1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2023, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "cds/archiveUtils.hpp"
 29 #include "classfile/compactHashtable.hpp"
 30 #include "compiler/compilerDefinitions.hpp"
 31 #include "compiler/compiler_globals.hpp"
 32 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
 33 #include "memory/metaspaceClosure.hpp"
 34 #include "oops/instanceKlass.hpp"
 35 #include "oops/symbolHandle.hpp"
 36 #include "runtime/fieldDescriptor.inline.hpp"
 37 #include "runtime/handles.hpp"
 38 #include "runtime/mutexLocker.hpp"
 39 #include "utilities/count_leading_zeros.hpp"
 40 #include "utilities/resizeableResourceHash.hpp"
 42 class ciEnv;
 43 class ciBaseObject;
 44 class CompileTask;
 45 class xmlStream;
 46 class CompileTrainingData;
 47 class KlassTrainingData;
 48 class MethodTrainingData;
 49 class TrainingDataDumper;
 50 class TrainingDataSetLocker;
 51 class DumpTimeTrainingDataInfo;
 52 class TrainingDataDictionary;
 53 class RunTimeClassInfo;
 54 class RunTimeMethodDataInfo;
 57 class TrainingData : public Metadata {
 58   friend KlassTrainingData;
 59   friend MethodTrainingData;
 60   friend CompileTrainingData;
 61  public:
 62   class Key {
 63     Symbol* _name1;   // Klass::name or Method::name
 64     Symbol* _name2;   // class_loader_name_and_id or signature
 65     const TrainingData* const _holder; // TD for containing klass or method
 67     // These guys can get to my constructors:
 68     friend TrainingData;
 69     friend KlassTrainingData;
 70     friend MethodTrainingData;
 71     friend CompileTrainingData;
 73     // The empty key
 74     Key() : _name1(nullptr), _name2(nullptr), _holder(nullptr) { }
 75     bool is_empty() const {
 76       return _name1 == nullptr && _name2 == nullptr && _holder == nullptr;
 77     }
 79   public:
 80     Key(Symbol* name1, Symbol* name2,
 81         const TrainingData* holder = nullptr)
 82       : _name1(name1), _name2(name2), _holder(holder)
 83       // Since we are using SymbolHandles here, the reference counts
 84       // are incremented here, in this constructor.  We assume that
 85       // the symbols are already kept alive by some other means, but
 86       // after this point the Key object keeps them alive as well.
 87     { }
 88     Key(const KlassTrainingData* klass, Symbol* method_name, Symbol* signature);
 89     Key(const MethodTrainingData* method);
 90     Key(const InstanceKlass* klass);
 91     Key(const Method* method, KlassTrainingData* holder);
 93     static unsigned cds_hash(const Key* const& k);
 94     static bool can_compute_cds_hash(const Key* const& k);
 95     static unsigned hash(const Key* const& k) {
 96       // A symmetric hash code is usually a bad idea, except in cases
 97       // like this where it is very unlikely that any one string might
 98       // appear in two positions, and even less likely that two
 99       // strings might trade places in two otherwise equal keys.
100       return (Symbol::identity_hash(k->name1()) +
101               Symbol::identity_hash(k->name2()) +
102               (k->holder() == nullptr ? 0 : hash(k->holder()->key())));
103     }
104     static bool equals(const Key* const& k1, const Key* const& k2) {
105       // We assume that all Symbols come for SymbolTable and therefore are unique.
106       // Hence pointer comparison is enough to prove equality.
107       return (k1->name1()   == k2->name1() &&
108               k1->name2()   == k2->name2() &&
109               k1->holder()  == k2->holder());
110     }
111     static inline bool equals(TrainingData* value, const TrainingData::Key* key, int unused) {
112       return equals(value->key(), key);
113     }
114     int cmp(const Key* that) const {
115       auto h1 = this->holder();
116       auto h2 = that->holder();
117       #define NULL_CHECKS(x1, x2, cmpx1x2)                      \
118         ((x1) == nullptr ? -1 : (x2) == nullptr ? +1 : cmpx1x2)
119       if (h1 != h2) {
120         return NULL_CHECKS(h1, h2, h1->key()->cmp(h2->key()));
121       }
122       Symbol* k1; Symbol* k2;
123       #define CHECK_COMPONENT(name)                             \
124         if ((k1 = this->name()) != (k2 = that->name()))         \
125           return NULL_CHECKS(k1, k2, k1->cmp(k2))
126       CHECK_COMPONENT(name1);
127       CHECK_COMPONENT(name2);
128       #undef CHECK_COMPONENT
129       #undef NULL_CHECKS
130       return 0; // no pair of differing components
131     }
132     Symbol* name1() const       { return _name1; }
133     Symbol* name2() const       { return _name2; }
134     const TrainingData* holder() const { return _holder; }
136     void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter);
137   };
138   class TrainingDataLocker {
139     static int _lock_mode;
140     static void lock() {
141       assert(_lock_mode != 0, "Forgot to call TrainingDataLocker::initialize()");
142       if (_lock_mode > 0) {
143         TrainingData_lock->lock();
144       }
145     }
146     static void unlock() {
147       if (_lock_mode > 0) {
148         TrainingData_lock->unlock();
149       }
150     }
151     static bool safely_locked() {
152       assert(_lock_mode != 0, "Forgot to call TrainingDataLocker::initialize()");
153       if (_lock_mode > 0) {
154         return TrainingData_lock->owned_by_self();
155       } else {
156         return true;
157       }
158     }
159   public:
160     static void initialize() {
161       _lock_mode = need_data() ? +1 : -1;   // if -1, we go lock-free
162     }
163     static void assert_locked() {
164       assert(TrainingDataLocker::safely_locked(), "use under TrainingDataLocker");
165     }
166     TrainingDataLocker() {
167       lock();
168     }
169     ~TrainingDataLocker() {
170       unlock();
171     }
172   };
173   class TrainingDataSet {
174     friend TrainingData;
175     ResizeableResourceHashtable<const Key*, TrainingData*,
176                                 AnyObj::C_HEAP, MEMFLAGS::mtCompiler,
177                                 &TrainingData::Key::hash,
178                                 &TrainingData::Key::equals>
179       _table;
181   public:
182     template<typename... Arg>
183     TrainingDataSet(Arg... arg)
184       : _table(arg...) {
185     }
186     TrainingData* find(const Key* key) const {
187       TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
188       auto res = _table.get(key);
189       return res == nullptr ? nullptr : *res;
190     }
191     bool remove(const Key* key) {
192       return _table.remove(key);
193     }
194     TrainingData* install(TrainingData* tdata) {
195       TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
196       auto key = tdata->key();
197       if (key->is_empty())   return tdata;  // unkeyed TD not installed
198       bool created = false;
199       auto prior = _table.put_if_absent(key, tdata, &created);
200       if (prior == nullptr || *prior == tdata) {
201         return tdata;
202       }
203       assert(false, "no pre-existing elements allowed");
204       return *prior;
205     }
206     template<typename FN>
207     void iterate_all(FN fn) const { // lambda enabled API
208       return _table.iterate_all(fn);
209     }
210     int size() const { return _table.number_of_entries(); }
212     void verify() const {
213       TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
214       iterate_all([&](const TrainingData::Key* k, TrainingData* td) {
215         td->verify();
216       });
217     }
218   };
220   class Visitor {
221     ResizeableResourceHashtable<TrainingData*, bool> _visited;
222   public:
223     Visitor(unsigned size) : _visited(size, 0x3fffffff) { }
224     bool is_visited(TrainingData* td) {
225       return _visited.contains(td);
226     }
227     void visit(TrainingData* td) {
228       bool created;
229       _visited.put_if_absent(td, &created);
230     }
231   };
233 private:
234   Key _key;
236   // just forward all constructor arguments to the embedded key
237   template<typename... Arg>
238   TrainingData(Arg... arg)
239     : _key(arg...) { }
241   static TrainingDataSet _training_data_set;
242   static TrainingDataDictionary _archived_training_data_dictionary;
243   static TrainingDataDictionary _archived_training_data_dictionary_for_dumping;
244   static GrowableArrayCHeap<DumpTimeTrainingDataInfo, mtClassShared>* _dumptime_training_data_dictionary;
245   static Array<MethodTrainingData*>* _recompilation_schedule;
246   static Array<MethodTrainingData*>* _recompilation_schedule_for_dumping;
247   static volatile bool* _recompilation_status;
248   static void prepare_recompilation_schedule(TRAPS);
250 public:
251   // Returns the key under which this TD is installed, or else
252   // Key::EMPTY if it is not installed.
253   const Key* key() const { return &_key; }
255   static bool have_data() { return ReplayTraining;  } // Going to read
256   static bool need_data() { return RecordTraining;  } // Going to write
258   static TrainingDataSet* training_data_set() { return &_training_data_set; }
259   static TrainingDataDictionary* archived_training_data_dictionary() { return &_archived_training_data_dictionary; }
260   static bool have_recompilation_schedule() { return _recompilation_schedule != nullptr; }
261   static Array<MethodTrainingData*>* recompilation_schedule() { return _recompilation_schedule; }
262   static volatile bool* recompilation_status() { return _recompilation_status; }
264   virtual MethodTrainingData*   as_MethodTrainingData()  const { return nullptr; }
265   virtual KlassTrainingData*    as_KlassTrainingData()   const { return nullptr; }
266   virtual CompileTrainingData*  as_CompileTrainingData() const { return nullptr; }
267   bool is_MethodTrainingData()  const { return as_MethodTrainingData() != nullptr; }
268   bool is_KlassTrainingData()   const { return as_KlassTrainingData()  != nullptr; }
269   bool is_CompileTrainingData() const { return as_CompileTrainingData()  != nullptr; }
271   virtual void prepare(Visitor& visitor) = 0;
272   virtual void cleanup(Visitor& visitor) = 0;
274   static void initialize();
276   static void verify();
278   // Widget for recording dependencies, as an N-to-M graph relation,
279   // possibly cyclic.
280   template<typename E>
281   class DepList : public StackObj {
282     GrowableArrayCHeap<E, mtCompiler>* _deps_dyn;
283     Array<E>*                          _deps;
284     // (hmm, could we have state-selected union of these two?)
285   public:
286     DepList() {
287       _deps_dyn = nullptr;
288       _deps = nullptr;
289     }
291     int length() const {
292       return (_deps_dyn != nullptr ? _deps_dyn->length()
293               : _deps   != nullptr ? _deps->length()
294               : 0);
295     }
296     E* adr_at(int i) const {
297       return (_deps_dyn != nullptr ? _deps_dyn->adr_at(i)
298               : _deps   != nullptr ? _deps->adr_at(i)
299               : nullptr);
300     }
301     E at(int i) const {
302       assert(i >= 0 && i < length(), "oob");
303       return *adr_at(i);
304     }
305     bool append_if_missing(E dep) {
306       //assert(_deps == nullptr, "must be growable");
307       if (_deps_dyn == nullptr) {
308         _deps_dyn = new GrowableArrayCHeap<E, mtCompiler>(10);
309         _deps_dyn->append(dep);
310         return true;
311       } else {
312         return _deps_dyn->append_if_missing(dep);
313       }
314     }
315     bool remove_if_existing(E dep) {
316       if (_deps_dyn != nullptr) {
317         return _deps_dyn->remove_if_existing(dep);
318       }
319       return false;
320     }
321     void clear() {
322       if (_deps_dyn != nullptr)  {
323         _deps_dyn->clear();
324       }
325     }
326     void append(E dep) {
327       //assert(_deps == nullptr, "must be growable");
328       if (_deps_dyn == nullptr) {
329         _deps_dyn = new GrowableArrayCHeap<E, mtCompiler>(10);
330       }
331       _deps_dyn->append(dep);
332     }
333     bool contains(E dep) {
334       for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
335         if (dep == at(i)) {
336           return true; // found
337         }
338       }
339       return false; // not found
340     }
343     void remove_unshareable_info() {
344       _deps_dyn = nullptr;
345     }
346 #endif
347     void prepare(ClassLoaderData* loader_data);
348     void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter);
349   };
351   virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter);
354   virtual void remove_unshareable_info() {}
355 #endif
356   static void init_dumptime_table(TRAPS);
357   static void iterate_roots(MetaspaceClosure* it);
358   static void dump_training_data();
359   static void cleanup_training_data();
360   static void serialize_training_data(SerializeClosure* soc);
361   static void print_archived_training_data_on(outputStream* st);
362   static void write_training_data_dictionary(TrainingDataDictionary* dictionary);
363   static size_t estimate_size_for_archive();
365   static TrainingData* lookup_archived_training_data(const Key* k);
367   static KlassTrainingData*  lookup_for(InstanceKlass* ik);
368   static MethodTrainingData* lookup_for(Method* m);
369 };
371 class KlassTrainingData : public TrainingData {
372   friend TrainingData;
373   friend CompileTrainingData;
375   // Used by CDS. These classes need to access the private default constructor.
376   template <class T> friend class CppVtableTesterA;
377   template <class T> friend class CppVtableTesterB;
378   template <class T> friend class CppVtableCloner;
380   // cross-link to live klass, or null if not loaded or encountered yet
381   InstanceKlass* _holder;
382   jobject _holder_mirror;   // extra link to prevent unloading by GC
384   DepList<CompileTrainingData*> _comp_deps; // compiles that depend on me
386   void init() {
387     _holder_mirror = nullptr;
388     _holder = nullptr;
389   }
391   KlassTrainingData();
392   KlassTrainingData(Symbol* klass_name, Symbol* loader_name)
393     : TrainingData(klass_name, loader_name)
394   {
395     init();
396   }
397   KlassTrainingData(InstanceKlass* klass)
398     : TrainingData(klass)
399   {
400     init();
401   }
402   int comp_dep_count() const {
403     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
404     return _comp_deps.length();
405   }
406   CompileTrainingData* comp_dep(int i) const {
407     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
408     return _comp_deps.at(i);
409   }
410   void add_comp_dep(CompileTrainingData* ctd) {
411     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
412      _comp_deps.append_if_missing(ctd);
413   }
414   void remove_comp_dep(CompileTrainingData* ctd) {
415     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
416      _comp_deps.remove_if_existing(ctd);
417   }
419  public:
420   Symbol* name()                const { return _key.name1(); }
421   Symbol* loader_name()         const { return _key.name2(); }
422   bool    has_holder()          const { return _holder != nullptr; }
423   InstanceKlass* holder()       const { return _holder; }
425   // This sets up the mirror as well, and may scan for field metadata.
426   void init_holder(const InstanceKlass* klass);
428   // Update any copied data.
429   void refresh_from(const InstanceKlass* klass);
431   static KlassTrainingData* make(InstanceKlass* holder,
432                                  bool null_if_not_found = false);
433   static KlassTrainingData* find(InstanceKlass* holder) {
434     return make(holder, true);
435   }
437   virtual KlassTrainingData* as_KlassTrainingData() const { return const_cast<KlassTrainingData*>(this); };
439   ClassLoaderData* class_loader_data() {
440     assert(has_holder(), "");
441     return holder()->class_loader_data();
442   }
443   void notice_fully_initialized();
445   void print_on(outputStream* st, bool name_only) const;
446   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, false); }
447   virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, true); }
449   virtual void prepare(Visitor& visitor);
450   virtual void cleanup(Visitor& visitor);
452   MetaspaceObj::Type type() const {
453     return KlassTrainingDataType;
454   }
457   virtual void remove_unshareable_info();
458 #endif
460   void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter);
462   int size() const {
463     return (int)align_metadata_size(align_up(sizeof(KlassTrainingData), BytesPerWord)/BytesPerWord);
464   }
466   const char* internal_name() const {
467     return "{ klass training data }";
468   };
470   void verify();
472   static KlassTrainingData* allocate(InstanceKlass* holder);
474   template<typename FN>
475   void iterate_all_comp_deps(FN fn) const { // lambda enabled API
476     TrainingDataLocker l;
477     for (int i = 0; i < comp_dep_count(); i++) {
478       fn(comp_dep(i));
479     }
480   }
481 };
483 // Information about particular JIT tasks.
484 class CompileTrainingData : public TrainingData {
485   friend KlassTrainingData;
487   // Used by CDS. These classes need to access the private default constructor.
488   template <class T> friend class CppVtableTesterA;
489   template <class T> friend class CppVtableTesterB;
490   template <class T> friend class CppVtableCloner;
492   MethodTrainingData* _method;
493   const short _level;
494   const int _compile_id;
495   int _nm_total_size;
496   float _qtime, _stime, _etime;   // time queued, started, ended
498   // classes that should be initialized before this JIT task runs
499   DepList<KlassTrainingData*> _init_deps;
500   volatile int _init_deps_left;
502 public:
503   class ciRecords {
504     template <typename... Ts> class Arguments {
505     public:
506       bool operator==(const Arguments<>&) const { return true; }
507       void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter) { }
508     };
509     template <typename T, typename... Ts> class Arguments<T, Ts...> {
510     private:
511       T _first;
512       Arguments<Ts...> _remaining;
514     public:
515       constexpr Arguments(const T& first, const Ts&... remaining) noexcept
516         : _first(first), _remaining(remaining...) {}
517       constexpr Arguments() noexcept : _first(), _remaining() {}
518       bool operator==(const Arguments<T, Ts...>& that) const {
519         return _first == that._first && _remaining == that._remaining;
520       }
521       template<typename U = T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<U>::value && std::is_base_of<MetaspaceObj, typename std::remove_pointer<U>::type>::value, int> = 0>
522       void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter) {
523         iter->push(&_first);
524         _remaining.metaspace_pointers_do(iter);
525       }
526       template<typename U = T, std::enable_if_t<!(std::is_pointer<U>::value && std::is_base_of<MetaspaceObj, typename std::remove_pointer<U>::type>::value), int> = 0>
527       void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter) {
528         _remaining.metaspace_pointers_do(iter);
529       }
530     };
532     template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args> class ciMemoizedFunction : public StackObj {
533     public:
534       class OptionalReturnType {
535         bool _valid;
536         ReturnType _result;
537       public:
538         OptionalReturnType(bool valid, const ReturnType& result) : _valid(valid), _result(result) {}
539         bool is_valid() const { return _valid; }
540         ReturnType result() const { return _result; }
541       };
542     private:
543       typedef Arguments<Args...> ArgumentsType;
544       class Record : public MetaspaceObj {
545         ReturnType    _result;
546         ArgumentsType _arguments;
547       public:
548         Record(const ReturnType& result, const ArgumentsType& arguments) : _result(result), _arguments(arguments) {}
549         Record() { }
550         ReturnType result() const { return _result; }
551         ArgumentsType arguments() const { return _arguments; }
552         bool operator==(const Record& that) { return _arguments == that._arguments; }
553         void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter) { _arguments.metaspace_pointers_do(iter); }
554       };
555       DepList<Record> _data;
556     public:
557       OptionalReturnType find(const Args&... args) {
558         ArgumentsType a(args...);
559         for (int i = 0; i < _data.length(); i++) {
560           if (_data.at(i).arguments() == a) {
561             return OptionalReturnType(true, _data.at(i).result());
562           }
563         }
564         return OptionalReturnType(false, ReturnType());
565       }
566       bool append_if_missing(const ReturnType& result, const Args&... args) {
567         return _data.append_if_missing(Record(result, ArgumentsType(args...)));
568       }
570       void remove_unshareable_info() { _data.remove_unshareable_info(); }
571 #endif
572       void prepare(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
573         _data.prepare(loader_data);
574       }
575       void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter) {
576         _data.metaspace_pointers_do(iter);
577       }
578     };
581 public:
582     typedef ciMemoizedFunction<int, MethodTrainingData*> ciMethod__inline_instructions_size_type;
583     ciMethod__inline_instructions_size_type ciMethod__inline_instructions_size;
585     void remove_unshareable_info() {
586       ciMethod__inline_instructions_size.remove_unshareable_info();
587     }
588 #endif
589     void prepare(ClassLoaderData* loader_data) {
590       ciMethod__inline_instructions_size.prepare(loader_data);
591     }
592     void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure *iter) {
593       ciMethod__inline_instructions_size.metaspace_pointers_do(iter);
594     }
595   };
597 private:
598   ciRecords _ci_records;
600   CompileTrainingData();
601   // (should we also capture counters or MDO state or replay data?)
602   CompileTrainingData(MethodTrainingData* method,
603                       int level,
604                       int compile_id)
605       : TrainingData(),  // empty key
606         _method(method), _level(level), _compile_id(compile_id)
607   {
608     _qtime = _stime = _etime = 0;
609     _nm_total_size = 0;
610     _init_deps_left = 0;
611   }
613 public:
614   ciRecords& ci_records() { return _ci_records; }
615   static CompileTrainingData* make(CompileTask* task);
617   virtual CompileTrainingData* as_CompileTrainingData() const { return const_cast<CompileTrainingData*>(this); };
619   MethodTrainingData* method() const { return _method; }
621   int level() const { return _level; }
623   int compile_id() const { return _compile_id; }
625   int init_dep_count() const {
626     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
627     return _init_deps.length();
628   }
629   KlassTrainingData* init_dep(int i) const {
630     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
631     return _init_deps.at(i);
632   }
633   void add_init_dep(KlassTrainingData* ktd) {
634     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
635     ktd->add_comp_dep(this);
636     _init_deps.append_if_missing(ktd);
637   }
638   void clear_init_deps() {
639     TrainingDataLocker::assert_locked();
640     for (int i = 0; i < _init_deps.length(); i++) {
641       _init_deps.at(i)->remove_comp_dep(this);
642     }
643     _init_deps.clear();
644   }
645   void dec_init_deps_left(KlassTrainingData* ktd);
646   int init_deps_left() const {
647     return Atomic::load(&_init_deps_left);
648   }
649   uint compute_init_deps_left(bool count_initialized = false);
651   void record_compilation_queued(CompileTask* task);
652   void record_compilation_start(CompileTask* task);
653   void record_compilation_end(CompileTask* task);
654   void notice_inlined_method(CompileTask* task, const methodHandle& method);
656   // The JIT looks at classes and objects too and can depend on their state.
657   // These simple calls just report the *possibility* of an observation.
658   void notice_jit_observation(ciEnv* env, ciBaseObject* what);
660   virtual void prepare(Visitor& visitor);
661   virtual void cleanup(Visitor& visitor);
663   void print_on(outputStream* st, bool name_only) const;
664   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, false); }
665   virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, true); }
668   virtual void remove_unshareable_info();
669 #endif
671   virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* iter);
672   virtual MetaspaceObj::Type type() const { return CompileTrainingDataType; }
674   virtual const char* internal_name() const {
675     return "{ compile training data }";
676   };
678   virtual int size() const {
679     return (int)align_metadata_size(align_up(sizeof(CompileTrainingData), BytesPerWord)/BytesPerWord);
680   }
682   void verify();
684   static CompileTrainingData* allocate(MethodTrainingData* mtd, int level, int compile_id);
685 };
687 // Record information about a method at the time compilation is requested.
688 class MethodTrainingData : public TrainingData {
689   friend TrainingData;
690   friend CompileTrainingData;
692   // Used by CDS. These classes need to access the private default constructor.
693   template <class T> friend class CppVtableTesterA;
694   template <class T> friend class CppVtableTesterB;
695   template <class T> friend class CppVtableCloner;
697   KlassTrainingData* _klass;
698   const Method* _holder;  // can be null
699   CompileTrainingData* _last_toplevel_compiles[CompLevel_count];
700   int _highest_top_level;
701   int _level_mask;  // bit-set of all possible levels
702   bool _was_inlined;
703   bool _was_toplevel;
704   // metadata snapshots of final state:
705   MethodCounters* _final_counters;
706   MethodData*     _final_profile;
708   MethodTrainingData();
709   MethodTrainingData(KlassTrainingData* klass,
710                      Symbol* name, Symbol* signature)
711     : TrainingData(klass, name, signature)
712   {
713     _klass = klass;
714     _holder = nullptr;
715     for (int i = 0; i < CompLevel_count; i++) {
716       _last_toplevel_compiles[i] = nullptr;
717     }
718     _highest_top_level = CompLevel_none;
719     _level_mask = 0;
720     _was_inlined = _was_toplevel = false;
721   }
723   static int level_mask(int level) {
724     return ((level & 0xF) != level ? 0 : 1 << level);
725   }
726   static CompLevel highest_level(int mask) {
727     if (mask == 0)  return (CompLevel) 0;
728     int diff = (count_leading_zeros(level_mask(0)) - count_leading_zeros(mask));
729     return (CompLevel) diff;
730   }
732  public:
733   KlassTrainingData* klass()  const { return _klass; }
734   bool has_holder()           const { return _holder != nullptr; }
735   const Method* holder()      const { return _holder; }
736   Symbol* name()              const { return _key.name1(); }
737   Symbol* signature()         const { return _key.name2(); }
738   bool only_inlined()         const { return !_was_toplevel; }
739   bool never_inlined()        const { return !_was_inlined; }
740   bool saw_level(CompLevel l) const { return (_level_mask & level_mask(l)) != 0; }
741   int highest_level()         const { return highest_level(_level_mask); }
742   int highest_top_level()     const { return _highest_top_level; }
743   MethodData* final_profile() const { return _final_profile; }
745   CompileTrainingData* last_toplevel_compile(int level) const {
746     if (level > CompLevel_none) {
747       return _last_toplevel_compiles[level - 1];
748     }
749     return nullptr;
750   }
752   void notice_compilation(int level, bool inlined = false) {
753     if (inlined) {
754       _was_inlined = true;
755     } else {
756       _was_toplevel = true;
757     }
758     _level_mask |= level_mask(level);
759   }
761   // Update any copied data.
762   void refresh_from(const Method* method);
763   static MethodTrainingData* make(const methodHandle& method,
764                                   bool null_if_not_found = false);
765   static MethodTrainingData* find(const methodHandle& method) {
766     return make(method, true);
767   }
769   virtual MethodTrainingData* as_MethodTrainingData() const {
770     return const_cast<MethodTrainingData*>(this);
771   };
773   void print_on(outputStream* st, bool name_only) const;
774   virtual void print_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, false); }
775   virtual void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const { print_on(st, true); }
777   virtual void prepare(Visitor& visitor);
778   virtual void cleanup(Visitor& visitor);
780   template<typename FN>
781   void iterate_all_compiles(FN fn) const { // lambda enabled API
782     for (int i = 0; i < CompLevel_count; i++) {
783       CompileTrainingData* ctd = _last_toplevel_compiles[i];
784       if (ctd != nullptr) {
785         fn(ctd);
786       }
787     }
788   }
790   virtual void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* iter);
791   virtual MetaspaceObj::Type type() const { return MethodTrainingDataType; }
794   virtual void remove_unshareable_info();
795 #endif
797   virtual int size() const {
798     return (int)align_metadata_size(align_up(sizeof(MethodTrainingData), BytesPerWord)/BytesPerWord);
799   }
801   virtual const char* internal_name() const {
802     return "{ method training data }";
803   };
805   void verify();
807   static MethodTrainingData* allocate(KlassTrainingData* ktd, Method* m);
808 };
810 // CDS support
812 class DumpTimeTrainingDataInfo {
813   TrainingData* _training_data;
814 public:
815   DumpTimeTrainingDataInfo() : DumpTimeTrainingDataInfo(nullptr) {}
817   DumpTimeTrainingDataInfo(TrainingData* training_data)
818       : _training_data(training_data) {}
820   void metaspace_pointers_do(MetaspaceClosure* it) {
821     it->push(&_training_data);
822   }
824   TrainingData* training_data() {
825     return _training_data;
826   }
827 };
829 class TrainingDataDictionary : public OffsetCompactHashtable<
830     const TrainingData::Key*, TrainingData*,
831     TrainingData::Key::equals> {};
833 class TrainingDataPrinter : StackObj {
834   outputStream* _st;
835   int _index;
836 public:
837   TrainingDataPrinter(outputStream* st) : _st(st), _index(0) {}
838   void do_value(TrainingData* record);
839 };