5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 *
23 */
25 #include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
26 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
27 #include "code/codeHeapState.hpp"
28 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
29 #include "code/dependencies.hpp"
30 #include "code/dependencyContext.hpp"
31 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
32 #include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
33 #include "compiler/compilationPolicy.hpp"
34 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
35 #include "compiler/compilerDefinitions.inline.hpp"
36 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
37 #include "gc/shared/barrierSetNMethod.hpp"
38 #include "gc/shared/classUnloadingContext.hpp"
39 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
40 #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
41 #include "jvm_io.h"
42 #include "logging/log.hpp"
43 #include "logging/logStream.hpp"
44 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
45 #include "memory/iterator.hpp"
46 #include "memory/memoryReserver.hpp"
47 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
48 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
49 #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
50 #include "oops/objArrayOop.hpp"
51 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
52 #include "oops/verifyOopClosure.hpp"
153 scopes_data_size += nm->scopes_data_size();
154 scopes_pcs_size += nm->scopes_pcs_size();
155 } else {
156 code_size += cb->code_size();
157 }
158 }
159 };
161 // Iterate over all CodeHeaps
162 #define FOR_ALL_HEAPS(heap) for (GrowableArrayIterator<CodeHeap*> heap = _heaps->begin(); heap != _heaps->end(); ++heap)
163 #define FOR_ALL_ALLOCABLE_HEAPS(heap) for (GrowableArrayIterator<CodeHeap*> heap = _allocable_heaps->begin(); heap != _allocable_heaps->end(); ++heap)
165 // Iterate over all CodeBlobs (cb) on the given CodeHeap
166 #define FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, heap) for (CodeBlob* cb = first_blob(heap); cb != nullptr; cb = next_blob(heap, cb))
168 address CodeCache::_low_bound = nullptr;
169 address CodeCache::_high_bound = nullptr;
170 volatile int CodeCache::_number_of_nmethods_with_dependencies = 0;
171 ExceptionCache* volatile CodeCache::_exception_cache_purge_list = nullptr;
173 // Initialize arrays of CodeHeap subsets
174 GrowableArray<CodeHeap*>* CodeCache::_heaps = new(mtCode) GrowableArray<CodeHeap*> (static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::All), mtCode);
175 GrowableArray<CodeHeap*>* CodeCache::_nmethod_heaps = new(mtCode) GrowableArray<CodeHeap*> (static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::All), mtCode);
176 GrowableArray<CodeHeap*>* CodeCache::_allocable_heaps = new(mtCode) GrowableArray<CodeHeap*> (static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::All), mtCode);
178 static void check_min_size(const char* codeheap, size_t size, size_t required_size) {
179 if (size < required_size) {
180 log_debug(codecache)("Code heap (%s) size %zuK below required minimal size %zuK",
181 codeheap, size/K, required_size/K);
182 err_msg title("Not enough space in %s to run VM", codeheap);
183 err_msg message("%zuK < %zuK", size/K, required_size/K);
184 vm_exit_during_initialization(title, message);
185 }
186 }
188 struct CodeHeapInfo {
189 size_t size;
190 bool set;
191 bool enabled;
192 };
194 static void set_size_of_unset_code_heap(CodeHeapInfo* heap, size_t available_size, size_t used_size, size_t min_size) {
195 assert(!heap->set, "sanity");
196 heap->size = (available_size > (used_size + min_size)) ? (available_size - used_size) : min_size;
197 }
199 void CodeCache::initialize_heaps() {
201 CodeHeapInfo non_nmethod = {NonNMethodCodeHeapSize, FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NonNMethodCodeHeapSize), true};
202 CodeHeapInfo profiled = {ProfiledCodeHeapSize, FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(ProfiledCodeHeapSize), true};
203 CodeHeapInfo non_profiled = {NonProfiledCodeHeapSize, FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NonProfiledCodeHeapSize), true};
205 const bool cache_size_set = FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(ReservedCodeCacheSize);
206 const size_t ps = page_size(false, 8);
207 const size_t min_size = MAX2(os::vm_allocation_granularity(), ps);
208 const size_t min_cache_size = CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace DEBUG_ONLY(* 3); // Make sure we have enough space for VM internal code
209 size_t cache_size = align_up(ReservedCodeCacheSize, min_size);
211 // Prerequisites
212 if (!heap_available(CodeBlobType::MethodProfiled)) {
213 // For compatibility reasons, disabled tiered compilation overrides
214 // segment size even if it is set explicitly.
215 non_profiled.size += profiled.size;
216 // Profiled code heap is not available, forcibly set size to 0
217 profiled.size = 0;
218 profiled.set = true;
219 profiled.enabled = false;
220 }
222 assert(heap_available(CodeBlobType::MethodNonProfiled), "MethodNonProfiled heap is always available for segmented code heap");
224 size_t compiler_buffer_size = 0;
225 COMPILER1_PRESENT(compiler_buffer_size += CompilationPolicy::c1_count() * Compiler::code_buffer_size());
226 COMPILER2_PRESENT(compiler_buffer_size += CompilationPolicy::c2_count() * C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size());
228 if (!non_nmethod.set) {
229 non_nmethod.size += compiler_buffer_size;
230 // Further down, just before FLAG_SET_ERGO(), all segment sizes are
231 // aligned down to the next lower multiple of min_size. For large page
232 // sizes, this may result in (non_nmethod.size == 0) which is not acceptable.
233 // Therefore, force non_nmethod.size to at least min_size.
234 non_nmethod.size = MAX2(non_nmethod.size, min_size);
235 }
237 if (!profiled.set && !non_profiled.set) {
238 non_profiled.size = profiled.size = (cache_size > non_nmethod.size + 2 * min_size) ?
239 (cache_size - non_nmethod.size) / 2 : min_size;
240 }
242 if (profiled.set && !non_profiled.set) {
243 set_size_of_unset_code_heap(&non_profiled, cache_size, non_nmethod.size + profiled.size, min_size);
244 }
246 if (!profiled.set && non_profiled.set) {
301 if (ps < lg_ps) {
302 log_warning(codecache)("Code cache size too small for " PROPERFMT " pages. "
303 "Reverting to smaller page size (" PROPERFMT ").",
305 }
306 }
308 // Note: if large page support is enabled, min_size is at least the large
309 // page size. This ensures that the code cache is covered by large pages.
310 non_profiled.size += non_nmethod.size & alignment_mask(min_size);
311 non_profiled.size += profiled.size & alignment_mask(min_size);
312 non_nmethod.size = align_down(non_nmethod.size, min_size);
313 profiled.size = align_down(profiled.size, min_size);
314 non_profiled.size = align_down(non_profiled.size, min_size);
316 FLAG_SET_ERGO(NonNMethodCodeHeapSize, non_nmethod.size);
317 FLAG_SET_ERGO(ProfiledCodeHeapSize, profiled.size);
318 FLAG_SET_ERGO(NonProfiledCodeHeapSize, non_profiled.size);
319 FLAG_SET_ERGO(ReservedCodeCacheSize, cache_size);
321 ReservedSpace rs = reserve_heap_memory(cache_size, ps);
323 // Register CodeHeaps with LSan as we sometimes embed pointers to malloc memory.
324 LSAN_REGISTER_ROOT_REGION(rs.base(), rs.size());
326 size_t offset = 0;
327 if (profiled.enabled) {
328 ReservedSpace profiled_space = rs.partition(offset, profiled.size);
329 offset += profiled.size;
330 // Tier 2 and tier 3 (profiled) methods
331 add_heap(profiled_space, "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'", CodeBlobType::MethodProfiled);
332 }
334 ReservedSpace non_method_space = rs.partition(offset, non_nmethod.size);
335 offset += non_nmethod.size;
336 // Non-nmethods (stubs, adapters, ...)
337 add_heap(non_method_space, "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'", CodeBlobType::NonNMethod);
339 if (non_profiled.enabled) {
340 ReservedSpace non_profiled_space = rs.partition(offset, non_profiled.size);
341 // Tier 1 and tier 4 (non-profiled) methods and native methods
342 add_heap(non_profiled_space, "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'", CodeBlobType::MethodNonProfiled);
343 }
344 }
346 size_t CodeCache::page_size(bool aligned, size_t min_pages) {
347 return aligned ? os::page_size_for_region_aligned(ReservedCodeCacheSize, min_pages) :
348 os::page_size_for_region_unaligned(ReservedCodeCacheSize, min_pages);
349 }
351 ReservedSpace CodeCache::reserve_heap_memory(size_t size, size_t rs_ps) {
352 // Align and reserve space for code cache
353 const size_t rs_align = MAX2(rs_ps, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
354 const size_t rs_size = align_up(size, rs_align);
356 ReservedSpace rs = CodeMemoryReserver::reserve(rs_size, rs_align, rs_ps);
357 if (!rs.is_reserved()) {
358 vm_exit_during_initialization(err_msg("Could not reserve enough space for code cache (%zuK)",
359 rs_size/K));
360 }
362 // Initialize bounds
363 _low_bound = (address)rs.base();
364 _high_bound = _low_bound + rs.size();
365 return rs;
1191 AnyObj::RESOURCE_AREA, mtInternal,
1192 &DependencySignature::hash,
1193 &DependencySignature::equals> DepTable;
1195 DepTable* table = new DepTable();
1197 // Iterate over live nmethods and check dependencies of all nmethods that are not
1198 // marked for deoptimization. A particular dependency is only checked once.
1199 NMethodIterator iter(NMethodIterator::not_unloading);
1200 while(iter.next()) {
1201 nmethod* nm = iter.method();
1202 // Only notify for live nmethods
1203 if (!nm->is_marked_for_deoptimization()) {
1204 for (Dependencies::DepStream deps(nm); deps.next(); ) {
1205 // Construct abstraction of a dependency.
1206 DependencySignature* current_sig = new DependencySignature(deps);
1208 // Determine if dependency is already checked. table->put(...) returns
1209 // 'true' if the dependency is added (i.e., was not in the hashtable).
1210 if (table->put(*current_sig, 1)) {
1211 if (deps.check_dependency() != nullptr) {
1212 // Dependency checking failed. Print out information about the failed
1213 // dependency and finally fail with an assert. We can fail here, since
1214 // dependency checking is never done in a product build.
1215 tty->print_cr("Failed dependency:");
1216 changes.print();
1217 nm->print();
1218 nm->print_dependencies_on(tty);
1219 assert(false, "Should have been marked for deoptimization");
1220 }
1221 }
1222 }
1223 }
1224 }
1225 }
1226 #endif
1228 void CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization(DeoptimizationScope* deopt_scope, KlassDepChange& changes) {
1229 MutexLocker mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1231 // search the hierarchy looking for nmethods which are affected by the loading of this class
1233 // then search the interfaces this class implements looking for nmethods
1234 // which might be dependent of the fact that an interface only had one
1235 // implementor.
1236 // nmethod::check_all_dependencies works only correctly, if no safepoint
1237 // can happen
1238 NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1239 for (DepChange::ContextStream str(changes, nsv); str.next(); ) {
1240 InstanceKlass* d = str.klass();
1241 d->mark_dependent_nmethods(deopt_scope, changes);
1242 }
1244 #ifndef PRODUCT
1245 if (VerifyDependencies) {
1246 // Object pointers are used as unique identifiers for dependency arguments. This
1247 // is only possible if no safepoint, i.e., GC occurs during the verification code.
1248 dependentCheckTime.start();
1249 check_live_nmethods_dependencies(changes);
1250 dependentCheckTime.stop();
1251 }
1252 #endif
1253 }
1256 // RedefineClasses support for saving nmethods that are dependent on "old" methods.
1257 // We don't really expect this table to grow very large. If it does, it can become a hashtable.
1258 static GrowableArray<nmethod*>* old_nmethod_table = nullptr;
1260 static void add_to_old_table(nmethod* c) {
1479 }
1482 void CodeCache::print_memory_overhead() {
1483 size_t wasted_bytes = 0;
1485 CodeHeap* curr_heap = *heap;
1486 for (CodeBlob* cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->first(); cb != nullptr; cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->next(cb)) {
1487 HeapBlock* heap_block = ((HeapBlock*)cb) - 1;
1488 wasted_bytes += heap_block->length() * CodeCacheSegmentSize - cb->size();
1489 }
1490 }
1491 // Print bytes that are allocated in the freelist
1492 ttyLocker ttl;
1493 tty->print_cr("Number of elements in freelist: %zd", freelists_length());
1494 tty->print_cr("Allocated in freelist: %zdkB", bytes_allocated_in_freelists()/K);
1495 tty->print_cr("Unused bytes in CodeBlobs: %zdkB", (wasted_bytes/K));
1496 tty->print_cr("Segment map size: %zdkB", allocated_segments()/K); // 1 byte per segment
1497 }
1499 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1500 // Non-product version
1502 #ifndef PRODUCT
1504 void CodeCache::print_trace(const char* event, CodeBlob* cb, uint size) {
1505 if (PrintCodeCache2) { // Need to add a new flag
1506 ResourceMark rm;
1507 if (size == 0) {
1508 int s = cb->size();
1509 assert(s >= 0, "CodeBlob size is negative: %d", s);
1510 size = (uint) s;
1511 }
1512 tty->print_cr("CodeCache %s: addr: " INTPTR_FORMAT ", size: 0x%x", event, p2i(cb), size);
1513 }
1514 }
1516 void CodeCache::print_internals() {
1517 int nmethodCount = 0;
1518 int runtimeStubCount = 0;
1519 int upcallStubCount = 0;
1520 int adapterCount = 0;
1521 int mhAdapterCount = 0;
1522 int vtableBlobCount = 0;
1523 int deoptimizationStubCount = 0;
1524 int uncommonTrapStubCount = 0;
1525 int exceptionStubCount = 0;
1526 int safepointStubCount = 0;
1527 int bufferBlobCount = 0;
1528 int total = 0;
1529 int nmethodNotEntrant = 0;
1530 int nmethodJava = 0;
1531 int nmethodNative = 0;
1532 int max_nm_size = 0;
1533 ResourceMark rm;
1535 int i = 0;
1537 if ((_nmethod_heaps->length() >= 1) && Verbose) {
1538 tty->print_cr("-- %s --", (*heap)->name());
1539 }
1540 FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1541 total++;
1542 if (cb->is_nmethod()) {
1543 nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)cb;
1545 if (Verbose && nm->method() != nullptr) {
1546 ResourceMark rm;
1547 char *method_name = nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string();
1548 tty->print("%s", method_name);
1549 if(nm->is_not_entrant()) { tty->print_cr(" not-entrant"); }
1550 }
1552 nmethodCount++;
1554 if(nm->is_not_entrant()) { nmethodNotEntrant++; }
1555 if(nm->method() != nullptr && nm->is_native_method()) { nmethodNative++; }
1557 if(nm->method() != nullptr && nm->is_java_method()) {
1558 nmethodJava++;
1559 max_nm_size = MAX2(max_nm_size, nm->size());
1560 }
1561 } else if (cb->is_runtime_stub()) {
1562 runtimeStubCount++;
1563 } else if (cb->is_upcall_stub()) {
1564 upcallStubCount++;
1565 } else if (cb->is_deoptimization_stub()) {
1566 deoptimizationStubCount++;
1567 } else if (cb->is_uncommon_trap_stub()) {
1568 uncommonTrapStubCount++;
1569 } else if (cb->is_exception_stub()) {
1570 exceptionStubCount++;
1727 FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1728 number_of_blobs++;
1729 code_size += cb->code_size();
1730 ImmutableOopMapSet* set = cb->oop_maps();
1731 if (set != nullptr) {
1732 number_of_oop_maps += set->count();
1733 map_size += set->nr_of_bytes();
1734 }
1735 }
1736 }
1737 tty->print_cr("OopMaps");
1738 tty->print_cr(" #blobs = %d", number_of_blobs);
1739 tty->print_cr(" code size = %d", code_size);
1740 tty->print_cr(" #oop_maps = %d", number_of_oop_maps);
1741 tty->print_cr(" map size = %d", map_size);
1742 }
1744 #endif // !PRODUCT
1745 }
1747 void CodeCache::print_summary(outputStream* st, bool detailed) {
1748 int full_count = 0;
1749 julong total_used = 0;
1750 julong total_max_used = 0;
1751 julong total_free = 0;
1752 julong total_size = 0;
1753 FOR_ALL_HEAPS(heap_iterator) {
1754 CodeHeap* heap = (*heap_iterator);
1755 size_t total = (heap->high_boundary() - heap->low_boundary());
1756 if (_heaps->length() >= 1) {
1757 st->print("%s:", heap->name());
1758 } else {
1759 st->print("CodeCache:");
1760 }
1761 size_t size = total/K;
1762 size_t used = (total - heap->unallocated_capacity())/K;
1763 size_t max_used = heap->max_allocated_capacity()/K;
1764 size_t free = heap->unallocated_capacity()/K;
1765 total_size += size;
1766 total_used += used;
5 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8 *
9 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
12 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13 * accompanied this code).
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 *
19 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
20 * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
21 * questions.
22 *
23 */
25 #include "cds/cdsAccess.hpp"
26 #include "code/codeBlob.hpp"
27 #include "code/codeCache.hpp"
28 #include "code/codeHeapState.hpp"
29 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
30 #include "code/dependencies.hpp"
31 #include "code/dependencyContext.hpp"
32 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
33 #include "code/pcDesc.hpp"
34 #include "code/SCCache.hpp"
35 #include "compiler/compilationPolicy.hpp"
36 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
37 #include "compiler/compilerDefinitions.inline.hpp"
38 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
39 #include "gc/shared/barrierSetNMethod.hpp"
40 #include "gc/shared/classUnloadingContext.hpp"
41 #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
42 #include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
43 #include "jvm_io.h"
44 #include "logging/log.hpp"
45 #include "logging/logStream.hpp"
46 #include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
47 #include "memory/iterator.hpp"
48 #include "memory/memoryReserver.hpp"
49 #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
50 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
51 #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
52 #include "oops/objArrayOop.hpp"
53 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
54 #include "oops/verifyOopClosure.hpp"
155 scopes_data_size += nm->scopes_data_size();
156 scopes_pcs_size += nm->scopes_pcs_size();
157 } else {
158 code_size += cb->code_size();
159 }
160 }
161 };
163 // Iterate over all CodeHeaps
164 #define FOR_ALL_HEAPS(heap) for (GrowableArrayIterator<CodeHeap*> heap = _heaps->begin(); heap != _heaps->end(); ++heap)
165 #define FOR_ALL_ALLOCABLE_HEAPS(heap) for (GrowableArrayIterator<CodeHeap*> heap = _allocable_heaps->begin(); heap != _allocable_heaps->end(); ++heap)
167 // Iterate over all CodeBlobs (cb) on the given CodeHeap
168 #define FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, heap) for (CodeBlob* cb = first_blob(heap); cb != nullptr; cb = next_blob(heap, cb))
170 address CodeCache::_low_bound = nullptr;
171 address CodeCache::_high_bound = nullptr;
172 volatile int CodeCache::_number_of_nmethods_with_dependencies = 0;
173 ExceptionCache* volatile CodeCache::_exception_cache_purge_list = nullptr;
175 static ReservedSpace _cds_code_space;
177 // Initialize arrays of CodeHeap subsets
178 GrowableArray<CodeHeap*>* CodeCache::_heaps = new(mtCode) GrowableArray<CodeHeap*> (static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::All), mtCode);
179 GrowableArray<CodeHeap*>* CodeCache::_nmethod_heaps = new(mtCode) GrowableArray<CodeHeap*> (static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::All), mtCode);
180 GrowableArray<CodeHeap*>* CodeCache::_allocable_heaps = new(mtCode) GrowableArray<CodeHeap*> (static_cast<int>(CodeBlobType::All), mtCode);
182 static void check_min_size(const char* codeheap, size_t size, size_t required_size) {
183 if (size < required_size) {
184 log_debug(codecache)("Code heap (%s) size %zuK below required minimal size %zuK",
185 codeheap, size/K, required_size/K);
186 err_msg title("Not enough space in %s to run VM", codeheap);
187 err_msg message("%zuK < %zuK", size/K, required_size/K);
188 vm_exit_during_initialization(title, message);
189 }
190 }
192 struct CodeHeapInfo {
193 size_t size;
194 bool set;
195 bool enabled;
196 };
198 static void set_size_of_unset_code_heap(CodeHeapInfo* heap, size_t available_size, size_t used_size, size_t min_size) {
199 assert(!heap->set, "sanity");
200 heap->size = (available_size > (used_size + min_size)) ? (available_size - used_size) : min_size;
201 }
203 void CodeCache::initialize_heaps() {
204 CodeHeapInfo non_nmethod = {NonNMethodCodeHeapSize, FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NonNMethodCodeHeapSize), true};
205 CodeHeapInfo profiled = {ProfiledCodeHeapSize, FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(ProfiledCodeHeapSize), true};
206 CodeHeapInfo non_profiled = {NonProfiledCodeHeapSize, FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(NonProfiledCodeHeapSize), true};
208 const bool cache_size_set = FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(ReservedCodeCacheSize);
209 const size_t ps = page_size(false, 8);
210 const size_t min_size = MAX2(os::vm_allocation_granularity(), ps);
211 const size_t min_cache_size = CodeCacheMinimumUseSpace DEBUG_ONLY(* 3); // Make sure we have enough space for VM internal code
212 size_t cache_size = align_up(ReservedCodeCacheSize, min_size);
214 // Prerequisites
215 if (!heap_available(CodeBlobType::MethodProfiled)) {
216 // For compatibility reasons, disabled tiered compilation overrides
217 // segment size even if it is set explicitly.
218 non_profiled.size += profiled.size;
219 // Profiled code heap is not available, forcibly set size to 0
220 profiled.size = 0;
221 profiled.set = true;
222 profiled.enabled = false;
223 }
225 assert(heap_available(CodeBlobType::MethodNonProfiled), "MethodNonProfiled heap is always available for segmented code heap");
227 size_t compiler_buffer_size = 0;
228 COMPILER1_PRESENT(compiler_buffer_size += CompilationPolicy::c1_count() * Compiler::code_buffer_size());
229 COMPILER2_PRESENT(compiler_buffer_size += CompilationPolicy::c2_count() * C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size());
230 COMPILER2_PRESENT(compiler_buffer_size += (CompilationPolicy::c2_count() + CompilationPolicy::c3_count()) * C2Compiler::initial_code_buffer_size());
232 if (!non_nmethod.set) {
233 non_nmethod.size += compiler_buffer_size;
234 // Further down, just before FLAG_SET_ERGO(), all segment sizes are
235 // aligned down to the next lower multiple of min_size. For large page
236 // sizes, this may result in (non_nmethod.size == 0) which is not acceptable.
237 // Therefore, force non_nmethod.size to at least min_size.
238 non_nmethod.size = MAX2(non_nmethod.size, min_size);
239 }
241 if (!profiled.set && !non_profiled.set) {
242 non_profiled.size = profiled.size = (cache_size > non_nmethod.size + 2 * min_size) ?
243 (cache_size - non_nmethod.size) / 2 : min_size;
244 }
246 if (profiled.set && !non_profiled.set) {
247 set_size_of_unset_code_heap(&non_profiled, cache_size, non_nmethod.size + profiled.size, min_size);
248 }
250 if (!profiled.set && non_profiled.set) {
305 if (ps < lg_ps) {
306 log_warning(codecache)("Code cache size too small for " PROPERFMT " pages. "
307 "Reverting to smaller page size (" PROPERFMT ").",
309 }
310 }
312 // Note: if large page support is enabled, min_size is at least the large
313 // page size. This ensures that the code cache is covered by large pages.
314 non_profiled.size += non_nmethod.size & alignment_mask(min_size);
315 non_profiled.size += profiled.size & alignment_mask(min_size);
316 non_nmethod.size = align_down(non_nmethod.size, min_size);
317 profiled.size = align_down(profiled.size, min_size);
318 non_profiled.size = align_down(non_profiled.size, min_size);
320 FLAG_SET_ERGO(NonNMethodCodeHeapSize, non_nmethod.size);
321 FLAG_SET_ERGO(ProfiledCodeHeapSize, profiled.size);
322 FLAG_SET_ERGO(NonProfiledCodeHeapSize, non_profiled.size);
323 FLAG_SET_ERGO(ReservedCodeCacheSize, cache_size);
325 const size_t cds_code_size = align_up(CDSAccess::get_cached_code_size(), min_size);
326 cache_size += cds_code_size;
328 ReservedSpace rs = reserve_heap_memory(cache_size, ps);
330 // Register CodeHeaps with LSan as we sometimes embed pointers to malloc memory.
331 LSAN_REGISTER_ROOT_REGION(rs.base(), rs.size());
333 size_t offset = 0;
334 if (cds_code_size > 0) {
335 // FIXME: use CodeHeapInfo for this hack ...
336 _cds_code_space = rs.partition(offset, cds_code_size);
337 offset += cds_code_size;
338 }
340 if (profiled.enabled) {
341 ReservedSpace profiled_space = rs.partition(offset, profiled.size);
342 offset += profiled.size;
343 // Tier 2 and tier 3 (profiled) methods
344 add_heap(profiled_space, "CodeHeap 'profiled nmethods'", CodeBlobType::MethodProfiled);
345 }
347 ReservedSpace non_method_space = rs.partition(offset, non_nmethod.size);
348 offset += non_nmethod.size;
349 // Non-nmethods (stubs, adapters, ...)
350 add_heap(non_method_space, "CodeHeap 'non-nmethods'", CodeBlobType::NonNMethod);
352 if (non_profiled.enabled) {
353 ReservedSpace non_profiled_space = rs.partition(offset, non_profiled.size);
354 // Tier 1 and tier 4 (non-profiled) methods and native methods
355 add_heap(non_profiled_space, "CodeHeap 'non-profiled nmethods'", CodeBlobType::MethodNonProfiled);
356 }
357 }
359 void* CodeCache::map_cached_code() {
360 if (_cds_code_space.size() > 0 && CDSAccess::map_cached_code(_cds_code_space)) {
361 return _cds_code_space.base();
362 } else {
363 return nullptr;
364 }
365 }
367 size_t CodeCache::page_size(bool aligned, size_t min_pages) {
368 return aligned ? os::page_size_for_region_aligned(ReservedCodeCacheSize, min_pages) :
369 os::page_size_for_region_unaligned(ReservedCodeCacheSize, min_pages);
370 }
372 ReservedSpace CodeCache::reserve_heap_memory(size_t size, size_t rs_ps) {
373 // Align and reserve space for code cache
374 const size_t rs_align = MAX2(rs_ps, os::vm_allocation_granularity());
375 const size_t rs_size = align_up(size, rs_align);
377 ReservedSpace rs = CodeMemoryReserver::reserve(rs_size, rs_align, rs_ps);
378 if (!rs.is_reserved()) {
379 vm_exit_during_initialization(err_msg("Could not reserve enough space for code cache (%zuK)",
380 rs_size/K));
381 }
383 // Initialize bounds
384 _low_bound = (address)rs.base();
385 _high_bound = _low_bound + rs.size();
386 return rs;
1212 AnyObj::RESOURCE_AREA, mtInternal,
1213 &DependencySignature::hash,
1214 &DependencySignature::equals> DepTable;
1216 DepTable* table = new DepTable();
1218 // Iterate over live nmethods and check dependencies of all nmethods that are not
1219 // marked for deoptimization. A particular dependency is only checked once.
1220 NMethodIterator iter(NMethodIterator::not_unloading);
1221 while(iter.next()) {
1222 nmethod* nm = iter.method();
1223 // Only notify for live nmethods
1224 if (!nm->is_marked_for_deoptimization()) {
1225 for (Dependencies::DepStream deps(nm); deps.next(); ) {
1226 // Construct abstraction of a dependency.
1227 DependencySignature* current_sig = new DependencySignature(deps);
1229 // Determine if dependency is already checked. table->put(...) returns
1230 // 'true' if the dependency is added (i.e., was not in the hashtable).
1231 if (table->put(*current_sig, 1)) {
1232 Klass* witness = deps.check_dependency();
1233 if (witness != nullptr) {
1234 // Dependency checking failed. Print out information about the failed
1235 // dependency and finally fail with an assert. We can fail here, since
1236 // dependency checking is never done in a product build.
1237 deps.print_dependency(tty, witness, true);
1238 changes.print();
1239 nm->print();
1240 nm->print_dependencies_on(tty);
1241 assert(false, "Should have been marked for deoptimization");
1242 }
1243 }
1244 }
1245 }
1246 }
1247 }
1248 #endif
1250 void CodeCache::mark_for_deoptimization(DeoptimizationScope* deopt_scope, KlassDepChange& changes) {
1251 MutexLocker mu(CodeCache_lock, Mutex::_no_safepoint_check_flag);
1253 // search the hierarchy looking for nmethods which are affected by the loading of this class
1255 // then search the interfaces this class implements looking for nmethods
1256 // which might be dependent of the fact that an interface only had one
1257 // implementor.
1258 // nmethod::check_all_dependencies works only correctly, if no safepoint
1259 // can happen
1260 NoSafepointVerifier nsv;
1261 for (DepChange::ContextStream str(changes, nsv); str.next(); ) {
1262 InstanceKlass* d = str.klass();
1263 {
1264 LogStreamHandle(Trace, dependencies) log;
1265 if (log.is_enabled()) {
1266 log.print("Processing context ");
1267 d->name()->print_value_on(&log);
1268 }
1269 }
1270 d->mark_dependent_nmethods(deopt_scope, changes);
1271 }
1273 #ifndef PRODUCT
1274 if (VerifyDependencies) {
1275 // Object pointers are used as unique identifiers for dependency arguments. This
1276 // is only possible if no safepoint, i.e., GC occurs during the verification code.
1277 dependentCheckTime.start();
1278 check_live_nmethods_dependencies(changes);
1279 dependentCheckTime.stop();
1280 }
1281 #endif
1282 }
1285 // RedefineClasses support for saving nmethods that are dependent on "old" methods.
1286 // We don't really expect this table to grow very large. If it does, it can become a hashtable.
1287 static GrowableArray<nmethod*>* old_nmethod_table = nullptr;
1289 static void add_to_old_table(nmethod* c) {
1508 }
1511 void CodeCache::print_memory_overhead() {
1512 size_t wasted_bytes = 0;
1514 CodeHeap* curr_heap = *heap;
1515 for (CodeBlob* cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->first(); cb != nullptr; cb = (CodeBlob*)curr_heap->next(cb)) {
1516 HeapBlock* heap_block = ((HeapBlock*)cb) - 1;
1517 wasted_bytes += heap_block->length() * CodeCacheSegmentSize - cb->size();
1518 }
1519 }
1520 // Print bytes that are allocated in the freelist
1521 ttyLocker ttl;
1522 tty->print_cr("Number of elements in freelist: %zd", freelists_length());
1523 tty->print_cr("Allocated in freelist: %zdkB", bytes_allocated_in_freelists()/K);
1524 tty->print_cr("Unused bytes in CodeBlobs: %zdkB", (wasted_bytes/K));
1525 tty->print_cr("Segment map size: %zdkB", allocated_segments()/K); // 1 byte per segment
1526 }
1528 static void print_helper1(outputStream* st, const char* prefix, int total, int not_entrant, int used) {
1529 if (total > 0) {
1530 double ratio = (100.0 * used) / total;
1531 st->print("%s %3d nmethods: %3d not_entrant, %d used (%2.1f%%)", prefix, total, not_entrant, used, ratio);
1532 }
1533 }
1535 void CodeCache::print_nmethod_statistics_on(outputStream* st) {
1536 int stats [2][6][3][2] = {0};
1537 int stats_used[2][6][3][2] = {0};
1539 int total_osr = 0;
1540 int total_entrant = 0;
1541 int total_non_entrant = 0;
1542 int total_other = 0;
1543 int total_used = 0;
1545 NMethodIterator iter(NMethodIterator::all);
1546 while (iter.next()) {
1547 nmethod* nm = iter.method();
1548 if (nm->is_in_use()) {
1549 ++total_entrant;
1550 } else if (nm->is_not_entrant()) {
1551 ++total_non_entrant;
1552 } else {
1553 ++total_other;
1554 }
1555 if (nm->is_osr_method()) {
1556 ++total_osr;
1557 }
1558 if (nm->used()) {
1559 ++total_used;
1560 }
1561 assert(!nm->preloaded() || nm->comp_level() == CompLevel_full_optimization, "");
1563 int idx1 = nm->is_scc() ? 1 : 0;
1564 int idx2 = nm->comp_level() + (nm->preloaded() ? 1 : 0);
1565 int idx3 = (nm->is_in_use() ? 0 :
1566 (nm->is_not_entrant() ? 1 :
1567 2));
1568 int idx4 = (nm->is_osr_method() ? 1 : 0);
1569 stats[idx1][idx2][idx3][idx4] += 1;
1570 if (nm->used()) {
1571 stats_used[idx1][idx2][idx3][idx4] += 1;
1572 }
1573 }
1575 st->print("Total: %d methods (%d entrant / %d not_entrant; osr: %d ",
1576 total_entrant + total_non_entrant + total_other,
1577 total_entrant, total_non_entrant, total_osr);
1578 if (total_other > 0) {
1579 st->print("; %d other", total_other);
1580 }
1581 st->print_cr(")");
1583 for (int i = CompLevel_simple; i <= CompLevel_full_optimization; i++) {
1584 int total_normal = stats[0][i][0][0] + stats[0][i][1][0] + stats[0][i][2][0];
1585 int total_osr = stats[0][i][0][1] + stats[0][i][1][1] + stats[0][i][2][1];
1586 if (total_normal + total_osr > 0) {
1587 st->print(" Tier%d:", i);
1588 print_helper1(st, "", total_normal, stats[0][i][1][0], stats_used[0][i][0][0] + stats_used[0][i][1][0]);
1589 print_helper1(st, "; osr:", total_osr, stats[0][i][1][1], stats_used[0][i][0][1] + stats_used[0][i][1][1]);
1590 st->cr();
1591 }
1592 }
1593 st->cr();
1594 for (int i = CompLevel_simple; i <= CompLevel_full_optimization + 1; i++) {
1595 int total_normal = stats[1][i][0][0] + stats[1][i][1][0] + stats[1][i][2][0];
1596 int total_osr = stats[1][i][0][1] + stats[1][i][1][1] + stats[1][i][2][1];
1597 assert(total_osr == 0, "sanity");
1598 if (total_normal + total_osr > 0) {
1599 st->print(" SC T%d:", i);
1600 print_helper1(st, "", total_normal, stats[1][i][1][0], stats_used[1][i][0][0] + stats_used[1][i][1][0]);
1601 print_helper1(st, "; osr:", total_osr, stats[1][i][1][1], stats_used[1][i][0][1] + stats_used[1][i][1][1]);
1602 st->cr();
1603 }
1604 }
1605 }
1607 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1608 // Non-product version
1610 #ifndef PRODUCT
1612 void CodeCache::print_trace(const char* event, CodeBlob* cb, uint size) {
1613 if (PrintCodeCache2) { // Need to add a new flag
1614 ResourceMark rm;
1615 if (size == 0) {
1616 int s = cb->size();
1617 assert(s >= 0, "CodeBlob size is negative: %d", s);
1618 size = (uint) s;
1619 }
1620 tty->print_cr("CodeCache %s: addr: " INTPTR_FORMAT ", size: 0x%x", event, p2i(cb), size);
1621 }
1622 }
1624 void CodeCache::print_internals() {
1625 int nmethodCount = 0;
1626 int runtimeStubCount = 0;
1627 int upcallStubCount = 0;
1628 int adapterCount = 0;
1629 int mhAdapterCount = 0;
1630 int vtableBlobCount = 0;
1631 int deoptimizationStubCount = 0;
1632 int uncommonTrapStubCount = 0;
1633 int exceptionStubCount = 0;
1634 int safepointStubCount = 0;
1635 int bufferBlobCount = 0;
1636 int total = 0;
1637 int nmethodNotEntrant = 0;
1638 int nmethodJava = 0;
1639 int nmethodNative = 0;
1640 int max_nm_size = 0;
1641 ResourceMark rm;
1643 int i = 0;
1645 int heap_total = 0;
1646 tty->print_cr("-- %s --", (*heap)->name());
1647 FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1648 total++;
1649 heap_total++;
1650 if (cb->is_nmethod()) {
1651 nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)cb;
1653 tty->print("%4d: ", heap_total);
1654 CompileTask::print(tty, nm, (nm->is_not_entrant() ? "non-entrant" : ""), true, true);
1656 nmethodCount++;
1658 if(nm->is_not_entrant()) { nmethodNotEntrant++; }
1659 if(nm->method() != nullptr && nm->is_native_method()) { nmethodNative++; }
1661 if(nm->method() != nullptr && nm->is_java_method()) {
1662 nmethodJava++;
1663 max_nm_size = MAX2(max_nm_size, nm->size());
1664 }
1665 } else if (cb->is_runtime_stub()) {
1666 runtimeStubCount++;
1667 } else if (cb->is_upcall_stub()) {
1668 upcallStubCount++;
1669 } else if (cb->is_deoptimization_stub()) {
1670 deoptimizationStubCount++;
1671 } else if (cb->is_uncommon_trap_stub()) {
1672 uncommonTrapStubCount++;
1673 } else if (cb->is_exception_stub()) {
1674 exceptionStubCount++;
1831 FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1832 number_of_blobs++;
1833 code_size += cb->code_size();
1834 ImmutableOopMapSet* set = cb->oop_maps();
1835 if (set != nullptr) {
1836 number_of_oop_maps += set->count();
1837 map_size += set->nr_of_bytes();
1838 }
1839 }
1840 }
1841 tty->print_cr("OopMaps");
1842 tty->print_cr(" #blobs = %d", number_of_blobs);
1843 tty->print_cr(" code size = %d", code_size);
1844 tty->print_cr(" #oop_maps = %d", number_of_oop_maps);
1845 tty->print_cr(" map size = %d", map_size);
1846 }
1848 #endif // !PRODUCT
1849 }
1851 void CodeCache::print_nmethods_on(outputStream* st) {
1852 ResourceMark rm;
1853 int i = 0;
1855 st->print_cr("-- %s --", (*heap)->name());
1856 FOR_ALL_BLOBS(cb, *heap) {
1857 i++;
1858 if (cb->is_nmethod()) {
1859 nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)cb;
1860 st->print("%4d: ", i);
1861 CompileTask::print(st, nm, nullptr, true, false);
1863 const char non_entrant_char = (nm->is_not_entrant() ? 'N' : ' ');
1864 st->print_cr(" %c", non_entrant_char);
1865 }
1866 }
1867 }
1868 }
1870 void CodeCache::print_summary(outputStream* st, bool detailed) {
1871 int full_count = 0;
1872 julong total_used = 0;
1873 julong total_max_used = 0;
1874 julong total_free = 0;
1875 julong total_size = 0;
1876 FOR_ALL_HEAPS(heap_iterator) {
1877 CodeHeap* heap = (*heap_iterator);
1878 size_t total = (heap->high_boundary() - heap->low_boundary());
1879 if (_heaps->length() >= 1) {
1880 st->print("%s:", heap->name());
1881 } else {
1882 st->print("CodeCache:");
1883 }
1884 size_t size = total/K;
1885 size_t used = (total - heap->unallocated_capacity())/K;
1886 size_t max_used = heap->max_allocated_capacity()/K;
1887 size_t free = heap->unallocated_capacity()/K;
1888 total_size += size;
1889 total_used += used;