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Print this page
@@ -29,25 +29,71 @@
  #include "oops/methodData.hpp"
  #include "oops/method.inline.hpp"
  #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
  #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/osThread.hpp"
  #include "runtime/vmOperations.hpp"
  #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
  #include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
  #include "utilities/xmlstream.hpp"
+ // The XML stream is the contents of the LogFile (default hotspot_%p.log).
+ // It is a superset of whatever might be displayed on the tty.
+ // You can get to it by calls of the form xtty->...
+ // Normal calls to tty->... just embed plain text among any markup
+ // produced via the xtty API.
+ // The xtty has sub-streams called xtty->text() and xtty->log_long().
+ // These are ordinary output streams for writing unstructured text.
+ // The format of this log file is both unstructured and constrained.
+ //
+ // Apart from possible race conditions, every line in the log file
+ // is either an XML element (<tag ...>, or </tag>, or <tag .../>)
+ // or is unstructured text.
+ //
+ // On any given line, if the first character is '<', then the last
+ // character is '>' and the line consists of a single XML element,
+ // which uses single quote '\'' to delimit any attribute values.
+ // (The double-quote character '"' never appears, ever.)
+ //
+ // All other lines consist of unstructured text which is completely
+ // free of the following characters: '<', '>', '&', '\'', '"'.  If
+ // those characters are written to the tty (or to any other text
+ // stream underlying the xtty), those characters, and no other
+ // characters, are written as XML entities: "&lt;", "&gt;", "&amp;",
+ // "&apos", "&quot".  There is no other use of the character '&'.
+ //
+ // The net effect is that you may select a range of tools to process
+ // the marked-up logs, including XML parsers and simple line-oriented
+ // Java or Unix tools.  The main concession you have to make to XML
+ // is to convert the above five XML entities to single ASCII chars,
+ // as you process attribute strings or unstructured text.
+ //
+ // It would be wise to ignore any XML tags that you do not recognize.
+ // This can be done with grep, if you choose, because the log file
+ // is line-structured.
+ //
+ // The log file collects the output from many contributing threads.
+ // You should expect that an element of the form <writer thread='NNN'>
+ // could appear almost anywhere, as the lines interleave.
+ // It is straightforward to write a script to tease the log file
+ // into thread-specific substreams.
  // Do not assert this condition if there's already another error reported.
  #define assert_if_no_error(cond, msg) \
    vmassert((cond) || VMError::is_error_reported(), msg)
+ bool xmlStream::inside_attrs_or_error() {
+   return inside_attrs() || VMError::is_error_reported();
+ }
  void xmlStream::initialize(outputStream* out) {
    _out = out;
    _last_flush = 0;
    _markup_state = BODY;
    _text_init._outer_xmlStream = this;
    _text = &_text_init;
+   _log_only = _text;
  #ifdef ASSERT
    _element_depth = 0;
    int   init_len = 100;
    char* init_buf = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(char, init_len, mtInternal);

@@ -126,19 +172,30 @@
    va_start(ap, format);
    va_text(format, ap);
+ // ------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Outputs XML attribute, with quotes and special characters quoted.
+ void xmlStream::attr(const char* attr, const char* format, ...) {
+   va_list ap;
+   va_start(ap, format);
+   va_attr(attr, format, ap);
+   va_end(ap);
+ }
  #define BUFLEN 2*K   /* max size of output of individual print methods */
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  void xmlStream::va_tag(bool push, const char* format, va_list ap) {
    assert_if_no_error(!inside_attrs(), "cannot print tag inside attrs");
    char buffer[BUFLEN];
    size_t len;
    const char* kind = do_vsnprintf(buffer, BUFLEN, format, ap, false, len);
    see_tag(kind, push);
+   // make sure all opening and/or closing tags begin in the first column
+   if (out()->position() > 0)  print_raw("\n");
    write(kind, len);
    _markup_state = (push ? HEAD : ELEM);

@@ -312,10 +369,12 @@
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Outputs "</kind>".
  void xmlStream::tail(const char* kind) {
+   // make sure all opening and/or closing tags begin in the first column
+   if (out()->position() > 0)  print_raw("\n");

@@ -373,27 +432,39 @@
  // Output a timestamp attribute.
  void xmlStream::stamp() {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "stamp must be an attribute");
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "stamp must be an attribute");
    print_raw(" stamp='");
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Output a method attribute, in the form " method='pkg/cls name sig'".
  // This is used only when there is no ciMethod available.
- void xmlStream::method(Method* method) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+ void xmlStream::method(Method* method, const char* pfx) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (method == nullptr)  return;
-   print_raw(" method='");
+   if (*pfx) {
+     print(" %smethod='", pfx);
+     method_text(method);
+     print_raw("'");
+     return;
+   }
+   print(" method='");
    print("' bytes='%d'", method->code_size());
    print(" count='%d'", method->invocation_count());
+   if (RecordTraining) {
+     // print stuff about this method's compilation history
+     print(" highest_comp_level='%d'", method->highest_comp_level());
+     nmethod* nm = method->code();
+     if (nm != nullptr)  print(" last_compile_id='%d'", nm->compile_id());
+   }
    int bec = method->backedge_count();
    if (bec != 0)  print(" backedge_count='%d'", bec);
    print(" iicount='%d'", method->interpreter_invocation_count());
    int throwouts = method->interpreter_throwout_count();
    if (throwouts != 0)  print(" throwouts='%d'", throwouts);

@@ -413,11 +484,11 @@
  void xmlStream::method_text(Method* method) {
    ResourceMark rm;
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (method == nullptr)  return;
    text()->print("%s", method->method_holder()->external_name());
    print_raw(" ");  // " " is easier for tools to parse than "::"
    print_raw(" ");  // separator

@@ -426,69 +497,131 @@
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Output a klass attribute, in the form " klass='pkg/cls'".
  // This is used only when there is no ciKlass available.
- void xmlStream::klass(Klass* klass) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+ void xmlStream::klass(Klass* klass, const char* pfx) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (klass == nullptr) return;
-   print_raw(" klass='");
+   print(" %sklass='", pfx);
+   if (klass->class_loader() != nullptr) {
+     loader(klass->class_loader(), pfx);
+   }
  void xmlStream::klass_text(Klass* klass) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (klass == nullptr) return;
+   if (klass->is_hidden()) {
+     out()->print(" //hidden");
+     // FIXME:  maybe hash the contents of its classfile
+   }
- void xmlStream::name(const Symbol* name) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+ void xmlStream::loader(oop cl, const char* pfx) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
+   if (cl == nullptr) return;
+   print(" %sloader='", pfx);
+   loader_text(cl);
+   print_raw("'");
+ }
+ void xmlStream::loader_text(oop cl) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
+   if (cl == nullptr) return;
+   oop id = java_lang_ClassLoader::nameAndId(cl);
+   if (id != nullptr)  string_text(id);
+ }
+ void xmlStream::name(const Symbol* name, const char* pfx) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (name == nullptr)  return;
-   print_raw(" name='");
-   name_text(name);
+   print(" %sname='", pfx);
+   symbol_text(name);
- void xmlStream::name_text(const Symbol* name) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+ void xmlStream::signature(const Symbol* sig, const char* pfx) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
+   if (sig == nullptr)  return;
+   print(" %ssignature='", pfx);
+   symbol_text(sig);
+   print_raw("'");
+ }
+ void xmlStream::symbol_text(const Symbol* name) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (name == nullptr)  return;
-   name->print_symbol_on(text());
+   //name->print_symbol_on(text());  // this has odd escapes in it (\\x%04x)
+   const char* base = (const char*) name->base();
+   int len = name->utf8_length();
+   log_only()->write(base, len);
+ }
+ void xmlStream::string_text(oop str) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
+   if (str == nullptr)  return;
+   if (!java_lang_String::is_instance(str)) {
+     print("*** not a string*** ");
+     str->print_value_on(log_only());
+     return;
+   }
+   ResourceMark rm;
+   log_only()->print_raw(java_lang_String::as_utf8_string(str));
+ }
+ void xmlStream::thread(Thread* t, const char* pfx) {
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
+   intx tid = t == nullptr ? os::current_thread_id() : t->osthread()->thread_id();
+   guarantee(tid == (t == nullptr ? Thread::current() : t)->osthread()->thread_id(), "");
+   print(" %sthread=%zd", pfx, tid);
  void xmlStream::object(const char* attr, Handle x) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (x == nullptr)  return;
    print_raw(" ");
  void xmlStream::object_text(Handle x) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
-   if (x == nullptr)  return;
-   x->print_value_on(text());
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
+   if (x.is_null())  return;
+   if (java_lang_ClassLoader::is_instance(x())) {
+     print_raw("loader:");
+     loader_text(x());
+     return;
+   }
+   if (java_lang_String::is_instance(x())) {
+     print_raw("string:");
+     string_text(x());
+     return;
+   }
+   x->print_value_on(log_only());
  void xmlStream::object(const char* attr, Metadata* x) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (x == nullptr)  return;
    print_raw(" ");
  void xmlStream::object_text(Metadata* x) {
-   assert_if_no_error(inside_attrs(), "printing attributes");
+   assert(inside_attrs_or_error(), "printing attributes");
    if (x == nullptr)  return;
    if (x->is_method())
    else if (x->is_klass())
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