< prev index next >


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 166   int  clone_idx() const                         { return _clone_idx; }
 167   void set_clone_idx(int x)                      { _clone_idx = x; }
 168   bool is_debug()                 const          { return _debug; }
 169   void set_debug(bool debug)                     { _debug = debug; }
 171   bool same_idx(node_idx_t k1, node_idx_t k2)  const { return idx(k1) == idx(k2); }
 172   bool same_gen(node_idx_t k1, node_idx_t k2)  const { return gen(k1) == gen(k2); }
 173 };
 175 class Options {
 176   friend class Compile;
 177   friend class VMStructs;
 178  private:
 179   const bool _subsume_loads;         // Load can be matched as part of a larger op.
 180   const bool _do_escape_analysis;    // Do escape analysis.
 181   const bool _do_iterative_escape_analysis;  // Do iterative escape analysis.
 182   const bool _do_reduce_allocation_merges;  // Do try to reduce allocation merges.
 183   const bool _eliminate_boxing;      // Do boxing elimination.
 184   const bool _do_locks_coarsening;   // Do locks coarsening

 185   const bool _do_superword;          // Do SuperWord
 186   const bool _install_code;          // Install the code that was compiled
 187  public:
 188   Options(bool subsume_loads,
 189           bool do_escape_analysis,
 190           bool do_iterative_escape_analysis,
 191           bool do_reduce_allocation_merges,
 192           bool eliminate_boxing,
 193           bool do_locks_coarsening,
 194           bool do_superword,

 195           bool install_code) :
 196           _subsume_loads(subsume_loads),
 197           _do_escape_analysis(do_escape_analysis),
 198           _do_iterative_escape_analysis(do_iterative_escape_analysis),
 199           _do_reduce_allocation_merges(do_reduce_allocation_merges),
 200           _eliminate_boxing(eliminate_boxing),
 201           _do_locks_coarsening(do_locks_coarsening),

 202           _do_superword(do_superword),
 203           _install_code(install_code) {
 204   }
 206   static Options for_runtime_stub() {
 207     return Options(
 208        /* subsume_loads = */ true,
 209        /* do_escape_analysis = */ false,
 210        /* do_iterative_escape_analysis = */ false,
 211        /* do_reduce_allocation_merges = */ false,
 212        /* eliminate_boxing = */ false,
 213        /* do_lock_coarsening = */ false,

 214        /* do_superword = */ true,
 215        /* install_code = */ true
 216     );
 217   }
 218 };
 220 //------------------------------Compile----------------------------------------
 221 // This class defines a top-level Compiler invocation.
 223 class Compile : public Phase {
 224   friend class VMStructs;
 226  public:
 227   // Fixed alias indexes.  (See also MergeMemNode.)
 228   enum {
 229     AliasIdxTop = 1,  // pseudo-index, aliases to nothing (used as sentinel value)
 230     AliasIdxBot = 2,  // pseudo-index, aliases to everything
 231     AliasIdxRaw = 3   // hard-wired index for TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM
 232   };

 340   bool                  _do_scheduling;         // True if we intend to do scheduling
 341   bool                  _do_freq_based_layout;  // True if we intend to do frequency based block layout
 342   bool                  _do_vector_loop;        // True if allowed to execute loop in parallel iterations
 343   bool                  _use_cmove;             // True if CMove should be used without profitability analysis
 344   bool                  _do_aliasing;           // True if we intend to do aliasing
 345   bool                  _print_assembly;        // True if we should dump assembly code for this compilation
 346   bool                  _print_inlining;        // True if we should print inlining for this compilation
 347   bool                  _print_intrinsics;      // True if we should print intrinsics for this compilation
 348 #ifndef PRODUCT
 349   uint                  _igv_idx;               // Counter for IGV node identifiers
 350   uint                  _igv_phase_iter[PHASE_NUM_TYPES]; // Counters for IGV phase iterations
 351   bool                  _trace_opto_output;
 352   bool                  _parsed_irreducible_loop; // True if ciTypeFlow detected irreducible loops during parsing
 353 #endif
 354   bool                  _has_irreducible_loop;  // Found irreducible loops
 355   // JSR 292
 356   bool                  _has_method_handle_invokes; // True if this method has MethodHandle invokes.
 357   bool                  _has_monitors;          // Metadata transfered to nmethod to enable Continuations lock-detection fastpath
 358   bool                  _has_scoped_access;     // For shared scope closure
 359   bool                  _clinit_barrier_on_entry; // True if clinit barrier is needed on nmethod entry

 360   int                   _loop_opts_cnt;         // loop opts round
 361   uint                  _stress_seed;           // Seed for stress testing
 363   // Compilation environment.
 364   Arena                 _comp_arena;            // Arena with lifetime equivalent to Compile
 365   void*                 _barrier_set_state;     // Potential GC barrier state for Compile
 366   ciEnv*                _env;                   // CI interface
 367   DirectiveSet*         _directive;             // Compiler directive
 368   CompileLog*           _log;                   // from CompilerThread
 369   CHeapStringHolder     _failure_reason;        // for record_failure/failing pattern
 370   CompilationFailureInfo* _first_failure_details; // Details for the first failure happening during compilation
 371   GrowableArray<CallGenerator*> _intrinsics;    // List of intrinsics.
 372   GrowableArray<Node*>  _macro_nodes;           // List of nodes which need to be expanded before matching.
 373   GrowableArray<ParsePredicateNode*> _parse_predicates; // List of Parse Predicates.
 374   // List of OpaqueTemplateAssertionPredicateNode nodes for Template Assertion Predicates.
 375   GrowableArray<Node*>  _template_assertion_predicate_opaqs;
 376   GrowableArray<Node*>  _expensive_nodes;       // List of nodes that are expensive to compute and that we'd better not let the GVN freely common
 377   GrowableArray<Node*>  _for_post_loop_igvn;    // List of nodes for IGVN after loop opts are over
 378   GrowableArray<UnstableIfTrap*> _unstable_if_traps;        // List of ifnodes after IGVN
 379   GrowableArray<Node_List*> _coarsened_locks;   // List of coarsened Lock and Unlock nodes

 584   int               compile_id() const          { return _compile_id; }
 585   DirectiveSet*     directive() const           { return _directive; }
 587   // Does this compilation allow instructions to subsume loads?  User
 588   // instructions that subsume a load may result in an unschedulable
 589   // instruction sequence.
 590   bool              subsume_loads() const       { return _options._subsume_loads; }
 591   /** Do escape analysis. */
 592   bool              do_escape_analysis() const  { return _options._do_escape_analysis; }
 593   bool              do_iterative_escape_analysis() const  { return _options._do_iterative_escape_analysis; }
 594   bool              do_reduce_allocation_merges() const  { return _options._do_reduce_allocation_merges; }
 595   /** Do boxing elimination. */
 596   bool              eliminate_boxing() const    { return _options._eliminate_boxing; }
 597   /** Do aggressive boxing elimination. */
 598   bool              aggressive_unboxing() const { return _options._eliminate_boxing && AggressiveUnboxing; }
 599   bool              should_install_code() const { return _options._install_code; }
 600   /** Do locks coarsening. */
 601   bool              do_locks_coarsening() const { return _options._do_locks_coarsening; }
 602   bool              do_superword() const        { return _options._do_superword; }

 604   // Other fixed compilation parameters.
 605   ciMethod*         method() const              { return _method; }
 606   int               entry_bci() const           { return _entry_bci; }
 607   bool              is_osr_compilation() const  { return _entry_bci != InvocationEntryBci; }
 608   bool              is_method_compilation() const { return (_method != nullptr && !_method->flags().is_native()); }
 609   const TypeFunc*   tf() const                  { assert(_tf!=nullptr, ""); return _tf; }
 610   void         init_tf(const TypeFunc* tf)      { assert(_tf==nullptr, ""); _tf = tf; }
 611   InlineTree*       ilt() const                 { return _ilt; }
 612   address           stub_function() const       { return _stub_function; }
 613   const char*       stub_name() const           { return _stub_name; }
 614   address           stub_entry_point() const    { return _stub_entry_point; }
 615   void          set_stub_entry_point(address z) { _stub_entry_point = z; }
 617   // Control of this compilation.
 618   int               fixed_slots() const         { assert(_fixed_slots >= 0, "");         return _fixed_slots; }
 619   void          set_fixed_slots(int n)          { _fixed_slots = n; }
 620   int               major_progress() const      { return _major_progress; }
 621   void          set_inlining_progress(bool z)   { _inlining_progress = z; }
 622   int               inlining_progress() const   { return _inlining_progress; }
 623   void          set_inlining_incrementally(bool z) { _inlining_incrementally = z; }

 662   void          set_do_freq_based_layout(bool z){ _do_freq_based_layout = z; }
 663   bool              do_vector_loop() const      { return _do_vector_loop; }
 664   void          set_do_vector_loop(bool z)      { _do_vector_loop = z; }
 665   bool              use_cmove() const           { return _use_cmove; }
 666   void          set_use_cmove(bool z)           { _use_cmove = z; }
 667   bool              do_aliasing() const          { return _do_aliasing; }
 668   bool              print_assembly() const       { return _print_assembly; }
 669   void          set_print_assembly(bool z)       { _print_assembly = z; }
 670   bool              print_inlining() const       { return _print_inlining; }
 671   void          set_print_inlining(bool z)       { _print_inlining = z; }
 672   bool              print_intrinsics() const     { return _print_intrinsics; }
 673   void          set_print_intrinsics(bool z)     { _print_intrinsics = z; }
 674   uint              max_node_limit() const       { return (uint)_max_node_limit; }
 675   void          set_max_node_limit(uint n)       { _max_node_limit = n; }
 676   bool              clinit_barrier_on_entry()       { return _clinit_barrier_on_entry; }
 677   void          set_clinit_barrier_on_entry(bool z) { _clinit_barrier_on_entry = z; }
 678   bool              has_monitors() const         { return _has_monitors; }
 679   void          set_has_monitors(bool v)         { _has_monitors = v; }
 680   bool              has_scoped_access() const    { return _has_scoped_access; }
 681   void          set_has_scoped_access(bool v)    { _has_scoped_access = v; }

 683   // check the CompilerOracle for special behaviours for this compile
 684   bool          method_has_option(CompileCommandEnum option) {
 685     return method() != nullptr && method()->has_option(option);
 686   }
 688 #ifndef PRODUCT
 689   uint          next_igv_idx()                  { return _igv_idx++; }
 690   bool          trace_opto_output() const       { return _trace_opto_output; }
 691   void          print_ideal_ir(const char* phase_name);
 692   bool          should_print_ideal() const      { return _directive->PrintIdealOption; }
 693   bool              parsed_irreducible_loop() const { return _parsed_irreducible_loop; }
 694   void          set_parsed_irreducible_loop(bool z) { _parsed_irreducible_loop = z; }
 695   int _in_dump_cnt;  // Required for dumping ir nodes.
 696 #endif
 697   bool              has_irreducible_loop() const { return _has_irreducible_loop; }
 698   void          set_has_irreducible_loop(bool z) { _has_irreducible_loop = z; }
 700   // JSR 292
 701   bool              has_method_handle_invokes() const { return _has_method_handle_invokes;     }

 166   int  clone_idx() const                         { return _clone_idx; }
 167   void set_clone_idx(int x)                      { _clone_idx = x; }
 168   bool is_debug()                 const          { return _debug; }
 169   void set_debug(bool debug)                     { _debug = debug; }
 171   bool same_idx(node_idx_t k1, node_idx_t k2)  const { return idx(k1) == idx(k2); }
 172   bool same_gen(node_idx_t k1, node_idx_t k2)  const { return gen(k1) == gen(k2); }
 173 };
 175 class Options {
 176   friend class Compile;
 177   friend class VMStructs;
 178  private:
 179   const bool _subsume_loads;         // Load can be matched as part of a larger op.
 180   const bool _do_escape_analysis;    // Do escape analysis.
 181   const bool _do_iterative_escape_analysis;  // Do iterative escape analysis.
 182   const bool _do_reduce_allocation_merges;  // Do try to reduce allocation merges.
 183   const bool _eliminate_boxing;      // Do boxing elimination.
 184   const bool _do_locks_coarsening;   // Do locks coarsening
 185   const bool _for_preload;           // Generate code for preload (before Java method execution), do class init barriers
 186   const bool _do_superword;          // Do SuperWord
 187   const bool _install_code;          // Install the code that was compiled
 188  public:
 189   Options(bool subsume_loads,
 190           bool do_escape_analysis,
 191           bool do_iterative_escape_analysis,
 192           bool do_reduce_allocation_merges,
 193           bool eliminate_boxing,
 194           bool do_locks_coarsening,
 195           bool do_superword,
 196           bool for_preload,
 197           bool install_code) :
 198           _subsume_loads(subsume_loads),
 199           _do_escape_analysis(do_escape_analysis),
 200           _do_iterative_escape_analysis(do_iterative_escape_analysis),
 201           _do_reduce_allocation_merges(do_reduce_allocation_merges),
 202           _eliminate_boxing(eliminate_boxing),
 203           _do_locks_coarsening(do_locks_coarsening),
 204           _for_preload(for_preload),
 205           _do_superword(do_superword),
 206           _install_code(install_code) {
 207   }
 209   static Options for_runtime_stub() {
 210     return Options(
 211        /* subsume_loads = */ true,
 212        /* do_escape_analysis = */ false,
 213        /* do_iterative_escape_analysis = */ false,
 214        /* do_reduce_allocation_merges = */ false,
 215        /* eliminate_boxing = */ false,
 216        /* do_lock_coarsening = */ false,
 217        /* for_preload = */ false,
 218        /* do_superword = */ true,
 219        /* install_code = */ true
 220     );
 221   }
 222 };
 224 //------------------------------Compile----------------------------------------
 225 // This class defines a top-level Compiler invocation.
 227 class Compile : public Phase {
 228   friend class VMStructs;
 230  public:
 231   // Fixed alias indexes.  (See also MergeMemNode.)
 232   enum {
 233     AliasIdxTop = 1,  // pseudo-index, aliases to nothing (used as sentinel value)
 234     AliasIdxBot = 2,  // pseudo-index, aliases to everything
 235     AliasIdxRaw = 3   // hard-wired index for TypeRawPtr::BOTTOM
 236   };

 344   bool                  _do_scheduling;         // True if we intend to do scheduling
 345   bool                  _do_freq_based_layout;  // True if we intend to do frequency based block layout
 346   bool                  _do_vector_loop;        // True if allowed to execute loop in parallel iterations
 347   bool                  _use_cmove;             // True if CMove should be used without profitability analysis
 348   bool                  _do_aliasing;           // True if we intend to do aliasing
 349   bool                  _print_assembly;        // True if we should dump assembly code for this compilation
 350   bool                  _print_inlining;        // True if we should print inlining for this compilation
 351   bool                  _print_intrinsics;      // True if we should print intrinsics for this compilation
 352 #ifndef PRODUCT
 353   uint                  _igv_idx;               // Counter for IGV node identifiers
 354   uint                  _igv_phase_iter[PHASE_NUM_TYPES]; // Counters for IGV phase iterations
 355   bool                  _trace_opto_output;
 356   bool                  _parsed_irreducible_loop; // True if ciTypeFlow detected irreducible loops during parsing
 357 #endif
 358   bool                  _has_irreducible_loop;  // Found irreducible loops
 359   // JSR 292
 360   bool                  _has_method_handle_invokes; // True if this method has MethodHandle invokes.
 361   bool                  _has_monitors;          // Metadata transfered to nmethod to enable Continuations lock-detection fastpath
 362   bool                  _has_scoped_access;     // For shared scope closure
 363   bool                  _clinit_barrier_on_entry; // True if clinit barrier is needed on nmethod entry
 364   bool                  _has_clinit_barriers;   // True if compiled code has clinit barriers
 365   int                   _loop_opts_cnt;         // loop opts round
 366   uint                  _stress_seed;           // Seed for stress testing
 368   // Compilation environment.
 369   Arena                 _comp_arena;            // Arena with lifetime equivalent to Compile
 370   void*                 _barrier_set_state;     // Potential GC barrier state for Compile
 371   ciEnv*                _env;                   // CI interface
 372   DirectiveSet*         _directive;             // Compiler directive
 373   CompileLog*           _log;                   // from CompilerThread
 374   CHeapStringHolder     _failure_reason;        // for record_failure/failing pattern
 375   CompilationFailureInfo* _first_failure_details; // Details for the first failure happening during compilation
 376   GrowableArray<CallGenerator*> _intrinsics;    // List of intrinsics.
 377   GrowableArray<Node*>  _macro_nodes;           // List of nodes which need to be expanded before matching.
 378   GrowableArray<ParsePredicateNode*> _parse_predicates; // List of Parse Predicates.
 379   // List of OpaqueTemplateAssertionPredicateNode nodes for Template Assertion Predicates.
 380   GrowableArray<Node*>  _template_assertion_predicate_opaqs;
 381   GrowableArray<Node*>  _expensive_nodes;       // List of nodes that are expensive to compute and that we'd better not let the GVN freely common
 382   GrowableArray<Node*>  _for_post_loop_igvn;    // List of nodes for IGVN after loop opts are over
 383   GrowableArray<UnstableIfTrap*> _unstable_if_traps;        // List of ifnodes after IGVN
 384   GrowableArray<Node_List*> _coarsened_locks;   // List of coarsened Lock and Unlock nodes

 589   int               compile_id() const          { return _compile_id; }
 590   DirectiveSet*     directive() const           { return _directive; }
 592   // Does this compilation allow instructions to subsume loads?  User
 593   // instructions that subsume a load may result in an unschedulable
 594   // instruction sequence.
 595   bool              subsume_loads() const       { return _options._subsume_loads; }
 596   /** Do escape analysis. */
 597   bool              do_escape_analysis() const  { return _options._do_escape_analysis; }
 598   bool              do_iterative_escape_analysis() const  { return _options._do_iterative_escape_analysis; }
 599   bool              do_reduce_allocation_merges() const  { return _options._do_reduce_allocation_merges; }
 600   /** Do boxing elimination. */
 601   bool              eliminate_boxing() const    { return _options._eliminate_boxing; }
 602   /** Do aggressive boxing elimination. */
 603   bool              aggressive_unboxing() const { return _options._eliminate_boxing && AggressiveUnboxing; }
 604   bool              should_install_code() const { return _options._install_code; }
 605   /** Do locks coarsening. */
 606   bool              do_locks_coarsening() const { return _options._do_locks_coarsening; }
 607   bool              do_superword() const        { return _options._do_superword; }
 609   bool              do_clinit_barriers()  const { return _options._for_preload; }
 610   bool              for_preload()         const { return _options._for_preload; }
 612   // Other fixed compilation parameters.
 613   ciMethod*         method() const              { return _method; }
 614   int               entry_bci() const           { return _entry_bci; }
 615   bool              is_osr_compilation() const  { return _entry_bci != InvocationEntryBci; }
 616   bool              is_method_compilation() const { return (_method != nullptr && !_method->flags().is_native()); }
 617   const TypeFunc*   tf() const                  { assert(_tf!=nullptr, ""); return _tf; }
 618   void         init_tf(const TypeFunc* tf)      { assert(_tf==nullptr, ""); _tf = tf; }
 619   InlineTree*       ilt() const                 { return _ilt; }
 620   address           stub_function() const       { return _stub_function; }
 621   const char*       stub_name() const           { return _stub_name; }
 622   address           stub_entry_point() const    { return _stub_entry_point; }
 623   void          set_stub_entry_point(address z) { _stub_entry_point = z; }
 625   // Control of this compilation.
 626   int               fixed_slots() const         { assert(_fixed_slots >= 0, "");         return _fixed_slots; }
 627   void          set_fixed_slots(int n)          { _fixed_slots = n; }
 628   int               major_progress() const      { return _major_progress; }
 629   void          set_inlining_progress(bool z)   { _inlining_progress = z; }
 630   int               inlining_progress() const   { return _inlining_progress; }
 631   void          set_inlining_incrementally(bool z) { _inlining_incrementally = z; }

 670   void          set_do_freq_based_layout(bool z){ _do_freq_based_layout = z; }
 671   bool              do_vector_loop() const      { return _do_vector_loop; }
 672   void          set_do_vector_loop(bool z)      { _do_vector_loop = z; }
 673   bool              use_cmove() const           { return _use_cmove; }
 674   void          set_use_cmove(bool z)           { _use_cmove = z; }
 675   bool              do_aliasing() const          { return _do_aliasing; }
 676   bool              print_assembly() const       { return _print_assembly; }
 677   void          set_print_assembly(bool z)       { _print_assembly = z; }
 678   bool              print_inlining() const       { return _print_inlining; }
 679   void          set_print_inlining(bool z)       { _print_inlining = z; }
 680   bool              print_intrinsics() const     { return _print_intrinsics; }
 681   void          set_print_intrinsics(bool z)     { _print_intrinsics = z; }
 682   uint              max_node_limit() const       { return (uint)_max_node_limit; }
 683   void          set_max_node_limit(uint n)       { _max_node_limit = n; }
 684   bool              clinit_barrier_on_entry()       { return _clinit_barrier_on_entry; }
 685   void          set_clinit_barrier_on_entry(bool z) { _clinit_barrier_on_entry = z; }
 686   bool              has_monitors() const         { return _has_monitors; }
 687   void          set_has_monitors(bool v)         { _has_monitors = v; }
 688   bool              has_scoped_access() const    { return _has_scoped_access; }
 689   void          set_has_scoped_access(bool v)    { _has_scoped_access = v; }
 690   bool              has_clinit_barriers()        { return _has_clinit_barriers; }
 691   void          set_has_clinit_barriers(bool z)  { _has_clinit_barriers = z; }
 693   // check the CompilerOracle for special behaviours for this compile
 694   bool          method_has_option(CompileCommandEnum option) {
 695     return method() != nullptr && method()->has_option(option);
 696   }
 698 #ifndef PRODUCT
 699   uint          next_igv_idx()                  { return _igv_idx++; }
 700   bool          trace_opto_output() const       { return _trace_opto_output; }
 701   void          print_ideal_ir(const char* phase_name);
 702   bool          should_print_ideal() const      { return _directive->PrintIdealOption; }
 703   bool              parsed_irreducible_loop() const { return _parsed_irreducible_loop; }
 704   void          set_parsed_irreducible_loop(bool z) { _parsed_irreducible_loop = z; }
 705   int _in_dump_cnt;  // Required for dumping ir nodes.
 706 #endif
 707   bool              has_irreducible_loop() const { return _has_irreducible_loop; }
 708   void          set_has_irreducible_loop(bool z) { _has_irreducible_loop = z; }
 710   // JSR 292
 711   bool              has_method_handle_invokes() const { return _has_method_handle_invokes;     }
< prev index next >