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*** 24,10 ***
--- 24,11 ---
  #include "precompiled.hpp"
  #include "cds/cds_globals.hpp"
  #include "cds/cdsConfig.hpp"
  #include "cds/filemap.hpp"
+ #include "cds/heapShared.hpp"
  #include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
  #include "classfile/javaAssertions.hpp"
  #include "classfile/moduleEntry.hpp"
  #include "classfile/stringTable.hpp"
  #include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"

*** 1787,11 ***
    status = CompilerConfig::check_args_consistency(status);
    if (status && EnableJVMCI) {
      PropertyList_unique_add(&_system_properties, "jdk.internal.vm.ci.enabled", "true",
          AddProperty, UnwriteableProperty, InternalProperty);
!     if (ClassLoader::is_module_observable("jdk.internal.vm.ci")) {
        if (!create_numbered_module_property("jdk.module.addmods", "jdk.internal.vm.ci", addmods_count++)) {
          return false;
--- 1788,16 ---
    status = CompilerConfig::check_args_consistency(status);
    if (status && EnableJVMCI) {
      PropertyList_unique_add(&_system_properties, "jdk.internal.vm.ci.enabled", "true",
          AddProperty, UnwriteableProperty, InternalProperty);
!     /*
+      * Ioi - 2023/05/19. There's no need for this with my patch-jdk.sh script, which adds
+      * jdk.internal.vm.ci as one of the default modules. Using -Djdk.module.addmods will
+      * cause the full module graph to be disabled and slow down performance.
+      */
+     if (!TempDisableAddJVMCIModule && ClassLoader::is_module_observable("jdk.internal.vm.ci")) {
        if (!create_numbered_module_property("jdk.module.addmods", "jdk.internal.vm.ci", addmods_count++)) {
          return false;

*** 2514,23 ***
--- 2520,27 ---
            mode_flag_cmd_line = true;
      // -Xshare:dump
      } else if (match_option(option, "-Xshare:dump")) {
+       CDSConfig::set_old_cds_flags_used();
      // -Xshare:on
      } else if (match_option(option, "-Xshare:on")) {
        UseSharedSpaces = true;
        RequireSharedSpaces = true;
+       CDSConfig::set_old_cds_flags_used();
      // -Xshare:auto || -XX:ArchiveClassesAtExit=<archive file>
      } else if (match_option(option, "-Xshare:auto")) {
        UseSharedSpaces = true;
        RequireSharedSpaces = false;
        xshare_auto_cmd_line = true;
+       CDSConfig::set_old_cds_flags_used();
      // -Xshare:off
      } else if (match_option(option, "-Xshare:off")) {
        UseSharedSpaces = false;
        RequireSharedSpaces = false;
+       CDSConfig::set_old_cds_flags_used();
      // -Xverify
      } else if (match_option(option, "-Xverify", &tail)) {
        if (strcmp(tail, ":all") == 0 || strcmp(tail, "") == 0) {
          if (FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(BytecodeVerificationLocal, true) != JVMFlag::SUCCESS) {
            return JNI_EINVAL;

*** 2926,14 ***
    if (!check_vm_args_consistency()) {
      return JNI_ERR;
!   if (!CDSConfig::check_vm_args_consistency(patch_mod_javabase, mode_flag_cmd_line)) {
      return JNI_ERR;
    return JNI_OK;
--- 2936,18 ---
    if (!check_vm_args_consistency()) {
      return JNI_ERR;
!   if (!CDSConfig::check_vm_args_consistency(patch_mod_javabase, mode_flag_cmd_line, xshare_auto_cmd_line)) {
      return JNI_ERR;
+   if (StoreCachedCode) {
+     FLAG_SET_ERGO_IF_DEFAULT(CachedCodeMaxSize, 512*M);
+   }
    return JNI_OK;

*** 3671,10 ***
--- 3685,11 ---
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSecondarySupersTable, VM_Version::supports_secondary_supers_table());
    } else if (UseSecondarySupersTable && !VM_Version::supports_secondary_supers_table()) {
      warning("UseSecondarySupersTable is not supported");
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseSecondarySupersTable, false);
+   UseSecondarySupersTable = false; // FIXME: Disabled for Leyden. Neet to fix SCAddressTable::id_for_address()
    if (!UseSecondarySupersTable) {
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(StressSecondarySupers, false);
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(VerifySecondarySupers, false);

*** 3732,16 ***
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseVectorStubs, false);
  #endif // COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
!   if (log_is_enabled(Info, perf, class, link)) {
!     if (!UsePerfData) {
!       warning("Disabling -Xlog:perf+class+link since UsePerfData is turned off.");
        LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Off, false, LOG_TAGS(perf, class, link));
    if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses)) {
      if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses == ObjectSynchronizer::LOG_WARNING && !log_is_enabled(Info, valuebasedclasses)) {
        LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(valuebasedclasses));
--- 3747,42 ---
      FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(UseVectorStubs, false);
  #endif // COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
!   if (log_is_enabled(Info, init)) {
!     if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ProfileVMLocks)) {
!       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ProfileVMLocks, true);
+     }
+     if (UsePerfData && !log_is_enabled(Info, perf, class, link)) {
+       // automatically enable -Xlog:perf+class+link
+       LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(perf, class, link));
+     }
+     // Don't turn on ProfileVMCalls and ProfileRuntimeCalls by default.
+   } else {
+     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ProfileVMLocks) && ProfileVMLocks) {
+       warning("Disabling ProfileVMLocks since logging is turned off.");
+       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ProfileVMLocks, false);
+     }
+     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ProfileVMCalls) && ProfileVMCalls) {
+       warning("Disabling ProfileVMCalls since logging is turned off.");
+       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ProfileVMCalls, false);
+     }
+     if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ProfileRuntimeCalls) && ProfileRuntimeCalls) {
+       warning("Disabling ProfileRuntimeCalls since logging is turned off.");
+       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(ProfileRuntimeCalls, false);
+     }
+     if (log_is_enabled(Info, perf, class, link)) {
+       warning("Disabling -Xlog:perf+class+link since logging is turned off.");
        LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Off, false, LOG_TAGS(perf, class, link));
+   if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(PerfDataMemorySize)) {
+     if (ProfileVMLocks || ProfileVMCalls || ProfileRuntimeCalls) {
+       FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(PerfDataMemorySize, 128*K); // reserve more space for extra perf counters
+     }
+   }
    if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses)) {
      if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses == ObjectSynchronizer::LOG_WARNING && !log_is_enabled(Info, valuebasedclasses)) {
        LogConfiguration::configure_stdout(LogLevel::Info, true, LOG_TAGS(valuebasedclasses));
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