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*** 49,10 ***
--- 49,14 ---
      // Must be in sync with cdsConfig.hpp
      private static final int IS_DUMPING_ARCHIVE              = 1 << 0;
      private static final int IS_DUMPING_STATIC_ARCHIVE       = 1 << 1;
      private static final int IS_LOGGING_LAMBDA_FORM_INVOKERS = 1 << 2;
      private static final int IS_USING_ARCHIVE                = 1 << 3;
+     private static final int IS_DUMPING_HEAP                 = 1 << 4;
+     private static final int IS_LOGGING_DYNAMIC_PROXIES      = 1 << 5;
+     private static final int IS_DUMPING_PACKAGES             = 1 << 6;
+     private static final int IS_DUMPING_PROTECTION_DOMAINS   = 1 << 7;
      private static final int configStatus = getCDSConfigStatus();
       * Should we log the use of lambda form invokers?

*** 79,10 ***
--- 83,26 ---
      public static boolean isDumpingStaticArchive() {
          return (configStatus & IS_DUMPING_STATIC_ARCHIVE) != 0;
+     public static boolean isDumpingHeap() {
+         return (configStatus & IS_DUMPING_HEAP) != 0;
+     }
+     public static boolean isLoggingDynamicProxies() {
+         return (configStatus & IS_LOGGING_DYNAMIC_PROXIES) != 0;
+     }
+     public static boolean isDumpingPackages() {
+         return (configStatus & IS_DUMPING_PACKAGES) != 0;
+     }
+     public static boolean isDumpingProtectionDomains() {
+         return (configStatus & IS_DUMPING_PROTECTION_DOMAINS) != 0;
+     }
      private static native int getCDSConfigStatus();
      private static native void logLambdaFormInvoker(String line);
       * Initialize archived static fields in the given Class using archived

*** 124,10 ***
--- 144,19 ---
          if (isLoggingLambdaFormInvokers()) {
              logLambdaFormInvoker(prefix + " " + cn);
+     public static void logDynamicProxy(ClassLoader loader, String proxyName,
+                                        Class<?>[] interfaces, int accessFlags) {
+         Objects.requireNonNull(proxyName);
+         Objects.requireNonNull(interfaces);
+         logDynamicProxy0(loader, proxyName, interfaces, accessFlags);
+     }
+     private static native void logDynamicProxy0(ClassLoader loader, String proxyName,
+                                                 Class<?>[] interfaces, int accessFlags);
      static final String DIRECT_HOLDER_CLASS_NAME  = "java.lang.invoke.DirectMethodHandle$Holder";
      static final String DELEGATING_HOLDER_CLASS_NAME = "java.lang.invoke.DelegatingMethodHandle$Holder";
      static final String BASIC_FORMS_HOLDER_CLASS_NAME = "java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$Holder";
      static final String INVOKERS_HOLDER_CLASS_NAME = "java.lang.invoke.Invokers$Holder";

*** 447,6 ***
--- 476,13 ---
              throw new ClassNotFoundException(name);
+     /**
+      * This class is to ensure that the dynamic CDS archive contains at least one class, so we can avoid
+      * error handling for the degenerative case where the dynamic archive is completely empty (which doesn't
+      * happen for realistic applications).
+      */
+     private static class DummyForDynamicArchive {}
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