBUG_ONLY(static bool _class_loading_may_happen;)
190 static void copy_verification_constraints_from_preimage(InstanceKlass* klass);
191 static void copy_linking_constraints_from_preimage(InstanceKlass* klass);
193 public:
194 // Guaranteed to return non-null value for non-shared classes.
195 // k must not be a shared class.
196 static DumpTimeClassInfo* get_info(InstanceKlass* k);
197 static DumpTimeClassInfo* get_info_locked(InstanceKlass* k);
198 static DumpTimeSharedClassTable* dumptime_table() { return _dumptime_table; }
200 static bool should_hidden_class_be_archived(InstanceKlass* k);
201 static void mark_required_hidden_class(InstanceKlass* k);
202 static bool has_been_redefined(InstanceKlass* k);
203 static bool is_jfr_event_class(InstanceKlass *k);
204 static bool is_registered_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* ik);
206 static bool is_hidden_lambda_proxy(InstanceKlass* ik);
207 static bool is_early_klass(InstanceKlass* k); // Was k loaded while JvmtiExport::is_early_phase()==true
208 static bool has_archived_enum_objs(InstanceKlass* ik);
209 static void set_has_archived_enum_objs(InstanceKlass* ik);
211 static InstanceKlass* find_builtin_class(Symbol* class_name);
213 static const RunTimeClassInfo* find_record(RunTimeSharedDictionary* static_dict,
214 RunTimeSharedDictionary* dynamic_dict,
215 Symbol* name);
217 static bool has_platform_or_app_classes();
219 // Called by PLATFORM/APP loader only
220 static InstanceKlass* find_or_load_shared_class(Symbol* class_name,
221 Handle class_loader,
222 TRAPS);
225 static void allocate_shared_data_arrays(int size, TRAPS);
227 static bool is_builtin_loader(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
229 static InstanceKlass* lookup_super_for_unregistered_class(Symbol* class_name,
230 Symbol* super_name, bool is_superclass);
232 static void initialize() NOT_CDS_RETURN;
233 static void init_dumptime_info(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
234 static void init_dumptime_info_from_preimage(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
235 static void handle_class_unloading(InstanceKlass* k) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
237 static bool can_be_preinited(InstanceKlass* ik);
238 static bool can_be_preinited_locked(InstanceKlass* ik);
239 static void reset_preinit_check();
241 static Dictionary* boot_loader_dictionary() {
242 return ClassLoaderData::the_null_class_loader_data()->dictionary();
243 }
245 static void update_shared_entry(InstanceKlass* klass, int id);
246 static void set_shared_class_misc_info(InstanceKlass* k, ClassFileStream* cfs);
248 static InstanceKlass* lookup_from_stream(Symbol* class_name,
249 Handle class_loader,
250 Handle protection_domain,
251 const ClassFileStream* st,
252 TRAPS);
253 // "verification_constraints" are a set of checks performed by
254 // VerificationType::is_reference_assignable_from when verifying a shared class during
255 // dump time.
256 //
257 // With AppCDS, it is possible to override archived classes by calling
258 // ClassLoader.defineClass() directly. SystemDictionary::load_shared_class() already
259 // ensures that you cannot load a shared class if its super type(s) are changed. However,
260 // we need an additional check to ensure that the verification_constraints did not change
271 InstanceKlass* lambda_ik,
272 Symbol* invoked_name,
273 Symbol* invoked_type,
274 Symbol* method_type,
275 Method* member_method,
276 Symbol* instantiated_method_type, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
277 static void add_to_dump_time_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary(LambdaProxyClassKey& key,
278 InstanceKlass* proxy_klass) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
279 static InstanceKlass* get_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* caller_ik,
280 Symbol* invoked_name,
281 Symbol* invoked_type,
282 Symbol* method_type,
283 Method* member_method,
284 Symbol* instantiated_method_type) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
285 static InstanceKlass* get_shared_nest_host(InstanceKlass* lambda_ik) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
286 static InstanceKlass* prepare_shared_lambda_proxy_class(InstanceKlass* lambda_ik,
287 InstanceKlass* caller_ik, TRAPS) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(nullptr);
288 static bool check_linking_constraints(Thread* current, InstanceKlass* klass) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
289 static void record_linking_constraint(Symbol* name, InstanceKlass* klass,
290 Handle loader1, Handle loader2) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
291 static bool is_builtin(const InstanceKlass* k) {
292 return (k->shared_classpath_index() != UNREGISTERED_INDEX);
293 }
294 static bool add_unregistered_class(Thread* current, InstanceKlass* k);
296 static void finish_exclusion_checks();
298 static bool should_be_excluded(Klass* k);
299 static bool check_for_exclusion(InstanceKlass* k, DumpTimeClassInfo* info);
300 static void validate_before_archiving(InstanceKlass* k);
301 static bool is_excluded_class(InstanceKlass* k);
302 static void set_excluded(InstanceKlass* k);
303 static void set_excluded_locked(InstanceKlass* k);
304 static bool warn_excluded(InstanceKlass* k, const char* reason);
305 static void dumptime_classes_do(class MetaspaceClosure* it);
306 static size_t estimate_size_for_archive();
307 static void write_to_archive(bool is_static_archive = true);
308 static void adjust_lambda_proxy_class_dictionary();
310 static void serialize_dictionary_headers(class SerializeClosure* soc,
311 bool is_static_archive = true);
312 static void serialize_vm_classes(class SerializeClosure* soc);
313 static void print() { return print_on(tty); }
314 static void print_on(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
315 static void print_shared_archive(outputStream* st, bool is_static = true) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
316 static void print_table_statistics(outputStream* st) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
317 static bool is_dumptime_table_empty() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(true);
318 static bool is_supported_invokedynamic(BootstrapInfo* bsi) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(false);
319 DEBUG_ONLY(static bool class_loading_may_happen() {return _class_loading_may_happen;})
320 // Do not archive any new InstanceKlasses that are loaded after this method is called.
321 // This avoids polluting the archive with classes that are only used by GenerateJLIClassesHelper.
322 static void ignore_new_classes();
324 #ifdef ASSERT
325 // This object marks a critical period when writing the CDS archive. During this
326 // period, the JVM must not load any new classes, so as to avoid adding new
327 // items in the SystemDictionaryShared::_dumptime_table.
328 class NoClassLoadingMark: public StackObj {
329 public:
330 NoClassLoadingMark() {
331 assert(_class_loading_may_happen, "must not be nested");
332 _class_loading_may_happen = false;
333 }
334 ~NoClassLoadingMark() {
335 _class_loading_may_happen = true;
336 }
337 };
338 #endif
340 template <typename T>
341 static unsigned int hash_for_shared_dictionary_quick(T* ptr) {
342 assert(MetaspaceObj::is_shared((const MetaspaceObj*)ptr), "must be");
343 assert(ptr > (T*)SharedBaseAddress, "must be");
344 uintx offset = uintx(ptr) - uintx(SharedBaseAddress);
345 return primitive_hash<uintx>(offset);
346 }
348 static unsigned int hash_for_shared_dictionary(address ptr);
349 static const char* class_loader_name_for_shared(Klass* k);
350 static void create_loader_positive_lookup_cache(TRAPS);
351 };