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   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
  26 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
  27 #include "code/debugInfo.hpp"
  28 #include "code/debugInfoRec.hpp"

  29 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  30 #include "compiler/compilerDirectives.hpp"
  31 #include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
  32 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
  33 #include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
  34 #include "gc/shared/c2/barrierSetC2.hpp"
  35 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  36 #include "opto/ad.hpp"
  37 #include "opto/block.hpp"
  38 #include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
  39 #include "opto/c2_MacroAssembler.hpp"
  40 #include "opto/callnode.hpp"
  41 #include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
  42 #include "opto/locknode.hpp"
  43 #include "opto/machnode.hpp"
  44 #include "opto/node.hpp"
  45 #include "opto/optoreg.hpp"
  46 #include "opto/output.hpp"
  47 #include "opto/regalloc.hpp"
  48 #include "opto/type.hpp"

1352   // Initialize the space for the BufferBlob used to find and verify
1353   // instruction size in MachNode::emit_size()
1354   init_scratch_buffer_blob(const_req);
1355 }
1357 CodeBuffer* PhaseOutput::init_buffer() {
1358   int stub_req  = _buf_sizes._stub;
1359   int code_req  = _buf_sizes._code;
1360   int const_req = _buf_sizes._const;
1362   int pad_req   = NativeCall::byte_size();
1364   BarrierSetC2* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2();
1365   stub_req += bs->estimate_stub_size();
1367   // nmethod and CodeBuffer count stubs & constants as part of method's code.
1368   // class HandlerImpl is platform-specific and defined in the *.ad files.
1369   int exception_handler_req = HandlerImpl::size_exception_handler() + MAX_stubs_size; // add marginal slop for handler
1370   int deopt_handler_req     = HandlerImpl::size_deopt_handler()     + MAX_stubs_size; // add marginal slop for handler
1371   stub_req += MAX_stubs_size;   // ensure per-stub margin
1372   code_req += MAX_inst_size;    // ensure per-instruction margin
1374   if (StressCodeBuffers)
1375     code_req = const_req = stub_req = exception_handler_req = deopt_handler_req = 0x10;  // force expansion
1377   int total_req =
1378           const_req +
1379           code_req +
1380           pad_req +
1381           stub_req +
1382           exception_handler_req +
1383           deopt_handler_req;               // deopt handler
1385   if (C->has_method_handle_invokes())
1386     total_req += deopt_handler_req;  // deopt MH handler
1388   CodeBuffer* cb = code_buffer();
1389   cb->set_const_section_alignment(constant_table().alignment());
1390   cb->initialize(total_req, _buf_sizes._reloc);
1392   // Have we run out of code space?

1549         int padding = mach->compute_padding(current_offset);
1550         // Make sure safepoint node for polling is distinct from a call's
1551         // return by adding a nop if needed.
1552         if (is_sfn && !is_mcall && padding == 0 && current_offset == last_call_offset) {
1553           padding = nop_size;
1554         }
1555         if (padding == 0 && mach->avoid_back_to_back(MachNode::AVOID_BEFORE) &&
1556             current_offset == last_avoid_back_to_back_offset) {
1557           // Avoid back to back some instructions.
1558           padding = nop_size;
1559         }
1561         if (padding > 0) {
1562           assert((padding % nop_size) == 0, "padding is not a multiple of NOP size");
1563           int nops_cnt = padding / nop_size;
1564           MachNode *nop = new MachNopNode(nops_cnt);
1565           block->insert_node(nop, j++);
1566           last_inst++;
1567           C->cfg()->map_node_to_block(nop, block);
1568           // Ensure enough space.
1569           masm->code()->insts()->maybe_expand_to_ensure_remaining(MAX_inst_size);
1570           if ((masm->code()->blob() == nullptr) || (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs())) {
1571             C->record_failure("CodeCache is full");
1572             return;
1573           }
1574           nop->emit(masm, C->regalloc());
1575           masm->code()->flush_bundle(true);
1576           current_offset = masm->offset();
1577         }
1579         bool observe_safepoint = is_sfn;
1580         // Remember the start of the last call in a basic block
1581         if (is_mcall) {
1582           MachCallNode *mcall = mach->as_MachCall();
1584           // This destination address is NOT PC-relative
1585           mcall->method_set((intptr_t)mcall->entry_point());
1587           // Save the return address
1588           call_returns[block->_pre_order] = current_offset + mcall->ret_addr_offset();

1678                 Label *blkLabel = &blk_labels[block_num];
1679                 mach->add_case_label(jpn->as_JumpProj()->proj_no(), blkLabel);
1680               }
1681             }
1682           }
1683         } else if (!n->is_Proj()) {
1684           // Remember the beginning of the previous instruction, in case
1685           // it's followed by a flag-kill and a null-check.  Happens on
1686           // Intel all the time, with add-to-memory kind of opcodes.
1687           previous_offset = current_offset;
1688         }
1690         // Not an else-if!
1691         // If this is a trap based cmp then add its offset to the list.
1692         if (mach->is_TrapBasedCheckNode()) {
1693           inct_starts[inct_cnt++] = current_offset;
1694         }
1695       }
1697       // Verify that there is sufficient space remaining
1698       masm->code()->insts()->maybe_expand_to_ensure_remaining(MAX_inst_size);
1699       if ((masm->code()->blob() == nullptr) || (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs())) {
1700         C->record_failure("CodeCache is full");
1701         return;
1702       }
1704       // Save the offset for the listing
1705 #if defined(SUPPORT_OPTO_ASSEMBLY)
1706       if ((node_offsets != nullptr) && (n->_idx < node_offset_limit)) {
1707         node_offsets[n->_idx] = masm->offset();
1708       }
1709 #endif
1710       assert(!C->failing_internal() || C->failure_is_artificial(), "Should not reach here if failing.");
1712       // "Normal" instruction case
1713       DEBUG_ONLY(uint instr_offset = masm->offset());
1714       n->emit(masm, C->regalloc());
1715       current_offset = masm->offset();
1717       // Above we only verified that there is enough space in the instruction section.
1718       // However, the instruction may emit stubs that cause code buffer expansion.

3337 //-----------------------scratch_emit_size-------------------------------------
3338 // Helper function that computes size by emitting code
3339 uint PhaseOutput::scratch_emit_size(const Node* n) {
3340   // Start scratch_emit_size section.
3341   set_in_scratch_emit_size(true);
3343   // Emit into a trash buffer and count bytes emitted.
3344   // This is a pretty expensive way to compute a size,
3345   // but it works well enough if seldom used.
3346   // All common fixed-size instructions are given a size
3347   // method by the AD file.
3348   // Note that the scratch buffer blob and locs memory are
3349   // allocated at the beginning of the compile task, and
3350   // may be shared by several calls to scratch_emit_size.
3351   // The allocation of the scratch buffer blob is particularly
3352   // expensive, since it has to grab the code cache lock.
3353   BufferBlob* blob = this->scratch_buffer_blob();
3354   assert(blob != nullptr, "Initialize BufferBlob at start");
3355   assert(blob->size() > MAX_inst_size, "sanity");
3356   relocInfo* locs_buf = scratch_locs_memory();
3357   address blob_begin = blob->content_begin();
3358   address blob_end   = (address)locs_buf;
3359   assert(blob->contains(blob_end), "sanity");
3360   CodeBuffer buf(blob_begin, blob_end - blob_begin);
3361   buf.initialize_consts_size(_scratch_const_size);
3362   buf.initialize_stubs_size(MAX_stubs_size);
3363   assert(locs_buf != nullptr, "sanity");
3364   int lsize = MAX_locs_size / 3;
3365   buf.consts()->initialize_shared_locs(&locs_buf[lsize * 0], lsize);
3366   buf.insts()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 1], lsize);
3367   buf.stubs()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 2], lsize);
3368   // Mark as scratch buffer.
3369   buf.consts()->set_scratch_emit();
3370   buf.insts()->set_scratch_emit();
3371   buf.stubs()->set_scratch_emit();
3373   // Do the emission.
3375   Label fakeL; // Fake label for branch instructions.

3380   masm.bind(fakeL);
3381   if (is_branch) {
3382     n->as_MachBranch()->save_label(&saveL, &save_bnum);
3383     n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(&fakeL, 0);
3384   }
3385   n->emit(&masm, C->regalloc());
3387   // Emitting into the scratch buffer should not fail
3388   assert(!C->failing_internal() || C->failure_is_artificial(), "Must not have pending failure. Reason is: %s", C->failure_reason());
3390   if (is_branch) // Restore label.
3391     n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(saveL, save_bnum);
3393   // End scratch_emit_size section.
3394   set_in_scratch_emit_size(false);
3396   return buf.insts_size();
3397 }
3399 void PhaseOutput::install() {
3400   if (!C->should_install_code()) {
3401     return;
3402   } else if (C->stub_function() != nullptr) {
3403     install_stub(C->stub_name());
3404   } else {
3405     install_code(C->method(),
3406                  C->entry_bci(),
3407                  CompileBroker::compiler2(),
3408                  C->has_unsafe_access(),
3409                  SharedRuntime::is_wide_vector(C->max_vector_size()));
3410   }
3411 }
3413 void PhaseOutput::install_code(ciMethod*         target,
3414                                int               entry_bci,
3415                                AbstractCompiler* compiler,
3416                                bool              has_unsafe_access,
3417                                bool              has_wide_vectors) {
3418   // Check if we want to skip execution of all compiled code.
3419   {
3420 #ifndef PRODUCT
3421     if (OptoNoExecute) {
3422       C->record_method_not_compilable("+OptoNoExecute");  // Flag as failed
3423       return;
3424     }
3425 #endif
3426     Compile::TracePhase tp(_t_registerMethod);

3432       if (!target->is_static()) {
3433         // The UEP of an nmethod ensures that the VEP is padded. However, the padding of the UEP is placed
3434         // before the inline cache check, so we don't have to execute any nop instructions when dispatching
3435         // through the UEP, yet we can ensure that the VEP is aligned appropriately.
3436         _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::Entry, _first_block_size - MacroAssembler::ic_check_size());
3437       }
3438       _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry, _first_block_size);
3439       _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::OSR_Entry, 0);
3440     }
3442     C->env()->register_method(target,
3443                                      entry_bci,
3444                                      &_code_offsets,
3445                                      _orig_pc_slot_offset_in_bytes,
3446                                      code_buffer(),
3447                                      frame_size_in_words(),
3448                                      oop_map_set(),
3449                                      &_handler_table,
3450                                      inc_table(),
3451                                      compiler,

3452                                      has_unsafe_access,
3453                                      SharedRuntime::is_wide_vector(C->max_vector_size()),
3454                                      C->has_monitors(),
3455                                      C->has_scoped_access(),
3456                                      0);

3458     if (C->log() != nullptr) { // Print code cache state into compiler log
3459       C->log()->code_cache_state();
3460     }

3461   }
3462 }
3463 void PhaseOutput::install_stub(const char* stub_name) {
3464   // Entry point will be accessed using stub_entry_point();
3465   if (code_buffer() == nullptr) {
3466     Matcher::soft_match_failure();
3467   } else {
3468     if (PrintAssembly && (WizardMode || Verbose))
3469       tty->print_cr("### Stub::%s", stub_name);
3471     if (!C->failing()) {
3472       assert(C->fixed_slots() == 0, "no fixed slots used for runtime stubs");
3474       // Make the NMethod
3475       // For now we mark the frame as never safe for profile stackwalking
3476       RuntimeStub *rs = RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub(stub_name,
3477                                                       code_buffer(),
3478                                                       CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe,
3479                                                       // _code_offsets.value(CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete),
3480                                                       frame_size_in_words(),

3639       // Dump the exception table as well
3640       if( n->is_Catch() && (Verbose || WizardMode) ) {
3641         // Print the exception table for this offset
3642         _handler_table.print_subtable_for(pc);
3643       }
3644       st->bol(); // Make sure we start on a new line
3645     }
3646     st->cr(); // one empty line between blocks
3647     assert(cut_short || delay == nullptr, "no unconditional delay branch");
3648   } // End of per-block dump
3650   if (cut_short)  st->print_cr("*** disassembly is cut short ***");
3651 }
3652 #endif
3654 #ifndef PRODUCT
3655 void PhaseOutput::print_statistics() {
3656   Scheduling::print_statistics();
3657 }
3658 #endif

   9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  13  * accompanied this code).
  14  *
  15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  18  *
  19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  21  * questions.
  22  *
  23  */
  25 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
  26 #include "code/compiledIC.hpp"
  27 #include "code/debugInfo.hpp"
  28 #include "code/debugInfoRec.hpp"
  29 #include "code/SCCache.hpp"
  30 #include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
  31 #include "compiler/compilerDirectives.hpp"
  32 #include "compiler/disassembler.hpp"
  33 #include "compiler/oopMap.hpp"
  34 #include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
  35 #include "gc/shared/c2/barrierSetC2.hpp"
  36 #include "memory/allocation.hpp"
  37 #include "opto/ad.hpp"
  38 #include "opto/block.hpp"
  39 #include "opto/c2compiler.hpp"
  40 #include "opto/c2_MacroAssembler.hpp"
  41 #include "opto/callnode.hpp"
  42 #include "opto/cfgnode.hpp"
  43 #include "opto/locknode.hpp"
  44 #include "opto/machnode.hpp"
  45 #include "opto/node.hpp"
  46 #include "opto/optoreg.hpp"
  47 #include "opto/output.hpp"
  48 #include "opto/regalloc.hpp"
  49 #include "opto/type.hpp"

1353   // Initialize the space for the BufferBlob used to find and verify
1354   // instruction size in MachNode::emit_size()
1355   init_scratch_buffer_blob(const_req);
1356 }
1358 CodeBuffer* PhaseOutput::init_buffer() {
1359   int stub_req  = _buf_sizes._stub;
1360   int code_req  = _buf_sizes._code;
1361   int const_req = _buf_sizes._const;
1363   int pad_req   = NativeCall::byte_size();
1365   BarrierSetC2* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2();
1366   stub_req += bs->estimate_stub_size();
1368   // nmethod and CodeBuffer count stubs & constants as part of method's code.
1369   // class HandlerImpl is platform-specific and defined in the *.ad files.
1370   int exception_handler_req = HandlerImpl::size_exception_handler() + MAX_stubs_size; // add marginal slop for handler
1371   int deopt_handler_req     = HandlerImpl::size_deopt_handler()     + MAX_stubs_size; // add marginal slop for handler
1372   stub_req += MAX_stubs_size;   // ensure per-stub margin
1373   code_req += max_inst_size();  // ensure per-instruction margin
1375   if (StressCodeBuffers)
1376     code_req = const_req = stub_req = exception_handler_req = deopt_handler_req = 0x10;  // force expansion
1378   int total_req =
1379           const_req +
1380           code_req +
1381           pad_req +
1382           stub_req +
1383           exception_handler_req +
1384           deopt_handler_req;               // deopt handler
1386   if (C->has_method_handle_invokes())
1387     total_req += deopt_handler_req;  // deopt MH handler
1389   CodeBuffer* cb = code_buffer();
1390   cb->set_const_section_alignment(constant_table().alignment());
1391   cb->initialize(total_req, _buf_sizes._reloc);
1393   // Have we run out of code space?

1550         int padding = mach->compute_padding(current_offset);
1551         // Make sure safepoint node for polling is distinct from a call's
1552         // return by adding a nop if needed.
1553         if (is_sfn && !is_mcall && padding == 0 && current_offset == last_call_offset) {
1554           padding = nop_size;
1555         }
1556         if (padding == 0 && mach->avoid_back_to_back(MachNode::AVOID_BEFORE) &&
1557             current_offset == last_avoid_back_to_back_offset) {
1558           // Avoid back to back some instructions.
1559           padding = nop_size;
1560         }
1562         if (padding > 0) {
1563           assert((padding % nop_size) == 0, "padding is not a multiple of NOP size");
1564           int nops_cnt = padding / nop_size;
1565           MachNode *nop = new MachNopNode(nops_cnt);
1566           block->insert_node(nop, j++);
1567           last_inst++;
1568           C->cfg()->map_node_to_block(nop, block);
1569           // Ensure enough space.
1570           masm->code()->insts()->maybe_expand_to_ensure_remaining(max_inst_size());
1571           if ((masm->code()->blob() == nullptr) || (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs())) {
1572             C->record_failure("CodeCache is full");
1573             return;
1574           }
1575           nop->emit(masm, C->regalloc());
1576           masm->code()->flush_bundle(true);
1577           current_offset = masm->offset();
1578         }
1580         bool observe_safepoint = is_sfn;
1581         // Remember the start of the last call in a basic block
1582         if (is_mcall) {
1583           MachCallNode *mcall = mach->as_MachCall();
1585           // This destination address is NOT PC-relative
1586           mcall->method_set((intptr_t)mcall->entry_point());
1588           // Save the return address
1589           call_returns[block->_pre_order] = current_offset + mcall->ret_addr_offset();

1679                 Label *blkLabel = &blk_labels[block_num];
1680                 mach->add_case_label(jpn->as_JumpProj()->proj_no(), blkLabel);
1681               }
1682             }
1683           }
1684         } else if (!n->is_Proj()) {
1685           // Remember the beginning of the previous instruction, in case
1686           // it's followed by a flag-kill and a null-check.  Happens on
1687           // Intel all the time, with add-to-memory kind of opcodes.
1688           previous_offset = current_offset;
1689         }
1691         // Not an else-if!
1692         // If this is a trap based cmp then add its offset to the list.
1693         if (mach->is_TrapBasedCheckNode()) {
1694           inct_starts[inct_cnt++] = current_offset;
1695         }
1696       }
1698       // Verify that there is sufficient space remaining
1699       masm->code()->insts()->maybe_expand_to_ensure_remaining(max_inst_size());
1700       if ((masm->code()->blob() == nullptr) || (!CompileBroker::should_compile_new_jobs())) {
1701         C->record_failure("CodeCache is full");
1702         return;
1703       }
1705       // Save the offset for the listing
1706 #if defined(SUPPORT_OPTO_ASSEMBLY)
1707       if ((node_offsets != nullptr) && (n->_idx < node_offset_limit)) {
1708         node_offsets[n->_idx] = masm->offset();
1709       }
1710 #endif
1711       assert(!C->failing_internal() || C->failure_is_artificial(), "Should not reach here if failing.");
1713       // "Normal" instruction case
1714       DEBUG_ONLY(uint instr_offset = masm->offset());
1715       n->emit(masm, C->regalloc());
1716       current_offset = masm->offset();
1718       // Above we only verified that there is enough space in the instruction section.
1719       // However, the instruction may emit stubs that cause code buffer expansion.

3338 //-----------------------scratch_emit_size-------------------------------------
3339 // Helper function that computes size by emitting code
3340 uint PhaseOutput::scratch_emit_size(const Node* n) {
3341   // Start scratch_emit_size section.
3342   set_in_scratch_emit_size(true);
3344   // Emit into a trash buffer and count bytes emitted.
3345   // This is a pretty expensive way to compute a size,
3346   // but it works well enough if seldom used.
3347   // All common fixed-size instructions are given a size
3348   // method by the AD file.
3349   // Note that the scratch buffer blob and locs memory are
3350   // allocated at the beginning of the compile task, and
3351   // may be shared by several calls to scratch_emit_size.
3352   // The allocation of the scratch buffer blob is particularly
3353   // expensive, since it has to grab the code cache lock.
3354   BufferBlob* blob = this->scratch_buffer_blob();
3355   assert(blob != nullptr, "Initialize BufferBlob at start");
3356   assert(blob->size() > max_inst_size(), "sanity");
3357   relocInfo* locs_buf = scratch_locs_memory();
3358   address blob_begin = blob->content_begin();
3359   address blob_end   = (address)locs_buf;
3360   assert(blob->contains(blob_end), "sanity");
3361   CodeBuffer buf(blob_begin, blob_end - blob_begin);
3362   buf.initialize_consts_size(_scratch_const_size);
3363   buf.initialize_stubs_size(MAX_stubs_size);
3364   assert(locs_buf != nullptr, "sanity");
3365   int lsize = MAX_locs_size / 3;
3366   buf.consts()->initialize_shared_locs(&locs_buf[lsize * 0], lsize);
3367   buf.insts()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 1], lsize);
3368   buf.stubs()->initialize_shared_locs( &locs_buf[lsize * 2], lsize);
3369   // Mark as scratch buffer.
3370   buf.consts()->set_scratch_emit();
3371   buf.insts()->set_scratch_emit();
3372   buf.stubs()->set_scratch_emit();
3374   // Do the emission.
3376   Label fakeL; // Fake label for branch instructions.

3381   masm.bind(fakeL);
3382   if (is_branch) {
3383     n->as_MachBranch()->save_label(&saveL, &save_bnum);
3384     n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(&fakeL, 0);
3385   }
3386   n->emit(&masm, C->regalloc());
3388   // Emitting into the scratch buffer should not fail
3389   assert(!C->failing_internal() || C->failure_is_artificial(), "Must not have pending failure. Reason is: %s", C->failure_reason());
3391   if (is_branch) // Restore label.
3392     n->as_MachBranch()->label_set(saveL, save_bnum);
3394   // End scratch_emit_size section.
3395   set_in_scratch_emit_size(false);
3397   return buf.insts_size();
3398 }
3400 void PhaseOutput::install() {
3401   if (C->should_install_code() && C->stub_function() != nullptr) {

3402     install_stub(C->stub_name());
3403   } else {
3404     install_code(C->method(),
3405                  C->entry_bci(),
3406                  CompilerThread::current()->compiler(),
3407                  C->has_unsafe_access(),
3408                  SharedRuntime::is_wide_vector(C->max_vector_size()));
3409   }
3410 }
3412 void PhaseOutput::install_code(ciMethod*         target,
3413                                int               entry_bci,
3414                                AbstractCompiler* compiler,
3415                                bool              has_unsafe_access,
3416                                bool              has_wide_vectors) {
3417   // Check if we want to skip execution of all compiled code.
3418   {
3419 #ifndef PRODUCT
3420     if (OptoNoExecute) {
3421       C->record_method_not_compilable("+OptoNoExecute");  // Flag as failed
3422       return;
3423     }
3424 #endif
3425     Compile::TracePhase tp(_t_registerMethod);

3431       if (!target->is_static()) {
3432         // The UEP of an nmethod ensures that the VEP is padded. However, the padding of the UEP is placed
3433         // before the inline cache check, so we don't have to execute any nop instructions when dispatching
3434         // through the UEP, yet we can ensure that the VEP is aligned appropriately.
3435         _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::Entry, _first_block_size - MacroAssembler::ic_check_size());
3436       }
3437       _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::Verified_Entry, _first_block_size);
3438       _code_offsets.set_value(CodeOffsets::OSR_Entry, 0);
3439     }
3441     C->env()->register_method(target,
3442                                      entry_bci,
3443                                      &_code_offsets,
3444                                      _orig_pc_slot_offset_in_bytes,
3445                                      code_buffer(),
3446                                      frame_size_in_words(),
3447                                      oop_map_set(),
3448                                      &_handler_table,
3449                                      inc_table(),
3450                                      compiler,
3451                                      C->has_clinit_barriers(),
3452                                      C->for_preload(),
3453                                      has_unsafe_access,
3454                                      SharedRuntime::is_wide_vector(C->max_vector_size()),
3455                                      C->has_monitors(),
3456                                      C->has_scoped_access(),
3457                                      0,
3458                                      C->should_install_code());
3460     if (C->log() != nullptr) { // Print code cache state into compiler log
3461       C->log()->code_cache_state();
3462     }
3463     if (C->has_clinit_barriers()) {
3464       assert(C->for_preload(), "sanity");
3465       // Build second version of code without class initialization barriers
3466       if (C->env()->task()->compile_reason() == CompileTask::Reason_PrecompileForPreload) {
3467         // don't automatically precompile a barrier-free version unless explicitly asked
3468       } else {
3469         C->record_failure(C2Compiler::retry_no_clinit_barriers());
3470       }
3471     }
3472   }
3473 }
3474 void PhaseOutput::install_stub(const char* stub_name) {
3475   // Entry point will be accessed using stub_entry_point();
3476   if (code_buffer() == nullptr) {
3477     Matcher::soft_match_failure();
3478   } else {
3479     if (PrintAssembly && (WizardMode || Verbose))
3480       tty->print_cr("### Stub::%s", stub_name);
3482     if (!C->failing()) {
3483       assert(C->fixed_slots() == 0, "no fixed slots used for runtime stubs");
3485       // Make the NMethod
3486       // For now we mark the frame as never safe for profile stackwalking
3487       RuntimeStub *rs = RuntimeStub::new_runtime_stub(stub_name,
3488                                                       code_buffer(),
3489                                                       CodeOffsets::frame_never_safe,
3490                                                       // _code_offsets.value(CodeOffsets::Frame_Complete),
3491                                                       frame_size_in_words(),

3650       // Dump the exception table as well
3651       if( n->is_Catch() && (Verbose || WizardMode) ) {
3652         // Print the exception table for this offset
3653         _handler_table.print_subtable_for(pc);
3654       }
3655       st->bol(); // Make sure we start on a new line
3656     }
3657     st->cr(); // one empty line between blocks
3658     assert(cut_short || delay == nullptr, "no unconditional delay branch");
3659   } // End of per-block dump
3661   if (cut_short)  st->print_cr("*** disassembly is cut short ***");
3662 }
3663 #endif
3665 #ifndef PRODUCT
3666 void PhaseOutput::print_statistics() {
3667   Scheduling::print_statistics();
3668 }
3669 #endif
3671 int PhaseOutput::max_inst_size() {
3672   if (SCCache::is_on_for_write()) {
3673     // See the comment in output.hpp.
3674     return 16384;
3675   } else {
3676     return mainline_MAX_inst_size;
3677   }
3678 }
3680 int PhaseOutput::max_inst_gcstub_size() {
3681   assert(mainline_MAX_inst_size <= max_inst_size(), "Sanity");
3682   return mainline_MAX_inst_size;
3683 }
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