1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2015, 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  */
 24 #include "asm/macroAssembler.hpp"
 25 #include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
 26 #include "gc/z/c2/zBarrierSetC2.hpp"
 27 #include "gc/z/zBarrierSet.hpp"
 28 #include "gc/z/zBarrierSetAssembler.hpp"
 29 #include "gc/z/zBarrierSetRuntime.hpp"
 30 #include "opto/arraycopynode.hpp"
 31 #include "opto/addnode.hpp"
 32 #include "opto/block.hpp"
 33 #include "opto/compile.hpp"
 34 #include "opto/graphKit.hpp"
 35 #include "opto/machnode.hpp"
 36 #include "opto/macro.hpp"
 37 #include "opto/memnode.hpp"
 38 #include "opto/node.hpp"
 39 #include "opto/output.hpp"
 40 #include "opto/regalloc.hpp"
 41 #include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
 42 #include "opto/runtime.hpp"
 43 #include "opto/type.hpp"
 44 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
 45 #include "utilities/growableArray.hpp"
 46 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
 48 template<typename K, typename V, size_t TableSize>
 49 class ZArenaHashtable : public ResourceObj {
 50   class ZArenaHashtableEntry : public ResourceObj {
 51   public:
 52     ZArenaHashtableEntry* _next;
 53     K _key;
 54     V _value;
 55   };
 57   static const size_t TableMask = TableSize - 1;
 59   Arena* _arena;
 60   ZArenaHashtableEntry* _table[TableSize];
 62 public:
 63   class Iterator {
 64     ZArenaHashtable* _table;
 65     ZArenaHashtableEntry* _current_entry;
 66     size_t _current_index;
 68   public:
 69     Iterator(ZArenaHashtable* table)
 70       : _table(table),
 71         _current_entry(table->_table[0]),
 72         _current_index(0) {
 73       if (_current_entry == nullptr) {
 74         next();
 75       }
 76     }
 78     bool has_next() { return _current_entry != nullptr; }
 79     K key()         { return _current_entry->_key; }
 80     V value()       { return _current_entry->_value; }
 82     void next() {
 83       if (_current_entry != nullptr) {
 84         _current_entry = _current_entry->_next;
 85       }
 86       while (_current_entry == nullptr && ++_current_index < TableSize) {
 87         _current_entry = _table->_table[_current_index];
 88       }
 89     }
 90   };
 92   ZArenaHashtable(Arena* arena)
 93     : _arena(arena),
 94       _table() {
 95     Copy::zero_to_bytes(&_table, sizeof(_table));
 96   }
 98   void add(K key, V value) {
 99     ZArenaHashtableEntry* entry = new (_arena) ZArenaHashtableEntry();
100     entry->_key = key;
101     entry->_value = value;
102     entry->_next = _table[key & TableMask];
103     _table[key & TableMask] = entry;
104   }
106   V* get(K key) const {
107     for (ZArenaHashtableEntry* e = _table[key & TableMask]; e != nullptr; e = e->_next) {
108       if (e->_key == key) {
109         return &(e->_value);
110       }
111     }
112     return nullptr;
113   }
115   Iterator iterator() {
116     return Iterator(this);
117   }
118 };
120 typedef ZArenaHashtable<intptr_t, bool, 4> ZOffsetTable;
122 class ZBarrierSetC2State : public BarrierSetC2State {
123 private:
124   GrowableArray<ZBarrierStubC2*>* _stubs;
125   int                             _trampoline_stubs_count;
126   int                             _stubs_start_offset;
128 public:
129   ZBarrierSetC2State(Arena* arena)
130     : BarrierSetC2State(arena),
131       _stubs(new (arena) GrowableArray<ZBarrierStubC2*>(arena, 8,  0, nullptr)),
132       _trampoline_stubs_count(0),
133       _stubs_start_offset(0) {}
135   GrowableArray<ZBarrierStubC2*>* stubs() {
136     return _stubs;
137   }
139   bool needs_liveness_data(const MachNode* mach) const {
140     // Don't need liveness data for nodes without barriers
141     return mach->barrier_data() != ZBarrierElided;
142   }
144   bool needs_livein_data() const {
145     return true;
146   }
148   void inc_trampoline_stubs_count() {
149     assert(_trampoline_stubs_count != INT_MAX, "Overflow");
150     ++_trampoline_stubs_count;
151   }
153   int trampoline_stubs_count() {
154     return _trampoline_stubs_count;
155   }
157   void set_stubs_start_offset(int offset) {
158     _stubs_start_offset = offset;
159   }
161   int stubs_start_offset() {
162     return _stubs_start_offset;
163   }
164 };
166 static ZBarrierSetC2State* barrier_set_state() {
167   return reinterpret_cast<ZBarrierSetC2State*>(Compile::current()->barrier_set_state());
168 }
170 void ZBarrierStubC2::register_stub(ZBarrierStubC2* stub) {
171   if (!Compile::current()->output()->in_scratch_emit_size()) {
172     barrier_set_state()->stubs()->append(stub);
173   }
174 }
176 void ZBarrierStubC2::inc_trampoline_stubs_count() {
177   if (!Compile::current()->output()->in_scratch_emit_size()) {
178     barrier_set_state()->inc_trampoline_stubs_count();
179   }
180 }
182 int ZBarrierStubC2::trampoline_stubs_count() {
183   return barrier_set_state()->trampoline_stubs_count();
184 }
186 int ZBarrierStubC2::stubs_start_offset() {
187   return barrier_set_state()->stubs_start_offset();
188 }
190 ZBarrierStubC2::ZBarrierStubC2(const MachNode* node) : BarrierStubC2(node) {}
192 ZLoadBarrierStubC2* ZLoadBarrierStubC2::create(const MachNode* node, Address ref_addr, Register ref) {
193   AARCH64_ONLY(fatal("Should use ZLoadBarrierStubC2Aarch64::create"));
194   ZLoadBarrierStubC2* const stub = new (Compile::current()->comp_arena()) ZLoadBarrierStubC2(node, ref_addr, ref);
195   register_stub(stub);
197   return stub;
198 }
200 ZLoadBarrierStubC2::ZLoadBarrierStubC2(const MachNode* node, Address ref_addr, Register ref)
201   : ZBarrierStubC2(node),
202     _ref_addr(ref_addr),
203     _ref(ref) {
204   assert_different_registers(ref, ref_addr.base());
205   assert_different_registers(ref, ref_addr.index());
206   // The runtime call updates the value of ref, so we should not spill and
207   // reload its outdated value.
208   dont_preserve(ref);
209 }
211 Address ZLoadBarrierStubC2::ref_addr() const {
212   return _ref_addr;
213 }
215 Register ZLoadBarrierStubC2::ref() const {
216   return _ref;
217 }
219 address ZLoadBarrierStubC2::slow_path() const {
220   const uint8_t barrier_data = _node->barrier_data();
221   DecoratorSet decorators = DECORATORS_NONE;
222   if (barrier_data & ZBarrierStrong) {
223     decorators |= ON_STRONG_OOP_REF;
224   }
225   if (barrier_data & ZBarrierWeak) {
226     decorators |= ON_WEAK_OOP_REF;
227   }
228   if (barrier_data & ZBarrierPhantom) {
229     decorators |= ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF;
230   }
231   if (barrier_data & ZBarrierNoKeepalive) {
232     decorators |= AS_NO_KEEPALIVE;
233   }
234   return ZBarrierSetRuntime::load_barrier_on_oop_field_preloaded_addr(decorators);
235 }
237 void ZLoadBarrierStubC2::emit_code(MacroAssembler& masm) {
238   ZBarrierSet::assembler()->generate_c2_load_barrier_stub(&masm, static_cast<ZLoadBarrierStubC2*>(this));
239 }
241 ZStoreBarrierStubC2* ZStoreBarrierStubC2::create(const MachNode* node, Address ref_addr, Register new_zaddress, Register new_zpointer, bool is_native, bool is_atomic, bool is_nokeepalive) {
242   AARCH64_ONLY(fatal("Should use ZStoreBarrierStubC2Aarch64::create"));
243   ZStoreBarrierStubC2* const stub = new (Compile::current()->comp_arena()) ZStoreBarrierStubC2(node, ref_addr, new_zaddress, new_zpointer, is_native, is_atomic, is_nokeepalive);
244   register_stub(stub);
246   return stub;
247 }
249 ZStoreBarrierStubC2::ZStoreBarrierStubC2(const MachNode* node, Address ref_addr, Register new_zaddress, Register new_zpointer,
250                                          bool is_native, bool is_atomic, bool is_nokeepalive)
251   : ZBarrierStubC2(node),
252     _ref_addr(ref_addr),
253     _new_zaddress(new_zaddress),
254     _new_zpointer(new_zpointer),
255     _is_native(is_native),
256     _is_atomic(is_atomic),
257     _is_nokeepalive(is_nokeepalive) {}
259 Address ZStoreBarrierStubC2::ref_addr() const {
260   return _ref_addr;
261 }
263 Register ZStoreBarrierStubC2::new_zaddress() const {
264   return _new_zaddress;
265 }
267 Register ZStoreBarrierStubC2::new_zpointer() const {
268   return _new_zpointer;
269 }
271 bool ZStoreBarrierStubC2::is_native() const {
272   return _is_native;
273 }
275 bool ZStoreBarrierStubC2::is_atomic() const {
276   return _is_atomic;
277 }
279 bool ZStoreBarrierStubC2::is_nokeepalive() const {
280   return _is_nokeepalive;
281 }
283 void ZStoreBarrierStubC2::emit_code(MacroAssembler& masm) {
284   ZBarrierSet::assembler()->generate_c2_store_barrier_stub(&masm, static_cast<ZStoreBarrierStubC2*>(this));
285 }
287 uint ZBarrierSetC2::estimated_barrier_size(const Node* node) const {
288   uint8_t barrier_data = MemNode::barrier_data(node);
289   assert(barrier_data != 0, "should be a barrier node");
290   uint uncolor_or_color_size = node->is_Load() ? 1 : 2;
291   if ((barrier_data & ZBarrierElided) != 0) {
292     return uncolor_or_color_size;
293   }
294   // A compare and branch corresponds to approximately four fast-path Ideal
295   // nodes (Cmp, Bool, If, If projection). The slow path (If projection and
296   // runtime call) is excluded since the corresponding code is laid out
297   // separately and does not directly affect performance.
298   return uncolor_or_color_size + 4;
299 }
301 void* ZBarrierSetC2::create_barrier_state(Arena* comp_arena) const {
302   return new (comp_arena) ZBarrierSetC2State(comp_arena);
303 }
305 void ZBarrierSetC2::late_barrier_analysis() const {
306   compute_liveness_at_stubs();
307   analyze_dominating_barriers();
308 }
310 void ZBarrierSetC2::emit_stubs(CodeBuffer& cb) const {
311   MacroAssembler masm(&cb);
312   GrowableArray<ZBarrierStubC2*>* const stubs = barrier_set_state()->stubs();
313   barrier_set_state()->set_stubs_start_offset(masm.offset());
315   for (int i = 0; i < stubs->length(); i++) {
316     // Make sure there is enough space in the code buffer
317     if (cb.insts()->maybe_expand_to_ensure_remaining(PhaseOutput::max_inst_gcstub_size()) && cb.blob() == nullptr) {
318       ciEnv::current()->record_failure("CodeCache is full");
319       return;
320     }
322     stubs->at(i)->emit_code(masm);
323   }
325   masm.flush();
326 }
328 int ZBarrierSetC2::estimate_stub_size() const {
329   Compile* const C = Compile::current();
330   BufferBlob* const blob = C->output()->scratch_buffer_blob();
331   GrowableArray<ZBarrierStubC2*>* const stubs = barrier_set_state()->stubs();
332   int size = 0;
334   for (int i = 0; i < stubs->length(); i++) {
335     CodeBuffer cb(blob->content_begin(), checked_cast<CodeBuffer::csize_t>((address)C->output()->scratch_locs_memory() - blob->content_begin()));
336     MacroAssembler masm(&cb);
337     stubs->at(i)->emit_code(masm);
338     size += cb.insts_size();
339   }
341   return size;
342 }
344 static void set_barrier_data(C2Access& access) {
345   if (!ZBarrierSet::barrier_needed(access.decorators(), access.type())) {
346     return;
347   }
349   if (access.decorators() & C2_TIGHTLY_COUPLED_ALLOC) {
350     access.set_barrier_data(ZBarrierElided);
351     return;
352   }
354   uint8_t barrier_data = 0;
356   if (access.decorators() & ON_PHANTOM_OOP_REF) {
357     barrier_data |= ZBarrierPhantom;
358   } else if (access.decorators() & ON_WEAK_OOP_REF) {
359     barrier_data |= ZBarrierWeak;
360   } else {
361     barrier_data |= ZBarrierStrong;
362   }
364   if (access.decorators() & IN_NATIVE) {
365     barrier_data |= ZBarrierNative;
366   }
368   if (access.decorators() & AS_NO_KEEPALIVE) {
369     barrier_data |= ZBarrierNoKeepalive;
370   }
372   access.set_barrier_data(barrier_data);
373 }
375 Node* ZBarrierSetC2::store_at_resolved(C2Access& access, C2AccessValue& val) const {
376   set_barrier_data(access);
377   return BarrierSetC2::store_at_resolved(access, val);
378 }
380 Node* ZBarrierSetC2::load_at_resolved(C2Access& access, const Type* val_type) const {
381   set_barrier_data(access);
382   return BarrierSetC2::load_at_resolved(access, val_type);
383 }
385 Node* ZBarrierSetC2::atomic_cmpxchg_val_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess& access, Node* expected_val,
386                                                     Node* new_val, const Type* val_type) const {
387   set_barrier_data(access);
388   return BarrierSetC2::atomic_cmpxchg_val_at_resolved(access, expected_val, new_val, val_type);
389 }
391 Node* ZBarrierSetC2::atomic_cmpxchg_bool_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess& access, Node* expected_val,
392                                                      Node* new_val, const Type* value_type) const {
393   set_barrier_data(access);
394   return BarrierSetC2::atomic_cmpxchg_bool_at_resolved(access, expected_val, new_val, value_type);
395 }
397 Node* ZBarrierSetC2::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(C2AtomicParseAccess& access, Node* new_val, const Type* val_type) const {
398   set_barrier_data(access);
399   return BarrierSetC2::atomic_xchg_at_resolved(access, new_val, val_type);
400 }
402 bool ZBarrierSetC2::array_copy_requires_gc_barriers(bool tightly_coupled_alloc, BasicType type,
403                                                     bool is_clone, bool is_clone_instance,
404                                                     ArrayCopyPhase phase) const {
405   if (phase == ArrayCopyPhase::Parsing) {
406     return false;
407   }
408   if (phase == ArrayCopyPhase::Optimization) {
409     return is_clone_instance;
410   }
411   // else ArrayCopyPhase::Expansion
412   return type == T_OBJECT || type == T_ARRAY;
413 }
415 #define XTOP LP64_ONLY(COMMA phase->top())
417 void ZBarrierSetC2::clone_at_expansion(PhaseMacroExpand* phase, ArrayCopyNode* ac) const {
418   Node* const src = ac->in(ArrayCopyNode::Src);
419   const TypeAryPtr* const ary_ptr = src->get_ptr_type()->isa_aryptr();
421   if (ac->is_clone_array() && ary_ptr != nullptr) {
422     BasicType bt = ary_ptr->elem()->array_element_basic_type();
423     if (is_reference_type(bt)) {
424       // Clone object array
425       bt = T_OBJECT;
426     } else {
427       // Clone primitive array
428       bt = T_LONG;
429     }
431     Node* const ctrl = ac->in(TypeFunc::Control);
432     Node* const mem = ac->in(TypeFunc::Memory);
433     Node* const src = ac->in(ArrayCopyNode::Src);
434     Node* src_offset = ac->in(ArrayCopyNode::SrcPos);
435     Node* const dest = ac->in(ArrayCopyNode::Dest);
436     Node* dest_offset = ac->in(ArrayCopyNode::DestPos);
437     Node* length = ac->in(ArrayCopyNode::Length);
439     if (bt == T_OBJECT) {
440       // BarrierSetC2::clone sets the offsets via BarrierSetC2::arraycopy_payload_base_offset
441       // which 8-byte aligns them to allow for word size copies. Make sure the offsets point
442       // to the first element in the array when cloning object arrays. Otherwise, load
443       // barriers are applied to parts of the header. Also adjust the length accordingly.
444       assert(src_offset == dest_offset, "should be equal");
445       const jlong offset = src_offset->get_long();
446       if (offset != arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT)) {
447         assert(!UseCompressedClassPointers || UseCompactObjectHeaders, "should only happen without compressed class pointers");
448         assert((arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT) - offset) == BytesPerLong, "unexpected offset");
449         length = phase->transform_later(new SubLNode(length, phase->longcon(1))); // Size is in longs
450         src_offset = phase->longcon(arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(T_OBJECT));
451         dest_offset = src_offset;
452       }
453     }
454     Node* const payload_src = phase->basic_plus_adr(src, src_offset);
455     Node* const payload_dst = phase->basic_plus_adr(dest, dest_offset);
457     const char*   copyfunc_name = "arraycopy";
458     const address copyfunc_addr = phase->basictype2arraycopy(bt, nullptr, nullptr, true, copyfunc_name, true);
460     const TypePtr* const raw_adr_type = TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM;
461     const TypeFunc* const call_type = OptoRuntime::fast_arraycopy_Type();
463     Node* const call = phase->make_leaf_call(ctrl, mem, call_type, copyfunc_addr, copyfunc_name, raw_adr_type, payload_src, payload_dst, length XTOP);
464     phase->transform_later(call);
466     phase->igvn().replace_node(ac, call);
467     return;
468   }
470   // Clone instance or array where 'src' is only known to be an object (ary_ptr
471   // is null). This can happen in bytecode generated dynamically to implement
472   // reflective array clones.
473   clone_in_runtime(phase, ac, ZBarrierSetRuntime::clone_addr(), "ZBarrierSetRuntime::clone");
474 }
476 #undef XTOP
478 // == Dominating barrier elision ==
480 static bool block_has_safepoint(const Block* block, uint from, uint to) {
481   for (uint i = from; i < to; i++) {
482     if (block->get_node(i)->is_MachSafePoint()) {
483       // Safepoint found
484       return true;
485     }
486   }
488   // Safepoint not found
489   return false;
490 }
492 static bool block_has_safepoint(const Block* block) {
493   return block_has_safepoint(block, 0, block->number_of_nodes());
494 }
496 static uint block_index(const Block* block, const Node* node) {
497   for (uint j = 0; j < block->number_of_nodes(); ++j) {
498     if (block->get_node(j) == node) {
499       return j;
500     }
501   }
502   ShouldNotReachHere();
503   return 0;
504 }
506 // Look through various node aliases
507 static const Node* look_through_node(const Node* node) {
508   while (node != nullptr) {
509     const Node* new_node = node;
510     if (node->is_Mach()) {
511       const MachNode* const node_mach = node->as_Mach();
512       if (node_mach->ideal_Opcode() == Op_CheckCastPP) {
513         new_node = node->in(1);
514       }
515       if (node_mach->is_SpillCopy()) {
516         new_node = node->in(1);
517       }
518     }
519     if (new_node == node || new_node == nullptr) {
520       break;
521     } else {
522       node = new_node;
523     }
524   }
526   return node;
527 }
529 // Whether the given offset is undefined.
530 static bool is_undefined(intptr_t offset) {
531   return offset == Type::OffsetTop;
532 }
534 // Whether the given offset is unknown.
535 static bool is_unknown(intptr_t offset) {
536   return offset == Type::OffsetBot;
537 }
539 // Whether the given offset is concrete (defined and compile-time known).
540 static bool is_concrete(intptr_t offset) {
541   return !is_undefined(offset) && !is_unknown(offset);
542 }
544 // Compute base + offset components of the memory address accessed by mach.
545 // Return a node representing the base address, or null if the base cannot be
546 // found or the offset is undefined or a concrete negative value. If a non-null
547 // base is returned, the offset is a concrete, nonnegative value or unknown.
548 static const Node* get_base_and_offset(const MachNode* mach, intptr_t& offset) {
549   const TypePtr* adr_type = nullptr;
550   offset = 0;
551   const Node* base = mach->get_base_and_disp(offset, adr_type);
553   if (base == nullptr || base == NodeSentinel) {
554     return nullptr;
555   }
557   if (offset == 0 && base->is_Mach() && base->as_Mach()->ideal_Opcode() == Op_AddP) {
558     // The memory address is computed by 'base' and fed to 'mach' via an
559     // indirect memory operand (indicated by offset == 0). The ultimate base and
560     // offset can be fetched directly from the inputs and Ideal type of 'base'.
561     const TypeOopPtr* oopptr = base->bottom_type()->isa_oopptr();
562     if (oopptr == nullptr) return nullptr;
563     offset = oopptr->offset();
564     // Even if 'base' is not an Ideal AddP node anymore, Matcher::ReduceInst()
565     // guarantees that the base address is still available at the same slot.
566     base = base->in(AddPNode::Base);
567     assert(base != nullptr, "");
568   }
570   if (is_undefined(offset) || (is_concrete(offset) && offset < 0)) {
571     return nullptr;
572   }
574   return look_through_node(base);
575 }
577 // Whether a phi node corresponds to an array allocation.
578 // This test is incomplete: in some edge cases, it might return false even
579 // though the node does correspond to an array allocation.
580 static bool is_array_allocation(const Node* phi) {
581   precond(phi->is_Phi());
582   // Check whether phi has a successor cast (CheckCastPP) to Java array pointer,
583   // possibly below spill copies and other cast nodes. Limit the exploration to
584   // a single path from the phi node consisting of these node types.
585   const Node* current = phi;
586   while (true) {
587     const Node* next = nullptr;
588     for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = current->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
589       if (!current->fast_out(i)->isa_Mach()) {
590         continue;
591       }
592       const MachNode* succ = current->fast_out(i)->as_Mach();
593       if (succ->ideal_Opcode() == Op_CheckCastPP) {
594         if (succ->get_ptr_type()->isa_aryptr()) {
595           // Cast to Java array pointer: phi corresponds to an array allocation.
596           return true;
597         }
598         // Other cast: record as candidate for further exploration.
599         next = succ;
600       } else if (succ->is_SpillCopy() && next == nullptr) {
601         // Spill copy, and no better candidate found: record as candidate.
602         next = succ;
603       }
604     }
605     if (next == nullptr) {
606       // No evidence found that phi corresponds to an array allocation, and no
607       // candidates available to continue exploring.
608       return false;
609     }
610     // Continue exploring from the best candidate found.
611     current = next;
612   }
613   ShouldNotReachHere();
614 }
616 // Match the phi node that connects a TLAB allocation fast path with its slowpath
617 static bool is_allocation(const Node* node) {
618   if (node->req() != 3) {
619     return false;
620   }
621   const Node* const fast_node = node->in(2);
622   if (!fast_node->is_Mach()) {
623     return false;
624   }
625   const MachNode* const fast_mach = fast_node->as_Mach();
626   if (fast_mach->ideal_Opcode() != Op_LoadP) {
627     return false;
628   }
629   const TypePtr* const adr_type = nullptr;
630   intptr_t offset;
631   const Node* const base = get_base_and_offset(fast_mach, offset);
632   if (base == nullptr || !base->is_Mach() || !is_concrete(offset)) {
633     return false;
634   }
635   const MachNode* const base_mach = base->as_Mach();
636   if (base_mach->ideal_Opcode() != Op_ThreadLocal) {
637     return false;
638   }
639   return offset == in_bytes(Thread::tlab_top_offset());
640 }
642 static void elide_mach_barrier(MachNode* mach) {
643   mach->set_barrier_data(ZBarrierElided);
644 }
646 void ZBarrierSetC2::analyze_dominating_barriers_impl(Node_List& accesses, Node_List& access_dominators) const {
647   Compile* const C = Compile::current();
648   PhaseCFG* const cfg = C->cfg();
650   for (uint i = 0; i < accesses.size(); i++) {
651     MachNode* const access = accesses.at(i)->as_Mach();
652     intptr_t access_offset;
653     const Node* const access_obj = get_base_and_offset(access, access_offset);
654     Block* const access_block = cfg->get_block_for_node(access);
655     const uint access_index = block_index(access_block, access);
657     if (access_obj == nullptr) {
658       // No information available
659       continue;
660     }
662     for (uint j = 0; j < access_dominators.size(); j++) {
663      const  Node* const mem = access_dominators.at(j);
664       if (mem->is_Phi()) {
665         // Allocation node
666         if (mem != access_obj) {
667           continue;
668         }
669         if (is_unknown(access_offset) && !is_array_allocation(mem)) {
670           // The accessed address has an unknown offset, but the allocated
671           // object cannot be determined to be an array. Avoid eliding in this
672           // case, to be on the safe side.
673           continue;
674         }
675         assert((is_concrete(access_offset) && access_offset >= 0) || (is_unknown(access_offset) && is_array_allocation(mem)),
676                "candidate allocation-dominated access offsets must be either concrete and nonnegative, or unknown (for array allocations only)");
677       } else {
678         // Access node
679         const MachNode* const mem_mach = mem->as_Mach();
680         intptr_t mem_offset;
681         const Node* const mem_obj = get_base_and_offset(mem_mach, mem_offset);
683         if (mem_obj == nullptr ||
684             !is_concrete(access_offset) ||
685             !is_concrete(mem_offset)) {
686           // No information available
687           continue;
688         }
690         if (mem_obj != access_obj || mem_offset != access_offset) {
691           // Not the same addresses, not a candidate
692           continue;
693         }
694         assert(is_concrete(access_offset) && access_offset >= 0,
695                "candidate non-allocation-dominated access offsets must be concrete and nonnegative");
696       }
698       Block* mem_block = cfg->get_block_for_node(mem);
699       const uint mem_index = block_index(mem_block, mem);
701       if (access_block == mem_block) {
702         // Earlier accesses in the same block
703         if (mem_index < access_index && !block_has_safepoint(mem_block, mem_index + 1, access_index)) {
704           elide_mach_barrier(access);
705         }
706       } else if (mem_block->dominates(access_block)) {
707         // Dominating block? Look around for safepoints
708         ResourceMark rm;
709         Block_List stack;
710         VectorSet visited;
711         stack.push(access_block);
712         bool safepoint_found = block_has_safepoint(access_block);
713         while (!safepoint_found && stack.size() > 0) {
714           const Block* const block = stack.pop();
715           if (visited.test_set(block->_pre_order)) {
716             continue;
717           }
718           if (block_has_safepoint(block)) {
719             safepoint_found = true;
720             break;
721           }
722           if (block == mem_block) {
723             continue;
724           }
726           // Push predecessor blocks
727           for (uint p = 1; p < block->num_preds(); ++p) {
728             Block* const pred = cfg->get_block_for_node(block->pred(p));
729             stack.push(pred);
730           }
731         }
733         if (!safepoint_found) {
734           elide_mach_barrier(access);
735         }
736       }
737     }
738   }
739 }
741 void ZBarrierSetC2::analyze_dominating_barriers() const {
742   ResourceMark rm;
743   Compile* const C = Compile::current();
744   PhaseCFG* const cfg = C->cfg();
746   Node_List loads;
747   Node_List load_dominators;
749   Node_List stores;
750   Node_List store_dominators;
752   Node_List atomics;
753   Node_List atomic_dominators;
755   // Step 1 - Find accesses and allocations, and track them in lists
756   for (uint i = 0; i < cfg->number_of_blocks(); ++i) {
757     const Block* const block = cfg->get_block(i);
758     for (uint j = 0; j < block->number_of_nodes(); ++j) {
759       Node* const node = block->get_node(j);
760       if (node->is_Phi()) {
761         if (is_allocation(node)) {
762           load_dominators.push(node);
763           store_dominators.push(node);
764           // An allocation can't be considered to "dominate" an atomic operation.
765           // For example a CAS requires the memory location to be store-good.
766           // When you have a dominating store or atomic instruction, that is
767           // indeed ensured to be the case. However, as for allocations, the
768           // initialized memory location could be raw null, which isn't store-good.
769         }
770         continue;
771       } else if (!node->is_Mach()) {
772         continue;
773       }
775       MachNode* const mach = node->as_Mach();
776       switch (mach->ideal_Opcode()) {
777       case Op_LoadP:
778         if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierStrong) != 0 &&
779             (mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierNoKeepalive) == 0) {
780           loads.push(mach);
781           load_dominators.push(mach);
782         }
783         break;
784       case Op_StoreP:
785         if (mach->barrier_data() != 0) {
786           stores.push(mach);
787           load_dominators.push(mach);
788           store_dominators.push(mach);
789           atomic_dominators.push(mach);
790         }
791         break;
792       case Op_CompareAndExchangeP:
793       case Op_CompareAndSwapP:
794       case Op_GetAndSetP:
795         if (mach->barrier_data() != 0) {
796           atomics.push(mach);
797           load_dominators.push(mach);
798           store_dominators.push(mach);
799           atomic_dominators.push(mach);
800         }
801         break;
803       default:
804         break;
805       }
806     }
807   }
809   // Step 2 - Find dominating accesses or allocations for each access
810   analyze_dominating_barriers_impl(loads, load_dominators);
811   analyze_dominating_barriers_impl(stores, store_dominators);
812   analyze_dominating_barriers_impl(atomics, atomic_dominators);
813 }
815 void ZBarrierSetC2::eliminate_gc_barrier(PhaseMacroExpand* macro, Node* node) const {
816   eliminate_gc_barrier_data(node);
817 }
819 void ZBarrierSetC2::eliminate_gc_barrier_data(Node* node) const {
820   if (node->is_LoadStore()) {
821     LoadStoreNode* loadstore = node->as_LoadStore();
822     loadstore->set_barrier_data(ZBarrierElided);
823   } else if (node->is_Mem()) {
824     MemNode* mem = node->as_Mem();
825     mem->set_barrier_data(ZBarrierElided);
826   }
827 }
829 #ifndef PRODUCT
830 void ZBarrierSetC2::dump_barrier_data(const MachNode* mach, outputStream* st) const {
831   if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierStrong) != 0) {
832     st->print("strong ");
833   }
834   if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierWeak) != 0) {
835     st->print("weak ");
836   }
837   if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierPhantom) != 0) {
838     st->print("phantom ");
839   }
840   if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierNoKeepalive) != 0) {
841     st->print("nokeepalive ");
842   }
843   if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierNative) != 0) {
844     st->print("native ");
845   }
846   if ((mach->barrier_data() & ZBarrierElided) != 0) {
847     st->print("elided ");
848   }
849 }
850 #endif // !PRODUCT