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*** 184,11 ***
--- 184,14 ---
    // all non-native method kinds
+   method_entry(zerolocals_upcalls)
+   method_entry(zerolocals_synchronized_upcalls)
+   method_entry(empty_upcalls)
    method_entry(java_lang_math_sin  )
    method_entry(java_lang_math_cos  )

*** 220,10 ***
--- 223,12 ---
      Interpreter::_entry_table[Interpreter::kind] = generate_method_entry(Interpreter::kind, true); \
+   native_method_entry(native_upcalls)
+   native_method_entry(native_synchronized_upcalls)
    // Entries to intrinsics for native methods should follow
    // entries for `native` methods to use the same address in case
    // intrinsic is disabled.

*** 367,14 ***
  void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_and_dispatch(Template* t, TosState tos_out) {
  #ifndef PRODUCT
    // debugging code
-   if (CountBytecodes || TraceBytecodes || StopInterpreterAt > 0) count_bytecode();
-   if (PrintBytecodeHistogram)                                    histogram_bytecode(t);
    if (PrintBytecodePairHistogram)                                histogram_bytecode_pair(t);
    if (TraceBytecodes)                                            trace_bytecode(t);
    if (StopInterpreterAt > 0)                                     stop_interpreter_at();
    __ verify_FPU(1, t->tos_in());
  #endif // !PRODUCT
--- 372,16 ---
  void TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_and_dispatch(Template* t, TosState tos_out) {
+   if (CountBytecodes || CountBytecodesPerThread || TraceBytecodes || StopInterpreterAt > 0) {
+     count_bytecode();
+   }
+   if (PrintBytecodeHistogram)                                    histogram_bytecode(t);
  #ifndef PRODUCT
    // debugging code
    if (PrintBytecodePairHistogram)                                histogram_bytecode_pair(t);
    if (TraceBytecodes)                                            trace_bytecode(t);
    if (StopInterpreterAt > 0)                                     stop_interpreter_at();
    __ verify_FPU(1, t->tos_in());
  #endif // !PRODUCT

*** 403,46 ***
      // dispatch to next bytecode
      __ dispatch_epilog(tos_out, step);
  // Generate method entries
  address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_method_entry(
                                          AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind, bool native) {
-   // determine code generation flags
-   bool synchronized = false;
    address entry_point = nullptr;
!   switch (kind) {
!   case Interpreter::zerolocals             :                           break;
!   case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized: synchronized = true;      break;
!   case Interpreter::native                 :                           break;
-   case Interpreter::native_synchronized    : synchronized = true;      break;
-   case Interpreter::empty                  : break;
-   case Interpreter::getter                 : break;
-   case Interpreter::setter                 : break;
-   case Interpreter::abstract               : entry_point = generate_abstract_entry(); break;
-   default:
-     entry_point = generate_intrinsic_entry(kind); // process the rest
-     break;
    if (entry_point) {
      return entry_point;
    // We expect the normal and native entry points to be generated first so we can reuse them.
!   if (native) {
!     entry_point = Interpreter::entry_for_kind(synchronized ? Interpreter::native_synchronized : Interpreter::native);
!     if (entry_point == nullptr) {
!       entry_point = generate_native_entry(synchronized);
!     }
!   } else {
!     entry_point = Interpreter::entry_for_kind(synchronized ? Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized : Interpreter::zerolocals);
!     if (entry_point == nullptr) {
!       entry_point = generate_normal_entry(synchronized);
!     }
    return entry_point;
--- 410,101 ---
      // dispatch to next bytecode
      __ dispatch_epilog(tos_out, step);
+ bool TemplateInterpreterGenerator::is_synchronized_method(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {
+   switch (kind) {
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized        : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized_upcalls: // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_synchronized            : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_synchronized_upcalls    :
+       return true;
+     default:
+       return false;
+   }
+ }
+ bool TemplateInterpreterGenerator::is_runtime_upcalls_method(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {
+   switch (kind) {
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_upcalls             : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized_upcalls: // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_upcalls                 : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_synchronized_upcalls    : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::empty_upcalls                  :
+       return true;
+     default:
+       return false;
+   }
+ }
+ bool TemplateInterpreterGenerator::is_intrinsic_method(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {
+   switch (kind) {
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals                     : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized        : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_upcalls             : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized_upcalls: // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native                         : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_synchronized            : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_upcalls                 : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::native_synchronized_upcalls    : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::empty                          : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::empty_upcalls                  : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::getter                         : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::setter                         : // fall thru
+     case Interpreter::abstract                       :
+       return false;
+     default:
+       return true;
+   }
+ }
+ bool TemplateInterpreterGenerator::is_abstract_method(AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind) {
+   switch (kind) {
+     case Interpreter::abstract:
+       return true;
+     default:
+       return false;
+   }
+ }
  // Generate method entries
  address TemplateInterpreterGenerator::generate_method_entry(
                                          AbstractInterpreter::MethodKind kind, bool native) {
    address entry_point = nullptr;
!   if (is_abstract_method(kind)) {
!     entry_point = generate_abstract_entry();
!   } else if (is_intrinsic_method(kind)) {
!     entry_point = generate_intrinsic_entry(kind);
    if (entry_point) {
      return entry_point;
+   bool synchronized = is_synchronized_method(kind);
+   bool upcalls = is_runtime_upcalls_method(kind);
    // We expect the normal and native entry points to be generated first so we can reuse them.
!   if (!synchronized && !upcalls) {
!     entry_point = Interpreter::entry_for_kind(native ? Interpreter::native
!                                                      : Interpreter::zerolocals);
!   } else if (synchronized && !upcalls) {
!     entry_point = Interpreter::entry_for_kind(native ? Interpreter::native_synchronized
!                                                      : Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized);
!   } else if (!synchronized && upcalls) {
!     entry_point = Interpreter::entry_for_kind(native ? Interpreter::native_upcalls
!                                                      : Interpreter::zerolocals_upcalls);
!   } else if (synchronized && upcalls) {
+     entry_point = Interpreter::entry_for_kind(native ? Interpreter::native_synchronized_upcalls
+                                                      : Interpreter::zerolocals_synchronized_upcalls);
+   }
+   if (entry_point == nullptr) {
+       entry_point = native ? generate_native_entry(synchronized, upcalls)
+                            : generate_normal_entry(synchronized, upcalls);
    return entry_point;
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