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*** 181,27 ***
--- 181,30 ---
    const bool _do_escape_analysis;    // Do escape analysis.
    const bool _do_iterative_escape_analysis;  // Do iterative escape analysis.
    const bool _do_reduce_allocation_merges;  // Do try to reduce allocation merges.
    const bool _eliminate_boxing;      // Do boxing elimination.
    const bool _do_locks_coarsening;   // Do locks coarsening
+   const bool _for_preload;           // Generate code for preload (before Java method execution), do class init barriers
    const bool _do_superword;          // Do SuperWord
    const bool _install_code;          // Install the code that was compiled
    Options(bool subsume_loads,
            bool do_escape_analysis,
            bool do_iterative_escape_analysis,
            bool do_reduce_allocation_merges,
            bool eliminate_boxing,
            bool do_locks_coarsening,
            bool do_superword,
+           bool for_preload,
            bool install_code) :
+           _for_preload(for_preload),
            _install_code(install_code) {
    static Options for_runtime_stub() {

*** 210,10 ***
--- 213,11 ---
         /* do_escape_analysis = */ false,
         /* do_iterative_escape_analysis = */ false,
         /* do_reduce_allocation_merges = */ false,
         /* eliminate_boxing = */ false,
         /* do_lock_coarsening = */ false,
+        /* for_preload = */ false,
         /* do_superword = */ true,
         /* install_code = */ true

*** 356,10 ***
--- 360,11 ---
    // JSR 292
    bool                  _has_method_handle_invokes; // True if this method has MethodHandle invokes.
    bool                  _has_monitors;          // Metadata transfered to nmethod to enable Continuations lock-detection fastpath
    bool                  _has_scoped_access;     // For shared scope closure
    bool                  _clinit_barrier_on_entry; // True if clinit barrier is needed on nmethod entry
+   bool                  _has_clinit_barriers;   // True if compiled code has clinit barriers
    int                   _loop_opts_cnt;         // loop opts round
    uint                  _stress_seed;           // Seed for stress testing
    // Compilation environment.
    Arena                 _comp_arena;            // Arena with lifetime equivalent to Compile

*** 557,10 ***
--- 562,13 ---
    bool              should_install_code() const { return _options._install_code; }
    /** Do locks coarsening. */
    bool              do_locks_coarsening() const { return _options._do_locks_coarsening; }
    bool              do_superword() const        { return _options._do_superword; }
+   bool              do_clinit_barriers()  const { return _options._for_preload; }
+   bool              for_preload()         const { return _options._for_preload; }
    // Other fixed compilation parameters.
    ciMethod*         method() const              { return _method; }
    int               entry_bci() const           { return _entry_bci; }
    bool              is_osr_compilation() const  { return _entry_bci != InvocationEntryBci; }
    bool              is_method_compilation() const { return (_method != nullptr && !_method->flags().is_native()); }

*** 635,10 ***
--- 643,12 ---
    void          set_clinit_barrier_on_entry(bool z) { _clinit_barrier_on_entry = z; }
    bool              has_monitors() const         { return _has_monitors; }
    void          set_has_monitors(bool v)         { _has_monitors = v; }
    bool              has_scoped_access() const    { return _has_scoped_access; }
    void          set_has_scoped_access(bool v)    { _has_scoped_access = v; }
+   bool              has_clinit_barriers()        { return _has_clinit_barriers; }
+   void          set_has_clinit_barriers(bool z)  { _has_clinit_barriers = z; }
    // check the CompilerOracle for special behaviours for this compile
    bool          method_has_option(CompileCommandEnum option) {
      return method() != nullptr && method()->has_option(option);
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