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@@ -126,10 +126,15 @@
    product(bool, UseCompressedClassPointers, true,                           \
            "Use 32-bit class pointers in 64-bit VM. "                        \
            "lp64_product means flag is always constant in 32 bit VM")        \
+   /* Leyden */                                                              \
+   product(bool, UseCompatibleCompressedOops, false,                         \
+           "Always use HeapBasedNarrowOop mode, so that AOT code can be "    \
+           "always work regardless of runtime heap range")                   \
+                                                                             \
    product(bool, UseCompactObjectHeaders, false, EXPERIMENTAL,               \
            "Use compact 64-bit object headers in 64-bit VM")                 \
    product(int, ObjectAlignmentInBytes, 8,                                   \
            "Default object alignment in bytes, 8 is minimum")                \

@@ -375,10 +380,16 @@
    product(ccstrlist, ControlIntrinsic, "", DIAGNOSTIC,                      \
           "Control intrinsics using a list of +/- (internal) names, "        \
           "separated by commas")                                             \
           constraint(ControlIntrinsicConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)               \
+   develop(ccstr, AddRuntimeUpcallsNOP, nullptr,                             \
+           "Register a runtime upcall for testing."                          \
+           "Format is '[upcallType]:[methodFilter]'"                         \
+           "where upcallType is one of 'onMethodEntry', 'onMethodExit'"      \
+           "and methodFilter is one of 'none', 'all'")                       \
+                                                                             \
    develop(bool, TraceCallFixup, false,                                      \
            "Trace all call fixups")                                          \
    develop(bool, DeoptimizeALot, false,                                      \
            "Deoptimize at every exit from the runtime system")               \

@@ -1015,15 +1026,15 @@
    product(bool, LogVMOutput, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                             \
            "Save VM output to LogFile")                                      \
    product(ccstr, LogFile, nullptr, DIAGNOSTIC,                              \
            "If LogVMOutput or LogCompilation is on, save VM output to "      \
-           "this file [default: ./hotspot_pid%p.log] (%p replaced with pid)")\
+           "this file [default: ./hotspot_%p.log] (%p replaced with pidNNN)")\
    product(ccstr, ErrorFile, nullptr,                                        \
            "If an error occurs, save the error data to this file "           \
-           "[default: ./hs_err_pid%p.log] (%p replaced with pid)")           \
+           "[default: ./hs_err_%p.log] (%p replaced with pidNNN)")           \
    product(bool, ExtensiveErrorReports,                                      \
            PRODUCT_ONLY(false) NOT_PRODUCT(true),                            \
            "Error reports are more extensive.")                              \

@@ -1139,16 +1150,23 @@
    product_pd(bool, PreferInterpreterNativeStubs,                            \
            "Use always interpreter stubs for native methods invoked via "    \
            "interpreter")                                                    \
-   develop(bool, CountBytecodes, false,                                      \
+   product(bool, CountBytecodes, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                          \
            "Count number of bytecodes executed")                             \
-   develop(bool, PrintBytecodeHistogram, false,                              \
+   product(bool, CountBytecodesPerThread, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                 \
+           "Count number of bytecodes executed per thread")                  \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, PrintBytecodeHistogram, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                  \
            "Print histogram of the executed bytecodes")                      \
+   product(double, PrintBytecodeHistogramCutoff, 0.01,                       \
+           "Print cutoff for histogram of the executed bytecodes")           \
+           range(0.0, 100.0)                                                 \
+                                                                             \
    develop(bool, PrintBytecodePairHistogram, false,                          \
            "Print histogram of the executed bytecode pairs")                 \
    product(bool, PrintSignatureHandlers, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                  \
            "Print code generated for native method signature handlers")      \

@@ -1184,10 +1202,13 @@
    product(intx, ProfileMaturityPercentage, 20,                              \
            "number of method invocations/branches (expressed as % of "       \
            "CompileThreshold) before using the method's profile")            \
            range(0, 100)                                                     \
+   product(bool, ForceProfiling, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                          \
+           "Eagerly allocate MDOs")                                          \
+                                                                             \
    product(bool, PrintMethodData, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                         \
            "Print the results of +ProfileInterpreter at end of run")         \
    develop(bool, VerifyDataPointer, trueInDebug,                             \
            "Verify the method data pointer during interpreter profiling")    \

@@ -1721,11 +1742,11 @@
            constraint(PerfDataSamplingIntervalFunc, AfterErgo)               \
    product(bool, PerfDisableSharedMem, false,                                \
            "Store performance data in standard memory")                      \
-   product(int, PerfDataMemorySize, 32*K,                                    \
+   product(int, PerfDataMemorySize, 64*K,                                    \
            "Size of performance data memory region. Will be rounded "        \
            "up to a multiple of the native os page size.")                   \
            range(128, 32*64*K)                                               \
    product(int, PerfMaxStringConstLength, 1024,                              \

@@ -1968,10 +1989,22 @@
            "the platform supports that. Lower values will reclaim memory "   \
            "more eagerly at the cost of higher overhead. A value of 0 "      \
            "(default) disables native heap trimming.")                       \
            range(0, UINT_MAX)                                                \
+   product(bool, ProfileVMLocks, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                          \
+           "Profile VM locks usage on main thread")                          \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ProfileVMCalls, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                          \
+           "Profile VM calls on main thread")                                \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ProfileVMOps, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                             \
+           "Profile VM operations on main thread")                           \
+                                                                             \
+   product(bool, ProfileRuntimeCalls, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                     \
+           "Profile calls into VM runtime on main thread")                   \
+                                                                             \
    develop(bool, SimulateFullAddressSpace, false,                            \
            "Simulates a very populated, fragmented address space; no "       \
            "targeted reservations will succeed.")                            \
    product(bool, ProfileExceptionHandlers, true,                             \

@@ -1980,10 +2013,13 @@
    product(bool, AlwaysRecordEvolDependencies, true, EXPERIMENTAL,           \
                  "Unconditionally record nmethod dependencies on class "     \
                  "rewriting/transformation independently of the JVMTI "      \
                  "can_{retransform/redefine}_classes capabilities.")         \
+   product(bool, TraceThreadTime, false,                                     \
+           "Enable tracing of thread time in Perf counters")                 \
+                                                                             \
    product(bool, UseSecondarySupersCache, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                  \
                  "Use secondary supers cache during subtype checks.")        \
    product(bool, UseSecondarySupersTable, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                 \
                  "Use hash table to lookup secondary supers.")               \

@@ -1992,14 +2028,18 @@
            "Check that linear and hashed secondary lookups return the same result.") \
    product(bool, StressSecondarySupers, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                   \
            "Use a terrible hash function in order to generate many collisions.") \
+   develop(bool, TestAdapterLinkFailure, false,                              \
+           "Test failure of adapter linking when loading from AOT cache.")   \
+                                                                             \
    product(bool, UseThreadsLockThrottleLock, true, DIAGNOSTIC,               \
            "Use an extra lock during Thread start and exit to alleviate"     \
            "contention on Threads_lock.")                                    \
  // end of RUNTIME_FLAGS
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