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 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
 29 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
 30 #include "oops/methodData.hpp"

 31 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"

 33 class CompileTask;
 34 class CompileQueue;
 35 /*
 36  *  The system supports 5 execution levels:
 37  *  * level 0 - interpreter (Profiling is tracked by a MethodData object, or MDO in short)
 38  *  * level 1 - C1 with full optimization (no profiling)
 39  *  * level 2 - C1 with invocation and backedge counters
 40  *  * level 3 - C1 with full profiling (level 2 + All other MDO profiling information)
 41  *  * level 4 - C2 with full profile guided optimization
 42  *
 43  * The MethodData object is created by both the interpreter or either compiler to store any
 44  * profiling information collected on a method (ciMethod::ensure_method_data() for C1 and C2
 45  * and CompilationPolicy::create_mdo() for the interpreter). Both the interpreter and code
 46  * compiled by C1 at level 3 will constantly update profiling information in the MDO during
 47  * execution. The information in the MDO is then used by C1 and C2 during compilation, via
 48  * the compiler interface (ciMethodXXX).
 49  * See ciMethod.cpp and ciMethodData.cpp for information transfer from an MDO to the compilers
 50  * through the compiler interface.
 51  *
 52  * Levels 0, 2 and 3 periodically notify the runtime about the current value of the counters

155  *
156  * - TieredStopAtLevel, is used mostly for testing. It allows to bypass the policy logic and stick
157  *   to a given level. For example it's useful to set TieredStopAtLevel = 1 in order to compile everything
158  *   with pure c1.
159  *
160  * - Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage allows the interpreter to start profiling when the inequalities in the
161  *   0->3 predicate are already exceeded by the given percentage but the level 3 version of the
162  *   method is still not ready. We can even go directly from level 0 to 4 if c1 doesn't produce a compiled
163  *   version in time. This reduces the overall transition to level 4 and decreases the startup time.
164  *   Note that this behavior is also guarded by the Tier3Delay mechanism: when the c2 queue is too long
165  *   these is not reason to start profiling prematurely.
166  *
167  * - TieredRateUpdateMinTime and TieredRateUpdateMaxTime are parameters of the rate computation.
168  *   Basically, the rate is not computed more frequently than TieredRateUpdateMinTime and is considered
169  *   to be zero if no events occurred in TieredRateUpdateMaxTime.
170  */
172 class CompilationPolicy : AllStatic {
173   friend class CallPredicate;
174   friend class LoopPredicate;

176   static jlong _start_time;
177   static int _c1_count, _c2_count;

178   static double _increase_threshold_at_ratio;

180   // Set carry flags in the counters (in Method* and MDO).
181   inline static void handle_counter_overflow(const methodHandle& method);
182 #ifdef ASSERT
183   // Verify that a level is consistent with the compilation mode
184   static bool verify_level(CompLevel level);
185 #endif
186   // Clamp the request level according to various constraints.
187   inline static CompLevel limit_level(CompLevel level);
188   // Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level.
189   template<typename Predicate>
190   static CompLevel common(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool disable_feedback = false);

191   // Transition functions.
192   // call_event determines if a method should be compiled at a different
193   // level with a regular invocation entry.
194   static CompLevel call_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, Thread* thread);
195   // loop_event checks if a method should be OSR compiled at a different
196   // level.
197   static CompLevel loop_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, Thread* thread);
198   static void print_counters(const char* prefix, const Method* m);

199   // Has a method been long around?
200   // We don't remove old methods from the compile queue even if they have
201   // very low activity (see select_task()).
202   inline static bool is_old(const methodHandle& method);
203   // Was a given method inactive for a given number of milliseconds.
204   // If it is, we would remove it from the queue (see select_task()).
205   inline static bool is_stale(jlong t, jlong timeout, const methodHandle& method);
206   // Compute the weight of the method for the compilation scheduling
207   inline static double weight(Method* method);
208   // Apply heuristics and return true if x should be compiled before y
209   inline static bool compare_methods(Method* x, Method* y);

210   // Compute event rate for a given method. The rate is the number of event (invocations + backedges)
211   // per millisecond.
212   inline static void update_rate(jlong t, const methodHandle& method);
213   // Compute threshold scaling coefficient
214   inline static double threshold_scale(CompLevel level, int feedback_k);
215   // If a method is old enough and is still in the interpreter we would want to
216   // start profiling without waiting for the compiled method to arrive. This function
217   // determines whether we should do that.
218   inline static bool should_create_mdo(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level);
219   // Create MDO if necessary.
220   static void create_mdo(const methodHandle& mh, JavaThread* THREAD);
221   // Is method profiled enough?
222   static bool is_method_profiled(const methodHandle& method);
224   static void set_c1_count(int x) { _c1_count = x;    }
225   static void set_c2_count(int x) { _c2_count = x;    }

228   static void print_event(EventType type, const Method* m, const Method* im, int bci, CompLevel level);
229   // Check if the method can be compiled, change level if necessary
230   static void compile(const methodHandle& mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
231   // Simple methods are as good being compiled with C1 as C2.
232   // This function tells if it's such a function.
233   inline static bool is_trivial(const methodHandle& method);
234   // Force method to be compiled at CompLevel_simple?
235   inline static bool force_comp_at_level_simple(const methodHandle& method);
237   // Get a compilation level for a given method.
238   static CompLevel comp_level(Method* method);
239   static void method_invocation_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
240                                       CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
241   static void method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
242                                       int bci, CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
244   static void set_increase_threshold_at_ratio() { _increase_threshold_at_ratio = 100 / (100 - (double)IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt); }
245   static void set_start_time(jlong t) { _start_time = t;    }
246   static jlong start_time()           { return _start_time; }
248   // m must be compiled before executing it
249   static bool must_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
250 public:

251   static int min_invocations() { return Tier4MinInvocationThreshold; }
252   static int c1_count() { return _c1_count; }
253   static int c2_count() { return _c2_count; }

254   static int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level);
256   // If m must_be_compiled then request a compilation from the CompileBroker.
257   // This supports the -Xcomp option.
258   static void compile_if_required(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);

260   // m is allowed to be compiled
261   static bool can_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
262   // m is allowed to be osr compiled
263   static bool can_be_osr_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
264   static bool is_compilation_enabled();
266   static CompileTask* select_task_helper(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
267   // Return initial compile level to use with Xcomp (depends on compilation mode).
268   static void reprofile(ScopeDesc* trap_scope, bool is_osr);
269   static nmethod* event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
270                         int branch_bci, int bci, CompLevel comp_level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
271   // Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or nullptr.
272   static CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
273   // Tell the runtime if we think a given method is adequately profiled.
274   static bool is_mature(Method* method);
275   // Initialize: set compiler thread count
276   static void initialize();
277   static bool should_not_inline(ciEnv* env, ciMethod* callee);
279   // Return desired initial compilation level for Xcomp
280   static CompLevel initial_compile_level(const methodHandle& method);
281   // Return highest level possible
282   static CompLevel highest_compile_level();

283 };

 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "code/nmethod.hpp"
 29 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
 30 #include "oops/methodData.hpp"
 31 #include "oops/trainingData.hpp"
 32 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 34 namespace CompilationPolicyUtils {
 35 template<typename T>
 36 class Queue {
 37   class QueueNode : public CHeapObj<mtCompiler> {
 38     T* _value;
 39     QueueNode* _next;
 40   public:
 41     QueueNode(T* value, QueueNode* next) : _value(value), _next(next) { }
 42     T* value() const { return _value; }
 43     void set_next(QueueNode* next) { _next = next; }
 44     QueueNode* next() const { return _next; }
 45   };
 47   QueueNode* _head;
 48   QueueNode* _tail;
 50   void push_unlocked(T* value) {
 51     QueueNode* n = new QueueNode(value, nullptr);
 52     if (_tail != nullptr) {
 53       _tail->set_next(n);
 54     }
 55     _tail = n;
 56     if (_head == nullptr) {
 57       _head = _tail;
 58     }
 59   }
 60   T* pop_unlocked() {
 61     QueueNode* n = _head;
 62     if (_head != nullptr) {
 63       _head = _head->next();
 64     }
 65     if (_head == nullptr) {
 66       _tail = _head;
 67     }
 68     T* value = nullptr;
 69     if (n != nullptr) {
 70       value = n->value();
 71       delete n;
 72     }
 73     return value;
 74   }
 75 public:
 76   Queue() : _head(nullptr), _tail(nullptr) { }
 77   void push(T* value, Monitor* lock, TRAPS) {
 78     MonitorLocker locker(THREAD, lock);
 79     push_unlocked(value);
 80     locker.notify_all();
 81   }
 83   bool is_empty_unlocked() const { return _head == nullptr; }
 85   T* pop(Monitor* lock, TRAPS) {
 86     MonitorLocker locker(THREAD, lock);
 87     while(is_empty_unlocked() && !CompileBroker::is_compilation_disabled_forever()) {
 88       locker.notify_all(); // notify that queue is empty
 89       locker.wait();
 90     }
 91     T* value = pop_unlocked();
 92     return value;
 93   }
 95   T* try_pop(Monitor* lock, TRAPS) {
 96     MonitorLocker locker(THREAD, lock);
 97     T* value = nullptr;
 98     if (!is_empty_unlocked()) {
 99       value = pop_unlocked();
100     }
101     return value;
102   }
104   void print_on(outputStream* st);
105 };
106 } // namespace CompilationPolicyUtils
108 class CompileTask;
109 class CompileQueue;
110 /*
111  *  The system supports 5 execution levels:
112  *  * level 0 - interpreter (Profiling is tracked by a MethodData object, or MDO in short)
113  *  * level 1 - C1 with full optimization (no profiling)
114  *  * level 2 - C1 with invocation and backedge counters
115  *  * level 3 - C1 with full profiling (level 2 + All other MDO profiling information)
116  *  * level 4 - C2 with full profile guided optimization
117  *
118  * The MethodData object is created by both the interpreter or either compiler to store any
119  * profiling information collected on a method (ciMethod::ensure_method_data() for C1 and C2
120  * and CompilationPolicy::create_mdo() for the interpreter). Both the interpreter and code
121  * compiled by C1 at level 3 will constantly update profiling information in the MDO during
122  * execution. The information in the MDO is then used by C1 and C2 during compilation, via
123  * the compiler interface (ciMethodXXX).
124  * See ciMethod.cpp and ciMethodData.cpp for information transfer from an MDO to the compilers
125  * through the compiler interface.
126  *
127  * Levels 0, 2 and 3 periodically notify the runtime about the current value of the counters

230  *
231  * - TieredStopAtLevel, is used mostly for testing. It allows to bypass the policy logic and stick
232  *   to a given level. For example it's useful to set TieredStopAtLevel = 1 in order to compile everything
233  *   with pure c1.
234  *
235  * - Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage allows the interpreter to start profiling when the inequalities in the
236  *   0->3 predicate are already exceeded by the given percentage but the level 3 version of the
237  *   method is still not ready. We can even go directly from level 0 to 4 if c1 doesn't produce a compiled
238  *   version in time. This reduces the overall transition to level 4 and decreases the startup time.
239  *   Note that this behavior is also guarded by the Tier3Delay mechanism: when the c2 queue is too long
240  *   these is not reason to start profiling prematurely.
241  *
242  * - TieredRateUpdateMinTime and TieredRateUpdateMaxTime are parameters of the rate computation.
243  *   Basically, the rate is not computed more frequently than TieredRateUpdateMinTime and is considered
244  *   to be zero if no events occurred in TieredRateUpdateMaxTime.
245  */
247 class CompilationPolicy : AllStatic {
248   friend class CallPredicate;
249   friend class LoopPredicate;
250   friend class RecompilationPolicy;
252   typedef CompilationPolicyUtils::Queue<InstanceKlass> TrainingReplayQueue;
254   static int64_t _start_time;
255   static int _c1_count, _c2_count, _c3_count, _sc_count;
256   static double _increase_threshold_at_ratio;
257   static TrainingReplayQueue _training_replay_queue;
259   // Set carry flags in the counters (in Method* and MDO).
260   inline static void handle_counter_overflow(const methodHandle& method);
261 #ifdef ASSERT
262   // Verify that a level is consistent with the compilation mode
263   static bool verify_level(CompLevel level);
264 #endif
265   // Clamp the request level according to various constraints.
266   inline static CompLevel limit_level(CompLevel level);
267   // Common transition function. Given a predicate determines if a method should transition to another level.
268   template<typename Predicate>
269   static CompLevel common(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, JavaThread* THREAD, bool disable_feedback = false);
271   template<typename Predicate>
272   static CompLevel transition_from_none(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool delay_profiling, bool disable_feedback);
273   template<typename Predicate>
274   static CompLevel transition_from_limited_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool delay_profiling, bool disable_feedback);
275   template<typename Predicate>
276   static CompLevel transition_from_full_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level);
277   template<typename Predicate>
278   static CompLevel standard_transition(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, bool delayprof, bool disable_feedback);
280   static CompLevel trained_transition_from_none(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
281   static CompLevel trained_transition_from_limited_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
282   static CompLevel trained_transition_from_full_profile(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
283   static CompLevel trained_transition(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, MethodTrainingData* mtd, JavaThread* THREAD);
285   // Transition functions.
286   // call_event determines if a method should be compiled at a different
287   // level with a regular invocation entry.
288   static CompLevel call_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, JavaThread* THREAD);
289   // loop_event checks if a method should be OSR compiled at a different
290   // level.
291   static CompLevel loop_event(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level, JavaThread* THREAD);
292   static void print_counters(const char* prefix, Method* m);
293   static void print_training_data(const char* prefix, Method* method);
294   // Has a method been long around?
295   // We don't remove old methods from the compile queue even if they have
296   // very low activity (see select_task()).
297   inline static bool is_old(const methodHandle& method);
298   // Was a given method inactive for a given number of milliseconds.
299   // If it is, we would remove it from the queue (see select_task()).
300   inline static bool is_stale(int64_t t, int64_t timeout, const methodHandle& method);
301   // Compute the weight of the method for the compilation scheduling
302   inline static double weight(Method* method);
303   // Apply heuristics and return true if x should be compiled before y
304   inline static bool compare_methods(Method* x, Method* y);
305   inline static bool compare_tasks(CompileTask* x, CompileTask* y);
306   // Compute event rate for a given method. The rate is the number of event (invocations + backedges)
307   // per millisecond.
308   inline static void update_rate(int64_t t, const methodHandle& method);
309   // Compute threshold scaling coefficient
310   inline static double threshold_scale(CompLevel level, int feedback_k);
311   // If a method is old enough and is still in the interpreter we would want to
312   // start profiling without waiting for the compiled method to arrive. This function
313   // determines whether we should do that.
314   inline static bool should_create_mdo(const methodHandle& method, CompLevel cur_level);
315   // Create MDO if necessary.
316   static void create_mdo(const methodHandle& mh, JavaThread* THREAD);
317   // Is method profiled enough?
318   static bool is_method_profiled(const methodHandle& method);
320   static void set_c1_count(int x) { _c1_count = x;    }
321   static void set_c2_count(int x) { _c2_count = x;    }
322   static void set_c3_count(int x) { _c3_count = x;    }
323   static void set_sc_count(int x) { _sc_count = x;    }
326   static void print_event(EventType type, Method* m, Method* im, int bci, CompLevel level);
327   // Check if the method can be compiled, change level if necessary
328   static void compile(const methodHandle& mh, int bci, CompLevel level, TRAPS);
329   // Simple methods are as good being compiled with C1 as C2.
330   // This function tells if it's such a function.
331   inline static bool is_trivial(const methodHandle& method);
332   // Force method to be compiled at CompLevel_simple?
333   inline static bool force_comp_at_level_simple(const methodHandle& method);
335   // Get a compilation level for a given method.
336   static CompLevel comp_level(Method* method);
337   static void method_invocation_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
338                                       CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
339   static void method_back_branch_event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
340                                       int bci, CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
342   static void set_increase_threshold_at_ratio() { _increase_threshold_at_ratio = 100 / (100 - (double)IncreaseFirstTierCompileThresholdAt); }
343   static void set_start_time(int64_t t) { _start_time = t;    }
344   static int64_t start_time()           { return _start_time; }
346   // m must be compiled before executing it
347   static bool must_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
348   static void maybe_compile_early(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
349   static void maybe_compile_early_after_init(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
350   static void replay_training_at_init_impl(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS);
351  public:
352   static int min_invocations() { return Tier4MinInvocationThreshold; }
353   static int c1_count() { return _c1_count; }
354   static int c2_count() { return _c2_count; }
355   static int c3_count() { return _c3_count; }
356   static int sc_count() { return _sc_count; }
357   static int compiler_count(CompLevel comp_level);

358   // If m must_be_compiled then request a compilation from the CompileBroker.
359   // This supports the -Xcomp option.
360   static void compile_if_required(const methodHandle& m, TRAPS);
362   static void flush_replay_training_at_init(TRAPS);
363   static void replay_training_at_init(InstanceKlass* klass, TRAPS);
364   static void replay_training_at_init_loop(TRAPS);
366   // m is allowed to be compiled
367   static bool can_be_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
368   // m is allowed to be osr compiled
369   static bool can_be_osr_compiled(const methodHandle& m, int comp_level = CompLevel_any);
370   static bool is_compilation_enabled();
372   static CompileTask* select_task_helper(CompileQueue* compile_queue);
373   // Return initial compile level to use with Xcomp (depends on compilation mode).
374   static void reprofile(ScopeDesc* trap_scope, bool is_osr);
375   static nmethod* event(const methodHandle& method, const methodHandle& inlinee,
376                         int branch_bci, int bci, CompLevel comp_level, nmethod* nm, TRAPS);
377   // Select task is called by CompileBroker. We should return a task or nullptr.
378   static CompileTask* select_task(CompileQueue* compile_queue, JavaThread* THREAD);
379   // Tell the runtime if we think a given method is adequately profiled.
380   static bool is_mature(MethodData* mdo);
381   // Initialize: set compiler thread count
382   static void initialize();
383   static bool should_not_inline(ciEnv* env, ciMethod* callee);
385   // Return desired initial compilation level for Xcomp
386   static CompLevel initial_compile_level(const methodHandle& method);
387   // Return highest level possible
388   static CompLevel highest_compile_level();
389   static void dump();
391   static void sample_load_average();
392   static bool have_recompilation_work();
393   static bool recompilation_step(int step, TRAPS);
394 };
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