< prev index next >


Print this page

  77   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectory:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorY
  78   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorz:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorZ
  79 #elif defined(S390)
  80   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectormask:",   false, Op_RegVectMask,       relocInfo::none          },  // VectorMask.
  81   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectora:",      false, Op_VecA,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorA.
  82   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectors:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorS
  83   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectord:",      false, Op_RegL,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorD
  84   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorx:",      false, Op_VecX,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorX
  85   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectory:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorY
  86   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorz:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorZ
  87 #else // all other
  88   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectormask:",   false, Op_RegVectMask,       relocInfo::none          },  // VectorMask.
  89   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectora:",      false, Op_VecA,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorA.
  90   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectors:",      false, Op_VecS,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorS
  91   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectord:",      false, Op_VecD,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorD
  92   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorx:",      false, Op_VecX,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorX
  93   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectory:",      false, Op_VecY,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorY
  94   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorz:",      false, Op_VecZ,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorZ
  95 #endif
  96   { Bad,             T_ADDRESS,    "anyptr:",       false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::none          },  // AnyPtr
  97   { Bad,             T_ADDRESS,    "rawptr:",       false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::none          },  // RawPtr
  98   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "oop:",          true,  Op_RegP,              relocInfo::oop_type      },  // OopPtr
  99   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "inst:",         true,  Op_RegP,              relocInfo::oop_type      },  // InstPtr
 100   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "ary:",          true,  Op_RegP,              relocInfo::oop_type      },  // AryPtr
 101   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "metadata:",     false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // MetadataPtr
 102   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "klass:",        false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // KlassPtr
 103   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "instklass:",    false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // InstKlassPtr
 104   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "aryklass:",     false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // AryKlassPtr
 105   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "func",          false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // Function
 106   { Abio,            T_ILLEGAL,    "abIO",          false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // Abio
 107   { Return_Address,  T_ADDRESS,    "return_address",false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::none          },  // Return_Address
 108   { Memory,          T_ILLEGAL,    "memory",        false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // Memory
 109   { HalfFloatBot,    T_SHORT,      "halffloat_top", false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // HalfFloatTop
 110   { HalfFloatCon,    T_SHORT,      "hfcon:",        false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // HalfFloatCon
 111   { HalfFloatTop,    T_SHORT,      "short",         false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // HalfFloatBot
 112   { FloatBot,        T_FLOAT,      "float_top",     false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // FloatTop
 113   { FloatCon,        T_FLOAT,      "ftcon:",        false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // FloatCon
 114   { FloatTop,        T_FLOAT,      "float",         false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // FloatBot
 115   { DoubleBot,       T_DOUBLE,     "double_top",    false, Op_RegD,              relocInfo::none          },  // DoubleTop
 116   { DoubleCon,       T_DOUBLE,     "dblcon:",       false, Op_RegD,              relocInfo::none          },  // DoubleCon
 117   { DoubleTop,       T_DOUBLE,     "double",        false, Op_RegD,              relocInfo::none          },  // DoubleBot

4701 bool TypeInstPtr::maybe_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeOopPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const {
4702   return TypePtr::maybe_java_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(this, other, this_exact, other_exact);
4703 }
4706 //------------------------------dump2------------------------------------------
4707 // Dump oop Type
4708 #ifndef PRODUCT
4709 void TypeInstPtr::dump2(Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream* st) const {
4710   // Print the name of the klass.
4711   klass()->print_name_on(st);
4712   _interfaces->dump(st);
4714   switch( _ptr ) {
4715   case Constant:
4716     if (WizardMode || Verbose) {
4717       ResourceMark rm;
4718       stringStream ss;
4720       st->print(" ");
4721       const_oop()->print_oop(&ss);
4722       // 'const_oop->print_oop()' may emit newlines('\n') into ss.
4723       // suppress newlines from it so -XX:+Verbose -XX:+PrintIdeal dumps one-liner for each node.
4724       char* buf = ss.as_string(/* c_heap= */false);
4725       StringUtils::replace_no_expand(buf, "\n", "");
4726       st->print_raw(buf);
4727     }
4728   case BotPTR:
4729     if (!WizardMode && !Verbose) {
4730       if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
4731       break;
4732     }
4733   case TopPTR:
4734   case AnyNull:
4735   case NotNull:
4736     st->print(":%s", ptr_msg[_ptr]);
4737     if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
4738     break;
4739   default:
4740     break;

5325     }
5326   }
5327   return result;
5328 }
5331 //------------------------------xdual------------------------------------------
5332 // Dual: compute field-by-field dual
5333 const Type *TypeAryPtr::xdual() const {
5334   return new TypeAryPtr(dual_ptr(), _const_oop, _ary->dual()->is_ary(),_klass, _klass_is_exact, dual_offset(), dual_instance_id(), is_autobox_cache(), dual_speculative(), dual_inline_depth());
5335 }
5337 //------------------------------dump2------------------------------------------
5338 #ifndef PRODUCT
5339 void TypeAryPtr::dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const {
5340   _ary->dump2(d,depth,st);
5341   _interfaces->dump(st);
5343   switch( _ptr ) {
5344   case Constant:

5345     const_oop()->print(st);
5346     break;
5347   case BotPTR:
5348     if (!WizardMode && !Verbose) {
5349       if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
5350       break;
5351     }
5352   case TopPTR:
5353   case AnyNull:
5354   case NotNull:
5355     st->print(":%s", ptr_msg[_ptr]);
5356     if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
5357     break;
5358   default:
5359     break;
5360   }
5362   if( _offset != 0 ) {
5363     BasicType basic_elem_type = elem()->basic_type();
5364     int header_size = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(basic_elem_type);

  77   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectory:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorY
  78   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorz:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorZ
  79 #elif defined(S390)
  80   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectormask:",   false, Op_RegVectMask,       relocInfo::none          },  // VectorMask.
  81   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectora:",      false, Op_VecA,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorA.
  82   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectors:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorS
  83   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectord:",      false, Op_RegL,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorD
  84   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorx:",      false, Op_VecX,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorX
  85   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectory:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorY
  86   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorz:",      false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // VectorZ
  87 #else // all other
  88   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectormask:",   false, Op_RegVectMask,       relocInfo::none          },  // VectorMask.
  89   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectora:",      false, Op_VecA,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorA.
  90   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectors:",      false, Op_VecS,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorS
  91   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectord:",      false, Op_VecD,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorD
  92   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorx:",      false, Op_VecX,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorX
  93   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectory:",      false, Op_VecY,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorY
  94   { Bad,             T_ILLEGAL,    "vectorz:",      false, Op_VecZ,              relocInfo::none          },  // VectorZ
  95 #endif
  96   { Bad,             T_ADDRESS,    "anyptr:",       false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::none          },  // AnyPtr
  97   { Bad,             T_ADDRESS,    "rawptr:",       false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::external_word_type },  // RawPtr
  98   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "oop:",          true,  Op_RegP,              relocInfo::oop_type      },  // OopPtr
  99   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "inst:",         true,  Op_RegP,              relocInfo::oop_type      },  // InstPtr
 100   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "ary:",          true,  Op_RegP,              relocInfo::oop_type      },  // AryPtr
 101   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "metadata:",     false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // MetadataPtr
 102   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "klass:",        false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // KlassPtr
 103   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "instklass:",    false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // InstKlassPtr
 104   { Bad,             T_METADATA,   "aryklass:",     false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::metadata_type },  // AryKlassPtr
 105   { Bad,             T_OBJECT,     "func",          false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // Function
 106   { Abio,            T_ILLEGAL,    "abIO",          false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // Abio
 107   { Return_Address,  T_ADDRESS,    "return_address",false, Op_RegP,              relocInfo::none          },  // Return_Address
 108   { Memory,          T_ILLEGAL,    "memory",        false, 0,                    relocInfo::none          },  // Memory
 109   { HalfFloatBot,    T_SHORT,      "halffloat_top", false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // HalfFloatTop
 110   { HalfFloatCon,    T_SHORT,      "hfcon:",        false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // HalfFloatCon
 111   { HalfFloatTop,    T_SHORT,      "short",         false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // HalfFloatBot
 112   { FloatBot,        T_FLOAT,      "float_top",     false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // FloatTop
 113   { FloatCon,        T_FLOAT,      "ftcon:",        false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // FloatCon
 114   { FloatTop,        T_FLOAT,      "float",         false, Op_RegF,              relocInfo::none          },  // FloatBot
 115   { DoubleBot,       T_DOUBLE,     "double_top",    false, Op_RegD,              relocInfo::none          },  // DoubleTop
 116   { DoubleCon,       T_DOUBLE,     "dblcon:",       false, Op_RegD,              relocInfo::none          },  // DoubleCon
 117   { DoubleTop,       T_DOUBLE,     "double",        false, Op_RegD,              relocInfo::none          },  // DoubleBot

4701 bool TypeInstPtr::maybe_java_subtype_of_helper(const TypeOopPtr* other, bool this_exact, bool other_exact) const {
4702   return TypePtr::maybe_java_subtype_of_helper_for_instance(this, other, this_exact, other_exact);
4703 }
4706 //------------------------------dump2------------------------------------------
4707 // Dump oop Type
4708 #ifndef PRODUCT
4709 void TypeInstPtr::dump2(Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream* st) const {
4710   // Print the name of the klass.
4711   klass()->print_name_on(st);
4712   _interfaces->dump(st);
4714   switch( _ptr ) {
4715   case Constant:
4716     if (WizardMode || Verbose) {
4717       ResourceMark rm;
4718       stringStream ss;
4720       st->print(" " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(const_oop()));
4721       const_oop()->print_oop(&ss);
4722       // 'const_oop->print_oop()' may emit newlines('\n') into ss.
4723       // suppress newlines from it so -XX:+Verbose -XX:+PrintIdeal dumps one-liner for each node.
4724       char* buf = ss.as_string(/* c_heap= */false);
4725       StringUtils::replace_no_expand(buf, "\n", "");
4726       st->print_raw(buf);
4727     }
4728   case BotPTR:
4729     if (!WizardMode && !Verbose) {
4730       if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
4731       break;
4732     }
4733   case TopPTR:
4734   case AnyNull:
4735   case NotNull:
4736     st->print(":%s", ptr_msg[_ptr]);
4737     if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
4738     break;
4739   default:
4740     break;

5325     }
5326   }
5327   return result;
5328 }
5331 //------------------------------xdual------------------------------------------
5332 // Dual: compute field-by-field dual
5333 const Type *TypeAryPtr::xdual() const {
5334   return new TypeAryPtr(dual_ptr(), _const_oop, _ary->dual()->is_ary(),_klass, _klass_is_exact, dual_offset(), dual_instance_id(), is_autobox_cache(), dual_speculative(), dual_inline_depth());
5335 }
5337 //------------------------------dump2------------------------------------------
5338 #ifndef PRODUCT
5339 void TypeAryPtr::dump2( Dict &d, uint depth, outputStream *st ) const {
5340   _ary->dump2(d,depth,st);
5341   _interfaces->dump(st);
5343   switch( _ptr ) {
5344   case Constant:
5345     st->print(" " INTPTR_FORMAT " ", p2i(const_oop()));
5346     const_oop()->print(st);
5347     break;
5348   case BotPTR:
5349     if (!WizardMode && !Verbose) {
5350       if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
5351       break;
5352     }
5353   case TopPTR:
5354   case AnyNull:
5355   case NotNull:
5356     st->print(":%s", ptr_msg[_ptr]);
5357     if( _klass_is_exact ) st->print(":exact");
5358     break;
5359   default:
5360     break;
5361   }
5363   if( _offset != 0 ) {
5364     BasicType basic_elem_type = elem()->basic_type();
5365     int header_size = arrayOopDesc::base_offset_in_bytes(basic_elem_type);
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