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*** 323,10 ***
--- 323,25 ---
        return "Medium: Depends on number of loaded classes.";
    virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
+ class AOTEndTrainingDCmd : public DCmd {
+ public:
+   AOTEndTrainingDCmd(outputStream* output, bool heap) : DCmd(output, heap) { }
+     static const char* name() { return "AOT.end_training"; }
+     static const char* description() {
+       return "End AOT training and create the cache.";
+     }
+     static const char* impact() {
+       return "Medium: Pause time depends on number of loaded classes";
+     }
+     virtual void execute(DCmdSource source, TRAPS);
+ };
+ #endif // INCLUDE_CDS
  class DumpSharedArchiveDCmd: public DCmdWithParser {
    DCmdArgument<char*> _suboption;   // option of VM.cds
    DCmdArgument<char*> _filename;    // file name, optional
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