1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   3  * Copyright (c) 2025, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
   5  *
   6  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   7  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   8  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
   9  *
  10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  13  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  14  * accompanied this code).
  15  *
  16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  17  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  18  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  19  *
  20  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  21  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  22  * questions.
  23  *
  24  */
  29 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  31 // macros for generating definitions and declarations for shared, c1
  32 // and opto blob fields and associated stub ids
  34 // Different shared stubs can have different blob types and may
  35 // include some JFR stubs
  36 //
  37 // n.b resolve, handler and throw stubs must remain grouped in the
  38 // same order to allow id values to be range checked
  40 #if INCLUDE_JFR
  41 // do_blob(name, type)
  42 #define SHARED_JFR_STUBS_DO(do_blob)                                   \
  43   do_blob(jfr_write_checkpoint, RuntimeStub*)                          \
  44   do_blob(jfr_return_lease, RuntimeStub*)                              \
  46 #else
  47 #define SHARED_JFR_STUBS_DO(do_blob)
  48 #endif
  50 // client macro to operate on shared stubs
  51 //
  52 // do_blob(name, type)
  53 #define SHARED_STUBS_DO(do_blob)                                       \
  54   do_blob(deopt, DeoptimizationBlob*)                                  \
  55   /* resolve stubs */                                                  \
  56   do_blob(wrong_method, RuntimeStub*)                                  \
  57   do_blob(wrong_method_abstract, RuntimeStub*)                         \
  58   do_blob(ic_miss, RuntimeStub*)                                       \
  59   do_blob(resolve_opt_virtual_call, RuntimeStub*)                      \
  60   do_blob(resolve_virtual_call, RuntimeStub*)                          \
  61   do_blob(resolve_static_call, RuntimeStub*)                           \
  62   /* handler stubs */                                                  \
  63   do_blob(polling_page_vectors_safepoint_handler, SafepointBlob*)      \
  64   do_blob(polling_page_safepoint_handler, SafepointBlob*)              \
  65   do_blob(polling_page_return_handler, SafepointBlob*)                 \
  66   /* throw stubs */                                                    \
  67   do_blob(throw_AbstractMethodError, RuntimeStub*)                     \
  68   do_blob(throw_IncompatibleClassChangeError, RuntimeStub*)            \
  69   do_blob(throw_NullPointerException_at_call, RuntimeStub*)            \
  70   do_blob(throw_StackOverflowError, RuntimeStub*)                      \
  71   do_blob(throw_delayed_StackOverflowError, RuntimeStub*)              \
  72   /* other stubs */                                                    \
  73   SHARED_JFR_STUBS_DO(do_blob)                                         \
  75 // C1 stubs are always generated in a generic CodeBlob
  77 #ifdef COMPILER1
  78 // client macro to operate on c1 stubs
  79 //
  80 // do_blob(name)
  81 #define C1_STUBS_DO(do_blob)                                           \
  82   do_blob(dtrace_object_alloc)                                         \
  83   do_blob(unwind_exception)                                            \
  84   do_blob(forward_exception)                                           \
  85   do_blob(throw_range_check_failed)       /* throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException */ \
  86   do_blob(throw_index_exception)          /* throws IndexOutOfBoundsException */ \
  87   do_blob(throw_div0_exception)                                        \
  88   do_blob(throw_null_pointer_exception)                                \
  89   do_blob(register_finalizer)                                          \
  90   do_blob(new_instance)                                                \
  91   do_blob(fast_new_instance)                                           \
  92   do_blob(fast_new_instance_init_check)                                \
  93   do_blob(new_type_array)                                              \
  94   do_blob(new_object_array)                                            \
  95   do_blob(new_multi_array)                                             \
  96   do_blob(handle_exception_nofpu)         /* optimized version that does not preserve fpu registers */ \
  97   do_blob(handle_exception)                                            \
  98   do_blob(handle_exception_from_callee)                                \
  99   do_blob(throw_array_store_exception)                                 \
 100   do_blob(throw_class_cast_exception)                                  \
 101   do_blob(throw_incompatible_class_change_error)                       \
 102   do_blob(slow_subtype_check)                                          \
 103   do_blob(is_instance_of)                                              \
 104   do_blob(monitorenter)                                                \
 105   do_blob(monitorenter_nofpu)             /* optimized version that does not preserve fpu registers */ \
 106   do_blob(monitorexit)                                                 \
 107   do_blob(monitorexit_nofpu)              /* optimized version that does not preserve fpu registers */ \
 108   do_blob(deoptimize)                                                  \
 109   do_blob(access_field_patching)                                       \
 110   do_blob(load_klass_patching)                                         \
 111   do_blob(load_mirror_patching)                                        \
 112   do_blob(load_appendix_patching)                                      \
 113   do_blob(fpu2long_stub)                                               \
 114   do_blob(counter_overflow)                                            \
 115   do_blob(predicate_failed_trap)                                       \
 117 #else
 118 #define C1_STUBS_DO(do_blob)
 119 #endif
 121 // Opto stubs can be stored as entries with just an address or as
 122 // blobs of different types. The former may include some JVMTI stubs.
 123 //
 124 // n.b. blobs and stub defines are generated in the order defined by
 125 // C2_STUBS_DO, allowing dependencies from any givem stub on its
 126 // predecessors to be guaranteed. That explains the initial placement
 127 // of the blob declarations and intermediate placement of the jvmti
 128 // stubs.
 130 #ifdef COMPILER2
 131 // do_jvmti_stub(name)
 133 #define C2_JVMTI_STUBS_DO(do_jvmti_stub)                               \
 134   do_jvmti_stub(notify_jvmti_vthread_start)                            \
 135   do_jvmti_stub(notify_jvmti_vthread_end)                              \
 136   do_jvmti_stub(notify_jvmti_vthread_mount)                            \
 137   do_jvmti_stub(notify_jvmti_vthread_unmount)                          \
 139 #else
 140 #define C2_JVMTI_STUBS_DO(do_jvmti_stub)
 141 #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
 143 // client macro to operate on c2 stubs
 144 //
 145 // do_blob(name, type)
 146 // do_stub(name, fancy_jump, pass_tls, return_pc)
 147 // do_jvmti_stub(name)
 148 //
 149 // n.b. non-jvmti stubs may employ a special type of jump (0, 1 or 2)
 150 // and require access to TLS and the return pc. jvmti stubs always
 151 // employ jump 0, and require no special access
 152 #define C2_STUBS_DO(do_blob, do_stub, do_jvmti_stub)                   \
 153   do_blob(uncommon_trap, UncommonTrapBlob*)                            \
 154   do_blob(exception, ExceptionBlob*)                                   \
 155   do_stub(new_instance, 0, true, false)                                \
 156   do_stub(new_array, 0, true, false)                                   \
 157   do_stub(new_array_nozero, 0, true, false)                            \
 158   do_stub(multianewarray2, 0, true, false)                             \
 159   do_stub(multianewarray3, 0, true, false)                             \
 160   do_stub(multianewarray4, 0, true, false)                             \
 161   do_stub(multianewarray5, 0, true, false)                             \
 162   do_stub(multianewarrayN, 0, true, false)                             \
 163   C2_JVMTI_STUBS_DO(do_jvmti_stub)                                     \
 164   do_stub(complete_monitor_locking, 0, false, false)                   \
 165   do_stub(monitor_notify, 0, false, false)                             \
 166   do_stub(monitor_notifyAll, 0, false, false)                          \
 167   do_stub(rethrow, 2, true, true)                                      \
 168   do_stub(slow_arraycopy, 0, false, false)                             \
 169   do_stub(register_finalizer, 0, false, false)                         \
 170   do_stub(class_init_barrier, 0, false, false)                         \
 172 #else
 173 #define C2_STUBS_DO(do_blob, do_stub, do_jvmti_stub)
 174 #endif
 176 // Stub Generator Blobs and Stubs Overview
 177 //
 178 // StubGenerator stubs do not require their own individual blob. They
 179 // are generated in batches into one of four distinct BufferBlobs:
 180 //
 181 // 1) Initial stubs
 182 // 2) Continuation stubs
 183 // 3) Compiler stubs
 184 // 4) Final stubs
 185 //
 186 // Creation of each successive BufferBlobs is staged to ensure that
 187 // specific VM subsystems required by those stubs are suitably
 188 // initialized before generated code attempt to reference data or
 189 // addresses exported by those subsystems. The sequencing of
 190 // initialization must be taken into account when adding a new stub
 191 // declaration.
 192 //
 193 // StubGenerator stubs are declared using template macros, one set of
 194 // declarations per blob (see below), with arch-specific stubs for any
 195 // gven blob declared after generic stubs for that blob. Blobs are
 196 // created in a fixed order during startup, which is reflected in the
 197 // order of the declaration set. Stubs within a blob are currently
 198 // created in an order determined by the arch-specific generator code
 199 // which may not reflect the order of stub declarations. It is not
 200 // straightforward to enforce a strict ordering. not least because
 201 // arch-specific stub creation may need to be interleaved with generic
 202 // stub creation.
 203 //
 204 // Blob and stub declaration templates are used to generate a variety
 205 // of C++ code elements needed to manage stubs.
 206 //
 207 // Blob identifiers:
 208 //
 209 // public enum StubGenBlobId is generated to identify each of the
 210 // StubGenerator blobs in blob declaration order. This enum is
 211 // provided for use by client code to identify a specific blob. For a
 212 // blob declared with name <blob_name> the associated enum value is
 213 // StubGenBlobId::<blob_name>_id.
 214 //
 215 // Global stub identifiers:
 216 //
 217 // public enum StubGenStubId is generated to identify all declared
 218 // stubs across all blobs, sorted first by blob declaration order and
 219 // then within a blob by stub declaration order, generic stubs before
 220 // arch-specific stubs. This enum is provided for use by client code
 221 // to identify a specific stub, independent of the blob it belongs to.
 222 // For a stub declared with name <stub_name> the associated enum value
 223 // is StubGenStubId::<stub_name>_id.
 224 //
 225 // Blob-local stub identifiers:
 226 //
 227 // For each blob <blob_name>, public enum StubGenStubId_<blob_name> is
 228 // generated to enumerate all stubs within the blob in stub
 229 // declaration order, generic stubs before arch-specific stubs. This
 230 // enum is provided only in a non-product build and is intended for
 231 // internal use by class StubRoutines to validate stub declarations.
 232 // For a stub declared with name <stub_name> belonging to blob
 233 // <blob_name> the associated enum value is
 234 // StubGenStubId::<blob_name>_<stub_name>_id.
 235 //
 236 // Stub names and associated getters:
 237 //
 238 // Two private static fields are generated to hold the names of the
 239 // four generated blobs and all the generated stubs.
 240 //
 241 //  const char* StubRoutines::_blob_names[];
 242 //  const char* StubRoutines::_stub_names[];
 243 //
 244 // The entry in _blob_names for a blob declared with name <blob_name>
 245 // will be "<blob_name>".
 246 //
 247 // The entry in _stub_names for a stub declared with name <stub_name>
 248 // will be "<stub_name>".
 249 //
 250 // Corresponding public static lookup methods are generated to allow
 251 // names to be looked up by blob or global stub id.
 252 //
 253 //  const char* StubRoutines::get_blob_name(StubGenBlobId id)
 254 //  const char* StubRoutines::get_stub_name(StubGenStubId id)
 255 //
 256 // These name lookup methods should be used by generic and
 257 // cpu-specific client code to ensure that blobs and stubs are
 258 // identified consistently.
 259 //
 260 // Blob code buffer sizes:
 261 //
 262 // An enumeration enum platform_dependent_constants is generated in
 263 // the architecture specific StubRoutines header. For each blob named
 264 // <nnn> an associated enum tag is generated which defines the
 265 // relevant size
 266 //
 267 //  _<nnn>_stubs_code_size      = <size>,
 268 //
 269 // For example,
 270 //
 271 // enum platform_dependent_constants {
 272 //   _initial_stubs_code_size      = 10000,
 273 //   _continuation_stubs_code_size =  2000,
 274 //   . . .
 275 //
 276 // Blob fields and associated getters:
 277 //
 278 // For each blob named <nnn> a private field declaration will be
 279 // generated: static field address StubRoutines::_<nnn>_stubs_code and
 280 // a declaration provided to initialise it to nullptr. A corresponding
 281 // public getter method address StubRoutines::_<nnn>_stubs_code() will
 282 // be generated.
 283 //
 284 // Blob initialization routines:
 285 //
 286 // For each blob named <nnn> an initalization function is defined
 287 // which allows clients to schedule blob and stub generation during
 288 // JVM bootstrap:
 289 //
 290 // void <nnn>_stubs_init() { StubRoutines::initialize_<nnn>_stubs(); }
 291 //
 292 // A declaration and definition of each underlying implementation
 293 // method StubRoutines::initialize_<nnn>_stubs() is also generated.
 294 //
 295 // Stub entry points and associated getters:
 296 //
 297 // Some generated stubs require their main entry point and, possibly,
 298 // auxiliary entry points to be stored in fields declared either as
 299 // members of class SharedRuntime. For stubs that are specific to a
 300 // given cpu, the field needs to be declared in an arch-specific inner
 301 // class of SharedRuntime.
 302 //
 303 // For a generic stub named <nnn> the corresponding main entry usually
 304 // has the same name: static field address StubRoutines::_<nnn> modulo
 305 // an _ prefix.  An associated getter method is also generated, again
 306 // normally using the same name: address StubRoutines::<nnn>() e.g.
 307 //
 308 //  class StubRoutines {
 309 //    . . .
 310 //    static address _aescrypt_encryptBlock;
 311 //    . . .
 312 //    address aescrypt_encryptBlock() { return _aescrypt_encryptBlock; }
 313 //
 314 // Multiple fields and getters may be generated where a stub has more
 315 // than one entry point, each provided with their own unique field and
 316 // getter name e.g.
 317 //
 318 //    . . .
 319 //    static address _call_stub;
 320 //    static address _call_stub_return_address;
 321 //    . . .
 322 //    static address call_stub_entry() { return _call_stub; }
 323 //    static address call_stub_return_address() { return _call_stub_return_address; }
 324 //
 325 // In special cases a stub may declare a (compile-time) fixed size
 326 // array of entries, in which case an address array field is
 327 // generated,along with a getter that accepts an index as argument:
 328 //
 329 //    . . .
 330 //   static address _lookup_secondary_supers_table[Klass::SECONDARY_SUPERS_TABLE_SIZE];
 331 //   . . .
 332 //   static address lookup_secondary_supers_table(int i);
 333 //
 334 // CPU-specific stub entry points and associated getters:
 335 //
 336 // For an arch-specific stub with name <nnn> belonging to architecture
 337 // <arch> private field address StubRoutines::<arch>::_<nnn> is
 338 // generated to hold the entry address. An associated public getter
 339 // method address StubRoutines::<arch>::<nnn>() is also generated e.g.
 340 //
 341 //  class StubRoutines {
 342 //    . . .
 343 //    class x86 {
 344 //      . . .
 345 //      static address _f2i_fixup;
 346 //      . . .
 347 //      static address f2i_fixup() { return _f2i_fixup; }
 348 //      static void set_f2i_fixup(address a) { _f2i_fixup = a; }
 349 //
 352 //--------------------------------------------------
 353 // Stub Generator Blob, Stub and Entry Declarations
 354 // -------------------------------------------------
 355 //
 356 // The formal declarations of blobs, stubs and entries provided below
 357 // are used to schedule application of template macros that either
 358 // declare or define the C++ code we need to manage those blobs, stubs
 359 // and entries.
 360 //
 361 // All ports employ the same blobs. However, the organization of the
 362 // stubs and entry points in a blob can vary from one port to the
 363 // next. A template macro is provided to specify the details of each
 364 // blob, including generic and arch-specific variations.
 365 //
 366 // If you want to define a new stub or entry then you can do so by
 367 // adding suitable declarations within the scope of the relevant blob.
 368 // For the blob with name BLOB_NAME add your declarations to macro
 369 // STUBGEN_<BLOB_NAME>_STUBS_DO. Generic stubs and entries are
 370 // declared using the do_stub, do_entry and do_entry_init and
 371 // array_entry templates (see below for full details). The do_blob
 372 // and end_blob templates should never need to be modified.
 373 //
 374 // Some stubs and their associated entries are architecture-specific.
 375 // They need to be declared in the architecture-specific header file
 376 // src/cpu/<arch>stubDecolaration_<arch>.cpp. For the blob with name
 377 // BLOB_NAME the correspnding declarations macro are provided by macro
 378 // STUBGEN_<BLOB_NAME>_STUBS_ARCH_DO. Arch-specific stubs and entries
 379 // are declared using the do_stub, do_arch_entry and
 380 // do_arch_entry_init templates (see below for details). An
 381 // architecure also needs to specify architecture parameters used when
 382 // creating each blob. These are defined using the do_arch_blob
 383 // template (see below).
 384 //
 385 // Note, the client macro STUBGEN_ALL_DO is provided to allow client
 386 // code to iterate over all blob, stub or entry declarations. It has
 387 // only been split into separate per-blob generic submacros,
 388 // STUBGEN_<BLOB_NAME>_BLOBS_DO and arch-specific per-blob submacros
 389 // STUBGEN_<BLOB_NAME>_BLOBS_ARCH_DO for convenience, to make it
 390 // easier to manage definitions. The blob_specific sub-macros should
 391 // not be called directly by client code (in class StubRoutines and
 392 // StubGenerator),
 393 //
 394 // A client wishing to generate blob, stub or entry code elements is
 395 // expected to pass template macros as arguments to STUBGEN_ALL_DO.
 396 // This will schedule code generation code for whatever C++ code
 397 // elements are required to implement a declaration or definition
 398 // relevant to each blob, stub or entry. Alternatively, a client can
 399 // operate on a subset of the declarations by calling macros
 402 //
 403 // The do_blob and end_blob templates receive a blob name as argument.
 404 //
 405 // do_blob(blob_name)
 406 // end_blob(blob_name)
 407 //
 408 // do_blob is primarily used to define a global enum tag for a blob
 409 // and an associated constant string name, both for use by client
 410 // code.
 411 //
 412 // end_blob is provided for use in combination with do_blob to to open
 413 // and close a blob-local enum type identifying all stubs within a
 414 // given blob. This enum is private to the stub management code and
 415 // used to validate correct use of stubs within a given blob.
 416 //
 417 // The do_stub template receives a blob name and stub name as argument.
 418 //
 419 // do_stub(blob_name, stub_name)
 420 //
 421 // do_stub is primarily used to define a global enum tag for a stub
 422 // and a constant string name, both for use by client code. It is also
 423 // used to declare a tag within the blob-local enum type used to
 424 // validate correct use of stubs within their declared blob. Finally,
 425 // it is also used to declare a name for each stub.
 426 //
 427 // The do_entry and do_entry_array templates receive 4 or 5 arguments
 428 //
 429 // do_entry(blob_name, stub_name, field_name, getter_name)
 430 //
 431 // do_entry_init(blob_name, stub_name, field_name, getter_name, init_function)
 432 //
 433 // do_entry_array(blob_name, stub_name, field_name, getter_name, count)
 434 //
 435 // do_entry is used to declare or define a static field of class
 436 // StubRoutines with type address that stores a specific entry point
 437 // for a given stub. n.b. the number of entries associated with a stub
 438 // is often one but it can be more than one and, in a few special
 439 // cases, it is zero. do_entry is also used to declare and define an
 440 // associated getter method for the field. do_entry is used to declare
 441 // fields that should be initialized to nullptr.
 442 //
 443 // do_entry_init is used when the field needs to be initialized a
 444 // specific function or method .
 445 //
 446 // do_entry_array is used for the special case where a stub employs an
 447 // array to store multiple entries which are stored at generate time
 448 // and subsequently accessed using an associated index (e.g. the
 449 // secondary supers table stub which has 63 qassociated entries).
 450 // Note that this distinct from the case where a stub generates
 451 // multiple entries each of them stored in its own named field with
 452 // its own named getter. In the latter case multiple do_entry or
 453 // do_entry_init declarations are associated with the stub.
 454 //
 455 // blob_name and stub_name are the names of the blob and stub to which
 456 // the entry belongs.
 457 //
 458 // field_name is prefixed with a leading '_' to produce the name of
 459 // the field used to store an entry address for the stub. For stubs
 460 // with one entry field_name is normally, but not always, the same as
 461 // stub_name.  Obviously when a stub has multiple entries secondary
 462 // names must be different to stub_name. For normal entry declarations
 463 // the field type is address. For do_entry_array declarations the field
 464 // type is an address[] whose size is defined by then parameter.
 465 //
 466 // getter_name is the name of a getter that is generated to allow
 467 // access to the field. It is normally, but not always, the same as
 468 // stub_name. For normal entry declarations the getter signature is
 469 // (void).  For do_entry_array declarations the getter signature is
 470 // (int).
 471 //
 472 // init_function is the name of an function or method which should be
 473 // assigned to the field as a default value (n.b. fields declared
 474 // using do_entry are intialised to nullptr, array fields declared
 475 // using do_entry_array have their elements initalized to nullptr).
 476 //
 477 // Architecture-specific blob details need to be specified using the
 478 // do_arch_blob template
 479 //
 480 // do_arch_blob(blob_name, size)
 481 //
 482 // Currently, the do_arch_blob macro is only used to define the size
 483 // of the code buffer into which blob-specific stub code is to be
 484 // generated.
 485 //
 486 // Architecture-specific entries need to be declared using the
 487 // do_arch_entry template
 488 //
 489 // do_arch_entry(arch, blob_name, stub_name, field_name, getter_name)
 490 //
 491 // do_arch_entry_init(arch, blob_name, stub_name, field_name,
 492 //                    getter_name, init_function)
 493 //
 494 // The only difference between these templates and the generic ones is
 495 // that they receive an extra argument which identifies the current
 496 // architecture e.g. x86, aarch64 etc.
 497 //
 498 // Currently there is no support for a do_arch_array_entry template.
 500 // Include arch-specific stub and entry declarations and make sure the
 501 // relevant template macros ahve been defined
 503 #include CPU_HEADER(stubDeclarations)
 506 #error "Arch-specific directory failed to declare required initial stubs and entries"
 507 #endif
 510 #error "Arch-specific directory failed to declare required continuation stubs and entries"
 511 #endif
 514 #error "Arch-specific directory failed to declare required compiler stubs and entries"
 515 #endif
 518 #error "Arch-specific directory failed to declare required final stubs and entries"
 519 #endif
 521 // Iterator macros to apply templates to all relevant blobs, stubs and
 522 // entries. Clients should use STUBGEN_ALL_DO, STUBGEN_BLOBS_DO,
 525 //
 526 // n.b. Client macros appear after the STUBGEN_<BLOB_NAME>_BLOBS_DO
 527 // submacros which follow next. These submacros are not intended to be
 528 // called directly. They serve to define the main client macro
 529 // STUBGEN_ALL_DO and, from there, the other more specific client
 530 // macros. n.b. multiple, 'per-blob' submacros are used to declare
 531 // each group of stubs and entries, because that makes it simpler to
 532 // lookup and update related elements. If you need to update these
 533 // submacros to change the list of stubs or entries be sure to locate
 534 // stubs within the correct blob and locate entry declarations
 535 // immediately after their associated stub declaration.
 537 #define STUBGEN_INITIAL_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                     \
 538                                  do_stub,                               \
 539                                  do_entry, do_entry_init,               \
 540                                  do_entry_array,                        \
 541                                  do_arch_blob,                          \
 542                                  do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)     \
 543   do_blob(initial)                                                      \
 544   do_stub(initial, call_stub)                                           \
 545   do_entry(initial, call_stub, call_stub_entry, call_stub_entry)        \
 546   do_entry(initial, call_stub, call_stub_return_address,                \
 547            call_stub_return_address)                                    \
 548   do_stub(initial, forward_exception)                                   \
 549   do_entry(initial, forward_exception, forward_exception_entry,         \
 550            forward_exception_entry)                                     \
 551   do_stub(initial, catch_exception)                                     \
 552   do_entry(initial, catch_exception, catch_exception_entry,             \
 553            catch_exception_entry)                                       \
 554   do_stub(initial, fence)                                               \
 555   do_entry(initial, fence, fence_entry, fence_entry)                    \
 556   do_stub(initial, atomic_add)                                          \
 557   do_entry(initial, atomic_add, atomic_add_entry, atomic_add_entry)     \
 558   do_stub(initial, atomic_xchg)                                         \
 559   do_entry(initial, atomic_xchg, atomic_xchg_entry, atomic_xchg_entry)  \
 560   do_stub(initial, atomic_cmpxchg)                                      \
 561   do_entry(initial, atomic_cmpxchg, atomic_cmpxchg_entry,               \
 562            atomic_cmpxchg_entry)                                        \
 563   do_stub(initial, atomic_cmpxchg_long)                                 \
 564   do_entry(initial, atomic_cmpxchg_long, atomic_cmpxchg_long_entry,     \
 565            atomic_cmpxchg_long_entry)                                   \
 566   do_stub(initial, updateBytesCRC32)                                    \
 567   do_entry(initial, updateBytesCRC32, updateBytesCRC32,                 \
 568            updateBytesCRC32)                                            \
 569   do_entry(initial, updateBytesCRC32, crc_table_adr, crc_table_addr)    \
 570   do_stub(initial, updateBytesCRC32C)                                   \
 571   do_entry(initial, updateBytesCRC32C, updateBytesCRC32C,               \
 572            updateBytesCRC32C)                                           \
 573   do_entry(initial, updateBytesCRC32C, crc32c_table_addr,               \
 574            crc32c_table_addr)                                           \
 575   do_stub(initial, f2hf)                                                \
 576   do_entry(initial, f2hf, f2hf, f2hf_adr)                               \
 577   do_stub(initial, hf2f)                                                \
 578   do_entry(initial, hf2f, hf2f, hf2f_adr)                               \
 579   do_stub(initial, dexp)                                                \
 580   do_entry(initial, dexp, dexp, dexp)                                   \
 581   do_stub(initial, dlog)                                                \
 582   do_entry(initial, dlog, dlog, dlog)                                   \
 583   do_stub(initial, dlog10)                                              \
 584   do_entry(initial, dlog10, dlog10, dlog10)                             \
 585   do_stub(initial, dpow)                                                \
 586   do_entry(initial, dpow, dpow, dpow)                                   \
 587   do_stub(initial, dsin)                                                \
 588   do_entry(initial, dsin, dsin, dsin)                                   \
 589   do_stub(initial, dcos)                                                \
 590   do_entry(initial, dcos, dcos, dcos)                                   \
 591   do_stub(initial, dtan)                                                \
 592   do_entry(initial, dtan, dtan, dtan)                                   \
 593   do_stub(initial, dtanh)                                               \
 594   do_entry(initial, dtanh, dtanh, dtanh)                                \
 595   do_stub(initial, fmod)                                                \
 596   do_entry(initial, fmod, fmod, fmod)                                   \
 597   /* following generic entries should really be x86_32 only */          \
 598   do_stub(initial, dlibm_sin_cos_huge)                                  \
 599   do_entry(initial, dlibm_sin_cos_huge, dlibm_sin_cos_huge,             \
 600            dlibm_sin_cos_huge)                                          \
 601   do_stub(initial, dlibm_reduce_pi04l)                                  \
 602   do_entry(initial, dlibm_reduce_pi04l, dlibm_reduce_pi04l,             \
 603            dlibm_reduce_pi04l)                                          \
 604   do_stub(initial, dlibm_tan_cot_huge)                                  \
 605   do_entry(initial, dlibm_tan_cot_huge, dlibm_tan_cot_huge,             \
 606            dlibm_tan_cot_huge)                                          \
 607   /* merge in stubs and entries declared in arch header */              \
 608   STUBGEN_INITIAL_BLOBS_ARCH_DO(do_stub, do_arch_blob,                  \
 609                                 do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)      \
 610   end_blob(initial)                                                     \
 613 #define STUBGEN_CONTINUATION_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                \
 614                                       do_stub,                          \
 615                                       do_entry, do_entry_init,          \
 616                                       do_entry_array,                   \
 617                                       do_arch_blob,                     \
 618                                       do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init) \
 619   do_blob(continuation)                                                 \
 620   do_stub(continuation, cont_thaw)                                      \
 621   do_entry(continuation, cont_thaw, cont_thaw, cont_thaw)               \
 622   do_stub(continuation, cont_preempt)                                   \
 623   do_entry(continuation, cont_prempt, cont_preempt_stub,                \
 624            cont_preempt_stub)                                           \
 625   do_stub(continuation, cont_returnBarrier)                             \
 626   do_entry(continuation, cont_returnBarrier, cont_returnBarrier,        \
 627            cont_returnBarrier)                                          \
 628   do_stub(continuation, cont_returnBarrierExc)                          \
 629   do_entry(continuation, cont_returnBarrierExc, cont_returnBarrierExc,  \
 630            cont_returnBarrierExc)                                       \
 631   /* merge in stubs and entries declared in arch header */              \
 632   STUBGEN_CONTINUATION_BLOBS_ARCH_DO(do_stub,  do_arch_blob,            \
 633                                      do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init) \
 634   end_blob(continuation)                                                \
 637 #define STUBGEN_COMPILER_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                    \
 638                                   do_stub,                              \
 639                                   do_entry, do_entry_init,              \
 640                                   do_entry_array,                       \
 641                                   do_arch_blob,                         \
 642                                   do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)    \
 643   do_blob(compiler)                                                     \
 644   do_stub(compiler, array_sort)                                         \
 645   do_entry(compiler, array_sort, array_sort, select_arraysort_function) \
 646   do_stub(compiler, array_partition)                                    \
 647   do_entry(compiler, array_partition, array_partition,                  \
 648            select_array_partition_function)                             \
 649   do_stub(compiler, aescrypt_encryptBlock)                              \
 650   do_entry(compiler, aescrypt_encryptBlock, aescrypt_encryptBlock,      \
 651            aescrypt_encryptBlock)                                       \
 652   do_stub(compiler, aescrypt_decryptBlock)                              \
 653   do_entry(compiler, aescrypt_decryptBlock, aescrypt_decryptBlock,      \
 654            aescrypt_decryptBlock)                                       \
 655   do_stub(compiler, cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt)                \
 656   do_entry(compiler, cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt,               \
 657            cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt,                         \
 658            cipherBlockChaining_encryptAESCrypt)                         \
 659   do_stub(compiler, cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt)                \
 660   do_entry(compiler, cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt,               \
 661            cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt,                         \
 662            cipherBlockChaining_decryptAESCrypt)                         \
 663   do_stub(compiler, electronicCodeBook_encryptAESCrypt)                 \
 664   do_entry(compiler, electronicCodeBook_encryptAESCrypt,                \
 665            electronicCodeBook_encryptAESCrypt,                          \
 666            electronicCodeBook_encryptAESCrypt)                          \
 667   do_stub(compiler, electronicCodeBook_decryptAESCrypt)                 \
 668   do_entry(compiler, electronicCodeBook_decryptAESCrypt,                \
 669            electronicCodeBook_decryptAESCrypt,                          \
 670            electronicCodeBook_decryptAESCrypt)                          \
 671   do_stub(compiler, counterMode_AESCrypt)                               \
 672   do_entry(compiler, counterMode_AESCrypt, counterMode_AESCrypt,        \
 673            counterMode_AESCrypt)                                        \
 674   do_stub(compiler, galoisCounterMode_AESCrypt)                         \
 675   do_entry(compiler, galoisCounterMode_AESCrypt,                        \
 676            galoisCounterMode_AESCrypt, galoisCounterMode_AESCrypt)      \
 677   do_stub(compiler, ghash_processBlocks)                                \
 678   do_entry(compiler, ghash_processBlocks, ghash_processBlocks,          \
 679            ghash_processBlocks)                                         \
 680   do_stub(compiler, chacha20Block)                                      \
 681   do_entry(compiler, chacha20Block, chacha20Block, chacha20Block)       \
 682   do_stub(compiler, data_cache_writeback)                               \
 683   do_entry(compiler, data_cache_writeback, data_cache_writeback,        \
 684            data_cache_writeback)                                        \
 685   do_stub(compiler, data_cache_writeback_sync)                          \
 686   do_entry(compiler, data_cache_writeback_sync,                         \
 687            data_cache_writeback_sync, data_cache_writeback_sync)        \
 688   do_stub(compiler, base64_encodeBlock)                                 \
 689   do_entry(compiler, base64_encodeBlock, base64_encodeBlock,            \
 690            base64_encodeBlock)                                          \
 691   do_stub(compiler, base64_decodeBlock)                                 \
 692   do_entry(compiler, base64_decodeBlock, base64_decodeBlock,            \
 693            base64_decodeBlock)                                          \
 694   do_stub(compiler, poly1305_processBlocks)                             \
 695   do_entry(compiler, poly1305_processBlocks, poly1305_processBlocks,    \
 696            poly1305_processBlocks)                                      \
 697   do_stub(compiler, intpoly_montgomeryMult_P256)                        \
 698   do_entry(compiler, intpoly_montgomeryMult_P256,                       \
 699            intpoly_montgomeryMult_P256, intpoly_montgomeryMult_P256)    \
 700   do_stub(compiler, intpoly_assign)                                     \
 701   do_entry(compiler, intpoly_assign, intpoly_assign, intpoly_assign)    \
 702   do_stub(compiler, md5_implCompress)                                   \
 703   do_entry(compiler, md5_implCompress, md5_implCompress,                \
 704            md5_implCompress)                                            \
 705   do_stub(compiler, md5_implCompressMB)                                 \
 706   do_entry(compiler, md5_implCompressMB, md5_implCompressMB,            \
 707            md5_implCompressMB)                                          \
 708   do_stub(compiler, sha1_implCompress)                                  \
 709   do_entry(compiler, sha1_implCompress, sha1_implCompress,              \
 710            sha1_implCompress)                                           \
 711   do_stub(compiler, sha1_implCompressMB)                                \
 712   do_entry(compiler, sha1_implCompressMB, sha1_implCompressMB,          \
 713            sha1_implCompressMB)                                         \
 714   do_stub(compiler, sha256_implCompress)                                \
 715   do_entry(compiler, sha256_implCompress, sha256_implCompress,          \
 716            sha256_implCompress)                                         \
 717   do_stub(compiler, sha256_implCompressMB)                              \
 718   do_entry(compiler, sha256_implCompressMB, sha256_implCompressMB,      \
 719            sha256_implCompressMB)                                       \
 720   do_stub(compiler, sha512_implCompress)                                \
 721   do_entry(compiler, sha512_implCompress, sha512_implCompress,          \
 722            sha512_implCompress)                                         \
 723   do_stub(compiler, sha512_implCompressMB)                              \
 724   do_entry(compiler, sha512_implCompressMB, sha512_implCompressMB,      \
 725            sha512_implCompressMB)                                       \
 726   do_stub(compiler, sha3_implCompress)                                  \
 727   do_entry(compiler, sha3_implCompress, sha3_implCompress,              \
 728            sha3_implCompress)                                           \
 729   do_stub(compiler, sha3_implCompressMB)                                \
 730   do_entry(compiler, sha3_implCompressMB, sha3_implCompressMB,          \
 731            sha3_implCompressMB)                                         \
 732   do_stub(compiler, updateBytesAdler32)                                 \
 733   do_entry(compiler, updateBytesAdler32, updateBytesAdler32,            \
 734            updateBytesAdler32)                                          \
 735   do_stub(compiler, multiplyToLen)                                      \
 736   do_entry(compiler, multiplyToLen, multiplyToLen, multiplyToLen)       \
 737   do_stub(compiler, squareToLen)                                        \
 738   do_entry(compiler, squareToLen, squareToLen, squareToLen)             \
 739   do_stub(compiler, mulAdd)                                             \
 740   do_entry(compiler, mulAdd, mulAdd, mulAdd)                            \
 741   do_stub(compiler, montgomeryMultiply)                                 \
 742   do_entry(compiler, montgomeryMultiply, montgomeryMultiply,            \
 743            montgomeryMultiply)                                          \
 744   do_stub(compiler, montgomerySquare)                                   \
 745   do_entry(compiler, montgomerySquare, montgomerySquare,                \
 746            montgomerySquare)                                            \
 747   do_stub(compiler, bigIntegerRightShiftWorker)                         \
 748   do_entry(compiler, bigIntegerRightShiftWorker,                        \
 749            bigIntegerRightShiftWorker, bigIntegerRightShift)            \
 750   do_stub(compiler, bigIntegerLeftShiftWorker)                          \
 751   do_entry(compiler, bigIntegerLeftShiftWorker,                         \
 752            bigIntegerLeftShiftWorker, bigIntegerLeftShift)              \
 753   /* merge in stubs and entries declared in arch header */              \
 754   STUBGEN_COMPILER_BLOBS_ARCH_DO(do_stub,  do_arch_blob,                \
 755                                      do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init) \
 756   end_blob(compiler)                                                    \
 759 #define STUBGEN_FINAL_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                       \
 760                                do_stub,                                 \
 761                                do_entry, do_entry_init,                 \
 762                                do_entry_array,                          \
 763                                do_arch_blob,                            \
 764                                do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)       \
 765   do_blob(final)                                                        \
 766   do_stub(final, verify_oop)                                            \
 767   do_entry(final, verify_oop, verify_oop_subroutine_entry,              \
 768            verify_oop_subroutine_entry)                                 \
 769   do_stub(final, jbyte_arraycopy)                                       \
 770   do_entry_init(final, jbyte_arraycopy, jbyte_arraycopy,                \
 771                 jbyte_arraycopy, StubRoutines::jbyte_copy)              \
 772   do_stub(final, jshort_arraycopy)                                      \
 773   do_entry_init(final, jshort_arraycopy, jshort_arraycopy,              \
 774                 jshort_arraycopy, StubRoutines::jshort_copy)            \
 775   do_stub(final, jint_arraycopy)                                        \
 776   do_entry_init(final, jint_arraycopy, jint_arraycopy,                  \
 777                 jint_arraycopy, StubRoutines::jint_copy)                \
 778   do_stub(final, jlong_arraycopy)                                       \
 779   do_entry_init(final, jlong_arraycopy, jlong_arraycopy,                \
 780                 jlong_arraycopy, StubRoutines::jlong_copy)              \
 781   do_stub(final, oop_arraycopy)                                         \
 782   do_entry_init(final, oop_arraycopy, oop_arraycopy,                    \
 783                 oop_arraycopy_entry, StubRoutines::oop_copy)            \
 784   do_stub(final, oop_arraycopy_uninit)                                  \
 785   do_entry_init(final, oop_arraycopy_uninit, oop_arraycopy_uninit,      \
 786                 oop_arraycopy_uninit_entry,                             \
 787                 StubRoutines::oop_copy_uninit)                          \
 788   do_stub(final, jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy)                              \
 789   do_entry_init(final, jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy,                        \
 790                 jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy, jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy,     \
 791                 StubRoutines::jbyte_copy)                               \
 792   do_stub(final, jshort_disjoint_arraycopy)                             \
 793   do_entry_init(final, jshort_disjoint_arraycopy,                       \
 794                 jshort_disjoint_arraycopy, jshort_disjoint_arraycopy,   \
 795                 StubRoutines::jshort_copy)                              \
 796   do_stub(final, jint_disjoint_arraycopy)                               \
 797   do_entry_init(final, jint_disjoint_arraycopy,                         \
 798                 jint_disjoint_arraycopy, jint_disjoint_arraycopy,       \
 799                 StubRoutines::jint_copy)                                \
 800   do_stub(final, jlong_disjoint_arraycopy)                              \
 801   do_entry_init(final, jlong_disjoint_arraycopy,                        \
 802                 jlong_disjoint_arraycopy, jlong_disjoint_arraycopy,     \
 803                 StubRoutines::jlong_copy)                               \
 804   do_stub(final, oop_disjoint_arraycopy)                                \
 805   do_entry_init(final, oop_disjoint_arraycopy, oop_disjoint_arraycopy,  \
 806                 oop_disjoint_arraycopy_entry, StubRoutines::oop_copy)   \
 807   do_stub(final, oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit)                         \
 808   do_entry_init(final, oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit,                   \
 809                 oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit,                          \
 810                 oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit_entry,                    \
 811                 StubRoutines::oop_copy_uninit)                          \
 812   do_stub(final, arrayof_jbyte_arraycopy)                               \
 813   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jbyte_arraycopy,                         \
 814                 arrayof_jbyte_arraycopy, arrayof_jbyte_arraycopy,       \
 815                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jbyte_copy)                       \
 816   do_stub(final, arrayof_jshort_arraycopy)                              \
 817   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jshort_arraycopy,                        \
 818                 arrayof_jshort_arraycopy, arrayof_jshort_arraycopy,     \
 819                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jshort_copy)                      \
 820   do_stub(final, arrayof_jint_arraycopy)                                \
 821   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jint_arraycopy, arrayof_jint_arraycopy,  \
 822                 arrayof_jint_arraycopy,                                 \
 823                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jint_copy)                        \
 824   do_stub(final, arrayof_jlong_arraycopy)                               \
 825   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jlong_arraycopy,                         \
 826                 arrayof_jlong_arraycopy, arrayof_jlong_arraycopy,       \
 827                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jlong_copy)                       \
 828   do_stub(final, arrayof_oop_arraycopy)                                 \
 829   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_oop_arraycopy, arrayof_oop_arraycopy,    \
 830                 arrayof_oop_arraycopy, StubRoutines::arrayof_oop_copy)  \
 831   do_stub(final, arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit)                          \
 832   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit,                    \
 833                 arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit,                           \
 834                 arrayof_oop_arraycopy_uninit,                           \
 835                 StubRoutines::arrayof_oop_copy_uninit)                  \
 836   do_stub(final, arrayof_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy)                      \
 837   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy,                \
 838                 arrayof_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy,                       \
 839                 arrayof_jbyte_disjoint_arraycopy,                       \
 840                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jbyte_copy)                       \
 841   do_stub(final, arrayof_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy)                     \
 842   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy,               \
 843                 arrayof_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy,                      \
 844                 arrayof_jshort_disjoint_arraycopy,                      \
 845                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jshort_copy)                      \
 846   do_stub(final, arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy)                       \
 847   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy,                 \
 848                 arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy,                        \
 849                 arrayof_jint_disjoint_arraycopy,                        \
 850                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jint_copy)                        \
 851   do_stub(final, arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy)                      \
 852   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy,                \
 853                 arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy,                       \
 854                 arrayof_jlong_disjoint_arraycopy,                       \
 855                 StubRoutines::arrayof_jlong_copy)                       \
 856   do_stub(final, arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy)                        \
 857   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy,                  \
 858                 arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy,                         \
 859                 arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_entry,                   \
 860                 StubRoutines::arrayof_oop_copy)                         \
 861   do_stub(final, arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit)                 \
 862   do_entry_init(final, arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit,           \
 863                 arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit,                  \
 864                 arrayof_oop_disjoint_arraycopy_uninit_entry,            \
 865                 StubRoutines::arrayof_oop_copy_uninit)                  \
 866   do_stub(final, checkcast_arraycopy)                                   \
 867   do_entry(final, checkcast_arraycopy, checkcast_arraycopy,             \
 868            checkcast_arraycopy_entry)                                   \
 869   do_stub(final, checkcast_arraycopy_uninit)                            \
 870   do_entry(final, checkcast_arraycopy_uninit,                           \
 871            checkcast_arraycopy_uninit,                                  \
 872            checkcast_arraycopy_uninit_entry)                            \
 873   do_stub(final, unsafe_arraycopy)                                      \
 874   do_entry(final, unsafe_arraycopy, unsafe_arraycopy, unsafe_arraycopy) \
 875   do_stub(final, generic_arraycopy)                                     \
 876   do_entry(final, generic_arraycopy, generic_arraycopy,                 \
 877            generic_arraycopy)                                           \
 878   do_stub(final, unsafe_setmemory)                                      \
 879   do_entry(final, unsafe_setmemory, unsafe_setmemory, unsafe_setmemory) \
 880   do_stub(final, jbyte_fill)                                            \
 881   do_entry(final, jbyte_fill, jbyte_fill, jbyte_fill)                   \
 882   do_stub(final, jshort_fill)                                           \
 883   do_entry(final, jshort_fill, jshort_fill, jshort_fill)                \
 884   do_stub(final, jint_fill)                                             \
 885   do_entry(final, jint_fill, jint_fill, jint_fill)                      \
 886   do_stub(final, arrayof_jbyte_fill)                                    \
 887   do_entry(final, arrayof_jbyte_fill, arrayof_jbyte_fill,               \
 888            arrayof_jbyte_fill)                                          \
 889   do_stub(final, arrayof_jshort_fill)                                   \
 890   do_entry(final, arrayof_jshort_fill, arrayof_jshort_fill,             \
 891            arrayof_jshort_fill)                                         \
 892   do_stub(final, arrayof_jint_fill)                                     \
 893   do_entry(final, arrayof_jint_fill, arrayof_jint_fill,                 \
 894            arrayof_jint_fill)                                           \
 895   do_stub(final, method_entry_barrier)                                  \
 896   do_entry(final, method_entry_barrier, method_entry_barrier,           \
 897            method_entry_barrier)                                        \
 898   do_stub(final, vectorizedMismatch) /* only used by x86! */            \
 899   do_entry(final, vectorizedMismatch, vectorizedMismatch,               \
 900            vectorizedMismatch)                                          \
 901   do_stub(final, upcall_stub_exception_handler)                         \
 902   do_entry(final, upcall_stub_exception_handler,                        \
 903            upcall_stub_exception_handler,                               \
 904            upcall_stub_exception_handler)                               \
 905   do_stub(final, upcall_stub_load_target)                               \
 906   do_entry(final, upcall_stub_load_target, upcall_stub_load_target,     \
 907            upcall_stub_load_target)                                     \
 908   do_stub(final, lookup_secondary_supers_table)                         \
 909   do_entry_array(final, lookup_secondary_supers_table,                  \
 910                  lookup_secondary_supers_table_stubs,                   \
 911                  lookup_secondary_supers_table_stub,                    \
 912                  Klass::SECONDARY_SUPERS_TABLE_SIZE)                    \
 913   do_stub(final, lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path)               \
 914   do_entry(final, lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path,              \
 915            lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path_stub,                \
 916            lookup_secondary_supers_table_slow_path_stub)                \
 917   /* merge in stubs and entries declared in arch header */              \
 918   STUBGEN_FINAL_BLOBS_ARCH_DO(do_stub,  do_arch_blob,                   \
 919                               do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)        \
 920   end_blob(final)                                                       \
 923 // Convenience macros for use by template implementations
 925 #define STUB_ID_NAME(base) base##_id
 927 // emit a runtime or stubgen stub field name
 929 #define STUB_FIELD_NAME(base) _##base
 931 // emit a runtime blob field name
 933 #define BLOB_FIELD_NAME(base) _##base##_blob
 935 // emit a stubgen blob field name
 937 #define STUBGEN_BLOB_FIELD_NAME(base) _ ## base ## _stubs_code
 939 // Convenience templates that emit nothing
 941 // ignore do_blob(blob_name, type) declarations
 942 #define DO_BLOB_EMPTY2(blob_name, type)
 944 // ignore do_blob(blob_name) and end_blob(blob_name) declarations
 945 #define DO_BLOB_EMPTY1(blob_name)
 947 // ignore do_stub(name, fancy_jump, pass_tls, return_pc) declarations
 948 #define DO_STUB_EMPTY4(name, fancy_jump, pass_tls, return_pc)
 950 // ignore do_jvmti_stub(name) declarations
 951 #define DO_JVMTI_STUB_EMPTY1(stub_name)
 953 // ignore do_stub(blob_name, stub_name) declarations
 954 #define DO_STUB_EMPTY2(blob_name, stub_name)
 956 // ignore do_entry(blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name) declarations
 957 #define DO_ENTRY_EMPTY4(blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name)
 959 // ignore do_entry(blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name, init_function) and
 960 // do_entry_array(blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name, count) declarations
 961 #define DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5(blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name, init_function)
 963 // ignore do_arch_blob(blob_name, size) declarations
 964 #define DO_ARCH_BLOB_EMPTY2(arch, size)
 966 // ignore do_arch_entry(arch, blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name) declarations
 967 #define DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY5(arch, blob_name, stub_name, field_name, getter_name)
 969 // ignore do_arch_entry(arch, blob_name, stub_name, fieldname, getter_name, init_function) declarations
 970 #define DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY6(arch, blob_name, stub_name, field_name, getter_name, init_function)
 972 // The whole shebang!
 973 //
 974 // client macro for emitting StubGenerator blobs, stubs and entries
 976 #define STUBGEN_ALL_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                               \
 977                        do_stub,                                         \
 978                        do_entry, do_entry_init,                         \
 979                        do_entry_array,                                  \
 980                        do_arch_blob,                                    \
 981                        do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)               \
 982   STUBGEN_INITIAL_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                           \
 983                            do_stub,                                     \
 984                            do_entry, do_entry_init,                     \
 985                            do_entry_array,                              \
 986                            do_arch_blob,                                \
 987                            do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)           \
 988   STUBGEN_CONTINUATION_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                      \
 989                                 do_stub,                                \
 990                                 do_entry, do_entry_init,                \
 991                                 do_entry_array,                         \
 992                                 do_arch_blob,                           \
 993                                 do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)      \
 994   STUBGEN_COMPILER_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                          \
 995                             do_stub,                                    \
 996                             do_entry, do_entry_init,                    \
 997                             do_entry_array,                             \
 998                             do_arch_blob,                               \
 999                             do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)          \
1000   STUBGEN_FINAL_BLOBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                             \
1001                          do_stub,                                       \
1002                          do_entry, do_entry_init,                       \
1003                          do_entry_array,                                \
1004                          do_arch_blob,                                  \
1005                          do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)             \
1007 // client macro to operate only on StubGenerator blobs
1009 #define STUBGEN_BLOBS_DO(do_blob)                                       \
1010   STUBGEN_ALL_DO(do_blob, DO_BLOB_EMPTY1,                               \
1011                  DO_STUB_EMPTY2,                                        \
1012                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY4, DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                      \
1013                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                                       \
1014                  DO_ARCH_BLOB_EMPTY2,                                   \
1015                  DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY5, DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY6)            \
1017 // client macro to operate only on StubGenerator stubs
1019 #define STUBGEN_STUBS_DO(do_stub)                                       \
1020   STUBGEN_ALL_DO(DO_BLOB_EMPTY1, DO_BLOB_EMPTY1,                        \
1021                  do_stub,                                               \
1022                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY4, DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                      \
1023                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                                       \
1024                  DO_ARCH_BLOB_EMPTY2,                                   \
1025                  DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY5, DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY6)            \
1027 // client macro to operate only on StubGenerator blobs and stubs
1029 #define STUBGEN_BLOBS_STUBS_DO(do_blob, end_blob, do_stub)              \
1030   STUBGEN_ALL_DO(do_blob, end_blob,                                     \
1031                  do_stub,                                               \
1032                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY4, DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                      \
1033                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                                       \
1034                  DO_ARCH_BLOB_EMPTY2,                                   \
1035                  DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY5,DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY6)             \
1037 // client macro to operate only on StubGenerator entries
1039 #define STUBGEN_ENTRIES_DO(do_entry, do_entry_init, do_entry_array)     \
1040   STUBGEN_ALL_DO(DO_BLOB_EMPTY1, DO_BLOB_EMPTY1,                        \
1041                  DO_STUB_EMPTY2,                                        \
1042                  do_entry, do_entry_init,                               \
1043                  do_entry_array,                                        \
1044                  DO_ARCH_BLOB_EMPTY2,                                   \
1045                  DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY5, DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY6)            \
1048 // client macro to operate only on StubGenerator arch blobs
1050 #define STUBGEN_ARCH_BLOBS_DO(do_arch_blob)                             \
1051   STUBGEN_ALL_DO(DO_BLOB_EMPTY1, DO_BLOB_EMPTY1,                        \
1052                  DO_STUB_EMPTY2,                                        \
1053                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY4, DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                      \
1054                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                                       \
1055                  do_arch_blob,                                          \
1056                  DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY5, DO_ARCH_ENTRY_EMPTY6)            \
1058 // client macro to operate only on StubGenerator arch entries
1060 #define STUBGEN_ARCH_ENTRIES_DO(do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)      \
1061   STUBGEN_ALL_DO(DO_BLOB_EMPTY1, DO_BLOB_EMPTY1,                        \
1062                  DO_STUB_EMPTY2,                                        \
1063                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY4, DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                      \
1064                  DO_ENTRY_EMPTY5,                                       \
1065                  DO_ARCH_BLOB_EMPTY2,                                   \
1066                  do_arch_entry, do_arch_entry_init)                     \