< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/runtime/threads.cpp
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#include "cds/aotLinkedClassBulkLoader.hpp"
#include "cds/cds_globals.hpp"
#include "cds/cdsConfig.hpp"
#include "cds/heapShared.hpp"
#include "cds/metaspaceShared.hpp"
+ #include "cds/methodProfiler.hpp"
#include "classfile/classLoader.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaClasses.hpp"
#include "classfile/javaThreadStatus.hpp"
#include "classfile/symbolTable.hpp"
#include "classfile/systemDictionary.hpp"
+ #include "classfile/systemDictionaryShared.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmClasses.hpp"
#include "classfile/vmSymbols.hpp"
+ #include "code/SCCache.hpp"
+ #include "compiler/compilationPolicy.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileBroker.hpp"
#include "compiler/compileTask.hpp"
#include "compiler/compilerThread.hpp"
+ #include "compiler/precompiler.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSetNMethod.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/gcVMOperations.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/oopStorage.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/oopStorageSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/stringdedup/stringDedup.hpp"
+ #include "interpreter/interpreterRuntime.hpp"
#include "jfr/jfrEvents.hpp"
#include "jvm.h"
#include "jvmtifiles/jvmtiEnv.hpp"
#include "logging/log.hpp"
#include "logging/logAsyncWriter.hpp"
#include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
#include "jvmci/jvmci.hpp"
#include "jvmci/jvmciEnv.hpp"
+ #ifdef COMPILER1
+ #include "c1/c1_Runtime1.hpp"
+ #endif
#ifdef COMPILER2
#include "opto/idealGraphPrinter.hpp"
+ #include "opto/runtime.hpp"
#include "jfr/jfr.hpp"
if (result.get_jint() != JNI_OK) {
vm_exit_during_initialization(); // no message or exception
+ #if 0
+ if (CDSConfig::is_using_aot_linked_classes()) {
+ AOTLinkedClassBulkLoader::load_non_javabase_boot_classes(THREAD);
+ if (CDSConfig::is_using_full_module_graph()) {
+ assert(SystemDictionary::java_platform_loader() != nullptr, "must be");
+ assert(SystemDictionary::java_system_loader() != nullptr, "must be");
+ AOTLinkedClassBulkLoader::load_platform_classes(THREAD);
+ AOTLinkedClassBulkLoader::load_app_classes(THREAD);
+ } else {
+ // Special case -- we assume that the final archive has the same module graph
+ // as the training run.
+ // AOTLinkedClassBulkLoader will be called for the platform/system loaders
+ // inside SystemDictionary::compute_java_loaders().
+ assert(CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive(), "must be");
+ assert(SystemDictionary::java_platform_loader() == nullptr, "must be");
+ assert(SystemDictionary::java_system_loader() == nullptr, "must be");
+ }
+ }
+ #ifndef PRODUCT
+ HeapShared::initialize_test_class_from_archive(THREAD);
+ #endif
+ #endif
// Phase 3. final setup - set security manager, system class loader and TCCL
// This will instantiate and set the security manager, set the system class
initialize_class(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException(), CHECK);
initialize_class(vmSymbols::java_lang_IllegalArgumentException(), CHECK);
initialize_class(vmSymbols::java_lang_InternalError(), CHECK);
+ bool Threads::initialize_compilation(TRAPS) {
+ // initialize compiler(s)
+ bool force_JVMCI_initialization = false;
+ #if defined(COMPILER1) || COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
+ bool init_compilation = true;
+ if (EnableJVMCI) {
+ // Initialize JVMCI eagerly when it is explicitly requested.
+ // Or when JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig or JVMCIPrintProperties is enabled.
+ force_JVMCI_initialization = EagerJVMCI || JVMCIPrintProperties || JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig;
+ if (!force_JVMCI_initialization && UseJVMCICompiler && !UseJVMCINativeLibrary && (!UseInterpreter || !BackgroundCompilation)) {
+ // Force initialization of jarjvmci otherwise requests for blocking
+ // compilations will not actually block until jarjvmci is initialized.
+ force_JVMCI_initialization = true;
+ }
+ if (JVMCIPrintProperties || JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig) {
+ // Both JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig and JVMCIPrintProperties exit the VM
+ // so compilation should be disabled. This prevents dumping or
+ // printing from happening more than once.
+ init_compilation = false;
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (init_compilation) {
+ CompileBroker::compilation_init(CHECK_false);
+ }
+ #endif
+ return force_JVMCI_initialization;
+ }
void Threads::initialize_jsr292_core_classes(TRAPS) {
TraceTime timer("Initialize java.lang.invoke classes", TRACETIME_LOG(Info, startuptime));
initialize_class(vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle(), CHECK);
initialize_class(vmSymbols::java_lang_invoke_ResolvedMethodName(), CHECK);
+ MutexLockerImpl::init_counters(); // depends on mutex_init(), perfMemory_init(), and Thread::initialize_thread_current().
// Set the _monitor_owner_id now since we will run Java code before the Thread instance
// is even created. The same value will be assigned to the Thread instance on init.
if (!Thread::set_as_starting_thread(main_thread)) {
// Initialize Java-Level synchronization subsystem
+ Deoptimization::init_counters();
+ VMThread::init_counters();
// Initialize global modules
jint status = init_globals();
if (status != JNI_OK) {
*canTryAgain = false; // don't let caller call JNI_CreateJavaVM again
return status;
+ if (xtty != nullptr)
+ xtty->elem("vm_main_thread thread='%zu'",
+ (uintx) main_thread->osthread()->thread_id());
// Create WatcherThread as soon as we can since we need it in case
// of hangs during error reporting.
// Start the monitor deflation thread:
- // initialize compiler(s)
- #if defined(COMPILER1) || COMPILER2_OR_JVMCI
- bool init_compilation = true;
- bool force_JVMCI_initialization = false;
- if (EnableJVMCI) {
- // Initialize JVMCI eagerly when it is explicitly requested.
- // Or when JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig or JVMCIPrintProperties is enabled.
- force_JVMCI_initialization = EagerJVMCI || JVMCIPrintProperties || JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig;
- if (!force_JVMCI_initialization && UseJVMCICompiler && !UseJVMCINativeLibrary && (!UseInterpreter || !BackgroundCompilation)) {
- // Force initialization of jarjvmci otherwise requests for blocking
- // compilations will not actually block until jarjvmci is initialized.
- force_JVMCI_initialization = true;
- }
- if (JVMCIPrintProperties || JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig) {
- // Both JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig and JVMCIPrintProperties exit the VM
- // so compilation should be disabled. This prevents dumping or
- // printing from happening more than once.
- init_compilation = false;
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (init_compilation) {
- CompileBroker::compilation_init(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
- }
+ // Start the method sampler
+ MethodProfiler::initialize();
+ bool force_JVMCI_initialization = initialize_compilation(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
if (CDSConfig::is_using_aot_linked_classes()) {
// This will initialize the module system. Only java.base classes can be
// loaded until phase 2 completes
- if (CDSConfig::is_using_aot_linked_classes()) {
+ if (CDSConfig::is_using_aot_linked_classes() && !CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive()) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
// cache the system and platform class loaders
+ // Initiate replay training processing once preloading is over.
+ CompileBroker::init_training_replay();
+ AOTLinkedClassBulkLoader::replay_training_at_init_for_preloaded_classes(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
if (Continuations::enabled()) {
// Initialize Continuation class now so that failure to create enterSpecial/doYield
// special nmethods due to limited CodeCache size can be treated as a fatal error at
// startup with the proper message that CodeCache size is too small.
initialize_class(vmSymbols::jdk_internal_vm_Continuation(), CHECK_JNI_ERR);
+ if (PrecompileCode) {
+ Precompiler::compile_cached_code(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
+ if (PrecompileOnlyAndExit) {
+ SCCache::close();
+ log_vm_init_stats();
+ vm_direct_exit(0, "Code precompiation is over");
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if defined(COMPILER2)
+ // Pre-load cached compiled methods
+ SCCache::preload_code(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
+ #endif
if (NativeHeapTrimmer::enabled()) {
// Always call even when there are not JVMTI environments yet, since environments
if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_classic_static_archive()) {
// Classic -Xshare:dump, aka "old workflow"
} else if (CDSConfig::is_dumping_final_static_archive()) {
- tty->print_cr("Reading AOTConfiguration %s and writing AOTCache %s", AOTConfiguration, AOTCache);
- MetaspaceShared::preload_and_dump(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
+ if (CDSConfig::is_experimental_leyden_workflow()) {
+ // TODO: copy the verification and loader constraints from preimage to final image
+ // TODO: load archived classes for custom loaders as well.
+ log_info(cds)("Dumping final image of CacheDataStore %s", CacheDataStore);
+ MetaspaceShared::preload_and_dump(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
+ vm_direct_exit(0, "CacheDataStore dumping is complete");
+ } else {
+ tty->print_cr("Reading AOTConfiguration %s and writing AOTCache %s", AOTConfiguration, AOTCache);
+ MetaspaceShared::preload_and_dump(CHECK_JNI_ERR);
+ }
- if (log_is_enabled(Info, perf, class, link)) {
- LogStreamHandle(Info, perf, class, link) log;
- log.print_cr("At VM initialization completion:");
- ClassLoader::print_counters(&log);
+ log_info(init)("At VM initialization completion:");
+ log_vm_init_stats();
+ if (UsePerfData) {
+ if (ProfileVMLocks) {
+ main_thread->set_profile_vm_locks(true);
+ }
+ if (ProfileVMCalls) {
+ main_thread->set_profile_vm_calls(true);
+ }
+ if (ProfileRuntimeCalls) {
+ main_thread->set_profile_rt_calls(true);
+ }
+ if (ProfileVMOps) {
+ main_thread->set_profile_vm_ops(true);
+ }
return JNI_OK;
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