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Print this page
*** 565,10 ***
--- 565,25 ---
    static address handle_wrong_method_abstract(JavaThread* current);
    static address handle_wrong_method_ic_miss(JavaThread* current);
    static address handle_unsafe_access(JavaThread* thread, address next_pc);
+  private:
+   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_opt_virtual_total_time;
+   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_virtual_total_time;
+   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_resolve_static_total_time;
+   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_handle_wrong_method_total_time;
+   static PerfTickCounters* _perf_ic_miss_total_time;
+  public:
+   static uint _ic_miss_ctr;                      // total # of IC misses
+   static uint _wrong_method_ctr;
+   static uint _resolve_static_ctr;
+   static uint _resolve_virtual_ctr;
+   static uint _resolve_opt_virtual_ctr;
+   static void print_counters_on(outputStream* st);
  #ifndef PRODUCT
    // Collect and print inline cache miss statistics
    enum { maxICmiss_count = 100 };

*** 576,15 ***
    static int     _ICmiss_count[maxICmiss_count]; // miss counts
    static address _ICmiss_at[maxICmiss_count];    // miss addresses
    static void trace_ic_miss(address at);
-   static uint _ic_miss_ctr;                      // total # of IC misses
-   static uint _wrong_method_ctr;
-   static uint _resolve_static_ctr;
-   static uint _resolve_virtual_ctr;
-   static uint _resolve_opt_virtual_ctr;
    static uint _implicit_null_throws;
    static uint _implicit_div0_throws;
    static uint _jbyte_array_copy_ctr;       // Slow-path byte array copy
    static uint _jshort_array_copy_ctr;      // Slow-path short array copy
--- 591,10 ---

*** 624,13 ***
    static address nof_inlined_calls_addr()               { return (address)&_nof_inlined_calls; }
    static address nof_static_calls_addr()                { return (address)&_nof_static_calls; }
    static address nof_inlined_static_calls_addr()        { return (address)&_nof_inlined_static_calls; }
    static address nof_interface_calls_addr()             { return (address)&_nof_interface_calls; }
    static address nof_inlined_interface_calls_addr()     { return (address)&_nof_inlined_interface_calls; }
-   static void print_call_statistics(uint64_t comp_total);
-   static void print_ic_miss_histogram();
  #endif // PRODUCT
    static void print_statistics() PRODUCT_RETURN;
--- 634,13 ---
    static address nof_inlined_calls_addr()               { return (address)&_nof_inlined_calls; }
    static address nof_static_calls_addr()                { return (address)&_nof_static_calls; }
    static address nof_inlined_static_calls_addr()        { return (address)&_nof_inlined_static_calls; }
    static address nof_interface_calls_addr()             { return (address)&_nof_interface_calls; }
    static address nof_inlined_interface_calls_addr()     { return (address)&_nof_inlined_interface_calls; }
+   static void print_call_statistics_on(outputStream* st);
+   static void print_ic_miss_histogram_on(outputStream* st);
  #endif // PRODUCT
    static void print_statistics() PRODUCT_RETURN;

*** 751,11 ***
    static void print_handler(const CodeBlob* b) { print_handler_on(tty, b); }
    static void print_handler_on(outputStream* st, const CodeBlob* b);
    static bool contains(const CodeBlob* b);
  #ifndef PRODUCT
!   static void print_statistics();
  #endif // PRODUCT
--- 761,11 ---
    static void print_handler(const CodeBlob* b) { print_handler_on(tty, b); }
    static void print_handler_on(outputStream* st, const CodeBlob* b);
    static bool contains(const CodeBlob* b);
  #ifndef PRODUCT
!   static void print_statistics_on(outputStream* st);
  #endif // PRODUCT
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